#ugh it should not be embarrassing to be a giants fan this is not what i signed up for!!!!
sapphire-weapon · 9 months
somewhere out there, there exists a timeline where resident evil fandom doesn't obsessively chase after its own misery and the new york football giants don't suck
we don't live in that timeline, but god i wish we did
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lackuraphi · 1 year
Angel wings au)Chapter 13:Doppelganger?
Ingo met a doppelganger.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
Content Warning:sharp objects, character gets a little mentally unstable
Do you know the scary doppelganger story? If you meet a doppelganger who looks like you, one of them will die.
Aren't you really scared? One of them is going to die! Isn't that why it's called the "scary" Doppelganger story?
If I meet a doppelganger, I won't let myself be the one who will lose my life. —————————————
When Ingo and Rei returned to Jubilife Village, the sky was already full of moons and countless stars, and the village was dark except for the subtle lampposts
"The night in the countryside is a little scary…" "You'll get used to it gradually. Rei. First of all, you go to Galaxy Hall." "…why should I go to Galaxy Hall?"" "Commander Kamado and Cyllene have said they want to apologize to you."
Rei frowned slightly on his face. Of course, even though Rei is a warm-hearted guardian angel, he still hates Kamado and Cyllene, who (formally) deprived him of his status as a guardian angel and expelled him from Jubilife Village just because he was a black angel.
"Excuse me. Do I have to go now?" "Oh……"
Ingo, who saw Rei's response, added that it was okay not to go there right now.
"Then I'll see you again tomorrow at the Training Grounds. Rei, rest well for tomorrow's training." "Yes sir!"
Ingo, who saw Rei off, moved to the training grounds of the Galaxy where he is currently staying.
And unexpectedly, Melli stood in front of the entrance to the Training Grounds with a relaxed expression, wearing a new hoodie from the Diamonds, not the clothes torn apart by Ingo's holly weapon.
"I've been waiting for you. Ingo."
Ingo, who faced Melli, suddenly stiffened with guilt and could not hide his embarrassed look. And he also stammered a little, unlike usual.
"M..Melli I.. I was.. Umm.." "Do you have anything you want to say to The Great Melli?" "Hmm..!"
Still, Ingo thought that he should apologize to Melli, who was hurt by him, so he cleared his voice and bowed to Melli and apologized politely.
"Melli, I apologize for what happened at the training ground today. I hurt you so much mentally and physically because I couldn't resist the sudden rush of anger.. I'm so sorry.. Melli.."
Melli, who received his apology, smiled and answered
"Ingo…Did you still have lingering feelings about it…? I'm already never mind it!" "…Huh?!" "Partners can fight sometimes, And we can attack each other with holly weapon!" "Is that so..?" "Even when you just became a partner with me, you were attacked a lot by my beautiful attacks, right? When I think about your embarrassed expression when you were attacked.. LOL!" "Melli………" "But now it's no fun. because you've avoided all my attacks.. Whoa?!"
Ingo suddenly held Melli in his arms. Melli, suddenly in Ingo's arms, was embarrassed.
"Ingo?! What are you doing!" "I was a fool! You have a warm and clean heart as a guardian angel, too!" "Huh? What are you talking about!" "Oh Melli! You're so generous!" "I'm generous?! That's ridiculous. Ingo! It's just that you're so inflexible!" "……" 'Ugh..! Never mind! I'm tired!'
The next day, Ingo woke up to the sound of rain. Ingo looked out the window and it was raining hard like a giant whale spraying water.
'Oh Dear! That amount of rain will surely cause a landslide in Coronet Highlands, which I and Melli are in charge of!'
Ingo hurriedly put on his black coat and hat and flew to Coronet Highlands, forgetting to take his umbrella. But he went out in such a hurry that he also forgot to bring his cell phone. (However, Hisui didn't need a cell phone very much because there was almost no radio waves.)
And shortly afterwards a message arrived on his cell phone, and Ingo, who had just returned from patrols in the Coronet Highlands, checked the message as he wiped his wet body with a towel.
"Is this Elesa's message?"
It was a message from Ingo's childhood friend, Elesa.
Ingo! it's been a long time. It's me, Elesa! I know you're busy with guardian angel work, but I want you to visit Skyla. Skyla was in an accident while she was on a delivery job and was hospitalized.. She still hasn't woken up… (Do you remember Skyla? We went to the same school when we were young, Right?) I don't know if this message will reach you.. If you get this message, I want you to come to the hospital right away. As you know, Hisui, where you are currently staying as a guardian angel, has few radio waves. Ps.The hospital where Skyla is hospitalized is in Castelia City.
After reading the message, Ingo dropped his cell phone.
'Skyla had an..accident..?! While she was delivering?! But Skyla is very good at flying!'
Skyla, whom Ingo remembers, had never missed the top spot in her class for flying skills at school as a child, and with that talent, Skyla was an best deliverer in her hometown of Mistralton City. The news that Skyla was involved in an accident on the way to delivery was a big shock to Ingo, who knew her flying skills.
Ingo wanted to leave immediately. But it was raining hard where Ingo was now, and above all, it was almost impossible to get out of Hisui without permission from Pearls leader Irida. (If he had been able to escape Hisui at will, Ingo would have done the work of the guardian angel and Subway Boss at the same time, but the fact that he forgot the 'most precious memory' would remain unchanged.)
"…I must leave for Castelia City right now."
But Ingo didn't have time to think about it in detail. His schoolmate had an accident and she still hasn't been able to wake up, Not going to visit her because of his guardian angel's mission was just an excuse.
Ingo wrote something on paper for a while and then flew to Unova.
I had something to do personally for a while, so I left Hisui for a while. My schoolmate had an accident in my hometown of Unova and she still hasn't woken up, so I was forced to derail for a while to visit her schoolmate. But if it's over, I'll be back in Hisui right away! I really apologize for leaving Hisui without Leader Irida's permission. It's obviously my fault to leave Hisui without her permission. If I am punished, I will be punished silently. Pearls guardian angel Ingo
It was a letter for visitors who would come in his absence.
Castelia City in Unova was also raining. The difference from Hisui was not the heavy rain, but the cold, gloomy rain in the city.
Arriving in Castelia City in the rain, Ingo looked around him first. Ingo was the only angel without an umbrella.
'It's raining in Castelia City, too.. If I knew this would happen, I should have brought an umbrella even if I was busy…"
Ingo walked quietly and slowly to the hospital in the rain. Ingo's black coat became heavy because of the rain, but he kept walking slowly, not caring at all.
Ingo, who kept walking slowly to the hospital, was passing by in front of a eerie alley when someone whispered quietly behind him.
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"You're finally awake, did you sleep well?"
Ingo looked back immediately in surprise, but there was no one behind him except the angels walking down the street. Feeling strange and chilling, Ingo looked around and found someone in a gray coat and flat cap looking at Ingo with a creepy smile, and he was also under the rain without an umbrella like Ingo.
"Long time no see. The worst hypocrite."
And he's like Ingo..No, he had the same face.
Ingo walked as if possessed into the eerie alley where the man was standing.
After confirming that there was no one around but Ingo and himself, he introduced himself with a strange smile.
"Hi, do you remember me? I am Emmet. I am a Team Plasma." "Team Plasma..? No way!" "Yup. I am the black angel who blacked you out a few days ago."
Ingo immediately called out his clawed Holly weapon, ready to battle in front of the smiling Emmet. Emmet spoke in a relaxed voice as he spread out his hands.
"Calm down. Calm down. I'm not here to fight you today. Look at my hands. I don't even have a weapon. So could you put those creepy Claws back in?" "……."
Ingo put his Holly Weapon back in.
"Did you say your name is Emmet?" "Yup. That's my name." "Then let me ask you one. Emmet." "Hmm?" "Are you my doppelganger who looks like me?" "…What?" "I say it again. Are you my doppelganger?" "I see. You know me as a doppelganger.. you are the worst hypocrite ever…haha.. Haha..AhHaHaHa..HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
Emmet began to laugh loudly in front of Ingo, holding his forehead with one hand.
"HAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" "Why are you laughing?!" "It's rather good! This will get rid of my lingering faster!" "lingering? What does that mean!" "HAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" "Emmet?! Emmet! Calm down! Emmet!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"
Emmett, laughing like crazy for a long time, took a breath for a moment and then told Ingo.
"I am Emmet. I am here to warn you one last time." "……" "Don't ever come here again to Unova. Don't ever show me that disgusting face again. And never again disturb our Team Plasma." "…what happens if I violate your warning?" "Do you know the Doppelganger story? If meet a doppelganger, one of them will die." "Emmet…What do you want to say." "Like that doppelganger story, I'm gonna kill you. For to you, the worst hypocrite, I am just a doppelganger." "…..!" "Be prepared. I'll put you to sleep forever next time." "..I won't be easily beaten either!"
And Emmet told Ingo the shocking truth.
"Oh, by the way. And I knocked down your friend. Was she the best deliverer in Mistralton City?" "Was you the one who caused the accident to Skyla?!" "Ah yes her name was Skyla. But, To me, they are all hypocrites."
Ingo, once again taking out his Holly Weapon, was wary of Emmet, posing for battle.
"I will never forgive you! EMMET!"
Emmet, seeing his reaction, said one last word to him.
"Now you and I are enemies forever. Ingo."
And Emmet flew to somewhere, flying black feathers. Ingo just stared silently at the rainy sky.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
The Loveliest Lies of All
A/N: Accidentally made this the longest chapter in the entire story. Oops ❤️
Warnings: slight violence
Word Count: 5282
Chapter Three: Schooltown Follies
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“I don’t know who she is or how she is, or when or why she is
But as for where she is, she is where we will go
To Adelaide, to Adelaide
Come on and join the Adelaide Parade-”
“Adelaide, to Adelaide
Let’s go to Adelaide’s house…”
Greg’s joyful marching melted into a simple walk at the flat ending of his song, glancing up at Scout with raised brows. “I need to fix that last part, but that’s the idea.”
“Yeah, of course.” Scout chuckled.
“So,” He pointed to each person as he addressed them. “Beatrice, you sing the high part. Wirt, you sing the really high part.”
Wirt raised a brow. “What?”
“And Scout will direct us.”
Scout hummed with squinted eyes. “Conduct.”
“Scout will conduct us. And-”
Beatrice sighed irritably, causing Scout to frown in confusion. “No one is singing anything anymore. And Wirt, keep moving.”
The group turned to said teen, who had stopped a few paces away to kneel down, tying the laces of his mismatched shoes. “But I-I have to- ugh. Alright…” He stood to his feet defeatedly and joined them again.
“But we have to do something fun.” Greg insisted.
“You know, we really don’t,” Beatrice shrugged. “We can just keep walking silently, you know? And- ugh. Wirt, let’s go! Come on!”
Wirt stood to his feet again. “Sorry, sorry!”
Scout’s irritation towards their winged companion only seemed to grow the more she watched Beatrice push her friends around. Personally, she was not a fan of Debby Downers, and Beatrice happened to be the downest Debby she’d ever met in a short amount of time. Greg tried to insist on the group having fun on their journey yet again, but the bird cut him off. “Greg, don’t you wanna be more like your brother? Just always doing what you’re told-”
“Just a pathetic pushover who relies on others to make all his decisions?”
“Hey! What?! I’m not a pushover.”
“Hold on, Wirt. Let me get to my point.”
Wirt scoffed, unsuspecting. “Fine.”
“See, Greg? No willpower whatsoever.”
Embarrassed to have been so gullible, Wirt turned forward with a huff. Scout sighed and moved closer to the boy’s side. “Greg, don’t listen to her. I think it’s important you have fun on this journey,” Her eyes then snapped up to Beatrice. “And you shouldn’t discourage a child like that.”
Beatrice rolled her eyes. “He needs to learn from a young age that he can’t be like… this forever.”
“Like what? Like a normal, sweet, loving kid? A-And what do you even know about kids, huh?”
“What do you know about kids?”
“I know enough.” Scout crossed her arms and turned her head forward.
Sighing, Beatrice flew to the boy’s other side. “The world is a miserable place, Greg. I know it doesn’t sound fun, but life isn’t fun.”
Exhaling deeply, Greg frowned sadly. “Then I’ll do what I need to do, I guess…”
As Beatrice continued on whatever negativities she had focused so intently on, Scout felt a tug at her jacket. Glancing down, she saw Greg standing still, holding the tea kettle on his head, his frog lounging on top. Slowing her pace to a stop, she quietly joined him. “Greg? What’s wrong, bud?”
He grinned and took one hand off his “hat”, slipping his fingers between hers and leading them through an opening within the woods. “We need to do our part to make the world a better place!”
“We couldn’t have at least told Wirt? He’ll be worried about you.” She glanced over her shoulder, Wirt’s figure growing smaller the farther they ran. Greg hummed before shrugging.
“Wirt trusts you, right? He knows we’re in the best hands in the whole world.”
“Oh? You mean these hands?!” Scout mischievously grinned and scooped him into her arms, huffing as she struggled to keep the giggling boy up. Perhaps she had underestimated his weight. It had been awhile since she’d carried him.
Greg cackled, holding his frog close to his chest before his eyes caught something in the distance. “Whoa! What’s that?” He pointed forward. Scout’s laughter quieted as they reached a clearing. Stepping out of the shadowed wood, she moved closer to the small red house, a giant bell hanging above it to alert those around of the time.
“Ah, this, Greg, is a schoolhouse. The oldest of these date back to-”
“School?!” He scoffed. “Not today!”
Scout chuckled and set him down on his feet. “Well, I think we should check it out. If you hate school that much, go find a log to sit on and wait for me.”
“Yes, sir!”
He saluted before scampering off. She watched him for just a second to make sure he hadn’t tripped and fallen before turning back to the schoolhouse. From where they had just come from, she could hear Wirt’s calls. “Greg! Scout! Greg?!”
“Over here!” She called back, smiling softly as he and Beatrice emerged from the darkness. She pointed off to the side as they approached her. “Hey, so Greg went that way to find a place to wait. He’ll be fine. But I do wanna check out this place. You know, maybe find someone else to help us sooner than some rando lady with supposed powers?”
Scout ignored the glare Beatrice sent her way. Wirt only blinked at her, so she continued. “Anyway, we only need one person to go in. Which one of us should go inside and who should stay with Greg?”
Yet again, she received no response, just a blank stare from her friend. Glancing between him and the bird, the latter only shrugging, Scout rapidly blinked. “What is this? Why are you staring at me like that? Is this a game?”
“Okay, Greg will be fine. Let’s both go.” She threw her hands up in the air before spinning on her heel and leading them up to the schoolhouse. “But you’re gonna need to talk soon.”
As if that had flipped a switch, Wirt nodded and strode to her side. “Right. Okay.”
Scout widened her eyes at him as they stood in the opened doorway of the house. Tearing her gaze from him, she settled it on the room inside. Standing in front of a blackboard decorated with delicate and cursive calligraphy was presumably the teacher, her cheeks red and rosy and the nest of chocolate brown hair was put into a bun at the top of her head. She looked something straight out of a children’s book. Before her was the… class.
They were animals. Literal animals in school clothes. Cats, bunnies, pigs, dogs, the likes, all dressed as 1800’s school students. In fact, Scout observed, every stop they made felt as if they had travelled two hundred years back. The attire, the lack of technology, the use of language. It was all a dead giveaway.
“Excuse me?” The teacher softly called. “Please, take your seat, children. You’re late. You know the rules, ‘Once the bell has rung, class has begun’.” She gestured to the saying on the board.
Beatrice snickered. “Oh, sorry, everybody. Sorry. No, this boy doesn’t have a brain. He can’t learn anything. Let’s go, Wirt. Come on! Here, boy!” She called and whistled to Wirt as if he were a dog. Scout fumed at the nerve of this bird, opening her mouth to tell her off before Wirt spoke up for himself.
“What? Did you say something? I can’t hear you because I’m too busy doing what I’m told.” He shrugged before walking into the room, taking a seat at one of the desks.
“Atta boy, Wirt.” Scout chuckled and took the seat beside him.
Beatrice hurriedly flew over to him. “What? What are you- No, no. Let’s go.”
“Oh, no. See, I’m a pushover, remember? I have to do what she tells me to do.” He shrugged. Beatrice widened her eyes and turned to Scout.
“Hello?! Knock some sense into his conehead!”
Scout quietly shushed her, her amused smile directed forward at the blackboard. “I’m trying to focus on class.”
“Wirt, your brother could be… in trouble somewhere!”
Tapping on the window just beside Wirt gained the trio’s attention. Greg stood outside, as happy as can be, waving at them with a smile. Then, in a mocking manner, he pointed to each “student” in the room before giving a thumbs-down. Scout lovingly shook her head as he giddily ran after his croaking frog, cheering and whooping as he went. Beatrice let out a deep and long sigh. “Bluebirds have a short lifespan. You three are literally killing me every moment I’m forced to spend with you.”
Scout quietly laughed when Wirt simply let out an “oh”.
“Young man,” The teacher sternly started. “I will not stand for such nonsense in my class room,” A shadow casted over her face as her expression turned gloomy. “I got enough nonsense from that no good, two-timing, low-down handsome man of mine! Oh, Jimmy Brown, why did you have to leave me so-”
Wirt and Scout glanced at each other as if to ask if this were actually happening.
“-And now with my father threatening to close the school and that wild gorilla on the loose, why, Jimmy, I just have one thing to say…”
What they hadn’t expected was for her to turn around with a bright smile and begin singing,
“‘A’ is for the apple that he gave to me, but I found a worm inside.”
Beatrice didn’t bother lowering her voice, “Ouf, that lady’s got some baggage.”
“What’s that?” The woman abruptly stopped her singing and pointed to a slim and tall box with one small opening in the corner of the room. “Young man, go to the dunce box!”
“Oh,” Wirt glanced down before standing to his feet. “Sure, okay! Sure!”
Scout watched her friend hum to himself as he situated himself into the box, closing the door to seal himself in. She furrowed her brows as Beatrice facepalmed. “And you’re not gonna stop him?!”
“No, he can do what he wants,” Scout shrugged. “This lady’s no help, anyway, so I’ll wait until he’s done here.”
“Now, where were we? Oh, yes- ‘G’ is for the gentleman I thought he was, when he first said ‘hi’-”
The young girl stood from the desk. “I’ll just wait outside. Tell me when the dunce is released or whatever.”
“Wait!” The bluebird called out. “Don’t leave me here with him!”
Greg and his frog found themselves amongst a racoon, a possum and a deer, all dressed in tattered clothing. Some of them were missing buttons, they had badly stitched patches, and their clothing was either baggy or too tight on them. They looked the part of unschooled street rats -- street… animals, and Greg had befriended them almost immediately. Currently, they were all sitting on a log, just as Scout had asked of him, as the boy rambled on and on to the verbally unresponsive animals. “So, my theory is hot dogs are not actually dogs, regardless of what they teach you in school. But you guys don’t go to school, huh? I’m gonna stick with you guys.” He whispered, laughing when his racoon friend picked up a black turtle and chucked it into the nearby pond.
“Hey, you found a log!” The voice of Scout caused Greg to perk up and crane his neck. The two shared a grin as she joined the group on the log, hesitating slightly upon noticing the company. “Who… are these guys?”
“Scout! These are my new friends!” The boy turned to the animals and gestured to her. “Gentlemen, this is Scout. She’s probably the smartest person in the world. Who needs school when you have Scout, huh?”
She snorted and set a hand atop his hat. “What is this, the Anti-School Club?”
“Huh… Yeah! That’s a great club name! Good job, Scout! And as founder of the ASC, I elect you president.”
“What an honor.”
“So, Ms President, what is your first order of business?”
Scout hummed in thought as she kicked her feet back and forth, tilting her head up to the bright blue sky. “Well, Ms Langtree is still singing her sorrows away, and Wirt is still being a dunce… So, I guess we just kill some time until he’s done.”
Greg nodded in satisfaction and snapped his fingers. “Perfect. And I know just the way to spend our killing time,” He hopped off of the log with a smile. “We play ‘Two Old Cat’! Me and Scout came up with it last year. It’s the best game ever created! Do you guys know how to play ‘Two Old Cat’?”
When the raccoon only blinked in response, Greg pulled Scout with him to a bush. “It’s fun. We’ll show you.”
“Be careful.” She warned and crouched down to help him carefully pull out a scraggly brown cat, surely blind in one eye. It meowed as the boy gently petted its dirty fur. Standing straight, she walked over to a tree and leaned against it to rest her throbbing leg.
A weak meow had her turning her head in the direction of the deer that had just picked up another cat. This one wore reading glasses and clutched a small walking cane in one of its paws. Greg frowned at this. “Wait. No. I think that cat is too old. What do you think, Scout?”
“Hm… Yeah, he’s too old. But we should at least feed the poor thing-”
“Hey! I think there’s one behind you!”
Scout twisted her body to peer into a bush behind her. She spotted a heap of dark black fur that rose and fell with raspy breathing. A pit formed in her stomach as she cautiously reached her hand into the bush. Just as her fingertips brushed the fur, the figure shot up to reveal itself as a gorilla. A pathetic roar sounded past its sharp teeth, yellow eyes staring into hers. Scout frightfully screamed and scrambled to her feet.
“Gorilla!” Greg waved his arms before he was being pushed forward by his friend.
“Go! Run!” She ordered, quickly leading Greg and the animals away from the gorilla that now began to chase them. “Keep going this way! I’ll distract it!”
Greg gasped. “Scout, no-”
“Just go! Go!”
The small group ran towards the schoolhouse, Scout huffing out a breath before turning back to the incoming gorilla. “Hey, ya big dummy! Come and get me!” She waved her arms wildly, darting off in the opposite direction of the schoolhouse. The gorilla growled quizzically before rushing after her. Despite the hot pain in her thigh, spreading past her knee, Scout managed to reach a tree, wrapping her arms and legs around it. She used her feet to hoist herself up, grabbing onto branches to pull her body farther up the tree. She cried out in shock when she felt a tug at her shoe.
Whipping her head around, she saw the gorilla trying to pull her off. Using her free leg, the injured one, she brought her knee close and then kicked her foot out, slamming it into the gorilla’s head and causing him to stumble back.
The tolling of a bell rang from above. Scout sat upon one of the branches and tilted her chin up to see Greg and the animals in the bell tower, swaying back and forth on the bell they desperately clung to. Her heart dropped at the sight. “What the- Greg! Get down from there now! S-Safely! Get down safely right now!”
Noticing the bell tower gang, the gorilla roared again and charged its way in their direction.
“No!” Scout wailed, quietly cursing to herself as she attempted to climb down the tree. Her uninjured leg slipped off the branch, eliciting a yelp from her as she clung to the wood, since her life quite possibly depended on it. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”
“Scout!” She heard Greg call. Tilting her head back, her upside-down vision saw the gorilla chasing them towards the tree she dangled from. “We’re here! We’re here!”
“What the heck is even going on?!” She shouted as the gorilla rounded the tree over and over in the chase. Scout closed her eyes and inwardly wondered for a second if she were living in a cartoon at this point. Her body instinctively flinched when she felt scratching at her shin. It was the possum, holding a large, thick stick in his tiny hands. “Uh- hey. C-Can you help me?”
He blinked and stood on his hind legs, demonstrating a few swings with the stick before pointing down to the gorilla below them. Her eyes widened in realization. “O-Oh, you want me to knock him out?”
He nodded.
“Okay.” She let him slip the stick into one of her hands. Very quietly muttering to herself, she allowed her arm to leave the branch and dangle just above the gorilla’s head. Each time it ran near her, she would take a swing, but miserably miss just by an inch. Swing after swing, she let out little grunts and curses when she missed.
Sighing irritably, she moved her eyes up to the possum, who stared at her in exasperation. As if the solution were obvious, it used both its hands to demonstrate a very harsh swing, stumbling around to mock the gorilla. Inhaling deeply, she reared her arm towards her chest before bringing down the branch and connecting it with the gorilla’s head.
“Aah!” He groaned before falling to the ground, unmoving. Greg peeked from behind the tree and grinned up at her.
“Scout! You did it!”
She blinked. “I did… Hey! I did it! I did it- Aah!” She cried out when the branch broke from the tree, Scout letting go out of shock and barreling to the ground. When she landed on her back, the air was knocked out of her, forcing a choked gasp from her chest. She groaned in pain and rolled onto her side, her entire body pulsing in pain. She could hardly hear the hurried footsteps over the ringing in her head.
“Are you okay?! Scout?! Did you knock out all your memories and give yourself amnesia?!”
“Ugh… W-What…?” She rasped and let Greg help her stand. He watched carefully as she stumbled forward, holding onto the tree for support.
“Come on,” He put a hand on her back and handed the top hat to her. “We gotta go.”
After leading the group into the school and past Ms Langtree to the dining area, Greg slowly sat Scout at the picnic table beside Wirt. The teen frowned worriedly at his friend as she groaned. “Greg? What happened to Scout?”
The boy peered up at his brother. “She fell out of a tree after knocking out the gorilla.”
“She what?!”
“Are you okay?!” Beatrice widened her eyes.
“She’s like a superhero. But now she needs rest. I think she might have gotten amnesia. Oh! That means we need to remind her of all our good times, Wirt! Good times!”
Wirt gingerly touched the back of her head, flinching when she hissed in pain. “I-I-I-I’m sorry. D-Does it hurt? I mean- I mean… uh-”
“I’m okay,” She whispered, placing her top hat on her head. “I think I just need to rest…”
“Yeah! Get your energy! You’re gonna need a lot of it for the trip down memory lane!” Greg scooped a spoonful of mashed potatoes and shoveled it into her mouth. Scout cringed at the bland tastelessness of it and took a sip of water. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s very bland. No taste.”
Greg hummed and assessed the room around him, watching the dismal and cheerless expressions of the animal students as they brooded over their plates of potatoes. He gasped when his eyes caught an object on the piano Ms Langtree currently played a melancholy tune on, no doubt feeding into the somber mood.
Wirt hardly noticed his brother shuffle away from the table as he picked up his spoon. “It can’t be that bland, can it?”
