#source. [ n.aruto. ]
resolutepath · 2 months
At first he tries leaning back a little - subtle, almost not noticeable (hopefully) - but it doesn't quite get him where he needs to be. The damn cover is still all Iruka can see, nothing but a handful of detached words at the very top of the open pages peeking at him when he strains his eyes to steal a glance. Incoherent and insufficient. Icha Icha is not the kind of title he'd expect a book to have that someone like Hatake Kakashi reads on a daily basis, which only heightens his curiosity. Eventually he decides to simply reach out - not to take the book from the jonin's hands, but to push it down just enough to be able to read at least a sentence that might reveal its content. "What are you reading anyway?" (uminosensei)
The first indication is the shift of a shadow over the edges of his pages, the second a slight creak at the change of position, though neither are enough to cause alarm. With his experience the difference between a curious individual who meant no threat and an enemy seeking an opportunity was stark, so Kakashi did nothing, merely turned his page and waited to see what the other would try next. When the sensei is bold enough to push down on his book, there's a curve of his lips beneath the mask and he slips the book from beneath the gentle touch to let it close with a resounding snap.
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"You shouldn't read a book in the middle of it. Terrible spoilers." Answering the question with a non-answer, Kakashi stores his book within his pouch to be resumed at a later date when he has the peace of the village and the solitude he requires to indulge within the pages. For now he turns upon the chunin who holds charge of educating Konoha's young minds and smiles beneath the mask, letting his exposed eye close to enhance the expression. "Not on the mission desk today? Or are you here to collect my report in person..?" He pauses, letting the horror of what he could possibly have done to the report sink in before he shrugs. "You'll be waiting a while, I think I left it with Naruto."
He is all to aware that his conversation does little to sate the chunin's burning desire to know the contents of his book. Well that's part of the fun of it, if Iruka truly wishes to know, perhaps he should buy a copy of Icha Icha for himself. Admittedly, he'd be quite amused to catch that reaction first hand.
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daybreakrising · 1 year
@c4garuda | continued
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Hidan scoffs. "Please. You should know by now that I never get caught." He was what some might call a career criminal - all minor, petty stuff, of course, but he was experienced enough not to be stupid about it. "You should just ditch the old man, y'know? Cut ties and be fuckin' free. It's much better this way."
He was pretty sure Sasori didn't like him, despite only meeting him a handful of times. That was fine - Hidan didn't care much for him, either, and given his track record he probably wouldn't be around this time next year. He never could stay in one town for long, for one reason or another. More often than not it was because he's outstayed his welcome and the local authorities were getting a little too close for comfort.
"Alright, sounds like a good deal. Try not to blow us up though, yeah? Your idea of fun is always so fuckin' noisy." Hidan flashes him a grin, pushing up from the sofa to hunt down his jacket in amongst the chaos of his shithole apartment. Finding it half-buried beneath a toppled-over stack of empty pizza boxes, he slides it on and gives the pockets a pat-down to make sure he has his smokes.
He fingers the keys to his truck, thinking of the duffel bag full of tools he has stashed under the seat. He turns back to the blond with a daring grin. "How fucked up are we going, blondie?" He's not just thinking of the carnage they'lll inflict upon the empty structures, but of the potential kids to scare off. He's still testing the blond's boundaries, seeing how far he can push it before it's deemed too far.
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tvrningout · 9 months
📲 + 🌓 !!
send me an emoji & i'll tell you my opinion | @espectres asked for my opinion!
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📲 doubles
i really don't mind doubles/duplicates at all! sometimes i do feel a little protective of certain characters -- mainly k.aigaku bc i put so much time and thought into his portrayal since we have very little to go on in the first place :' ) but even so, i've never hesitated to follow someone who also writes him or another canon character on my roster. it's kinda neat bc everyone has their own takes and thoughts on how a character is! how i see kai is different from how someone else might see him, and i enjoy getting to read that differing view. really, though, i don't often pull out my canon characters unless it's for a friend, so hopefully no one ever worries about duplicate anxiety with me! i feel good about my own portrayals as should everyone else. we're all doing our best to write the lil guys we love, and that's enough <3
🌓 crossovers
i like them, though i need a lil help with them at times! mainly if i'm not familiar with the source material bc i can feel daunted at the thought of learning new lore without first watching/reading the source material. but most of the time, it's fine, and i think they're a nice way of allowing characters from different series to meet. like m.ob p.sycho and j.jk or b.leach might make for some cool crossovers! or maybe n.aruto and k.ny, even. if we can imagine it, we can make it happen, so i'm all for it!!
