#ugh enemies to lovers 😭
peachsukii · 7 months
Okay I’m back I’m sorry your writing is like cocaine to me idk you’re awesome-
Bakugou x reader where they’re on a mission and it involves a teams of heroes to dress up like Dynamight to confuse the enemy??? Just like Bakugou’s reaction to seeing his girlfriend decked out in his gear like 😭😭😭
but like picture like reader trying to fit Bakugou into a version of her costume too-
Ohkay I’m going even further now- Bakugou and reader wearing formal wear modeled after each other at a Hero’s gala to debut their relationship to the world???? I can just imagine after the mission they just really like wearing each other’s stuff-
Anyways you’re amazing have an amazing day!!
I’m so so sorry this took me so long to get to! You’re the sweetest!! 🥰 thank you so much for rec and coming back! I’ve enjoyed the ideas you’ve suggested so much and hope you like this one. 💖✨
Substitute Gear
『 ♡』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ pro-hero au | age 24 | lovers (bf/gf) ꒱ ⇢ bakugo and reader are joking around in their apartment one night when they decide to try on each others costumes! this leads to a fun inspiration for the upcoming hero gala as their agencies recommend for them to reveal their relationship officially. Why not do it in style?
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ no cw minus cursing | fun & fluffy ꒰ cross posted to ao3 | wc; ~1.1k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
“Ugh, what an ugly shift,” you complain as you’re walking through the front door of your apartment. You’re kicking off your dirty boots in the entryway when Katsuki comes to greet you.
“Long day?” He asks, analyzing how filthy your hero suit is. It doesn’t stop him from giving you a light peck on the lips to welcome you home.
“More like what didn’t happen today. A kid threw up on me, and when I washed that off, some asshole bled all over me when I cuffed him! To top it all off, I tripped and fell into the mud while in pursuit of a robbery. Head first!”
As you’re rattling off the laundry list of shitty things that happened during the day, Katsuki’s silently instructing you to take the suit off. He spins you around, unzipping the neck piece and carefully removing all of your components and accessories.
“I broke my damn helmet in that fall,” you groan, wiping dried dirt from your cheek.
“Better than your head, dumbass,” Katsuki counters. “Ya got extras, no use cryin’ over one of ‘em.”
You shimmy the suit off of your shoulders and pull out of the material one limb at a time.
“You’d think as heroes, there’d be a professional laundry service or something,” you complain, letting your suit crumple on the floor. It comically puffs out a dried cloud of grime.
Katsuki stifles a laugh. “Weird way of sayin’ I do all your laundry. Get your ass in the shower, you reek.” He smacks your barely-covered ass to get you moving, continuing to snicker to himself as you waddle down the hallway.
After a long and hot shower, you emerge from the bathroom with a dramatic haze of steam following you.
“Ya done yet, peach? Dinners done,” Katsuki calls from the kitchen, dishes clattering as he’s prepping plates for the two of you. You scamper down the hall to meet him in the kitchen, a delicious aroma filling your senses when you approach the stove. He hands you one of the plates of beef and peppers stacked high on a bed of rice.
“Mmm, you even made me extra peppers!” You chirp, flashing him a cheesy smile. He grins in response and slips past you to sit on the couch.
The news channel is droning in the background during dinner, the news anchors excitedly discussing the upcoming annual Hero Gala - the glitz and glamour side of it, anyways. The Gala itself is an enormous event to celebrate Japan’s hero society and to announce the year’s hero ranking; however, everyone treats it as one extravagant event, red carpet and all.
“I’ve never been to the gala before,” you say before taking another mouthful of rice. “I never qualified to attend until this year. I’m kinda nervous to be…debuting us, if I’m being honest.”
Your agencies had caught wind of your relationship - rather, Katsuki’s assistant accidentally caught you two kissing in his office - and wanted to use you as an opportunity to introduce the “new hottest hero couple.” Agencies care about appearances and tabloid drama just as much as actual hero work. What's hotter than a top hero dating a lower - much lower - ranked hero?
The gala is in two weeks and the two of you haven't settled on what to do about it.
“Th’ agencies wanting to use us as an attention grab is fuckin’ stupid," Katsuki mumbles, brows scrunched in frustration. "Who gives a shit who we're dating? Doesn't affect my ability ta do my job."
He had a point, of course, but that didn't make you any less nervous about it. You were being pressured to have an extremely public date and let "fans" know that Dynamight was off the market. The thought of fans metaphorically bashing your head in wasn't ideal, but whatever gets "ratings," right?
"We might as well just show up in each others' costumes," you joke, rolling your eyes as the news anchor shifts topics to the latest update on another nonsense story.
"That's...not a bad idea!" He shouts, putting his plate on the coffee table and excitedly jogging down the hall to the bedroom. "Where's your backup suit?"
"In the closet, why? There's no way your muscular ass is getting in that tight suit."
"No, dumbass! C'mere!"
You place your plate next to his and get up from the couch, waltzing to the bedroom to see what he's on about. Both your hero suit and his are laying on the bed next to each other.
"What if we swapped colors?" He asked, pointing to the suit designs. "You wear mine and I wear yours. That'll give the media somethin' to yap about."
That's actually...a brilliant idea! The media would absolutely eat up the "bad boy" Dynamight strutting into the gala with his partner's color pallet, especially because your colors were pinks and purples.
You raise an eyebrow to him, smirking as you begin to imagine him in a sharp pink and purple suit. "You do look good in pink, the few times you've worn it."
Katsuki cackles and winks at you. "Course I do, I make anythin' look good."
He immediately calls his agency to request the garments - they agreed wholeheartedly and offered to fund both outfits.
The night of the gala has finally arrived! There are plenty of news crews from all channels present, huddled around the main red carpet entrance. The scene is bedazzled with flashing camera lights, the shutter sounds of multiple cameras capturing photos in tandem. Your complimentary custom outfits are pristine and Katsuki's hand is in yours as the limo pulls up to the gateway, giving you a soft squeeze to gather your attention.
"It'll be fine, sweets. Jus' follow my lead, 'kay?"
You nod while taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Thanks babe."
The limo attendant outside skips to the door, opening it for the two of you and ushering you to the entrance. You're both standing in line behind other heroes awaiting their turn to enter the building, attention already building in your direction. A few minutes go by before one of the hosts motions for the two of you to proceed to the entrance.
Your heart is racing, threatening to burst right through your ribcage as the hot spotlights are covering the two of you. Cameras are flashing rapidly, waves of unintelligible shouting invading your senses - "Dynamight! Over here, look this way!" "Just one this way, you two!" "To the left, please!"
Katsuki's jaw is tense as his eyes are roaming around to satisfy multiple camera men, the resting glare he normally sports on patrol adoring his features. Your attempting to keep a soft smile, posing and waving gently. Suddenly, you're tugged into Katsuki's side, his hand leaving yours and wrapping around your waist, pulling you into his personal space. He spins you to face him, cupping your chin and dipping you backwards as his lips grace your own, holding you in place.
The world around explodes with surprise, the peanut gallery clamoring with questions about the two of you - "Are you two an item?" "Oh! A higher ranked hero and a brand new one!" "What a scandalous amount of PDA!"
When you part, he pulls you back to his side and keeps his hand on your waist while the two of you continue into the gala together. The paparazzi outside are tailing the two of you as they're stopped at the door, shouting for answers as he flips them off over his head.
"Told ya it'd be fine. Now let's fuckin' eat and enjoy the damn night."
thanks again for the suggestion @queenpiranhadon ! ✨
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youneedsomeprompts · 7 months
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requested by: anonymous request: hello I'm writing a lovers to enemies to lovers book but I really need some prompts bc I think there's too much bickering and not enough fluff 😭😭 pls help
Feel free to use and reblog!
saying one thing but meaning the other aka acting hateful but having loving feelings
^ "You're the worst person" *while being super gentle/caring with the other*
"I'd do everything to ensure that they don't get away with it." *literally helping them get away with it*
A: "Ugh, I hate [Person B] so much" C: "But they're so sweet and nice to you." A: "Yeah, exactly. That's so hateful of them."
the other person has always made their blood boil but it takes them a while to realise that the reasons have changed
how can someone be so aggravating and so arousing at the same time?
being mean and provoking upfront just to do nice and thoughtful things behind their back
*both bickering* *Person A suddenly going quiet and grinning at Person B* Person B: "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Person A: "Because you're just arguing so much with me because you like me." *Person B turning red*: "... nOo..."
realising their feelings for the other person but it just makes them meaner because they're overcompensating (after all, no one should know that they're actually in love with person B)
they have been very snippy and full of snide remarks towards person B but since they realised they have feelings for them their mind goes blank and they go mute in front of person B
avoiding the other person as they're enemies but full on ghosting them once they realise their own feelings for their enemy
trying to mask their feelings in the least obvious way: just openly telling them how they're feeling because they wouldn't believe it anyway
^ "Do you know that you actually have a special place in my heart? Oh, how I love and cherish you!" "Yeah, fuck you too!"
A: "Do you sometimes feel that the line between hate and love can be very thin?" B: "They are the strongest feelings after all. Maybe they're actually the same and it doesn't make a difference whether you hate or love."
A: "Stop messing with me! You could never love me!" B: "Oh, if only you knew! I hate how much I love you!"
773 notes · View notes
eternalfics · 10 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well! I have a request if you don't mind. So basically, It's a Saiki x Psychic Reader where Saiki is stressed out and needs something to make him feel better so the Reader decided to massage his back. Since Saiki never really had anyone with the same strength as him, no one could really massage him. It's like that one episode in season one or two. Anyways, it's okay if you don't want to do this for any type of reason. Be safe, thank you!
saiki getting a massage from psychic!reader
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a/n: I was wondering where did my request go like? ANYWAY TYSM FOR REQUESTING! please start requesting more pookie wookie 🤭 anyway you remember how I reposted that I’d do that little teasing photo (picturing saiki and reader) I’m gonna do like a little enemies to lovers kind of thing you get me? anyway I typed too much so let’s getting bloody started 😖
warnings: sneaky comments from me, toritsuka 😨
summary: saiki gets an amazing, beautiful, sensational, eye rolling massage 🥳
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“no means no, y/n,” saiki said in your mind for the umpteenth time, trying to focus on what the teacher was saying even though he didn’t need too. he smart af
“oh come on! we both know you need it, especially after you used boulders to massage your shoulders.” you tried to reason with him only to be met with silence. You turn to Saiki with a confused look only to see him with a slightly flustered face.
“you just had to use clairvoyance, didn’t you?” “I always have to check up on my favourite psychic, don’t I?” you said teasingly.
more underneath:
so! 😀
saiki’s not too sure about this
i mean sure, your a psychic but you could be stupid like toritsuka and can’t control your strength like him.
saiki lays on his stomach on his bed, (you guys are at his house) slightly regretting saying yes to another psychic that he just met a few months ago.
you come in the room with a massaging oil, feeling proud that you finally got the psychic to give in to your request more like command
saiki doesn’t speak (hes secretly wondering why did he agree to this 😭). it’s not until you rub the oil between your hands, and then you start to massage him is when he lets out a soft groan.
you pause. you start to overthink, did you hurt him? does he like it? it’s only when saiki starts calling out your name that you zone in.
“why’d you stop?” saiki asked impatiently, clearly wanting you to continue. you opened your mouth to tease him but he shushed you quickly knowing that you would.
saiki’s surprised that he knows you this well even though he met you a while ago. well, he’s more of an observant person so that explains that. he wonders if you know him well too. (I know you well my pookie wookie boo 🥺)
“your lower back too?” you asked him, really just wanting to make him feel relaxed.. and safe.. and- focus y/n! “sure.”
you continued to massage saiki for a couple of minutes, thinking about if he would let other people do this to him aswell.
saiki was quiet, and you didn’t hear any thoughts so you leaned over to look at him. you were met with an adorable sight! saiki sleeping 😍. his light snores and breathing filled your ears.
unfortunately, people can’t live the easy way saiki. SMACK! you smack saiki awake and your met with an extremely pissed looking psychic.
“whats wrong with you? 😡”
“did you enjoy your massage? 😇”
saiki groans but quickly gets over it because he realises has to pay you back somehow? mmm maybe a cafe coupon? a dat- nononono..
“what do you want in return?” saiki asked, his voice still a bit groggy since he just woke up. “oh nothing, you can pay me back later.” you replied calmly, happy you could be of service. these days your parents are on more business trips so your glad your not lonely 😋.
saiki gets up and immediately he feels the relief from on his back. just as he’s about to reach for the door handle,
“my turn!” 🥰
“you just said I could pay you back late-“
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elliesstrapon · 1 year
Swan princess
!Asshole Ellie Williams x Princess Reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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✧˚ · . Summary: Your parents had you to be wedded by the time you each turned 20, they had you meet every summer until then, but you just couldn't stand her.
✧˚ · . Warnings: Ellie is a douch bag, rough sex, enemies to lovers, slow burn, erranged marriage, drinking, swearing, oral, over stimulation, eventual genuine wedding, Soulmates, Ellie hates you up until your both adults, major flashback, readers bipolar but i feel like this was me projecting, sorry 😭, NOT proofread.
I need all you to know this is pretty fucking long, feel free to take your time or skip <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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Your first summer out of the castle when you'd turned 5. Your father held onto your hand reassuringly, pointing out at all the wonderful things you had yet to experience. His words you so vividly remembered along the lines of, "one day, this will all be yours to take care of" so sadly, the frown on his face one of the worst parts from those core memories. The rays of light hit your pearl pink dress, the sparkles shifting as you rode on the horse through what now had been the forest. "Papa, where are we going?" Your head turned back up to look at him, a cheerful smile upon your lips, your teeth crooked and white. "We, my dear daughter, are going to meet the one you shall marry one day." His eyes focused on the muddy path way, as you held onto your perfect dress so tightly in fear of it getting ruined by nature's mishaps. The memory had stopped, where what begun was the hatred between you and Ellie Williams.
For you remembered the look on her face when she'd met you. Your father pushed you towards the tall man with the girl behind him, urging you to say hello. The man'd done the same, an overjoyed toothy grin flashing on his face. "Who might this lovely young lady be?" Your dad inquired, just as happy as the man infront of you, "young princess Ellie, no doubt " He urged you again. You furrowed your brows at him angrily, taking the slightest step forward to the taller little girl who stood infront of you. "I'm Y/n" You gritted through your teeth, biting your bottom lip upsettingly, curtseying at everyone disposal. "It's a pleasure to meet you." You finished, a fake smile plastered on your face, pleading eyes for your father to take you back home. Ellie eyed you disgustingly, uninterested rolling her eyes back, the taller man pushing her forward closer. "Go on" he said angrily. "Joel!" She yelped. "Ellie." He eyed her. She scoffed, her attitude already unbearable. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.. Princess Y/n.... Ellie" she said poorly, introducing herself, her pinky finger digging in her ear, eyeing at it like it was all she had left to do. She turned back before the man flipped her around, roughly shoving her closer, his patience limited now. She sighed, going back to grab your hand, gently, something you hadn't expected from her insignificantly terrible mannerisms, her finger tips soft, she kissed the back of your hand, your heart had fluttered, from what you remembered, only for a slight second before she pulled away, sticking her tongue out and wiping her mouth, "Ugh, gross!" She cried. You rolled your eyes, the moment of whatever romance that'd be destined to start, passing like the speed of light.
