#umberto emo
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allora praticamente devo mettere spotify in shuffle e mettere le prime 10 canzoni ringrazio tantissimo @ritrosia per avermi taggato queste cose mi fanno impazzire 😪😪 iniziamo subito
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Alla fine ricordo che ho amato..
..ed ha un po’ il colore dell’allegria.
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Cazzo in mano Butto giù un antidepressivo Qua finisce che mi becco un ordine restrittivo Mi sento a disagio e un po’ fuori posto, Mi faccio coraggio che stasera scopo
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Mi sento ancora come se avessi diciott'anni, e se riuscissi a concentrarmi abbastanza, forse, e dico forse, riuscirei a tornare ancora un po' indietro.
Ma il passato, chi può sapere qual è il modo giusto di approcciarsi ad esso?
Io continuo a sentirmi piccolo, giovane e spaesato in un sistema vecchio e sicuro di se, nel quale, vuoi per causa mia o per le realtà in cui sono stato paracadutato (o entrambi), non riesco davvero a sentirmi a mio agio, ne con persone che a causa di questo sistema ne hanno risentito (daje il malessere e poi in adolescenza la droga), ne con fighetti di merda volendo generalizzare molto.
Io che cosa sono, me lo sono chiesto spesso, e non l'ho capito mai.
Cosa cazzo voglio essere? Ho sempre provato ammirazione nei confronti di poetii, musicisti ed eruditi disagiati, ma come e quando mai potrò mettermi in confronto con loro.
Spero di trovare la mia strada, indipendentemente da altre persone, ma come ho detto in varie occasioni ad altre persone, "non e così che funziona", e continuo a pensarlo, saremo sempre il risultato di ciò che ci circonda.d
Il perché riusciamo a dare buoni consigli ad altre persone, senza però riuscire ad applicarli noi stessi, quello e un altro paio di calzoni, ma un po' di esperienza c'è.
Comunque mi sento come se avessi diciott'anni, cazzo Umberto Emo spacca eh. Invidio e allora stesso compatisco chi ha diciassette anni.
Noi ne abbiamo di cose da raccontare, ma come tutti i vecchi e le loro belle storie, verremo ignoranti e dimenticati.
Chissà cosa ci riserva il fato, chi può dirlo.
Io continuerò a raccontare ciò che ho vissuto, chissà che qualcuno non ne impari qualcosa
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12, 24 (i know you di i wanna see you spam your talented self), 27? For the music ask?
12. Who���s the most obscure artist you listen to?
Technically, Rock City Angels, since they only have like a couple hundreds of monthly listeners. But if there's one band that deserves to be known all around the world, it's Umberto Emo (they're back together now!!!!!!!!!!!). italian pride forever and ever
24. Do you play any instruments?
I play guitar, both electric and acoustic!! sometimes i post myself playing and singing covers on @frnk13ro (but you already know that) i wish i could play more often but every time i pick up the guitar i break a string lmao
27. Do you enjoy making playlists? If so, are there any you’re proud of and would like to share?
my proudest accomplishment will always be the one i made for Ex Malo Bonum (everyone go read it NOW):
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Trieste, mostra "più o meno positivi" del Dipartimentale Dipendenze dell'ASUGI
Trieste, mostra "più o meno positivi" del Dipartimentale Dipendenze dell'ASUGI. Da anni, in occasione della "Giornata Mondiale per la Lotta all'AIDS", l'Area Dipartimentale Dipendenze dell'ASUGI organizza una serie di incontri d'interesse scientifico e culturale in coorganizzazione con il Comune di Trieste, con il patrocinio della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, con il contributo delle cooperative sociali La Collina, Duemilauno Agenzia Sociale, Amico, CLU, La Quercia e dell'Associazione ALT, con il supporto di Trieste Trasporti SpA e in collaborazione con Gruppo78, HeadMadeLab, Officina Samos, Radio Fragola, SISM (Segretariato Italiano Studenti in Medicina), Arcigay, CDCP (Comitato per i diritti civili delle prostitute). La manifestazione, che affronta i molteplici aspetti dell'infezione da HIV e delle altre infezioni a trasmissione sessuale, si rivolge a tutta la comunità, ma dedica un'attenzione particolare ai più giovani. Il 1° dicembre alle ore 12 ci sarà l'inaugurazione della manifestazione nella Sala "Umberto Veruda" di Palazzo Costanzi, con presentazione della mostra di arti visive "più o meno positivi", giunta alla