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that-fictional-dad · 4 years
💋💋💋 !! ~ lyell
Thank you Lyell!! @withlovefromlyell
Ro.ck Lee - N.aruto
Reason: I just don't know enough about his source anymore and I think most of his content is from the original first wave series??
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H.arry P.otter - Same named source
[NOT this version of him obviously ... but ... the third film had some of the best Harry hair sorry.]
Reason: I couldn't think of anything for an s/i or anything.
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N.ewt Sc.amander - FBWTFT
Reason: Same as H.p.
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cluelessmuses · 3 years
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@tempjaksrpbox  inquired:  5,  6  &  10 [   meme  for  rping  muns   ]
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5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
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[   i’d  say  Obito/Tobi  from  N.aruto  for  now?  though  the  difficulty  in  there  is  more  of  i’m  not  fully  caught  up  with  source  material  than  hopefully  not  being  able  to  just  grasp  his  personality  well.   ]
6. Name 3 things you love most about your muse/muses.
[   1. variety,  but  most  of  them  are  fucking  jerks  2.  Heiji.  that’s  it.  him.  just  everything  about  him.  i  love  my  son.  3.  a  lot  of  them  are  smart  so  i   get  to  look  up  weirdest  information  when  they’re  showing  off  &  then  have  some  cursed  fun  facts.  ]
10. Why do you write?
[   well,  obviously  part  of  it  is  for  fun.  other  part  is  though  just  letting  out  emotions  &  some  thoughts  in  healthier  way.  part  of  reason  my  most  common  memes  are  hurt/comfort  &  angst/violence.  kinda  therapeutic  to  write  these.   ]
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resolutepath · 2 months
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Kakashi reads Icha Icha in public to keep others away, to fit into the narrative of the eccentric jonin stereotype. That being said he does enjoy the series. He has multiple copies, his "mission" collection (battered, few nicks to pages from shuriken in his pouch, etc.), his "home" collection (well-thumbed through, but great condition) and his "collector set" (untouched, pristine) He also has his "covers only" copies, and by this I mean he has a set of slipcovers of the Icha Icha book designs that he can put on other books to ensure people think he is reading Icha Icha even when he isn't.
Kakashi's dominant arm has little feeling between wrist and elbow, apart from the moments after he has used chidori, after which the skin is hyper-sensitive. He always wraps this arm, even when he is off duty.
Following on from this, the arm is a mess of scars. Some of these are lichtenberg scars, from training his jutsu, but also a mass of scars from where the chidori has connected. He's putting his whole damn arm through a body, it's been cut on bone multiple times, as well as torn metal, shards of other materials.
If you can't find him, look for high ground. A perch in a tree, an outcrop of rock that is slightly hidden, these are the places you'll find him. It's an area he can be alone, but also have the vantage point on any approaching so that he can disappear / hide / school himself as necessary.
There are times when the only way Kakashi has been able to sleep is with a weighted sensation on his chest. Because of his aversion to anything medical he's never sought advice on this and occasionally just uses his ninken, usually Pakkun.
The medical kit that Kakashi carries to this day is still the one given to him by his friend for making the jonin rank. Only the supplies are updated. The actual case is worn with use and there is evidence of repairs upon it.
Due to his aversion to hospitals, Kakashi has numerous scars that he might not otherwise have. Some of this is fron injuries directly, others from his own use of jutsu, others from his average skills in stitching wounds.
Kakashi can count on one hand the people he feels safe with. These are the people he would be happy to be around when weak from battle & exhaustion, and will indeed seek out if he knows he cannot look after himself, even if it is to just be in their presence for a little while.
