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tsubakicraft · 2 years ago
今日はホームページを見てロードバイクのコンポーネントの組み替え依頼の連絡をくださった方がおいでになりました。 千葉から輪行していらっしゃるというので大船駅までお出迎えです。 工房に到着してお茶を飲んで一休みしてから、木製ロードバイクの試乗をしていただきました。木製フレームの乗り心地の良さを十分に感じていただけたと思います。 持ち込んだロードバイクはビアンキのアルミバイク。コンポーネントはシマノさんのSORAのセットです。 普通に組み替え作業を依頼通りやるよりも、少し手伝いをするので自分でやってみてはと提案しました。その方が安価にできます。 早速、部品という部品を取り外します。 各部の清掃や注油をしてから新しい部品の組み付けを始めます。 大方組み終わったところで近所を試乗。SORAからUltegraへの載せ替えは、はっきり体感できるほどの変化だと言って嬉しそうでした。 木製…
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cycletechreview · 2 years ago
Upgrading to Shimano Ultegra Di2 12-speed?
Running an 11-speed disc-brake road bike and thinking about upgrading to 12-speed for summer? Now’s the time to take a look at Shimano’s Ultegra Di2. Maybe you’re in the enviable position of having a frame that you love, but it needs a little updating? You’ve looked at Shimano’s Dura-Ace and thought “that is beautiful, but the cost!” Then maybe you should take a look at Shimano’s second tier…
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biwakofreeride · 2 years ago
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#shimano #ultegra #11s #roadbike #cannondale #supersix #cannondalesupersix #シマノ #アルテグラ #11速 #ロードバイク #キャノンデール #スーパーシックス https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSCdPqyHXi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stevestonbike · 2 years ago
Gimme a brake.
The blue bike (Canyon CR7) has disc brakes. I have fancy aero wheels I got a few months ago and swapped the brake disks and cassette over no problemo. I just realized that it is about one year ago I got it. I have about 4100 km on her. I wonder how the brakes are doing? It is easy to check rim brakes, you look at them. Disc pads are buried inside some bracketry.
I want to check the pads for wear. On-line they say they can wear out in a thousand miles. Oh dear dear I am way over that. No mention if that is crazy downhill mountain bikers or what. I need a micrometer caliper thingy to measure the pads. Brand new they are about 2mm thick. That aint much. They are at the end of life at 0.5mm, that is less.
So I root around my tools looking for my old caliper. My tool box is subject to quantum uncertainty. When I am looking for a particular tool it is never there. It will be in the way of everything when I am not looking for it though. It is an old thing and uses a vernier gauge no batteries or digital read out.
Anyway it refuses to be found. I really want to check the wear as in three weeks I am going to Whistler. OK I will buy a new one. Only about 30 bucks for a digital readout fancy thing in a nice case. Hard to lose that in the quantum toolbox. I do so purchase one.
I pull out the little tiny pads on the back wheel. Type J05C if that means anything. They have fancy heat sink fins on them for mountain biking. I measure the total thickness at 3.5mm. The metal backing is 1.6mm, so 1.9mm of pad almost new? I do not think I am particularly gentle, but I aint particularly fast either. Same on the front pads. Hmmmm.
I bought a set of new pads in spring just in case. They are J04c which are a metallic compound. They are the only ones I could find that looked like the ones on my bike. These pads are about the same price as for my car brakes. I suppose in the big picture they are more life critical. In any event I have a lot more life left in these things and that included some winter riding. Though I do not do muddy mountain bike and gravel stuff.
I wonder about the discs then. Apparently you stop using them if they go under 1.5mm thick. I have to measure them too. Those are actually more expensive than on my car, but they are laminated with stainless on two sides of aluminum. Very tricky to do that they are metallurgically incompatible. I will measure that when I go out tonight for my Tuesday ride. Probably pretty new as well I reckon.
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tailwatershop · 2 years ago
Enhance Your Fly Fishing Experience with Shimano Ultegra Fc
Gear up for unrivaled fly fishing adventures with the shimano ultegra fc fly reel. Crafted to perfection, this high-performance reel combines the precision engineering of shimano ultegra with the finesse required for fly fishing. Designed to handle the toughest challenges.
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roadbikestudio · 2 years ago
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Cervélo Caledonia • Ultegra Di2 • Bontrager 📸 @seesmith_ @cervelo @shimanoroad @ridebontrager https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqrdyj6Lpt8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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neverendingmultiverse · 7 months ago
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Cinelli Parallax
Thomson x4 stem
Fsa Wing handlebars
Thomson Elite seatpost
Specialized Power saddle
Sugino 75 cranks
Sugino 75 sealed bottom bracket
Shimano Ultegra pedals
Aarn 47t chainring
Izumi Eco chain
Paul Comp High Flange hubs
Retro-gression 17t cog
H Plus Son Archetype hoops
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windcycleworks-nl · 2 years ago
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WiND84: Bart's Special Allroader - GCX (gravelcrosser)
(English summary below)
Dit is een vervangend frame voor mijn eigen gravelcrosser. Het oude frame was weliswaar nog lang niet versleten, maar niet meer helemaal up-to-date wat betreft de technische details. Daarnaast had ik weer wat ideeën die nodig in de praktijk moesten worden uitgeprobeerd en getest. Dus tijd voor een nieuw frame met voorvork!
