#uhh the weird asks dont bother me so much as they bemuse me so it is all okay
bat-connoisseur · 2 years
I think you deserve a nice ordinary ask so tell us what you would do if you had a pet pokemon (species your choice)
oh hell yeah
Alright firstly I'd have multiple pokemon I think. Could not settle for just one yannow?
I'd like a Galvantula, but I'd get it as a Joltik. Why a Galvantula? Well I fucking love bug pokemon. I love big insects. And Galvantula are furry and I bet they would love to clamber on you and perhaps join you as you nap because you are warm. I have this vivid mental image of one curled up with all its little legs tucked in lying on your chest. I'd like to get it as a joltik because 1) that's a fuckign LITTLE GUY right there, and 2) because I feel like it would be the best way to establish a bond and trust, and because a little beast would be more manageable to train. If a big ass spider decides to get into mischeif then that'd be more damage than a tiny little tic, so any accidents or bad habits that need to be trained about would be easiest dealt with then. Especially because it couldn't administer as intense shocks as its evolved form!!!! A poorly trained Galvantula could ruin your day FAR easier than a little joltik.
In terms of environment, things would have to be thoroughly spider-proofed, and adequate climbing equipment provided, but I would be more than happy to accomodate that. I'm assuming here I have all relevant resources to set up a very nice space for it, and I'd happily figure out how to create good enrichment and safe areas for climbing, shocking, building webs, etc. It'd be enrichment for both of us! It is carnivorous, but I'm not opposed to feeding it chicks and stuff. That's nature baeby! Not that much different to feeding a snake I'd imagine.
I can't see if they are truly communal, but they seem to live/attack in groups? So I'd then probably get a second Galvantula, again as a Joltik. I'm once again assuming I have the space and resources to properly house them. Can't have my beloved beast getting lonley!!!
I'd also like to get a Zubat. This could pose some issues with the Galvantulas, since they would build webs, but if I could convince them to keep their webbing to a specific room, some kind of Spider Hangout Room, it probably wouldn't be too much of an issue. Galvantula are specifically stated to feed on the young of bird pokemon that can't fly, so that may work in the Zubat's favour. However I'd probably endeavour to make sure any interactions are supervised until they become properly aquainted and aware of each other (and the zubat of its surroundings, since they are blind). It does seem to be canon that pokemon of different species are very capable of bonding and becoming friends, so should introductions go well, hopefully the Galvantulas and Zubat would be able to bond. That being said, while it's still a Zubat, I'd continue to supervise so that the Galvantulas don't hurt it by accident. I'd only leave them alone when it evolves and is more resilient (and can see, i feel like that'd help).
I'd probably have a designated aviary for it, kept fairly dark and with nice perches and an interesting layout. Zubat are very sensitive to sunlight, according to bulbapedia, so yet another reason to supervise it outside of this setting, and while it's a Zubat limit its roaming time around the rest of the house to evenings. Recall training would also probably be very important to start early, since as it evolves and gets bigger it would have to be taken outside to get the exercise it needs.
It's not clear what they eat, but I'm going to go out on a limb and call them omnivorous. Crobat can feed on blood but I feel like they are too big and active for that to be the only thing they eat, you know? So I'd feed it a mixed diet of fruits, insects, and perhaps some animal blood too.
Zubat are very social, and while it could get company in the form of the Galvantulas and myself, I feel like it would need company in the form of another bat pokemon. That being said, Crobat and Golbat are very big, so I'd probably go for a Woobat instead. They also seem to be nocturnal, and their whole thing is being kind and sweet and I think they could get on very well. They could huddle together while they sleep (something that seems to be very important for Zubat), and while they are modelled off of fruit bats, they are specifically stated to eat insects (and hunt in caves and dark forests, hence the nocturnal assumption), so that would be a bonus also.
Now, there could be an issue mixing bug pokemon with two noted Insectivores, but in this case I think it would be alright. You see, I really doubt that Galvantula are the prey of either of these species- they are big, fully evolved pokemon for one, and electric types, which would be far too big of a risk for the half-flying crobat and swoobat. And, once again, pokemon of different species and types have been very clearly shown to be able to create bonds of friendship. It's pokemon logic. gotta suspend your disbelief somewhere lol.
Quick note- uhh there's a lot of pokemon I love that i wouldn't have as a pet. Most of my favourites, in fact, would be terrible. I love ghost types but the majority of them eat souls and I'm not sure I could accomodate that. Honestly the Galvantula are a risk, since they can paralyse you, but being fully evolved I think that they would have a good grasp on their abilities. Also, in the anime at least, they are pretty friendly. Plus it's a risk I'm willing to take. You have no idea how much I wish Galvantula were real. I think about it every day.
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