#ugh. they could have had something great. too bad someone has to ruin everything :)c
direwombat · 9 months
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r: the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorns (eli palmer x deputy sybille la roux)
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies, @carlosoliveiraa, @g0dspeeed, @aceghosts, and @madparadoxum to do this ship dynamics chart using this template by @jacobseed (most just did the first image with the sliders, but i'm an overachiever and did the second part too <3)
since i did this template for jakesyb a while ago, here's a sybeli version. they really took me by surprise as a ship this year, but i love them and they deserve a happy ending (they do not get one <;3)
tagging @cassietrn, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @adelaidedrubman, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable , @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else who wants to make a graphic for their ship! (taglist opt in/out)
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somerpmemes · 3 years
The Owl House Starters
Change as needed
“No! My only weakness! Dying!”
“That doesn’t count, right?”
“Do you have any friends? Real ones?”
“Tiny trash thief!”
“Oops, that happens sometimes.”
“I’m a squirmy little fella.”
“I like food, I like love, just let me write about it!”
“Oh, he gets so cute when he’s thirsty for power.”
“I’ve never actually broken any of your stupid laws… in front of you.”
“I hate everything you’re saying right now.”
“We’d be the strongest power couple ever.”
“Self-doubt is a prison you can never escape from.”
“Anyways, let’s bounce before any more monsters fall in love with me.”
“I am not your cutie pie!”
“No one wants an un-oiled snake.”
“Remember, never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.”
“Be back by nightfall or risk mortal peril!”
“I know I’ve had enough delight for one day.”
“Sorry to break it to you, ___, but no one here is that well-dressed.”
“This has been a rough day.”
“Big houses always belong to big whack jobs.”
“Today just got good.”
“Wizards are just old people with glitter in their pockets.”
“Anyways, your food is gone and we are too.”
“Never trust a man in casual drapery.”
“All that mean-spirited laughter made me sleepy.”
“I don’t like this. I really don’t like this.”
“All your food was so tiny and cute.”
“If you can think of a better plan I’d love to hear it.”
“Betrayed by my own cool accessories.”
“I didn’t have to be part of this!”
“I… don’t like this.”
“I think I’ll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still… alive.”
“Wow, you’re so unnoticeable I almost rolled into you.”
“It’s okay, the thorns only went through a few layers of skin.”
“Alright, into the darkness you go.”
“Oh my god, I haven’t eaten real food in so long please give me some.”
“You can’t just cut open a human, can you?”
“Keeping junk in my pocket saved my life!”
“Ahh, baby’s first wanted poster.”
“Even demons have inner demons.”
“This is my paying attention face.”
“Look, now we’re boo boo buddies.”
“It’s like a rainbow, but looking at it turns you inside out.”
“I respect your cunning but I also hate you for it.”
“Oh, gross. Can I keep that?”
“This is terrifying, so why do you look so happy?”
“Oh no, a twist!”
“I’m kind of over that nickname, but okay.”
“Oh, what lovely thing do we have here? It’s just so dang shiny, oh my.”
“And look, I drew flip book.”
“I will literally do anything to stop this.”
“If I’m seen, I could go to jail… again.”
“Alright, let’s see this mess.”
“That’s probably fine.”
“Time to prepare for bloodshed.”
“Welcome down to my level!”
“I know I should be repulsed but that look is fierce.”
“I’m gonna steal everything that’s not nailed down!”
“I was up all night poison tasting and, for some reason, I don’t feel great.”
“I need an extra pair of eyes looking out for pickpockets. And an extra pair of hands in case I want to pickpocket.”
“I got leaves in my pants. And I like it.”
“I was a strange child.”
“You think this can stop me? I can still bite your ankles.”
“If you’re gonna eat me, just do it now!”
“___, you’re getting all swoony again.”
“Rivals are meant to be annihilated, not befriended.”
“Witches eating babies is so 1693.”
“Ugh, you.”
“I thought we were as cool as cucumbers but we’re as sour as pickles.”
“Whoa, I almost passed out.”
“It’s been hours, how can it keep screaming!?”
“Say that again and I steal your tongue.”
“Keep going, this is fun to watch.”
“Isn’t that taking it a bit too far?”
“Just go away before things somehow get worse!”
“This never happened.”
“And who doesn’t like their name in lights?”
“That’s the incorrect reaction!”
“I smell an easy mark.”
“Well, I hate her.”
“It’s like demonic possession with the ones you love.”
“This is just like my favorite early 2000’s movie!”
“I’m so old… and pointy.”
“I’ve got some very confusing emotions right now.”
“My life’s not a joke! But yours is!”
“Novelty costumes are where I draw the line.”
“I am not above disrespecting my elders.”
“This vacation just took an alarming, back-alley turn.”
“Geez, I thought I’d like being babied. But I feel small and helpless, like some sort of baby.”
“Hey, take this, society!”
“I didn’t like her telling me what to do before, but now I love it!”
“Let’s go let out some teen angst!”
“This is how the cool kids ride. Super backwards, on purpose.”
“Your life is pretty terrible. But, hey, it’ll probably be over soon.”
“This is some of my best work, really captures the shame.”
“That’s sweet, kid. Now let’s never speak of this again.”
“Show, don’t tell, man.”
“Oh, look what you did. I’m gonna go rub it in.”
“That seems like a potential problem to me.”
“You being the razzle, I’ll bring the dazzle.”
“Do you always have confetti on you or—?”
“You’re just gonna be unhelpful, huh?”
“Okay, time to run for no particular reason!”
“Oof, I’ve had this nightmare before.”
“Like I’d actually apologize.”
“I want power, and I want drama.”
“Are you ready to give up?”
“I was afraid, I acted stupid.”
“I just wish you told me the truth.”
“You know, it didn’t taste as bad as I thought I would.”
“Impressive, still alive.”
“This is a throne worthy of a tyrant!”
“No, no, keep those sticky hands away.”
“No one wants to see that.”
“Since when are you into sports?”
“Gross, sympathy.”
“Don’t spend all night plotting revenge.”
“Oh, this is an interesting development.”
“I’ll take that weird grumble as a yes.”
“I’m feeling confident about this plan.”
“Trust must be earned.”
“If you run, you’ll just make it harder for yourself!”
“Your pride has destroyed you.”
“So tiny, so angry.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be clean again.”
“If you ever want to search for the truth, I’ll help you.”
“Aww, that’s a horrible lie.”
“Partake of my free snack samples!”
“Why isn’t anyone paying attention to me?”
“A, eww. B, I’m bored. C, I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse.”
“I know my good angle.”
“Ugh, what are the basement dwellers doing out in natural sunlight?’
“Hey, there’s more to life than shipping.”
“___, I know you’re trying to help, but I think you’re crossing a line.”
“Ooh, I love punching.”
“You’re ominous, and I like it.”
“And of course you would be here just to be a nuisance.”
“I wanted to compare sunglasses.”
“Fame can really box you in, you know?”
“Besides, if anyone’s putting you down it’s gonna be me.”
“If it’s disappointing in any way I’ll spend the rest of my life trashing it.”
“He scammed us. Can you believe he scammed us?”
“Good entrance. But that outfit? Hah!”
“I’ve got a new crush and her name is education!”
“Ahh, fresh garbage.”
“I have never seen such an extravagant earring.”
“Wow, a surprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When will it be ruined?”
“Weaponizing my pride, well played.”
“Sorry, whoever’s over there!”
“Well, go on. Eat the snow.”
“Huh, it’s no fun if they don’t tremble.”
“Oh, okay, alright. Yup, an idea’s happening.”
“Shh! I don’t need your validation!”
“Get back here before that thing bites you!”
“No, we’re gonna die.”
“Cool. I didn’t actually think you could do it.”
“It’s not a secret.”
“Alright, your adorable banter is literally making me sick.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve seen worse.”
“Aww. I won’t be doing that, but thanks.”
“Quitting: it’s like trying, but easier.”
“You humans are filled with liquids, right?”
“I guess I have always liked pouring things into other things.”
“Time to scrounge through the trash.”
“I ain’t no desk jockey.”
“You don’t know diddly dang about squiddly squat!”
“I love secret rooms!”
“You have an aura of lies.”
“Also, you can eat trash.”
“Do the right thing, you dingus!”
“It just goes on like this for an hour.”
“Carnivals bring crowds and crowds bring suckers.”
“We’ve got scams to run.”
“I know poison when I see it.”
“You can’t scam a scammer.”
“You should really put a lock on your closet.”
“I love crimes!”
“Now this is my kind of weird.”
“That’s way safer than becoming blood brothers.”
“Beat up the man and steal his things for me.”
“This mama is ready for trauma.”
“All right. Approval!”
“Curse these stubby legs!”
“Sketchy carnival rides are not to blame this time.”
“___, you’re lucky I can’t be mad at your adorable antics.”
“Just when I thought I couldn’t respect the law any less…”
“Aww, what a supportive sign.”
“Yep, I just counted to one million.”
“Looks like we ruined his life for a second time.”
“I’ve always wanted to own a jagged piece of cheap metal.”
“Yes! Bread puns, bread puns forever!”
“Now I know what friendship tastes like.”
“I think today is a talons day.”
“It’s fun because it’s stupid.”
“I’ll admit, I was adorable.”
“Be careful with my brain.”
“Wouldn’t you rather talk about it?”
“That’s my motto after all, ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’”
“No schemes, no plots, no ruses. None.”
“I can’t believe I made him cry.”
“Are you solving a crime or about to commit one?”
“Sadly this is one problem crime can’t solve.”
“I’m supposed to choose someone interesting, accomplished, and noteworthy. People aren’t meant to be all those things!”
“Yup, her brain’s burned up real good.”
“Be still my fantasy-loving heart.”
“I’m pretty good at getting stuck inside people’s heads.”
“Hey, I found something magical.”
“I’ma put my face in it.”
“It’s like a little doghouse for angels.”
“If you’re handing out attention, I deserve it.”
“Eww, I mean, aww.”
“I really messed things up.”
“It’s eggs, it’s full of eggs.”
“No one turns down an interview with someone this pretty.”
“Me? Avoid? What? No. But let’s skip it.”
“There’s levels to me, kid. Levels I say!”
“Oh, right, I put people in there.”
“I’m gonna hug you so hard you’ll never forget me again!”
“I regret teaching you about the internet.”
“Ah, a severed hand. Perfect response.”
“Hmm, the demon at my shoulder makes a good point.”
“Always trust a shoulder demon.”
“The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get.”
“Man, you’ve got some quick grabbers.”
“I can’t wait to get overdressed, take awkward photos, push all the buttons!”
“We’re gonna turn this bloodbath into a fun bath.”
“Do you think I could pull off red eyeshadow?”
“Girl, you could pull off anything.”
“We’re style geniuses!”
“Ominous footsteps, creepy woods, this is no problem.”
“Dang, I look great.”
“___, you always go overboard and I end up bailing you out.”
“Now, what’s the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if it’s my kid?”
“___, I don’t think you’re ready but we’re literally out of time.”
“Why so twitchy, witchy?”
“Teenagers are brutal. They’ll boo anyone and that kind of public humiliation will stick with you for life.”
“You look nice. Strange, but nice.”
“Honestly, I’m kind of amazed with how fearless you are.”
“You’ve done things I could never do.”
“Thing is, you’re sitting in my personal chitchat zone, which means you gotta talk.”
“I am a little weirdo.”
“You gotta pander.”
“Cheating a isn’t anything to brag about.”
“Well, can’t reason with crazy!”
“I’ve been talking for too long.”
“Feeling sentimental?”
“I love water.”
“I don’t know much about sports but I do know about sports movies.”
“What happens in the montage stays in the montage.”
“Not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope movie soundtrack.”
“Sorry, I just really love backstories.”
“You just destroyed your social life.”
“That’s such a stupid rule!”
“You’re not gonna show this to anyone, right?”
“I haven’t forgotten what you promised me.”
“Ahh, you’re a thorn in my side but you always dig your way into my heart.”
“Jeez, you’re morbid.”
“Ahh, it’s a fate much worse than death if you think about it.”
“Please don’t make me regret taking you here.”
“Love me a properly ventilated castle.”
“I spy with my little eye something coming this way!”
“I’m going away and I don’t know if I can come back this time.”
“And  ___, thank you, for being in my life.”
“I want her back as much as you do.”
“Don’t look at me like that, this is for your own good.”
“Ah farts, I got caught.”
“You understand, don’t you?”
“Please tell me that’s not as bad as it sounds.”
“To be great, you have to make sacrifices.”
“Ahh, ___, you chose the wrong side.”
“I like your spirit, but try that again and things won’t end well for you.”
“Go on, then. Go be a hero.”
“I may have lost but so have you.”
“I can teach you what I know, and what we don’t know we can learn together.”
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knullanon · 3 years
invincible bullshit that i came up with 10 days ago i just forgot about it
ngaoevnbiaebiw its here @anxiousnerdwritings i hope you like it i got inspired by you to write this
words: 2196
warnings: past arguing, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR ENTIRE SEASON 1, shooting, arguing, past manipulation
“Reports of who killed the Guardians of the globe are starting to surface, with our agents finding out about the supposed killer: we know they spared Omni-Man, killed the rest of the members, and then fled. We also know they are not from earth. Lots of people have speculated that Omni-Man is the one behind these killings, however, the government has ruled out that being a possibility, since there was no evidence of Omni-Man doing these actions. More at 7 tonight on-”
The program stopped playing as you saw a contact appear on the top of the screen, and reading it, you immediately perked up.
Swiping on the green button, you happily said, “Hey, Dad! What’cha need?”
You heard a chuckle from the other end, before he said, “Hey kiddo, how you holding up?”
“Nothing much going on here, you good over there?”
“Yup, mostly everything is fine. You know my work, they always have something for me to do.”
“Hopefully that clears up soon.”
“Yeah, hey, listen, where are you right now?”
Ugh, not this again. Your mood slightly dropped as you remembered a few years ago, when you first met Cecil. He wasn’t as good as he is now, and he would always be asking where you would be. Even in school. However, that was all in the past, since you were older, he now knew that you were responsible enough to do things on your own. At least, that’s what he wanted you to believe.
“Uh, well, I was just gonna go hang out with some friends and then go back home. Why?”
“Ok, listen to me very carefully: one of my guys is gonna pick you up near Bridgetown, ok? You’re gonna get a bracelet from them and then I’ll explain the rest here.”
What the fuck? “Oh, um, ok, when will they be there?”
“About 5 minutes. Be there soon, love you, bye.”
He hung up the phone quickly, which was extremely rare, even for him, since he would never show his love to you out publicly and you would feel weird if he even did. However, on the phone or in private he was a completely different person, having a great personality and he was an even better dad.
Well, he did say to hurry up, and 5 minutes. You checked the time and when you saw it was near 1. You strided your way towards the street he told you to meet on, and cheerfully thought of the ways to hang out with your friends after whatever he wanted to do. Maybe you could go to the mall? Maybe the food court? You’ve been meaning to try those damn milkshakes at that new bar everyone is talking about, but it was always so crowded. You never liked crowded places in the first place.
Suddenly, your phone rang again. This time, when you checked, it was your dad again. Strange. It was weird for him to call you twice in a row. He usually got to the point within a few sentences.
Picking up the phone, you said, “Hey dad-”
“________, listen to me. Get to someplace safe now. Get out of the road. Get out of the public. I don't care if you have to go inside someone else’s house, just get out of sight.”
Stopping in the middle of the road you let out some surprised stutters. “Wh- Dad, what are you talking about?”
“_______, please, just listen to me when I say this, you are in danger and you need to get out of there.”
“Why? What’s happening?”
You were shuffling around trying to find a good place to “hide” while your dad went into complete panic mode in his voice. “_______, find a place to hide, and whatever you do, get out of open space.”
You heard him speak to someone off the phone, before he cursed out loud. “I have to call you back, but someone will be there, wherever you are, ok? I… I love you.”
Before you could answer him, he hung up the phone. Anxiety was the only thing you could feel, as you looked around the desolate neighborhood. There was a reason why you chose this area over others: it was quiet and small. Not only that, but the only people who walked this way were people who were not fond of bigger crowds. In fact, you haven’t seen anyone go this way for a long time. You always wondered why, since it was the perfect way to get robbed. Of course, that would never happen, especially with all those lessons from your dad about self defense.
The street you were on had walls surrounding the sidewalk to prevent people from going into people's backyards, probably. They were too high up to climb, and they were concrete, so it wouldn’t be easy to just hop over and call it a day.
However, you were almost at the end of the street, and you knew there was a little patch of bushes and leaves that would provide the perfect cover. They were almost as tall as your dad, which always made you wonder who was watering them to be that big.
Pacing quickly towards the end of the street, and seeing no one in sight made you let out a sigh of relief. Either dad was overeating or something bad was happening, and you don’t know which would be worse. When Cec- dad overrated, it always got messy, no matter what it was about.
“Why were you out so long? I was about to send a team after you-”
“Cecil, it’s fine, I just had to talk to my-”
“Don’t call me Cecil, and don’t try to make excuses, tell me who you were with right now or I swear to god-”
You forgot the memory almost as soon as it came up, instead choosing to focus on getting to the brush where you could hide until C- Dad came to pick you up. Wherever he was. Actually, did he give you a time that he would be there?
You got a weird feeling that made you sprint towards the bushes and dive in, like there was someone behind you. You ignored it and forced your way on all fours, ignoring the cuts and scratches you were getting on your arms and legs.
There was almost a whooshing sound above you, and you wondered if your dad sent a fucking jet to get you. But that thought left your mind when you heard it right next to you, along with the sound of someone making a harsh landing onto the street. You were able to hear the little bits and pieces of concrete fly off the ground to hit the ground again.
You stayed completely still, leaning on your arms while your body was facing the street. You heard something shuffle, like moving fabric around, before a familiar voice hit your ears.
“Who’s there?” they- he said, and you were about to cry out of relief when you heard it. “Omni-Man?”
“Cecil, why do you think Nolan would go after ________?”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Cecil didn’t look at Debbie, instead focusing on the map in front of him, wondering where Mark could’ve been.
“What reason would he have to go after them? I just- he wouldn’t just attack a child, would he?”
Cecil felt his head start to hurt. Goddamnit, why did Nolan want to go after you? You had nothing to do with anything, besides being Cecil’s daughter. … is that why he was after you? Just because you were related to Cecil?
No, Nolan wasn’t stupid. He knew you weren’t his biological daughter, Nolan knew Cecil took you from somewhere.
He probably thought you were just someone that he got for fun, which was the furthest from the truth. Cecil didn’t-
“Sir, we’ve found Mark Grayson, along with your daughter, not at the same locations, but-”
“Where is she?” Cecil didn’t try to hide his worry in his voice. It didn’t exactly help when the agent said, in a monotone voice, “She's with Omni-Man, sir.”
“________? What are you doing here?”
Peeking out from the bush, you saw Omni-Man walk up towards you and hold out his hand. You graciously took it, and helped yourself up. Even when you were standing at your full height, Omni-Man was way taller than you. Like, way taller. He could beat your dad within an inch of his life even with all of that combat stuff he learned over the years.
Of course he could, he’s Omni-Man dumbass. Ignoring the thought, you answered, “I’m, uh, busy.”
You saw him give a small smile. “You’re busy hiding in the bushes?”
“Yes.” you cursed internally for answering that so quickly like an idiot. You weren’t expecting him to let out a laugh. He continued while you stood there, confused as all hell.
Finally, he said, “You know, you’re a terrible liar.” You laughed along with him for a moment, before saying, “Yeah, I know.”
His face suddenly darkened, before he said, “So, why are you out here?”
