#ugh. and then the hotel room charge. i think maybe working with my dad is not the move i think it is
hoodhinata · 2 years
I already struggle with intrusive thoughts, why would some random text my dad's workphone saying some shit like the sex was good and you taste good. im gonna jump off a cliff
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Rating:  T
Chapter Summary:   Luka helps XY find some musical inspiration in unlikely places, and faces a revelation of his own.
Word Count:  5631 | Chapter 1/4
Notes:  For @luxyweek!  See AO3 for more notes.  Today’s prompt is Eye Contact but I needed that for a later chapter so here’s Collaboration instead
“Dude, can you play, like, anything besides the same four chords?”
Luka groaned and slammed his guitar down on the bed.  “I don’t know, can you say anything that isn’t rude?”
“I’m just trying to help!”  XY straightened from where he was slouched against the wall of Luka’s room.
Luka’s room.  Which XY had invaded for the fourth time this week.  He would’ve kept him above deck, but here there was less chance of Juleka seeing him and teasing him about it.
“It’s XY, bruh.”
“Xavier,” Luka repeated, because he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of using the nickname that was reserved for his peeps.  “You literally ripped off my music.  I don’t see you making anything better.”
XY scoffed.  “I could.  If I had my synths, and your, I don’t know, guitar noises—”
“No.  I’m not falling for that again.”
“C’mon, dude!  Tell me a bass-boosted version of your riffs wouldn’t be awesome!”
“Now you know what a riff is.”  He rolled his eyes.  Was XY trying to be stupid?  It was almost unbelievable that he’d put up with him for the past three days.  He only allowed it because XY would surely be leaving the hotel in a week or two.  Talentless or not, he was an international pop star.  He had to have things to do besides slum around in Paris, particularly in Luka’s “unsexy garbage heap.”
He’d been sure not to clean his room just to spite him.
Luka sighed and picked up his guitar again, but at that point XY was idly bouncing a rubber ball that he’d found among the clutter.  The thwump against the woven rug kept jarring him out of his groove.
“Whatever.  If you’re just gonna play chords, at least do ‘Wonderwall’ again.  That at least kind of slapped.”
“I’m not here for your entertainment. I’m still fine-tuning Marinette’s song.”  
Which would be much easier to do without XY’s background noise.  With him around, all Luka could hear were sharps and twangs and thump-thump-thump beats.  Not the kind of music that would suit Marinette.
“What’s your deal with her, anyway?  Is she paying you for this?”
“She’s… someone special,” Luka settled on, strumming a soft run.  “I’m just happy to enjoy the music her presence brings.”
“So, like, she’s got some background music that follows her around? That’s pretty dope.”
“No, like—ugh, nevermind.”  He guessed it was like background music, her presence was so strong.  She was just always moving, and she had a way of inspiring others just by being there, and— 
When had XY gotten close enough to wave his hand in front of his face?  For being so obnoxious the rest of the time, he somehow managed to be sneaky when he wanted to.  Or maybe Luka had just been that caught up in thoughts of Marinette.
“So, basically, you’re ripping off this Martini’s BGM—”
“It’s Marinette.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.  Anyway, you’re just ripping off her beats, so hah.”
XY smirked, as if that was supposed to be a mic-dropping burn.  
Luka scooted back and put his guitar between them to keep the other boy from invading his space again.  Though honestly, he was more likely to ignore it and crush the guitar with his knees.
“Did no one teach you the difference between inspiration and plagiarism?”  Luka asked before shaking his head.  “Nevermind.  I know the answer to that.”
“I don’t vibe with ‘perspiration.’  That’s what deodorant’s for.”
That was a joke.  That had to be a joke, right?  But XY’s blue eyes were still staring at him seriously.
I can’t believe I almost thought those eyes were cute.
“That’s it.”  He stood up and slung his guitar over his shoulder.  “Enough sitting around.  I’m going to show you what inspiration really is.”
“Ooooooh.”  XY sprawled across the now-open space of Luka’s bed, his palm braced against his cheek as he made the kissy face Luka had come to learn meant trouble.  “You’re gonna sweat for me?”
Luka was about three seconds from slamming his head against the wall.
“Just come on.”
“Where are we going?  Why do I have to wear your stupid hoodie?  My hair is never gonna stick up straight after this.”
Luka tried to tune out XY’s constant stream of questions.  He should be glad Luka let him borrow his hoodie—it was probably the only thing keeping him from being swarmed by teenage girls as they walked to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
When XY finally shut up, Luka glanced back to make sure he was still following.  He half expected the other boy to have just gone back to the hotel, but there he was, still strolling casually and… sniffing Luka’s hoodie?
“What are you doing.”
“What?”  XY’s head jerked up, like he hadn’t just been burying his nose in the crook of his ebow.  “Nothing.”
“Stop sniffing my clothes.  It’s weird.”
“You were the one who made me wear it.”  He crossed his arms.
At risk of learning something he’d regret, Luka asked, “Why are you sniffing my hoodie.”
“Y’know, I was expecting it to smell like your garbage heap, but you’ve got some kind of cologne that’s actually really—”
“Nevermind, I don’t want to know.”  He just hoped his hoodie didn’t smell like XY by the end of the day.
What did XY smell like, anyway?   
...That was a dumb question.  He wasn’t going to think about it.
“Yo, what’s that sick noise?”  XY perked up again, his head swiveling back and forth.
“What noise?”  All Luka could hear were passing cars, chattering pedestrians, and—
“Rloo-rloo, rloo-rloo.”
Luka groaned at the sight of Mr. Ramier once again blowing into his pigeon call.  How many times did Ladybug and Chat Noir have to teach him this lesson?
“C’mon, let’s get out of here.” Luka tugged on XY’s sleeve.  Nothing good would come from hanging around the man when he was feeding his pigeons.  Soon Officer Raincomprix would show up, and then Hawkmoth would akumatize Mr. Ramier for the seventeenth time, and then Luka would be stuck trying to keep XY from getting bombed by attack pigeons.
“Wait, I gotta see what kind of instrument that is!  It’d make a great effect in my next track!”
XY pulled out of his grip and dashed off towards Mr. Ramier.  Luka just sighed and dropped his forehead into his palm.  
Maybe he should just cut his losses, let XY keep his hoodie, and go back home.  It wasn’t like XY would know what real inspiration was if it whacked him over the head, anyway.
But it was his favorite hoodie.
Thankfully, XY had scared away most of the pigeons when he charged towards Mr. Ramier, leaving the man frowning.
“Young man, can I help you?”  He asked politely in spite of his obvious disappointment.  
Luka felt a pang of guilt.  Before Hawkmoth had come around and made Mr. Ramier into an actual danger, he’d been pleasant to talk to from time to time.  It wasn’t like Luka cared if feeding pigeons was technically against the law.
“Yeah!  Can I have that sick instrument?”  XY pointed to the bird call, and Mr. Ramier blinked.
“This?  But I need it to call back my pigeons that you scared away.  They’ll be quite hungry this fine afternoon.  It’s been days since I’ve come to see them.”
“Pshaw, birds don’t care about music.”
“It’s not even an instrument,” Luka muttered to himself, not that XY would care.
“My pigeons have excellent taste.  I’m not sure what your point is, young man, but I cannot give up my pigeon call.”
Maybe it would be better if he did.  At least then Mr. Ramier would have to have a different akumatized object during his next stint as Mister Pigeon.
Granted, taking the bird call would probably lead to an akumatization…
“Leave him alone, Xavier,” Luka sighed.
Both XY and Mr. Ramier looked at him before bursting into a flurry of excuses.
“If you think I’m about to give him my prized pigeon call—”
“Bruh, it sounds so cool—!”
“I wasn’t bothering anyone—”
“Just imagine a nice dubstep beat with that—”
“XY!”  Luka finally snapped.  “Sorry, Mr. Ramier, I forgot Xavier was your name too.”
XY and Mr. Ramier shared a glance.
“Dude,” XY said, going in for a fist bump. 
Mr. Ramier raised an eyebrow.  “Regardless of if we have the same name, you’re not getting my pigeon call.  Good day.”
He brushed off his trousers and rose from the bench.  A few pigeons trailed after him, pecking at the ground near his shoes.
“Aww, come on!”  XY pursed his lips in a pout.  It was ridiculous; he had enough money to buy a hundred bird calls.
Or there was an even simpler option.
“Mr. Ramier?”  Luka asked before the man could stride away.  “What if we recorded the sound of your bird call?  Would that be alright?”
He blinked.  “Why, of course.  As long as you are polite to the pigeons when you call them.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever.”  XY grinned while whipping out his phone.  “This is gonna be lit!”
A few rloo-rloos later, the pigeons were back in full force, and XY was satisfied.  Why he cared so much about some weird noises was beyond Luka, but at least no one had been akumatized.  
“Say hello to Anarka for me.” Mr. Ramier waved as they left, and Luka guiltily waved back.
He hoped their next stop at Marinette’s house would be a little less dramatic.
Marinette’s jaw dropped.  “You want me to what!?”  
Luka winced.  Marinette hadn’t spent all week with XY the way that he had.  She didn’t know that while he was definitely annoying, he was also completely harmless—at least when his dad wasn’t around.
“I’m sorry if I upset you.  I’ve just been trying to show Xavier what real musical inspiration looks like, and I’m always inspired when I’m around you.”
“Really?  Well, um… th-thanks, Luka.”  A cute blush stained her cheeks, but she quickly turned around and gestured to the pile of fabric on the desk behind her.  “I’ve got so much to get done though.  Even if I wanted to help XY—and I can’t say I do after how he treated Kitty Section—I just don’t have time.”
She sighed, sounding legitimately regretful.  He could practically hear the melancholy arpeggios backing her voice.  It was tempting to sling his guitar off his back and play it for her now.  
“How would I inspire XY, anyway?”  she asked him.  “I know you’re, um… well, I understand how I could inspire you, but that’s because…” She shook her head.  “Nevermind.  The point is, I’m not magic.”
Oh.  Right.  Luka had been so caught up in inspiring XY—and proving that Marinette was worth making music for—that he hadn’t exactly thought his plan through.  XY had terrible taste in inspiration, if the bird call was anything to go by.  He wouldn’t care.
Why did Luka care if he cared?
“Yo, are you Marinade?”
She screamed and jumped on the back of her chaise when XY’s head poked up through the trapdoor.  While he still wore Luka’s hoodie, the hood was down so his blond hair again stood straight up.
“Xavier, I told you to wait in the bakery,” Luka hissed under his breath.  
“Marinade’s parents said to bring up some pastries.”  He shrugged and pushed the plate across the floor before folding his arms over the ledge.
“It’s Marinette,” she deadpanned, looking as stern as she could with her arms crossed while perched at the top of her chaise.
“Yeah, that’s what I said.”  XY looked at her like she was stupid, and Marinette glared.  Not at him, but at Luka.  
He swallowed.  Anger wasn’t a pleasant addition to her melody.
“You brought him here?”  she asked Luka, not bothering to lower her voice.  “I know you wanted my help, but I’d rather you ask first.”
Right.  Marinette was just always so willing to help everyone, but maybe he’d inadvertently taken advantage of that.  After all, she clearly had way more sewing jobs than he’d realized, and she’d only just recently finished their Kitty Section shirts.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized again, fingers twitching over his guitar strings.  Maybe he’d have to throw in a clashing chord as a counterpoint to her sweet music.
“Wait, I remember you.” XY squinted up at her.  “You’re the one who made those sick costumes, right?”
“Oh, now he’ll admit it.” She threw her arms in the air.
“Hey, it’s not my fault Dad only gave me a few days to steal—er, come up with a costume design.”  He finished climbing out the hatch and stared around the room.  “I see why you called her persperational, Lu.  These clothes are ballin’.  Could use more purple, though.”
Marinette blinked, her mouth falling open dumbly.  Luka had gotten used to most of XY’s weird American slang, but she probably wouldn’t know that was a pretty decent compliment.
“Let’s just leave before you steal something else.”  Luka attempted to push XY back towards the hatch, but he slipped under his arm and made a break for Marinette’s desk.  
His foot landed on the sewing machine’s pedal, sending the needle whirring.  No fabric was under it, but that didn’t stop Marinette from shouting.
“Quit it!  You’ll tangle the bobbin thread and—don’t touch that!  It’s for Nino’s birthday!”  
She looked to Luka for help as XY ran his hands over her black fabric.  As if Luka knew how to control the reckless idiot.  At least he’d stumbled off the pedal.
“Oooooh.”  He ignored them both and held up the hoodie.  There was green piping along the sides and pockets, and cat ears dangled from the hood.  “Is Kneeknob some kind of furry?”
“No.”  Marinette snatched it out of his hands and inspected the stitching.  It looked finished to Luka; he hoped XY hadn’t damaged it.  But Marinette sighed in relief.  “I know you’re pretty new to Paris, but even you should recognize the Chat Noir theme.  Nino’s a big fan.”
“Pshaw, of course I’ve met Cat Noir.”
Luka grimaced at his American accent.  Cat Noy-er.  
“He and Ladybug saved me from Lu when he went crazy,” XY continued.  “He was so mad because we took—er, remixed your designs, right?  Are you his girlfriend?”
Luka tried his best not to blush.  Marinette already knew that he liked her, and XY normally picked way worse nicknames than “Lu.”  He had nothing to be embarrassed about—except the fact that he’d brought this idiot into her house.
“I—I’m...” She looked at Luka’s hopeful face and sighed.  “No, I’m not.  I’m in love with someone else.”
XY looked between the two of them.  His blue eyes, normally glossed over with boredom, had an odd expression in them.  “Huh.  Your loss.”
Luka wasn’t sure if XY was talking to him or Marinette.  Either way, he had to be joking.  Just egging Luka on, trying to rile him up like he always did.  Maybe he wanted Luka to get akumatized again.  Or maybe he was just mean.
He was so distracted trying to puzzle out XY’s probably meaningless words that he nearly missed XY haggling Marinette for a scrap of the fabric she’d used on the hoodie.
“I’d be a furry if I got to wear this kind of stuff,” he said, pocketing the black square.  “I wouldn’t dress up as the Cat, though.  You know who’s really cool?  That snake dude I saw on the news.  That tiny guitar was very sexy.”
“It’s a lyre,” Luka said at the same time as Marinette.  Why that was the part they chose to dispute, he didn’t know.  His face was burning by this point; it was probably best to get XY out before he either stole something or exposed Luka’s secret identity.
“Thank you for your time, Marinette,” he said quickly.  “I’ll find someone else to teach XY about inspiration.”
“Of course.  You know, you could always try asking Nino.  He works in the same kind of genre as him.  I hear he’s a fan, too.”  She forced a grin and picked up the plate of pastries XY had left on the floor.  
Nino.  Luka remembered him hanging around the Liberty every once in a while, though he’d never heard Nino’s music.  He didn’t feel like sticking around long enough to get Nino’s number from Marinette; he’d text Juleka for it.
He was just about to disappear down the hatch when she spoke up again, her voice soft.
“And just so you know… I am sorry.”
He gave her as gentle a smile as he could.  “Don’t worry about it.”
He knew that she had a crush on Adrien.  He couldn’t ask her to change the song in her heart.
He just hoped he could change the song in his.
“I still don’t get why you wanted me to see Marmalade so bad.  I don’t make my own costumes.”  XY was rubbing the black square of fabric between his fingers as they walked back towards the Liberty.  “Did you think she’d see you with me and get jealous?  Am I just some part of your plan to get a girlfriend?  ’Cause that’s pretty unsexy of you.”
Luka rolled his eyes.  As if anyone would be jealous of having to put up with XY.
“Says the guy who’s only ever used people for selfish reasons.”
“Pshaw, have not.”  XY spun, walking backwards and nearly tripping into the crosswalk.  
Luka, out of reflex, reached for his hand.  It was warmer than he expected as he yanked XY back upright.
XY froze for a moment.  The other pedestrians streamed by on either side of the crosswalk.  Luka’s eyes darted down to their linked hands.  How had their fingers enlaced?
“Tell me one person you haven’t used, then.” Luka ignored the tingles that ran down his arm while dragging him to the other side of the street.
“I’m not using you now,” he huffed, rubbing the hand Luka dropped against his pants.  “You’re the one who wanted to drag me around to see your not-girlfriend.”
“Because you wouldn’t shut up!  If you’re going to trash talk my music, you can at least have the nerve to make your own!”
XY’s eyes widened at Luka’s outburst.  His face looked a little bit red; was he about to snap back at him?  Luka didn’t know if he could keep his calm, not after being rejected by Marinette again.
But no, XY recovered his cool.  “I—I will make my own music.  I’m gonna make the most cash money music you’ve ever heard, and then you’ll regret ever sleeping on the extraordinary XY.”
He threw his hand sign and got a few odd looks from strangers on the street.  If anyone recognized the gesture, they weren’t impressed.  Or didn’t recognize him under Luka’s hoodie.
“Then prove it.  We’ve still got one more stop to make.”  
Luka got out his cell phone and sent a few texts, quickly ending up with Nino’s address and permission to stop by.
If XY had even a note of music in his heart, Luka was going to find it.
“Dude, no way!”  Nino said when Luka sheepishly introduced XY at his apartment doorstep.  “Yeah you guys can come in!  When you said you wanted to help a friend with some music, I didn’t think you meant you wanted me to collab with XY!”
“Finally, a homie with some taste.”  XY slung his arm around Nino’s neck, jostling his headphones.  If Luka didn’t know better, he would’ve thought they were already friends.  But XY was just overly familiar like that.
“You actually like his music?”  Luka asked as they made their way to Nino’s room.  The apartment was painted a dark brown, mostly tidy, but with patches of disorder that rivaled the Liberty.  Video game cartridges, tiny dinosaurs, and toy robots spilled out of a bedroom that they passed.
Nino’s room was only marginally cleaner.  Some shirts, sheets of homework—Luka shuddered at that—and records were piled on his desk and bed.  What took up the most space, though, was the DJ’s turntable, synth board, and meter-high speaker system against the back wall.
“Who doesn’t like XY’s music?”  Nino asked as if Luka was the crazy one.  “I mean, I know Adrien’s got some beef against him, but he’s always been more of a classics guy.  Station Nation, Jagged Stone, stuff like that.  But if you like electronic music, XY’s your man.  And he’s in my bedroom!”
XY beamed, basking in the praise.  Luka thought he’d be used to it, being an international pop star, but his joy seemed genuine.  As did Nino’s.  Marinette must never have told him about what really went down with Kitty Section.  
“Don’t get too excited.  Xavier doesn't make his own music.”
“Bruh!”  XY smacked his arm.  “Not cool!”
“What? It’s true.  I brought you here for inspiration, not so you can take advantage of Nino’s talent.”
Maybe it would’ve been more tactful not to crush Nino’s opinion of one of his favorite artists, but Luka had never claimed to be good with words.
“...You’ve lost me.”  Nino took off his cap and scratched his head.  “XY, you need my help to make some music?  Did you lose your spark or something?”
XY tugged at the chain around his neck, partially hidden beneath Luka’s hoodie.  “Yeeeaaaaah, something like that.  Lu thinks you can help me.”
“Marinette said you work in the same genre as Xavier,” Luka was quick to clarify, even while XY started poking around Nino’s room.  “She suggested you, but you don’t owe me or him anything.  You can say no.”
“Nah, it’s all good!  Even if XY’s stuff isn’t all him, it’s still pretty cool to get to work together in person.  Marinette won’t be the only one who got to help out a star.”  
Nino cleared a space from his bed and rolled out his desk chair.  XY wasted no time in flopping on the bed.  No amount of inspiration would teach him the meaning of personal space.
Speaking of inspiration, Luka could already feel a quick beat pulsing from Nino.  He did have the energy of a musician as he powered up his stereo and synth, connecting wires to his clunky computer.
“That thing looks old.  You’re really gonna make fresh tunes on that?”
“Ah, she’s old, but she’s got the best software pirating can buy.”  Nino grinned.  “Plus my bro Max beefed up the hardware.  She’s not as much of a dinosaur as she looks.”
XY still frowned, but he shrugged.  “You’re the expert, bruh.”
Was XY actually being… nice?  It didn’t make sense.  When Luka had tried to help him, he had practically thrown a tantrum trying to get out of putting in his own effort.  Maybe he still thought Nino would make a whole song for him.
But he didn’t.  He walked him through the program, showing him the electronic instruments he could mix together, but the most he did was demo a few ten-second clips.  Nothing XY could bother stealing.
Luka didn’t know enough about computers to follow most of what went on after that, though XY seemed to pick it up quickly.  Heavy bass started to shake the floor in a way Luka’s mom would appreciate, but Nino’s neighbors probably wouldn’t.  Nino didn’t seem to care.  Or maybe he was just too caught up in helping XY to notice.
Eventually, they plugged in two sets of noise-cancelling headphones to continue, and Luka was left in a disconcerting silence.  The only sound was the other boys’ occasional laughter or music-theory comments that he couldn’t follow.  He knew enough to construct chords, but for the most part he just played what felt right, trusting his ear rather than any kind of formal training.  All the technical jargon might as well have been another mispronunciation of XY’s, except that Nino said most of the words first.
He strummed a few basic chords once he realized the two couldn’t hear him over their own music.  How had Nino done it?  XY was grinning, nodding his head in time with the unheard music… and completely ignoring Luka.
Why did that itch at him?  Luka didn’t want to be saddled with XY.  It had been frustration and annoyance that led him to take the boy around town in search of inspiration.
Well, he’d found it.  XY was clearly getting along fine with Nino, without him.
Strings trembled beneath his fingers.  His own heartsong stuttered out of rhythm.  Too many diminished chords.  Too quick a beat.
This is stupid, he thought, tearing his gaze away from the back of Nino and XY’s heads.  He had no reason to feel jealous of their collaboration, of the way Nino somehow earned XY’s praise.  It was natural that their heartsongs would blend into a fine melody; they both worked with synths and software.  Luka wouldn’t like whatever music they made, anyway.
He could’ve left.  He wasn’t sure what prompted him to keep sitting there in silence, occasionally tuning his guitar and strumming a chord or two.  He should at least be working on Marinette’s melody, but it sounded hollow after listening to the deep bass of Nino and XY.  He could come back to it later.  For now, he let himself draw on the inspiration around him: harsher, sharper chords and echoing notes that would sound better on his electric guitar.  It wouldn’t be his first song choice—he probably wouldn’t even finish it—but there was something energizing about the discordant tune.
Was this what was in XY’s heart?  He played up close to the tuning pegs for the deepest chords his instrument could summon.  That wasn’t quite right though; XY did have some higher pitched notes in him.  The contrast was what made his song interesting.
Contrast.  Between his stupid mispronunciations and the conflict with his dad.  Between the way he nearly fell over every time he turned around and his strange ability to sneak up on Luka.  Between his outburst about not making his own music, and his embarrassed apology afterward.
What did it all mean?  And most of all, why did Luka care?
It wasn’t until his stomach growled loudly that he realized how long he’d been sitting and composing.  Nino and XY were still sitting at the synth, too.  XY’s fingers nimbly danced across the keys, though Luka still couldn’t hear any of the music.  Why the headphones?  Nino had giant speakers right there.  Unless they were trying to be considerate of the neighbors after all.  
It was dark by now, clearly past dinner time.  He’d spent the whole day with XY.  
He stood up with a sigh and shook his shoulder.  “We should head out.  We don’t want to take up Nino’s whole night.”
XY pouted, as if he’d actually been enjoying playing music.  Luka did feel a small surge of satisfaction at that.
Nino slipped off his headphones.  “You’re not bugging me, dudes.  If you don’t have anywhere to be, you can totally chill here tonight.  XY can keep working on his song, and I can order us a pizza.”
“That’d be tight.”  XY grinned, holding his fist out to bump Nino’s.  How were they already that close?
Part of Luka wanted to reject Nino’s offer just because of that.  But it was a Saturday night, and he didn’t have anywhere to be.  Mom probably wouldn’t even be home.
“Sure,” he sighed as XY let out a loud whoop.  “I don’t see why not.”
Luka awoke to a foot in his ribs.  He jolted up, nearly shouting, before realizing that it was just XY tripping over him.
Right.  They’d spent the night at Nino’s, sharing an air mattress on the floor.  Luka had wanted to take the couch in the living room, but XY insisted on having the “deluxe slumber party experience.”  That was something else they had in common, he guessed—neither of them had ever had a sleepover with friends before.  Nino had been appalled when he found out.
Four hours, three pizzas, and about twenty card games (that XY cheated at) later, they’d finally crashed for the night.  Except XY hadn’t, apparently.
“Go back to sleep, man,” Luka groaned, rolling over.  He’d been worried about XY flopping over on him in the middle of the night, but that would be preferable to this awakening.
“You go back to sleep.”
Luka blinked against the sudden burst of light.  He twisted around to see… XY booting up Nino’s computer?
The last dregs of sleep fled him as he scrambled to XY’s side.  “No way.  I did not just spend all this time hanging out with you for you to rip off Nino’s music!”
“Wha—that’s what you think I’m doing?”  XY’s jaw dropped.  Why was he surprised?  He was obviously…
Pulling up the track he’d been working on earlier.  The one titled XY’s Very Cash Money Day.
“Oh.”  Luka exhaled.  “Wait, if you’re just working on that, then why did you get up now?  It’s”—he looked at the clock in the corner of the screen—“three a.m.!”  
Nino let out a loud snore, making him jump again.  Maybe he should be quieter.
XY shrugged.  “So?”
“So, you could’ve waited until morning.”
He shook his head.  His normal gravity-defying hair had flattened during the short time he had slept, the gel finally wearing out.  It was weird to watch stray strands dance around his face, catching the computer’s glow.
“These beats wait for no dude, dude.”  He slipped on the headphones, disheveling his hair further.  It looked surprisingly soft, considering how much hair gel he must have slathered in it.
“So you… just woke up because you were feeling inspired?”
Another shrug.  “I don’t think I sweat when I sleep.”  
XY sniffed his armpit.  He was still wearing Luka’s hoodie; he hadn’t had any other clothes to change into, and he’d been just barely too tall to borrow Nino’s.  
“Nah, still smells like your sexy cologne.”
...How was Luka even supposed to respond to that?  He shook his head, hoping the computer’s light didn’t catch too much of the blush in his face.
“Inspiration, not perspiration.  You know that.”
XY had to know more than he let on.  He’d understood Nino’s technical jargon, and he’d thrown together—presumably—a whole song in an afternoon.  Luka didn’t know if it was any good; XY hadn’t allowed him to hear it.
“I don’t get it.  Why did you steal music when you knew how to make your own songs all along?  Unless Nino really inspired you that much.” He sat back down at the edge of the air mattress; it squished under his weight, almost leaving him on the floor.
XY laughed.  “Man, you’re dumb.”
“Wh—you’re telling me I’m dumb?”  He was used to XY’s insults, but this one didn’t even have context.  Unless it was supposed to be obvious that stealing was easier than making his own songs.  Either way, it didn’t sound like he was getting an explanation tonight.
XY wasn’t getting anywhere on his song tonight, either.  He threw off the headphones and flopped back next to him.  He was going to pop the mattress doing that.  
“I can’t work with you watching me.  Your eyes are too… y’know.”  He gestured vaguely.  Luka could barely see him when the monitor flickered off.
“I really don’t.” 
“You’re just. Always looking.  Like… I dunno.  You expect to see something.”
Luka blinked at that.  What did he expect to see?  He knew XY was an art thief, and a pretty bad one at that.  But that melody he’d felt from him today still intrigued him.  Not a rock ballad by any means, but something still vibrant.
“I don’t know if I really expect anything,” Luka murmured, lying back, so his head was at XY’s feet.  His hands folded over his stomach.  “But I guess… I hope there’s something in you, Xavier.  Something that understands music beyond just wanting to be famous.”
XY was quiet for a long time.  When he didn’t reply, Luka assumed he’d finally gone to sleep, and tried to roll over and do the same.  Between Nino’s snores and the thin blanket, it was difficult to drift off again.
So he was still conscious when XY asked, “Do you really think I can do it?”
It was hard to hear from this angle.  He turned around, so their heads were on the same side of the air mattress.  Did XY really say what he’d thought?
“Y’know.  Make my own music?”  he whispered.
“I… yeah,” Luka said, surprising himself.  He remembered the genuine joy on XY’s face when he’d been creating today.  “I really do.”
“Then… thanks.”
In the faint light through the window, Luka could make out his smile.  Not the duck lips, this time.  The moonlight and late hour had stripped away some of his posturing.
“It’s nothing.”  Luka shrugged, rolling over before he could think about just how warm that smile made him.
“‘Night, Lu.  Dream of guitars, or whatever goes through your funky head.”
Luka snorted, suppressing a laugh.  “’Night, XY.”
XY laughed back, a bright burst that somehow sounded less annoying than usual.  “You said my name!  You’re officially one of my peeps!”
He was probably going to regret that when XY teased him in the morning.
“I said good night,” he repeated.
He didn’t regret it.  Not the nickname, or the way that XY’s head had somehow rolled onto his chest as they slept, the tip of his hair tickling his nose.
It was going to take more than just a few chords to unravel the music that left in his heart.
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Here is Chapter 16! There’s a lot more of the show in this one to make up for 15 lol and some peggysous fluff in the beginning. Enjoy! :) 
(PS. Tio means uncle lol)
Peggy's POV:
I wake up early in the morning, feed Steph, and go to the kitchen to make some tea. I notice Daniel still asleep on the couch, and he looks uncomfortable. Perhaps once we move he'll be able to sleep in his on bed again, and actually be comfortable. I can't believe I told him as much as I did last night, although it is a relief having some of it off my chest, I still wasn't ready for him to know all of that. I like Daniel, i really do, perhaps more than friends...but he showed me last night that he wasn't interested, or that he lost any interest he had. I never forgot the time in his room where we nearly kissed, our lips barely grazed the other...and yet I felt something; and I want to feel that spark again. Thats why, when I slip up and kiss his cheek, I try to compose myself or act as if it weren't a big deal. But last night he turned away from me, and I'm afraid that door is well and truly locked for good.
I look in the refrigerator for the milk to put in my tea, and I notice the label; Daisy Clover Dairy. Damn. I almost forgot I have to find the milk truck with nitramene that Branis stole. Ugh, its going to be a long week. I look over at Steph and she keeps wiggling around as if shes looking for something; or someone. I love how much she loves him, but once we leave I'm afraid of how she'll respond. I look over at Daniel and hes still fast asleep; then an idea pops in my mind. Perhaps its a bad one, but I do it anyway. I lift poppet up and place her on Daniels chest, and the second she realizes who he is, she snuggle against him and falls asleep. More and more am I amazed at how close they are. Its incredible. I can only imaging what her father would say or do if he knew how close Steph was with someone else. Knowing his obsessive and overbearing nature, he would probably get angry and try to prevent Daniel coming anywhere near her. But babies are good detectors of good people, and it seems Daniel is he best.
I hear a noise and look over at the sleeping pair. Daniel laid his arm over Steph to hold her close to him. All I can do is smile at the sight in front of me. If only I had a camera to capture this moment. Normally I wouldn't care for such things...but this is an exception. I turn away and sip my tea when I hear a noise; Daniel is starting to wake up.
"Mmm." He moves around and realizes hes not alone. "Uh, Hey little one. Where'd you come from?" I'm assuming he looks around, but I don't think he sees me. "How the hell did you get over here?" I see his head pop up from the couch and hold her closer. She rest her head on his chest and sleeps soundly.
"I'd be concerned if she were walking already." He looks up and finally notices my presence.
"Jesus Peg! You scared the hell outta me!" I laugh at his declaration. "How long has she..."
"Only a few minutes. She wouldn't sit still and kept looking around for you, so I placed her with you. And of course, she fell right back to sleep." He looks down at her and kisses her cheek.
"You are the sweetest thing ever." And I couldn't agree more.
"Can you believe she'll be 6 months in a few weeks? Because I can't!" I say.
"Seriously? Jeez.. Has it really been that long?" I nod my head and make my way to the couch, and i sit next to him.
"Indeed it has. Its only 5 weeks away, but it feels much shorter than that." He hands her over and she snuggles against me. "Well its about bloody time you little minx." He looks at me and laughs." I suppose she just needed to cuddle with Tio Daniel first."
"Tio Daniel!?"
"Or would you prefer....Godfather?" He leans back and looks at me, his eyes wide.
"Peg. Are you serious? You're not kidding?" I laugh and shake my head.
"So is that a yes?" He quickly leans over and embraces me and starts to lead towards my cheek, but stops himself.
"I don't mind, Daniel." I turn to him. "I do it to you, why should it be one way around." I say boldly. I know exactly why. Women do it as affection, or for thanks and gratitude, sometime its only a friendly gesture. But for men? Its meant for familiar family and spouses. He still looks afraid...I suppose I need to squash that. I lean over and place one hand on his cheek, and kiss the other. "See? no harm. We're very good friends, Daniel. It doesn't bother me." He still looks shocked and frozen.
"Yeah, uh..right. No, uh sorry. Your're right." Hes adorable when he gets like this, all awkward and stuttering, and I can't help but laugh.
"We should be getting ready. I have a feeling its going to be a long day at the office." At this he snaps out of whatever trance hes in and stands.
"Yeah, you're right. I should probably jump in the shower and get ready." I stand up as well and embrace him.
"I'll see you at the office." Steph reaches out one last time and gets her snuggles, and then we leave. I meet up with Jarvis and we look at the housing I will be staying at. Its one of Howard's quieter residencies; But I'm starting to have second thoughts. I take a delicious scone from the table as we continue to walk. As we tour the house and Jarvis describe the layout and such, I speak up.
"I can't stay."
"Mr. Stark insisted."
"But he also wants me to clear his name for multiple charges of treason. If anyone finds out I'm living in his house, I'll be fitted for the noose!"
"Well if it puts you at ease, this isn't one of him primary residences. He uses it more for...private entertaining."
"Its too risky."
"Well if you're sure you wouldn't like to see the master bedroom." Although I know this is a absolutely horrible Idea, I follow him anyway. When we enter the room, I fall in love. The bed is the most comfortable thing I have ever laid on.
