kogglyuffs · 2 years
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vibin hard to this song sm
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ol-files · 3 months
Rating Wakfu Couple
3/10 Ogrest X Dathura (canon)
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These two are not meant to be in a romantic relationship. Possibly, even with another person. These two are no more that newborns, they have no understanding of what it is to be in this type of relationship. But I found it perfect to be in the same family. They both need love and acceptance. Dathura is therefore more of a big sister than a love interest.
5/10 Eva X Tristepin
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I just think that their relationship beginnings (season 1 and season 2) took turns too tight. Their early relationship is really pushed by the authors that at first we wondered: "but why they are together"
At my level, it had them to become parents to look like a couple that is made to last. Until the end or the sad past catches up with them.
6/10 Chibi X Mina (canon)
Calm down at first and know that this couple is CANON and I find it beautiful. I love mythological stories, and in my books when your parents created the universe, you’re going to marry one of your sibling to lead your people and create a world.
And these two have father and mother’s lives for their other brothers and sisters, and for their people.
7/10 Poo X Kali (canon)
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Seen in the manga Ogrest. Impossible to expand too much on why without spoiling the story. But these two have a common background and their personality balances perfectly.
7/10 Qilby X Chibi
What better for absolute curiosity than the absolute inventor.
For better understanding of they dinamyc I find this fic resuming all the possibility
(I will not make them all would become a little uniquity otherwise)
8/10 Amalia X Yugo (canon)
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Season 4 had to exist and the webtoon took over for me to catch the inter of these two. Even if I have seen this couple build little by little, I find that they have not had enough emblematic or more significant moments. Yes I think of the marriage with Harebourg, if the guy had not had a spider on the ceiling, it would be Amalia X Harebourg in this place and they would have a lower score.
9/10 Qilby X Otomaï
At first, we find the same qualities present as if Qilby was with Chibi. But with a worship more turned towards the future. If he had a deeper redemptive bow, it would be a perfect choice.
Moreover Otomai having taken in complexity in the manga Ogrest and not only in good. But unlike Qilby he tries to learn from his mistakes, the important thing is to try. The idea of seeing these two go a long way together is rather comforting
10/10 Alia X Bordegann (canon)
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Perfect fairy tale couple. If we touch their happiness of this little couple I going to be very upset. 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
10/10 Jiva X Ulgrud (canon)
Lets them reste now, please. 😿
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11/10 Noximillien X Galante (canon)
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Galante loved her husband and it broke her to go away from him, but she put their child’s life before her happiness. Also, if the chaos of Ogrest had not prevailed, Nox would NEVER have seen the light of day. But it’s their love that makes Nox the best villain we’ve ever had.
20/10 Nora X Amalia
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I quickly fell in love with this possible couple. Who in addition to filling the gaps between yumalia and a strong couple. At first, I’m a little biased because Nora, one of my favorite characters from the game on XBOX (2011), not to mention the fears that this character is ruined. She had finally returned. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (She is doomed but snif) BUT the possibility of these two warrior princesses exists and being together is really my absolute (in this ranking)
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uelman · 3 years
The Krosmoz’s Month Protectors
I recently did a summary for each Month Protector in the lore of Dofus and Wakfu and I thought, heck, why not post it here too for anyone interested.
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First of all, some context.
When Xelor used the 6 dofus to tune his Divine Clock, he divided it in 11 months, and asked his fellow gods to recommend guardians charged with ensuring that each month lasts and proceeds as intended.
But Rushu took notice of Xelor's Clock, and got hold of it. With his claws he carved a twelfth month into the clock, inserted black larvae to slow it, to finally force the gods into acceptin a demonic month protector of his own choosing.
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Jiva is the Protector of Javian. She's the one that announces the new year while pushing back the cold of Descendre. Only she is powerful enough to beat the demon Djaul! But she can only manage the feat after a real battle of titans, which inevitably repeats every year. What's her secret for winning? She moves as quick as a thought… and gives Djaul a hell of a pantsing.
She is one of Bonta's original founders, who the Order of the Salvatory Spirit follows. She wields the power of ice magic, and is the one who offered the Ice Dofus to Harebourg leading to Frigost's Curse.
She took the title of Protector of Javian after her lover and previous holder, Solar, was killed by Djaul.
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Solar was the first Protector of Javian. The extent of his power depended on the height of the sun in the sky, so he was a maestro at midday, but a sissy at sundown! That's why Djaul chose to attack at twilight. That day, night enveloped not only the World of Twelve, but also... Solar's life!
His death brought down a terrible winter that lead to Sacrier's ascension. He was revived as a Veriun Dead by Raval in his attempt to fight against the Gods.
