#um. whatever pete you can hold my hand if you want idk
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The only petekey concept I enjoy is the one where mikey says our sex life is boring you suck at this im bringing in a third, brings out Gerard as pete watches horrified while they go on like he doesnt even exist
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Febuwhump Day 9: coma
Fandom: MCU Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones Category: Gen Rating: T Warnings: injury description? idk Words: 1.7k
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When Peter calls him, Tony figures it’s just to say he’s going to be late.
It’s 1:47 on a Saturday. Peter’s supposed to be here at 4:00, with Happy picking him up at 3:00, but every once in a while Peter will end up late because he wants to finish an essay first or something.
It’s not unusual for either Tony to receive a call from Peter in the middle of the school day. It is unusual for no one to respond when he picks up.
“Pete?” Tony’s immediately concerned, sitting stick-straight in his lab chair as he hears nothing but faltering breathing. “Peter.”
A strangled noise comes from the other end of the line. Tony’s out of his seat and running to the room where he keeps all his suits in less than a second. Peter’s voice finally comes through the phone. “T-Tony, I - I’m at the hospital. We - there was an accident. M-May is -”
The chill that runs through Tony’s bones might be the coldest thing he’s ever felt.
Please don’t say dead. Please don’t say dead.
Peter’s so young. Way too young to have dealt with as much loss as he always has, and way too young to have more loss added on. He’s just fifteen and he’s already more acquainted with grief than most adults are.
May can’t be dead. She’s one of the liveliest people Tony’s ever met and she would sooner look God in the face and tell him to go to hell than leave her nephew behind.
“She’s hurt, Tony. She’s - I can’t - Tony, I need you.”
Not dead. Okay.
He can work with that.
“What hospital, kid?”
It takes him twenty-five minutes to fly to the hospital Peter’s in, which is precisely twenty-five minutes too long.
He draws weird looks from just about everyone in the hospital as he hurries toward the waiting room - he had his suit fly back to the compound on its own, of course, but it’s still Tony Stark, wearing an old, worn-out AC/DC shirt and jeans and running through a local Queens hospital like his life depends on it.
In his rush to get to Peter, he hadn’t even thought to grab his hat and sunglasses. A fact he’ll come to regret later, perhaps, but couldn’t give less of a shit about now.
He finds Peter sitting in the back corner of the waiting room, Ned and MJ on either side of him with their hands clasped around his. Peter’s head rests on MJ’s shoulder, while Ned keeps glancing between Peter and the text he seems to be typing out with his one free hand. The kid’s eyes are vacant and there’s a gash on his forehead that’s covered with butterfly stitches, but he’s here.
In three long strides, Tony is standing in front of Peter. The kid’s gaze shifts slowly upward, head rising and eyes clearing just slightly when they land on him.
Peter doesn’t speak, but his shoulders visibly relax and he releases MJ’s hand to reach out for Tony. Kneeling in front of the kid’s chair, Tony takes Peter’s hand in one of his own and brushes the hair that’s sticky with sweat off Peter’s forehead with the other.
“Hey, Underoos,” Tony says softly. “You wanna tell me what happened?”
No response. Tony frowns, glances between Peter’s friends with a look that he hopes says, Explain?
Ned obliges, rubbing his thumb up and down Peter’s knuckle. “They, uh - Peter and May were in a car crash. Peter came out okay, but May is...she’s in surgery right now.”
Jesus Christ.
First his parents, then his uncle, and now this.
Apparently, that’s not all. Ned nods to Peter. “He hasn’t spoken since he called you.”
Some people shut down during highly stressful situations. He’s not surprised that Peter is one of them.
Well. Tony didn’t have any plans today. And anyway, he’d cancel a meeting with every single world leader on the planet for Peter.
An hour passes.
Peter remains silent and out of it. Tony takes MJ’s chair and holds tight to Peter’s fingers, while MJ slides down a seat and rests her hand on Peter’s knee.
People come and go through the waiting room.
The world keeps turning.
Two hours.