sua tredicesima edizione. La mostra si inserisce nell'ambito delle iniziative di sensibilizzazione, informazione, prevenzione e lotta alla discriminazione in tema di AIDS e malattie emo/sessualmente trasmissibili. L'esposizione di quest'anno affronta il tema della terapia antiretrovirale con lo slogan internazionale "U = U/Undetectable = Untransmittable, with ART-AntiRetroviral Therapy/Non rilevabile = Non trasmissibile, con la Terapia Antiretrovirale", ma tratta anche il tema del corpo, del doppio e dell'autorappresentazione attraverso i meditativi quadri e gli enigmatici autoritratti del pittore veneziano David Dalla Venezia. La mostra presenta infine la campagna di prevenzione "Face au Sida" (Di fronte all'AIDS) pensata dall'artista Oreste Zevola e promossa dall'Istituto Pasteur in Africa Centrale. Inoltre, presenti nella mostra, alcune tavole infografiche che analizzano in forma visiva i più recenti numeri e dati sulla malattia. Nel pomeriggio del primo dicembre, sempre in Sala Veruda, Claudia Colli, responsabile del Centro per le malattie a trasmissione sessuale di Trieste, dialogherà con alcuni noti infettivologi dei servizi specialistici regionali: Andrea Misin, Camilla Negri e Angela Londero approfondiranno infatti gli effetti importanti delle terapie anche sul piano della prevenzione del contagio col virus HIV. Nel Teatro dei Fabbri a partire dalle 18.30 ci sarà la performance teatrale del gruppo Beta e il concerto di Stee JayJay. La settimana di eventi si snoda fra Trieste e Gorizia e prevede un fitto calendario di appuntamenti di approfondimento con esperti dal mondo sanitario, culturale e scientifico, con conferenze ed incontri, ma anche con presentazioni di libri e film, spettacoli teatrali e musica, con la tradizionale partita amichevole di calcio tra la squadra del Real Androna e quella della Polizia Locale del Comune di Trieste, con il presidio sanitario mobile per effettuare il test HIV e ricevere informazioni preventive personalizzate e con il messaggio informativo viaggiante sugli autobus cittadini. Come ogni anno, molo spazio verrà dedicato ai più giovani, così il 4 dicembre mattina gruppi di studenti avranno a loro disposizione lo specialista infettivologo Jacopo Monticelli con cui dialogare. La personale dell'artista veneziano David Dalla Venezia rappresenta il cuore della manifestazione "più o meno positivi" di quest'anno, trattando il tema del corpo, del doppio e dell'autorappresentazione. In esposizione tre raffinatissimi cicli pittorici pervasi di mitologia classica e sue relative elaborazioni psicoanalitiche, di filosofia ma anche di cultura pop. Un intenso immaginario pittorico che parte da una rigorosa ricerca sulla possibile rappresentazione del corpo umano che va dal nudo all'autoritratto, accarezzando così anche tutti i vizi e le virtù dell'uomo. La mostra si apre con una serie di quadri dal forte impatto epidermico che ci fanno riflettere sul tema della frammentazione del corpo. Pallide membra affiorano dal buio e vengono isolate sotto il riflettore della luce di un ritratto a loro dedicato, denunciando così tutta la loro caducità terrena. Si passa poi al potente mito del giovane Narciso in cui i candidi e narcotizzanti fiori dipinti velano lo sguardo dell'artista e attraverso un sottile gioco di trasparenze restituiscono allo spettatore l'immagine del pittore trasfigurata dal narcisismo, mettendo così il pubblico in guardia dai pericoli dell'autocompiacimento, della vanità e dell'egocentrismo. Da fondali profondissimi infine emergono figure di algide danzatrici vestite solo di lucida e trasparente organza che sembrano celebrare una novella danza della vita prima di ritornare nell'Ade, proprio come la ninfa Euridice del mito greco. Una mostra che celebra dunque il corpo e la vita ma che allude anche alla dualità della ricerca della luce nelle tenebre, del bene nel male, e che riecheggia allusioni alla Vanitas e al Memento mori, da sempre chiari moniti dell'effimera condizione dell'esistenza e della caducità della vita. INFO: [email protected] e su facebook... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Quindi assicuri che non ascolti un po’ di tutto :)
