#ugh my poor doggo is so so sick
agayconcept · 2 years
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castle-dominion · 1 year
7x2 montreal
ugh MORE plot heavy stuff? Oops I forgot to tag the last post with plot heavy.
the montreal episode or the toy store episode liveblog
Ooh gonna be a dead body obv
Yay he DID bring back derrick storm!
his face is so "ugh"
RC: I CAME here to talk about your books!
*calls her by her first name*
that is a LOT of money!
The masculine boring little handshake of welcoming back castle but still nice welcome.
RC: No, to find a needle in a haystack do we not first need a haystack?
KB: Yeah, but not a haystack full of nutjobs.
why would u wrap it in plastic wrap?
Love the hot cold esparish, lanie & javi are together again for now jksdfhkjsdfksl
RC: *jokingly complaining* Disappear for two months.
Samantha Williger: I had that sick feeling when he didn’t come home. I – you hope.
RC: ...
He made toys for a living, he was a decent man, but how much profit was he making? a ton or enough to live comfortably.
Beckett is wearing light stuff, Esposito is wearing a dress shirt & crap, nice grey, I love it, looks good on him, & ryan is wearing a nice suit. too nice. why must he always look so perfect? let your tie go sometimes man.
Soldier: Sun tzu said that!
VG: Mr. Castle!
Me: she sounds mad but is probably going to welcome him back with a huge hug
VG: >:(
RC: Did you hear that? Ringing off the hook?
He grabs GATES’ face and kisses her. In her shock he grabs the stack of papers.
Me: !?!?!?!?!
Pretty place tho, look at those raggedy anne stuff
Such an awesome kid man.
The hardest evidence to find is that is not there.
Leaving early? affair?
love how castle is just playing in the back. Ryan & castle are the same person
Esposito mad at ryan for mentioning castle.
(could clip)
Castle in s1 used to be so smart, figured out important stuff abt beckett's backstory... now he's just insane.
Ew poor alexis.
They’re interrupted by ESPOSITO’S phone ringing. Except instead of a normal ringtone, it’s LANIE’S voice repeating “hey sexy” over and over. BECKETT gives him an amused look & he laughs in embarrassment as he answers the phone.
girl you call him for WORK!!! (unless HE did it in which case: dumbass)
I love the way ryan leans over to look yk what? I might clip
(ryan SO looks like he's going to tease esposito as they're walking away.)
was that paisosa (passion) or preciosa (precious)?
also I always love lanie's glittery phone case. (she DEF called HIM specifically to embarrass him)
The door buzzes.
MR: Ah ha! That will be my date.
RC: Ooh, you have a date?
MR: Uh huh. Robert. We met at the grief counseling group when you were presumed … (she gestures to him)
RC: You – you picked up a man at grief counseling?
MR: Yes. Now I will thank you to go into the other room.
RC: Why?
MR: Because at the moment, our relationship is based on mutual loss and if he finds out that you have returned and are alive it would just – it will ruin everything.
RC: Mother, you realize I was on television this morning.
MR: Luckily Robert is a cultured man, he does not watch television. They only newspaper he reads is The Wall Street Journal, which thankfully, did not carry news of your return. So, go. Go. Go, go.
She shoos him away as the door buzzes again. He goes, reluctantly.
Sus phone call on his personal cell not the landline or precinct phone
does or doesn't seem like his style? couldn't hear & was typing during the captions so I didn't see.
Looks a bit like fenkins...
Love "walk with me"
That makes sense for the dinghy
clipping this scene here love love love (will comment too I hope bc I ain't commenting now)
Poor doggo
Castle *tries knob*
She gon be dead
Oh blood. Ofc she dead.
Looks odd tho
Me: trans
Alexis already smart geolocating stuff <3 no wonder she hires herself at rick's office.
Alexis walking in mad
yay interracial couples
Yay they get $250k just for being on honeymoon & watching TV.
Nice little treasure chest...
Yeah don't go alone.
"I'll go with you!" Love these two
RC: It’s Canada. How risky could it be?
NF, SK, & me: *canadian born*
RC: And need I remind you, I’m a grown man. I don’t need to ask your permission. That being said, please, please, please can I (c-can i go)?
Rick being insane.
The keys were never used tho? why would wally/joe stay here? Oh wait it's makeup place.
retired k9 dog?
Esposito sounded so happy to spend some quality time with the dog.
*all french accented*
GEORGE do you remember dgeorge & gjeorge from murdoch? ye
he looks are castle all sus like.
Which way does it go?
you could have said "No" & saved face, asked him to try doing both keys for you.
was castle....???? doing that to prank his daughter?
(or not spiders lol)
Love alexis' nails
she's so tall & sexy & beside her ryan is just there
Beckett driving ryan out there love it, I want more ryckett moments & more castito/espostle moments esp this season bc esposito is constantly distrustful of castle this season.
*flips the picture over a bunch*
"that thing" *boss looks at him angrily* KR: "uh, what thing ':)"
Back at the precinct but where is esposito still off to?
KR: Aside from our country outsourcing all its manufacturing needs to Asia, everything seems to be in order.
Oh THERE he is! & he has the doggo!!!