Still nothing from Peter or the doctors. The waiting room clock ticks on and on and on, much too loud in the quiet of the waiting room.
The world keep turning.
Five hours pass before a nurse steps into the waiting room and says, “Is there a Peter Parker in here?”
Peter jerks out of his seat, fingers slipping out of Tony and Ned’s grips. The whole rest of their group stands to join him as the nurse walks over to Peter, clipboard in his hand and a sympathetic look on his face. He does a bit of a double take when he sees Tony Stark standing next to a teenage kid in a hospital waiting room, but he recovers quickly.
“Mr. Parker, your aunt made it through surgery with no hiccups.” The nameplate on his shirt pocket says Christopher Baker and he pronounces aunt like ant. Peter’s entire demeanor brightens, but only marginally, as if he’s still afraid to hope. “However, Ms. Parker remains in a coma. The doctors are confident that she will wake up and be able to make a full recovery, but it may be a while before that happens.”
Tony lets out a sigh of relief and hears all three of the kids do the same.
She’s not dead. She’s almost definitely going to be okay.
For the first time in five hours, Peter speaks. “Can I see her?”
“Yes, but, uh - only family, for now.”
Peter’s fingers find Tony’s sleeve. “Can - can Mr. Stark come with me? Please?”
Tony shoots the nurse a look - not the do it because I’m Tony fucking Stark look. More of a come on, man, cut the kid a break look. “I know it’s not protocol because we’re not related by - by blood or adoption or whatever. But May’s family to both of us, alright? And the kid’s fifteen, don’t make him see his comatose aunt alone.”
A moment of hesitation, then a nod.
Tony follows Peter out of the waiting room.
“I feel like it’s my fault.”
Tony looks at him, brow furrowed. Peter doesn’t turn, eyes fixed on his aunt, and doesn’t elaborate either.
May is hooked up to fewer wires and machines than Tony had expected. There’s just an IV line running from her left arm and a heart rate monitor beeping in the corner of the room. Her right leg is in a cast and there’s bandages wrapped around her left wrist, but the hardest thing to look at is her face. Cuts and scrapes and bruises criss-cross along her skin, one of her eyes is completely swollen shut, and her cheeks are missing their usual rosy glow.
All in all, she looks terrible.
God, Tony hates hospitals.
He hates that Peter has to see the only blood-family he has left like this.
Peter has May’s good hand clasped gently in his. His face is carefully blank, almost like he’s deliberately trying not to show any emotion.
Trying not to cry, Tony’s sure.
He almost wishes Peter would cry, at least it’d be less disturbing than this. But on the other hand, Tony’s never exactly thought his comforting skills were up to par.
“How would it be your fault, Pete?” he asks, even though he knows the real answer is that it wouldn’t. There’s literally no way it could be Peter’s fault, but if this is something the kid needs to say, then fine.
“I should’ve -” Peter sniffs, blinking quickly in what’s definitely an attempt to hold back tears. The kid’s practically as emotionally constipated as Tony, it’s terrifying. “I should’ve stopped it. I - I knew the car was coming, I felt it -”
For a second, Tony’s confusion grows, until he remembers. Spider-sense. Right.
“I could’ve warned May, if I’d just - if I’d just been a little faster -”
Yeah, no. Nope, nope, definitely not. He’s not letting Peter beat himself up for a car crash where he wasn’t even fucking driving.
Even if he had been driving, it still wouldn’t be his damn fault. Accidents happen. They’re no one’s fault, or else they wouldn’t be called accidents.
“Kid.” Tony places a hand on Peter’s shoulder. The kid’s head turns and Tony can see his eyes glistening. In the softest voice Tony can possibly muster, he says, “Pete, it’s not your fault. You had, what, a two second warning? You can’t blame yourself for not reacting at the fucking speed of light.”
A tear slips down Peter’s cheek. Tony keeps going.
“And besides, what would’ve happened if you had said something? Your aunt would’ve freaked, jerked the steering wheel, probably crashed into another car. Possibly caused an even worse accident.”