"Perhaps a night or two won't kill us." He chuckles and give me the Intel he has on Leviathan; which is nothing at all. The SSR had nothing on them either. The only lead we have in the milk company that has a truck full of nitramene. Jarvis asked about the foreign agents with the odd throats and I explained that the New York hospitals had no record of Laryngotamy patience in the last 3 years."So I've got 2 foreign agents, with no voice boxes, fighting over a milk truck full of experimental implosives. "
"Just another day at the office"
"Ugh, I wish." I explain when the Daisy Clover opens and how I plan on infiltrating it and finding the truck. He insist on waiting with the car, but I tell him no. Hes already been through enough danger. As we have this conversation I explore the room, and when I get to the wardrobe...I am astounded. I'm not sure a theater has as many costumes as Howard does. But the white coat will prove useful. Soon after I hand Steph over to Jarvis, I head to get some work done
When I get there at the Daisy Clover, I use my American accent and a pair of glasses, and the white overcoat as a disguise. I confront the manager and say that there have been many complaints and I am one of them. I go on a rant and scare him enough to get him to cooperate; not many men like a bossy women and it can intimidate them. It seems like forever that I've searched this entire bloody place, but theres no sign of gamma rays or the truck. I look at the paper and notice a truck is missing.
"We've had a guy out sick the past two days. He uses his truck to commune."
"Has he never heard of a bus? Name and address."
"Sheldon McFee, but I don't have an address."
"Leave that to me." I storm off the property, but not without doing some proper inspector work. I shout to put air in one or the tires, and then leave.
Daniel's POV:
I can't believe Peggy wants me to be Stephanie Godfather! And she addressed me as Tio Daniel to Steph...I honestly can't believe that just happened. But of course I ruined the moment by trying to kiss her again. I know she doesn't mind it, but I do. I still can't forget the time in my room when we almost kissed; thats and all the times shes kissed my cheek or my hand.  I felt this...spark, and yet we barely grazed our lips against each other. Its torture having these feelings and not letting them out. I really like Peggy, as more than friends, but I know shes probably not ready for that sort of thing right now; and besides she has a kid. Even though I love that kid as if she were my own, shes not. I'll never be able to be her dad, and I think thats what hurts the most. It'll be worse when they find somewhere to move, I won't be able to see them as much; especially Steph.
When I know Peggy is gone I go to my room and look for something to wear after I get out of the shower. But the only clean shirt I have left is the one Steph ripped. Dammit. Guess this will have to do. I jump in the shower and get dressed, and once I'm done, I drink some coffee and head to the office. Peg isn't here yet, but I don't expect her to be; I know shes looking to see if he can stay with the sitters for a while. I know she hates the idea of house jumping, but its the only option she has that lets her live with her daughter. I would say Steph could stay with me while Peggy came by my apartment and stayed for her free time while she worked or was at the Hotel for woman. But I also work and can't watcher her 24/7. I feel horrible that I can't help out more...
"Hey Sousa! What happened to you? Did you get mugged?" Krisminski Laughs.
"What?" I ask.
"Well, your shirt is ripped. So I asked if you got mugged? I mean, Its not like you can fight back with one leg."
"Hey, whoa. We don't know if it was some low life thieves out to steal a gimps money. Maybe it was that girl hes been rushing off to see... Am I right Sousa?"
"Shut up, Thompson." I go to my desk and start looking through the files we have on Stark. I look up at the clock and notice Peggy isn't back yet, and its almost 9:15. Where is she? Maybe I'm the only one whos noticed, but shes always here five till 9; always. I keep looking at the files, but can't help but look at the clock. And then she arrives. Thank God. When she walks by my desk she smiles, but then looks at me confused. She makes a small gesture to my shirt, and I nod, then she laughs softly; she knows its the same one Steph ripped.  Hours go by and I get bored, so I look at the horse race chart.
"Whiteby's Prospect. Third Race." I turn round and see Peggy looking over my shoulder, her coat in hand.
"You sure?" I smirk. I know she doesn't really care about these things. Once when I was home and she came in, she noticed the races and laughed at me. She said it was a waste of time and money, and that most of the races were probably rigged.
"Not at all, thats why they call it gambling." We smile at the each other and then I circle her suggestion.
"I have to pop out for a moment, personal matters. Cover for me?" My first thought is somethings wrong with Step.  I lower my voice, so no one else can hear.
"Is everything okay with..." At first shes confused, then she gets it.
"Oh! No of course not, thats...no everything's fine in that regard." I sigh of relief. Peggy quickly reaches out and rubs my back comfortingly. "You'd be the first to know if something were wrong, Daniel. I assure you." I nod my head again and smile.
"Okay, good to know." She smiles and leans one hand on the back of my chair.
"So will you do it...?"
"Sure, but you'd own me one." She smiles again and Agent Mills hands me the photos from Spider Raymond's club. "Hey, Thanks a bunch." Peg asks about the folder and I tell her, then she offers to help me look for the woman who killed Raymond. Weird... "I thought you said you were leaving?"
"Oh well-"
"Hey Sousa, you're needed in the basement." Krisminksi says.
"I'm kind of busy"
"Well now you're extra busy. I got a ten ton ball of rocks and garbage with your name on it." God I hate this guy.
"Alright alright, just give me a minute." I put the folder away and the paper with the race. Then turn to Peggy. "Guess I'm gonna miss that race."
"Its probably for the best." She says. Kriskminski orders Peggy to file some reports, so I guess she doesn't get to leave. I hope it wasn't too important.
Peggy's POV:
"I see. Yes, Yes, Perfect. Thank you." I finally was able to gather the information and address of Sheldon McFee. Hopefully I'll be able to find the truck of Nitramene an turn in into the SSR; maybe then I'll get a break around here. I grab my coat and glance at Daniel before I leave. What is he doing? He has something hidden under a file that hes looking at. Gambling on Horse racing. Men...I take a guess and he listens to me, God he is a mess. I tell him that I need to leave on personal matters, and he automatically got worried about Stephanie. I don't think I can adore him any more for that. If anything were wrong with her, not only would I rush out of the this building, but I would grab Daniel and force him to come with me. Hes the first person I would come to if something were to ever happen to my daughter.
As I start to leave, I'm called for me reports to file. The bloody buffoons I work with are so idle. I look around, and make sure no one is watching me, and then I hurry to Chief Dooley's office to make a call; no trace. And he answer.
"I don't have long, so I need you to listen very carefully. I need you to dispose of Howard's car."
"I beg your pardon?" Jarvis says.
"The SSR are looking into Roxxon at this very moment at car sustained damage at the site, and is likely to be teeming with Vita Radiation. Make it disappear." He huffs, but agrees.
"Very well. The linens should be done in the wash in 30 minutes-"
"Now."I say. He asks about the Dairy truck and I give him the Intel I've found and then end the call. I have to know if my face is in any of those photos. This could ruin my career, get Steph taken from me, and... cost me everything with Daniel.
Hours later, when the coast is clear, around lunch, I stop eating the Orange Daniel gave me and sneak over to his desk. But of course nothings ever that easy. The phon on my desk rings, and then the one on Daniels; and I hit my head "Bloody Hell" I whisper aloud. That wasn't suppose to happen.I peak my head from the Desk and see Daniel coming my way. Dammit. I sneak back over to my desk as he answers the phone. Chief Dooley wants me to bring the Vita Ray Detector to the main Roxxon office.
"What was that about?" Daniel asks.
"Oh, just another errand." I reply as I walk away. I go to the file room and pick it up from where I pout it back this morning and then leave for Roxxon.
"Carter about time." Dooley says. Wanker...
"Oh! I didn't know  our government had such good taste in secretaries. Whats your name, Darling?"A man says, I'm assuming is Mr. Jones.
"Agent." I say simply. i hand over the detector to Dooley and say I will see him at the office, but he has other ideas.
"Yeah we could use your help" Thompson says. I'm sure you do.
"It wouldn't be for filing would it." I retort.
Dooley explains that the vita rays could still be on the person that handled the nitramen. He wants me to stay and check the woman in the facility because a man doing it isn't appropriate. God help me...I rush to the restroom to make sure none of the Vita rays are on me form when I had infiltrated the other facility and found Branis. Turns out I do. "Sorry Nana." I throw away the watch my grandmother had given to me before she died. I wasn't particularly close with her, but I was closer to her than my mum. She always encouraged my adventurous side and never forced me to learn to 'be a lady'.
Mr. Jones gathers up his employees and they stand in a long line to be tested. For a while there was nothing and i thought this whole thing was pointless, but then I see him. The man who helped Branis make the nitramen bombs. Thompson tests him, but he comes back clear. I ask him to stop walking away and ask Jones about the uniforms. Vita rays hardly saturate a persons skin, but clothing is tainted for longer, and when I suggest to check the locker rooms, Van Ert makes a run for it; and Dooley and Thompson chase him. Men are so quick to act rather than think. I take the stairs and beat him to the lobby.
"May I?" I ask as I take a mans brief case. I take it and wack Van Ert in the legs, and he falls to his feet. Thompson puts him and handcuffs and Dooley watches, out of breath. How he can be sweating this much is beyond me. "May I be pf any further assistance?" I ask. Once he is apprehended we leave to the SSR.
When we enter the SSR, I notice Daniel hard at work, and I catch myself from smiling. He works so hard and yet no one notices his efforts. Our eyes meet and I tilt my head for him to follow, and he does. We watch chief start to interrogation, but I'm not completely paying attention. I look over t him and see his shirt still torn, and i laugh.
"What?" He looks puzzled.
"Your shirt." I point and he looks down and laughs
"Yeah, uhm...its the only one I had left that was clean."
"I'm still sorry that happened,I-I still can't believe it."
"Its not your fault, Peg. Things happen." I hum in agreement.
"Have any of the boys noticed?" I ask. But he doesn't answer. "Daniel?"
"Yeah, but its nothing."
"What did they say?" He turns away from me and watches Dooley. "Daniel. What did they say?" Now I'm getting angry.
"It doesn't matter, Pe-
"Yes it does. It matters to me. What. Did. They. Say." He glances at me, quickly, and then back at Dooley. I reach out to him and hold his hand. "Daniel..."
"They just...thought I got mugged by some thieves..."
"And...?" He shakes his head and refuses to continue. I grab his shoulders and force him to face me, but he doesn't look at me. I place my right hand under his chin and my left in his cheek. "What aren't you telling me?" I ask gently. He takes a deep breath and speaks.
"They said that I got mugged by thieves..."I raise my brow, "Becasue I can't defned myself with one leg."
"What!?" He tries to shuh me to not bring any attention "No. I will not 'Shh' What else?"
"What. Else?"I place my hands on my hips; now I'm fuming.
"The other wasn't so bad..." Again I raise my brow. "He said that...it was a woman who did it." I know hes still holding back. "I can't win with you can I?"
"Never." I say and he laughs.
"He said that it was the woman that 'I've been rushing to meet' for the past 2 weeks."
"What woman?" Daniel's seeing someone?I had no idea.But I suppose it makes sense as to why he turned away from me last night...
"No one. There isn't one, I swear" I hadn't realized I was holding my breath, that is, until I released it. "No need to look so relieved." Damn.
"Sorry I-"
"I'm just messing with you, Peggy." I smile and shove him playfully.
"Arse." Before we know it, Dooley walks in the room and watches Thompson beat on Van Ert. If talking doesn't work, brute force does. He sends me home because 'lady's shouldn't e seeing this' As if I haven't seen worse during the war. I glance at Daniel and smile; one more night before Steph and I go to Howard's old house. I'll miss Daniel...
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brujeria-histeria · 5 years
Swimsuit hacy fic
Macy owned no swimsuits currently, her last regular swimsuit, she grew out of and the other one was a beach patrol bathing suit she owned from her second year of college when she got to do a special semester of marine biology and chemicals in a coastal city. 
Macy was also not one to really show off too much of her “assets” and instead usually chose to wear long flowy clothing or long sleeve shirts. So when Maggie proposed for the 4th of July, 2 days away,that they have a pool day at this fancy resort an hour into town, Macy panicked a bit. 
“Maggie it sounds wonderful but it takes me entirely too long find a suitable swimsuit to cover everything properly.” Macy did not want to make excuses, while she could usually find a nice fitting top, she had a shapely and curvaceous butt that did not like to cooperate with swimsuit season. 
“Macy, you’re have the body of a model, what swimsuit isn’t going to fit you?” Maggie deadpanned.
“Its not my size, it’s just that… I always get a little shy when I’m in a swimsuit. I never know if its too much or.” 
“Oh, no we’re gonna fix that.” Maggie waved her hand and got up to leave. “Don’t worry I’ll find you something perfect.”
For some reason Macy was nervous about Maggie getting her a swimsuit, and she had good reason to be because Maggie needed to confirm an unspoken attraction Harry had for her older sister, and now was the best time to see it in action. 
2 days later on the morning of fourth of july, maggie had arranged for them to get into the secure resort via a kappa member who worked there, although she begged Harry to let her use his credit card to book it because they would stay the night. Which he relented as long as she promised to behave accordingly so they wouldn’t get fined. 
the hotel room was huge, and more like a fancy apartment, which Harry nearly fainted when she told him how much the room actually went for, but sighed in some relief when she said her friend got it for them at a regular room rate. The girls would share one bedroom while harry would take the other. 
They all got ready for the pool & lounge below and put on their swimsuits. Mel had on a cheetah print monokini and matching cover up, Maggie wore a hot pink & leaf print bikini that had a bustier top and coverup which mel bought for her. Harry had on of course, a burgundy pair of swimming trunks and, ugh, a Hawaiian Shirt like a true DAD, and the Jesus 4000 sandals. 
“Harry, we need to have a sift through your closet.” Maggie shook her head. 
“What?” he said glancing down at himself. 
Mel laughed and teased Harry for looking like such an uncle. “People are gonna think you’re our dad or something.” 
“I don’t look old enough to be your father! Maybe Maggie but-”
“You look old enough in that outfit.” Mel teased. 
the last sister Macy, had not emerged from the room yet, she whispered to maggie to come help her tie the back. Once maggie was in the room, Macy hadn’t even put on the swimsuit. 
“Maggie what the hell is this??” she whisper-yelled pointing to the navy blue strappy, very limited material of the bikini that Maggie bought her. 
“A swimsuit Dr. Vaughn.” Maggie blinked. 
“I cannot go down there wearing this!” 
“Macy, I am so sick of you covering yourself up out of shame, that she be something you only do if you want to.” 
“I do want to.” 
“Yeah only because you still for some reason believe you can’t be sexy and smart. You’re a strong woman, and plus all of us have to give the haters something to talk about. Own how smoking hot you are.” 
“What haters?” Macy looked around confused.
“The haters of life.” Maggie shooed. “We’re gonna head down, meet us down there and don’t look like a nerd, if you can last an hour I’ll let you have my coverup.”
Macy pursed her lips, she was too old to act the same way she has been since she was a body conscious 14 yr old. This was the year of trying something new.
“Where’s your sister? She taking an awfully long time, and we’re going to lunch soon.” Harry asked.
“She’s coming….” Maggie hoped she was coming, it had been 30 minutes. 
“Maybe her bathing suit tore or something?” Mel suggested. Hm I could help her go get another one.
“No no no, I picked this one out myself and I have great taste. Harry you’ll be begging me to help me after you see Macy.” 
“Why would I-” Harry stopped mid sentence and just stared wide eyed, at the absolute vision coming across the concrete of the pool side. It was Macy with a very skimpy, very strappy, hip hugging bikini. He gulped. 
“I-I- well uh, I.” He stuttered out. 
Maggie grinned to see her sister coming across the pool side, with the heels on, which Maggie also sabotaged for her to only be able to wear those knowing Macy would never go barefoot in public.
“OH MY GODDESS.” Mel laughed. “Macy you look incredible!” 
Macy blushed as she approached, while Harry still said nothing, duly noted by Maggie, all he did was simply stare.
“Harry, you ok there.” Maggie prodded. 
“Uh, um, yes, I just uh, have never seen your sister’s stomach before…..” he trailed off. 
“Mm hm.” Maggie reclined in her chair. 
The rest of the day was full of drinks, food and Harry fending off the plethora of thirsty men from hitting on his three charges, looking extra jealous when they hit on Macy, who he tried very hard to look her in the eyes at all times. Dammit Maggie. 
He didn’t know what the youngest was up to, but she was obviously schememing, she grinned at his blushing face whenever he turned away from Macy. He considered not drinking tonight to avoid hiccups but Maggie was already shoving mimosas in his face and Mel handed him tequila shots, two of which she got free from the female bartender who chatted her up. 
Harry was enjoying himself nonetheless, until maggie pulled him and Macy onto the dancefloor then left them both there while she ran to “get drinks”. Harry muttered awkwardly, while Macy gave her signature awkward grin, they stood silently until the movie bodies bumped into them, pushing them together. 
“I’m not much of a dancer.” Harry looked down. 
“Me either, well I danced ballet, but uh I was never really into club dancing and stuff, you know boundaries..” Macy rambled. 
Maggie watched from afar, even if they didn’t dance it was satisfying to see those two adorable nerds turn new shades of pink and red. 
“Uh, I’m not one for the, erm grinding, either, perhaps let’s just slip off while Maggie isn’t here. Macy nodded and led Harry by the hand who felt a jolt of electricity and then heat around his neck, which earlier he remedied by jumping in the pool, but they were a bit aways from the pool and the only way through the crowd at this point was toward the balcony garden.
“Macy, I must say, I’ve been acting strange today, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, given, well….”
“You’re fine Harry. I’ve never seen so many shades of red before.” she giggled. 
“Ah well yes, the color of it, suits you. You honestly look good in any color.. Maybe I should have Maggie pick my closet, you look amazing.” Harry rubbed his neck, and looked Macy in her eyes. 
“Do you wanna, stay here to look at the fireworks, I think this is good spot, while everyone is too busy on the dance floor. I mean we’ve got an hour but,”
“I’d love to stay here with you.” Harry smiled. 
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kiddoryder · 5 years
Grounding an Angel: Comission 3
for @anitoonzforever enjoy!
Angel was in his room putting bombs in an empty box. Then decorated the box to make it look like a regular chocolate box. 
 Angel - *chuckled* “Oh this prank will be so perfect! That will teach that bitch Vaggie for annoying the hell out of me!”
 Angel leaves the room and went to Vaggie’s door. He put the box on the floor, knocked on the door and quickly ran to hide in the corner of the hallway. The. Angel watches as Vaggie opened the door and looked down at the box. 
 Vaggie - *confused* “Huh? Chocolate? Who left this here?”
 Angel giggles quietly as Vaggie picked them up and look at them. 
 Vaggie - “Hm must be from Charlie. *smiles* She always love to give me little gifts once in a while.”
 Angel: *quietly and excited* “Oh here it comes!”
 She slowly opens the box...Then downstairs Charlie and her baby cousin Sonya was going over the hotel room. 
 Charlie - “Do you have any ideas on what room to add Sonya?”
 Sonya - “Art And crafts rooms are always popular.”
 Charlie - “Oh that’s perfect! It can help demons express themselves in a way that show their true self! We can have painting-“
 All of a sudden, they both heard a loud booming sound. It was so loud and unsettling that it made Charlie and Sonya fell on the ground.  
 Charlie - *scared* “What was that?!”
 Sonya - “Sounds like it came from upstairs. Let’s go check it out.”
 They went upstairs and saw Vaggie's door blown up. They went inside, and they saw that half of Vaggie’s stuff was either covered in ashes or was destroyed. There was even smoke coming out of the room. 
 Sonya - *shocked* “Holy crap!”
 Vaggie was standing there about to blow a fuse. She was angry to the point that her eye was twitching. Charlie slowly walk up to her girlfriend trying to see if talking to her can calm her down.
 Charlie - *worried* “V-Vaggie? Are you alright?”
 Sonya - “What happened here?!”
 Vaggie: *fuming* “I'll give you one guess......ANGEL DUUUUUUUUST!!!!!”
 Angel - *comes in acting innocent* “Yes babe?”
 Vaggie: *furious* “I have had it with you! You're acting like a delinquent child!!”
 Angel - “What? I didn't do anything?”
 Charlie - *deadpan and cross arms* “Then why is her room destroyed?”
 Angel - “You have no proof that I did it.”
 Sonya - “Angel you're the only person beside Liz, that loves to pull pranks on Vaggie.”
 Charlie - “And it wasn’t Liz because Sonya was with me the whole time.”
 Sonya - “And today is Liz’s day off since she wanted to stay in the Mind House for the day.”
 Vaggie - “And a piece of your hair was on the box!”
 Vaggie pulled up a piece of white and pink hair that clearly belong to Angel. Knowing that he was now exposed, Angel just crossed his arms with a displeased look saying:
 Angel - “Aw come babe on can't you take a little joke?”
 Even more furious, Vaggie grabs her hairbrush, grabs Angel Dust by his hair, and drags him out of her room to his room. She didn’t even care that she was hurting him by pulling on his hair. After getting into Angel’s room Vaggie puts him over her lap after she sits on his bed. Then she raised up her hairbrush.
 Vaggie - “Does this answer your question?!”
 She brings down a hard smack in Angel’s bottom. However, it didn’t really hurt Angel at all. He turned to Vaggie and said:
 Angel - *giggled* “Bitch that was sad.”
 Vaggie - *angry* “What did you say?!”
 She brings down a few more hard smacks on Angel’s bottom. But Angel doesn't even flinch or cry in pain when the brush was hitting his bottom. Instead, he was just looking at his nails with a bored blank expression on his face.
 Angel - *bored* “How long you are planning to do this?”
 Vaggie - “Until you say you're sorry!”
 Vaggie bring down a few more smacks and Charlie and Sonya saw through the doorway.
 Charlie - *worried* “Vaggie, what if you hurt him?”
 Vaggie - “Then that means that he learns his lessons!”
 Angel: *fakes a yawn* “Yawn! I'm getting bored here.”
 Vaggie get angry and smacked him again but Angel still looked bored.
 Angel - “Hey can I go now?”
 Charlie - “I think you should stop, Vaggie. It isn't working.”
 Vaggie - “Them why don't you step in and spank him instead? Or at least punish him?”
 Charlie - “I can't…”
 Vaggie - “Why not?”
 Charlie - “I just don't have the heart to do it. Besides, physical punishment doesn’t work on Angel.”
 Angel - “Hey is it okay I go now?”
 Vaggie stops smacking and pushed him off. She realizes that her girlfriend was right: this type of punishment doesn’t work on Angel. Basically she is giving him a weak punishment and done it to him a couple of times whenever he does something really something reckless and stupid. But it doesn’t get through his thick skull. Vaggie puts her hands on her head frustrated at Angel. 
 Vaggie - *frustrated* “What am I gonna go with you?”
 Angel - “Hey that's your problem not mine so toodles.”
 *wave his fingers at her and left laughing*
        Realizing Angel isn’t going to learn his listen nor going to heaven with that type of attitude, Charlie decide enough is enough. She can’t let anybody walk over her or her girlfriend, so she decided to do the one thing Vaggie told her to do earlier.
 Charlie: *grabs his hand* “Not so fast mister!!”
 Angel - “Yes?”
 Charlie - “You are grounded!!”
 Angel - *shocked* “What?! You can't ground me I'm a grown man!”
 Charlie - “Well you keep causing trouble for us and the hotel! It's time you learned a lesson!!”
 Vaggie - *proud* “That a girl, Charlie!”
 Angel - “Fine you want me to get over your knees?”
 Charlie - “Nope because you like it!”
 Angel: *smirks* “Guilty as charged.”
 Sonya - *disgust* “Ugh you're disgusting!”
 Angel - “Hey some people have different pleasures kid.”
 Charlie - “Anyway, until I say so, you're not to leave this room.”
 Angel - *confused* “Wait what?”
 Charlie - “For blowing up Vaggie’s room you’re here by, not allowed to leave your room!”
 Angel - “You can't be serious!”
 Charlie - “Yes I am serious! You been acting like a child lately and misbehaving. Then you hurt Vaggie and destroyed her room. It’s time that you learn a lesson.”
 Angel: *sighs* “Alright alright! You're the boss.”
 He sits on his bed, grabs a magazine and is about to have some vodka but Charlie grabs the bottle and the magazine.
 Angel - “Hey!”
 Charlie - One more thing to add: No liquor, no makeup, or anything else you enjoy doing! Vaggie if you please.”
 Vaggie - *smiling* “My pleasure.”
 Vaggie began to take his liquor and makeup and handed them Charlie and Sonya. Vaggie took Angel’s sex toys away as well. 
 Angel - “Hey that's my stuff you touching you bitch!”
 Vaggie - “Your stuff is confiscated until Charlie says so.”
 Charlie - “That's right we are taking away the things you love as punishment.”
 Angel - “Not Fat Nuggets too!!!”
 Vaggie - “No no, you can keep your pig.”
 Angel - “Oh thank god nobody takes my baby boy away from me. But do you have to take away my makeup and liquor?! Even my toys?!”
 Sonya - “Hey Man that how grounding works.”
 Angel: *whines* “But that's not fair!!!”
 Vaggie - *mad* “Fair shmair! That is how Hell Life works!”
 Charlie - *defensive* “Hey if you didn't misbehave then you wouldn't get grounded.”
 Angel: *tears up like a child* “Screw you guys! I didn't ask to be a part of this team!!”
 Angel lies on his bed and buries his face on his pillow throwing a tantrum. Charlie starts to have regrets about her actions. But Vaggie gently held her arms and said:
 Vaggie - “Come on, let's leave him to his tantrum.”
 Charlie nods silently and follows Vaggie and her cousin out the room. Sonya was reading a comic book and Vaggie locked away Angel’s stuff in a safe. Charlie has a slightly guilty look on her face. 
 Charlie - “You think we went too far?”
 Sonya - *shrugs* “He'll get over it. Besides, he the one who went too far by destroying Vaggie's room. He could have seriously hurt her.”
 Charlie - “That's true. But I never thought he'd get this upset.”
 Vaggie - “Well Maybe he deserves it. Think about its Charlie, since day 1 all he has done is just cause trouble. Even when we try to punish him, he just acts like it's nothing.”
 Sonya - “Well what'd you expect? I mean he's a masochist.”
 Charlie - “Yeah. And he is one of the biggest pornstars in Hell. He probably had to this lot of times in the movies he played in.”
 Sonya - “But I wonder if spankings used to actually hurt him before he got used to it.”
 Charlie - “I don't know. That is a good question.”
 Vaggie - “Yeah I agree.”
 Sonya - “Maybe when he was a child but as he got older, he started to like it. Cause I know people who got fetish for that.”
 Charlie - “Possibly. Then again Angel got a lot of fetishes.” 
 Sonya - “How long is he grounded?”
 Charlie - “Until further notice, I guess?”
 Meanwhile in his room Angel was mad and pouting. He was angry that all the things he loves was taken away from him. 
 Angel - “This isn't fair! How could they do this to me?!”
 Fat Nugget came and looked at Angel curiosity. He was worried and confused on his owner looking mad. Fat Nuggets walked over, and nudge Angel’s legs and it got his attention. 
 Angel-  “Hey Buddy....Can you believe those gals punished daddy?”
 Fat Nuggets oinked Angel picks him up and holds him. 
 Angel - “That's What I said! I can't believe they took away my vodka and makeup! They even took my toys!” And what's worse is that I have to stay in my room!”
 Fat Nuggets looks at him sadly and licks his face. This made Angel feel a little better. 
 Angel - *smiled* “Aw thanks buddy. To be honest I would rather stick with the spanking. At least it turned me on a little and it did make my ass a little pink.”
 Fat Nuggets raised his eyebrows at him looking confused.
 Angel - “Oh well I never told about this but...My dad used to spank me as a kid a lot and it did hurt at first. But he did it so many times I guess my ass just got used to it because now. Then when it started to happen in movies it’s kind of turn me on. Especially when men do it to me.”
 Fat Nuggets rolled his eyes knowing how kinky his “Daddy” is. Then he heard a knock on the door. He saw Sonya holding a tray of food. 
 Angel - “Oh hey kid. You're here to let me out?”
 Sonya - “No I'm here to bring you your lunch.” 
 Angel saw it was a grilled cheese sandwich, a side of fries, and a glass of juice. He had a mildly displeased look on his face because of how he was being fed “prison food”. But at least he got some food. 
 Angel - “Thanks I guess.”
 Sonya - *comforting* “Oh don't be so down. You'll be out before you know it.”
 Angel - *downed* “Yeah right…” 
 Sonya - “Well you wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't blow up Vaggie's room.”
 Angel - *offended* “Well it's her fault for not being able to take a joke.”
 Sonya - “You could've seriously injured her!”
 Angel - “Well she should of ran off!”
 Sonya - “You find a lot of excuses don't ya?”
 Angel - *shrugs* “Sometimes. So how about you bust me out of here?”
 Sonya - “What? Why?”
 Angel - “Because I've been stuck here for hours and I'm bored out of my skull!!”
 Sonya - *deadpanned* “It's only been half an hour.”
 Angel - “See?! I need to get out of here.”
 Sonya - “Don't you think you're overreacting?”
 Angel - *threateningly* “Look kid, I like you but you better spring me out of this prison or...or....I'll give you a makeover!”
 Sonya - “You can’t do that; Cousin Charlie took away your makeup stuff.”
 Angel - “That’s true. But she didn’t take away my hair product stuff or the pretty pink dress I have just for you!”
 Sonya - *scared* “Y-You wouldn't dare!”
 Angel - “Try me! Just try me!” 
 He was about to grab Sonya when Liz made her move out of the room and closed the door.
 Angel - *mad* “Aw damn it! Well at least I got something to eat.”
 Angel sat down on his bed defeated and began to eat his lunch. He even gave some to Fat Nuggets. Fat Nuggets smiles after he ate bits of the lunch and oinked.
 Angel - *smiled* “Aww anytime buddy.”
 Meanwhile Sonya went downstairs with the girls relaxing. Then Sonya said:
 Sonya - “Uh Cousin Charlie? How you keeping Angel grounded?”
 Charlie - “He just has to stay in his room, I guess. I never gave them this kind of punishment before. ”
 Sonya - “Well Angel is acting kind of nuts. He was saying how he spent hours in his room locked up, but it has only been 30 minutes. Not to mention he threatened me with a makeover if I didn't free him.”
 Vaggie - *mad* “He what?!”
 Sonya - “And he knows how much I hate makeovers.”
 Vaggie - “He's really trying to break his punishment. But it’s not gonna work.”
 Charlie - “And he's staying in his room until I say he can come out.”
 Sonya - “Well okay. Wonder how long he'll last? He doesn’t look like the type that stay in a room for a really long time.”
 Vaggie - “Eh. He will be fine.”
 A couple days went by and the girls are repairing Vaggies room. They bought some new paints, furniture, and even a new bed. It was starting to look better than ever. Vaggie was happy because she had a few Angel-free day offs, and she never felt so much peace in her life. Sonya would bring him his meals but would use her magic due to not wanting to be held hostage in there. 
 Charlie - “Don't worry Vaggie your room is looking good as new.”
 Vaggie - *happy* “I'm glad about that.”
 Sonya - “Should I give Angel his lunch?”
 Charlie - “Sure and check on him for me please.”
 Sonya - “Sure.” 
 Vaggie - “He been too quietly lately. Not that I have a problem with it.”
 Sonya goes to check on him and knocks on his door. This time she got him a tray of Mac and cheese and juice. 
 Sonya - “Angel! Angel I got you some lunch.”
 No answer. Not even a groan of annoyance. Worried, Sonya opened the door goes inside Angel’s room. Sonya’s eyes widen in shock to see not only his room completely trashed,  but Angel is on the floor, holding his knees, and rocking back and forth. His hair was messy and look like he lost his mind.
 Sonya - *concerned and scared* “Uhh Angel? Are you okay?”
 Angel - *sounding crazy*  “No liquor....no makeup....no friends....just me...all alone....”
 Fat Nuggets gets worried and oinks at Sonya. Fat Nuggets never seen his daddy like this before.
 Sonya - “I know boy he looks like he lost his mind *to Angel* I got you some food .”
 Show him a tray of the bowl full of Mac and cheese with some juice. Angel just knocked the bowl out of her hands. Fat Nuggets began to eat the Mac and cheese off the floor. 
 Angel - “Get away!! Nobody touches me!!”
 Sonya - *worried* “Whoa Whoa! Angel chill out!”
 Angel hisses like a vampire and hides in a corner. After finishing the Mac and cheese, Fat Nuggets went to Angel and oinked looking worried about him. Angel still looked like he went insane. 
 Angel - “No one cares if I got away....if I fade into nothing!”
 Sonya - “This is bad! I better get Cousin Charlie!”
 She left the room and ran inside Vaggie’s room to Charlie and Vaggie. 
 Sonya - “Cousin Charlie I think we should let Angel out. He's losing his mind!”
 Charlie - “What do you mean?
 Sonya explained everything to Charlie and Vaggie. Charlie looked shocked because she never expected Angel to act like that. Especially during a punishment. 
 Charlie - *shocked and worried* “Oh dear! Maybe we went too far. I should probably let him out now.”
 Sonya - “Yeah he looks like one of those mental patients you see at the cuckoo cuckoo house.”
 Charlie - “I think he's learned his lesson. Let's go get him out.”
 Vaggie - “No way! He has to stay grounded.”
 Charlie - *appalled* “Vaggie! We wanted to punish Angel, not torture him.”
 Vaggie - “I know but it's you have to admit, it’s been kinda nice around here lately. Maybe we can let him out in about, oh, a week or so.”
 Sonya - “Then he will be a psycho zombie by the time the week is over.” 
 Vaggie - *shrugs* “Better than a trouble making asshole.”
 Charlie: *yelling* “Alright that's it!!!”
 Charlie went to Angel's room and opened the door and saw how messy it is. She saw Fat Nuggets looking scared and worried and look around for Angel.
 Charlie - “Angel?”
 Charlie turned around and saw Angel looking messy and deranged. Then Angel hissed like a cat toward Charlie. 
 Charlie - *gently* “Angel it's okay, it's me.”
 Vaggie - “Charlie what are you doing?!”
 Charlie - “Stay out of this!!”
 Vaggie - *shocked* “What?! But he deserves it!”
 Charlie -  “I said stay out of this or so help me I'll lock you in your room too!!”
