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PRIMA PAGINA Identita di Oggi martedì, 25 marzo 2025
#PrimaPagina#identita quotidiano#giornale#primepagine#frontpage#nazionali#internazionali#news#inedicola#oggi euro#marzo#identita#direttore#editoriale#dino#giarrusso#diretto#responsabile#adolfo#tenere#sciascia#meglio#disegnato#umanita#sotto#uomini#proprio#basso#della#personaggio
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a cura di Elena Falange “Sono molti gli uomini vili, ma insieme a loro, insieme a quelli la cui bassezza è una blasfemia di vita, ce ne sono altri: tutti quelli che vediamo e quelli che non vediamo, che non sono così e che, per non esserlo, salvano il mondo e l’onore di vivere.”(Leon Degrelle) L’ALTRA UMANITA’

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vabbe' niente dargen aveva ragione rubio
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Il Patrimonio dell'Umanità
I complessi munumentali
Banca Intesa UNESCO- Skira Milano 2003, 383 pagine, 25x28,5cm, ISBN 978-8800905244
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy booksinprogressmilano@yahoo.it
L’Italia è lo Stato che detiene il maggior numero di siti iscritti nella Lista del patrimonio mondiale UNESCO. Sono 59 quelli riconosciuti “patrimonio dell'umanità”.
La definizione di "patrimonio mondiale" nasce nel 1972, quando l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura adotta la Convenzione per la protezione del patrimonio culturale e naturale per salvaguardare i siti di "eccezionale valore universale.” La famosa lista, strumento principe della convenzione comprende siti culturali e naturali, tra i quali si annoverano beni archeologici riferibili a diverse civiltà, complessi monumentali, ville e dimore storiche, centri storici grandi e piccoli, paesaggi culturali, oltre a vulcani, sistemi montuosi e antiche foreste.
#patrimonio umanita#UNESCO#complessi monumentali#Italia#Egitto#Cina#New York#India#Istanbul#fashionbooksmilano
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Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023

#patrizia pezzino#photographer#neutral density photography awards#umanita' riflessa#street photography#reflection#italy
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Si vis pacem, para pacem.
Promuovere la guerra come strumento per garantire la pace e' una contraddizione profonda e pericolosa. La violenza genera solo altra violenza, creando cicli di distruzione e sofferenza che lasciano cicatrici profonde nella societa'. La storia e' piena di esempi in cui la guerra, lungi dal portare stabilita' e sicurezza, ha creato instabilita' duratura, devastazione economica e una perdita incalcolabile di vite umane. La pace non può essere raggiunta attraverso la forza delle armi, ma tramite il dialogo, la cooperazione e la comprensione reciproca. Le risorse che vengono impiegate nella guerra potrebbero essere destinate a migliorare la vita delle persone, affrontando i veri problemi come la poverta', l'ingiustizia e l'ineguaglianza, che spesso sono alla radice dei conflitti. Promuovere la guerra non solo distrugge vite e infrastrutture, ma erode anche la nostra umanita', spingendoci a vedere l'altro come un nemico piuttosto che come un essere umano. Se vogliamo davvero la pace, dobbiamo investire nella pace stessa: educare alla tolleranza, risolvere i conflitti con il dialogo e creare un mondo basato sulla giustizia e la dignita' per tutti.

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Il gatto è una persona seria. Spesso è malvisto,si dice irroneamente che è infido.Invece il gatto si basta,non è finto e ci sbatte in faccia i nostri difetti. Se lo tratti con onesta' e amore,ti concede amicizia,ma rimane istintivo.E' come dovrebbe essere molta umanita'.
☆Mauro Corona,scrittore☆
Buona notte❤️
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By anarchist spirit I mean that deeply human sentiment, which aims at the good of all, freedom and justice for all, solidarity and love among the people; which is not an exclusive characteristic only of self-declared anarchists, but inspires all people who have a generous heart and an open mind. — Errico Malatesta, Umanita Nova, April 13, 1922
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Riflessioni Sulla Sanità Italiana
La salute è diritto di tutti, tutelato dalla Costituzione Italiana. (ma non è così).
1 ) La SANITA' deve essere al servizio del Cittadino! (E non lo è)
2 ) La SANITA' di qualità deve essere compatibilmente DIFFUSA e non concentrata in ristrette aree o luoghi.
3 ) La SANITA' eccessivamente concentrata perde la sua UMANITA', la sua QUALITA' e non �� più al servizio del CITTADINO.
4 ) La SANITA' PRIVATA è un PARASSITA allevato dai POLITICI per proprie necessità che sfrutta le disgrazie dei PAZIENTI.
5 ) Il SISTEMA SANITARIO voluto dai POLITICI tiene conto dei SOLDI e non della SALUTE degli ITALIANI.
6 ) Se non CURIAMO come si deve e nei tempi corretti i nostri CITTADINI per i SOLDI e li facciamo SOFFRIRE e MORIRE volete spiegare COME avete il coraggio di dire che CURATE e mandate MEDICI che non ci sono per esseri UMANI che stanno molto lontano.