He squeezes Peter’s shoulder. “You did nothing wrong, kiddo. And May’ll tell you the same thing when she wakes up. Because she will wake up. Your aunt’s way too badass to go out this early.”
Peter snorts out something between a laugh and a sob. Tony wants nothing more than to pull the kid into a hug, but he refrains. Waits for Peter to initiate, if he’s going to.
He does. Peter pitches forward in his chair - he would’ve fallen in Tony wasn’t as prepared to catch him as he was - and buries his face in Tony’s shoulder. Muffled by both fabric and his tears, Peter says, “You’re right. May would never let one stupid car be the end of her, anyway.”
Wrapping his arms around Peter, Tony smiles into his hair. “Your aunt’s way too powerful for a damn car, Pete.”
This gets a real laugh.
Which turns into sobbing. Harsh, shaky, broken-hearted sobbing.
So Tony holds him. In the middle of a hospital room, with the beeping of a heart monitor in the background, Tony holds him and lets him cry.
Peter stays at the compound while May is in the hospital.
May wakes up five days later and almost immediately proceeds to tell Peter exactly what Tony told him, while Tony grins at the two of them from the doorway.
When he says I told you so, Peter wordlessly flips him off, making him laugh so hard he spills drops of his coffee all over the tiled floor.
And yeah. Everything he said to the nurse that first day was true.
#febuwhump#febuwhump 2019#febuwhump day 9#it physically pained me to leave this open ended so i didnt lmao enjoy your one (1)#happy ending#whump#angst#spiderman homecoming#marvel#mcu#peter parker#tony stark#irondad#spiderson#irondad and spiderson#may parker#ned leeds#michelle jones#injuries//#hospital//#mine#nia writes#text#long post
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All I Ask of You Pt. 34
“I can never go back, never look back anymore” - “I Can Do Better Than That” from The Last Five Years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: They’re going back to Seattle!
Warnings: Idk rushed writing????
A/N: So we’re getting to the last stretch of stuff before the end of the story! And if that’s the real truth then this would be the first story I’ve ever finished???? Anywho I may have this done around when Endgame comes out! As always, I love feedback and my masterlist is in my bio!
After nearly a week of preparations, Annie still hadn’t seen her new suit. Harper was insisting on keeping it a secret until they got to Seattle. It left Annie apprehensive, but excited all the same. While there was plenty to worry about, Annie finally took the time to realize that it wasn’t her job to be worried.
It wasn’t her fault that Carnival was going crazy all over New York, he was the one who managed to follow her. Just like it wasn’t her fault that Tony was possibly her biological father. At least, that was what she had learned thanks to the therapy session she’d gone through in the last week.
While she wasn’t sure she wanted to admit it, there was something that Annie loved about therapy that she just couldn’t get from everyone else. It was the one time she was finally sat down and given the chance to sort out her thoughts. Obviously the bad dreams and overall declined mental state weren’t going to be fixed by a few therapy sessions. There was a lot to be done, but Annie didn’t mind that as much.
“You know, I’d wager that you didn’t finish this suit until last night and that you knew this was going to happen,” Annie said, shrugging a bit as they piled into a small private plane.
Harper rolled their eyes, “Whatever you say, but it’s so awesome that it’s getting its own space in the tiny overhead bin. You’re so going to love this!”
“Look, you guys can keep bickering over the new suit, but I’m trying to figure out why we can fly to Seattle but we had to drive here in the first place,” Ned interjected, sitting down.
Harper shrugged, “Who knows, I definitely don’t.”
“Different modes of transportation makes it less likely for you to be tracked. No one’s going to think we’d be in Seattle if we’re operating over here,” Tony explained.
Peter sat down, “You know, I didn’t mind the road trip too much.”
“Says the person who got car sick on the way,” Annie pointed out, sitting next to him.
Tony and Pepper sat a little bit away from the teenagers who were quickly getting into a conversation about whether or not the road trip qualified as a good time. It was clear Harper was the most adamant about their distaste on being stuck in a car for the better part of a week. Which quickly turned into Annie trying to figure out more about her new suit.