 Vaggie - “Charlie are you doing this? Aren't you forgetting how much of an immature jack-ass he can be?!”
 Charlie - “When I said everyone deserves a second chance, I mean it! And you are not gonna stop me from helping my friend!!”
 Sonya - “She's right Vaggie, this is torturing Angel. I mean look at him!”
 They look at angel chewing and tearing up a pillow with his teeth. This made Vaggie realize that they are right: Being locked in a room without your favorite things is going overboard. Angel is already acting like a deranged Angel. 
 Vaggie - “Okay that is going a little overboard.”
 Charlie: You see? We have to end his grounding
 Vaggie - *sighs* “Alright fine he’s ungrounded.”
 Charlie - “Ahem, Angel?”
 Angel hisses at her again. But Charlie walked to Angel and gently touched his arm.  
 Charlie - “Angel it's me: Charlie.”
 Sonya - “Just listen to us.”
 Angel - “W-What is it?”
 Charlie - *comforting* “Your punishment is over. You can come out now.”
 Angel - *calming down* “I-I can...come out?”
 Charlie - *smiling* “Yes the punishment is over.”
 Charlie takes his hand and leads him out of his room. 
 Sonya - “Look buddy, you're out now.”
 Angel looks around and saw that he was no longer in his room. He was now in the hallway of the hotel. 
 Angel -  “I'm...I'm free...”
 Charlie - “Yes your punishment is over.”
 Angel: *jumps up for joy* “I'm free, I'm free, I'm free!!”
 The girls were watching Angel jumping for joy being happy that his punishment was over. Even Fat Nuggets was happy that his daddy punishment was over.
 Sonya - *smiled* “I think he's okay now.”
 Charlie - “Yeah I mean he's really happy.”
 Vaggie - *arms crossed* “Like a kid in a candy store.”
 Angel - “Do I get my stuff back too?”
 Charlie - “Of course! But did you learn your lesson?”
 Angel - *sincere* “Yes and I'm really sorry. I won't blow up Vaggie’s room anymore.”
 Vaggie - *threateningly* “You better not or ill blow you up into a million pieces!”
 Angel - *desperate* “Yes I promise, I promise!”
 Charlie - “Good. Now what are you gonna do?”
 Angel -  “To the bar!!”
 Angel ran downstairs and began to drink a lot of alcohol much to Husk dismay. He too was enjoying the Angel free days. Too bad it was over now.
 Husk - *annoyed* “Oh god he's back.”
 Angel - *flirty* “Hey babe. Miss me?”
 Husk - *annoyed* “Not really.” 
 Angel - “Oh I miss these drink” *drink a lot* 
 Charlie, Vaggie and Sonya was watching Angel drinking a lot of alcohol. Normally they stop him, but they feel like he has been through a lot and needed a break. 
 Sonya - “I see he's back to normal.”
 Charlie - “I'm glad he is too. To be honest, I guess this is the punishment he needs if he goes too far.”
 Vaggie - “Agreed. Sometimes you got to show a little tough love to the people you care about.”
 Sonya - “Maybe this tough love can help Angel shape into a better person.”
 Charlie - “It can. Tough Love can help people be better. And that what I’m gonna do for now on if the people in the hotel goes too far.”
 Hope you like it!
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doublenuzlocke · 5 years
Entry #3: Explosions in the Desert
((aka does this even count as an AU I just moved them to a different Pokemon game ;;;;;
but also I am a sucker for adding Colosseum onto everything can you tell that I really, REALLY want to rewrite the whole game ;;;; ))
  “We’ve been stranded here for days and it’s your fault!”
  “How is it my fault that you got bored and decided to gamble all our travel funds away and then get banned from the casino?”
  Gold rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine. But you’re the one who wanted to visit Pyrite in the first place.”
  “We couldn’t go straight from Phenac to Agate, it’s too far!”
  Kotone huffed at him and he could see that he wasn’t about to win this argument. He let out an aggravated breath and stepped down. “Fine. I’m gonna go see if we can find some help.”
  “Don’t go out by yourself, this place is dangerous!”
  Kotone still looked angry, but her concern shone through. Gold pulled the two Poke Balls off his belt and held them up for her to see. For emphasis. “I’m not alone, Kotone.”
  She looked torn for a moment, debating whether or not to allow him to leave. In the end, she flipped open her ‘gear and turned away. “Don’t go too far, I’m calling up Norman so he can come get us.”
  “Not that asshole.” Gold shuddered at the thought of his dad arriving to scold him for his inconsiderate recklessness. Not to mention how angry his mom was gonna be when she found out. He cringed and left their hotel room. “Ugh, this really sucks.”
  Even if he pulled out Chocobo or Mom to complain to, they’d just agree with Kotone that he’d been the one being an ass here. Well, that Casino was the one who’d cheated him, first! He’d noticed their underhanded tactics and lying, telling him he’d lost when he’d clearly won, but they seemed to have the city’s police in the palm of their hands and had him thrown out for his troubles.
  Sulking, Gold wandered the dirty city’s battle square, ready for a fight to release some steam. He caught sight of a duo with a Whismur and a Lotad battling a Chaser girl with a Dustox and an Oddish. That didn’t seem entirely fair. Still, the Chaser managed to take out the duo’s Lotad and one of them sent out a Makuhita next.
  The moment the Makuhita came into sight, Gold froze. It seemed wrong somehow, surrounded by a dark aura and drained of colour. Without any issues, it beat both the opponent Pokemon, then turned on its partner.
  The duo quickly withdrew their Pokemon (the Whismur and the Makuhita), then collected their prize money. And Gold should’ve known better. He should’ve listened to Kotone and returned right back to her. But the warning bells in his head were going off too loudly for his common sense to kick in and he approached the duo, determination in his steps.
  “Hey, nice battle.” He grinned and waved, greeting them with his best faux friendliness act. The two warily turned their attention to him and he continued, going directly for the kill. “Must be easy to beat up some unsuspecting chumps with an illegal Pokemon like that.”
  The two of them hesitated before the one with the orange Mohawk spoke up. “What’re you talking about, ‘illegal Pokemon’? How could such a thing exist?”
  “I dunno.” Gold shrugged, keeping up his act of friendly innocence. “You tell me why your Makuhita there was weirdly dark and powerful enough to take down a Pokemon it should be ineffective against.”
  The two shared a look, then brandished their Poke Balls at him. “Those are fighting words if I ever heard any. Don’t you agree, Trudly?”
  “I’d say you’re right there, Folly.” The other sneered and they sent out their Pokemon, the Whismur and dark Makuhita. “Let’s demonstrate why you don’t come 'round here asking too many questions.”
  Gold smirked, confident that Chocobo and Mom could handle these losers. The Makuhita, though, charged right towards him. He didn’t get a chance to even send his team out. It punched him right in the gut and the shock, along with the impact, knocked him out immediately.
  Crys hated sand.
  She hated sand, the heat, and the general lawlessness of the land.
  But complaining about Orre wasn’t about to help her get a plane ticket outta there, so she had to keep fighting and living in spite of all that she hated.
  If she just continued playing along with Snagem, then she could make enough for the gas to get to Agate. As long as they believed she was a loyal scientist, then she could plan out her betrayal without any of them being the wiser.
  Maybe in another life she could’ve studied Shadow Pokemon more, researched into why Orre had no wild Pokemon when other regions’ deserts could support their wildlife, done something useful with her life. As it was, she could only bide her time until she could make her escape.
  Luckily, she wasn’t the only voice of discontent amongst the ranks. Another grunt, Silver, was also itching to blow the joint (though he was a fantastic actor, keeping his stony expression as he discussed a plan to bomb the place with her) and agreed to work with her to cause a ruckus in exchange for getting out. It’d taken zero convincing on her part, which was fine and dandy since he was a valuable addition to her plan with his knowledge on explosives.
  They blew the place up, stole the snag machine, and never looked back. If they hadn’t needed to stop for gas at the old train pit stop, they might’ve gone straight to Unova. Maybe further. Crys was just so glad to finally be out.
  While Crys handled filling up the bike, Silver decided to check out the small establishment. The news was all ready reporting on their coup of the blown Snagem base, but Silver ignored it in favour of ordering some waters for him and Crys. Two of the patrons, however, stood and rushed out after the report ended. Might’ve been two lowly grunts, who cared? Silver paid the nice bartender, then left to rejoin Crys.
  “That was Trudly and Folly.” She remarked as soon as he was within speaking distance. He grimaced, prompting her to continue and please explain why that should’ve mattered to him at all. “They had a sack in the back of their vehicle. I thought maybe they’d stolen some Pokemon, but it was too big to be just a stash of Poke Balls.”
  Again, Silver regarded her with his very unamused stare. “And why would that be our concern?”
  “Silver, they might’ve kidnapped someone.” She frowned at him. “We should really try to stop them.”
  She had such a lawful mentality. He often wondered how Snagem had managed to keep her for so long. He also wasn’t willing to try to talk her out of this. It was her bike, after all. With a heavy sigh, he hopped into the sidecar. “They’ll be heading to Phenac.”
  She relaxed in relief, then climbed onto the bike proper to start it up. “Right. Let’s see if we can stop them before they reach the 'mayor’.”
  The bike’s engine roared to life and they took off, out into the open desert. Silver pulled his goggles on as she flicked her visor down over her eyes. He’d heard from a terrified scientist that she’d been the one closest to the explosion when they’d been trying to create the first snagging device prototype, but it never seemed to stop her. Now she wore the fruits of that experiment, the smaller and portable model, on her arm.
  Learning about her had been useful at the time, but they’d soon go on their separate ways. Silver needn’t worry over any potential weaknesses her scar might cause her. He didn’t have to worry over her figuring out his own weaknesses, either.
  They arrived at Phenac after a couple of hours and found Trudly and Folly, the two inept idiots, attempting to carry the burlap sack that clearly held a human body inside through the main plaza. Silver almost didn’t want to intervene, curious as to how far they’d make it before they were captured by the authorities. However, Crys had all ready leapt up to confront them, so Silver begrudgingly followed suit.
  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Crys shouted at them.
  They jumped, fumbling and dropping their body in a sack as a consequence. A muffled groan of pain came from it and Silver was almost impressed. How two failures like them could’ve managed to actually kidnap a human being was a fortuitous amount of bullshit he couldn’t even begin to imagine. Trudly held up his hands, pleading. “What? Whaddaya want with us? We’re busy, that’s what.”
  “Yeah, we’re busy.” Folly added in, crouching to attempt to gather the sack back up. “We’ve got a real catch here and the Mayor asked us to–”
  “Shut up!”
  Trudly hissed and Folly did, in fact, shut up. Unfortunately for them, that’s when the sack started shouting. “Help! Get me outta here! Murderers!”
  Folly shook the sack roughly. “We ain’t murderers, we’re kidnappers! Get it right!”
  Trudly smacked the back of Folly’s head. “You idiot!” He glanced up at Crys and Silver, then around the plaza. The noise was drawing a crowd. Trudly growled and yanked Folly to his feet. “We gotta ditch, else Mirror B’s gonna make us sit through another punishment concert. He’ll be hearing about you from us, Crys!”
  After hurling a last (and laughably ineffective) threat, Trudly dragged Folly off, out of the city’s entrance. Crys went to give chase, then stopped herself. She let out a tired exhale and approached the sack, motioning for Silver to follow her. “You all right in there?”
  “Unless a bruised gut and some probably cracked ribs count as 'fine’, then nope, not at all, thanks.”
  Both Crys and Silver were taken aback by the response, having not expected one. Crys tugged at the knot keeping the sack tied shut and, reluctantly, Silver knelt down to help. She spoke with conviction, if a bit distracted by the task at hand. “Once we get you out of there, we’ll take you to the Centre here so you can get more help. That sound good?”
  “Sure, yeah, as long as it’s not here, I’m sure it’ll be great.”
  They got the knot untied and carefully removed the bag to reveal a guy, probably around their age, with black hair and dried blood around his mouth. Crys winced at the sight. “They got you good. Need some help or are you okay to stand on your own?”
  “I think I can do it myself.” The guy tested his legs, gritting his teeth with every movement. They really needed to get this guy to a Centre. He managed to stand, holding an arm to his stomach, and grinned half-heartedly at them. “Thanks, by the way. I’m Gold, nice to meet'cha.”
  Crys softened and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Crys. And this is Silver. Careful, now.”
  She directed Gold towards the PokeCentre, which was thankfully not too far away. It was also nice that she’d introduced Silver for him, as if she’d known he wasn’t about to do it himself. This seemed dangerous, but it wasn’t like they had much of a choice. If they’d simply left, they’d draw even more attention, after all. Silver rolled his eyes, but followed after them. It’d at least be interesting to hear this Gold’s explanation on how this even happened.
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Tuesday night and Wednesday! VOLVO! And then on to Norway, home of a-ha . . .
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So, on Tuesday evening, we arrived to the Gothenburg Central Station and right across from it was the Clarion Hotel Post, which had basically a snazzy nightclub right outside and something of a British Royal Mail theme. The hotel was once some big municipal building, maybe their central post office, and it was refurbished into a nice hotel.  This was the night of our trip that was paid for by Volvo, and we would be having dinner in their fine-dining restaurant on Volvo’s dollar, or rather kroner.  We got all check in and then went up to our room.  In the room, some of the structural architectural elements were exposed, like a beam, that went diagonally from the bottom right corner of the room to the upper left corner  . . and  of course our resident monkey had to shimmy up that as fast as he could get to it.  Ugh.  Anyway, Cece has also taken to getting her wiggles out and exercise in whenever she can, and for her, it’s in the form of doing “pirouettes” in any space where there is more than two-square-feet for her to move in.  She puts her arms out, winds up, and then flings her body in a circle.  Anyway, I digress; after Rowan dusted that beam with his body multiple times by sliding down it, we headed out on the streets of Gothenburg for a few-hour walk before our 8:30 dinner reservation (yes, it was a late reservation, but that was per their decision, not ours).
We walked along a river, which had a linear kind of park, and then we wove our way back through a school’s playground (lots of climbing, swinging, balancing ensued) and a shopping district and got to the hotel with a few minutes to spare before dinner.  I will say, Gothenburg (and now Oslo) has a lot of construction going on, like, building construction and road construction.  It was also Pride week in Gothenburg and there were rainbow flags waving everywhere, and there would be at the Volvo HQ the next day too. So, dinner was to be Scandinavian delicacies, and the first course – which Eric and I got, but not the kids, because we didn’t get the pre-set meal for them and rather ordered off the menu, which we’d planned with Volvo European Delivery before we left—was some smoked fish and caviar and creme fraiche and some other little dollops of things.  We are not really “fine dining” people (I always think back and chuckle at the crazy insane fancy meal Cece, Alia, my dad, and I had in Riga, during which they brought my dad’s meat on a tiny little pyre of pine which they lit on fire at the table), but Eric cleaned his plate for that first course and I shared some of the fish with Cece.  Our second course was a white fish in a cream sauce with asparagus and tiny potatoes.  That was delicious.  The final course was dessert and it was super intricate: little gelled tartlets with meringue knots and yuzu sorbet and a few chunks of rhubarb and caramelized white chocolate sprinkles and white chocolate brownies, in three tiny pieces. See, I could barely remember all of the elements. Rowan devoured what was left of Eric’s, and Cece shared mine with me.  The kids main course was actually a mac-n-cheese variant and a side of roasted head-of-cauliflower, which I though was very delicious.  They also got sparking apple juice, which of course they loved. OK, so the next morning, the Volvo driver picked us up at 8:40 and drove us to HQ.  At about 9:20, we had the keys to our new car! It all happened so fast and rather unceremoniously!  I mean, there was some ceremony in walking through these sliding glass doors into a big room with curtains on the walls, where the new car was parked.  Maybe the romance was dimmed a bit by our squawking children.  For some reason, they were kind of at their worst at exactly the wrong time.  We were trying to get all of the info about the new car from the guy who was orienting us to it, and the kids were supposed to be playing just on the other side of the glass doors (we could see them) with Legos, and of course, they mutually decided it was a perfect time to terrorize each other.  Well, never mind, once we got the car all set up and got them somewhat sorted out, we went over for a really quick spin in our new car over to the Volvo Museum, which was really close by but was kind of a struggle to get to because of some super-sizable freeway construction plus a roll-over accident with a semi that closed a roundabout that was crucial to us.  That messed us up on the way back, too.  Anyway, the Volvo Museum was so cool!  The kids kinds of settled down once we were there, checking out all of the amazing old Volvos from through the years, including buses, construction equipment, firetrucks, and even a plane.   We made our way back to the Volvo HQ and were treated to lunch in the little café there.  It was very yummy: smoked salmon, potatoes, meatballs for the kids (which only Cece ate) and some vegetarian pancakes that Eric and I split. After that, it was time for  tour of the factory.  We had to put our cell phones in a locked drawer and don safety glasses and then hop in a multi-car little “train” wagon thing, with the other guests.  We were in the front car, with a very cool woman who was the MC (she is American, from Dallas, but married a Swede, and lives in Sweden, and guides these factory tour for European Delivery guests; she thought our kids were hilarious). The kids were soooooooo engaged by the tour.  It was amazing.  We went into the body shop part, where the metal pieces are  assembled and welded.  Then we went into another building where the other parts are assembled too: doors added on, components inserted, testing done, etc. It really appeared to be a very gender-balanced and age-distributed workplace.  The tour took and hour.  I would love to give more details, and I will when salient aspects pop in my mind, but my brain is tired right now, so this will have to suffice. When we got back to the HQ, we got our phones back and gave the glasses back and got a found out how we could avoid stopping to pay tolls on entering Norway (by doing an EZ-pass kind of thing where it just reads our license plate and charges our credit card).  Then, we re-packed the back of the car, got the kids latched in, and whizzed off on the road to Norway!  The land of a-ha!  My long-time dream!  I was joking that I was sure that as soon as we crossed into Norway, there would be a huge billboard saying, “Welcome to Norway, the Land of A-Ha.”  That wasn’t the case, surprisingly. We used the built-in navigation on our Volvo during our drive – and I have not yet stressed how nice this car is. It is so nice.  I mean, even though in Finland, Sweden, and Norway this car is like the standard one for taxis, it still resonates with me as the nicest ride ever.  But, the reason taxis are luxury cars in Scandinavia is because the industry is, and I quote Eric via an article he read because we were scratching our heads about it, “highly regulated and hideously expensive.”  Anyway, we got to our apartment in Oslo and we then had a struggle to actually get the keys to our Airbnb.  They were supposed to be with the employee working at the corner store, called “Joker,” and we went in, and the guy was like, don’t have ‘em.  He told me I was at the wrong Joker.  So, Eric went back to that one, because it was at the intersection we were told to go to, and the guy rebuffed him again.  So, Eric went a few blocks over to another Joker, and that guy was super nice and was like, nope, you were at the right Joker originally. So, we *all* went back to the original Joker, and lo and behold, the guy finally found the envelope with our names on it.  Then, the apartment building is a four-floor walk-up, which I can hang with since my apartment in the Renaud was too, but in this case, we didn’t have clear information on which apartment was the one we needed to enter.  I looked back at the original Airbnb posting and it said “sunny top floor,” so that answered that question, but there were two apartments!  So, we gambled, picked one, tried the key, and it worked.  Whew. It was super nice (I mean, it *is* super nice, as I am writing this from the extra-long kitchen table in this, indeed, very sunny top-floor apartment). I texted with my friend Ryley a bit, who lived here, and we went out by car to a grocery store near her and then popped by her place for a sec.  She’d made us banana bread and gave us a bottle of wine and my kids were bananas for seeing her kids, and they watched some hilarious puppy videos together while we chatted.  Then, we got back to our place, fed the kids yogurt and banana bread for dinner, and got them down – late again! And, in the next post, I will tell you all about our first day in Oslo when I did not, surprisingly, run into any members of a-ha.
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purplesurveys · 6 years
In the last year, have you...
Moved: No, I’ve lived in the same house for about a decade. Started a new job:  Nope, and I don’t exactly plan to do so until after I graduate. Traveled to another country: Nah, not this year. Traveled to another continent: Most definitely not lmao, if ^ that’s already a no. Eaten sushi: So many times, my dude. Gab and I had sushi for our anniversary.
Been drunk: Yep. As recently as last Saturday. Been high: Never plan to. Been to the dentist: At the start of the year I think. We always get our teeth checked once a year. Bought a new car: Nah, still using my usual one and I never want to trade it for something else, at least while I’m still in college. Had a broken heart: Uh, sure. It sounds cheesy but yeah I’ve felt hurt here and there. Spent over $1,000 in one day: I’ve never even held that much money. Maybe my parents did this, but I haven’t. Kissed a stranger: As a demisexual, the prospect is terrifying. Haven’t done this. Finished a jigsaw puzzle: I don’t think I got to play with puzzles this year. Cooked or baked something from scratch: Yes!!! I’m glad to say I baked something this year! Angela, Hans, Rap, and I spontaneously decided to bake chocolate chip cookies when classes got suspended halfway through the day because of an incoming typhoon. Started a new relationship: No, still in the same relationship as I’ve been in in the last two years. Broken up with someone: Nope. Been broken up with: Nope. Been in the same relationship you were in last year: There we go. Explored a large city: I guess, in the few moments that I had the time. Been to a wedding: No but my mom was invited to a couple this year. I miss going to weddings :( Been to a funeral: Thankfully not. Been to a baby shower: I don’t think so, not this year. Held a baby: Earlier in the year. Angela’s mom (who works as a pediatrician) threw a party and some of her patients and their kids were invited, and one of the kids was a really chubby baby girl that I couldn’t help but hold. Seen a therapist: No, I’ve been putting it off for the longest time. Bought new furniture: My mom’s in charge of that, not me, so no. Made new friends: Sure, you always meet some new people in college. This year it was most notably new recruits in my org, like Tina and Kezhia. Called in sick to work/school: Haven’t we all... Deleted a social media account: I didn’t delete, just deactivate. I’m doing a massive social media detox this Christmas break because everyone’s happy and family-centric posts make me sicker this time of the year. Started a new hobby: Coloring came to me as an impulse hobby last month as Christmas had been approaching, and while I feel sad about flushing so much money in one go over coloring books and supplies, I’m still happy I made an active effort to look out for myself this year. This hobby’s a blassssssst so far. Met a famous person: I don’t think so, if I remember correctly haha. I was like 10 feet away from Paramore but I was too scared to volunteer myself for Misery Business. Went to a concert: I DID!!! I saw Paramore for the second time!!!!!! August 23rd. BEST night of my life, even if I went alone. I don’t know if I ever reported that here but the experience was amaaaaaazing. Best band ever. Traveled via train: The railway system in the Philippines is shit. No way am I voluntarily riding a train. Traveled via airplane: Yes, I went to Bataan over the Holy Week. Been on a road trip: Yes, my dad loves doing road trips so whenever he’s home, we do 1-3 of them. I also did a road trip with just Gab and I when we went to Nasugbu for my birthday. Donated to charity: Not really for charity since they’re sometimes sketchy, but I regularly give money and food to homeless people who knock on my window when I’m stuck in traffic. Been to a country club: Yeah, a few months ago. Went swimming: Many times. The weather this year was not exactly the most convenient, so we went to a LOT of beaches to cool down. Went surfing: Nah, I’m too afraid to try. My sister and parents have had a few lessons but my balance is mostly off haha. Went hiking: NOOOOOOOO UGH I miss hiking! I wish I’d get to do it next year. Had a gym membership: I don’t think I need one, so no I’ve never tried to apply for a membership. Had an argument with a friend: I mean, just with Gabie. I never had an argument with any of my other friends. Had a family reunion: Yeah...dad’s side. It was huge, we rented out a small hotel for it cos literally everyone from my paternal grandmother’s side was there. I was mostly stoked about the food and the couple of dogs that my relatives brought. Went for a walk in a park: This country doesn’t prioritize and maintain their parks, a damn shame. We go for walks at the mall - that’s more of the culture here. Been in the hospital: If I remember correctly, no. Attended a professional sporting event: No. The UAAP (our version of the NCAA) season this year was CRRRRAZY good though, but I never got to get tickets because acads consumed me throughout the semester. Earned a new degree or diploma: I’m in the process of getting one, but no I didn’t earn it this year. Been to a museum: I went back to Pinto this year with Aya, Laurice, Jo, Jum, and Luisa then had a drink atop Antipolo after. Been to an art gallery: Numerous ones with Gab. They pop up every now and then at the mall and we always go through them. Went camping: I was way too busy this year. Went fishing: I don’t like doing that :c Struggled with an eating disorder: No, I’ve never been diagnosed with such a disorder. Been in credit card debt: I don’t even have a credit card. Had new neighbors move in next door: Nope, the houses on either side of ours have long been uninhabited. Gotten drunk at a work party: At an org party, sure. Dyed your hair: Nope. But Gabie did, she had the ends of her hair dyed like a weird blondeish a few months ago. My sister also got brown dye delivered to the house a couple of days ago, so I should be expecting her look to change soon too. Gotten a manicure: Not a big fan of getting my nails painted. Been to a casino: I wouldn’t be allowed to get inside even if I wanted to haha. The one time I smoothly went inside was in 2016 when I was on my cruise trip. The only things I remember is that it the place was filled with flashing lights and everything was super colorful. Voted in an election: No elections happened this year. But we will have our midterm elections in 2019 and I intend to vote then. Shopped at a bookstore: SO MANY TIMESSSSS. Call 2018 the year I got obsessed with school supplies, cos I definitely went overboard with buying pad paper, highlighters, post-its, and, pens. Dined at a fancy restaurant: Many times with Gab. Sat in a sauna: I hate saunas and can’t comprehend how my mom enjoys it so damn much. It’s hot enough in Manila, why salivate at the thought of saunas??? R u ok??? Had a panic attack: Hahaha, I remember so many occasions. Attended a religious service: My family is Catholic, I get dragged to church every week. Been pulled over for speeding: I don’t think speeding is a thing here. People drive like death and I’ve never actually heard of someone getting pulled over for this reason. Stayed awake all night: It happens. Borrowed money from a friend or family member: Gabie lent me a thousand bucks (relax, that’s like $20). I was so short of money last week but I still had a bunch of Santa babies to give gifts to, so I went into a panic until she stepped in and lent me money. Lent money to a friend or family member: I give Gab money sometimes since she commutes from her dorm to my school, but I don’t ask for it back unless I really need the money. Been to an amusement park: LOL pass. I hate amusement parks. Gotten a new pet: No, I still have the same dumb dog. Had strep throat: My throat hurt like a bitch a few months ago. Had food poisoning: I don’t think so. Had the stomach flu: Sure. Binge-watched a show on Netflix: Friends and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Shoveled snow: We don’t get snowwwww. Mowed a lawn: We don’t have a lawn. Bought a new computer: Nope, still have my same trusty laptop. Bought a new phone: My dad got me an iPhone 8 early in the year.
Worked out using a fitness tracker: I don’t work out. Eaten an entire pizza by yourself: Hehe. Felt an earthquake: I don’t think there were any recognizable ones this year. Taken out a loan: I’m a clueless 20 year old and I don’t know what this means, but I’m guessing no. Been prescribed antibiotics: Nope. Sold something on eBay: I don’t use eBay. Painted a room in your house: My control freak of a mom would never let us get away with that.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 05.10.17 lb
why is mr. “who are you???” looking for anika? that too in om’s room?
sup tanya? 
someone plug tanya in and charge her, coz she be like: 
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...... like my insomniac ass has more energy than her. 
aaaaaaand the power is out. as usual. you guys should invest in an inverter or something. 
aw man, his first thought is her. shivaaaaaaaay, you stupid, adorable man. 
damn, tanya be smarter than she looks. what energy she conserves in talking, she uses to chalaofy dimaag. she’s svetlana-level smart. kachchi khilaadi nahi hai! 
what random room is he breaking into?
ohhh this is that ugly pink guest room. 
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his face man. his face is killllllllllllling me. 😭😭😭😭
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the jig is up. the billu is out the bag. 
omg f off tanya, let a man hug his wife for 3 seconds. 
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this poor helpless boy. he’s just trying to keep everyone from getting murdered, man. 
anika, if you know he’s doing this for a reason, then stop hounding him to recognize you??? like???????? 
oh shit is she gonna catch them? 
nope. shivaay to the rescue. 
damn, this tanya really is smarter than she looks. 
“problem humari hai, jab yeh ghar ban raha tha tab tum paida nahi hui thi, warna tumse poonch lete ki fuse box kahan hona chahiye.”  “fuse box agar is room mein hai, toh lights on kyun nahi hui?” “.... kyunki main electrician nahi hoon.” 
oh boyyyyy, anika has it out for luchiii tuchiiii tanya. 
rudra ghar pe nahi hai, toh anika is teaming up with second most bewakoof wafadaaar: khanna 
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lol ok i kinda love this stupid pair. 
abbe anika, saaaay chandniiiiiiiiiii
people are almost murdered in this house on an hourly basis, tanya. gotta get used to it if you’re gonna live here. 
lmao “aapke liye toh shivaay sir ka phone matlab yamraj ke order jaisa.” 
i really love that blue bookshelf and mirror. #wishlist
lmaooooo omg anika is saying the same thing i did about oberoi mansion 
oh god what is omkara even doing??? i don’t even wanna watch this track. 
shakki dimaag ke awaiiii ke pentre. 
is he on drugs again????? 
“tumhare standard ki toh hai” OMFG OMKARA
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oh godddddddd jamaaalgota. what is this, the 90s???? 
i love khanna’s fanboy-ing over anika. he’s living vicariously through her. 
yup, anika’s fully been influenced by andaz apna apna. 
the best bollywood movie of all time. OF ALL TIME.
anika going on a rant about people not having seen AAA is so me, it’s not even funny. 
lmao “aap aas paas rahiyega... hosla-afzaai ke liye” 
oh gauriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. girllllllll. *holds her to me and never lets go* 
jesus, tanya is such an ajeeeb gale paduuuuu. 
anika’s “specialty” is roohafza. bringing up the grand total of things she can make to TWO. 
“darro mat, ismein maine kuch bhi nahi milaya.” 
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“mera matlab, cheeni tak nahi milaayi. shivaay toh cheeni se sau miiil ke doori pe rehte hai. tabhi toh itne kadwe hai.” 
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hahahahaha, shivaay’s suspicious look. 
oh god sahillllllllll nooooooooo! 
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ok anika abhi zyaada ho raha hai. everyyyyone is suspicious now.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand like in AAA, the glasses are all mixed up. 
anikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. why so pativrata??? usse peene deti. he deserves some jamaalgota in his life. 
lolllllllllll shivaay just muttering the word CHEAP over and overrrrr 😂😂😂
shivaaaay fully knows something is up. look at his look of resignation, yet waiting for something to happen. 
this is a reaallllllllly classy room for a shady “by the hour” hotel. 
ugh om i haaaaaaaaaaaaaate you so much rn
he had this waiting in this room???? 
gauri nooooooooooo. 😩😩😩😩😩
oh ho anika, just let her gooooo to the bathroom, what is wrong with youuuu???? 
lol omg emotional blackmailllllllllllll 
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shivaay’s confused af faces are giving me life. 😂😂😂😂
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anika’s cackle just added 5 years to my life. 😇😇😇
lol whyyyyy do none of the obros know what a chathth/terrace is???? this is clearly not a terrace. 
intentional symbolism with the white sari???? well, maybe subconsciously by omkara, since he picked it out. 
ok om this is a hella lotta extra work for humiliating someone. like, you didn’t even know she was coming back until half an hour ago?????
ok who tf is in charge of the music selection for rikara and why do they hate their job so much????? WHY DO THEY PICK SUCH CRAPPY OLD-SCHOOL SONGS??????? 
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fwding through it, and gosh, gauri looks so happy. oh bb. 😣😣😣
omkara, what right even do you have to look so fucking angsty and sad and demand answers????? you have no answers for herrr, why the fuck even should she be committed to you or this sham of a “marriage”??? 
wait, was that all a dream or??? what’s happening????? 
..... QUESTION: why do this on the hotel terrace, when you’re paying for a perfectly good room??? like... it just seems like a waste of money. 
i can’t believeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that the rikara tharak we all wanted is being corrupted to this extentttttt. fucking hellllll harneet. 
“kaisa lag raha hai?”.... “did you like it???”..... did all these brothers take seduction classes from the same person??? 
i must say, i commend whoever they took the classes from, for putting emphasis on the woman’s pleasure. 
oh man, her faceeeeee. 
aaaankhon se kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dekhaaaaaa you sawwwwww nothingggggggggggggggggg you idiotttt???? 
what gehri chot, you stupid fucker?? fuck off with your non-existent, entirely-manufactured-by-your-fucked-up-by-drugs-brain manpain. 
jhoot aur sach ki toh baaaaaat hi mat karo tum omkara. like.... i can’t even... 
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omkara i hope you repay all of her tears with YOUR BLOOD. BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD. DIEEEEE YOU ASSHOLE. 
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ohhhhhhhhhhhh lord, shivaay’s gotten wind of the kalyani mills secret. like the poor boy didn’t have enough issues in his life. 
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foreverfangirl2011 · 8 years
Surprise Chapter!