“Hey, nobody ordered you to eat yet.” Beatrice cut in.
“Yeah, but… Hm.”
Scout raised a brow at the pair. “Wirt, eat your bland potatoes.”
He sent a grateful smile her way. “Sure.”
Beatrice rolled her eyes. “You’re no fun…” She mumbled, scrunching up her beak at the forced smile Scout gave her. The trio jumped at the sound of wild, clashing, tuneless notes on the piano coming from Greg. Ms Langtree softly smiled and took over, playing a much more pleasant swing song. Greg’s face dropped his smile for a beat before giving a thumbs-up and climbing on a chair to grab the container of molasses. Bouncing to the beat of the song, he began to sing.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
If you want some, oh just ask us
They’re warm and soft like puppies and socks
Filled with cream and candy rocks!”
As he sang, he pranced around the room, adding just a bit of molasses to each plate to add a bit more cheer to everyone’s hearts.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
They’re so much sweeter than algebra class
If your stomach is grumblin’ and your mouth starts mumblin’
There’s only one thing to keep your brain from crumblin’!
Oh, potatoes and molasses
If you can’t see ‘em, put on your glasses
They’re shiny and large like a fisherman’s barge
You know you eat enough when you start seein’ stars!”
Absentmindedly, Scout tapped her spoon against her glass to the beat of the song. A wide smile spread across her face when she noticed Wirt doing the same. And as if on cue, the animals all joined in the song with their instruments. The sight and sound of this made Scout feel at home. Music was her life and band was a great part of it.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
It’s the only thing left on your task list
They’re short and stout to make everyone shout
For potatoes and molasses!
For potatoes and-”
“That’s enough!”
The door to the dining area burst open along with the booming voice. In the doorway was a tall figure, decked out in a large black trench coat and top hat, much shinier than Scout’s. His pale skin complexion stood out against his all-black attire. His greying hair peeked from under his hat, his dark eyes were hidden behind his circular prescription glasses, and his thick lips were curled into an upset frown. “Is this what I’ve been paying for?!”
“Hey!” Greg defended from where he stood on the table. “We just wanted to have a little fun.”
“I didn’t invest in this school to have fun,” He then marched over to Ms Langtree, who cowered under his scorn. “I thought we were trying to do important work here, teaching animals to count and spell.”
“We are!” Ms Langtree whined. “Oh, please, Father, don’t close the school! It won’t happen again!”
But he only walked past her. “I should say it won’t,” As he passed the animals, he snatched their instruments from them, definitely not forgetting to send a glare towards the three human children. “This… this… and this are all coming with me. Now send them to bed!”
“You heard father,” Ms Langtree sadly motioned to another room. “Off to bed with you.”
In a single-file line, the children, human and animal, trudged into the room filled with well-made beds, one for three students maximum. On the way, they were each given a nightgown, Scout choosing to just throw hers on over her clothes along with her friends. “Wirt,” She whispered. “Are we seriously doing this?”
“Whatever you want, Scout. D-Don’t you need rest anyway? You look like you hit your head pretty hard.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…” She climbed into bed with Greg, his frog nestling under the blanket between them. Scout took their hats off and set them off to the side, frowning at the boy’s pout. “What’s on your mind, Gregory?”
Said boy tore his eyes away from the saddened animal folk. “I just wanted to have fun, change the world, and make it a better place.”
“Who says you didn’t?” She hummed and began tucking him in.
“You probably forgot because of your amnesia. I just made everything worse, Scout. Look at them…”
Scout glanced over her shoulder at the animals who were now sniffling and sighing to themselves. Exhaling through her nose, she turned back to the boy. “You know, changing the world isn’t easy, Greg. And you won’t get it right the first time. But you know what?” She gently pressed her lips to his forehead. “You change my world for the better everyday.”
“Really, really.”
“So, you remembered our good times! You’re cured!”
From between them, the frog croaked, causing the two to giggle. From the bed beside them, Wirt softly smiled at the interaction, his heart warming as well as his cheeks. Beatrice watched him with narrowed eyes. “Okay, Wirt, I’ll admit it. You seem like a pushover, but you’re not.”
“Oh?” He shifted his gaze to her.
“Deep down in your heart… you’re a stubborn jerk! When are you gonna give this up?!”
Wirt stared forward with a determined look. “Maybe never. Maybe I’ll never give this up.”
Greg hummed before pushing the blanket off of he and Scout, the girl quietly groaning to herself. “Yeah! Wirt’s right! Never give up!” He cheered before grabbing his sheets and tying the ends together, throwing them out the window. “C’mon! Let’s go save the day!”
“Okay, if you say so,” Wirt left his bed, halting at his friend, who painfully sat up and turned to assist Greg. “W-Wait, w-what about Scout?”
Her head slowly turned to him. “What about me?”
“You’re hurt.”
“You know what? I order you to stop being such a Worry Wirt.” She playfully rolled her eyes. He sputtered for a second before giving in and following her out of the window.
After discarding their nightgowns, the gang wandered the blackened wood, the hooting of an owl being their only source of sound beside the three sets of feet shifting through the grass. Scout wrapped her arms around her sore body for warmth. From beside her, she felt Wirt fix her hat that had been leaning atop her head. She glanced at him with a thankful smile, sending heat to his cheeks and then to hers in turn. Clearing his throat, Wirt looked to his brother. “So, what’s the plan, Greg?”
Scout tilted her head. “Yeah. You need to plan to change the world, bud.”
“Oh. I don’t know.” He shrugged.
Just then, a pitiful moan sounded from behind a bush. “Oh, who would’ve thought making a primer school for animals was a bad idea?”
Upon parting the bush, the three quietly gasped at the sight of Mr Langtree crouching on the ground, surrounded by the instruments he had confiscated, talking to himself. “My life savings, my home, everything I had went into that dear, dear school. And now I’m forced to sell these instruments just to keep it open,” As he continued, he removed his trench coat to reveal a quite scrawny man underneath the threatening facade, using his coat and a trumpet to act as a sorry tent. “All the while, that loathsome Jimmy Brown is off galavanting who knows where! Not to mention that wild gorilla on the loose. If only something would go right for a change…” He defeatedly sighed as he laid on the ground.
Soon, the sound of his snores filled the area. Scout hummed and shook her head. “Poor guy…”
“Yeah,” Greg nodded. “Okay, I think he’s asleep. Let’s go steal his stuff.”
Wirt, Scout and Beatrice widened their eyes. “What?”
As the sun emerged and the mildew leaked from the trees, Scout checked every last detail of the area before nodding to herself. Throughout the night, Greg, Wirt and Beatrice helped build a stage and notified anyone around of their benefit concert as Scout gathered the animal students to quickly learn a single song on their instruments. The work was tiring, but nothing she wasn’t used to. Rounding the front of the stage, she found Greg waiting for her, holding a baton for her. “There you are! It’s time to do what you were born to do! Do it for the world, Scout!”
“Alright, alright.” She chuckled and took the baton into her hand. Facing the band, she raised her arms in front of her, commencing the song. Her heart swelled with pride as the students played along perfectly. A joyful laugh bubbled in her throat as her arms waved and glided through the air to cue entrances and cut-offs. From the corner of her eye, she spotted people, apparently wealthy by their fine clothes and generous donations, trickling in from wherever they came from and dumping their purses and pockets clean into buckets provided. Her grin widened as they stopped beside the stage to stand and enjoy the beautiful music.
Her smile dropped when the students slowly halted their playing. “Guys, why’d you stop?” She raised her brows. Greg jumped onto the stage and pointed past her.
That same pathetic roar from the previous day triggered the screaming of the audience. Scout spun around to find the gorilla she had knocked out was back and charging towards poor Ms Langtree. “Young man, do something!” Mr Langtree shouted at Wirt. The teen looked around uselessly before blindly running forward to do… something.
Before he could stop or hesitate, he tripped on his still untied laces and collided with the gorilla, sending them both to the ground. When they hit the ground, the head of the gorilla popped off and rolled to the side. Everyone gasped as Wirt scrambled to his feet. The headless gorilla sat up to reveal himself as a young man with silky, blonde hair and a handlebar mustache. “Finally.” His southern accent sighed out.
“Jimmy?” Ms Langtree gaped.
“That’s right, darlin’. I was the gorilla.”
“But… why did you do it…?”
“Got a job in the circus so’s I could finally buy ya that weddin’ ring,” He struggled to stand as Ms Langtree joined his side. “But when I got stuck in the dang suit, everybody was too doggone scared to help me out.”
Scout wringed her hands together in embarrassment. Ms Langtree cupped her cheeks in her hands as she swooned.
“Oh, Jimmy…”
The two lovingly embraced, Greg shaking Scout as everyone cheered for them. Mr Langtree sniffled and wiped a tear from his eye. “I guess the world really is as sweet as potatoes and molasses…”
As if on cue, Greg plucked the baton from Scout’s grasp and turned to the band, starting his own song once again,
“Oh, potatoes and molasses.
If you want some, oh, just ask us!”
Sensing her work was done, Scout hopped off the stage and searched for her friend. He was leaning against a tree nearby with Beatrice perched on a branch above him. Giddily smiling, she shimmied her way over to them with a skip in her step. Wirt quietly chuckled as he watched her, raising a brow when she finally reached him.
“I did pretty good, huh?”
“You did great, Scout.”
She happily sighed and leaned beside him, their shoulders brushing at their closeness. Beatrice smirked at this. “Hey, Wirt.” She softly called.
“Yeah?” He glanced up at the branch.
“Tie your shoe.”
“Hm? Oh. Mm… okay.” He hummed and bent down to do as he was told.
Peeking over his cone hat, Scout spotted Beatrice glancing from Wirt, then to her, sending a wink her way. Scout widened her eyes and blushed furiously.
Taglist: @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner
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introverted-sugar · 3 years
Ugh 😑
Heads up, this is a minor rant! Proceed with caution.
I feel like such a shit friend for what I’m about to express but I have to get this off of my chest because I have no one else to complain to. Also, I know I’m a great friend but I’m very particular about how I do things and I need to be at peace when I’m somewhere
So, my birthday is in a few days and I’m going to Miami/islamorada/key west for 10 days. I’ll be in Miami for 4 days with my girl best friend, and then “Travel daddy” the remainder of the trip.
So me and my best friend are similar in the sense of us being laid back and chill, we don’t do too much, when we go out we’re not twerking on table tops or fighting or any of that ratchet bullshit (now don’t get me wrong, you put the right song on and I’ll shake these cheeks but i just don’t like that type of attention, I sucked as a stripper 😂) But we are also VERY different. I like to try new things, eat at kind of fancy restaurants (if I’m paying, VERY fancy on a “mans” dime 💁🏽‍♀️) , I don’t like to go to clubs and if I do I’m definitely leaving early, lounge by the beach/pool, swim, snorkel, bike ride etc. So I’ve been trying to plan stuff for us to do but it’s hard because I have to take her into consideration (I’m used to traveling alone or with some man that’s trying to please me so I’m usually able to just do what I want )
Here is a list of grievances & concerns I have thus far:
1: She doesn’t really like sushi. Yes, that’s petty but I have dinner reservations the night of my birthday at a sushi place with a tasting menu. She said she was okay with going but eh idk, and then is she going to be cool with the price tag of the tasting menu? Any tasting I’ve ever done all the people at the table had to do the tasting menu
2: Piggy backing off of the first point, her sister is flying in the same day we are to help her friend that’s getting a BBL down there (😑, I’ll explain why I’m not a fan of her sister later) but we arrive at like 12, she’ll be arriving around 8 pm..the time I made reservations at the sushi spot. So earlier we were on the phone and she said “oh yeah such and such gets there around 8 I told her WE would come pick her up from the airport” Pause! WHO? Not I! I said “that’s the time our reservations are for” she was like “oh well she can just meet us there” 🤦🏽‍♀️ now remember I said I don’t do too much, I’m quiet and reserved. Her sister, not so much. She’s not about to embarrass me and she’s DEF not chilling at the hotel with her loud ass. My thing is, how tf you inviting people to MY birthday dinner. I honestly don’t wanna see her sister at all while we’re there, but I’m willing to meet her somewhere for an hour or so and then leave ✌🏽
(I don’t like her sister because the very first time I met her a couple years ago on NYE she basically got us involved in a literal BRAWL at a HOUSE PARTY in the heart of west philly of all places 😑 long story short the whole party beat her sisters ass for walking in and tAlking shit, and then Her sister stole someones whole car at the party, I guess when they were jumping her someone’s keys fell out of their pocket so she took the keys and figures out which car it belonged to and stole it, like it was just a ghetto ass mess)
3: She keeps asking me the same questions over and over. We have had this trip booked for MONTHS, literally, I like to be organized and plan shit out, but every week or so it’s “so where are we staying again” “how much is it” “do you think my hair will last if I get a frontal” to which I replied BITCH NEVER, just get braids or locs, of course she just got a sewin/frontal earlier…okay but I warned you sis😖. now mind you this will be her first time in Miami so she wasn’t really trying to pay the price (half) for the hotel I booked. I’ve been to Miami plenty of times on top of actually living there and there’s no better deal we’re going to get on south beach, with all the amenities that the hotel offers, I’m very good at planning and booking trips and finding the best deals so I was highly irritated when just a week before our trip shes tryna find cheaper places. I told her she can look but it needs to at least •be in south beach •be on collins/ocean drive and •have a pool (unless she could find an Airbnb). Y’all she sent me all these bullshit ass links to places in HOLLYWOOD (which I actually love but I said south beach…), Miami Gardens 🤮, and ft. Lauderdale and they didn’t have any amenities and were MORE money. In my head I was like “bruh nevermind we’re staying where we’re staying, you don’t need to do ANYMORE looking” 🙅🏽‍♀️
4: she doesn’t like the water or swimming. That’s the main reason I even go to Florida so often for the water, like literally. I’m not a fan of most beaches up north (Giants neck beach In CT Is awesome though, Maine has some nice ones too but it’s just so cold even on a very hot summer day, jersey has a few as well but mainly I like clear waters) So anyway, I wanted to book this snorkel/boat tour/key west tour but she doesn’t want to do it because 1: she doesn’t wanna snorkel but 2: we would have to leave at 6:30 am and she doesn’t get up until like 12 🙄 I feel like I’m limited as to what I can do
5: She still hasn’t sent me her half of the hotel fee and we leave Tuesday…it’s Saturday. She’s been saying “imma send it tomorrow” for like 2 weeks now and telling me about her car troubles
6: As I mentioned she wakes up late, which means she goes to bed late. The latest I go to bed is like 12 but when I’m on “vacation” I tend to drink more than I normally would so I go to sleep early. Shit when me and travel daddy went to all those vineyards I legit took naps mid day to keep up 😂 I’m worried she’s gonna keep me up like she did last month when I spent the night at her house, I was HIGHLY irritated and it was only one night
I’m seriously pondering why tf I thought this was a good idea. Lowkey I didn’t think it was a good idea but we’ve never traveled together and she’s never been to Miami (she’s the reason we’re even going to Miami because I’ve BEEN over Miami, it’s packed and overrated but I thought it would be a cute thing for us to do)
It doesn’t matter how cool you are with someone you have to have the right travel buddy and just because you get along doesn’t mean you should travel together. Sadly, I can already tell you this is our last trip together
The irony is I was sooo hesitant and complaining about going on the WPB trip but ended up having a blast, but we also had a huge villa and everyone had privacy, and I only personally knew one person so at first I didn’t feel super obligated to be all chummy with his friends, but I loved all of them they were so much fun and liked to do the stuff I like to do, it really was such a bomb trip I wish I could show you guys all the cute pics and videos we took, REALLY great vibes
I love my best friend to death but I’m so apprehensive about this trip. We don’t even chill that often on the regular, mainly because we’re both just busy or live kind of far from eachother but I’m that friend that loves you…from afar, every now and then she’ll drag me out to some lounge and I’m always ready to go early it’s just not my scene, I wanna be in bed damnit! 😩
Am I just being a brat? What do you guys think?
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thatringboy · 3 years
Me to me: Nooo don’t make an Inazuman oc you already have two OCs from Liyue and Natlan who you said you’d revamp and besides, you’re probably going to lose interest in this one soon Also Me, getting way to invested in Inazuma lore: HEY EVERYONE COME MEET MY NEW OC HIIRAGI YORICHI, A HYDRO SWORD USER WHO’S AUTISTIC LIKE ME
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Link to picrew used for profile
Buried Beauty
“My duty is first to the people of my homeland, then the Kanjou Commission. Make no mistake, Baal must be stopped, but not at the expense of the people.”
The firstborn son of the Hiiragi Clan who’s name means “first gift”. He grew up in Sumeru Academy, but has returned to Ritou to take up his father’s yoke over the Kanjou Commission
General Information
Name: Hiiragi Yorichi
Age: 28
Affiliation: Hiiragi Clan
Birthdate: January 17
Starsign: Capricorn
Constellation: Thesauros Sepultus
Weapon: Sword
Vision: Hydro
Voice Claims
CVA: Zhang Jie
JVA: Tasuku Hatanaka
EVA: Kyle Phillips
Voice Lines
Good Morning: Hmm? Oh, yes, greetings Traveler and Paimon. Sorry, I didn’t see you there… I’m not much of a morning person
Good Afternoon: Did I miss lunch again? Eh, oh well. Traveler, wanna run by Miss Ryouko’s to get some food?
Good Evening: If I don’t get back soon, Chisato will certainly send someone out to find me
Good Night: Can you get back on your own? I’m afraid that I must return to Ritou for the evening
When It Rains: Quickly! The rain will cover our tracks!
When It Snows: Huh? Wow it got cold fast! Better go find some shelter before I accidentally freeze us
When It’s Sunny: Be careful, our enemies can see clearly in broad daylight
Favorite Food: Mmm, I could go for some Mondstat Grilled Fish right about now… I had it once during their Ludi Harpastum Festival that my Senpai took me to one year and I’ve just fallen in love with the flavour!
Least Favorite Food: Is… is that cabbage? No no, there’s nothing wrong, just don’t expect me to eat any. Why? Well… I don’t like the texture at all! Eating it feels like slime going down my throat which closes up my airways and then that sensation makes my brain feel like someone shoved a wet blanket between my ears and wrapped it around my brain! Please… never make me eat cabbage…
About: Vision: My Vision? How did I get mine? Well, since you asked so nicely, it appeared to me in a dream during the end of the first year of the Sakoku Decree. I had cried myself to sleep because of the anguish I felt coming from those who had their Visions stolen - those who I had sworn to protect as a Clan Heir - and I cursed out Celestia for allowing this to happen. In my dream, I appeared before seven giant thrones all glowing with elemental magic. In the blue throne sat a woman who gave off so much power that I could not gaze upon her. Yet, her words always resonate in my heart: “Your loyalties may change, but never change your principles. Do no harm to others, but do not let harm fall upon you and those you love.” When I woke up, the Vision was tucked under my pillow!
About: Kanjou Commission: One day, it will be my duty to oversee the Kanjou Commission. Am I ready? Probably not. Do I have a choice? Also no. I just want to make everyone proud… but how can I do that when father has already deemed me an embarrassment to the Hiiragi Clan simply because of who I am?
About: Sumeru Academy: The Academy? I grew up there! Fourteen years I spent roaming the halls absorbing all of the knowledge I could! *Sigh*… maybe if the Travel Ban gets lifted, I’ll show you around my old stomping grounds!
About: Ritou: I’m friends with some of the guys at the Outlander’s Trade Association. What do you wish to see? Want to head by a jewelry shop? Get some food?
About: Interests: Wanna know a secret? Deep down, I’m an alchemist at heart! Anything alchemy related, I’m sure I can be of use! It’s my special interest! Did you know that the luminescent spines of a firefly can—wait wait no I’m sorry. Father says that people get bored of my ramblings, my apologies for wasting your time…
About: Swords: You may have noticed that my sword technique is different from the samurai of Inazuma. That is because I learned how to use my blade at the Academy. I forged this blade myself when I turned twenty. Would you like to hold it?
About Ayaka: Miss Kamisato? I’ve met her once and she seems nice, but I still feel uneasy around her. But maybe that’s just me
About Raiden Shogun: You want to know why I refer to the Shogun as “Baal”? Well, that’s because I didn’t grow up in a place that calls her the “Raiden Shogun”. I’m used to my peers referring to her as “Baal” and I’ve yet to drop the habit. Also, I don’t have much respect for her, but don’t tell anyone that
About Ayato: Never met him, but his description gives me the creeps! Never appears in public, leaving his little sister to do all the work? The nerve of that guy! O-oh… that sounds like me? Ehe-he… oops
About Yoimiya: Oh Miss Naganohara! She makes the best fireworks! She and I are actually a lot alike. What, you don’t see it? I guess that comes from me spending a lifetime hiding my inner enthusiasm while she never quite grew up. We should go to the next firework festival to see her, I’m sure she’d love that! But… from a distance please. The popping noises from the fireworks hurt my ears
About Kaeya: The Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, huh? I’m curious to see how the pieces fall into place… what was that? Oh, it’s nothing… just gossip from some old colleagues
About Diluc: Diluc? Who’s that? Owner of the Dawn Winery? The Ragnvindr Clan? Nope, doesn’t ring a bell. The Darknight Hero? Of course! Why didn’t you just say that?! Yeah I know who you’re talking about now! What? He’s got a Vision too? I guess that guy’s just full of surprises
About Childe: So, that weasel is actually a Fatui Harbinger? Why am I not surprised... O-oh when did I meet him? After I graduated from the Academy. Did I sound too surprised about his identity? Sorry, when I knew him, he used a different name
About Albedo: Ah… the son of Rhinedottir. His master actually attended one of my lectures when I was younger in secret. I think they were using an alias during that time but I spoke to them in private. It was interesting to learn different things about ancient alchemy techniques from another land. I think Albedo is currently an alchemist in Mondstat, right? I’ll visit him when the Travel Ban is lifted to exchange notes
About Klee: Klee, daughter of Alice? Eh, I haven’t heard good things. I’m not a big fan of explosions... but that doesn’t mean that she’s a bad kid! I’m sure if I met her, we’d be friends
About Lisa: Minci-Senpai! We worked together a lot at the Acadmia! Why did I call her senpai when I’m older than her? Well, because she’s the Grandmage!!! Everyone knows how smart and powerful Minci-Senpai is! Once, she tasked me with finding ways to preserve pure Electro organisms. So, I coated the inside of a jar with Hydro Slime condensate so that her Electro roses can continuously be charged by the Hydro energy… Sorry, I’m getting carried away
About Mona: What, do you think that all Hydro users who practice magic know each other? Well, I do know Miss Megistus, but you can’t assume that! I met her and her master once during a lecture on fortune telling with the use of elemental abilities. Now that I have a Vision of my own, I will see if I can implement their techniques into my own practice
About Sara: To be perfectly honest, I’ve never met her. We may be the heirs to our Clans and our respective Commissions, but I’ve never had a conversation with her. Naturally, as a Vision holder and she as the spearhead of the Tenryou Commission, I am her enemy. However, as the heir to the Hiiragi Clan, I must keep up formalities. Besides, my dear sister Chisato is being courted by another member of the Kujou clan, Kujou Kamaji, and I don’t want to do anything to ruin that. You won’t turn me and my Vision in to her, right?
About Cyno: Ah, Master Cyno, one of the smartest members of the Academy. I owe a lot of my development to him. I don’t think I would have finished my Thesis paper on the eighth nation without his guidance
About: Names: You know, my name means “first treasure”, but despite such an endearing name, my father has yet to reveal my face to the public and claim me as his heir. He was also the one to send me away when I was a boy to Sumeru because I was not like other children. Was I meant to be gift to my family? To the other nations? Was I an unwanted gift? … Oh, sorry about that. I don’t usually get dark like that! Tell me, Traveller, what does your name mean?
About: Politics: Ugh… Sakoku Decree this, honor the Commissions that, I don’t understand any of it. If I’m ever left in charge, I’m sure that I could handle the bureaucratic side, but the people side? I get overwhelmed when talking to people I’m not comfortable with. I shut down mentally, fumble over my words and eventually I end up having a panic attack and Chisato has to pull me from the room. My father thought that I would have grown out of those outbursts when I got older, but I’ve only found a way to mask my behaviors. But you’re different, you haven’t looked at me like a child nor spoken less of me simply because I’m different, why is that?
About: Family: My mother passed away while I was gone, my father Shinsuke is the head of the Kanjou Commission and my younger sister Chisato is his main assistant. When my father gets upset, Chisato is always the one who has my back and in turn, I’ve begun escorting her secretly to Kondo Village to meet with her secret lover, Kujou Kamaji. I guess that’s what siblings do for each other, we protect each other from everything because no matter what we go through, no matter what arguments we have, we always will have each other. Ah, Traveler! I didn’t say anything to make you upset, did I?
About: Khaenri’ah: … You ask a lot of questions, don’t you? What do you think I know about that cursed place? Yeah, I wrote my Thesis paper on Khaenri’ah, but that was a while ago and I’ve learned my lesson. Now, the only connections I have to that place are hearsay from lecturers, rumors at the Academy and the plucked plume of a proud peacock.
About: Time Gap: Huh? Oh yeah, I went to Sumeru when I was seven and studied there for fourteen years. Uh… what did I do for the missing five years of my life before returning to Ritou? Ehe-he… I don’t think I’m allowed to say everything, but I can tell you this: that’s the time that I met a disgraced Knight, a bloodthirsty child and learned how to wield a sword. I was able to travel with them while writing my Thesis paper. Ah… how time flies when working with like minded people
This is the most thought I’ve ever put into an OC, I hope you like him!
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yvainegelinemarie · 4 years
How The MLQC Bois React When You Do A ‘Baby/Cutesy Talk’ To Them.
🖤🦋🖤Idk if anyone has done this one yet so here it goes...
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𝚨𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖞 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌: ✨ ALL my writing promts are gender inclusive and promote love, kindness and fun for all! 