The laughter in the air was gone now, only replaced by crushing silence as he waited for your answer. You felt yourself shrink under his scrutinizing gaze. He looked like he was judging you for just standing there. Well, he could’ve also been judging you because you were in a bush just 10 seconds earlier. After a few more seconds, you broke.
“C- Dad said to hide somewhere.”
“Aren’t you too old to be playing those games?”
“Yeah, I am, but apparently someone was gonna come and get me. He just said to get out of open space.”
You heard him mutter something under his breath, before he scratched the back of his head.
“Well, I can see why he would want that.”
“Really? Why?”
“A mob boss named Machine Head.” When you gave him a confused look, he elaborated, “Machine head was a guy who took down the new Guardians of the Globe along with… Mark. They thought they got him, but unfortunately they weren’t able to kill him.”
“How does that have anything with me?”
“... You’re Cecil’s daughter. Cecil was the one who found out about Machine Head. And took him down. Machine Head wants revenge against Cecil for ruining his plans, so he’s probably going to take it out on you.” When you still gave a surprised stare, he asked, “Do you really not have this happen often?”
“No, Dad keeps me inside alot…” your voice trailed off when you heard your phone ring, and picking it up, you saw it was your dad.
“_________, I told you to get to somewhere safe!”
“I-I am! I’m with Nolan!”
“Hey, Cecil, don’t worry, I’m right here.” Nolan’s voice was filled with sarcasm, probably an old joke between the two. After all, they were both good friends to each other.
“No, you don’t understand, ______, listen to me-”
Suddenly you were grabbed by your arm, and dragged down. You were caught by Omni-Man before you hit the ground, though. Looking behind him, you saw two trucks coming towards you, along with multiple people in them, with weapons of all sorts.
You didn’t have time to ask who they were or what they wanted, as Omni-Man grabbed you and pulled out off the ground, and into the air. It took you a few moments, but you realized you were in the air. Flying.
Reaching for your phone in your pocket to call your dad back, you realized you must’ve dropped it. However, you weren’t about to waste your energy trying to get it back. Especially not when you were high above the ground. So you simply hung on for dear life as Omni-Man flew away from the shouting people in the cars.
“Where is she?”
“She went with Omni-Man, sir.”
Cecil stood there for a moment, wondering what the fuck happened. It was obvious now that Nolan had no intentions to harm you, but why would he take you and not tell you anything? Cecil wondered before something was handed to him. “We found this near where they took off, sir.”
It was your phone. Completely crushed to bits. “Omni-Man took it from her and crushed it without her knowledge, sir.”
“You started to shoot at her?! What the hell were you thinking!?”
The men stood there, completely still realizing their mistake. “We’re not kids playing at some game, this is real life. And now- I-” he really wanted to kill Nolan now. Debbie was going to become a widow, and he really didn’t care.
Walking up to the truck that was nearest to him, he opened the back and shuffled around, trying to find something, anything that would be of use.
Then he found his favorite gun. The only one he could actually hold himself without another person that stopped Omni-man.
Loading the ammunition, he walked over to Donald, who had a tablet in his hand. “Sir, we’ve found where they’re going.”
Looking at the area on the map, Cecil tapped his wrist watch, and said, “Good. Get the backup ready, and get Mark Grayson. Get Invincible.”
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giornocentric · 5 years
Bucci gang’s Christmas
It’s that time of year again and I’m feeling especially Christmas-y right now, even though it’s still November.
I’m the type of person to get really happy around this time of year and I’m definitely the first to set up and decorate the tree (I’m the person people make those memes about). I love my family (half are Christian and half are Jewish) and the gifts and the food and music and just everything, and I can’t help but want to spend it with my favorite people on Earth!! (yes I know they’re fictional characters, Karen)
Bruno Bucciarati
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He’s not the biggest on Christmas but would love to celebrate it with the gang or his s/o if he had one at the time. Christmas is celebrated much differently in Italy so he would laugh at your more Western expectation of Christmas and would insist it’s better this way, less commercial and more centered around the Catholic/Christian importance of the day.
This is not to say Bruno is Catholic or Christian but I believe he would feel more comfortable and happier without the CRAZINESS of Western/American Christmases and would just enjoy spending time with you and his teammates/friends, along with maybe a small tree and an occasional Christmas song.
When he received a small gift his eyes widened, “Wait what’s this for?” He would be so shocked, he had never gotten a gift on Christmas, he didn’t even realize that it was something people actually did, he thought it was only in movies. Once his s/o explained what a Christmas gift was, he would open it hesitantly and smile in awe then return the favor with a kiss. “Sorry I didn’t get you anything, Tesoro.”
He would be the one to make Christmas dinner for you and the gang, more than likely, antipasti and pasta with a walnut cream sauce and Panettone (Christmas cake) that he’d ask if you wanted to help him bake, which would probably end up with both of you covered in batter and icing.
Giorno Giovanna
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Christmas? is that a fruit? He has never celebrated or even thought about celebrating it, but his s/o wants to and Bruno does too? He will, but what exactly does that entail? Does he dress up like Saint Nicholas? He‘s never actually had a family to celebrate with so you have a LOT of explaining to do and then he’s SO EXCITED and wants to do EVERYTHING and now it’s time to make up for lost time.
Once he understands, he’s a little extreme, he’s already made a gingerbread house, cut down a real tree and decorated it, bought everyone TEN gifts and has an ugly sweater on, waiting for you to see and be impressed and well... you are. He’s admittedly looking for praise so you have to let him see just how much you appreciate it, maybe with a little kiss or a gift of your own.
Be prepared for an absolute marathon of Christmas movies, possibly accompanied by a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows or a cup of eggnog with extra cinnamon and a side of gingerbread cookies. So many gingerbread cookies. But you snuggle together away from the cold so that makes up for it, most of the time you both stop watching the movie and it’s just the two of you making out or staring at each other, longingly.
Once the entire house smells like Yankee Candles and you can barely breathe over the cinnamon and peppermint, it’s time to tell that poor boy he needs to stop. But before you can, you walk right under the dreaded mistletoe (trap) that he’s put up pretty much everywhere and he’s coming up to you and shutting you right up. He kisses you and with a cheeky grin and says “What was that about taking away Christmas away? You don’t like it, dolcezza?”
Leone Abbacchio
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Two words. Seasonal Depression. Abbacchio is a bit of a grinch when it comes to Christmas. Truthfully, he doesn’t want to hate it, but his depression is bad during this time so if he goes to the Christmas get-together with you and the gang, he will most likely be drinking an ungodly amount of alcohol. His s/o might be able to calm him down and reassure him enough to attend but he will misserable no matter what, he’ll stay for the gifts and food though, regardless of how much he wants to leave.
Once he’s drunk and people are opening presents is when his emotions overwhelm him and he breaks into tears at the smallest things (Narancia received a CD from him that he already owned and Abbacchio felt guilty not knowing Narancia well enough to know which albums he already had.) His s/o is one of the only people who can calm him down in that moment, laying his head in your lap as you play with his hair and hum softly.
Now he goes through the second stage of grief, thrashing out the tree and throwing gifts and screaming about how much he loves you and Christmas and that delicious food and alcohol. He’s a mess, and before he gets any more drunk and destroys anything else, you have to drag him home and force him to lay down and sleep it off.
But Abbacchio wants to give you his gift, and before you can protest, he’s already on you, kissing you everywhere and mumbling incoherently about how much you mean to him and how good you are to him, but soon he breaks into tears once more as he convinces himself that he doesn’t deserve you. “I’m so stupid! I ruined everything! You probably don’t even love me anymore, and I don’t blame you for it.”
You just have to reassure him a little more until he finally passes out from the alcohol.
Pannacotta Fugo
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Has mixed feelings about Christmas, he used to love it as a kid but now the memories are a little tainted by thoughts of his mom and dad and he thinks about being abandoned by them and it makes him angry, sad, and scared. But if he had an s/o, he would agree to celebrating it with them, they could make new memories that would help the bad ones fade away.
Fugo might ask for specific things to make him feel more comfortable and safe. Opening presents might bring on a little fear/bad thoughts, as well as the board games and card games, so you should be prepared to comfort him in any and every way possible. In my opinion, he’d love for you to hold him tightly and feed him your food as he complains about the music being too loud or the house being too cold, to which he’d snuggle closer to you.
When the group sees the two of you, and a totally different side of Fugo, some of them stare, some of them make snarky comments and laugh, and Narancia sighs before getting pissed at the ones who laughed. Fugo, doesn’t care much in that moment, of course he’s gritting his teeth and his nails are digging into his skin but he loves you far too much and feels too comfortable to mess with them.
Once he’s completely comfortable, you both go for a walk in the snow (much to Fugo’s dismay) talking about the meaning of Christmas to you and him. When Fugo’s disposition gets a little worse from talking about his past, you get down on one knee and create a little snowball. Holding it out, you tell him you’ve fallen for him much like this snow or that you love him snow much and ask him if you could have the honor of him being your boyfriend. He laughs at first at the cheesy/cringey puns then his eyes widen and he’s in so much disbelief that someone like you could love him. He bends down to meet your face, tilts your head up slightly and kisses you.
“I guess that’s a yes?” Now Christmas is going to have a totally different meaning for him.
Narancia Ghirga
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“Where’s my gift?” “Is that mine?” “When can we open presents?” “What did you get me?” He knows everything about American Christmases and will run around the room, take a bite of food, get up, run around again, sit by the tree, open a gift, yell what he thinks it is then tears it open and repeats until all his gifts are opened.
When it’s someone else’s turn, he will look to his s/o and sigh. He might ask you to play a game with him while he waits, or sneak him some cake. Narancia is the type to constantly engage in the festivities and gets easily bored. If he gets you a gift it’s most likely something small and inexpensive because the boy is poor, but you will continue to Cherish it for many years to come.
Once the Christmas music is blaring and everyone has opened presents, Narancia is dancing like a maniac and pulling you on the floor to join. He’s not the greatest at slow dancing, but he’s probably better than most of the gang as he’s been to school dances before joining Passione. He doesn’t speak much in the moment but his hands are on your shoulders and you’re swaying un-gracefully until you both trip and fall on each other. “Are you alright, Mi Amore?” he asks quietly before building up the courage to kiss you.
Eventually you’re both off of the floor and Narancia is back to his enthusiastic, happy-go-lucky self, and is bragging about getting to kiss you and yelling about great you are. Get ready for a night of him being an absolute show off in front of his teammates and be prepared to drag him back home.
Guido Mista
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I think Mista would treat this day the most seriously out of the group, only because I headcanon him as Catholic/Christian or religious in some way. He would probably enjoy taking his s/o with him to San Gregorio Armeno and San Gregorio Armeno Church in Napoli, also known as Christmas Alley to see the Prespes (Nativity scene of Jesus’ birth) and overall would be very happy about Christmas and the joy it brings him.
Mista would also absolutely adore going to classical music concerts and Christmas concerts. It would remind him of a time when he was a carefree child and would bring him so much joy. Of course he would drag you around with him and UGH he would just have the realest smile on his face, so content, thankful, and happy.
Soon he would realize he was late for the Christmas party but he’d walk extra slow so he could enjoy his time with you just a little longer. He would also be the type to start a random snow ball fight, like you’re just walking in front of him and suddenly a snow ball hits you with the help of Number 5 and Oh, it’s on. The battle goes on for a while until you’re both tired and in a little pain so Mista kisses your cheek then offers a piggyback ride, even if you’re too heavy, he’s ready to pick you up and carry you all the way to the house.
Once you both get there, you crash on the couch, eat some food and then open the leftover presents. You reach for the same gift and his hand is on top of yours. You can’t help but lean in and place a kiss on his lips and he kisses back, it’s a true Christmas miracle.
I’m SO sorry I kinda got lazy/lost inspiration with Mista’s but please accept this trash 🗑 :)
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Hi! Can you write student!Terra x Male!student!Reader in school? And reader is sick of himself because he love terra so much, and can’t do it while aqua know it and she secretly say’s to terra why Reader so nervous with terra
Yay Terra! I’m going to admit this was a bit challenging for me to do but a welcomed challenge at that! I’ve never done a Male x Reader before, and I had a little trouble understanding exactly what you wanted as I understand English isn’t your first language, but I did my best! I took some inspiration from the short film “In a Heartbeat” and honestly my own experiences, a lot of readers thoughts reflect my own when it comes to this type of thing... oof but I hope I did okay and I hope you enjoy! —Pumpkin���
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☆Terra x Male!Reader
☆Word count: 2320
☆Warnings: None really, something that’s similar to a panic attack but that’s about it.
Why did you have to fall in love with him of all people? What gave him the right to just waltz into your life and turn you into a complete idiot when he's around? It wasn't your fault he was perfect... with his stupid, beautiful blue eyes, and his stupid laugh that you love and... just Terra. Stupid, perfect Terra...
You didn't even notice your staring until someone called your name. You ripped your eyes away from Terra, who was teasing Ventus across the cafeteria, and turned your attention to the owner of the voice. Aqua was picking at her salad and smiled softly at you.
"Good to have you back, Y/n." She teased as she took a bite of her lunch.
"Ugh." You responded and pushed your sandwich away. There were too many butterflies occupying your stomach to fit food.
"You were making that face again."
"Uuuugggghhhhhh..." You slam your face onto the table and sigh softly, you were such a hopeless case. You turn your head and met Aqua's eyes, her laugh told you that you were probably making some sort of face. Most likely an annoyed one... annoyed with yourself.
"I don't understand why you don't just... ask him to hang out." Aqua said as she turns her attention towards Terra, who has a huffy Ven in a headlock. You blushed and followed her gaze, your face softened at Terra's smile. You haven't known Terra too terribly long, a couple of months at most, and you weren't even all that close. Honestly, you wouldn't know him as well as you do if it wasn't for Aqua. She introduced you to him and well... you haven't been the same since. You smiled softly as you thought about how nice he was, and still is, towards you, however, as the thought of asking him out crossed your mind, fear nipped at your heart and you turn away.
"We're just friends... you know that." You mumbled and turned your attention anywhere but Terra. Aqua has known that you've liked Terra for awhile now, you weren't great at hiding things. You wish she didn't know, you liked Terra a lot but... you wish you didn't. You were afraid, no... terrified, of being rejected by him. The thought of him hating you scared you... you didn't want to ruin the perfectly good budding friendship you had with him but at the same time... you weren't sure if you could handle being just friends. You had it bad.
You groaned and slammed your head on the table once more. Aqua let out a small laugh and poked your head. "Terra is a great guy, Y/n... it won't hurt to try with him." She said, and before you could answer, a voice responded next to you.
"Try what with who?"
You gasped and sat up so quickly you almost gave yourself whiplash. You locked eyes with the one and only Terra and your ability to talk suddenly wasn't there anymore. You tried to say something but all that came out were embarrassing squeaks, you looked at Aqua for help. She sighs and smiles as she pats you on the back. "Y/n is having trouble with a... video game boss. It really wouldn't be that hard if he took a direct approach... but he's discouraged and I was just trying to lift his spirits." Aqua glanced at you and you glared back. Way to tell Terra your problems without using names Aqua...
Terra shrugged and took a seat next to you. "Sounds tough. What's the game? Maybe I can help." He offered nicely, looking at you with such kind eyes, you got lost again... however, Aqua quickly pulled you back down to earth.
"Oh it's this game called real li-" Aqua starts, only to be stopped by you. You kicked her leg under the table and smiled nervously at Terra.
"Nevermind that! Did you need something, Terra?" You were quick to change the subject. You ignored Aqua's glare as Terra laughed that beautiful laugh of his.
"Can't I just sit with my friends?" He asks with a chuckle. You panicked and stammered you're correct yourself.
"O-Of c-course! I-I just th-thought-" Terra began laughing again and gave you one swift pat on the back. You jumped a bit at the contact, not expecting it, though no one seemed to notice.
"I was teasing, dude." He laughed and then looked back at you. "Actually... I was wondering if I could ask a favor?" You blinked at that. Did he mean a favor from you? You mean... you would hold up the world for him if he asked, but you played it cool.
"Sure! Anything!" Ugh... so not cool. But Terra didn't seem to care, he beamed at you and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper.
"You're the best, Y/n! I really need help studying for that chemistry test on Wednesday, and I know you're really good at chem, so could you help me study tomorrow?" He slid the piece of paper towards you and smiled once more. "You can come to my place after school, if that works for you. Here's the address." You looked down at the paper and blushed.
"Yeah! I'll be there!" You agreed. Why did you agree? This was going to make things worse. Fuck.
Terra thanked you again before leaving for his next class and you sank in your seat. How the hell were you going to help him? You can barely talk to him normally.
"Chemistry. How appropriate..." Aqua mumbled as she sipped her water. You shot her a glare as you gathered your things.
"Quiet you."
Holy shit. You were in Terra's house, with him, alone... and things were actually going surprisingly well. You were tense, but Terra was a really good listener, he was patient, and you found him easy to talk to when you finally let your shoulders relax. You still found yourself staring at him while he talked, and your heart raced whenever he got close but at the very least, you could actually help him with homework without your brain turning off completely. Maybe being friends wouldn't be as hard as you thought...
After a few hours, you both decided to call it quits and put the books away. Unsure what to do, you started putting your things in your bag, preparing to leave. Terra frowned and flicked his pencil away. "You're leaving?" He asked as you grabbed your coat. You turned pink, mentally scolding yourself for being such an idiot.
"Am I supposed to stay?" You ask, genuinely unsure what to do now. Did he want you to stay? Terra laughed and stood up and stretched, you watched as his shirt raised with his arms and felt the heat race to your face.
"Only if you want. We never really hang out, so I thought you could stay and play video games or something, you know, as friends." He shrugged and went into the kitchen to grab some water.
'As friends.' Echoed in your head, and your heart ached at that. Damnit... why? Why can you be satisfied with that? Just being friends wouldn't work out well and deep down you knew that. You could try, you are trying... but you knew it would never be enough. Your heart would only want more, and end up getting hurt, because you wouldn't be able to move on with Terra in your life. You did your best to keep the tears from falling as you shook your head.
"No thanks... I'm not feeling well." You lied and quickly gathered your things, leaving before Terra could say anything.
You have been avoiding Terra all week, not really having the emotional strength to talk to him face to face. You weren't really sure why... it's not like you had a fight or confessed your feelings and things went south... no, you've just been mulling over your feelings for him, feeling worse and worse about just how much you loved Terra. You groaned at the word as you entered the cafeteria, heading to your usual spot to meet with Aqua. However, when you looked up, you saw Terra sitting in your usual spot, having a serious conversation with Aqua. You winced and turned to walk in the opposite direction, hoping they didn't see you.
"Y/n! Can we talk...?" Terra's voice rang out and you winced once again. You slowly turned and noticed Aqua's face first, then Terra's... and you just knew...
She told.
Fear, guild, shame, anger, it came flooding in all at once, overwhelming every sense. Your vision went blurry and your hearing just went, you started hyperventilating and your mind swirled with thoughts but only one was crystal clear. You wanted out of there.
So you just ran, not haven't a destination in mind, just away from Terra and the fear of what he would say... you weren't sure how long you could run from either of those things.
Eventually you found yourself under a tree in the schoolyard, regaining control of your senses, just barely. You sighed and leaned against the tree, letting your thoughts filter in. You weren't sure if you were mad at Aqua or not... you know she'd never mean to do something to hurt you like this, but still, she did. You would decide how you felt about her later, who was really taking over your thoughts was Terra. God, he probably hates you now, you just ruined a wonderful thing with your stupid feelings. No... this wasn't Aqua's fault... it was your own.