*everyone watching him*
Ryckett watching with big smiles
(why his pants so shiny?)
*ryan asks the dog to follow him to look at street cam footage*
the three most important people in my life, the three women I love most.
Nice jacket btw
Doggo <3 (I'm not even a dog person)
Where is he at?
Always <3
The way he sayd "kate what did I do" is just SOOOOOO GOOD
don't look for it don't find it don't don't he doesn't want you to find out. When did he record it tho? when?
I wish this detective was one of the regular background artists but idk if I recognize him. pls pls pls let me see my background lovelies.
Doggo runnin'! (a nun in a previous life XD)
Drugs? Drugs. What's this drug detective doing on homicide?
LT *petting the dog*
RC: I think I have a crazy theory for you.
Cut to JE: Well that’s the craziest theory I’ve ever heard.
I like how the picture is NOT very good, it is digitally enhanced & looks like my photos in pixlr when idk what I'm doing
Lol love the music & animation
Ellis has other work to do y'all!
Scrabbling, that's what scrabbling is. Dog run running dog fast fast! Ryan!
Esposito *knifes open the box*
Dog *is quiet*
JE *cuts open the doll easily!??? I work with fabric. nah. Well maybe, depending on how good his knife is*
*& that's a pretty nice knife, definitely the kind esposito would have*
Nooo dog! *flintstones running sound*
JE's voice is so deep sometimes
Castle don't GO there!
*searches B*
Beckett (no first name), bed bath & beyond, bedford falls (all caps), ingred behrens, liberty bell, bella, See? we don't know half these people yet they are in Castle's phone! He knows more ppl than are shown onscreen! (he doesn't have her desk phone in her contact?)
Oh no not the wife!
who is "they"?
she said cordinated not cowordinated...
"I brought you detectives up here, I figured you would no longer need me..."
Ryan *flips around the paper again*
*throws him across the piano keys* priceless.
Tory <3
Montreal AGAIN? Do you at least have your daughter w u?
oh NOT the end of the ep!
Take his word Castle. Take his word. Go home, live your life, know that it was ok.
RC: I know you’re involved. I know wh.. you know what happened to me. Who are you?
Don't ask "or what" with a gun pointed at you
Who is "we"?
I've heard of hollander's woods in fanfic.
Martha is right. Don't open the box. You have the closure of knowing SOMETHING happened & you CHOSE to forget.
but then like an alcoholic, beckett opened back up to her mom's murder.
KB: Oh, Castle. (she pulls away so she can see him) This is completely different. Whatever happened to you, you already knew the truth and you decided you didn’t want to remember it anymore. And as much as we wanted to know the answers, if you decided that then there had to have been a reason.
She's so right.
I was THINKING a month. that sounds about right. Are they going to plan it again tho?
Yay spontaneous marriage!
Or not
SHEA BREAKING UP W HIM oh no thank goodness
You can see castle isn't planning on forgetting this tho
WOohoo I love having some time before school starts for real! tho I should print off my practicum agreement thing. but there's CAASTLLE TO WATCH
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hello Your Hee Anonie here 😘
Also!! Guess who is gonna miss their moot court session (basically like a mock court at which law students argue imaginary cases for practice) because they are sick 😄😄 ME! ............ ://// (but it is fine cause it was criminal case and I wanted the CORPORATE LAW CASE) ANYWAY
Ik I am your Hee Anonie (love the name sm) but I am here with some Jake thoughts....cause he be hitting different these day... imagine he sees you with a cat and feels so betrayed ?? 😭😭 he gasped so loud and for what ? And if Layla was there with him ??
Boi you are in for a lecture. Get ready for a divorce. He is taking the kids. Yes kids. Layla and your (not anymore) future kids that he is carrying kehfkdj 😂😂 I MEAN HE THE ONES HE WILL ADOPT SOON IN FUTURE. He is gonna cover Layla's eyes. Acting he just caught you with another man. Layla doesn't even mind the kitten. Maybe they just sniff each for a while and then play along or smth but HIM? he is not having it. Watches you from a distance with a pout on his face. Doesn't hate the kitty but ?? Itsa dog household?? He just looks like :((. Doesn't wanna make you feel bad about your choices and doesn't want to he petty at all but still goes
" oh why don't you take your kitty and go on a date with a cat-like guy like Jungwon" BOY ISTG-
We get it you and Layla are cute doggos. 😤😤 but also Kitty Jakey !! UNTIL !!
One day you are out. He is hanging out at your place. And hears meowing. Initially doesn't pay any attention because 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😗😗 still doesn't pay attention 5 mins later. Finally comes to the kitchen to see the kitty on the top shelf, meowing and trying to get down (poor bby looks scared ), thinks how did it even get there if it so scared ?? Dumb 😮‍💨 Layla would NEVER do this 😤🥱 he picks up the kitty from the shelf, when bringing down they both come eye level at one point. And Jake just holds it there and stares at it 🧐🧐 then 🤨🤨then😦then 🥺🥺 like fur baby was stuck there and I didn't help sooner. Feels sorry. Takes it to the couch. Fast forward when you come back both of them are just running around the house tgt. You are just there like ??? What happened?? He is like Ugh fine I'll think over the divorce.