✨I know that each and every one of our boys would love and support each and everyone of you and I hope that my readings portray that comforting, accepting and loving nature through and through~ 
✨And with that I hope you Spookies enjoy~~
☪ 𝕱𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
☪ 𝕽𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌:18+  Has mild talk about sex, mentions drinking/alcohol. 
☪ 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙 : Quick Read, bullet points 
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He eats the baby talk up!!! And does it right back to you with so much ease!
You guys have full on conversations with just the two of you using baby talk towards one another.
And you both have no problem doing it in public and annoying all your friends with how mushy and maybe a bit cringey you two can be.
Most of your baby talk conversations is the two of you whining back and forth about wanting food.
“Aww, Kiro can I pwlese haves a snack now? It’s been a few howers pwlesee?! 🥺🥺”
“Bwut what if I want a snack moreeeee?!”
You two stare at one another intensely with large, watery, puppy dog eyes and quivered lips.
Neither one of you is going down this easily over the remaining sweet candy that you have left. 
Kiro will ALWAYS use the cute talk on you when you are trying to keep him from eating sweets as Savin ordered. But the moment he brings out the cute voice and the puppy dog eyes you have lost.
It’s just so hard to not cave in to such a cute face!!! 
But it’s okay because he can’t resist yours either.
You and Kiro’s guttonness and cutesy manipulative ways towards one another can sadly only go on for so long before the fun comes to a painful hault.
It seems that you two have indulged in a little too much of the sweet treats, leaving you both to most likely take up a very simple yet painful month of dieting. 
Which is then filled to the max with pouty expressions and W words in hopes to just get one cookie from the bakery you passed on your daily run. 
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The world will NEVER know this side of Victor. 
He would probably throw himself off a bridge if anyone heard him use a cute voice towards you or anyone for that matter.
Even your future children and cute puppies will NEVER witness such a pure and child-like state with your stubborn CEO boyfriend. 
BUT surprisingly enough he has done it a few times.
You always tease him for it since he likes to make fun of you for when you try to use your cute voice to beg for pudding or a longer time for your deadlines. 
And although this tough looking CEO wouldn’t admit it, he likes seeing you pout your lip and add a W to every two words of sentence.
The one and ONLY time victor has ever used the cutesy voice on you was when you were really sick and asking for soup. 
He was caring for you for about a week now with little to no progress of your health improving. 
And aside for all the nagging you were getting from him for overworking yourself he was truly worried about you.
Now that your cold was coming to and end and with Victor in a tired state and comfortable enough to relieve himself of worry, along with being a bit flirtatious (probably from light sips of whisky he had been drinking to keep himself in motion) the cute words just kind of...slipped out...
You are in complete shock as your brain is trying to process what it just heard. 
Did Victor really just say “does my whittle dummy want some swoup?”
Trust me he is just as shocked as you are as he quickly escapes the bedroom with cheeks as red as a cherry.
He is so shocked in fact that it takes you a good three hours to get your soup so he could have some time to regain himself after the embarrassing encounter.
To this day he is still haunted by it as you taunt him every once in a while for it.
*poking his forehead lightly with playful giggles* “Aww, Come on Victor, don’t chu want to mwake me some swoup?” 
“If you have time to bother me then maybe I should consider raising your deadline to three days instead of the end of the week?” 
And with that you scurry out at lighting speed leaving Victor to wallow in his face palmed blushes. 
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Lucien LOVES the shit out of your cutesy talk.
BUT is probably the only one capable of not letting you get your way with it every time.
He loves to tease you not the other way around! 
His plans would be foiled if just your cute little voice defeated him.
He will however use a cute voice in comparison to yours. 
He likes when you say little words in a cute way like tank you instead of thank you or putting a w in pretty please 
and he will repeat them back to you the same way you said it. In a mocking yet flirtatious kind of way.
After a soft chuckle Lucien looks to you. “Pweety Pwlease?” He questions as you puff your cheeks at the fact that he doesn’t seem phased by your cuteness.
His eyes however, quiver with complete delight at just how cute you are to him.
Your Scorpio boi can only hide his feelings for so long and despite his calming expression his eyes alone can only hold what is truly running through his brain. 
There are times the Professor falls victim to your cute ways but they usually end in some more...explicit moments with you. 👀
You learn rather quickly that this seems to be one of the very few things you have in control over Lucien, unlike the multiple ways he has control over you. 
Though, your ways of manipulation are nothing to take lightly either. 
Lucien seems to be really focused with work right now. Staying up all day and all night eyes glued to books or his tablet filled with words that just give you a bit of a headache.
And despite not hating Lucien’s passion and hardworking energy towards his career you are now starting to realize that it’s been almost a month since you have been close and intimate with him.
So much so that you can’t even remember what his gorgeous body looks like under all that lab coat. 
And desperate times call for desperate measures. 
Setting yourself up into cutness overdrive and plopping yourself right down and in front of your boyfriends work and onto his lap 
along with a simple tilt of your head and eyes as wide as the moon doesn’t take long for all the blood to rush to you know where for Lucien. 
And when Lucien falls victim to you he FALLS. but he’s not a man who enjoys failure. (So be prepare for one intense and intimate ride.)
His sex drive and stamina is not something to question and if you sneeze just two octaves higher than normal 
you’ll most likely be attending his lecture with wet, shaking knees. 
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Also loves your baby talk and will say it back to you casually.
It is something that he only does around you though and doesn’t let anyone see.
Gavin is 100% those TikTok videos where the girls are recording their boyfriends cutesy talking to them and then instantly start talking in a deep voice the moment they see the camera. 😂
Will use it a lot when you aren’t feeling good and goes nutso bananas if you use it to reward him.( Kind of like a puppy. 😂)
“Was ywu a tood boyfwriend today? Wes. Wes you were.” *Gives Gavin happy head pats*
Gavin is also a huge sucker for your cute ways and will not hesitate to compliment you on your new hair accessory, the way you did your makeup, or how you added a new watch to match the bracelet he gave you.
He’s actually really good at paying attention to small details despite not being the romantic.
And with this you'll find him getting you cute treats and toys to cheer you up. 
And even if he truly doesn’t quite understand why you are so obsessed and squeal as loud as you can when you see pusheen he can’t say that he hates seeing how excited you get when admiring the cute and simple things of life.
One moment in particular that will always be engraved in Gavin’s head is seeing you hold the chubby grey cat plushie as much as you could in your arms
you were practically swallowed behind it, it was just as big as you were, if not more.
Seeing you walk through the store and doing your best to avoid falling over not daring to let go of the giant fluff ball of cuteness sent a pierce through Gavin’s heart.
How the hell can they be so cute?!? Was the only thought running through Gavin’s head the entire time. 
And once he regained his composure he helped guide you through the store by your arm. 
Sadly you had to part ways with the kitty plushie when a small child became just as in awe of it as you were and knowing she was the last one, handed it over kindly.
Seeing you a bit sad only put Gavin in a low mood before motivating him to an idea.
And with that; a few weeks later a new fluffy, plushie cat as big as your front door awaited the front of your apartment with a cute (is that letter blood stained???) note from Gavin. 
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Hatesssss! The baby talk with a passion and will not ever use it with you.
You made the mistake to use it on him once and the amount of awkwardness in his expression was overbearing.
The two of you just sat in your apartment blinking wide eyed at one another in silence.
Shaw broke the awkwardness first by just flat out saying “yeah, no.”
And with that you sulked back into your seat realizing that he didn’t seem phased at all by how cute you were.
And for a moment a bit ticked off. I am cute Shaw?! Don’t ignore me like that! UGH! He can be so nerve racking sometimes!!
Despite not being a big fan of the voice, after dating Shaw for a while you have come to find that he doesn’t mind you doing cute things with him like cuddling up together, squishing his cheeks, or rubbing your face on his ect.
Playing with his hair when he’s strumming away on his bass or latching onto his neck when his skateboard slips from under your feet are some of his favorite moments with you.
But the big eyes and pout get him ALL the time!
He will try his best not to be swayed by them especially when the tears seem genuine.
Shaw and your relationship is like when the older sibling hits the younger one and they start crying and the older one starts to freak out. That. That’s you and Shaw. 
When he gets drunk he uses the baby talk on you!
Will mumble on his words but tell you just how pretty and cute you are.
But you know that if you bring it up to him he will never drink around you again so you have to keep it as a little secret between you and your friends
You even have recordings and voice messages of him drunk off his ass and calling you just to say.
“Babbbyyyy, I mwissed ywu so muchhh!! Ywu are dhe pwrettiest girl I know and I luv ywu and I just want to kiss your cute wittle face!”
He’s also a very clingy and loving drunk who can’t seem to stop from covering your face in kisses.
It is most definitely a moment in time that you will happily remember for years and years. 
𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝐤 𝖄𝖔𝖚!!! Spookies for giving this a read and for giving me the opportunity to share something fun and light hearted with you guys about all our favorite Evolvers. 
✨ I am hoping that more writings are to come to you guys from me but this is all a fairly new and a bit out of my comfort zone to do haha  so please be patient with me. 
✨ But please be open to comment feedback you may have through this post and In my asks on what you thought about this and if you guys enjoy more bullet point writings like this or would like more of a story style. I would love to hear what you guys have to say!!! 
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out-of-jams · 4 years
One Chance || myg
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(Amazing, incredibly badass banner made by @kimtaehyunq​ )
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↠ One Chance ↞ Min Yoongi was a lot of things.
A musical genius, a guy with a bad reputation, your assigned partner for your final project.
And the last thing you ever would have expected.
Word Count: 7.4k
Warnings/Genre: College!au. Music producer!Yoongi x Singer!Reader. Fluff. Explicit language. Some angst. Mentions of alcohol. s2l. Oneshot.
A/n: Hey all you cool cats and kittens. Hope you’re all staying safe out there! I wasn’t intending to write this, but I had no other choice.
All of my works are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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Min Yoongi.
The name stared up at you in size twelve font, black letters printed onto the white sheeted paper. Every other word on the page blurred around the edges as you tried to place a face to the name. You weren’t good with names, never had been. So with a sigh, you leaned to the side and mumbled to the girl sitting next to you in class.
“Hey, who’s Min Yoongi?”
She--Mira? Mina? something like that--glanced up from her portfolio opened up on the desk and shot you a disbelieving look. You couldn’t blame her, not really. It was nearing the end of the semester and your vocal class had worked with the music production class multiple times throughout the course of the year. Neither class was very big, so you probably should have known the names of all twenty students. Total. Ten in each class.
But hey, in your defense you’d had a lot on your plate, seeing as how you were about to graduate from university and all. Which was a pretty big deal, so memorizing the names of people you only saw a few times ever-so-often wasn’t high up on your list of priorities.
But Min Yoongi.
You recognized him the moment you saw the soft outline of his profile through the glass window of the studio door a day later. He had his attention trained on whatever was on his laptop screen, pale hand sliding across the mousepad. His dark brows were pinched in concentration and you could see the tip of his tongue digging into the side of his cheek.
Even though the overly-bright lights in the room were on, the guy still somehow managed to blend in with the slate grey walls. Hell, his icy blond hair was the only color to stand out amongst all the black clothing. The oversized hoodie and black joggers he wore looked comfortable, and had you glancing down at your own outfit self-consciously. Had the sweater, skirt and high heeled boots combo been too much? Should you have dressed down a little?
Whatever. It was too late now.
Watching him through the door made you feel like some kind of stalking creep, but you couldn’t help it.
You’d seen him around campus a few times and recognized him from whenever your classes joined together and was a little disappointed at yourself for not recognizing his name. Even though you'd never spoken a word to him before, you were a little apprehensive about being partnered together. Min Yoongi had a reputation, and not a very good one. Sure, he was talented at what he did, producing music, to the point where a lot of people in the music department called him a genius. But he was known for being standoffish. Rude. And could cut someone down with a few words from his naturally pouty lips.
You didn’t like to judge a book by its cover, or by the rumors that circulated about them. However, that did nothing for the intimidating aura that bled from the man like cologne the second you stepped foot into the room.
He didn’t even pause in whatever he was doing to spare you a glance. Just announced in a dry, rumbling voice, “You’re late.”
“Uh.” You hesitated halfway into the room, the door swinging shut behind you automatically. Two seconds in and he already hated you. Great. “Sorry. I got lost.”
That made him look up and watch as you pulled the only other rolling chair back from the desk and plopped down. God, his eyes were just as daunting as the rest of him: onyx in color and cat-like in shape, they were bottomless as he blinked at you lazily. And he slowly raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“You got lost.” Yoongi repeated slowly. So sarcastically that you didn’t even hear a question mark at the end of it. “Aren’t you about to graduate? How are you still getting lost on campus?”
Your mouth opened and closed, embarrassed heat blossoming across your cheeks. You were blushing hard and you knew it, but that sure as hell didn’t mean that you had to acknowledge it. So you just sniffed and dug through your backpack for an excuse to break eye contact. “I haven’t been in here before.”
It was true. In a way. The hall of studios that you were in now were for the senior music production students. There was a completely different area for each year, but each student had their own assigned as theirs for the semester. So you weren’t lying when you said you hadn’t been to his exact studio before.
Which he seemed to catch on to, if the way Yoongi’s second eyebrow raised to join the first told you anything. But he let it go and turned back to shut his laptop, which you could now see was opened to a music production app. You weren’t very schooled on how to operate it, but even you could tell that he seemed to be very far into whatever it was he was making.
Though you didn’t get a good enough look at it before he closed it.
“Even though we have a month to do this, we should figure out what kind of song we’re making now instead of later.” Yoongi stated in that gruff voice of his and clicked a few things on his laptop. “Since you’re the one singing, you’ll be setting the tone--”
“Wait.” You interrupted.
Yoongi stopped whatever it was he was about to say to give you a blank look, the corners of his lips turned down. “What?”
Clearing your throat, you continued on despite the way his expression tried to cow you into shutting up. “How’re we splitting this up?”
A valid question. Not every person who created music worked in the same way. Some liked to do things a completely different way than somebody else might’ve. Last time you’d worked with one of the students from the music production class, the two of you had butted heads the whole way. He hadn’t wanted to hear your input at all, and you weren’t about to be shoved off to the side like some kind of un-opinionated mouthpiece again.
Yoongi made a noise in the back of his throat that sounded like a hum. “I normally make the track and leave the lyrics up to the singer unless they need help.”
He looked at you from out of the corner of his eye as he clicked a few buttons on the keyboard in front of him to bring the giant monitor above the control panel to life. “Can you write?”
“Yes.” The word left your mouth before you could even think about it.
“Good. You’ll take care of that then.” Yoongi slid a blank yellow notepad into the empty space on the control panel between you. “Though we’ll need to do the melody before that.”
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The next time the two of you met was almost a week later. It’d been sometime late in the afternoon when you both finally had time in your schedules. Because for some stupid reason, even though both of your classes were combined to work on the project, it had to be done outside of class.
As if you didn’t already have enough things to stress over. Like say, securing a job for after graduation.
During the first meeting between the two of you, you’d already decided on what kind of song you wanted to make. Something upbeat, but not over the top, though not boring either. You weren’t a huge fan of sounding like every other music artist out there and apparently Yoongi had felt the same. So it’d been easy to come up with.
He’d texted over a few ideas for the concept and you’d been pleasantly surprised at how serious he took it. At how complex and layered the ideas he’d come up with were. They were a lot better than anything you could have ever dreamed up and you were beyond astonished.
Especially when he met you outside of his studio door, blond hair was secured back off his forehead by a white headband,  and greeted you with, “I finished the track.”
“Already?” Shock was clear in your voice and you watched open mouthed as he unlocked the door and held it open for you to follow him inside. The lights flickered on overhead, but you were too busy staring at his back to notice. “That was quick, holy shit.”
Yoongi shrugged off your awe and wiggled the mouse to bring his computer to life. “It was no big deal. And now we can work on the melody.”
Still gaping at the blond, you shuffled forward to drop your bag next to your chair. “Okay. Um. Where should we start?”
Pulling out his chair, he sat down and lazily dragged the mouse over to open up his production software. “Listen to it first and let me know if you want to make any changes.”
“Yeah, okay.” You plopped down into your own chair and watched as he pressed play.
The music that poured from the expensive speakers started off slowly until it tapered off into what you assumed would be the first chorus. And you found yourself unconsciously tapping your fingers against your thigh when the bridge finally hit, you had to bite your lip to contain an excited smile. The moment it ended, you twisted in your chair to see that he was already looking at you. Though he kept his face blank, you could literally see question lingering behind those cat-like eyes of his.
“Mm.” You hummed, nodding your head and trying your damnedest to keep the grin from your face.
When you failed to say anything more, Yoongi raised his eyebrows. “Mm?”
“Mm.” You finally let the smile touch your lips. “I really liked it. It’s good.”
“Yeah?” He reached out to stop the track from replaying on a loop. “Any changes?”
“Nah. I like it just the way it is.”
“Alright.” Was what he responded with, but you could tell that he was pleased beneath that hard exterior of his. “The melody then.”
“The melody.” You agreed.
Min Yoongi was extremely anal when it came to anything he attached his name to.
That was probably why he had so many music companies vying for his attention. Not only did he produce nothing short of perfect tracks, but he’d even made some cash on the side selling some of them. Or so you’d heard through the grapevine.
Which was exactly why you were left staring at the blank notebook settled across your crossed legs. The pen in your hand had yet to put ink to the blank pages hours after you’d gotten home. All because some guy intimidated the hell out of you.
Most of the songs you wrote were fine. But that was the problem.  
Min Yoongi didn’t do fine. And you had no doubt in your mind that he’d tear your work to absolute shreds should you present him something lackluster. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so quick to jump the gun and tell him you’d be fine writing by yourself.
It was way too late now.
“How long are you going to stare like that?”
Snapping out of your self-degrading thoughts, you turned to look over your shoulder. Jennie, your ever present roommate, was standing behind the couch shoving spoonfuls of cereal into her mouth. By the lack of makeup on her face and the messy bun her long black hair was thrown up into, she was more than likely about to go to bed.
“Stare like what?” You asked with a poorly concealed pout, pulling out your earbuds that’d been playing the track on a constant loop.
“Like you’re constipated or something.” Jennie waved her spoon at you before dipping it back into the bowl to scoop up more soggy cereal. “Project really giving you that much trouble?”
She didn’t necessarily know exactly what was going on with you, not exactly. Sure, she knew that you were partners with Yoongi and had been spending a lot of time with the man for the project. But she didn’t know just how much pressure you were under. Self-inflicted or not.
“These lyrics are kicking my ass.” Groaning, you leaned to the side until you were sprawled out on the couch.
“Why?” Jennie rested her arms against the back of it, bowl of milk and cereal hovering over you dangerously. “They don’t normally.”
She had a point. It wasn’t usually so difficult to write a damn song, but you also didn’t usually have a perfectionist genius as a partner. Instead of saying that though, you just threw your arms over your face. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just not cut out for this, ‘ya know? I should drop out while I still can.”
“O-kay.” You could hear her exasperated eye roll. “Don’t stress so much about it. You know, whenever you’re done being overdramatic.”
Jennie successfully dodged the couch pillow you chucked after fleeing footsteps. A buzz from your phone had you reaching for it blindly and the text on the screen had you burying your face into the cushions.
Min Yoongi: you free tomorrow?
Y/n: yeah. Same time?
His response came in not even five seconds later.
Min Yoongi: works for me
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“So, see you tomorrow?” The question left your lips as you packed your stuff back into your bag. You still hadn’t been able to come up with any lyrics. At least none good enough to show your partner. So while you’d both been in the studio, you’d busied yourself trying to write and Yoongi had been doing whatever it was that he did.
He’d just powered down the computer he’d been working on and shook his head without looking at you. “I can’t tomorrow. I have plans.”
“Oh, really?” That came as a surprise. The fact that there was something or someone out there that could force the Min Yoongi to ditch working on a song. “What kind of plans?”
Ever since you’d showed up with food two weeks ago, he’d been a little more amicable towards you. Not as closed off. Which, of course, only led to you bringing some with you every day. Maybe food being the way to a man’s heart really applied to every man. Nonetheless, with the way the two of you would banter back and forth without heat made you hope that it wasn’t just you who considered him a friend.
Yoongi paused, only for a moment, but he paused all the same in throwing his bag over his shoulder before he answered. “I...have a show.”
“A show?” Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you stood up. That was the last thing you would have expected to leave his mouth. “What kind of show?”
“It’s not the type of show you’d want to watch.” He headed for the door and you scrambled to follow after him.
Leaning against the wall while he locked up the door, you folded your arms across your chest. “Why? You a stripper or something?”
Yoongi didn’t even spare you a look, just pocketed his keys and started down the hallway, apparently assuming that you’d follow. “You saying I wouldn’t be a good stripper?”
He’d assumed correctly. Your legs raced to catch up. “I never said that. You insinuated that all by yourself.”
An amused scoff passed his lips, but that was all you got in response. You weren’t about to letter the matter drop though. “So, are you?”
“Am I what?”
“A stripper.”
A pause. And then Yoongi met your sparkling gaze and shook his head with a huffing laugh. “No, I’m not a stripper.”
“Well, if your show isn’t anything rated NC-18, then can I go?”
“Why would you want to go?”
His question had you sending him a hesitant look. “Because we’re friends, aren't we?”
A heavy sigh escaped him. “If I say no, will you stop asking?”
You pretended to think for a minute before clicking your tongue. “Nope.”
He looked over at you, feline eyes squinting in contemplation. As much as Min Yoongi liked to act like he came across as aloof, he was a lot easier to read than he probably thought. And he must have found whatever it was he was looking for, because his thoughtful pout turned into a careless shrug.
“Whatever. Fine.”
“Sweet.” You grinned up at him and finally let him go on his merry way.
It was difficult to find a parking spot. You’d had to loop around the block at least ten times before you were finally able to squeeze your car into a space between two giant SUVs. The spot wasn’t exactly close to where you were supposed to meet Yoongi, but it was the best you could do.
When he’d texted you the address, you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t a little apprehensive at first. It was located on the outskirts of downtown where you’d never been before. Because the further out you went from the center of the city, the more dangerous it got.
Y/n: I’m here.
You sent the text off to Yoongi and cut the car engine. Throwing a glance at the clock on the dash, you silently thanked yourself for leaving a bit early in order to get there in time. The sun had long gone down and the moon had taken its place, so the streets were dark. Only lit up by the street lamps and lights that bled from apartment windows. Most of the businesses were closed for the night, the corner store half a block down was the only one still open.
You had about six blocks to walk and was just about to get out of your car when your phone started vibrating in your hand.
“Hello?” You answered the call, voice pitched with barely concealed amusement.
“Where are you?” Yoongi’s voice was even deeper over the phone, if that were possible. And you could hear the sounds of cars driving past him in the background.
You rolled your eyes even though he wasn’t there to see it. “I told you that I’m here.”
He sighed into the phone and you just knew that he was making a face. “Where is ‘here’ exactly?”
“Like, parked a few blocks away.” You popped your car door open, turning back to the passenger seat to grab your bag. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be there.”
“Stay where you are.” Yoongi demanded and you raised an eyebrow. “I’ll come get you.”
“You don’t have to.” You huffed a laugh. “I have two legs, ‘ya know.”
“Really? Never noticed.” In the background, voices blended in with the sound of cars. “This neighborhood isn’t exactly the safest. So just tell me where you are so I can make sure you don’t get stabbed or something.”
“‘Stabbed or something?’” It was difficult to hide your amusement now, but you obeyed and got back inside your car anyway, letting him know what street you were on. “My knight in shining armor, you say the most romantic things.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. You knew he did. “Nevermind. Maybe I’ll just let you get stabbed while I make my escape.”
The bark of laughter that left you was impossible to contain. “I could run faster than you and you know it. So try me.”
“I’m hanging up.”
“Yeah okay. You wouldn't--”
A click told you that yes, he would. And you were left staring down at your phone with open mouthed disbelief. How dare he? You were just about to call him back and tell him as much, when a knock on your car window had you jumping with a small shriek.
Yoongi stood right outside your door with his fist still raised and a gummy grin on his pouty lips. You just stuck your tongue out at him childishly and grabbed your bag before slipping out of your car. “You’re a bully.”
He slid his hands into the pockets of his dark colored jeans and shrugged. “Would a bully walk all the way over here to make sure you don’t get robbed?”
Now it was your turn to shrug, taking him in and pretending not to see his onyx eyes slide down your body. Yoongi was dressed casually like usual. With a plain white t-shirt and a black zip up jacket thrown over it, he pulled it off like he’d just stepped off a magazine cover. How in the hell he always managed to do that was a mystery to you. And you knew you didn’t compare to him, even with your high-waisted white joggers and grey crop top.
Whatever. It wasn’t like it was bright enough outside to matter anyway.
“That sounds exactly like something a robber would say.” You flicked your hair over your shoulder and took off down the cracked sidewalk, making sure to lock your car behind you.
“Not like there’d be much to steal.” Yoongi’s voice caught up to you right as he did, walking side by side with the occasional brushing of his shoulder against yours.
You responded to his playful jab by lightly smacking his arm. “Careful there. Keep saying such poetic words and you’ll make me fall in love with you, Min Yoongi.”
He went quiet, but you could feel him looking at you from the corner of his eye. His gaze was a weight that burned through you, a light shining through the night.
The rest of the walk passed by pretty quickly, especially when nobody jumped out of an alleyway to rob you at knifepoint. Whether or not that was because of the man walking at your side, or something else, it didn’t matter. Not when the building you were headed to for the night popped up in the distance.
It looked like any other building on the street, with rough brick siding and a glowing red and green sign advertising the bar. Situated on the corner, you were just about to head inside when Yoongi’s hand caught your arm.
“It’s this way.” He answered your confused look by tugging you gently down the alleyway right next to the bar.
“But I thought it was inside.” You glanced back behind you before looking back towards the dead ended alley.
Yoongi dropped his hand from your arm. “It is.”
“Ah, makes sense.” You nodded sarcastically, successfully drawing a smile from your escort.
“Be patient and you’ll see.”
True to his word, you saw what he meant when he came to a stop outside of a side door. There weren’t any signs or anything indicated what it led to, but you could take a guess as Yoongi pulled it open and gestured for you to enter first.
