#ugh celebtm
1ddotdhq · 4 years
🦋Wed 11 Nov ‘20🐀
It’s 11/11, make a wish! Well, hmm, let’s see...I wish for concerts to come back sooner rather than later, that’s for sure! And so, apparently does Ticketmaster: in the face of a possible COVID vaccine, Ticketmaster is changing concert going policy to include new requirements for concert attendees. After buying a ticket, you will have to verify that you’ve either been vaccinated or tested negative for COVID in the 72 hours leading up to the event. You send the test result to a third party company which would confirm the health status to Ticketmaster; TM says they will not have access to other medical information and that the info will be securely encrypted. Okay, look. I can’t wait to get concerts back, right? But registry lists and the issues of privacy and demonizing that come along with that are going to become a big part of the landscape around COVID in the years to come, and this is part of a larger picture. However badly we want concerts back, let's keep an eye on all the privacy policies and implications: historically, registry lists have NEVER been a good thing for the people that are on them.
Harry, psychically foreseeing the discourse about Larry baiting and wanting to defend his title as Larry Baiter Supreme against the always fierce competition from Louis, put on his Blue Bandana and headed out to be Seen recently (hopefully before he went into quarantine!). He paired the much discussed hankie with a bright orange button down with lacey white patterns on it, his cross necklace and pearls, some sunglasses, a black mask, and a single surgical glove on his right hand. Despite the odd conglomeration of Styles, I'd definitely call this a better look than the pastel joggers and walrus hoodie he was wearing last week! In an interview today with Joellen Lapidus (she specializes in making folk instruments, including famously for Joni Mitchell and for Harry who sought her out because of the Joni connection), we learned that Harry has not just the one dulcimer from her that he talked about using on Fine Line, but a collection of them! She says that she names every single one she makes and that Harry bought ‘the Crying Seahorse’, which is decorated with - you guessed it! - crying seahorses (also butterflies and seagulls, all inlaid in gold, blue, and green), which was inspired by an experience with unrequited love. Harry thought it had a “soulful history” and liked the sound, and bought it alongside four more, including an adorable one that looked like a tuxedo. So let’s talk about, um, seahorses for a second (that’s not something you expected me to say today right?): seahorses ARE fish, and they are one of the few kinds of fish that are fiercely monogamous - they mate for life. It’s the male seahorse that gets pregnant, after the female plants the fertilized egg in his, uh, pouch (I’m sure Harry wishes this was him, don’t worry, H, you’ll get there). Each seahorse also has unique identifying markings: the patterns on their bodies are different for each seahorse, kind of like a tattoo! OTP: if ur a fish, I’m a fish STRIKES AGAIN (grrr, the larrie baiters).
 Liam came back with some more watercolor rats, and they’re all really cute! This one is a brown and white one with a pen and ink outline and filled in with watercolors, adorably chewing its own tail. He says “ watercolors are now my fave” and “think rats are becoming a thing too.” And! He got on a zoom call with fans earlier this morning. What fans? How? Dunno, but it's probably the same thing as last time we saw this, when fans who had bought the most expensive LP Show bundle tickets got Zoom M&G calls. He asked one fan if she liked the “story driven” aspect of the Halloween show, and she told him his acting was great. To that, he replied, “that’s because it wasn’t acting. About 90% of the time, I just didn’t know what was going on - though that could be because I don’t read my emails”. Me too, friend! He also wrote a ‘thank you’ to military members and their families and friends on his instagram for Armistice Day. Celebtm continues to larrie bait and use Louis’ name for clout without any involvement from him. People, please, they’re not doing anyone any favors, and they’re certainly not helping Louis. Let’s just ignore them and they’ll go away - it’s certainly what I’m trying to do! Louis liked Liam Gallagher’s post about his on the river “Why Me? Why Not” boat concert, which will be on the 5th of December, and *I* learned that you could resize pictures within your instagram story, which is useful, because it tells me that I know NOTHING about whether a story pic was taken in the app or is from the camera roll: Louis’ picture from yesterday, for example, could have been either. Niall is going to be on the Late Late Show tonight with Ashe, and he posted a picture of them in the Royal Albert Hall in Gucci! Niall is wearing a mustard yellow jumpsuit (no, not something I thought I’d be writing about, either) and Ashe is barefoot in the same golden Gucci golden overcoat Harry has. Honestly, what a mood! Look, they’re such a dynamic duo but if they don’t perform more than one song together tonight then HONESTLY what even IS THE POINT!!! (I know, I know, but consider this: an Ashe/Niall cover of ‘Seeing Blind’. I would literally die.)
