#ukranian easter egg
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artbyifer · 2 years ago
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Ukranian pysanky egg - Scales
Went to a workshop with my folks and came back with a couple of eggs. This one is in a scale pattern that apparently impressed the heck out of the instructor, since she had just taught us a simple way of dividing the egg into sections and I extrapolated a spiral out of that to make a spiralized grid for the scales.
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harlequinhaven · 3 months ago
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"The unicorn lowered her head one last time and hurled herself at the Red Bull. If he had been either true flesh or a windy ghost, the blow would have burst him like rotten fruit. But he turned away unnoticing, and walked slowly into the sea "
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countriesgame · 1 year ago
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Ukraine, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Edit: Odesa* with only one S. And Chornobyl is spelled with an O. Can't edit the poll itself anymore.
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tutumydear · 6 months ago
The sun fell on my desk in a way that made me smile this morning, highlighting my great grandfather’s pysanky - Ukranian Easter eggs
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He had hundreds left in his studio when he passed. Anything from quail to emu. Mostly duck. We all chose a few to keep in his memory. You can see how I gravitated toward a specific design lol
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When he wanted more room, he gave his eggs away. He never sold them. It wasn’t unusual for someone to be given a tour of his studio and then prompted to choose an egg. By the end, all his closest friends and family already had pieces of him in their homes.
I keep his eggs nearby as a reminder to make art for me. He didn’t worry about “good enough” or if a design “made sense”. He just made. And made and made.
What I make and what he made are very, very different, haha. But I’m encouraged by his late desire to surround himself with his own creations, and further, to share them.
Thank you for reminding me, Sun 💛
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oldshowbiz · 9 months ago
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Vegreville, Alberta, a small town known for its dumb roadside attraction: The World's Second Largest Ukranian Easter Egg.
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survey--s · 2 years ago
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What does your town’s name begin with?  An M.
What number house do you live at?  Yeah, I'm not putting my house number on here, lol.
Are you a seafood fan?  It depends what time - I love clams, prawns, crab and lobster but I'm not a huge fan of mussels or oysters.
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate?  Milk chocolate is my favourite closely followed by dark.
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means.  Schokolade means chocolate in German.
Can you cook Thai food? Not without a recipe.
Do you get easter eggs at easter?  I normally buy myself one, yeah, but I don't really get given Easter eggs anymore as an adult.
How long does it roughly take you to do the weekly or bi weekly shopping?  I get an online shop once a week and it takes me about 15-20 minutes to put it all together and order it.
Who taught you the most valuable lesson in life and what was that lesson?  I honestly don't know. I can't think of one particular lesson that stands out to me more than any other.
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris?  Madrid or Tunis as I've already visited the others several times over.
Would you rather visit Australia, Germany, Croatia or Jamaica?  Croatia. I have no real interest in visiting Jamaica and I've been to the others already.
Have you got perfect vision?  No, my eyesight is about -9 in both eyes -_-
What colour bedspread or blanket is on your bed now?  I just changed the sheets this morning actually - currently they're white sheets with pink & purple butterflies on them.
What colour is the door to your house?  Silver metal with privacy glass.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider?  A lizard or a snake maybe. Though I looked after some lizards recently and they ate live insects which freaked me out slightly, hahah. They were pretty cool animals though.
What song(s) do you put on repeat often?  At the moment it's Cinderella Snapped by Jax or Savage Daughter by Ekaterina someone or other. I can't spell her surname and I'm not even going to try lol. I believe she's Ukranian.
 How many letters long is your last name? Six. <–Same! <--- me too!
Can you play the violin? If not, would you like to?  No and no, not really, but I remember being jealous of my friends who took violin lessons when I was younger lol.
Can you keep a pokerface and not show your emotions easily? No - my emotions are written ALL over my face.
Are you a good liar (tell the truth this time)? Sometimes. It depends on the situation.
Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet?  I have bare feet at the moment.
What word or phrase is disgusting in your opinion and you hate hearing it?  I can't stand the worst moist.
Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire?  Ooh, I absolutely love it. It reminds me of summer.
Do you prefer to write etc, ecetera or something else?  etc.
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated?  I love a rainbow.
Are your lips chapped?  Nope.
Have you ever fallen into a hole or crevice whilst hiking?  Not a major one, no.
Ever been quad biking? Was it any good? No, I've never been. I would if I was given the opportunity though.
What is different about you than others you hang out with?  I'm autistic.
Are you more skeptical or gullible?  Skeptical.
How often do you drink sodas or fizzy drinks?  Everyday.
How many cups of tea or coffee do you have a day?  Normally two cups of coffee and occasionally an iced coffee too.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional?  Yes, and I certainly can be in some situations.