It was dark inside and you had to squint in the dim lighting in order to see anything. You were in what appeared to be some kind of entrance that reminded you of one of the speakeasies downtown. Though there wasn’t a soul in sight, just a staircase at the end of the short hall. Unless you counted the loud base of music pounding through your feet and straight to your bones. The door slammed shut behind Yoongi and then he was taking the lead towards the stairs.
The further down you went, the louder the music got until it was all you could hear. And once you got to the bottom of the stairs and turned into the room, you found out why. Bodies were packed wall-to-wall, some moving to the music pouring from the speakers and others nodding their heads with drinks in their hands. Red and purple lights made the room seem bigger than it actually was, made it easier to lose yourself in the crowd.
Yoongi had taken you to an underground club. Which just made you all the more curious about just what kind of show he was going to be performing in.
“Want a drink?” Yoongi’s voice, even though spoken directly in your ear, was barely distinguishable from the lyrics bleeding through the room.
You simply nodded, taking care not to bash your head into his nose from where he was leaning over for you to hear him. He said something you couldn’t hear, words lost to the crowd. But you assumed he wanted you to follow him when he started to merge himself into the throngs of people. Just when you thought that you’d have to try and fight your way through to keep up with him, he was reaching back to grab your hand.
Wrapped his slender fingers around yours without sparing you a second look.
He was just trying to make sure you didn’t get lost in the crowd. Yeah, that was it. There was no other reason for it, so therefore your heart had no reason to speed up. To thump in time with the bass as you followed behind him. Especially when the warmth from his palm slid into yours.
“What do you want?” Yoongi turned back to speak in your ear. Shit, you hadn’t even realized that you’d already reached the packed bar. So you forced yourself to focus on the two bartenders running around behind it, rather than the hand still in yours.
“Tequila.” You answered. Yoongi raised both eyebrows in surprise before turning back to the bar. With his eyes no longer on you, it made breathing a whole lot easier. And you turned your attention away from Yoongi’s slim back and towards the stage.
It was all the way on the other side of the room and you watched as a guy walked across it with a mic in his hands. The music was lowered and his voice cracked to life through the speakers. Whatever announcement he was making went in one ear and out the other because Yoongi turned back around with a plastic cup extended out towards you. His other hand was empty and you sent him a questioning look.
Whether or not he knew what you were silently asking, or was just making a general announcement, he answered your question. “I have to perform soon.”
You made an ‘o’ with your mouth and accepted the drink with a smile in thanks. “You still haven’t told me what you’re gonna be doing.”
You had to stand on your tippy-toes in order for Yoongi to hear you, which didn’t go unnoticed by him if the amused gleam in his eyes was anything to go by. “You’ll see.”
Which was exactly how you found yourself with another drink in your hands and your back leaning against the bar. If you were being completely honest, you hadn’t been sure what to expect. A lot of different things had popped into your mind about what kind of shows your partner liked to put on. Some ranging from completely ridiculous, to weird, to funny.
But none of them had been this.
Min Yoongi was a lot of things. A talented producer, a deep thinker, a musical genius.
Never would you have thought to add “rapper” to the list. You should have known, was a little surprised at yourself for not being able to guess. Like all other things Min Yoongi, he was incredibly good at it. Took to the stage like a natural. And you were completely awestruck, unable to look away the whole time he was up on that stage, letting words flow from his lips like some kind of poetic river.
Calm, yet bubbling over with the effortless way he captured the attention of everyone in the room. The track he rapped over was fast paced, but he had no trouble keeping up and keeping the crowd engaged at the same time. He performed three songs, but it wasn’t enough. And judging by the one last look at the crowd Yoongi took before exiting the stage, it wasn’t enough for him either.
Whoever took his place didn’t have one ounce of your attention. And maybe that was rude or whatever, but you didn’t care. Not when you caught sight of his blond head making its way towards you. He got stopped multiple times along the way by people congratulating him with pats on the back or short conversations.
By the time Yoongi finally made his way back to your side, your second drink was extended out to him with a grin on your face. You’d barely even taken a sip from it, so it was completely full and beginning to sweat water. “That was amazing!”
The performer on stage was loud, but you could tell that Yoongi heard you by the smile he tried and failed to hide behind the rim of the plastic cup. But you weren’t going to leave it at that, grabbing a hold of his shoulders and squeezing to make sure you got your point across. “Like, incredibly amazing! Why didn’t you tell me you could rap like that?”
“You never asked.” He shrugged. Yoongi wasn’t the type of person to feed off of compliments, you knew that. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t appreciate them. The way his onyx colored eyes glittered told as much. And when he tilted the plastic cup back and drained the contents, the confidence that flowed beneath his skin gave it away too. “You wanna get out of here?”
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“Where are we going?”
“Patience, young padawan.”
A snort of amusement from the passenger side of your car had you throwing Yoongi a wink. He completely ignored you in favor of thumbing through the playlist on your phone. It was hooked up to the radio via bluetooth and ever since you’d left the underground club, he’d been focused on silently judging you for your music choices.
When Yoongi had suggested bailing on the club, he hadn’t really had a particular place in mind. Which you’d soon figured out the moment you stepped out the door. He’d taken the subway to the place, so you’d all but shoved him into your car before he had a chance to say no.
“You really have Ariana Grande on here?” He wiggled your phone in your peripheral and you would have rolled your eyes if you weren’t too busy merging off the freeway.
“What’s wrong with Ari?” You huffed in mock offense.
“I can literally hear the judgement in your voice.”
“Maybe you should focus on the road then.”
Now you really did roll your eyes. Though the bark of laughter that accompanied it showed your lack of annoyance. “I would if we weren’t already here.”
Yoongi looked up from your phone just as you were putting the car into park. His eyes squinted into the dark with a furrow of his eyebrows. “We’re at the beach?”
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’ and turned off your car, quickly hopping out before you could fall victim to his flatline stare.
The scent of sea salt lingered in the semi-humid air and you paused for a moment to inhale deeply. There was nothing quite like the smell of the ocean, and when the passenger side door opened and closed, you rounded the car to wave Yoongi along. He caught up to you right as your shoe hit the wooden planks of the boardwalk. You’d had to park way back in one of the lots far away from the beach for whatever godforsaken reason.
Shopfronts, closed and shuttered by metal grates due to the late hour, greeted you as you walked down the path. And Yoongi’s presence at your side was calming. Hell, everything about that man was. Never would you have thought that about him, not at first. Not with the rocky way your friendship had started.
Neither would you have expected the warmth that bloomed in your chest everytime he looked at you with those pretty eyes of his. Or flashed you one of his patented gummy smiles. He’d somehow wormed a place into your heart with that sarcastic wit of his. No, the last thing you would have expected from your final project was this.
But you didn’t mind. Even if he didn’t feel the same way, only looked at you like a friend, you didn’t mind. Because you’d take anything he offered you. And if a friendship was all he was willing to give, that was okay too.
“Where are we going exactly?” Yoongi’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you glanced up at him to see that he was already looking at you.
“Do we need to have a destination?” You shot back with a wiggle of your eyebrows. “It’s all in the journey.”
He rolled his eyes skyward as if silently asking why me, but let a smile touch his lips anyway “And this journey leads to the beach I’m guessing?”
“Maybe.” You dragged out the syllables, nudging your shoulder with his playfully. “Don’t tell me you don’t like the beach.”
“Who doesn’t like the beach?”
“That’s exactly what I’m--whoa.” Your feet came to a halt right as you stepped out from between two shops, where the boardwalk met the beach. Yoongi stopped at your side, but you didn’t even notice.
Because you were too busy staring at the apparent concert that was being held further down the beach. Apparently the loud music you’d heard from the parking lot wasn’t from one of the many speakers placed throughout the boardwalk. Well, that would explain the lack of parking at least.
Even from where the two of you stood, you could tell that the crowd was huge. They took up a big chunk of the beach, bodies nothing but a dark mass in the distance as they danced to the music from the stage. You couldn’t tell who it was, not that far away. But the multicolored lights flashed into the sky like a beacon.
“I wonder who’s performing.” Yoongi’s mumble had you bending down to unlace your shoes. “What’re you doing?”
“You wanna know who’s performing?” Slipping off your socks, you threw both those and your shoes into your bag. Once it was closed up, you sent Yoongi a conspiratorial wink. “Let’s go find out.”
He didn’t move, just gave you a look before realization dawned on his face. “You want to sneak in.”
It was a statement, not a question, but you nodded your head anyway. “Come on, when will you ever have the chance to do something like this again. Don’t tell me you’re scared we’ll get caught.”
Yoongi scoffed, but leaned down to slip off his shoes in an uncharacteristic move. You knew he wasn’t much of a partier and didn’t do things like this very often. So the fact that he was caving to your suggestion had your mind whirling. “I’m just surprised, is all.”
“At what?”
A smirk was thrown your way as he stood back up, but that was all the answer you got. After all the time you’ve spent with the man, you’d like to consider yourself a Yoongi Whisperer. So that smirk probably meant something along the lines of: I’m surprised that you’re a super awesome badass.
Or something.
“Just come on.” You grabbed his hand without thinking, dragging him behind you onto the sand. When he failed to complain, you took that as a greenlight to continue doing so.
When his fingers linked themselves with yours, it took all you had to not falter in your steps. To pretend like you weren’t affected by such a thoughtless action. To calm the rapid beating of your heart.
The closer you got to the concert, the louder the music got, until you could hear the roar of the crowd over the artist on stage. It was EDM, or at least sounded like it. Of course, as soon as you got closer, you spotted your first hurdle. One you’d been unable to see from far away.
A chain link fence stood between the two of you and a night of fun. It had your shoulders deflating before you even realized it, and you turned to the blond at your side. “Should we climb it or something?”
Biting your lip, you eyed just how far up it was. Even if the two of you managed to climb it, there was no way that you wouldn’t be spotted by security. And being arrested was the last thing on your to-do list.
“Or.” Yoongi crossed over to the fence and wrapped his hands along the bottom of it. With a quick glance around to make sure that no one was looking, he lifted it up and back, bending it backwards with just enough space left at the bottom for someone to squeeze underneath.
There was no way that he would have been strong enough on his own to lift it, and a closer look had you snorting a laugh. Apparently the two of you weren’t the only ones who’d had the idea to sneak in.
“You going?” He questioned and you started forward before a smartass remark could leave his mouth.
The sand was cool beneath your body as you shimmied underneath the space between the fence and the ground. And once you were on the other side, you crouched down and grabbed the fence from Yoongi to pull back towards your side. “I’m surprised that you’re going along with this, to be honest. Don’t you hate music like this?”
He grunted as he crawled across the sand towards you. “You wanted to.”
“So?” Your voice was soft, but he was still able to hear you over the pounding bass. The fence dropped from your fingers once he was on your side, but you didn’t move, just stared up at him as he stood.
“So.” Yoongi started, extending a hand down to help you up. “Are you coming?”
His answer had warmth blossoming in your chest and a tiny smile blooming on your face. Had you reaching out to let him help you up off the sand. He didn’t let go while you brushed yourself off, but he did guide the both of you towards the writhing crowd, if only to avoid being spotted by security.
It was a good thing that Yoongi was a slim man, because it made slipping through the numerous dancing bodies closer towards the stage a whole lot easier. You’d made it to about the middle when he stopped and tugged you closer to join him in a pocket of space between two different groups of people. The scent of marijuana mixed in with sea salt from the ocean in a cocktail that usually accompanied things like that.
“Dance with me.” You spoke into Yoongi’s ear, ignoring the excited flush you felt at being so close to him.
“I can’t dance.” He stated, despite the hand he slipped around your waist and pressed into your back. Whether or not to move you out of the range of the group of girls dancing wildly behind you, or something else, you didn’t know.
Chest to chest, you’d be surprised if he couldn’t feel how fast your heart was beating. “Mm. I don’t believe you. Everyone can dance.”
“That’s a lie.” Yoongi’s lips were titled up at the corners and his gaze on you was soft. Gentle.
The flashing lights on the stage flickered through his dark colored eyes. Turned those once pools of onyx into a glittering galaxy that you couldn’t look away from. That hypnotized you like the beat that pulsed beneath your skin and drowned your ears.
“That’s not true.” Your mumble was lost to the crowd. Buried somewhere underneath the music as he moved closer. And the butterflies nestled deep in your gut fluttered their wings when his other hand cupped the side of your face.
Your eyes fluttered closed when his nose brushed yours and his breath fanned across your cheek. That was the only warning you got before his mouth was on yours. His lips were soft and he tasted like the strawberry chapstick he liked to wear. And the kiss, like everything Min Yoongi, was slow. Not in a lazy way. More like he was taking the time to savor it. To remember what your hair felt like as he slid his hand into it.
Or the way you involuntarily sighed into his mouth when his teeth caught your bottom lip. How your fingers found their way into the short hairs at the nape of his neck when you pulled him closer. How he’d had to hold back a laugh at the way you were standing on your tippy-toes in order to reach him.
You probably wouldn’t have pulled away and neither would he, if it weren’t for the rain that suddenly tore from the sky like an opened dam. Drenching anything and everything around it faster than you could blink. It had you forcing yourself away from the magnetizing pull of Yoongi’s lips to give him an eye crinkling smile.
“What was that for?” You didn’t care if you were getting wet.
Neither did he apparently, because he ran a thumb over the lips he’d just kissed, sending shivers down your spine. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“No. Break it down for me.”
He met your imploring gaze almost bashfully, eyes squinting from the rain. “I’ve liked you since practically the beginning of the semester.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “What? Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
Yoongi shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t know how.”
Shaking your head in disbelief, you let out a small laugh. “I can’t believe you, Min Yoongi.”
He opened his mouth to respond when he was cut off by a loud clap of thunder. Both of you glanced up at the dark sky at the same time.
Everyone around you was either ignoring the torrential downpour or shrieking and attempting to use anything to shield themselves from getting wet. Once the sound of thunder echoed a streak of lightning, you knew what was about to happen next and turned to meet Yoongi’s eyes. He, like everyone else, was drenched and his blond hair stuck to the damp skin of his face. It had you grinning at the pout on his mouth and you leaned forward to press your lips to his one final time before pulling away.
“We should get out of here before everyone else decides to do the same.” You had to shout to be heard over both the rain and the noise from everything else. It was only a matter of time before the concert got either canceled or postponed due to the thunderstorm and you didn’t want to be caught in the middle.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Yoongi wiped water from his eyes and grabbed your hand to start navigating the hell out of there.
And as your eyes trained themselves to his slim back and your fingers interlocked themselves with his, you smiled. The lyrics that you’d been struggling so hard to write came to life beneath the fire in your chest. You had no one but the man in front of you to thank for the inspiration.
Min Yoongi was a lot of things.
A musical genius, a poet, a light in a sea of darkness.
Min Yoongi was nothing if not beautiful.
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hypfic · 4 years
Ikebukuro Otome 109: Ch. 3 First Meeting [pt. 2]
“Alright! That should be the last of ‘em!” You wiped sweat from your brow after placing down the last of your boxes. “I think we deserve a break, can I get you something to drink? Water? Tea? I bought some Caplico yesterday at the dollar store.”
“Tea sounds great, thanks y/n,” Ichiro grinned from the couch, pushing some of his bangs up out of his face. You told yourself not to stare from over the counter. 
After pouring two cups of cold tea, you walked back to the living room and handed Ichiro a glass before sitting on the opposite side of the sofa. The two of you sat in an awkward silence as you sipped your drinks, avoiding each other's eyes. 
“So uh,” Ichiro cleared his throat, “Do you want to start unpacking some of your boxes? Or would you want to go out and grab some lunch and walk around for a bit?”
You choked a bit on your drink, swallowing hard before placing the cup in your lap. “Sorry,” you chuckled embarrassedly, “But yea, I’m starving! I don’t know much around here though… I guess that’s why I have an expert here with me, huh?” You gave Ichiro a smile. 
“That is what I’m here for I guess,” he laughed along with you, a hint of pink clouding at the top of his ears, Ichiro prayed that you didn’t notice. You did. 
“Alrighty then! I just need to go grab a sweatshirt out of one of my boxes of clothes…. I’ll be right back! Don’t go anywhere!” You decided to shove the image of Ichiro’s blushing ears out of your mind. It was probably only because the two of you had been sweating by moving boxes around all day… yeah.
You close the door to your bedroom and pressed your back against it, smacking your blushing cheeks with your palms. Pull it together! God, what was this? A shoujo manga? No, this was real life, not some Otome game… Ugh, curse Ramuda for setting this all up!  You sighed and walked over to one of the boxes on the bed and fished out a random sweatshirt from the bottom. Without looking, you pulled it on over your head and hurried out of the bedroom. 
“Ok! Ready to go!” You chirped enthusiastically, grabbing your bag from behind the couch, freezing when you looked over and saw Ichiro grinning. “U-Uh… is there something on my face?”
“No, no, I was just admiring your Godzilla sweatshirt. You didn’t strike me as a fan, that’s all.”
“What? I work in video games, you didn’t expect me to be into giant fighting monsters? Gimme a break!” You teased, hoping that your confident attitude would hide your blushing face. 
“Well, I guess that’s true,” Ichiro pondered, “Are you a serious fan or just here for the aesthetic?”
“Bold of you to assume I would be simply swayed by pure aesthetics. I may work in design but I happen to be full of surprises. One of those happens to be my love for giant sea-lizards….” Might as well shoot out an embarrassing fact since you already exposed yourself with your clothing choice. “I have every movie on DVD, limited editions too…”
“I see you’re a woman of culture as well,” He chuckled, “You’ll have to show me your archives sometime, I’m impressed!”
You had to concentrate hard not to blush. “Sure! Not today though, I gotta make sure you wanna come back and see me.” 
“Hmm, I’m surprised you thought that would be an issue. I wasn’t planning on helping you move in and then leave you in the dust, no need to worry. We could have a marathon sometime!” Ichiro paused, “Ah, maybe that was a little forward… I’m just excited to have someone besides my brothers that’s interested in the same things.”
“No you’re fine! That sounds like a great plan! Uhm, but for now I’m hungry. I think I could eat an entire barbeque!” 
“Well, lucky for you I know a great spot for that!” He shot up from the couch, “It’s not that far from here, actually. I think it’s a five minute walk?” Ichiro pulled out his phone to check.
You peeked around his shoulder as he showed his phone to you, “Damn, not bad at all!” 
The conversation between you and Ichiro didn’t lag as the two of you had lunch together. From the walk to the restaurant and throughout your meal, there wasn’t a dull moment. You and Ichiro seemed to have a lot in common. While he was a bit timid to admit it at first, he never really was a super social person. He used to be involved in some pretty bad stuff as a kid, so he never really had a normal, friend-filled childhood. The only two people he had as a constant were his two younger brothers and his teammates, Jiro and Saburo. Ichiro didn’t elaborate on it much, but he briefly mentioned his start in rapping and his road to where he was now. In turn, you shared your story. It was nowhere near as impressive or elaborate as the other’s, but you shared nonetheless. The two of you discussed favorite niches, anime, and games to which you shared similar tastes. You asked about his music and he asked about your designs. It was nice to just… talk to someone about what you liked and have them be interested. Ichiro also talked a lot about his brothers, proudly showing you photos of them and laughing while sharing stories. You didn’t have any siblings of your own, so it was nice to see what that life was like. By the time lunch was finished, the two of you had stayed in the restaurant till their four-o-clock closing time. Neither of you realised. You were too busy laughing to tears and enjoying yourself. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so… happy to talk to someone. Sure you always had Ramuda to lean on and chill with, his teammates too, but there was some sort of barrier there between them. With Ichiro… that barrier didn’t seem to exist. You pondered on that realisation as the two of you walked back to your apartment. Maybe it was the similar interests? The closeness in age? No, it couldn’t be the age, Ramuda and his posse weren’t too much older. Whatever it was, the two of you just… clicked. 
The two of you continued talking as you entered the elevator up to your third story apartment. You so badly wanted to reach over and push all the buttons so you could spend more time talking with him. It was getting to be well into the evening and you knew he had a family to get back to. You stopped in front of your apartment door and turned to him. 
“Thanks for all your help today, Ichiro-sa– Ichiro. I really appreciate it,” You said with a smile and a slight bow. “I would invite you in for dinner but…. I haven’t gotten any actual groceries and your brothers are probably waiting at home for you. Some other time maybe?”
“That would be awesome! Maybe we could uh watch some of your Godzilla collection too?” He smiled bashfully. 
You nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds like a perfect plan!” Your heart was pounding in your chest. 
Ichiro’s phone rang and he sighed, “That’s my queue to get home,” he sent the call to voicemail and returned it to his pocket. “It was great getting to know you today, text me and we can plan something soon,”  He waved with a grin as he turned on his heel and walked down the hall. 
After he was out of sight, you let yourself into the apartment and slid down against the door. You placed your head in your hands and screamed softly. This was bad, you couldn’t be falling for someone so easily. 
Ramuda totally knew that this would happen. That bastard. He was setting you up! He always liked to try playing Cupid with you. Ohhh you were going to kill that little pink man. 
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T A G L I S T: @mguqiis @hypnosis-mic-smuts
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closedafterdark · 4 years
Part Timer
Dreamcatcher Minji x Male Reader
6644 words
categories: smut, oral, creampie, employee minji
Read on AFF
Note: Brief mention of Dreamcatcher members from nsfwtwicecatcher’s stories.
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Life works in mysterious ways.
Walking into a convenience store can be quite the stimulating experience.
The familiar tune of the doorbell being rung upon entering. The relieving rush of air conditioning. Thousands of plastic packages covered in bright colors ranging from simple descriptions of the item with cutesy cartoon animal characters to promotional shots of the model approving of the product.
It can be hard to navigate the refrigerated section of triangle kimbap with various fillings or the hundreds of bottles of tea in assorted flavors.
From wanting to expand lunch options, picking out the best snack for a quick break from life, or finally finding that specific ramen flavor that brought back fond memories, convenience stores have something for everyone.
Convenience stores were especially popular with the younger demographic. The affordability of the products meant a high school student's allowance or a college student's frugality can both stretch their money significantly. Most stores took advantage of this, often doing promotional deals such as buy one, get one or multiples of a product for a discounted amount.
"That'll be 9,000 won please" the cashier says after scanning two red Marlboro boxes.
You were patiently waiting your turn, a cup of ramen and banana milk in your arms.
Once the person in front of you pays for their cigarettes after complaining why the tobacco tax was so high, you place the items down next to the cash register.
"That'll be 2,000 won please"
Fumbling around your pockets, you realize you were out of money. You were completely broke after paying this month's rent and your friends wanting to celebrate one of your oldest friends getting promoted in their corporate job. You had enough money to pay with cash but remembered you had an app that contained store credits.
As you hand the cashier your phone, you look up. She wore a blue, orange and green tri-colored vest that replicated the colors outside the store. Her nametag was neatly placed on the left side, the GS-25 logo clearly visible. Underneath the vest was a white crewneck sweater with Mickey Mouse imprinted across. 
Her smile was very inviting, making you question how she was able to keep such a cheerful expression for long periods of time. Her makeup less face complimented her dark, chestnut hair that was playfully teased to give a slightly wavy look. You felt quite shabby seeing how beautiful she was even in such a simple outfit. You had thrown on a pair of joggers and wore the same Mickey Mouse shirt you wore to bed last night, the shirt creased from you tossing back and forth trying to fall asleep from the summer heat.
"Oh, you like Mickey too?" She says as she hands back your phone after scanning the QR code, getting your attention.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I have a lot of these kinda shirts at home"
"Really? So do I. Mickey's my favorite" she said, her warm smile washing away whatever embarrassed feelings you had previously.
"Kim Jiyoo" you said, reading the name tag on her vest.
"That's me" Jiyoo replies, her eyes shining brightly at the delight of her name being called. "My real name is actually Minji, but my family and friends have been calling me Jiyoo forever that I've gotten used to it"
"I see. Well thank you for the items, Miss Jiyoo Minji" you reply, smiling at her.
"Please, either Jiyoo or Minji is fine" she giggles. "I haven't seen your face before"
"Yeah, I just moved to the neighborhood yesterday" you explain. "Finally living on my own"
"Really? I'm so jealous. I still have to live at home with my parents and brother" Minji pouted, puffing her cheeks at you with a cute sad reaction.
"Hey, stay positive! I'm sure you'll be able to move out soon!"
"Really? You think so?"
You and Minji turn around and see an extremely large line has formed behind you, almost reaching the entrance. This store was extremely popular, you're sure having a beautiful woman as the employee made it that way.
You apologize to the customers and bow.
"Thank you again, Minji" you say, quickly grabbing your things and beginning to leave.
"Wait, I didn't catch your name!" Minji yells, tilting her head to see where you were.
"I'll drop by again tomorrow!" You yell, briefly being seen again by the door before leaving. Minji wanted to talk more, but was pleased to know you would be returning the next day. She smiled brightly at the customers and quickly got them in and out of the store.
And drop by the next day you did. Everyday for the entire month in fact. Some nights were slower than others, which allowed you and Minji to really get to know each other. Most of the time you didn't really need to buy anything, but dropped by anyways because you looked forward to your daily conversations with her. Minji would complain to you about the rude customers she had to deal with or how her and a group of friends had aspirations to be famous one day.
"What are you guys calling yourselves again?" You asked, slurping up noodles Minji made for you both.
"Dreamcatcher! We want fans to dream of us" Minji replies with her mouth full of ramen.
"That's the stupidest name I've ever heard! I preferred the first one you gave. What was it called? Minx?" You laughed at her, probably not the smartest thing to do. Minji pouted and hit your shoulder before replying.
"Ugh gross! I guarantee you this is what'll happen if we were named Minx. We'll debut with a cute concept. Two years will go by with steady growth but still no traction. We disband and go our separate ways" Minji yells, pointing her chopsticks at you in anger. 
"So, tell me about these friends of yours" you ask, taking a rather large chug of water.