He loves the kitten. Only THIS ONE cause he is still a dog person :00 but will never admit anything. You don't complain because your marriage (that hasn't happened yet) is saved 😲😩🤞🤞
How are you ?? ☺️ hope you are doing good. Drink water 👿
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My hee anonie 🥺🖤 do you seriously know how happy it makes me to get a jake imagine T.T like come on he be the love of my life anyway AWWW😭 this is just??!! I just know that he’s gonna be THAT DRAMATIC. Like no cap. Even if he’s not very jealous, he will be so whiny for your attention and be the drama will continue. xD and first of all, where does he think he’s going with the “custody”🤨 ?? he’s a puppy himself! And he belongs to me so 😏 but seriously tho I just can imagine him throwing his palms over his mouth and making a face of disbelief. And sulking in the corner of the room with Layla “layla can you believe how she replaced you?” Even tho poor baby would 100% be down to play with her new cute sibling lol. Jake pouting would be the cutest thing ever (ugh just wanna kiss him so much when he pouts 🥹) and he would literally fight for your attention??? Like lay on your lap when you’re petting the kitty and make puppy eyes at you, silently asking for your attention. Toss and turn in your lap, waiting for you to look at him and play with your fingers and kiss the tip of your hands in tiny. 😭 I feel like jakey loves all animals but he’d be WISHING for you to be a big dog person like himself. (I mean I might be into cats more but hey I like the cutest puppies of the century-jake & layla 🥺) and HAHAHA if it were me, I’d really go on a date with jw but I could only make it out of the door cause jake would tackle me back inside the house. “Baby how could you even think about going fr >.<“!! Since jake is normally calm and fun, I’d love to see the unusual jealous and annoyed side of him sm. it’d be next level amusement for me. I’d sleep on the bed with layla and our kittens and intentionally not leave space for him to lay down.😆 and even feed them all infront of him and kiss them, and pretend to not hear him when he asks for his share. (It would only last 10 secs for me cause believe me I cannot resist jake he really is the owner of my heart here uwu) and SUREEE, he would really end up loving the kitten more than me and play with him/her way too much >~< and pls the whole marriage-divorce thing is so funny and adorable omg why does it sound like something jakey would really do?
and now coming back to you my sweet hee anonie <3 aaah criminal law must be hard!🤧 my oldest brother studied law from UWE (university of west England) and he’d always get frustrated whenever he got a criminal law case lol. I’m doing great now that I’ve heard from my dear you🥺 I’m drinking water and working out too so I feel greeeaaaat! Hope you take care of yourself too!! :) and edit? Is it a video edit?🤩 please do send me the link :* have a great great day ❤️
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medea10 · 5 years
Medea Plays Pokemon Sword: Part I
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So the long-awaited Pokemon game has finally hit the shelves. And you know my dumbass had to get me a copy. Actually, this time I wound up getting the dual pack (since my mother thought it would be cool to give that to me for my birthday present). I know, weird to have a birthday present two months later, but here we are.
Now these games came with some massive baggage of controversy. With cutting at least 60% of the pokemon listing and complaints of Game Freak reusing designs from the Nintendo 3DS games. You know what, I’m sick of people complaining about shit before they even try the game. I know I’m going to enjoy this regardless of some obvious glitchy moments and lack of Dragonite, Ampharos, and Poliwraths.
With that said, shit post begin!
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This guy.
I know he’s gotta be a shady-ass. I don’t care if he’s giving the “Welcome to the world of Pokemon” speech like all the professors in the past, I do not trust this guy right here. Prove me wrong, I’ll wait.
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Before I forget, feel free to add me as a Switch buddy if you want.
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Okay, they managed to get one thing right about my mother.
But Game Freak totally missed the opportunity to have Stand By Me showing like in every other Pokemon game in the past. It’s the little details, yo.
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Okay, my mother has a Munchlax. Also, somewhat accurate.
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Okay, they kept a random guy marveling at science. Some things will never change, but technology will always change.
Time to go meet my rival, Hop.
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Dude, your brother is like 6′ 7″. How the holy hell is he gonna fit in one of those dinky-ass cupboards?
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Champion Leon has got quite the collection of hats. As long as none of them say MAGA, I’m quite okay with this. Speaking of Leon, let’s meet him...
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This fool trying to act like he’s the best thing since Freddie Mercury.
Hey dummy, you’re signing the number 3 right there. That means you’re only the third best. Possibly after Dianthe and Cynthia.
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This guy is just totally full of himself compared to some of the other champions of the past. While he’s not on Mr. Satan levels of hammy, he still can get a little showboaty in front of the peanut gallery.
Time to pick my first pokemon and...yeah, you know what I picked from the first picture.
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I picked Scorbunny. His name is Sonic. Because what is creativity?
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In a very similar scenario from the Diamond and Pearl games, you and your rival do run into a rare beast.
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Don’t worry, all of your attacks are worthless in the eyes of legendary doggo here and he leaves you in the fog.
After all that mess and a rival battle, time to meet the professors/researchers of this...
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Sonia has this cute little thunder-butt! Granddaughter to Professor Magnolia and...