Favourite crisp/chip flavour?  Salt and vinegar, cheese, paprika.
Do you put salt and vinegar on your fries?  Yes, always. Especially if they're proper "chippy chips".
What accent is the sexiest?  Irish, Scottish, Australian.
Do you currently live in the same country you were born in?  Yes.
What’s your current mood?  Relaxed. Also surprised at how quickly my time off is going lol.
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings?  Not on here, no, but I do struggle with it in real life sometimes.
A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park or go to a concert?  Theme park.
Prefer being in control in a team environment, helping out or taking orders?  I would just rather not be in a team environment lol.
Do you like carrot cake?  Yep, it's one of my favourites lol.
Don’t you hate it when people say ‘I don’t mean to be rude but…’? Especially considering 98% of the time they ARE trying to be rude?  No, because I say it all the time lol. I just think people are away too easy to take offence these days. I know that's an unpopular opinion though.
Would you say yes to a drink from a friend of a friend?  Yeah, if my friend was also there.
How good is your memory? Annoyingly good. I wish I found it easier to forget thing sometimes.
On a scale of 1-10 how was this survey? Did you enjoy it?  It was actually pretty good as there were a few decent and original questions - I'd say a seven.
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lokischaoticbitchwitch · 2 years ago
This coming Monday, March 20th is Ostara.
Ostara marks the Spring Equinox, which happens between March 19 -23. Ostara is a pagan celebration of the German goddess Eostre and the origins of the Christian celebration of Easter. As the beginning of spring Ostara is a good time to literally and figuratively plant seeds for the future.
In modern day living Ostara is also good time to start taking action on the ideas and goals you started thinking about around Yule and Imbolc. What you plant during Ostara will be ready to be harvested during the coming summer months.
Colors: Green, pink, blue
Foods: Eggs, honey, sprouted greens, baked goods, asparagus
Stones: Aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz
Symbols: Rabbits, eggs, spring flowers , lambs, clover, baskets
Flowers & Plants: clover, daffodils, crocus, tulips
Things you can do to celebrate Ostara:
-Planting seeds for a vegetable garden or flower garden
-Spring clean your house
-Decorate an Ostara altar to honor your goddess of choice
Make egg based dishes and dessert (custard pie, frittatas, egg salad, etc…)
-Take a nature walk with loved ones and look for signs of spring
-Host a tea party with a springtime theme
-Ukranian egg folk art
-Take time to meditate/journal and think about your intentions for the next few weeks as it relates to the goals you want to achieve
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fruitstories · 2 years ago
Sober Sober
8.17 in the morning, Ukranian bar. Joe asks me about my future plans; please do not end up as a bartender, especially not in Celtica. I sip on my beer, looking over my shoulder to the group playing Darts. Only trying out sobriety to have a new experience; to have something new to write about.
Earlier in the night, a boy of 18 years came to tell me about the fear he feels when around an older man who was drinking a pint of Maes at the bar; the security did not take him seriously, not enough;
A bar like any other 8AM bar with casino games and darts; makes me think of you; we took lines in the dirty toilet and i spilled out the rape summer story to you; you left, no words spoken, but many hanging in the air -
Still, now. Still and steady. No race to be won; the ashtrays have been cleaned, my cigarette down the drain. There is love to be found, always; keep on seeing it in people's eyes; are you lonely? Cos so am I; the sky is gray today, it means - it's time for a spring apocalypse;
If only, if only; maybe if we had hold on tighter; tighter than that;
The old addict gets up from the chair, asks for a lighter, whistles, and continues the search for luck; coffee now cold; laughter from behind the doors; can you see me now? Can you see me then? Did you ever see me? Did i ever see you?
Predict the future; say what needs to be said;
Nima več smisla; žalovati za tabo, mislim. Odkar štejem dni treznosti, mislim manj nate. It happens in moments of lightning - you appear as a shadow and i want to run to make a line. You wake up the urge. But life keeps on going and people keep on passing by. In and out through the door. It was christmas and now it's easter and I won at easter egg hunt. You're lost in the streets; and I want to be found. The heart is only a muscle, at the end. It stretches and comes back to occupy the space before you entered inside. At least you served my poetry well, but I want to write about life now - not about you. Want to write about the stories I see and hear. Stories I imagine. Want to write about the blooming trees of early spring; of early April days. How the sun visits more often and everyone feels the warmth; about Olivia's pies and Amelie's pastries. Marie's excitement over food and Ahmed's bechamel sauce. How Vero and Sarah are bathing in Egyptian sun rays and building a love that will leave a mark.
