#ughhhh I really need to start drawing more often
lokorum · 2 days
Your art so surreal, did you take inspiration from African masks it’s amazing. You have probably gotten this question before but what’s your process and how do plan these beautiful pieces out. I am a beginner artist and would like some advice on how start doing digital painting.
thank you for bringing me back from the dead with your kindness, (i was so sad today ughhhh i think watching vampire diaries starting to affect me hjkhjk), i really, really deeply thankful that you spend your time to write something so sweet (also sorry it took me literally ages to reply phphp THE USUAL)
yeah, in buryatia shamanism like the big thing, so when i went to search what's out there in the masks department - google's mess of the results for once was helpful and showed this massive collection of beautiful african masks. the one that was inspo for tiisha lived in my head rent free for weeks before the character was even born phphph now i cant even imagine her without it 
(here is little tiisha for you before i'll proceed to be not helpfull phphphph)
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oof advices are not my strong side , like..........my process mostly is just sleep through the whole thing i guess..........................i very rarely do sketches, i hate study anatomy and perspective, drawing cubes makes me physically sick etc etc my approach to drawing were "fuck around and find out", always about chill and fun and barely ever about learning. imho thats why im so shitty at drawing simple things but not bad at coloring. so yeah, my biggest advice always and forever will be - be gentle to yourself, please
digital or traditional or whatever else is out there, dont forget you make it for yourself and for yourself only okay? it supposed to be fun, not sad tiring and competitive 
advices for digital specifically tho - very objective, apply with caution
learn all the keyboard shortcuts, ideally to press them without thinking 
explore more instruments than just brush. it will be tedious and sometimes feel like a chore so mb pick one victim once a month and browse youtube for a stuff like SECRET ULTIMATE TIPS ABOUT MAGIC WAND TOOL THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE (they indeed will save your life) 
check if your drawing program has artboards - turning it on will give you more freedom over canvas positioning  and your refs will always be there and not in the separate window 
idk about others but using auto tone, auto contrast and auto color often gives me well needed perspective on what im doing 
in 99% cases be sure that you can reanimate even the most messiest artpiece you ever did. working in digital gives you the chance to mess with shapes, colors and perspective at any time so if you dont want to gave up on something - you absolutely didnt have to
from time to time while you are still learning - go out there in the wilds and search for the new brushes. tweak with them if you want. i have like ~500 and i use 6 max, but those 6 i found by at some point trying to draw with all of the 500
MADE. BACK UPS. and i mean not like save layers just in case before merging them (tho that's too will help) no, i mean click SAVE AS once an hour and create A NEW FILE. PLEASE. i lost so much stuff to sudden power outage. its never pretty and you loosing will to work for days
watch at least one tutorial about the whole rgb srgb and cmyk thing - i did, understood not a thing, but at least im not playing dora the explorer with my colors after the export now 
uh idk think thats it? tried to think about those that id hope i knew when i started so hopefully something will help 
have fun with your drawings!! 
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asbestos-11 · 2 months
Hi I'm back !!!!!!!!! I'm off anon for this one because this is the only way I can send pictures!!!! I don't mind either way, but would you prefer I stay on anon in the future?
Has the most elegant/princess vibe of the two of them
Takes up cooking/baking because she wants to honor both of her dad's culture in one of the only ways she knows how (she doesn't tell them this, but they figure it out eventually because its obvious)
Smart enough to skip grades, but both her and Ratio denied the offer.
Decides to go for a culinary career because she's both good at it and enjoys it.
When Aventurine and her go on shopping trips as bonding, they always take way too long picking the perfect outfits (One time Raya joined them out of curiosity when she was younger and got so bored she wondered off on her own. Aventurine almost fainted from the panic he felt at seemingly losing one of his daughters. They found her in an arcade nearby.)
She is lactose intolerant. That doesn't stop her, but it should.
Adopted Ratio's blunt nature. She has the same playful tone in her voice regardless, so no one really knows if she's being serious. (Most of the time she is.)
She has a complex morning routine and takes way too long in the bathroom getting ready.
She's more careful and cautious than her sister, but she isn't afraid of doing reckless actions. She just doesn't want to.
Follows the Path of Remembrance
Doesn't really care for fashion, just grabs whatever is in her closet
13-in-1 shampoo.
The first time she met Stelle, she fainted from excitement. She gets embarrassed when someone brings up that story.
Raya was also smart enough to skip grades, and she also denied the offer. Later on, she eventually does the bare minimum in school, so teachers and students stop asking her if she'll change her mind.
Hears of the Astral Express and decides she wants to join their adventures. Her family tells her to at least finish her studies first.
She likes to take spontaneous trips and only leaves behind a note for her dads to read in the morning. Sometimes, she forgets to write a note. (The first time it happened, Aventurine and Ratio started panic calling people to help find her. She enters the house a few minutes later. They have a long talk about that kind of behavior. She was 15 at the time.)
She's often reckless and gets injured when she's traveling. She often shows off her injuries to prove she's capable but refuses to mention what caused the scar on her face. When asked, she quickly changes the topic.
When she does eventually occasionally join the Astral Express, she finds a passion for teaching. (She's also banned from joining Stelle on the same adventure. The first and last time it happened, they were banned from visiting that specific planet again.)
Doesn't really follow a specific path, but the closest would be Elation.
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Ah, I hope you feel better soon!!!! Also, I hope this is satisfactory because I speedran drawing my two girls in exchange...
i'm actually so invested in them already from what you wrote and pls keep on sharing them. oh my god i can't, i simply need to know more!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i must know what some of raya's solo trips consist of and also why she's banned from going on adventures with stelle (did they cause a riot or something?)
a lactose intolerant baker, godspeed to everyone around her. love that she's here honoring her fathers through cooking, bcs food is such a staple of culture. losing it and the practices is ass. ughhhh i love them a lot <3333
also dw you can stay on anon if u prefer to, it's all up to you^^
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ofyellowandgreen · 6 years
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Keith, out to heal all wounds, kick ass and save Shiro
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minty-mumbles · 3 years
Whumptober Day 13: (Sun)Burns
(Read on AO3 Here)
Legend and Wild were the two palest of the entire group of heroes. It wasn't really a thing that was commented on, past a few jabs from Warriors about Legend being mistaken for a ghost. At least it wasn't, until they landed at Wind’s doorstep, literally.