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Oh-ho-ho. I wonder if these two could be something more. In fact...
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I’m seriously teetering on supporting Leon x Sonia.
So then, this happened.
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Alright lady, in 10 months, I expect to run into a legendary pokemon. I’ll take Mew, Arceus, or Diancie.
In the meantime, let’s get to catching pokemon.
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GETTO DAZE! Everybody, meet my...
Winston Corgles Ein Handbanana the Breadloaf
(Winston for short)
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He hangs with Piki
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He plays with toys
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Aw, mommy’s little breadloaf likes to hop around in the rain.
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Behold my Winston. I will spam the fuck out of this cute doggo until I start catching Clefairys.
But seriously, I have been catching a lot of pokemon. And that wild area has been fun with camping, dynamaxing, and catching lots of different pokemon in different areas. It’s just that I had to do a lot of running away.
Sometimes it’s just annoying little nuisances like Electrike that follow me around. But then there are those pokemon that are insanely stronger than you and you have no business catching them right now.
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Oh hell no! Get the fuck out of there!
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Still better off than this poor git.
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Rated E for EVERYONE
Okay, what else? Oh yeah, gym “challenges”. Whatever, we’re doing gyms again and I’m down with that.
Before you can even challenge the gyms, you have to get an endorsement from Leon (or in some jerk’s case, Chairman Rose). Now as for the...
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No, I’m not digging Pokeball Man. He’s got a face only a flamethrower can love.
Let’s move away from that trainwreck to the gym leaders. Only 7 of them are shown because one of them is a *spoiler* and I’ll probably talk about Alister and Big Tits Sally Melony when I start playing Pokemon Shield.
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Hmm...I’ve got two stupid things to say here.
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For some reason, I hear George Takei’s voice whenever this guy is on the screen.
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Is this chick one of the Triplets of Belleville?
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Legitimately asking here.
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Well, it’s about that time for me to run into some trouble.
With the Yelling Hooligans.
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And this snot rag!
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You know what, he’s got that uppity arrogance of Drew’s. But instead of him being awesome like Drew, he’s just a Psychic User knock-off with the personality of Trip.
In short, Medea no likey Bede.
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Boy, you’ve got the face only a clenched fist could love.
Ugh...let’s get away from this fuck face and catch more pokem...
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It’s like if Meowth fucked the cat-bus from Totoro and got shit out through Captain Caveman’s anus!
Let me get to my gym battle before I have a heart attack from creepy-ass things.
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Go away Ball Man. I know you give me balls, but your ball face scares me.
First gym challenge...
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Chase 20 Wooloos through an obstacle course.
Oh good, I think all of us were thinking there was no way Game Freak would give us a task that’s as daunting as finding Farfetch’d in G/S and Furfrou in X/Y. But they said, hold my sake and chase twenty wooly bastards.
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Needless to say, I took out Milo, no sweat.
Good time to stop for this shit-post.
To be continued.
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watchinghannibal · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 3
I will go back and do eps 1 and 2, but this idea came to me now and I gotta write it.
I started this blog ‘cuz I’ve heard such good things about this show. I was excited it was coming to Netflix, but I sat in shock at the first two episodes. What in god’s name is happening on this tv show????? I’ll type my reaction as I actually watch the episode.
Background: I’m a psychology/psychiatry researcher, I am no expert but hope to be one day. I hope to go to grad school to get a PhD in social/clinical psychology.
Okay I just introduced myself as a psychologist but this rant HAS to start with the deer hunting. I grew up in Arkansas and I know a bit about deer hunting, and a lot about duck hunting. This might actually be a good place to start because I have a feeling that what angers me about this deer hunting scene is gonna anger me time and time again.
If you take 2 seconds out of your life to google-research deer hunting, you’ll immediately discover that these two big shots are giant idiots. They are not wearing hi-vis (that bright orange) and are barely wearing any camo. They also appear to be standing in the middle of an open field???? You need to HIDE from deer you doofus they don’t like humans. Because we shoot them.
I’m sure there’s miles of metaphors that this girl is shooting a female deer, but to me it just feels like a huge eye roll. We get it they hate women. She also aims for the head??? One of the smallest parts of the body? You gotta shoot the heart baby girl. 
Okay they are talking about how deer are like humans. If deer were like humans why aren’t there deer cities. And then just in case you did not understand their cryptic speak, Jumbo Idiot literally says, “They’re a lot like us”. Why, sir, did you waste my time comparing deer to humans if at the end you were just gonna come out an say “They’re a lot like us”. Seems wasteful.
WeRe GoNnA hOnOr HeR
Papa do not make me do this, DAUGHTER you sweet little daisy child HER MEAT IS OUR HONOR lemme give you a kiss mwah.
I guess this blog is better consumed while you actually watch the episode.
Will the hot, doggo man is once again in panties. In case you didn’t notice, Will says he will go “cover himself”, you know, like real humans tend to say.
This woman creeps me out. She reminds me of the handful of women who go into ABA to work with autistic kids and then claim they are in love with their patient/client. They have this need to fix people, they think they are the light at the end of the tunnel, the prophet who will actually reach these kids when no one else has. The way she protects Will and hangs around him, stares at him.
