resolutepath · 2 months
At first he tries leaning back a little - subtle, almost not noticeable (hopefully) - but it doesn't quite get him where he needs to be. The damn cover is still all Iruka can see, nothing but a handful of detached words at the very top of the open pages peeking at him when he strains his eyes to steal a glance. Incoherent and insufficient. Icha Icha is not the kind of title he'd expect a book to have that someone like Hatake Kakashi reads on a daily basis, which only heightens his curiosity. Eventually he decides to simply reach out - not to take the book from the jonin's hands, but to push it down just enough to be able to read at least a sentence that might reveal its content. "What are you reading anyway?" (uminosensei)
The first indication is the shift of a shadow over the edges of his pages, the second a slight creak at the change of position, though neither are enough to cause alarm. With his experience the difference between a curious individual who meant no threat and an enemy seeking an opportunity was stark, so Kakashi did nothing, merely turned his page and waited to see what the other would try next. When the sensei is bold enough to push down on his book, there's a curve of his lips beneath the mask and he slips the book from beneath the gentle touch to let it close with a resounding snap.
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"You shouldn't read a book in the middle of it. Terrible spoilers." Answering the question with a non-answer, Kakashi stores his book within his pouch to be resumed at a later date when he has the peace of the village and the solitude he requires to indulge within the pages. For now he turns upon the chunin who holds charge of educating Konoha's young minds and smiles beneath the mask, letting his exposed eye close to enhance the expression. "Not on the mission desk today? Or are you here to collect my report in person..?" He pauses, letting the horror of what he could possibly have done to the report sink in before he shrugs. "You'll be waiting a while, I think I left it with Naruto."
He is all to aware that his conversation does little to sate the chunin's burning desire to know the contents of his book. Well that's part of the fun of it, if Iruka truly wishes to know, perhaps he should buy a copy of Icha Icha for himself. Admittedly, he'd be quite amused to catch that reaction first hand.
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resolutepath · 2 months
*puts on ninja cloak* ✵ Iruka for Kakashi (I'm preparing myself for this to be lowkey unimpressive and borderline insulting to his abilities 🤭)
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Their first impression of your muse: Weak. Not suitable to be a shinobi because his heart is too prominent on his sleeve. There was little regard towards Iruka as an individual because at this point in his life, Kakashi was fully immersed in the nature of the shinobi, scorning any who did not fit into the view of them that he'd internalised. To him, Iruka was essentially deadweight, likely to bring any team down, and someone who did not follow the rules that he held so important. In the end there was little regard towards Iruka and he considered him one of those shinobi who would end up on the memorial stone within a year of making chunin.
Current impression: More than he appears. Kakashi, who is now on the path to healing, is willing to acknowledge that Iruka is both a capable shinobi and an emotive person. He can be both. He recognises the ferocity in Iruka, that the man can use his passion and feelings to an advantage to defend (the fact that Iruka stood up to him does resonate, even if he was cutting at the time). Does he think its a sensible choice? Absolutely not, he still finds Iruka baffling, but he suits the role he plays in the village. Just as Kakashi is a weapon, Iruka is a protector and educator.    
Are they attracted to your muse?: He does not know it for reasons I've mentioned before, aka Kakashi and connections. They went to the grave with his teammates and sensei and father*. Is Iruka someone who has forced themself into his realm of awareness and has Kakashi acknowledged him, however? Yes. Definitely. He's recognised Iruka as an individual rather than one of the many chunin who pass through the village, he's given time to learn his name, his identity, things that matter to him. He'll spend time with him, and the most telling, he'll turn up on his doorstep when he's injured or chakra depleted but avoiding the hospital. So is he attracted? No. But Iruka is something to Kakashi. *There are some connections that Kakashi has but through sheer belligerence of the other side aka Gai & Tenzo.  
Something they find frightening about your muse: How obviously he wears his heart on his sleeve. It's a target waiting to be stabbed, a weakness ready to be exploited, an easy way to get hurt and he's doing nothing to protect it.