Hey Lovelies! So this is chapter 1 of the James Imagine I posted a prologue to a while back. It kind of just came to me so quickly wrote it down. Now quick disclaimer, no this chapter isn't NSFW, but I need to clarify this so Brad girls don't attack me. I love Brad and this doesn't mean I think of him this way at all. I just kind of needed a meme we to be the dickish guy and it just so happened to be Brad. But it's all fiction so this isn't my opinion of him or anything. Anyway, that's all I have to da for now. So happy reading and don't forget I really do want to hear your voice, so send me your ideas and requests and I'll see what I can do! Ttyl. Love, - M Chapter 1: He's Back Saturday Morning Yesterday afternoon was a complete disaster! Let me fill you in. We practice Weekday afternoons and through the weekends. Yesterday, Friday, Erin and I were going through the lift sequence for the thousandth time! He kept freaking out at the last second before the lift and backing out of it. I reassured him that he'd be fine, even flirted a touch, admiring his large biceps (not even close to James' btw). And when he finally went for it he drops me! We collapsed on to each other, thankfully I was fine. I landed on him. Crashed to floor and crushed his arm! Now normally a dancer can dance through injuries, a sprained wrist, hairline fractures, things like that. But that cracking sound when we hit the floor horrified me. If his arm was broken there's no way he'd be able to do the lift... he was supposed to go to the doctor and let me know first thing in the morning. I'm on pins and needles waiting for him to walk to the door wearing a sling. I get to the dance studio and head straight to he dressing rooms to get changed. My outfit is nothing special, just lavender sports bra, black dance shorts and dance shoes. Since we're just there for a private rehearsal and not a class I don't have to bother with a leotard or anything. I do however, still choose to wear my hair in a high dancers bun, rather than a chill pony, just because it will stay out of my way that way. I decide to stretch while I wait for Erin, having reached our rehearsal room and found it still empty. Since we have the room booked for a private I don't expect anyone but Erin to come in. I'm so into the dance and caught up in the music that I don't even hear the boys come in. "Woah mate! That's her, she's-" Brad starts "I know... she looks so different now..." James stutters "Yeah because she's got a rack now!" Tristan pipes in "SHUT IT MORON!" James suddenly screams startling me. "Oh my god you pervs how long have you been watching me! This is a private rehearsal how did you even get in here!" I yell turning around and spotting them gaping at me. Then I spot James and my expression softens. "Oh James Hi... I didn't recognize your friends..." "Don't worry about it, your right we shouldn't have snuck in here like that... I missed you so much Pepper!" He says coming up to me and engulfing me in a bear hug. "I missed you more Salt!" I say hugging him back, a little surprised he remembered those names. "Um... salt and pepper? Are we missing something?" Connor asks "Oh um salt and pepper were our characters that we played in the first dance we won together." I say shyly "Yeah, remember "salt and pepper..."" ""Better together!"" I finish as we both burst into laughter. "I can't believe you still remember that James..." "Are you kidding I could never forget our first win together..." "Really..." I reply, surprised at how genuine he's being. "Yeah... yeah I mean it's kind of hard to forget ketchup and mustard crying after they got disqualified for stealing our routine and song!" He says catching sight of the weird look Brads giving him. And suddenly he's back to his new insensitive self again... "Oh so your first win was a win by default?" Brad asks arrogantly. "It was not asshole! They were one team that got disqualified! We still competed against the other teams and we won because we did the routine the best and we had the best charisma and connection on stage!" "Yeah because it's really hard to forge a connection between salt and pepper!" "What the hell is your problem! Do you actually find joy in tearing down other people's accomplishments?" "Now is it really an accomplishment if you won by default?" "I can't believe you! James are you going to just stand there and let him talk like this!" "Well to be fair they were really our only competition..." "Because they were us you numbskull! They did our routine! You know what two can play at this game! You think your so great Brad, we'll wake the hell up! The Vamps will never be as great as One Direction or even 5SOS, face it you'll always be third, where you belong!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Listen Bitch-" Brad starts "Bitch! How dare you call me a bitch you started this you bastard!" I lung at him ready to attack and someone grabs me from the waist pulling me away. "Y/N calm down! Don't listen to this dick!" He says trying to keep me off Brad. "Who are you calling a dick James!" Brad yells "You crossed the line man! She was right, you had no right to come in here and berate and belittle her- I mean our hard work and then you call her a bitch! I can't stand here and let you speak to someone I care about that way!" "Get off of me James!" I scream wreathing and trying to break free but his hold is so strong. Finally I had no other option but to bite his hand. "Aaah Dammit you bite me!" He screams letting me go and stepping back. "I had no choice you weren't letting me go! I swear why did you even come here! And why did u bring this-" I'm cut of by my phone ringing, I rush to it and see that it's Erin. "Hold on" I say answering it and then abruptly putting it on hold. "I have to take this it's important, you douchebags better be gone when I get back!" I yell going to the dressing room to take the call. James' POV I watch her leave, each step she takes further away from me hurts more and more. She was right, it was a huge mistake bringing them here, at least Brad anyway. I should have come on my own, I'll never get her back now. "Dude are you ok..." Brad says approaching me slowly. "I'm fine Brad. Just fine. No thanks to you..." "What is that supposed to mean? Dude I was just joking around she really needs to lighten up." "No Brad you need to smarten up. Do you even hear yourself?" "He's right man you didn't sound like you were joking around, you sounded like you were purposely trying to get a rise out of her..." Connor says meekly stepping forward. "Who asked you Connor!" Brad snaps at him "Brad don't snap at him, he's right! Look I don't know why you resent her so much but you had no right to attack her like that!" "Okay look maybe I went a little too far but I just don't want you to go through what I did with Evie... you know what I mean we were so close and then when I started really getting into the music I had less time for her and she couldn't handle it. It broke us... I just don't want to see that happen here..." "Well you have a funny way of showing it because it seems like your trying to drive us apart! Look do you wanna know why she reacted like that? Because that competition isn't just important because it was our first win, it important because it was the last competition that her dad came to before he died. He had bone cancer, he insisted on his nurse bringing him to the competition, wheelchair, oxygen tank, and everything. He died a few weeks after the competition... "James... I'm sorry I didn't know..." "Of course you didn't, she made me promise not to tell anyone. She doesn't want the pity, she doesn't want people to treat her like she's broken. She's not, if anything she grew from it, it made her stronger..." "I get it now, I'll apologize to her." "No you won't! You stay the hell away from her you'll only make it worse! She'll kill me if she finds out I told you! Let me talk to her first!" I say spinning on him. "Fine, we'll go back to the hotel and give you guys some space..." "Good luck man..." Tristan says patting me on the shoulder as he walks out. "It'll all work out man, don't worry." Connor adds as he leaves. I really hope so... Now, what to do... what to say... Y/N's POV I charge into the dressing room all fuelled up by Brad and take the phone off hold. "Hello Erin?" "Yeah... is everything okay... you sounded a little tense back there..." "Ugh yeah everything is fine, how are you?" "Not good to be honest..." "Oh god no... don't tell me..." "It's broken Y/N. I'm so so sorry, but I'm not going to be able to compete next weekend... think you can find another partner?" "With only a week for them to learn the routine? I don't think so... I mean there are very few people who are capable of that and even fewer who are going to be available this short notice..." "I'm really sorry, I wish there was something I could do, I wish I could still do it..." "Don't worry about it, you just rest and get better soon ok? I'll figure something out..." "Ok, let me know how it goes." "Will do, bye Erin." "Bye." I hang up and loose all my resolve. I break down in tears, hopeless. I'm going to have to drop out, how am I ever going to find someone this late? Suddenly the image of my dying father pops into my head... "Promise me when I'm gone you'll keep dancing Pepper... promise me you won't stop...." "I promise Daddy... I promise!" One of our last conversations... I start crying uncontrollably. So loud I don't hear James come into the dressing room. "Oh Y/N please don't cry over that stupid prick Brad! He's really not worth it!" He says rushing over to me and holding me close. I hold him and cry for a while before finally speaking. "It's not because of him James..." "Then what?" "My clumsy partner broke his arm when he dropped me yesterday-" "He dropped you!" "It's ok I'm fine, but he definitely can't do a lift with a broken arm... so I'll have to forfeit..." "No you won't." "What are you talking about? You know there's no way I can find someone this late in the game, not someone who I trust and who can learn the choreography in a week." "You won't have to look far... I'll do it." "C'mon James, be rational. You haven't danced in years, are you sure you can learn a whole new dance in a week?" "What's this? Is pepper doubting salt?" "I'm serious!" I say playfully smacking him in the stomach. "I am too. You know you trust me, and I trust you. When we dance together we're unstoppable. I know you can teach me this dance." "Your not wrong..." "Then please let me do this... it would mean a lot..." There are those genuine eyes again... "But what about the boys? Won't they tease you?" "Screw them, this is about us. Me and you. So what do you say?" "Ok, yes. Yes your my new partner!" "Woohoo salt and pepper together again!" He screams. We both burst out laughing... Maybe I hadn't completely lost James... this day is turning out to be much better than I'd anticipated.
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surveys4ever · 3 years
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? I put red bell peppers in the breakfast burritos we had for dinner last night!
What was your last Facebook notification for? Someone requested to join a group I admin.
What bands have you seen live? Sadly I haven’t seen many bands live. Last ones I saw were Paramore and X Ambassadors!
Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: Ummm...she got weight loss surgery a few years ago.
What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? My dad left and my mom remarried and had a bunch more kids she likes more than me.
What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? Cheesecake, broccoli, water, atheists. Now cheesecake is my favorite, I love broccoli, water is the only thing I drink, and I AM an atheist.
What are your plans later today? I have to shower and make dinner. Other than that idk.
Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? Sadly probably not. Beebs works so I’m probably just gonna work on a sewing project or something.
Who do you talk to the most? My husband or our dog!
What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Go on TikTok.
Who is your best guy friend(s)? My husband!
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I’m good where I’m at!
If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? It depends on the scar and its placement. I’d probably get it removed tho.
Have you had an x-ray in the past year? Nope! Last one was in the 9th grade.
Do you think your first love still loves you? I’d sure hope so.
What is something that is “going right” in your life? We’re debt free for the first time since we got married, my husband is fixed, and we just finished getting a bunch of repairs done on our car!
When did you feel ready to start dating? I don’t think there was a moment I decided I was ready...it just happened!
When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? I mean...she’s never bitten me maliciously! Just playfully.
Where were you the last time you made out? In bed I believe.
When was the last time you cried tears of joy? When a company I’ve loved forever sent me a massive PR box with so much more than I could have ever expected. I sat on the kitchen floor and cried.
How do you type your sad smileys? :(
Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? Nah!
What was the last soda you drank? I had a coke slushie earlier!
What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I’m not sure! It was probably something silly my husband was teasing me for.
Have you ever had any type of surgery? No, thank god.
Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? Yeah. It’s their body!
Who was the last person to hit on you? Some weirdo on the internet told me my bellybutton must smell like roses.
What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? Shower..oops.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? I don’t know!
What do you put on hot dogs? Mayo, ketchup, mustard, and cheese.
Ever fallen in the shower? Slipped but not fallen!
Do you think that things will get better? I really hope so!
Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? Yup.
What’s your favourite book genre? I don’t know if I have one!
Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? I almost walked out of Toy Story 4 because the people behind us were so goddamn rude and their kid kept pulling my hair.
Do dogs like you? Oh hell yeah.
Would you say that you project an air of authority? Maybe? I’m a bossy Capricorn so I exude some level of leadership but I’m also not comfortable being in charge of anyone.
Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? Absolutely not.
Do you use one towel when you shower or two? Two! One for my hair and one for my body.
Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? Nope!
Who do you know that had a baby recently? Um! Lots of Facebook friends but no one personally.
Do you like Usher’s songs? Eh! They’re alright.
When was the last time you went to a waterpark? Oh god. Like 15 years ago.
Have you ever ridden a train? When I was a young tot, yes!
What do you eat your French fries with? Depends on the fry! Ranch is usually my favorite.
Do you have family problems? Hahahahaha....hahahaha...yes. So fucking many.
What’s the last food you ate that was stale? I don’t know? I don’t eat stale food very often.
How do you like your grilled cheese? Extra cheesy with tomato soup!
What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? Pasta aglio e olio!
What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Spend time with my grandma!
Have you ever been close to drowning? Nope.
Have you ever had a panic attack? Ugh, many times. They are terrifying.
Do you like doing housework? Sometimes! Other times I’d rather do l i t e r a l l y anything else.
Would you ever get implants? I want a breast lift but I’m afraid to go under anesthesia.
Do you own a robe? A few, yeah!
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yup, but that’s none of your beeswax.
Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? If it’s dominos, I just toss it but if it’s anything else, I’ll eat it!
What was the last song you listened to? I Don’t Wanna Wait by Paula Cole.
Have any of your family members been to jail? In laws, yes!
Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? Yeah, sadly.
Can you remember when you first learned how to read? Yup! Kindergarten.
What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? Probably having to give up my childhood to be the big sister. I’m inherently motherly, I take care of everyone, but I have no desire to be a mother.
Have you ever had any teeth pulled? Just my wisdoms!
Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? I wanted to be famous.
What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? I feel like I watch all of the shows that interest me!
How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? Uh...no.
What is your favorite Queen song? Fat Bottomed Girls!
Do you know how to use any foreign currency? Well yeah but I mean...I’m not sure what there is to know about it? You go to the bank, exchange your money for the other money, and then spend it as you see fit. It’s a lot easier to just use your bank card tho.
Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? Nope!
Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? Yeahhhh, sadly. My period is a little bitch who likes to show up late a lot and I’m an anxious mess so I usually take tests to give me some peace of mind while I wait.
When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? I’m never at a loss of what to do!
What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? We went to a theme park! It was absolutely magical.
What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? Inside out and Just Friends! We saw Inside Out by ourselves, with my husband’s best friend, and then with my family just because it was so fkn good. And then my best friend at the time was obsessed with Ryan Reynolds and saw it I think like 10 times by herself, 2 of which were with me.
What is the reason you’re still alive? My heart is still pumping?
Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? I’ve had sex in my parents’ hotel room while they were down at the pool...sorry mom.
Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? I never brush my hair except for right after a shower. I have curly hair and brushing it is the literal worst thing you can do.
Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) I don’t believe so!
Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? Yes and yes!
How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Bleary! My husband was calling me to wake me up.
Do you still tell your parents that you love them? I do, even when I don’t really want to.
Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Friends and family, yeah.
Would you date someone with a physical disability? I mean, I'm married, but in a theoretical world where I was single, that wouldn’t be something that would deter me if I loved someone.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? He has not!
The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Purple! That was only like 2 weeks ago.
Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? We did!
Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? 20%, actually!
Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? I’ve only ever gone to Reddit because Google suggested it to me to answer a question I had.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? I was only 4 but I guess I was my mom’s maid of honor/flower girl at her wedding.
Are your parents in good health? My mom is but my dad has high cholesterol and bad back pain. Nothing super serious tho.
Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? Nope!
Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? Not that I’m aware of but most medications have weird affects on me. NyQuil makes me hallucinate, Novocaine makes me loopy, and oui’d makes me see shit, so?
Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? I really just wear a T-shirt and shorts to bed.
Do you have any interesting pillow cases? All my pillow cases rn are vintage and I love them!
If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? I just have really sensitive feet and every pair rubs them raw or causes blisters/bleeding so they usually hurt.
Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Spiders, definitely.
Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? I had acrylics for a year! I don’t remember the last set I had on tho.
Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American.
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E03 “Faith, Hope, and Trick”
This here’s a major one, folks! Season 3, Episode 3, “Faith, Hope, and Trick” - which does not technically have that Oxford comma in it but I can’t really help myself.
> To start, this is definitely a very special episode to me. I'm not sure why. I think this was the first episode of Buffy I ever watched both live AND completely caught up.
> Plus, Buffy getting back into school, Faith being introduced, the ostensible villain and love interest are introduced, it's a lot!
> The opening scene in particular is one that always makes me smile. "Oh I like you giddy." Squee.
> I don't think we were allowed to go off campus for lunch, even as seniors. We did have our own cafeteria though.
> "Prepare to uncouple. ... Uncouple."
> "I don't believe she slays either." "Oh I hear she can but she doesn't like to."
> "You're supposed to stop me when I do that." "I like when you do that." Oz was dream boyfriend.
> “He didn't try to slit our throats or anything. That's progress.” CORDELIA, WHY DO YOU TALK.
> Thanks for making me think calling my female friends "slut" was permissible, Xander.
> "Yes, date, and shop, and hang out and got to school, and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know, I wanna do girlie stuff." Hero ✌️
> Also there's something to that last line mirroring her encounter with the First Slayer at the end of Season 4.
> Happy Burger? Where's The Doublemeat Palace??
> I really loved Mr. Trick, he should've survived to wreak more havoc in the future.
> Drive-Thru Guy is cute.
> I was super fascinated back in the day with the concept of Kakistos, like The Master, devolving into a more animalian form.
> Jeez, twenty years later and this theme still gets me pumped. Can't wait to see what it's like in 2048.
> OMIGOD, THIS DREAM SEQUENCE. We were OBSESSED with interpreting these dreams. Now, as an adult writer, I get that it was probably mostly nonsense.
> "GO TO HELL! ... I did." Dat face. And like, yea, what was that even supposed to mean?
> I've literally worn a Claddagh for 20 years because of this show. It's only incidental that I'm Irish. No lie.
> Buffy, why are you playing with the letter opener in front of Snyder? Why would you goad him? Sigh.
> "I think what my daughter is trying to say is: nyah nyanya nyah nyah" Joyce for days.
> There's a real and palpable shift in tone from the last time Buffy stood in this library.
> Demon Pizza is a great band name
> When asked about the Acathala ritual, knowing it’s a lie, Giles gives a great performance as someone who is used to the teens telling him his stuff is boring so he doesn't bother filling in the details.
> They really go full throttle on Willow being a "Wicca" from Episode 2 and just don't stop, huh?
> HAHA, you can see Faith sexydancing in the first shot of the Bronze scene. Not too obvious though.
> Scott is uncomfortably earnest.
> "Plus bonus points for use of the word 'mosey.'" Yes, Oz.
> THERE'S THE WORD "SLUT" AGAIN - thanks, Cordy!
> Disco Vampire is pretty cute. Also, I love the way Eliza moves in this scene.
> "I don't think that guy thrives on sunshine." Yes, sometimes this is just me tweeting Buffy quotes I love.
> Weekly shout-out to Christophe Beck for his amazing work. Love you, bro.
> "It's okay, I got it. You're, uh, Buffy, right? I'm Faith." HOLY CRAP, I ACTUALLY LOVE HER FROM LINE ONE.
> Buffy always did a great job of crafting scenes that could later be used perfectly in the Previously's.
> Ugh, and Faith calls her B right away. I love it. I'll say right up front, I don't personally ship it, but I see it.
> "Wow, they should film that story and show it every Christmas" is something I said a lot for ten years.
> Like, I get the need to explain how this situation with Faith being called happened to the audience, but why is Cordy the mouthpiece here?
> "Xander, find a new theme." For real tho.
> Buffy bringing up The Three here is FASCINATING, because now they seem more like a footnote in the grand scheme of things. And as someone who had spent the summer catching up on Seasons 1 and 2, I *LOVED* it when it came up.
> "It's a long story." "I got bit." "Apparently not that long." They will definitely reuse this joke.
> Omigod I love Giles's wistful waxing on about the Watchers' retreat.
> Like. But if they don't like Giles, why is he in charge of the active Slayer? Are they just hoping she'll die soon and they can just have the next one better-trained? ... I withdraw my question.
> "Raise your hand if ew." Also something I said a lot. I love Willow's smirk, though. Sexuality is a spectrum, baby.
> I need a coffee mug that says "Sunnydale: Home of the Big Brewin' Evil"
> Buffy is way over this second Slayer WAY fast. Girl, Kendra died. Think about that.
> "Acathala. Angel. Me. Sword."
> "Next time I kill Angel, I'll video it." Today that would be "Livestream it."
> As a continuity buff, I really love the stroll through Sunnydale High that they give Faith.
> I also say "aboat" a lot because of the way Faith says it here.
> It's just TOO RANDOM that Faith ALSO bumps into Scott Hope and hits it off with him. TOO RANDOM.
> What hair color does Cordelia think Faith’s hair is, if not brunette?
> It's, like, not even homecoming, it's not weird that Buffy hasn't made a move on Scott yet, everyone needs to chill on her ass.  
> "I don't care if there are 100 Slayers." Snerk.
> Mr. Trick needs to stop eating all of the food service industry workers in this town. That's two in one episode!
> I don't know how we're supposed to feel about Joyce doting on Faith but I love it. Especially because it's not at the expense of Buffy.
> "It's probably good you were an only child." SNERK AGAIN.
> Legit, though, stuff like that's wild. When this aired, that had a whole different context than it does watching the completed show.
> "Two of you fighting is safer than one, right?" "I guess." ...How is the answer to that not just yes? It’s math.
> Oof, "Slayer Pride Parade." I thought that was cuter at 12 than I do now.
> Buffy really does start way too agitated every time with Faith in this episode. It's not a good color on her.
> "What is it, the Angel thing?" Oh Faith, I was rooting for you.
> "Why are you lips still moving, F?" That's still a great mic-drop moment.
> "My dead mother hits harder than that." But not as hard as that anvil.
> "She has almost no deck. She has a three."
> "I used to love a good kayak."
> Fun fact: my dad came home with our Honda CRV during this scene. It was my first car. RIP, Serenity </3
> "Maybe he lived for taquitos - What?"
> Leprechauns still aren't real in the Buffyverse, right? I hope so.
> Scott seems really sweet but he's way too pushy. Then again, soft virgins often are. I would have wasted a LOT of time being in love with Scott Hope in high school. Only for the bastard to come out in college, rrrgh.
> 20 years later, I've still never seen a single Buster Keeton film.
> Getting her a ring is SO PRESUMPTIVE that it makes me root against him. If they wanted the imagery, they should've been, like, a Claddagh keychain or something. Not literally the same prop.
> I was definitely surprised to learn Faith's Watcher was dead, legit.
> Faith's landlord looks like Greg Brady, and I have literally always thought this.
> "Broads like you"? What?
> "Like you took care of your Watcher?" On the one hand, harsh. On the other, retaliation for the Angel stuff. But mostly the first one.
> It's weird that Faith just returns to this same hotel room to live in after this. You don't even take a different room? Another hotel? If this was Power Rangers, she would go and live with Buffy, just saying.
> “First rule of Slaying: don't die.”
> I love when Buffy kicks things at bad guys, haha.  
> I also love this ENORMOUS STAKE. Truly fantastic.
> "You hungry?" "Starved." Okay we get it.
> They ultimately never assigned a new Watcher to Faith. Wesley was sent because Giles was fired. Huh.
> I listened to the audio clip of this "Angel was cured" scene, like, a BILLION times. (Thanks, Psyche Sound Archive!)
> "So I told him that I loved him, and I kissed him, and I killed him." 💔
> I love that it's Willow and Giles here for this.
> "There is no spell." Classic Giles.
> Considering Buffy was, like, expelled and wanted by the police, Scott should ABSOLUTELY be reasonable about how weird she is if he is at all genuinely interested.
> I'm sad we didn't get more of this "Buffy has a normal boyfriend" arc. We don't even get many episodes of it with Riley, and anyway surprise he also hunts demons. Buffy never had a Harvey Kinkle.
> Oh hey, Mansion, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of you this year.
> As "Close Your Eyes" was one of the themes that made me fall in love with television score, obviously this scene laying the ring to rest meant a GREAT DEAL to me: https://youtu.be/6rom5MQhaMY
> And then there's dat ass! Welcome back, David.
As Dark Willow would say, two to go!
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opepin · 7 years
october: week two
09: i started my day by doing my regular butt workout and i wiped out so quickly. i think my hips are a bit too tight right now :( i started off stronger with 40 lbs again but for the rest of the exercises, i had to drop from 12.5-15 lb to 10 lbs. merp. i got through it all though. then i showered and made a breakfast smoothie before hopping online and getting straight to work because i had a deadline today. kevin got back at around 12:40 pm and then we ate lunch and headed over to the volkswagen dealership to figure out what was up with my car’s brakes. i decided for us that we’ll stay instead of ubering home but in retrospect, i should have taken kevin’s advice and we should have gone home and worked a bit more. next time, we’ll drop off my car and take an uber home. i bought reese’s cup from the vending machine and watched youtube videos and read articles. they were finished changing the oil, figuring out the brake problem, and rotating my tires 1 hour and 30 minutes on the dot. kevin asked some questions and everyone was super helpful. we learned more about starting the car and how to solve the brake issue; there wasn’t anything wrong with my brakes though.
we drove straight home and i continued working until 5:30 pm. i finished everything and then took a reading break before heading to the yoga studio and doing my second leg workout of the day. my hamstrings were already sore and i pushed myself a bit more so i could really build up those muscles. then i came back and showered while kevin made us ribs and butternut squash “cream” pasta. i got really hungry so i kept hovering and when everything was done, i let kevin take pictures and then devoured my food. everything was delicious except for the fried sage he put on top of the pasta... omg my tastebuds were attacked and i felt like i was eating medicine a while after that. we ate and watched ‘yakitate! japan’ and cuddled together before kevin went to run. i continued reading for a bit and then brushed up and went to sleep at 12:30 am. it felt like another weekend kind of.
10: my body didn’t feel that sore but i felt bloated (started eating the benefiber after taking a break from it bc of the sugar alcohol from the protein bar and the extra fiber) so i slept in today. i got up and realized that i was correct in my assumption about my body. my legs were tight but not so much that i didn’t want to move today. so i’ll do some fun dance cardio and stretch today. kevin wanted to eat raisin bran for breakfast so he went directly to work today lol. then i hopped on the computer and did some internet errands and any last pieces of work before another training session. this session was chill for me because phil was kind of in charge but someone from the client’s team was presenting. after the session, i took my break and did 30 minutes of dance cardio and then ate lunch. i got on stand up and i think phil was a bit preoccupied at the moment so i took a real quick shower, changed clothes, and then went to work on some other items on my to-do. i worked on sketching out the tutorials and at the end of the day, i got to catch up with phil and kind of run through thursday’s session for a bit.
kevin got back home and went for a quick run before we left to pick up flo and get dinner with her. lol, i read my book while kevin went on his run and i was pretty frazzled while getting ready to leave. i left my phone in the apartment and had to run and get it lol. we drove to waltham and i accidentally directed us to the restaurant instead of flo’s hotel LOL. good thing the hotel was only 10 minutes away... we picked her up and then got to the restaurant. we ate at gustazo cuban restaurant and cafe in waltham, and it was friggin’ delicious. we split 5-7 small plates and 1 large plate of ropa vieja and also some churros with dark chocolate chili dipping sauce. it was great catching up with her and talking about her travels, our travels, etc. flo is more of kevin’s friend, but it was so easy talking to her and she’s so chill. i love just making conversation with her. we ate and talked until their closing time :O, which was pretty early at like 9 pm or something. then we drove flo back and i put in the right address this time. ahhh, it was so great grabbing dinner with her. lol kevin and i have this thing where we’re pretty much homebodies because we don’t really have a group of friends out here and we like spending time at home with each other. so when people come and visit and we make dinner plans with them, we’re like hesitant but every time we go and we just have a great time with friends. haha.
we got back home and kevin went to game while i went back to reading for a bit and then i did 30 minutes of stretches before going to sleep. my hips are extremely tight ): i hope the stretching helped though. i went to sleep all nice and warm from stretching.
11: i woke up at 7:15 am and did a cardio kickboxing routine. i couldn’t find 2 lb weights in the yoga studio so i used 3 lb weights. that 1 lb in each arm makes a huge difference in kickboxing x_x; then i showered and made myself my morning smoothie and headed out to work. lol this is the first time in a week or so that i have been to the office. when i got there, no one from t7 was in their offices... lol. so i got straight to work and then at 12 pm, i walked to faneuil hall and picked up my uniqlo order. the 24 inch one fits just right but the 25 inch one gave me more room. oddly, the 25 inch one gave me a weird pouch. so i returned that one and walked over to where the old office was to get vegan tacos from the taco party food truck. mmm. i got the chimichurri tempeh, the lentil one, and a side of mexican rice and black beans. everything was delicious. i ate quickly and then did a bit more work before hopping on a really quick stand up. then i stayed on the line with sultan and phil to go over material for tomorrow’s training. i did a bit more work while phil was away for lunch, i believe, and then i met with him again before leaving the office at around 4:45 pm. joe came in before stand up and i talked a bit with him before leaving.
i had to wait for two trains to pass before i could get one. i saw a man push through the crowd just to get on one of the trains... he didn’t say excuse me or sorry or anything. he also had the nerve to smile and laugh when he got on. ugh people can be so fcking rude. trains were coming every 5 minutes so i didn’t feel too grumpy about it. i also got a seat on my train pretty early on. when i got home, i made shiitake gohan and then took a break from everything and read. i finished reading ‘beasts of extraordinary circumstances.’ it is a lovely book and i would definitely call it one of my favorites. i haven’t read such a good book in a while. i love the way it is written and how the story is framed. i started watching the latest episode of shokugeki while kevin cooked dinner. then we ate dinner while watching two episodes of yakitate! japan. kevin went to game and then i waited for my food digest and i did my obliques workout while watching youtube videos. then i showered and brushed my teeth and went to bed. i stayed on my phone for a bit and slept at 12:30 am or so. zzz.
12: i got up at around 8:20 am and then headed to the yoga studio to do arms and back today. i did my workout differently today. instead of using weights i could do more reps with, i went with the heaviest one (for me) and then did my reps and sets slower than usual. the workout i followed still didn’t hit my 30 minute goal so i did another arm video but it was one without weights and without doing push ups. it was interesting, but i don’t know how effective it was. i got back and then i showered and made my smoothie along with kevin’s non-benefiber, non-protein smoothie haha. kevin went to work and i did some internet errands and some prep work before the 11 am training session. i led the beginning portion of the training and it went pretty smoothly. it took me longer than i expected to get through everything though. i think i took maybe 40 minutes? when i thought i was only going to take 30 minutes. it was a smooth end to the persona training sessions. after that, i ate lunch and then worked on prep work for tuesday’s journey mapping training sessions. the day pretty much flew by. phil was out for the rest of the day after stand up.
kevin got home and gamed for a long time LOL. so long that i made rice and then i got hungry so i just ate rice with herbal chicken soup for dinner while watching ‘baby driver.’ that move is sooo good! i got a bit irritated at him for not stopping to cook but i wasn’ really mad at him because i made myself food anyway lol. i helped prep the potatoes and wash some dishes while chicken prepped the chicken. then we popped everything in the oven. kevin went to run while the chicken was in the oven and i continued watching my movie. i took the chicken out when it was done and ate most of a thigh and some potatoes. it was pretty good “mediterranean” baked chicken. kevin got back, showered, and ate dinner. i think we watched some yakitate! japan while kevin ate and then i called it a night. we ate pretty late so i tried staying up a bit longer my stomach could digest, but i was working from home anyway so it didn’t matter much to me. kevin actually went to sleep at the same time as me -- i think he was kind of tired.
13: i slept in today and then woke up, made a smoothie for kevin and me, and then went to work. kevin was also working from home today because he needed to pick up his dad around noon from the airport. i was in pretty much full on work mode the entire day. i was working on making an example journey map and figuring out the training schedule for the upcoming weeks. we all had lunch together (my second lunch because i ate the leftover chicken from yesterday because i got hungry). kevin made his dad ribs haha. then poppa chen chilled while we both continued working. we drove him to his hotel in waltham at around 5:15 pm. it took us 45 minutes or so because of traffic. after we said goodbye to him (we’ll be hanging out with him on sunday :D), we checked the traffic and it would take us like 40-50 minutes to get home so we decided to eat out around the area. there are a lot of hotels and restaurants in that area for some reason? we headed over to this japanese restaurant but a jimmy john’s was near it so we went there instead. lol kevin mentioned that we haven’t eaten bread in a while and that we’ve been watching yakitate! japan LOL. so i got a turkey tom with sprouts, kevin got a club lulu with sprouts, and we split an oatmeal raisin cookie.
we ate pretty quickly but by the time we finished, google estimated that we would get home in only 30 minutes. so we drove back and got home at around 7 pm. we went straight to watching our two daily episodes of yakitate! japan and then i did my hiit workout. kevin was supposed to workout at the same time as me but he wanted to play one game of heroes of the storm before running lol. as he ran, i showered and then did 30 minutes of deep stretching. we spent some time relaxing before hopping on the sofa and playing some gang beasts and battleblock theater. man, we’re so rusty LOL. i rq’d after a few games because i was tired. lol it was only 1 am but i wanted to go to sleep. so i went to sleep and kevin stayed up playing more heroes of the storm until like 1:45 am (supposedly).
14: i slept in LOL (there’s a trend here) and got up at like 11 am. then kevin made us breakfast sandwiches and we split a scallion pancake. we watched yakitate! japan and then played some battleblock theater until 2 pm. we planned with ryan and ashley for our trip to iceland. it actually took us 2 hours of planning D: we looked for places we’d like to go and made a spreadsheet and then put them into a day format but didn’t book the car or hotels yet. so we set up another time to plan. kevin and i also snacked during the session. so we ate all of the chicken thigh leftovers. then kevin and i went grocery shopping. we were both really out of it because of the planning. we got back home and then kevin started cooking the sweet potato burgers while i did my 45 minute strength workout in the yoga studio. i just remember it being a good session. we snacked on scallion pancakes and i happened to eat just the pretzel bun during our planning session too. so when i got back from my workout, i was still pretty full. i showered and then i ate the sweet potato portion without the bun haha. it was delicious. kewpie mayo is delicious and i am in love with the packaging <33 we ate and watched yakitate! japan.
lol i think we watched maybe 3-4 episodes in total because the show kept ending on a cliffhanger. :P after that, i washed the dishes, did laundry, cleaned the bathroom, and cleaned the kitchen. i was so stressed out while doing these things. kevin went for a walk on the treadmill and when he came back, i yelled at him for vacuuming because i couldn’t hear my youtube video playing in the background :( i was so overwhelmed. i apologized and then kevin did finish vacuuming and swiffering that night. it took me forever to fold the laundry and get the bed sheets dry though. i ended up laying on the sofa while the sheets dried. i was so tired from cleaning. i felt like i had to clean today because tomorrow we’d be hanging out with poppa chen for basically the whole day and i wouldn’t be able to get my 60 minute exercise session in either. @_@; i went to sleep really tired and a bit grumpy... i also slept at 2:30 am so... yeah, i was cleaning at like 12 am LOL.