When home Kakashi has the same routine every morning and evening, the same walk around his home that essentially is a patrol that ends at the memorial stone / shrine. If he does not do it, he will not sleep, requiring the routine to feel at ease in his mind.
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resolutepath · 3 months
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"That's him... The Friend Killer...."
In this verse, Hatake Kakashi is a soldier of the Shogunate, working with the Tenryou Commission as part of an elite unit known only as the Anbu - short for: Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai. As a covert operative, Kakashi deals primarily with deserters, traitors and those deemed a threat to Inazuma's survival. He caught the nickname Friend Killer after he mercilessly assassinated soldiers he had worked alongside on orders. In ways, he is the perfect shinobi, able to give up all sense of self to be a weapon of his ideals.
In terms of Kakashi's past, it will very much filter across the same. He is the sole survivor of the Hatake clan after his father ended his own life due to a failed mission. He was originally a soldier with the Tenryou Commission with a squad containing his two best friends, and ended up being the sole survivor of that group after a mission gone wrong for one and him having to kill the other for the safety of Inazuma. After that he cut himself off from everything, was recruited to The Anbu and lives in a world of isolation spare the few that try to coax some humanity back into him. He always carries a publication from Yae's publishing house on him and often visits the graves of his friends to talk about his regrets.
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Kakashi has an electro vision and wields a catalyst that takes the form of two bells on string. He also utilises shinobi weaponry when fighting, most notably kunai knives.
There is a period of time where Kakashi willingly wields a Pyro Delusion to test their capabilities. This man does not have much regard for his life when it is put on the line against his capacity as a weapon. He did stop using when ordered to, but is still in possession of it.
Given that adding the sharingan to genshin is not something I'm keen to do without real consideration, I will say that Kakashi is simply extremely adept at mimicking moves even if he has only seen them once. Think more like an eidetic memory.
In terms, also of canon, think of G.enshin Kakashi as Kakashi if he was never made a jounin-sensei and therefore never really got out of the destructive soldier lifestyle.
While Kakashi will primarily operate in Inazuma, I absolutely think he will be sent as a covert agent abroad to get the lay of the land once Inazuma reopens. Part of a security detail for important officials sent overseas is just one option, chasing down traitors who have fled to refuge in other nations another, forced downtime another still.
He has had run ins with The Fatui and I think he's met at least two Harbingers and held his own before the fight was ended. (This is not a defeat just a held his own ground, I will not be making light of how powerful Kakashi actually is in his own canon, but also not disrupting g.enshin. The two harbingers are likely one of Dottore's segments and Tartaglia).
Kakashi was in a relationship with a local soldier turned teacher until his reputation as a Friend Killer was leaked beyond the boundaries of the Tenryou Commission and his situation worsened both in general and mentally, isolating himself from the world and considering himself more weapon than man. The break up was fraught and full of unresoved things and undisclosed things. Kakashi did spend some time submitting an application to Watatsumi Island with a stellar review about the teacher's skill due to his rebuilding his life and a kernel of care still existing. Occasionally he will check in on him but does not make his presence known. (This dynamic is plotted with min)
tba as I think of more.
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@uminosensei - Umino Iruka
@daybreakrising - Housekeeper (Thoma)
n/a ( open to discussion )
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resolutepath · 2 months
ANIME STARTER CALL. // @veroxins
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"If you keep pushing like that, the only place you will find yourself is the hospital."
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The observation offered in dry tones comes from a place of experience, though Kakashi does not volunteer this information as he lowers his book and looks down at the latest member of Team Kakashi from his perch in the tree. Their last mission had been difficult, a struggle of wills and strength that had almost threatened to overwhelm them in sheer number more than anything else. He has his own wounds to bear too, though thankfully mostly the familiar. Chakra exhaustion never does get easier to bear, though he offers no complaint at all.
"Take some time. Shouldn't you be going on one of your walks with Naruto by now?" It's offered idly, but clearly with the intent of leaving something unsaid between the lines. I've seen how close you've been getting lately.