“Come on, why won't you come swim? Or make a sandcastle with Time and Sky, at least?” Wind was so enthusiastic about sharing the joys of his world that his energy seemed to have infected everybody. It wasn’t often they got a day off, after all. Most of them had taken to the water to cool off by now. Even the most reluctant of them all, namely Time and Sky, were relaxed now, uncaring about the sand as they sat, idly chatting and constructing sandcastles.
However, Legend and, surprisingly, Wild, were stubbornly holding out. They were sitting in the shade underneath a few palm trees near the beach, watching the proceedings, but not joining in. Wild had pulled a hydromelon out of his slate, cutting it up to share with Legend, and the two of them had been sitting in silence, enjoying the nice weather.
Or they had been, until Wind had raced over, wondering why they weren’t joining in. Everyone knew that each of the heroes had their own troubles and traumas to deal with, so none of them would really be surprised if a few of them had an aversion to swimming. Wind wouldn’t be surprised if Legend couldn’t even swim, and was just too prideful to admit it.
But that didn’t mean they couldn’t join in the fun.
After a few more moments of begging, Wild caved in with an easy smile, letting Wind lead him away to the waves.
“You’re going to regret that later!” Legend called out to Wild, rolling his eyes as he was waved off.
“Ughhhh… I regret so many things.” Wild moaned, burying his face in his hands.
“I told you!” Legend crowed, but his tone was belied by the gentle way he rubbed soothing balm on his skin. It was made from the gel from a common plant of the island, and was apparently soothing on burns, or so Wind’s Grandma had said. The only other one who needed it was Hyrule, whose nose and cheeks had gotten a bit pink. Legend, who had spent most of the day under the tree’s shade, and similarly unburned.
Wild, however, was not so lucky. After only a few hours under the blazing sun, he was looking more like a cooked lobster than a Hylian.
His shoulders, ears, and arms, as well as his whole chest and back had all already a deep pink. His legs and his face were also slightly flushed. He had shed his tunic already, as he had-foolishly- done during the day, letting the burns breath, so they wouldn’t be irritated by the fabric. Wind’s Grandma, who had insisted they call Granny, had puttered over, a bowl of the plant gel in her hands, tutting over Wild’s back.
She didn’t flinch or even make any remarks about Wild’s scars when she saw them. Wild was honestly grateful for it. It was a little refreshing for someone to not make any mention of them at all.
Legend did though, once he had taken the bowl from Granny, needlessly pointing out that the burn would probably feel ten times worse over his scars.
Wild was very well aware.
The gel did help though. It felt freezing at first when Legend placed it on his skin, but soon lessened to a cool temperature, drawing some of the heat out of the burns.
After several hours of chatting, the entire group started to drift off to their bedrolls. Legend got one final lick in when Wild looked at his bedding and groaned, realizing sleeping was going to be hell with burns on both his front and back.
“I told you so!”
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xiaojusaur · 5 years
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Pairing: Ten x Reader
Genre: Smut
Warning: Piercings kink, masturbation, unprotected sex, orgasm denial
Word Count: 3.7K
Description: Your roommate Ten gets a new piercing somehow interesting, which wakes a hot curiosity in you.
You and your roommate Ten never had interest in each other. Your friends, his, and even random people thought it was pretty weird for a guy and a girl to live together and not even want to touch a hair of each other. They thought you two fucked like bunnies all around the house when in reality you just spent most of the time studying or just chilling.
Ten did bring girls to his room, but that was none of your business. You always told him that as long as he can keep it down, you didn’t care. But it doesn’t happen often either. Ten is pretty chill, he just likes to photograph everything, draw, and play the guitar. Even though he is kinda pervy, you always take it as a joke.
He really likes piercings, you thought he had like eight of them, counting the ones he just got recently: the nipple piercings he’ve always wanted.
He came one Friday shirtless and all giggly. But before you asked, you noticed the four little diamonds decorating his nipples. “No way!” You exclaimed.
“Yes way! I just got them! Finally!” He giggled.
“Did it hurt?” You were genuinely curious.
“Hell yeah! And now my nipples are sensitive,” he said as he poked them with the tip of his forefingers.
Not lying, they looked really nice on him. Any girl would be thriving to touch them. But since he was your roommate and now your best friend, you were weirded out.
Two weeks later, he arrived at the apartment too excited. You were doing the dishes as you heard the door. He came all jumpy, “Hi, Y/N!”
“Hello Ten,” you smiled, raising your eyes from the plate you were washing.
“Guess what?” He said all bubbly, smiling that 1000 watts of smile he has.
“Umm... you got a girlfriend?” You took a wild guess.
He grimaced, “No! That’s so not me, what the fuck?”
“I don’t know, you’re kinda unpredictable sometimes,” you shrugged.
He sat on the countertop, waiting for you to guess again.
“I just cleaned that! Now it gots your ass all over it!” You complained.
“Oh honey, you’re gonna need more than that. Do you know how many girls I’ve fucked here?” He was teasing you.
“Gross,” you pushed him.
“Anyways, I got another piercing!” He applauded for himself. You swear he had problems sometimes.
“Really? What did you get this time?” You asked not amused at all, while resuming your dishwashing.
“A Prince Albert,” he murmured.
“A what now?” You said confused.
“It’s a piercing I can only tell you what I got. I can’t show you,” he explained.
“And why is that?” You questioned cluelessly.
“Because it’s on my dick,” he said shamelessly, so much that you thought he was joking.
“I don’t believe you,” you said, a smile starting to form on your face.
“I swear it! Do you wanna see?” He did as he was about to unbutton his pants, but you stopped him with a shriek. “NO! No... I don’t wanna see that.”
“So are you gonna believe me now?” He was smirking.
“Yeah, totally,” you said not challenging him anymore.
Ten was your friend and he acted cute and bubbly most of the time, but he also was very dangerous. He would do ANYTHING to prove you wrong, even if it meant to show you his dick. And being honest with yourself, as soon as he said where was the piercing, an unusual curiosity awoke in you.
“So why did you choose that one?” You asked.
“Well, I read it increases the sensation when having sex, for both me and the other person, I also heard it drives girls crazy just by finding it out,” he gave you his usual devilish smile.