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Could you tell me what is boobgate and who is Nick?
In a nut shell:
Briana dated this older guy named Michael Strauss, he was kinda like her sugar daddy and he’d pay for a bunch of her stuff. He paid for her boob job, and she dumped him 2 weeks later. He then went on to sue her for the money he spent on her boobs. 
Nick is a fireman from Washington state who dated Briana for like 2 weeks before proposing to her. There were articles about them being engaged and how they were soulmates of 10 years. They broke up in the middle of boobgate drama, and Nick went back to Washington.
Here is a great boobgate masterpost.
Check out my banana engagement tag for more info
And my banana lawsuit tag for more about boobgate.
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Guess who’s gonna get slapped with a cease & desist by the Tomlinson-Styles team
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What actually is this dumpster fire? Holy shit. No wonder Banana deactivated. She’s scared. And the silence from Louis’ team is freaking deafening.
Article they reference is on Larry.
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CelebTM and twitter on Nov 11 2020
Just wanted to add this to the discourse, since CelebTM has had a mostly inactive twitter account until today. All they used to do was post links to their articles. But not even that consistently. Today that changed. They first liked a couple of fan’s tweets, thus interacting with the fandom and letting us know they are lurking. And then they rt’d the TMZ tweet about their original article:
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They have also pinned the sugar daddy’s open letter link to their twitter page:
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The tweets they liked from fans:
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The only other fandom tweet they have liked is this one from Oct 30:
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It’s a reply to TMZ sharing the 2nd Celebtm article:
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Prior to today they did not interact with our fandom, or any other fandom really. Their twitter activity consisted of inconsistently sharing links to their own articles and liking tweets from TMZ. That’s it. Today is the most active they have ever been on their twitter.
I just wanted to keep this here for posterity. Especially because everything has been very suspect regarding this gossip site. Also, today marks a clear change in activity, and if they are involved and working with LTHQ on a plan, this change in behavior is something to watch. There’s always the possibility that they are simply messing with the fandom and doing this for clout, but it’s worth it to keep an eye on them regardless.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
❄️Tues 27 Oct ‘20🐖
Ho ho ho! Liam is (alongside all of his spooky content) also giving us Christmas realness and releasing a Christmas song called Naughty List on Friday. There’s clearly a woman’s voice on the song, but he hasn’t credited his mystery collab. There is some speculation that it’s Dixie D’Amelio, but I guess we’ll have to wait for Friday to find out. Liam’s current constant companion Conor has been making back to back appearances in his Tik Toks, lending credibility to my theory that they are roomies right now. Or maybe they just can’t get enough of each other! Harry has stepped up on twitter to retweet one of Joe Biden’s ads and say, “If I could vote in America, I’d vote with kindness”. HSHQ has released Golden merch, including a cute Italian themed hoodie - proving that they CAN make good merch when they WANT TO, but they they don’t want to very often, as they also came out with a T-Shirt that could have been completely ripped off of a tumblr shitpost that made fun of their terrible T-Shirts. They also tweeted a mock-up picture of the new Co-Op live stadium, which looks cool, but shows no signs of being pandemic friendly. 
Louis liked a tweet about his promo, which is one of the rare times he’s chimed in on the discourse. 1075 The River (a radio sation) tweeted, “ugh @/Louis_Tomlinson has my heart”, and @/LTxPromo said, “does your station have @/Louis_Tomlinson music to spin as well?”. Ever the sassmaster, Louis liked the second tweet! Louis made headlines for his support of with Marcus Rashford, and iHeartRadio posted his (warning?) selfie, captioning it, “We get so lost in @/Louis_Tomlinson’s eyes”. Hey what a coincidence - I know someone you can talk to about that! And, speaking of radio promo, Niall (who spent all of yesterday in a studio, making MORE MUSIC we won’t get to hear for a while) went around doing more radio interviews to promote his upcoming concert, even saying about One Direction, “we were just kids when we started, and now there’s kids...kids everywhere!” He didn’t mention any names, but went on to reassure the interviewer (Lorraine) that HE would not be adding to the brood of children any time soon: “I’m comfortable with where I’m at, at the moment”. 
Before we get into the next bit, can we just spend one more gleeful second with the Italian sun shining on our faces and the scent of Christmas pudding? Okay, well. On we go with the “never ending cycle of media speculation”, and our favorite pub dwelling pigs.
