halfapersob · 1 year
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(@mumscarianweek )
Day 4, role swap
Scar- mother spore
Mumbo-hot guy
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mxy performs what he thinks is a soul sacrificing spell, but really it’s a body swapping spell and suddenly wwx in the past is rolling around in mxy’s body while mxy in the present inherits wwx’s body and lwj is determined to protect him because someone has to, but wow it’s hard.
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bonezjack · 28 days
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aghastro · 2 months
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te2 is good for doing streams of consciousness about my characters. Here's some Antithesis Droll
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chuckecheeses · 2 years
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pink-elefantz · 3 months
"whats the cringiest thing uve ever done" i have ocd uhhhhhj walking down the road
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samegaychi · 1 year
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Day uhhhhhj h j
Anyways defect
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virgo-dream · 5 months
uhhhhhj excuse me?????? exCUSE ME??????
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peapodsinspace · 4 months
oooookkk so uhhhhhj
List of f/os that I can name off the top of my head
These are characters that I have ocs that are shipped with them AND/OR personally find attractive btw
Also this will only include TWO of the slasher f/os I have, but do know that I don't find the murder icky parts of those f/os attractive, murder bad its the other stuff about them I like, and I like making more villainous ocs
This also is only including ONE puppet f/o because my puppet f/os in general are kinda embarrassing (especially two of them fucking christ)
Jjba (with ocs):
Axel Ro (still on the fence about him tho so don't judge me)
Akira Otoishi
Jjba (without ocs):
Rykiel (no oc yet)
Thunder Mcqueen
Other (with ocs):
George (mfn)
Finnegan Rider Wake (mh g1)
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (still on the fence about oc)
Mr. Where (mh g1)
Kinger (tadc)
Caine (tadc)
Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home)
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas 1974) [pleasepleasepleasePLEASE don't judge me super hard for this]
Gabriel May (Malignant 2021) [I honestly don't know what to say about this one just don't kill me for it ALSO HE HAS THE SAME VOICE ACTOR AS DUB BUCCIARATI]
Other (no oc):
Jack Skelington (tnbc)
Hoodude Voodoo (mh g1) [don't judge me ok he's adorable]
Ryuk (Death Note) [DON'T JUDGE ME OK-]
Discord (mlp fim)
Idk why I felt like sharing lmao
Axel ro is so real tho!!!!
I will say usually when you’re like “DONT JUDGE THO” it’s always a character I don’t know
So I am not judging you ;]
Also discord……….. yeah
I guess I don’t really have any f/os i ship myself with but as far as oc x canon I have like. Mostly one
And then I also have:
For the last two, pol was originally for a gag, but it’s mostly just that I haven’t done much on their dynamic yet. And I have an oc I made to ship with pocoloco, but I’m still a little on the fence? I dunno heheh
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
Uhhhhhj klieg, 27 for the ask game >:3 and F)?
27. What causes them to feel dread?
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What DOESN'T cause Klieg to feel dread? 😭 As much as he tries to act calm, confident, and self-assured, this man is a massive ball of anxiety! I'd be here all day if I started listing everything that makes him nervous.
The biggest thing continues to be his Impostor syndrome, and he just exists every day fearing that someone will see him as a fraud and undeserving of his position, which is how he sees himself.
He feels undeserving of his position but also doesn't want to lose it because of how long it took him to get to a place where others actually see him.
As well as feeling like he'll never find anyone he can share his work with who happens to be as excited about it as he is... I guess it's why I like his dynamic with Rouxls so much, even if they're very silly and are mostly a comedic duo in the AU x)
Not only he gets to share, but he's also challenged to listen, which Klieg is often too self-absorbed to do (Not out of malice, he's just very fixated on what he likes <3
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
I love all my OCs, I don't think I ever made any effort to hide that! And I've mentioned a few times that all of them tend to reflect facets of my personality, and they have helped me cope and better interpret my feelings by projecting them onto someone who isn't myself.
I don't know if that makes sense to anyone? Think of that one Tumblr post that said something along the lines of teaching yourself self-love by making your favourite characters go through what you're going through, and reflect on how you wouldn't punish those characters for behaving in response to how they were treated.