“I can’t believe you,” you said while shooking your head no, but also laughing.
He’s your roommate, naturally you’ve seen him even in just underwear. Ten is really attractive, you don’t understand why he doesn’t have a girlfriend yet. He has a great figure, he’s also a sweetheart, the whole package. But probably he just wants to play around, since he knows how hot he is.
Your friends can’t understand how you guys haven’t jumped into each other yet. They can’t even believe you haven’t even kissed. It’s not like you don’t want because there are times you’re feeling lonely and just want someone to cuddle with, but you don’t let yourself get tempted.
That night, you couldn’t sleep well. Maybe it was that you ate late or maybe it was the thought of Ten’s piercing lingering in your mind. You were rolling on your bed, uneasy, groaning because you just wanted to sleep. So in the loneliness and darkness of your bedroom, for the first time, you found yourself with your hand between your legs, touching yourself, unconsciously thinking about Ten. In your quick release, his name escaped your lips in a low moan. When you came back to yourself you panicked. Why did you do that?! What were you thinking?!
You got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to get some water, to calm yourself and to see if it made you rest better. What you didn’t expect was to see Ten on the couch, watching TV in just a pair of boxers and an unzipped sweater. You couldn’t conceal your shocked face but you could blame it on your still asleep brain.
“Are you alright?” he asked concerned.
“Yeah... I just can’t sleep well,” you said with a groggy voice. You brushed your hair back while walking to get a glass of water. “What time is it, Ten?” You asked from the kitchen.
“It’s 3 AM,” he replied.
You came to the couch and sat by his side with your glass of water, looking to the TV but not really watching it. You finished your water, took the glass back to the kitchen, and were about to go back to sleep when Ten stopped you. “Do you need help?”
You were so confused, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Do you need help? To sleep I mean, I can... give you a massage or something. Are you stressed?” Poor Ten, little did he know he was the reason of your insomnia. Maybe his massage would help you so you accepted, “A massage would be nice.”
“Turn around,” he motioned with your finger so you could give him your back. He quickly placed his hands on your shoulders and started to massage them, as well as you back with his thumbs. His hands were magical, you felt lighter instantly. His hands glided to your back, massaging tenderly your shoulder blades with his fine fingers. You closed your eyes, relaxing, trying to get back to sleep.
He touched a knot spot, an indication of the finals’ stress. “Oh... that’s the spot...” you moaned when he massaged there, pressing harder.
This wasn’t helping, on the contrary, it was adding up to your arousal. You hoped he hadn’t noticed your hardening nipples under your silk pajama shirt.
You felt he was stopping and in a way, it was a relief. You could just go back to sleep, forget about your thoughts and act as if nothing happened the next day.
But suddenly you felt his lips on the side of your neck and your body entered in panic mode instantly. Was it your mind playing games or was this real?
“What are you doing?!” You screamed alarmed.
“I-I’m sorry... I went with the flow... I shouldn’t have done that...” he stuttered.
What should you say? You liked it, you wanted more.
Between your shock and your desire, you don’t know how it happened, but your lips crashed with his, full of want. He was kissing you back, fiercely, passionately, with all the lust both of you were holding inside during all this time.
You straddled him on the couch and he quickly placed his hands on your back, pulling you closer while never stopping from kissing you. Since he was just in boxers, you could feel his member starting to get hard, so you started moving your hips back and forth, grinding on him.
“Oh...” he moaned, throwing his head back. He kissed your neck hungrily while you continued to grind on him.
“Tell me something,” he said panting.
“Since when you’ve been wanting this?” He slipped the straps of your pajama shirt from your shoulders to then kiss there.
“I- I don’t know... something changed when you told me about the piercing. I guess you were right,” you confessed.
“About,” kiss, “what?” kiss.
“It did drove me crazy.” You could feel his smirk on the crook of your neck, but he didn’t give you time to think, biting your neck softly. You moaned and now he was fully hard, you could feel it right there on your shorts.
“Do you wanna find out if it’s true what they say?” He suggested.
“More than anything,” you said out of breath.
He groaned and asked, “Your bed or mine?”
“Mine,” you decided and he just lifted you and walked to your room.
He threw you on the bed and quickly hovered over you. He attacked your neck with such hunger, you were starting to believe he was a vampire. His lips went south, over your shirt, which he raised a little to expose your navel. He kissed his way back up, taking the shirt with him. He licked his lips and then took a nipple in his mouth, licks and nibbles making you wetter by the second.
His hands caressed your legs to then land right at your core. Since you were sleeping, you didn't have underwear, you were all at his mercy, all exposed for him.
When his fingers found your wet and naked folds he hummed and said, “So you’re one those, huh?”
“Shut up! I’m in my house. I could be naked if I wanted to,” you complaint but stopped as soon as his middle finger reached your clit.
“Hmm... you’re so wet,” he pointed out.
“Please Ten, just fuck me already,” you twisted on the bed.
“Ugh, so impatient. Let me prepare you first,” and as soon as he said this, he inserted a finger inside you, your mouth falling open. A few pumps later and he inserted another one, making you arch your back. “Fuck Ten,” you moaned. His fingers reached deep and he was going so fast you thought you were gonna explode right there. You were a moaning mess, not caring if anyone heard. “Oh my God! God!!! You’re so good with those fingers! Yes!!!! Ohhhhh... fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” You gasped at the last fuck.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asked with his devilish smirk.
“Ughhhh! Yes!! Keep going! I’m there!” you keened. His thumb started to rub your clit while his fingers were deep into you, pressing your sweet spot just right. You felt your orgasm getting closer, so you just succumbed into the feeling, exploding with a heavy breath, clenching his fingers and trembling like you’ve never had before.
He let you come back from your high to then whisper in your ear, “we’re not done yet, baby,” giving you the most delicious goosebumps ever. He removed your shorts, leaving you all naked on the bed, all for him to enjoy and devour.
He threw the sweater to the floor and then took off his boxers, his member springing free.
You’ve never seen him naked before, but he was perfect. His dick wasn’t too long but it wasn’t short either. On the tip, you saw the freshly put ring, just a ball closing it, shiny with precum.
You licked your lips on the thought of having that inside you, you couldn’t wait anymore. You spread your legs in front of him, letting him know you were all ready to receive him. He just chuckled and you smirked back at him.