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Dit is een Special Allroader frame net als WiND77. Maar waar WiND77 is getuned en opgebouwd als (Allroad-)racer voor het snellere werk op de weg is dit frame getuned voor gebruik als gravelcrosser. Gravelcross betekent in mijn geval in de winter een paar noppige gravelbanden voor een combinatie van asfalt, onverharde wegen en cyclocross / MTB paden en -routes en in de zomer wat snellere gravelbanden voor een combinatie van verharde wegen en gravel, inclusief gebruik tijdens vakanties (aangezien de gemonteerde verzetten wat meer geschikt zijn om mijn 90kg bergop te slepen dan de polderverzetten op WiND77 :) ).
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Het frame heeft de standaardspecificaties van de Special Allroader met o.a. custom mix van Columbus ZONA en LIFE buizen, non-oversized balhoofdbuis, Paragon RVS dropouts voor flatmount remmen en 12x142mm steekas, en ruimte voor banden tot 40-45mm plus modder (ruim voldoende voor het beoogde gebruik). Verder is frame qua details redelijk 'kaal' (geen spatborden, dragers, etc. want niet nodig) en dus mooi clean.
Daarnaast heb ik een ook paar nieuwe (experimentele) elementen toegepast:
Seatstays: 'single-bend' met custom bend rond de band. Dit voornamelijk voor iets andere looks dan de voorgebogen S-bend seatstays. De single-bends vind ik persoonlijk net wat mooier. Voor nieuwe frames zijn beide opties mogelijk.
Voorvork: Ik had al langer het idee om een stalen voorvork te bouwen met wat meer 'optische body' dan de standaard Allroader voorvork zodat deze wat meer in proportie is met de buizen van het frame, maar zonder dat het meteen een hele zware vork wordt. Dit heb ik gedaan door de nieuwe extra dikke (maar niet al te dikwandige) vorkpoten van Columbus zelf te ovaliseren voor extra breedte in zijaanzicht (en juist smaller in vooraanzicht). De poten zijn verbonden met de vorkbuis d.m.v. een 'segmented' constructie aangezien de gebruikelijke constructie met een gelugde kroonhier niet bruikbaar is.
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Interne kabelgeleiding door chainstays en vorkpoot: Interne geleiding van rem- en schakelkabels door de onderbuis is al langer een populaire 'extra' op WiND-frames (mooi en clean met soepele kabelloop rond balhoofdbuis en makkelijk doorvoeren van volledige buitenkabel). Op dit frame heb ik de kabels ook intern door de chainstays en vorkpoot laten lopen. Dat geeft flink wat extra werk, maar blijkt goed te doen en het resultaat is er ook naar (past goed bij het frame (extra clean en organisch zonder externe kabelgeleiders) en geeft een mooie loop van de kabels). Dus vanaf nu beschikbaar als extra voor nieuwe projecten!
Frame en vork zijn gepoedercoat in Ultramarijnblauw (heb ik al gezegd dat ik alle kleuren mooi vind, zolang het maar blauw is ? :) ) en voorlopig opgebouwd met voornamelijk onderdelen van zijn voorganger en uit voorraad. Dat is momenteel nogal een bonte mix van onderdelen op basis van een mechanische 10-speed Shimano aandrijflijn (Ultegra en Deore) met SRAM Rival cranks en mechanische schijfremmen (TRP Spyre). Daarbij heb ik nog een MTB cassette achter de hand voor uitstapjes richting de bergen. Verder o.a. een paar stevige wielen met HOPE RS4 naven en een headset en bottom bracket van Chris King. Ondertussen zoek ik verder naar een nieuwe groep die voldoet aan (zoveel mogelijk van) mijn eisen (o.a. goede kwaliteit en ergonomie, i.c.m. mechanisch schakelen en remmen), maar dat valt nog niet mee ...
Hier staan nog wat foto's van de verse frameset voordat deze werd opgebouwd en bedekt door een laagje gravelstof ...
English summary: My new gravelcross frameset. A Special Allroader with some new features that I wanted to try out (single-bend seatstays, oversized fork legs for nicer visual balance with frame, internal cable routing through chainstays and fork leg). Powdercoated in ultramarine blue and temporarily built up with components from it's predecessor
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elysiumbikeshop · 14 days ago
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notonlycoloringbooks · 20 days ago
I 10 Migliori Mulinelli da Pesca in Mare del 2025: Scelte Imperdibili per Pescatori Esperti e Principianti
Cerchi un mulinello nuovo? Non perderti questa mini guida ai 10 migliori mulinelli del momento!