"Hmm, what's there to say? I'm the oldest out of all 7 of us. We all have day jobs so it's hard to find time to meet. Here's a photo of some of them" Minji replies as she scrolls through her phone, handing you it as you see three women: one towering over the other two as they smile brightly, posing in business like clothing.
"The giant's name is Kim Yoohyun. We call her the silver puppy. Kim Bora's the busty one you see there. That bitch really needs to cover her tits. Anyways, the small bean on the right is Lee Gahyun, an intern. Yoo and Bora have been with the company for several years now. Gahyun was about to be fired due to slacking on the job, but she and Bora managed to entice their coworker into letting her stay"
"Enticed how? And wow, Yoohyun has an ass on her" you say, scrolling through Minji's phone and finding a photo of her friend posing for the camera.
"Give me that!" Minji says, yanking her phone from you.
"Let's just say the girls have an... interesting relationship with Bora's coworker"
The two of you see a younger man approach your table. He looked like a carbon copy of Minji, just taller. And a guy.
"Taehyun, what are you doing here?"
"Mom asked me to ask you for some money. “Oh, hey hyung”
Minji takes some money out of her wallet, but retracts it when Taehyun reaches for it.
"What is this for?"
"She wants to buy pastries from the baker that just opened up"
"Are you sure? Ah, mom has her own money. Why does she keep asking me for some”
"Yes" Taehyun replies, snatching the money from her hand before running. Thanks noona!"
"Ah, that kid. I already know he's gonna spend it at the pc bang. Sorry about my dumb brother. Like I was saying, Bora and her coworker are pretty much senior members at the company. All the responsibility for zero increase in pay. When it came to intern evaluations to see who was going to be cut, her coworker convinced Bora that Gahyun would be their intern after some… interesting evaluations”
"So they slept with him?"
"Yoo was the first one, being his personal secretary and all. She said he dropped a pen one day during a business call and when she went to pick it up under his desk, she saw what he was hiding under his slacks so she sucked him off. Bora’s encounter with him happened when they worked late one night and got caught in a storm, so they ended up getting a hotel room for the night. Even though he's had turns with Gahyun and Bora, I really think him and puppy will end up together. She already spends half of the week at his place anyways and goes on and on about how great in bed he is"
"Well, I now know about your friends that I've never met before's sex life quite clearly. Anyway, even though it’s bad, I like that option about you guys disbanding and going your separate ways. It means you and I will get to date" you tease.
"Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure I'll date you?"
"Oh come on, Minji. It's so obvious you're into me. You look like an adorable puppy waiting for me at the exact same time everyday"
"Psh. As if! I look forward to when my shift ends. You just help time pass faster" Minji puffs her cheeks and pouts. It was one of your favorite reactions from her. You pinch her cheek and she blushes in embarrassment from your briefly intimate interaction.
"Don't worry, I like you too"
Minji looks up at you, her eyes beaming with excitement.
"You do?"
"Of course I do. I don't come here everyday just because of the snacks. Although, I am looking at a snack right now" you wink at her.
You lean forward. Minji's eyes widen like a deer in headlights. Unsure of what was going to happen, she closes her eyes and puckers her lips in anticipation. Smirking, you decided to tease her.
"You really should brush your hair sometime. You look less cute than usual" you softly say, as your face is mere centimeters from hers.
She opens her eyes and sees how close you two are. Her surprised expression soon changes to embarrassment.
"Why did you pucker your lips? Think I was going to kiss you?"
You catch Minji off guard by giving her a delicate kiss on the lips. She touches it right away, unsure of what just happened.
"Why don't I work here? You did say your family wants a part timer to help out. Plus, we'll get to see each other more. Dating in the workplace can be cute. Like the silver puppy and her boss. Wait, you’re eating again? Where does it all go?”
“Food isn’t the only thing I eat”
Your newfound confessions blossomed into a tender relationship. The honeymoon phase was always wholesome. You two wanted to be around each other, often staying up late on the phone or sending cute gifs. Minji was a lovable girlfriend, pouting whenever you teased her. 
There were cameras everywhere, so you two had to be discreet when it came to kissing. Minji showed you where the blind spots were, both of you using it to your advantage to sneak in quick pecks or longer smooches. As your relationship went on, both of you became more daring.
Your hand might as well have been super glued to Minji's butt from the amount of times you would smack it during your shifts. She in turn would reciprocate, slapping your butt or squeezing your crotch when she knew no customers were around. The first form of physical intimacy occurred when Minji called you into the employee area one day to help her get a box from a high shelf.
"Thank you for the help, baby. I didn't realize how high the extra cups were placed" Minji turns around and smiles at you.
You don't reply, instead choosing to pull her into your embrace. She looks up at you, anticipating what your next move would be.
"You make me happy, Kim Minji" you tell her running your hand through her long brown locks before pecking her lips. Minji takes initiative and puts her hand behind your head, pulling you in for another kiss. She starts off slow, nibbling at your lower lip. This elicits surprise from you. You've given each other pecks or simple kisses, but never fully made out. You had both just started dating and you didn't want to do anything to make Minji feel like you were going to take advantage of her.
Minji continues to take charge, inserting her tongue into your mouth. Your eyes eventually close, giving into the temptation. You both were supposed to be working, but here you both were, sucking on each other's faces in the employee room. Minji finally releases her mouth from yours when she began to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen. You were no better, beads of perspiration forming on your forehead as your chest heaves from oxygen finally flowing into your body.
Minji smiles at you, a seemingly innocent one. But her cheerful expression soon shows a certain twinkle in her eyes. You knew that expression all too well. It was the same one she made whenever she talked about her group member's escapades. Minji already wanted you both to take the next step and be intimate, but you kept declining. The truth was, Minji was your first ever girlfriend. You didn't want to disappoint her. Although she has squeezed your crotch several times, you allowed it since she respected your wishes and never overstepped the boundaries you set. Also, you would end up going home and releasing that sexual frustration with your hand anyways. But this time, you knew what was gonna happen.
"I know we agreed to not having sex yet, but there are ... other ways to be pleasured" Minji said, her words dripping with pure seduction as she got down on her knees.
"And it all starts by doing this"
"B-baby, we're at work. We c-can't do this"
"I need you" Minji murmurs, just loud enough for you to hear. "I want you" she had already unzipped your vest and removed your shirt. She gives your crotch a firm squeeze before reaching for the button on your jeans. As she unzips your pants, Minji shows you her beautiful eye smile. It melts your heart, you wonder how someone so sweet can be committing such sin.
Minji peppers your stomach with kisses, each leaving a thin string of saliva. Your boxers did a poor job at hiding what was underneath. Normally, your erections would go away after quickly. But today, you seemed to be consistently hard. It definitely didn't help that Minji would grope you every chance she could. And so, with a new toy to be played with seemingly in front of her, she grabs onto the elastic edge before swiftly pulling it down. Your agonizingly hard cock hits Minji's nostrils. She giggles, licking her lips at what is now presented in front of her.
"I'll make this quick babe. But not too quick. Don't want you bursting right away" she says, wrapping her delicate hand around your shaft. She could feel you pulsing in her grip, one that was loose enough that it left you wanting more. She begins with careful, sliding strokes, each one sending spikes of unrestrained pleasure throughout your body, increasing her tempo slightly at the end of each stroke, all while never breaking eye contact with you. The lewdness of it all, your girlfriend asserting herself as the dominant one in your relationship. She mixes things up by swirling her hand around your tip a few times, forming her fingers into a loose representation of a claw and captures your head, raking it a few times. You moan, continuing to run your fingers through her hair, hoping she would take the hint. Even though she coerced you into this situation, there was no turning back now. It has to happen.
“You’re so hard already” she moans, lubricating her lips once more with anticipation.
She doesn’t even give you time to breathe as she slowly opens her mouth, sinking her head as she draws closer and closer to you. She releases her grip on you, choosing to caress both of your hips for support until her lips finally connect with your head. The warm and soft flesh connecting with yours instantly makes you feel lost in their tight hold. Minji gets to work right away, her lips forming an air tight seal around you as they glide back and forth. Each suck is punctuated by the smack of skin on skin as she begins to take you entirely in her mouth. Your fingers that were previously running through her hair now grip the back of her head, pressing it each time. Minji goes deeper, putting her full effort into pleasuring you, her head bobbing back and forth rapidly. Occasional muffled gags are released as your shaft reaches the back of her throat. The little signs she showed of having a gag complex are soon proven to be temporary as once she has warmed up enough, Minji begins to be able to keep you inside her mouth for longer stretches. As her pace quickens, she teases you by showing a few tricks such as licking up and down your shaft, starting from the base until she reaches the tip, and taking both of your balls in her mouth at once.
“You’re close”
These were the first words either of you have said since Mini began, communicating like cavemen through grunts and body language. This was the first intimate experience for you both but it feels like Minji knows your own body better than you do. You wonder if she’s had practice before or if her group members told her about the signs that a man is about to orgasm. Compared to when you first started, your knees were getting weak from the pleasure. Your muscles were painfully tight from not wanting to burst right away. Minji releases your sack from her mouth, a popping sound that sounds like a symphony for your ears as she teased you by sucking each ball individually several times. She returns to using her hand, stroking you fast and hard. Minji lines up your seemingly ready to burst shaft with her tongue, using it as a runway for your fast approaching release. She looks up at you, her eyes practically pleading, begging for you to ejaculate in her mouth.
“Please, babe?” She pleads. “Please give me your come?”
Those were your activation words. It sends you over the edge and your release comes hard, weakening your knees even more that you thought you were gonna collapse. You grip onto Minji’s head for support as she takes you inside her mouth one final time. The thick white fluid escapes from you, gushing out at a high burst of speed. You felt the initial few hit the back of her throat. Once the initial rush of dopamine subsides, you loosen your hold on her, letting her know your orgasm is finished. Minji laps up the remaining few squirts, stroking you a few times to make sure that you’re completely empty. With one final kiss on your tip, she flashes her signature eye smile at you before standing up.
“Thanks for the afternoon snack, babe. Hope I didn’t make you see black or white”
You were sweating profusely, none of your previous orgasms had been that intense. Minji giggles, kissing you one final time before staring at the mirror and fixing her appearance to at least be somewhat presentable.
“I love you honey. Now let’s finish this shift shall we? I take it you’re ready for us to finally have sex. Make sure you’re ready for me tonight. I’ll make sure you scream” Minji blows you one last kiss before opening the door and greeting a customer who was ready to purchase food.
You were still feeling the aftereffects from Minji’s blowjob throughout your shift. If you didn’t know any better, it seemed like she didn’t even do it from how she was acting normally around customers. You were distracted, getting jumpy from customers asking you to scan their items or yelling at you for handing them the wrong carton of cigarettes. Once Minji locks up the store, she puts her keys away before interlocking her fingers with yours. The walk home was peaceful, no dogs barking and very few cars passing by. Minji was in a very cheerful mood, singing songs about flowers and summer love.
The two of you enter your apartment and Minji heads over to your room. She’s stayed over several times, and by doing so unofficially lives with you as many of her belongings and intimates are sprawled throughout your home. As you place the dinner order, Minji comes out, wearing a simple outfit that consists of pajama shorts that end ever so slightly below her bottom and a white crop top with Slytherin embroidered on it. An appropriate shirt to be wearing considering what she did to you at the store earlier. She removed her contacts and is now wearing giant circle lens glasses. After dinner, the two of you are sitting on the couch watching a rerun of some movie you forgot the name of. Minji was sitting on your lap, your right arm embracing her legs.
“Babe, we’re supposed to be watching the movie. Why is your dick poking my ass?”
You respond by sliding your hand down Minji’s crotch, not surprised at the lack of undergarments. You take two fingers and thrust them inside her core.
“Do you know how horny you made me today? It was all I could think about at work” you snarl, increasing the pace of your thrusts inside her.
“A-ah!” Minji’s juices lubricated your fingers, making the squelching sounds loud as you continued to finger her. “Faster, keep going”
You pull out your fingers just as Minji was about to climax, ruining her orgasm.
“Babe! What the fuck, I was about to come!”
“I just can’t do it. Babe, the reason why I’ve been prolonging sex was not to torture you” you sighed deeply. “It was cause I was embarrassed for you to find out I’m still a virgin”
“Is that what all this is about? Babe. You’re my boyfriend, I love you. I don’t care if you’re a virgin. It would be more meaningful because it’s you. I’m proud of you, that takes a lot of courage to say. But if we’re being honest… I am too”
“What?” You were so surprised, Minji seemed like an expert.
“I’ve pretty much done everything except penetration. Most guys just wanted to get in my pants without us getting to know one another. I compromised by telling them I’d give them head whenever they wanted. But with you, I’m okay with giving my first time to. I mean it”
Minji gives you another powerful kiss, reaffirming her love for you. You inserted your tongue this time, wanting to thank her for this morning.
“Looks like you kept your promise about being ready to go right now after my present for you this afternoon” your girlfriend says, speaking in a more husky tone. Minji began grinding on your lap. Moving her butt up and down, causing you to reach inside her shirt and grab her breasts, hungrily massaging them. It thrilled you knowing she was not wearing a bra, her nipples hard enough that they could pierce steel.
Minji guides you to the bedroom, turning around so that you’re facing each other. She begins her assault and kisses you, the two of you begin running your hands through each other’s body. Your clothes are instantly removed, being deemed unnecessary as both of your bodies increase in temperature: you almost tear off Minji’s shorts revealing her smooth, milky legs. She returns the favor by ripping the buttons off your shirt, her hands running through your chest and stomach with wanton vigor. She pulls your pajama pants down to your ankles as the two of you return to the fierce dance your mouths were participating in.
"Ah, babe. There's a bag near the nightstand. I got a little present for you"
You part yourself from Minji just enough to reach the pink colored bag on your nightstand. You take a peek inside and are greeted with a can of whipped cream. Under different circumstances, you would've wondered why there wasn't any ice cream. You hand them to Minji, smiling.
"Just thought you wanted a small snack before the main course" she said, shaking the can of whipped cream. She playfully applies two swirls on her breasts. They weren't the biggest breasts, but you loved them no matter what. But especially when they contained a sweet treat on them.
You instantly capture one, Minji's back arching in pleasure as the artificially sweetened substance fills your taste buds. It soon melts away revealing the real treat: chocolate syrup covered nipples. You make sure to not leave the other breast, devouring both mounds leaving only the syrup behind. Minji's moans echo throughout the bedroom, her skin's temperature being raised from the feeling of the cold whipped cream melting from your touch. You take the time to appreciate her naked body, giving her breasts as many kisses as you could.
You take the canister of whipped cream and without instruction, apply a generous amount on her clit.
"I've never done this before but it only seems right to repay you" you say, your voice trembling.
Warm colorless liquid was already beginning to slowly leak out of Minji. It seems like she was already aroused from having stuff eaten off her body. You dive in, lapping up the liquid from her center before gradually moving up, reaching the bright white prize. Minji is unable to control herself, her body squirming as she grips the back of your head and pushes you deeper. You move your hands up until they find her breasts, gently massaging them before pinching her nipples softly. The feeling you were giving her of eating her out along with playing her nipples was earth shattering. Obviously you were inexperienced, but with advice from Minji to form letters of the alphabet with your mouth, her initial giggles were soon replaced with moans, wanting you to not stop. You wanted her to orgasm, before diving into the main course.
The ever so slight musk scent was intoxicating. Minji chose to keep herself cleanly waxed, not a trace of hair in sight. You wanted to build her up, tease her for her agonizing blowjob earlier. But you show restraint, not giving in to your desires.
"Oh, fuck. Keep eating my pussy babe. Please"
You oblige, continuing your oral assault on her womanhood. You place your hands on her hips, causing them to involuntarily buck into your face. Your tongue darts in and out of her right hole. She wraps her thighs around your neck, forcing you to go deeper. It doesn't take very long until the muscles of her walls tighten, signaling her climax. Just as Minji is about to reach euphoria, you pull away for the second time tonight. Minji is rightfully pissed, her second orgasm of the night is ruined just as it was about to arrive.
"Why the fuck did you stop?" She angrily demands.
You choose to hold your throbbing cock in your hand. Minji sees this, her anger subsiding as she knows her erotic moans to your actions brought you back to life. Minji almost lost consciousness from the pleasure, trying to maintain focus as you both about to lose your virginities.
"B-be gentle, okay?" She whimpers.
You nod, giving her a reassuring kiss. You hold her left leg up, giving you a much easier access to the treasure that awaited you.
You make sure to prepare her for it, rubbing your tip against her lips several times. It was now or never. You guide your cock into her. She grimaces in pain as you finally enter her, her walls are extremely tight as inch by inch sinks inside. You're about three fourths of the way in as you give Minji another kiss to calm her down and hopefully relieve some of the initial pain. She wraps both of her arms around her neck, nodding at you to continue. At last, you fully enter Minji. Her walls are painfully tight, you weren't sure how you were able to fit.
Once you give her adequate time to get used to your cock, you start fucking. The first thrust causes her to whimper. She whines during the second one, but by the third thrust Minji's feelings of pain are replaced with pleasure. She loses all sense of self control, becoming a gasping, moaning mess as your hard cock increases in tempo and moves in and out of her. Both your breaths are heavy, you lock eyes with one another. You were both lost in the heat of passion. Her pussy is welcoming, extremely soft and complying to your rapid movements.
Before long, Minji has become fully accustomed to your dick, clawing at your back. Whispering in your ear to fuck her like you mean it. She's begging you for more, finding small bursts of energy to kiss you with what little oxygen is flowing through her body. Your bodies are extremely hot and sweaty at this point. You gently knead her soft, delicate mounds once again.
You were constantly out of breath yourself, your exhales devolving into monotone grunts. Minji's pussy continues to constrict your cock as the bed frame creaks from the two of you’s actions. You take note of your girlfriend's face: doe looking eyes, cheeks that were cute enough to pinch, luscious pink lips and the cutest nose you wanted to boop.
"Babe, why don't we try a different position? Yoo's always telling me about how good it feels to be fucked from behind"
Minji turns around and shakes her cute bottom at you. You spank it, the sound echoing throughout your room. You give each cheek four firm slaps before positioning yourself inside her once again.
"Oh, fuck. You feel even bigger than before"
Minji unconsciously tightens her vaginal muscles and you are provided with an utterly wonderful feeling.
“Holy fuck” you grunt. “Do it again baby” you beg as you thrust into her again.
She listens to you, clenching her muscles even harder. Minji is rewarded with cries of pleasure.
Your hand returns to her bottom, palming each tenderly before giving a loud spank. Minji decides to take control and impales herself onto your shaft, your bodies grinding against each other.
“A-ah, oh my god” Minji groans as her eyes roll to the back of her head. It seems you have found Minji’s sensitive spot. Having located it, control returns to you as you penetrate her cave and continue hitting her weakness. Minji’s stomach began getting heavier, she knew what was fast approaching. You could tell what it was from her body language. Minji tries desperately to grip onto your thighs, but it was no avail. You abuse her sensitive area as hard as you can, feeling her freshly manicured nails scratch your thighs, her body trembling in pleasure as the orgasm finally hits.
“Babe!” Your name escapes her lips in a hybrid scream/whisper repeatedly. You continue thrusting into her, albeit at a much slower pace due to how sensitive she was.
“You came so much, baby” you say, leaning forward to kiss her back.
“B-babe, stop. I wanna ride you now” she says, turning her head slightly. From her tone, it wasn’t a demand; but rather a request. Who were you to deny your girlfriend the pleasure she is seeking.
“Oh my godddd” Minji mutters as she impales herself onto your shaft. She doesn’t bother giving herself time to adjust to your size. Her mind is clouded at this point, only wanting pleasure and nothing else. You close your eyes, throwing your head back as her warm, velvety walls close tightly around you. Minji notices how much her pussy has an effect on you: your eyebrows furrow, you grit your teeth slightly, your Adam’s apple moving forward slightly as you gulp saliva.
Minji places her hands squarely on your chest, using them as support as she rocks her body back and forth. She could feel every ridge and pulsing vein rubbing against her walls. Now she realizes what Yoohyun meant when she said there is nothing that can replicate the feeling of having an actual dick inside you.
“Am I a slut babe?” Minji asks you. You were taken aback hearing her say such a thing about herself. “Because if it means I get fucked like this when we have sex, I want to be a slut. A whore who only wants your cock!”
Minji’s scream leaves her mouth suddenly as your dick hits her sensitive spot once more. It’s as if your mushroom headed looking tip has made it to her cervix. She grimaces slightly from the pain, but it makes her go crazy. Her toes curl in pleasure, digging themselves into the small crevice between your thighs and the bedsheets. With every downwards thrust into her body, Minji’s bottom is still tender from the spankings you gave her earlier.
Your hands roam her body and find their way up top. Minji’s legs were starting to give out, she lowers her body which allows you to capture her perky left nipple into your mouth. Using your tongue, you flick it. To add even more pleasure, you occasionally throw in a few soft bites. You cup each breast in your hand, squeezing them. To make things even worse for her already sensitive nipples, you blow cold air over them. Minji’s skin reacts, goosebumps littering her pale breasts. 
Minji orgasms again, her walls painfully constricting you as the sudden flood of her nectar drenches your shaft. She captures your lips, wanting you to be happy of the pleasure you were giving her. Her orgasm was strong, but not strong enough to push you out of her. As such, trails of her liquid begin to leak out and coat your balls.
Her breathing is erratic, the back to back orgasms she endured caused her chest to heave. You find her nipples once more, tasting them. “Mmm, babe” her body was still sensitive. She tried pulling you away from her embrace, but you don’t care. You continue on with your oral assault, alternating between each breast.
Minji is kissing you senseless, and you take the chance of her being momentarily distracted to push yourself inside her once again. “Oooh” she moaned in pleasure. Her back has returned to the bed. You grab her thighs, pushing each apart momentarily before wrapping them around your waist. Minji embraces you as you thrust, her bottom syncing with yours.
“Babe… please keep fucking me. Don’t stop. Please, please, please. Don’t… stop… ahhhh!” Minji moans while trying to catch her breath. She was desperate. Gone was the aggressive woman who teased you about you both not having done the deed yet. All Minji wanted now was to come, and to make you come as well.
The room sounds like a symphony of moans, wet flesh slapping against one another and the consummation of a relationship being taken to the next level. Minji wraps her arms around your neck, her breasts pressed up against your own chest. Despite being the one to initiate things, there was a slight tint of red on her face as she could hear the lewd sounds your lower bodies were making.
You continue to thrust inside Minji. You were tired, but you had held back from being intimate with a woman for far too long. You savored Minji’s body, her lovely moans following each of your thrusts. Her breasts jiggled up and down from your swift movement.
“I’m gonna come” she manages to squeak out. You were so focused on fucking her you temporarily lost the ability to speak, grunting in order to acknowledge her. “I can’t hold it… aaahhhh…” Minji trembles, her body squirms as she clenches her walls around your shaft. Her flesh filled cave spasm along with his continuous thrusts. 
“Aaahhh… yes, harder! Harder!”
You wanted to ask Minji where she wanted you to release. As you were about to do so, she lets out a loud scream. Your orgasm was fastly approaching.
“I’m coming baby!”
Minji’s thighs that were locked onto your waist pull you down. With one final powerful thrust, you reach the deepest part of her pussy. You emit a loud groan as your cock throbs erratically in her tight, velvety walls painting the inside with burning hot semen. You lose track of time in that moment, releasing sperm into her awaiting womb. It flows quickly and continuously, spreading all throughout her insides.
“Ohhhh my god” Minji’s body squirms in pleasure. Your orgasm triggers another one from her as well. With a quick kiss on her lips and one final thrust, you pull out, watching your bodies detach. Minji’s pussy is bright red, the poor victim of your sexual hunger. You watch as the slimy, white liquid oozes out of her. You hum in satisfaction, wiping off the sweat from your brows and caressing her face. As both of you struggle to catch your breaths, you lean down and give her a long, loving kiss.
Minji motions you to bring your cock near her mouth. Using the little strength she has left, she places a hand on your thigh as she is now face to face with your shaft. Your tip was bright red, glistening from the mixture of your love. She giggles as she sees her freshly released pussy juices and your sperm lathering your cock. She licks her lips with excitement before diving in. She wraps her left hand around your shaft, kissing the slit on your tip affectionately before putting it in her mouth. She makes eye contact with you, happy to see you clenching your teeth, trying to restrain yourself from grabbing her head and facefucking her.
Using the tips Yoohyun gave her, Minji swirls her tongue around your tip. She slowly draws a circle with her tongue around the slit. You groan in satisfaction, Minji couldn’t be happier at knowing she was pleasuring her boyfriend. Her pussy is tingling, slowly leaking out onto the bed sheets. Taking you in her mouth once more, she slips your cock in between her lips. Before going further into her mouth, her lips grip onto your shaft like a magnet. Once inside, Minji flattens her tongue below your tip. She sways it back and forth, left and right to tease you. She finds out she loves being in control just as much as she loves you taking control. Minji takes you all the way down her throat one last time before releasing her mouth’s hold on you with a loud pop. Her delicate hand cups your balls and with just enough grip, squeezes them. They were still heavy, even after how much you released. Minji knew they contained wonderful treats for her. The night was still young, and she was going to make sure she was going to empty you out. She takes her index finger and gently rakes your sack, you groan at the act being done to your sensitive area.
“Oh babe, I didn’t tell you. My parents ordered a bed for the breakroom at the store. We’re gonna have to break it in, you know? But before that… we have to change the sheets. And maybe continue this in the shower?”
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yyuangss-main · 4 years
FRECKLES | t.yamaguchi
A soulmate au where you and your beloved have a matching physical trait. You’re oblivious to the fact Yamaguchi is your soulmate but he isn’t and knows what the matching trait is. Another x reader where you, the amazing reader, is a part of the cheer club at Karasuno.
Warnings: Minor spoilers for the Manga Word Count: 1.3k+
A matching physical trait that only you and your soulmate have. Visible to the pair and once you’d meet, you would know. Yamaguchi spent his childhood wondering what his trait was. There wasn’t anything special about him, only the freckles scattered across his face. Well, baby Yamaguchi didn’t find anything special in that either due to the bullying from it.