Celebtm published part two of their article on Briana and Micheal Straus and it is...a mess. As are, by the way, the instagram comments under that post, but we’ll get there. The article itself is riddled with contradictions: is Louis an involved father who loves his son or is Briana a single mother who is struggling to provide for him? After making a few claims about how involved Louis was with Freddie, Straus went on to say that he himself “wanted to step up and be the man in Freddie’s life” and that “whether or not [Louis is] an absentee father isn’t for me to say”. That is to say, it’s all bullshit. Including, by the way, the initial claim that he was scammed out of his money, as he goes on to say that he told Briana not to worry about paying him back! We often make jokes about these people, but let's be frank: Michael Straus is vile, and the reason that he is suing Briana is because he’s upset he never got to look at her new breasts. That - however ridiculous - is the premise of the case. And if that wasn't messy enough, guess who works for celebtm and is getting in on the action: BOOPSY! Yes, our old pal Boopsy-the-celeb-stalker is also in that mess of a comments section in her official work capacity, letting it be known that she's looking for inside dirt on Briana.
But now let’s dive into what Celebtm had to say about the whole thing, because they have taken a sharp U-turn since part 1 of this article. Hmmm...wonder why? The site remained confused on what their position on Freddie’s parentage was: they leaned heavily on Michael’s quote that said, “he is 100% Louis and Briana’s son”, but also they quoted fans who said that he wasn’t, and then!! They claimed (in the comments section of the instagram post) to have offered to pay for a paternity test for Louis. Well, hey I know a ton of people that would start a gofundme and pay for it themselves (not that we’d need to, uh, I think Louis’ got it covered)! They then claim that LTHQ declined their offer because, “the deal he made with Briana saves him millions. We know she only receives less than 60k a year and the money meant for Freddie goes to … self upkeep for Briana”. This is even funnier today, when Louis’ net worth was calculated at 47 million pounds. 
So here’s where the research gets verbose, but I’m going to attempt to present it as simply and concisely as I can. As far as I can tell, there are two ways for an unmarried man to claim paternity in California: the first is to sign a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity upon the child’s birth, at which point your name goes on the birth certificate (this fits with the birth certificate we’ve seen), and you have full parental rights and obligations (custody and child support included) without a necessary DNA test. The second way is to arrange a court hearing and establish paternity through the courts, which does require a DNA test. If you have signed a VDP and then wish to change your mind, you can either fill out a rescission form (which must be done within 60 days of signing the original VDP but only needs one party’s signature) or you can go to court. Celebtm is claiming that Louis has no rights, and is voluntarily paying 60k a year in order to MAINTAIN this Schroedenger’s Baby situation rather than take a test and end the speculation. Even odder, this claim makes it seem like even LOUIS doesn’t know if Freddie is his or not, and he’s just. Paying this random family for a child that might or might not be his, but he’s not involved. But all of this makes perfect sense if he DID sign a VDP, then immediately rescinded it, and is now paying for something other than child support. 
TLDR: this all looks like a mess that doesn't add up but it all makes sense if he did sign this one document, took it back, and is now paying for something other than child support - let’s call it secrecy rather than silence, because if there’s one thing we know about this family, it’s that they can’t shut up.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
💀Wed 28 Oct ‘20🏡
Zayn is back, Louis has pink hoodies (sort of), Liam is tik tokking like a pro, Harry feeds fish, Simon Cowell’s surgery recovery has stalled and is going poorly (great! couldn’t have happened to a more deserving human), but we’ve got too much real news to waste anymore time on that asshole! 
We ended last night with ZAYN SINGING TO US!! Beautiful black and white footage of beautiful Zayn and his perfect voice; he shows us little snippets of himself crooning James Bay's Hold Back the River and Paolo Nutini's Last Request (not for the first time on this one, he did this song before in the lead up to Icarus Falls... more on that in a minute) while reading lyrics off his phone, captioned 'Cover Sessions.' Good god but I have missed his ethereal warbling! The post alone is an unexpected blessing and a gift but the implied promise of more to come?? YES PLEASE I CANNOT WAIT. Some wonder if it could be for a Spotify Sessions, others are screaming about how Icarus Falls' drop was preceded by weeks of black and white cover song videos on instagram (when asked at that time if he was releasing something he said “yes why else do you think I'd be on here singing for you??” LOL, adore this man, but also, hello!) Anyway yesterday we got not only music and the promise of more to come, but also interaction! He chatted in comments, offering a coy 'maybe' to a comment saying 'acoustic', posting laugh cry emojis at his own jokes (“no YOU stop”), and sending love back to his happy zquad, who were of course overwhelmed and over the moon. He's cut his hair off but with all he's given us today can we be sad? It's a small price to pay. James Bay reposted the cover of his song-- “nice one man x.”