Allora ascolto canzoni dall'epoca di mia nonna a canzoni di ora mosce lente tristi depresse indie insomma ma anche un po' di Bad Bunny e Maluma per rallegrarci poi continuiamo con un po' di blues Pino Daniele, poi ancora un po' di Napoli Geolier/Luche/Lele Blade/Rocco Hunt si continua poi con musica ancor più commerciale con un po' di Irama&co ah e i the kolors (gli voglio bene) un po' di jazz con Amy Winehouse ma potrei finire per ascoltare anche un po' di bo Jovanotti ah non dimentichiamo Ligabue mio amore, Negramaro, Elisa, Cesare Cremonini, Marco Mengoni, Rkomi questi qui insomma un po' Raf, Alex Britti ma anche Bruno Mars ad esempio e poi potrei finire per ascoltare Rino Gaetano o Umberto Tozzi o Gianni Morandi o Claudio Baglioni
Se dovessi rispondere ogni volta così penso che ci vorrebbe tutta la serata amore mio mi scuso infinitamente la mia testa sotto ai tuoi piedi se non ho escluso il punk emo e tutti i cazzi e mazzi
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it's a vibe, shut up
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Mario Giordano é rettiliano
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Salgo le scale urlando scendo
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ma prima di morire devo mostrare il cazzo alle telecamere di sanremo per vedere il parrucchino di Pippo Baudo schizzare alto nel cielo
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Take the infamous "emo shit" scene from Any Way The Wind Blows and replace James Blake with the most melodramatic Italian singers.
I've been listening to these guys my whole life and lemme tell you, nothing says OVERLY DRAMATIC breakup like Massimo Ranieri's "Perdere L'Amore" or Umberto Tozzi's "Ti Amo".
#belle babbles#just some thoughts in my head whilst listening to music#post any way the wind blows#AWTWB#baz pitch#emo shit
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August Update
Ok, so I’m absolutely not dead and if you’ve been following along on either ninaillingworth.com or my Facebook page; you already know I’m writing again as well as podcasting with my partner in crime, Nick Galea
Since I need an excuse to post links to my work and Tumblr is an extremely visual medium, I’ve decided to go back to posting my own short form analysis next to fictional characters; in this case, Sgt. Donny Donowitz from the movie “Inglourious Basterds” - which seems more appropriate than Malcolm Tucker, at least to the present situation we find ourselves today in American politics.
I should also take this opportunity to mention that I’ve found someone to help me manage my social media presence more professionally; so if you’re sick of my emo sh*tposting on Twitter or you just want up to the minute links to all of my work, please follow that brave person @ASNinaWrites for all the updates you’re going to need.
Thought-Crimes and Appeasement - A medium length journal on what it means for the elite liberal establishment to turn its back on the left and embrace the Trumpian idea that “antifa” are the problem; spoiler, it sure ain’t good.
Stop Making Excuses: Trump is a Fascist & Here’s the Evidence - A fifty-two point, full sourced list of evidence that objectively demonstrates that Donald Trump is a fascist; even to the mendacious.
Journal “But He’s Not Hitler” - an essay length journal about why Americans don’t recognize fascism and offering up an essay by Umberto Eco to help them do so more effectively.
No Fugazi Podcast Episode 10: Millions of Lives Are at Stake - Looking to escape the crushing weight of coronavirus confinement, our hosts Nick and Nina turn to the world of television shows and popular movies that have come to define modern American entertainment culture; but as our deliberating duo highlights, all is not well in the realm of fantasy. What do the popular but objectively fascist TV show “24” and the even more popular and only subtly fascist crop of superhero movies breaking box office records have in common? They’re both trying to sell you perpetual war against the “enemies” of American Empire.
I’ve also recently been posting some sort of educational micro-content bits of analysis around the web, so while I’m not going to pretend these are important dissertations and essays you should definitely read, I’ll share them here anyway in the interests of completeness:
Michael Parenti, Inventing Reality Quote-Thread on the Culture War
David Olusoga, The Kaiser’s Holocaust Quote-Thread on the Fascist Quilt
Robert Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism Quote-Thread on Defining Fascism
Facebook Journal: what Facebook banning Anarchists means for this page
Homework Assignment 1: Some of Those That Work Forces
Facebook Update: why coming back is hard
- nina illingworth
Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!