“What?” he asked pretending to be innocent.
“You scared?” You challenged him.
“Not at all, are you?” he shot back at you.
“Can I... fuck you bare?” he asked before placing himself between your legs.
“I don’t know, can you?” you challenged him again.
“Stop being sassy! I’m being serious,” he laughed.
“Only if you pull out,” you joked.
“I’m not so sure I can,” he doubted.
“I’m joking! If you’re clean, sure,” you said this time being serious.
“I am, I always wear condoms and I have recent tests, but I wanna know how does it feel bare and who better than my roommate?” he smiled and you almost go soft for him if it wasn’t for the moment.
“I feel touched,” you said placing your hand on your chest dramatically.
“You’re about to be,” he winked.
He got closer, your legs spreading a little more to make him fit. You were attentive to every move he made, expectantly.
He took his member in his hand and started rubbing the tip on your heat, teasing you, collecting your wetness. The ring felt so cold it made you jolt, the feeling was great on your bundle of nerves. “Oh... that feels good,” you let him know in a whisper. He started looking for your entrance, and when he found it he placed his tip there, teasing your hole.
“Shit, Ten, please...” you begged.
He then pushed himself in oh so slowly, it was torture. It had been so long you’ve been with someone and Ten noticed as he moaned, “Oh God, baby, you’re so tight.” The burning sensation of the stretch was making you grasp the sheets, all in a failed attempt to not moan.
When he was all in, he pulled his hips back slowly, making you feel empty, to then fill you again.
“Shiiiit, baby I feel so nice!” He groaned as he gripped your hips to pound into you.
It was sinful, the way that ring felt inside your walls and the way it brushed your clit, it had you with your eyes rolling back. You had to hold from his arms to keep yourself grounded because such a sinful act had you almost in heaven.
“Hold me tight,” he said panting. You did as told and that’s when he increased his pace, the bed creaking, your legs flying everywhere with each hip thrust. “Oh! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Don’t stop!!!” you keened. He kept that pace for a while and then he pushed your legs to your chest. He slid almost all of himself from you but then he was thrusting you with only his tip, the ball of the piercing teasing your clit while his tip slid in and out of you.
“Mmmm.... please!” you whined.
“Please what?” He asked playfully.
“I’m gonna cum so hard on that dick!” you growled.
“Oh yeah?” Ugh! Such a tease! “How about I do this?” He kept thrusting you but started circling your clit with his thumb.
“Ah! Yes! Keep doing that!” You screamed, he just liked to see you suffer.
“You like that?” he smirked.
“Gosh! I love it! I love your dick!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs.
You felt the pressure on your pelvis trying to snap and you let him know. Big mistake.
“You’re not cumming yet, baby. The night is long,” he said mocking you and stopped working your clit, making you whine.
He kissed you sloppily and whispered on your lips, “Ride me,” as he leaned back, waiting for you to do as told.
You crawled on the bed and quickly straddled him. He took his length by the base, waiting for you to sit on it. You aligned your entrance with his length and this time he entered easier. The sensation of the piercing was double somehow, which made you throw your head back and groan. He placed his hands on each side of your hips, holding you, guiding you. “That’s it, baby,” he praised.
You moved back and forth, every movement made the ring rub on your walls and clit nicely. One of his hands ran up your torso to land on one of your breasts, squeezing it and playing with your nipple.
In the heat of the moment you moaned, “Fuck Ten, you’re so sexy.”
“So are you, baby. I’ve been wanting to try this pussy for a long time,” he confessed.
“Oh really?” you asked still not stopping your ministrations.
“Yeah, but I didn’t want to ruin our cute roommate relationship,” his hand fell back to your hip.
“So I’ve been dick thirsty this whole time and you never offered yourself? That’s mean,” you joked.
“You never asked,” he shot back.
Were you really having a conversation mid-sex?!
He heavy breathed and then said, “Go faster please, jump on it.”
“Ugh, you’re so demanding,” you rolled your eyes but followed instructions anyways. You started slowly but you felt like with every jump his dick reached the sweet spot deep in you. He set up the pace guiding you with his hands. He had you jumping faster by the minute, his hips meeting you halfway, the slapping sound of your thighs and his crashing with each other invading the room.
“Oh, baby don’t stop,” he moaned. You placed your hands on his chest to have better stability.
“Fuck Ten! It feels really good!” You screamed, not caring if the neighbors heard.
“Yeah? You like it like this?” He pushed his hips up harder, making your head buzz from pleasure.
“Yes!!! God, please fuck me harder!” You weren’t thinking straight, your head was clouded with lust.
“Your wish is my command,” he said through greeted teeth as he drilled into you with all the force he could. You thought the bed would break but apparently was resistant to anything.
His thrusts were getting sloppy and he let you know why, “where do you want it, baby?”
“Shit! Come inside me!” You said unconsciously.
“A-are you sure?” He stuttered.
“Fuck yeah!” You panted, “don’t worry.”
With a deeper thrust and a strangled moan, he released inside you, the warmth making you come with him. You crashed on his chest, all sweaty and beaten.
A few minutes later, when you had recovered energy, he started running his hands on your back absentmindedly. “Are you okay?” He asked in a soft whisper.
“Yeah, just tired,” you murmured.
“I should go so you can sleep.” He started to move but you stopped him, “No, stay with me.”
“Do you wanna cuddle?” he smiled.
“Yeah, it’s kinda cold.” You rolled to the side so he could spoon you. You pulled the sheets to cover you both.
You were getting sleepy, but before drifting away you looked at your phone to look at the clock: 6:30AM. You definitely were gonna oversleep but fuck it.
You woke up disorientate at the sound of knocks on your door. The warmth of Ten’s body felt nice, he was deep asleep, his little snores making him sound so cute.
“Y/N!!!! Are you okay?! Are you alive?!” you heard from outside. Are we kidding? Those were your friends, what did they want?
You looked at the clock: 2:00PM! Fuck! That’s why! You never sleep that late! You panicked when you remembered one of them had a key to your apartment.
“Shit...” you muttered.
“Mmm... what happened?” Ten murmured in his sleepy voice, still with his eyes closed.
“My friends are here...” you whispered.