Ecco una selezione dei 10 migliori mulinelli per la pesca in mare, ideali per gli appassionati che cercano attrezzature di qualità. Per ciascun mulinello sono indicate la marca, le caratteristiche principali e il link per l’acquisto su Amazon.it. 1. Shimano Ultegra XTE 14000 Il Shimano Ultegra XTE 14000 è un mulinello da spinning di alta qualità, progettato per offrire prestazioni eccellenti…
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warumichradfahre · 4 months ago
Nachdem ich ja vor Weihnachten letztes Jahr mit dem Rennrad gestürzt war und einen Finger gebrochen hatte, war ich ja im ersten Halbjahr 2024 vor allem mit meinen Dreirädern unterwegs, insbesondere mit dem ICE mit Elektroantrieb. Irgendwann habe ich mich dann wieder auf aufrechte Räder getraut und dann auch aufs Rennrad. Mittlerweile ist das wieder zur Routine geworden. In letzter Zeit fahre ich viel und auch wieder weite Strecken mit den schnellen Rädern. Ich bin schon mehrfach, von allen an Wochenenden oder Feiertagen, über 100 Kilometer gefahren, Strecken deutlich über 50 Kilometer sind auch nach Home Office Tagen in der Woche keine Seltenheit. Ich habe ja zwei Rennräder. Eines ist ein Stevens Aspin, das mir ein Freund, der so etwas kann, zusammengeschraubt hat. Es heißt Litte Stevie. Das andere hat mir ein anderer Freund im Tausch gegen mein Mountain Bike gegeben. Es ist ein Radon Lightning Viper, ich habe es The Viper getauft. Ihr seht es auf dem Titelbild. Die ganze Zeit war ich vor allen mit dem Stevens unterwegs. Dieses Wochenende nun bekam ich wieder Lust auf die Viper. Und siehe da, ich merkte, dass ich mich getäuscht hatte. Ich fahre mit der Viper mindestens zwei Stundenkilometer schneller als mit Little Stevie. Das kann ich ziemlich genau sagen, weil ich in den letzten zwei Wochen eigentlich immer die gleiche Strecke fahre. Und so habe ich einen mehr oder weniger direkten Vergleich. Ich hatte immer gedacht, dass das Stevens leichter und damit per se schneller ist als das Radon. Und zudem dachte ich, dass ich auch besser auf ihm sitze. Denn mein Rennrad Start dieses Jahr im Sommer war auf den Radon und da fühlte ich mal ab so Strecken zu 40 Kilometer nicht mehr so wohl. Vermutlich lag das aber daran, dass ich lange nicht Rennrad gefahren war und es einfach nicht mehr gewohnt war. Zudem hatte mir das Stromrad Fahren ganz offensichtlich einiges an Kraft und Kondition weg gefressen. Das bekam ich dann auf meinen ersten Fahrten mit dem Rennrad, in diesem Fall mit der Viper, zu spüren. Jetzt ist das ganz anders. Ich sitze, auch nach 60 Kilometern, noch sehr gut auf dem Rad, das vom Rahmen her größer ist als Little Stevie. Ich glaube, es ist auch tatsächlich schwerer, aber trotzdem ist es schneller. Oder ich bin darauf schneller. Ob es daran liegt, dass es noch eine „alte” Ultegra Schaltung ist, die vorne drei Kettenblätter hat? Obwohl ich ja das kleinste Blatt hier in der Gegend nie nutze? Aber das mittlere und das große Kettenblatt ergänzen sich halt doch viel besser als bei einer Kompaktkurbel. Oder ob es etwas damit zu tun hat, dass ich an dem Radon einen Triathlon-Vorbau habe? Eher nicht, denn auch auf Segmenten, auf denen ich den normalen Lenker nutze, bin ich mit der Viper schneller. Egal. Ich werde sicher beide Räder nutzen. Ich fahre Little Stevie auch sehr gerne. Und ich glaube, ich muss Sorge um die Schaltung des Radon haben, wenn sie mal verschlissen ist. Shimano baut die Schaltungen mit drei Kettenblättern nicht mehr und ich weiß von Freunden, dass sie umrüsten mussten, als ihre alte Schaltung nicht mehr wollte. Das will ich so lange wie möglich hinausschieben. Wer weiß, vielleicht ist ja irgendwann mal ein neues oder zusätzliches Rennrad fällig, vielleicht als Wettkampf Rad etwa für das Race24? Es gibt schon Schöne, oder? Jetzt geht es in Herbst und Winter und vielleicht kommen ja jetzt auch aufgrund der Straßenverhältnisse wieder die Dreiräder zum Einsatz. Mit Elektro werde ich aber bestimmt zurückhaltend sein. Viel Kraft und Kondition verlieren möchte ich über Winter jedenfalls auf keinen Fall. Ich werde berichten.
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tsubakicraft · 5 months ago
チェーンを張りシフターとブレーキの微調整を終えて完成しました。 車重はこの状態で9.6kgです。 今回は軽さや速さよりも快適性と直進安定性を��視して作ってみました。フォークを寝かせ、ホイールベースを長めにし、チェーンステーとシートステーの剛性を落としています。 クロスバイクとWP Bikeの市販ロードバイクの中間くらいの性能です。販売しているWP1よりも縦方向のしなりが増えています。その結果だと思いますが、上りが少し楽に感じます。その分、高速側の性能は落ちていると思われます。 コンポーネントは10速のUltegra、フォークはタキザワさんのフルカーボン、ホイールはMavic Open Proリム、32本のDT Swiss…
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biwakofreeride · 2 years ago
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#overhaul #complete #roadbike #cannondale #supersix #cannondalesupersix #shimano #ultegra #11s #オーバーホール 完了しました #ロードバイク #キャノンデール #スーパーシックス #シマノ #アルテグラ #11速 になりました https://www.instagram.com/p/CpP8FJ0yWQn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fishingblaze · 7 months ago
10 Best Long Distance Surf Casting Reels 2024 Reviewed
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The global world of surf casting is an exciting realm in which the crashing waves meet the task of long-distance casting. Whether you are an avid angler or an amateur, the key to conquering the vastness of the open waters lies in the reel you select.