You can find my work at ninaillingworth.com, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog
Updates available on Twitter, Mastodon and Facebook. Podcast at “No Fugazi” on Soundcloud.
Chat with fellow readers online at Anarcho Nina Writes on Discord!
“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”
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🇮🇹🤘 Italian indie rock bands masterpost 🤘🇮🇹
So I'm seeing a LOT of support toward Måneskin from people pretty much all around the globe by now and that made me so damn happy that I decided to make a post about some Italian bands from the alt-rock/metal scene I know/listen to that I think you (hopefully!!) would love as well <3
What's more to say about Måneskin? I've known them for ten seconds and they're already consuming my life. Peak bisexual energy. The lyrics are what I wish I could write; Damiano's voice is what I wish I sounded like; their instrumentals is what I wish my life was like; their aesthetic is how I wish I could dress like. God speed beautiful you bastards, can't wait to see you at the top of the world
IN NOME DEL PADRE ("In the name of the Father") is angry, sleazy and sinful, just like Damiano comparing himself to Jesus Christ in the lyrics for all the times he "died" (ergo the failed attempts to break through as a musician or, more generally, all the hardship he went through his life) but every time it was worth it (Son morto più di cento volte, mai morto invano trad. "I died more than one hundred times, but never in vain").
He states that he won't forget the past and all the people who doubted him, looked at him as if he was insane or didn't take him or his passion seriously because of his young age, that he'll never stop aiming for the sky (Toccare il cielo e tornare a mangiare asfalto trad. "To touch the sky and come back face down in the dirt"), that the stage isn't enough for him and he hungers for more (Ehi, fate spazio, fatene tanto /Che adesso non mi basta il mondo, non mi basta il palco trad. Hey, get out of my way/ Because the stage is not enough, the world is not enough for me). I get Mötley Crüe's Too Fast For Love era and Appetite for Destruction vibes from this, anyone else?
Go check out "Coraline" (heartbreaking ballad about a girl who grew up with huge insecurities in an unfriendly environment and great sensitivity to whom the singer offers a possibility to open up to him, pure poetry) and "Vent'anni" ("Twenty years", it's along the lines of In nome del Padre, talks about the youth who isn't taken seriously by others when they talk about their dreams, especially if that dream is to become a musician/artist, 10/10 very angry) if you haven't already! They're two of my favorite songs by them who am I kidding the whole fucking album is my favorite song by them
they're the spiritual fathers to Måneskin in a way (Afterhours' singer, Manuel Agnelli, was their coach when the band entered X-Factor's latest edition) and a pillar of Italy's indie scene. The singer looks a worryingly lot like Severus Snape but that adds to his decadent hero's charm
cryptic lyrics, haunting bassline, tormented voice: Male di Miele literally means "pain of honey" or "honeyache" (a juxtaposition that i find brilliant) and has been defined as "the italian Smells Like Teen Spirit" which I think is incredibly accurate
check out "Dentro Marilyn" ("Inside Marilyn") from their first album too to appreciate Manuel's vocal abilities at their fullest!
Previously named "Superhorrorfuck", they're the epitome of what I want the "Glam/Shock rock revival" to be like. Exhaggerated, flashy, just too much and unique in the modern scene, they resurrected what KISS, Mötley Crüe, Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper started back in the 70s and 80s: it doesn't take too long to realize where they took inspiration for their iconic makeup from! Edward's maniacal voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard (but, like, in a good way) accompained with loud, raw and hysterical guitars that make you feel like you snorted ten lines of coke. If Ed's appearance reminded you of a blond Marilyn Manson I'm pretty sure it was his intention.