“So what?” He cuddled you closer to him, making you giggle.
“Ten, baby, one of them has a key,” you said concerned.
“Whatever,” he pulled you closer and kissed the tip of your nose. You kissed his lips instead.
“What’s gonna happen now?” you asked.
“About what?” he caressed your hair.
“Well... we kinda had sex and you are my roommate. Is it gonna get awkward?”
“No. We can make the rumors become truth now,” he gave you a sleepy smile and you swear you haven’t seen something more beautiful before.
“What do you mean?” you giggled.
In that moment someone opened the door and you pulled your sheet closer, as you were naked.
“Oh... OH! Did we interrupted something?” your friend had a smirk already.
Before you could respond, Ten talked, “Yeah, can’t you see we’re in the middle of something PRIVATE here?” He was being sassy!
“Oh, so the rumors were true?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Probably,” he stated.
“Y/N, missy, we gotta talk,” your friend said as she closed the door again.
A few minuted later you received a text from her: So you were fucking with Ten all this time? When did you think to tell me? 👀
You laughed and showed him, he laughed with you. “I don’t know why everyone is so surprised. It was bound to happen,” Ten said, expecting a reaction from you.
“Bound to happen?” you scoffed.
“Oh don’t act so innocent! You like me, you just didn’t had the guts to tell me. But I did you a favor, I like you too,” he predicted. There he was, being his usual sassy self.
“Do you now?” you said as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, now, can we skip the cheesy part of this and jump to the part where we make babies?” he suggested.
“TEN!” You gasped.
“Shut up! Come here,” he rolled on the bed to get on top of you and started kissing you, as you wrapped your arms around his neck. It promised to be a busy Saturday.
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makaylathedumbbitch · 5 years
January 1st, 2020 “A Start”
“I am a brown woman born into a body that turns heads that only house glares” -From When You Ask Me where I’m Going by Jasmin Kaur
12:30- 1 a.m.
So every day of 2020 I will try and journal and get more in touch with my thoughts, emotions, and goals. In 2020, I will be a more positive, content, bad bitch. I have no physical goals, this will be all mental. Whatever happens, just will happen 🤷🏽‍♀️ I will not lie though, there are physical things I’d like to have like a boyfriend, new clothes, and longer hair, but I’m also okay with the fact that that stuff can wait. Because in order to develop something meaningful and worthwhile, it’ll take time and effort.
Also, I’d like to get back into activities that require an intense amount of focus like art or reading. I really think if I push myself with music, writing, and drawing one day I could really be successful. I know everybody thinks that, but I honestly have always felt like I have a chance to be someone who does something. It’s like I feel my destiny in my bones and I mean that.
Confession: I really want to lose my virginity this year, but not in a sad, get it done kind of way. This year I really hope to fall in love with someone who will make me wanna take it there. (I know *super cheesy*)😂 It’s so sad how often I think about it. How often I think about so many things like having a good group of age appropriate friends who wanna get wild, but not too wild and a boyfriend who I spend way too much time with and enjoy most of the time with. However this is also one of those situations where I know most things are far from perfect but it’s worth a try. High expectations lead to good things.
Ooh, also the one thing I really need is my license. My glorious license like ughhhh I need it. I have a Toyota Corolla with a gummy bear keychain that deserves to be driven anywhere even if it’s just food lion.
Anyways I’m out and I hope all of mine and whoever’s reading this dreams come true in the start of this new decade. 🤩
4:56 P.M.
I’m still at my grandmas and I’m so upset. I was supposed to get some headphones for the ride back or at least do something. But nahhh, my aunt came by and my mom decided she must stay and kiss the ground she walks on. Ughh, I know I sound selfish but I don’t think people get that I have spent my whole 18 years of existence being overshadowed by someone who is four years older than my mom. And we have this four hour ride back and we’re just like sitting around these people doing nothing. Like I’m tryna goooooo.
15 hours in and my 2020 already a waste of time. Scratch that, we staying positive.
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ships-and-saints · 7 years
Pale Skin and Onyx Eyes [11]
[Throne of Glass] [Elide x Lorcan] [W.I.P.] Chapter Word Count: 2991 words
Summary: Set after Empire of Storms, Elide Lochan and Lorcan Salvaterre are traveling with Rowan and Gavriel in search of Queen Aelin. Will Elide ever be able to forgive Lorcan for betraying her and her Queen? Where will they go next?
Part I: The Search - Ch. 1-8 Part II: The Journey - Ch. 9-14 Part III: The Mission - Ch. 15+
Chapters: [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 13 ] [ 14 ] [ 15 ] ... Read it on: [ fanfiction.net ] [ archive of our own ]
Elide awoke to birds chirping and sun's warmth, beckoning her to embrace the day. She groaned and flung an arm over her bleary eyes in an attempt to block out the streaming light.
It was day two of their mission. She had about a week to learn how to kill Vernon before they set out for Duke Perrington's wretched castle in Morath.
I just want to sleep, she moaned to herself. She rolled onto her side, facing away from the light, and sighed in relief when the sunlight shining down on her suddenly disappeared. Wait...
Elide's eyes snapped open and her dark pupils dilated, now wide awake and alert.
Suddenly, Lorcan's infuriating face appeared in front of hers. She yelped and swung an arm at him. He just grinned and vanished. She felt his presence above her, so she rolled to her left where he had stood a moment ago and scrambled to her feet.
Lorcan had casually flipped over Elide and landed nimbly on the other side of her bedroll.
"Good morning, sunshine." Lorcan's lazy smile put his sharp canines on display. "Ready for your morning run?" He casually sank down on his haunches, as if tensed to spring.
"Ughhhh," Elide groaned, rolling her neck and stretching out the kinks in her knees and back. She ignored how his crouched stance made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "No, I'm not ready! I haven't even had any breakfast yet."
Lorcan tossed her what he had been holding - a nutrition bar, made of pressed oats and dried fruit.
Elide rolled her eyes. Better than nothing, she supposed. She hastily ate it and gulped down some water. She noticed that the ice last night had helped; her muscles still felt sore but didn't hurt as much as they usually did when she overexerted herself.