Oh hell yes Crawford. This man is certifiable. I absolutely love the plain, stupid US map on his office wall. Quality art. This dude... thinks Will is a savant who is walking the edge of a psychopath. I gotta say, what edge is he talking about? There is no spectrum that goes from psychopath to normal to Asberger’s. It’s like they.... did not understand anything about personality psychology or psychopathology. I mean, I can’t say I didn’t expect that, not everyone is an expert. This is just like the deer hunting - a few minutes researching online woulda cleared this up.
I WILL NEVER LIE TO YOU - OH BITCH SHE GOT YOU! SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING A LIAR WOULD SAY!!!! This sexy reporter is the first person to say the murderer was sick. This girl is so smart though she would never talk to a reporter. Get outta the room!!!
You shot my dad so yes I do remember you, sorry. Why is she walking like she has been in a wheelchair her whole life. I love the little ascot scarf to cover her HORRIBLE scar, how nice. “I’m gonna be messed up, aren’t I” - what your character says when you don’t know how to show instead of tell.
Will grimaces as he TRIES SO HARD not to tell this girl that he enjoyed killing Jumbo Idiot.
I’m so sorry for my sexy reporting UwU. I can undo all the weird things I’ve done! Literally, why does the FBI care at all about this sexy reporter??????? She wrote one article about Will being sus as fuck and the FBI is like this sexy woman has to die. If I had been in that room with Dr. Lecter where he scolded me like a schoolgirl and took my purse, I’d be writing a 10,000 word essay on this creepo psychiatrist who wildly and without abandon “psychoanalyzes” everyone in his path and is enabling unstable people.
Oh no the graffiti, oh wait they did not clean the blood up yikes. Bye mom. Okay can we talk about how this girl is a better actor than anyone else. She seems the most real to me too. Everyone else is like wacko. Dr. Mom says we can go if you like and the smart, intelligent girl is like go where you bozo??? A homeless shelter? This is my house! Damn she is interrogating Will. Okay RIGHT after I said this girl was real she became typical Teenager with spite in her words.
Dr. Mom jumps in to protect her hubby-son Will who must be protected. LOL Dr. Mom straight up told the girl that she can share craziness. I guess she’s a mom only to Will. Everyone else can Suck It.
THE MAN ON THE PHONE????????????? OH BITCH SHE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DR. LECTER SHE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do people think this girl did this? Uh this man ain’t okay fucking run girl. Yes, piss off but also run. Oh he didn’t even have a gun what a loser. Ooh this feisty girl says bad words to her mom, another Teenager with spite in her words.
Why do we deserve to watch Will dream about killing girls? Honestly there are so many murdered women why give us more? Oh no did he feed human to this poor girl. Dr. Mom finally steps in, geez she really is stone cold when it’s not Will. Oh did that strange man kill her friend? 
Does Crawford REALLY FUCKING THINK THIS GIRL MURDERED HER FRIEND???????????? What the fuck man leave her alone. Uh Dr. Lecter would be HONORED to privately escort the girl that knows he called her dad before he went crazy. Oh damn she’s still alive.
Sexy reporter is just allowed anywhere I guess. I guess she’s just too sexy. Girl close the fucking blinds there is paparazzi. Oops. BIG OOPS.
Classic man move - I DIDN’T KILL HER I WON’T HURT YOU *slams her against a wall* oh SHIT LECTER? I guess this show is good in the sense that it is genuinely exciting at times.
This is good psychology. This manipulation right here.
She’s like I think I’d prefer to stay up here as far as possible from you with my little scarf. This Teenager is gonna figure out the premise to the whole show and then die isn’t she?? Ugh.
Well, thanks if you read this. I’m gonna do ep 4 and eventually (or maybe never) I’ll go back and do ep 1 and 2.
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seekingthestars · 5 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part eight episodes 13, 14, + 15
(aka: why did she start numbering these, she can literally never remember what part she’s supposed to be on)
episode 13!
little tiny paper man magic!!!!!!! i love the paper man magic and also apparently how wwx keeps an endless supply of tiny paper men on his person at all times
my hatred of wen chao grows every time he opens his mouth, i really hope someone punches him in his smug face
also how did anyone ever marry wen chao? and then he found someone else to have an affair with??? unthinkable, he’s the WORST
dun dun dunnnn A CAVE
“you are nothing but my dogs” BOI I’M GOING TO LAUNCH MYSELF THROUGH THIS SCREEN AND PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE MYSELF IF NO ONE ELSE DOES >.< “only i can repress the monster!” i hope it punches you in the face
HE JUST PUSHED WX OVER THE EDGE, I’M GONNA RIOT first the mean doggo and now this ;n;
i love that everyone’s ignoring him lol
props to zixuan for standing up to The Worst Person
wangji those moves are amazing
this was a very delicious moment until giant monster rose from the water OH BOY
OH MY GOD THAT BITCH BETTER NOT, EAT HER GIANT MONSTER or wx can be the hero, that works too
“shameless bastards” is very right, zixuan >:(
why couldn’t the giant monster have taken a bite out of wen chao, sighs heavily
be careful jiang cheng ;;;;;;;;;;;
omg it was a serious and touching scene and then wx just “take it off! take your clothes off!!!!” also he looks so good in the solid red i could cry
wj grabbing some of the medicine stuff and rubbing it on wx is very sweet ;;;;;;;;;
wangji says two words about his clan and i’m just gonna cry oh my god poor baby ;;;;;;;;
episode 14:
wx put the headband back on wj ;;
ew gross is wx inside the tortoise monster? so gross so gross ewww
omg are those people??? wtf CREEPY
i am so on edge omg pls
wx?? bb???? are you okay???? bb?????? what’s happening????