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Silvosse is the Protector of Flovor. He roams the World of Twelve to free all the souls of plants done in by the cold. And then he takes a bud here, a branch there, and gets to work replanting and tending to them, getting ready for the nicer weather. It's said that he personally knows each of the plants of the world and calls them all by nicknames: Rosita, Chanvroune, Bulbishoo…
He is an old friend of the Soft Oak, and created the Treechnids from the souls of remorseless lumberjacks.
The bontarian Order of the Sharp Eye follows him. When Djaul extended his month after killing Solar, it was Silvosse who put a stop to him.
Ulgrude is the Protector of Martalo… and his temperament is positively electric! Not surprising, considering his shocking power! In a flash, he can strike down an adventurer, just on a whim or out of irritability. But this power also allows him to breathe the spark of life into the seeds of sleeping vegetation. Because Ulgrude presides over the return of springtime and the resurrection of nature.
He is in love with Jiva and chases after her unrelentlessly. He obtained the title of Protector after finishing off Hyrkul, the murderer of his predecessor Menalt, inheriting along with it the power of white lightning that Helioboros had blessed his predecessor with.
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Menalt was the first Protector of Martalo. He was the leader of the Centorors and one of Bonta's founders, who the Order of the Valiant Heart follows. He was beheaded by Hyrkul, Brakmar's greatest fighter, during the events of the Crimson Dawn, the first battle between Bonta and Brakmar.
His faithful centorors became Perceptors in order to find his lost head, which sits atop Raval's scepter.
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Silouate is the Protector of Aperirel. His sulfurous breath helps him melt the frost and ice covering the World of Twelve. His secret: a powerful de-icing liquid made from an herbal base and bovine fluids which he consumes before each of these interventions. It's said that he always keeps a barrel at hand, which he shares with his friend Sumens, during their little nights out…
 Brumaire once sabottage his de-icing reserves searching to weaken him, but Silouate instead became unsatiably hungry and turned into a trool, eating everything in his way. This lasted for two years, until Rosal was able to turn him back to normal.
 When the Pet Pest killed all the pets in the World of Tweleve, Silouate was able to bring them back and tie their lifeforce to the twelvians' in order to avoid something like this to happen again.
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Rosal is the Protector of Maysial. Thanks to his telepathic gifts and his profound empathy, he can feel the emotions and read the thoughts of other living creatures. A power which lets him help others to come out of their shells, but which is, frankly, not a walk in the park.
He is nicknamed "the Flower Master", and is an expert when it comes to antidotes and other panaceas. He also has elemental vision, allowing him to see a creature's elemental sensibilities.
Rosal does not care for the concepts of good or evil, and cares most of all for all creatures to grow and mature, no matter the choices they take.
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Sumens is the Protector of Junssidor. A fervent servant of Enutrof, he was given a rather particular gift: the ability to transform everything he eats into precious stones. A power that lets one make something noble and precious out of something foul? Hard to swallow! And even harder to digest… Since his intestinal singularity is far from painless…
But what is less known is that his powers do not stop there, as he truly is a living athanor, capable of turning whatever cheap thing into fine precious things, prestigious weapons, or other exceptional items.
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Hecate is the Protector of Jullier. A shadow demon, said to have been a minor divinity that people prayed to keep away the particularly virulent Moskitos on hot summer nights. Gifted with the incredible power of metamorphosis, she now roams the world in various guises and creates various relationships, depending on her ever-changing mood…
She was recommended by Sram to fill the position as Month Protector, as he believed that as a minor goddess of the night she could one day become a threat to him. She has the power of shapeshifting, which she uses to roam the world and spy on anyone.
She is one of Brakmar's original founders, who the Order of the Unsound Mind follows, but despite it has sometimes worked against Brakmar's interests due to her love for Ulgrude.
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Pouchecot is the Protector of Frauguctor. "The Fruitcake", as he's known, has an extraordinary sense of humour and never misses a chance to go bananas! He knows how to knuckle down, though, especially when it comes to making sure that the World's fruit ripens at the right rate every year. All in all, he's not a bad apple!
As one of the world's oldest souls, he is immensely knowledgeable. One of his jokes once made Sadida laugh harder than any god had laughed before, for which he offered Pouchecot to turn him into one of his disciples. Pouchecot declined, to Sadida's disappointment, but the god decided to bless him with great power over plants that he now uses as a Protector.
He is one of Bonta's original founders, but has no order of his own.
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Raval is the Protector of Septangel. When autumn shakes its leafy golden head, Raval criss-crosses the World of Twelve, sucking the life out of all its plants and animals. It's a bit of a morbid task, but a necessary one, and he does it without question. Unless...? In any case, if he feels bad about it, it certainly doesn't show!