They started off with the same routine as yesterday, running until Elide couldn't run anymore, and then doing push-ups, jumping jacks, squats, and sparring until she could barely move. She had always acted unimpressed with Lorcan before, but now she really appreciated his intense focus and his analytical mind, the critical assessments and analyses he made while he watched Elide move. Skills that had made him a formidable commander. The near constant attentiveness nearly made her blush sometimes, even though she was intensely focused on training as well.
As she practiced sparring with Lorcan, she could feel herself getting stronger and the adrenaline coursing through her body as she continued to push herself.
After a late lunch consisting of berries, bread, and jerky, it was time for meditation again.
Elide had been half-dreading it, but she still sat down and closed her eyes. This time, Lorcan didn't leave. He knelt in front of her about ten feet away. Sweat dripped down her brow as the sun beat down on her back.
After some breathing exercises, he simply told her to think about who she was and what she hoped to accomplish with her magic. She rolled her eyes as she bundled her hair atop her head, letting out a deep sigh of content as a cool breeze swept over her neck. She focused on the questions he posed.
Who am I? Elide's brows knit together in deep thought. She thought of her mother and her father. She was the daughter of Marion and Cal Lochan, and her goal was the same as her mother's – to serve and protect the Queen of Terrasen, Aelin Galathynius, at all costs. That was what Elide would do with her magic.
And… she was the rightful Lady of Perranth, not her repulsive uncle who betrayed and took advantage of his own brother and imprisoned her in a tower for years. Elide would use her magic to kill him unremorsefully, exacting justice as he deserved.
She no longer needed to make herself small, make herself hidden. What she needed now was… the exact opposite. She needed to make herself seen and heard, to send fear rippling through her enemies, to make herself known.
Her thoughts drifted to what Lorcan had noticed and brought up, last night. He had mentioned that after she woke up from her… dream, her witch blood had smelled stronger somehow. She had just nodded and said she wasn't sure why, either. She had declined to offer any further details about what had happened, since she was still struggling to process what the memory had meant herself.
But now she had some time to think… When her mother had mentioned the Blackbeak witches, any lingering doubts that Elide had about her secret heritage were completely blown away. Her mother had said that she would help awaken her blue blood, should Elide choose to accept it.
As a child, before her world had gone to shit, she had always felt a slight chill whenever she looked into her uncle's dark eyes… Even then, her mother Marion must have sensed the darkness that lay within him. Her mother must have kept the truth from her and smothered her with a human scent to protect her from Vernon. After all, Marion had somehow known that in the future Terrasen would be in trouble.
Elide took a deep breath and tried to get ahold of her own scent, grappling to understand her own body's chemistry. Her nostrils flared as she strained to heighten her senses. She was acutely aware of Lorcan's presence, or really the lack there of – Elide could sense the stillness of the space he occupied as it came in touch with his dark magic. She also faintly noticed the nearly-invisible, dome-shaped barrier he had erected around them.
She registered a change in her scent then, jolting her to attention. Not a change; rather, she was now acutely more aware of it. She could smell it in her blood, something familiar, something but not quite like… Manon.
Elide's nose wrinkled; really, how had she never noticed it? She could smell her own human scent, mixed with a scent that reminded her of the wind and sun. Of the Blackbeak witches.
Somewhere in her mind it registered that she was at least making a tiny bit of progress with her blue blood, but she needed to focus on her magic. Magic from Anneith... what sort of magic would she have, if Aelin was gifted with Mala's fire and Lorcan inherited Hellas's darkness? Why couldn't she make any progress with finding her supposed magical energy?
"Breathe," Lorcan murmured, hearing Elide's breath start to quicken in agitation. She gritted her teeth.
I'm trying, she wanted to snap. But she let the annoyance go, focusing on inhaling a steady breath in and out. She needed to relax, so she could figure out what to do.
"What does your magic feel like?" she finally asked.
Lorcan opened one eye to peer at her and deliberated for a moment. He had to be careful with overwhelming her with too much information at once, while she was still mastering how to quiet her mind.
"A well," he answered. He ran a hand through his jet-black hair, and Elide's dark eyes opened to watch him intently. "It feels like... a deep well. When I want to use my magic, I sort of drop into the well, I tunnel through the darkness until I build up enough power, and then I shape the magic with my will before unleashing it."
Elide nodded, wondering how she could access her own supposed well of magic. She recognized that meditating was supposed to help, because magic came from within. She needed to be calm and aware enough to access her magical power.
"How much magic do you have?" She wasn't even really sure how magic was quantified.
"We base it on how long it takes for us to draw up every drop of magic in a controlled manner. For me, it takes about a day. Maybe a little more," he mused. Lorcan bet it would take him longer to pull up all of his magical energy now, since he had acquired more power.
Elide was startled by his answer, a whole day!? She was still trying to wrap her mind around that when he continued.
"But you have to be careful when drawing up large amounts, because it's easier to lose control and attack everyone around you, instead of only the enemy."
And then he explained to her what burning out was, what happened when you used every last drop of your magic in an unrestrained manner. He explained it often happened to magic-users out of desperation or loss of control.
"The iron in our blood repels the magic, causing the body to burn itself up alive," he said, "That's why it is so important for magic-users to learn how to exercise control, because on its own, magic cannot distinguish between ally and foe on its own."
Elide couldn't help turning his statements over and over in her mind as they returned to meditating. Her thoughts returned to Anneith. The ancient goddess hadn't whispered anything since that memory with her mother happened.
Elide went to the safe place she always imagined in her mind and tried mentally knocking on the door she pictured there. Hello, Lady Anneith? Hello?
She stayed still and waited, recalling all the times she had spoken to Anneith as a child, when she had been alone in her tower. Sometimes there was a response, but usually there wasn't, unless it was urgent.
There was no response now.
It was hopeless. They sat in silence for another hour while Elide furiously concentrated on making something, anything magical happen, but her mind wasn't clear or calm enough anymore.
Lorcan eventually suggested taking a break to do some chores. The sun was slowly dropping lower in the sky, which reminded him that he needed to check the traps and go hunting if necessary.
Elide didn't disagree about doing chores; after all, she was nearly out of clean underpants. And socks. And some of her pants had gotten dusty and could use a good wash.
"I, uh, need to do some laundry myself…" Elide trailed off, and before she could think better of it, she offered somewhat hesitantly, "Do… you need anything washed?" She half-expected him to reject her, but he paused and cocked his head, considering her offer.