wx is sick and wj is concerned and wj’s sparkly blue magic is soothing and i’m ;AAAA;
wx pls stop clinging to the sword, it keeps cutting you i’m sad ;;;;
zixuan always with the dramatic sleeve swish, i do love a good dramatic sleeve swish
wx looking like a snack in his new outfit 
he’s so cute i could combust, the lil contented smile he makes when big sis wipes his mouth ;~;
i like the dad a lot more than the mom
jiang cheng looks like he’s gonna cry, i wanna wrap him in blankets and tell him it’s okay ;; actually i wanna wrap him and wx in blankets and tell them both it’s gonna be okay ;;
episode 15:
why is the wen clan just so horrible and mean, why you gotta exterminate entire clans :(
why do i have this feeling that the dad going off alone to transport the other clan leader is not gonna end well
wait i just thought about this, are they ever gonna get their swords back
well wen ruohan, you’re looking even less great than usual
ugh he’s so dumb and dramatic
they’ve been gone for 10 days already? time is a mystery lol
“can’t i live a peaceful life for one day? he was captured not killed!” WOMAN DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE WEN CLAN EVEN DOES, BE AT LEAST KINDA WORRIED D:
um, i hate wen chao’s mistress lady, what a biiiiitch
my audible gasp when mom lady broke out magic whip and hit wx ;AAAAAAAAA;
okay was mad at the mom but FRICK YEAH, SLAP THAT BITCH
honestly jiang cheng is breaking my heart right now ;;;;;;;
oh no, all three kids are crying, i’m legit tearing up, this is sad and i don’t like it ;;;;;;;;;;;
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yellowishsoap · 6 years
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this took me so much time to edit omg
this tag was made by @awolzai and i wasn’t tagged but it was such a fun idea i wanted to be part of it!
so the point of this is to make a simself and put whatever you want your followers to know about you! (if you can’t tell i love pizza and popcorn)
i want to tag @turquoiseesims @tropicalmuffin @melloncollieme​
after the cut there’s like +100 question you can do if you want!
1. What is your full name? Javiera
2. What is your nickname? Javi, some of my friends call me Javivi, i used to be called soap
3. Birthday? May 26
4. What is your favorite book series? Harry Potter, it’s the only book series i have finished.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? tbh both.
6. Who is your favorite author? Stephen King, he’s just, amazing.
7. What is your favorite radio station? I don’t listen to the radio :(
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? POPCORN or cheese
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? a spanish/chilean slang: “bacan” it like cool
10. What is your current favorite song? "Do It All The Time” by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
11. What is your favorite word? idk something with the sound “sh”
12. What was the last song you listened to? Killer Queen by Queen lmao
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Friends bc it’s like a classic and i love it
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Grease or some Disney Movie.
15. Do you play video games? YES
16. What is your biggest fear? to be left completely alone
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i'm really comprehensive
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can’t be mad with someone for more that a few minutes.
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? why do i have to choose? why can i like both???????
20. What is your favorite season? Autum!!!!
21. Are you in a relationship? Yes<3 uvu
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? The magic of christmas and havin zero responsabilities
23. Who is your best friend? i haven’t seen her in months :(
24. What is your eye color? kinda brown kinda green eyes
25. What is your hair color? brown uvu
26. Who is someone you love? my bf and my mom and my doggo
27. Who is someone you trust? my bf and my friends
28. Who is someone you think about often? my bf<3 asdasdas 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? CHRISTMAS
30. What is your biggest obsession? the sims i guess? i’ve been playing to much these days
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? SPONGE BOB
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my bf, again, i don’t have to many male friends 
33. Are you superstitious? kinda
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? sickness? hospitals?