15: womp womp. i slept in again. kevin and i ate leftover sweet potato burgers for brunch while watching a episode of ‘yakitate! japan.’ then we started playing trine 2 and ended up picking up his dad a bit later than we planned lol. we drove back to the apartment and then relaxed a bit before heading over to quincy quarries for a short hike. this area has a ton of graffiti and is known for outdoor top roping and some bouldering. the graffiti was beautiful and the hike was pretty nice. i saw many crickets and also a garden snake?!!?! it like slithered away right in front of me and i freaked out haha. then we drove back home and poppa chen packed his suitcase and everything and then we drove him to his hotel. there was traffic entering the highway and everything we left the house, we had to go on that highway so everything took a bit longer than it would usually. @_@; we got him checked into his hotel and then we drove him to needham so he could have dinner with friends. kevin was kinda dead with all this driving and he woke up with a sore throat x_x; we stopped by ikea so i could get my ice cream and dinner. we both got swedish meatballs and then kevin got a hot dog and we split the ice cream and cinnamon roll.
kevin was totally pooped when we got back. he gamed a bit and i watched some youtube videos while digesting my food. after an hour or so, i went to the yoga studio and did a so called “hiit and ab toning workout.” i removed that shizz from my playlist immediately after finishing the workout -__-’ it was a full body workout and not really a hiit imo. we did like maybe 1-2 minutes of cardio and switched over to arms, legs, shoulders, and then fianlly abs with these short cardio sessions in between... so everything was only like 3 minutes long. ugh. we had to pick up poppa chen again so kevin showered and i washed my face. i was going to workout when we got back. so we drove and then dropped poppa chen off and then drove back home. kevin made himself tea and played pokemon while i did a low-impact cardio workout and then 20 minutes or so of abs. i managed to get my workout in today but i was so stressed trying to do everything all in the 50 minutes or so. then i showered and kevin went to sleep. i stayed up for a bit longer to unwind and then slept at like 12:30 am or so.
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Hey guys! Here is the next chapter :) Technically its chapter 21, but I’m calling it chapter 14 part 2 because each episode is broken up in different chapters. So chapter ‘14′ is episode 3. Weird system, I know lol. Anyway, Hope you guys enjoy!! :)
Peggy's POV:
After I clock out of my shift, I grab my coat, smile at Daniel, and leave to go and see Stephanie. Its been such a  long hard day, and all I want at the moment is a hot bath, to see my daughter, and spend time with Daniel; and not in that order. I knock on the door and Jarvis answers.
"Ms. Carter. I was just getting the little miss ready to go."
"She wasn't too much trouble today?" "Oh she is never any trouble." He says as he hands her to her mother.
"Hello, darling. How was your day, hm?" Steph wiggles around and gurgles her baby talk. I smile and acts as if I knows what she's saying. "Is that so? Well I'm glad you had fun. Now its time to head home, say bye Mr. Jarvis." Steph doesn't actually speak but she does wave her little hands, and that makes him laugh. "Thank you for taking care of her, and give my thanks to Mrs. Jarvis as well for watching her while you were... away." He looks away sheepishly and thanks me for my assistance with getting him out. "Its not any trouble, Mr. Jarvis. I know what I did was right." She looks away, bothered, but he doesn't ask why. I take Stephanie to Daniel's apartment and we sit and wait for him.
"Peg?" He comes home an hour later.
"In here, Daniel!" He walks in to the kitchen and finds us. "Hello." I smiles and walk to him. We meet in the middle for gentle kiss, but linger when we break apart.He keeps his hand on my waist and I lean in again for a little less of a gentle kiss. My hand rests on his arm, and the other on his cheek, never wanting to let go...but unfortunately we have to breath. I stay close to him as we catch our breath and he snogs me once more and I can't help but smile. Before we can continue we move away when Steph starts squealing and laughing.
"I think she knows."
"Perhaps she does. And if so I think she enjoys the change." I says as I press my chest into his. He laughs and leans back down to steal one more kiss; and I'm more than happy to let him. God I can't stand this...I groan and lean more into him. "Dani..." I mumbles and moan into his chest.
"You okay, Peg?" He asks as he rest a hand on my back.
"I'm going to kill Howard if this doesn't end soon." I says, my words muffled in his shirt.
"What'd you mean? The case?" I nod against him. "Why do you-"
"Because!" I groan in frustration.
"Peggy, what's eating at you?" He takes my face in his hands to; and I bite down on my lip as I meet his eyes.
"I...I want to stay...." I says quietly.
"Peg you know you can. I don't care." He chuckles and slides his hands down to my waist.
"I have work to do. I can't stay." I finally meets his gaze and I know he can see right through me.
"Neither can I. I have to work the night shift today. Thats why I came back so early." "What? But Steph-" I turn away with my hand on my forehead. This can't be happening.
"I told Dooley I had to take care of some things at home first, then I'd come back to finish my shift. Peg-"
"Ugh! Can I not get one simple break?" I mumble to my self. "I can't take her with me, Daniel. Not only is she not welcome in the bloody hotel but-”
"Your still working on the investigation into Stark's stolen weapons." It wasn't a question, and I feel horrible fro putting us in this situation.
"Dani...What are we going to do about Stephanie? I can't give her back to the Jarvis's. Mrs. Jarvis is likely asleep by now and then her husband is helping me. I know no one else to watch her other than you." I lean against the counter and Daniel stands in front of me.
"I've tried like hell to say no, but no one else can take it. Krisminski and I are the only ones available for tonight." He runs his hands up and down my arms to calm me; and it's working. "I may know someone who could watch Steph, but that's only if you're okay with it"
"Who?" I stand up straight and he laughs. By standing the way I do, our faces are so close I can feel hi =s breath....but now's not the time for that. He hesitates to answer and rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"Pai..." My eyes widen at this and Daniel immediately reads my mind. "I know I know, you don't know him well, But I do. My dad is great with kids and-"
"And he hates me." I say looking away.
"Peg, he doesn't hate you. He just...was suspicious of us spending so much time together. That and he's afraid of all the gossip." I look up at him and he's turned a bright red. "He'll take care of her, Peggy. I know he will. Yes he knows about...Steph's dad. But only briefly. And I know he won't tell anyone. I swear on my life Stephanie is as safe with him as she is with me."
"I-" Ugh! I shake my head and lean into him.
"Amada-" He stops and we turn to look at Stephanie. She's just said her first word. "Steph...?" We walk towards her and she giggles when I pick her up.
"D..d.." She gurgles and spits over her lip. Daniel wipes it away and she reaches for him. "Dada" Oh my God...She keeps saying it again and again until Daniel holds her.
"I-I, Uhm.." He stutters at a lack of words, although I'm not really sure what to say.
"Darling," I laugh nervously. What am I suppose to do !?!? "H-hes not daddy. Y-you-Bloody hell. Daniel I'm so sorry I-I..."
"I-uhm. I-its fine. She's too little to know who I am right now." He gulps nervously; that makes two of us. I nod and try to slow my breathing. I can't believe she-ugh!
"Right, of course...but, still I-I'm so so sor-" He presses his lips onto mine, and instantly I relax. How does he have so much control over me and not know it? I can feel my cheeks heat up and I look away. "sorry." He laughs and we kiss again. God help me! I lean in and feel my belly twist as if butterflies flapping about. As cliche as that is...its exactly what I feel. Steph giggles and calls him dada again. I try but can't keep the groan to myself. I look up at Daniel and see him turn red.
"She'll learn. It'll just...take some time." He avoids looking at me and I turn away.
"You're right. Time..." Stephanie grabs at his shirt and snuggles against him. "I-I should get going. I have some...things to do." He nods his head and I turn towards the door.
"What about Steph?" He asks. "Are you okay with her being with Pai until you get back?" A nod my head slowly. " Here. Its his address." He write it down on a piece of paper and I tuck it away in my pocket.
"I trust you, Daniel. And if you say Steph will be safe with him...then I'm alright with it." I smile and walk to the door. He calls my name and I turn around, only to find him close behind me. Daniel takes his free hand and slowly runs it through my hair as he pulls me in for a kiss. When we separate, I can't open my eyes, at least not for a few moments. "Goodnight, Daniel..."
"Goodnight, Peggy." And with that, I leave. I walk to the Griffith Hotel and go upstairs to my apartment. Seeing as Jarvis and I were interrupted this morning, we'll have to explore Howard's vault now. I change my clothes and pack my bag, but I stop when I hear a knock on the door. Damn. I throw in my rob to cover my outfit and answer the door, and Angie waltzes in
"Oh, Hello Angie." I say, surprised. I didn't expect her to hurry in " I was just getting ready to-." But she talks over me and talks about work. "A whole 50 cents would be considered an improvement."
"I got a bottle of schnapps and half a Ru-bare pi. Lets see which one makes us sick first." She says excitedly. Although to most that would seem odd to be excited about, Angie and I haven't had time to spend much because of work. that and I don't want her to end up like Colleen...
"Oh that sounds lovely, but I was just getting ready to go to bed.
"It's 8 O'Clock, Grandma. C'mon tell me about your crappy day, maybe it'll make me feel better." She says cheerful, sitting on the bed.
"M-maybe some other time." I say walking away. She gets up and walks to the door.
"Didn't mean to disturb you." I tell her she wasn't but she said she knows a brush off when she sees one. I hate lying but its what I have to do. I follow her out the door and we both run into Ms. Fry and another woman I've never seen before. Ms. Fry introduces us and says the new woman is Dorthy Underwood and is our new resident at the Griffith. She's a dancer that goes by Dottie. She seems nice enough and although I'm flattered by her comment on my accent, I think cheery attitude is a little much for me. I go back in my room and close the door so i can get ready to meet up with Jarvis. Oh how fun that will be. How did I not know he was charged for treason? What did he do? Oh this is going to be a disaster...
I arrive at Stark's house and knock on the door, standing outside waiting for Jarvis. He answers the door and all I can do is look at him. I didn't want to ask, but the silence is killing me. "Do you have anything you want to tell me?" He looks puzzled at first, and then squares his shoulders to stand taller.
"Not at presently...no."
"Very well." I say as I reach down and grab my bag and enter the house."Lets get on with it." The sooner this is all over the sooner I can go and lie down; maybe even take a bath and relax. God knows I need it. We walk to the emptied room with a gaping whole that was Howard's vault. Jarvis says that Stark thought the intruder had advance technology to assist in the robbery. Then again Howard thinks everything requires technological assistance. "Shall we?" I ask, and we gather the gear I packed away and create a pulley system to help up get down the hole safely. When we do, we unstrap ourselves and starts walking. "Charge of treason, out of context, is not exactly what it appears to be. In fact my involvement with you and Mr. Stark could in the face of it, be considered treason." "Indeed it could."
"I don't need to know the details of your past Mr. Jarvis" I lie. It bothers the hell out of me to know I'm working with someone who keeps secrets.
"Thank you" he says as we walk along the tunnel. "Authorities say they found a man hole from here. They say the thief escaped through there."
"Carrying hundreds of pounds of equipment, seems unlikely. You said it rained the nigh of the break in? New York is one of the last cities to still use its sewers from storm water. All Mr. Branis would have needed was a raft and a forecast." I explain. "He could have floated his stolen treasure all the way to the sea." On our way through the tunnel to the end, Jarvis and I talk. He's surprised about my knowledge on sewage, but I served and spent a winter down there, so I know about it. I mention we all have secrets, implying to him, and he agrees. I've tried, I really have, but I need to know. He says that he forged his general's signature to get Ana, his now wife, who is a Jew, to safety. Howard helped them escape to America to be free.
"That sounds like a story." I say as we reach the end.
"Another time perhaps." I use binoculars and notice a boat with the heart symbol Branis left behind. I let Jarvis have a look and then we drive to the docks; now we know where we need to go.
Daniel's POV:
After Peggy leaves I grab everything I need for Steph and head over to Pai's house. I hope he's still awake...When we get there I knock on the door and he answers a few moments later.
"Daniel? What's going on?" He looks between me and the baby and steps forward.
"Pai, I need your help with something. Peggy has to work late today, and so do I. Stephanie can't go back to her sitters tonight so, I was wondering if you could..."
"You want me to take care of her? Is her mother okay with this?"
"She is, yes. I told her I couldn't watch Steph because I had to work and I suggested you might be able to. I know you to don't know each other well, and she was...hesitant at first. But she trusts me and I trust you." He looks away, thinking.
"Okay, I'll take her." As I hand her over she starts to fuss.
"Is she keeps doing that just give her this." I hand him one of my old vests and he looks at me suspicious. "It'll keep her calm. Also, she is uhm...talking a little, so, yeah. Theres that."
"Daniel. I've raised 3 kids and helped with my grandchildren when they were her age. I know what I'm doing. She'll be okay, you know that."  
"I know, it's just...never mind. I have to go. Peggy will come by later to pick her up." I explain and then I leave. As I walk away I hear her say it.
"Dada..." And then she cries. God I hate leaving her like this, this is the second time I've done this. I hope she doesn't hate me later. When I get to the office I sit down at my desk and Krizminski brings over his chair and sets down bags of food.
"I bought us some dinner. Don't get the wrong idea, though. Chief told me too." I laugh.
"Yeah sure, whatever you say Krizminski." I reach into the bag and grab a sandwich. Mmm its a really good sandwich. Its from the same place Peggy and I ate sometimes when she was pregnant. At times when we both were too tired to cook, we'd get this.
"Alright I'm headin' out. Make sure the chief gets this when he gets back" Thompson says as he places a file on the desk.
"You got a hit on my passports?"Krizminski. says as he reaches for it. God it's gonna be a long night...
"Prince's name is Sasha Demidog. And you know the rest of the story."Thompson says.
"Let me guess." I speak up. "He was dead before he died? Battle of..wherever." I take another bite of my sandwich as he corrects me and says Fenial. He leaves with a joke of how I'm the brains of the night shift, yeah and a lot more. But they don't know that. Krizminski. goes on complaining how Thompson could have covered his shift because he found and helped with the passports.  "I thought you were gonna ask someone else, even Carter."
"I was. I did. She was acting  like I was waving a sock in front of her face."
"I'm sure you were polite and respectful as always." I say sarcastically. I'm not sure this guy has a single polite or respectful bone in his body. He stops messing with his sandwich and looks at me.
"You sweet on her, Sousa?"
"Don't you have enough women in your life to worry about?" I laugh.
"Alright. Let me give you a nickles worth of free advice, pal. Give up." I look over at him and see he's serious. "No girl's gonna trade in a red, white, and blue shield...for an aluminum crutch." Damn, I never thought of it that way...
Peggy's POV:
Jarvis and I get in the car and drive towards the docks where the ship with the heart symbol floats.The lights are still on which means someone is using it. I load my gun and step out of the car. Jarvis follow, slightly pouting because i don't have a gun for him, and we board the ship. When we get inside we find a load of crates with Stark industries on as the label. Jarvis and I take the netting off and look inside. Apparently this box has a back massage that cause involuntary muscle contractions. I'd hate to learn how they discovered that...
"Alright, lets call it in." I close the lid but Jarvis stops me from walking away.
"Ms. Carter You cannot reveal that you've recovered these items." He goes on the explain how they will not respect me, but instead use this to tear me down. Bloody hell! "If you wish to clear Mr. Stark's name, you must do so from the shadows."
"There's a phone box across the street. Call it in." I say. I know one person who could deserve a win today, if it not be me; then defiantly him."And for God's sake don't let Krisminski get hold of it. Sousa's working the office tonight. I'd rather him get the credit than anyone else." Jarvis gives me a small smirk and walks away. I'm not sure what that was meant for, but I don't like it...
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bwicblog · 7 years
BB: [ He//o he//o everyone ]
LC: [ Hello. ] LC: [ This asteroid sighting didn't hold much so far. ]
ID: hey it might be winding up to kill us all. maybe it has performance anxiety.
LC: [ That would be a strange thing for an asteroid to have since theYY are not sentient beings. ] LC: [ At least, scientificallYY no such thing is confirmed. ]
ID: hey, never know. until it's too late. and the sentient meteor is killing us.
LC: [ Well there are no confirmed sentient rocks, so hopefullYY this rock is no different. ]
ID: i believe in this meteor's intelligence. =:P
LC: [ I will inform YYou about it's intelligence once we get through this... hopeful "scare". ] LC: [ I prefer wishful thinking in this scenario. ]
ID: or maybe it's smart and it's just messing with us and will go fuck off back to space after it gets bored.
LC: [ If it manages to escape the gravitational pull of the planet (which is unlikelYY), then it would. ]
ID: you just like putting down this poor meteor.
LC: [ That's more of a science factoid, if I had anYY power over it I'd send it on it's waYY back to space - so everYYone stopped freaking out about the end of the world. ]
ID: yeah, well. the fleet failed us and hopefully we won't all die for their mistake.
LC: [ HopefullYY. ]
AA: omggg, dnw abt the meteorn, 'kay. AA: it is pernf chill. H E L L A chill.
ID: how drunk/high are you sip. =:/
ID: i assume you went to the party.
AA: went out into the crneepy fucking light and didn't even get my globes bleeding. >:}
AA: uh. AA: uhhhhhhh.
AA: scale of one to ten??
LC: [ I have a suspicion on that scale, that will be an eleven. ]
ID: oh hey another yellowblood. sip don't end up doing anything stupid like waking up in a dumpster.
ID: or i'll laugh.
ID: so hard.
AA: AA: oh, shit, i was typing
ID: man your dumpster fire is just raging out of control.
LC: [ I assume such... incident happened before with them? ]
AA: i'm not gonna end up in a dumpstern, jeeeeeeez. AA: stfu stfu stfu. >:P AA: mind honey tea, brnah, i ain't sparnky, it doesn't do anything.
AA: n, hads is just fussy.
ID: i'm not fussy, you're just a dumpster fire.
AA: yrn D A D is a dumpstern firne.
BB: [We'// be fiiiine ]
ID: my dad is great and you are forever a dumpster fire.
ID: no she'll end up in the dumpster because she's ingesting toxins.
LC: [ I will personallYY keep observing this asteroid for short periods of time. Even with darkened lenses, it's painful to look at it for too long. ]
BB: [ A /itt/e bit of fun never wound up with TOO much troub/e ]
AA: oh my god. fi you wernen't chilling in yrn fancy trnap, you'd totes be outherne too, don't play. >:P AA: therne's so many ppl out!!
BB: [ And see? /C is keeping an eye on the meteor ]
ID: i mean i wouldn't be getting high.
BB: [ I'm out rn too ]
ID: and i'm out of the tub eating stolen snacks right now.
LC: [ I was out earlier, but if YYou are out, take care of YYour own sight if YYou can. ]
AA: gj, bb, parntying is AA: AA: ????????????????????
ID: of course i'm naked.
BB: [ We// I know some things ]
BB: [ Best not to say in pub/ic though ]
ID: i put all my clothes in the hotel washing units.
AA: arne you wanderning the hotel naked??
AA: you arne the fucking dumpstern firne.
AA: it's you.
AA: yrn it!!
LC: [ Let's not go there. ] LC: [ I wanted to saYY that depending on the size of the tub - swimming. But that would classiffYY as a pool. ]
BB: [ I'm actua//y gonna go buy snacks now, ID made me hungry ]
ID: i had a robe for my forays out of my room!
ID: you high mess of a troll.
BB: [ Suggestions are we/come, I never know what I want when I reach the store ]
ID: you're welcome bb.
BB: [ A hote/ is a p/ace you can pay to spend the day in a private room ]
ID: hotels are where you stay when traveling when you have money.
BB: [ Among other things such as free food, wifi, /aundry facilities, sometimes gyms ]
LC: [ UsuallYY the more expensive ones. Motels tend to be cheaper. ]
LC: [ Uhm, because not everYYone breaks into other's hives and tries to kick them out. ]
BB: [ I hate staying in other peop/e's hives ]
ID: you never know when a hive is going to be boobytrapped.
LC: [ I agree with ID*. ]
BB: [ Other peop/e's hives can be dirty too ]
AA: it's the wronst. othern ppls hives. like. supern fucking wornst. AA: also, no, u, hads. >:{
AA: they'rne always dirnty!! no one knows how to fucking clean.
ID: definitely you sips. definiteeellyyy.
AA: like, nnnnnnnnnnn,put away yrn trnash, you got a bin forn a rneason.
BB: [ Exact/y AA ]
LC: [ Depends on the hive.]
ID: go drink some fucking water or something. what do you do when you're high to stop being high?
ID: do that.
BB: [ You have to wait it out ]
AA: dude, yrn in a hotel. like. acrnss the continent. AA: forn like. some weirnd fairne shit you don't even do. that's, like. AA: way morne rnanks in hot mess than me, tyvm.
AA: and i have watern!
AA: i haaaaaad watern. >:?
ID: oh my god.
ID: go find a new water. that's still sealed you utter waste of space.
LC: [ LA, given that dirt comes with mYY job, I am not. ]
BB: [ Dirt is fine, but dirty hives have worse things ]
LC: [ Then again, I prefer to keep things clean and tidYY. And have them as organized as I can have them. ]
ID: hahaha what.
LC: [ Pardon? ]
BB: [ What's your job /C? ]
LC: [ Mapmaker, cartographer, also generallYY travelling alot due to that. ]
BB: [ Oh wow sugar, that's rea//y coo/ ] BB: [ I've never met a mapmaker ]
LC: [ Thanks. ] LC: [ And well YYeah obviouslYY LA. Some trolls are ickYY about it in general. ]
AA: hads. haaaads. i bought watern. AA: and it's, like, M A RN O O N, too, just, like, forn you. >:}
ID: ...if it's maroon it isn't water.
AA: oh my god. >:{
AA: it is watern!!
LC: [ Water isn't maroon coloured. ]
ID: water is clear.
BB: [ AA if you need water or something I'd run you some. You near the Winter/ands at a//? ]
AA: lmfao, nooo. AA: not unless i get on a whale forn a day.
AA: i cn totes get on a whale forn a day, tho.
AA: la gets it.
AA: my watern doesn't have mud, omfg. >:{!
ID: sip you're supposed to be going this way, not whereever that other place is.
BB: [ We// I don't think you'// want to come a// the way here by wha/e for some water bott/es ]
ID: take a picture of your water already.
LC: [ LA, that only happens if you mix it with various goods that colour it. But normallYY it's clear. ]
ID: oh my god is la like 2.
ID: so 2.
LC: [ Well Hadean, theYY might lack knowledge on basic things. ]
LC: [ Not trYYing to implYY theYY are stupi-- Oh. ]
LC: [ Well then. ]
ID: see lc. i know my idiots when i see one.
LC: [ Figures. ]
BB: [ B/ess their pump ] BB: [ They just wanna be wi/d ]
LC: [ Well I know a troll who is wild, but also reallYY reckless. ] LC: [ And she just got too much energYY in general. ]
LC: [ If that's YYour stYYle, then I guess. ]
LC: [ Not everYYone rolls that waYY. ]
BB: [ That's so true, I don't care about anything e/se when I hunt ]
LC: [ Are YYou two happen to be hunters, or got other professions that's related to it? ]
BB: [ I carve bone, hunting just makes it easier to do that ]
AA: ugh, ppl keep talking. AA: hads, wtf you want a pic of my watern forn? >:\
AA: dnw abt my watern. AA: how arne you even paying forn yrn hot?
ID: to see if it's water.
ID: i had a job. and now no one is here to charge me.
BB: [ I /ove it! I do a /ot of beads and jewe/ry, but I'// carve just about anything asked of me ]
LC: [ Ah, I see. ]
LC: [ That's nice, BB. ]
BB: [ I a/so do interior decorating ]
BB: [ I am a/ways down for an adventure ;] ]
AA: ??? AA: what job??
LC: [ That's a good thing, BB. ]
LC: [ Ah, thanks as well LA. ]
ID: i looked so trustworthy i was given the task to deliver a very suspicious package to a very suspicious area.
ID: or maybe it was because i looked so strange that if i ran off with the package i'd be easy to track down.
BB: [ What kind of party? ]
ID: either way, i got paid.
BB: [ Sounds good, what game do you hunt? ]
LC: [ Well, I prefer knowing others first before I'd dive head-in for adventures. ]
LC: [ I hope that's no big deal, LA. ]
LC: [ ... Trespassers. ]
BB: [ Hmmm maybe once we rea//y get to know each other ] BB: ;]
LC: [ So, people who break into YYour territoritYY or. Just trolls who need to get through there. ]
AA: oh, shit. that's a good job. AA: i guess. >:}
ID: it was the best job. this place is alright.
ID: are you drinking your not-water.
ID: that i'm hoping is juice and not. more drugs.
AA: y. oh. shit. you wanted a picturne, rnight?
LC: [ Do I? I don't think I asked that manYY. ]
AA: omggg, haha, why so het the fuck up abt honey? AA: i don't spaaaaarnk. it's nbd.
AA has attached NOTBOOZE.PNG.
ID: enough of it can still kill you now can't it?
ID: well it's not water but keep drinking it.
BB: [ AA knows what a good time is ]
LC: [ Well, given the current situation, I am positive everYYone is covered in the brightness of this asteroid. ]
LC: [ Well I'd hope the void won't scream back. ]
AA: n, it can't, bc i don't have the AA: AA: rncepetorns forn that. >:P
ID: well it can still make you do stupid things. obviously.
ID: so try to sober up and not get culled by any lunatics.
ID: definitely don't listen to la.
LC: [ Don't listen to LA. ]
LC: [ YYou just want AA to get more drunk and do stupid things, don't YYou. ]
AA: hads. haaaaads. AA: am not gonna get culled by lunatics. you fucking losern. AA: will you stop frnetting like my lusus if i, like AA:
AA: ..... idk do something lame
ID: go to where ever you're staying. that's the lamest.
ID: crawl in your coon. supppeeerrr lame.
AA: if i crnawl into my coon, i can't talk to you, so n. >:P AA: trny agaiiiiiiin.
AA: also, honey mead is fucking lame. AA: being drnunk is fucking lame.
AA: sozzzz.
LC: [ That's true AA, I am glad YYou agree on that. ]
ID: well you can still go back to your room or whatever. that's lame.
ID: and you can still talk. and have regular fucking water instead of dyed shit.
AA: lmfao, fiiiiine, okay, w/e. AA: i will rneturn to my supern lame hive-cage-rnoom thing. AA: and, like, N O T bake in the frneaky light.
ID: thatta dumpster fire.
AA: stooooop. >:} AA: did you grnow gills btw.
ID: alas, no. so no cutting me open. i live another night.
LC: [ WhYY would YYou shoot a whale. ]
AA: rnifp. why you gotta klil all my fun, dude?
AA: and
AA: y!
AA: you can totes shoot a whale.
AA: orn, like, punch it.
AA: do you wanna shoot a whale?
LC: [ Well of course YYou can, but whYY would YYou do that. ]
AA: therne's one at the docking bay rn.
LC: [ ... In the ocean. ]
AA: in the sky!
ID: i'm sorry my lack of gills is so disappointing. =:'(
LA: AHA!!!!
AA: it's totes disappointinggg. AA: i want you to be, like, special and fucking unique. >:P
LC: [ I have not YYet seen a flYYing whale. ]
LC: [ Where did YYou see one AA. ]
AA: like idk a prnime-time boss mob.
ID: i'm not unique enough already? psh.
AA: we got 'em at hanhai. it's, like
AA: a shipping. company
AA: ??
LC: [ ... So are theYY a mascot of a shipping companYY. ]
AA: nooo, you crnawl in theirn mouth and rnide in 'em.
ID: no, they're actual damn whales.
LC: [ ... Well I have YYet to come across with them, I guess. ]
AA: lmfao, i'm not fucking lying.
AA: i'll get you pics. >:}
LC: [ Please do. ]
ID: they're fucking weird.
AA: do you like.
AA: want pics of the outisde, orn the inside??
ID: ...you aren't getting on the whale are you.
AA: ....
AA: ........ well, do you want me to, like, stab a hole thrnough it? >:\
LC: [ Uhm. Do YYou have pre-existing photos so YYou don't need to get on the whale right now? ]
AA: y, but the lighting is like way coolern rnight now. it's, like, all glowy-y and shit. AA: it'll look p fucking sweet.
AA: in orn out, dude??
ID: why are you getting on a whale. =:I
AA: why arne you trnying to say i'm not allowed to get on a whale? >:1
ID: i'm asking why you're getting on the whale when i thought you were going to your room. duh.
AA: oh. lmao. AA: sozzz.
AA: to get pics of the inside, duhhh. except, like, if lc doesn't wan t'em, w/e, w/e.
ID: they don't want them. get to your room instead.
ID: and send pics of it.
ID: mine is better i bet. =:P
AA: !!!
AA: lmfao, no, it is not.
ID: pp or you're wrong, you know the rules.
AA: mine has my lusus. that uto makes it, like, 10x bettern, dude.
AA: bc he's fucking adornbs. >:}
ID: pp or you're wrong~ =:P =:P =:P
LC: [ Now YYou are setting up a challenged to AA and theYY will go on the whale, Hadean. ]
ID: no, the challenge is posting pics of their room and their lusus.
LC: [ I'd prefer them from the outside. More useful - visuals-wise. ]
ID: because they aren't going to fucking fly away and leave their lusus.
LC: [ Oh. I have misread then in that case - mYY apologies. ]
AA: do not shoot my fucking whale.
AA: >:{
AA: and AA: yeah, n, am not ditching bennui, he'd get eaten, dnw. herne's yrn whale pic, lc.
AA: look upon the whale and W E E P.
ID: okay pics obtained, now we need room pics and lusus pics. chop chop, less typing more walking.
SA: please don't shoot the sky whales. they are good.
LC: [ Thanks, AA. ] LC: [ LA, what if YYou happen to shoot one that falls upon YYou? ]
AA: they arne so good, sa.
AA: they'rne, ike, the best fucking things evern. look at that shit. it is P RN E C.
LC: [ It could happen to absolutelYY anYYone, so I am just asking. ]
AA: .. and okay, y, walking. W A L K I N G. don't lose yrn horns, hads, jeez.
ID: my horns will remain on my head. and above my head i guess.
LC: [ That sounds like something a troll would saYY who actuallYY brings trouble on their own head. ]
ID: ^^^^
LC: [ I am good. ]
SA: the shouting implies you bite, admittedly.
SA: Yern, you're back.
LC: [ Well, I should have said: I am good, but thanks for the offer. ] LC: [ Last time I checked I had no such eYYes. ]
LC: [ AdmittedlYY, I am. ]
LC: [ So, do YYou shout at others when YYou talk to them face-to-face? ]
LC: [ Well, I wonder whYY. ]
AA: good newwwws. AA: i am at my hotel. >:}
LC: [ Sweet. ]
AA: bad news, i totes lost the goddamn fucking ky.
ID: ohhh my god.
ID: =:/ is there any staff around.
LC: [ That's unfortunate. ]
ID: if not. find a cart. should be a master key on it you can use.
ID: if so. ask for another damn key.
AA: i'm not gonna ask 'em for a key.
AA: and have 'em be like "omgggg, you lost yrn key, that's so sad." AA: B O RN I N G.
AA: i am going to
AA: P I C K T H E L O C K.
AA: ...
ID: ...i bet you you can't get it picked in five minutes.
AA: i am going to P U N CH O F F T H E L O CK. >:}
ID: no you fucking aren't.
LC: [ But YYou'd need to paYY for the damage if YYou do that. ]
ID: i bet that you couldn't pick it sip.
LC: [ Don't listen to LA. ]
ID: unless you're too scared.
ID: that is.
LC: [ Don't listen to LA. ]
AA: lmfaooo, lc, i'm like
AA: i can totes pay forn the damage.
AA: i could totes buy this hotel, if i wanted, j s yk.
ID: but can you pick a lock.
LC: [ While I am aware, it might leave YYou with a room that got a busted door and no waYY of locking it for the daYYtime. ]
AA: >:{ AA: i can totally pick a lock!!
ID: prooove it.
ID: unless you can't.
AA: i am pciknig it rn, stfu.
AA: also that totes isn't how gods wornk, god.
AA: lrn2rnleigion.
AA: >:P
SA: #
ID: also if you pick that lock and then discover the key in your back pocket. i will not be pleased.
AA: yrn gods suck, then, sozzzz.
AA: okay, you A L S O suck.
AA: >:}
ID: sip is also high so. you're fighting a disable opponent. go back to bugging prisma.
ID: or the blueblood.
SA: please do not fight me. I am military trained.
AA: yrn not wornth making actual points, bb. gotta be, like, morne enterntaining than just shouting.
AA: !!
SA: I heavily discourage this.
AA: what sornt of militarny trnained?
ID: i meant verbal fighting prisma hold back there.
SA: Oh.
SA: Yes. alright.
AA: i totally mean physical fighting.
AA: gimme yrn deets.
SA: I--
AA: i want yrn deets.
SA: No.
ID: oh my god sip you can't even pick a lock let alone fight fucking /no/.
AA: A L L T H E D E E -- whyyyyyyy. >:{
AA: i am picking the lock!! stfu, omfg.
ID: is it open yet? no? then you aren't picking it.
ID: you're just stabbing it.
LC: [ Don't bite the lock. Also I'd rather not dwell into phYYsical fighting, but I am glad there won't be anYY of that. ]
SA: biting the lock seems highly impractical.
SA: at that point you may as well kick the door down.
SA: ...their lover?
LC: [ Well then. ] LC: [ Biting the lock would most likelYY end up as a teeth-breaking experience. ] LC: [ Don't ask. I have no idea. ]
ID: i think we can all agree la is weird as fuck.
LC: [ I feel like meeting them face-to-face would end up in a fight. ]
ID: they'd probably try eating you. or some shit.
LC: [ Given how theYY kept going on about shooting things. ]
LC: [ I am positive theYY'd trYY to shoot me first. ]
SA: cannibalism is more common on this planet than people realize.
SA: it's pathetic.
SA: LC, not getting shot is simple.
SA: just don't.
ID: ^^^^
LC: [ Well I won't go out of mYY waYY to meet her. ] LC: [ it's not among mYY plans. ]
SA: especially amongst indigos and fuchsias, but i suppose that is rude to say.
LC: [ YYou are not wrong, though. And it genuinelYY unnerves me, to be honest. ]
ID: they get away with the most shit so. of course it's them.
SA: i like to call them assclowns.
SA: if they want to be clowns so bad.
SA: anyways.
ID: i like you prisma. you're alright.
SA: I appreciate this.
LC: [ To be fair, YYou aren't lYYing about them Prisma. ]
SA: a shame.
AA: yesss, clown rnagging.
AA: A+.
ID: how goes the lock picking?
LC: [ Did YYou manage to get into YYour room? ] LC: [ And uh well. We are just stating the truth. ]
SA: did you bite the lock?
AA: i bit the lock!
AA: do not bite fucking locks.
AA: but i am I N. >:}
ID: good. pp.
ID: also did you break any teeth.
