#um i hope this made sense sorry it’s 5am
obitoslay · 1 year
I know you probably haven't seen anything from boruto but if you had to make an au around it, how would you have it interact with Naruto as a series.
you’re right i haven’t seen boruto. though i do know the basics surrounding it.
if i were to make an au surrounding boruto, then boruto itself would be the biggest dystopia if that makes sense. the shinobi system is not reformed; there is no justice for sasuke’s clan or anyone really. there is just a huge hollowness masked by the technological advancements made and the tentative peace that konoha enforces.
a lot of it becomes really depressing when u put it with the context of naruto’s ending. Naruto’s ending should promise change—naruto sees sasuke for who he is and accepts him, but belief is not enough to change hurt that is systemic. and it would slowly wear sasuke down and everyone else who had hopes for change
i think first of all i wouldn’t make aliens the main antagonists of boruto; there’s actually a lot in boruto that’s unresolved from canon naruto that can be further developed, for example weaker villages living in destitution like ame, or even just missing nin and those that exist outside of the major villages. despite peace, not everyone will want to be a part of it.
i think sarada’s actually a really interesting character! and i know that she’s very curious and interested in her own heritage to the point she goes digging through sasuke’s past. sarada’s character alone bridges naruto and boruto through its previous ideological conflict. sarada wants to become hokage but she doesn’t know the truth behind the massacre. it would be a huge shock to her and make her question everything she knows, as well as force sasuke to confront the fact that he is living a life that goes against what he initially fought for.
i think the trickiest part would be getting team 7’s characterisation. boruto is supposed to be the happy ending they all wanted where they are finally reunited and have achieved all their goals, but it feels wrong. there’s a weariness that comes with being an adult and having seen it all compared to the determination of being younger and wanting to change the entire world.
boruto would still be a story about the future generation, but it would be characters like sarada and her curiosity about the cracks that slip through konoha’s exterior that slowly makes the generation we are familiar with come to terms with the lie they’ve been living. in this way, despite boruto’s depressing beginning, it would be a hopeful story focused more on character development than purely action scenes with aliens. so more worldbuilding on what the shinobi world would look like after decades of fake peace.
sarada as a main character would be really cool, she has so much potential, especially in my mind she would have sakura’s empathy and sasuke’s sense of justice. she might approach things a lot different to canon sasuke who suffered from a lot of trauma and was really lonely, but still in a way that he would ultimately understand and connect to. also i would develop this idea that that it’s not too late to start making changes in your life, that you don’t have to live like this, esp if it makes you unhappy.
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es-kay-zee · 4 years
The Closet | Jeongin x Reader
I DID IT!! I finally finished another piece. Once again it is 5am when I’m posting but that’s okay. Hopefully tomorrow I can get to another request :) Also, I did not expect to write something this long but here we are. 
Warnings: non!idol au, unprotected sex, fingering (f receiving) drinking, sex under the influence
Requested: Yes 
Word count: 3.9k 
When your friend Felix had invited you to a party with all his friends, you were somewhat hesitant to go. Felix was your roommate and the two of you got along quite well, leading to you becoming good friends. Both of you sharing a major in dance also helped strengthen your friendship. When Felix first introduced you to his entire friend group, you were stunned. All of them were quite attractive. But there was one of his friends that caught your eye the most; Jeongin.
The more often you hung out with Felix and his friends, the more your crush on Jeongin intensified. Which is why you were hesitant to attend the party. Knowing you’ll be in an environment with both alcohol and Jeongin made you nervous. Alcohol tended to make you brave. Maybe even brave enough to make a move on Jeongin despite you being positive that he doesn’t like you back in that way.
What you didn’t realise, was that Felix and the others were well aware that you liked Jeongin. Except Jeongin himself, of course. They could also see how painfully obvious he was about liking you back, which you were oblivious to. They would watch as Jeongin made time out of his day to go visit the café where you worked despite it being across town from where his dorm was. You’d both known each other for a few months by now, and the others were reaching their breaking point. It was so painfully obvious that you liked each other and at first, they’d decided that they wouldn’t get involved in any way. But now, after watching you and Jeongin pining after each other for so long, they came up with a plan. Chan decided to throw a small party at his parent’s place while they were out of town and Felix was given the task of making sure you attended.
“I don’t know, Lix. I don’t know if I’m in a party mood, you know what I mean,” you said to the blond-haired boy. There was no way in hell that you were gonna tell him the real reason why you didn’t want to go.
“Come on, it’ll be fun. Besides, you don’t have to stay the whole time if you don’t want to.” He tried to convince you. “All the others are gonna be there. You haven’t had the chance to catch up with any of them for a couple of weeks.”
He was right. You’d been pretty busy the past couple of weeks. Your job had given you more hours because another worker quit, and they were left understaffed. Between the extra hours and your classes, you didn’t have any free time to hang out. But your job had just hired replacement, so you got to have some spare time again.
“Please? Everyone misses you. I swear sometimes that they like you more than they like me,” Felix continued, desperately trying to persuade you into attending the party. You take a deep breath before letting out a deep sigh. It was hard for you to say no to Felix when he was looking at you with pleading eyes. It was almost as if he had a power over you that could make you do anything he wanted.
“Fine, I’ll go. But I don’t want to be out too late. I have class in the morning.” 
And that was how you found yourself with Felix in the back of an Uber, heading towards Chan’s house. The ride there was filled with comfortable conversation between you and Felix as you try to ignore the nervous butterflies in your stomach.
Finally reaching your destination, you leave the Uber, making sure to thank the driver. You and Felix head towards the front door before entering the house. You can hear the music playing over Chan’s portable speaker in the living room as well as the sounds of everyone chattering away.
Rounding the corner and coming into view of the boys, they give you a warm welcome. A series of hellos and heys while Chan stands to give you a welcoming hug. You take a seat on the floor next to Changbin, grabbing one of the drinks you brought with you out of your bag. You open the beverage, taking a long drink from it, feeling the alcohol hit your stomach. You make eye contact with Jeongin across the coffee table and smile at him. He smiles back and you take another long drink, trying to calm your nerves.
“We should play truth or dare.” Hyunjin’s voice spoke up. You and the others nodded, agreeing to play the game.
The game goes pretty smoothly, the boys choosing a variety of truths and dares ranging from ‘what is something you’re keeping secret from your parents’ to ‘I dare you to let someone shave your leg’. And then it was your turn.
“Y/n, truth or dare?” Hyunjin asked.
“Truth,” you responded confidently. Knowing these boys, they’d come up with some god-awful dare if you chose to accept one.
“Alright, do you have a crush on anyone?” You almost choke on your own spit at the question. You hadn’t expected it at all, even though you probably should have. You weighed up in your mind whether or not you should say yes. On one hand, you didn’t want to admit you had a crush on Jeongin, but on the other hand, he’d only asked if you had a crush on anyone, not who you had a crush on. You take a deep breath before answering.
“Yes, I do.” You avoided making eye contact with any of them as you answered, meaning that you missed the flash of hurt in Jeongin’s eyes. It had never crossed his mind that he was your crush, so he assumed you liked someone else.
“Who is it?” Hyunjin continued.
“Nope, only one question per turn,” you countered, not wanting to answer.
The game continues, and before long it’s back to your turn again. You were going to choose dare, deciding you’d rather do whatever cruel dare they come up with, but you had just enough alcohol in your system that you didn’t think before answering when Felix asked you “truth or dare”.
“Truth,” you said, once again.
“Who do you have a crush on?” They were hoping you were brave enough (or drunk enough) to admit it out loud that you liked Jeongin. You had the rule for the game that if someone didn’t want to answer their truth question or do their dare then they could take a drink instead. And you utilised the rule when you finished half of your drink in one go.
“I’m not answering that,” you said, putting your drink down and grabbing another one from your bag. By this point you were on your fourth drink and luckily, you could handle your alcohol. The others had had about the same number of drinks as you, if not a couple more.
“Why don’t we play another game?” Jeongin asked, sensing your discomfort with the question.
“Sure. What should we play?” Jisung faced the younger boy.
“How about hide and seek? This is a decent sized house; it should be fun.”
Once again, everyone nodded in agreement, trying to decide who will ‘seek’ first.
“I’ll do it,” Chan offered, everyone else agreeing. “Seeing as we’re all kinda drunk, I’ll give you all 2 whole minutes to hide.”
Chan remains seated on the couch as you and the others frantically clamber to your feet. You all scatter around the house in search of good hiding spots. Luckily, it doesn’t take you too long to find a closet to hide in.  Unluckily, however, not long after you, Jeongin also clambers into the semi-spacious closet. He doesn’t notice you at first, mostly due to you not saying anything and pushing yourself up against the wall opposite the closet door. A few seconds pass before you do decide to speak up.
“Couldn’t find your own hiding spot?” you said. You can see him physically jump at the sound of your voice, not at all expecting someone else to already be in there.
“Holy shit, y/n. You scared the crap out of me,” he chuckled quietly.
“Sorry,” you laugh along with him. A silence falls between the two of you, not uncomfortable but not necessarily comfortable either.
It’s a few more minutes before either of you decide to break said silence.
“So, why didn’t you want to say who you have a crush on?” You stare blankly at Jeongin for a moment, the question taking you by surprise.
“Um, mostly because they’re my friend and I know that they don’t feel the same way about me as I do about them.” Jeongin nods along to your response before he pauses in thought.
“Wait. None of us really know your other friends, so there’s no harm in telling us. Unless-” he pauses. “Is it one of us? And by us I mean the other guys?” You hadn’t expected him to work it out that quickly. You hadn’t really expected him to work it out at all. But he can tell by the way you turn away from him, as well as the deep blush on your cheeks, that he’s right. He was hoping he was wrong, not wanting you, his crush, to have your own crush on one of his friends.