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
36. What is your favorite hobby? drawing, tho it’s been months since the last time i drew
37. What was the last book you read? Doctor sleep, I was re-reading it
38. What was the last movie you watched? Bohemian Rhapsody uvu
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? a bit of ukulele
40. What is your favorite animal? i really ike a lot of animals tbh but i love sphynx cats
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? @cowplantplumbob​ @sixamart​  @selvamorada​ @madgnomes​ @awolzai​
42. What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? when i’m at home after a really long day and i can chill
44. What makes you smile? the stupid jokes we made whit my bf
45. What sports do you play, if any? haha no
46. What is your favorite drink? tea! (also sprite)
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? a few months ago
48. Are you afraid of heights? ugh yes
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? people doing things slowly
50. Have you ever been to a concert? no, i have to take a plane to go to see someone on my country :(
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? no
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a doctor
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? harry potter, i’d love that
54. What is something you worry about? almost everything
55. Are you scared of the dark? yes
56. Do you like to sing? yes but just in the shower
57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah a lot
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? my city’s cinema
59. Where would you like to live? i like it here, but i’d like to live on another country maybe
60. Do you have any pets? YES a doggo
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? an early bird
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunrise
63. Do you know how to drive? nope
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? nop
66. What is your favorite genre of music? i don’t really have a fave
67. Who is your hero? don’t think i have one
68. Do you read comic books? yes
69. What makes you the most angry? when people try to force their opinions on others
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
71. What is your favorite subject in school? culture & tendencies
72. Do you have any siblings? yes, one sister uvu
73. What was the last thing you bought? spotify 
74. How tall are you? 1′63 m
75. Can you cook? kinda asdas
76. What are three things that you love? rain, movies and my bf
77. What are three things that you hate? loud noises, sweating and headaches
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? more female friends
79. What is your sexual orientation? bisexual
80. Where do you currently live? Chile
81. Who was the last person you texted? my mom
82. When was the last time you cried? yesterday lmao
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? right now i’ve been watching lilsimsie a lot
84. Do you like to take selfies? sometimes
85. What is your favorite app? idk instagram?
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? good, i love my mom and talking with my dad is cool
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? i can’t choose, french? british??? 
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? uk
89. What is your favorite number? 26
90. Can you juggle? nooo :c
91. Are you religious? yes
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? AAAA YES
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? eeehh sometimes
94. Are you allergic to anything? dust xd
95. Can you curl your tongue? no
96. Can you wiggle your ears? no
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? always?
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? “talk with them and you’ll feel better”
100. Are you a good liar? yes
101. What is your Hogwarts House? hufflepuff
102. Do you talk to yourself? yes
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? sometimes 
105. Do you believe in second chances? depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? i need that money i’m poor i need to print homework
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? depends
108. Are you ticklish? sometimes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? yes
110. Do you have any piercings? no, but i want
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Baymax
112. Do you have any tattoos? no :cc
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to accept that one facebook friendship request
114. Do you believe in karma? yes
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses
116. Do you want children? yes
117. Who is the smartest person you know? my dad
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? so many
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yesss
120. What color are most of you clothes? black
121. Do you like adventures? yess
122. Have you ever been on TV? no
123. How old are you? 19
124. What is your favorite quote? “Juventud, divino tesoro, ¡ya te vas para no volver! Cuando quiero llorar, no lloro... y a veces lloro sin querer...” ( "Youth, divine treasure, you're leaving now to not return! When I want to cry, I do not cry ... and sometimes I cry without wanting to ... "
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? sweet
aaaaa im tired adas
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ittakesrain · 2 years
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I’m watching my parents house and the doggo while they’re in Vegas. My dog is sick. He’s been really dizzy and falling all over the place. The vet says there’s nothing they can do. I feel so bad for the poor little guy. He’s not his happy energetic self. But I’m glad to be spending time with him. I wish he wasn’t so mopey, but I also can’t let my dogs feelings get to me in such a dramatic way lol. Empathy at its finest.
I’m glad to be spending some time to myself. I’m straight chillin lol. Relaxing. I am very much enjoying the pool. The sun went behind the clouds a little while ago, but I’m still outside in the shade and feeling the nice breeze. I think it’s gonna be sunnier and hotter tomorrow.
I won’t lie. I am slightly lonely. And a tiny bit bored. I don’t know how to really relax. Which makes generally having nothing to do very difficult haha. Ugh. But I hope I figure it out.
✨👙🏝💙🌤 🫶🏻
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 4x11: “Family Remains”
Because I know this episode fairly well, I know exactly who this bastard is and i know not to feel sorry for him when he dies....right now.
RIP sick, twisted, perverted bastard.
Sammy asleep in the backseat, Dean looking for a job in the front seat.
Non stop cases for a month, jeez.
I can’t imagine how badly Sam is fuming right now. He finally gets Dean to open up the truth about Hell, and instead of calmly working through it, Dean’s got him working non stop. And Sam has to follow along because he knows working cases is how Dean copes with things and he doesn’t want to take it away from him.
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“Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. this place is gonna sell like hotcakes.” Well actually, minus the homicide, the place seems kinda nice.
Oh I take it back, the kitchen’s ugly.
“It’s probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them.”
“You said..”
“Never mind.” 
Dean’s a child.
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“Ugh” is right, Sam.
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How did they fail to learn that the place had been sold? Tho I guess it technically isn’t their fault...and they couldn’t have known that the family would move in right at the same time as they’re investigating the place...
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Enter poor, dumb, about to be traumatized family.
Son with a dog, daughter who’s more concerned about her phone working, mom trying to keep it together, and dad making dad jokes.
Bonus uncle who I’m gonna guess is the “cool one”.
From the outside, the house is beautiful.
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Mr. Stanwyk and Mr. Babar.
Honestly, they could’ve avoided the whole damn thing if they had just went to the damn hotel room.
“Another motel? Awesome, Dad. I hope this one has hooker sheets, like the last one.” lmao.
“I already told the local boys, there was blood everywhere.”
“And Mr.Gibson, where was he?”
Typical ghost symptoms...but bodies of possible suspects have already been cremated.