The right surf casting reel could make the distinction between a successful fishing expedition and an afternoon of missed opportunities. In this manual, we delve into the intricacies of lengthy-distance surf casting reels, exploring the crucial functions that define their performance.
Join us as we navigate through the waves of alternatives, searching for the best reels that now not only face up to the elements but additionally propel your casts to new distances. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the correct reel that will enhance your angling revelry and bring you closer to the fun of the open sea.
For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
Our Top Picks 10 Best Long Distance Surf Casting Reels 2024
When it comes to lengthy-distance surf casting reels, there are a few exceptional alternatives to be had. Let me highlight some top picks for you:
Daiwa Millionaire: This reel has high-tech capabilities, ease of operation, and loads of line potential for prolonged casts and big fish. It’s a strong desire for surfcasting.
Shimano Calcutta B: Known for its top-notch durability and electricity, the Calcutta B is suitable for lengthy-term anglers. Its aluminum body ensures durability, and it won’t rust or fill with sand in the course of surf fishing.
KastKing Rover Round Reel: If you’re in a price range, the KastKing Rover gives a low-value preference without compromising abilities. It gives as much as 30 kilos of drag and is appropriate for beginners.
Okuma Andros 2-Speed Reel: This reel allows short device ratio adjustments, making it flexible for particular surf fishing situations. The ergonomic design simplifies drag changes.
Daiwa Saltist Levelwind Reel: With an automated grasp engagement and rapid device ratio, the Saltist is a versatile choice for surf casting. It’s appropriate for numerous fishing styles.
Remember to keep in mind your particular dreams, which consist of casting distance, durability, and budget, when deciding on the great reel for your surf fishing adventures. If you’d like more details about any of those alternatives, feel free to invite!
PENN Surfblaster III Longcast Fishing Reel (best for saltwater)
Shimano Ultegra XTD Surf Reel
KastKing iReel One IFC Smart Baitcasting Fishing Reel
PENN Spinfisher V Spinning Fishing Reel
PENN Slammer III Spinning Fishing Reel
PENN Surfblaster III Longcast Fishing Reel
A Deep Dive into the PENN Surfblaster III
Key Features:=
Embark on an adventure with the Penn Surfblaster III Longcast, a fishing reel that is going beyond expectations, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
Let’s discover the important features that make this reel a standout preference for anglers seeking the precise mixture of power and finesse:
Sealed Stainless Steel Ball Bearings: Dive into clean casting and retrieval with the Surfblaster III’s five sealed stainless steel ball bearings. Every flip is a symphony of fluidity, making sure a fishing reel is freed from hitches and snags.
Slow Oscillation System: The sluggish oscillation device brings order to your line, promoting even distribution and decreasing tangles. A critical function for those lengthy-distance casts, this device maximizes precision, making each forged count number.
HT-a-hundred Brake System: With a quick and smooth HT-one hundred brake machine, this reel offers you the threshold for controlling your trap. Experience the appropriate stability of electricity and finesse as you navigate the unpredictable tides.
Tapered Spool The uniquely tapered spool design is engineered for the horizon-seeker. Casting distances turns into a revelation as friction is minimized, permitting your line to bop through the air easily.
Large T-Crank Knob Comfort meets management with the big T-crank knob. Designed for individuals who respect every element, it provides an ergonomic grip that guarantees hours of casting without sacrificing consolation.
For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
Brand:  PENN Hand Orientation: Ambidextrous Fishing Technique: Sea Fishing Special Feature:  Anti-Reverse Model Name:  Penn Surfblaster III Handle Material:  Aluminum Bearing Material:  Stainless Steel Included Components: 1 x PENN Surfblaster III Longcast Size: 8000
Use Cases
The Penn Surfblaster III isn’t always only a reel; it’s a tool crafted for folks who dare to venture beyond their limits. Ideal for saltwater, seashore, and rock fishing, its prowess shines in eventualities wherein long-distance casting is the name of the sport.
Whether you’re concentrating on elusive species in the surf or testing your talents in opposition to the rugged rocks, the Surfblaster III is your trusted best friend.
Final Verdict
In the world of surf casting, the Penn Surfblaster III Longcast Fishing Reel is more than a tool; it is an extension of your ardor for the open waters. With precision engineering, considerate capabilities, and a dedication to excellence, this reel invites you to redefine your fishing revel. Elevate your game, forged beyond the horizon, and allow the Surfblaster III to be your companion in the pursuit of the right trap.
Shimano Ultegra XTD Surf Reel
Mastering the Surf: Shimano Ultegra XTD’s Triumph
Key Features
Unleash the strength of the Shimano Ultegra XTD Surf Reel, a masterpiece within the global industry of casting reels. Dive into the abilities that make this reel a pastime-changer for anglers looking for precision, power, and seamless casting.
Shimano’s ULTEGRA 5500 XTD Surf Reel arrives in a league of its own, designed for folks who crave the fun of prolonged-distance casting inside the surf. This reel is a combination of strength, innovation, and craftsmanship.