"This seat taken?" Said a familiar voice as the space to your left suddenly became occupied. You pulled your knees to your chest and hid your face between them, avoiding eye contact with Terra. You shook your head in response to his question, not having the energy to run away again, or push him away. "Aqua told me everything. But please don't be mad at me, I pretty much forced her to come clean." Terra admitted. Your eyes widened at that.
“Why would you do that?” You mumbled to him, still hiding your face.
“Well... you had been avoiding me all week. I thought I did something wrong and assumed Aqua would know what, so I questioned her in hopes that I could make it up to you.” He explained and you couldn’t help but groan in response. So this really was all your fault, if you hadn’t been such an idiot, none of this would be happening. You slowly lifted your head, placing your arms at your sides, still not looking at Terra.
“You probably hate me now...” You mumble and look up at the sky to avoid looking in his eyes... the blue of the sky still reminded you of them anyway.
“Why would you think that, Y/n?” He asks you softly, you thought about it for a minute, trying to find the right words.
“Well... we weren’t even best friends to begin with, and I totally fucked up any chance of us becoming so because I couldn’t settle for that and pushed you away because I was... selfish.” You began, finally looking at Terra. The look on his face was soft, and understanding and almost... amused, but your mind and mouth were going too fast to processes what he could he thinking. “I really, really, really like you Terra and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be happy with you as just a friend and I-” You were cut off by soft lips pressed against your own. Your eyes widened as your brain made the windows error sound, the kiss was quick, and you stared at Terra, dumbfounded. “I... what?” Is all that you could come up with, Terra laughed.
“You overthink too much. I think you’re an amazing guy, Y/n, ever since Aqua introduced us. I think you’re really funny and smart, and you play video games better than anyone I’ve ever met. If you would’ve just... asked me out, I would’ve said yes. Even if I didn’t like you like that, I wouldn’t be weirded out or anything, you can’t help who you like.” He said as he takes your hand and pulls you back to your feet. “Let’s go back to Aqua... she feels horrible.” You were red as a berry, and still at loss for words as your brain sputtering like a broken engine. “I was worried that you actually didn’t like me at all.” Terra admitted as you two walked back into school. Your eyes widened and you shook your head.
“What? Oh god I’m so stupid...” You scolded yourself, Terra laughed and squeezed your hand, making you blush. You let your anxiety get the best of you, and made things harder than they needed to be. “I have to apologize to Aqua.” You decided as you walked beside the boy that’s had your heart for months now. He nodded in agreement.
“Actually... I need to as well.” He admitted. You cocked your head to the side.
“Why’s that?”
“Oh, because I’ve liked you for awhile now and she’s been giving me advice and telling me that I should ask you out... I suppose she knew how both sides felt but didn’t want to be the one to tell the other how we felt about each other.” He explained and you stopped dead in your tracks. You physically facepalmed and groaned into your hand. You should’ve just listened to Aqua. “And Y/n?” Terra pulled you out of your thoughts and squeezed your hand.
“Yeah?” You looked up at him and the both of you walked back into the cafeteria, hand in hand. Terra blushed and scratched the back of his neck.
“Would you like to go out this Friday?” He asked shyly, and you couldn’t help the dorky smile that spread across your face.
“It’s a date.”
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ariadnelives · 5 years
Epilogue -- The Record Set Straight
[Missed earlier chapters? Go catch up here! Otherwise, welcome back! Oh, and make sure to join our discord server! Chapter can also be found @ ao3.” This update concludes “Ariadne Lives!” and I thank you for coming along on this journey with me!]
Some Time Later
“People of our fine system,” said Ariadne, the real Ariadne, on the video that had been practically looping on every news station for the past month, “My name is Ariadne, the dread pirate, and this is my confession.”
“By now you will have heard about the mass suicide of the Red God cult on Mars. This is a lie. You see, the Red God cult you saw was a front for something far more sinister. They were a paramilitary organization run by a disgraced lunatic named Dr. C. Alexander Simon, trying to use science and technology to create a fascist state of mind-controlled drones, with himself as its immortal leader. He thought that free will was something that needed to be cured, and that humanity would prosper if individual human beings were made incapable of behaving outside his warped morality framework. He brainwashed your friends and loved ones, and used the promise of the fabled Ariadne to bring in new ‘converts.’ But, he made two mistakes: 
First, he didn’t expect for there to be a real Ariadne. Now, I know a lot of you thought I was an urban legend, and I was okay with letting you think that, after all, it’s hard to catch someone nobody’s really sure actually exists, but I take great pride in being a folk hero and I couldn’t have some impostor ruining my good name, which brings me to mistake #2:
That cult brainwashed and abused children, and when I found out about that, I knew something had to be done. That’s why my crew stormed their fortress, rescued the children, and slaughtered their abusers. Every single member of their organization who acted of their own free will is now dead. Dr. Simon is now dead. 
Anyone who had friends or relatives fall victim to their mind control, you have been tricked into believing your loved ones are dead as well. Go ahead and cancel the funeral. Even if you’ve seen a body, they’re alive, and they miss you very much, and as soon as we are able, they will be returned to you, although… don’t be surprised if they seem a little more, shall we say, mechanical at first.
Meantime, I advise you not to waste your time trying to catch me. I’ll be doing what I always do, taking from people who have too much and giving to people who don’t have enough, until the day I die, and the only person in the universe good enough to stop me is fighting by my side. The only difference now is that you know I’m real, that I’m watching, and most importantly, you know what I’m capable of if I find out you’ve laid a hand on a child.
Bye now!” Ariadne waved and the face flickered away, a gruff looking white news anchor with a gray mustache taking her place.
“That was, once again, the video of the alleged fabled pirate Ariadne, claiming responsibility for the recent deaths of several hundred cultists and assuring the public that their recently deceased relatives will be returning from the grave. Now, Leanne, does that sound possible to you? Sounds awfully far fetched to me.”
The hologram panned out to reveal a second reporter, one possibly too attractive to be remarkable. “Well Jim, I thought so too, but we have been getting reports of relatives taken in by the Red God cult years ago suddenly returning home. NewMo News 7’s own Solomon Cho has returned unharmed after disappearing a few months ago while investigating the group. Solomon, what can you tell us about what happened to you?”
The hologram suddenly switched off. “I said, no news,” Flax insisted as she approached the poolside with a tray of recently grilled cheeseburgers. “Aren’t you sick of your own voice by now?”
Ariadne laughed. “How else am I supposed to see my normal face?” Truly, Alicia had done an amazing job, with only a new pair of glasses and a specialized hair growth formula she and Sasha had developed together, Ariadne now had much longer hair, which Alicia was currently braiding into cornrows. 
“I’m surprised you aren’t sick of that, too.” Flax said. “You’re not going to swim for an hour after eating that, right?”
There was, at this point, a large splash in the pool as Sweettalk was knocked underwater by Spacebreather. 
“Best three out of five!” Sweettalk shouted when she resurfaced. “You have an unfair advantage, she’s like, freakishly strong.”
“Look, I can play chicken as long as you can,” Pilar replied from atop Beam’s shoulders, “but I’m going to tell you right now, the Spacebreathers can’t be beat at chicken.”
“Don’t worry,” Sasha said very seriously, allowing Sweettalk to get on her shoulders again, “I have a plan for this one.”
“What kind of plan?” Sweettalk replied. 
“I’m not going to fall down and you’re going to push harder than her.”
“That’s… really not a plan, you’re just… describing how the game is played.” Sweettalk said.
“Yeah,” Sasha responded just as seriously, “do that this time.”
Baltimore sat down next to Ariadne and Alicia. “Beam!” She called, “If you don’t win, we’re getting a divorce!”
“You already know I’m going to win!” Beam called back. 
“Yeah!” Baltimore said, “Look, some of us weren’t cheerleaders in high school, this sort of thing is more your strong suit!”
“I’m glad they worked things out,” Alicia said to Baltimore, “I mean, a rift between sisters, we know that’s not the easiest thing to repair.”
“I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about,” Baltimore replied. “I wasn’t there for, like, any of what happened.”
“I mean, when I came back, it took a while to win that trust back. That’s why I call every day, you know?”
Baltimore burst out laughing. “You are too stupid, you know that?”
“What?!” Alicia said, accidentally yanking a few of Ariadne’s hairs out. 
“Ow!” Ariadne jumped in. 
“Sorry sweetie, you gotta keep your head still while I’m doing this.” Alicia replied. “I’m stupid for what, calling you up?”
“No, dummy, I was really just glad to have you back. Once I found out where you’d gone I pretty much forgave you right away.”
“Well,” Alicia looked confused, “I still think I gave pretty good advice.”
“You definitely did, Baltimore’s Sister.” Ariadne said through a mouthful of burger. 
Baltimore laughed and gave Alicia a friendly punch on the arm.
“Ey Beam!” Baltimore shouted, “Just drop her in the pool and come get a burger already, I miss your face!”
“Do not drop m--” Pilar said plainly as she was dropped directly into the water. Baltimore was waiting for Beam with a towel when she got out of the pool, and greeted her with a tender kiss. 
“Hey,” Beam said as flirtily as she could, “where’s my burger.”
“Ugh,” Baltimore said, “you ruined a good moment.”
Beam considered this. “It would all be worth it if I had a burger, though.”
Baltimore rolled her eyes, handed Beam a burger on a paper plate, kissed her again, and said “I’m gonna go check on the kids.”
“I’m getting a burger too,” Alicia said, “do not move your head while I’m gone. I’ll know if you moved your head.”
“So,” Sweettalk swam up to the edge with Sasha loosely hanging her arms around her neck and drifting behind her, as Pilar got out of the pool and dried off, “your friends seem to have a really happy life here.”
“They really do,” Ariadne replied, “they deserve it, and I’m glad they have it, but I’m not gonna lie, I could never do this.”
Pilar sat down next to Ariadne and quietly stole a bite of her burger, instead of walking ten feet to get her own. “Me neither,” said Pilar with the bite of stolen burger still in her mouth. 
“You know what they say,” Ariadne mused, “do what you love and love what you do.”
“And love who you do it with,” Pilar added. 
“Yes, that too,” Ariadne nodded, “and I’m just more cut out for the life I’ve got. I love what I do, I love who I do it with.”
“You don’t ever get tired of it?” Sweettalk asked. 
“Sometimes,” Ariadne replied, “but it wears off pretty quick. I mean, I could never stop. What I believe in is that the good people are supposed to be rewarded and the bad people are supposed to be punished, and nobody seems to get what they deserve unless somebody gives it to them. So, until the universe starts doing its job, I’m gonna keep fixing things for good people and breaking them for bad people.”
“Yo ho,” Pilar agreed. Ariadne saw Baltimore and Beam come out of the house, each carrying one very sleepy-looking toddler, both of whom were far too young to swim and had inflatable floaties on their arms seemingly just for decoration, and they sat down in the shade and began feeding the babies, and each other, french fries. 
“Good people always get tired of being good, but bad people never seem to get tired of being bad,” Ariadne thought, lying back on the soft towel behind her, “so, that’s what I want out of life. That’s the kind of person I need to be. I want a good person’s compassion with a bad person’s patience. Keep doing good even when it’s easier to do bad, and try my best to make the bad people feel as tired as I am.”
Ariadne took in the warm, gentle rays of the sun, surrounded by the people she loved most in the universe. At her side was the woman she knew she would spend the rest of her life with, whether that was one day or a hundred years, who she could only hope understood the depth and passion with which she was loved. 
A few feet away were two girls who’d known some of the deepest tragedies a child could know, who’d grown up to be the sweetest, kindest, most intelligent young women the system had ever seen. 
Standing at the grill was the first authority figure she’d ever truly respected, handing a burger to someone who’d devoted her life to Ariadne’s crew just because she believed in the cause, whose patience and unfailing loyalty had meant everything to Ariadne in the years they’d known each other, and at a small table in the shade were two women who’d become like sisters to Ariadne, who showed her how intensely two people could love one another, whose marriage she had officiated and whose children she loved as though they were her own.
Right then, she could have combined all the misery she’d experienced in her entire life and it would still only be the smallest fraction of the joy she was feeling at that particular moment. 
The universe can be a good place, she thought, and if I’ve got anything to say about it, it’s damn sure going to be. 
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tuwasduwillst · 5 years
Shadowbringers (pt 4/end)
This just has spoilers for everything, basically. :U I finished it and don’t feel like splitting stuff up because I have over 1k screenshots to go through...
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Katana-bearing Centurion: Besides, there is but one hand that can make me whole again. My enemy... my friend...
He probably just says “friend” there in Japanese, but I don’t have my whole game switched, so I don’t get to know for sure. Good to know you’re still being weird, Zenos.
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Don’t you smirk at me like that, mister.
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Here’s Urianger being handsome, as usual
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I hated fighting this old dude as Thancred.
1) I still can’t believe he can easily take out the WoL like he did
2) Stop making me be sword dudes!!
3) I get why they wanted people to see the dialogue here, but it was so slooooow and I died once near the end and had to do it all over again and ughhh, just go away
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Ryne looks cute with her new hair and eyes, at least. :) Thancred is still a bad dad, but at least he’s doing better now... I guess.
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Also, Urianger’s reaction to finding out that Thancred was paying attention to some of his talks about pixies was really good, haha.
...I wanna listen to Urianger give a pixie lecture...
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This was something the game threw together when I asked it to pick recommended gear. It’s... some kind of look.
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The Exarch/G’raha Tia is a qt. Y’know, I figured it was probably G’raha Tia, but I didn’t remember him being so short... and the lack of cat ears also made me doubt myself, haha.
I’m really glad I did the Crystal Tower stuff, though, because otherwise I’d... well, I’d still think that G’raha Tia/the Exarch is cute and like him a lot, but it wouldn’t have had the same impact.
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I took a bunch of screenshots of Mikh’a. :U
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& Emet-Selch, ofc
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that one old dude: If you would pass me, you must endure all that I have learned on the battlefield... For I am a weapon forged in the fires of war!
~*oooh, I’m so scared of you and your tiny amount of health left*~
My MP doesn’t even have a dent in it, really. This is why I had such a hard time believing this dude could take out the WoL!! Even the first time we fought, I had tons of MP available to me and could’ve made a full recovery from being brought down to 1 HP. (...well, I have Benediction which is kind of cheating, but still.)
At least this was the last time I had to deal with him. He’s probably the worst thing about the expansion, which I guess I can deal with since the rest of it was so good.
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Lots of really pretty screenshot opportunities in this expansion. c:
Mt. Gulg is something I thought was common to a bunch of FF games for some reason, but apparently it was in the original Final Fantasy, FFIX, and some random spin-off games. Weird.
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How did Mikh’a hear him talking from that far away??
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Emet-Selch has such a good design and you can tell that a lot of work was put into him. The expressions he makes, the way he stands and walks--it’s all unique to him and it makes him stand out a lot.
Even after everything that happened in the expansion, I’m really fond of him. They made the right move in having him kind of forge a more personal relationship with you/the WoL, because if he hadn’t been obnoxious in the background throughout most of the expansion it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as interesting/good as it ended up being.
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I obviously chose to say that they were all Alphinaud’s assistants. :P
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This little scene was so cute... lali-hos for everyone...
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Crystal Exarch: Ugh! I would thank you not to shoot me!
I’m sorryyyyyy ; ~; You were there and I wanted to see what would happen!!!
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Crystal Exarch: Ah heh... It may interest you to know that Mikh’a is a great hero in the land whence he hails. Some would say the greatest.
This little venture made me feel like I’d suddenly gotten married and adopted a child
(Which I’d be totally fine with, tbh.)
I loved this thing, actually!! I got to heal G’raha Tia, he healed me, we both healed our new tiny dwarf child, it was great.
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I’m still using the Mogrod. I’m never going to stop using it. Give me another thing that has a flower and swirly rainbows all over and maybe I’ll switch weapons, but until then? No.
...unless there’s, like... a really, really pretty plant weapon, especially if it matches Mikh’a’s outfit... but I don’t think there is.
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I got to put my bubble on them. :D
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He’s so cuuuuuute. And Mikh’a clearly agrees with my thoughts on him, considering the expression on his face when he looks at him.
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One of the reasons I keep Mikh’a wearing the WHM gear is because I really like the contrast I get--a lot of the major characters wear black, so it looks nice when they stand next to each other. :D
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Katana-bearing Centurion: The whereabouts of my one true friend, however--they interest me greatly. I but hope the beasts of this “First” are providing him proper sport.
Zenos is so funny to me. He just pops up like “did someone mention my friend” while his dad and Elidibus are having a serious conversation.
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Innocence has beautiful hair and if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I’d never believe that he was Vauthry.
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You can kind of see @tarifu in this screenshot! :D
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You can definitely see her here--wait... why is half the party wearing dwarf beard outfits...
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This is probably weird to say, but I genuinely like when characters I play in games like this suffer/are in pain. Not, like... constantly. I just like it when NPCs get to express concern and you aren’t some kind of unbreakable hero 24/7. >_>
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Obviously I was going to say his name, who wouldn’t.
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This made me cry!! I thought he was dead. :C
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But thankfully Emet-Selch didn’t want him dead, so he did not die.
...why’d he even need a gun? Has he always had a gun?
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I wish I could just float off into the sky after ruining everything and being a big jerk
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sad kitty
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I died when I came here with Jack and Mari because I didn’t realize I was being targeted by the boss until it was too late. :,)
I got to practice using my shield, though!! I’m not used to having one so I’m not super great at remembering it exists and using it; the tether thing is a good visual for “this specific person is going to be damaged soon and a shield would be Good”. ...unless everyone’s bunched up and I can’t tell who has it until it’s too late, I guess.
I know I’m level 80 now, but there’s still a lot I haven’t done and I’m still trying to figure out what the best way to do things is sometimes... I still need to mess with my hotbars and stuff, actually. I think I might switch some things around more than I already have, because some useful things aren’t as easy to use as they could/should be and I’ve been wanting to mess around with stuff for a while. The Trust dungeons should be a really good opportunity to test new configurations! Or the squad dungeons, I guess. :/a
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I’m still not Ardbert’s biggest fan, but I don’t dislike him.
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Poor Urianger, getting stuck with the role of the only other person to know the Exarch’s plans. :(
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& then everyone died going to the bottom of the sea and the game ended
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I got to help put dwarf helmets on sineaters :U
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I also remembered that I have fancy wings now, wheee
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I got a nice new outfit after doing my last Healer role quest! :D I like it a lot~ The whites are brighter than the last outfit, and the bit in back accommodates his tail much better than the corset did.
I might play around with mixing and matching some pieces once I get newer stuff, but for now this is what I’ve got! c:
...and I refuse to wear the hat. 100%. I’m not making Mikh’a look like a weird nun. :|
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Amaurot was really good, even if being there mostly just made me sad. >_> The not-people were so cute and nice, though...
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The WoL hanging out on this giant bench is so cute.
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I liked getting to talk to Emet-Selch’s friend. c: Well... kind of, anyway. Since it’s not really his friend...
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Emet-Selch: I have broken bread with you, fought with you, grown ill, grown old! Sired children and yes, welcomed death’s sweet embrace.
I still don’t 100% understand how Ascians work, but I guess it’s canon that Emet-Selch fucks :/a
I regret typing that, I think, but it is apparently true
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i think your fireplace has something wrong with it
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Really though, this dungeon was excellent.
Alisaie decided that she wanted to LB right as one of the bosses was doing one of those “hide behind a rock Or You Will Die” things so she died & I accidentally walked right off the edge near the end of the last boss fight (oops), but other than that things went okay!
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ardbert could you please clean your axe somehow before you point it at me like that. tia
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This was a really neat moment :U
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I’m not calling Emet-Selch Hades ever. Sorry, Emet-Selch.