“Is it mostly white or is it mostly silver? And if it’s silver is it too flashy?” Annie pressed.
Harper laughed, “You’re acting like I would let you walk out looking like a human disco ball. I would never do that to a friend!” “But it has both colors! And more, it’s so awesome and I think you’re gonna love it!” Ned exclaimed, “Like there’s this one part that-”
“Ned, shut it! I want her to be surprised! It’ll be way more satisfying to see Annie freak out over it in around… well I don’t know how much time, but it’ll be worth it,” Harper claimed.
Peter shook his head, “I’m with Annie, I definitely think you guys didn’t have it done until last night.”
“See? It looks fishy! Thanks, Pete,” Annie said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Harper sighed, “You know what we’re gonna have you two do?”
“Annie, you’re gonna take your boyfriend on a date today and show him around the city. Ned and I are gonna take care of my parents. This way, you two can get out all your annoying PDA and it’s all good,” Harper replied.
Ned laughed, “I don’t think that’s gonna do it.If anything, I feel like it's just gonna make them worse."
"Well, that's rough. I don't have to deal with it when we get back. I'm going to a totally different school from you guys," Harper responded.
Ned pouted, "You wouldn't just leave me alone with them like that, would you? That's so mean!"
"Well, when you put it that way... yes, I would definitely leave you to deal with them on your own. You can take it!" they said with a wink.
Annie rolled her eyes, "You know Peter and I hear everything you're saying, right?"
"You know you guys are so cute it's painful to watch, right?" Harper retorted.
It didn't take much time for them to reach Seattle. Odds were, it was the shortest plane ride Annie had ever been on. Granted, she had only needed to fly once and that was from moving to New York. She seemed to be the one that was waiting for the plane to land. Her nose was pressed against the window, trying to catch a glimpse of something. Though, there wasn't anything to be seen through the clouds.
Peter shook his head, "I don't get it, it's so cloudy."
"That's the best part!" Annie replied excitedly.
He tilted his head to the side, "Yeah? Why's that?"
"I mean, it's almost always cloudy and then it gets rainy and the smell of the rain, that's freaking amazing! And then it's cloudy, but not, like, an oppressive cloudy? And then it gets sunny sometimes, but not so much that it's obnoxious. I don't know... it's just home," Annie explained, turning to face him.
Peter kissed her forehead, "You should get excited like that more often, it's cute."
"Okay, we've had enough of the cute coupley thing, let's get you to see this suit!" Harper exclaimed, rushing off of the plane.
Ned grinned, "It's so awesome, you don't even understand what kind of work we had to put into this thing. It is the best science project I've ever had to work on."
"Meaning we failed. A lot. That's why it took a hot minute, but it was so worth it because you're going to flip your shit, come on, we gotta show it to her!" Harper called out, hoping that would make Tony and Pepper hurry up.
Tony and Pepper eventually got off of the plane, "Well, we can't exactly do that right now. We gotta find somewhere private. Remember how we don't want anyone thinking that there's any reason to suspect us of doing anything?"
"Also meaning that we just don't want anyone thinking that I have powers. Do you guys know how rough that'd be if people figured out I was just born with crazy energy and electricity powers? I'd probably get imprisoned by the government and be forced to live out the rest of my days as a living physics equation," Annie pointed out.
Pepper raised an eyebrow, "Where'd you get that from?"
"Can't trust the government, obviously," Harper explained.
Annie nodded, "And it's easily my number one, absolute worst fear of all time."
"Hey, you don't need to worry about that happening. I wouldn't let it happen," Peter insisted, reaching to hold her hand.
Annie squeezed his hand, "I know."
"Okay, maybe we need a better vibe than this for unveiling a hella cool suit," Ned said, looking at the others.
Harper grinned, "Yep, this is gonna be so great. It's everything I've always wanted to make for you, but didn't have the chance to because I couldn't get the right material without drawing massive suspicion to the both of us."
"I've seen it, and I think it's something that might work," Tony told them.