High-Performance Material Blend:
Crafted with a blend of superior substances, this reel is a testament to Shimano’s dedication to excellence. The end result is a light-weight but robust reel that stands as much as the traumatic situations of saltwater environments.
Stainless Steel Components:
The handle and bearings are solid chrome steel, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion. These components not only handiest and most efficaciously decorate the reel’s longevity but additionally contribute to an easy and reliable operation.
For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
Hand Orientation: Ambidextrous
Material: Blend
Fishing Technique: Casting
Model Name:  ULT5500XTD
Bearing Material: Stainless Steel
Long-Distance Casting Mastery:
A client paired this reel with a Star Stellar 8′ medium rod and executed awesome distances of 100 yards with a 2-ounce pyramid sinker. The reel’s easy operation and sturdy 33-pound drag make it a powerhouse for casting past expectations.
Versatility and Convenience:
The inclusion of a spare spool and shims adds versatility to this reel. Users have efficaciously loaded extremely good braids, achieving the maximum efficient spool capacities for diverse fishing conditions.
Impressive Out-of-the-Box Performance:
Users are thrilled with the Ultegra XTD’s aesthetics and clean operation right out of the box. Its sleek design and dual spools, one loaded with braid and the opposite with mono, make it an impressive choice for long-distance surfcasting.
Perfect Balance for Extended Casting:
When paired with a Shimano Tiralejo, customers praise the right balance and blended weight, making extended casting periods a dream. Filling the reel with 30 lb. Braid guarantees high-quality performance while casting lures like SP Minnows and Pencil Poppers.
Best for: lengthy-distance surfing.
The Shimano Ultegra XTD Surf Reel is a suitable companion for anglers passionate about lengthy-distance surfcasting. Its format and capabilities make it particularly appropriate for concentrating on species near sandbars and tackling the demanding situations of beach and rock fishing.
Final Verdict
In the relentless pursuit of an appropriate stable, the Shimano Ultegra XTD Surf Reel emerges as an effective best friend. Its combination of innovation, durability, and person-first-class skills positions it as a top preference for anglers who call for excellence. Elevate your surfcasting revel in, forged past your limits, and allow the Ultegra XTD to redefine your expectations at the coastline.
KastKing iReel One IFC Smart Baitcasting Fishing Reel
Revolutionize Your Fishing Experience: The iReel One Unleashed
SEE it For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
Key Features:
Elevate your fishing sport with the KastKing iReel One IFC Smart Baitcasting Fishing Reel, a technological wonder that merges intelligence with precision. Let’s discover the important functions that set this reel apart.
Smart Connectivity: The iReel One is not only a fishing reel. It’s a smart partner. Connect it to your phone through Bluetooth and the KastKing app to have access to precise casting statistics. From casting distance to retrieval velocity, this reel keeps you on top of things.
Digital Braking Technology (IFC): Say good-bye to backlashes and hello to smooth, correct casts. Intelligent Frequency Control (IFC) evaluates spool speed, inertia, and line anxiety in real-time. The end result? An electromagnetic braking gadget that adapts dynamically, ensuring ultimate performance in any condition.
Enhanced Castability: The Axis Eye Line Guide, with its precise form and rotation, gives a wide line-out aperture for longer, more accurate casts. The silicon nitride coating on the line guide promotes warmth dissipation, allowing specific lines to waft freely with minimal limit.
Beauty and comfort combined: A sleek electroplated finish no longer only adds to the reel’s elegance but additionally guarantees sturdiness. The low-profile, forty-one. 5mm design provides remaining consolation, making it a pleasure to preserve all day. Ideal for folks that decide on a reel that feels herbal during various fishing techniques.
Speed and strength: With a 7.2:1 gear ratio, the iReel One is flexible and suitable for various fishing strategies. Whether you are using topwater lures, jerkbaits, or jigs, the high tool ratio guarantees short trap retrieval. The carbon fiber drag washing machine, 7075 aluminum main gear, and brass pinion gear collectively deliver a sturdy 16 kilos of smooth, fish-stopping electricity.
Brand: KastKing Hand Orientation:  Right Hand Material:  Aluminium, Carbon Fishing Technique: Baitcasting Handle Material: Aluminum Fishing Line Type:  Braided, Monofilament Bearing Material:  Stainless Steel
Use Cases:
The iReel One is designed for anglers who are seeking the best stability between generation and conventional fishing techniques. Whether you’re casting topwater lures, finesse jerkbaits, or diving jigs into deep waters, this reel adapts to your style, ensuring easy and controlled fishing.
Smart Fishing Experience:
Pairing seamlessly with your smartphone, the iReel One transforms fishing into a clever experience. Access real-time casting records, examine your performance, and satisfactory-music your technique at the pass. The amazing battery’s existence, up to one hundred twenty days in hibernation mode, guarantees that you’re ready for action each time the fish call.
Final Verdict
The KastKing iReel One IFC Smart Baitcasting Fishing Reel isn’t always just a device; it is a soar into the destiny of fishing. With its intelligent functions, glossy design, and versatile overall performance, this reel caters to both tech lovers and seasoned anglers. Experience fishing in a brand new light, where precision meets innovation, with the iReel One as your trusted accomplice on the water.