“Who is it? I promise I won’t tell.” You turn back to him, briefly looking him in the eye before looking down to the ground, shaking your head no.
“Why not? I pinkie promise.” He takes a few steps closer to you, holding out his pinkie. He doesn’t really want to know who it is, so he won’t push you if you truly won’t tell him. He at least wants you to trust him as a friend if you don’t like him. You’re sure that the alcohol flowing through your veins is making you brave, just like you feared it would, but you reach out and link your own pinkie with his.
“Say it.” He smiles at you shyly, admiring how soft your hand is against his. His eyes flicker down from your eyes to your lips for a fraction of a moment, wondering if they’re just as soft as your hands. But you don’t notice the way he admires you face in the low lighting of the closet because you’re still refusing to make eye contact with Jeongin.
“I promise that I won’t tell anyone.”
“And promise that you won’t get upset with me.” Your demand throws him off for a second, confused as to why he would be upset.
“Y/n, why would I get upset-”
“Just promise me.”
“Okay,” he whispers, his heart hammering in his chest. He could barely conceal his happiness that you were trusting him and confiding in him. “I promise.”
“It’s you,” you mumble quietly, somewhat hoping he wouldn’t hear you.
“What?” He couldn’t hide the smile growing on his face even as you still refuse to look at him. “Me? You like me?”
“Please don’t get upset. You promised you wouldn’t.” Your eyes were trained on the way yours and his pinkies were still entwined, waiting for him to pull away from you. But you’re surprised when he doesn’t.
“Please tell me you’re not joking, y/n.” You finally look him in the eye, not expecting his response.
“I mean it.”
Before you can even blink, his hands are cupping your face delicately, as he leans in closer to you. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod slowly, your mind still processing what’s happening. His lips press against yours and it’s everything you’ve every dreamed of. His lips are soft and sweet against yours and the kiss feels like it’s meant to be. It feels like he’s the only person in the world that you should be kissing, and your hands slide up to clasp the back of his neck. You’d never experienced a kiss as perfect as this one with Jeongin. But unfortunately, you are pulled back to reality by the sound of a voice shouting somewhere in the house.
“I give up! Jeongin! Y/n! You guys win! I can’t find you two! Come out and we’ll play something else!” Chan yells out.
You and Jeongin pull away from each other, slightly out of breath.
“We should probably head back to the others then,” you say, not really wanting to leave the closet.
“Yeah, probably.” Jeongin steps back from you, heading towards the closet door. He tries to turn the handle before turning back to face you again.  “Um, the door won’t open.”
You frown slightly in confusion, stepping past him to the door. Sure enough, when you turn the handle, it doesn’t open. “Well then. I guess we’ll just have to stay in here.”
You walk back towards him, a smile on your face. His smile hasn’t left his face since you told him that he was your crush. He reaches his hands out towards you, pulling you closer to him by your waist. “Yeah, I guess we will.”
His grip on you has butterflies erupting in your stomach as you both lean in for another kiss. It’s still just as perfect as the first one. The kiss deepens, but you aren’t sure if you or Jeongin are the culprit. Either way, it doesn’t matter. All that matters to you right now is Jeongin’s lips moving against yours as your hands return to their spot at the back of his neck, your fingers lacing through his soft hair. His hands slowly rub up and down your sides, occasionally stopping to play with the hem of your shirt before continuing on their path along your waist. His hands settle on your hips, his thumbs resting in the waistband of your pants. His hands roam your body again, unable to settle in once place for long. This time, they rub up and down your back, getting lower each time they head south. He gives your ass a small squeeze, resulting in a small gasp from you.
“Sorry, got a little carried away there,” he whispers against your lips, chuckling softly.
“It’s okay. I like it,” you giggle shyly.
“Oh, do you?” he teases. “So, you like it when I do this?”
You let out the quietest of moans when he grips your ass tighter than before, nodding your head in response. The feeling of his hands sends a wave of arousal to your core. His hands return to the hem of your shirt. He fiddles with the fabric, clutching it between his fingers. Your own fingers tug tighter at his hair. He groans at the pull, gripping your shirt tighter. You can tell he’s holding back, not wanting to make you uncomfortable but as much as you appreciate that, you want to get this moving.
You step back from him, and strip off your shirt, watching the way his eyes immediately go to your chest. Your hands reach behind you to unclasp your bra, but he stops you before you can. “May I?” he asks. You nod your head eagerly.
He himself unclasps your bra, tossing the clothing item on the floor alongside your discarded shirt. He groans lowly at the sight of your bare chest, nipples perking up at the cold air hitting them. In mere seconds, Jeongin has your back pressed up against the wall, his lips hungrily devouring your own. One of his hands come up to cup your right breast, rubbing his thumb over your sensitive bud, eliciting a soft moan from you. His lips detach from your own, trailing down under your jaw, down your collarbone, leaving a trail of love bites in his wake. You moan out a bit louder as his warm mouth finds your left bud, sucking on it harshly. He pulls his head away from your chest, looking you in the eye.
“You’ve gotta be quiet. I don’t want the others to hear the pretty sounds you make,” he whispers before his mouth continues its work against your nipple. Jeongin can’t help but feel giddy about the fact that he’s the reason you’re making those sounds, knowing that he’s the one making you feel good. And, hopefully, pretty shortly he’s going to make you feel even better.
Immediately, you bite your lip to quieten yourself, instinctively wanting to do whatever Jeongin tells you to do. Your hands reach out to toy with the hem of his own shirt, wanting him to remove it. Thankfully, he feels the tug of your hands and gets the message, stepping back to remove it before returning to your chest. His ministrations on your body only makes you more aroused, already soaking through your underwear.
“Jeongin, please touch me,” you whimper out, trying to get him to touch you where you needed him most.
“I am touching you, baby.” You relish in the nickname, loving the way it sounds coming from his mouth. “Or do you want me to touch you somewhere else?” Your face heats up in a blush, not wanting to say the words out loud. But you can tell that he won’t do it without you saying it to him.
“Somewhere else,” you reply.
“Where? Here? Or here?” His hands land on different parts of your body, from your waist to your hips to your ass, avoiding where you want him. You whine, too aroused to put up with his teasing.
“Here,” you say, grabbing one of his hands and bringing it to your clothed core. His middle finger begins to circle your clit through your clothes, earning another quiet moan from you. He pulls his hand away, placing his mouth back on yours as he undoes the button and zipper of your pants. He pulls them down your legs before you kick them off the rest of the way, along with your underwear. He pushes himself against you, your back still against the wall.
He rolls his hips against yours slowly, letting out a soft moan of his own at the sensation. You can feel his hardened member through his pants brush against you and it only continues to excite you. His hand snakes down between your bodies and he runs a finger through your slick folds.
“Shit, you’re so wet. And I’ve barely done anything,” Jeongin smirks.
“Please just fuck me already,” you plead, beyond ready to have his dick in you.
“Be patient, y/n. This is our first time together, there’s no need to rush.”
“The other’s will be wondering where we are,” you counter.
“Let them wonder. It’s none of their business.” All concern about the others disappears when he dips a finger into your entrance. He pumps the digit in and out a few times before adding a second, followed swiftly by a third. You dig you head into the crook of his neck, trying desperately to muffle your moans from the stretch he’s providing you.
Once he brings his other hand down to rub your clit while he continues to work his magic inside you, your legs begin to shake from the pleasure.
“Shit- Jeongin, I’m close,” you whimper, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten.
“Come on, baby. Cum for me.” His encouragement is all you need to come undone on his fingers and Jeongin can’t help but watch the way your face contorts in pleasure. “Good girl,” he praises once you come down from your high. You were surprised that you’d managed to stay quiet during your orgasm. You bring one your own hands down between the two of you, palming Jeongin through his pants, eager to make him feel good as well. He pulls his hands away from your pussy, opting instead to quickly remove his own pants.
Once they’re off, along with his own underwear, you can’t help but marvel at his length. You admire how he appears to be just the right size for you, and you reach out to stroke him again. He has to take a deep breath to ground himself when your thumb brushes over his slit.
“Jump,” he orders. You quickly oblige, wrapping your legs around him as he holds you up by your hips. He takes one hand and lines himself up with your entrance, using the wall to help him keep you up.
He pushes into you slowly, sinking into you inch by inch. You think he’s moving so slowly so as not to hurt you, but he’s actually doing so that he doesn’t cum right then and there. You both marvel at how perfectly he fits in you once he bottoms out. He pauses there, allowing you both a moment to catch your breath. You manage to get a hold of yourself, but he still doesn’t move, and you begin to squirm against him.
“Please move,” you whimper, your head falling back against the wall when he does. His thrusts are slow at first, still not wanting to cum too early on. But with all the teasing he was doing to you earlier, he was also getting himself worked up as well.
“Fuck. You feel so good,” Jeongin manages to say, his thrusts beginning to speed up. His lips reattach themselves to your throat, sucking more dark blemishes into the soft skin. You mewl at the added sensation, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten for the second time.
Jeongin can feel his own end coming too, but he’d determined to make you cum again before him. His hand finds your clit once again and he rubs quick circles against it, pushing you over the edge.
“Jeongin, I’m cumming-” You’re cut off by your orgasm washing over you, your body shaking in Jeongin’s hold. And he’s sure it’s a combination of your pussy clenching tightly around him and you moaning out his name that has him finishing with you, his cum shooting into you in hot bursts. His hips continue to roll into yours, riding out both of your highs. He pulls out of you, you both panting in an attempt to catch your breaths. He places you back on the ground, your legs shaky under you. You grab onto his shoulders to hold yourself up and he smiles at you.
He grabs your clothes and passes them to you before grabbing his own and getting redressed. You also get dressed and turn to face him once again. “So, does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend? Or should I take you on a date first?”
You break out into the biggest smile Jeongin has ever seen, giggling at his question. You lean into him, placing a chaste kiss against his lips. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend, Jeongin. I’d be a bit upset if I wasn’t after this. But we should probably head out to the others now. We’ve kept them waiting long enough.”