The two of you stood there, your father's smiling at the "perfect match." all you could think about was how unpleasant she was, how she wouldn't understand you, how you absolutely despised her existence. The summer growing to be what you thought was the worst of your life span, the constant bickering and her heavy insults. You ran through the halls of her castle. Joel and your father having not understood nor notice the two of you constantly at eachothers throats. Your dress getting caught in the doors, and tripping over your slippers when she'd attacked you. "You're such a goody-two shoes!" She argued, your cheeks burning red from the running. "Shut it, Ellie" you spit at her. Your dress torn at the hem and your pink slippers stained with shoe marks on them from tripping over your feet. The rest of the summer lasted the exact same, every little thing she said annoying you, and every action you took, she wanted to intervene.
Soon enough more winters and summers went by before you were 12, hiding at the top of the tower, in your room dreading this summer. "Y/n! We can't keep Princess Ellie waiting any longer!" Your father called from the carriage at the bottom of the castle. "Ugh, please, she's barley even a princess!" You shouted angrily, eyeing him from the window, your hair tied into a braid and your nightgown hadn't changed. "I haven't even washed my hair nor changed"you gestured to your hair and clothes. "Gives you all the more reason to hurry" you heard the grin in his voice, causing you to smile the slightest. You redid your braid, finishing it off with a blue ribbon at the end, and quickly slipping on one of you're too many owned dresses. You pranced through the long historic hallways, waving small goodbyes to the servants who'd helped around the castle, leaving out the door to the garden. "Are you ready to leave?" Your father asked. "Yes" you sighed sadly, having to see Ellie again making you feel as if the world were ending. "I don't get why you dislike her so much, she's really such a lovely young lady." He frowned, entering the carriage with you. "Sure, if lovelys the word you wanna use." You groaned, "half the time the only thing she's doing is jumping at me every chance she gets to make my life horrible." Your dad smiled at you, saying you were over doing it. The ride to the neighboring kingdom was joyful, the sound of your laughter echoing through the windows. Once you'd arrived, you'd seen Ellie once more, no better than the previous summers, still as horrid as you remembered. "Hello, princess" she rolled her eyes, whispering into the ear of another girl beside her, it so clearly about you. "Princess Ellie." You gritted. "And who's this?" Your father smiled, Ellie's attitude being replaced with the innocent act she'd always put up to make you seem as if the bad guy. "This, is the friend I made last winter" she grinned. "Dina" she introduced her. You nervously waved at her, not earning much in return but a dirty look from Ellie, you clutched your dress, suddenly feeling very self conscious. "Well, what're we waitin' for? Les go!" Joel said with his thick accent, following him back to the all too familiar grand castle, lifting your dress as you walked over the muddy ground. You followed Ellie around the rest of the day, the two girls continuesly looking back at you as you acted like a dog, scolded if you sat out in the permanent room you had here during the summer. The sun reflected your shadows ever so often, "does she have to follow us around?" Dina turned around suddenly, weirdly annoyed with your presence, her red dress swaying with her hips as she turned. Ellie looked back, her ill-fitted dress steady as her shoes stepped on the hems. Tearing it like colored paper. "I wish she didn't, it's a shame I have to marry her" she said angrily, grabbing Dina's hand, pulling her along to show her the tree house that was supposedly in the field behind the castle, whispering about it as if you couldn't hear them.
You followed them to the tree house, far behind, you almost didn't wanna go into the tree house, till you saw it, it hadn't been there last summer. You ran softly on the grass, attempting to catch up to the girls, finally getting to the ladder, it began to float up, realizing the girl with a dark haired messy ponytail was pulling it up. She darted her eyes at you. "Snowflakes aren't allowed up in this treehouse" she said distinctively. "Oh, fuck you!" You yelled. Giving them the finger you walked off annoyed. "What's her problem?" Dina raised her brow at Ellie, "Dunno, she's like short tempered or whatever" Ellie chuckled, watching you storm off.
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When you turned 17, you had your first royal ball, "Ellie!" You called, walking to her room at the very end of the hallway on the very last floor of the castle, you turned the door knob, opening the door aggressively to see her in her loose dress as it'd always been, practicing her archery on an ill drawing of you from when you were 10. "Oh, real mature" you said angrily. "Yeah whatever." She stuck her tongue out at you, you walked towards the target of you, your blue and fancy ruffley dress following closely behind you as your heels clicked hollowly against the old floors of the castle. Your hair effortlessly soft. You ripped it off the wall. "Hey!! What the hell's your problem?!" She spat. "You're a fucking child is my problem." You rolled your eyes tearing it. "What do you even want?" She got up angrily. "The ball" you muttered. "That's tonight?" She gasped. "Yes, everyone knew that" you fixed the straps of her dress unconciously, her breath hitched, suddenly flinching your hand away "get out, I'll fix it myself, I wasn't even gonna wear this" she muttered. "Jeez fine, the one time I try being nice and all you ever do is be a total douche." You outed the room, flattening the lacey blue ruffles of your dress, adjusting your gold heart shaped locket and your finished hair. You walked down the hall once more, waiting for your fiance to open her eyes and act like the princess she really was whether she liked it or not. You found yourself at the entrance of the castle, a strongly built woman guarding the gate. "Strong arms, huh?" You smirked up at her, her face flushing, "Princess." She averted her eyes, meanwhile Ellie watching from afar with Dina. "God she's always flirting with those damned guards" she huffed, the giggling of you and the guard filling the room. "Why care so much? What, you like her?" Dina said, brushing the lose strands of hair from her face. "God no" she said annoyed, fixing her new suit. "Sure seems like it" Dina scoffed. "She can flirt with who she wants" Dina defended you. "Whatever" you turned to see the girls eyeing you warily for you had no clue as to why. You brushed your hand off the guards arm, kissing her cheek. "Guys let's go, we'll be late." You waved your arm at them, calling them over as they obeyed. "Alright Papa! We can go" you shouted to the topless carriage outside. "Perfect, darling!" He smiled, patiently waiting, you carefully lifted your dress running to the cart. Leaving Ellie behind. "You like her" Dina teased. "Oh fuck off, I've hated that ‘ Little Ms. Perfect ’ since I was 5, thats not about to change now just because she went from some annoying ugly duckling to a fucking goddess...or.. whatever." Dina chuckled, "like a swan?" She pressed. "Yeah whatever you wanna call it." She walked to the cart quickly behind you now to catch up, smiling at your father. "Took you long enough" you said. "Shut up" she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "We're already to leave!" Your dad called to the people in front, controlling the horses.
You drove up to your palace, the towns people, hundreds, of them cheerfully smiling, waving, throwing flowers from their own gardens, you couldn't help but flash a toothy smile, waving back and holding the hands of the little children being held upon shoulders of their parents, a few sending weird stares at you as Ellie stuck up her two fingers behind your head, mocking you, making some of the kids laugh. "Hey!" You turned, arms over your chest, "will you quit it?! God your frustrating" you sighed, melting back into the leather seats of the carriage.
Soon you'd pulled up at the gates of your castle, the horses in the stable causing a racket, and the ball gowns visible from the windows you'd seen from outside. The dim lights romantic, Ellie exited the carriage after your father, Joel waiting for Ellie to turn and help you down, she ran her hands through her hair annoyedly, grabbing your hand gently helping you down. Your heart fluttering the same the day you'd met when she kissed your hand, despite the hatred you had towards her, your locket glistened under the moon light, and the pins in your hair reflecting the moon itself. "Thank you, but I could've done it myself" you pushed her hand away. Walking alone to the entrance, walking in as the guards at the door opened it for you, you winked at them, the beads of sweat rolling down their heads. "Such a beautiful young women she's becoming" Joel smiled, Ellie turning her head from your direction, the poof of your dress following the move of your hips. "Indeed she is" your dad agreed.
As you entered the ball room, royal families you'd thought close to you came to greet you, compliments being thrown from every direction, the colours of the gowns bright and warming. "So... you and Ellie, huh?" A girl in green said. "Not as charming as everyone thinks" you rolled your eyes. "She's absolutely horrid." Your hands rested in your hips, suddenly warm breath tickling your neck. "Horrid my ass," she came from behind you, aggressively whispering in your ear her complaints. "Attitude problems I tell ya' " she pushed you aside gently. "You would think someone as pretty as her has a pretty personality too, but wasn't raised right... clearly " she sheepishly smiled at you. Your hands fisting the fabric of your dress in the palm of your hand as the girls gawked at her disrespect towards you, throwing shame at your name. "Fuck you" you mouthed to her, walking away annoyed.
You found yourself flirting with the princesses of every country, each one of them better than the last much like the last glass of wine you drank unsupervised. The shawl on your shoulders slipping off, the freckles and goosebumps appearing so clearly. "Look.. I'd give anything to sleep with you, but aren't you betrothed to her excellency, Ellie?" The girl respectfully asked concerned. "Who cares, everyone knows it won't work out." You grabbed her slim waist, suddenly your father tapping your shoulder. "The slow dance, dear." He grabbed your available hand, you measly let go of the girls pink dress, a look of dismay on her face. You internally yelling inside your head at the thought of marrying this woman. Your dad helped you your way to Ellie, her tall muscular build in the center of the room, standing there dreading your hands on her body. "Now don't make a scene, be professional" your dad warned, placing your hand upon Ellies shoulder, taking the empty wine glass from you, "fine... god" you looked up at Ellie, her gaze away from yours as her hands slid down to your waist, holding you firmly. Your hands only placed hesitantly on her padded shoulders.
"Sorry" she apologized, moving her hands gesturing she didn't mean to be weird. "Ellie Williams, THE Ellie Williams apologizing" you teased, her look still distant "would you look at me? No one'll believe your poor excuse of whatever the hell this is" you complained, your hand cupping her cheek, pulling her face to look at you as the band played a soft spoken song. "This is shit" she whispered. "Yeah, well they're all watching, so shut up and pretend you love me for the next annoyingly long 3 minutes of our dumb lives" you said, moving your feet slowly with hers in sync. She looked into your eyes, you realizing just how vivid her green eyes were, suddenly just noticing all the small details of her face, like the mole under her eye, or the scar on her eyebrow, even how uneven her side part was, you almost laughed in her face.
You upside down smiled, cheekily looking away, "what now" she asked, her brows furrowing. "Nothing, nothing" you waved your hand dismissively. "Yeah whatever" softly laughing along with you, not helping herself. For a short period her hands on your hips sent butterflies surging through your stomach, her breath upon your forehead giving you goose bumps as you twirled and spun around the room, your dress swinging satisfyingly as you forgot the crowd of people around you. "You know, your presence currently is... slightly more tolerable than usual." You whispered, "That so true, now?" She widened her eyes, spinning you into a dip on the slow and steady beat of the song. "Surprisingly." You giggled, admiring the equivalent of stars splattered across her scab cut face from training, your heart increasing every so slightly. You almost felt yourself falling for her like a fool. "If you weren't such a massive whore and flirt to every girl you met I might've actually been in love with you by n—"
"Excuse me?" You interrupted her. Angrily, stepping on her foot. "Ow— what the fuck?" She yelped. "'No what the fuck'd you just call me?" You let go of her immediately. The gaze of people returning to just you. "Well I'm not wrong." She admitted honestly. "Oh yeah— as if you don't do the same, Ellie!" You cried, pushing her away, almost tripping over your dress. "Why do you always do this?! What's your fucking issue? Can you not act like a decent human being for once?" You rolled your eyes, crossing your hands over your chest as she stared at you almost fearfully. "The only reason you're fucking dance with me is because if you didn't we'd both get shit for it! To think I almost fell for that shitty act of yours." Your eyes started to swell up with tears glistening in the light threatening to spill. "No fucking shit! Why'd I like you if you're always being like this?"
You scoffed, "Fuck you, Ellie." You pulled your laced shawl back up your shoulders, holding it firmly as you ran to your room.
That night you watched Ellie shamefully leave in her fathers carriage, Dina beside her worriedly holding her hand in attempt to relax her, a frown on your face as you'd waved goodbye, you entered inside, your father calmly rubbing your back. "I want to break off the engagement." You said sternly. "But—"
"No!" You bursted, the tears rolling down your cheek onto your already tear stained ball gown. "I don't care about out legacy— we'll get someone else to take over, I refuse to wed her. Do you not understand the severity of what she said to me, father?!" You cupped your mouth, muffling the sobs, your breaths quick and weak.
"At least just give it another year, my love, please consider" your father frowned, the wrinkles on his face increasing by the years. "Love has it's ups and downs, this is bound to happen through your marriage" he tried to reason. "Not when you refuse to do what it takes to fix it." You wiped your nose. Your cheeks red and your eyes puffy. "I'll give it another summer" you reckoned, "but one more slip up of hers and I'm done for." You darted your eyes, your tone serious.
"Very well, my dear" he hugged you, whispering a low "I love you"
"I love you too" you hugged him back, holding back the frustration tears.
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You wanted to lose your mind atleast a hundred and fifty times before meeting Ellie again. The dreaded summer you'd not been waiting for, not by a long shot. Your father repeatedly thanked you, the carriage dropping you at the front gate of the castle with your dad. Joel standing smiling at you, Ellie up in the castle possibly spying on your every move, and if she was, you wouldn't have been surprised. "I'm really, really sorry for the way things endin' " he apologized, hugging you closely. "Don't worry Joel, it was a misunderstanding.. You know.. like Papa says.." you chuckled, the stupidity of last year's events getting to your head. You stepped foot inside the castle, barley missing anything about it but the guards. "Ellies up inner' room if you wanna go.. y'know" he pointed to the grand staircase. Your father gave you the look, where you didn't have to go, but if you didn't, the disappointment would be unbearable.