Something they find adorable about your muse: The moment before Iruka yells when his expression changes. It's one of the few things that spark his more impish nature and encourage him to anatagonise more. He also thinks Iruka is adorable with Naruto in all the ways the boy needs.  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Initially no, simply because Kakashi knows his value to the village. Who is worth more - the sensei or The CopyNin / Sharingan Kakashi who has more missions under his belt than everybody except the three sanin, has anbu experience and can manage Naruto if things go wrong with his seal to an extent. There's no contest. Later, however, we know that changes because Kakashi steps in between Iruka and Pein. I think by then Kakashi has acknowledged that the future does not need weapons, the future needs those willing to nurture it. And if he dies fighting his best to protect the future, then that's the end he can ask for.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Not knowingly. Again, Kakashi and connections. That being said, he is not averse to spending some time at Ichiraku's or an izakaya and update Iruka on Naruto's progression either directly or by sharing updates he's received from who Naruto is training with. Does laying on Iruka's floor bleeding count as a date? Again as time goes on and Kakashi comes to acknowledge there is something there, he's curious to prod at it so more willing to explore with Iruka.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: Hurricane. Because while Kakashi is a leaf (shinobi) following the direction of the wind, Iruka is the hurricane that throws off the course he's known and shows possibility. It also describes his personality.  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: No he prefers to offer cutting remarks in a cold tone with no emotion.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Kiss eventually, hug he's more reluctant. Kissing is fleeting and he can back away if necessary (when he's ready to acknowledge all that is brewing). Before, the answer is no, why would he? But a hug is a lingering gesture and it makes him feel antsy, it takes him some time to get used to them.
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↪ Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following. // @uminosensei
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resolutepath · 3 months
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"That's him... The Friend Killer...."
In this verse, Hatake Kakashi is a soldier of the Shogunate, working with the Tenryou Commission as part of an elite unit known only as the Anbu - short for: Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai. As a covert operative, Kakashi deals primarily with deserters, traitors and those deemed a threat to Inazuma's survival. He caught the nickname Friend Killer after he mercilessly assassinated soldiers he had worked alongside on orders. In ways, he is the perfect shinobi, able to give up all sense of self to be a weapon of his ideals.
In terms of Kakashi's past, it will very much filter across the same. He is the sole survivor of the Hatake clan after his father ended his own life due to a failed mission. He was originally a soldier with the Tenryou Commission with a squad containing his two best friends, and ended up being the sole survivor of that group after a mission gone wrong for one and him having to kill the other for the safety of Inazuma. After that he cut himself off from everything, was recruited to The Anbu and lives in a world of isolation spare the few that try to coax some humanity back into him. He always carries a publication from Yae's publishing house on him and often visits the graves of his friends to talk about his regrets.
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Kakashi has an electro vision and wields a catalyst that takes the form of two bells on string. He also utilises shinobi weaponry when fighting, most notably kunai knives.
There is a period of time where Kakashi willingly wields a Pyro Delusion to test their capabilities. This man does not have much regard for his life when it is put on the line against his capacity as a weapon. He did stop using when ordered to, but is still in possession of it.
Given that adding the sharingan to genshin is not something I'm keen to do without real consideration, I will say that Kakashi is simply extremely adept at mimicking moves even if he has only seen them once. Think more like an eidetic memory.
In terms, also of canon, think of G.enshin Kakashi as Kakashi if he was never made a jounin-sensei and therefore never really got out of the destructive soldier lifestyle.
While Kakashi will primarily operate in Inazuma, I absolutely think he will be sent as a covert agent abroad to get the lay of the land once Inazuma reopens. Part of a security detail for important officials sent overseas is just one option, chasing down traitors who have fled to refuge in other nations another, forced downtime another still.
He has had run ins with The Fatui and I think he's met at least two Harbingers and held his own before the fight was ended. (This is not a defeat just a held his own ground, I will not be making light of how powerful Kakashi actually is in his own canon, but also not disrupting g.enshin. The two harbingers are likely one of Dottore's segments and Tartaglia).
