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hedrametal · 4 years ago
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Join us this Sunday at 7pm where we'll be hanging and drinking and chatting to infinity with the awesome Suffolk metal band @arms_to_oblivion https://www.facebook.com/armstooblivion www.twitch.tv/hedratwitch #bandonband #metal #sundaychats #ukugm #hedrabanduk https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIljiSJCJa/?igshid=w1ivs3io4nsu
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hedrametal · 5 years ago
Getting inside Jeff Pt1 #bandvan #hedra #sprintervanconversion #metalband #heavymetal #ukugm #gig #ready https://www.instagram.com/p/B_RyIfwlzxt/?igshid=17g9x7xsee80f
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hedrametal · 6 years ago
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Please welcome Peter Luke to the band , Hailing from Canvey Essex Peter has already experienced the UK gigging circuit before relocating to Norwich and has spent a good few weeks learning the songs and helping us out lots already. We are very grateful to have Peter on board as Guitarist and we can already see that he will help us to move the music towards the goals we all want. Welcome to the band Peter Hedra #norwichmetal #heavyguitars #guitarist #guitar #metalband #metalbands #metalheads #metaldude #greatguitar #ukugm #peterhedra #hedrametal #Norwich #bandmate (at Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAWwGYHqJy/?igshid=1m7l42n5ht2bu
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hedrametal · 4 years ago
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This Sunday we are at it again, this time with our #Norwich grunge friends in ColdHarbour UK, we should definitely talk about that era and our scene, let's see what happens! Join us as usual in the chat too! www.twitch.tv/hedratwich #ukugm #bandonband #grunge #PUBCHAT #sundays7pm #hedrabanduk #coldharbouruk https://www.facebook.com/ColdHarbourUK (at Norwich, Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNvIRTlJ5iD/?igshid=s36ikc8y937m
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hedrametal · 5 years ago
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Only a few left original design by Susanne aged 9, of course she'll get commissioned on each sale! www.facebook.com/hedrametalband www.youtube.com/hedrametal www.reverbnation.com/hedrametal www.twitter.com/hedrametal Hedrametal.co.uk Facebook/hedrametalband #ukmetalscene #loud #guitarplayer #metal #norwichmusic #eastangliaband #rockband #hedrametal #elements #metalscene #ukmetal #heavymetal #integrity #hedra #rockmusic #hedrafriends #skull #ukugm #kerrang! #metalband #ukmetalband #norwich #heavymetal #vocalist #norfolk #heavymusic #norfolkband #vocalist #drummer #guitarists norwichmetal #evnd967a #vocalist #merch (at Norfolk England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCy1Ka8ptSD/?igshid=1safp5whbocck
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hedrametal · 5 years ago
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We love you all, take care out there! www.facebook.com/hedrametalband www.youtube.com/hedrametal www.reverbnation.com/hedrametal www.twitter.com/hedrametal Hedrametal.co.uk Facebook/hedrametalband #ukmetalscene #loud #guitarplayer #metal #norwichmusic #eastangliaband #rockband #hedrametal #elements #metalscene #ukmetal #heavymetal #integrity #hedra #rockmusic #hedrafriends #skull #ukugm #kerrang! #metalband #ukmetalband #norwich #heavymetal #vocalist #norfolk #heavymusic #norfolkband #vocalist #drummer #guitarists norwichmetal #evnd967a #vocalist https://www.instagram.com/p/CEOpR45JbzL/?igshid=n2hsg3pqbpdf
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hedrametal · 5 years ago
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https://open.spotify.com/track/79BtH45Sf8WSx0tsFFdGih?si=RAV6ux7wS02oB78rbQcBlw www.facebook.com/hedrametalband www.youtube.com/hedrametal www.reverbnation.com/hedrametal www.twitter.com/hedrametal Hedrametal.co.uk #ukmetalscene #loud #guitarplayer #metal #drummer #norwichmusic #eastangliaband #rockband #hedrametal #elements #norwichmetalscene #screamingvocals #ukmetal #heavymetal #integrity #hedrametal #rockmusic #hedrafriends #skull #ukugm #kerrang! #metalband #ukmetalband #hedrametal #metaltothemasses #loudlive #vocalist #norfolk #heavymusic #norfolkband #vocalist #drummer #guitarists #rockradio https://www.instagram.com/p/B_CwtGqJbTx/?igshid=1mvvyqn9g79ru
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hedrametal · 5 years ago
Next rehearse is going to be awesome:) Sharp dressed man! www.facebook.com/hedrametalband www.youtube.com/hedrametal www.reverbnation.com/hedrametal www.twitter.com/hedrametal Hedrametal.co.uk Facebook/hedrametalband #ukmetalscene #loud #guitarplayer #metal #norwichmusic #eastangliaband #rockband #hedrametal #elements #groupshot #ukmetal #heavymetal #integrity #hedra #rockmusic #hedrafriends #skull #ukugm #kerrang! #metalband #ukmetalband #norwich #loudlive #vocalist #norfolk #heavymusic #norfolkband #vocalist #drummer #guitarists #hardrock (at Norwich, Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDg-jT4pebd/?igshid=kg8g0klc1815
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hedrametal · 5 years ago
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Nothing else matters :) #ukmetalscene #loud #guitarplayer #extremevocals #norwichmusic #eastangliaband #rockband #hedrametal #minddimension #elements #ukband #norwichmetal #awesomeband #realmetal #kornfan #panterafan #willhavenfan #slayerfan #screamingvocals #ukmetal #heavymetal #integrity #hedrametal #thesnakesonfirerecords #hedrafriends #norwichmusic #norwichfamily #ukugm #thetfordmetal #ipswichmetal #futureradio #norwichmetalband (at Rebellion Manchester) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu5Lw8cnV8o/?igshid=816il4t1yg70
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