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resolutepath · 2 months
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NAME — Hatake Kakashi
PROFESSION — Shinobi, Leader of Team Kakashi (among other roles)
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — Walking on the road of life. Often, Kakashi is absent from the village given the frequency of his missions, however when he is in Konoha he can often be found reading in a tree, or in a high place, training with Gai, annoying the mission desk shinobi with his poor reports, or standing by the memorial stone.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — eggplant-mixed miso soup or salt-broiled saury.
FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK — Sake if he has to make a choice, but he generally prefers to avoid alcohol.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — What's a date? Kakashi would not know. Immediate thoughts would be he would take them on very stereotypical dates (like those he has seen in Icha Icha) such as dinner and drinks, a walk in the evening, but also he would just give a part of his daily routine to being shared. Training, for example, though this one is usually botched because skill difference. Ideal dates for him though, a bookshop, heading off to one of the nearby villages for a weekend away, where no one knows him, a quiet night in within a safe space.
IDEAL GIFT — A collector's edition of Icha Icha. Patience. Kakashi's not an easy guy to date owing to his view of his identity (weapon) and the fact that he puts duty before anything else. That being said it is possible.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — Depends what we're counting here. Kakashi is likely to kiss with the mask up / with his partner's vision obscured before he actually kisses them. But it takes work. Mostly it will be a lot of awkward goodbyes and hesitant touches for a while before he works on gestures that push at his comfort boundaries. It's all about taking the time, feeling safe and okay and then he'll be fine.
tagged by : @uminosensei
tagging : no one, I tagged earlier c:
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resolutepath · 3 months
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The two bells clink together to remind that though there are rules, in one's comrades true strength lies.
Kakashi's catalyst is two small bells attached by red string, that when active clink together to create a gentle ring. To him, he carries two specfically to represent his two fallen comrades, the ones he still speaks to upon occasion. Unlike most catalysts these tend to stay attached to his waist like so:
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and their activity is marked by their ringing sound. This leaves Kakashi free to channel the elemental energy he summons - electro - into weaponry - kunai mostly, occasionally shuriken - that he chooses to fight with.
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resolutepath · 23 days
💥 anything about kakashi you haven't shared? :)
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Plenty! But here's one for you:
If Kakashi offers to pay for a meal outright he has done something or is going to do something that means he needs to get in your good books. Double if he pays for Tenzo who he loves to bully into paying for him as is his right. He does this so he sets the person he's buying for off-guard and then later will either reveal he's so chakra depleted he really shouldn't be moving around right now, or that he's got a mission that's going to take him away for a long time, or - in the case of Iruka - something about Naruto facing danger again. He will also offer to do other chores, tidying etc. when he is attempting to curry favour, but it'll be across a period of time rather than all at once so as not to draw attention to the fact his behaviour has changed. He's more likely to get caught out because he's bumped his hip against the door, right where his hidden wound is, or suddenly clutch at a wall as he depletes himself of his last remaining energy. He only does this for the people he actually cares about the opinion of, everyone else just gets straight up ignored.
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resolutepath · 2 months
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As a combatant, Kakashi tends to be in very close proximity to the person he is fighting, though he is capable of providing long distance attacks as well. Particularly when he takes the finishing move using his chidori, which has been translated into his ultimate move in his g.enpact verse ( although in that verse he has a kunai knife in his hand ). Because of how close he is, he watches the life drain from his opponent's eyes, he is acquainted well with death, and because his hand is in their body, he feels the moment life stops. He has accepted this as part of the deal for such a victory assuuring move, and will not look away from the eyes of an opponent he does this to.
He was between 12 and 14 when he did this the first time, and one of first people he did this to was his friend.
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Because of the use of this move, however, the arm in question is covered in scarring. There's Lichtenburg-like scars from the charge of his chakra / electro energy through his arm, as well as various scars from his arm being cut on fragments of bone, scraps of clothing that have been destroyed in in the movement and of course any weaponry that he's fought through. There are also patches of skin that, particularly in his youth, were sore or reddened from the habit of repeated cleaning he picked up after nightmares following such a personal attack:
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This has lessened now that he's an adult, but does return if he's going through a particularly stressful time. With the state his arm is in, there is a lack of sensitivity in it, patches of skin that are numb entirely and small areas that feel hypersensitive in comparison. To combat this, and avoid looking at the state of it, Kakashi keeps his arm wrapped at all times, usually in bandages, and will often be found wearing long-sleeves no matter the weather if he cannot wrap it. He won't react viciously if it is exposed, it's far more likely that he just shuts down and goes cold if others comment on it.