Kakashi was in a relationship with a local soldier turned teacher until his reputation as a Friend Killer was leaked beyond the boundaries of the Tenryou Commission and his situation worsened both in general and mentally, isolating himself from the world and considering himself more weapon than man. The break up was fraught and full of unresoved things and undisclosed things. Kakashi did spend some time submitting an application to Watatsumi Island with a stellar review about the teacher's skill due to his rebuilding his life and a kernel of care still existing. Occasionally he will check in on him but does not make his presence known. (This dynamic is plotted with min)
tba as I think of more.
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@uminosensei - Umino Iruka
@daybreakrising - Housekeeper (Thoma)
n/a ( open to discussion )
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resolutepath · 2 months
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NAME — Hatake Kakashi
PROFESSION — Shinobi, Leader of Team Kakashi (among other roles)
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — Walking on the road of life. Often, Kakashi is absent from the village given the frequency of his missions, however when he is in Konoha he can often be found reading in a tree, or in a high place, training with Gai, annoying the mission desk shinobi with his poor reports, or standing by the memorial stone.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — eggplant-mixed miso soup or salt-broiled saury.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — Sake if he has to make a choice, but he generally prefers to avoid alcohol.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — What's a date? Kakashi would not know. Immediate thoughts would be he would take them on very stereotypical dates (like those he has seen in Icha Icha) such as dinner and drinks, a walk in the evening, but also he would just give a part of his daily routine to being shared. Training, for example, though this one is usually botched because skill difference. Ideal dates for him though, a bookshop, heading off to one of the nearby villages for a weekend away, where no one knows him, a quiet night in within a safe space.
IDEAL GIFT — A collector's edition of Icha Icha. Patience. Kakashi's not an easy guy to date owing to his view of his identity (weapon) and the fact that he puts duty before anything else. That being said it is possible.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — Depends what we're counting here. Kakashi is likely to kiss with the mask up / with his partner's vision obscured before he actually kisses them. But it takes work. Mostly it will be a lot of awkward goodbyes and hesitant touches for a while before he works on gestures that push at his comfort boundaries. It's all about taking the time, feeling safe and okay and then he'll be fine.
tagged by : @uminosensei
tagging : no one, I tagged earlier c:
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resolutepath · 2 months
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NAME — Serval Landau
PROFESSION — Mechanic, Owner of the Neverwinter Workshop
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — Usually, Serval will be found within the confines of her workshop, either tinkering with a mechanism or strumming on her guitar. If she is not there, then perhaps you will find her in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone on a callout fixing things or spending some time with any of her siblings. And if not there? Well try the quiet spaces around town, where the sound of music filters through. If you're lucky you might find her leading Mechanical Fever on stage.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — Street food. As someone who comes from a family where dinner time was a social event, there's nothing she loves more than anything that directly opposes that upbringing. She's particularly a fan of Stone-Roasted Meat Skewers. The one thing from her childhood she does recall fondly is eating Suncakes, and occasionally has a sweet tooth for them.
FAVORITE ALCOHOIC DRINK — She's a fan of whiskey.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — It's been a while. She'd like a concert or a bar, somewhere where she has a crowd to disappear into if its not vibing. Later, if a connection is established, she likes things like museum walks, rooftop drinks and cuddling up with a dinner and a movie. Private things where another is invited into her world.
IDEAL GIFT — Time. Just giving her your time. That's all she needs. She's also really excited by mechanical puzzles for her to unpick and new music shared.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — A while. She's hesitant, she's been burned before and she's not a fan of letting herself openly seeking something new that will last. Casual dating she's more open to letting it happen immediately, so long as the boundary is there that this is a one time thing.
tagged by : @avaere , thanks friend!!
tagging : @immobiliter (navia) , @iniziare ( yelan ), @uminosensei , @intcritus ( salem ), @acr3ss-the-cosmos ( yukong ) & you if you want to! c:
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