Jeongin nods in agreement, following you towards the door. You reach for the handle and pull, forgetting that it wouldn’t open. “Shit, wait. I forgot. We’re stuck in here.”
Jeongin chuckled, reaching past you to turn the lock. “Nah, it was just me. I’d locked the door. You’d said we should go back out, but I didn’t want to yet.”
You turn around to face him, gawking at the gall of him. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” you giggle, playfully swatting him in the arm. He chuckles as you open the door, following you out and back towards the living room. Jeongin admires you as you walk, happy to finally be able to call you his.
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A better life (Chapter 15, Avengers x reader)
ay hi here’s chapter 15, will post 16 on the 2nd of February, i’ve got a lot of projects for school that i need to get done by the end of the month
at this point i have even less idea of what i’m doing than i did when i started this series, but like, technically, this is my fic and i get to do what i want, but i just don’t want to disappoint any of you, and i’m trying to bring it to a close soon, and i haven’t forgotten about the anon who asked me to write a thing and i will be starting that soon, sorry for the wait, i have reasons that i won’t go into detail unless anyone asks
i hope you enjoy this, cause i really like Tony Stark and also Peter Parker so like, obviously there’s gonna be a lot of them everywhere,, please like and reblog and comment and stuff like that, feel free to tell me what you liked or didn’t really like, i wanna know what you guys enjoy reading
tw for this: panic attack (from being touched on the shoulder)
Chapter 15:
When you woke up from yet another nightmare, which you remembered better than the others, you just couldn’t go back to sleep. It was impossible. You’d been trying for half an hour, your frustration with yourself increasing from not being able to just get over it and move on with your life. It was about 5am at that point, and the sun would be rising pretty soon.
*I’m.. gonna go for a walk*, you decided. Maybe it would help. Hopefully. Maybe instead of walking in circles in your head, you could do that, but around the building. Just a few times, to clear your head. Inhale the air of the early morning, while barely anyone else was outside.
You got dressed and quietly headed through the hallway and the common room, finding yourself in front of the lift seconds later.
On your way out, you heard some snoring. You went to check where it came from, and it turned out Tony was still on the couch. He must’ve been really exhausted. Now, there was a plate of food and an empty mug standing on the table in front of him, so at least he’d woken up and had some food before going back to sleep.
You left the building. On your way back, after turning in circles around it a few times, you settled down on a comfortable bench. You inhaled deeply as the sun rose on the horizon. Half an hour later, watching the sky change colours as the giant star slowly continued its path in it, you decided to go back inside. You did have work later today, and you were receiving your paycheque, so you thought it might be good for you to try and get another hour of sleep before the day actually began.
When you got back, Tony was up, walking around in the common room. You greeted each other, and though he was confused as to why you had been outside at such an early time and really wanted the details, you asked if you could explain later. Thankfully, he accepted to wait.
You managed to get a bit of extra sleep before having to go off to work. While on lunch break, you did the same thing as you did the day before: you took some of your other belongings, and kept them in the luggage at work only to bring them back to the room you had in the Stark Tower when you got off work. During your shift, things went pretty well, but there was a few more difficult customers than usually, and by the time it was over, you couldn’t wait to get back to your room, lie back in your bed, and relax. 
Though you were tired, you really wanted to hang out with Peter again for a while, maybe play some video games again since you both enjoyed it so much. So you texted him, and found out he was free the rest of the day. He was going to come by anyway, and you decided to meet in the computer room where you had met.
Maybe twenty-five minutes later, the two of you were already sitting together in the couch, playing a game you had suggested. He seemed to be really enjoying himself. He was also talking a lot about MJ again, which warmed your heart. You were reminded of how happy she made him, so you asked questions about them, to which he happily responded. After a while, he excused himself to the bathroom.
Minutes were beginning to feel like hours, maybe even days, but somehow, you managed to fall asleep in the small window of time Peter was away.
You woke up hours later, and he sat next to you. There was a blanket on you, undoubtedly placed there by Peter, which you were thankful for: the room did get a bit chilly at times because of the air conditioning in summer.
You yawned, covering your face with your hand, and briefly stretched.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey. Thank you”, you gestured vaguely at the blanket.
He nodded. 
“Rough day?”
“Eh, I suppose. Got screamed at by some customers. It was wild.”
“Oh?” He looked a bit worried, but there was also a “wtf” look on his face. 
“One was mad that her sandwich had a tomato slice. Normally this would be okay, and we would remove the slice, or we could make a new sandwich so the tomato wouldn’t touch it, but she immediately went off at me for it, even though the sandwich was pre-made. Not to mention, it visibly had a tomato in it. She demanded to speak to my manager, and when I brought him over, they talked and she stormed out of the shop. Another customer caused a scene because he “wanted one large fry, not a ton of fucking small ones.” And another one was mad because he spilled his own coffee this morning. He began screaming about it. He spilled it outside. The biggest problem? He bought it at a shop that was literally half an hour away from hours. He demanded a refund and a new drink because he’s a busy man and doesn’t want to spend more money than necessary.”
“Damn”, he muttered in disbelief.
“Yup. I tell you, I was this close to crying because of this shit. Like, this makes no sense, you know? A single big fry instead of a ton of little ones? Does he think we sell a fry the size of a dozen potatoes?”
“That really sucks. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Honestly, though, I would eat that.” He chuckled.
You nodded in agreement, and shortly went back to playing video games for a bit longer, since he soon had to go back home.
When he left, you decided to go back to your room. You sent a message to your mother, telling her everything was fine and all that, just to get her off your back in case she was thinking of calling you.
As you stepped out of the lift, you spotted Wanda and Pietro playfully pushing each other around in a couch, and Tony and Clint drinking coffee and having a conversation at the table. Natasha was nowhere to be seen, but James Rhodes and Sam Wilson were chilling near Tony. You quietly walked over to the hallway before someone’s hand landed on your shoulder, gripping it. You grabbed the hand, feeling like you were suddenly full of dread, and threw it off, turned around, instinctively and quickly backing away. Your heart was racing, your breathing going faster than it was supposed to, and the things around you became slightly blurry, to the point of having to lean on the wall to not lose balance and fall down.
All you saw in front of you was a blurred figure of a person, and long hair the colour of fire. *Wanda.* 
“Hey, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you okay? It’s just me. I won’t hurt you. It’s okay.”
In your confused and scared state, you were frantically looking for an escape route that didn’t involve being in front of people; you were trying to find your room. You were really trying to calm down though, but knowing that Wanda felt something was off the day before when you had a bad flashback, you wanted to leave immediately: you didn’t want her to know what was going on. She’d probably been through worse. It was fine. *She doesn’t need to know, Y/N.*
“Y/N, it’s okay. I get it if you don’t want to talk about whatever it is that’s making you feel bad. I’m really not sure what to do in this situation.. Do you want me to get Stark?” She seemed pretty uneasy and stressed out. 
You nodded and weakly mumbled a thanks to Wanda. She left in a hurry, and you sat down on the floor, hugging your knees, trying not to hyperventilate more than you already were. You closed your eyes, trying to remind yourself that you weren’t anywhere near your mother, that no one here would hurt you, that you were safe. It wasn’t working. You could still feel the hand gripping your shoulder, and you kept trying to scratch the touch off, not even noticing the stinging pain in your shoulder from scratching it so much though you were wearing a hoodie.
You heard a deep muffled voice say something from the common room, and footsteps were coming closer, going faster and faster, practically running.
Seconds later, Tony was sitting in front of you, talking to you, trying to get you to breathe, reminding you of the time you should be taking to inhale and exhale. He kept talking to you for a few more minutes, telling you that you were going to be okay, that you’re safe here. He sat with you until you could breathe properly and form coherent sentences again.
“Kid, I’ve got you, alright? What happened?” 
You were still having trouble making eye contact, but you could tell just by the tone of his voice that he was worried.
“Uh.. Wanda, she, um.. grabbed my shoulder. And um, I.. I panicked? Yeah.”
“Alright. It’s okay, I’ll ask her and anyone else not to grab you or touch you without warning, alright? Would that be good?”
“Yeah.. thank you, mister Stark. I’m sorry, I, uh, I.. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. It’s okay. It happens to me too. It’s understandable that it happens to you, after what you told me. It’s okay, you’re safe here. You’ll never have to return there, soon.”
You nodded and closed your eyes, taking some more time to focus on your breathing, trying to match it to his as an example of normal, not-having-a-panic-attack breathing. Having him there, right beside you, was really comforting.
After a few minutes, everything was back to normal again, though you were more exhausted than before.
“You’re safe”, Tony said, with a soft expression on his face. “It’s alright.” He stayed quiet for a minute. “I’m guessing you’ll be wanting to go to your room?” He smiled softly.
You mumbled a soft “yeah”, and he walked with you until you reached your room. He left when you thanked him with a small smile and closed the door behind you.
*I definitely need a nap.*
You lied in bed for less than half an hour before falling asleep.