You went up the steps to the last floor, out of breath your 2 inch heels making you wobble, you found yourself hesitating at the door, unable to turn the knob before you heard the sound of suckling, heavy breaths, and deep sighs, you almost felt you were about to throw up. The anger boiling inside you, you could've just left, slept it out, or argued with her, tiring her out instead. You aggressively pushed open the door, nearly breaking your nails, the sight of a woman on top of Ellie, her nightgown barley even worn on her body anymore and the soft fingers of Ellie's you'd felt one too many times on your body for your comfort on the girls hips. "This just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn't it?!" You exclaimed angrily. "Fuck." Ellie sighed, her eyes wide as the woman got off top of her, adjusting her lingerie before rushing out clumsily. "What the fuck do you want?" She got up, sitting straight, all left of her, her loose strapped bra. "What do I want?" You mimicked her, suddenly stomping towards a pair of clothes, throwing at her almost bare chest, you grabbed her as she finished clothing, gripping her forearm tightly, you dragged her downstairs, the sound of your loose dress waving in the air and your breaths heavy, you stopped at 2 of the 3 dining rooms until you found your father. "I'm out!" You complained. "I refuse to marry her, I'm done." Your tiara crooked off the top of your head, Ellie gave you a dirty look. Pushing you off of her. "But —" you continued. "I'm not going to marry someone who doesn't love me" you hallored. Throwing her an angry and disapproved look. "I want to leave, and I never want to see her face again unless it's news of whoever she's betrothed to next cause they're in for a rude awakening." You insulted. Not a word escaping her lips, but a few gasps from Joel. His heart along with your father's crumbling to the ground like a shattered plate. "I'm sorry Papa, but I can't." You sighed. "I'd like a carriage to bring us home as early as possible, we have important decisions to make, I'd rather be in the comfort of our castle rather than a scums." You walked to your room. Packing the things you'd left during the winters for the summer, all of it coming to an end. It almost made you upset, you were overjoyed, yet angry, at how you almost fell for her, if she hadn't said what she did that day at the ball, you would've sworn you'd forgotten the rotten history of your past.
The next morning you left, concluding the last time you had seen Princess, Ellie Williams, your ex fiance.
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You hadn't seen Ellie in two years, and if you were being honest, your life had become healthier. It was like it'd always been but without the stress of Ellie constantly making your life a living hell, you'd been in a few relationships, none of them lasting and neither one of them being ‘the one’, you picked up on your hobbies, helped your father around the town, rebuilding the castle and re-doing your room, and at the very best making friends of your own.
"Princess" the guards entered the dining room as you read a book, munching on freshly picked strawberries from the garden out back. "Yes?" You smiled, turning your head to look at her. "One of your friends are here, requesting to see you" the guard said. "Oh thank you, tell her I'll be there in a second" you stood up, patting your pink dress of the strawberry seeds, closing your book. "Very well, your excellency" the gaurd rushed away, leaving you adjusting you hair before walking through the halls rapidly to see your bestfriend.
"y/n!" She shouted, waving at you, her pale dress falling beneath her ankles and her cardigan slipping off her shoulders. "Elisa!" Your lips growing into a grin, "I didn't know you were coming!" You ran towards her, engulfing her in a well needed hug, "you didn't get my letter?" She giggled. "Goodness, no." Your arms fell from her waist, playing with her hair. "What a surprise!" You squealed. "No! The surprise is what I have to tell you!" She grabbed your wrists, her smile wide. "I just had to tell you in person!" She said. "Must be important, huh?" You said, pulling her inside the castle, your dresses meshing against eachother. "What is it?" You asked, taking her out to the garden. "Well.." she began, you took your seats at the small table centered with a bouquet of lilies. "The neighboring kingdom.." she began, your heart skipping the beat at the sound of it. "Y'know.. King Joel, princess Ellie.." you scoffed. "Some princess" you rolled your eyes. "No, but, listen!" Elisa waved her hands, "they're hosting a ball, every royal, andd towns people invited she exclaimed excitingly, her, herself just a wealthy towns person. "Oh, goodness," you paused, "in what honor?" You asked curiously, "Princess Ellie hasn't found someone to marry yet, Kind Joel's saying there hasn't been one perfect match since.." she trailed off. "Not surprised." You tucked your hair behind your ear. "What's it to do with me, though?"
"wanna come as my plus one? Just for fun! Of course" she asked overjoyed. "Elisa.. I don't know.. you know how things ended—" you said, resting your head on your hand. "Please! We'll stay away from her at all costs." She begged you. You pondered over the decision, looking for reasons you should and shouldn't be going before deciding it might've been fun. "Fine!" You said warmly, "but if anything goes wrong.."
"I know!" She smiled. "Alright," you agreed "it's tomorrow night, you might want to get ready" she said, getting up quickly. "Now I've got to go get prepped. I'll see you tomorrow?" She pushed in her chair. "Sure will, need me to see you out?" You asked. "Nope, all good, I've been here so many times I know the hallway like the back of my hand...... Sort of" she waved you off as a guard took her away. You stared into the distance, watching the geese and doves fly profusely over the sunset, suddenly feeling like going for a late night walk in the woods outside the town.
You found your way around the castle to your father, asking him for a dress fitting early tomorrow. Afterwards going onto put a long warm coat, white fluff fulfilments along the rim of the sleeves and hoodie, a moon stone as the button that clipped at the top. The coat itself a heavenly blue. You'd left the castle, quietly walking through the town, street lights flickering and the youngest little children running around in packs as their parents watched over them, curstying after you.
You watched the constellations ever so brightly in the sky, everyone of them dusted across the midnight blue, the sparkles of them vividly reminding you of Ellie's freckles, you subconsciously counted them the summers you met her. It made you sick. Moreso the thought of having to see her again rather than counting the freckles new every year. In some ways, you felt crushed by how you so easily could've moved on from the one you were ‘destined’ to marry, break it off, and still not have found love. It was like a curse, thinking of how in every universe, you hated her guts.
You're gaze softened at the lake you'd come to just through the forest , 2 swans tangled in eachothers embrace, their feathers white as snow, a heart lazily untangling as they swam side by side, neither one of them moving further apart than 3 inches from eachother. You sighed. Looking at the locket you'd owned since 15, it heart shaped, a swan engraved on it. "Oh how I love swans" you whispered. You made your way up to the castle a little more than an hour later, the moon fully above, it reflecting off of windows you stepped by.
Once you woke up in the morning, you'd gotten your dress fitting done, choosing a baby blue ball gown, the sleeves falling elegantly off the shoulders, lace and jewels falling across the corset of the dress, pearl necklaces to go with the locket you held so dearly, and glittery high heels. You'd gotten your hair done not far long after, your white and silky house coat sliding against your hair softly, the maid had put your hair in a half up-half down look, strands of hair still lazy left out, framing the shape of your face precisely the way you had liked it, she finished it off with a jeweled tiara matching your gown.
The day'd passed the sunset almost upon you, as you looked into the vanity in your room, your heart beating fast as you slipped on your gown, you maid behind you tightening your corset, tieing elegant bows, you adjusted your sleeves, "Miss, are you alright?" The maid asked, concern in her voice as she massaged your shoulders, watching as your gaze became saddened and saddened the more time went on. "Oh, no I'm fine.. Please, tell the guards to tell Elisa that I'll be down as soon as possible when she gets here." The maid left the room, you put on cherry red lipstick, focusing so quickly on making it perfect, you watched your lips move around blending it out to be softer. "I can't believe I'm doing this" you groaned, slipping on your heels gently, walking out to see Elisa in a bright pink dress, a boa slinking off her shoulders the radiant white fluff falling across her chest, diamonds hanging from her neck and ears. Her hair in a clean bun. "You ready to go?" She said, grabbing your arm as you walked up to her. "You look beautiful" you smiled. Dismissing the question. "Thank you" she blushed. "I was hoping I'd meet someone there tonight, it means a lot you think that" "no of course, I get it" you rubbed her arm with your thumb, circling in the same spot. You hoping you'd meet someone as well.
The carriage drove you through the dark night passing the same lake with the partnered swans, from the night before. "You looking to settle down?" you asked, hands resting on your lap. "I think so, I wanna have children so bad, and I need their future parent to treat them just as well as I would" she stared at her hands "all I really want is a family" the cold coming from her mouth. "I'm betting you'll meet someone amazing" you assured her. The trees swayed in the winds, your hair blowing along with the rhythm of it all, strolling through the ghost town that you'd remembered so full when your enemy wasn't foolishly inviting every person to exist to this horrid ball. You found yourselves at the gate. The castle lit and decorated with bright and gorgeous lanterns. You both thanked the guards.
You shivered walking to the big doors that's been open. Guards greeting every new person to have walked in. "They'll be here all night" you whispered to Elisa. "Sure will" she said, sorry for them.
You walked in the ball room, Elisa disappearing from your arm as soon as you did. "Typical" you sighed. Walking measly around the room, your gown brushing against the others. Feeling small in the crowd. You stood at the food table, eating the crab cakes like your last dinner, stuffing in two at a time before catching a glimpse of a tall build, her hair short, the same hairstyle as you, and her suit dark, a blue rose in her pocket. Talking to a few of the females, the freckles and eyebrow scar unmistakable. You're breath hitched, gulping down the remaining crab cakes, you felt faint, she looked so mature, her smile bright, yet her eyes hiding a subtle hint of pain you'd only notice if you'd known someone for years, regardless how much you hated them. Tucking the loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes suddenly widening before you realized she'd seen you. "Shit" you muttered, she waved off the women excusing herself to walk towards you.
She stopped a few inches from you, averting her eyes from yours as she bowed, a gasp escaping your coated red lips. "Princess" her voice cracked. "Yes— uh, Princess... Ellie" you curtseyed. "You look... Beautiful" she breathed. Gently grabbing your hand to kiss it softly. "Thank you— Did you happen to hit your head or something" you pulled your hand away quickly away from her lips. "You're acting... Strange" you let out a breath you had no clue you'd been holding in for so long. "How so?" She raised a brow. "You're not acting like you hate my guts." You said. "Who said I didn't?" She crossed her arms. "What? So that's changed now cause I'm, ‘beautiful’?" You spat. " 'That such a bad reason?" She scrunched her nose subconsciously, wiping it with her hand. "Get your head out of the gutter Ellie." You stomped away, "fuck" she whispered.
You still unable to wrap your head around when she'd become so.. odd? You flew around the ball room, every 30 minutes seeing her eye you from across the room. As if some kind of snack, you began to feel creeped out, her whispers to an oh so grown up Dina always beginning after she saw your face. Soon you found her asking you to dance. "Ellie, if you're only going to like me because of my looks.. I don't want you to like me at all" you sighed, taking a step back. "Especially considering our history, I mean what is this? 15 years of constant torture and insults being thrown at me for it to just suddenly change? I can't do it Ellie, I really just can't" you said, turning around for a split second, before she hooked her slender hand around your forearm, the slow dance beginning as she pulled you into her, her hand firmly on your waist and the other holding your other hand just above your shoulders. You sighed, "Ellie —" annoyed. "What else?" You said, she held you close, deja vu hitting you like a carriage door, while she span you around the room, the crowd almost not there, you gazed deeply into her eyes. "What else?" She raised a brow confused. "Is beauty all that matter to you?" You asked, pained. "What? No—" she choked on her words. "That's not—"
"Then what else?" You grip on her hand tightening significantly. "I don't know— I mean—" she bit her bottom lip. "No Ellie— save it." You stopped her. "You don't get to do that" you darted your eyes at her, the hatred building up with every step you took, you began to feel frustrated. "Do what?!" She raised her voice ever so slightly, no one heard over the band. "You don't get to like me because I'm fucking attractive now to you. That's just not fair." Before you could react, she grabbed your arm painfully, pulling you of the crowd of people, she dragged you down the hall, unable to free from her grip, you tripped over your gown. "Ellie what the hell!!" You cried, playing with her hand to get you off just before you'd got thrown into the tea room you'd remembered not to fondly, she locked the doors. "Ellie open that goddam door—"
"Would you just listen to me?!" She yelled, you quickly walked up to her, stumbling over your heels as you grabbed the collar of her suit, the blue rose falling from it. "You don't get to have me listen to you! Ellie, I hate you! And you threw this ball so you could find a wife, I am not going to play that roll again, just becau—"
She threw you onto the couch, your big dress wrinkling against it as she pinned you down, her arms caging your head from escape like an animal. You let a gasp escape your mouth. Your heels falling off of your feet in the uncomfortable position. "It's not because of your fucking looks! Y/n!" She confessed. Her one arm falling to her side. "It's the fucking history" her lips trembled. "We spent our whole lives together knowing one day all thats around us would be ours to rule, together." she said. "You know my worst fears, goddamn it, and you threw it away just like that." Your breath hitched. "And I know everything there is to know about you, whether I hate you or not." Her arms at your hips now, subconsciously caging you in again. "Those two years I didn't see you, I thought I missed messing with your fuckin' head and flaring your anger up like I was those 15 years, but I really just missed seeing the one person I spent every summer with up until I turned 18" you felt offended, her back handed compliments confusing you. You sat up warily, watching her gaze turn to guilt as you propped your elbow up against the head of the couch. "What the fuck" you breathed. Her face just inches apart from yours that you could feel her heavy breaths up against your lips. "Ellie—" you groaned. "So what are you saying? You're in love with me? After all that?" You scoffed in disbelief. "Yes!" She cried. Your heart pounded at your chest, the warmth between you suddenly growing hotter. You couldn't understand anything, grasp the situation at hand before you reached your hand up to her cheek, cupping it softly before connecting your lips that were inches apart just a few mere seconds ago. You roughly bit down on her lip, the sexual tension flying off the walls. "What're you doing?" She muffled a moan into the kiss, surprised as she gripped your hips. "Fuck you" you whispered, shoving your tongue in her mouth exploring every inch of her as she delicately whined, her embrace tightening. You lazily pushed her down, hovering above her, "all that shit just for this" you breathed, hooking your lips onto her soft freckled skin, leaving a wet trail across her neck, while you undid her button up, the sounds of her heavy breaths and sighs filling up the room, you sucked at her skin. "Fuck" she whined. Messily gripping a handful of your hair as the sticky path of saliva continued down her collar bone, stationd between her breasts. You abruptly stopped, struggling to undo the bows of your corset. Ellie looked up to you with pleading eyes, "lemme—" she heaved, flipping you over, your clothed ass up on her crotch while you held your hair to your shoulder, her fingers unintertwining the ribbons. You sat on your knees, she trailed kisses down the back of your neck, each and every one rougher than the last, your dress slipping off by the second before she threw it to the ground leaving you with only your panties left. "Shit" she whispered as you turned over, pulling her in desperatly, tugging at her lips between your front teeth. "You're so beautiful" she admittedly whispered between breaks. "Thank you" you, you smirked against her lips. You sat on her lap, sucking at her tongue, her hands roaming your body entirely, she played with your boobs, all the thoughts leaving your mind as you threw your head back. "Fuck, Ellie" you moaned. Her wet kisses filling the room with sinful noises.
Her tongue flicked at your hard bud, it only standing more as she sucked at it, toying with the other one while she still squeezed your plush hips.
"I need you" her lips meeting your stomach, butterflies in your lower abdomen began to scour, the heat between your legs only growing stronger as she praised you, worshipping your body like a goddess. "Why are you like this" your jaw dropped, her hands suddenly palming you through your panties, already soaking, moans escaping from your red stained lips, that matched the pair all over Ellie's neck and jaw.