Then, Louis officially dropped his Kill My Mind Lyric drop (on the 28th!!!):  the lyric being represented is “the devil in my brain”, and it is indeed a skull with a tophat over a cauldron. The new stuff features the cute little logo embroidered on various black cold weather wear items (including a sweater!) and says 'lyric drop 2' inside the collar of the shirts. BUT! There’s more! We’ve got some more wavy walls hoodies in pink lettering, as well as fuzzy red lettering and a marble red and pink design. Love it! However, it was discovered that this new merch does not ship to India or LATAM (except Costa Rica) and honestly?? RUDE!! Louis’ LATAM fans are the FUCKING BEST (no I’m not biased wdym???). They do, however, ship to Vatican City for some reason so catch the Pope in his Walls merch! Louis did respond to this issue on twitter, though, and said, “I’ll get more info on this ASAP. Anywhere else?” so dioceses all over the world will soon be able to rock out in their KMM merch. Celebtm also came back for round three to tell everyone that they were removing themselves from the narrative until January (good riddance), but not before leaving a message from Michael Straus (ugh) to Louis and his “son” (the quote marks are theirs, not mine, in case you’re wondering where they stand on the issue). Straus’ last hurrah included claims that Briana gets a direct deposit from Louis (or his team) on the first of every month, spends it all immediately and is left destitute for the rest of the month, and that neither Briana nor Freddie have health insurance. He then offered to help Louis get custody of Freddie. Um, right. I’m sure his help would be invaluable. Also, we all agree that he’s a liar and likely doesn’t know shit and is trying to make himself seem like the hero instead of the gross misogynist he is right? 
A story was also released about Harry’s car breaking down in the UK over the summer. He did what anyone would do (I suppose?) and knocked on someone’s door to see if they could help. Well, it turns out their daughter is a fan, so they invited him in for a cup of tea, and allowed him to snoop around her room. They even took a picture of him feeding her goldfish! The photographer who took the picture is (coincidentally?) a professional, who has worked with Kasey Musgraves before. The fan did not get to meet him, but he signed her album, and left her a note promising to meet her at a concert, which he would be inviting them to. Harry has done some other cool things in the last few days (being politically active IS cool), and has started filming DWD in Palm Springs. He was spotted by a fan (though no pictures were released) and he signed her phone cover - it reads “Golden” with a little heart. 
Harry also ignited discourse by *shuffles papers,scratches head in confusion* his endorsement of Joe Biden? Well, there were a few layers to this condemnation. The first were the people who... thought he might be a Trump supporter and were disappointed that he was not? Well, uh, clearly they have not been paying close attention, because this man has been seen this year in a BLM rally, has shouted “fuck Boris, fuck the government”, and has waved multiple different pride flags (including the trans flag!) at his concerts. IDK how that screamed Trump supporter to some people. And then there were the people who were angry that he captioned the tweet “I would vote with kindness”. The words I have seen thrown around are “disingenuous” “privileged” and “this is not enough.” Well! Harry has often been criticized for encouraging fans to simply “vote” without talking specifics; now he's endorsed a candidate, just as requested! And while no one actually LIKES Biden there is no question (in any world except absurd fandom wank circles) that this endorsement is the correct one out of the viable candidates. He is not saying that Biden is himself kind, which yes would be weird, he is saying that voting for Biden is the kinder choice and you know what? He is correct. If you think that we at 1ddotd are gonna condemn him for taking a stance against a fascist, uh, THINK AGAIN!
It was confirmed that Liam’s mystery collab is Dixie D’Amelio, of tik tok fame, and I’m going to refrain from commenting until I hear the song! Liam continues to lean into both Christmas and Halloween by doing his spooky tik toks and NOT putting jump scare warnings in ANY OF THEM, thanks so much for that one Liam, love it loads! His fun, spooky, dorky ones (in full AWESOME looking makeup thanks to MUA Abby Roberts who’s quickly becoming a regular) are amazing though, and I will miss it when Halloween is over. And Niall was on the Elvis Duran show, mid-golf game with his cousin actually, to talk about them about his concert, the venue, the cause (calling his crew “like family”), and calling out the government (go Niall!)! He ALSO took to twitter and said, “I wish I could vote”. He would also not be voting for Trump, in case anyone actually needs that spelled out.
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