Dim in rdeče stene. Bili so dnevi, ko se je tu vilo še kaj drugega kot le dim. Mize so skrivale nežne dotike kolen in dlani, noč pa je odpuščala vse, česar dan ni zmogel niti pogledati. Drsela sta si skozi prste, kot trepetajoča voda v morju; čakajoči prsti, polni upa, polni pričakovanj, ko bi se vsaj lahko zgodilo tisto, kar se ne sme. V umazanih jutrih se voda vedno znova odvije in ponovno postane zmeden dež; hkrati je prh snega, hkrati jutranja rosa, hkrati poletna nevihta. Ulice Bruslja drgetaje poskušajo ohraniti zadnje skupne trenutke, vedoč, da se bo zgodba kmalu končala. Ulice Bruslja; končno vredne zapisov in spomenikov.
Spomni se me, spomni se me, ko bo dan postal zlato rumen v poletnih večerih. Spomni se me, ko bom že dolgo mrtev in ti še vedno živa. Spomni se me in zažvižgaj skupaj z vetrom, ki te bo spomnil na najino zimo. Še vedno bom nekje tam, v ulicah Bruslja.
In tako jo šepet ustavi; skoraj se spotakne; skoraj pade nazaj v dni, katerih spanca nikoli ni dobila nazaj. Rdeče stene, rdeče nosnice - rdeči madeži poezije, ki se je vtisnila v kožo. Izgubljen dotik, izgubljeni dnevi. Rdeča luč, ki ju je zazibala v rahel spanec. Bilo je dovolj, da sta isti ritem nadaljevala še nekaj tednov. Dokler ni počilo. Vse do trenutka, ko so se stene zamajale in zidaki padli. Padec globok in obupen, ulice so zajavkale in se stresle; pustil si jo v globokem spancu, brez da bi odgrnil zavese.
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sparselyparsley · 3 years ago
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Did my eggs this year in support of Ukraine. Happy Spring, everyone!
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lostghost-skull · 11 months ago
Hi Scribbles!
Last song: stolen dance by milky chance
favorite color: green!
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi lol (i do recommend it, i think you’ll like it!) and my life going down the drain
Sweet/savory/spicy: savory. I don’t like sweet things, but i do like very dark chocolate
Relationship status: single, happily
current obsession: the ORV webtoon. Beyond obsessed atm, will be sane at a later date. The brainworms are worming
last thing googled: ukranian egg wax pen dye acid (loooooong story- saw a video about the ukranian easter tradition of pysanky and only dimly remembered it. Tried everything to find it again)
Tagging: anyone who wants a shot!
thank you @andrwminward !! 9 people you’d like to get to know better
last song: kill her freak out by samia 🩵🩵
favorite color: green !!!
currently watching: women’s d1 ncaa swimming and diving champs 🫶
sweet/savory/spicy: SPICY !! yay
relationship status: single but maybe not for much longer !?!
current obsession: honestly not much rn. working on some new ocs and continuing a fic
last thing you googled: how is college diving scored
no pressure tag: @fromjannah @bnsfrailway @grieving4theliving @mildew-dread-mold @speciouspessimism @littlelesbianlegend @declanshole @likeconcorde and anyone else who wants to 💖
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borelle · 6 years ago
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ultra-speedyeaglestudent · 6 years ago
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Ukranian Easter Eggs
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allyearegg · 7 years ago
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View of my work desk today, I've been busy- two new listing up!
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alderpress · 7 years ago
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Sam Ballard
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fictionadventurer · 3 years ago
Several times during Lent, I suddenly thought, "Why am I thinking about Star Trek?"
Only to realize that somewhere in the background of my thoughts, my brain had made a series of lightning-fast connections between:
Easter eggs = That one episode of Reading Rainbow where the lady made the Ukranian Easter eggs
Reading Rainbow = Levar Burton
Levar Burton = Star Trek
So it seems that Easter eggs are now forever linked with Star Trek around the pivot point of Levar Burton.
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everythingandaves · 3 years ago
support ukranian cross stitchers!
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several cross stitch groups have bee sharing links to this reddit thread with their favorite ukranian stitchers! 
here are some of my favorite patterns from the shops they mentioned:
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mushroom sampler from cutepatternsbymaria
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you goth this by fabercrossstitch
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spring sampler by stitchyprincess
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fairy tale whale by nonstopstitch
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constellation bear by myfunnystitches1
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vintage kitchen by zephyrmood
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golden dragon by patternsbysastitch
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snow girl by mikastitchdesign
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easter egg by livingontherainbow
buying digital downloads of patterns is a good way to get money directly into the hands of small creators who need it! 
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