Harper scoffed, "Might work? It's easily the best thing that you've ever seen in your life. I believe you were about two steps away from offering me a job for my design skills, no?"
"Not happening. I don't need a suit maker," he replied.
They shrugged, "Okay, but those shades of purple clashed so hard when you were wearing a suit that one time. Just saying. You need to do complimentary or the exact same shade for ties and pocket squares. I don't make the rules, I just enforce them."
"Are you trying to get a job or get shipped back to New York?"
"Both," Harper claimed, "Now where's the cool little side room place we can go to?"
Tony sighed, "If you'd keep quiet, maybe we'd get there faster."
"It definitely doesn't work like that."
After what felt like forever to Annie, they finally got to a room where they could unpack the small briefcase that held the new suit. Harper also looked like their hands were shaking just a little bit. They set it on an empty table.
Annie stared at the brown, leather briefcase and didn't move. How was she supposed to even begin to open it? If she did, that was almost too much of a move for her in some way. She'd have to leave behind the old suit. Which was for the best, but was she even ready to test it out? It was only then that she realized she hadn't tried being a superhero since everything with Carnival. There was no way she'd be ready.
Harper looked at Annie and then back at the briefcase, "Um... you gonna open it?"
"Y-yeah, sure," Annie replied and stepped up to the table and unlatched the briefcase.
Once the briefcase was opened, Annie's dark eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. She jumped up and down screaming and hugged Harper tightly. The suit was a blend of white and different shades of grey. Somehow it was exactly what she had always imagined whenever she tried to think about what she wanted to look like when gliding around the city.
Harper laughed, hugging back their friend, “You know? I think this means I was successful. See, I wanted to keep the original look we had going. I wanted to have the same half-face kinda domino mask where everyone sees your eyes, but I had no clue what to do with the hood. That’s mostly aesthetic and you can choose if you want it up or not.”
“It’s perfect, I-I can’t… you thought of everything!”
“Um… actually that’s my job. You have an amazing AI and it’s synced up to your phone so you can contact whoever,” Ned explained.
Annie grinned, “Wait, so I get to have a little, like… Siri type of thing?”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t have to be named Siri, it’s whatever you’d wanna name it. Keeping in mind I programmed it so that it kind of sounds like Idina Menzel,” he said.
Annie’s jaw dropped, “You’re kidding! I owe you both big time!”
“Hey, just go out there and patrol the city one last time, that’s all you gotta do,” Harper said, “And one more thing… you know the feathered texture around the sleeves?”
“They’re secret pockets and I stashed some knives in them for you in case things get out of hand,” they explained, “But anyways, get suited up and test it out!”
Before Annie really knew what she was doing, she was in the middle of the city, feeling the new suit clinging to her body. It had been quite a few months since she had last been in the city, but it didn’t take long for her to get to the top of a building and start almost right from where she had left off.
It was just an average day, no major crimes, but that didn’t change the fact that Annie was more than happy to do what she could. Even if it was something as simple as helping a lost kid find his parents, that was better than nothing.
After a couple of hours filled with testing out the new suit was when Annie’s AI decided to start talking.
“Harper is contacting you, would you like to answer?” asked a voice.
Annie nearly dropped from the rooftop she was on, “Um, not yet, hold on, you’re the suit AI?”
“Yes, I have been programmed to mesh with your personality as needed.”
“Do you have a name?”
“Oh, can I give you one?”
“I suppose.”
“I’m gonna name you Eve!”
A little while later, Annie caught up with Peter when she learned Harper and Ned were still trying to get back the same designs they came to get in the first place. Not that Annie minded, they could take as long as they wanted to. She just wanted more time in Seattle, but she knew that no amount of time was going to prepare her to leave.
“Hey, you said you wanted to show me something?” Peter asked once she was back in normal clothes.
Annie nodded, “Yep! Only the best coffee house in this entire city. There’s a lot of coffee places, but this one is the best. I’ve tried all of them.”
“Yeah? You seem almost obsessed.”