For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
PENN Spinfisher V Spinning Fishing Reel
Unleash the Power of the Penn Spinfisher V: A Bail-less Marvel
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Key Features:
The Penn Spinfisher V Spinning Fishing Reel is more than just a tool; it’s a strategic desire for anglers searching for reliability in challenging environments. Let’s delve into the important functions that make this reel stand out:
Bail-much less Design: Say goodbye to the hassles of a traditional bail device. The Spinfisher V gets rid of the chance of premature bail journeys during effective casts, ensuring that every solid is powerful, controlled, and worry-unfastened.
Watertight Construction: Engineered to tackle saltwater and sandy conditions, this reel boasts a watertight design. Its full metal frame, sideplate, and rotor, blended with a heavy-responsibility aluminum bail twine, make it a durable companion for anglers dealing with the harsh realities of the sea.
Sealed HT 100 Slammer Drag System: Experience the strong and silky-easy drag provided by way of the sealed HT 100 Slammer system. The friction journey ramp prevents surprising bail journeys throughout casting, presenting seamless line deployment when it matters most.
Smooth Operation: Enjoy fluid cranking with five shielded chrome steel ball bearings and an on-the-spot anti-reverse bearing. The reel’s design minimizes friction, offering a clean and fun angling experience.
Superline Spool: The progressive Superline spool requires no backing, is braid-equipped, and features marked line capability rings at 1/three, 2/3, and complete capacity. Simplify your line control and recognition of the joys of the trap.
Brand:  PENN Hand Orientation: Right Hand Fishing Technique:  Spinning Gearbox Ratio: 4.7 Model Name:  Spinfisher V Handle Material: Stainless Steel Fishing Line Type: Braid, Wire Bearing Material: Stainless Steel Manufacturer:  Pure Fishing
User Experience
Anglers are singing praises for the Spinfisher V’s unique capabilities and first-rate performance.
Bail-much less Advantage: The absence of a bail guarantees effective casts without the threat of line loss. A consumer stocks a previous enjoy with a traditional bail gadget and appreciates the reliability of the Spinfisher V.
Durable Construction: With an all-steel construction and corrosion-resistant anodized aluminum, this reel is constructed to resist the elements. The five.6:1 gear ratio and watertight seals make it a reliable choice for surf casting in saltwater.
Smooth and Adjustable Drag: Users reward the smooth mechanical operation, loss of wobble, and capacity to adjust the drag as much as an excellent 30 lbs. The carbon fiber drag contributes to the reel’s sturdiness and performance.
Innovative Spool Design: The beveled internal face of the spool aids in easy line deployment during casting. Users recognize the eye-catching element inside the reel’s design, making it a precious asset for various fishing strategies.
Bail-less Casting Mastery: While the use of the reel may take a few tries, anglers quickly adapt to placing the line at the curler bearing after casting. With time, it will become second nature, making for a seamless fishing experience.
Best For
The Penn Spinfisher V is the reel of desire for anglers who prefer a bail-much-less layout, sturdiness in harsh situations, and easy, adjustable performance. It’s particularly appropriate for surf casting in saltwater environments.
For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
Final Verdict
Penn Spinfisher V is a true game-changer in the world of spinning reels. Its bail-much-less layout, watertight construction, and progressive functions redefine reliability and overall performance. For anglers seeking a long-lasting and reliable companion in the unpredictable international of saltwater fishing, the Spinfisher V isn’t just a reel; it’s an assurance of fulfillment and a testomony to Penn’s commitment to excellence. Dive into a new era of fishing with the Spinfisher V by your side. Highly encouraged!
PENN Slammer III Spinning Fishing Reel
Unleash the Power of the Penn Slammer III: A Surf Angler’s Delight
Key Features:
The PENN Slammer III Spinning Fishing Reel is not only a reel; it is a testomony to modern-day generation and layout crafted for surf anglers. Here’s a better way to look at its standout capabilities:
Full metal body: Built to bear the pains of surf fishing, the Slammer III boasts a whole metallic body, aspect plate, and rotor. This robust production ensures sturdiness and reliability even in the harshest saltwater environments.
CNC Gear Technology: The reel is prepared with present-day CNC tools, delivering precision and energy with every flip. Whether you’re casting from the shore or preventing an effective fish, the Slammer III’s gear is as important as the task.
IP67 Sealed Body and Spool Design: The Slammer III takes waterproofing to the next stage with its IP67-sealed frame and spool layout. This characteristic now not only protects the internals from saltwater intrusion but additionally enhances the reel’s durability, making it a reliable companion for future years.
Sealed Slammer Drag System with Dura-Drag: Experience an easy and effective drag device with the Sealed Slammer Drag, offering Dura-Drag technology. This ensures regular drag overall performance, allowing you to control the fight and land your seize with self-perception.
6-Plus-1 Stainless Steel Bearing System: The reel operates seamlessly with a 6-plus-1 chrome steel bearing system. Expect easy retrieves and unique coping with, whether or not you are casting or reeling on your prized seize.
Brand: PENN Hand Orientation: Ambidextrous Material: Synthetic Fishing Technique:  Spinning, Casting Handle Material: Stainless Steel Fishing Line Type: Monofilament Warranty Description: Manufacturer Warranty
Best For: For more detail, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
The Penn Slammer III is tailor-made for surf anglers searching for a flexible and durable reel. Its capabilities make it a top-notch companion for plugging, surfcasting, and tackling powerful saltwater species.