Until he made it to high school. There on your face, were the same freckles he stayed staring at in the mirror and being insecure from them. Your giant smile and surrounding friends showed you had it better than him growing up. He scampered to the side of the hallway, watching in awe as you walked by.
He knew nothing about you. Not your name, your year, your class. And he was too shy to figure anything out himself. He’d send Tsukishima but he was scared you’d end up falling for him instead. The troubles of being a first year.
You’d spoken to him once but that didn’t go so well.
“Hurry up! We’re gonna be late for practice again!” You’d marched into his class, talking to the girl who sat next to him.
“Okay okay! My pom pom fell out.” She’d stuffed it back into her bag, similar to the one you had. So you were part of the cheer club here? If only the cheerleaders would come to the volleyball games.
“Ugh. Does she usually take this long?” He was caught off guard by your loving smile you offered to anyone.
“Don’t answer that!” Your friend gave him a fake glare, the two of you giggling about his red face. Had you seen his freckles? Did you notice the two of you were soulmates? He should run over to you and say how happy he was to finally find you. But he wasn’t.
So instead, Yamaguchi admired you from the sidelines all throughout year one and year two. Craning his neck around the corners, keeping an eye on you as you walked by, and shying his face away when you’d look in his direction. When was he going to grow the courage it took to talk to you? One more year and you’d slip out of his hands for possibly ever!
When year three came about, Yamaguchi felt like a new person. He was captain of the volleyball club, girls had taken interest in him, and gained confidence over the summer.
Yamaguchi was sitting on the rooftop, back pressed on the grey wall built to hold the school, unwrapping his lunch bag. Tsukishima told him to go on without him and they would meet up. After taking his lunch out, he got his phone to ask where Hinata was at.
“Are you Yamaguchi Tadashi?” A soft voice asked, making his head shift upwards in the direction of it. The freckles on his cheeks reflected back at him, displayed on a feminine face. You were bent over enough so your skirt wouldn’t ride up. Your lips curved up into the same smile he fanned about the past two years. He’s sorry to say this but he seriously forgot about you.
“Uhm, yes. That’s me.” He slyly put his phone in his pocket.
“Oh good!” You crouched down, hands clenching the fabric at your knees. “I’m (L/N) (Y/N). Call me (Y/N).”
“Hi.” He replied awkwardly, wondering what this was about.
“I hear you’re the captain of the boys volleyball. Is that true?” He nodded with a hum. “Well, I’m the captain of the cheer club! Each year we choose a sport to cheer for. My past two here have been basketball which is overrated.” You rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue.
He felt himself smile at this sight.
“Anyways. It’s my turn to pick and I’d really like to do the volleyball club. Usually we have to speak to the captains and see if it’s okay with them. Which is you,” You pointed at him, “So, if it’s alright, can we cheer for you guys this year? Please? It’ll give us the opportunity for new uniforms.” Yamaguchi’s fingernails scratched the back of his scalp.
“Well… What do we get out of it?”
“Us cheering you guys on silly!” You grinned, shifting your position so your knees were touching the ground and you were sitting on your calves. Oh. Yamaguchi blushed in embarrassment. “My idea for this year is each player gets a personal cheerleader. And a chant that includes everyone’s name in it. A work in progress.” You said.
“It doesn’t seem so bad to me.” Yamaguchi mumbled.
“Really!” You leaned into his face, eyes wide with admiration. “So it’s okay with you?” Once again, the red face caused by how close you two were.
“Yes.” He said out meekly.
“Thank you so much Yamaguchi!” You said. “I promise my girls and I won’t let you down! I’ll be stopping by after school to get all the team members names and numbers.”
Your new uniforms consisted of a jersey with the names and numbers of corresponding players given to the cheerleaders. You got rid of those itchy black turtlenecks and replaced them with long sleeve v-lines with the black and orange jersey on top.
“Hey Yamaguchi!” You waved, the rest of the cheerleaders following behind you. “We got our new uniforms thanks to you.” Yamaguchi awed,
“I’m glad I could help.” He said shyly.
“Wow (Y/N)! You guys look amazing!” Yachi and Hinata said in sync.
“Oh wait. Look at this!” You back peddled, getting in a line with the girls. You spun on your heel, revealing your back to the team. “Ta-da!” The white letters ‘YAMAGUCHI’ and number ‘1’ showed themselves off. Next came the other team members, ‘KAGEYAMA’ and ‘2’, ‘TSUKISHIMA’ and ‘3’.
“We had to make funds for this to happen but we all liked the idea and weren’t going to pass up for it.” Your friend, who was the vice captain and the girl who was in Yamaguchi’s year one class, said. She had Kageyama’s name on her jersey. “I can’t wait for this year.”
“In my opinion it’s tacky.” Tsukishima shrugged, pushing his glasses up with his pointer finger.
“I feel sorry for whoever has to cheer for you then.” Kageyama glared, initiating a discussion between them that Hinata and Yachi tried to break apart. You eavesdropped, doing your best not to laugh.
Over the talking of cheerleaders and volleyball players, the fighting between Kageyama-Tsukishima extending to Hinata and a panicking Yachi, Yamaguchi felt like he was in year one again and seeing you for the first time.
“What’s up Yama?” You dropped your arms to your sides. His hands pressed the volleyball harder.
“Nothing…” He ushered away, heart pounding against his chest. He liked seeing you wear his last name. “I’m just ready for this season to start.”
The season ended as quickly as it started for the volleyball club, placing third in nationals. It was a wild season, especially with the cheer club on their side. The best thing about it though, was Yamaguchi getting closer to you.
Maybe it still wasn’t obvious that you guys were soulmates. Or maybe you two didn’t have the same amount of freckles. But he felt so attracted to you. If he’d already seen yours, shouldn’t some weird soulmate thingy start going on?
Yamaguchi found himself on the rooftop during lunch alone again. Tsukishima wasn’t at school, Hinata accompanied Kageyama to get milk, and Yachi was tutoring two second years. He fixed his surroundings, moving the lunch boxes that were beside him out of his way.
He heard the clicking of shoes and he glanced up. You were crouching over the same way when you met him.
“Hey!” He brightly spoke out first this time.
“Hey Yamaguchi. I have a question for you.” You squatted down, eyebrows furrowed like you were focused on something.
“Okay. What is it?” Yamaguchi stubly wiped his face, hoping nothing was on it.
“How many freckles do you have?”
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Hey Can I ask for a self ship date pls ? I’m a 18yo girl who is 173 cm of chaos and my heart has been stolen by Kise Ryouta from KNB 😩.
We may be very different, he’s more of a warm and a social person while i’m cold in the clouds and ambiverted but his smile, his laugh and how he’s dedicated in basketball made me lose it. I find his whole personality interesting even the more cold and ugly parts of him and he has the pretty face for him too but i’m not the kind of person who can just fall for apparence. He have such a voice too 😳 He has that charming aura, playful but yet still lighthearted and funny. He being two-faced surprisingly don’t bother me that much somehow i understand from where hes coming from. I relate a lot to his overachiever and need to handle all things himself to the point of hurting. As a basketb fan i am also enamored w his way of playing, i gen think he is the best of gom he always do his best to the point of barely breathing and honestly i relate to this too when im into something i love. His quick learning abilities are hyper and i like how Kise try to be honest w himself. I like also the balance he have w masculine and feminine energy and don’t mind him being a dork. His relationship w others characters are gold too like w Aomine and i can see him showing me affection to my touch starved self and just general affection i lack in general even if i don’t say it. Also i can imagine a certain dynamic between us where no one is the lead of the couple but we’re on equal terms.
Now more about me i am an ENTP 8w7, I am independent, creative, honest, prideful and « generous » i don’t think that last one much but my close one describe me like this. I’m very curious, likes experimenting and new things. I am funny/sarcastic, playful and as it iam very memeable but surprisingly top student here who doesn’t behave like it at all both in class and just in general. My aesthetic is a weird mix of everything i love so i am both a tomboy, alt and a baddie somehow. I am into law and economics studies and can talk french, korean and spanish as i learn languages in my free time by myself. I do read, write, draw and listen to music, play all sort of games including sports, get on a walk from time to time, eat cuz food is delicious and just learn in general. I have kind of ✨trust issues ✨so i don’t have many friends. But you sure will have fun w me ! I don’t about chill i have some temper but sure im pretty cool and open minded ! In love i really am a mess, i’m easily flustered but act cool to hide it and because of that i look like someone confident and mysterious except i am not the first one and ugh im lowkey a tsundere so it’s difficult to assume my feelings. But i swear i try !
Thank you for reading me ! I hope i didn’t bother you much.
You didn't bother me at all hun! This was a lot of fun to write so I hope you enjoy :) I think I have a pretty fun date planned for you two if I do say so myself hehe.
Premise: Kise got to know you throughout high school, and saw you as different from his other fangirls. Even though it wasn’t basketball, you also stood out at the top of your class, making you noticeable to Kise. You were actually a good friend (a cute friend at that) and he decided that he wanted to take you on a date during your 3rd year (once the basketball season was over and he had time to make for you). Knowing how fun you are, he had the perfect plan.
As you look into the mirror to examine your outfit, your phone buzzes with the “I’m hereeee ;)” text. You’d decided to lean into your tomboy vibes, given that Kise told you to ‘get ready to do stuff,’ which was not very informative, but exciting nonetheless.
As you walk out, you’re greeted by the blonde man dressed handsome as ever, a dark long sleeve shirt with fitting jeans, his silver hoop shining as the sun starts to set.
“Ready Y/N-chi?” He asks you, smiling as he overdramatically offers his hand for you to grab.
“Ready as ever~” you say as you grab his hand. He pulls you close and winks, flustering you right from the start.
“If I remember correctly, you said something about this being the best date I ever go on?” You take your chance to poke fun at him as well.
“Oh honey, it will be.” You can see the way his eyes shine and his mischievous grin as he walks with a nice hop in his step, guiding you towards the train station.
The train ride was pleasant, his hands protectively on your shoulder and a mean glare on his pretty features when other men looked at you or got too close, but his face was calm as he comfortably bantered with you (you on the other hand were quite unbothered by it all). Once you finally arrived at your destination, you found yourself in the lively district of the city, flooded with restaurants and shops all open late night.
“I forgot how beautiful this area is at night!” You can’t help but say as you look at all the beautiful lights and architecture.
“I had to take a pretty girl to a pretty place, you know?” He squeezes your hand as he drags you along once again, until you end up at your destination.
“I think this’ll be a lot of fun,” he says to you as he pushes open the doors to the arcade, letting all the dark lights and glowing games illuminate your sight.
He buys the coins for you both to play (He’d asked prior if it’d be okay for him to pay for you this date, and you’d agreed), and you set off to play all sorts of games.
It was a lot of fun for the both of you. While the games were enjoyable, playing them with him made it all the better. He also never missed an opportunity to flirt with you, and playing games made it easy. Both of you being overachievers, with Kise being a quick learner and you being open to trying new things made the experience amazing.
“Here, stand like this and loosen your wrists up for a better shot.” you both were playing the basketball game, and to no surprise Kise had absolutely killed it. Now here he is, helping adjust your shot. Standing behind you, he lightly adjusts your waist, turning you a little bit to help your footing. His hands then move up to your shoulders, then down to your wrists, helping guide your form and placement on the ball. While you were learning from him, it was hard to focus with him this close to you. “Y/N-chi, you can focus on me later. You should focus on your shot for now.” He says lowly, teasingly, watching carefully as your face erupts into red. He really did love teasing you, the usually calm, collected, confident top student.
Admittedly, you feel like you got back at him when you watch him try the crane game (the ones filled with stuffed animals) and he couldn’t get it after 7 tries. The frustration was clear in his face, his impatience rising.
“This game is rigged, I know it!”
You ask to try and of course he complies. However, he’s not ready for you to get a cute little stuffed panda on your first try. Suddenly, he’s a lot more embarrassed than you were earlier.
“You definitely used magic or something.” His pout is both adorable and hilarious to you.
You laugh as you hand him the panda. “Here!”
Looking down at the panda and then looking back up at you, he asks, “for me? But you won it!”
“But I want you to have it. It’s cute like you, Kise-kun.”
A huge smile crosses his face as he pulls you into a hug, spinning you around. “Y/n-chi!!!! You’re so generous!! Giving me your stuffed panda~ I’ll take good care of it.”
You have a nice laugh as you watch Kise end the night out by playing Dance Dance Revolution, not afraid to be a bit flamboyant as he goes all out with the footwork and does really well at the game.
After collecting all your tickets, Kise takes you up to the rewards table, telling you that he knows exactly what he wants to get.
“And we have enough tickets for it! Great.”
You can’t help but smile when Kise points to the GIANT stuffed panda hanging on the wall.
“I thought you weren’t the type to return favors,” you recall what he said during a game with Seirin from a long while back.
He blushes, thinking about what he said. “I’m not, just one upping you,” he jokes, sticking his tongue out at you, letting you nudge him in return.
“Do you wanna get food, Y/N-chi?” He asks, his arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“Sure, from where?”
“You decide. I decided on the arcade, you can decide dinner.” He looks at you with a smile, thinking back on how fun the whole night had been. “But I get to decide dinner next time.”
“Next time?” You shoot back, eyebrows raised, a smile forming on your face. “Who said I’d go out with you a next time?”
At your comment, his smile falters as he stares at you for a good second. He gets all serious suddenly, pulling you close (with a giant panda pressed into your side) and making you look into his eyes. “Y/N-chi, would you please go out with me again? Tell me you will!”
Giggling, you smile up at him. “Of course, Kise-kun.”
He sighs out and hums in approval, before pressing a small kiss onto your cheek. “Call me Ryouta.”
Ahhh I hope you enjoyed it! I tried to incorporate as many elements as I could! Please do let me know what you think <3 this was so fun!!!!
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Chapter 14: To The Boy Next Door
(from the My Girl Trilogy: Stay Mine)
…in which they play a game.
Word count: 4.7k
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N, (4-year age gap).
Wattpad link (Thea as Y/N)
ANNOUNCEMENT: The last chapter was supposed to be released on July 1, BUT I have two final exams on that same week, so I’ll have no choice but to move the schedule forward.
Last My Girl update: July 8, 2020. (July 3: Tumblr preview and full chapter on Patreon).
One year later
“Come in.”
When Asher entered the room, Gemma almost didn’t recognize him. He’d got a beard now, and he wasn’t wearing a suit. If she hadn’t known the charming Asher in the past, she would be so shocked to find out he was the CEO’s son. Too bad she didn’t care enough to wonder what had happened to him after his business had gone bankrupt because his father had refused to finance it. Now he was just a regular accountant.
His eyes went wide when he saw her sitting with his dad in the CEO office.
Hello, Asher, she thought, yet gave him nothing but a polite nod as if they were meeting for the first time.
“Asher, I suppose you remember Gemma?” asked his father with a sigh.
“Yes,” Asher mumbled, his gaze falling to the floor.
Of course he remembered her. Abusers always remembered their victims.
His dad looked from him back to Gemma. Hands folded on the desk, he said, “Gemma is our new COO. I hope you will have no trouble working for her.”
Asher’s head jerked up as if he’d just heard a gunshot. And Gemma, of course, was the one holding the gun.
She relished his astonishment and cracked a smile as she rose from her seat and walked toward him. She extended her hand, but he didn’t take it.
“Working for her?” he asked his dad, who replied with a stern expression.
“Yes. She’s your new boss.”
Gemma broke into a smirk, still holding out her hand in the space between them. Asher’s eyes had grown so big they nearly took over his entire face. “You,” he hissed at her, “I can't believe you weaselled your way into this company.”
“Oh, no.” Gemma frowned pretentiously and dropped her hand down to her side. “I’ve been a shareholder for almost a year. I’ve done more for this company in that short amount of time than you have your whole life.”
He thinned his lips and glared at her, unable to muster a single word.
She hated him but respected his father. And what was better as revenge than making sure she took everything he wanted? First, his father’s affection. Soon, his father’s company.
“I don’t want to make this unpleasant for you, Asher,” her voice dropped so low as she leaned in so only the two of them could hear. “Or maybe I do. So you better be a nice employee, because I wouldn't be sorry to kick you out of here.”
His face dimmed as she stepped away. If there was a camera, she’d take a picture and put it in a frame. Though she doubted this would be the last time she got to see that defeated look on his face.
"See you around, Ash," she said, placing a hand on her hip as she breezed right past him out of the room.
Two interns, a blonde and a dark-skinned girl, rose from their cubicles and rushed up to her as she was heading for the lift.
“Excuse me,” the blonde said timidly. “Are you...our new COO?”
“Y-Yes, yes, I am.” Gemma worked up a smile and the girls giggled to each other like teenagers.
“Congratulations and welcome!” said the dark-skinned one, who said her name was Marie and her friend was Claria. Gemma assumed they were going to fangirl about her brother, but then Marie said, “We love your sister-in-law’s book. We’re such big big fans.”
It took Gemma a second. “Y/N? She and Harry aren’t–”
“Future sister-in-law,” Claria corrected her friend, looking nervously from Marie back to Gemma. “We’ve...heard some rumours. Can you confirm or deny it?”
“I cannot. But I’ll let her know about you girls.”
The girls grinned like the Cheshire Cat, and Gemma could tell they were trying their best not to freak out. She waved them goodbye and hastened into the lift before the door closed.
Her phone buzzed with a new text.
Isey: Lunch? :)
Lunch :) she replied, biting back a grin.
Another notification popped up. A reply from Harry's girl. Gemma rolled her eyes as she remembered lending Harry her phone a couple of weeks ago. He'd changed most names in her contacts and she'd only managed to change back a few of them.
Harry's girl: Thanks for the birthday wish, Gem! (heart emoji)
You're welcome! Is Harry coming home today?
Harry's girl: I hope not. But idk.
We never know. How can you STAND him? Ugh.
Harry's girl: I can't lol.
Harry's girl: Anyway, what was his reaction?
Gemma knew right away whom Y/N was talking about.
Priceless, she responded.
Harry's girl: QUEEN. Make his life a living hell.
Oh I will. Certainly.
The door slid open with a ding, and Gemma tucked the phone into her bag. Her assistant was waiting outside to direct her to her new office. With a smile on her face, she stepped out of the lift and shook the assistant's hand.
She was so ready for this new beginning.
“Good aaaaaafternoon, girlfriend! Are you feeling twenty-two?”
Y/N laughed hoarsely as she blinked a few times to let her vision get used to the light from the windows opposite the bed. “You’re embarrassing,” she said, yawning.
On the phone, Harry gasped. “Did you just wake up?!”
“I stayed up all night talking to you and had a zoom meeting with Laura this morning. Besides, it’s Sunday.”
“It’s your birthday.”
“Duh.” She grinned at the ceiling and exhaled. “I’m twenty-two now. I’m like...old.”
“Ouch. Well, aren’t you supposed to get ready for the book signing?”
“Book signing is tomorrow. Bad boyfriend.”
The sound of his laugh made her heart leap. She missed him so much. He’d been in New York for two weeks and wouldn’t be back until next Thursday, which meant she’d have to spend this birthday without him. She wasn’t sure if she should let him know she wished he were here. She really did. But she also didn’t want him to drop everything and fly back to her for only one night. He’d done that before and it'd been romantic, still, she never wanted him to do it again.
“To prove that I’m not a bad boyfriend,” he said, snapping her back to the moment. “I have a surprise for you.”
She sat up straight and whipped her head to the door. “Goddamn it, Harry,” she huffed, “if you tell me you’re standing right outside–”
“No!” He burst out laughing. “No, no, no, I’m still in New York.”
She sighed in relief, but couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed.
“My surprise is in the pocket of my favourite suit,” he said.
She had no idea what he might have up his sleeves (quite literally). Still, she rolled out of bed, shoved her feet into her slippers, and padded out of the room.
Two years ago on this same day, he’d brought her to the roof of an abandoned building, where they’d watched the night city and eaten his homemade cupcakes. On her twenty-first birthday, they hadn’t been talking. And so this year, she’d suspected that he must have planned something extravagant to surprise her, even though he wasn’t home to celebrate with her. The surprise had come a bit earlier than expected.
She switched on the light in the walk-in closet, which was as large as her old flat. His favourite suit was the one he’d worn on Grammy’s night. Sparkling dark velvet to match the aesthetic of her silvery mermaid gown, which, unfortunately, she hadn’t got a chance to show off to the world.
She stuck her hand into the breast pocket of the jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Found it."
“Go on. Read it,” he encouraged.
“If it says ‘Happy Birthday, smiley face’, I’ll strangle you when you come back.”
A laugh burst right through him. “Your choking kink is getting out of hand, babe.”
“Shut up.” She huffed, unfolding the note. “Should have said I loved you,” she read aloud. “What does that mean?”
“You can ask for my help only once. Call me when you’ve found the fifth clue.”
But he’d already hung up.
She almost called him back but then decided not to. She didn't want to waste her only chance to ask for help.
Classic treasure hunt, she thought, rereading the sentence.
The prize would be her birthday present for sure. Maybe he’d hidden it in the wood somewhere. A normal boyfriend would just have the birthday present delivered, or leave it on the table or in the garage, not challenge his girlfriend’s two only active brain cells with a children’s game. But Y/N wasn’t a normal girlfriend. And as much as she hated working for something other than her writing, a part of her was excited.
“Should have said I loved you,” she thought out loud, then snapped her fingers and rushed across the hallway to his library.
Two years ago, she’d told him she’d loved him for the first time and received silence in return. In this very room, he’d watched her leave.
She stood in front of the giant bookcase, which he’d had installed a month after she’d officially moved in. Most of these books were from her collection. On a shelf in the middle stood three framed photos of them. Them in Paris. Them with their families on a vacation last summer. Them at her graduation.
She flipped each frame over to check the back, but none had what she was looking for. She tapped her foot impatiently on the carpet while assessing the rest of the bookcase. It didn’t take her too long to notice that one book was upside down.
P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern.
Of course. Of-fucking-course.
She rolled her eyes, feeling a smile stretching her lips as she took the book from the shelf and opened it to the first page. There was a post-it note that said:
Congrats, babe. You’ve found it. Next clue: Where the magic happens ;)
‘Where the magic happens.’ If it wasn’t sexual, the winky face had made sure that it was.
Could it be their bed? Nope. She'd slept there last night.
Could it be the first place they’d had sex?
Could the next clue be inside that car?
She jolted with a start and dashed out of the library, and as soon as she reached the stairs, she suddenly halted.
No. She didn’t remember which car they’d had sex in for the first time, and he’d got a whole collection of cars. It’d take forever to search every single one. That wasn’t the right answer.
Sighing, she stood on the first stair and contemplated the clue again.
They used to play Treasure Hunt when they were younger. There were usually at least five or six clues, and the first three should be easy.
Could it be her flat? Most of their ‘secret relationship’ had happened in her flat. It used to be their secret kingdom. Impenetrable. Disconnected to the outside world. They’d also had their second real kiss outside her door, and she still had until the end of this month before she must return the keys to the landlord.
She wasn’t sure, and she wasn’t going to drive all the way there just to find out she was wrong.
And so she decided to call him.
“Let me guess,” he said as soon as the beeping stopped. “You’re either super impatient or your fairy godmother appeared and helped you find all five clues.”
She rolled her eyes. “Third clue. Is it your car or my flat?”
“My car?” He sounded confused, which gave her the impression that she might have got it wrong.
Her cheeks burnt as she said, “We had sex for the first time in your car.”
“No, not my car, but damn, I should have thought of that.”
“So it’s my flat?”
“Are you sure you want to ask me now?”
“Yes,” he smugly confirmed. “It’s your flat. Now you’re on your own until the final clue.”
“Fuck,” she grunted and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Don’t worry,” he said. “I thought you’d have trouble with this one, too. I mean, we fuck everywhere these days.”
“If my birthday present isn’t worth all this, we won’t be fucking ever again.”
He gasped at the threat, and she could picture him wearing that stupid crooked smile as he told her, “Good luck, kid. I believe in you.”
She found the next clue on Thumper’s lap.
When she’d moved most of her furniture to Harry’s house, she’d forgotten to take the purple stuffed bunny with her. She held it under her arm and scrutinized the pink post-it note, which said:
I cannot believe you left Thumper behind. Third clue: Drunk little deer.
“Drunk little deer? What does that even mean?” Then she looked at Thumper. “Should I kick him in the balls when I see him?”
She made the rabbit nod and burst out laughing at how crazy she sounded. If anyone walked in and saw her talking to a stuffed animal, they would assume she was either crazy or drunk.
She was the drunk little deer. Drunk Bambi.
The answer was the place he'd seen her drunk for the first time.
Andrew recognized Y/N right from the moment she stepped into the pub. He leaned over the counter and shouted for everyone to hear, “Little girl! Good to see you again!”
“Andrew," she smiled and shouldered her way towards the bar.
He eyed her up and down as she slid onto one of the stools. “You look different. I hope you’re not here to drink again. I might have to kick you out.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You look different, too. I like your new hair.”
Andrew rubbed his shiny bald head, scowling at her as she raised a smile and rested her chin on her knuckles. Andrew might look intimidating, especially now without his hair, but he was one of the softest people she’d ever met. He’d been so kind to her during her tough times and even let her haunt his pub day and night until Harry had come for the rescue.
“You’re kind of famous now, aren’t you?” Andrew said. “I’ve read your book. It didn’t suck.”
“You have?”
He lifted one giant shoulder of his, pursing his lips. “My wife made me. She's a big fan. Your boyfriend came two weeks ago and he even signed the book for her. He said he was the one in the story.”
“My boyfriend was here?”
Andrew gave a nod.
The voices in Y/N's head started cheering like she’d just won a wrestling match. It would have been so embarrassing if she'd asked Andrew first and then found out she'd got it wrong.
“Well, did he leave...something for me? A message perhaps?”
Andrew growled as he turned away, and without a word, disappeared through a stained curtain behind him. He came back five minutes later and handed her a green post-it note with an unreadable grimace on his face.