LC: [ I'd saYY I can't believe YYou bit the lock, but I'd be lYYing if I did. ]
AA has attached _THEBESTDAD.PNG!_ It is a hummingbird lusus sitting in a bowl of sugar water. It is on fire.
AA: ofc i bit the lock. it was fucking sassing me. >:P AA: why have teeth if you can't bite shit??
SA: Why -- why is it-- wh
AA: ???
ID: oh my god is that to scale. is it really that tiny.
AA: he fits in the centern of my palm!!
ID: it's. sorta cute.
SA: Fire?
AA: he is fucking adornbs. brnb lemme get a pic of him forn scale.
AA: y!
AA: ... if he'll fucking hold still.
ID: does he burn you.
AA has attached PIC23405934059345.JPEG! It's a blurry picture of the same hummingbird lusus, sitting in the palm of her hand. He is still on fire, with fire pooling over the edge of her fingers.
AA: y. he is totes burning the shit out of me rn. AA: that's how parnenting wornks, rnight.
AA: just B U RN N T H E M?? >:}
ID: i mean it's hard to imagine something that little parenting without a little burning.
SA: it's cute but why is it not roasting to death.
SA: should you perhaps put them down.
AA: naaaaah, he totes can burn the shit outta me. AA: rnemind me and i'll show you the spots, they'rne wicked gnarnly.
AA: it's psi, losern. AA: yrn yellow, arnen't you a sparnkplug?? >:} you know how it goes.
ID: noted. =:P all about the gnarly.
SA: are you pyrokinetic?
SA: I'm puzzled. Where did this conversation go.
AA: whaaaaaaat. no.
SA: No, I do not know how it goes. My lusus never was.
AA: wtf would i be pyrnokinetic?
AA: he's a firnestarntern. i'm a totes flatscan, dude. >:}
ID: i wish my lusus had psi. he'd look kickass with a floating horn of his own.
AA: he, being, like, the birnd. AA: not hads.
AA: cut off parnt of yrn horn and float it forn him!
ID: hard pass.
AA: selfish. >:{
ID: also sorry on the no lusus thing prisma.
SA: it's fine, I wasn't attached to them anyways.
ID: at least you're sobering up enough to not be spelling everything wrong sip. =:P
SA: Yes, that is appreciated.
SA: It makes it much easier to understand although I still don't.
AA: lmao, fuck off. >:P i wish i brnought some honey w/ me. i have, like. AA: the wornst goddamn panache. AA: and this watern sucks.
AA: and AA: wtf don't you undernstand??
AA: dd!
AA: ddddddddddd
SA: Pinache for what?
AA: spinach? what?
ID: get some real water.
SA: I... no..
ID: pan-ache prisma.
ID: her head hurts.
SA: oh.
SA: then why not say headache?
ID: because it's lowblood slang.
AA: bc we'rne not coldbloods. >:} what'rne you, clown-rnaised??
ID: also known as the best kind of slang.
SA: I mean, yes, technically i was raised by highbloods.
SA: if you want to become extremely critical about it.
ID: well that explains everything.
SA: but realistically no.
AA: hahaha, wow. it sucks 2 be yellow.
SA: Oh no, I talk this way for a different reason.
SA: anyways.
SA: I feel very strange amongst all of you, but it's nice.
SA: I'm sorry i am an oddity.
AA: dnw, dnw. yrn qt. AA: we will teach you ourn ways.
ID: yellows are just warm enough to have psi, just cold enough to live long enough to fuck with. it's their curse.
ID: we're all odd in our own ways! sip feeds worms her blood for instance.
ID: i'm odd in how damn perfect i am in every way.
AA: hads wearns tatts like a clown. AA: which is obvs pernf nornm.
SA: ...worms.
AA: omggg, no, not you, too.
SA: Alright.
AA: it's usefuuuuul.
ID: i don't look like a clown stfu.
AA: you stfu.
SA: friends, no.
ID: do clowns paint their torso?
AA: sa, yrn learning, so i'm not gonna tell Y O U to stfu. AA: but also, like, they'rne not W O RN M S, they arne cool parnasite body tech.
AA: and y, y, the dedicated ones do. >:}
ID: they're more leeches than worms.
SA: like biotechnology?
AA: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
SA: I see.
SA: is it experimental?
ID: clowns are just stealing my fashion. =:'(
ID: she grows them out back of a pizza joint.
ID: so.
SA: what
AA: n, it's offish.
AA: and i do noooooot. AA: gausia's a goddan liarn.
AA: goddan.
AA: G O D D A M N.
ID: more high still than i thought.
SS: (Scuse you, XD, xt's totes a coffee joxnt.)
ID: oh hey lal. you missed sip being a high fool.
SS: (Omfg)
SS: (Why xs lxfe so terrxble?)
SS: (Someone xnvent txme travel, pls, X gotta get xn on that mess. (\qnq/) )
ID: it wasn't that funny, don't worry.
ID: just go backread.
ID: live vicariously and shit.
SS: (Was xt, lxke, bad funny?) SS: (Cos xf xt was bad funny X'ma up and feel lxke a proper dxck.)
ID: no it wasn't that bad.
AA: pls tell me yrn not one of these dornks clutching theirn pearnls overn honey.
ID: like. the worst that happened was her almost getting on a whale.
ID: he probably doesn't even know what honey is!
SA: excuse me?
SA: I know what honey is.
SA: thank you.
SS: (Yeah, it's what you put in your tea. (\eue/) )
ID: are you against mind honey tea then?
SS: (Also, wtf, Sipa, where'd you get honey??) SS: (And why wasn't it at Miss Taylor's totes lovely and upstanding cafe?)
SA: I do not touch mind honey or sopor. My inhibitor would react very badly to it.
SA: I have no intention of rotting my psionics for a temprorary change.
ID: inhibitor.
SA: please ignore that statement.
SA: I have explained enough.
SA: regardless, it is bad.
ID: not ignoring it, but i won't push further!
SS: (Sounds like baggage, pal!)
SS: (Can't go askin bout that or we're all gonna hafta get sappy in here.)
SA: baggage implies i am bothered.
SA: but i've already told Hadean and Pheres my life story.
SA: and I have been here for less than 24 hours.
SS: (Damn, apparently I'm missin out on all the good convos!)
ID: sorry lal. too busy working? or partying?
AA: what whaaat.
AA: you told phern yrn life storny.
SA: your only solution is to now be here for every waking moment.
AA: but you wouldn't even gimme like, yrn militarny fighting deets?
ID: yeah me and pher got the whole thinggg.
AA: i am qqing. fight me, you fuckwaffle. >:{
SA: i was in the military, that's enough ...
SA: "deets"
SS: (Too busy makin a livin like the totes upstanding citizen I am!) SS: (Also I dared some chick to go out and stare at the meteor to see if her ganderbulbs fall out and I had ta film that.)
SA: that is terrible an unscientific.
AA: also, nobody wants queenie's mindhoney, lal. AA: idefk what yrn bees arne eating, but it's grnoss.
SS: (Wtf, dude, rude.)
ID: queenie.
AA: queenie!!
ID: =:?
AA: why arne we >:?-nig.
SS: (Maybe it's just the weirdo druggie that's effin it up, no need to up and get shirty bout the big lady.)
ID: what's a queenie.
SS: (Gotta uphold the jade solidarity here!)
AA: ... lmfao, y, rnight. yrn ternrnrifying big lady. AA: 'kay, like, yrn crneepy cafe honey, how's that.
SA: ... are you all drug addicts?
AA: oh my god.
ID: i'm not.
AA: you A RN E clutching yrn pearnls.
SS: (Hey, pal, if I could afford that ish I wouldn't be workin customer service.)
AA: >:{
ID: my psi don't really mix well with drugs so.
SS: (Also, I'm p sure it wouldn't do jack to me, on accounta the lack of sparks.)
AA: it just makes you chill the fuck out, dude.
SS: (Ah, yes, exactly what I need.)
SS: (Brb gettin my fifth coffee.)
SS: (So I can survive this shift.)
ID: no wonder lal has zero chill.
SS: (It's a coping mechanism, I'm v sensitive about it. (\qnq/) )
SA: caffiene is also
SA: a drug.
SS: (Don't make fun of me or I'll cry.)
ID: it sure is.
SS: (And then we're both gonna be feelin the awks.)
SS: (And damn, pal, really?)
SS: (Totes didn't know that!)
SS: (Please tell me more.)
SA: ... I can't tell if you are being facetious or not.
ID: prisma that was sarcasm.
SS: (Get educational up in here!)
ID: don't.
SA: I-- alright.
SS: ( (\eue/) )
ID: assume everything out of him is sarcasm.
ID: like. 85 percent of the time.
SS: (I love you, ID.)
SS: (From the bottom of my pusher.)
ID: 💋
SS: (Let's elope.)
ID: fuck no you pop a ring on this finger right now.
ID: and don't get it out of a gumball machine. i'll know.
SS: (And ty, ty, it's 85% sarcasm and 15% crushing honesty that you can't tell from the rest cos otherwise it's exposin emotional vulnerabilities. (\^_^/) )
SA: crushing?
SA: are you two in love?
SS: (Yes.)
ID: remember what i said about sarcasm prisma.
AA: omfg, i look away forn two secs and you ppl arne getting fucking handfasted.
AA: n, it is 100% legit.
AA: they arne making this shit RN E A L.
SS: (Deeply! I'm up and gettin a ring now - d'you think bakery wire twisty things, or just straight up a bagel?)
SS: (I feel like ID would appreciate the bagel.)
SA: you may as well invest in a ring pop.
ID: it better have a stone.
SS: (They're ring-like and edible!)
ID: ...get a ring pop.
SA: I need to lie down, this is too much.
ID: what quad is this.
SS: (I got raisins, pal. That's, like, at least ten adornments.)
SS: (Uhh)
SA: I feel like i'm watching an episode of troll jerry springer.
ID: aww prisma you were just getting fun.
SS: (ID.) SS: (ID.) SS: (We're gettin hitched and you aint' even in the know about what quad it is???)
AA: go lay down, take a brneathern, don't do mind honey, prnisma.
ID: i want a quad-specific colored ring pop lal.
SS: ( (\qnq/) )
AA: arne you keeping notes on this shit, btw??
SA: I will be more fun after a rest.
SA: goodnight.
ID: i guess if you say so. go take your rest.
AA: latern. >:}
SS: (Tootles!)
AA: hads, wrnite him notes, dude.
SS: (I'm gettin you an effin bagel and you're gonna cherish it on accounta you're the one in this relationship that ain't even clear on our color!)
AA: bc rn poorn chucklehead's drnowning like lal in high watern. >:}
ID: you give me a lot of conflicting messages lal!
ID: sip get in this and ashen for us.
ID: we're too much of a mess on our own.
SS: ( (\qnq/) )
AA: do i get to hit you with a metaphornical club,??
AA: btw my bagel bettern have S P RN I N K L E S.
SS: (My poor pusher has been torn plum in two, pal.)
ID: wow this relationship is turning abusive already.
ID: hush and get the sprinkle donut lal. you know we need this.
SS: (Wow.) SS: (Does that make me the handmaiden in this relationship?)
SS: (Cos I ain't no cheap handmaiden.) SS: (Tips or gtfo.)
ID: my tip is get the bagels or else. =:P
SS: (Help, help, I need an auspistice!) SS: (I'm getting menaced! (\qnq/) )
ID: we are your auspistice.
ID: nerd.
SS: (...) SS: (Help, help, I need an intervention!)
SS: (Also.) SS: (So.) SS: (Fun fact hour.)
SS: (The giant flaming omen of doom in our sky?) SS: (You should totes, like, uh, wear shades or some ish if you're gonne, say, squint at it disbelievingly for upwards of five minutes.)
SS: (On accounta if you don't there are some chances of minimal to extreme visual impairment.)
ID: i mean i'm staying indoors but good to know.
SS: (Cool, cool. Cool. V cool. Good to know. Cool.)
SS: (Also I've gone extra blind.)
SS: (On an unrelated note.)
ID: wait you're blind?
SS: (Like, you think you're really blind? Like really blind, but it turns out you can be way more blind!)
SS: (Yeah, dude, I'm blind mutant cullbait on the run from the authorities!)
SS: (All of that is definitely and totally true.)
SS: (And I definitely don't just wear ocular lenses.)
SS: (Don't report me or I'll get culled!) SS: (We're quads now so you gotta care about that kinda ish. (\unu/) )
ID: uh-huhh.
ID: guess if sip brings you to meet me at the fair i can find out the truth then.
SS: (Whaddaya mean? I just up and told you the truth!) SS: (I'm deffo 100% blind!) SS: (Except 110% blind now, I guess?)
SS: (Look, I didn't do great in math schoolfeeds.)
ID: well if you're blind i can see why.
SS: (Wow, are you discriminatin against my math skills?)
ID: yeppp.
ID: what are you gonna do? =:P
SS: (I'm hurt!) SS: (This is why we need an auspistice!)
ID: well sip has abandoned us.
ID: probably to go hurl.
SS: (Idk, dude, probably stare tearfully at Sipa until she falls victim to the forlorn expression or possibly just gets really annoyed and wants me to stop.)
SS: (RIP Sipa, a mess like 50% of the time I see her.)
ID: what, she almost faint from blood loss in front of you too?
SS: (Nah, but first time I saw her I was like 80% sure she was, like, fresh outta whatevs cool new activity young whippersnappers get up to nowanights, which was, judgin by her face-state, makin out with a meat grinder. (\unu/) )
SS: (Then she threw me over a table, so, like, sympathy gone.)
ID: hahah woowww.
AA: i am not h u rn l i n g.
ID: are you laying down so the world will stop spinning?
AA: omg, do you even know the diff b/w drninking and like AA: taking honey? j/k, rnhetornical q, obvs you do not.
AA: n.
ID: i'm sorry i can't go get drunk and high like all the cool kids!
AA: i am in my coon, bc i totes wanna ese if this phone's gonna surnvive soporn. AA: surnvival of the ifttest, ectect.
SS: (It's cool, pal, you can sit with me in the peanut gallery! We got noisemakers and the ability to flee faster than the irate stoners.)
ID: about damn time you got in the coon.
AA: also, lmao, lal, stfu. AA: yrn the only one being inapprnoprniate w/ electrnonics, 'kay. >:}
SS: (Woooow, wtfs that supposed to mean?) SS: (My love with the coffee maker is pure and platonic.)
ID: uh-huh. you coffee-drugee.
SS: (We're holdin off till handfasting.)
SS: (She takes care of me!)
ID: i don't get that either so i get my own gallery!
SS: (Unlike some of my other quads. (\qnq/) )
ID: cry me a river. =:P
SS: (Only if you build me a bridge so I can up and get over it. (\qnq/) )
ID: i'll build you a bridge to jump off of.
AA: hey, hey, none of that.
AA: eithern you P U S H H I M like a prnopern quad orn you gtfo.
ID: ughh, fiiine.
SS: (See!) SS: (At least someone knows how to up and treat me right.)
ID: boo hoo. you never treat me right.
SS: (I'm gettin you a bagel! With raisins!)
ID: i wanted a ring pop. =:'(
SS: (Well, maybe you shoulda paid more attention to the nature of our relationship, then. (\qnq/) )
ID: just admit you're too poor for a ring pop.
SS: (I'm deffo too broke for a ring pop, pal.) SS: (That ish means I gotta shell out for whatevs I'd've been gettin paid over the break time it'd take to go down to the grocery! (\qnq/) )
ID: see, you're never honest with me. this is why we need an ashen. =:'(
AA: boop.
AA: and all that. >:}
ID: sip tell lal not to be a dirty liar. =:'(
SS: (Maybe Hads is right.) SS: (Maybe I've been the weak link all along!)
SS: (Maybe I ain't the kinda guy what belogs with a person, proper-like.)
SS: (A lone howlbeast!)
AA: idk, dude, mb you do totes belogs with ppl. AA: as long as yrn not skipping leg day. >:P
ID: lal skips like. all days.
ID: i assume.
AA: and nnnnnn. that's who he I S, hads. like, an itsy bitsy bundle of totaol hoobeast shit. AA: brnoke hoofbeast shit.
AA: prnobs. hey, look, that means you both match. >:}
ID: i have psi. does he?
SS: (Leg day's erryday!) SS: (Goin' round deliverin coffee to table's a workout, right??)
SS: (And damn straight I got psi!)
SS: (My power's, uh, bein incredibly attractive to every one around me.)
ID: wow, guess i'm suddenly immune to psionics.
SS: (See, this is why we got relationship problems.)
SS: (You just don't believe in me.)
AA: arne oyu saying emo goths ain't yrn swoon maternial, hads? AA: this is why ourn ash is crnumbling, btw.
AA: all of these failed expectations. >:"[
ID: ahahah is he really an emo goth.
AA: y!
AA: oh my god, y.
ID: lame.
SA: lone wolves are actually almost certain to encounter death or starvation if they are unable to locate a new pack.
SS: (Omg, I am not!)
SS: (I'm an emo nerd!)
SS: (Get it right.)
ID: heyyy prisma have a good nap or whatever?
AA: he wearns white lenses in his eyes to look hella goth.
AA: just sayin'.
SA: Yes. I took some medicine and I feel much better.
ID: medicine? =:?
SA: ...yes.
SS: (Look, we can't go out tellin the emos that kinda ish, Sipa, or I'ma lose my cred.)
AA: and omg. good. >:} AA: can't have you getting too tirned to learn, dude.
SS: (Wow, now who's the drug addict?)
SS: (Actually, tho, that sounds sketch af.)
AA: lmfao.
ID: you're all addicts and i'm judging you all.
SS: (In the 'somethin's wrong w/ you' sense.)
AA: oh, stfu, he ain't cullbait. AA: he's prnobs just talkin', like, booze.
SA: an addiction implies i require medication. I do not require medication.
SA: It just helped my headache.
ID: he's not cullbait, he's highblood raised psi.
SA: ...Do you not know what medicine is.
AA: y, exactly.
SS: (Pal, I ain't the one what said cullbait!) SS: (Twixt the dampeners and ish, I was figurin he's some top secret military psi weapon or some ish.)
AA: n, he ain't fancy enough forn that, soz.
ID: fun fact prisma, most of us poor folks can't afford medicine.
SA: not anymore, if that's comforting.
SA: oh.
SS: (Meds're what you take to get buzzed, right?)
SA: I am sorry.
SS: (Like honey's for chill, meds are for buzz.)
SA: Ideally no but i suppose in your life, yes.
ID: it's fine for me because getting sick is for nerds.
AA: getting sick I S forn nernds.
SS: (See?) SS: (I'm glad we established I retain nerd cred.)
ID: says the troll soaking in her coon with a panache.
SA: who, AA?
ID: yes.
SA: Maybe you should drink water.
SA: dehydration cuases headaches.
ID: i already told her that.
SA: being high could cause that.
SA: See.
SA: I appreciate you more.
ID: so prisma, are you allowed to send pics of yourself? let us see your mug!
AA: oh, hush, it ain't bc i took honey. AA: what'rne you ppl, my lusus? >:P bc i got one alrneady.
AA: it's bc we have a fuck-huge meteorn fucking up evernything outside.
AA: duuuuuuh.
ID: uh-huh.
SS: (I mean, that's deffo why I'm laid out!)
SA: I do not know how to send photos on this platform. Which mug would you like, the kitty one or the chic one?
SS: (Totes credible, imo. (\unu/) )
AA: the chick one!!
AA: see, lal suppornts me.
AA: this is why lal's getting a rnide on murdernrnoad.
ID: your face i meant sa.
SA: I'm alarmed for both of you.
SS: (Deffo chicks.) SS: (I am totes not sayin that to get on Sipa's good side.)
ID: mug means face.
AA: _totes_ not. >:}
SS: ( (\uwu/) )
SA has attached SupposedlyaMug.png
SS: (Totes a mug!)
SS: (Probs.)
SS: (As previously mentioned: am currently extra blind!)
ID: huh you're kinda pretty. congrats.
SS: (It's a v nice lookin blur.)
SS: (I defer to Hadean's judgy nature.)
SA: thank you.
SA: I'm sorry, SS.
SA: I'm rather angular and have a hipster haircut, if that helps.
SA: What do you all look like?
ID: don't be sorry prisma, dumbass stared at the meteor.
SS: (Super hot!)
ID: one sec let me put a shirt on.
SS: (The meteor, I mean.) SS: (But also me, deffo.)
SS: (Eyyyy, selfie time!)
SA: You should get sunglasses at the next opportunity.
AA: lmao. AA: congrnats, prnisma, yrn waaaay less nerndy than anyone else.
AA: like the rning.
SS: (I got shades! I just wanted to get, like, a proper good look. (\unu/) )
SS: (Ain't my fault the sky is evil.)
SA: I thought nerds wore sweatervests. isn't that the stereotype
AA: shades don't do shiiiit. it's brmoght af.
AA: y. these two arne nothing but sweaternvests.
invertedDissident has sent iswearitsnotpaint.png!
SS has sent TellMeImPrerry.png!
SA: what is that... sphere.
AA: omg, wait, do I gotta get up to take a selfie. >:{
ID: it's a horn.
SA: Yes, AA.
SA: I will not tell you you are pretty. The hair color is unique, though.
ID: lal you fucking edgelord.
SS: (I ain't the one with a fuckin - is that a floatin horn or is your rack just effed up?)
ID: i can tell you're blind by your hair styling.
ID: yes it's a floating horn. deal with it.
SS: (Wow, rude!) SS: (It's that way naturally.) SS: (Ain't touched dye in my life. (\eue/) )
AA: dnw, lal, I totes think yrn a prnetty prnincess. AA: even if you style yrn headfluff in the darnk. >:}
ID: i meant the style not the color.
ID: the... spiky mullet look.
SS: (At least someone loves me.)
SS: (I call it 'just spent 14 hours working' chic, pal!)
SA: You can also reduce it to I worked a more reasonable 8 hours chic by using a hairbrush.
ID: just let it get long enough to braid.
ID: braids fix everything.
SA: no.
SS: (Oh, damn, we got some strong fashion opinions in here?)
AA has attached SUP.JPEG.
SS: (Eyyyy, my fav cave goblin!)
AA: brnaids totes fix evernything. >:}
SA: What... are you in.
SA: Are you alright?
AA: a wornm. duh.
SA: You've been eaten?
SS: (She's gettin eaten by a sandworm, yeah.)
ID: a coon. you a fellow non-cooner prisma?
SS: (It's been an ongoing thing, pal.)
SS: (Keep up!)
SA: I take medicine to allievate psionic nightmares. I do not use a... worm.
ID: pshhh. just use nothing. like me. it's fine.
SS: (^^^^^)
SA: I have to disagree.
SA: For me, at least.
AA: wait wtf.
SS: (Saves caegars, too!)
AA: don't sleep drny, holy shit.
AA: at least use, like, a soporn patch.
SS: (Sopor patches are for the weak!)
ID: what part of drugs don't work don't you understand. =:I
ID: did i say every drug but sopor is okay.
AA: >:{
AA: soporn isn't even a fucking drnug, dude.
SA: 😂
AA: wtf is up w/ yrn psi??
ID: my psi just fucks with how my body. absorbs shit. or whatever.
ID: i'm not a nerd i don't know the fancy words.
SA: I thought it acted like a drug if ingested, AA.
AA: that's why i said get a patch, duh.
SA: So it is a drug.
SS: (Wtf's even your def of drugs, here, pal?) SS: (You delete vitamin C, or only ish that your schoolfeeds tell you you ain't supposed to be on??) SS: (There any brand loyalty, here? Like, trollbuprofen only, or trollvil, too?)
AA: omggg, it ain't a drnug. no morne than, like, idefk.
AA: you think sugarn's a drnug??
ID: i mean i burn through sugar quick i think?
ID: why the fuck do you think i eat so much.
SA: I don't know if you're dragging me or Hadean.
AA: both!
SA: sugar does influence the mind, yes.
SA: But i don't know if the response is as acute as hard drugs or caffeine.
ID: you can go through sugar withdrawals can't you?
SA: Is your psionic metabolism based?
SA: I believe so, yes.
ID: it's not- i dunno. i'm complicated.
ID: all i know is that my psi messes with my body a lot.
AA: >:\
AA: you should know wtf yrn psi does, dude.
AA: also, wtf have you eaten today except, like, snacks and shit.
ID: snacks.
ID: more snacks.
AA: gimme yrn coornds.
invertedDissident has sent hotelcoordsyo.txt!
AA: i am sending you, like, T W O pizzas. AA: but they'rne gonna be, like, fish. bc you suck.
ID: =:'(
ID: i don't suck, i got you to not go on a whale.
SA: What is the point of sending them something they may not eat.
ID: oh i'll fucking eat it.
AA: ofc he's gonna eat it.
AA: i could send him, idefk, curnrny banana pasta pizza and he'd eat it.
AA: and then be like 'i'm hungrnyyyyyyy.'
SA: pineapple.
AA: he'll eat that too, dude.
ID: =:( i'm always hungry. protip.
AA: n/m, making one fish and pineapples.
SA: that's disgusting.
ID: =:( =:( =:(
ID: siiipppp.
ID: i want meat loverssss.
ID: it has more calories.
ID: delicious delicious calories.
SA: that is also disgusting.
SA: Pizza makes me sad.
AA: meat is grnosssss.
ID: meat is delicious.
AA: but 'kay, w/e, w/e. AA: you want yrn grnoss rnancid hoofbeast flesh, you get it, b/c, like, you D I D fuss abt whales.
AA: which i wasn't gettin' on.
AA: but that was hilarnious.
AA: wtf you got against pizza, prnisma??
ID: =>:I
AA: that's prnimetime lowblood exp rnight therne.
ID: prisma just needs to have a good pizza.
AA: ......... prnisma gimme yrn coornds.
SA: I'd rather not.
ID: try it prismaaa.
ID: and if you don't like it send it to me.
AA: you nevern give me any of yrn deets. >:'{
SA has sent LoftAddress.txt
SA: fine. Do with what you wish.
ID: a loft, that sounds fancy.
SA: would you like to see it?
ID: yes, pp.
SA has sent Studio.png
ID: what the fuckkkkk.
ID: that's fancy as shit.
AA: why's it in all white?
AA: arne you anothern goth nernd? am i like, the only one herne frnee of the gothplague?
AA: bc, lame. also, sent you a pizza.
invertedDissident has sent hotelroom.png!
SS: (Omg, is it 'show and tell' night?)
AA: ... why is yrn trnap next to yrn bed??
SS: (Showin off everyone's blocks?)
ID: i dunno.
AA: also, holy shit, phernes would fucking murndern you forn that.
AA: and y. y. it is.
AA: i ain't showing off mine. but you shoyuld totes pp.
SA: My what?
ID: man you are sheltered prisma.
ID: which words confused you.
SA: that is very. unique carpet.
SA: trap?
SA: I don't have a trap.
ID: tub!
LL: (Nah, pal, I'll join you in lack of pix!) LL: (Your company is a balm to my isolation woes on accounta I ain't got a place.)
AA: ablution trnap.
AA: it's - y. the thing you bathe in.
AA: orn fucking swim, in hads case.
ID: i am so well versed in the highblood terms. i'll be your guide.
AA: also, stfu, lal, you totes got a place.
ID: that trap is a damned blessing okay.
AA: undern a rnock. in the desernt.
AA: ain't that wherne you found yrn jade brno? >:}
SA: It's a glass wall.
SA: Not my bathroom.
SA: My bathroom is in a separate room.
SS: (Right, totes, forgot about that one!) SS: (Got myself an underground stone mansion and ish!)
SA: I use a shower, not a bathtub.
ID: well you're missing out.
SS: (S'got a seaside view on accounta it's built into a cliff!)
SA: that sounds lovely, SS.
AA: shit, and herne i am, living off a fucking bike.
AA: i am U P S T A G E D. >:}
SA: But what about your worm?
ID: the coon is just a coon prisma.
SA: yes, but I find worm to be more comedic to say.
ID: it's part of the rented room.
AA: wornm is totes morne comedic to say. points2you, clownbb, yrn learning. >:}
AA: y/y/y, it's parnt of the rnoom.
AA: you can't trnavel with wornms unless they'rne on you. shit's 2big.
ID: luckily sip keepts her leeches on her.
AA: keepts.
AA: that's lowblood slang too, prnisma. >:}
ID: also thanks for the food sip.
SA: I hope you keepts trying to make me believe you're serious witht hat face
SA: 🙃
AA: i hate everny single one of yrn hornrnible, hornrnible smileys, jsyk.
AA: >:}
ID: ohh man i did not know there was an upside down one.
ID: upside down is my jam.
ID: 🙃
SA: I love the emojis.
SA: 😊
SA: AA, what do you do for a living?
SA: I can't figure it out.
ID: protip prisma, the best way to eat pizza is with two pieces on top of each other for maximum pizza.
ID: aa fights in pits for cash.
ID: i'm told she's famous. but i have my doubts!
ID: i have yet to see a wriggler wearing a shirt with her face on it.
ID: which is the true benchmark of fame.
SA: ...Please, no, Hadean.
SA: A pit fighter...
SA: i suppose that would explain the biotechnology.
AA: wow, rnude. AA: i don't lits fight in pits.
ID: eww rhyming.
AA: that was when i was a pupa. >:} AA: now it's, like, all stages, all the time.
AA: stfuuuu.
ID: still, no wriggler shirts with your face on them. what's up with that.
SA: Do you make a lot doing that?
AA: wtf would they have my face on 'em, when they can have my sweet symbol instead? >:}
AA: and y!
AA: wait, shit. depends on whom i'm tussling w/.
AA: i made mad bux on mui. totes wornth it.
SA: I see. I'm glad it works out for you.
ID: what do you do prisma? if not. clown shit.
SA: I work for a number of mafias to collect information and perform assassinations.
SA: I'm joking.
SA: It's hard to tell.
AA: lmfao.
AA: A R N E you joking??
AA: bc that's totes what a mob killern W O U L D say.
SA: I'm a freelancer. I sell out my psionics to the highest bidder.
AA: hahaha, shit. AA: hope yrn carneful doing that, dude, bc that sounds like prnimetime way to end up in someone's basement.
ID: so. possibly selling to mafias.
ID: or in a helmscolumn or some shit.
SA: I cannot be bound permanently to a helmship, so I am not worried.
ID: haha what.
SA: I don't think anyone would put me in a basement.
SA: Actually, I find people for other people, most of the time.
SA: that's what i did in the military.
SA My clairvoyance let me locate spies or missing colony trolls.
ID: people for people to do what with?
AA: wait, how old arne you?
AA: arne you a geezern?
ID: 10 he said?
ID: 10?
SA: Yes.
SA: I don't know what they do with my targets.
SA: What they wish, I suppose
SA: They are not transparent about why they want the person. Just that they will give me a large sum to find them.
ID: wooowww. promise not to go turncoat on us if someone offers you cash for us prisma.
ID: =>:P
SA: I don't think anyone will.
ID: but if they do, refuse!
SA: But I've been doing it less. My medicine is too expensive to afford now. So I have no reason to continue earning money except to pay my apartment rent.
SA: AA, to answer your question more accurately, i was raised to do this since i was young.
SA: I did not start at a conventional exile age.
ID: so do you need the medicine after you use psi...?
AA: huh.
SA: will you both be exiled, or are you renegades?
SA: the medicine works with the inhibitor.
AA: hahahaha.
SA: My psionics are broken. they were surgically altered.
AA: wow, totes not answerning that. >:}
ID: i'm telling you, they keep snatching wrigglers younger and younger.
ID: ^^^^
ID: oh hey sip, psionic surgery. that's like. your jam?
ID: what'd they do to you?
AA: what?
AA: hahaha, why would you say that's my jam. >:}
SA: perhaps because of the biotech?
SA: that seems like a good enough assumption.
ID: because you're a psionics nerd.
ID: like they crammed biotech in you to. do what to your psi?
AA: what, yrn inhibitorn's biotech, prnisma??
AA: idgi. i am lost in this convo.
SA: It isn't biotech, rather, it is grafted to me and relies on a number of injections to operate correctly.
SA: when i was... placed on planet, I wasn't given any injections. The idea was that i would go into a withdrawal and slowly shut down.
SA: they were wrong.
SS: (Wtf, that's nutty!) SS: (What kinda injections?)
SA: anyways, it controls my psionics and prevents me from using them above their most basic degree.
SA: However, I am also a very strong psion.
SA: Hormones, usually. But also sedatives.
LL: (Huh!)
AA: huh.
SA sends Inhibitor.png
LL: (Grafted, like, cybertech?)
AA: .. omfggg. AA: that's so cool.
AA: how deep does that go?
AA: like, 'kay, that looks like it's embedded p farn. AA: does that connect dirnectly to yrn nernvous system?
ID: eghhh warn a guy next time.
AA: wait, shit, how low does it go?
SA: between my shoulder baldes.
AA: chillax, hads.
SA: I am sorry, Hadean.
LL: (Holy hells, pal, that's hella extra.)
AA: want me to msg you when we'rne done talking helm shit?
SA: Extra?
ID: yeah that'd be great, thanks.
LL: (Like, that ain't normal inhibitor ish.)
AA: y/y/y/y. go see if yrn pizza's in!
LL: (Oh, shit.)
LL: (Soz, pal.)
SA: Are they squeamish?
AA: he's helmbait, dude. >:} doesn't bug me none, but, like, give a rnust some warning beforne you starnt posting, yyy??
LL: (I mean, it ain't like a guy's liable to get all pleased-like about seein that kinda tech on a body regular-like!) LL: (Sipa and I're just nerds and neither likely to up and get one a'those installed.)
LL: (Ain't like I'd be too pleased with your effin biopsy pix or nothin, neither.)
SA: Oh, I didn't know. I apologize. I am not used to the idea.
SA: I didn't have it installed on purpose. They put it on when I was in training. To make me more malleable.
SA: I don't know what life was like without it, really.
SA: So it comes naturally to me to treat it like a tattoo.
SS: (Real spiky tattoo, there, pal!)
AA: hahaha, wooow.
AA: goddamn, it sucks to be yellow. >:}
SA: I am closer to a cusp, don't worry.
SA: I don't think all yellows experience this.
SA: But I was also with a number of castes. Some of them were red. My partner was orange.
SA: roommate?
SA: something.