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PRIMA PAGINA Osservatore Romano di Oggi lunedì, 10 marzo 2025
#PrimaPagina#osservatoreromano quotidiano#giornale#primepagine#frontpage#nazionali#internazionali#news#inedicola#oggi romano#quotidiano#politico#religioso#papa#giubileo#volontariato#arroganza#guerre#servizio#gratuito#umanita#della#date#dalle#pontefice#contenuto#domenicale#siria#pieno
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IL GATTO 😼👍 E LA FINE DELL UMANITA🤍🤖💀 #lovedeathrobots #gattoparlante #gattocolpollice 🤯🤔😦😝😝😝😝
#shortvideo#lovedeathandrobots#ilgatto#opponibilepollice#finedelluomo#shortsyoutube#shortsmile#thecat#opposablethumb#endofman#waiting for midnight.... 🤍💀🤖#Youtube
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di Mike Plato Marco 7,5… quei farisei e scribi lo interrogarono: «Perché i tuoi discepoli non si comportano secondo la tradizione degli antichi, ma prendono cibo con mani immonde?». 6 Ed egli rispose loro: «Bene ha profetato Isaia di voi, ipocriti, come sta scritto: Questo popolo mi onora con le labbra, ma il suo cuore è lontano da me. 7 Invano essi mi rendono culto, insegnando dottrine che sono…

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La Luna vuole dirti qualcosa. 🌖
La Luna ci sfida a guardare oltre le illusioni e a lasciare emergere ciò che è nascosto, sia dentro di noi che nel mondo che ci circonda.
Come il granchio che risale dalle acque profonde, anche noi dobbiamo affrontare il nostro inconscio e riscoprire l’umanità perduta.
Ma siamo davvero pronti a farlo?
Siamo pronti a lasciare andare le illusioni che ci tengono al sicuro, per affrontare verità che potrebbero farci paura?
La Luna ci chiama a questa prova.
#arcani #luna #tarocchi #messaggio #illusioni #paura #verità #vita #umanita'
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J.7.3 Doesn’t revolution mean violence?
While many try and paint revolutions (and anarchists) as being violent by their very nature, the social revolution desired by anarchists is essentially non-violent. This is because, to quote Bakunin, ”[i]n order to launch a radical revolution, it is … necessary to attack positions and things and to destroy property and the State, but there will be no need to destroy men and to condemn ourselves to the inevitable reaction which is unfailingly produced in every society by the slaughter of men.” [Michael Bakunin: Selected Writings, pp. 168–9] Equally, to destroy the institution of private property there is no need to destroy the actual useful things monopolised by the few:
“How to smash the tyranny of capital? Destroy capital? But that would be to destroy all the riches accumulated on earth, all primary materials, all the instruments of labour, all the means of labour … Thus capital cannot and must not be destroyed. It must be preserved .. . there is but a single solution — the intimate and complete union of capital and labour … the workers must obtain not individual but collective property in capital … the collective property of capital … [is] the absolutely necessary conditions of the emancipation of labour and of the workers.” [The Basic Bakunin, pp. 90–1]
The essentially non-violent nature of anarchist ideas of social revolution can be seen from the Seattle General Strike of 1919. Here is a quote from the Mayor of Seattle (we do not think we need to say that he was not on the side of the strikers):
“The so-called sympathetic Seattle strike was an attempted revolution. That there was no violence does not alter the fact … The intent, openly and covertly announced, was for the overthrow of the industrial system; here first, then everywhere … True, there were no flashing guns, no bombs, no killings. Revolution, I repeat, doesn’t need violence. The general strike, as practised in Seattle, is of itself the weapon of revolution, all the more dangerous because quiet. To succeed, it must suspend everything; stop the entire life stream of a community . .. That is to say, it puts the government out of operation. And that is all there is to revolt — no matter how achieved.” [quoted by Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, pp. 370–1]
If the strikers had occupied their workplaces and local communities had created popular assemblies then the attempted revolution would have become an actual one without any use of violence at all. In Italy, a year later, the occupations of the factories and land started. As Malatesta pointed out, “in Umanita Nova [the daily anarchist newspaper] we … said that if the movement spread to all sectors of industry, that is workers and peasants followed the example of the metallurgists, of getting rid of the bosses and taking over the means of production, the revolution would succeed without shedding a single drop of blood.” Thus the “occupation of the factories and the land suited perfectly our programme of action.” [Errico Malatesta: His Life and Ideas, p. 135] Sadly the workers followed their socialist trade union leaders and stopped the occupations rather than spreading them.