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astrologista · 5 years
so that was An Episode.
i’m sorry but i have to write these down right now before the thoughts go out my mind. i swear to my lord i it’s 4:17am and i’m compromised here we go
where do i even START.
so cass. that was definitely. not what i expected. or what i wanted, really. i feel that this origin is somewhat low-hanging fruit in my opinion just based on the context of how it was explained and cass’s positioning within the narrative. at the same time i completely understand it, and it was executed very well and heartbreakingly. the song was in-cred-i-ble. and tbh i’m glad they got the heck out of the dark kingdom so quickly, because it would have crippled the ep time-wise for them to stay even a few seconds longer.
adira is 100% going after cass now and nothing can change my mind
i imagine edmund will prolly team up with adira
when they showed that emblem of saporia, i honestly freaking thought they were gonna give us the ol’ tee-hee again and that we weren’t going to see any varian in this ep.
i am glad to be wrong. because DAYUM.
varian has a beautiful new outfit. it’s like a steampunk cosplayer with sort of a pirate alchemist motif. it’s really nice. he’s got some thanos gloves and this amazing little bandanna he wears that has a print of an evil looking smile with sharp teeth. very fitting for him.
he also had a goatee which i in my infinite hubris actually thought was like a real goatee that he had somehow grown lol because puberty. but actually he just scribbled it on his face with a marker. that’s such a varian thing a ha. WHY’S HE SO CUTE
so andrew said they were CELLIES OH GOD I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. if that’s true it means king frederic threw him in gen pop jail. good goin’ fred.
now quite honestly i never thought that varian is the type to team up with other villains. and i was right, because he did have his own plan going and was ready to betray his whole gang as soon as he felt like it. but it does seem like andrew was super playing into varian’s affection-starved side lol and was doing a BAD job of trying to play big brother. like. he tried it lol. and i need to know more about this. i’m hoping to god more will be revealed.
varian named his new compound quirinium. so now no one will ever forget.
but oh wait. actually everyone’s gonna forget. because his plan is to pump out gas to literally make everyone forget everything he’s ever done because he’s got a GUILT COMPLEX THIS CHILD HAS A GUILT COMPLEX THE SIZE OF TEXAS Y’ALL
and i know i missed a bunch of details and i have to go back over it but now i understand. I UNDERSTAND NOW AND I’M SO SAD... the way he was listing off offenses on his fingers it’s like. he must have had a long time to think it over and he’s been rolling each one of those around in his mind for basically months. we need a flashback. give us a flashback.
i’m 99% sure the group of saporians hanging out with andrew are commies and also possibly meth addicts and i don’t think they’re a great influence on varian. not just because they’re villains but because they’re so low-tier he’s beyond them really. i get the sense he could do better.
i really honestly wanted this arc to happen... slower. i wanted there to be more time, more of an organic change, more of everything. but how it turned out, i’m glad. varian is a variable character, and just as quickly as he can turn villainous, so too can he turn to the light, as long as there’s someone there who cares about him. he still don’t give a darn about morality, he just happens to be on the side of good again? yay?
someone needs to cap that scene when they’re in the jail cell and varian is just sitting there looking like a sad, kicked puppy because that shit gave me a Feel.
when lance wiped off that magic marker goatee all of my crops were miraculously watered. oh varian.
and then i watched it again and became sad because he just looks so shocked and then DEPRESSED like “well. there is goes. what’s left of my manhood. gone in an instant. it’s over” also i think he looked a tad scared of lance because. he’s a big guy. who reminds him of his dad
don’t TALK to me about how sad he looked when eugene didn’t trust him oh MY GOD eugene i know this kid almost killed several people... and kidnapped the queen and went berserk... but like. look at him. how can you not trust him. he wants to be trusted. TRUST HIM EUGENE
by the way speaking of TRUST oh my GOD. HE REALLY WANTED THEM TO TRUST HIM AGAIN TO THE POINT WHERE HE WAS WILLING TO ERASE EVERYONE’S MEMORIES. varian. baby. you don’t go around erasing peoples memories to reinstate your social standing in the community. whatchu doin. i think we established that mass mind control is a big no-no
blah blah some action scene with some cute/funny moments
varian be making BATH BOMBS good god. lush could never. someone get on manufacturing those for purchase.
ANDREW WENT IN FOR THE KILL LOL DISNEY. y’know FOR KIDS. but seriously this cements my hatred of andrew/hubert forever and ever. amen. not only is he a d-bag, he also tried to kill a kid. a kid who trusted him to some extent. nice
and THEN i freaked it. because um. YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH.
so i honest to god was NOT prepared for quirin in this episode. i was not at all prepared. i was gearing myself up for that close to or in the finale. but no. no they hit us right in the FACE, friends. they simply did not wait.
yknow i could say i wish they had extended this scene, and i do, because it could have used a little more, but the way it was executed was REAL GOOD like i LIKE liked it. i have 2 think it over a little bit more but quirin’s VA did THE MOST too. he was GOOD you can really hear the emotion in his voice and i’m crying now ha ha
oh yeah btw VARIAN JUST HEARD EXACTLY WHAT HE’S ALWAYS WANTED TO HEAR and that makes me sad in a way because to me, that essentially completes his arc. he will appear in more episodes but his arc is like, done because QUIRIN SAID THE THING! THE THING! AAHHHHHHHH HE SAID THE THIIIIIIING
he said the thing
and also i’m kinda glad that they didn’t wait any longer to yknow. free him. varian’s been jailed for a long time at this point and it’s just not good for him to make him wait any longer. HE NEEDS HIS DAD AAAAAAAAHHH
as an aside, i’m 99.9% sure that that note said WAY more than just “i’m proud of u son” but quirin was NOT up to having that convo in that scene so he just made shit up lol. good ol quirin still lying as usual lol. but this leaves something to be said here because VARIAN STILL DOESN’T KNOW THAT HIS FATHER WAS A FREAKIN GENERAL IN AN ARMY THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY HELLO???? hello.
in closing i am so glad varian & quirin showed up for that last song because it looks like they may actually be getting re-integrated into the community and none too surprisingly, it didn’t look like any coronans were going for varian’s throat. because he’s paid his debt to society. he’s good now. he learned that you always win when you are good. or something. idk about how they left this. the end of this ep really feels like the end of s3 except. we still have a whole freaking season ahead of us. and the main lingering plot point other than the king and queen’s memory loss is cassandra. because andrew & co. are jailed, remember?
this episode is full of plot holes some of which will be addressed in this season and some of which we will never receive full disclosure for. i understand why they did it, and fwiw the way this episode was implemented in EXECUTION is VERY satisfying to me and i enjoyed it like a LOT. but at the same time a lot of people are gonna be crying foul about wanting to see a more developed varian arc and cassandra’s origin and what was going on with varian and andrew and uhmygod. this is too much for me to process and it is now 3 minutes to 5am, and i need to get in a 30 minute nap before a full work week. so i have to end it here but i am NOT done talking about this you guys.
i know the storyline for this season was set in advance but something about this episode makes me feel like they made a few adjustments based on things people said? that’s probably not the case but idk i wouldn’t mind if it was.
so in short, 10/10 great episode you guys. it all really happened. tune in tomorrow for more. ahhh
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hwangskz · 5 years
excuse me, do you have a boyfriend? | bad boy! felix
so i was lurking on tumblr at 5am a few days ago and got inspired for this by @chenle 's anon lmao thank u i guess skjshd
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• "are you jamaican? 'cause jamaican me fall for you ;)" - you know who
• u read another note from the same guy who's been following u around for quite a few weeks now
• and as u slam ur locker shut (trying to look cool (⌐■_■))
• but then
• "hello there"
• there goes ur cool aura o(╥﹏╥)o
• "i ???? just spoke ????"
• "ur voice is enough to give me shivers shut up-"
• and he nears ur face and just wriggles his eyebrows up and down causing u to roll ur eyes
• "shut up i didn't mean that in the other way-"
• "yeah, um, sure"
• u could only roll ur eyes at him at this point
• "also im not jamaican?? im korean, dude" - you, as u look at felix with confusion
• "JSHSB NO I KNOW!!!! but ur still making me fall for u ;))" - felix, as he throws a wink at u in the end, and u pretend to gag on it which makes him cutely laugh
• u never really understood felix's deal w you, u know????
• like, yeah u remember bumping into a guy after u had joined ur school for about a month and u were late for ur maths class
• and honestly u would have loved to help him pick up whatever papers that fell down (that belonged to him) but NUH UH BITCH UR NOT STAYING 15 MINS AFTER CLASS AGAIN JUST TO CATCH UP ON WHAT U MISSED
• u had once learned that if something's gone, then that's just how it is gonna be. gone.
• so who are u to change laws HUH
• but while u were rushing this boy just???? stops u????
• "excuse me, do you have a boyfriend?"
• first thought : what... the fuck
• that may have sounded agressive but u WERE FUCKING BLANK
• "w-wait, what?"
• "a-ah, sorry that must've been too direct... i'm lee felix! and i think ur cute"
• bro
• how the FUCK are u straightforward
• "because ur cuteness made :D"
• u dont even know HOW but felix just ended up sticking his nose in ur business with u after that
• his friends never minded??? tho???
• "hey chan i hope u don't feel weird when felix stays with me for too long,,,"
• "?????? y/n!!! i would never oml!!! it's completely fine! u can have 'lix! romantically too, teehee"
• looking at it from felix's side,
• he was carrying the extra sheets back to his science class when he bumped into u
• he obv knew u were a girl because of ur voice when u were talking to urself about getting late
• so u know how in movies and shows and books, they all say that u'll meet the loyl after bumping into them and then u both will gather the papers together and all that stuff
• well that did happen
• ...except that u just ran away without a sorry or anything???
• so felix just sat there in silence for about 3 seconds before dashing to u and, well, asking if u have a boyfriend
• to be honest, this wasn't really the first time he's seen u, u know
• yall have the same english class and he sits right behind u
• he's admired u from behind before
• but probably his Bad Bitch Side decided to show up that day because this boy is actually just a softie behind that bad boy personality jshsjshs
• but seeing u react like that, with ur cheeks all flushed he just :((( GOD he fell in love w u more
• back to the present
• now u know how i mentioned that yall have the same english class???
• well, felix knows ur existence in that class
• however,,,u cant say the same about his tho
• so when u walk into ur class today ur ??? surprised???? when u see felix sitting in ur seat????
• "????? are u stalking me????"
• felix chuckles as he moves aside to make space for u to sit down, which u do
• "can't believe u didn't know we share a class together"
• ":OOOO WE DO?"
