wolfenge · 5 years
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spiritucux · 5 years
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“... Do we need to come up with a fort?”
@starrymaster​ / @extellamaster​ / @ironwroughthero​ / @ultimatepharaoh​
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warhcwl · 5 years
“We’ll sneak in the back and we’ll kick in the door.”
|| Halsy manic meme.
     “…”  Penthesilea grumbled and almost growled, but the Assassin had an excellent point. There would be carnage if they were to fight straight through the barred front entrance, defended as it was by some manic Lancer. Celtic, probably; they always seemed to be the brashest. If they crashed through the front with her flails, like Penthesilea suggested, Master would be displeased with them for causing destruction to Chaldea…
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     Penthesilea was always one to want to rush headfirst into battle — she didn’t fear the Lancer. She feared NO man. However… Assassin was far more level-headed than the hot-blooded Amazon. After a moment’s thinking, Penthesilea agreed, turning her gaze to the serpentine Queen of the Nile with a curt nod. There was no time to waste.
     “I agree. Lancer doesn’t own the kitchen and I’m hungry. We’ll go in through the back. I’ll surprise and handle Lancer while you grab the snacks. Let us proceeed.”
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gallowking · 5 years
"You know, since I saw talk of cats the other night, I figure I'd add that we Egyptians loved and worshipped cats. Not only did they help rid us vermin and pests, but they made excellent companions. In fact, there was a feline goddess before Bastet called Mafdet who took on feline forms, but was eventually replaced, and like her she was regarded as a protector of the home."
Oh, she had overheard that conversation? He had not known servants had intended on caring about meaningless conversations about cats, although he should not be AS surprised. Since Cleopatra was apart of a culture that adored and loved felines of all kinds. 
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“A protector of the home. Felines and canines alike are in fact cherished companions, although I had not known about there being a feline goddess.” He may not believe nor put his faith in such a thing compared to his God, but the thought was interesting to hear from a person who was Egyptian. 
“I wonder how she had felt when she was replaced. Hm... However, this is interesting information. Tobias is not like a protector, but he likes my company. I assume that can be almost the same thing, non?” 
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starrymaster · 5 years
@ultimatepharaoh​ replied to your team members needed
“I could join you, if you do not mind a pharaoh like Cleopatra being on your team.”
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“We would love to have you in our team, Cleopatra-san! Please call me Hakunon.” She bows slightly.
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ardenssolis · 5 years
@ultimatepharaoh​ said (inbox):
Cleopatra wanted to pet and play with one of those little space sphinxes... she would kneel down and extend a gentle hand out towards one, as if offering it friendship and kindness. Can't really blame her... she loved cats, and Ozy's space kitties were just too adorable.
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     THE SPHINX TRIO HAD quite a gift for reading whether a Servant was dangerous or not, though that might have been more instinctual than anything, and there were times that they would curiously approach even the most intimidating of individuals if they could sense even the smallest bit of something deep within. Cleopatra, of course, did not fall into that scary category -- to them, anyway. The three were aware she was a kind person just from her interactions with others and from the time she spent with their Creator. That was more than enough evidence for them to trust her! Without hesitation, the little one approached as she extended her hand, stepping closer until a soft cheek brushed against it as permission she may touch them. They even gifted them with a flap of tiny wings to show how powerful they were too!
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idoldragos · 5 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
....I mean...I love writing Kazura but, the only attention I gave to it from here was reblogging her info, tumblr. @w@;;;
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bunnysmultimuse · 5 years
ultimatepharaoh replied to your post: Don’t mind him casually burning any mistletoe he...
“That also works.”
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And now he’s burning other Christmas decorations that he comes across. “Hahahaha!”
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fatebeastbirthorder · 5 years
ultimatepharaoh  “Everyone is acting like I killed their puppy or...
“You killed someone who meant something to people. Don’t tell me you weren’t expecting this?”
“Of course I didn’t expect it. Who in their right mind would?”
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ryogai · 5 years
@ultimatepharaoh​ said : "I have a change I'd like to submit, Nix-san. I'm... I'm handing in my resignation." Says the pharaoh, who appears to have lost all of her confidence. "I'm leaving the team and retiring from the tournament. For personal reasons. I'm sorry. Though I think Team Fabulous will do just fine without me."
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“Is that so? I’m sorry to hear that, Cleopatra.. Your resignation is accepted. I’m allowing Team Fabulous some time to locate a replacement.”
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flowermaguss · 5 years
ultimatepharaoh replied to your post “Honk?”
"A MONSTER HAS APPEARED! CHALDEA IS CURRRRRRSED!!!" Cleopatra screams as she runs away in fear.
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“Honk?”  Yeah it went after the ancient pharaoh, but couldn’t keep up anymore. Deciding to put a rose in-front of her door and leave her alone afterwards. “Honk honk.” If anything, Cleopatra likely would think it was from Caesar.
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spiritucux · 5 years
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“We won? Perfect! All I can see is our victory on the horizon! Go Team Fabulous! In celebration, I’ll treat you all to a serenade by the fire while Archer makes hot cocoa.”
@ironwroughthero​ / @starrymaster​ / @extellamaster​ / @ultimatepharaoh​
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berserkingpowers · 5 years
@ultimatepharaoh​ replied to your post: “Female warriors are to be admired, simply put,...
“Pe-Pen-chan…” Cleopatra turns away to hide her blushing.
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“Is something the matter?” The amazon puts her hand the cheek of the turned-away Pharaoh, feeling the warmth of her cheek under the gentle touch that she gives to her fellow ruler. “You feel so warm..”
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warhcwl · 5 years
“There’s nothing like a higher purpose to permit men to do the unspeakable.”
The Witcher meme. || @ultimatepharaoh.
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     “…”   How many wars have been needlessly fought. How many lives countlessly lost to gain land, to claim one’s gods superior to another’s, to attain fellow humans as slaves, all in the name of a higher purpose that no single person could prove truly existed. Penthesilea wasn’t going to pretend to be perfect, though. She descended from her high horse long ago. 
     “I, too, have done unspeakable things in the name of a higher purpose. I think most ‘heroes’ in here have done the same. We’re all here because of our ability to kill… Isn’t taking another person’s life now considered unspeakable? Most of us would be incarcerated if what we did, thousands of years ago, we did today.”
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maledicti-oculi · 5 years
∪・ェ・∪ (If you're still accepting~)
Send ∪・ェ・∪ and my muse will decide what dog breed they think best suits your muse
meme| accepting
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— ❝Of course, the Pharaoh hound. Lovely, and elegant.❞
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ardenssolis · 5 years
ultimatepharaoh replied to your post
"No offense, Ozymandias-sama, but you're pretty loud when you're laughing..."
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     ❝A KING MUST BE heard! If he is happy, does it not make sense that he would ensure his subjects hear his joy? Surely such a sound would ignite the same intense emotion within them as well!❞ His laughter was different from these curs with their bickering and howling---! He used an inside voice at all times always outside of this!
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