Final Verdict
In the world of surf fishing, the Penn Slammer III emerges as a dependable and effective ally. Its robust production, superior features, and angler-nice format make it a standout preference for individuals who demand standard overall performance in every forged. Despite minor considerations, the Slammer III’s average prowess in the surf fishing area earns it a well-deserved spot in the arsenal of devoted anglers. Experience the thrill of surf fishing with the Penn Slammer III, wherein power meets precision. Highly recommended!
Key Features to Consider in Long-Distance Surf Casting Reels
When attempting to find the right lengthy-distance surf casting reel, numerous key features play a pivotal role in figuring out its effectiveness and suitability for your angling desires. Understanding these features will empower you to make a knowledgeable selection. Here are the key capabilities to not forget:
Line Capacity The line potential of a surf casting reel is vital for anglers targeting remote waters. A reel with ample line capability ensures you could spool enough line to reach the ones a ways off casting distances without compromising on the thickness of the road.
Gear Ratio The tool ratio defines how regularly the spool turns with one full rotation of the reel’s handle. For lengthy-distance casting, a higher gear ratio is effective. Look for reels with equipment ratios above 5.0:1, as they provide faster retrieval, critical for quick bringing to your catch from prolonged casting distances.
Drag System The drag system is pivotal for controlling resistance when a fish is hooked. An easy and powerful drag device is vital for lengthy-distance surf casting to deal with the potential energy and pace of saltwater species. Opt for reels with advanced drag technology, consisting of sealed structures and durable drag materials.
Ball Bearings The wide variety and high quality of ball bearings affect the reel’s standard smoothness and performance. More ball bearings commonly bring about smoother operation. Look for reels with corrosion-resistant, sealed stainless-steel ball bearings, mainly vital in saltwater environments.
Material and Construction The durability and weight of the reel are determined by its material and construction. Long-distance surf casting reels have to be created from corrosion-resistant substances, which include aluminum or alloys. A sturdy production guarantees the reel can withstand the tough situations of saltwater environments.
Additional Features Anti-ReverseAn anti-opposite feature prevents the reel from turning backward, providing instant hook-setting energy.
Adjustable Handles Adjustable handles provide customization for angler consolation and can be beneficial throughout long casting classes. Consider reels with ergonomic and adjustable handles for a customized fishing reel.
By carefully evaluating those key features, you may narrow down your alternatives and pick an extended-distance surf casting reel that aligns flawlessly with your angling alternatives and the demanding situations posed by saltwater environments.
Comparison Table: Long-Distance Surf Casting Reels
This side-by-side assessment table provides a quick evaluation of the important functions of the reviewed lengthy-distance surf casting reels. Consider your priorities and options to find the reel that best fits your needs for a great surf casting experience.
Buying Guide: Choosing the Perfect Long-Distance Surf Casting Reel
When it involves long-distance surf casting, the proper reel could make all the difference to your angling achievement. Consider the subsequent pointers to guide you in choosing the proper reel based on your alternatives and fishing situations:.
Line Capacity Importance Adequate line capacity is essential for lengthy-distance casting. It ensures you can spool sufficient line to attain distant waters without sacrificing line thickness.
Considerations Choose a reel with ample line potential to accommodate the unique fishing conditions you stumble upon, whether or not it is casting from the shore or concentrated on species that demand extended line duration.
Gear Ratio Importance The gear ratio determines how quickly the line is retrieved. A higher gear ratio is useful for lengthy-distance casting as it allows for faster retrieves.
Considerations Look for reels with gear ratios above 5.0:1. This guarantees green retrieval, which is vital while bringing on your capture from extended casting distances.
Drag System Importance A clean and powerful drag machine is important for controlling the fight while hooked. It prevents sudden jerks, which can result in misplaced fish.
Considerations Opt for reels with advanced drag technology, along with sealed systems and durable drag substances. This ensures a steady and dependable drag, which is critical for dealing with strong saltwater species.
Ball Bearings
Importance The range and first-class ball bearings have an effect on the reel’s smoothness and normal overall performance.
Considerations Look for reels with corrosion-resistant, sealed stainless-steel ball bearings. A better variety of satisfactory bearings contributes to a smoother operation, improving the general angling experience.
Material and Construction Importance The durability and weight of the reel are determined by its material and production. A sturdy construction guarantees the reel can withstand the tough situations of saltwater environments.
Considerations Choose reels made out of corrosion-resistant substances like aluminum or alloys. A robust construction complements sturdiness and overall performance in hard surf conditions.
Additional Features Importance Extra functions can enhance your usual fishing revel, imparting comfort and customization. Considerations
Features that include anti-opposite mechanisms, adjustable handles, and modern braking structures can contribute to the reel’s capability. Consider your personal alternatives and how these features align with your fishing style.
Selecting the proper long-distance surf casting reel involves expertise in your character possibilities and the unique challenges of your fishing surroundings. By considering these key capabilities and their significance, you could make an informed choice that elevates your surf casting experience to new heights.
Conclusion: Finding Your Ideal Long-Distance Surf Casting Reel
In the quest for the correct long-distance surf casting reel, we’ve explored and compared some top contenders.
Let’s recap the important things for players and offer some final thoughts that will help you make a first-rate desire based totally on your character possibilities and angling needs.