• the thing is that u just looked so focused on the topics that felix just didn't have enough heart to break ur concentration from it, yk
• "that's one really stupid excuse"
• "y/N-"
• however, that day in class, u couldn't help but look at felix
• how his eyes sparkled when he gave the right answer and everyone awed at his english skills
• how he showed u his new pencil pouch that had his favorite cartoon character drawn on it and cutely laughed again
• how he kept quoting vines to u and then just laughed heartily again
• are u taking a liking towards felix?
• maybe it had been a really long time since u had been zoned out because the next thing u know felix is shaking u by ur shoulders (very slightly, cautiously, in order to not hurt u accidentally)
• "y/n? hey? u there?"
• u blink ur eyes several times as u look around the class, trying to get a better view, at what looked like ur classmates leaving for their home
• u pack up ur stuff and ur ready to go before felix tugs on ur hoodie sleeve
• jesus CHRIST who taught him to be this cute
• "do u wanna walk home, maybe..?"
• u would have rejected the offer
• "sure"
• maybe that answer was just lying on the tip of ur tongue
• maybe u are taking a liking towards felix
• so yall are on ur way to ur home, in silence
• not that it was awkward
• it felt nice like this
• it felt nice to be with him, like this.
• "hey y/n?"
• "hm?"
• he looks over at u, making sure u know he's sincere about whatever he's gonna say next
• "aren't u tired of me?"
• ??????
• "what do u mean 'tired' of you?"
• "i mean, i'm always lurking around u. never with my friends. i'm always trying to talk to u, disturb u. how have u not gotten rid of me yet?"
• u think for a moment
• think about the time when u first met him
• well obviously u were disturbed
• but u didn't mind it tho
• and unlike other times when u felt lonely, he actually made it feel like someone really had ur back
• even if he kept pushing through ur shell
• actually
• ur pretty fucking glad he did
• "because i like being with you."
• "??????? DONT U HATE ME THO"
• "never said that." - you, as u turn around trying to open ur door
• and there he goes again, mouth hanging open and his heart beating at full speed once again because of u
• “wh- in what SENSE DO U LIKE BEING WITH ME-”
• “i’ll leave it to ur imagination”
• and like that, u just turned around and closed the door to ur house, leaving a burning red felix behind
• next day when u reached ur school, u went to ur locker, yk, waiting for the day to go on like a normal one
• except... it wasn’t
• felix stood in front of ur locker, a bright smile on his face and a bag of chocolates in his hand
• “y/n!!!!!! good morning!!!!! ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ !!!!”
• “felix what are u doing in front of my lo-”
• he didn’t even let u finish before he shoved the chocolates in ur face
• “i brought something for u!!!”
• and like this, the entire day, felix was acting ESPECIALLY clingy to u
• u didn’t mind it tho
• but before school ended today
• “y/n! wait for me!”
• u look up to see a familiar face
• namely. hwang hyunjin
• running towards u
• “hey! it’s been a while, huh” - you, as u stand facing him now
• he pulls his bag over and gives u a hug, slightly startling u
• “yeah... also, y/n? can i, uh, ask u something..?”
• u nodded slightly, unsure of what he’s gonna say next
• “are u seeing someone?”
• u go silent for a moment
• ur first thought : felix
• but then again, u think, ‘does he even like me for real..?’, so so so many thoughts all about felix are going on in ur head
• so hyunjin continues
• “if not, would u like to go somewhere tomorrow-”
• “she didn’t answer u, did she? then why don’t u take a hint, and leave?”
• u look towards ur right to see the person who had occupied ur mind
• “felix you don’t need to-”
• “is s/he/they your girl/boyfriend/partner?”
• this was just a question from hyunjin, so why did make you stop talking?
• why did it do something to your heart?
• “yes.”
• and with that, felix takes ur hand in his and walks away from the school building, but not very far as u pull away from his grip
• “felix? why would you say something that isn’t true-”
• “because i want it to be!”
• you can’t even form words now at this point honestly
• felix continues
• “i want it to be true, y/n! from day one, when i first met you in class, till today, i only thought of being with you. i even confessed to you, so so so many times, and you said no. well, that’s fine. but what isn’t fine is that.. you never believed me. you never believed the love i had for you. why? is this really too much to ask for? can’t you ever just believe me?”
• u have no clue what made u do this
• but you stepped closer and said
• “i didn’t answer you, right? didn’t you say just a few seconds before that if the person doesn’t answer, the other should take the hint and... leave?”
• u had never seen felix’s eyes tear up like that
• not even that time when he got a huge bruise on his hand because he tried to save u from that ball in the baseball game that had headed towards u
• and it makes something in u ache
• and ur about to take back ur words when
• “if this makes u better, then that’s that, i guess. goodbye, y/n.”
• and like all cliche films u try to pull him back, but guess he’s just really fast. because now? u only see an empty road
• and guess he really meant that goodbye, because now, u can’t even find him
• u even went to chan if he had seen felix
• so many times of the day, but
• “sorry, y/n. i haven’t seen him yet :(”
• was all that u got as an answer from him
• honestly? at this point, u didn’t even know if u liked felix or not
• “from the looks of u, maybe yeah u do.”
• u look up to see chan smiling and taking his seat beside u
• “look, y/n, i might be a very ignorant person sometimes, but i couldn’t ignore the look of sadness on felix’s face that day. we’ve known each other for quite a long time now, you know? but this is the first time i had ever seen him so in love with someone. 
• being the popular kid of the school, he still was very polite to people. i still remember when he told he felt something for a girl in his class. i just chuckled thinking it might just be a small crush.... but it wasn’t. it isn’t just a small crush for him now, y/n.”
• ur heart just.. physically hurts alot at this point
• “do u know where i can possibly find him?”
• “i’m not really sure, but u can try to look for him in the practice room. he would always be there when he’s down.”
• maybe there’s still a chance left
• “will he be there right now?”
• once chan answers u, u dash ur way to the practice room, not caring about the students who turned back to scowl at u
• u open the door
• and u might just cry
• because there he was, sitting in front of the mirror, legs crossed, hands tangled in his hair and head down
• “felix!”
• before this boy even gets the chance to answer u, u hug him ever so tightly, trying to ignore that he had slightly flinched at ur touch
• “y/n..?”
• u pull away, hands still wrapped around his waist, and speak out the words that felix had been longing to hear
• “i think i like- no wait. i like you ALOT BITCH”
• felix blinked twice before chuckling lightly and pulling u into a kiss
• and once, u felt so warm
• u sure were shocked at first, but when u kissed him back, felix smiled against ur lips
• when both of u pulled away, ur cheeks burning red
• and so were felix’s cheeks
• he looked down and spoke as he played with his hands, turning the ring around his finger several times
• “i thought u would never come..”
• “says the one who ran away.”
• “because YOU told me to leave!”
• it’s ur turn to look down now, because, damn he was right
• “i just- i’m sorry. i don’t even think i have an excuse for that, except that i couldn’t turn down hyunjin properly.”
• felix sighs and falls into ur arms again
• “did u know i was gonna confess to u that day?”
• “u confess to me everyday tho”
• “!!!! no i mean a serious confession. i was really gonna tell u, sincerely, this time. did chan hyung tell u?”
• u pull away and look at him with a confused expression on ur face
• “??????no????? in fact, he told me that u ‘might’ be here today”
• felix sighs out of relief
• “im glad he kept his promise and didn’t tell u beforehand that day. gotta get him a treat then.”
• “?????????bitch?????? IM COMING TOO”
• he laughs and holds u by ur shoulders as he speaks
• “obviously u’re coming. u’re my woman now, after all ;))))))”
• “oh no what have i got myself into”
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free-pool-trash · 7 years
Periods with the Free! boys:
Hey guys, it’s shark week lmao I’m in pain and spent too long wishing the Free! boys would take care as me as I laid awake in intense pain until 5AM so here is how I believe the boys would take care of you! Also my last Free! headcanons now have over 400 notes, thank you all so much!!
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So you were staying with him when you felt the cramps coming along, you were both just chilling on his couch talking when you went quiet and tried to hide the fact that your insides felt like they were about to bust out
Being the caring boyfriend he is he asked you what was wrong and unluckily this would be the first time Haru was along for the wild ride which is shark week, so cue blushing mess (Y/n) trying to tell her monotone boyfriend that her feminine cycle had begun
Eventually you got the words out and it was one of the rare occasions where Haru blushed really hard, all this poor boy could get out was a quiet “oh.” and you were then both plunged into an awkward silence
After a few minutes Haru caught on to the situation. He was your boyfriend, but what did boyfriends do in these types of situations? Did they go to the store and buy supplies? Did they cuddle? WHAT DOES HE DO?
Haru’s accurate train of thought at that moment 
Alright but imagine 50% off Haru in this moment
Shit Haru what do we do?
That’s a dumb idea Haru
You’re a dumb idea Haru
Ouch Haru, cut me deep Haru
He’ll get over the shock fairly quickly and proceed to looking after you, he’ll get you a hot water bottle and all the food you won’t want to admit you’re craving and if you want them, all the hugs he can give
He’ll do whatever makes you happy that entire week, he’s probably one of the best people to have with you because this boy will literally bring tampons/pads in his fucking messenger bag for you in case you need them
If other guys give him smug looks in the store when he’s buying said tampons or pads he will ruin them oh my god. One time he was minding his own business buying his girlfriend some feminine items when this guy gave him the most smug look and Haru just stared him right in the eye and said “They’re for my girlfriend, I’m guessing you don’t have one.” Then he just... walked away.
He is surprisingly really good at handling how clingy you get during this time
Just a really good person to be around to make your period a little bit less painful.
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Boy oh boy, stop your search you’ve found the one, congratulations.
Alright, he is a sweetie pie, this we already knew but when period week comes? Hello Makoto 2.0 is here to meet you.