"Lay down" she demanded, squeezing your ass cheek. You immediately layed yourself beside her, her head stationed between your legs as she looked up at you hungrily, a face you'd never seen her make at you before, she kissed the inside of your thighs, biting at them like dessert as her fingers gently rubbed at your throbbing pussy, your panties still unmoving, "mmh~" you muffled, the hickys between your legs butterfly shaped, she continued to rub at your sweet spot, playing with the tangles in your hair as she kissed you softly. Your heart collapsed in on itself, the gentleness something youd never experienced before. "You're being so... So sweet" you heaved into the kiss, staining her lips in lipstick as she rubbed faster. "You deserve it" she smirked against the kiss, leaving more around the rest of your face. The ball room music faintly heard from outside, your mouth formed an ‘O’ as she lowered her head again. Your conversations severly uncoordinated, responding to questions with only moans and whines. She slipped off your panties, only lowering them as far as your knees, "I'm gonna make you never want to leave this room" she kissed your hickey covered thigh again, before nuzzling your clit with her tongue, you flinched at the contact, an overwhelming pleasure washing over you as your legs shaked, leaving her holding your hips down. You felt your walls tighten, she swirled her tongue, every muscle causing you to tense up, her tongue only deepening. "Oh god—" you reclined back, her teeth softly nipping your pussy. "Feel good, princess?" She said. Rubbing your inner thigh reassuringly as she suckled "fuck, yes, Ellie" you whined. The pressure in your stomach building up, "I'm so... Fuck—!!" She slid against your walls, you cupped her hair, thrusting your hips into her tongue, desperately wanting to release the knot. Your wet folds quivering. "Please, Ellie—" you begged, vibrating underneath her touch. She fingered your clit, eating you out both at once. "Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie!!" You cried you repeated her name like a god. Giving into your pleasurous desires, the creamy white substance leaking down your thigh "shit!" You cried, all she did praising you through your orgasm, just for her fingers to not lift off once. Still her slender fingers pounding inside of you quickly, the slaps of skin filling the room like paddy-cake.
She sat you on her lap again, grinding your hips over her hand, having you ride her as she moved your waist herself, you too weak, for your second orgasm to wash over you, the couch damp in your liquids. "You're doing so good" she whispered, your fingers digging into her skin like daggers. Your heavy breaths drawn over the music. You came again. Your head falling into her shoulder, she tucked the strands of messy hair off your face, tears staining your Rosey cheeks, and her clothes stained in your cum.
"Oh god.."
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I got so lazy towards the end out of fear people would get impatient!! Especially since I promised to post yesterday!! Either way, I will edit eventually if people want me too! I'll be posting part to in the next few days! <33
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teastyun · 11 months
some spicy Abby x reader recs ✂️
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author‘s note: no gatekeeping in this household! please let me know if any of the links won’t work and if you'd like some Ellie recs
spicy ellie recs
• Fuck Me Yourself, Bitch by oh_stars_im_tired (ao3)
ᰔᩚ enemies to lovers - top!Abby, bottom!reader
↬ unresolved tension,, made me wish Abby was real UGH it’s so gut wrenchingly good (overall one of the best Abby x reader author on ao3!!)
↬ also slightly angsty but the smut makes it even
• Lead me from the dark by danicruel (ao3)
ᰔᩚ friends to lovers - top!Abby, bottom!reader
↬ after a blackout in the stadium the reader and Abby find themselves in reader‘s dorm
↬ so wholesome,, made me blush so hard
↬ girl in red references <3
↬ love the author since they include all types of readers in their fics + their writing style is *chefs kiss*
• sweet temptations by elsdolly
ᰔᩚ best friends to lovers - top!Abby, bottom!fem reader
↬ mourning turns into love aaaaaah
↬ Abby looses control and it's soo hot
surprise visit by atomicami
ᰔᩚ enemies to fuck buddies/lovers? - top!Abby, bottom!reader
↬ contractor/engineer Abby x reader as Joel's daughter 🫣
↬ both parts are soo good and the author has such a smooth writing style!! def recommend checking them out too
you-know-who by lucidfairies
ᰔᩚ (age gap) unresolved tension to finally banging lol - top!Abby, unexperienced bottom!reader
↬ reader's dad's business party and wet crush turns into reality aaaaah
↬ she's such a mommy in this one (i was thriving)
trash talk by graceheartspedro
ᰔᩚ enemies to fuck enemies (crying) - top! Abby, bottom! reader
↬ slight angsty undertone due to the angsty relationship but the hate sex *chefs kiss*
↬ part two healed my heart omg and Manny is such a mood 😦
nsfw alphabet w abby by catfern
↬ felt like an Abby dictionary and i loved every second of reading it
↬ author has such a relatable writing style!!
↬ if butter was a fanfic it would be this?? idk how to explain this hahahah
run. by publicenemy666
ᰔᩚ slasher!abby, fem! reader
↬ hear me out,, i normally dislike reading horror where spice is involved, but this was sooo interestingly plotted i couldn't stop reading it aaaaah
↬ all in all such a detailed writing style that it makes it so intriguing
and they were roommates by angelkissiies
ᰔᩚ roomates/friends to friends with benefits - top!Abby, bottom!reader
↬ my FAVOURITE trope and it hit all the spots
↬ the title made me giggle so much i instantly liked the author 😭
come over by ourautmn86
ᰔᩚ enemies to fuck buddies? - top!Abby, bottom!fem reader
↬ Y'ALL this is embarrassing but i was at point in my cycle where not only my 🐱 was shacking but my WALLET too bc this fic made me impulsively order a dildo?? 😭 i wish i was kidding but you count that as a sign that it's a very good fanfic hahaha
↬ love the author's writing style and the way the plot just smoothly evolves in their fits!!
thanks for reading &lt;3
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pareiwheeler · 7 months
i’m gonna rate pjo ships because i’m bored and my opinion is Correct
percabeth - 11/10, i actually love them so much i don’t think there is a single ship i love more than them.
grover/juniper - 7/10, they’re cute, i just feel like there’s no depth there. also wasn’t grover willing to cheat on her with that daughter of iris?!?! correct me if im wrong but …🤨
jiper - 2/10, actual snoozefest like i’m sorry but it’s just copy and paste percabeth without everything that makes percabeth good. also they’re both queer and were forced into the relationship by hera/juno
valgrace - 10/10, I LOVE THEM. the tragedy the trope i just. ugh i love them
caleo - -890/10, hate it.
jercy - 9/10, they’re silly, also love a good enemies to lovers trope. at the VERY LEAST they both had a lil crush on each other
percico - 1/10, it rubs me in all the wrong ways, especially with the age gap and the nature of their relationship. i can’t see them as anything but friends who occasionally run into each other and have awkward catch-ups. obviously love the unrequited crush but the relationship is . Different
solangelo - 9/10, used to hate them but then i read s&ts and cut them some slack. just wish will was an actual character instead of just “nico’s boyfriend :3”
jeyna - 8/10 SO much potential but i still feel like it would kind of be basic. also reyna kind of throwing away the idea of being with jason when percy showed up was odd
pipabeth - 10/10, silly silly silly. i love them. also love the idea of a little polycule with percabeth and pipabeth and jercy. i’ll shut up now
valdangelo - 10/10, almost feels like what rick wanted solangelo to be. like sunshine character with a tragic past x dark character with a tragic past in its prime. they’re also hilarious
frazel - i DESPISE the age gap. i wish rick would have just made her 16 like everyone else because 13 x 16 is such a huge gap in emotional maturity. she’s a kid dawg 😭🙏 OTHER than that they’re cute, but i really hate the gap
valzhang - 7/10, honestly can’t see frank being into leo LIKE that but it’s a fun ship, they’re honestly so silly especially in mark of athena. they hate each other (besties (boyfriends))
jasico - 10/10, Oh the tragedy i can’t take this. like if it wasn’t tragic i wouldn’t like it if that makes sense. but the image of nico needing to be held back from shadows so he won’t freak out and avenge jason himself Ohhhh yeah that hits hard
perleo - 5/10, eh, they’re just friends to me. BEST friends, but that’s it
ruegard - 10/10, the patrochilles parallel will ALWAYS GET ME. they better kiss in the show
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ranhaitanisgf · 10 months
AAA CONGRATS ON GETTING 2K FOLLOWERS!! 😭🥰 and thank you for the event! it looks fun :0 can i request rindou haitani + enemies/rivals to lovers + stuck together or 7 mins in heaven please? i cant choose between the moments so i’ll leave that one up to you if that’s okay :0 headcanons please! i don’t have anything specific that i wanna add for this request, so i hope this gives you more wiggle room to write how you want it to go ☺️ thank you and congrats again!! ❤️
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—rindou haitani // enemies to lovers // stuck together
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☆ ˎˊ˗ little rindou moment . i do not have much to add on to this, so enjoy !! xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.0k+
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“just so you know, this is entirely your fault.”
“my fault?! how the hell is an elevator shutting down, my fault?! do you think i spoke to god for a second and said, ‘hey, can you make this elevator stop working right now?’” you argued, sarcasm thick in your voice as you spoke. rindou shrugged nonchalantly, a look of boredom in his eyes. 
“who knows? maybe you’re one of those kinds of people.” 
“i am not, for your information! if anything, this is your fault! if you can recall with your idiotically small brain, you’ll remember that you’re the one who asked for a favor! from me! on a weekend! i should be financially compensated for this!” you exclaimed, pointing a finger in accusation at the boy sitting next to you. “i should still be sleeping right now!! it’s 5 in the damn morning! what was this favor you needed, anyways?!” 
“jeez, you’re so loud.” was all rindou responded with, making you even more frustrated with him. you decided not to respond though, just letting out an angry sigh as the two of you waited for the maintenance people to get you out of the elevator. 
the silence hanging over the two of you in the elevator wasn’t tense, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either. honestly though, you didn’t really care about whatever rindou wanted, you were just pissed that he was somehow trying to pin this situation on you. 
what have you ever done to him?! literally nothing. you even had the decency to come all the way over to roppongi at 5am to see what he needed help with, even though he always acts like you’re just an annoying thorn in his side. you get that he’s emotionally stunted, but seriously, what was up with him?
a knock from outside the elevator door brought you out of your thoughts, instead bringing hope that you would finally be out of this elevator soon. 
“hello! we are the maintenance crew for this building, and we will get you out shortly! sorry for the inconvenience!” 
“don’t worry about it; thank you!” you called back, relieved. you stood up from your spot on the floor, stretching a bit since you had been sitting for a while. “ugh, thank god! i’m so hungry, i could eat a three-course meal right or somethin’...” rindou continued sitting on the floor, the same stoic expression on his face as the two of you waited for the elevator to open up. he was a bit more quiet than usual, but you wrote it off as him also being tired, (who wouldn’t be tired at this early time?). 
“oh yeah, but seriously, what’s the favor you need? if it’s gonna take long, i wanna get breakfast first.” you asked, a bit more curious as to what favor he was going to be asking of you. 
“you’ll see when we get there.” 
“man, stingy…you can’t even tell me how long it’s gonna take?” 
“no.” you frowned at his answer but decided to let it go for now. 
after a few minutes, you sat back down, wondering how long it was going to take to open the elevator. you wanted to ask the people outside, but you didn’t want them to feel like you were rushing them, so you just sat and waited, feeling a bit awkward with rindou. 
looking at him from the side, you couldn’t deny that he was beautiful. he would probably kill you if he ever heard you say that about him, but in your mind, it was true. it was the first word that came to mind whenever you saw him, no matter how much of an ass he was being in the moment. his tanned skin suited him well, providing a contrast from his blonde and baby blue hair, which always seemed to frame his face damn near perfectly. how was that even possible? there hadn’t ever been a time when you’d seen him look bad, which sometimes made you wonder if he was from another world. 
“you done?” rindou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“hm? what?” 
“you’re staring at me; it’s creepy.” you scoffed at his words, immediately remembering his personality. 
“yeah, my mistake. you would be prettier if you weren’t such an ass, y’know.” you cringed a moment after you spoke, realizing that your words probably just gave him a major ego boost. 
however, when your gaze cautiously found him again, all you could see was his flushed cheeks and that he was looking away. 
huh? no way…
you reached your hand out, poking his cheek. 
“hey, what’s wrong? look over here.” he continued ignoring you, which made you just want to mess with him even more. “hey. hey. yoohoo.” with each word, you poked his cheek, finding amusement in the growing annoyance in rindou’s face. 
when you went to poke him again, his arm suddenly shot up, hand grabbing your wrist right before your finger was going to poke his cheek. 
“hmm…?” you could hear the threatening tone of his voice, but all you could see were his red ears. “if i didn’t know any better, i would almost say that you’re maybe…oh, i don’t know, embarrassed? flustered?” at your words, he let go of your wrist instantly.
“whatever…” rindou muttered, turning his head even farther away from you. 
you paused for a moment, wondering if you’d gone too far with the teasing. there was no way, right? ran definitely poked and prodded at his younger brother more than you did, so why was he acting like this? 
well, you suppose that you can make it your problem. 
you leaned your head to the side, resting it on his shoulder as you let out a sigh. you held back a smile as you felt rindou suddenly tense up, his head finally turning back towards your direction, (you found it impressive that he had managed to sulk for as long as he did). 
“you’re so emotionally stunted.” 
“shut the hell up.” 
(the ‘favor’ was having breakfast on the rooftop, but you didn’t end up getting out of the elevator until noon).