“Well, in my defense… yeah, it was a huge obsession. But it was something my dad and I used to do. But since he can choke, you’re gonna come with me instead,” she replied with a small smile.
As they walked, raindrops started to hit both of them. Peter started to move a little bit faster, but Annie still went at the same pace.
“It rains in Queens too, you know,” Peter said.
She shook her head, “It’s not the same, I don’t know how to explain it.”
“You know… you don’t need to. This is the happiest I’ve seen you in months,” he told her, squeezing her hand.
Annie’s eyes lit up, “Hey, maybe this is super weird, but am I the only one who’s always wanted to kiss in the rain?”
“I feel like you’ve done that already.”
“Not with you,” Annie pointed out.
Peter laughed a bit before pressing a quick kiss to her lips, “Now let’s get out of the rain!”
“Well, we’re basically here,” Annie replied, opening the door of the coffee shop.
“Annika Hardwick, you’ve got a lot of nerve coming here,” said the barista.
Annie stopped, “Um… I’m just wandering around.”
“With… I wanna know who your new boy toy is,” she responded, batting her eyes.
Annie sighed, “Peter. He’s a friend.”
“Who I just saw you kissing two seconds ago.”
“I just wanted to order some coffee,” Annie said, “So maybe we should just get this over with.”
“But you’ve been gone so long! How many more relationships did you screw up?”
Peter opened his mouth before Annie spoke up, “That wasn’t me, you know that. Anyways. I’ll have one caramel latte and one green tea latte.”
Maybe Annie wasn’t going to miss Seattle as much as she had originally thought she was going to. If she had known what was going to happen, or who would be there, she would not have gone.
Tag List (if you want to be added, please ask!): @flushings-here / @gaypanda / @twilightparker / @parkerpuff / @ganseysblues / @dolphinsarecuteandstuff / @buzzinglee / @lcy-thot / @moonstruckholland
#peter parker#peter parker imagine#peter parker x reader#peter parker x you#peter parker x oc#spider-man#spider-man x oc#spider-man x reader#spider-man: homecoming#spider-man: far from home#mcu#mcu fanfic#marvel#original characters#fanfiction#all i ask of you fic
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Pretend || Peter Parker
Request: Had a idea and went with it
Summary: Peter tells Flash about his amazing girlfriend and asks (y/n) to cover for him
Characters: Peter Parker x Reader, Mj, Ned, Flash
Word count: 2050
Warning: Fluff, bad writing
a/n: Infinity War has launched me back into the Marvel fandom so feel free to send in requests <3 also idk why I’m posted this so late but hey, why not?
Peter Parker had got himself into a trap even his spidey side couldn’t get him out of. In the heat of the moment Peter had yelled across the entire lunch room that he did indeed have a girlfriend and she was absolutely perfect.
Of course this had been a huge lie that he knew damn well would earn a killer beating from Flash later on. “Oh is that right Parker?” The bully spat toward him “Y-yeah, of course!” Oh god Parker you’re digging your own grave.
Ned was giving him the side eye as now the whole student body’s eyes were glued on the table. “Are you bringing her to homecoming or is she too busy in Canada?” Peter tensed. Shit. “Sure, why not.” Ned groaned from next to him as flash gave him a smirk, “can’t wait to meet this mystery lady Parker.”
As soon as Flash had made his way from the table and people were no longer paying attention to the nerd table, Ned smacked peter on his shoulder, “Dude what the hell were you thinking? I know you don’t have a girlfriend!” Peter shushes him and put his head down on the table. “Oh god... what did I do.”
Peter had only one even comprehensible idea. (y/n), one of the only other teenage avengers. Her and Peter were close, they worked as a team around the city with their alter egos. She might even say yes if he asked her to pretend for a night.
No one knew her identity so there’d be no problem there. Maybe a few hiccups when it came to talking to people your age. Tony doesn't really let you out of the compound unless it’s to protect the city. Other than that you take online school and train all day.