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I was kind of afraid to do this trial and almost waited until someone would be able to do it with me, but it really wasn’t that bad in the end!
...except for when I died five times to the same attack... orz It was that arm-sweeping one, too, so it’s not like it’s not obvious that it’s coming. My problem was that I kept getting Raised in bad places right before it happened, so he basically just kept smacking me down over and over again.
(Which was partially my fault, because I should’ve waited to accept the Raise until I knew it was safe to be alive, but... I don’t like leaving the other healer alone and I don’t want to just be lying there uselessly if I can avoid it.)
Fortunately(?) the party wiped due to something completely unrelated (a failed mechanic I had nothing to do with) and I didn’t die at all the second time around! So at least there was that.
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I liked this bit in the dark. c:
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I also liked when I got trapped in the bubble and didn’t have to do anything. Thanks, Emet-Selch!
Genuinely though, it was a nice little chance for me to calm the hell down because my anxiety was getting real bad before/during this fight. >_>
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Poor dude. :c Obviously he’s responsible for some absolutely terrible things and I’m not going to try to deny that or anything, but he’s lived for so long and he’s had to deal with the loss of basically everyone he ever cared about for that whole time. He recreated that entire city and all of its people, that’s how much he cared.
Still no excuse for basically trying to kill all of the people he didn’t consider “real”! But also still sad, IMO.
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This made me go “awww” out loud and start to tear up, haha...
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I didn’t want to leave him ; ~;
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Estinien said a full sentence here about how these guards were dead, too (in a way that implied he assumed that’s what they’d find), and the localization translated it as “hmph”. Kind of a weird choice there, but okay.
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Zenos basically went Full Yandere since he killed his father just because he could potentially get in the way of his thing with the WoL, so... that’s something that’s going to have to be dealt with at some point.
I’m interested in seeing how things go, but I’m also a wee bit concerned that other people might get caught up in whatever this obsession is. I don’t want anyone to get hurt or killed because of Zenos’s yandere tendencies. :(
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Elidibus is being Boring on the moon.
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But who cares about that! I got to lead a Girl Scout meeting for my level 80 WHM quest.
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Oh! Almost forgot about the story I got to tell the girls: “The tale of a man who crossed time and space to save the world... and me.”
I think the second one is about (original) Minfilia, maybe? :/a I wanted to tell them about G’raha Tia, though.
Aaaand that’s all I’ve done! \o/ I unlocked a new dungeon and I know there’s more than one post-80 dungeon, so I’ll probably check those out when I get a chance... but I finished the main stuff.
Which is kinda weird, because now I’m done again, haha... but I’ve got plenty of stuff to do before the next new stuff comes out. Especially since I discovered that Vamo alla Flamenco is the “dancer’s theme”, apparently. Need to dance ASAP >:O
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not a revenge plot  (request)
Pairing: Loki x Stark daughter! reader
Warning: fluff, language,
Summary: Tony Stark had a 12-year-old daughter that no one knows about during the battle of New York she goes missing. She ends up on a different planet and meets Loki. Eventually, she finds Thor, Bruce, and Valkyrie too. And they return to earth to find a very emotional Tony.
Note: *SPOILER ALERT* if you haven’t seen Thor: Ragnarok then you probably shouldn’t read this major spoiler. sorry if it’s bad 
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Years later she still remembered the day it happened. She was at a little baker with her new nanny when the sky opened up and another universe rained down on them she remember watch her nanny’s back as she ran away leaving her 12 year old self to her own defense. Sher remembered the bright lights that took her in the midst of chaos she thought she had died but she was very much alive just not on earth. It had been years since she had last been earth or seen any friends  or family.
She had made herself very comfortable and well known as (y/n) Stark the Grandmaster best and top girl. Sure, in reality, she was a slave but she was treated well and was allowed more freedoms than anyone else. She had no reason to complain. Until Today.
"c'mon it'll be fine. Just give him a little something-something. Show him a little skin it'll all be fine" The Grandmaster was trying to convince (y/n) to entertain his new Asgardian friend. He had never asked her this before it was always just the Grandmaster she danced for him, serve him, talking to him, giving him advice, any and everything for him. except pleasure him she had never done that and always managed to avoid it. And keep her virginity intact.
"I don't want to and I won't" The Grandmaster had had enough of her little attitude 
"you know what it's not up to you. And you will do as I say. I've been nothing but nice to you given you everything. Now it's time you pay me back" he snapped his fingers and a group of women came running in  " fix her up for our guess. He's a king so you've got to look your best". And her best she did.
(Y/n) breath hitched in her throat when she saw him, Loki. She'd remember that face anywhere he was the reason for her being here. If it wasn't for him she'd be home with her father working on a car or something Instead here she stood in front of him.
"she's never been used before," the Grandmaster said trying to please him. Loki circled her slowly running his hands over her shoulder and neck. "I like," he said running a hand through her (h/l) (h/c) hair. "good, good," the grandmaster said clapping his hands and started to Leave "so I guess I'll leave you two it. Have fun".
(Y/n) wore a short white dress with a front zipper underneath was a pink pantie set that the Grandmaster picked himself. (y/n) prayed that he wouldn't see it, that no one would see it. 
"how did you get here?" Loki asked as he circled her slowly taking in every inch of her but wanting more.
"Earth, I ended up here after the attack on New York" she answered truthfully having no reason to lie.
"really ... What's your name?" he hands wandered to the zipper at the front of her dress slowly pulling it now as if savoring the reveal as if she was fine wine.
"(Y/n) Stark" his hand stopped "what did you say?"
"(Y/n)... (y/n) Stark" he took a step back
"any relation to Tony Stark" 
"My father, he's my father". Loki back away and took a seat on the bed her she was the daughter of his many enemies, of one of the men and woman who ruined his plan for world domination. Here stood Tony Stark's daughter to do as he pleased.  But for some reason, he didn't feel like doing anything I mean he wasn't going to do anything in the first place just make her undress and lay on the bed as he went off to look for Thor just make her uncomfortable and embarrassed. Now for some strange reason, that idea wasn't so funny anymore. Loki waved her over to the bed with him she stood in front of him. "are you scared of me?" he asked
"no sir, what reason would I have to be scared of you" it was the truth she was not scared of Loki but was terrified of what he'd do or what he'd take. Loki rolled his eyes at her answers she was obviously lying.
“I am the god of lies, you know that right?”
“yes, you are the god of lies brother of Thor the god of thunder”
“ugh do not mention my brother, that imbecile” Loki walked back and flopped on the bed “that idiot, it’s like he gets stupider every time I see him” 
“you’re right he doesn’t seem to be very smart but very emotional” (y/n) agreed which shocked Loki
“you don’t like Thor, you’ve meet Thor?” 
“personally no I haven’t meet him but I read his file and saw a lot a footages before the New York attack. He looked like an emotional idiot of film ”Loki laughed at this she hadn’t even meet him yet but she already knew he was an idiot. He knew he was going to like this girl even if she was Stark’s kid.
Loki continued to see (y/n) after that day, coming and going as he could. Forgetting about the past their relationship began to blossom. They learned more about each other every time they meet. 
Loki loved green, fine wine, tea, and a good book. (y/n) love tea, music, building things, and a good cuddle. Loki learned that every day (y/n)’s favorite color would change every day. And (y/n) learn Loki actually admired some human cultures. Together the two fit perfectly, unfortunately, others didn’t see it like that.
Loki had fallen from the sky, literally. He explained that his brother had returned to Asgard and discovered his secret they had gone to earth to see their father who died and unleashed Hela.
Loki had fallen from the sky, literally. He explained that his brother had returned to Asgard and discovered his secret they had gone to earth to see their father who died and unleashed Hela their evil sister. She was off destroying Asgard and Loki didn't know what to do, so he drank. The two sat surrounded by people as they laughed and drank.
While Loki was drinking the pain away, much like her alcoholic father,(y/n) was thinking of a way to save Asgard based on the information he gave her. So far she had nothing.
"Loki, Loki,...Loki" (y/n) looked up seeing the great God of Thunder strapped to a chair both Loki and (y/n) excused themselves. Thor demanded his brother get him out  Loki explained he couldn't.
"who are you?" Thor finally noticed (y/n) 
"oh. (y/n) Stark"
"yes. daughter of Tony Stark, How's my old man doing?" (y/n) laughed
"I didn't know Stark had a daughter. You're with Stark's daughter. Oh my- you're with Stark's daughter. If this is some revenge plot it ends now"
"it's not a revenge plot" Loki turned to (y/n) "I promise this is not a revenge. I love you. And you need to mind your own business".
"why are we whispering" all three of them jumped when the Grandmaster spoke, he appeared to be DJing, " you know this Lord of Thunder" Loki shook his head no while (y/n) nodded yes
"he's my brother, " Thor said
"adopted" Loki corrected
"and better looking" (y/n) mumbled under her breath only Loki heard her.
"is he any kind of a fighter?"
"take this off my neck and I'll show you"
"Look, look he's threatening me. Here's the deal you want to get back to ass-guard the place assberg."
"Asgard" Thor corrected
"any contender who defeats my champion their freedom they shall have"
"fine then point me in the direction of whose ass I have to kick" Grandmaster than waved his wand and Thor was off "Loki" he screamed as he left.
"should we be worried" (y/n) asked as she and Loki watch Thor go away
"No... maybe...yes most definitely".
In hindsight (y/n) probably should have warned Loki about the Grandmaster's Champion but ... it slipped her mind. Loki clung to her hand as the fight went on Thor had unfortunately pointed out Loki's presences to the Hulk which didn't help the God. But watching Thor get slammed sure did brighten his mood. After the battle, Thor was dragged off to Hulk's room and (y/n) and Loki returned to their room.
"ugh ... this is just too much. Everywhere I go there's someone is out to get me ... and you're not paying attention to me." Loki flopped down on the bed next to (y/n)
"I'm totally listening" (y/n) said looking off in the distance
"no, you're not"
"you're right I'm not." she confessed " I'm thinking about Asgard and how you can save it "
"Thor has probably already come up with a terrible plan that he'll drag me into. God, I've got to help the idiot, don't I?"
“you better” Loki stood up and stretched as he got off the bed he kissed her cheek "I'll be right back, Darling"
After a few hours, Loki had no returned she decided to go looking for him and found him chained up in Valkyrie's room. Valkyrie and (y/n) were both good friends and enjoyed the company of Hulk together it was a very adorable and green 2 years. "why is he chained up?" (y/n) asked she wasn't concerned and went straight to the booze" he tried to kill me" Valkyrie as she threw an empty bottle at Loki, luckily missed.
"Hey, do I know you," Bruce asked pointing at (y/n) " I think I know you" "you don't but your green friend does. You're Doctor Bruce Banner you did research on gamma rays back on earth you're smart." (y/n) answered,
"oh ....okay, thanks?" He was a bit confused but like most of everything else today he went with it.
"so is this the 'Loki's tried to kill me squad' " (y/n) said sarcastically 
"yes, want to join," Valkyrie said throwing another bottle 
"sure, what's the plan" 
It was a very terrible plan that left everyone bruised and beaten and Asgard in the dust, literally it was destroyed and left in flames. But the Asgardian people were safe so ....that was good but they didn't have anywhere to go. Thor being the new king decided that earth was the best place to go but it would be best to give everyone heads before he got there. It was decided that (y/n) and Bruce would go to earth to give the heads up but (y/n) wasn't leaving without Loki.
"so..." Loki stood in between his brother and his lover as they both stood their ground against each other "...what do we do now?" Loki asked trying to be funny and lighten up the mood didn't work. 
"We go to earth"
"no, he can't"
"That's not your decision therefore he is going to earth."
"he is going whether you say so or not you can't stop me"
"he is a fugitive on earth and will be arrested and possibly killed if they find him on earth. It's too risky" Thor said actually showing some concern and worried rather than anger and lighting. Thor was really concerned about his brother well being and didn't want anything to happen to him Loki was a changed man, sort of, but Thor knew nobody on earth would see that.
"I won't let anything happen to him okay. If anyone wants your brother they'll have to get through me ... and Burce... most Bruce."
"Nothing bad is going to happen to him. If I feel like something bad is happening and you're right I'll send him back, okay?" 
"I swear on the king of Asgard and that's you". The truth was they both cared about Loki and knew he was a sort of changed man they both loved him and he loved the both of them even if he wouldn't say it out loud.
Hesitantly handing them the tesseract Thor chuckled " better Contacted Dr. Strange when you get there unless you want for him disappear to a different universe"   (y/n) kissed his cheek.  All three of them placed their hands on the Tesseract and with a smile (y/n) screamed "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND".
With a thump, the three roughly landed in a field of grass in the middle of nowhere. "Earth oh sweet earth I've missed you" Bruce kissed the ground and pulled up the grass. He really missed earth after 2 years he was really happy to be back on earth.
Getting up the three began to walk to what they thought was civilization before a spinning circle appeared taking the three "not again" Loki huffed as the three went through the circle and appeared in a library. There were ancient artifacts around the room along with books it was so beautiful everything was old and one of a kind. (y/n) couldn't help but take a book off the shelve "please don't touch anything" (y/n) jumped with a startle when a man came from behind her and took the book from her hands. "you said you wouldn't come back but here you are back on earth. What is it now" Dr. Strange said as he waved his hand and everyone was now sitting on couches. "I know who he is, Dr. Banner, but who are you?"
"Um, I'm (y/n) Stark daughter of Tony Stark. I've sort of been on an alien planet since the new york attack" (y/n) introduced herself 
"the New York attack was 6 years" 
"so that means I'm 17 or 18, who knows"
"why is he here," Dr. Strange asked again 
"Asgard was destroyed and the Asgardian people have nowhere to go so we've come to earth to get everyone a heads up  Asgard is coming here. Also, there is a deranged woman on the lose. So yeah" There was an awkward silence Strange rubbed his forehead "my god"
Strange let them after putting a binding and blocking spell on Loki and (y/n), he couldn't use his powers and couldn't leave (y/n) side which he didn't mind. He then teleported them to the Avengers New Compound they stood on the front grass and not even a minute later they were surrounded by guns and threw their hands up "we come in peace"  (y/n) said as an iron man Suit landed in front of them. 
" aren't you suppose to be dead," Tony said not noticing the other two 
"THAT'S WHAT I SAID" Bruce screamed 
"Bruce? Bruce where have you been pal we looked everywhere for you"
"Oh I was on an alien planet as Hulk for 2 years fighting aliens in competition... yeah" 
Tony instructed the guards to cuff Loki and taking him inside as he talked to Bruce he had yet to notice (y/n). Tony was talking really face about everything Bruce had missed and what he wanted to show him "listen, listen, listen, Tony, I've - I've ... TONY ... I didn't know you had a daughter?"  Tony stopped talking immediately "how'd you know about her" Bruce looked over Tony's shoulder to see (y/n) just standing there. 
"(y/n)? (y/n), (Y/N)" he ran up and took her in his arms " my baby girl oh my baby girl where have you been I looked everywhere for you but I couldn't find you and that bitch on a nanny left and I- I thought - I thought oh god" Tony Cried on her shoulder 
"it's okay daddy I'm back and I'm okay it's all okay. Hey, how are you and Pepper doing?" 
wiping his eyes Tony says " Fiancé yeah she said yes"
"Oh yay, Oh after this we all could do a double date thing and that would be so cute and you tow can tell me how it happened and-"
"double date? you have a boyfriend, who?"
"um his name starts with an L  and you don't like him"  you could see all the emotion go through his face sadness, anger, shock, betrayal " that's right LOKI. He's a sweet guy you should get to know him"
"Loki as in the guy that destroyed Manhattan " Tony turned to Bruce to see if she was joking Bruce just shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands around he didn't know what to say so far he was just going with everything "what the fuck what the actual fuck"
"I'm going to go see Loki now" (y/n) skipped off down the hall asking people where the cells were.
In his office, Tony sat in front of his computers with Bruce and Vision by his side as he watched (y/n) embrace Loki in his cell and Kiss him "WHAT THE FUCK"
Bruce scratched his head awkwardly "I guess this isn't the best time to mention that Thor is bringing the people of Asgard to earth because his father died and then his older sister destroyed Asgard. so ..yeah"
Request tag and or stories up to anything (within reason)
@beautiful-tiger-loves-it  @sasukexme15 @sexysamsungl @totallyweirdsam @geeksareunique @lovely-lollipops-blog @iamwarrenspeace
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Rosa Pt.2
Honestly sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t mind you disappearing because your catching up stuff always makes me extra happy XD I honestly don’t know how you do it.
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Before my followers raise a mutiny because these guys are no longer in...”
I do ;_; the first couple q&a would have been nothing without you.
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
I'm looking forwards to get to know the chars you have yet to talk about xD
all my Ryders to be (Jian&Des, plus Olympia and Chikelu) are the most wip characters ever so there’s really not much to say (apart from how much I love Jian and Des’ dynamic)
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
You can never take too much moments to appreciate how cute a sim/char can be
true too, it gets weird tho when it’s your own
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
I'd personally come for them if they had something to say about ficus ._____.
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Replies To The Spammers”
I'm forever indebted to Carys since Flame's never going to age up xD
I will make sure to pass it on ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Happy birthday, Snowdrift Miracle (10/21)! When a char isn’t even...”
I'm still not over this
we will never be over them I assure you
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “@pixeldemographics dared me to do this, so I did it. This isn’t THE...”
I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T EXPECT IT TO TURN OUT THIS WAY (expect to also love Aur, Flame, Snowdrift, Tabasco and Shine a lot more at some point...just saying. Things might or might not be happening.)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
Remind me to never get on your bad side Annie xD
it’s...not hard? tbh. But I wouldn’t let it get this far unless it’s a repetitive thing XD plus I couldn’t be mean irl, worst thing I’d do is rant abt a nameless friend to another friend
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Salim: Nononono! You can’t do this! It’s illegal! Shine: I can’t do...”
tbh I ruined the poor innocent child
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Salim: Ugh! Neighbor, what is it! It’s not even late this time! Not...”
You shouldn't Salim
that doesn’t work Rosa we tried
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Do you see this face? This face is the face of someone who is up to no...”
All the Salims I know are assholes xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Uh, hi neighbor. S: Hey. G: … S: … G: … S: … G: … S: … G: … S: … G:...”
Also me whenever I'm with someone I'm not used to
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Uh…Opal, why are you crying? O: *sobs* I just…I just love Sprout so...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “When she’d calmed down, I sent her to visit some old pals! I mostly...”
I guess this answered my question about not seeing Sprout Jewel and Bonsai anymore xD
evidently ;) and this isn’t the end either! Just you waittttt
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Flame is more than happy to see his son again!”
And I'm more than happy to see him
why am I not surprised XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I hope it's their tent and not the kids'
it was xD Sparkle and the girls shared the big one.
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Look mum I brushed my hair!”
But seriously I feel like it's so hard actually find lasting friends from uni (but it's their loss if they ignore you)
is it rly tho? like it obviously hurts me too so it’s also my loss xD but yeah...I agree it IS difficult. I feel like ppl are at that point in life where they are no longer looking for permanent close friends?
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
It's really pretty ;-;
it is! I’m so glad I finally got to explore it a bit, the scenery is the best ;_; and my berry name for it is even better tbh.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
It looks like she's sniffing sun rays xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “#tinybeanconfirmed”
I died.
do you think I didn’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Do you…do you think I’m a bad mum? S: *gasps* Trellis, please… T:...”
Shine may deserve the worLD BUT YOU ARE THE WORLD TRELLIS ;________;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Oh look at this! I love this movie, it’s so funny! C: But my cake…...”