She snatched it immediately. A laugh crackled out of her as if he’d just given her gold.
Hi babe, you’re almost there! My biggest fans (not you) have the final clue. Get back to work.
“He gave this to me when he signed the book,” Andrew said.
Y/N mumbled the words over as she tried to figure them out. Her first guess for ‘biggest fans (not you)’was Gemma and Isaac. But then she got rid of the idea because they had to be at the same place at the same time in order for this to work, and Gem and Isaac were both at work.
Which two people were together right now and were also Harry’s biggest fans?
‘Get back to work.’
Yes. That’s it!
Y/N thrust the post-it note into her bag and rose from the stool. “I’m sorry. This must be weird to you.”
“It’s quite romantic, actually," Andrew said.
“And weird. You two are both weird. What a perfect couple.”
“Gee, thanks.”
As she spun on her heels, Andrew called after her, “Hey, little girl. I’m sorry I said you weren’t a real writer.”
“You said that?”
“You were drunk,” he chuckled. “Anyway, bring your weird boyfriend back sometimes.”
“I will. If there’s free beer.”
“Get out of here.” He shot his finger toward the door, but it was the first time she’d seen Andrew smile with his whole face.
Eddie’s bookshop was busy on most Sundays. Well, it had been busy almost every day since Y/N had credited him in her latest best-selling debut novel.
She entered the shop and was immediately recognized by a group of schoolgirls, who asked her to sign their new copies of her book and questioned her about the story. She recycled the same amiable answers that didn’t give away any more than what they might already know. Since she’d already got used to the attention, the fans didn’t intimidate her anymore.
She took a selfie with the girls and bid them goodbye. Then one of the new employees told her that Eddie and Alice were sorting books at the back. She wandered along aisles until she found them. Eddie was scolding Alice for putting hardcovers in between paperbacks. Nothing got on Eddie’s nerves as much as putting hardcovers in between paperbacks.
“The hardcovers take more shelf-space so you cannot put them there! God, Alice, were you drunk when you were sorting these books?”
“I wish I were drunk now,” Alice said, and her eyes lit up as she saw Y/N. She nearly tackled Y/N to the floor with a violent hug, and Y/N returned with half as much enthusiasm.
“You’re like a Golden Retriever,” Y/N said, pulling back and cupping her friend’s face.
“Happy birthday! I was gonna send you–”
Eddie didn’t wait for Alice to finish as he pushed her aside to step forward, his face brightened like the sun. “You’re here for the clue, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I–”
“We can’t just hand it to you.” That sun-like face suddenly turned serious. “You need a password. What is Harry’s favourite book?”
Y/N arched an eyebrow at Eddie as if expecting him to say ‘gotcha!’ But he only mirrored her expression as he crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for an answer.
“Seriously?” Y/N scoffed, looking at her two friends. “He’s that narcissistic?”
Alice smirked as she raised a shoulder. “Either you answer or search this entire bookshop yourself.”
“I fucking hate him and I fucking hate both of you.” Y/N rolled her eyes upward and exhaled sharply. “Norwegian Wood.”
“That’s his favourite book,” she told Alice and remembered Alice didn’t read fiction unless it was compulsory. “Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.”
Eddie looked confused. “He loves Haruki Murakami? His books are misogynistic.”
“Harry’s got a bad taste in authors. But judging from your reactions, I suppose that is not the correct answer, and I should probably break up with my boyfriend because I don’t know what his favourite book is.”
“You do, Y/N.” Alice beamed as she leaned a shoulder against the bookcase. “You’re thinking too big. It’s pretty simple.”
“Shit. Is it my book?” Y/N asked, then pinched the bridge of her nose as Eddie began to smile. “Goddamn it, he’s like my dad times ten.”
“What did your dad do?” Eddie asked.
“He bought a bunch of copies of my book and sent them to our relatives for Christmas. It was pretty embarrassing.”
“Jesus Christ!” Alice covered her ears as she shot Eddie a glare. “I’m standing right next to you.”
“Go get the clue!” Eddie flicked his fingers at her. “Go! Hurry!”
Alice rolled her eyes and flipped him off as she backed out of the aisle. Eddie ignored her and turned back to Y/N, grinning from ear to ear like he was the birthday girl. “Are you excited?”
“Not as much as you are. That’s for sure,” Y/N said and made sure he knew she was joking by giving him a toothy grin.
“I’m not gonna tell you what the surprise is, you know.”
“I’m not asking.”
Eddie’s laugh was high as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “What I can tell you is that you’re gonna love it. Too bad I cannot be there to see your reaction.”
“Trust me,” she said. “You don’t wanna see me scold Harry through the phone.”
Alice returned with a copy of My Girl and handed it to Y/N with a smile that possibly meant, ‘You’re gonna love this’.
Suspicious and somewhat elated, Y/N opened the book to the dedication page.
To Mum, Dad, and the boy next door.
Those were her words. Below was his handwriting: Hi my love :)
Curious, she turned to the first chapter. This wasn’t just another copy of her book, of which she’d got all the different covers at home. With this one, Harry had done the same thing he’d done to her journal. His handwriting was scattered across the pages. He’d underlined all the quotes he’d enjoyed and left comments about them on the side.
Y/N heard Eddie say something about how he would never write in books and Alice immediately shush him for being rude. Y/N never wrote in books, either, but she loved reading Harry’s handwritten notes. It felt like he was reading the story with her. The butterflies in her stomach went wild just from imagining him taking his time writing on each page and grinning at his own jokes. If this was the birthday surprise, she could not ask for anything more.
However, she knew he had to be more extra than this.
And there it was. Proof that this was not the surprise. On the very last page, he wrote:
Meet me where the sky meets the earth.
“Where the sky meets the earth?” she thought out loud and glanced up at Eddie, who responded with a shrug. Alice did, too. Y/N didn’t think they were lying. Harry must have told them what the surprise was, but not the answers to these cryptic messages.
Eddie patted her on the back as he wished her good luck and shooed Alice back to the front to assist the customers. Y/N was left behind to work it out on her own. She leaned against the bookcase, pondering over the words.
Hadn’t Harry said she was allowed to call him when she reached the fifth clue?
She tucked the book under her arm and pulled out the phone from the pocket of her jeans.
“Hi, babe!”
“I’ve got the fifth clue,” she blurted. “What do I do now?”
“I don’t know. Solve it?”
“Yes, smartarse. The answer is, I don’t know.”
“You’re not even thinking.”
“You said you’d help me!”
“I said I’d help you once,” he countered. “And I did. I told you to call me just so I know when you’ve reached the final clue.”
“So you’re not gonna help me with this one?”
He was quiet for a moment. “Well, I can give you a hint. What do all the places you’ve visited today have in common?”
She chewed on her lip, an arm folded over her chest. “They’re memories,” she whispered.
“That’s right,” he whispered back, like they didn’t want anyone to overhear their conversation. “This last place is a memory as well. Where the sky meets the earth. Think, kid.”
She pouted. “Can I please get another hint?”
“You don’t get to talk in a cute voice and manipulate me, Bambi,” he sighed. “Fine. Our first date.”
“Holmes Chapel?!”
He said nothing and hung up.
It took Y/N a few seconds, but she believed she’d got the answer.
She took the lift and climbed four sets of stairs to the roof.
Adrenaline buzzed right through her, causing her hands to shake and her heart to pound against her ribcage. The metal was cold against her fingertips as she pawed the heavy door open slowly. It was unlocked.
The cold wind gushed in, blowing her hair out of her face as she stepped into the night. The city of London gleamed before her eyes. Where the sky meets the earth. This was where they could see stars high above and down below.
And there he was. Waiting for her with that smug crooked grin on his stupid face.
“Hi,” he said.
Oh, how she’d missed his stupid beautiful face.
She tucked her hands into the pockets of her jacket and ambled forward, still thinking him being here was too good to be true.
He lifted both hands like a surrendered criminal, both eyebrows raised as he said, “Before you get angry, I can explain.”
“Please do,” she demanded but found herself smiling.
With the wind in his hair, dimples on his cheeks and city light in his eyes, he looked absolutely breathtaking. She couldn’t hate him even if she tried.
Harry exhaled unsteadily through his mouth before mumbling, “Here I go,” and then he was on his knee in front of her.
She didn’t react when he took her cold hand and pressed it against his warm chest. She could feel his heart beating almost in sync with her own.
“Are you surprised?” he asked, chuckling nervously.
She exhaled a quiet laugh and said, “Yes, but also no.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “Because I warned you this would happen?”
“Because you warned me this would happen.” Her mouth curved at the corner as she recalled the Oscar night in his LA house, both of them drunk, him on his knee like this, a promise, and how in love she’d felt, almost as much as she did in this very moment.
“Is this too early or too late?” he ventured.
“This is perfect.”
She pressed her lips into a smile, and his green eyes flickered in the semi-darkness. “Well then.” He straightened his back. “Y/N ‘Bambi’ Y/L/N.”
“Yes.” Her voice was so brittle she feared he wouldn’t hear it, her stomach twisted into triple knots, her chest fluttering and her fingers trembling.
He held her gaze as the corner of his mouth arched. “Will you…”
“I swear to God if you’re jok–”
“Marry me,” he blurted, panting as though saying those words had drained all the energy out of him. “Marry me. I want to annoy you for the rest of my life. I want every fight, every laugh, every up and down, every kiss, every touch, everything about you. I will love you until all my teeth fall out, until you finally learn to cook–”
“I’ll never learn to cook.”
“I know,” he chuckled. “Most importantly, I’ll even let you love young Leo a bit more than me, but only sometimes.”
She covered her mouth. What meant to be a laugh came out as a sob.
“I would have written a speech, but I figured you’d roast me for my bad writing, so I’d rather improvise and blame this awful proposal on it being improvised.”
“God, you’re fucking annoying,” she laughed tearily into her hand and he was laughing, too.
Quickly, he got to his feet and tugged her into him. She circled her arms around his waist, her face buried into his chest as she inhaled the scent she’d missed achingly in the last two weeks.
“My girl is such a crybaby,” he said, kissing the top of her head, her temple, her ear, her cheek, her forehead. He kissed and held her until she’d calmed down.
“Yes,” she told him at last, lifting her eyes up to his.
“Yes, you’re a crybaby?”
“Yes, you’re a dumbarse and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life roasting you and yes, I’ll sometimes love young Leo more than you but only sometimes, because you’re the greatest love of my life and I cannot imagine a life without you–”
He stopped her with his lips, his hands tenderly cupping her face as his thumbs moved slowly over her chin, cheeks and jawlines. She’d imagined that their first kiss after two weeks apart would be sexually aggressive and against-the-wall hot, but this kiss was slow and sensual and passionate and full of wanting. It felt like his promise for their future together. One that would last.
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serifsans · 3 years
Vladimir’s bulk is warm and comfortable in a way nothing else is. It’d probably be downright luxurious to curl up on his lap in his true form but if there’s anything Jean-Paul hates, it’s letting their boyfriend (boyfriend, he calls him, as if either of them aren’t anything but too damn old, as if they don’t think of him as their husband, even if they dare not say it lest that change something and ruin everything.) see them when they aren’t wearing human form. It’s embarrassing, like being caught wearing bell-bottoms before they cycle back into fashion. They’ll let Vladimir see them now when they’re skulking around wearing ratty bathrobes so old they’re now antiques but JP draws the line as letting him see that silly pink dog.
(Also, they figure that if the regulators ever decide to mind-wipe him, it’s probably better if he has less memories of an obviously alien form. Maybe it won’t completely fry his brain then. JP’s terrified of that. Of course, JP also knows that if they ever came for him, Vladimir’s taking as many regulators as possible with him before they could even get to his head. They’re terrified of that just as much.)
They see each other so infrequently anyway that there’s no point wasting it looking like anything but a dream: that is, if your idea of a dream is undersized, middle-aged, and dressed entirely in designer brands. Vladimir’s is, which is part of the reason they like him so much. Their volph form is not a dream. It’s silly and little and adorable when it’s not glitching and lagging. JP will take adorable but the silly part, no.
Jean-Paul has his shop and his commissions and a whole part of his life he doesn’t want to drag Vladimir into any more than he already has. Vladimir’s got his work and his family and a whole part of his life he doesn’t want to drag Jean-Paul (or Polly Jean or whatever other name they cycle though) into any more than he already has. They both have businesses that keep them very busy and also side-pieces that also keep them very busy, mostly because neither of them really like to address their emotions and mostly deal with them by throwing themselves at whatever distraction they can find. Always, always, there’s the looming threat that this cannot last, that it’ll end poorly, that they should just end this, but whenever they break up, they can’t stay apart too long until the fear comes for one of them again.
Anyway, the point? Jean-Paul’s living like a fucking king over there because he gets to wallow all over this man. Anyone who doesn’t get to cuddle him is missing out on one of the finer joys of life.
“Paulie, my sweet one, maybe you would like it more if you moved a little, yeah? Just a little. I love you as I love no other, you are my starshine, my heart, but your ass, it’s bony. My legs can only take so much. I am sorry, my love.”
Oh, okay, the man he loves is just cruelly abandoning him like a complete and utter monster. That’s how it is. Being JP is so hard. They make a big show of looking extremely sad as they scoot off his lap and curl up against his side instead, sighing extremely, extremely over-dramatically. Vladimir pets his hair and gives him a little kiss to make up for kicking him off of his lap. JP sighs even more sadly and when that doesn’t elicit the desired response, sighs even louder so Vladimir kisses him again.
Their ass isn’t that bony.
“I guess I might find it within my heart to forgive you for this cruel and utterly cutting insult,” they say. “But only because I am an extremely kind person. The best. I’m completely saintly, darling. That’s the truth of it.”
Vladimir chuckles, a low rumble.
“They will write poems to your kindness and generosity. They will not say that you called what’s-her-name horrible things for hours only because she did not say hello to you while walking down the street. I still think she did not see you. If she knew what you said, she would never talk to you agains even if she did see you.”
JP huffs.
“First of all, it was not for hours. Second of all, I was only being truthful. Third of all, she did it on purpose; don’t argue otherwise. Fourthly, she can snub me all she wants, I really do not give a fuck, the joke’s on her, I made out with her dear old dad in the 70s and he liked it, so hah. I hope no one shows up at her fucking garden party. I hope she gets kicked out of the country club. I hope she buys a pony and it doesn’t love her.”
“Okay, Paulie, you tart,” says Vladimir, laughter still in his voice. “You were very busy in the 70s. You must have never rested.”
“You know it.”
Maybe being kicked off Vladimir’s lap isn’t so bad. It means they can nestle up against him and rest their head on his stomach. He likes to run his fingers through their hair, especially since they decided to start wearing it long in this body. Anyone else doing it makes him feel like anxious lapdog with no control over who does and doesn’t pet him (or pull his tail or mess with his ears or poke him) but Vladimir does it and he feels like a person instead. He closes his eyes and though he never naps, JP really feels so comfortable right now he could doze off. Bears are fantastic. The world needs more of them. Actually, it needs more of them and it needs this one to last forever.
“Mm, completely unrelated to exploits of the past, but I made an account on a website. Thought you should know. Transparency. Communication. That sort of thing. It’s fun.”
God, they’re comfy. This is amazing. Their life really is so blessed. Thank you, universe.
“Paulie,” his boyfriend says with gentle exasperation in his voice. “You join these websites, you find someone that maybe you do not like, you say things that you know to be hurtful, the websites say that you cannot go to them anymore. You can’t keep doing this. There is a reason that I run the boutique’s social media and you, you, my heart, are allowed nowhere near. You are very spiteful and very rude. I know this and I love you.”
JP really can’t argue against this one because they’re running out of websites to be banned from. Even still, they roll their eyes and huff because how dare Vladimir call them out like this.
“Ugh, fine, I’ll behave. I’m really trying to be nicer, you know. It’s all so goddamn weird that I wouldn’t even understand how to insult these people if I tried, anyway. I don’t fucking get memes, darling. It’s all a bunch of bullshit people pretend is funny. It doesn’t make sense.”
“I am sorry you do not understand the Internet. It is a strange place. I will send you Russian memes instead and then maybe you will understand,” Vladimir says. “If you do not like the site, then maybe consider not being on it.”
“I didn’t say that. I just said that it doesn’t make sense. Darling, you know I really do think people should cater to my exact sense of taste at all times but even though they don’t, I still very graciously put up with it,” JP says. “It’s a website for fellow space fans. They’re all bound to be weird."
Vladimir’s hand in his hair stills.
“I do not need to know the details of what you say on your websites, I think maybe I do not even need to know what they are called, but be mindful of what you post. You do not know who could be reading. Do not mention me on it ever, please.  Be careful.”
The ever-present anxiety starts making itself known. It’s not that Vladimir himself makes them anxious because he’s a giant softie underneath the leather and gruff exterior and the fact that he will commit murder in an instant if it means protecting his loved ones. It’s just that sometimes JP very suddenly remembers how much they absolutely have to protect him at all costs and what it will be like to lose him if they can’t devise a way to keep him around forever.
“I’m sorry, Vladimir. I should’ve said something before I made an account. I’ll delete it. I just...you told me I can’t keep running away from others like me. Well, I can’t deal with them in real life. I just can’t. It’s just a website, I didn’t think things through, I don’t want to compromise your safety, I can-”
“Ah, ah, no, I am sorry, I think maybe I said things too harshly, do not worry, my darling. I trust you. Please, maybe it will be a good thing for you and then you will understand their memes. I only want you to be happy and safe. Just be careful, okay? And do not start fights with people.”
JP whines and buries their face against him.
“I really can delete it. I, I don’t always think things through. I wasn’t made for thinking.”
Vladimir decides the best course of action is to pull them back into his lap in hopes it’ll calm the anxious volph, except JP can’t even properly enjoy it because their brain (if they even have a brain because they honestly do not know.) goes from zero to one hundred in half a second and now they’re thinking about everything bad that could possibly happen because they joined a website for aliens.
“Hey, it’s okay, okay? Have fun on your alien dating site. Maybe you will sleep with a Nessie and it will change your life. Do not worry about me. Just be careful with yourself, okay? You do not protect that person enough.”
That’s enough for JP to momentarily break through the anxiety.
“It’s a blogging website, not a hookup website."
“Paulie? Is the Loch Ness Monster real? Do you know her?”
“Darling, you know I never kiss and tell.”
“Is she real?”
“Fuck if I know but I’m certainly not swimming all the way over there to find out.”
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pakchoys · 4 years
on that note, do you have any edling fic recs? 👀
this would be a lot easier if i bookmarked all the fics i read. huh
i haven’t actively read any since the days when i consumed edling at a horrifying rate to ease the suffering of being fifteen. obviously there are the ones i wrote as noodlebunny on ao3, but those are a dumpster fire, good god
the ones i saved are probably ones you’ve read if you’ve spent any time on the edling tag at all, soooo……… can i interest you in some meagre edling dug up from my old fma files? it’s a modern au where ed adopts nina, alternatively titled Ed Fights A Twelve Year Old Then Meets His Future Boyfriend
Words: 1.6k
TW for implied child abuse
Edward watches Nina from a bench at the edge of the play park. He shifts his grip on his paper cup while Nina moves from the slide to the monkey bars. There was a time where he would have been up there with her, arms raised and ready if she fell; now that Nina’s seven years old, however, she’s a self-proclaimed big girl who can tackle the monkey bars herself. It’s good, seeing her so independent.
If only Ed’s heart wouldn’t plummet into his stomach every time she so much as slips.
It can’t be helped. Al calls him an over protective mother hen; Ed calls himself sensible, thank you kindly.
Nina clears the monkey bars without a hitch. From the top of the unholy metal playpark structure of death, she gives Ed a winning smile and a wave, sending her two braids flying. Ed waves back, adding a thumbs up for good measure.
His phone pings. Ed fishes it out of his jacket.
Al’s texted, Want to see the cat I saw on campus today??? followed by a string of cat emojis dispersed with hearts.
not really, Ed replies, a smile tugging at him because he knows Al knows he’s lying.
Oops, too late, Al says. The cat’s cute, sort of. Ed doesn’t really get the beasts, but Al’s crazy for them and so is Nina, which means it’s such a damn nightmare when Al encourages her.
demon gremlin creature, Ed sends.
He’s so preoccupied with watching the dots as Al types that he doesn’t hear Nina until she’s crying.
His phone is left abandoned on the bench as he sprints towards her, and oh god, she’s on the ground—what if something’s broken? What if she hit her head, what if—what if she’s hurt bad just because Ed couldn’t keep an eye on her, not for five damn minutes—what if they take her away—
Not until he’s stopping next to her does Ed realise that there’s another girl there too. She’s already helping Nina sit up, her crying has already beginning to taper into little sniffles.
“Nina,” Ed says gently, “Are you okay? Where does it hurt?”
“‘M fine, big brother.” She looks up at him through her tears, as stoic as a seven year old in yellow dungarees can be. Too brave, too willing to hide her pain. “I fell off the climbing wall. It’s just a scrape.”
He gingerly checks her knee over and, yeah, it’s just a sluggishly bleeding cut but there’s sure to be bruising. The plasters and disinfectant are all back at the apartment.
“Oh, here, I can help!”
In what Alphonse fondly dubs as Big Brother Panic, Ed had completely forgotten the girl who helped Nina up. She looks maybe a few years older than Nina, but she’s short and her black hair is in two massive buns so it’s hard to tell. Rifling through her pink backpack, she pulls out a box of plasters and antiseptic salve.
“You just carry that around with you?” Ed asks flatly.
The little girl, previously so sweet to Nina, shoots him a cold glare. “What’s it to you, shortie?”
“Wh—Hey! You’re like, ten! Shortie! Shortie?! I’m a damn giant next to you!”
“Yeah, next to me.” She rolls her eyes. “Not saying much, is it? And I’m twelve, so watch it, or I’ll cut you down another inch.”
Ed’s in half a mind to pick Nina up and nope the fuck out of here. ‘Roasted by a twelve year old’ wasn’t on his schedule. He does the roasting, dammit.
“Big brother, calm down,” says Nina. “You’re being silly.”
Oh, Ed woes the day this doe-eyed girl wrapped him around her little finger.
“Right. Sorry, kiddo.”
“Anyway, I’m Mei,” says the demon in the body of a girl with a pink backpack. “I’m gonna be a doctor someday, so I can help you out.”
“I’m Nina! This is my big brother, Edward. He’s grumpy right now but he’s really the best.”
“Hm.” Mei narrows her eyes at him. “We’ll see.”
He will not stick his tongue out at a child. He will not stick his tongue out at a child.
To her credit, Mei is efficient and gentle about dressing Nina’s cut. She’s got excellent bedside manner too, and by the end of it Nina’s tears are all gone and she’s warmed to Mei like a new best friend. Not all kids are good with younger kids, and Ed’s silently impressed.
“Are you out here alone?” Ed asks as he helps Nina up. Not that Central in the middle of the day is especially dangerous.
“Naw, I’m with my brother. He went to get us ice cream, and then I saw Nina fall down, so I came over to help.”
“Nice of you.”
“Yeah, I’m a nice person.” Mei shrugs her backpack on. “We can’t all be, I suppose.”
“Hey kid, is that supposed to mean something—“
“Big brother Ed, can we get ice cream?” Nina clings very suddenly to Ed’s automail arm, tugging enthusiastically. She’s always been casual about his prosthetics. It’s nice to have someone who doesn’t give it a second glance, even if that someone is a tiny child begging for more sweets.
“I guess so,” ponders Ed, pretending to debate it. “You have been pretty brave today. And it’s hot out. But try be more careful playing next time, okay?”
“‘Kay! Ice cream?”
“Yay! You’re the best, big brother!”
Ed can’t help but notice Mei watching them strangely. He’s sure they must look strange and not related at all, what with Ed’s Xerxian complexion. Whatever.
“In that case, come meet my brother,” Mei says. “He’s probably waiting for me at the ice cream place. Havoc’s, you know the one?”
“We went there for my birthday!” Nina’s bouncing now. Ed’s whole arm shakes.
“Well, come on then. I have a feeling my bro’s gonna like you.” Mei looks at him funny as she says it. Ed does not like this child.
It’s busy out on such a sunny day. Ed gets a few stares at his arm, and he almost, almost regrets going out in a t-shirt. Then Nina holds his hand tighter, beaming up at him, and he breathes easier.
Now if only he could bring himself to wear shorts too.
“There he is,” says Mei as the ice cream place comes into view. “Ah, jeez, he’s shirtless again.”
“Wait, what?” says Ed.
Mei ignores him in favour of stalking up to a guy about Ed’s age, nineteen or maybe older, who is indeed entirely shirtless. Ed looks furiously away.
“Hey, you dolt!” Mei near-shouts, drawing looks from bystanders. “Put your shirt on in public! You’re so embarrassing, Ling, I can’t believe we’re related.”
“Aw, is my baby sister embarrassed?” Ling chuckles and ruffles her hair, wincing as his hand is slapped away. “It’s hot. I’m just airing out!”
“It’s public indecency, if you’re looking to get arrested again. Where’s our ice cream?”
“Oh, that. It’s a funny story, you know…”
“You ate it?! Again?”
“Buy me another!”
“I would, I would! But that was the last change I had…”
“Ugh! Next time I’m going with Lan Fan and you can’t come.”
“Hey, hey, it’s not my fault you took so long! Chill!”
“I was helping out a girl with a cut knee, so don’t give me that crap.”
Ling seems to notice them, then. He pushes his floppy black hair away and gives Ed a winning grin, sticking his hand out to shake. Ed cringes; he’s gonna have to use his automail hand, and that makes people act so annoyingly awkward.
Ling just grips his hand without missing a beat, shaking firmly.
“I’m Ling!”
“… Ed. This is Nina.”
“Hiya, Nina!” Ling bends down slightly to wave. “Wow, I love your braids. Stylish.”
“Thanks!” Nina chirps, encouraged out of her shell by Ling’s friendliness. She’s not what Ed would call a shy child, but there was a period where she was so withdrawn Ed worried she’d never recover from what her bastard of a father did to her.