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maxlarens · 2 months
ok ok ok this is insane but bear with me !! do you remember the landoscar x driver!reader drabble/ficlet I did for your birthday? of course you do but do you remember me yapping in the gc about that soulmate enemies to lovers with max???
well here's a concept for you: friends to lovers landoscar with enemies to lovers oscar x driver!reader and friends to lovers lando x driver! reader (that was a lot to type out holy shit) maybe with the soulmate element thrown in too because I can never do anything simple
VIV!! enemies to lovers oscar mixed with friends to lovers lando OH WOWOW YES!!! yes i yapped thats why this took so long
i think the obvious thing is to do that in reverse but i really quite like it this way. ugh ok so lando who you've been friends with through karting. and then you get into F1 at around the same time as him. and you end up leaning on each other through your rookie years and become super close. would be fun if she had a short stint in mclaren with him too and people obvs loved their dynamic together🥺 and i think reader very much feels like its her and lando against the world people who say they're untalented if u know what i'm saying there.
and then 2023 hits and a certain someone joins mclaren. and idk maybe slightly AU driver!reader is in a midfield team that year (aston martin? ...unfortunately i think a landoscar specific driver!reader is forming here. why do i do this.) and maybe feels a little threatened by oscar. maybe she was trying to get that seat. and then lando and osc start to get closer and closer and reader feels like she's not landos like only Main Friend anymore. and okay maybe a bit of jealousy thrown in there too but she's not about to admit that.
and she develops a bit of a track rivalry with oscar. doesn't like to give anything up to him. would rather see them crash and burn before she lets him overtake. (carcar?😅) and maybe she's not so overt about it off track, but probably isn't super friendly to him maybe tries to exclude him😭 and oscar is oscar and just brushes it off. and thinks okay if she doesn't like me so what, it doesn't change anything. even though lando is probably whingey about it and tells osc and reader to be nicer to each other. i think that continues for the 2023 season.
maybe 2024 she gets a better seat. merc? ferrari even? which eliminates her jealousy around oscar having a better car than her (which idk was mclaren doing better than aston martin in 2023? lets say they were in this world😭). which makes it easier for her to be around him and not be pissed LMAO. which opens her up to his personality and general cuteness. and he starts to grow on her and she eventually starts inviting him/including him in readerlando shenanigans. which soon turn into readerlandoscar shenanigans🥺 love oscar needling his way in there with no effort of his own, literally just his charm and patience has her swooning eventually.
i imagine lando and reader are more extroverted personalities. they're club rats, they're chaotic, they're messy and oscar balances them both out. someone to come home to, someone to coax out of their shell🥺
and re: soulmate au which i didn't touch on. i love like. a soulmate au where ur soulmate isn't necessarily romantic, like maybe the baseline in society is to assume its platonic? anyway. so she finds out so early on that her and lando are soulmates. when they're kids so it never occurs to either of them that it might be romantic (even though it eventually IS). and then the situation develops as above lol, resenting/disliking oscar and all. and in the THICK OF IT, she must find out that oscar is also her soulmate. and must hate him more because of it. ugh idk all of them being soulmates is so cute and finding out at different stages, or not telling each other, or being confused when they all have two soulmates because while it happens, it's not super common or talked about.
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kingofbodyrolls · 1 year
BTS fic recs: August 2023
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post 💜And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | 💜 | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
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⭐All Aboard! (the passion express)💯 by @ve1vetyoongi // knj x f.reader // office worker!namjoon // 🥵
📝 There were not many things that got your blood boiling in the same way that two simple words could. Kim Namjoon. The name of your irritating and (unfortunately enough, as the universe would have it) incredibly handsome co-worker. Which is exactly why you never expected to find your self on your knees for him on the train home.
🗨️ Holy fuck, fuck, fuck this was so incredibly filthy (in the best way possible) 🥵 the tension between reader and Namjoon was perfect, the build up was so satisfying 🌟 what’s not to like ✨😍
⭐The Wedding Arrangement💯 by @sugaurora // knj x f.reader // ‘enemies’ to friends to lovers, wedding!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Unfortunately, he’s just gotten engaged to someone who isn’t you. Even more unfortunately, he expects you to help plan the wedding alongside Kim Namjoon, his other best friend and, based on your first meeting, just another judgmental jerk. Putting aside your distaste for the sake of your friend’s happiness, you both set about giving Seokjin the wedding of his dreams. Following a rough and satisfying affair at the caterer’s, you strike an unusual deal: you and Namjoon will be enemies with benefits until the wedding is over. And after six months of wedding planning, you both just might learn that weddings aren’t usually the end, but a brand new beginning.
🗨️ This was so amazing 🥹 the characters had so much depth and ugh! It was just so, so good. It was a pleasure reading their love unfolding 🥰 aish, I’m soft! It’s filled will plenty soft, slight heartbreaking angst at times, but oh so fluffy and smutty too! It was perfect 👌🏾 💯 please don’t sleep on this one, okay? 🥹
⭐Knocked by @sailoryooons // ksj x f.reader // roommates to lovers // 🥵😂
📝 Living with people is difficult, but all things considered, your new roommate isn’t terrible. He cooks, he cleans, and if you had to be honest - incredibly attractive. But his habit of streaming until the early hours of the morning while yelling and making other questionable noises has pushed you to the limit. You’ve finally decided to risk your sanity and put it all on the line with a reckless bet in hopes of getting some peace and quiet at night.
⭐DreamCatcher by @jimlingss // myg x f.reader // s2l // 🥰🌩️
📝 When your dreams are more or less nightmares, monsters inside your head that eat you alive, it seems like the only person who can help you is Min Yoongi, professional dream chaser. 
🗨️ Aw, this was heart wrenching and beautiful 🥺 all those nightmares, readers mom.. Ugh 🥺 and then they can enter each other’s dreams 😭 they have a special connection! I was not prepared for Yoongi's nightmare at the end 😭😭 and the reader just gave up. Aish, it was really, really good 🌟
⭐Oh, darling! [completed series] 💯 by @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // university!au, non idol au, professor!yoongi, student!reader // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you’ve held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought? 
🗨️ Holy fucking shit 🥵🫣😳 I am speechless. My soul have left my body 🥵 it’s so good! ‘Kay bye 🫣
⭐Sinful Lust [ongoing series] 💯 by @oddinary4bts // myg x jjk x f.reader // established relationship, bisexual boyfriend!Yoongi, slice of life // 🥵🌩️
📝In an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating…
🗨️  Holy 😱 😱 😱 this is just completely unadulterated sin 🥵🫣 like, I went to hell and I didn’t come back! On another note, I found their chemistry really interesting - but damn I felt sorta sorry for Jungkook at the end. ugh the feels, my heart is torn!
⭐Watch Yourself by @boymeetsweevil // jhs x f.reader // non idol au, pwp // 🥵
📝 It starts with an invitation from your ex. It ends with Hoseok’s hands down your pants in said ex’s kitchen.
🗨️ Oh this was hot alright 🥵
⭐You DTF? by @sailoryooons // pjm x f.reader // strangers to one-night stand, pwp // 🥵😂
📝 You’ve never had a one night stand. Jimin has had countless. You’re trying to experience new things. Jimin loves doing the same old shit. So when you meet the man going around the club inviting people to touch his ripped abs, you think perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to try new things. It’s Labor Day weekend at the shore - what can go wrong? 
🗨️ This is absolutely dirty in the best way possible 😝 fuckboy jimin is no joke 🥵🫣 the dialogues are funny, hilarious and a good throwback to the 2000s 😂 it’s really good 👌🏾 ♥
⭐In the Dark 💯 by @jksangelic // pjm x jjk x f.reader // f2l, threesome, pwp // 🥵😂
📝 “I can’t get a signal on my phone, the car is dead, and I’m fairly certain we are out of matches.” Jungkook and Jimin have a very short attention span, and when you three are lost in the middle of nowhere with a truck that won’t drive, they busy themselves with you.
🗨️  I was in the mood for a comfort fic (= one that I’d read before), with a threesome that was smutty as hell, and this is just that 🥵♥️ I just adore this so much, one of my all-time favorites 🌟
⭐Roomie 💯 by @jessikahathaway // pjm x f.reader // slice of life!au, roommates!au // 🥵😂
📝 After a disappointing slew of failed sexual escapades, you find yourself willing to do some crazy things. Falling for your roommate not included.
🗨️ Omg, this was fucking hot 🥵 💯
⭐Ribbons 💯 by @jamaisjoons // pjm x jjk x f.reader // threesome, established relationship, pwp // 🥵😂🥰
📝 Your boyfriend, jimin, arranges the best birthday present you could have ever asked for.
🗨️ Fuck, just what the fuck 🥵 I’m speechless. This was so incredibly sinful, like 😳🥵 I’m blushing 🫣💯
⭐Sunday Morning by @bangtsblossom // pjm x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰
📝 The morning after he proposes to you.
🗨️ This was just so sweet and loving 💖
⭐Picking Petals by @cutechim // pjm x f.reader // idol!jimin, married couple!au, pwp // 🥵🥰
📝  You asked for a baby, so a baby is what you’re going to get. 
🗨️ Omg this was so fucking hot and good! ♥ 💯
⭐Farmer boy, I Love You by @strawberrynamjoon // kth x f.reader // farming!au, lowkey e2l // 🥵😂
📝 Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
🗨️ This was just utterly sweet, so fluffy 🥺 I really liked this: the way that reader and Taehyung’s friendship deepens, their friends and their banter 🥺 everything was so good, soft, sad sometimes, and just really great and funny too 🤭
⭐Snow and Ice: pt1, pt2 [completed series] by @hayjeon // jjk x f.reader // friendswithbenefits!au, Snowboarder!JK and figure skater!reader // 🥵🌩️🥰😂
🗨️ Omg this is so good 😍 I love the dynamic between all the characters, their banter 👌🏾 and the relationship between reader and Jungkook is just outstanding 🌟 also, this couple is just GOLD 🥇 
⭐Pen pals by @gukyi // jjk x f.reader // f2l // 🥵😂🥰
📝 To put it simply, pretending to be jungkook’s pen pal when you were both eight just so he wouldn’t be disappointed was a bad idea, because now he’s in love with them. or, well, you, he just doesn’t know it. 
🗨️ Dammmmmmn that is a long time to keep up a lie 😂 reader has real dedication! It’s really good 👌🏾 it was interesting to see how the lie just keeps growing, and how that affected both the reader and Jungkook. The overall story is just really cute and fluffy 🥰
⭐Fact over Fancy by @dovechim // jjk x f.reader // ‘friends’ to lovers, dystopian!au // 🥵🌩️
📝 In this world, there are two types of people: those born with emotions, and those born without. Society is thriving in its emotionless state, productivity levels are at an all time high. Marriage serves only one function: to father the next generation. Those with emotions are considered to be defective, aberrations who can never be matched. What happens when there’s a glitch in the so-called perfect system and a defective and a “normal” person are matched?
🗨️ The dystopian theme in this was really interesting, and the build up tension between Jungkook and reader - and then the reveal! 🤡 The smut is really good and the ending scene had me going 😂 😂
⭐Date in a Box by @jimlingss // jjk x f.reader // s2l // 🥰😂
📝 If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here.
🗨️ This was just straight up hilarious!  😂 So funny and the fluff is cute  😍
⭐Two point five (part three) 💯by @bratkook // jjk x f.reader // handyman!jungkook, pwp // 🥵🥰
📝 Jungkook finally fixes your pipes, sure he gets distracted while doing it, but what else could you expect when you’re sitting on top of him looking like that.
🗨️ I just had to reread the first two parts, before reading this new one 🥹😍 I can’t get enough of this lovely couple! This addition was perfect. Jungkook is just so damn whipped 🥰💯
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Thank you so much for going through my recommendations! I hope you find something that you like and show it some love. I’m still going through my reading list from as far back as 2017, so don’t be surprised if I recommend something ‘old’ 😁 
Also, I might not be able to read (and recommend much) in September and October because I’m moving. My husband and I bought our first house, so the next months I’ll be packing and moving 🎉
Borahae 💜
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𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. | 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
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𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
pairing: felix x fem!reader (afab) // chan x fem!reader (afab)
genre: nonidol/collegegrad!felix. waitress!reader. college au. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. friends to enemies to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining. cheating. abusive boyfriend/ex. drama galore. the sexual tension is REAL in this one.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. felix is reader's estranged childhood bestie. chan is low-key an asshole in this ngl. heavy topics are mentioned such as: abusive/toxic relationships, cheating, and pathological lying. the summer vibes are real in this one. there will be humor/fluff throughout to balance everything. and ofc smut too because who am i if not a whore for filthy felix smut. 😉
word count: 4.7k
summary: ever since you were born, all you've ever known is living a simple life in the small australian coastal town of bridgeport bay. you're content with working at your parent's beachside restaurant angel waves for the rest of your life, and you're happy with your place in the world - you have good friends and an even better boyfriend. that is, until everything comes to a standstill when a familiar face from the past visits town for the summer. and in the wake of his return, lee felix upturns everything you thought you were content with here in your comforting little beach town.
a/n: ugh I'm FINALLY starting to write/post this... it feels like I've been stewing over this single idea for MONTHS lmao!! 😩😭 a big thanks to all of my amazing stay writer friends in the writer's club... ya'll are so fucking lovely and I adore you're continual support of my work!! 🥹 I have no idea how many parts this will be, but I'm anticipating for it to be at least 20.k words so... there's that haha! hope ya'll enjoy, and lmk what you think - your thoughts are always welcome! 💞
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
“Hey Y/N, can you please get the next table? I think Jordan just seated another customer.” Your best friend Yeji asked you in a light, cheery voice. She was walking past you into the kitchens, both hands full of dirty dishes, her midnight black hair blowing in the breeze that rushed into the restaurant from the open windows that lined the entire place. 
 “Sure thing babe!” You gave her a playful wink, offering up a faint smile before you finished helping ring up another customer’s order. 
 Just like every other weekend, your parent's restaurant - Angel Waves - was bustling with activity, as a solid line formed outside the doors with patrons waiting to snag a seat in the popular joint. A mix between a tropical tiki bar and a fish shack, Angel Waves - or AW for short - was located just off of the beach. With a wrap-around porch and huge bay windows that offered stunning views of the beautiful cerulean sea just a few feet away, AW had been a critically-acclaimed restaurant by the locals for decades. 
 Initially, it had been your father’s dream to open up a restaurant. But then he married your mother, and things took off soon after the wedding. In no time at all, she was pregnant with you while simultaneously helping your father build the restaurant from the ground up. To date, he had added three more parts to the place, making it rather expansive. With the bright neon signs and fire-burning torches that lined the perimeter of it, AW could be spotted on the shoreline from miles away. The inside was decorated rather plainly, with bright pops of tropical colors here and there and wooden chairs lined throughout the area. 
 But at night, the vibes of the restaurant came to life. As the patrons at the seated bar grew louder, the tropical music increased in volume and added to the overall atmosphere of laid-back tourists and locals alike. 
 Having grown up in Bridgeport Bay, which was a small seaside town in the East part of Australia, you were used to the leisurely way of things. But to some, it would seem like everyone around was just lazy. When in fact, people knew how to have a good time - and that was all that mattered to a lot of locals. 
 Including yourself. 
 Your parents had raised you in the small house that was just off the backside of the restaurant, so the tropical way of life had always been the only thing you had known. You didn’t mind living the same daily routine - waking up early to help with chores, then attending classes at the local university, before arriving back at the restaurant in time to help with the night shifts. Plus, it helped that one of your best friends, Yeji, had been working with you at the restaurant since she was a young teenager. 
 Now, at the tender age of twenty-two, you were well acquainted with your surroundings. You were set in stone about what you wanted to do with your life. And after you finished getting your degree in Environmental Science, you hoped to aid in the environmental impact of Bridgeport Bay, since environmental efforts were one of your biggest passions in life.
 As you stared around the dimly lit restaurant that was busy with customers and servers alike, you felt yourself come alive under the energy of it all. And getting a hint of the salty sea breeze on your tongue, you made to help the newest customer in placing their order. 