Cake cannot wait
it’s wisdom
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: These kids, man. What did the boss mix into his aniseed to make...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: These kids, man. What did the boss mix into his aniseed to make...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “S: Geoffrey? Hey, buddy! Wait up!!”
Worst case he'd die from the serum no big deal
well Shimmer is...still alive I think (okay yeah she is she’s in the posts later)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Their flat is ACTUALLY haunted. Pathi is good with ghosts though,...”
I still can't believe they actually love the fact it's haunted ._.
they’re really into this stuff xD my little adrenaline junkies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I KNOW (you’ll love the next bit of the queue)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “S: 8D
He always look so suave I love him
you think? ;_; cause he isn’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Have I ever told you that you’re an idiot?” “Not in the last twenty...”
This shot of them is too good too beautiful I can't
AAAAAAAA ;_; I was so disappointing cause I wanted a different pose but I think in the end this WAS a great one so...yeah. Why did I start this again?
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Hi! Thank you for adopting me! Everyone else said I’m too...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “yes simself cameo judge me”
Look at that smile ;-;
she’s too pretty it’s not okay
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Dear diary! Tomorrow I’m getting a new sister. Her name is Glade and...”
Connie you pure child ;____;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “a mad bab”
I wanna pinch her cheeks
dude me too but in that moment she’d have hated you
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Coexisting peacefully.”
I love how it seems that Shine is tenderly laughing at Trellis for being a goof and that's just way too fucking cute I can't ;________;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A wonderful glitchy family.”
It looks very painful xD
and beautiful
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “The many faces of Ficus Elderberry, bonus Snowdrift.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I apologise for the German, but basically, Malachite keeps messaging...”
I’d say something but it’d be spoilers
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Some miraculously good ice cream!”
Now I wanna eat some
not me I’m so cold
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Browsing parenting forums!”
Me (except I'm not pregnant and I don't even have lover)
I think google probably thinks I’m pregnant all the time because I keep looking at names
grumpysimmies replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
The cutest chipmunk ;____;
brah nah
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He proceeded to invade their personal space. At least he was quiet so...”
He's got a way with charming his new neighbors
not really...at this point they’re actual in game enemies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Oh yay here we go… S: Hey, neighbors! Could you please tone it down a...”
I was mad and now his char is ten times worse than he rly is
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: So you’re sure the Sparkles clan doesn’t need this flat any more?...”
Does that mean we won't get to see Jewel and Bonsai and even Sprout? :c
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: I KNOW YOU WANT ME YOU KNOW I WANT CHA I KNOW YOU WANT MEEEEE-HEE...”
what do you mean this song is gr8 it sums things up just well
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Celebratory dancing!”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Okay, I still feel kind of bad. It’s your parents’ closet after...”
and who knows what said parents did in that closet xD
...it’s confirmed they did A LOT and so did their grandparents
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “T: Wait - Shine! Before you go inside! I, um, you know I’m not much of...”
These babies ;____________;
I know ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “R: Glow!!!! Will you take me out? G: Uh, sure! I mean, I just got here...”
and I'm hopeless when it comes to him
good good he needs more fans always
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Take my hand, love, and never let go. F: Stop it, I’m gonna cry.”
I'm gonna cry too
I did tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your post “˜º for Pointy?”
I hate beetroots too xD
I have a weird relationship with them...I love them but they must be very few
grumpysimmies replied to your post “˜º Flame!
I wanna eat his ice cream ;__;
I wanna eat everything vegetarian he makes because he’s so good (and watch him make it it’s a show)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “this doesn’t go with the storyline but lookit Sprout is so pretty”
I die every time I look at this beautiful child (and all the other beautiful children on this simblr let's be real)
;_________; DONT
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Son! So good to see you around! How are you doing are you good?”
YES it's very good to see him around ;___;
as always ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Here’s a ton of Gabefaces cause I can’t choose one or two or three xD...”
oh man it's actually very nice to put faces on names xD
ohhhhh right this must be the first time you see his original self! I’m obsessed with his face tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “S: Trellis! You came! T: Of course I did! It was no work at all to...”
my brain stopped at 'pretty face'
Shine’s too
7 notes · View notes
cottagecori · 7 years
🌷 (the ask thingy)
🌷 = favourite blogs
Ooh this is going to be a long one. Like looonnngggg so it’s going under a cut. Also this is less of a favorites and more of a “all the blogs I love and why I love them”
First we’re gonna start with my hamfam bc I love all of them and their blogs so very much.
@@femilton (my beautiful mother) 
@linmanuclmiranda (my adorable and kind other mother) 
@angerybisexual (YESSS!! That’s all I have to say. Just YESSSS) 
@ahhhhamilton (we don’t really talk but I love this blog and this person with my whole heart
@always-blame-jefferson (such an amazing blog–the best) 
@hxmiltonmusicxl (I can’t say enough good things about Mikayla, her blog, and her art)
Second, some of the other most incredible blogs ever!!
@love-doesnt-discriminate (my darling sunrise who’s blog is just utterly amazing) 
@fightmeatweedhawken (just…wow
@butlinislin (ROSIE IS THE BEST JUST SAYING) @yayhamletnonstop (Emily’s a gem y’all) 
@booksblanketsandcoffee (LOVE YOU KATIE) 
@worldseemedtoburrn (Dixie’s just great in her whole entirety)
@its-quiiet-uptown (Jules and her blog and it’s theme…ugh it’s all so perfect)
@pretztato-cake (HECK TO THE YES MERRIKATE)
@bunny-yams (HIS ART IS SOME OF THE BEST I HAVE AND EVER WILL SEE-I’m in love with Toddler Alex)
@burninglaurens (the Jordan queen in all her glory)
@raise-our-glasses-to-freedom (BJ is so freaking talented and kind)
@coffeeboyusnavi (deserves the world and an award for this amazing blog and its perfect name. gahhhhhh love it so freaking much)
@icanneverbesatisfied (Rose was one of my first followers and has been so nice to me and is always willing to like fight for her friends. Plus her stories are so eloquent and poetic)
And last but not least then we have some of my all time favs, and many that encouraged me to start my own blog!! (I love all of these blogs equally but these just impacted me a lot)
@secretschuylersister (I still can’t believe Taylor follows me and I -think I- can call her a friend. It’s been like two months. Still not over it.)
@diggs4life (SHE FOLLOWED ME AND I SWEAR I DIED YOU GUYS. IT WAS SUCH A GREAT DAY. Tbh I check to see if she’s still following me way more than I should. I just can’t believe it)
 @tempfixeliza (Her fics are next LEVEL. That’s some talent y’all) 
@manuelmiranduh (Obviously bc A+++++++ person and A+++++++ blog)
@niinarosario (such a pleasing blog with some of the best posts-and the best name tbh-)
@letsgiggletogether (Can we all just take a second to praise Cass and her voice and blog?? Like damn.)
@daveeddiggsit (too good. too kind. too lovable. too talented. too genius…)
@hamilbye (how?? just how is this blog so perfect??)
@musicalmiranda (The Mysterious Miranda series is game-changing)
@fragmentofmymind (taryn’s just?? so cool??)
@digging-daveed (there are many times when I should be doing important things but I choose to stalk this blog instead-not in a creepy way I swear. I just admire this blog and the person behind it greatly)
@c-jacksonn (I have only one word: w o w ) 
@literallylin (Another masterpiece of a blog with such a poetic soul running it)
@ourforgottenboleros (I could write a novel on how much I love this blog)
@gratitudejoyandsorrow (One of the most creative people I have ever met. Original and brilliant
@terror-in-the-dream (Y’all. Their art should be in galleries everywhere. Everyone needs to know of this beauty and talent.)
@alexanderhamllton (Ren is both beautiful on the inside and out. I haven’t had the pleasure of talking to her but everything she does mesmerizes me. I swear she could write 20 books about the making of paper and I would read every single one. Hell I would memorize it, and find it so damn moving.)
@sunshinemiranda (The world doesn’t deserve this ethereal being. We are not worthy. Her writing is 10000000000000/10 and she is constantly coming up with new ideas that both ruin us and build us up at the same time. I strive to be at that level, but alas it is something only she can achieve.)
And that concludes my list. I have a lot more but it would take 10 pages just to list all of them
75 notes · View notes
chiimei · 7 years
A New Path - Chapter 11
Sorry I took so long with this chapter. I wrote it longer to make up for the wait. ^^” Enjoy reading~ :3
C.1 | C.2 | C.3 | C.4 | C.5 | C.6 | C.7 | C.8 | C.9 | C.10 |
FF | AO3
“You wish to speak to me, daddy?”
Chloé just stepped in to his room without knocking. Well, he was expecting her anyways, so why should she even bother knocking?
Mister Bourgeois looked slightly disappointed to his daughter. He heard another complain about her and that could ruin his reputation as major. Besides, he ignored this many times, letting his daughter do what she wants and believing she never did something wrong. In his eyes, she looks like a sweet princess, though… some other people doesn’t seem to think the same.
“I think it’s about time we talk about… school. How have you been doing dear?”
Chloé would usually smile to her father or act like she was having a hard time. If something bad happened to her, she would complain about it and blame the others. However, this time she just felt too tired to even pretend. Why does her father even bother her about school this time? It would usually be her going to him, not the other way around. This is one of those rare moments when her father wishes to talk to her when he’s not that busy or when he takes time off specially for her. Those are precious time to her. To think that she must spend such a precious time with her father to talk about school of all things, how ridiculous!
“I’m sorry, daddy. Can we talk about this another time? I’m tired… A lot had happened today…”
Chloé slightly sighed and averted her eyes. She didn’t want to look at her father. Not today… Not now…
The major even more worried about his precious daughter. She was not acting like her usual self. He only heard she argued with some kid in class. However, he didn’t hear what it was about. Did that kid bullied his daughter? If someone dare to do that to his daughter, then their parents would be in such huge trouble as well. He will make sure that that person would learn his learn his lesson and treat his daughter right, like how everyone’s supposed to treat her. No daughter of the major would get bullied without any consequences!  
“Chloé, you’re not getting bullied, are you? Who’s the one who made you so upset? I will call his parents right away!”
Chloé was honestly surprised by this response. Her? Bullied? Hah, no one would dare to bully the daughter of the major. It was actually more the other way around…
“No, no. I’m not getting bullied. It’s nothing. I just had an argue with someone at school. It was just some kid in my class who disrespected me and… well we were both at… faults... I think…”
It was so hard for her to admit she was also in the wrong. She hurt so many people before, but never admitted it. She even turned the blame towards them or just laughed it off. However, somehow something hit her. Something about Nathaniel, what he said about her, made her think differently. This was the second time already she did something unusual. She even got this weird feeling in her chest, which made her feel upset and it was also painful. She didn’t like this feeling at all… It made her feel like she should apologize to him…
“…I’m going back to my room. It’s late and I don’t want to talk about it. Goodnight, daddy.”
Chloé turned around and returned to her room without waiting for her father’s response. She already felt… bad… about this whole situation. She never felt like this before because of anyone. How come she suddenly feels this kind of annoying feeling?
Maybe everything will be alright tomorrow… If she’s able to sleep.
“Rise and shine, Inarii~”
Nathaniel smiled brightly as he poked Inarii softly on his forehead. He was already feel much better comparing to yesterday. Somehow talking about everything with Marinette made him feel better. Well, in some way. Of course, he’s upset she didn’t like him in the same way, but he can’t dwell in the past forever. Besides, he made some progress! He’s much closer to her than he was ever before! That’s something great, right? Friends stays mostly longer together with each other anyways.
“Man, you’re really cheered up today huh. Well, I like you more with that big smile on your face anyways.”
Inarii yawned and rubbed in his eyes, before grinning at his partner. He didn’t know that humans could change their emotions that quickly. Well, maybe Nathaniel is just some special kid. Some people would take more time to feel down about their heartbreak. A broken heart is not easily fixed. Still… maybe his heart wasn’t really heartbroken? Or maybe in his heart he still hopes that he could go out with her. Or… he didn’t love her that much… No, no, he shouldn’t doubt his partner’s feelings. He should just be grateful that Nathaniel is in a good mood now. At least he really hopes Nathaniel isn’t forcing himself to be happy…
“By the way, Nath. Are you sure you want to go to school today?”
Nathaniel looked confused to his kwami. Why shouldn’t he go to school? He skipped school yesterday as well, so he couldn’t skip school today as well. He might get in some big trouble if he would skip school again.
“Yes of course. Besides, if I won’t go, my friends will be worried about me.”
Ah friends… That felt so nice to say. He always thought that no one would care if he wasn’t at school. He was sitting all the way in the back anyways, no one would notice the difference. However, now he has people to talk to. He actually made friends to hang out with! Just thinking about them gave him a thrill of excitement to go to school. Weird huh? Most people wouldn’t look forward to go to school, because yeah… it’s school. However, now he got friends, he can finally see school as some kind of hangout place to see his friends almost every day!
“Alright then, let’s eat breakfast and go to school~”
Inarii smiled. He actually meant the whole situation about Chloé. They were fighting with each other yesterday after all. Maybe he forgot about it? Well, that would be for the best. He didn’t want to ruin his good mood because of her, now he was feeling all better.
Somehow Nathaniel couldn’t stop smiling while walking at school. Some people must’ve thought he was creepy, but he didn’t care. Nothing could ruin his mood now, not even Chloé! At least, he would not let her ruin his mood. Maybe it would be for the best to be nice to her today and not provoke her.
“What are you smiling all about? Did Marinette accept your feelings or something?”
“Ah, speak of the devil.”
Nathaniel looked to his left, to see Chloé Bourgeois again, standing next to his stead with crossed arms. Somehow she looks… terrible? As if she didn’t sleep well at all. Though some might not notice it with all that makeup she putted on her face. However her eyes look very tired.
“Also good morning to you, Chloé.”
Nathaniel already promised himself he would be nice to her. If he would do that, maybe she would just leave him alone. He didn’t want to start another fight with her.
“What? How come he’s smiling at me? Did he forget our whole fight yesterday? Did he forget what he said to me? How he treated me? How I treated him?!”
“Ugh, when you smile at me like that, it’s really creepy and disgusting.”
Somehow she said that while being shocked how Nathaniel was treating her now. This is what she wanted in the beginning, him treating her with respect or at least not hostile. However, it feels so weird to suddenly get what she wanted now. As if she didn’t deserve it.
“Be nice… Be nice. Don’t lose your control, Nathaniel.”
Nathaniel forced to laugh slightly and looked away. He tried to calm down before looking at her again.
“Sorry for being so creepy and disgusting then… Also, sorry for yesterday. What I said might’ve gone too far. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”
Would this make her go away? She did look speechless at him. It was quite a funny sight, like she was some goldfish staring at him. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to act nice even to Chloé. He does need to ask some advice how Adrien could be so nice to everyone though.
Why was he the one apologizing to her! She should be doing that! He was obviously hurt because of her. He even ran away! Now he’s looking all happy and fine while she was feeling so troubled about this whole thing. She even struggled to go to him to apologize. She was thinking all night about it, that she might feel better if she would apologize to him. Besides that, she knows he hates her! She’s not that stupid. So why? Why was he able to apologize so easily to her? Didn’t he struggle with his pride or something? Didn’t he have any feelings of anger towards her anymore? This just made her blood boil so much that she slammed her hand on the table in front of him, which made him startled.
“I should be the one apologizing to you, Nathaniel Kurtzburg! You were obviously not feeling alright yesterday. You looked horrible! And I even made it worse. However, now you look totally fine as if nothing happened. Why do you look so stupidly happy?! How come you look like you slept well yesterday while I wasn’t even able to sleep! I was even worried about you after you went home! Ugh I feel so stupid now!”
Chloé couldn’t help but just glare at Nathaniel. She wanted to yell all those things to him what was in her mind, but instead her mouth was tightly shut. In the end, she looked at Sabrina and yelled at her with a commanding tone.
“Sabrina! Grab my bag and call my driver, I’m not feeling well so I’m going home!”
Okay, Nathaniel was now completely confused. Why did Chloé look so angry after he apologized to her? He was being nice to her. Was that not enough as well? Geez, how can you even satisfy this girl? Well, if she’s going home anyways, that’s just better for him. He doesn’t need to deal with her anymore that way. Lucky~
Even though Chloé said she would go home, she was planning to go somewhere else. Instead, she would just go to the Eiffel Tower or something or some café to drink her ice coffee. Today is a sunny day, it would be a waste to spend such a nice day inside school. Besides, she couldn’t stay in the same classroom with Nathaniel without exploding again.
Somehow these days had been awfully quiet. There was no Akuma attack at all. Maybe because Chloé wasn’t her usual self? Though there might always be some other person who hurts someone else. Every human can hurt someone else’s feelings…
“No… Don’t think about negative stuff.”
Nathaniel mumbled to himself and softly slapped on his cheeks, as if he was trying to wake himself up. He just came back from school, instead of thinking about something useless, he should just do his homework. He still needed to catch up with his homework from yesterday. However, even though he was trying to do his homework, he fails doing it. In the end he was just doodling in his sketchbook again.
“Nath, are you really okay not doing your homework?”
Inarii was sitting on his desk above his sketchbook, he was looking at what his partner is drawing this time. This time it was nothing romantic, just some small comic of Chat, Ladybug and him fighting against some monsters.
Nathaniel sighed and put his pencil done. He rested his head on his arms, looking tiredly at his schoolbooks.
“Of course I need to do my homework, but I really don’t feel the energy to do them. My brains seems to leave whenever I want to do my homework.”
“Hmmm, why not think as your homework like some monster you need to defeat by solving the problems? You’re a hero right? You should defeat the homework monster!”
Inarii grabbed a ballpoint pen and poked the schoolbooks with it, as if the pen was some kind of sword. Nathaniel couldn’t help but chuckle at such a ridiculous idea, but with Inarii it might not be so boring to do his homework.
“Fine, I will do some homework.”
“That’s my partner!”
Inarii grinned proudly to his partner. He was glad that his plan worked, maybe he should try to find some more motivations for Nath to work on his homework. He gets that a lot of students don’t feel like doing something related to school.
Chloé has been sitting the whole time in a café close by the Eiffel Tower. She was just slowly drinking her ice coffee while flipping through some magazines. She could feel that some waitress sometimes look at her way, maybe because she’s been here for a long time. Not that she would care anyways. She would just tell them she’s the daughter of the major and then they would just shut up. She would rather have some time for herself in peace.
Though that peace was already getting ruined by some screams. She was putting her magazine angrily down and looked what was going on. It had been quite peaceful in Paris, but on a day when she wanted to have some peace it was being noisy. It couldn’t get any worse, can it?
Well, she shouldn’t have thought it couldn’t get any worse. Now she wears some very ugly bright red shoes and couldn’t stop dancing because of that stupid akumatized guy. What did he call himself again? The Danseur? Or something like that. How come all those names for those villains are horrible? Though hers was of course quite good.
“Hey, doesn’t this seem familiar?”
“Right, right, of the fairytale The Red Shoes right? Well, this does make everyone dance en pointe.”
“Oh come on guys, let’s go and defeat that akumatized guy. Everyone would get tired dancing the whole time like that. We should defeat him as soon as possible.”
Ladybug sighed slightly to hear Chat making another pun, but she would just ignore it like always and focus on how she should defeat this danseur. In the meantime, Vulpino was chuckling because of Chat’s pun.
“DANCE! Everyone should dance to feel the passion of ballet! No one will think I’m lame anymore, hahaha!”
“I still think you’re lame! Not only are you wearing that stupid outfit, but you are involving strangers to do some stupid ballet moves because of your issues! I got better things to do so let me go!”
Chloé yelled at him. She was very pissed off to be forced to dance. She didn’t even started reading her magazine for real yet. She saw some interesting articles about makeup products and how to keep the skin super soft. Now she couldn’t even do that!