Now that she asked, he did have a few shirts that needed washing. It had been pretty warm the last few days.
"I have a few shirts that need to be washed," he answered, watching Elide closely. A few locks of dark hair fell into his eyes.
Elide watched as he ran a hand through his dusty hair, and she nodded. "Just bring them to me and I'll wash them." She didn't know why she felt so nervous; she was obviously comfortable with doing laundry. Elide mentally smacked herself. Get it together, Elide.
Lorcan stood up and stretched, his tawny muscles flexing. He was like a cat, Elide thought, albeit a very large one. "Let's return to the cave, then."
They jogged back to the cave, and Elide started bundling up her dirty clothes with a clean bar of soap. Lorcan came up behind her with a couple of shirts in his hands. He cleared his throat softly. Elide turned and saw he was holding a couple of black, white, and green shirts.
"Thanks for offering," he murmured quietly. She took them from him and stuffed them into her bundle, wondering why she felt like blushing.
"It's no problem, I had to do my own washing, anyway." She shrugged and smiled slightly at him, before strapping the bundle to her back. She hurried past him, picking up a stack of dirty stone pots and plates before walking out of the cave. Elide exhaled in relief when she got a little further away from camp and didn't sense him following her.
In the rippling stream nearby, Elide washed the stone plates and pots they had been using to cook and eat with. She set them aside to dry, and after unbundling the dirty laundry, she began washing and scrubbing her own clothes first. The stream water was cool against her arms, and she soon worked herself into a rhythm, humming as she worked.
Soon, she had a heap of clean but wet clothes, and she tentatively reached over to pick up one of Lorcan's green shirts. She liked when he wore green.
Elide absentmindedly lifted the shirt to her nose and inhaled deeply. She could definitely smell sweat, but his scent was also… musky and woodsy. Like a forest after a rainstorm… Her nose wrinkled as she considered… She rather liked it.
Elide was so lost in thought that she didn't notice when Lorcan walked up behind her. He had come to let her know that he had hung a clothesline for the wet clothes when she was finished, but he froze when he saw her pluck his green shirt from the pile. He watched incredulously as, instead of shoving it into the flowing stream, she lifted it to her nose and inhaled instead. Lorcan couldn't help the smirk that spread across his face or that it kind of… turned him on.
He watched as a loose strand of dark hair fell over her shoulder while she stared at the shirt.
Lorcan cleared his throat. "Is everything alright?"
Elide jumped a foot when she heard him cough and nearly toppled into the stream. In her panicked state, she shoved his shirt underwater while whipping her head around to answer him.
"Gods, fuck – Lorcan – yeah – everything's fine!" Her voice had somehow leapt up two octaves higher than normal.
Oh gods, did he see!? Did he see me smelling his shirt? She was going to die of embarrassment. Or kill him. Or both.
Lorcan was trying to hide his smile as he took in Elide's mortified expression and heard her heart rate quicken like a rabbit's. Her face continued to heat up as she realized there was no way he hadn't seen her judging by the smirk on his face. As she struggled to find words, any words, to justify her actions, Lorcan smoothly let her know he had hung up a clothesline near the cave after she was done with the laundry.
Elide nodded vehemently, her voice still high-pitched as she replied, "Yup! Almost done! Thanks!" Then she turned back to Lorcan's green shirt and scrubbed it with a vengeance. She groaned internally.
Mortified. I'm mortified.
Lorcan picked up the freshly washed stone plates and pots and backed away slowly, containing the urge to laugh. He returned to the cave to continue preparing their evening meal.
After Elide finished washing Lorcan's shirts, avoiding sniffing any of them in an obvious manner, she found the clothesline that he had mentioned and hung the clothes to dry. As she neared the cave, a whiff of boiling stew wafted to her nose.
It was rabbit stew for dinner tonight. Memories resurfaced of all the times they had rabbit stew while traveling with the carnival troupe. Elide started to make a face but quickly smoothed out her expression. She didn't complain; she was still useless at hunting after all, and Lorcan hadn't complained once about feeding her.
Perhaps once I get my iron teeth and nails… Once I can control my witch side, perhaps then I can emulate Manon enough to kill the defenseless, maybe snap the necks of helpless animals like Lorcan does… Elide mused as she ate. Lorcan could tell she was lost in thought again so he ate silently as well.
They trained in more hand-to-hand combat after dinner. Elide was slowly becoming a little faster, a little more familiar with dodging and ducking. Her once-deliberate movements began to seem more natural. She placed more confidence in her punches and kicks, keeping her knees bent and her arms out in front of her.
Occasionally, her mind drifted to her meditation session earlier that day and how it hadn't seemed like she had made any progress. Lorcan continually told her that she needed time and not to worry, but once or twice she had seen his immortal face crease with anxiety when he thought she wasn't looking. Their whole plan revolved around Elide being able to use her magic, and until Lorcan knew what form it took, he would have no idea how to counter Morath's defenses. But still, he was patient, he encouraged her…
What if I just don't have it in me? She wanted to ask. But she knew, she could just somehow feel that she was different, that something stirred within her and that her bond with Anneith was not a coincidence.
Lorcan's fist passed barely a hairsbreadth from her left cheek; she felt the wind of his punch on her face and immediately skittered back a few steps. Lorcan snapped his fingers at her.
"Do I have your attention now, Lady Elide?" Lorcan drawled, smirking a bit. Elide shook her head to clear her thoughts and clenched her jaw as she sank down on her haunches, tensed in preparation. Lorcan quickly closed in on her and unleashed a particularly vicious series of punches and kicks. Elide was dodging relatively well, but he could tell she was tiring out as her returning punches and kicks were fewer and farther between.
She stepped back to take a breath after barely dodging a nasty right hook. She imagined if she had failed to dodge it and winced, glad she had been paying enough attention. She bared her teeth at him and let loose an annoyed growl. Perhaps the witch blood made her more aggressive.
Lorcan held his hands up in pacification and shrugged. "I'm sorry." His punches would have to be more careful, even though the way her witch blood pulsed set his own blood on edge. "Let's take a break."
Then he left to collect more firewood, leaving Elide to her own thoughts.