 The early June sun was just beginning to set over the horizon of the ocean, painting the brilliant light blue sky in shades of violets and fuchsias. Your attention was momentarily pulled away from your task at hand, as you were completely captivated by the look of the rippling water shining underneath the fading sunlight. 
 But you quickly snapped yourself out of your daze, already grabbing hold of your notepad and pen as you came up to the new table you were waiting on. Without looking up, you began to write down the time and your name on the top corner of the paper, like you always did before taking an order. “Hi, welcome to Angel Waves. My name’s Y/N and I’ll be your server. What can I get started for you tonight?” 
 There was a pause on the customer’s end, and the noise of the restaurant overtook all of your senses for a few moments, but then everything dimmed out into a faint hum as the customer spoke. 
 “Hi… Y/N.” 
 Immediately, without even giving it a second thought, your head shot up from the piece of paper on your notepad that you had been previously staring at. 
 Heart hammering in your chest, throat constricting in anxiety, with the flush already clawing up your neck and pooling in either of your cheeks. 
 All at the sight of… 
 Lee Felix. 
 The boy that you had grown up with. The one that had moved in next door to your restaurant when you were five years old. The one who had attended preschool, middle school, and high school with you. 
 The boy who had been your best friend in the entire world for over a decade. 
 And also, the single most person whom you hadn’t talked to in over four years. 
 But no- he was no longer a boy. 
 No- as he sat there, peering up at you with that familiar face of his, you suddenly came to acknowledge the years that had passed between the two of you. 
 Evidently, his time away at university for four years in South Korea changed him. Drastically. 
 From the long, sandy bleached-blonde locks that fell across his forehead, to the milky, blemish-free skin. His eyes were darker, too. More intense. And the sharp lines of his face were almost startling - with a jaw that could cut through steel, a proud nose, and prominent cheekbones. 
 He was no longer the awkward and geeky boy he had grown up with. The boy who had short, cropped black hair in his senior year of high school and braces for three years, and cystic acne that lasted well into his junior year of high school. 
 He looked… 
 Like a fully grown man. 
 And you didn’t know how to feel about that. 
 It made your stomach turn in a sickening kind of way. Made your heart pound against your ribcage painfully. 
 He was staring up at you, watching your blatant perusal of him in silence with a ticked-up, perfectly manicured dark eyebrow. 
 But some things hadn’t changed, at least, as he flashed you that tiny, easy smile he always seemed to have plastered on his face. 
 “F-Felix- wow, hi. I-” You began, stammering over your words in your utter surprise. You felt your eyes widen from your stupid blubbering, and the panic chilled down your spine from the way that he laughed heartily at your reaction to him sitting in front of you. “It’s uh- good to see you again, holy fuck.” 
 “Yeah, you too…” He finally pulled his gaze from yours, offering you some respite from the intensity of his matured eyes. You took in a deep breath as his focus scanned over the restaurant all around you. “Glad to see this place hasn’t changed one bit since the last time I came around these parts.” 
 “What brings you back to the coast?” You asked, rocking onto the backs of your heels like you always did when you were nervous. Bridgeport Bay was a small town that was connected to a set of other ones similar to it, which all lined the same coast of Eastern Australia. 
 After all, soon before he left to study in South Korea, he had vowed to you that he’d never step foot in ‘this hellish beach town’ ever again. 
 Obviously, he had proven himself wrong. 
 He shrugged broad shoulders, making you realize how much his physique had changed too. He was fitted in a loose t-shirt and faded jeans, but you could just barely make out the outlines of muscles underneath the baggy fabric. His back was proud and he sat up completely straight in his chair, the opposite of how he used to be in your childhood - always slouched and with thin, frail limbs. He was still petite in stature, but now made up for his lack of height with muscle. Even so, he still outranked you in height by a good three inches. 
 He was acting like it was no big deal - like none of it was a big deal. Not him coming back to Bridgeport after such a long time and looking so different from how you had known him as. “I just graduated, so I decided to spend the summer back at my parent’s place before I decide what I wanna do with my life.” Felix leaned over in his seat then, leveling you with that stare he always gave whenever he was trying to get a read on your feelings. “What about you? I see you’re still working for your folks…” 
 His voice trailed off. And if you didn’t know him any better, you’d assume that he had a pretentious air about him. Sure, he was the scrawny boy that had shipped off to South Korea, only to come back four years later looking hot as hell with a solid education and most-likely loads of crazy stories to tell to everyone who’d listen. 
 You, on the other hand, were still stuck in the same position that you had always been in. Living in Bridgeport Bay, in your parent's house, and helping work the restaurant while attending school at a nearby university. 
 It was comforting, in a sense, to have the same daily routine. But you could also acknowledge the fact that Bridgeport Bay was a fairly quiet place - in other words, not much happened. Most people your age had already moved away as soon as they graduated from high school, either traveling to the big city of Sydney to get a degree or going overseas to bigger and better places.
 And there you were… still stuck in the same turquoise-walled bedroom from your childhood, with the same group of three friends, and waking to the same view every single morning. The brilliant pinks and oranges of the sunrise against the ocean water got old in about… two days. 
 Folding your arms across your chest, you almost felt like you were trying to protect yourself from him. Lee Felix, who had been your childhood best friend. But who, unbeknownst to you, had turned into this ethereal, untouchable beast of a man in the absence of your friendship. It felt foreign and odd, to have him studying you so intently with those dark eyes. “Yeah, I’m still living here in Bridge… same friends, same habits, you know how it is around these parts.” You tried to laugh off the awkwardness you suddenly felt, but your tone came out all flat and warbled. 
 Felix was still staring up at you, but this time, his gaze melted exponentially. So much so, that it suddenly felt like you were the one staring into his soul - picking apart his emotions as he sat there in front of you, head tilted up in curiosity. And the feelings you saw dance across his eyes, for just a split second, made your heart tumble in the pit of your chest. 
 “Same friends, huh?” He asked, but it wasn’t a question he was seeking an answer for. After that, his focus was yanking away from you, as he looked down at the menu before him on the table. You watched his adam’s apple bob up and down, throat constricting as he took in a sharp breath. 
 You could feel the air shift around you as soon as you mentioned friends. Because besides Yeji and Felix, the only other person you had truly had a connection with in Bridgeport Bay was… Christopher Bang. The two of you had met during your freshman year of high school and had been quite inseparable ever since. You had a raging crush on him, and apparently, he had one on you too - since he had asked you out on your first-ever date at the start of your final year in high school. 
 By the time you all were graduating from Bridgeport Bay High, you and Chris were the it couple. With him being the popular soccer jock, it was only right that you started to get popular as well - since you were the ‘hot girlfriend’ who was always hanging on his arm. Chris was nice and funny and was friends with literally all of the high schoolers in the area, so you liked being around him. 
 But the more time you spent with him, the less you spent with Felix. And by the time graduation rolled around, your friendship had suffered big time from your new relationship with Chris. Felix didn’t approve at all of the two of you guys dating. He had always waved off your swooning throughout the years as ‘hormonal imbalances,’ but as soon as the two of you became official, his entire tune changed. 
 All of a sudden, he was getting angry at you. With such a short temper, he would have outbursts during most of your hangouts. And it wasn’t until the night of your graduation that all of the building tension finally broke, like a pinprick to a fragile balloon full of water. 
 The night had ended in a colossal blow-up on both of your ends - with Felix’s anger exploding in your face and making him out to be some ugly, dark boy. And definitely, not the kid you had grown up to love and care for. During the argument, he had finally admitted that he hated Chris' guts - that he saw right through his little scheme, and he thought the guy was a horrible match for you. 
 Of course, you retaliated tenfold by throwing his singleness in his face. Since, during the entirety of your high school years, he had never once dated any girl. That insult was low for even you, and soon had him storming off the scene, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat from your stubbornness. You hadn’t listened to him the whole time, only registering the fact that he didn’t approve of you and Chris being together. Like he was your fucking dad and he needed to give his consent to every man you loved and dated. 
 And that turned out to be the last time the two of you ever saw or talked to each other for the next four years. Since just a week after graduation, Felix had completely vanished from Bridgeport Bay. When you went over to his house to make things up, his parents informed you that he’d already left for South Korea earlier than expected. 
 His absence didn’t fully register until you tried to call and text him that night, only to be left with an error message in return. Since he was moving to a different country, he needed to change his phone number. He had already informed you of such a thing weeks earlier, and the two of you had planned on setting up a special app where you could text. But the two of you had forgotten about such a detail in the business of graduation season, so there was no way to contact him. 
 Instead, you were faced with living in the wake of his departure - you were forced to relive the big fight between the two of you for months after that, rehashing things and stewing over all of the feelings again and again. And finally, after a year of being heartbroken over the shattered friendship with your best friend in the entire world, you decided to move on. 
 To bigger, and better things. 
 Like the friends you still had in Bridgeport Bay, going to university, and working at the restaurant. 
 And, Chris too. 
 Since your relationship had only blossomed from there, having quickly turned into a four-year ordeal of fun dates and long night chats and walks along the sandy beachside in the late afternoon sunset. 
 “I’ll have the salmon bowl with brown rice, please.” Felix’s deep timbre pulled you out of your daze of thought, shocking you back into the present. You were still standing there at his table, in the middle of a busy dinner rush, waiting for his order. “Oh, and a side of fried pineapple rings too.” 
 “Okay, and what kind of drink would you like with all of that?” You asked, mind turning off and zoning into work mode as you wrote down his order. “We have all kinds of-”
 “I know what you guys serve, Y/N. I’m not a complete idiot.” 
 His deadpan retort came out in that unfamiliar voice of his, automatically ripping your eyes away from your notepad. 
 And there he was, peering up at you again. 
 But this time, his eyes were a lot more hooded - darker, even. Swimming with tension, his sharp jaw pulled taut in what appeared to be annoyance. 
 Before you could even get another word out, he was speaking again. In that raspy, deep tone, and you had no idea how you could get used to all of the changes at once. “I’ll take a coke- if that’s okay.” 
 You nodded, once, your tongue feeling like lead in your mouth. It was heavy and hard to move to form any more words, so you decided against talking and just flitted away from his table altogether with his order. 
 As you were passing by the open bar, you tossed Jordan, one of your coworkers, a pointed look. “Take care of table seven for me, will ya?” You motioned with a slight tilt of your head to where Felix was sitting across from the window. 
 Jordan frowned, eyes turning to slits as soon as he registered who was sitting at the table. The two of you had never been particularly friends, since he was a few years older than you. But he had been working as a waiter/bartender at AW for the past seven years and knew all of the regulars who came by. He also knew who Felix was, and what he meant to you. 
 “The little bastard giving you any trouble, darling?” He asked in a low voice as he slid a full glass of craft beer across the porcelain countertop to a waiting elderly man. “I can take care of him if you-”
 “What? No, no,” you said frantically, waving your hands in the air to stop him from going any further. Eyes shifting back to Felix, you registered the way that he was sitting there, shoulders slightly slumped in his seat, as he stared out the large window to his left side, examining the lapping waves of the seashore. “No- I just… I can’t handle all of… that tonight.” 
 Jordan gave you a soft smile, flashing a wink your way before he was back mixing another cocktail for a new customer. “You know I’ll always cover for your ass, baby girl.” 
 You giggled quietly at his absurd pet names. You knew that he was never seriously calling you any of them, but it was more in an affectionate, brotherly kind of way. Plus, he was viscerally gay, so you never had to worry that the nicknames were ever alluding to more than just a coworker-to-coworker friendship. 
 By the time you left the bar where Jordan was busily working and filed into the kitchen, you were once again swept up in the chaos of it all. Servers and managers bustling about, chefs shouting orders out at each other. And in no time at all, your mind was drowned in your work and you no longer could hold any space for the thought of him. 
 Yeji failed to catch sight of him in her busyness, which you were thankful for. She and Felix had been friends in high school, but no one had been as close to him as you had. At least, until your colossal fight on graduation night. Then, even you weren't close to Lee Felix.
 The night passed by rather quickly, as you heeded your parent's commands and helped out with the dinner rush as best as you could - taking orders, scrubbing dishes in the back of the kitchen, and cleaning up tables after customers had left their spots. 
 By the time closing hour was nearing at eleven o'clock, most of the customers had left for the night - save for a few couples dispersed throughout the place and a rowdy group of men who had steadily gotten drunker on their liquor as the hours passed. Jordan was somehow managing them swimmingly, playing into their flirtations and pouring them drinks that were ‘on the house,’ but really, just made a bigger cut in his tip paycheck.
 You were so invested and focused on your work at the register, as you sorted through all of the orders from that night, that you failed to notice the shadow that was slinking across the wall, coming towards you steadily. 
 But finally, the dark figure was upon you and snaking two strong arms around your waist, pulling you away from the front counter and pressing your back against a chiseled chest. 
 Already sensing who it was, you giggled softly and turned your head up to look into the eyes of your boyfriend, Chris, whom you had been dating for the past five years. He had always said that he didn’t want anything ‘too serious’ and that he was happy with just dating you until the last of his days. And to be honest, you weren’t complaining all that much. 
 Although, you sometimes got bothered by the thought of never getting to marry the man you had loved for so long. Once in a while, you’d get into this odd annoying spell where you’d be angry that he never wanted to make a complete and solid life with you - and instead wanted to continue dating happily like the two of you were still in high school. 
 But in the end, you always managed to push those frustrated thoughts away, deeming everything to be alright since you could do anything if it meant living the rest of your days out with the love of your life, Chris. 
 “When did you get here?” You asked, as you reached up and twisted a few fingers through his midnight coils. They were curly and stood up at all different ends, something you had always loved about him. That, and his killer body. 
 “Just a second ago- thought I’d surprise you and take you out to dinner after your long, hard day at work…” His voice trailed off, as his hands squeezed down on your shoulders, long fingers massaging the aches and pains away. 
 You felt a sly smirk already starting to spread across your mouth as you leaned into him and pressed a wanting kiss to his lips. When you pulled away, you were talking in a quiet voice. “Give me a few minutes, I’m almost done with my sorting.” 
 Just as you tried to escape from his grasp, Chris tightened his hold over you, arms encircling your waist and pressing your ass into the front of his sweatpants. You could feel the hardness there, just through the line of the thin fabric. 
 Oh, so we wanted the night to result in that kind of date. 
“Nah- I’m not letting you go,” he mumbled in a deep voice, mouth coming close to your ear as he whispered into it, warm breath fanning against the exposed span of your neck. “Been thinking about you all day baby, want you so bad tonight…” 
 He let the rest of his words trail off, forcing an ugly blush to bleed into either of your cheeks. Then he was spinning around so that he was completely facing you. The darkness of the restaurant cast a shaded glow over his broad shoulders, as he pressed into you with a sardonic smile plastered across his face. 
 “What’s so funny, mister?” You asked, tracing a finger over the line of his jaw as he tilted down into you and gave your nose a light peck. 