“You! How dare you call me, Danseur, lame! You will dance for me like a monkey! You will forever dance till you die! To make it even more exciting, how about dancing at the Eiffel Tower~!”
The akumatized villain laughed and made the shoes speed up the dance moves. The shoes brings her up to the Eiffel Tower at full speed and make her dance on the edge. Chloé was screaming out of horror and called out for help. She never danced as fast as this and it sure is tiring. Her body is not used to this much movement in such a short amount of time. And the height even made things worse.
“Well, this is a turnout.” Vulpino said as he looked with a judgmental look at Chloé. She asked for it after all.
“Pfft, nice pun, foxy. After we defeat Danseur, you will take care of that girl.” Chat chuckled and then pointed towards Chloé. But before saving her, they should save Paris first.
After the fight, Chat and Ladybug left Chloé in his care. Why though? And why was she even here? Didn’t she go home before? She said she wasn’t feeling well… and now she looks even worse. Must’ve be because of dancing so much.
“Are you okay?”
As a hero, he should treat everyone equal. Even though it’s Chloé he’s talking to, he couldn’t help but worry when she looks like on the verge of fainting. She even almost fell down when the Danseur was defeated, because her legs gave in. It was a good thing he was fast enough to catch her before she fell down. Now she was sitting and hugging her legs. She didn’t even thanked him for her support, geez, talk about gratitude.
“… Do I look like I’m fine?”
Chloé looked down, which wasn’t a good idea. She was really high up and if she would lean even more forward, she would surely fall down. Besides that, she’s now with an unknown hero. She looked at her right to glance at this fox hero. She saw him before in her classroom, but other than that, she never saw him before.
“Who are you actually?”
Vulpino sighed slightly and then put one knee on the ground. He smiled kindly at her and hold his hand out so she should shake it.
“I’m Vulpino, the new fox hero.”
Chloé looked suspiciously to his hand. Well, he did kind of save her and helped out defeating that villain. Maybe she could trust him. Though no one could be as great as Ladybug, so she won’t rely on him too much. He was only a newbie after all.
“…. Chloé Bourgeois. The daughter of the major… Well you can forget that last part. You can just remember me as the extremely beautiful princess you saved.”
Vulpino couldn’t help but chuckle. Beautiful princess? Her? She’s more like the evil queen. To remember her like that is even worse than remembering her as the daughter of the major. Though maybe he could just play along with her, he doesn’t want her to be on his bad side as Vulpino as well. That would only cause double the headache.
“Well then princess, ready to go down?”
When Chloé nodded, he gently grabbed her arm to help her stand up. Her legs seems to be still wobbly like some spaghetti, so he lifted her up in bridal style right away.
“Hold on to me tight, I don’t want you to fall after all. You don’t look well, so I will just bring you home. You said you were the daughter of the major, so you must live in the hotel, Le Grand Paris, right?”
“Hold on, who said you could just bring me h-“
Before she could even finish her sentence, Vulpino already jumped. Chloé just had to cling to him, which was pretty shameful. She would rather let Ladybug bring her home than this unknown newbie hero. For now she would just endure it till she’s home.
“You can open your eyes now you know. We’ve already arrived. Make sure you rest well and don’t skip school okay? Then, goodbye princess.”
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #168
BTVS 6x16 Hell’s Bells
(aka the Xander-and-Anya-were-having-it-way-too-easy-this-season-and-it-was-high-time-they-got-their-lives-ruined episode)
Stray thoughts
WILLOW: Buffy, it's hideous. Oh my god, Buffy. Look at its arms! BUFFY: I know. But it's my duty.
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Why did Anya get them these awful dresses, though? That’s such a crappy cliché - the bride having awful bridesmaid dresses made because she’s the only one who can look beautiful at her wedding - and I hate that they had Anya do that. Also, notice that Buffy’s dress is slightly less awful, so I’m guessing Sarah pulled her weight to have it that way.
2) Yet another example of how people in Sunnydale are bound to believe anything in order to remain oblivious of the supernatural.
BUFFY: I just can't believe everyone bought that story about Anya's people being circus folk. Did you see the guy with the tentacles? What's he supposed to be? Inky the Squid Boy?
3) Why did they want these people at their wedding, though? 
WILLOW: And Xander's family. I haven't seen them that bad since my bat mitzvah. Ugh, did you see how much they drank? BUFFY: Kinda. Mr. Harris threw up in my purse
4) Of course, following Anya’s declaration of how that day was the happiest day of her life, we see the going-ons at the Harris’s household… and this is what we get a glimpse of…
His uncle Rory half-naked suggesting Xander should use Velcro in his cuffs.
His uncle Rory trying to make himself an Irish coffee (in the morning…) and then pretending to get electrocuted.
Xander’s father giving him a hard time because he’s not ready yet
Xander’s mom guilt-tripping him about her not getting to be in the pictures (why did she think that?)
Krelvin recalling how Xander’s father had compared him to his mother-in-law and then proceeded to hit him and insult his heritage
Xander’s father making fun of Anya’s whole family
Xander’s cousin Carol asking him to get her date with “Kevin” while wearing Xander’s cufflinks as earrings. 
I ask again, why did they want these people at their wedding? Except for Krelvin, he seemed like a cool dude.
5) I love how Buffy takes care of Xander and then shows how truly happy she is about him and Anya. 
BUFFY: Look at you. You look great, Mr. About-To-Get-Married. Glowing.Oh my god! Maybe you're pregnant!
XANDER: Maybe. I dunno. Maybe I'm just happy. Teary.
BUFFY: Oh! Good. Good teary. XANDER: Happy teary? Not frustrated with bow-tie teary? BUFFY: Yes. Happy. Happy for you. That makes me happy for me. You and Anya give me hope. It's like... you two are proof that there's light at the end of this very long, long, nasty tunnel.
6) Ugh these two flirtatious vixens!
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7) Anya’s vows attempt #1
ANYA: 'I, Anya, promise to love you, to cherish you, to honor you, but not to obey you, of course, because that's anachronistic and misogynistic and who do you think you are, like a sea captain or something?  I do however entrust you with my heart. Take care of my heart, won't you please? Take care of it because it's all that I have. And, if you let me, I'll take care of your heart too. I'll protect it and tend to it, like a little stray.' Wait, no. 'Like a, a little mangy stray that needs a home.'
And as funny as each of her attempts were, there was always so much of her heart in them, which makes everything that happens afterwards so much more heartbreaking.
8) “It's just I'm so excited and I want to share it all with my best friend. I get to be with my best friend forever! Yay!” 
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9) Why would D’Hoffryn attend Anya’s wedding, though? Don’t weddings go against everything he believes in, sort of?
10) My trash son being his usual trashy self… 
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11) Let’s be real, Xander was unconsciously looking for someone to tell him  this and confirm his fears and doubts…
OLD MAN: You can't get married today. It's a huge mistake.
12) Xander’s dad is all like “I paid for this so shut up” or something, and I’m like ?????? He paid for the wedding? 1) Why? Really, why would he? He didn’t care for his son, he had Xander pay for rent the minute he turned 18 and have him move to the basement. 2) How? I always got the impression the Harris’s weren’t exactly can-afford-a-wedding wealthy...
13) So these are the glimpses we get of Anya’s and Xander’s “future”…
Xander has decided to follow his dad’s footsteps and become a drunk.
Anya is a cosmetics salesperson for some reason. What happened to the Magic Box?
Xander had broken his back trying to fight a battle alongside Buffy. Buffy died in said battle. She wasn’t brought back, apparently.
Anya thinks Buffy’s death ruining their lives. 
Anya owns a pink car.
Pretty early into their marriage, Anya cheated on Xander with a demon and got pregnant. They stayed together, and Xander raised the girl as his own.
Xander and Anya stop having sex after Buffy died, for some reason...
In spite of everything, they were married for 30 years.
It really does seem like this fake future is a mixture of Xander’s own fears about marriage, his insecurities and his misconceptions about who Anya is.
14) I both love and hate that these two started acting mature once they were broken up. She’s finally being honest and treating him with respect, and he’s acting out but he still shows he cares about her feelings… 
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SPIKE: It's a happy occasion. You meet my friend?
BUFFY: No. Not yet. But she seems like a very nice attempt at making me jealous. SPIKE:  Is it working? BUFFY: A little. It doesn't change anything... but if you're wildly curious, yeah, it hurts. SPIKE: I'm sorry. Or, Good! You want us to go? BUFFY: No. No, I... you have every right to be here. I pretty much deserve... SPIKE: That's not true, you... God, this is hard. BUFFY: Yeah. SPIKE: I think we'll go. BUFFY: Go where? To your place? SPIKE: Yeah, I suppose. That was the idea. BUFFY: Yeah. SPIKE: Evil. BUFFY: Of course. SPIKE: But I won't. Or I...  I'll just go. Give 'em my best or whatever. The happy couple. BUFFY: I will. SPIKE: It's nice to watch you be happy. For them, even. I don't see it a lot. You, uh... you glow. BUFFY: That's because the dress is radioactive. I should... SPIKE: Yeah. But it hurts?
BUFFY: Yeah. SPIKE: Thanks.
BUFFY: You're welcome.
15) I love the callback to “Homecoming”…
WILLOW:  You're getting married. My little Xander. XANDER: All growed up. WILLOW: It's a good thing I realized I was gay, otherwise, hey, you, me and formal wear...
16) Anya’s vows attempt #2
'I, Anya, promise to cherish you...' Ew, no, not cherish. Uh, 'I promise to have sex with you whenever ... *I* want, and, pledge to be your friend, and your wife, and your confidant, and your sex poodle...'
BUFFY: Uh, sorry about that. Um... there's just gonna be a little bit of a delay. ANYA: Why? What's wrong? BUFFY: Nothing! Nothing's wrong, it's just, um, it, the minister. He had, uh... to g ... and perform an emergency C-section. ANYA: A C-section?! 
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BUFFY: Yeah! You know, he's, uh, not, not just a minister, he's also a, a doctor. You know, he's half-minister, half-doctor, he's a mini-tor. Not, of course, to be confused with a minotaur! Because he's all, you know, man, this doctor minister man, no bull parts whatsoever.
18) Anya’s vows attempts #3 
'I, Anya, want to marry you, Xander, because... I love you and I'll always love you. And... before I knew you, I was like a completely different person. Not even a person, really... and I had seen what love could do to people, and it was... hurt and sadness. Alone was better. And then, suddenly there was you, and... you knew me. You saw me, and it was this... thing. You make me feel safe and warm. So, I get it now. I finally get love, Xander. I really do.'
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19) Buffy trying to stall the wedding is my favorite thing ever, okay?
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And Clem being a supportive marshmallow…
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20) Also, I low-key ship these two. 
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21) These two are super horny amidst the whole family feud, love it.
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22) It’s actually odd that there weren’t more people coming to get their revenge on Anya, don’t you think? 
DEMON: You did this. You brought this on. I've waited a long time for this, Anyanka. ANYA: Who are you? DEMON: Remember Chicago? South Side, 1914? Stewart Burns. Philanderer! You'd think you'd remember. I remember you. But then again, you ruined my life.
ANYA: You were a ... I punished you. DEMON: That's right. Some hussy I'd been taking around summons you, next thing I know, I look like this and I'm being tortured in another dimension. ANYA: I forgot. DEMON: Well, I didn't.
Also, this is a very interesting character moment for Anya. She feels almost ashamed she’d forgotten about him. For so long she had focused on exacting revenge on those she deemed deserved it and yet she had never paused to think of the ripple effect her acts had on those people. She had probably ruined thousands of lives, and they weren’t even an afterthought to her. And more importantly, did all of them truly deserve it? And who was she to decide they did?
23) And I’m always a sucker for Buffy ripping her skirt to fight!
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24) So Xander comes back… 
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And he helps save the day… 
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But the damage was done. Well, it wasn’t “damage,” really. It was Xander owning up to how he really felt…
ANYA: So... we're ready now. Let's get married.
XANDER: I... I'm not. I'm not ready. I can't, An, I'm sorry.
ANYA: But it wasn't real. What he showed you, it wasn't real.
XANDER: I know it wasn't real. But it could be.
ANYA: What was it? Was it about me? 'Cause he wanted you to hate me, Xander.
XANDER: It wasn't you. It wasn't you I was hating. I had these thoughts, and ... fears before this. Maybe we just went too fast.
ANYA: Look, everybody has thoughts. It's natural, it doesn't mean that, that getting married is wrong.
XANDER: I know, I know...
ANYA: Look, you're just shaken up, okay? You just calm down and we'll start over, okay?
XANDER: We can't start over. If this is a mistake, it's forever, and... I don't want to hurt you. Not that way.: I'm sorry. I am so sorry.
And even though it was extremely bad timing to call off the wedding right before it took place, this might be one of the rare moments in which I 100% have Xander’s back. He wasn’t ready, and he knew it for a long time. I think he was hoping that by the time the wedding approached, he’d be ready. But that didn’t happen. I think a lot of it has to do with this line “It wasn’t you who I was hating.” More than anything, he was afraid he’d be his father’s son and become a lousy husband and a despicable human being. And I get why he wouldn’t want to be that person with Anya. He did love her, that much I’m sure of. And he took the getting married thing seriously. He knew he wouldn’t back away, no matter how ugly it got. So, yeah, bad timing. But right call.
25)  But.. this… wasn’t really gentlemanly of him, though… 
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Leaving Anya to break the news to everyone all on her own after breaking her heart? Not cool…
26) And this whole scene is so sad and beautifully shot…
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D'HOFFRYN: It's time you got back to what you do best ... don't you think?
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unassumingvenusaur · 8 years
Oboro/Flora C-S Supports
Holy shit. I am so late, it’s not even fashionable. Oboro would be livid.
Hey there! Guess who finished one support before the deadline? This girl! Okay, but in all seriousness, I’m so sorry for taking so long. I feel so bad, things just got so busy I never had enough time to work on the supports I claimed. My mental health has also just been one giant mess so I never had the motivation to work either… God what a mess lol. But at least I finished this one! And I might finish Mozu/Flora too, maybe? I only have two hours left, but fingers crossed…
Anyways the support! I didn’t really proofread this one with all the rush, so hopefully it ended up okay? It’s definitely not as polished as Camilla/Flora, but I do like how the A and S supports ended up, so hopefully you do too! This pairings really cute tbh, I mean two of my blue wives marrying each other? How could it NOT be cute?
Support under the cut like before, and here’s the google docs link!
C Support:
Flora: Hello? I’m looking for Oboro?
Oboro: That’s me! What can I do to help you?
Flora: I was told that you might have some fabric that I could use.
Flora: This uniform here got torn in an… incident involving my sister.
Flora: I was going to fix it, but I couldn’t find any spare materials.
Oboro: I see, I see. Well, there’s no need to worry!
Oboro: You’re welcome to take what you need!
Oboro: I usually have more than enough fabric anyways.
Oboro: I like to stock up for future projects.
Flora: Thank you, I really appreciate your help!
Flora: Do you mind if I just mend the fabric here?
Flora: It’ll only take a moment.
Oboro: Hm? Sure, I don’t mind.
Oboro: I was actually about to work on something myself.
Oboro: I wouldn’t mind having some company–
Oboro: Woah! Are you already done?!
Flora: Just about. I’m sorry were you saying something?
Flora: I tend to get a bit too focused while working…
Oboro: There’s more important things to talk about!
Oboro: You have to tell me: How in the world did you manage to mend that so quickly?
Flora: Oh, um, I’m quite used to mending clothes by now.
Flora: My sister tends to tear hers often, unfortunately.
Oboro: Still though, I’ve been tailoring since I was little and even I’m not THAT fast.
Flora: I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to seem like I was showing off…
Oboro: No, no, you didn’t do anything wrong! In fact, this is great!
Flora: What…?
Oboro: That project I just mentioned? Well, the outfits I’m tailoring are for a neighboring town.
Oboro: I wanted to get them done before we got too far to deliver them but…
Oboro: It seems like I might not get them done in time on my own.
Oboro: But if someone with your speed were to help, we’d be done in no time!
Oboro: So what do you say? Do you mind helping a girl out?
Flora: Oh um… I really would like to, but I’m not sure if I can…
Flora: I’ve never actually tailored clothes before, only mended them…
Oboro: You don’t need to do any of the complex stuff don’t worry!
Oboro: I can just tell you where I need you to sow.
Flora: B-But I do have other duties to attend to…
Oboro: Oh… yeah, you’re completely right. In my excitement I forgot that you’re a retainer too.
Oboro: Sorry, I was being pretty pushy wasn’t I?
Flora: Not at all! I truly wouldn’t mind helping you, I’m just not sure if I have enough time to.
Oboro: Yeah, actually, just don’t worry about it okay?
Oboro: I was being pretty insensitive there, forgetting about all the work you do.
Oboro: We all know you’re one of the hardest working retainers here.
Oboro: The last thing I’d want to do is add MORE work on your back.
Flora: You weren’t being insensitive at all. Thank you for understanding.
Flora: I do wish I could help… I’m really sorry, Oboro.
Flora: I hope you’ll manage to finish on time…
Oboro: Aw I’ll be fine, tailoring’s in my blood! There’s nothing I can’t finish!
Oboro: Anyways, you should probably get that uniform back to your sister.
Flora: Oh, right! Thank you for lending me your supplies.
Oboro: It was no problem. If you ever need any more just stop by.
Flora: That’s very kind of you, I’ll be sure to keep your offer in mind.
Flora: Have a good day, Oboro.
Oboro: Same to you!
*Flora leaves*
Oboro: Well… back to work.
Oboro: These clothes aren’t going to make themselves.
B Support:
Flora: Oboro? I saw a light from outside, are you still awake?
Oboro: ….
Flora: Oh she’s asleep… It looks like she dozed off while working.
Flora: Oboro… Oboro, wake up.
Oboro: *gasp* Wha-?!
Oboro: Oh gods it’s just you Flora. You scared me half to death…
Oboro: *yawn* Ugh… I didn’t mean to fall asleep.
Oboro: Wait, what are you doing here Flora?
Flora: I wanted to check up on you.
Flora: I overheard Lord Takumi saying that you seemed to be getting less sleep lately.
Flora: I was worried you were overworking yourself tailoring those outfits.
Oboro: Oh… I didn’t mean to worry anyone, especially not Lord Takumi.
Oboro: Sorry, I guess I have been kind of overdoing it.
Oboro: I just… I really need to get these done.
Flora: If I might ask…
Flora: Is there any reason why you’re devoting so much effort into this?
Oboro: It's… These clothes are for children.
Oboro: I met them when I was shopping nearby.
Oboro: They had some really old tattered clothes on.
Oboro: …And that they were orphans.
Oboro: The shopkeeper told me she was looking after them.
Oboro: But that she barely had enough money to take care of them.
Flora: Oh… that's…
Oboro: Yeah. Their…
Oboro: Their parents were murdered.
Oboro: I couldn’t just… not help them. I need to help them.
Oboro: I… I’m an orphan too after all.
Flora: Oh, Oboro… I didn’t know, I’m so sorry.
Oboro: I know what it’s like to grow up feeling like everything was taken from you.
Oboro: Like you have nothing anymore…
Oboro: That’s why… That’s why I need to help them.
Oboro: Even if it’s just by giving them some clothes, I want to help.
Flora: Well… You won’t have to do it on your own.
Oboro: What? You’ll help? But what about Lady/Lord Corrin? Flora: I’m sure that Lady/Lord Avatar will understand when I explain the situation.
Oboro: Flora… Thank you. This means a lot to me, you have no idea.
Flora: It’s nothing, really. Besides, I know how it feels to lose hope.