SS: (Idk, pal, if I just got a weirdo tat and they paid me that many caegars, I'd take it!)
AA: lmfao, n, but yrn waaaay morne likely to get plucked up forn this hoofbeastshit. AA: rniccin's got shit like that in hern, too. >:P
SS: (Just knock me out for the busy part and I'm down.)
SA: R..iccin?
AA: lame-ass gangleclown with pornts.
SA: Oh. I would like to meet them
AA: anyway. >:} laaaaaal. AA: does that mean you'll totes let me prnactic-- lmao no.
SS: (They put ports and ish on clowns, now? That ain't part of my schoolfeeds!)
AA: omfg, she's yellow, dornklornd. AA: just, like, clowny.
SA: I said like a tattoo, not that it is one. It's much more painful in practice.
SS: (Pal, I said I gotta be out for the key bits, not that I wanna lay around and get eaten by worms for #science.)
SA: Recovery takes a while.
SA: and you have to move.
SA: welcome to hell, SS.
SS: (Wtf's a yellow clown?)
SA: clown is an adjective, in this case, not a noun.
AA: maaaaan, you two arne dourn as fuck.
SS: (Nah, I think the actual def's "a meme.")
SS: (Excuse you, I am downright up and peppy 'bout this new moneymaking op I just found!)
SA: well do you have psionics
SS: (Hook me up, SA, I want a pile a caegars!)
SS: (Does bein tragically handsome count?)
AA: dude, he alrneady saw yrn pic. >:}
SS: (Yeah, and, iirc, he was like 'swoon! Laledy! You're amazing!'!)
SA: and are you willing to be exposed to excruciating experiments and tests that often include competing violently with your peers in a closed space as well as live combat in the real military.
SA: if so, then I can write them.
SA: hah
SA: ha.
SA: I'm not allowed to contact them anymore, actually. It was a funny.
SS: (Uhhh.) SS: (Is it, like, a 'if you've done it you don't gotta do it again' thing, or like a 'you gotta do it regardless if you sign up' thing?)
SA: I was not.
SS: (Also, I suck at combat.)
SA: SS Is not that attractive.
SS: (Sipa can do that bit for me.)
SS: (Wow, now you're up and hurtin my feelings! (\qnq/) )
SA: let's talk about something nice.
SA: I'm sorry. I will not lie to help you feel better.
SA: I said your hair was alright, though.
SS: (That mean you're telling the proper truth bout being sorry, tho? (\eue/) )
SA: Yes.
SS: (It's cool, tho, pal, we can't all have decent taste. (\unu/) )
AA: prnisma, stop being a bulgemunch orn else I'm gonna shove yrn pizza up yrn chute. >:} AA: let's talk nicern shit, y. like how rnad dyed hairn is.
SA: That isn't how chutes work.
AA: not the moss look, obvs. AA: but --
SA: Is your hair dyed?
SS: (Wait, wtf, what is this, a pizza party?)
SA: would you like pizza?
AA: they totally COULD wornk that way.
SA: AA tried to send me some.
AA: y, it is.
SA: Chutes go down.
SA: things exit through shoots.
SA: chutes.
SS: ("Tried"?)
SA: 😩
AA: that's why I gotta S H Ö V E it, jfc, trny to keep up. >:}
AA: trnied??
SA: I remmeber there being a threat.
SS: (She ain't wrong! If it ain't meant to go up, gotta do some shovin to make it go!)
SS: (Wtf, SA, if you don't want your pizza I am down to take it.)
SA: please.
SS: (Ain't no sense in wastin dec food!)
SA: what is your address.
SS: (Ain't you seen earlier, I ain't got one!)
SA: ...that's horrible.
SA: I'm sad now
SS: (Wtf, why're you sad?)
SA: because it is sad.
AA: omfg, sa, fuck off. this is my pizza parnty!!
SS: (You ain't the one lackin a hive, it's all good.)
ID: send me all pizza. mine is like. gone.
SS: (Maybe I want a pizza from SA! To make up from callin me ugly.)
AA: what, is my pizza too good forn you now?? rnude.
AA: also wtf it is not.
SA: Pizza only costs $20. Just tell me where it needs to go.
AA: did you chug it??
ID: aww prisma, we don't call trolls ugly. we call them unfortunate.
ID: i had to, half of it was garbage. =:I
AA: y. like tatsface herne. >:P
ID: and then i'd follow it with good pizza.
AA: told you meatloverns was grnoss.
invertedDissident has sent sendpizzahereprisma.txt!
ID: meat lovers is the best and fish is awful.
AA: >:0
AA: wtf is this betrnayal??
SA: Is that where SS is?
ID: ...if by ss you mean me.
AA: n, stfuuu, you don't get ss's coornds. AA: laaaaal.
SA: I can send you pizza too. It isn't very expensive.
SS: (Tay's cafe, Port Mina side!)
SS: (Also wtf kinda pizza's 20.)
ID: prisma doesn't know where that is lal.
AA: arne you at Taylo-- yyyyyyy, good.
ID: betcha.
SS: (That's, like, three pizzas.)
AA: I'm sending one!!
SA: ...Oh.
SS: (You can troll google it!)
SA: I must... be ordering at the wrong place.
ID: i want to try a twenty caegar pizza, send it here.
SA: I'm orderinig. I will return shortly.
SS: (It's got, like, a whole wiki page on accounta lookin like a giant teapot.)
ID: lolwhat.
SS: (Also omfg wait am I getting two pizzas or does Sipa win my pusher?)
ID: always push for two lal.
AA: yeah, how many fucking pizzas do I gotta send to win??
ID: make them fight for the honor.
SS: (3!)
ID: thatta boy.
SS: (I'm takin lessons, apparently!)
AA: do I get yrn bod forn science aftern you explode, tho.
SS: (Also Tay totes has a fridge she, like, never uses and I can heat it up for later.)
SS: (Suck it, stale pastry week.)
AA: lmao.
SS: (Dude, you can have my scattered entrails and the pizza that's gonna be pouring outta that mess like a real fucked up pinata.)
ID: make sure it isn't fucking. fish and pineapple.
ID: that's the worst thing i've eaten in a long time.
SS: (Idk, I ain't never eaten fish.)
SS: (Or pineapple?)
AA: y, good, I'll totes send thrnee (3) fish pizzas.
SS: (Fucking RIP.)
AA: ... with pineapple.
ID: imagine salty slime paired with sweet fruit.
ID: on a pizza.
AA: gotta brnoaden yrn hornizons, dude.
SS: (It's cool, I still got whatevs SA is sending to actually eat.)
SS: ( (\unu/) )
AA: also, panache offic pandrnill.
AA: so I'm outies.
SS: (Remember to chug the sopor!)
AA: pp if you explode. >:}
ID: night sip. thanks for the one good pizza.
ID: fuck you for making me eat the other one.
SS: (I'll set up an autocamera to go off if I go all Outlast, sure.)
AA: yy np.
VV: ♚ ~ Hello, Hello all
ID: hiya new rust i don't think i've met before.
SA: I didn't know what to order so I sent cheese and supreme.
SA: I hope this was acceptable.
SA: hello, small crown.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintince~
SS: (IDK wtf a supreme is but it sounds like a lotta food, so: A+, gold star!)
ID: that sounds pretty damn acceptable.
SA: Oh. thank yuo.
VV: ♚ ~ Small crown...you could say more like a crown for a princess!
SS: (Totes forgive you for the time you declared me hideous in public.)
ID: hadean dauths.
ID: first rust princess i've ever heard of.
SA: little princess.
VV: ♚ ~And likely to be the only! I'd treasure it really hehe. I kid! of course. VV: ♚ ~ I rather like little princess, you may call me that as well...mm I have no one's name how unfortunate 😦 Albeit I am curious as to what could lead to calling another hideous in public as well! Such animosity.
IA: A princess?
ID: prisma- sa- is just a lil blunt.
SA: SS is mediocre looking, but they are deeply offended by me not dropping head over heels for them.
SA: that's all
ID: see? blunt.
SA: Yes.
ID: do i rate about mediocre at least. =:I
VV: ♚ ~ That sounds understandable though, Prisma was it? You can't force true romance !
ID: above. i meant.
SA: Your horn confuses me. But You are pretty enough.
ID: i'll take it.
VV: ♚ ~ I could offer a second opinion if you desire dearest SS!
SA: You can't.
SA: You are right, perdia.
AA: (wait, shit rnate me!!)
SA: I did not like the worms.
SA: 5/10
ID: hahahah i'm the prettiest around!
AA: >:'{
ID: wait how come sip got an actual number rating.
ID: also vv i think ss is busy eating.
ID: so they probably absconded.
SA: 7/10
VV: I apologize I'm a ittle unsure of whom I am or am not addressing at the moment. It is exciting to see fresh names regardless!
ID: i'll take a 7.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm so curious about appearences now though. I wish to see the alleged 7!
ID: yeah this place is hella lively.
SA: you should post a selfie too.
SA: as Hadean said
SA: Your mug.
ID: yeah let sa judge your mug.
SA: little princess, i mean.
VV: ♚ ~ Only if you don't refer to it as a mug. That sets a bit of bias for me don't you think? Using such a descriptor...
ID: alright, your face.
ID: prisma is just excited to try out some new slang he learned tonight, forgive him!
VV: ♚ ~ I see, I see! Very well give me just a moment to take a quick little shot perhaps. hehe
VV has posted the picture [A LITTLE PRINCESS.JPEG] to the chat!
MC: oh hey new people
MC: awesome
ID: is that your lusus.
ID: also how old are you even.
AA: i was totes gonna be salty overn hads getting a highern scorne, but holy shit. AA: you arne fucking adornbs, congrnats.
VV: ♚ ~ Hello new arrival!
SA: 9/10
AA: voting forn sa herne, total 9/10. >:}
AA: yesssssssss.
SA: i was getting my sushi, sorry
MR: your lusus isa fluffball MR: cute
VV: ♚ ~ Oh and you really shouldn't ask a lady her age! But no that is a new pet for my dear matesprit, Dolora.
VV: ♚ ~ oh boo not a perfect 10 but I suppose I shall take it 😢
ID: you eat sushi prisma? fancypants. =:P
ID: fine, fine. you just look young.
MR: who athe fuck actually easts sushi MR: why would you want to
ID: prisma is fancy! and don't be mean he's just uneducated in lowblood things.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you I take great care of my appearence! VV: ♚ ~ Sushi is quite the delicacy~ Why would anyone not want to?
SA: It's good, usually. From the right places.
MR: because rotting fish is gross
SA: i appreciate the defense, Hadean.
ID: it's not usually rotting. i hope.
ID: =:I
SA: Sushi is not rotting fish. it is actually very fresh.
MR: yeah no unsign me aup
VV: ♚ ~ I'd be apt to approach a legislacerator if one was to sell me rotted sushi I think...
ID: just let prisma enjoy his fancy very fresh fish.
MR: what thea fuck has a legaistlacerator got to dow ith rotted sushi
MR: why is it opeing its coat to flash raw fish at you
VV: ♚ ~ Would you not wish to alert one of the law to a horrible crime?
MR: that doesnt explain why theyrea selling raw susishi like some sort of back alley peddler
MR: what thea fuck are they doiagng there MR: wehre did they get all that fish MR: why are their paychecks so shitty that hte ahve to sell rotten sushi to get by MR: wherea are they answers
VV: ♚ ~ My, my someone is rather confused or has sustained a horrible head injury! Are you okay? Do you require assistance?! Oh how horrible to succumd such a tragedy...
VV: ♚ ~ Perhaps the education quality of Alternia has gone down even..oh no....
MR: the only head injury here will be you if you don't drop the condescension
SA has sent Foodies.png
VV: ♚ ~ I'm being very honest. It's horribly upsetting that you're so confused!
MR: it's horribly upasettig that your crowns make me picturea a trollop with way too much makeup
SA: they are a little princess. Let them have this.
VV: ♚ ~ A trollop...
ID: is that stuff really good prisma?
VV: ♚ ~ I can see I'm not very welcome in such a case if that is the impression a dunderheaded delinquent like you is getting such an impression of me.
MR: the truth hurts sweetheart
MR: deal with it
VV: ♚ ~ I do hope you injuries heal quickly 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Tata~
ID: jeesh mr did you just scare that girl away.
ID: was it because she was cuter than you?
MR: her problem not mine
MR: well she's cuter than you
ID: i bet you're an ugly hag. =:P
MR: is that the best yoyu've got
MR: hahahaha
ID: and i'm fine with not being cute. i'd rather be handsome!
SA: Oh-- i rather liked...
MR: nah i think you're pretty adorable
ID: i'm more handsome than that other troll any day of the week.
SA: you're now on my "shitlist", MR.
SA: Yes, it is good, Hadean. I could take you to get some if you live in Provenance.
MR: oooh now i'm scared
MR: whatever will i do
ID: i'm in. cascara. where is provenance.
ID: i travel so. i could always end up there sometime.
SA has sent TrainRouteMap.png
SA: away.
SA: What will you do. 😃
ID: man everyone and their maps.
MR: you could just learn to read them MR: it'll keep you well
ID: i like wandering with no destination in mind. =:P
SA: I assumed this would be the most precise way of showing you the distance.
ID: who knows, maybe i'll pop up some night!
MR: speaking of MR: are you still on for killing that jade guy or what
SA: I would be happy to see your 7/10 face.
ID: not killing. beating him up, yes.
SA: who is getting murdered?
MR: oh yeah MR: honor battle and all that
ID: no murder! i'm beating up a jadeblood at this big nerd fair in cascara.
ID: for money.
Nerd fair?
SA: Nerd...
SA: Should I go.
SA: I could beat someone up too.
ID: and also to beat him up.
ID: if you want! but you need to use an old-timey weapon.
SA: ...are psionics cheating.
ID: they fucking better not be.
SA: then i will use my fists.
SA: I'm joking.
SA: My ropedart.
ID: ropedart?
MR: speakig of the beetleskitter is almost there and i'm going to lose reception MR: you better make this fight good hadean
ID: yeah yeah! get going loser.
WC: ~(I can't believe this chat is still going) WC: ~(I'm not used to them lasting so long!) WC: ~(It's nice (。≖‿≖) )
ID: oh who are you. what are with all these new faces.
SA: https://www.kungfudirect.com/prodimages/Wushu-Rope-Dart.jpg
 SA: Only mine is bound on a retractable wire on my arm, so it recoils and requires less constant motion.
ID: i don't know if that counts as old-timey? but i am not a judge.
SA: Flail?
SA: Hello, WC.
WC: ~(Oh, sorry! Where are my manners) WC: ~(I'm Steamy)
WC: ~(Oooh, is that your weapon? How neat!)
SA: S...steamy.
WC: ~(Yep! ^^)
SA: okay.
WC: ~(You can laugh, if you want)
WC: ~(I know it's silly)
SA: I don't have any more chuckles to offer, unfortunately
SA: I burned them all up being snarky to everyone else earlier.
WC: ~(Oh my!) WC: ~(You must be quite the snarkdemon!)
SA: I am Prisma. It is nice to meet you.
WC: ~(Prisma) WC: ~(That's a nice name)
ID: i mean that was some lowgrade snark prisma i'm sorry.
ID: also i'm hadean.
WC: ~(Hello Hadean!)
SA: I did my best to play nice.
SA: Thank you.
WC: ~(I haven't been in here in a while!) WC: ~(Did I miss anything?)
ID: i don't know how long you've been gone but. probably.
ID: like most of the whole chat is going to the nerd fair in cascada. if you've heard of it.
WC: ~(Nerd fair in....)
WC: ~(Oh! Is THAT what that flyer was for!)
ID: probably.
WC: ~(I saw something about a fair but newsprint makes such a good oil catcher)
WC: ~(So I didn't see much else ლ(╹◡╹ლ))
SA: Do you paint?
WC: ~(Nope! I'm terrible with art haha)
WC: ~(I work with machines)
ID: oh. that makes sense.
ID: uh yeah it's an old-timey reenactment or whatever fair.
WC: ~(But if there's a fair, now I have to go!)
WC: ~(If only to sample the snacks)
SA: Yes, like leg of lamb.
ID: i have been told the snacks are good.
SA: and spinach rock soup.
ID: and giant gobblebeast legs.
WC: ~(Are there any good old timey desserts)
SA: I'm dying.
WC: ~(Please don't die, we just met!)
ID: cakes? i dunno.
WC: ~(Well, I bet it's online!) WC: ~(Let's see....)
SA: Frumenty.
WC: ~(!!!) WC: ~(Oooh there's a pastry booth set up in the square)
WC: ~(I know where I'm spending my night~)
SA: Linzer torte...
ID: there you go.
SA: Oh.
SA: I will have to go there too.
WC: ~(What's a Frumenty?)
SA: old. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E9LKfr23mCo/maxresdefault.jpg
 WC: ~(I'll be happy to share if we run into each other ^^)
ID: instead of sushi buy me dessert prisma. tottesss want pastries.
WC: ~(I hope there's something with strawberries there) WC: ~(Shoot, now I've gone and made myself hungry! >:C)
SA: I would rather buy you creme brulee from somewhere that isn't a strange booth.
SA: Acquire strawberries?
ID: strange booths have some of the best food! but aww, thanks i think.
WC: ~(I would but they're sold out tonight) WC: ~(Strawberries AND my peach yogurt) WC: ~(I'm so mad!)
SA: I don't know how to feel about strange fair booths. Early market booths are good, though.
WC: ~(I'm sure the food is fine!)
WC: ~(Won't know unless you try it, right? ^^)
ID: i'm gonna be a booth babe for one stall selling weapons and antiques and stuff.
ID: so definitely buy his stuff.
SA: a booth... babe...
SA: Is this more slang.
WC: ~(That sounds mildly scandalous but also a great way to sell things) WC: ~(Where is his booth?)
SA: Or an actual occupation.
WC: ~(It's slang ^^)
SA: Also, WC, I suppose i would know if it would poison me before hand.
SA: So I shouldn't worry.
WC: ~(That's the spirit!)
WC: ~(Oh, now I have to get prepared and everything!)
ID: it's a job where i wear a silly outfit and use my body to get people to pay attention to the booth.
ID: i have no idea where it's gonna be. but i'll give you deets when i do.
WC: ~(Please do) WC: ~(I could go for some books and antiques) WC: ~(Does he have any good clothes)
ID: no clue. but he has books and antiques!
WC: ~(For uh) WC: ~(A very broad person about....6 feet? (。≖‿≖))
WC: ~(Oh!) WC: ~(Then I guess I'll find out!)
ID: for what i assume are reasonable prices!
SA: Oh, so I suppose I will be walking by.
SA: I am sorry, Hadean.
WC: ~(Well, special events tend to price things really high! So reasonabe for the event, I guess)
SA: yes, like boutiques.
ID: c'mon prisma, you have to at least stop and say hiii. and he sells weapons and stuff.
SA: But I don't need those things.
WC: ~(It's still fun to look!)
ID: yeah!
WC: ~(I'll stop by! Why don't you join us?)
ID: who doesn't like old books? =:P
SA: when you said silly outfit and body i assumed it would be a stripper outfit.
SA: to be frank.
WC: ~(The sad and depraved)
WC: ~(Well sometimes that's what it turns into to be fair)
ID: i like to think i will not be in a stripper outfit.
ID: but hey, if i am, it's only as weird as you make it!
SA: I'd bring you a coat, in that case.
SA: I don't want to see your 7/10 and your entire torso.
SA: that would be most unpleasant.
ID: but my torso has tattoos. =:P
SA: But fine, I will go. To. ...Fair.
SA: ...yes, and?
ID: and i'm pretty sure i will not be shirtless! i hope.
ID: unless my outfit is how pheres will get his revenge on me being a jerk.
SA: Oh, is it Pheres's booth?
ID: yes.
WC: ~(It's okay, I see weird things all the time) WC: ~(My matesprit is allergic to shirts)
WC: ~(Well not really but he hates them)
WC: ~(So he doesn't wear them whenever he gets the chance) WC: ~(He also runs around in yoga pants. It's pretty cute!)
WC: ~(Is Pheres always there?)
ID: i think he tries to be?
SA: Yoga pants..
SA: Oh, is that his job:
WC: ~(As long as he's comfortable ^^)
SA: To be a fair craftsman
ID: stretchy pants that usually show off a troll's butt prisma.
SA: My jeans do that on their own.
ID: i think he just sells. not. crafts.
WC: ~(Oh, I'm so excited!)
SA: They don't need to be stretchy when they're made well enough.
ID: not everyone can drop fifty caegars on some pants.
WC: ~(What a discussion to have in front of a lady) WC: ~(Scandal!)
ID: my jeans were like. 2.
ID: hey you brought up yoga pants!
ID: and yoga pants + posteriors is a well known fact.
SA: I wasn't aware there was a boundery defined by identity.
WC: ~(Weeeell if the pants fit ~o^)
SA: I apologize?
WC: ~(What no) WC: ~(I was joking, Prisma)
SA: ...Oh.
ID: you'll get the hang of joking eventually. even the most adept trolls sometimes get confused in the chatroom.
WC: ~(Where are you from?)
SA: outer space.
SA: see that was a better joke.
SA: only it wasn't a joke at all.
SA: ...
ID: liiike i said. you'll. get the hang of it.
ID: eventually.
WC: ~(Well, it would have been a good joke otherwise!) WC: ~(You're doing well!)
SA: I appreciate the encouragement.
SA: where are you from, WC?
WC: ~(From not in outer space!)
WC: ~(But I live central continent, haha) WC: ~(Cascara is only about...6 hours from me by train?)
SA: I see.
SA: That is convenient.
SA: It is very far from Provenance.
WC: ~(Where is Provenance)
WC: ~(I'm not even familiar with that one!)
SA: I do not have the map anymore. But aways.
WC: ~(And you can call me Steamy! It's fine!)
ID: you gonna be able to make it to the fair alright prisma?
SA: Oh. Yes. Steamy.
SA: Yes. I will simply take a train. Or plane.
SA: whichever works.
WC: ~(Are you afraid of heights?) WC: ~(That uh) WC: ~(Aren't space related?)
SA: I am not afraid of anything.
SA: But thank you for the concern. Unless you meant Hadean.
WC: ~(No way!) WC: ~(Really?)
SA: I am incapable of feeling fear.
ID: skywhales work good. if you have them around.
ID: even of like. dying?
SA: I'm too tired to explain.
WC: ~(Skywhales are way overpriced) WC: ~(I just build my own airship)
ID: do you need another nap medicine thing?
ID: oh well let me fucking pull out my airship parts.
WC: ~(It uh....took about 8 sweeps of building but I did it)
SA: My inhibitor also regulates the amount of chemicals I can absorb, much like anti-anxiety medicine prevents absorption of those chemicals.
ID: and i'll get right on it.
SA: So I do not feel anything very strongly.
SA: But yes, I may go lie down. But I'm fhaving faun.
WC: ~(Are you a helm?)
ID: ...that's kinda sucky. go lay down if you need to! the chat is usually fun. you can have more fun another time.
WC: ~(Please do sleep!)
WC: ~(I can ask silly questions later!)
ID: anyways, he isn't a helm. so don't worry about that.
WC: ~(Which is a good thing) WC: ~(But the inhibitor part is a less good thing)
WC: ~(Those are normally put on someone when you want to keep them quiet......)
ID: yeah, but. he seems to be doing alright for himself even with the whole mess, so. not much we can do for him!
ID: unless you know how to remove that shit because i certainly do not.
WC: ~(Either way, he's still welcome to share my desserts at the fair) WC: ~(I'll bring you some at the booth too, maybe!)
WC: ~(Weeell I know how the process works) WC: ~(But it's not a safe one)
CC: No=t necessarily!
CC: I have o=ne, and it's just to= train my psychics.
ID: please do. =:)
SA: please do not. It would render me paralyzed.
WC: ~(Oh! Hello!)
WC: ~(Hence the not a safe one part)
CC: Er! CC: An inhibito=r, I mean. CC: So=rry, I do=n't type to=o= fast.
SA: hello, CC.
ID: okay no paralysis. gotcha.
WC: ~(We much prefer not to leave people permanently damaged) WC: ~(And biotech is not my field of expertise)
CC: Hello=! /(^ x ^=)\
ID: does you inhibitor paralyze you if removed cc.
WC: ~(Have we met, CC?)
CC: Um, I do=n't think yo=u can take mine o=ut!
CC: It's kind o=f... in there.
WC: ~(Nor would I try) WC: ~(These hands were not meant to perform surgical operations)
CC: And I do=n't think so=, I'm so=rry!
ID: the amount of trolls in this chat with machinery put in them is alarming.
CC: I mean, I guess it wo=uld paralyze me, since it wo=uld pro=bably mess up my spo=nge pretty bad?
WC: ~(I'm Steamy!) WC: ~(Pleased to meet you!)
CC: I'm Kit! /(^ x ^=)\ CC: It's very nice to=o= meet yo=u, to=o=!
WC: ~(None of my parts are machines, luckily)
WC: ~(Aww that's such a cute name!)
CC: Haha, I mean, we're a hi-tech empire!
CC: It's no=t that strange, is it? CC: And, haha, thanks! CC: You=rs is unusual, but very charming!
ID: well yeah, but. jeesh they start putting shit in a troll young now.
SA: it bothers Hadean.
CC: What's yo=ur name, ID? CC: I mean, if yo=u're o=kay with saying so=.
ID: hadean since. it's right there anyways.
CC: O=h! I vo=lunteered, if that's what yo=u mean! CC: I wasn't co=nscripted early - I've been part o=f the lepus pro=gram since I was five!
ID: ...that isn't too comforting.
ID: i think five is a little young to volunteer for. that.
SA: lepus program...
WC: ~(Lepus?) WC: ~(...Oh)
SA: that is interesting. What else?
CC: Um! CC: I mean, I'm happy with it!
CC: ... What else?
SA: or, wait, maybe we should not talk about this.
WC: ~(Well, if you're happy...^^)
ID: well you've got the sunk cost fallacy thing kit.
CC: The what?
ID: but yeahh maybe a better convo.
CC: And, wait, why no=t?
CC: Er
ID: sunken cost fallacy.
CC: I'm so=rry.
CC: I do=n't kno=w what that is.
WC: ~(Ahem) WC: ~(Are you going to this fair thing, Kit?)
CC: O=h, haha, um! CC: I'm no=t sure if I'm invited?
CC: And I do=n't want to= intrude.
ID: 'description: reasoning that further investment is warranted on the fact that the resources already invested will be lost otherwise, not taking into consideration the overall losses involved in the further investment.'
CC: What o=verall lo=sses, tho=ugh?
CC: I think I've o=nly do=ne go=o=d, so= far!
ID: well i mean. what's the end-goal for you? =:?
WC: ~(Well, now you're invited!) WC: ~(I'm trying to get my friends and my matesprit together to go to the fair)
CC: ... So=rry, Steamy, I meant to= ask if yo=u're go=ing! CC: I'm no=t great at trying to= ho=ld two= c=nversatio=ns at o=nce, haha. CC: Thank yo=u, tho=ugh! /(^ x ^=)\
WC: ~(And you're welcome to come) WC: ~(I'm sure Gelato will like you)
CC: The end go=al is helping the fleet co=mplete the pro=gram go=als!
WC: ~(I am! I'm reading the site now and it looks very exciting!)
ID: which are...? do i want to know.
CC: Classified! /(≧ x ≦)\ CC: I'm really so=rry, I'm no=t allo=wed to= say! CC: I do=n't even kno=w all o=f them, ho=nestly.
CC: But the o=nes I do= kno=w are pretty impo=rtant!
SA: They are usually not innocuous. My program was designed to create imperial hounds.
ID: ah. seems like a fine end goal. =:/
SA: but we can hope it's different for them.
ID: i suppose so, since they seem... happy.
CC: Ho=unds? CC: I'm no=t a barkbeast!
CC: And, I mean
CC: I'm right here... / (´・×・`)\
SA: hello!
ID: i'm using they as a lack of knowing your gender. not a. you aren't here.
CC: I just meant, yo=u're kind o=f talking abo=ut me like I'm no=t. CC: ... Like uh CC: I'm a he?
WC: ~(Well this chat got heavy all of a sudden!)
ID: he's happy then.
CC: O=h CC: I'm so=rry.
IA: --Oh dear, what have I walked in -on here?
WC: ~(A chat that needs some lightening up!)
SA: My clownfish are very cute tonight
ID: ...clownfish.
SA: they are resting in the anemones.
IA: --Oh! D-o y-ou have cl-ownfish??
ID: oh they're pets.
SA: yes. I have a wall tank for them.
IA: That's s-o exciting!
ID: and not. fish that are clowns. as in seadweller clowns.
SA: what did you think--oh.
WC: ~(What do they look like?)
IA: I kn-ow, my lusus is a cl-ownfish.
SA: no that is not in my job description.
SA: it's also illegal
CC: I kind o=f tho=ught what ID tho=ught!
SA: they are orange and soft and I love them
ID: ...well that's sorta cute.
IA: S-o I ap-ol-ogize, I get excited when I hear ab-out s-ome-one's cl-ownfish.
CC: O=r, Hadean? CC: So=rry, I missed if yo=u said yo=ur name, o=r if that was yo=ur name.
ID: yeah i said it but things were busy so. hadean is right.
ID: id works too but apparently there's a different id.
CC: I kno=w an ID in real life!
IA: SA, h-ow many d-o y-ou have?
WC: ~(The other ID is my matesprit!)
SA: IA, don't apologize. They are cute.
CC: So= I think I'd rather call yo=u Hadean! /(=⌒x⌒=)\
ID: so yeah. hadean works out best anyways.
SA: ten.
WC: ~(I just wasn't going to comment ^^)
IA: That's l-ovely!
SA: oh, the yoga pants one. With no shirts.
WC: ~(Yep that's him!)
WC: ~(He's a sweetheart I love him <3)
ID: all i know is he calls people sugargrubs.
SA; that's disgusting.
WC: ~(Oh he does that to everyone)
WC: ~(I don't think I've ever heard him call anyone by their names!)
ID: even you?
WC: ~(I'm grapevine or sugarplum or something more often than not)
CC: O=h, I think that might be the same ID I kno=w? CC: Um! CC: I think I'd better no=t co=me to= the festival with yo=u. CC: I do=n't think he likes me very much.
WC: ~(Huh?) WC: ~(What happened?)
WC: ~(What did he do?)
CC: He didn't do= anything! CC: I just messed up really bad, is all.
WC: ~(Tell me what happened ono)
CC: He was really nice abo=ut it, actually.
CC: I mean, I CC: I'd really rather no=t, I mean, and it's no=t really a big deal, o=r anything, I just
ID: uh maybe shift over to the highblood chat if you wanna have some privacy? not that you have to just.
ID: if you don't want us knowing what you're talking about.
SA: kit, you could come with me to the fair.
SA: oh. I suppose there is one.
CC: It's o=kay, SA, really. CC: I pro=bably do=n't have time anyways, haha! CC: I wo=rk all week.
ID: uh prisma you're a stranger-
ID: prisma do oyu know what stranger danger is.
CC: Besides, I'd rather make friends with peo=ple first befo=re guilting them into= fair invites. / (⁎˃ᆺ˂)\
SA: I'm an imperially sanctioned stranger.
SA: also no.
IA: --Oh I think I've heard -of this fair. Is nearly every-one g-oing?
WC: ~(It would seem so!)
ID: that makes you even more stranger dangery. =:I
SA: I've never met a stranger that was a threat.
ID: well that makes you a big threat to other strangers.
SA: but you wanted to meet me?
ID: well yeah but i'm immune to stranger danger.
CC: I mean, I think I'm Imperially sanctio=ned, to=o=, kind o=f?
WC: ~(They don't even give you time off?)
CC: O=f co=urse they do=! Just no=t during mo=st o=f the week. CC: And I've been really sick a lo=t recently, so= I do=n't want to= ask fo=r mo=re time o=ff.
CC: I feel bad eno=ugh already fo=r missing so= much time. /(≧ x ≦)\
CC: They wo=uldn't even let me co=me in earlier.
WC: ~(How sick were you that they wouldn't even come into work?)
WC: ~(That sounds pretty sick!)
CC: I got a little bit impaled! CC: Which so=unds silly, because ho=w do= yo=u get a little bit impaled, I kno=w, but it really was o=nly a little bit.
WC: ~(What!)
WC: ~(No wonder they wouldn't let you come in!)
WC: ~(That's serious!)
SA: that isn't illness that's a grievous injury
CC: I wo=uldn't call it grievo=us!
ID: like a shoulder impalement?
CC: Yeah!
ID: something small i'm assuming?
CC: Like it was just my sho=ulder.
CC: See, Hadean understands.
CC: It's really no=t that bad.
ID: shoulder impalements are just a pain to deal with.
CC: I'm so=rry, I sho=uldn't have said anything. CC: That's why I just said I was sick, at first, I mean. CC: I keep accidentally making peo=ple unco=mfo=rtable with this.
ID: why should they be uncomfortable? i doubt you impaled yourself on purpose.
TC: Are we !mpal!~g people now? Lemme see.
WC: ~(I'm not uncomfortable, I'm concerned) WC: ~(The military is very physical) WC: ~(Of course they don't want you there while you're physically impaired)
SA: I think bodily harm is a cause of alarm not discomfort.
CC: It wasn't alarming because I knew I'd get better!
CC: And I didn't impale myself.
CC: I think that's a little bit o=utside o=f my skill level!
ID: exactly, so no need to be uncomfortable!
TC: !s th!s m!l!tary story share ~!ght?
TC: Laaaaame
ID: man i hope not because i have no stories to tell.
SA: mine are sad.
SA: training in zero G was fun though.
SA: I'm still sorry about your injury, Kit.
TC: So you're !~ the fleet SA?
TC: What do you do?
TC: Do~'t tell me you do what ! th!~k you do.
CC: Thank yo=u! CC: Yo=u do=n't need to= feel so=rry, tho=ugh. /(^ x ^=)\ I'm fine no=w, really!
SA: No. I am ex fleet.
CC: O=h, why did yo=u leave?
SA: Hadean tell me to stop opening my mouth.
CC: Um
ID: prisma no opening your mouth.
TC: Ex fleet? ! d!d~'t th!~k you could leave, ~ot as a yellowblood.