Penn Surfblaster III Highlights enough line potential, a gradual oscillation gadget, and a T-crank knob for delivered comfort. Ideal for anglers searching for a reliable reel with functions tailored for prolonged casting distances.
Shimano Ultegra XTD Highlights high gear ratios, clean drag, and flexibility for numerous fishing strategies. Ideal for those looking for a reel that mixes power, easy operation, and adaptability for exclusive angling styles.
KastKing iReel One and IFC Highlights: Bluetooth connectivity, sensible braking era, and a graceful, snug layout. Ideal for tech-savvy anglers wanting a reel with superior features for record monitoring and specific casting control.
PENN Spinfisher V Highlights: watertight layout, sealed drag gadget, and robust construction for saltwater environments. Ideal for anglers who prioritize sturdiness and overall performance in difficult saltwater situations.
PENN Slammer III Highlights: a full metallic frame, CNC equipment technology, and a sealed Slammer drag device. Ideal for those in search of a powerful and durable reel designed to withstand the rigors of surf fishing.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the best long-distance surf casting reel ultimately depends on your unique options and fishing conditions. If sturdiness and extended casting are your primary concerns, the Penn Surfblaster III and Shimano Ultegra XTD are terrific alternatives.
For anglers who admire superior technology, the KastKing iReel One IFC offers a unique combo of innovation and overall performance.
For tough saltwater environments, the Penn Spinfisher V and Penn Slammer III stand out, each excelling in durability and imparting the strength needed to tackle bold saltwater species.
Consider your priorities, whether they are present-day capabilities, versatile overall performance, or robust production, and pick the reel that aligns flawlessly with your angling aspirations. With any of these pinnacle choices, you are certain to elevate your lengthy-distance surf casting experience.
For more details, Please visit FishingBlaze.com
How do you cast long distances?
Achieving astonishing casting distances includes selecting extended rods for support, permitting the rod to load up, keeping an eager eye on the spool, making use of braided important lines, and ensuring harmonious stability between the rod and trap.
Does rod length affect casting distance?
Certainly, the period of a fishing rod notably impacts casting distance. Longer rods provide multiplied leverage and facilitate a smoother casting movement, enabling anglers to propel bait or lures to greater distances effectively.
What is the best length for a surf rod?
Optimal surf rod duration generally falls within the range of 10 to 12 feet, catering to the various wishes of maximum anglers in search of an effective balance between reach and control.
What is the best time for surf fishing?
The prime moments for success in surf fishing generally arise all through the early morning or approximately an hour earlier than dusk, maximizing your chances of a fruitful trap.
Long-distance surf casting techniques
Long-distance surf casting is an exciting skill that each angler dreams of studying. To reap mind-blowing casting distances, it’s essential to recognize the basics and employ effective techniques. In this guide, we will break down the key factors of prolonged-distance surf casting in an easy-to-understand way.
Fundamentals of the Cast
Understanding the basics is crucial before delving into precise techniques. Here are some regular casting standards to keep in mind:
1. Direction of the Lure
The entice follows the route in which the rod tip moved simply earlier than the cast modified into stopped.
2. Loading the Rod
Start the cast slowly, boost up, and attain the most tempo before stopping the rod to efficiently load it. Avoid beginning the forged too quickly, as it could lead to the entice transferring too quickly and now not pulling on the rod completely.
three. Utilizing Rod Power
Abruptly forestall the rod without decreasing the quit from the goal line to use all of the strength stored in a loaded rod. Lengthen your casting stroke to increase the rod’s loading capability.
The Grip
A proper grip is critical for minimizing slack and making sure a hit is made.
Long-distance flycasters keep rods and line hands close together to prevent slack. When casting a spinning rod, use a finger grip in the front of and behind the reel stem. Wear a golfing glove while casting heavy lures to keep away from line-cutting your finger.
The Slingshot Stance
Achieving an exceptional stance is crucial for the greatest casting distance. Follow these steps:
Place your non-dominant foot ahead, shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees barely, rotate your hips and shoulders, and position the rod tip without delay again. Shift weight to the other foot, ensuring proper weight distribution.
The Cast
Executing the forged document consists of a series of coordinated actions. Here’s a step-with the aid of-step guide:
Begin with a slow motion, retaining synchronization amongst arm motion, weight shift, and frame rotation. Accelerate the rod with the aid of pushing it up with your proper hand and pulling it down with your left. Stop the rod at approximately eleven o’clock, releasing the road with all weight on the front foot.
Achieving Extra Distance
When extra distance is wanted, adopt strategies from fly-casters:
Hold the rod at some stage in your body with the proper arm three-quarters prolonged. Extend the casting stroke, much like spey-casting. Shift the burden lower again, pass the rod tip up and lower back in an oval circle, and transition into the slingshot stance.
Setting the Hook
With your trap at a greater distance, alter your hook-placing approach:
Hold the rod throughout your frame even as retrieving the entice. Balance the rod on your proper hand to combat fatigue. When you feel a strike, issue the rod towards the entice, absorb slack, and execute a powerful hook set.
Conclusion: Long-distance surf casting techniques
Mastering long-distance surf casting calls for exercise and a sturdy know-how of the standards and techniques referred to above. With determination and the right method, you’ll soon be casting your lures farther and reeling in the prized catches from the surf.
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