#ulgar x yun hua
ljf613 · 3 years
My Astra Lost in Space ships, in order of preference:
(Spoilers for both the manga and the anime ahead!)
1. Zack x Quitterie
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I LOVE everything about this ship. The childhood friends to lovers. The loud, emotional one and the quiet, composed one. The genius duo. The absolute idiots to lovers. Not to mention how obsessed I am with the dynamic of "A isn't sure how B feels about them, while B is just like, 'we're getting married, aren't we?'" Absolutely everything about this is perfect and on point and I love it.
2. Kanata x Aries
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Ummm, hi, these two are adorable. They're both such sweethearts, and they work really well together. Not a lot to say here, except that I love them and want them to be really happy together.
3. Ulgar x Funicia
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So this is one that I feel like won't make much sense to the anime-only crowd, but Funi and Ulgar have this really sweet friendship going on in the background of all the drama going in this series (a lot of their scenes together ended up being cut from the anime, presumably as it was a very quiet, relatively-unimportant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things sort of thing), which I feel like could develop into an adorable relationship once Funicia's grown up. I mean, look at those smiles! How happy and comfortable they are around each other! The way he's just casually wearing her flower! Anyhoo, I love this ship and refuse to hear a word against it.
4. Ulgar x Polina
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Hello, multishipper over here! I think there's potential for a really interesting story here, beyond "oh, are they actually going on a date at the end?" First off, the interplay between the reporter and the historian is a vastly underappreciated dynamic-- someone who deals in the here-and-now with someone who deals in the way-back-when, and how both of them can work together in that area is super interesting. Second, Ulgar has never trusted adults. His brother told him that the adults were lying, and he was right. Polina is the first adult he's ever met (aside from his brother, obviously) who he could really trust-- the first one who he could be sure wasn't lying to him. That's powerful. Falling in love with her after that wouldn't be at all surprising. (Ulgar's feelings about other people are complicated. He's never had a problem with kids-- see above on his friendship with Funicia-- and while he started off awkward with people his own age, he was able to work past that over the course of the story. The last hurdle he has to clear is finding a way to get along with people older than him-- and Polina's going to be a key part of any narrative along those lines.) Also, maybe they are going on a date at the end! Who knows?
5. Ulgar x Luca
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I did mention that I was a multishipper, right? Luca and Ulgar's arc is really compelling, and while I do prefer them as friends, I can see a lot of possibility for an eventual romance here. The brooding one and the sunshine one can be really a interesting dynamic, and they play really well off of each other. It's just a fun ship all around.
6. Charce x Yun-hua
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I'm not super invested in this ship (honestly, I feel like these two would do well with expanding the dating pool here-- there are other fish in the sea, and these characters don't all have to date within the friend group), but they do have some cute scenes together, and I feel like their personalities and backstories make would make them a pretty well-suited couple if they did decide to go down that route. (Also, Yun-ha deserves a man who will worship at her feet and tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is all day every day, and that is totally Charce.)
7. Ulgar x Yun-hua
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This ship mostly just appeals to me because of the aesthetic-- they'd make an attractive couple, and they appear next to each other a lot. Plus, they'd do well with an introvert-introvert dynamic. You know, like, "spending time with you is almost as nice as spending it by myself?"
There are several other ships I find vaguely appealing-- with ten characters the shipping possiblities are endless-- but these seven are the ones I'm most interested in.
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