SA: 😰
ID: no more questions this interview is over.
ID: my client has a very busy night, he probably needs that nap he was supposed to take earlier and junk.
TC: Cl!e~t???
ID: i'm now prisma's manager.
SA: i got tea.
SA: does that mean I pay you now?
ID: i mean like i'm going to say no to money but it was mostly a joke.
CC: ... Can I ask a different questio=n?
ID: maybe.
CC: O=r, I mean, I guess I wanted to= ask a questio=n abo=ut Prisma's questio=n! CC: Yo= were asking abo=ut my pro=gram earlier and I was wo=ndering what yo=u meant.
CC: Um CC: If that's alright? / (´・×・`)\
ID: ...maybe.
CC: /(≧ x ≦)\
SA: about your program origins and recruitment.
SA: sorry, I was putting on my. Jammies.
SA: I was raised within my program from hatching. I haven't seen any other programs with implants that weren't built from scratch.
ID: ...jammies.
CC: Haha, I haven't heard anybo=dy call them that in sweeps!
SA: yes, jammies
CC: Well, jammies aside, I guess...
CC: I haven't been part o=f Lepus fro=m hatching? CC: But it's been fo=r a pretty lo=ng time! CC: And I was with a different pro=gram befo=re that, but that was just the peo=ple that wor=k to= help hatch mo=re psio=nic and psychic tro=lls in general.
CC: I vo=lunteered when I was five sweeps, and I guess that was yo=ung eno=ugh to= install everything pretty easy?
ID: gonna be kinda checking out of this convo so prisma type my name if you need me to tell you not to do something.
SA: yes. Alright. Thank you, Hadean.
SA: enjoy the pizza from earlier if you haven't already.
SA: in my program, we were specifically gened that way too.
CC: ...Did I make him unco=mfo=rtable?
SA: but you don't know what the primary purpose I?
SA: Hadean doesn't like. "Helmspeak"
CC: I do=! CC: I'm no=t really allo=wed to= say so=, tho=ugh.
CC: O=h. I'm no=t really a helmsman, tho=ugh?
SA: they are a rust, AA said. So it bothers them.
CC: I do=n't have psi.
SA: hmmm.
CC: I do=n't want to= upset him, tho=ugh.
SA: you don't have psionics but you're in...?
SA: maybe we could talk privately another time.
SA: I have just never met another troll remotely like me.
CC: O=h, um!
CC: I have psychics, which are different?
CC: Sho=uld we talk so=mewhere else?
CC: I feel like I made everyo=ne unco=mfortable. CC: I can leave! I'd rather yo=u be able to= talk with yo=ur friend! /(^ x ^=)\
SA: it wasn't your fault. I did the same thing earlier.
AH: They're just a bunch of fucking weenies.
SA: I am unsure of where else we could talk, but I would be happy to receive a PM from you over this. Especially because of your abilities. If you don't mind, that is.
SA: I think it is very scary for most trolls, even if I don't understand it very well outside of specialty programs.
SA: I don't think Hadean is a coward.
ID: yo that's my name.
ID: i am defs not a weenie or coward.
CC: That's o=kay. CC: I kind o=f get the impressio=n I'm abo=ut to= leave so=o=n, anyways. /(^ x ^||||)\
CC: And yo=u seem really nice, Hadean.
ID: i mean. i don't know how nice i am but thanks i think.
AH: Okay except Hadean
AH: he's just a doofus
CC: Well, yo=u're really nice to= Prisma! CC: And yo=u'v ebeen friendly to= me.
ID: =:P bite me gliese.
AH: oh tyrian tits no, Empress only knows where you've been
AH: I don't want a disease
ID: i've been in the tub like. almost all night. =:P
AH: even worse
AH: you'd taste like SOGGY garbage
ID: and don't worry kit. you seem like a nice enough guy.
ID: fuck you i smell like delightful hotel shampoo.
AH: you probably smell like a seadweller's armoire, you flowery dipshit
ID: even though i had to steal like 10 of the tiny bottles to get enough.
AH: with your hair? not a fucking surprise
CC: Ha, thanks! CC: I'm so=rry I made yo=u unco=mfo=rtable with the co=nversati-n, tho=ugh.
AH: lmao Hadean will live
AH: he's survived a whole lot worse
AH: He's too mean to stay down long
ID: eh. not your fault, just not convo i like listening to! like gliese said i'll live. if only to spite her.
CC: That do=esn't mean I sho=uldn't apo=lo=gize fo=r being rude, tho=ugh>
CC: There's no=t much po=int to= saying so=rry if yo=u o=nly do= it when peo=ple are go=nna be dead, Gliese.
CC: And so= is yo=ur ability to= ho=ld do=wn shift, apparently.
ID: pshhh. shame gliese. shameeee.
ID: swift and cunning, that's gliese's comebacks.
AH: hey I can type in lowercase but it doesn't properly express my BLOSSOMING EXCITEMENT
AH: I will swiftly kick you in the dick, how's that
ID: i mean why are you aiming for my dick, hella rude.
AH: wow Hadean this must be the greatest shock of your life. Me being rude. I mean holy shit, what is this, fucking opposite night
AH: let us all gather round and mourn Hadean's ability to not state the obvious
AH: it died fucking bravely
AH: actually I take that back
AH: it probably died choking on a piece of rotten burger
ID: the only thing dying here is my thinkpan from reading your garbage.
AH: wow, so sad
AH: I guess it's MY job to play the tiny violin now
AH: wow what a passing of the torch
ID: don't break the strings they're a pain to replace.
AH: fuck you I break all the strings
ID: fucking worst musician.
AH: look I play a _different_ instrument, so shut up
AH: I'm not a strings person
ID: what are you. a drum person. because that's hitting something?
AH: LMAO, no
AH: Accidentally broke my first one since it was a lowblood one, hurt my hand a little
AH: Kind of put me off it
ID: woooowwww.
AH: what, I was like, four sweeps
AH: I didn't realize shit for rusts wasn't gonna hold up to me
ID: poor privileged baby gliese~
AH: when you're a kid and you don't know your own strength yet it's annoying u shitlord
AH: I accidentally broke a nice flowerpot that way too
ID: well i mean when i was 4 my lusus was teaching me to stay away from the bluebloods so they didn't cull me for funsies so.
AH: granted that was 'cause I kicked it - lmao
ID: but sure, strength. what a bitch. =:P
AH: okay fine, you win, sobs
AH: that's your new nickname
AH: sobs
ID: and also by teaching me i mean trying to teach me.
ID: i was a sucky student like always.
ID: i do what i want.
AH: lol
MN: dont makE .ME. comE oVEr thErE and pap both your assEs
AH: what, what did _I_ do
ID: wow straight to the ass huh.
AH: I'm fucking pure as the driven snow
AH: not that I ever SEE snow anymore
MN: ...wow .I. haVE bEEn talking to .PHERES. too long apparEntly
AH: why, does he pap everybody?
ID: snow is overrated.
MN: yEs
AH: oh my god
AH: that's fantastic
MN: hEs grEat .I. tEll you
AH: I'm totally gonna bring that up - oh my _god_
AH: he's papped YOU??
ID: i am hoping that this is not a thing i need to actually worry about.
ID: =:I
MN: word of warning hEll probably try to pap you at somE point
AH: lol I don't think he would he hates my guts platonically I'm pretty sure
AH: not that I totally blame him
MN: not you hadEan
ID: thank god, bullet dodged.
AH: Pheres would probably lose a frond
AH: Hadean would bite it off and eat it
MN: oh .MY. god
ID: what am i a fucking woofbeast.
MN: yEah dont actually do that
ID: i don't fucking eat trolls.
ID: ....
ID: why do you think i'd eat a troll.
AH: IF YOU COULD PUT SAUCE ON IT AND BAKE IT, WHO AM I TO KN - it was a joke you dweeb
AH: judging by how you're always hungry
AH: I don't _actually_ think you'd eat a troll, calm your tits
ID: well i'll have you know i had three large pizzas tonight.
AH: amen
AH: the beast is sated
AH: at least temporarily
ID: i mean. for now.
SA: cannibalism Increases the risk of prions.
SA: which are lethal.
ID: what's a prion- oh.
AH: wow you're a goddamn bundle of joy, aren't you
ID: also gliese this is prisma.
SA: they cause proteins to fold incorrectly and slowly kill your brain.
ID: prisma is great, be nice.
SA: hello!
AH: I can see how they won you all over with these fascinating facts
AH: so what's your thing, Prisma
AH: besides talking to Kit about helm shit
SA: I'm fascinating and I'm from outer space.
AH: lolwot
ID: ^^^^
AH: no way
ID: wow rude gliese, doubting a guy.
SA: what is your thing, aside from fighting?
AH: Plants
AH: Plants are pretty sick
AH: Oh and parkour
AH: and dayrunning
SA: oh, I should have guessed
AH: anything that involves sick-ass stunts
SA: and bitterness, acerbic
SA: I have noted all these things.
AH: good for you, nerdlord supreme??
AH: you gonna write a study on it or do you just note stuff to sound like some super smart analytic nerd type
SA: yes 🙃
AH: okay that smiley is funny
AH: You get a point
ID: i award prisma all the points.
AH: aw come on why do they get ALL the points
AH: what'd they even DO
SA: 😍
ID: because i'm the fucking judge now and i say so.
SA: they are not very tyrannical.
AH: lol you say that you haven't taken him for food
ID: i judge gliese is a total loser. sentence is two sweeps in the nerd mines.
ID: hey prisma bought me a pizza.
SA: the nerd mines...
AH: I will break out and kick you in the dick
SA: how would you
AH: ...did they
SA: never mind
ID: yes.
AH: Prisma did you buy this fucking loser a pizza
SA: I bought them and the green one pizza.
SA: 🍕
ID: =:D
AH: well now I have to top that, you just made my life harder
AH: ...why do we even HAVE a pizza emote
AH: wait what green one
ID: 🍕 🍕
SA: Sipara said the same thing. Why does everyone have to out food the other?
ID: lal.
SA: yes.
AH: oh the jade who talks funny
ID: because i'm a black hole that needs constant sacrifices made prisma.
AH: LMAO accurate
ID: else i won't bring the rains.
SA: downtown flooded earlier.
SA: I may have sent too much pizza.
ID: you're welcome.
SA: that was rude 🌊
ID: 🤽
SA: does lal talk funny?
SA: 🚣‍♀️
AH: I mean I've never _met_ them but I've seen them in logs and they say things in weird ways
ID: 💦
SA: oh.
ID: they're nice enough. just snarky.
SA: ☔️
ID: and too poor to buy me a ring pop.
AH: wow
AH: that's pathetic
SA: oh right your proposal was ruined
ID: ⛴
ID: my heart will go on.
AH: rest in fucking pieces
SA: and on 🎻
AH: okay, fine, Hadean, you were right
AH: for once
SA: what is the story behind you two?
ID: always.
AH: this one is a keeper
AH: I'm his meal ticket
AH: his BEST meal ticket
ID: well sip fed me twice now... so...
SA: ☺️
AH: I WILL OUTDO THAT, I've been fucking busy at the base okay
SA: base?
ID: tell your excuses to my stomach.
AH: same one you were talking about with Kit/CC
SA: are your lunches always so vitriolic?
AH: they wouldn't be fun otherwise
ID: it's how we bond.
AH: yeah, all that good shit
SA: oh
ID: plus someone has to remind gliese she's a total nerd.
AH: I wouldn't take just any boring dumbass to lunch now would I
SA: I don't know. Would you?
ID: ms. star wars marathoner.
AH: naaaaah
ID: whatever nerd.
SA: but they always miss
AH: therefore there's MORE SHOOTING
SA: therefore they are improperly trained.
AH: snoooore who cares it's a movie
AH: real life, yeah, I'd be making fun
AH: but it's a movie it's supposed to be stupid
SA: i don't think that's the purpose of movies
AH: movies are stupid fun
AH: duh
AH: everybody knows that
SA: 😨
ID: unless they're documentaries.
AH: yeah I guess
ID: or romcoms which are never fun.
SA: are they not...
ID: i mean. if romcoms are your thing i guess they are.
ID: are you a romcom guy.
SA: I don't know 🤷‍♀️
SA: I like scary things because they aren't scary
SA: but sometimes I hope they ade
AH: you sound like a goddamn cryptic
SA: I hope you mean cryptid
ID: he's just got a lot of. don't get scared juice in him.
SA: because I am
AH: lol
AH: what are you, bigfoot
SA: no I'm a robot
ID: gliese is the even rarer cryptid than bigfoot.
ID: she's.
ID: the bigmouth.
SA: what is she -
SA: 😮
SA: that sounds unfortunate. Where are her brethren?
AH: Kit's one
AH: his mouth is even bigger
AH: 'cause we're hatchmates and all
SA: kit was very polite
ID: kit seemed not at all mouthy.
AH: he hides his secret well
ID: uh-huh. projecting much?
AH: it is a dark and deep secret
AH: see you say that but I remain secure in the fact that you calling everyone a nerd is YOU projecting
SA: a nerd is better than an angry loudmouth
AH: your values system is fucked up
SA: 🤷‍♀️
SA: what is your value system
ID: prisma just has my back. =:P
AH: it's a value system of AWESOMENESS
ID: unlike some blue cheerleader who keeps telling me i'm stupid for fighting her nerd partner.
AH: I don't think you're STUPID just RECKLESS and coming from me that'S BAD, my dude
ID: we said no dying!
SA: is this the one you were talking about earlier?
ID: mn, the jade who was here before. that's who i'm fighting.
AH: YEAH OKAY AND ACCIDENTS NEVER HAPPEN LMAO but whatever I'm not gonna try and talk you out of it, I'll just be there to mop up whatever happens
SA: oh. Be safe.
ID: i mean if he accidentally tries to murder me he's dead so. =:/
AH: _No killing Emerel_
SA: I will help
SA: oh
AH: I LIKE Emerel
CC: What??
ID: i will if he tries killing me!
AH: he's my friend
SA: nevermind
AH: OH MY GOD, you just said you two agreed
SA: you were serious
CC: Who='s trying to= kill Emerel??
AH: do you trust him or not
ID: i trust him as much as you can trust a stranger who agreed not to kill you.
AH: and he better not hurt Hadean or I'll CLONK BOTH THEIR HEADS
ID: =:I
CC: What do= yo=u mean, ho=pefully? / (´・×・`)\
CC: That's no=t really a so=lid answer!
AH: I mean if one of these doofuses messes up we're all gonna be very sorry
SA: there is a medieval semi death match pending
ID: it means if emerel doesn't try killing someone, no one is gonna die.
AH: yeah SA laid it out pretty well
CC: Um! CC: I do=n't think he's likely to= do= that!
SA: my money is on 7/10
ID: then no death! thanks prisma.
AH: ughhhh I wanna see this and shit but I'm gonna be happy when it's over, god
SA: I'm sure there will be doctor. There will be doctors, righr
AH: Yeah, should be
ID: gliese you're like 5000 percent more stressed over it than the trolls who might die.
CC: He's a go=o=d guy, really. CC: He wo=uldn't just cull so=mebo=dy fo=r no= reaso=n.
AH: yeah because you're both doofuses
SA: but you won't die
ID: damn right i won't!
AH: and I'm not like STRESSING THAT MUCH
AH: just rolling my eyes
AH: does that count as high stress
SA: if we were in person I could tell your actual level of stress
AH: what
SA: if I'm at the fair, we'll find out
ID: psi.
AH: you got like, some nerd machine for that
SA: ☺️
ID: he's yellow gliese, just alllwaayysss assume psi.
AH: _lmao_
AH: I've met lowbloods with no psi, you never know
AH: some like Cateex have really weak shit
ID: well my main man prisma is not weak shit!
SA: Hadean said their psionics were being immune to idiots
SA: is that right? Am i remembering
ID: i mean i said that but it was a joke.
ID: immune does not mean allergic wtf gliese.
AH: If you ARE something but are immune to it wouldn't that make an allergic reaction
AH: I dunno
ID: i'd just like. cancel myself out.
SA: it would mean he wouldn't exist because he's immune to his own state of being
SA: oh
AH: I'm tired I had a long ass - LMAO YEAH YOU'D CEASE TO EXIST
SA: hivemind
ID: we're just syncing up now, watch out gliese.
SA: but who would you feed, AH?
AH: Oh shit, beware the nerd brigade
AH: uh
AH: Hadean still??
AH: oh speak of the devil earlier it's the weird jade
SS: (Wtf, Hads, are you gettin food again?)
ID: i think he meant if i didn't exist.
ID: bitch i might be.
SS: (What've you got, a hollow walkfrond?)
SA: yes
SS: (What is your secret?)
ID: uh. psi.
SS: (Pls share, am also starving.)
SA: hello, SS. Did you get the pizza I ordered?
AH: what, why are YOU starving you're jade
SS: (No, I mean for food acquisition.)
ID: and being handsome.
AH: the hell did you do wrong
SA: 7/10 is only marginally handsome
ID: also i have being rust on my side.
SS: (I did! I totes ate it but did not, to the lovely Sipa's tragic disappointment, explode in the process.)
ID: prisma you are no longer my main man. =>:'(
SA: I am the only 10/10 here ☺️
SS: (And oh em gee, AH, you can't just ask peeps why they're broke.)
SA: I'm joking
SA: oh I'm glad you didn't explode
AH: wow I just fucking did
ID: so was i. hence the face.
AH: cough up
SA: 😉
SS: (Whaaat, are we still doin the hotness scale thing?) SS: (You know what, I don't even wanna know, tbh.) SS: (We have already established your taste is totes awful, SA, soz to say.) SS: (You were hatched that way, tho, so it's okay.) SS: (We accept you.)
ID: 👅
AH: if your story sucks invent a better one
SS: (What'll you give me for it, pal? (\unu/ ))
AH: uhhhh
ID: 👁‍🗨 👅 👁‍🗨
AH: a snack? idfk where you do even live
AH: Hadean was passing through Port Port
AH: so I fed his dumb ass
SA: I think to think I have a good taste, but I also have duplicates of the same outfits.
ID: i'm in cascara now!
SS: (Oh, shit, are you one of the rabbit twins, or the banker?)
SS: (Pls say banker.)
AH: okay who invented the term rabbit twins I'm gonna fucking end them
SA: it's cute
AH: I'm not the banker shitswizzler
SS: (It was totes deffo 100% not me.)
SA: embrace it
SS: (200%, even.)
AH: I'm a Lepus troll
ID: don't worry prisma, i have three t-shirts that are exactly the same. and three pairs of pants that are pretty much the same.
SS: (Hopbeast blueblood.)
SA: 🍾🍾🍾
AH: okay well then what the fuck's YOUR lusus
AH: I need to nickname YOU
SS: (Uhhhh!)
SS: (A super cool giant fire-breathing dragon.)
SS: (With, like, seven heads.)
ID: lie detected.
SS: (And a spike tail.)
SA: I only have strength for emojis now. Goodnight dragon child
AH: If it were you wouldn't be fucking poor
SA: ankylosaur hydra child
AH: you'd be laying motherfucking waste to the desert and getting what you wanted
ID: oh you going to bed prisma? later.
SS: (Good night, awesome person who is totes my second best friend in the world now!)
SA: I will be back for more fun later 🤗
SS: ((Sipa sent one more pizza so she made first, soz to say!))
AH: Night Prisma nerd
SA: goodnight
SS: (Ain't you been on about a nap anyhow?)
SS: (Ttyl, pal!)
ID: night.
ID: also good lal, use the numbers of pizzas to gain more pizzas.
SS: (And fuck you, you don't know my tragic backstory, AH!) SS: (That's why we're, like, even having this convo.) SS: (So you ain't got the deets to judge if I can be proper-like broke with a rad dragon lusus. (\uwu/) )
SS: (Thanks, Troll Yoda.)
SS: (Srsly, tho, I'm gonna pick your sponge for your secrets.)
ID: as long as my sponge stays where it's supposed to be.
SS: (In a jar on my table?)
AH: I got the deets to know you're full of shit
SS: (Can do! (\^_^/) )
SS: (Nah, pal, I'm fulla pizza.)
AH: I mean unless your lusus fucking ditched you
SS: (We, like, JUST went over this.)
AH: which would actually be sad
SS: (Maybe it's busy guarding my cave, huh?)
ID: you got your lusus still gliese?
AH: of course I do, Haredad is great, but I see him less these nights since he goes off munching the zombies with Kit's lusus
SS: (Jades totes live under rocks, you ain't got proof I'm wrong. (\eue/) )
AH: but I still sleep on him when I come back - LMAO YOU GOT ME THERE
SS: (But I totes don't believe your lusus is a bun.)
SS: (Pix or it didn't happen!)
AH: you're the...shit, I guess Emerel was technically the first?
AH: I lose track.
SS: (Ideally, like, adorbs ones.)
AH: LMAO well fine if you insist
AH: fuck you they're all adorable
SS: (Perf.)
AH: sent HaredadYawningLikeAGoddamnDork.png
SS: (Omg. ❤ )
SS: (I am not convinced, tho.) SS: (That could TOTES be photoshop.)
SS: (More pix.)
AH: He's so goddamn silly sometimes for a saber-toothed - LOL
ID: ooh are we sharing lusii.
AH: ...hey SS
AH: pics or YOURS didn't happen
SS: (Sure, pal, sure!)
invertedDissident has sent bananaonbackforscale.png!
SS: (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/d/dc/BlueEyesUltimateDragon-LDK2-EN-UR-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20161007085413)
 ID: be kind to my lusus-
AH: sent HaredadWTFtho.png (in which Haredad has a bird on his head)
ID: ...really lal.
SS: (The other four heads ain't fittin in the frame, pal, ain't my fault. (\unu/) )
ID: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OdL07mJYhtg/UyyF81jts0I/AAAAAAAADmI/qhHgOOAFpNA/s1600/300px-BottomlessTrapHole-LCJW-EN-ScR-1E.png
 AH: is that you, Hadean
AH: is that your inner fucking soul
SS: (Omg, it's exactly like the selfie he posted earlier!)
ID: fucking rude.
AH: _HA_
SS: (Which reminds me, buntwin#2!)
AH: my name's Gliese dickhead
AH: what the fuck's yours, besides 'Lal'
ID: found gliese. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/1/17/CreepyConey-PHSW-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20120720032649
SS: (That's what I said! SS: (Come by the giant teapot sometime, I'll give you a cool story for food and tips.)
AH: ...oh wait
SS: (Read the nametag while you're at it. (\unu/) )
AH: you're that dorky looking jade barista
AH: Lalide
AH: or whatever
SS: (Yes, that is exactly my name.)
SS: (You are totes correct.)
SS: (Congrats! (\ouo/) )
ID: what gliese wishes she could be equipped with. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/1/15/HornoftheUnicorn-YGLD-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest?cb=20151114052324
 AH: lolwot
ID: so you had a sharp horn at last.
SS: (Hads ain't pullin punches.)
SS: (Why're all the aggro ones nubby?)
SS: (Gliese, Sipa...)
AH: bitch my horns aren't nubby
ID: they're big and dull!
AH: Hadean is just a dickhead who can't see because his eyes are all red
SS: (P sure Hads just called 'em nubby.)
ID: i didn't call them nubby. i called them dull. duh.
AH: learn to read fuckwad
ID: got me gliese, my eyes are all red.
SS: (Damn, dude, way to discriminate against the illiterate!)
ID: almost like i'm a sparkplug or something.
AH: wow look at all these tears I'm shedding on your behalf, Lalide
AH: look at them fucking pooling on the ground
AH: just tragic
SS: (Maybe I can't read through my epic contacts, neither!?)
SS: (Ain't only red oculars what get you all impaired-like.)
AH: lol, what, are you some kind of dorky mutant
SS: (Nah, just fashionable.)
AH: _riiiiight_
AH: probably just a huge fucking nerd
ID: no money for food. but money for #aesthetic
AH: with headfluff like that
SS: (Thank you!) SS: (Someone finally up and acknowledges my nerd cred!)
AH: lmao
AH: I find it PRETTY DAMN HARD TO BELIEVE I am the first
SS: (And yes, totes, you caught me, I was all, like, 'Y'know, I could eat this week, but I'd totes rather add a new fashion hashtag to my instagram!')
SS: (Everyone keeps up and callin me goth, dude, and everyone knows you can't be two at once!)
ID: does that really count as owned.
AH: you totally can though
AH: shut up you're fucking owned
SS: (Not if you're already emo!)
SS: (It's, like, two, sure, but three's way extra.)
AH: are you saying you're not extra
ID: anyways i'm going to sleep so. have fun nerds.
AH: because if so: in that case I'm not blue and Hadean isn't a shameless dinner whore
SS: (I am v v extra, pal, but the good kinda extra. (\unu/) )
AH: is that _soooo_
SS: (Hells, pal, why'd you have to up and remind me of the time?)
SS: (Fuck off and let me keep pretending I ain't about to crash for like 16 hours.)
SS: (Ttfn, I guess!)
ID: ahahah wowww. have fun with that.
AH: LOL, goddamn, get some rest, dipshit
SS: (Who's dipshit, this time?)
AH: it will forever be a mystery
AH: you will just have to live in pained torment
SS: (RIP in pieces. (\qnq/) )
AH: not knowing if you are the dipshit or not
SS: (My wails will be heard for clicks!) SS: (You can use 'em to come find me to chill and buy me lunch tomorrow.)
AH: oh my GOD, what the fuck is this room, a 'let's all beggar lunch off Gliese' spot??
AH: why the fuck should I buy you lunch.
SS: (Cos dinner's a date.)
AH I already support Hadean's snarky, dumb ass
SS: (And I already up and tried to have one a those with Cennef.)
AH: I have the bulgeface moocher slot filled
AH: ...
AH: ......
AH: ...what the FUCK
SS: (This response pleases me.)
SS: (Well, it was a p shit date!)
SS: (And obvi cos I'm super charming, pal!)
SS: (My superpower is makin everyone love me.)
SS: (And also the uncanny feeling that I avoided gettin skinned by a weird jade serial killer.)
AH: okay no but fucking really why did she do anything remotely nice for you
SS: (Is that what the ears are made of??)
AH: I'm kidding, I doubt she could ever _actually_ kill a jade without fucking falling down in fear
SS: (Jade faces?)
AH: at least according to her stupid fucking backstory
SS: (What's her deal, tho?)
AH: according to her she was enslaved by rainbowdrinkers or some such bullshit.
AH: but that's obviously total wank
SS: (What, in her RP?)
AH: I mean, SOMETHING must've happened
SS: (Like, pal, manage your fourth wall, there.)
AH: because that bitch was like, feral, until she was 7
AH: so clearly something got fucked up and maybe she hallucinated, I don't fucking know
AH: but she still sticks to her cock and bull tale even now
AH: and she's _9_
SS: (I ain't a head docterrorist, but if I was a head docterrorist I'd say she, like, probs ain't got her ish straight.)
AH: but it's obviously total horseshit to justify her hateboner for everyone jade and over
AH: because she's pathetic
SS: (Guess it's fine to take it out on the loser caste that up and let the whole feral thing happen, tho!)
AH: oh my god
AH: oh my god did she seriously give you shit
AH: I mean I'm not fucking SURPRISED but
AH: what the fuck threat could you be, you sound goddamn pathetic
SS: (Minus sarcasm, pal, I'm, like, middle key sheddin a tear inside for whatever fucker keeps lettin ferals outta the caverns.)
SS: (And excuse you, my giant dragondad is, like, totes sayin otherwise!)
AH: okay, but you know fucking what
SS: (Don't make fun of me, I'm sensitive and gonna go tell my lusus!)
AH: just because you had to endure Cennef's hoofbeastshit
AH: I will take you for lunch
SS: (Eyyyyyy!)
SS: ( (\oUo/) )
SS: (Fuck the peeps that're like, 'The key to my friendship is through my digestion sack!')
SS: (It's obvi the other way around.)
SS: (The key to fillin my digestion sack is friendship.)
AH: though lmao I should go too
AH: but I'm serious
AH: I have shit to do in the next like
AH: two weeks
AH: but after that
SS: (Pal, do I look like I'm goin anywhere?)
AH: you, me, lunch, bashing the world's worst maroon
SS: (It's a not-date!)
AH: idfk your life
AH: maybe you have to go visit your dad
SS: (Shit, u rite.)
SS: (In my underground seaside mansion!)
SS: (Can't go forgettin 'bout that ish!)
0 notes
glimpseof-me · 8 years
Monday - February 27, 2017
K’s birthday weekend just passed. We went to SD this year.
Honestly, it wasn’t very fun.
I feel like my self esteem has gotten so bad that it affects my social life.
We went to a club there and felt so uncomfortable the whole time. I felt so ugly and I don’t know. Just below everyone I guess.
A few minutes after getting there I went to the restroom and all I could do was cry.
I don’t know why I’m like this……
It’s weird because I know I’m not bad looking. I know this. So why do I feel so ugly? I know I’m a nice girl with a good soul. I know I’m smarter than I think I am. I know this. So why do I feel so badly about who I am as a person?
Some days I feel so sad. Heart wrenchingly sad. I lay in my bad and just cry and cry. I cry so hard it gets hard to breathe. I wake up with swollen eyes and exhausted from all this sadness.
Why am I so sad?
I have a boyfriend I love, and loves me. We do all kinds of things together. We go out, a lot. To bars, the movies, restaurants, have day dates, go on trips every 2-3 months. His family loves me like their own. He just gave me a ring a few months ago which meant the world to me. I have my mother that loves me to death. We talk every single day and goes out of her way to do things for me. She’s truly an angel.
I have my dad who also loves me to death. He always reminds us of this. He’s a great father.
I have my sister that has my back through anything, ever. She’ll take the fall for me if she has to whenever it comes to it. She’s a dope person.
I have everything, yet feel literally nothing but guilt because I’m not a better person for them.
I’m not a trophy girlfriend. I am painfully average looking with average accomplishments. I am just ok.
I’m not a trophy daughter or sister. There isn’t anything my parents can brag about to their coworkers and sisters and brothers when it comes to me. I’m not around often. I don’t do much for them. I’m just….there. Sometimes. I don’t feel like this all the time. Some days are better than others. But even on my good days, it haunts me you know. That feeling is always there in the background.
Maybe I’m just messed up in the head…….
Anyway, continuing the club scene:
I drank a good amount. About 4 margaritas, a shot, and a beer. And we had pregamed before so, I was feeling it. I feel like I should’ve been drunker than I was. But I always say this lol.
K was pretty wasted. There was a point that he had to run to the restroom to throw up lol. The thing that really got to me was that he kept drinking and even got sloppy. When we’d walk somewhere he’d bump people almost on purpose. A few guys even told him something and he’d have a confrontation with. There was a couple guys that this happened with. One was with a guy that was really wasted. I mean wasted to the point where he was stumbling and couldn’t even really talk. He was checking out K’s cousins girlfriend, which by the way looks like a model. 5’7, slim thick, long legs, long hair and a really pretty face to complete the package. She’s kind of a bitch though…..Back to K: another confrontation was this this guy that got pissed because K sorta shoved him when he was passing by. I didn’t want anything to happen so I pulled K away and that set him off. He got so bothered by it. He pulled me aside and yelled at me to not to do that ever. It hurt my feelings because I was just looking after him. And for him to react to it like that? I didn’t think it was fair. And I didn’t want to argue because I knew he was drunk. Also, while we were at the club, K and his cousin went to the restroom and so I decided to go too meanwhile. I got out first and I bought some drinks for K and I and waited by the bar. Few minutes passed and I look over and I see the guys checking girls out. It hurt my feelings so much. Why doesn’t he look at me like that? I know I’m not as attractive and sexy and other women but, I’m his. Crave me. In a room full of girls, why don’t I catch your attention… He was being obnoxious on the way back as well. K’s cousin threw up on the way back to our hotel and I got charged $150 extra. Which was irritating at first but he paid me back today so now it’s whatevs. When K and I got back into the room, he was starting to get all touchy and I just was not in the mood. I didn’t want to tell him no and have him get all upset so I told him I was going to wash off my make up and get comfortable and then we could lay down together. I washed my face, changed and even left the faucet on a little while so he’d fall asleep. After a while of not hearing anything, I peeked and I see him hanging over the bed with throw up all over his face and hair and all over the bed sheets and floor. I was like, great. As I cleaned his face and hair with a warm damp towel, he looked at me and told me he loved me as sincere as a drunk man could. Something about it kind of struck me. If it makes sense. I had him get up and as soon as he got on his feet, he ran to the restroom and threw up again. He was so wasted. I had him lay on his side while I cleaned up his throw up. It was gross, but not gross because it was his. Which I know totally sounds gross. I got into bed and had him lay on my chest. I sat there and loved him. Loved him for all his ugliness(not physically), and loved him for all his beauty. I totally should’ve taken advantage and punched him in his drunk sleep. I kept waking up all night to make sure he was okay. Which was kind of overreacting because we’ve been drunker together dozens of times. In the morning, K woke up and wanted to cuddle and he was trying to hug me and I was annoyed because of the night before. He said he didn’t remember much, he didn’t even remember throwing up. I talked shit to him for a brief moment and ruined his mood. Felt bad but hey, I’m allowed to voice how I feel…. Right? We were quiet the rest of the day, even on the way home. Before I left I told him to just tell me what bothered him so we could talk about it. He claims that he thought we all had a really cool night but I shitted on it by the things I said in the morning. I really dislike that about him. Why do things so easily fixable piss him off so much and “ruins” everything for him. It’s uncalled for and stupid. And I tell him all the time. All we have to do is sit down, talk about it, find a happy medium, better from it, and get over it. Its so easy yet so hard for him. UGH!
Okay, enough about the weekend.
I’ve been thinking about posting in my tumblr again. I went through it today and it feels like I’ve changed so much since. I deleted 98% of everything. All the posts, pictures, all the things I’ve reblogged. I kinda regret it now. I should’ve kept everything. I liked posting my diary everyday and getting replies and all kinds of questions. I liked feeling like it was an outlet to let everything out. Maybe I’ll start posting my diary here again… I was thinking, there should be a way to save peoples blogs. We should be able to upload the whole thing into a USB stick so we could look through it years from now. Maybe someday in the future…
OK, gotta get back to work.
-Til tomorrow.
0 notes