He knows when you’re on it because you get all emotional and just start needing all of his attention all of the time, constantly, 24/7, the whole week, entire 7 days. He loves showering you in affection so this is okay with him.
He may as well just be named a saint, he gets you painkillers if you need them he will buy you all the sweets. You want ice cream? He’ll get it. 
He’ll watch a romcom with you thinking it would be a fantastic idea to make you laugh but you started to cry when the main character did something stupid to their significant other. Makoto was then lie ‘I really don’t know why I didn’t see this coming’
“I just really love you and please don’t do that.” 
“You know I wouldn’t, I love you so much.”
You end up crying of happiness because he’s so sweet
He keeps tampons/pads in his bathroom for you and his mother was just like 
“Ran isn’t quite at that stage yet, dear.”
 He’s just like
 “Mom no they’re for (Y/n) if she needs them.”
His mother dotes on you during the week as well she just kinda knows when it’s time, woman senses probably
Makoto get’s Ren and Ran to bring you gifts he bought for you because he knows it makes you happy, sometimes you’ll cry because Ren stays that little bit longer to give you a hug and Ran tells you she hopes you get better soon because she doesn’t understand.
In terms of who you want with you during your period he will give you all of his attention so 100% an amazing choice When I say all of his attention I’m not shitting around, Haru calls? Sorry bro. Ren and Ran need babysitting? Can he bring you along?
He won’t smother you either, if by chance you act like you feel trapped he’s on the other side of the getting ready for when you start crying about being lonely 
You’re like a cat
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HAHAHAHAHAHA he has older sisters he’s ready. best trained and most capable to deal with this situation which is surprising I know but seeing as his sisters used to make him wear girly clothes they probably weren’t above sending him to buy tampons/pads or heating pads or making him dip into his sweet stash and provide them with the good shit.
So when you start getting snappy he’s like *internal groan* he’s a lot more patient with you than with his siblings because he knows nobody will ever be as bad as his oldest sister
If you get mad at him he won’t take it to heart unlike any other day, he’ll just say something nice to you and let you cool down for a bit before he goes in for the snuggles
He doesn’t get confused when buying tampons/pads because again,sisters. But he manages to get the exact ones you need and you’re not sure whether you should be pleased or creeped out
“How did you know which type I needed?” “Just an informed guess.” “What do you mean’informed guess’“ “Nothing...”
He knows one of your main shark week quirks is insane mood swings, you get really easily agitated out of nowhere, you’ll initiate a hug but then as soon as he responds you squirm you way out of it, at first Nagisa was like “Why don’t you want my love????” but now he’s just like “Alright baby, seeya next week.”
He acquires this calm, mature personality when it’s the time because you don’t feel well and he wants to feel like he’s 100% only taking care of you and not you feeling like you need to look after him
But of course Nagisa is still Nagisa and when you crave sweets he’ll make you play the pockey game with him and or show up with these weird ass candies you’ve never even heard of
Despite all this our baby boy takes very very very very good care of you and will get you whatever whenever
alright but Thugisa dealing with this can we just
��So it’s shark week huh? Damn never knew jaws 3D had a cousin, HAH” “Nagisa, please don’t smoke that, it’s a tampon not a joint” “Nah nah nah, babe just watch, you light it up like so then- shit it’s burning. DON’T BREATH IN.”
Please make this happen
A good period kid
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Oh no.
nuh uh I think the fuck not
Over educated on the subject of periods and afraid (His own little version of naked and afraid)
So you, his girlfriend, are bleeding out of a place where the sun don’t shine and are in a mood.
He knows what’s up and how does he respond you dare ask? HE LITERALLY LEAVES YOU ALONE UNTIL IT’S OVER
Nah no joke the first period in the relationship he literally left for five days only sending you texts like “Love you are you better yet?” he didn’t realize he messed up until he made you cry because he said he had homework and was too busy to come over and cuddle you
You sobbed over the phone while he was still on the line so he came over in the end, that was a fun time 
From then on he got a little better, he doesn’t drop off the face of the earth anymore which is y’know a plus
He’s just so sweet but so awkward
Anything else and he’d be doting on you like a worried mother but for whatever reason he just can’t with this
Bless him though he gets you whatever you ask for with no protests although tampon/pad buying is a different story
“What ones do I get, there are so many! Do you need extra absorbent or just regular absorbance? What’s all this stuff about flows? What’s your flo-”
“Rei, shut up and just pick up the ones that say regular, please.”
“Okay, got it.”
“(Y/n) somebody is looking at me funny, this is not beautiful!”
More of a drama queen than you if we’re all being dead honest with each other here.
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Here’s a guy who thinks he knows what’s up but actually doesn’t sorry to break it to ya baby
He’s all like
 “Oh, you’re on your period, don’t worry babe, Gou’s a girl I know how this stuff works”
 “Uh, they’re both the same thing right?” 
Who is this boy and why doesn’t he at age 17-18 know what a tampon is?
But you know what they say about sharks and blood ;) 
You literally have to teach him the difference between a tampon and a pad, needless to say it was a painful conversation for the both of you.
Other than that he’s pretty good the only problem is you have to borderline bribe this little shit into helping you out, he’s such a damn cuddle monster that he’s like 
“Yeah of course I’ll run to the store and get you some pain killers and chocolate...”
“Thank you Rin Rin.”
“Oh for the love of God! What? What do you want from me?”
You’d swear he was the one on his period 
On that note he’ll rub your tummy when the cramps are being little ass hats (You know when the cramps aren’t like pounding but they’re there and bringing really intense pain and you’re just sitting, waiting for death thinking HOW?? Yeah I feel like a belly rub from Rin Matsuoka would cure that.)
He’ll give you all the affection, he’s a good boy
You’re own personal heating pad
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AHA, um um um okay. lol
95% of the time he is the most amazing boyfriend you could ever ask for, bless him the period week is that 5% when he’s just barely average
Strap yourself in because I’m gonna be saying barely a lot in these points
Alright if we’re gonna be real hear, he’s grossed out. he does not like this, there is blood coming out of your what? Sign him out, he’ll barely let you use his bathroom during that week
It’s like a switch in his mind goes from kissing you softly and whispering “I love you baby” to awkwardly at most wrapping his arm around your shoulder and going “Shh it’s okay?” In barely a matter of seconds
Don’t get me wrong he still loves you with all of his heart this is just really not his thing, he’ll bring you food though, that’s kinda the only thing he can do during this time
You can groan from pain and he’ll be like
“Baby? Are you okay? Do you need more chocolate?”
“No, Sou, it’s just cramps.”
“I’ll go get you more chocolate”
“No! Sou I don’t need more cho-”
“Yeah, i’ll get you more chocolate”
He wholeheartedly believes that chocolate is going to stop the blood that’s leaving your body
Aside from all of this, this is Sousuke Yamazaki we’re talking about and he is willing to put his grossed outness aside and do whatever for you if he sees you start to get really upset/sore/needy 
To be honest he drops his “Eww girls are icky!” facade at least once a day, he’s not about to deny you his hugs and kisses while you’re in pain who do you think he is? some sort of monster?
 I think the fuck not.
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Aww an awkward baby boy
He knows what a period is and when you tell him you’re on yours as a warning in case you end up getting mad at him further into the week he blushes and asks you what you need him to do or if you even want him to do anything
If you do he’ll get whatever you asked for with no questions asked (Apart from maybe what pads/tampons you need, it’s embarrassing for both of you but unless you wanna be uncomfortable and grumpy and not to mention leaky it is a question that needs to be asked)
Even if you don’t ask him for anything he’ll stock up on everything he thinks you may need anyway
I’m taking tampons AND pads, all your favorite sweets and chocolate, pain killers (Not even the regular ones but the ones that are made for period pains what a saint), heating pads, the works
You’ll be in his dorm and you’ll like sneeze or something (Get real girls, we all know how it is) and at that moment you have The Fear but he sees and he’s all shy like
“Is it that time?”
“um, yeah.”
Then he pulls open his drawer, hands you a pack of pads/tampons and tosses this mass amount of chocolate onto the bed and you’re just internally screaming about how after you deal with the bloody situation you’re having you were going to kiss his sweet little face
Makes a point of giving you extra kisses and hugs because lucky for you you don’t have bad cramps but you do get very emotional but half the time Aii is on that level anyway so that week is just one big pile of yikes
You just want the snuggles and buddy will he give them to you
He won’t lie, I won’t lie, he lives for period week, I mean come on, he loves your attention and on period week all he has to do is exist to get it (same as usual), a score on his part.
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AH, has anyone died of second hand embarrassment yet? No? 
Well you’re about to
So it was a Friday and you were cuddling in his dorm, Nitori was visiting his family so it was just the two of you, this beautiful boy decided you should stay the night
And of course, you were cuddling your amazing boyfriend, he was snuggly and warm so you agreed to stay the night sleeping with him in his bed
And you bled on his sheets. 
Uhuh, unluckily you were the first one to wake up and again came The Fear (I know the pain of bleeding on something that isn’t my own bed sheet, it’s the worst dear god kill me) You just started at the huge blood stain underneath you and paniced
What the actual fuck were you supposed to tell him? Yeah goodmorning baby, sorry no goodmorning kiss, I have something better! I ruined your bed sheets and very possibly the mattress underneath due to my monthly female cycle? 
When he woke up you panicked, you lost all sense, so when he asked you in a huge ass panic if you were okay because there was blood everywhere you started to cry out of pure guilt
“I’m sorry I got my period during the night and I’m so so so so sorry I ruined your sheets, I’ll clean them for you I’m sorry don’t hate me!”
For minute he’s just tryna piece together what the fuck just happened when he finally gets it around his head his first thought definitely is not of the sheets
He get’s you off the bed so fast, his first instinct to get you out of those blood covered clothes and get you warm because ‘Oh God she’s probably had to lay in the blood for hours  she’s probably so uncomfortable right now my poor baby!’  