Here's something from their latest album, came out in 2020, "Italians Die Better":
Coming straight from the 90s, another important band in the alternative/electronic italian scene. They all look like they could be my uncles, I trust them
Here's probably their most famous and recognizable song from 1999, "Tutti i miei sbagli" (All my mistakes):
another military stone in the alternative/psychedelic rock/grunge scene in Italy, for fine connoisseurs only. if i had to choose only a word to describe them, i'd say "visionaries": every album of theirs is a trip to unexplored, indefinite territories that take you to an undescribable dimension (pretty sure their music is the closest to what overdosing on xanax feels like) and their lyrics don't necessarily make sense. either that or Alberto (the dude on the left in the pic who looks both like Charles Manson and your 14yo cousin who thinks he's a man bc he smokes and has one chesthair) is an alien sent from space and is speaking the language of the gods, but we don't have the means to understand what he's trying to communicate. either way, shit slaps, dude pls make another album
Their first single from 1999, Valvonauta ("Valvenaut"???? A valve astronaut??? I think???? idk man) (don't worry about trying to understand the meaning, more than 20 years have gone by since it came out and nobody has got it yet):
Tre allegri ragazzi morti
literally "Three Happy Dead Lads". Idk man they put me in a good mood while at the same time giving me nostalgia of memories I never had and times I never lived. Great listen if you want to have an existential crisis
if "Male di Miele" is the italian Smells Like Teen Spirit, I consider "Il Mondo Prima" (The World Before) to be the corrispondent to In Bloom: sounds like a very happy-go-lucky song but has a very dark and melancholic meaning behind the lyrics:
The Bastard Sons of Dioniso
Coming from Trentino Alto Adige, the Bastard Sons of Dionysus classified second place at the second edition of italian X-Factor. Their style is very... Theatrical? It's very unique. It's like if a group of renaissance minstrels who used to entertain the Gonzagas took a ride on the time machine (probably invented by Da Vinci, wouldn't be surprised if he thought about it back then or actually made some prototypes even) and got teleported in the future, where they discovered modern instruments but still talked about court life in their lyrics using the dialect of their own time. Oh and also they could kill you, don't test them. Basically Ezio Auditore's favourite band
Yes, L'amor Carnale ("Fleshly love") is about sex, but considered what I told you about them before, you can guess they put it more... Elegantly than say, Mötley Crüe and sleaze rock bands from the 80s 😂😂😂
Umberto Emo
*inhales deeply* now, how can I describe how much I love these boys. They're the equivalent of both having a nervous breakdown and shitposting on main at the same time. Their sound say Bring Me the Horizon but their lyrics say Children of Bodom. You laugh the whole time hearing the singer talking bullshit, but then he'd just scream something that hits you so hard you need to sit down and think about life, as if you were at a party and you were having the time of your life and idk getting drunk tits and dick out and getting head by that hot guy you always had a crush on, and all of a sudden the alarm goes off and you snap out of it realizing that oh you were just dreaming and you remember that you actually don't have any friends and the dude you thirst for has a girlfriend already. These rats from Verona's sewers are one of the few reasons that make me feel proud of where I come from. The only people who know about them are me, my best friend who introduced them to me, and probably their aunts and I wish they were known by SO MANY MORE people and that they had the success they deserved before they split up after such a short timespan of activity. Gone, but never forgotten 😔✊
"Dr. Bepis and Mr. Aids" is a very, very long piece (lasts about 9 minutes) but it is, in my opinion, the one that represents what Umberto Emo is all about the most. it's more of a rage filled medley, where they put all their drabbles and a lot of throwbacks to their other songs together. some of my favorite verses (that can be translated) include:
Datemi un sogno, un sogno banale/ tagliamoci un dito e facciamoci male (trad. "Give me a dream, a mundane dream / let's cut our fingers and let's hurt ourselves"),
Questa è la storia del cavallo omofobo, trottava al galoppo con in culo un microfono / Questa è la storia di Frate Agostino, girava nei bagni e ti offriva un pompino (trad. "This is the story of the horse that was a homophobe, he'd trot and gallop with in the ass a microphone / This is the story of Brother Augustine, he'd skulk in bathrooms and offer you a blowjob"),
Scusatemi per tutto questo, scusatemi ma non ci riesco / E in fin dei conti è colpa mia, in fin dei conti è colpa tua, in fin dei conti non importa / E domani siamo sabbia. (trad. "Forgive me for all of this, forgive me but I can't help it / And in the end it's my fault, in the end it's your fault, in the end it doesn't matter / And tomorrow we'll be sand."),
