#umamichi gurus
olympusgenius · 2 months
Oh look jutaro it sanzo & motosumi!they already here to see you!😉🥰😘☺️(oh shit I almost forgot that heph is here,and he not happy about sanzo being here😨)jutaro do something about heph before he sees sanzo!
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"Don't worry! Heph promised he will behave while Sanzo is visiting us..."
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"Right, Heph?"
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"Y-Yeah...I promise I will behave, Mama"
Both members of Umamichi Gurus' Guild finally come and have a good time chatting, but Sanzo noticed Hephaestus is watching him
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[I know you're reading my expression right now]
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[Then read this! If you ever try anything harmful to Jutaro...My dear Mama...if I ever see a scrape, a cut, or even the slightest mark of a blow or a missplaced hair...]
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[...You will have your funeral after the baby shower!!, G O T I T ?!]
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kairunatic · 10 months
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So yeah In this Loop MC goes to Umamichi Academy and is a member of the Student council
But it doesn't say they are member of the Gurus
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dorokora · 1 year
Chapter 14 Episode 2 Part 3:
We start with narration about the Gurus. The guild master, named Sanzou, is an active student However, like the his master, Tianzun, he is almost absent from the school and is a person who does not show up at all. Maybe it's because of the influence of the guild master's ethos, but the other members are all self-reliant and go their own way. Some of the neighbors even call it just the infamous Yankee Guild. Each of the guild members is always playing with their friends and acquaintances somewhere, slacking off, or arguing and raising children. If there is one thing that all these disparate members of the Gurus have in common, there is only one thing. And that is the teaching of the "way" of the Umamichi Academy, which is the base of the Gurus. There is no end to this “road” that we’re on, and it goes on and on and on, endlessly. That's what it means. Our 'road' is 'further and bigger than this walled Tokyo'. For those who think on the scale of this world, the whole picture cannot be grasped, and it is invisible. Don't stay false. Not just good or bad. Don't stop at life and death. Even if life, blood, and the "memory" of someone remembering you die, the "way" will never end. It is salvation, hope, and in some ways even more terrifying than evil. We don't know where the "road" leads. "I don't know" is the most frightening thing.
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We cut Barrong, who received a message that the Gurus and Missionaries are resisting. Barrong thinks it will be fun to head there. Back to the Gurus, who are trying to hold back the Entertainer and Rule Maker Mobs while also trying to evacuate the children from the area. Taishakuten also shows up to help. But not just him, Gabriel and some of the missionaries angels are here to help. The angels want to return to the missionaries. They ran away out of the terror of Michael but they received Gabriel’s voice, so they want to fight together again. Tianzun uses his ability to hide the children. Motosumi said they’ll fight these guy in the Guru style.
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After the fight, we see Barrong and Amduscias. Amduscias isn’t sure about this and ask Barrong “Are we the bad guys?”. Barrong throws a question about “What is a villain” there’s no such thing as an outsider in Tokyo. There is no one on this stage who is not a participant in this performance. Gabriel talks to Maria and ask her about the loop memories she received from Jacob. When thinking about how MC died in the loops. If you compare it to a detective story, each person is a criminal of a case. The World Reps understand this. That's why they made the world loop. Because there was no "trophy" to fight for, the "game" was restarted and the next loop progressed. Those who are World Reps have that power. Because they have the power to hold the majority of the world and manipulate the majority. That’s how it’s seen from the front, but those who came to see this stage from the backside saw things different from the World Reps. The majority of the World Reps have not seen it. No, they couldn't see it in principle. No one can see the same thing from the front and back at the same time. Even the World Reps are no exception. There are people who have seen this "game" that has been played in Tokyo from a standpoint that is not a player. For example, it could be the people on the management side (Entertainers) or the wandering Jacob. and or someone who’s have been behind the scenes of this "game" for a long time (Mononobe).
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Back to Christine vs Beowulf, Beowulf tells Christine “No matter how good you are as an actor, the villain's monologue is about to reach its limit.” Beowulf calls Wyrm saying it will takes two people to finish this all at once. Christine says Depending on the point of view, the definition of a villain and the way tragedy and comedy are seen change in any way. Those who stand on the stage never know how they are seen from the outside, no matter how long it takes. Suddenly Beowulf is knocked back, it’s Ahura Mazda.
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kairunatic · 2 years
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Oww Gorozaemon was a member of the Gurus before huh I feel like everyone from umamichi Accademy are a Guru
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