These events indicate the strength of ordinary people and the relative weakness of government and capitalism — they only work when they can force people to respect them. After all, a government is “only a handful of men” and is strong “when the people are with it. Then they supply the government with money, with an army and navy, obey it, and enable it to function.” Remove that support and “no government can accomplish anything.” The same can be said of capitalists, whose wealth “would do them no good but for the willingness of the people to work for them and pay tribute to them.” Both would “find out that all their boasted power and strength disappear when the people refuse to acknowledge them as masters, refuse to let them lord it over them.” In contrast, “the people’s power” is ”actual: it cannot be taken away … It cannot be taken away because it does not consist of possessions but in ability. It is the ability to create, to produce.” To achieve a free society we need to “be conscious of its tremendous power.” [Alexander Berkman, What is Anarchism?, p. 84, p. 86, p. 87 and p. 83]
Therefore the notion that a social revolution is necessarily violent is a false one. For anarchists, social revolution is essentially an act of self-liberation (of both the individuals involved and society as a whole). It has nothing to do with violence, quite the reverse, as anarchists see it as the means to end the rule and use of violence in society. Anarchists hope that any revolution is essentially non-violent, with any violence being defensive in nature. As Malatesta stressed, “Anarchists are opposed to violence” and it “is justifiable only when it is necessary to defend oneself and others from violence.” [Errico Malatesta: His Life and Ideas, p. 53]
Of course, many revolutions are marked by violence. It has two sources. First, and most obviously, the violent resistance of those protecting their power and wealth against those seeking liberty. Unsurprisingly, this violence is usually downplayed in history books and the media. Second, acts of revenge resulting from the the domination and repression of the system the revolution seeks to end. Such violence is not desired nor the aim of anarchism nor of the revolution. As Berkman argued:
“We know that revolution begins with street disturbances and outbreaks; it is the initial phase which involves force and violence. But that is merely the spectacular prologue of the real revolution. The age long misery and indignity suffered by the masses burst into disorder and tumult, the humiliation and injustice meekly borne for decades find vents in acts of fury and destruction. That is inevitable, and it is solely the master class which is responsible for this preliminary character of revolution. For it is even more true socially than individually that ‘whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind’; the greater the oppression and wretchedness to which the masses had been made to submit, the fiercer will rage the social storm. All history proves it, but the lords of life have never harkened to its warning voice.” [Op. Cit., p. 195]
“Most people have very confused notions about revolution,” Berkman suggested. “To them it means just fighting, smashing things, destroying. It is the same as if rolling up your sleeves for work should be considered the work itself that you have to do. The fighting bit of the revolution is merely the rolling up of your sleeves.” The task of the revolution is the “destruction of the existing conditions” and ”conditions are not destroyed [by] breaking and smashing things. You can’t destroy wage slavery by wrecking the machinery in the mills and factories … You won’t destroy government by setting fire to the White House.” To think of revolution “in terms of violence and destruction is to misinterpret and falsify the whole idea of it. In practical application such a conception is bound to lead to disastrous results.” For what is there to destroy? “The wealth of the rich? Nay, that is something we want the whole of society to enjoy.” The means of production are to be made “useful to the entire people” and “serve the needs of all.” Thus the aim of revolution is “to take over things for the general benefit, not to destroy them. It is to reorganise conditions for public welfare … to reconstruct and rebuild.” [Op. Cit., pp. 183–4]
Thus when anarchists like Bakunin speak of revolution as “destruction” they mean that the idea of authority and obedience must be destroyed, along with the institutions that are based on such ideas. We do not mean, as can be clearly seen, the destruction of people or wealth. Nor do we imply the glorification of violence — quite the reserve, as anarchists seek to limit violence to that required for self-defence against oppression and authority.
Therefore a social revolution may involve some violence. It may also mean no violence at all. It depends on the revolution and how widely anarchist ideas are spread. One thing is sure, for anarchists social revolution is not synonymous violence. Indeed, violence usually occurs when the ruling class resists the action of the oppressed — that is, when those in authority act to protect their social position.
The wealthy and their state will do anything in their power to prevent having a large enough percentage of anarchists in the population to simply “ignore” the government and property out of existence. If things got that far, the government would suspend the legal rights, elections and round up influential subversives. The question is, what do anarchists do in response to these actions? If anarchists are in the majority or near it, then defensive violence would likely succeed. For example, “the people armed” crushed the fascist coup of July 19th, 1936 in Spain and resulted in one of the most important experiments in anarchism the world has ever seen (see section A.5.6). This should be contrasted with the aftermath of the factory occupations in Italy in 1920 and the fascist terror which crushed the labour movement (see section A.5.5). In other words, you cannot just ignore the state even if the majority are acting, you need to abolish it and organise self-defence against attempts to re-impose it or capitalism.
We discuss the question of self-defence and the protection of the revolution in section J.7.6.
#community building#practical anarchy#practical anarchism#anarchist society#practical#faq#anarchy faq#revolution#anarchism#daily posts#communism#anti capitalist#anti capitalism#late stage capitalism#organization#grassroots#grass roots#anarchists#libraries#leftism#social issues#economy#economics#climate change#climate crisis#climate#ecology#anarchy works#environmentalism#environment
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