Tried to do.
“Your sister’s right,” says Ed to Ling. “You should put a shirt on.”
Way to make friends, idiot. So friendly and approachable.
Ling stares; Mei snorts. Ed contemplates his own terrible, off putting personality.
Then Ling waggles his eyebrows and says, “What, don’t like what you see?”
“Wh— Hey—!” He’s spluttering and bright red and say something! “No, it’s terrible! I hate it! Put a damn shirt on!”
Not that!
He doesn’t dare look Ling in the eyes as he briskly scoops Nina up, much to her indignation, and escapes into the ice cream parlour. He just knows the shirtless idiot is watching him.
“Big brother, can we see them again? They’re so cool!”
“No, they’re not, Nina. They’re the worst and we hate them. Pick a flavour.”
“But what about Mei? She doesn’t get any ice cream!”
“Too bad.”
Oh, no. He’s done it now. Nina’s eyes begin to water and Ed’s heart clenches, already knowing he’s done for.
“Hey, kiddo, I’m sorry.”
“If Mei doesn’t get any, I won’t have any. ‘S not fair if I’m the only one…”
Ed closes his eyes. His counts to three. He faces the facts.
“If that’s the case…”
Later, when they all have ice cream out of Ed’s pocket and stupid Ling is wearing a stupid shirt, Ed adamantly pretends not to hear Mei lean over and say,
“See, I told you my brother would like you.”
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
BTBY Chapter 7
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Series Summary: For Namjoon, the moment he set his sights on being the #1 rapper, he pushed the symbol to the side and hated it. Love should be chosen, not forced on you. He didn’t believe in fate and this mark on his wrist was a big “fuck you” to all that." Chapter Summary It's award show night! Also, your secret comes out.
  Previous Chapter found here
The group gathers around and watches their red carpet interviews which they react to with a mix of pride and cringe at different moments. The BTS production team shoots footage of them doing this and getting their hair and make-up done and then stops rolling. You are still scrolling through your phone over on the end of the styling counter when you hear the door open and close and a voice cut through the air.
“What the fuck [Y/N]?” You know who it is but you are absolutely shocked that these words are being directed at you. You turn to see Xavier coming over towards you with a look of rage on his face. Ice runs through your veins. He has never yelled at you like this. You guys have had disagreements over the years but nothing like this. In fact no one has ever yelled at you like this before. “Did you just turn down a summer tour with Imagine Dragons?”
You sit your phone on the counter and try to swallow even though our mouth has gone completely dry. “I did. I don’t get why it’s such a big deal though. Other offers are going to come along. Calm down.” you try to get him to chill out even though he is absolutely livid.
“They’re my favorite band. Did you even look at the tour schedule? They’re actually going to Hawaii. HAWAII.” he emphasizes. You notice that everyone in the greenroom has gotten quiet and they are all trying to be polite and not stare, but it’s a small room.
“Dude. I hear that you are upset, but it’s not a big deal ok. Other bands travel. We have a show to get through tonight.”
“Why did you say ‘No’? Especially without asking ME first? Why do you think you can just make all these decisions without me!” Xavier is so angry he doesn’t even look like himself. You want to tell him why you turned it down but you don’t want to make him feel bad. This is all spiraling out of control. You take a deep breath.
“I don’t have to check with you before making a decision about who I work with, ok? Can we please just get the band we ARE working with ready for the stage and move on with our evening. Please?” you are trying to keep your calm but you are starting to shake from having your best friend scream at you at you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you,[Y/N]? I thought we were a team.”
Namjoon couldn’t take it anymore. Taehyung tries to keep him from getting up but he throws his hands to the side and marches up, inserting himself between you and Xavier. “The deal from that manager was for her. Only her. They didn’t want a choreographer. That’s why she turned it down. She’s trying to be a good friend to you so stop yelling at her.” his voice boomed over the room.
Xavier stood there for a moment, taking everything in. His best friend being upset, the performer he looked up to admonishing him, and then turned and realized the whole room was looking at them.
You hold your hand in front of your mouth, surprised at how the past five minutes has gone by. You are still in shock that the whole thing has happened. “RM,” you gently touch his back. He turns his head and looks down at you, “Thanks.” You move so you’re next to him, facing Xavier. “I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. Can we please just get back to focusing on the job we are supposed to be doing right now? Other offers will come our way for both of us. Ok?” you pat Xavier on his arm to comfort him. He’s been your best friend for five years and you’re sure this has to be super embarrassing for him.
“Yeah, ok,” he says, you can see the tears in his eyes that he’s trying to not let fall. “Just uh, give me a minute, yeah? Excuse me,” he says more to RM than you and he exits the green room.
You are still shaking a little. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Hey” you hear Namjoon’s deep voice quietly behind you and feel him gently touch your shoulder. It suddenly feels like your entire body is being wrapped in a giant warm blanket. “Are you ok?”
You turn towards his voice. “Not really.” you sigh deeply. “But, we have a show to put on and I hear you guys are supposed to win tonight. So let’s put this stupid shit behind us and move on with the evening.” you plaster a smile on your face and gently shake his hand off you. “Thanks again. I do appreciate it. Can you please apologize to the group? This whole thing is so embarrassing.”
“Yeah. I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you go take a walk?”
You avoid eye contact with the rest of the room as you head out towards the hallway. You decide to go sneak a peek at whoever is rehearsing right now. You’re glad your group went earlier in the day. Still, it was the least they could do since they had fucked up your rehearsal times yesterday.
To your surprise you turn to see JHope standing to your left. “Holy shit!” you yell. He scared you. He shrieks back at you and then laughs. “Sorry,” he holds up his hands.
“JHope. Need anything?” you smile at him.
He looks at you thoughtfully. “Just one thing.” he says and before you can even guess or ask what it might be, he grabs your arm and pushes up your dress sleeve, to look at the glowing mark on your wrist. You instinctively pull it back and up to your chest. He smiles at you and raises his eyebrows. “Yep.” He turns and walks back towards the green room. That little shit.
Tonight is not going how you planned it. These past 2 days are not going how you planned. And while it was nice that RM stood up for you back there you can’t help but wonder why. Probably because he was the leader of the group and things were getting out of hand. You think back to his hand on your shoulder and the way he stood up for you and feel tingly. Nope. Nope! You shake your head as though you can physically get the thoughts out of your head. Ugh. You really need to find Xavier to check on him. ----------- JHope walks back into the greenroom with a huge smile plastered on his face. He had suspected since yesterday afternoon that something was going on and now he had confirmed it. He goes over and whispers to Taehyung who smirks at this news. They had stayed up last night talking about this possibility and were feeling very proud of their deductive reasoning skills right now.
Jimin and Jungkook were having their hair touched up at the moment while Namjoon was scrolling through his phone. Jin was on facetime with his girlfriend over in the corner, occasionally turning the phone around to show her the organized chaos of the greenroom. Her group hadn’t broken out on the international level yet
Yoongi walks over to Namjoon, “So you’re sure our choreographer and Director are coming back, right?”
Namjoon scoffed, “Of course they’ll be back. Well, [Y/N] will be. She’s a professional.” Yoongi eyes him suspiciously. They hear a knock at the door. Without [Y/N] there to liaison, the task falls to Namjoon to go answer it. He rolls his eyes a bit, can’t they just get ready for the show??? And goes to answer it.
“Yes?” he asks, a man standing at the door with a few legal size envelopes.
“Oh, sorry to bother you. Just dropping these off for [Y/N] to look over. Is she here?”
“She stepped out for a moment, I’ll take them for her,” he responds and lets the man hand him the envelopes.
“Thanks. Good luck tonight. My daughter is a huge fan,” the man says.
“We’ll do our best,” Namjoon flashes his trademark dimples, closes the door, and takes the envelopes and thoughtfully sits them down under your clutch.
He looks over to see Yoongi smiling with Taehyung and JHope like they are plotting something. Which is never a good thing for him. Why can’t this show just be over? He sits down in his chair as a make-up artist comes over and starts to do some touch ups.
You come back to the room. No luck finding Xavier so far. You shoot JHope a glare causing him to laugh and hide behind Taehyung who flashes you a boxy smile. Oh God. Do they all know? Just get through tonight. You make your way to the back of the room to your purse so you can text Xavier and Joe.
“A courier stopped by for you,” Namjoon mentions from the chair in the space next to your stuff. “I put the envelopes under your purse.”
Apparently you should hang out with him when there are crowds of people around because he’s actually nice to you then. “Great, thanks so much.” you respond while digging your phone out. “Did Xavier come back here?”
“Nope.” Namjoon responds with an edge to his voice. Now that you think of it, he probably won’t because in addition to being embarrassed, he’s probably afraid of RM. You sigh. This goddamn day. You send off some messages to him and Joe telling them if you don’t see them before the show you will meet them at your seats. In the nosebleed section. Where they keep the staff.
You feel eyes on you and you see three of the members staring at the two of you interact but trying not to stare. You don’t dare say anything to him right now with so many hair and make-up artists surrounding you. You type into your phone, ��BTW JHope knows. He came up and saw my soulmark. I’m guessing he also told the others since they look like a bunch of high school girls right about now.” “Hey, can you look at something for me?” you ask him as you hand him your phone. He gives you a confused look but takes it anyway. He reads the message, looks over at your wrist which is currently covered by your long sleeves. He starts to run a hand through his hair but stops himself since it was just styled. He types something in and hands it back to you.
“How? Your wrist is covered. Also Maybe you should get some concealer. Hasn’t your boyfriend noticed?”
You roll your eyes and type “He literally walked up, pushed my sleeve out of the way, laughed at me like a schoolgirl, and left. I haven’t seen my boyfriend since this happened. In case you haven’t noticed, IVE BEEN WORKING :/ “ you thrust the phone back into his hands as you begin to tear open the envelopes.
He reads the message and then turns to glare at the three gossips who make eye contact with him and scatter. “Sorry. I literally have 6 children. Well 5. Jin takes care of himself.” he hands you your phone back and continues to scroll through his.
You look over the contents of the first envelope and smile. As predicted, these are formal bids for summer tours. And this one is for a director and a choreographer. The tour doesn’t go to Hawaii, but you can always save up and just go with Xavier and Joe for fun. You open the other two proposals and look over the salaries, hours, and cities.
“What are those?” RM asks casually.
“These are formal bids for summer tours. This awards show is kind of known for where people look for summer work, so a lot of Producers come with bid sheets. I usually only accept written bids. Mr. Salontes caught me off guard earlier because we ran into each other. I hate networking and verbal offers; It’s too much work to keep track of all the ass kissing so I just send out my resume ahead of time and receive written bids on awards night.” You put the documents back into the folder.
“Anything good?”
“Yeah. They’re all good groups. I’ll let Xavier pick. He has to work around Joe’s schedule and cares more. I just love traveling so I’ll go wherever.”
“You aren’t going to check with your boyfriend?” He raises his eyebrows. Why does he care so much about your boyfriend?
“No. Not really. I mean, I had this job when we started dating. He knows I go on tour in the summer so it’s not like it should be a surprise to him, you know? It’s my job and it’s literally my favorite part about it.” you shrug your shoulders. “I don’t suppose you have a girlfriend?” you ask.
He scoffs,” Definitely not.”
“Well if you did, would you stop touring or ask her where you were allowed to perform?”
“Definitely not.” he repeats.
You raise your eyebrows at him. “I didn’t think so. It’s the same thing.” you start scrolling through your phone to see who else you know that posted they were here tonight. An alarm goes off. “Alright guys, 10 minutes. 10 minutes until you’ll be seated. At 6:45 I will come get you and you will come change and be on stage at 7:15. One of your categories is next so you won’t come back and change until after the announcement. I’m sure you will do great!”
You look in the mirror and touch up your own make-up a bit.
“So pretty,” you hear RM say under his breath as you catch him staring at you. You’re not sure if you were meant to hear it and try your best to keep your face neutral. You put your make-up bag into the company box along with your clutch and lock it up.
“Do you guys still get nervous at these things or is it just like a normal day for you?” you ask RM, relaxing with your back against the wall.
He smiles, “We definitely still get nervous. Even if we think we are going to win and even if we have performed a song hundreds of times. We want to do well for our fans and for each other.”
“Well if practice was any indication I’m sure you guys will do great.” you say as you check your watch. “5 minutes” you yell into the green room. “When do you guys fly out?”
“We’ll leave for New York tomorrow morning, stay for two days and then back to Seoul.”
“Cool cool.” you say as your small talk ability is starting to wear out.
The time has finally come and you gather the group together to escort to their seats. They randomly get distracted by saying their “hellos” to other artists but you have worked in enough time that you should still be good. You show them to their seats in the second row, left side.
You pull RM over a bit so he can hear you over the guys being all excited and taking pictures of them in front of the stage. “Ok, do not leave the seats until I come get you. The show runs over some times so don’t assume that because it’s the original time I told you that we will actually go at that time, ok? If I had to guess, we will already be ten minutes behind when I come get you and 20 minutes by your performance time.”
“Got it.” he looks over to the other guys who are goofing off and taking a bunch of selfies.
“Good luck!” you tell him as you turn to grab an earpiece from the sound booth and get to your seat.
“Hey! [Y/N]” you hear someone say to you. You turn back and it’s Jimin. “Take our picture?”
“Sure,” you respond, walking over and getting his phone. “Alright guys, together.” You take several photos as they keep switching positions every few seconds. What a bunch of pros.
“You guys make that look easy,” you say as you hand the phone back to Jimin. “Alright, see you soon!”
You start to once again make your way to the sound booth when you hear another voice calling your name, “Hey!” you look over and see Seth Ayers, another Director. He has just got his artist escorted to her seat.
“Hey!” you lean in for a polite hug. “How are you?”
“Good, good. You look nice.”
“Thanks. You too. It’s always so fun seeing everyone in their fancy clothes,” you laugh. You suddenly feel rage in the pit of your stomach. What the hell? You take a few deep breaths.
“Who’s your date tonight? Xavier?” he asks
“No, Good guess though,” you smile, “Xavier brought his boyfriend. I’m flying solo this evening.”
“Oh. Well, if you need an escort to any of the after parties just let me know.” Oh God, was Seth hitting on you!? Ughhhh. Awkward. Time to mention your boyfriend. All of a sudden you feel breathing on your neck. “Ahhh. Hey there.” you say as you turn and see RM lurking.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt. I forget, what time are you coming to get us?”
You smirk at him. Jealous. He was Jealous. “No problem. 6:45.” you turn back to Seth. “I’m not going to any after parties this year. We’re having a small gathering at the studio afterwards. Good luck tonight! It was nice to see you” you flash a smile and start walking with RM back to the front of the theater.
“You forgot what time?” you whisper.
“Yep.” he says cooly.
You roll your eyes. “Huh. Ok. Well You.” you take him by the shoulders “Stay. Staaaaay. I will be back sometime later this evening.” You jokingly move him and place him right in front of his seat. “Got it?”
“Yes, I think I understand.” he smiles. Ahhh Dimples. Staaaahp.
Will you ever get to your earpiece? Make it to your seats? There is half an hour until the show gets started and they are setting up for the opening act. You massage your temples. Let this day end.
“Picture?” you hear JHope ask as he walks over with his camera. “Ok!” you put back on your enthusiastic facade.
“Oh ok sure.” you stand next to him and take a few pictures. Once again that low lying rage fills your stomach. Jesus. How can a person who doesn’t even want a soul mate get so damn jealous?
“Stop it.” you say to him.
“Stop what?” he responds. You give him a hardcore mom look.
“Yeah ok. Whatever,” you say.
“Now, you two?” JHope asks and you almost object but you don’t want to be rude. You stand next to RM and give a half-ass smile. More of a smirk really.
“Ok. For real. I am Going now. Good luck.” you say as you turn and finally get your hands on the damn earpiece. NEXT CHAPTER
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anonniemousefics · 4 years
My Dearest Inej | Chapter Six
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Chapter Masterlist
Originally posted on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up
Synopsis: A series of letters kept among the personal belongings of Captain Inej Ghafa.
Chapter Six: Dear Nina
Hello, lovely,  
Some news and a request. I am going away on an assignment for the next several months, and this one’s rather sensitive. It means I’ll be out of reach for a time. Don’t worry your wonderful Inej brain about it, though. You know very well I’ll be just fine.  
Here’s how I’m thinking we make due in the meantime. I’m writing down all my adventures and silly thoughts to send you as soon as it’s safe, and then we’ll be able to catch up in no time at all when all is right with the world again. You should do the same. Once I’m able, I’ll send a giant wad of letters along with where I can be reached to the Van Eck mansion for Wylan to hold on to for you until your next trip to Ketterdam. There. Not so bad, right?  
I miss you more than cake. And that’s not an exaggeration. Be safe, lovely. And give them all hell.
All my love,
(enclosed in an overstuffed envelope marked “Nina”)
(translated from Kerch)
Dear Nina,  
Your last letter has made me grouchy. I don’t know if there would have ever been a good time for you to fall off the map, but I think there could have at least been a better time than this. I’ll take your suggestion, though, and settle for trying to imagine your face when I tell you these things. When you read this, let’s imagine that we’re at that cafe in West Stave. The one with the little white tables outside. You’ve ordered enough waffles to feed five men, and I’m all hopped up on hot chocolate, and we can’t stop snickering. It’ll happen again someday, right?  
I’m going to use this letter to take a break in entertaining you with stories of battle at sea and the many delightful ways in which bad men beg. I’m docked in Ketterdam today with my head dangerously full of some truly mortifying events. I don’t know what to do, Nina. Keep eating your imaginary waffles – I’m going to offload a great many details and bring you up to speed.
I’ve told you that Kaz and I write letters. That they’re sort of a romantic nature. I know you think I’m crazy. I’m well aware that I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t know -- there’s just something about him I can’t give up yet. And I love these letters. They’ve become the first thing I pick up at every new port. They’re these little slices of Ketterdam – all of the good stuff, that is, and none of the bloodshed.
It’s dangerous, though, isn’t it? Only getting the good side of things. It messes with your perception of reality.  
It should surprise no one that Kaz Brekker is good with pen and paper, considering how we’ve seen him con. Sometimes I worry that’s what letter-writing really is to him. Another way to con. He says things in letters that you could not even imagine, Nina. He can be affectionate. He can be really funny, maybe even playful. He can also write the most sincere, heartfelt sentences. You read them, and you really forget he’s, well, Brekker. It’s almost like, when he writes me, he’s not. Like some other side comes out when he picks up a pen, and it’s the side I’ve always hoped was really there all along.  
I’m such a goner for this other side, Nina. It’s become a problem. Try not to spit out those imaginary waffles.  
It’s a problem because, in person, when I’m in Ketterdam, he’s still Kaz Brekker, the persona, the enigma. It started messing with my head, because there is such a stark contrast between Kaz Brekker the enigma and the Kaz who writes me these insanely charming letters. That’s not to say Kaz Brekker isn’t trying to be less enigmatic, but it’s little things. He can take off his gloves more now without having violent reactions to a brush of skin. He’s managed to hold my hand for a few, brief moments. I’ve tried to cozy up to him, but I don’t know. It’s impossible to know what he thinks of it, if he likes it, if he hates it, if he resents it – until a letter shows up. And then he’s writing, “I miss you” and “I’m dreaming of tasting your lips.” (I’m imagining you making that silly fanning yourself gesture, and I really hope that’s true. Saints, I miss you.)
I’m rambling so much. I wish you were just here instead.  
He wrote me this letter after Jesper’s birthday, Nina. Ughhh, why are you so far away? It was a really good letter. A really, really good letter. We had a moment during this hot air balloon ride (yet another reason you need to come back to visit Ketterdam – we do birthday experiences now). Jesper and Wylan were on one side of the balloon’s basket, wrapped up in each other and all the sights with their backs to us. And, out of nowhere, he pulled me close, tucked me right up against his side, close enough that I couldn’t help but hold him back. At first, I could actually feel his heart racing and thought maybe he’d pull away. But he settled after a minute, and we rode in the balloon for a good while like that, stars overhead, city lights below. That was all, and it was more than enough for me. I still think about it all the time. He told me later that he thought it was a nice night, and so I thought it best to leave it at that. We had a nice night. Nice, like when your dinner isn’t ruined or someone opens a door for you.
But this letter that awaited me in Os Kervo. You know Suli, right? So, if I use the phrase (nearest translation: “I shit a brick”), you’ll understand just how shocked I was. He wrote how he never wanted to forget that night and the way I looked and the way he felt. It was perfectly un-Brekker-like. It might have made you cry.
The contrast has never seemed so stark.  
And so it came down to this: I needed to know that Kaz Brekker in Ketterdam was capable of actually being this person who keeps showing up in envelopes and using his name.
Which brings me to my most recent trip to Ketterdam. This was the trip after the hot air balloon ride. Before I arrived, he asked if I wanted to stay in the Slat this trip – with him. Don’t choke on your waffles, please. Nothing was going to happen – he can barely hold my hand for more than a few minutes, and at least one of the times it’s happened, I had to bribe him with Ravkan toffees first.
I had one condition for this arrangement. I wanted to bring letters for him to read aloud. Perhaps most incredibly, he agreed.
Right. This is where it gets ugly.  
I’d spent the day at The Slat. Usually my first day on land, I find I’m unusually exhausted, and everything in The Slat is fresh and new since Seeger’s fire – I’d even venture to say comfortable. I slept most of the day, a luxury I know you’d appreciate. I was up around dinnertime, and he’d brought in dinner. (It was those meatballs and mash pots we used to love so much. I hope I’ll be able to eat them again after this without wanting to hurl.)
Dinner seemed like a good time to try out the letter reading. We’d spread out the food on his desk and passed a bottle of kvas back and forth to lighten the mood before he rolled up his sleeves and I gave him the first one. I had tried to pick a variety of his letters to bring along, the ridiculous ones right up to the one I can’t get over – the one after the hot air balloon ride.
Before you get too excited, we didn’t get to the hot air balloon ride letter.
It was going so well in the beginning. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so hard, listening to so many charming words come from that voice. He seemed to be enjoying it even – feet up on the desk, a sip of kvas here, read an old joke there, and he’d try not to smirk to himself when it made me laugh. He even let one of his own laughs slip once or twice. It was just what I wanted. I felt like I was finally putting together a whole picture out of two halves.
But then we came to this letter he’d given to me on the docks of Fifth Harbor, thanking me just before I left after Seeger’s fire. I was getting ready to hand it over to him, and my heart dropped right into my feet. Nina. I’d forgotten I’d written something really, really, REALLY embarrassing in the margins. Just. Sankta Alina. I don’t know if I can repeat it.  
I tried to skip over that one, but he was having none of it. Everything had been playful and a little flirtatious up until that moment, and he swiped it from my hands. Sankta Elizabeta, my face is burning up while I’m writing this. Tell me this is salvageable. Oh, wait, you’re in backwoods Fjerda or something. Ugh, why, Nina, why?  
Everything got really quiet – he’d seen it right away. I could tell he was surprised, but that was it. I have no idea what else was happening in that brain of his.
What it was was this. I’d made a note of how different he was on paper and labeled that Kaz by his original name. I’d written that I like Kaz Brekker, but after these letters, I was in love with Kaz Rietveld.  
NINA. (Untranslatable Suli vulgarities)
I snatched the letter back – he wasn’t even making eye contact with me. He hadn’t even budged. It was too horrible. The silence felt never-ending. So, I left. That was yesterday. Now I’m staying on the Wraith. Maybe forever.  
I have to say something, and I wish you were here to help me figure out what to say. Somewhere in the back of my mind, there are fragments of lessons and sayings my father would have about this, if I could only cobble them in to something coherent. I’m trying and trying to imagine how he must be feeling.
He couldn’t have been that surprised about my feelings, could he? Not after all this time, not everything we’ve written. It’s not as if I’ve been terribly coy. I’m forcing myself to believe he would not be horrified to know how I feel. No, there’s something else.
How awful it must feel to think someone you trusted finds only a part of you lovable.
I have some soul-searching to do, Nina.
Come back.  
(hand-delivered, unaddressed envelope)
Dear Inej,  
I’ve spent the whole night thinking, and I have some things to say. I won’t read this one out loud, so if you have a hard time believing it’s me, I guess you’ll just need to get creative.  
I know you’re embarrassed. You might remember I have intimate knowledge of what it’s like to be in your position. At first, I wanted nothing more than to ease your mind and put everything back the way it was. There was a large part of me that was awestruck that you’d find even a small, half-dead remnant of myself worthy of loving. I was ready to crawl back to you and do anything to erase this moment from time.
But then I realized that’s not a fair deal to Kaz Brekker.
And before you start making faces, I’m not becoming one of those politicians that likes to bloviate in the third person. Just for the sake of clarity in this letter alone, I’ll use the labels that you used.  
Inej, Kaz Brekker saved my life. Yours, too. And a lot of other people’s. Kaz Brekker could find me food and dry clothes and shelter when there was no one else. Kaz Brekker has fixed and built and risked and fought and salvaged. And yes, there are a good many things he’s terrible at, like not being an unmitigated asshole. He is not friendly or particularly kind, and he’s rarely truthful. There are many things he should never have done. He’s done unthinkable things he’s not even sorry for. Trust me, Inej. When it comes to hating Kaz Brekker, I have a front row seat.  
But the only reason there’s a Kaz Rietveld here for you to love at all is because Kaz Brekker brought him this far.  
At first, my instinct was to write a letter detailing all the many ways I can become more like the man you love. And that’s not to say there isn’t some wisdom in trying to coax him out a bit more – you tend to have good taste in most things. There’s probably some value in striking a balance.
But Kaz Brekker is part of the deal. You can’t have one without the other. There is a lot about him – about me -- that I would not and will not change. So, I need to know that you see the same value in him. In all of me. Because, if you can’t, I’m not sure it will matter how much I’m in love with you, too.  
And to think we might have avoided this whole mess if I just would have let you bring a flute. To that I say, mati en sheva yelu. I am in love with you even if you play a damn flute.
Are you smiling at least a little bit? I hope so.
K. Rietveld
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