He gives you a pair of his boxers, baggy sweatpants and he threw his yellow hoodie there too because he knows it’s your favorite.
He then leaves you in his dorm the clean up and get changed and he’s straight out the door on his way to the store dead set on buying you tampons/pads Rin sees him rushing down the halls at 9AM and he’s like what the fuck?
“Momo? What are you doing up so early?”
Every time you’re on your period he gives you his yellow hoodie so you basically live in it for a week and he’s just kinda like “sweet”
He genuinely couldn’t care less if you bleed on every single sheet he owns, he’s not letting you be alone without somebody to cuddle with, fair to say sunshine baby doesn’t know all too much about the magic of periods but he knows enough
He has no problem buying you tampons or pads but you probably shouldn’t let him because if he’s in panic mode and somebody looks at him funny he will actually square up to them and be like 
He’s a great person to be around on your period because he’s happy enough to keep you happy but not so happy that it gets on your nerves
Hope you enjoyed xx
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heatherereyna · 5 years
Paris FIc - This is the Fluff Version.  To read the SMUT Version, go to my AO3 Chapter 5.  If this is your first time reading this FIC, All Five Chapters are found in AO3.
Oh, The Smut –Yuuri Has to Leave – And More Smut
Chapter 5
Gasping for air, Victor has too pull off Yuuri’s delicious lips.  Oh, how he does not want too.  As Victor pulls away, he feels Yuuri chasing for more.  Chuckling just a little Victor says, “Yuuri, let me breath.”
Hazel eyes look up at Victor, Yuuri’s cheeks blushing, “Sorry.  I just really love kissing you.”
With that, Victor leans in, pressing his lips onto Yuuri’s, chasing his tongue, biting down on his lower lip, yearning for more.  Wondering if Yuuri is willing to go further.  If Yuuri is not ready, he will wait.  Yuuri is worth waiting for.  Victor has never felt what he is feeling now.  He would give everything to Yuuri, he would give the world.  Victor wants to make Yuuri feel good, inside and out. Yuuri deserves so much.
Yuuri looks up into Victor’s vividly blue eyes with a yearning, wanting, lust, Victor is sheepish, knowing what Yuuri is asking for.
“Yuuri, are you sure?  I can wait until you are sure.  I don’t want you to fill that I am pressuring you.  Yuuri…”
Yuuri pulls Victor back in, kissing him hard, letting Victor exactly what Yuuri wants and just how sure he is.
Victor’s heart thunders in his chest, wanting to burst out.  His grin wide, parting his mouth as he presses his lips back down to Yuuri’s, flicking his tongue at the seam of Yuuri’s lips. He’s so happy be could literally just burst as he tasted the sweetness of the champagne they drank earlier.  His kiss is hard, their tongues intertwining.  Victor felt hot all over, filled to the brim with adoration and arousal knowing that Yuuri feels the same.
They have sex.
Waking up in Victors arms felt nice.  Looking up at Victor's face, Yuuri could see that Victor was still sleeping.  How Victor looked at peace, he looked so happy.  Yuuri could feel his chest rise and fall with every breath.  Yuuri could fee that he could watch Victor for eternity.  He knew that he was going to have to go back today.  He dreaded this.  All Yuuri wanted was to stay there with Victor.  He never wanted to leave.  Was it possible to feel this already, to feel love already?  He could only hope that Victor felt the same way.
It was still early, only after 5am.  Yuuri drifted back to sleep, bringing Victor closer to him.  Holding him tighter, kissing the side of his neck.  Victor gave out a moan and held onto Yuuri tighter.  Both slept for a few more hours.
It was Victor that stirred first, kissing Yuuri on his forehead.  Yuuri stirring awake.  “Good Morning Sleeping Beauty.” Victor stated sleepy.  Yuuri looking up to Victor, pressing his lips softly onto Victor’s, “I could get used to this.”  Victor biting down onto Yuuri’s lower lip, “Me too Yuuri, me too.”
“I need a shower; you care to join me Victor?” Yuuri looking over at Victor.  “Do you even have to ask my dear Yuuri?” Victor chuckling.  They dragged themselves out of bed and headed to the bathroom.  Victor taking in Yuuri, grinning, causing Yuuri to blush.  Victor could watch Yuuri blush all day if he had his way.
After showering and getting dressed, both headed down-stairs to get breakfast.
Chris, Otabek, and Yuri were already in the kitchen.  Chris was cooking breakfast.  Looking over at Yuuri and Victor, raising an eyebrow, “well, look what the cat drug in. I’m guessing your night was not quite?” Victor giving Yuuri a squeeze, “you know I don’t kiss and tell Chris.”  Yuuri’s face becoming a deep red.  “From your boyfriend’s face, that explains everything.” Chris chucking.  Thinking to himself, boyfriend?  Chris was calling him and Victor boyfriend, smiling.  Yurio, gagging, “gross Chris, I think I am going to go puke now. Thanks!” Sputtered Yurio.  Otabek laughing.  “Guess I need to make extra now that your two are here.” Chris stating.
They all ate breakfast with few words, with Victor sitting next to Yuuri, one hand under the table on his leg.  Yuuri, with a constant smile plastered on his face.  Chris, watching, the two interact with each other, thinking that it looked so natural between the two.  Chris had a pretty good feeling between these two.
After Breakfast, almost 11am now, Yuuri and Victor headed back up to the guest room. Once inside, Victor pushing Yuuri back again the door, pressing hard into Yuuri’s lips.  Victor knew that Yuuri had to leave.  He did not want Yuuri to leave.  He wanted Yuuri to stay with him.  Victor has never felt this way about anyone before, nor so sure.  Yuuri sensing Victors needs, “You can come see me, you know.  Next weekend if you’re not busy.”  Yuuri desperately questioning Victor.  “Oh Yurri. I want too but I have deliveries that weekend.” Victor replying.  “Oh, um… that is alright.  Maybe the week after then?” Yuuri looking at Victor with such sad eyes.  “Please don’t look at me like that Yuuri.  I hope you know I would do anything for you if I could. I will see what I can do.  I cannot promise you anything though.  I will call you every day or text you every day if you will allow me?” Victor looking back into Yuuri’s eyes.  “I would love that Victor.” Is all that Yuuri could say.  Kissing Victor hard on his lips, intertwining their tongues, only stopping to come back up for air.
Victor walking Yuuri out to the car, Yuuri put his things onto the back seat.  Kissing Victor before getting into the car, sighing deeply, not wanting to leave.  Victor knowing this, telling Yuuir that he should get going before he must pay a late fee or additional day for the car rental.  Victor reassures Yuuri that he will call or text every day until he is able to go see him.  Victor tells Yuuri that he was planning something special for them to do and to be prepared. This brings a smile to Yuuri’s face.
Yuuri has left.
Yuuri returned the car a little late but did not have to pay another day.  He was glad for that.  He drove all the way back without stopping to eat.  Feeling a bit hungry now, deciding to find a place to eat.
He found this little café that had outdoor seating.  Yuuri ordered his food.  Sitting about the long weekend he had with Victor, going over the pictures he had on phone.  How he was starting to miss Victor and it had not even been a full day.  He was feeling pathetic.  He was hoping that Victor would find a way to come over on the weekend. He did not know if could wait two weeks.
The server bought out his food.  Thanking him. He finished eating.  Paid the bill and headed towards his flat.
He felt so alone in the flat.  He really wanted Victor here with him.  He wanted to feel his lips upon his own.  He wanted to be able to hold him in his arms.  He wanted to be able to lay with him is his bed or sit with him on the couch while cuddling up and watching a movie.  He just wanted Victor there with him.
His phone buzzed.  It was Victor texting him.
Victor – Yuuri.  I hope you made it home alright.
Yuuri – Yeah.  I a home.  I miss you already Victor.
Victor – Oh Yuuri, me as well.  I hope I was there with you, to hold you so close in my arms.
Yuuri – You’re going to make me cry Victor.
Victor – Do not cry Yuuri.  You know I am not good when you cry.
Yuuri – I feel so alone Victor.
A few minutes pass by and Yuuri stares at his phone worried that he said too much.
Victor – Sorry, Chis was asking me something. Yuuri, do me a favor.  Wrap your arms around you.
Yuuri – Ok.  But I will have to set my phone down.  Hold on.  Ok.  I can see the texts. Now what Victor?
Victor – Now feel that is me hugging you. I am there Yuuri, hugging you, whispering into your ear.  Everything is going to be alright.  Yuuri….
Yuuri – What Victor?
Victor – Uh, never mind.  Anyhow Yuuri, I must go but I don’t want too.  Are you going to be alright?
Yuuri – Yeah.  I am tired.  I think I am going to go to bed.  I need to get up early and head over to the rink.  Even though I took the year off.  I still need to get in some practice.  Victor, are you going to call or text me tomorrow?
Victor – Yuuri, I promised you that I would. Have a good night my Sleeping Beauty and I’ll talk with you again tomorrow.
Yuuri – Good Night Victor.
With that, Yuuri went into the bedroom, changed into a tee shirt and boxer-briefs and crawled into bed, pulling the blankets over and hugging onto the extra pillow, eyes closed, dreaming of his Love, Victor.
Yuuri woke up too early.  It was before 5am.  Ugh he thought!  Just lying in bed, trying to go back to sleep, 30 minutes past, he was not going to fall back asleep.  Yuuri decided to get up and put some coffee on.  Maybe he should take this time to write.  That is why he was taking this year off, to write.  He was starting to have doubts.  Maybe in reality, it was just to take a year off, to reevaluate his skating career or maybe he just needed a break from everything.  Whatever it was.  He was not expecting to meet Victor and have his life turned upside down.
Yuuri needed to go to the rink.  He needed to skate.  Skating normally calmed him.  The rink would not be open until 8am for figure skaters and ice dancers.  He had several hours.  He decided to drink his coffee and try to write.