Those who are in contact with Scarecrow particularly are likely to see it, because he is operating as a weapon in those incidences. For those who witness Kakashi using this move, it is both something extremely messy because there is a lot of blood and mess that comes from punching a hole through someone's chest clearly and something that comes off as a very cold method, lacking any form of emotion as he does it. It is in these singular moments he can be seen for his belief at his core, that he is a weapon of his village / his archon foremost and a person after. I would say it can be terribly exposing to those that do not know his combat capabilities beforehand, obviously factoring their own experience into account, as there is a significant difference between Kakashi in and outside of battles like this. Any sense of warmth of politeness is gone.
He never deals with the feelings that this can dredge up on the battlefield, emotions are locked away but as can be seen above, there are consequences of the way he treats himself. This, combined with his avoidance of hospitals prefering to rely on people with enough medical knowledge he can trust ( In a g.enpact scenario this would equate to him being more likely to visit Tighnari than the Bimarstan, or in Inazuma he likes to drop in on Lauri's Thoma, his contact, or previously it would have been Iruka ), can often have prolonged consequences. He does have significant mental health matters that he ought to take time to unravel ( in canon this process has already begun, in g.enpact, not yet ).
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daybreakrising · 2 months
"Hey Tenzo you forgot this." Kakashi hands a small envelope to the other, barely sticking around after as he disappears in a swirl of smoke. Might be because in that envelope is Kakashi's latest bookshop bill.
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Eyes flit down, quickly, to the envelope that had been pushed into his grasp. His gaze is averted for barely a breath, but that is all the time it takes for his old friend - his eternal headache - to make a hasty exit. And a good thing, too, because once careful fingers pluck the bill from inside, that normally passive expression upon Yamato's face shifts into something that a certain copy-nin should be familiar with by now.
Somewhere across Konoha, a sense of foreboding ought to descend upon the shoulders of a man who frequently pushes the boundaries of his kouhai's patience, though it probably doesn't. And even if it does, it certainly won't stop Kakashi from doing it again - and probably next week, too.
With his mind conjuring a satisfying image of growing a tree on top of his senpai, Yamato begins the trek to the bookshop to pay the bill. He knows there are people who believe Kakashi takes advantage of him - that he lets him - but they're wrong. This is merely a part of who they are to each other, an established behaviour that he wouldn't change for anything.
And, besides, he knows that Kakashi will make it up to him in his own way. He always does.
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resolutepath · 2 months
[ META ] + yamato :eyes:
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Yamato is, without a doubt, one of the few people that Kakashi trusts implicitly and feels safe around. To Kakashi, the one he met, called Tenzo and now recognises as Yamato, is akin to hope. Because the process of meeting Tenzo, of being around him, from clearing up the matter of the friend killer to being someone who was needed by the other, was something desperately needed to give Kakashi purpose in this world.
Up until then he was chasing death, pushing himself to his limits and beyond in an effort to simply exist. He’d lost so much and was only able to exist by focusing on the mission and completing it no matter the cost to his physical form. Then he got his anchor and was able to forge on for a little longer.
Now I won't pretend that Kakashi has been the best to him over the years. He let himself be needed by shut Tenzo out at every avenue, taken a long time to let him be a friend in return, taken advantage of his kouhai's willingness to help him and made plenty of mistakes when it comes to boundaries. But despite it all Tenzo stayed. He put up and forged on and continued to chip away at everything that was Kakashi.