Peter had decided, he’d offer you a night out like a normal teen if you’d be his fake date to a school dance, you could just tell tony it was a retinue night out catching the bad guys and he would never question it. Peter would ask you tonight after training, when you’d be too tired to know what you were agreeing too.
“Damn Parker, I can’t keep up with ya when you speed off like that,” You were breathing heavy leaning against a wall at the top of the stairwell. Nat was in charge of workouts today so the big finish was to run up and down the stairs three times. What fun.
When Peter didn’t chuckle or shoot back a witty come back you turned to him with furrowed eyebrows, “You good?” Peter gave you a weak smile and nodded, “yeah, I just had a favor to ask and I’m kinda nervous about it.” You frowned and started to walk back down the stairs towards the living quarters, “what is it?” “well Um, I kinda was wondering if you would- uh- pretend to be my girlfriend and go to my homecoming with me?” You turned around when your feet hit the first landing with a eyebrow raised.
“Why?” Peter rubbed the back of neck and looked at his feet sheepishly, “I kinda told this guy I had this perfect girlfriend when he was picking on me and Ned. Just to get him off my back.” perfect? girlfriend? some guy picking on peter? You thought it over, if there was a way you could help Peter you’d of course do it and if some kids at school were picking on him then you had to step up and help your best friend out. “Sure.” Peters cheeks were lit a bright red when he looked up to you with wide eyes.
“Th-thank you. It’s uh- Friday. I can meet you at like 6 and then we can go.” You frowned, If you were going to go to homecoming with Peter, even if he just wanted you as a fake girlfriend, then you sure as hell would get as much of a experience out of as you could. “No. “ Peters face fell, “why?” “If I do this then I want you to pick me up here, I’ll convince Tony. and I want to wear a nice dress.” Peter nodded, “yeah okay, whatever you want, as long as Mr. Stark lets us go.”
You smiled and started towards the door to the living room as peter moved to go back down to the training gyms, “bye Pete, see ya Friday.” You smiled as you disappeared into the room full of avengers. “I thought today was the last training this week?” Nat asked and you nodded, “yeah, I uh- wanted to ask if I could go to Peters homecoming on Friday?”
“Excuse me, what?” Tony stepped in front of you, “absolutely not. Not with that kid and not when you could be doing things to change the world.” You frowned and started to pout just a little, You had learned how to twist his arm over the years.
“Please, I want to be normal for once. No one would even know who I am.” “Yeah come on Tony, she's just a kid, let her go to a dance, it might be a nice break.” Bruce stoke up. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, “alright fine, you’d probably just sneak out anyway. Just no funny business between you and spider boy okay?” You gave him a half smile, “you won’t have to worry about that. He just wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend anyway.” Nat looked at you confused, “I thought you lik-” “yeah, but he doesn’t feel the same so I guess I’ll take what I can get.” They gave you looks of sympathy but at least you got them to let you go.
When Friday came you had figured it all out. You knew Peter was getting a ride with his Aunt May who you knew from when you and Peter would stop for water or something. Pepper had taken you to buy a dress and get your hair done and even helped you with makeup. Clint and Nat gave you the talk, which you didn’t need but still it was something you’d never forget.
When the clock hit 6 Tony, Pepper, Steve, Clint, Nat, Bruce and Bucky all sat around with you waiting. Tony nearly threw himself at the door with the bell rung, He swung it open to find a pale Peter Parker standing on the other side. “Hi-hi Mr. Stark.” You gave him a little wave and Peters jaw dropped a little, “wow, (y/n) you look- wow.” You blushed and smiled so big it felt painful.
“Come on in kid, we need to have a talk.” Tony smirked as Pepper put her hand on his shoulder and held out her phone, “and I want pictures!” Peter and Tony had a long talk in the other room and then Pictures which made you and peter both wildly uncomfortable. Nearly a half hour had passed when you finally were able to leave and head out to Mays car. “Wow Pete, what took so long? And oh Hi (y/n), it’s nice to see you!” Peter bit his lip as his cheeks grew rosy again, “Mr. Stark and Ms. Pott’s wanted pictures.” “Oh! I can’t wait to see those. You two are so cute.” Both you and Peter sifted uncomfortably in the back seat as May drove towards midtown tech.