But tangents aside, Klieg is also like that for me, though he's more of a way for me to deal with how lonely it can feel to be so enamoured with your work but not getting the response you wish you could have.
The impostor syndrome of wondering how I've come a place where there are people who enjoy my work and how I often feel undeserving of it, or wondering how long until it will take until people realize there are better artists out there, I suppose?
Not all negative things tho, my characters bring me much joy and Klieg is no exception! He's very eccentric and I just get so much happeniness out of drawing him enjoying his work!
Even if most times it's more fun drawing him dealing with the consequences of being stuck up and mean to others >:) All in good fun tho, I like Klieg's arc in the AU a lot
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localtransvamp · 9 months
Kinda wanna ramble abt my fursona and the universe his story takes place in
Like look at this dood
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Blonde hair and pronouns having motherfucker
This man has KILLED GODS. How? Thanks to this ONE WEIRD TRICK (being the universe's specialest boy)
Uhhhhhj if anyone wants me to explain go ahead and send an ask I guess
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stealthrockdamage · 9 months
What's a videogame you're thinking of right now?
uhmmmm im thinking a lot of pokemon mystery dungeon because my gf has been streaming purity forest runs for me recently... she has what may be the worlds best unown run going right now lol... like four max elixirs on floor 6 its fucked. crazy rng. might not be enough because unown sucks so bad though lmao. im also thinking of seabed because im very slowly reading thru that and i've had time to read today and want to get back to that one... im also thinking about uhhhhhj ultrakill. armored core 6. hypnospace outlaw. all things ive played recently that i really like. video games! theyre so cool
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bonezjack · 6 months
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hfjWon .uhhhhhj
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taz-drgaone · 1 year
(Little ask thing circulating) list 5 things that mak4 you happy then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you, learn to know your mutals and followers <3
uhhhhhj hmmmmg
Talking to my friends
D R A G O N S.
Rereading and revising my cringe old writing
Ramen with an ungodly amount of seasoning
And my dawgh!
to be COMPLETELG FAIR I do Not have the energy to send this around through asks,,,,, plus s o m e o n e *BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE @joehillssimp* decided to spam reblog the "reblog to pet" post. My fur's all ruffled and my notifs are glitching >:( [nm tho]
Thanks for sending the ask in!!
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subaru bajas are dogs btw. jsyk. solterras are big cats (like a puma?). outbacks are like jerma: a wolf-lion hybrid mix. king of the junjle. crosstreks are dogs As shown in that ad uhhhhhj foresters are also dogs. imprezas and crosstreks are the same in my mind honestly. what the hell is a subaru ascent ive never heard of those theyre like foresters though. DOG. oh i looked theyre like longer foresters ok. brzs are ugly what the hell are those hello ok im discovering things that i wish didnt exist. bye subaru website
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shrimple-existance · 3 months
Adventures in "what exactly does a job in waste management look like" land
Some dude in newark had trash to dump, and he had a deal where he could get it dumped cheap in Rochester because he knew a guy, so pickup is in newark and drop off is in Rochester. Cool I can work with that.
I have a guy that can do the job in Rochester, perfect! Except he's just taking a day off and tells me to kick rocks. Okay cool uhhhhhj (flips through the contact list prpvided by my employer, sorted in a Stephen universe -> ketamine spectrum. ) okay there's a dude in horseneads that's not blacklisted yet, let's give him a ring. Okay cool he's down to do the haul for our standard rate, which is 175 for 4 cubic yards of Metropolitan waste (aka a quarter load of standard dumpster trash). Trouble is, he's on the way to Syracuse to unload his full truck at *his* preferred waste processing site so that round trip from Syracuse to newark to Rochester back to horseneads means that such a small load isn't worth the gas. So now I need to talk him up and incentivise by paying a premium just to get *somebody* to haul this load and there goes the margin on this order for my company. But hey. Pro Bono work is still work and my boss was happy i was able to get someone in it, and sometimes we make pennies on the dollar just to keep our client happy.
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