He is the son of two necromancers, Euph and Agony. He worked together with his mother to create the Veriun Dead, but ultimately turned his mother into one and sealed her in the Mineral Tower.
He helped Vil Smisse found the Rogue Clan, in exchange for the clan's worship. But when Sram heard of it, he took down the protector and took the mantle of Eugor, claiming that Raval had been nothing but his representative.
During the Crimson Dawn, as Hyrkul was leading Brakmar to victory, Raval could feel hours from his month being stolen, so he brought back Bonta's dead soldiers as undead to turn the tide of the battle. He also stole Menalt's head, which he uses to empower his necromancy.
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Maimane is the Protector of Octolliard. He weans the World of Twelve off the last of the warm weather to prepare its occupants for Novamaire's arrival little by little. Easy does it... Easy... Maimane is the master of tact, which is why he sealed the human emotions into totems - so the World can stay cool, calm and relaxed... just like him!
He created his totems after witnessing the Crimson Dawn, searching to bring peace to the war between Bonta and Brakmar, and for this Feca granted him the title of Maimane the Stabiliser. He also founded the Imps Village, searching to give Bonta's and Brakmar's war orphans a new home.
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Brumaire is the Protector of Novamaire. He takes the World of Twelve in his icy grip, freezing everything he can lay his hands on. Nothing and nobody is spared, because his heart is as cold as the ice he spreads. His glacial demeanour might be somewhat unpleasant, but at least you can't accuse him of being a drip!
He is one of Brakmar's great protectors and a follower of Rushu, who the Order of the Putrid Eye follows. He is titled "the Macabre Blord" and is able to turn his body into mist.
Djaul is the Protector of Descendre. He has one dream and one dream alone: to plunge the World of Twelve into an eternal winter. How? By prolonging his month ad infinitum, of course! Every year he battles with Jiva in hope of purloining a few of her precious days. Fortunately for us, the Protector of Javian is having none of it!
He is a demon, one of the closest to Rushu. He tricked Aguabrial into laying a second Turquoise Dofus, but the ruthless Bolgrot was born from it before he could get his hands on it.
When Djaul discovered that Jiva and Harebourg had collaborated and stole days from him, he cursed Frigost with an eternal winter. In an attempt to extend the curse to the rest of the world, he separated a bit of land from Frigost and sent it away, creating Kwismas Island.
He is Brakmar's original founder, who the Order of the Bleeding Heart follows. He created the Dark City to expand the cult of Rushu through the World of Twelve.
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deviched · 8 years
【 𝔰 𝔴 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤】
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Lore Questions
I’m still trying my best to Google translate and figure out volume 5 of the Wakfu manga, which is leaving me with some questions about the lore of the World of Twelve. 
Spoilers under the cut as I talk specifics.
So volume five establishes that a year ends up passing between the time it took the Brotherhood to return from Emrub (which suggest that Emrub is less a ‘dimension where time doesn’t pass’ and more ‘a dimension where time passes by really slowly compared to the World of Twelves’. So Narnia logic.)
At the final battle in the manga, Joris says something regarding Ulgrude that he is so powerful because it is his month. So at the very least the final part of the manga takes place in his month, Martalo (and hey, we have a birth month for Elely and Flopin! And as Ruel says at the end of the manga, if it has been one year that means it is Yuog and Adamai’s birthdays again, so I guess their birth month is Martalo as well?) 
But Chibi and Grougal don’t look any different? Grant it, the artist change may muddy the issue a bit, but there is no indication that they are a year older? And I don’t think that this is just them aging slower, because we were never given any indication that this also happen with Yugo; it always seemed to be that he aged normally until puberty and then his aging began to slow. 
But given that the Protectors are all about keeping time going and Djaul’s whole fight with Jiva was about not wanting his month to end, I wonder how much the Protectors can manipulate time. Could Jiva have stopped time for Chibi and Grougal at least? Like could she have kept them stuck in her month of Javian or Martalo, and that is why it seems that they didn’t age? I can’t find any good resources about the exact powers and abilities of the Protectors so I am just guessing at this point. 
Otherwise the indication is that delayed aging of the Council of Six starts way earlier than we thought. So Yugo may have chronically been twelve at the start of the series, but could he have been younger biologically? And did Alibert just never notice this or did he just assume his son was a late bloomer? Or am I just overthinking things?!?!?
Either way, Volume 5 means we are already going to have to subtract one year from the Brotherhood OVA ages anyway, so bless whoever is going to have to edit their Wikia pages now.  
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