Chapter 1
( Title )
The skies above were vividly blue, feeling the sun’s warmth upon his cheeks, just a few cumulus clouds in the sky above.  This was the day he decided to visit that winery he had wanted to, Nikiforov Winery.  He had thought about his visit for days, trying to plan it all out.  What would he see first, the vineyard, the tasting room, the cellar, perhaps stroll thru the vineyards?
Arriving at the Nikiforov Winery, getting out of the car, looking at the castle, it was much more beautiful than Yuuri imagined it to be.  Suddenly, Yuuri found himself on the ground with a brown hair poodle licking all over his face.  He could hear a spirited kid yelling for the dog to get off.  “Makka, off, come here Makka,” grabbing her and putting the leash back on.
He heard a familiar voice, “Yurio, you’ve been told to keep Makka on a leash. You know how excited she gets.”  Giving a handout to the poor boy on the ground.  “Oh, it’s you.  Yuuri? Right?  Here, let me help you out.”  Chris grinning.  “Uh, sure thing Christophe.  Christophe, right?” Yuuri asked back.  “You can call me Chris, Yuuri.” Chris grinning.
Yuuri stopped writing. He was starting to feel hungry. He wondered if that bakery would be open yet?  The one the was just below his flat off to the right.  He thought that they should be since it was now after 6am.  Deciding to get dressed to head down there. Closing his laptop, he would have to come back to the story later, thinking.  Making his way down to the bakery to grab a pastry and espresso.
Sitting outside at one of the small tables, the floral shop was starting to open.  All the fresh cut flowers coming out to be displayed, made the area smelled nice.  Yuuri would have to remember to pick up some flowers before returning to the flat. The streets were starting to be filled with people, Watching the on passers.  Yurri did enjoy watching people.  They often fascinated him.  Finishing his coffee and pastry, heading over to the flower shop to pick up 2 dozen mixed flowers to add to his flat.  They should make the place smell better.
Heading back up, putting the flowers in a vase, deciding to grab his skates and gear to head out to the rink.  This was going to be a long week Yuuri thought.  That is if Victor was able to come this weekend.
It was Wednesday.
At the rink, Yuuri decided to warm up doing his old programs first.  His intention was to go back to competition after the year.  He just was not sure how Victor’s role in this was going to be?  He was hoping that Victor would be able to follow him, hoping that he would be able to find someone to run things at the winery, perhaps Chris.  Chris seemed to be his right hand man and knew everything that there needed to be known in order to keep the winery up and running.  This is something that Yuuri was going to have to eventually discuss with Victor.
Looking at the time, it had already been a few hours and most of the Ice Skaters had already left. The rink would still be open a few hours before closing and reopening to the public.  Yuuri wondered if they would be able to play the music to his new free skate.  Skating over, putting his skate guards back on, heading over to the front asking if they could put in the free music.  They nodded a yes.  “Thank You.” Yuuri replied.  Getting back over to the rink, removing his skate guards, going out to the middle of the ice waiting for the music.
Free Skate
Quad Axel
Quad Flip
Triple Axel
Camel Flip
Step Sequence w/ Nina Bauer & Twizzles into Quad Lutz
Quad Toe Loop w/ Triple Toe Loop
Triple w/ Double Combo
Double Toe Loop w/ Single Toe Loop
Second, shorter Step Sequence w/ Sit Spin
Choreography Sequence w/ Ending
What Yuuri did not know was that Victor had found out by the florist that Yuuri was down at the rink. Victor was up in the stands watching Yuuri with this free program and heard the music.
In the center, with Yuuri’s arms wrapped around him, representing Victor hugging him, the music started and Yuuri began to skate.
Lunging forward in a slow pace, his body, as he was feeling the music.
“Sunrise with you on my chest
No blinds in the place where I live
Daybreak open your eyes
Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night
Still, we’re changing our minds here
Be yours, be my dear”
Turning backwards, gaining speed, going into a quadruple axle and landing it perfectly, a smile on his face.  Moving into a few twizzles than launching himself into a quadruple flip.
“So Close with you on my lips
Touch noses, feeling your breath
Push your heart and pull away, yean
Be my summer in a winter day love
I can’t see one thing wrong
Between the both of us
Be mine, be mine, yeah
Anytime, anytime”
Picking up the speed again, going around the rink once, jumping a triple axel with both hands raised into a camel and camel flip
“Ooh, you know I’ve been alone for quite a while, haven’t I?
I thought I knew it all
Found love but I was wrong
More time than enough
But since you came along
I’m thinking, baby”
Into his step sequence with a Nina Bauer and some added twizzles jumping into a quadruple Lutz raising both hands in the air.  Victor just watching Yuuri with eyes wide open.  He had no idea that Yuuri was this good.  Thinking, why have I not seen him skate before?
“You are bringing out a different kind of me
There’s no safety net that’s underneath
I’m free, Falling all in you
Fell for men who weren’t how they appear
Trapped up on a tightrope now we’re here
We’re free, Falling all in you”
Yuuri goes into a quadruple toe loop w/ a triple toe loop.
“Fast Forward a couple years, yeah
Grown up in the place that we live
Make love, then we fight
Laugh because it was only meant to be for one-night baby
I guess we can’t control
What’s just not up to us
Be mine, Be mine, yeah
Anytime, anytime”
Skating into a triple w/ double combo.
“Ooh, you know I’ve been alone for quite a while, haven’t I?
I thought I knew it all
Found love but I was wrong
More times than enough
But since you came along
I’m thinking, baby”
Going into a double loop w/ single loop combo.  Completely nailing all his jumps.  Yuuri is very thankful for his stamina.
“Every time I see you baby, I get lost
If I’m dreaming, baby, please don’t wake me up
Every night I’m with you I fall more in love
Now I’m laying by your side
Everything feels right since you came along
I’m thinking baby”
Yuuri skating into a shorter second step sequence.  Victor, amazed at Yuuri, not being able to take his eyes off him.  Yuuri sees Victor up in the stands and rather than his anxiety acting up, he smiles over to Victor and blows him a soft kiss, to which, makes Victor blush, thinking just how beautiful his Yuuri is.
“You, yeah, are bringing out a different kind of me
There’s no safety net that’s underneath
I’m free, Falling all in you (ooh)
Fell for men who weren’t how they appear (ooh)
Trapped up on a tightrope now we’re here
We’re free, Falling all in”
Ending in his choreography sequence coming out of his sit spin, arms wrapped around his waist.
Victor jumping up, clapping and yelling down to Yuuri, “Yuuri, that was amazing.  Your amazing my beautiful Yuuri!”  Rushing down the stairs to greet his Yuuri in a hard kiss on the lips, Yuuri not backing down from it, chasing Victor’s kiss.
“It’s only Wednesday Victor?  I thought I was not going to see you maybe on the weekend or even next week?” Smiling Yuuri. Victor grinning back, “Well, Yuuri, if you really want to wait to see me, I can leave and come back on Friday?” Eyes wide, “Uh, no, no, no, no, no, this is just fine Victor.  No need to go back.  Um, actually how long are you here for now that you’re here?” Asked Yuuri.  Winking, “That’s a surprise Yuuri.  Are you ready to go eat?  You look famished my Yuuri.” Victor stating.  Then, Yuuri’s stomach growled.  “I think you may be right Victor.”  Both Victor and Yuuri broke out into laughter.  “Just let me go take a quick shower and change.” Yurri replied. With that, Victor was left sitting on the bench to wait for his Yuuri.
Coming out of the locker room, Yuuri feeling refreshed, Victor and Yuuri headed out to an outdoor café that was not far from where lived.  Victor, of course drove since he had come down to visit with Yuuri.
With dinner done, Yuuri looking up to Victor, “So, um, are you staying at a hotel or were you hoping that I would say yes to you staying with me?” Yuuri Shyly asking.  With Victor slighting blushing, “I was hoping it would be the latter Yuuri.”  It was now Yuuri that was blushing, but more of a red than pink. “I was kinda hoping that is what you had planned also.”
Finding parking in front of Yuuri’s flat was easy Victor thought.  They both headed up to Yuuri’s flat.  Once inside, Victor spun Yuuri around, pressed his back up against the door, meeting Yuuri’s lips, biting down onto Yuuri’s lower lip.  Yuuri moaning, chasing Victor’s kiss.
Having to breath, both broke their kiss.
Yuuri looking up at Victor, “Why don’t you pour us some wine and bring it back to the bedroom.  I’m sure you can find where things are.” Victor, grinning back at Yuuir.
Yuuri Heads back to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Victor comes back to the bedroom, handing Yuuri his glass of wine.  Yuuri takes a sip and then puts the glass on the nightstand as he is gazing up at Victor.  
Victor follows, putting his wine glass onto the nightstand.
Victor makes his way between Yuuri’s legs, leaning down to find Yuuri’s lips.  Victor can never get enough of Yuuri’s lips.  Lips so soft, so delicious.  Their tongues intertwined.  Yuuri moves up further up onto the bed, putting his back against the headboard. Victor straddling Yuuri, kissing with Yuuri chasing.  Yuuri’s hands in Victor’s hair, pulling.  Hearing Victor moan.  
Victor taking hip lips off Yuuri’s, Yuuri complains, but Victor only finds Yuuri’s neck.  Placing his mouth onto Yuuri’s soft skin, biting, sucking hard, leaving a nice red, bluish bruise that Victor feels proud of. Yuuri, pulling Victor’s lips back up his own, wanting to feel his lips pressed against his.  
Both Victor and Yuuri wanting more.  Both wanting sex.
“Wow.”  Gasping for air as Yuuri states.  Victor looking up into Yuuri’s Eyes, “Wow is right.”
Giving Yuuri a soft kiss, rolling off him, both now laying onto their sides, staring into each other’s eyes, smiling.  They both fall asleep, holding onto each other.
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