There is no doubt that the Yamato of Team Kakashi is now an anchor Kakashi gravitates to when things get rough again. Because now they are both stripped of the masks of ANBU its so important to cling to those that understand them, to seek empathy where it is easiest found. Kakashi isn't always good at this, but he tries, and does his best to offer it in return. He is glad that Tenzo was chosen to lead Team Kakashi in his absence because there is no one else he would trust with his precious students.
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resolutepath · 2 months
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I made some hcs for Kakashi generically, but I wanted to write down specifically some thoughts I have around him in his G.enshin verse. I've already talked about his catalyst here but here's just a few additional thoughts around the role he plays, the way he interacts with the world etc.
Depending on how you come to know Kakashi, the name you use for him will be different. If you come to know him as an agent of the Tenryou Commission in Inazuma, then you will know that he's Hatake Kakashi, and potentially hear some of the rumours surrounding him. However, if you come to know him while he is in the middle of a mission, then you will only know him as Scarecrow which is the codename that he uses.
There are some easy places to find him when in Inazuma. He can often be found at Yae Miko's Publishing House, where he acquires his reading materials and indulges that little hobby of his. There's a shrine outside the city he visits to remember his friends. He might visit Komore Teahouse, where he visits Housekeeper (Lauri's Thoma) and discusses information. The Tenryou Commission again is another obvious one. I'm going to say Heizou (my muse at least) has taken to indulging in conversation with him, and while Kakashi is often non-responsive, he does listen for tidbits of interest.
If you ask an Inazuman, or you are an Inazuman, you will have heard the nickname for him. Friend Killer Hatake is often whispered around him and there are rumours about what happened to his original squad. None of these will be the truth, that has been hidden. But feel free to have your muse hear of the name if wandering with him. He does not react to it but he knows it has been said.
There are times Kakashi will linger somewhere absolutely still. He is there, but he is not, lost in space or in his memories. Most often this happens by the memorial stone, but this can also happen by a certain teacher's residence. It takes considerable effort to coax him from it, and it can be dangerous to do so, too suddenly and his fighting instincts might kick in and he will not realise.
Outside of Inazuma Kakashi can be found in places of information primarily or government buildings. As he is a representative of his nation he will often be found in places he can research a target / area / local customs (e.g. the Akademiya, the Palais Mermonia) or somewhere he can converse with local law enforcement (KoF headquarters, Liyue Harbour / The Golden House). Notable exceptions to this will be places where he can get information that he's not going to find from the officials, e.g. visiting Dori, Yanshang Teahouse, Dawn Winery, The Steambird. He can be approached in these places for sticking out or to trade information. Local eateries can also be used as information drop sites.
He's very to the point. And by that I mean if you are someone he has been authorised to share information with he's not waiting around for small talk. He'll give over the official letter and then ask. He won't think about food and drink and commitments that others might have. He will need tempering in that regard and will be awkward at dinner if invited (please do it though its something he needs). He's here to get the job done.
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resolutepath · 2 months
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Relationships are difficult for Kakashi, and that's those of all kinds, not just the romantic variety. By age 5 he had graduated as a shinobi taking missions, thus thrust into the adult working world due to how much of a genius he was. Before his teen years had ended, everyone he had formed a meaningful bond with was dead and he had been witness to most of them. Such significant loss so young, alongside the mentality of the child solider, leaves Kakashi very much walled off to any kind of meaningful connection with only two individuals not being shut out entirely due to their sheer perseverance alone.
While I am speaking about canon facts here, I am translating all of this to his g.enshin verse. So as an adult Kakashi does not seek anything that is not surface level when it comes to connections. He actively avoids anything that might be considered personable to the point he is considered the "perfect shinobi" from how refined of a weapon he is.
When dynamics draw close to anything deeper than surface level greetings, Kakashi backs off very quickly. This can come in the form of avoiding people in all circumstances, colder tones of voice and retreating into his work. In worst case scenarios he actively sabotages the relationship in attempts to push others away. All so that he does not have to admit to how fragile his heart truly is. Realistically he needs a lot of patience and some therapy but he's not really in a place to receive either.
When individuals do slip into something closer than surface level he often does not notice immediately, because he does not consider them close in his own head, it will be a gesture or something they say that gives it away and ignites his retreat instantly.
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