Io ho mangiato sassi per anni, senza sapere che gusto avessero/ Masticavo i miei stessi denti, privandomi del desiderio / Travolto dai ricordi, come sabbia in questo tempo (trad. "I have been eating rocks for years, without knowing their taste / I've been chewing my own teeth, depriving myself from the desire / Overwhelmed by memories, like sand of this time")
or the self depreciating, passive aggressive Sono ancora triste, quindi uso parole difficili tipo sesquipedale /Che schifo la punteggiatura (trad. I'm still sad, so I use complicated words, like sesquipedal / punctuation sucks)
and the timeless chorus Mario Giordano sei un rettiliano (trad. "Mario Giordano you're a reptilian" I don't know honestly what statement they wanted to make with this other than it rhymes lmao)
which as you can see, range from being completely demented to blasphemous to become a punch in the gut to complete and utter nonsense (and it's only one song!), but the majority of their verses could be simply translated as [angry italian unintelligible screaming] (which, honestly, is a mood anyway). I urge everyone who sees this to go listen to them (especially my italian mutuals) even if you can't understand shit of what they're talking about. I'm sure their music will transcend language barriers
Btw sorry not sorry for the wall of text, they just mean so much to me and I could write a 56 pages long essay about them and their lyrics 😭😭😭 other songs I recommend are Il fumo uccide ma è parte del piano ("Smoking kills but it's part of the plan", opening with "It's raining shit"), Barbara D'Urto (a play on words on an italian talk show host's name Barbara D'Urso,"urto" means bump, clash, collision, but it's also a way to describe someone who rubs you the wrong way), Qvando Cera Lvi (don't worry, the title is nothing but a mockery of the fascist slogan and the lyrics is the epitome of the demented) and idk, everything else they have really, which can all be found on YouTube
i included them almost exclusively because i love the pun they made with their name. as every good punk band out there, they remind you how much society sucks and that you should go against its rules no matter what while making you bang your head to their tunes
"Total disgust" is not only a mood and a critique to politicians and society's consumerism's ways in general, but also a punk rock banger from 1992:
Furor Gallico
Probably the only people from Milan I wouldn't hate on sight, "Gaelic Fury" is a folk metal band who I can't say for sure they have true Gaelic origins, but they sure wish they were born in that time (and if you didn't know, believe me when I tell you this particular metal subgenre is very big in Italy, especially in the northern regions). Their music will take you to distant places forgotten by man, and Davide is the creature of the enchanted forest who'll whisper his land's secrets to you through his lyrics
Diluvio ("Flood") is an inspired and evoking ballad about a man who loves rain and thunderstorms (can relate) in all its forms and at the same time an ode to the marvel of Nature when it unleashes its fury (I could write another whole essay about this song but I'm gonna restrain myself)
Other bands worth checking out bc tumblr doesn't let me add more than ten pics and ten audios in one post: Negrita (I define them the Italian Red Hot Chili Peppers, very chill they put you in a good mood), Litfiba (hard rock for dads), Linea 77 (another important punk rock band from the 90s), Caparezza (a peculiar man, it's hard to describe him lmao but he's a great songwriter and always tries to evolve his style), Rhapsody of Fire (inventors of Epic Power Metal. It's like Power Metal but with more dragons and Christopher Lee)
To anyone who joined me in this journey and stuck around till the end and checked out all the artists:
✨💕Thank you💕✨
I could kiss you rn I'd love to know which one was your favorite and talk about them!!
To anyone who read about only some of them and didn't listen to any or just some of the songs:
💖Thank you💖
I really hope you liked those you checked out!! Tell me what you think and don't be afraid to ask me about the lyrics or something!!
To anyone who couldn't handle the whole 34-pages-long essay and just scrolled past this post/couldn't be bothered to read my ramblings and just went for the songs:
💫💞Thank you💞💫
even only for your patience alone, sorry for clogging your dash with my bullshit lmao (not only with this post, just in general) and I hope you have a great day!!
@ italian mutuals feel free to add more!! Let's make the italian indie rock scene more known to the world!! Unleash the mammamia spirit ❤️❤️❤️
#witchy.txt#the MAMMAMIA land bands masterpost#witchy's band archive#måneskin#after hours#afterhours#manuel agnelli#subsonica#superhorror#superhorrorfuck#verdena#tre allegri ragazzi morti#the bastard sons of dioniso#punkreas#furor gallico#umberto emo#negrita#caparezza#linea 77#litfiba#rhapsody of fire#italian rock#italian indie#italian punk#italian band#italian metal#this literally took me like three days to complete#now excuse me but I'm gonna lay on some grass for a few hours#if anyone gave me just any sorts of feedback about this post it'd mean the world to me#yes even if you hated it. thank you for taking the time and energy to prove me wrong <3
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