Now you had never been to a real high school but you were pretty sure this isn’t what a normal one looked like. When May drove up to the stairs you thought it was a library or something, it was so nice. You both thanked Aunt May for the ride before Peter helped you out of the car and shut the door behind him.
There were a few students still lingering outside but the vast majority seemed to be up in the dance. Peter cleared his throat and looked down to his feet. “Do you have ground rules?” You laughed to lighten the mood, “any what?” “Ground rules? Like no holding hands or-” “No. no ground rules.”
When you stepped through the door the music and chatter hit you like a wall of sound. There wasn’t much dancing, more teens just standing and talking kinda swaying to the beat. Peter had only ever told you about Mj and Ned, but you still had yet to meet them.
Peter let out a sigh as he put his hand on the small of your back to led you to the group, you weren’t expecting the touch though so instead you jumped a little and turned to around with wide eyes. “So-sorry, I thought there were no ground rules and that's what couples do so I just thought-” “It's fine- just new.” You gave him a half smile and this time when he set his hand on your back with cation you leaned into the touch.
When the two of you got closer his friends turned towards you, the one you assumed to be Ned let his jaw drop, “is this-” “(y/n)” Peter nodded as Mj stuck her hand out, “Michelle, but my friends call me Mj.” You shook her hand as you smiled.
They asked you some questions, you had to come up with lies on the spot. They seemed nice, and cool. You hadn’t talked to many people your age but if they were all like this then you were really missing out. That feeling didn't last long after flash made his appearance.
“Penis parker! Where's your canadian girlfriend?” you scoffed and turned around, “I’m not canadian? Where’d you get that?” Flash eyes grew wide at the sight of you, sure enough parker had managed to find a way out of his grave. “Holy shit! You’re real… Parker was telling the fucking truth.” you frowned, “why wouldn’t he? The only person here who i think who would lie about that is you.” flash paled as he took a step back, sensing this wasn’t going in his favor.
“And that's not the only thing you have to lie about is it?” You made sure to take a quick glance down before looking back at him innocently and biting your lip. He huffed a little before running off towards his friends. “What a dick.” You smiled at peter and grabbed his hand, he tensed but didn't pull away. “Thanks (y/n).” “don’t mention it.”
Peter made sure you enjoyed the rest of the night, Tony made Happy come and pick the two of you up, He said you should be dropped off first, even though it was the longer ride, He said he might have to talk to people. After listening to happy complain about picked you two up in the middle of the night at a highschool he shut that divider leaving the two of you with a awkward silence.
“Thanks for pretending to be my girlfriend.” peter said barely above a whisper. You had almost forgotten it was all make pretend. “Yeah, it was nothing.” “no, seriously. It was awesome.” “yeah…” you let the silence settle again as the compound started to come into view over the top of the trees, “I wish it wasn’t” you mumbled, thinking somehow Peter wouldn’t hear, which looking back was dumb considering his spidey senses. “What?” “hmmm?” “what’d you just say” You gulped as he locked eyes with you. “I uh, I said I wish it wasn’t.” “wish what wasn’t what?” you couldn’t help but look away, “This wasn’t pretend.” “me too.” you snapped back around to him, “what?” “I thought if I asked you for real you’d say no.” “I wouldn’t have.” “then do you want to pretend like that wasn’t pretend?” you nodded, “yes. I would like that.”
Peter laughed to himself lightly as Happy pulled up to the front door, “cool.” Peter smiled and jumped out to open your door before walking you up and steps and stopping before going in. “before Mr. Stark wants to talk to me can I say goodnight?” you nodded, “cool.” he quickly leaned in and peaked your lips gingerly. “Wow.” he whispered under his breath, how cute. The only thing that your smiles was the loud booming voice of Tony Stark.
“You do know there’s cameras literally everywhere right?”
@marvels-queen-bee @paigeyisme
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