Flora: Those children deserve even the tiniest bit of reassurance that they’ll be alright.
Flora: Even if it may not seem like it now.
Oboro: Does it have anything to do with your tribe? You losing hope, I mean.
Flora: …Yes.
Flora: When I was just a child, me and my sister were taken from our tribe.
Flora: It felt like my entire life was snatched away from me.
Flora: For years we couldn’t even see our father…
Flora: We didn’t grow up with any sort of parental figure– Except for Gunter, I suppose.
Oboro: Gods… Nohr really does just love to ruin lives.
Flora: Well, Garon certainly does.
Flora: Hopefully after this war ends, that’ll change.
Oboro: Yeah…
Flora: We should get started. Just tell me what you would like me to do.
Oboro: Oh, well, you can start by just cutting this material.
Oboro: I’ve marked where to cut, just follow the lines.
Flora: Understood!
Oboro: You know Flora, you’re a really good person.
Flora: Oh? Thank you, but where’s this coming from?
Oboro: No where really. It’s just, even after everything you’ve gone through, you still manage to be selfless and kind.
Flora: I-I don’t know about that…
Flora: I… I’ve done so many wrongs in my life.
Oboro: That… doesn’t sound right, but…
Oboro: Even if you have done wrong you’ve certainly been making up for it now.
Flora: ….
Oboro: Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me.
Oboro: I’m really glad to have you as a friend.
A Support:
Flora: Hello? Oboro, are you here?
Oboro: Yeah, I’m back here!
Oboro: Hey, Flora! Why is it that you’re the one always coming to me? Oboro: Never mind that, did you need something?
Flora: Unfortunately, my sister has once again torn her dress.
Flora: Do you mind if I borrow some fabric?
Oboro: For you? Of course not!
Oboro: As always, take what you like.
Oboro: Actually, I was going to come looking for you a little later.
Flora: Oh? What for?
Oboro: Well, I got a letter earlier today. It turns out it’s from the children.
Flora: Really? What did it say?
Oboro: It was mostly just a thank you note but…
Oboro: There’s this part here.
Oboro: Apparently the little girl was captivated with the dress we made her.
Oboro: So captivated, in fact, that she said she wants to become a tailor.
Flora: Oh! That’s wonderful, Oboro!
Flora: You’re work inspired her.
Oboro: OUR work inspired her. I wouldn’t have been able to deliver in time without you.
Oboro: I’m really grateful that you helped me back then.
Flora: I’d be happy to do it again if you ever need me to.
Oboro: You know… When I was little, I actually didn’t like tailoring.
Flora: Wait, really?! That’s a surprise considering how much you love it now.
Oboro: Haha, yeah… When my parents… passed, I became obsessed with it.
Oboro: It was the only thing I had connecting me to them, you know? Oboro: But, a long time before that I used to think it was drab.
Oboro: It was time-consuming, and I always pricked my finger with the needle.
Oboro: But once I saw my mother design a gown so beautiful, it took my breath away.
Oboro: It was for a noble, she said it was the hardest thing she had worked on yet.
Oboro: I think that gown was what helped my parents gain a bigger reputation as tailors.
Oboro: After that well… I just had a different view on tailoring.
Oboro: It felt like the hard work was worth it for the art that came afterward.
Flora: That’s a really nice story, Oboro.
Flora: I’m glad you found something you enjoy doing.
Oboro: Mmm, yeah. At least this way I can continue my parents’ work.
Flora: ….
Flora: I wish I had half the motivation that you do, Oboro.
Flora: I… I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future.
Oboro: I thought you were going to become chief of your clan?
Flora: Yes… I suppose so.
Oboro: But..?
Flora: I’m not sure I even want to, or deserve to.
Flora: I’m… I’m no good at fighting. I have no leading qualities…
Flora: I’m barely confident in myself as it is, how could I possibly lead a tribe? Flora: I love them, I do, but…
Oboro: Stop right there.
Oboro: First of all, you’re definitely deserving of leading your tribe, Flora.
Oboro: You went against your liege for them, you put your LIFE on the line for them.
Oboro: It doesn’t matter if you’re efficient at fighting or not.
Oboro: A leader loves their people and makes tough choices for THEM.
Oboro: You’ve already shown that you can accomplish that.
Flora: Oboro…
Oboro: But, you not wanting to lead? That’s an entire different scenario.
Oboro: Your future is yours Flora. You decide what you want.
Flora: …
Flora: Yes, you’re right.
Flora: I just don’t want to let anyone down…
Flora: I already let my father down by being the eldest who has no fighting capabilities…
Oboro: What anyone else thinks isn’t important.
Oboro: I think you’d let yourself down more if you forced yourself to do something you’d regret.
Flora: …You’re a great friend Oboro.
Flora: I’ll take your words to heart, thank you.
Flora: I’m not sure what I’ll do in the future, however I’ll continue to have you as a friend.
Flora: You’re dear to me, and you inspire me.
Flora: I’m so glad I got to know you.
Oboro: I’ll always have your back, Flora. No matter what you do.
Oboro: You’re my official helper after all!
Flora: Hee hee, I’m honored to have earned that title.
S Support:
Oboro: Flora! Hey, Floraaa!
Flora: Oboro? What are you doing here?
Oboro: I thought I’d come looking for you for once.
Oboro: I actually had something important that I wanted to talk to you about.
Flora: Is something wrong? You look fairly flushed…
Oboro: I-I’m fine! Really, I just got here fast that’s all.
Oboro: And it’s nothing bad, don’t worry.
Flora: Alright… What is it?
Oboro: I wanted to ask you if you ever decided what you were going to do.
Flora: What I was going to do?
Oboro: Yeah, your future.
Flora: Oh… That.
Flora: I don’t know.
Flora: I stopped fretting too much about it after that day we talked but…
Flora: It’s been on my mind more often as of late.
Oboro: Really? Any reason why?
Flora: N-No… Not really…
Oboro: Oh… Well, did you at least gain a preference? Oboro: Do you think you’re going to stay with your tribe?
Flora: Honestly, I think I’ve become more inclined to go to Hoshido.
Oboro: Wait, really? Oboro: Do you really mean that? Flora: W-Well… I’m not entirely sure what I’ll do yet but…
Oboro: Flora. I-I need to ask you something.
Flora: Y-Yes? You’re being so serious, it’ unlike you…
Oboro: Oh! Sorry, I just…
Oboro: I’m a really nervous to be completely honest.
Oboro: Flora you… You’re important to me.
Oboro: I keep thinking about how after this war you might leave to your tribe.
Oboro: I keep thinking about that… and I get really terrified.
Oboro: Because… I don’t WANT you to leave.
Oboro: I want you to stay here.
Oboro: …With me.
Flora: W-Wait, Oboro, do you mean?
Oboro: When I think of the future I think of you, Flora.
Oboro: Maybe we’ve opened up a shop…
Oboro: Me tailoring new outfits and designs, with you always right there beside me.
Oboro: Or maybe we’re just together. Doing whatever we want to.
Oboro: W-Woah! Did it just get really cold in here or is that just me?
Flora: O-Oh! I’m so sorry! It’s me, my ice powers can get out of control when I’m…
Flora: Oboro.. Are you…?
Flora: A-Are you trying to propose…?
Oboro: Y-Yeah. Flora, I love you.
Oboro: I should’ve just led with that, huh?
Oboro: I probably wasn’t doing a great job at getting my point across…
Flora: No, I understood. I understood perfectly.
Flora: Because I feel the same exact way for you, Oboro.
Flora: The reason why I wanted to stay in Hoshido is because there would be someone I’d miss if I left.
Flora: That person is none other than you.
Flora: I-I don’t want to leave you…
Flora: Because I love you.
Oboro: Oh, Flora! You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that!
Oboro: And I don’t care where we end up, or what you’ll choose to do in the future.
Oboro: I’ll follow you anywhere, Flora.
Flora: I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.
Flora: I love my tribe but… A person very dear to me once said, my future is my choice.
Flora: I wouldn’t mind owning a shop with you, helping you with tailoring.
Flora: And, to be completely honest, love for tailoring has rubbed off on me.
Oboro: That’s… That sounds amazing, Flora.
Oboro: You make me so happy… Thank you.
Flora: No, thank you Oboro. For helping me decide what I want.
Flora: And for falling for me…
Oboro: Haha, I guess I’m going to have to get used to the cold aren’t I?
Flora: I-I’m sorry! I’ll try to get a better control on my ice powers around you…
Flora: You just make me so flustered, and I–
Oboro: Nah, it’s okay.
Oboro: Besides this gives me an excuse to get closer to you!
Oboro: I’ll have to snuggle up to you to get warm!
Flora: Oh!
Flora: Hee hee, well I don’t think I’ll ever complain to that.
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solangelover · 8 years
Happy Birthday Nico!
A/N: This is my first PJO/HOO fanfic ever, but I had to do it for my baby’s birthday especially since I’ve thought about it a lot. (Does not follow TOA canon b/c that would confuse me so yeah) Enjoy!
Read on AO3 or FF.Net or Wattpad
Nico blinked his eyes awake as light streamed in through the crack between his curtains. For once, he felt like he actually got some sleep, not remembering having any nightmares that night. But something was wrong.
What time is it?
Normally, his annoying “doctor” Will Solace would wake him up for breakfast in order to ensure he was eating and taking care of himself. Nico scoffs at the thought of Solace nagging him, with his stupid “Doctor’s Orders”, his blinding smile, his wavy blond hair that glints in the sun, his sparkling blue eyes that seem to reflect the color of the sky most days, the sort of blue Nico has gotten lost in several times…
No, Nico thought, I will not get lost in that. We’re close friends. It’s nice having a best friend and I will NOT be ruining this with a stupid crush.
Nico has learned over the past months how to act normal and friendly – well, Nico’s version of friendly, which means being less distant and reserved than normal. It’s a work in progress.
Nico refocuses back into reality, peeking out his curtains to see the sun decently high in the sky. Had Will forgotten about him? Nico hated how used to, even dependent on, the son of Apollo greeting him every morning he was. Was Will so integral to his life that he didn’t even know how to start the day on his own now?
Nico pushed any negative thoughts to the back of his mind as he went and got ready. Will must’ve had an early shift at the infirmary or something. Or maybe he’s giving Nico a day to sleep in for once, seeing as he complains about being up early every day. He hasn’t slept in till 11 in quite some time. He decides to head to the pavilion and see if he can still get food, even if it’s not lunch time yet. Maybe then he can skip actual lunch and train in the arena since no one will be there.
When he opens his door, there’s a note on the ground with a giant sun on it.
Solace, he suppresses a smile and rolls his eyes at the crudely drawn sun with a smiley face in it.
Gooooood morning, Sunshine!
I don’t even know if it’ll still be morning when you read this, but anyway, I let you sleep in today because I had to cover someone’s shift at the infirmary along with my own all morning.
As an apology for not forcing you awake, I wrote a haiku :)
Love, Will
Nico gets caught on that last part. He said love… Nico can only see those words, casually written by Will, who doesn’t even see how it could mean so much to Nico. It’s just a typical sign-off, don’t look into it. Nico shakes his head to clear his thoughts and remembers the rest of the note. He flips it over to read the most likely terrible haiku:
Find the green-eyed boy
Tell him “The sun will set soon”
Do it for me please :)
Nico doesn’t even think he understands what haikus should be, or that it’s more than a syllable pattern. Whatever, he reads it again anyways just to hear Will’s voice saying it to him (he’s got it so bad). On his third read through, he realizes that it’s actually telling him to do something. Green-eyed boy? He wonders. ‘Do it for me please’ Ugh, he thinks to himself. Will Solace can get away with nearly anything with Nico, all he has to do is ask and Nico will eventually give in. With an eye roll, Nico leaves his cabin to find Percy. If this is some big joke and I end up wet, Solace is gonna get it.
After stopping at the pavilion for an apple, Nico heads to the Poseidon cabin. He had considered shadow travelling there, if not just because he knows Solace would hate it, but decided against it. He doesn’t want to accidentally stumble upon Percy and Annabeth ever again. Ever. When he knocks, Percy cracks open the door and peeks out through the crack.
“What’s the password?” Percy says in an unnecessary whisper. He’s one of those people who don’t even know how to whisper, so Nico doesn’t know why he bothers trying.
“Percy, what’s going on,” Nico deadpans.
“Passsswoooord.” He’s as stubborn and stupid as ever, Nico thinks.
“Ugh,” he pulls out the paper, “‘The sun will set soon.’ It’s like midday, who came up with this—” Nico is cut off as Percy yanks him through the door and shuts it quickly. The cabin is pitch black and Nico starts feeling anxious. He didn’t think anything was going to happen, so he didn’t exactly mentally prepare for an attack.
“Percy, what the—”
“SURPRISE!!!!!!” The lights suddenly come on and Nico is momentarily blinded and deafened by the shouting. Instinctively, he grabs his sword and swings out, ready to fight off whatever has caught him off guard. When his senses catch up to him, he registers a certain son of Apollo standing in front of him looking shocked and holding a sign that has now been sliced in half.
“Uhhh Death Boy? Mind putting that away? I spent a long time on this birthday sign and I don’t want anything else to be cut in half, namely me.” Will blushed slightly, giving Nico a shy smile and that look that always gets Nico to do what he says.
“What in the Hades is going on, Solace?” Nico sheaths his sword and looks around, taking in the balloons, banners with his name on it, and all his friends, who look both alarmed and amused at the same time.
“Um, hello? It’s your birthday! Happy Birthday, Nico!!” Will drops the two halves of the sign to the ground in favor of throwing his arms up and grinning like he won the lottery.
As Nico tries to process this information, Percy comes up from behind and throws his arm across Nico’s shoulders.
“Bro, it’s a celebration of the day you were born! You know, your birthday. Come on, lighten up! Solace here put it all together and somehow kept from telling you,” Percy snickered at the last part.
Will’s face turned red with both frustration and embarrassment as he said, “I can keep a secret! Besides, we all worked to make this happen. So, let’s have fun!” With that, everyone cheered and started milling about, music playing in the background of happy conversations. Will grabbed Nico’s hand, much to Nico’s embarrassment, and pulled him along to show him around the party. As Will excitedly chatted about all the planning they had done (it really is amazing that Nico had no idea, Will is such a blabbermouth), Nico marveled at the fact that it was his birthday. He didn’t even remember it himself, and yet here was Will and his friends, hoping to make Nico’s day special. He looked around at all the decorations and all his friends, who looked genuinely happy to be there. Nico may have moved on from believing that he had no friends, but sometimes he couldn’t even fathom what great friends he had.
His birthdays in the past had been filled with self-hate and regret – hating that he was born, regretting his actions that caused others pain, things of that sort. Even today, he felt that somewhere in his mind, he knew it was his birthday, but he didn’t want to think about it because he knew that he’d just have those negative thoughts, as always.
“Hey,” Will pulled Nico from his thoughts, a look of concern under his gentle smile, “You okay? You haven’t said anything yet. Is the party okay? Is it too much? It’s too much, isn’t it. I knew I should’ve put up less decorations. I was too excited. Ugh and you probably don’t appreciate the little suns everywhere, but it’s all the Apollo cabin had—”
“Will,” Nico cut him off, “It’s incredible. Sorry, I was just thinking… I really appreciate you and everyone else, you know, going through all this trouble for me. I didn’t even realize today… I mean normally… how did you even know?” Nico couldn’t get out words properly, he didn’t know how to express the extreme gratitude he felt.
Will only grinned, “I’m your doctor – of course I know when your birthday is, Death Boy. And I wasn’t about to let your special day go uncelebrated.”
Nico scoffed, “Special day… my whole life has been a mess. I don’t know if the day of my birth should be celebrated all that much.”
“No, you don’t get to say that.” Will stopped Nico and stood in front of him, a frown on his lips. “You are a hero and a fantastic friend to everyone here. Without you, many of us, probably even the whole camp, wouldn’t be here. I am extremely grateful that you were born today, however many years ago, because I—” Will seemed to choke on his words, turning red in the process.
“Because you…? Are you okay?” Nico was just confused now, having no idea why Will cut himself off.
“Because I… get to do this!” With that, Will lunged forward and swiped frosting across Nico’s cheek. Nico was so caught off guard, he stood there for a good 3 seconds as Will laughed, gaining the attention of those around him. Then Nico narrowed his eyes, found the cake, grabbed a handful, and flung it right at Will’s face so that frosting and a chunk of cake slid down his cheek.
“FROSTING FIGHT!” Percy was the first to jump at the cake, resulting in an all-out frosting war.
By the end, everyone was covered in frosting and chocolate cake and giggling like maniacs. Even Nico had jumped in, shadow traveling a few times to get the jump on people.
Once everyone calmed down a bit, Will came up to Nico with a clump of cake and frosting on a plate and a single candle shoved in it.
“We still have to sing to the birthday boy,” Will said with a shy smile. Nico offered his own small smile as everyone gathered around and sang “Happy Birthday” to Nico. Nico thought about each face that was smiling at him, ending on the face of Will Solace, who beamed the brightest out of them all.
“Make a wish, Nico,” Will said gently, once the song had finished.
Looking up at that face, Nico knew what to wish for. He had a great life – far from perfect, but pretty great. He had almost everything he wanted, just one thing was missing.
He closed his eyes, and he blew out the candle.
Hope you liked it! Please like and reblog! And give feedback if you’d like :)
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evajellion · 8 years
Part 6, beware of salt
Richie decides to taint MOTHER, so one of my friends can rip him a new one once they read it.
Let’s get the most painful part out of the way first… Ness and Lucas.
Ness and Lucas were busy exploring the ruins of Porky's labs.
"Any luck?" Lucas called.
"No. Nothing yet. It's seem that someone has destroyed most of Porky's army and left its sleeping capsule where Porky is trapped in unscathed" Ness said.
Are we going to get an explanation as to why Ness knows about this? Did he travel to the time period Lucas is in? Also, why is he talking?
OOC Counter: 19
I’m gonna try to avoid spoiling anything MOTHER 3 related, even if the game is over 10 years old now.
"But who would do such a thing?" Lucas asked. Ness touched the rubble and sees something shocking and he fell over. "Ness, what's wrong?" Lucas ran to him.
"The Hands, Master and Crazy!" Ness gasped "They did this, but they seemed to be controlled by an ever greater evil."
"But who could have controlled the hands?" Lucas was shocked.
"I don't know but right now, many of our friends and some unknown people are fighting towards that place. We gotta get there first! Lucas, I need your help!" Ness said getting up and straightening out his hat.
"Of course I'll help but where we're going?" Lucas asked getting up and following Ness out of the ruins.
"We're gonna help the Hands and defeat this evil which controlled them. I only hope we're not too late" Ness said as they set off.
Just leaving this here for my friend to make fun of really.
"This is the place" Ness said as he and Lucas walked into the arena. "This is the place where the evil one is."
"Wow. Sure look spooky" Lucas said a bit scared.
"Spooky? You're gonna wish for spooky when we're done with you" came a voice which make them spun around. Evil Cole and Radec were behind them.
"Argh!" Lucas hid behind Ness who stood firm.
In which Lucas summons his inner pirate.
"Tell us who you kids are, and why we should let you walk away" Radec said.
"We're here to save the world. And I suppose you are with this evil too right?" Ness snarled.
"If we are, what would you do?" Radec said.
Ness then shot a PK Thunder at them but Evil Cole blocked it with his lightning.
"If you two want to play, then I'm gonna tear you two apart" Evil Cole said.
"Not a chance! Lucas! Don't be scared! Give them everything you got!" Ness called.
"R-Right..." Lucas said getting his bravedo back as they face off against the two.