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bookofmirth · 8 years
on my fanfics
So you all know I write smut. Like smutty smut, Tog and acotar characters are constantly getting it on in my fics.
And I've been thinking about this for a while and have talked to some people about it, but I know a lot of people on here who read it are quite young. And sometimes it worries me, that very impressionable people are reading explicit sex scenes that I have written. Or at least it makes me a little uncomfortable, sometimes.
But I also wonder if it's better than nothing. The male characters are always super giving and make sure that the females have an orgasm and tbh I draw from personal experience quite often because... I just don’t want it to be unrealistic? Like I won't write shower sex because dudes... that shit does not work out so great ok. People get enthusiastic and grab shower curtains and suddenly you're naked and wet and dealing with a head injury when the bar gets ripped off the wall and crashes down and it's just... slippery and difficult and not all it's cracked up to be.
Anyway... @my-name-is-fireheart just wrote a great post about sex in EoS and ACOMAF and it made me start thinking about this again (really, I’m constantly thinking about it as I write), how I write such smutty things and get really self-conscious about how I’m portraying sex. There are certain things I really try to reinforce, like consent, not ever writing a situation in which one of the people might be impaired (re: alcohol), the woman enjoying herself, intimacy, female desire, and then the small things, like you need to clean up after sex, especially if your partner comes inside of you.
I guess I don’t even know if I have a really salient point, except to say that I try to portray sex as a really positive thing, at least from the perspective of a cisgender female in a hetero relationship (because that’s all I’ve written, thus far). And I hope that it is ok, for people who are very young reading this? I made a jokey post about my fics getting people hot and bothered and how that’s pretty neat not creepy, as a writer, but also I think about this, about how young women with little to no experience might see these things and hopefully realize that they can have really, really good sex. Including orgasms and your partner taking care of your needs. And I hope you do get those things.
Honestly, if anything, this fandom’s thirst for smut just goes to show that:
Women like sex!
Young women, too!
There is no reason for us to be ashamed of this!
Growing up I always heard that boys wanted you for “one thing” (as many of us did, I’m sure), and ughhhh I fucking hate that bc you know what? I TOTALLY WANTED THAT ONE THING TOO. And hearing that warning repeatedly made me feel weird for wanting it. Like, it was just assumed that a teenage girl was only into boys because of her Feelings. Like it was assumed that if/when she had sex, she didn’t need to worry about how it felt physically. Like that’s irrelevant? Um, no.
And there are actually a whole lot more subtle implications in that statement – that boys are always the aggressor, that girls need to be on the defensive, that girls are just victims waiting to happen, that boys won’t like you for you, that girls don’t want sex, that boys always do, and probably other things. And it’s all utter crap. Sure, some of these things could be true, in some cases. But the force with which this message is pounded into young girls’ heads, as if it is The Truth is... ugh.
Ok so I’ll finish this rambling with a final thought, which is if I ever write anything that feels off or unclear or confusing or you have like… questions… let me know. I’m not an expert, but anon is always on and I know it might feel strange or uncomfortable talking about this stuff sometimes.
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ookami-tsun · 3 years
can i ask for romantic match up? id rather not disclose my age but i prefer the adult characters, im transmasc gay, im around 5'4 i think. as for my personality, im quite two faced? to ppl im not close to, im often cheerful and look sociable, however im actually reserved and closed off; often needing space bc i get overwhelmed with social interactions. i like to draw as a hobby (though i dropped it bc i lost inspiration) and i also tend to ramble about things im rlly interested in, thats all ty!
Konichiwa~ It’s Tsun (//0_0//)
Sorry if this is short… I don’t have much to explore as the information is not enough… T_T
I had a vaccination before I wrote this, so I feel really laggy… I'm going to do everything slowly…. Zzzz…. I going to post this hoping that I didn't write anything wrongly... Not sure if I can finish the story tomorrow when my arm starting to feel the numbness... Wish myself luck ughhhh
For your matchup…. I choose *drumrolls* Venti
Venti is someone who believes in freedom, so he won’t be put off by how different you appeared outside and how you truly are inside. Everyone has a side that they have in front of others and a side that they show to people that they are close to or just for themselves. Knowing this, Venti hopes that you can one day show your true self to him, after all, it means that you feel comfortable enough to show the true you to him.
You staying true to yourself rather than becoming someone that lives as what others define you as made you really interesting to Venti, this created opportunities to become closer to one another as it is rare to have someone who will not be pushed down by peer pressures that forces one into accepting a type of “role” [You are a man and must like female/ you are a female and must act like one]
If you are in love, it doesn’t matter if you like the same or different gender they are both the same, it is about how you fall in love with someone unique. One pure soul wanting to get closer to another, a pure emotion. Those who judge others by what they like are different from the norm and are prejudiced about it are the ones that have impure thoughts of wanting to destroy freedom of others in love in the name of “right”, but what is “right” and “wrong”?
Knowing that you have a hobby of drawing, but you lost your inspiration, he will take the chance to bring you around to travel and become closer to you while using the excuse of wanting you to get inspiration to be able to draw again.
As he enjoys his alcohol that he managed to sneak out, he would often make you to talk as he can listen to your voice as if it is music and be drowned in your sound, it brings a sense of warmness to his chest, being able to enjoy 2 of his favorite at the same time: alcohol and...you.
He tries hard to hide his playful side as he wants to look more mature in front of you while he secretly continues to do his naughty side. But it would always fall on your ears, who made him one of the famous travelling bards and it is always easy for others to gossip about him especially when everyone knows that he is totally into you. Even though he is older, he looks young and childlike which is quite worrying for him when he heard that you like older people (It doesn't mean appearance right? right?)
As Venti glances at you who is looking towards the sky beside him, he brings out his lyre and plays, while the sun slowly sets making you turn towards him, you find that light has casted against his face, highlighting his features. Hearing him finishing his piece, you lean slowly towards his shoulders. He gave a soft laugh and set his lyre away to hold your hand as he sang instead. This made you drowsy and slowly made your eyelids drop. As you start to enter your dreamland, you hear him saying “have a sweet dream”... Sending you off to a sleep full of happiness.
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When one is born, one cannot choose one's birth background and it will be hard when someone judges when it. So, it is a trial on whether you can stay true to yourself and be strong against the adversary.
"To be true to oneself is the most important part of life"
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