If I wanted to be really petty, I could blame everything on the uncle for allowing the family to move in after unraveling the Winchester’s lies.
Kate sees a girl...and doesn’t immediately report it.
This is just chock full of cliches.
Danny handles a ball coming out of nowhere really well. I probably would’ve pissed myself out of fear. 
Why would the mom even attempt to plant a garden if she clearly wasn’t that interested in having one?
You don’t have to have a garden...you could just use the open space for your doggo and possible more doggos in the future....
Again with the cliches. A dark history heavily implied....
Moving is such a huge change. If you were already going through a huge change, why pile on another one? 
Sam “tell them the truth” Winchester. Except he doesn’t mean it this time, lol.
Why immediately blame the kid just because it was crayon? Also, wouldn’t Danny have been upstairs in his room all this time??
Ted, shut the fuck up.
“Look, just tell me the truth and all you got to do is clean it up, okay? No punishment.”
That’s still punishment, and worse yet, it’s punishment for something he didn’t even do. This is poor parenting.
H O W were no red flags raised??
OH SHIT, I never noticed that line before??? “If Andy were here he’d believe me.”
Sam and Dean to save the day.
Goddamn it, I can’t stand hearing a dog cry out in pain. :(
“too late”
RIP Buster. :( You poor little angel.
Slashed tires on all the cars.
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Hell, even their arsenal’s gone.
Dean’s still calling it a ghost...despite the facts that this “ghost” is moving around outside, physically slashed tires and grabbed and moved guns.
Sit your ass down, Ted.
“You hunt ghosts?
“That’s right.”
“Like Scooby Doo?”
Way to tell them the truth, Sam.
“I don’t care who hung themselves where.” You should fucking care if your sister, your niece and your nephew are living in the place where it happened and that “who” is currently hunting your ass. Ted’s a pain in the ass, I swear.
“It’s just some backwards hillbilly bitch” ...he ain’t wrong?
‘Listen, man, I’ve got a gun. You don’t get your ass back in that circle, you’re gonna have yourself a third hole.” lmao Dean.
“I’m not letting that bastard or anyone else die tonight.” I got bad news for ya, Dean.
Can we knock Ted out or nah?
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Plot twist #1: she ain’t a ghost.
I think at this point, I would just start speed walking towards that motel.
MOTE: human.
Rebecca’s diary.
Huh, Dean was thinking what I was thinking: the family should just make a run for it.
Congrats on being right, Ted. You want a freaking cookie as a prize???
Welp, Danny’s missing.
Kate, pls, just go in the shed.
Oh come on Sam, you should’ve taken Ted with you.
“You smell that?”
“Every day.”
Dean putting himself on the line.
“Please nobody grab my leg. Please nobody grab my leg.”
Oh god, was that Buster??? noooooo
RIP Ted, you insufferable bastard.
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tbh, I’m more upset about the dog dying.
No Danny (yet) and now no Ted.
Dean at least had the decency to carry Ted’s body out.
Oh Dean, it’s not your fault.
“Danny’s dead, isn’t he?”
“No, Suse.”
“He is. Why not? She killed my brother. Now she killed my son.”
Please don’t talk that way in front of your daughter.
How come no one is consoling Kate???
Dude, you’re gonna need a shit load of therapy to be “fine”.
Light is finally shed on the dark past: Andy was the oldest son, died in a car accident last year.
I don’t like the tone in the dad’s voice. I guess he’s in shock, hence the...sarcasm? but i’m disturbed and worried about the state of his marriage.
Sam reads the diary and discovers the very important info.
“Jeez, rent Juno and get over it.” lol.
o h noooo.
Dean puts it so eloquently. “So the daddy was the baby daddy too?”
Austrian headline? Why Austrian? (Josef Fritzl, that’s why.)
"I’m sure her life was hell, Dean.” Sam and his unfortunate habit of choosing his words wrongly. 
The night vision camera, as if this wasn’t creepy already.
RIP rat. Even I feel bad for it.
Danny is definitely traumatized.
Dean putting himself on the line again. This further confirms the thought I was having about this episode being a parallel of “Playthings”: Sam/Dean are struggling with an upsetting event and are now hell bent on saving everybody. When a person dies (both times not their fault at all) their condition worsens. To redeem themselves, they save the child.
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Well, Kate’s finally being consoled.
Oh hey, their arsenal!
Plot twist #2: she’s got a brother.
Honestly speaking, things are far from “okay”.
RIP Girl in the Walls’ brother. AKA Boy in the Wall.
Dean, you don’t have to feel bad about that.
RIP Girl in the Walls.
How do you begin to register the fact that your husband/dad killed someone?
Hell, how do you register this entire night happening??
Those kids are surely traumatized.
“We’re the opposite of okay, but we’re together.” I’ll give them that. I really hope this family is doing better now.
Oh goodness, i know what’s coming.
Dean is wearing John’s jacket again. I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve seen him wear it.
“Lifelong torture turns you into something like that.” Oohh, I get why he felt bad for the boy in the walls.
Oh god, my stomach churned.
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Part 2 of the confession is just as bad as the first.
Goddamn it, I feel miserable.
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