Had to just copypaste from Sir Daniel’s rival scene, huh Richie?
My friend pointed this out actually, the meeting between Lucas and Colonel Radec? Could have been much, much more interesting. 
For those not familiar with Killzone…
“The Helghast homeworld is a hostile, harsh world dominated by ferocious storms and electrifying skylines. Over the years, the Helghast have proudly embraced their formidable planet and have adapted to the dangerously toxic environment.”
(from the page on Helghan)
[1/9/17, 11:22:46 PM] Batan Q: originally, Tazmily was a nice, clean place with no pollution and very nice people [1/9/17, 11:23:03 PM] Batan Q: at the end of the game, you get to New Pork City, which is crowded, polluted, and awful
(from my good friend on Skype)
Combine this with the fact Colonel Radec wears a gas mask and is a high-ranking official, Lucas would probably have some bad flashbacks to what happened in the events of MOTHER 3, and assume Radec is a threat. Not helped by how Radec can be a bit cruel.
… Richie unintentionally made something that could have been clever, but botched it.
Boring Polygon Man scene, moving on.
Returning to Onett, they sat at a coffee table.
"Well, that is something different" Lucas said.
… I can’t take this seriously. After all that, they’re sitting at a coffee table. I mean, that’s a thing in Earthbound I know, but pfft.
Pretty sure what Lucas said was ripped from Ratchet & Clank’s ending too.
"Yeah, some warriors are very interesting" Ness said "The important thing, the Hands have been freed and the world is safe again."
"Why would that whatisname been calling people from all over the universe?" Lucas said.
Damn, that’s fucking sad. Even Lucas doesn’t remember Polygon Man’s name.
Gonna slap an OOC Counter for how Lucas is acting in general.
OOC Counter: 20
And yet, Richie managed to spell the bolded part wrong too.
"I have a theory, but it may be incorrect" said Ness but then Paula ran up to them.
"Ness! Lucas! You're back! We got a problem!" Paula cried.
"Paula, what's wrong?" Ness asked concerned standing up.
"It's Porky's Army. They are coming over here again!" Paula said "Poo, Jeff and the others are holding them off as we speak."
"Again? But don't worry. We're prepared for them this time" Lucas said as he and Ness glowed blue.
"Let's go!" Ness called and they head off for battle again.
… I’m just gonna let this one sit here. Anyone who has played MOTHER 3 probably know what’s wrong with the above exchange.
Here you go Paula!
OOC Counter: 21
Now for Radec and Evil Cole, where I’m gonna be… mildly upset, fair warning.
Evil Cole was sitting around the ruins doing nothing, watching the destruction. Suddenly, a Helghast air-cruiser appear before him.
Doing nothing??
Not taking the lives of people, or searching for more power? Just, plainly doing nothing?
"Heh, well look who comes out to play" Evil Cole said as the cruiser landed and Colonel Radec came out "Leader of the Helghast. Why are you here? Are you here to be destroyed by me?"
"Of course not. But I do bring you news" Radec said "As the war between the ISA and the Helghast goes on in my world, I do sense another battle going on. A battle between dimension, and all with great power."
"And? What does that have to do with me?" Evil Cole said.
"I just thought you be up for a challenge" Radec said "You can take their energy as well as well as the huge being who has returned again. I do hope this time, they have worthy opponents."
No, no no no… no.
OOC Counter: 22
Radec would NOT be this “sporting” to someone who sucks the lives out of others for power! He would be very cautious. He may be a dick, but he’s smart.
He recognizes Evil Cole’s power, then he should be able to recognize Evil Cole would also betray him at the right chance. Radec would only turn to him, if he was desperately running low on options. Like, his other options would have to be Fat Princess, Sir Daniel, and Dont-- excuse me again, Dante, in order for him to pick Evil Cole instead.
Like, Radec would try to recruit Emmett Graves first (and force him to cooperate) probably before going to Evil Cole. Unless, Radec knows very well how to manipulate Evil Cole.
"Well, you fancy my tickle" Evil Cole said as he goes up to him "And you want to team up with me to crush them?"
Uh, I think you mixed your words up, Evil Cole. I mean, if your intent wasn’t to flirt with Radec that is…
"Exactly. Those who oppose the Helghast and you shall be eliminated. What do you say? A temporary truce for now?" Radec said.
"Why not" Evil Cole agreed "Sound like fun. A lot of special people huh? Let's find them."
"Good" Radec said as the two head off "We'll will find them, and we will show them what true power looks like!"
No mentions on how Radec should be on his toes about the whole thing? Richie, c’mooooon, I’m seriously not gonna get off your back about how bad you are with writing him.
"I'm afraid our search for a worthy opponent may have been in vain. If this is the true threat to the Helghast, we have nothing to worry about" Radec said as they reach their destination. He then saw Evil Cole saw someone and he saw Ness and Lucas coming up to them. "Well... now they sent kids after us, huh?"
Did Evil Cole or Radec say that? It sounds more like something the former would say.
Copypasted from their own rival scenes too. Ugh.
"Good afternoon, kids" Evil Cole said approaching them grabbing their attention "Anything we can help you with?" Lucas hid behind Ness a bit afraid as Ness glared. "It was a simple question".
… So it was Radec saying that first bit? Then…
OOC Counter: 23
"I can sense dangerous powers within you two. Are you in league with this evil?" Ness said.
"Even if we are or not, you two seemed to be worthy opponents. Now, are you going to stand there mumbling, or do you know how to use that power of yours?" Radec said taking out his knife.
Holy shit, Radec, they’re just kids!
OOC Counter: 24
I’m pretty certain he would be thinking “do not mind them, they are children”, then be attacked by crazy, PSI attacks or something, so he changes his mind about it while Evil Cole is ready to take their powers.
Radec wouldn’t care for someone younger and under his league. Only if they were intentionally picking a fight with him to begin with, or fought their way up, would he perhaps let them “humor him”.
Remember, he’s not at war with ISA here, and… he kinda can’t kill anyone here. Radec’s just curious about what opponents can match his talents, all while reaching Polygon Man.
Evil Cole just wants more power, and wants to see what weirdos are around.
"I guess we have to fight" Lucas said.
"We won't let you get away with this" Ness said "we're gonna teach you a lesson!"
"OK, kids" Evil Cole said, getting fed up with them "How about instead of candy, I stuff my foot in your mouth!" He then spark electricity in his hands.
"Good. Let's hope this provides more than a momentary diversion, though somehow I think it won't!" Radec said as they prepared to fight.
Copy and paaaste, copy and paaaste.
Just press control-C, then a V,
And you’ll copy and paaaaste.
… That was my copypaste song, I hope you liked it.
"You two again? Not after my power are you?" Polygon Man said.
"Ah, the threat to the Helghast, we meet again" Radec said.
"But not for long" Evil Cole said as they prepared to fight.
Polygon Man just sounds irritated here, like “ugh, I don’t have time for you two, go home”. It actually kinda works though for his character.
As for their endings?
Interesting turn of events where Evil Cole betrays Colonel Radec? Or maybe he can’t, and reluctantly only takes half of the power, but wants to find a way to pursue Radec?
Nope! Richie was out of any “creative” steam I guess.
Uuuuuuugh… Okay, now…
How much should have been changed? A lot. In fact, there are three fucking different ways to rewrite this.
Scenario 1: Change this rivalry, so it’s Lucas and Toon Link, against Colonel Radec and Sir Daniel Fortesque.
For Lucas and Toon Link’s story intro, Lucas finds himself warped to the Great Sea, which is stormy. Tetra doesn’t understand how the heck Lucas boarded her ship, or why the Great Sea is so chaotic, so they set course for where the source of this madness could be. Although Lucas is unsure about the circumstances, Toon Link makes it clear that they’ll work together to stop the stormy weather.
In a last ditch effort to find someone to help him, Radec threatens his rival to cooperate with him, knowing that Sir Daniel cannot rest again because of Polygon Man’s coming back. Radec does not plan on sharing any power with Sir Daniel, and will drop him back to his grave once he’s finished.
In their rival scene, Lucas can tell Colonel Radec is probably not a “good” character, and is reminded of the Pigmasks a bit. Toon Link, reckless as ever, thinks Sir Daniel is a monster, so he attacks. Sir Daniel is confused as to why children are attacking, and asks them what’s wrong, only to be not understood. Colonel Radec tells him to stop messing around with children, and that they should be disposed of if they’re going to get in the way.
Alternatively, Radec questions Lucas and Toon Link on what they’re doing, in which Sir Daniel says to go easy on them since they’re young… which is followed by Toon Link firing an arrow into Sir Daniel’s empty eye socket. The undead knight is annoyed even further when Radec mockingly asks if Daniel really believes they’re “so harmless” now. In both cases, a fight breaks out.
In the ending for Lucas and Toon Link’s scenario, they head back to Tetra’s pirate ship. The storm has cleared up, but Lucas has not found a way to return to his era. Tetra is about to suggest sticking around for a while, but Lucas realizes that upon defeating Polygon Man, he obtained a new ability. With it, he opens a goddamn portal back to his era. Toon Link bids him farewell, and Lucas hopes to see him again, wondering if he can now save his own world with the new power. Tetra doesn’t understand what’s going on, but sets off with Toon Link, leading to the events of Phantom Hourglass possibly.
In the ending for Colonel Radec and Sir Daniel, Radec drops Sir Daniel back into his time period, where the undead knight lays to rest. Radec makes a speech about power making its way to him, and how the Helghast will win this war… until he figures out, only a shred of Polygon Man’s power is with him. It instead, was more attached to Sir Daniel, for being a noble hero. Furious, Radec attempts to turn back, to wake Sir Daniel back up for his power, but the knight’s soul has already ascended back to the Hall of Heroes.
Scenario 2: Radec and Evil Cole face Wolf O’Donnell and Wario… yeah, I know. Hear me out on this though.
On the side of the Smash Bros, Star Wolf finds unusual activity going on in the Lylat System, and wonder if it has to do with the Aparoids, even though they were all destroyed. Wolf suddenly gets a contact from Wario somehow, of all people. Wolf is annoyed, and says he’s going to turn it off, until Wario explains that there’s some crazy stuff going on, with “those two gloves” being taken away by “a giant head”, and that it could mess everyone up. Although Leon says not to trust him, and Wolf is reminded of Pigma’s greed every time he sees Wario… he has to give him the benefit of the doubt, as Wario suggests that if he saves the galaxy, Wolf and his gang could remove the bounty on their heads, while Wario can go back to making Microgames with nothing bothering him.
Radec is far more wary and threatening towards Evil Cole, saying that he could use someone with power on his side for now, but is willingly to dispose of Evil Cole, should he betray Radec. Otherwise, mostly plays out the same.
In the rival scene, Wario says they shouldn’t be far off from the source of the craziness, but they run into Radec and Evil Cole. Wario tells them to get out of the way, and pushes Radec without a second thought, while Wolf tells them that the one responsible is “his target”. Radec and Evil Cole… don’t take it well, and start a fight, without even saying a word to Wolf and Wah.
Alternatively, Radec has his sniper pointed at Wolf, but he manages to avoid the shot, and Wolf questions Radec on what he’s doing exactly. Radec explains that he just wanted to see if the “hairy mercenary” was as skilled as he appeared. Evil Cole taunts Wario (who is picking his nose), and Wario says he wants some of the power that Polygon Man has, which amuses Evil Cole, saying he’s got some interesting competition. Leads to a fight either way.
In the Smash ending, Wario betrays Wolf, and takes all of Polygon Man’s power for himself, saying he’s going to use it make as many Microgames as possible, replace "that red-capped idiot” as the main hero, and become rich. Wolf is tempted to shoot him, but when contacted by his teammates, Panther tells him it’s not worth it, and that Wario isn’t going to be able to handle that power… Panther ends up being correct, as Wario is sent flying, Polygon Man’s power cannot be contained by him.
In the All-Star ending, Radec and Evil Cole pause for a moment, knowing each other well enough. Evil Cole is clearly going to pursue Radec if he takes all that power, and he’s aware. With no other way around it, much like in Heihachi and Zeus’s ending, Evil Cole says he’ll fight Radec for it, and the loser walks away… without power, and without their life. Who exactly wins, is up to the reader.
I would have also said… Ness and Lucas maybe fight Kat with (Good) Cole or Emmett Graves, but I just didn’t want to try fixing this mess anymore. Plus, Kat is so friendly, that I don’t think their rivalry would work.
Too bad this fan-fic was made before Smash 4, because I think we can all agree that Dark Pit vs. Evil Cole is the fight we want to see.
Next time is… Snake and Sonic, against Raiden and Good Cole. Prepare for a load of “meh”.
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heartfeltheart · 5 years
Alchemy: Tiny Steps
Chapters: 4/45 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Pro!Snape Series: Part 2 of 9. Summary: Part two of the Alchemy Series.  Politics. Either you love it, hate it or you live it. For Alchemy Teacher Edward Elric, he lives it, hates it and loves it when he gets the upper hand. Here is to another year of hell… D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist. Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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"She's winning their approval... How is she winning their approval?"
Fudge paced around his small office, at the edge of having a mental breakdown. This was not supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to meet with opposition from anyone for the title of Minister of Magic. Albus Dumbledore had stepped down from the offer, the main opponent of this whole race. Then here comes someone 'new'. Madam Amelia Bones. Someone who is in a position that easily puts her for Minister, a powerful witch by everyone's right and she terrifies him.
Fudge stopped pacing around his office when a thought came to mind. Why in Merlin's beard Bones even bothered to take on the position of Minister? Not once had she even glanced at the title and even before Bagnold had taken the position, Bones made any notion about it. Nothing made sense for him.
Everything changed the moment Edward Elric made his appearance in the magical world. The so-called Alchemy Teacher changed and ruined everything for him. Fudge is losing supporters and it appears no matter what he does seems for not. Curse that blasted muggle!
"Are you crazy? I'm being serious here, are you genuinely going crazy?" Edward couldn't believe that his brother of all people has thought up a plan that seemed so... Ugh. He can't even think about it without it warranting him a headache. "You are crazy. Who the hell are you and what have you done with my brother? Wait... Truth? Is that you? I swear if this is one of your damn games..."
Alphonse gave his brother a deadpanned expression with Edward started to yell into his ears, excessively pull at his ears and clothes. Of course, his brother will question his sanity, Mei had already done so. At least Edward is laughing at him at his idea... It wasn't that his idea was horrible, it was something only Edward would have thought of. Not himself, no... Alphonse Elric will never think up such a plan. "Is it true that it's  that horrible of a plan?"
Edward stopped pulling at Alphonse's ears long enough to stop yelling at him. "To be perfectly honest, that plan would have been something I would have thought up. I would have thought you wanted to have them come to your home turf."
"I had thought about that, but... it will be a bigger impact if we personal take a trip out to Magical Great Britain."
"...Wow... Squinty Eyes has really been a bad influence on you..."
"Ugh... why are you looking at me like that?"
"People are going to assume I'm the one that is badly influencing you..."
"So you agree with my plan?"
"No. I don't. I had planned on going back home to Winry and start planning the wedding."
"I thought it got postponed until next summer."
"It did.... Major General Armstrong requested Winry to head out North. Apparently, their automail mechanic had more or less demanded a vacation and they need a mechanic until she returns."
"...She doesn't have a choice, doesn't she?"
"Major General Armstrong added the incentive of paying off our honeymoon to Rush Valley."
"Xing? Are we going to Xing? For what reason?"
"The Emperor of Xing had asked for a select few for a Royal Dinner."
"Do you believe this has to do with choosing the next Minister?"
"What makes you say that?"
"This so-called child Emperor is sending random items to Bone's supporters."
"Are you saying that...?"
"We need to go to this dinner."
"What a lovely invitation..." Amelia Bones mused as she scanned at an invitation that just arrived for her. Written in delicate golden calligraphy, green tinted paper with the symbol of the Emperor stamped on the bottom of the invitation. The more she stared at the invitation, the higher Amelia's eyebrow rose. There was something off in the letter that has her wondering what the writer of the letter wanted her to read.
Placing the letter on top of her desk, Amelia plucked out a feather from an inkwell and a clean scroll. From the conversations, she had with General Mustang, it got her thinking. The second main topic of their conversations, alchemy. One conversation, in particular, was about encrypted notes, maybe there is something more about this invitation?
"Is everything almost ready for our guest, Lan Fan?"
Lan Fan peaked over a large pile of food to get a better look at Ling, said the male is stuffing his face with said food. "All that is left is wait for the said day and for the guest to arrive."
"Good. How about our friends from Amestris?"
Lan Fan disappeared from Ling's sight temporarily and returned with a paper in hand. "They should be arriving tomorrow afternoon. Sooner, depending if the sandstorm lights up."
"And from Magical Britain?"
Once more, Lan Fan disappeared and reappeared with another scroll. "Madam Bones is coming along with her niece, left hand and two other to act as guards. As for Cornelius Fudge," "Hehehehe, fudge..." "he is bringing... over twenty individuals..."
"Should we inform Amestris?"
"The group that needs to know this information are currently stuck in the middle of a sandstorm. We'll tell them once they arrive."
"Of course."
"What are your thoughts on the situation we are currently in, Lan Fan?"
Lan Fan looked partially taken aback by Ling's question. She glanced around the main master bedroom of the Place to see that Ling and herself are the only ones present. The Bodyguard already knew the answer to her question, despite the years of personal knowing the Emperor himself for so many years, it still unnerves her at how casual he is with her during these times. Asking her questions that are typically reserved for a personal 'professional' advisor. Someone the council deemed acceptable and not someone like her. Then again, she is the only one besides a very certain few Ling trust to this high enough of a degree. "I believe this plan will lead to complications if we side with Amestris or Magical Great Britain. Especially who becomes Minister..."
"Especially if Fudge becomes Minister..." Ling hummed musingly, he crossed his arms over his chest and thought over his future actions. He glanced up to that Lan Fan had disappeared from his sight, with a tap of his fingers against upper arm almost annoyingly. In that instant, there was curt knock came from the main entrance of his room and several maids came in to retrieve the empty plates of food. Of course, Lan Fan disappeared from his sight. Rumors quickly spread and they will disproportionate everything they see. That could come in handy... looking around his makeshift desk, Ling picked up a pen (grudgingly, the emperor preferred to use pens over using a brush and ink, he thank Edward for sending him a pack of pens) and a loose leaf of paper from a stack of papers. Writing a couple of words, (mostly measurements), on the paper and signaled for one of the head maids to come over. Fortunately for him, the woman is far too used to his intricate behavior and walked over towards him and kneeled next to him. Ling whispered into her ear and slipped the paper into her hands.
For her own credit, the maid's face remained impassive except when Ling started to giggle at his own plan. With a bow, the older woman hid the paper into her long sleeve and walked out of the room with the others.
"Hey, Lan Fan! Quick question, what's your measurements? I have to make sure the ones I wrote down are the right ones."
From her hiding spot in the room, Lan Fan face went red, mouth agape and pointing accusingly at Ling. She doesn't know if she should be offended at what was asked of her, wonder how Ling even got her... measurements... in the first place or wondering why he needs to know her measurements in the first place! "My Lord!"
"What? I want you to be sitting by my side when they come. There's no one else I trust more being by my side than you."
"Are your measurements-"
The two guards that are guarding the main entrance of the Emperor's room stood in their position for what seemed like forever. This job is dull as their commander deals with the main threats against the Emperor. They are two of the most trusted guards and are tight lip onto whatever is occurring on the other side of the doors. However, what is about to occur will cause the entire Palace will know what supposedly happened behind those closed doors.
Without a second thought, both guards slammed the door open with their weapons drawn. They stopped to gawk at the scene before them...
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