 “Nothing, just… I love riling you up like this when you’re at work. Feels… exhilarating.” 
 Then you had no time to react, as his face was moving and capturing your lips up in a lustful kiss. His mouth was plush and familiar against yours, and immediately, you were melting into his firm grasp, moaning softly at the way that one of his hands trailed down the curve of your ass, squeezing the covered skin there. 
 You guys were practically making out at the front counter of the restaurant, for everyone else to see. And in most normal circumstances, you’d feel embarrassed. But at the moment, you just felt overwhelmed with love and desire for your amazing, handsome boyfriend Chris. 
 As your fingers carded through his curly locks, bringing his face closer to yours as his tongue swiped across your bottom lip, asking for entrance, your eyes shot open. Scanning the entire room, your focus caught on the front door, and the person who was slipping out of it in silence. 
 And there he was, once again.
 Lee Felix. 
 Your once-best friend, 
 Your once long-time neighbor, 
 Your once-classmate for more than ten years. 
He was standing there at the front door, halfway stepping through it. But his body was turned around so that he was staring straight at… you. As you were practically getting groped by your boyfriend in the middle of Angel Waves, as your mouth was getting absolutely devoured by Chris’ lips. 
 And the look he gave you then, as your gazes locked in a shocking bout of tension, left you feeling both furious and confused all at the same time. 
 His eyes studied your form, which was so tangled up with your boyfriend’s at the moment. And even from across the room, you could see the feelings that crossed his coffee-brown irises as he watched you in silence. 
 There was sadness there, 
 And pain, too. 
 But also… 
 An irrevocable amount of… ire too. 
 The heat of jealousy that you found there burned like fire in the back of your throat, making your heart tumble around in your chest and the butterflies to flicker around in a frenzy just inside your stomach. 
 The sight of it all forced an agonizing zap of energy to course through your veins, rising your spine and causing gooseflesh to erupt across your skin. 
 Then, as quickly as you had registered it, it was all gone. 
 And he was leaving out the front door, the bell at the top of the glass jingling in the remaining trace of his departure. 
 There you stood, having to deal with the confusion that bled through your mind and the anxious jumbling that floated around your entire body. 
 And the worst part about it? 
 Was that the entire time, you had never stopped kissing Chris. 
 Never stopped yanking on his locks, allowing Chris to take parts of you in front of everyone else. 
 In front of… him. 
 You had continued to feverishly make out with your boyfriend, all the while your attention had been distracted on Lee Felix, and the way that he had stared at you so wholly and starkly. 
 Almost like, the two of you were playing in a silent battle of the wits. 
 With him, having always disapproved of your relationship with Christopher Bang. 
 And you, having been in love with Chris for the past eight years. 
 In the end, you had chosen your respective sides - what with you dating the love of your life, and Felix sitting on the sidelines, giving you an air of rebuttal as he stared on in barely masked disgust. 
 But you didn’t care what he thought. You weren’t living for him and you didn’t give two shits about any of his opinions. Especially after everything that had happened and from the way that you hadn’t spoken in literal years. 
 Yeah, you definitely didn’t care about what he thought. 
 So why, then, did the look he give you just before he left the restaurant, cause your heart to race so much? 
 Why did it cause a cold sweat to break out across your brow?
 Why did it flood your mind so much, that you could no longer focus on anything else? 
 Like an intoxicating drug, like the most lethal of poisons, he was infecting your entire being. 
 With his changed physique and persona and voice and… everything. 
 But especially, the way that he had glanced at you so sardonically. 
 So darkly. 
 So painfully. 
To be continued...
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Can u do the stages of Dazai and Reader's relationship through Kunikida's POV like from enemy/strangers to friendship to lovers♥️
This had been on my had for days and maybe you might like this idea. Imma write this down before I go to sleep bc I'm tired af😭.
You have no idea how much I loved writing this, it was so fun. Ugh I absolutely love it!! Sorry it's taken so long so get it out, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Come back anytime. <33
I suggest listening to lovers rock by tv girl to set a nice little mood <3
(reader is gn)
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Fukuzawa hadn't lied at all; you were a perfect addition to the agency. Even after just meeting you, Kunikida could tell: smart, accomplished, adept at combat, extensive knowledge in both weapons and hand to hand combat, plus a near deadly control over your ability- you were a dream. You were hardworking and on top of it all, shockingly, amazingly, seemingly immune to Osamu Dazai.
Now, you didn't dislike the man. You just weren't one to fawn over him or giggle like a schoolgirl any time he winked at you. You never really understood the girls who would fall all over themselves when he flirted with them, plus, since he flirted with anyone what was the point in giving in? To him, there were a million people like you; you were just another pretty face to him. So you made it your mission to never fall for his charms.
Unfortunately for Kunikida, neither of you quite understood how stubborn you both could be.
After three months, you found you liked him more than you thought. He made you laugh, with his stupid jokes and his antics. You found you liked being his friend. You would go out drinking with him, he would embarrass you in public until you shrieked with laughter, face burning red with your blush. He would make up nonsense songs to make you laugh and you would foil his attempts at flirting with yet another waitress each time you ate together. Quickly, you found yourself calling him your best friend- something that horrified Kunikida in quite a funny manner.
And after six months, Dazai realized something terrible- something awful, sweet, lovely and terrifying all at once. Osamu Dazai realized he was falling for you. He was falling faster than he could save himself, faster than he could stop it; he was falling for his best friend with the stunning smile, the sharp wit that would bite him playfully if he got to close, the pretty laugh and those eyes that melted him from the inside out.
Worst of all, he knew you would never believe him if he told you.
But Kunikida saw it all. He saw how Dazai's eyes would soften ever so slightly when you would walk in, how he would try to be close to you, how he would volunteer to do the most mundane tasks as long as it meant doing them with you. He saw the new way his lip would curl gently at the edges when he smiles at you, a smile different than his usual rakish grin. And god was it painful to watch. He nearly felt bad for the man, and he would if it wasn't so funny to watch. Kunikida wouldn't deny it was just the slightest bit entertaining to observe you.
Nearly a year had gone by since you had first met; nearly a year since you had promised yourself to never fall for him. Nearly a year since he had met you, clueless to the fact that you would change his life without even trying. And everyone could tell it was driving him mad; everyone, or so it seemed, except for you. A fact that Kunikida doubted to the extremes.
"They probably have figured it out by now," he muttered, sipping his drink as a moan sounded from Dazai. "They're quite intelligent, you know. Perceptive, too."
"Shut up," Dazai muttered, lifting his head from off the bar. "Don't tell me that like I don't already know it."
Kunikida shrugged. "Just checking. But in any case, what are you going to do about it?"
"That's just it," Dazai groaned. "Whatever I do, they won't believe it's real; they'll think I just want a fling or a one night stand and it would kill me to loose them over something so stupid."
"Well you'd best figure it out soon," Kunikida observed. "Time waits for no man."
And it hurt knowing he was right. It hurt Dazai, a dull throb forming in his chest because it was true; no one waited forever. No opportunity stayed open for long. So he shook Kunikida's hand, walked out of the bar, and turned for the direction of your apartment.
"Good luck, you lovestruck bastard."
You were alone when the knock at the door came; alone, your pajama pants sitting deliciously on your skin, a glass on wine barely held between your fingers. You felt the buzz of the stuff, warm and sweet, spreading through your body as you walked over the door, and opened it.
Revealing your best friend, panting with cheeks brushed pink from the night air. He ran a hand through his messy dark hair and you cocked your head slightly, your lips quirking up into a curious smile.
Oh that smile-
"What's the occasion for this lovely visit?"
He swallows hard, hands fiddling nervously as he tries to decide whether to move closer or not. But you choose for him, resting a hand on his shoulder, stepping so close your have to look up slightly for your concerned eyes to meet his.
"are you alright? Dazai, what's happened, is everything ok?-"
"Do you trust me?"
"What kind of question is that, of course I-"
"No. Do you trust me."
You looked into those eyes, and-
"Of course I do," you whispered.
And those were the last words you uttered before his hand lifted your face to his and his lips shaped themselves perfectly against yours. That was all you had to say before he stole the breath from your lungs with that kiss, a sigh leaving you so sweetly it made him fall for you again, more and more- he would devote himself to memorizing every sound that fell from your lips, give you every second if his life if that's what it took, as long as you promised to never take your touch away from him.
You smiled when you pulled away, lips still parted, laughing ever so slightly as you pulled him inside by the hand.
And when you walked into the office together the next morning, chatting and smiling like always, most people wouldn't have batted an eye.
But Doppo Kunikida wasn't most people. And even he had to indulge himself in smirking in the way Dazai followed at your heels like a puppy. Because even though you were not the first to fall for his charms...
you were the first to get him to fall for yours.
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pinkslipxox · 10 days
May I please request a kind of enemies to lovers fic with Miko? She & reader met in high school through Mari, and reader just never liked her cockiness and thought Miko was a fuck girl, but really the only reason Miko ever entertained other girls was because we kept turning her down. Now years later, she's recording Trap Kitty and we go to the studio with Mari and Miko is just so sincere and sweet so we finally give her a chance 🥹
Of course, angel! Ugh I loved writing this one 😭🙈
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“C‘mon, Y/N! I promise she’s changed since high school,” Mari tries to reason with you.
“Vicky? Change?” you scoff in disbelief.
“It’s been five years, of course she has! Besides, you’re the only person she asked for,” Mari says and for a moment you put down your defenses.
Your jaw drops. “I-I am?”
You are genuinely shocked.
María Victoria Ramírez de Arellano Cardona— known to everyone at the time as Vicky— was a name that you knew all too well. You met her through Mari, your best friend since childhood, in high school. Everyone in school knew who she was. Her bold personality and cocky attitude made her stand out of the crowd. It was what made her loved or annoyed by your peers and teachers.
In your case, she annoyed you.
Vicky absolutely loved to pick on you. Her flirtatious smile, the mischievous gleam in her eyes, the way she sweet talked everyone made her into the typical fuck girl that you swore to never fall victim to. Yet, little by little, you started to notice that she started to pick on you less and less. Instead she started to pick on other girls, which confused you, but at the sametime made you feel relieved.
The last time you’ve seen or heard from Vicky was at graduation day. You picked up songwriting, a hobby of your that soon became into your career. While you were still not as well known, up and coming artists have reached out to you for your expertise, which made you grow a small fan base. And if it weren’t for Mari, you would never have known or even guessed that one of those up and coming artists was Vicky herself.
Under the name Young Miko.
“She wants to meet with you— today,” Mari reveals and your jaw drops even lower.
“W-what? What time?” you stammer.
“Her studio session starts at six.” Mari checks her watch. “Ya son las 4:45 p.m., Y/N. Si vas a ir, tienes que decidir ahora.”
You bite your lip. The thought of seeing Vicky after all these years both flatters you and makes you nervous. You’re surprised that she’s even remembered you in the first place. It just has to be coincidence that the two of you are even interested in the same industry together.
“I’ll go,” you tell Mari, who sighs in relief.
“Perfecto. Puedes ir conmigo en mi carro,” she says and you nod.
You quickly gather your things together and head out of the door. As the two of you drive to San Juan, Mari fills you in on Vicky’s career thus far and the album she’s planning to release later this year. And that’s where you come in. Mari tells you that she’s been having trouble finishing the lyrics to a song she’s working on, and it’s for that reason why she’s reached out to you in the first place. You’re genuinely impressed by how well Vicky was doing so far. And you admit that you’re excited to listen what she’s been working on. You absolutely love music, and the fact that Vicky did too does not come much as a surprise to you.
By the time Mari parks her car, the nerves slowly creep their way back into you. You’re just minutes away from seeing Vicky again. And you pray that she really has changed as you and Mari are whisked away to the seventh floor of the building, where Vicky’s studio is.
“Puedes pasar!” you hear her voice from the other side of the door, and Mari pushes the door open.
“Adivina quién llegó!” Mari announces as you step inside the studio.
You make eye contact with a brown haired girl. A gasp escapes your lips when you realize that it is Vicky. Physically, she hasn’t changed save for the tattoos that decorate both her arms. She is clad in an oversized hoodie with baggy jeans and a beanie on her head. That part of Vicky hasn’t changed either. She was rarely seen without a beanie or hat on her head.
“Y/N!” she exclaims with excitement, making your nerves calm down a bit, and she hurries over to you with a big smile on her face.
“Hi, Vicky,” you greet politely.
Should you shake her hand or hug her?
“Can I hug you? Is that okay?” Vicky asks sweetly as if to read your mind, and you inwardly breath a sigh of relief as you nod.
“Of course,” you say, and for a moment, you are frozen when Vicky wraps her arms around you, but nevertheless you return her sweet gesture.
“How have you been? It’s been, what, three years?” she muses and you chuckle softly.
“Five years, actually,” you correct her and she gasps.
“Acho! Time flies, doesn’t it?” Vicky giggles. She then gestures towards the she seat she was sitting on. “Siéntate, por favor. I hope you’re as ready as I am.”
“Let’s get started,” you chirp.
Turns out that Vicky is very talented. She even plays you some of her finished songs for you. And asks for your feedback once they end.
“I really like the beat. And the lyrics are catchy. What was the name of the song again?” you ask her, and you can’t help but notice that she’s gotten a little shy from your compliments.
“It’s called Riri,” Vicky says softly.
“That song would go hard in a club,” you tell her, earning a sheepish giggle from Vicky, and you can’t but admit just how adorable she looks right now.
“Gracias, mami,” she murmurs, catching you a bit off guard with the nickname she gave you.
“So…” you hum, trying to sound nonchalant, as you straighten up. “What about that song you need help writing?”
“Actually,” Miko says sheepishly after a beat of
silence, biting her lower lip, “I never needed help with the song. I… I actually just wanted an excuse to see you.”
“What?” you say softly, your heart beginning to flutter. You’re not sure if it’s by the way Vicky’s looking at you or if it’s by the confession she just made to you.
“I just really wanted to see you. And… also to apologize for bothering you throughout high school.” Vicky then takes a deep breath, her eyes looking into yours with a tenderness you’ve never seen before… and hesitation. “I had a such a big crush on you— I still do, actually. I did what I did to get your attention but…” She then gently takes your hands in hers. “If you’d be willing to give me a chance, we can start over. And I’ll prove to you just how much I’ve changed.”
Her words echo in your ears. Vicky has never been as sweet and sincere to you like this. Ever. She was always so teasing and forward. At first you think this is all a dream, but the feeling of her warm hands holding yours is proof enough to assure you that what is happening in front of you is real.
“I’d love to,” you murmur, unable to contain the smile spreading on your lips.
Vicky visibly relaxes and she breaths a sigh of relief.
“If you’re not doing anything after, let’s go out for dinner. And we can catch up,” she proposes and you nod excitedly.
“That sounds amazing,” you smile, and Miko gives your hands a gentle squeeze.
“Perfecto.” She then bites her lip again. “Can I kiss your cheek, Y/N?”
Your heart flutters again. “Of course you can.”
And so does. She holds your chin ever so gently and kisses your cheek. Your smile only grows, and you know deep inside you that is but the beginning of a beautiful new relationship with Vicky.
Your Vicky.
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nicole-2099 · 4 months
•Opposites always attract•
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HH. Hyunjin xreader.
Enemies to lovers trope.(kinda..?)
[‼️WARNING‼️]: 「•Smut, fingering, teasing,unprotected s3x,•」
Ima get straight to it😭🤚 I also haven’t posted in a few months Soo I got no time to waste!!
Note; also I haven’t written in a while so if it’s a lil scrambled I’m sorry no I didn’t proof read shi I’m too lazy anyways HAVE FUN READING U MF<3
Well, let’s just say you and Hwang Hyunjin aren’t very fond of each other, he hates you for many reasons but his go to reason is the fact you and his best friend jeongin got closer, but he shouldn’t even hate you. You and jeongin have been friends for a while, plus not to long ago you moved in with jeongin and hyunjin, so you hoped hyunjin would grow out of his hater era. Wrong. Hwang Hyunjin was your biggest opp ever! He never left you alone especially when you’re busy with university and tests everyday. He always had something to say or do to make your day so much more worse, not like it’s not already.
“Ugh could this night get any worse.” You’d say combing you fingers threw your hair murmuring to yourself about how your going to fail this upcoming test, but silence never lasts long. Sure enough Hyunjin came through the door like he’s the FBI.
“Shut up I was trying to sleep but it’s hard with you fucking talking to yourself nonstop.” Hyunjin said as he walked into your room and shut your laptop and turned your light off clearly annoyed with you.
“Dude wtf is your problem, leave me alone I’m busy.” You’d say getting out of your chair pushing him away from your desk. Hyunjin glared at you with ice cold eyes, clearly mad and pissed off, he’d step closer to you his body inches away from you as he bent down to get down to your level “Idgaf what you’re doing, stop. Doing it.” He’d say as he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you onto your bed “Go to fucking sleep.” He’d say as he walked out of your room and closed your door.
You’d lay there in your bed as you thought about how your probably going to fail and be a loser, tears swelling in your eyes as you thought of all of the disappointment your family will be in when they find out your failing as a person, curling yourself into a ball your knees to your chest as you tried not making to much noise so you don’t get yelled at again.
Suddenly Hyunjin came into your room again “DIDNT I FUC-…are you crying..?” Hyunjin asked his tone instantly changing from anger to worry. You’d shake your head wiping away your tears quickly as Hyunjin walked over to your bed side and sat down next to you lifting your chin so you’re looking at him. “What the fuck are you crying over brat.” He’d say trying to still keep his cold exterior, but you knew he cared enough about you to stay in your room for more than 5 minutes. “I’m fine, I’m just tired..” you’d say as tears started to form in your eyes again. Hyunjin shook his head knowing you were lying to his face making him annoyed with you again, then he said “Stop lying to my face idiot, what’s wrong, your to tough to cry over me yelling at you so what’s up?”
He was right, you never got so upset to the point you cried when he yelled at you. “It’s nothing I, I’m just I’m stressing over the tests, and you coming up and shutting my laptop didn’t help.” You’d say your voice quivering as tears streamed down your face again, your hands shaking as you tried to calm yourself down. Hyunjin sighs before saying “Oh fuck you, I deal with 10x more stressful things and look at me, I deal with it fine.” You took in what he said for a second. Maybe, just maybe, a good fuck would help out with your terrifying thoughts. “I mean.. the fuck part might help me stop crying.” You begin saying before he quickly responds with “Alright, lay down.” You look up at him wide eyed. “Wait actually-.” Before you could finish your sentence, Hyunjin kissed you without warning, grabbing your face and pulling you into him. You’d pull away in shock as you stare at him in awe 🫢. “What?” Hyunjin said as he looked at you. “nothing I just didn’t expect- you know, for you to do that.” You said your eyes shifting to look at your hands. Hyunjin smirks at you as he lifts your chin up so your looking at him. “Don’t get all shy now, you did ask for it, love.”
You’d think about what he said for a moment, he did have a point you did ask for it. “I guess I did- but” before you could finish. Hyunjin leaned into you again pulling you in for another kiss. This time you felt your body melt into it, you don’t know why, it’s not that you don’t want it, but you’re confused on why you do. You’d pull away from the kiss for a moment before feelings his hands all over your waist, his fingers digging into your skin as he straddled your hips over his lap pressing you against him. You’d struggle for a moment letting a small moan, as his grip tightened on your waist and hips. “Hey, look at me.” He said as you looked up at him as he calmly whispered to you, “You sure..you want this..”
You’d think about it for a second, nodding in response. “Mhm...” Hyunjin gave you a small smile then he pulled you into him again, this time leaving small kisses and bite marks on your neck marking you up. With a soft moan your back arched upwards, your chest and hips pressing against his chest and hips closing the small gap between the two of you. “Hey shh, we don’t want Jeongin to hear you do we?” He’d say running his fingers down your side holding onto your hips, you’d shake your head covering your mouth with your hand praying you could mask the sound.
Hyunjin smirks as he pulls your hand away from your mouth, lifting up your chin, his hooded eyes locked onto your eyes as he kisses your lips. You pull back for a moment before just giving in and leaning into him more.
He’d pull away from you his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. “Take it easy pretty.” He said in a hushed tone.
You try to calm yourself down, trying not to seem desperate and touch starved, but is it really your fault (Yes actually it is)
Hyunjins fingers run down your side and squeeze your thigh, he looks at you with a spark in his eyes and his fingers lightly rubbing against your inner thigh, as you try to hush your moans, Hyunjin soon then looks up at you for a moment looking for a look of discomfort or dislike as he slowly pulls the hem of your shorts down and tosses them on the floor as his fingers slowly run up your thigh getting closer to your core that was practically soaked from how turned on you were.
You let out a soft sigh gripping onto the sheets as his fingers gently rub on your clothed clit, his eyes still searching your eyes for any discomfort, you’d move around a bit being the touch starved girl you are, but Hyunjin holds you down his hands keeping a firm grip on you. “now now pretty, don’t move around so much for me, yeah?” And with a hushed sigh his fingers slip under your panties and start rubbing against your desperate pussy.
You gasp your body arches upwards as your try to keep quiet as you try and hush yourself with a pillow. Hyunjin looks at your desperate attempts to keep yourself quiet with a smirk on his lips, as his finger start to slip inside you slowly, his other hand keeping your legs open.
As you felt his finger inside you, you could barely think straight, you face shoved in a pillow as you whine and whimper you sounds already begging for more.
And hyunjin notices it his fingers slowly going in deeper curling as he slowly starts to thrust them in and out of you gently, making your pussy clench tightly around his fingers as you moan and whine squirming as he holds onto you with a firm but gentle grip.
“Feel good? pretty..” He’d ask his fingers thrusting into you a bit quicker and harder.
“oh yeah you look so fucked out right now and I’m not even inside you yet..” he’d say looking down at your face, it was red and flushed as cover your mouth muffling your sounds.
“I can’t- help it..” you say your voice shaky and desperate, your grip on the sheets tightening as he sped up your head arching back your eyes shut tight your legs shaking.
“Hyunjin pleasee..” you beg desperately your voice cracking as you try not to scream out. Hyunjin looks down at you with a mischievous smirk as speeds up, but pulls out his fingers right before you almost cum. “Now now if you cum now pretty, it wont be so fun anymore will it..?” You whine and squirm around begging for some kind of release. “Noo don’t do this..me.” You groan.
Hyunjin notices how desperate your being and leans down close to your ear, “so do you not want me to fuck you.??” He says with a playful teasing tone as he starts to undo his pants, know what you want already, you look at him eyes pleading and begging as you say your voice needy. “I didn’t say that hyunjin Pleaseee!!”
Hyunjin chuckles at your cute response loving how desperate and needy you were acting just to get fucked, “I’m just messing with you pretty, you did so well keeping quiet for me so you deserve this..” and with that he pulls his pants and boxers just enough for his dick to spring up, precum dripping off the tip as starts to grind the tip just over your already soaked puffy pussy, teasing you further.
You’d look at him eyes begging for it, so he did just that slowly he’d push the tip inside slowly going a little deeper before stopping for a moment to let you adjust, and that was good cause when he went in deeper you instantly gasped your body arching as you let out a moan.
Hyunjin looks at you eyes full of need as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of you slow and gently at first but after a bit he speeds up causing you to let out a moan your body shaking.
Hyunjin looks down at you his face slightly flushed but not too noticeable, his thrusts speeding up as he speaks in a shaky breathless tone. “you look so cute right now..fuck this is why I tried my best to hate you my whole life, because I knew if I didn’t at least try I’d be in love with you..” his words ring out in your ears for a second sending a shiver down your spine, but his words quickly fade in you mind as your to busy trying to keep your mouth shut while you get your pussy fucked up.
“God you feel so good right now..” hyunjin moans his voice almost sounding desperate as he thrusts into you deeper making you cry out your legs shaking slightly. “Aww you’re close already pretty.., well thats-..fine..” hyunjin huffed his hands going to grip onto your hips as he speeds up a bit more, feeling you clenching around him tightly.
You’d squirm your legs shaking as you close to your release, also feeling him twitch inside you as his thrusts get more aggressive slamming into you.
“Fuckk your close too..” his chest heaves as he continues to thrust into you until the both of you reach your limits, you tighten around him your legs shaking as you cum, and he groans thrusting into you one last time before filling you up.
“Fuckk..” he sighs his body shaking as he pulls out of you and lays down next to you for a moment trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck I hate you..I hate you for making me love you..” he says with a sigh and he pulls you into a tight hug keeping you close while the both of you start falling asleep.
The next morning jeongin walks into your room trying to see if you’ve seen hyunjin and there he was in your bed with you sleeping, jeongin looks at the two of you blankly (in utter shock) as he walks out and shuts the door.
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eleni-cherie · 29 days
rewatched pride & prejudice (the film) tonight and AJSJSJSJSJSJJS FCKFCKFKXKCKDKXKXKCK I need a Mr Darcy 🥲
an attractive, awkward guy who first seems rude but is actually very sweet and kind? sign me the fck uppp 😭 "you bewitched me, body and soul" will forever be my fave movie quote ever ughh like yeah yeah I usually am not into such corniness but I mean that's how they talked back then - and Mr Darcy could say that to me all he wants ugh UGH
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save for probably being my fave enemies to lovers ever. like, usually I'm not a huge fan of that trope since it's often (nowadays) so cringy and over the top - but THIS? THIS IS THE ANGRY SEXUAL TENSION I AM TALKING ABOUT ugh
also Lizzy is so me 😩 so where's my Mr Darcy?
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neptunescore · 1 month
hi about the ship template i wanna know your opinion on jenson and lewis? also your opinion on nico hulkenberg and kevin magnussen 😁
Ohhh anon. Uve given me 2 of my fave underrated pairs<3
I'll do slagclaren first, and then I'll move on to the haasbunds💗.
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They were such an era😩. And their lore is acc hilarious. I see them more as platonic, but honestly I wouldn't mind reading fics abt them🤭.
Anyway, I just love how during their time together as teammates lewis tried SO hard to throw jenson off and play mind games with him, yet the whole time jenson was going around the garage smiling and laughing with everyone, and then coming back to lewis and giving him bro hugs😭😭. Like he truly did not care💀. Lewis was out there tweeting out his heart abt jenson not following him (when jense wasn't even on twitter) and trying to leak jenson's race telemetry (it turned out to be their development driver's). And in the end jenson ended up outscoring him in points for the wdc standings😆.
Don't even get me started on all the vids they did for mclaren (their dynamic was SO CUTE. UGH. I don't CARE if it was all juat PR😠) , and how when jenson wrote his book he described lewis as 'weird' (HAD ME WHEEZINGG😭) and stated that it was obvious lewis was 'peeved' by his presence, and how jense was sad abt that and wished they had a better relationship😔 (like okay u romantic, we get that u wanted him😀)
OH. and also the way his advice for cecho (when he was leaving mclaren) was to 'make sure u have twitter'😭✋🏽
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I have seen so MANY better pics of them but pinterest is REFUSIN to provide today😒
On to my haasbunds🫶🏼🫂
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Not much more to say abt them, bc not much more CAN be said abt them. They've literally reached the end of their enemies to lovers feel good romance, and now (in fic terms) we're getting one shots of their domestic lives as husbands together🤭 From 'worst driver on the grid' and 'suck my balls mate' to kevin defending nico with his life on track, nico defending kevin with his life off track and both of them picking each other any time they're asked a 'who would u pick' grid related question (even when specified u cant puck ur teammate)💗🫠.
I don't really read fics abt them tho, the reason that box is highlighted is bc of these 2 absolutely amazing fics, with them as the main pairing, that I gave a chance too and was left mindblown😚😌.
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Every time I see them together is like I'm watching a domestic moment between an old couple.
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fatuismooches · 11 months
orr… “you were a wonderful experience” as fragile reader, before passing away. because dottore *was* a wonderful experience, they would’ve followed him anywhere if not for the illness. “you were everything” as dottore because reader *was* everything. dedication was for them, all the clones ended up serving a purpose for them, the gnosis, helping the tsarista. somehow both selfish and selfless. his everything.
- 💌 anon (I AM HERE!!)
NO WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME… ugh no I CANT I wanted to relate that quote to fragile reader but didn’t know how BUT YOU DID IT FOR ME 😭💔 You truly appreciate Dottore for everything he gave and done for you. You were fated to die much earlier in a far worse state, but in a way, he did save you. Perhaps not fully, but that was okay with you. You were just happy having more memories and a longer, more fulfilling life despite your illness. So while you're deeply saddened to have to leave him... you're still grateful to your lover.
But being Dottore’s everything… is so real. You’ve been his everything for over four hundred years. You’ve been the reason for much of his research, you’ve been the reason why he strives to succeed in them too. You’ve been the reason why he has so many sleepless nights, yet you’re also the reason why he’s able to get some sleep or peace in his life… you’ve been the reason why the clones are a little bit less argumentative with each other, the way you gave them more purpose. You’re the reason why he defies the divine, why he’s not hesitant or remorseful about breaking the laws or morals of this world. You’re the reason why he looks forward to the future, he imagines the kind of stunts and plans you two will pull together, how beautiful you’ll look once again in the sunlight, slaying your enemies with a dance. You’re his lover, for all of eternity…you’re the reason why he knows how to love in the first place, and therefore allowing him new perspectives and ideas, greatly enhancing his research. With how much you bring into his life, he’s never, ever going to let you go. 
Until he was forced to.
He doesn't feel the true meaning of devastation until now.
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