#ugggh he just looks so good and i wanna be holding his hand and that smirk he's doing while looking at louis ugggggghhhhh
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carmillas-vampiric-rage · 2 months ago
my two favorite francis santiagos!!!
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i also love fuzzy low grade photos and screenshots like smth about them just makes me love my babygirl even more
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stickynotestoletters · 4 years ago
ugggh so I am a dirty little slut for sal fisher and I had a thought about it sooooo,,,,
Sal Fisher x GN (masc body) headcanons of what he's like with you
this is gonna be very heavily influenced by the fact I am sleepy and really wanna write this rn!
Warnings: Non-canon-compliant (Sal lives, Larry lives, Todd doesn't go crazy, no murder), some NSFW stuff, switch-bottom leaning Sal, Service Top Sal
When he first meets you he's, hands down, the most flustered he's ever been before
Like, he's really into you
He just sees you in the hall and immediately blushes
he goes around his days as usual and stuff still but now he's eyeing you whenever you come into view
it's cute, he looks like a little kitten peering at you from around the corner because he’s too shy to say something
Larry makes little jokes about it and always tells him to talk to you
"wow, what a stalker" is his usual line when he finds Sal looking at you from somewhere
he musters up the courage to talk to you in his junior year when you wear a Sanity's Fall's shirt to class one day
from then on you two talk together whenever you have class and stuff
your parents move into the apartments in your senior year because of a demotion and you and Sal start hanging out outside of school
He finally asks you out on the last day of senior year
You and the gang go out to the football field the night after graduation
after they clean up all of the equipment for the stage
You guys end up smoking a blunt because Larry brought some of his stash and, hey, what's the harm?
You and Sal end up laying in the middle of the field while Larry chases Ash and Todd around on the bleachers
They're laughing and howling at the moon so you two just listen
Sal takes his mask off cause he feels more comfortable laying with it off
He takes out his pigtails and you comb through his hair for a bit
You look him in the eyes and just stop brushing your fingers through his hair long enough for him to look up at you
your eyes both meet and you two just stare
You see the stars in his eyes
Sal just thinks "You're the prettiest person I've ever seen"
"what?" "uhhhh....nothing"
"It's okay Sal!" You giggle at him and he giggles too
you both start giggling at each other and you two hug each other
still, just facing each other, heads tucked into shoulders, chests pressed so tightly together, legs intertwined
It's calm
He feels safe
So safe and warm
It's wonderful
So he sighs and says" I think I'm in love with you"
And it's an accident
He doesn't regret it, not processing it until you say "I'm in love with you too silly"
And you stay like that
no panic or guilt
just tucked away into each other
The gang goes to 7/11 that night-morning really it is 3 am-and get slushies
all of them are teasing you guys as you hold hands on the way there
it's cute
He's cute
You're cute
You both feel warm in the jackets you switch from each other
it's cute
"God the stalker finally got the victim in their clasps, another tragically happy ending" "Shut it Larry Face"
You both end up staying in different places after high school
You take a year off college and stay with your parents at Addison Apartments and Sal moves into the gang's house
It's nice, you see each other regularly for dates and ghost hunts
it's blissful
Then Sal starts having his nightmares again and you come over regularly for sleepovers
it's months into this routine of going home, getting new clothes from the apartments, go out with Sal, come and sleep at his place to help with nightmares, repeat that Larry has the most brilliant idea
"Why don't you just move in with Sal? You practically live with him anyway."
This is in front of you two, you're both at the gang's house and drinking some morning coffee
Sal not really jokes and agrees
And then you genuinely agree
It's a big moment for you two
Sal wanted you to move in right away but was scared his nightmares would affect you or you two wouldn't end up working out
So you two complied and stayed where you were
But this is gonna be an actual conversation where he is up for it and knows you two are stable
So you talk about it
You two agree
And you end up moving in that day
it's not that hard since most of your clothes are over there already
It's basically just moving your bed, knick-knacks, and bookshelf in so that's just the big things since you have a queen
It's bliss from there
you both settle into a nice routine and after you start college Sal decides to focus on his music for rn and take a break
You get a job and the dynamic is just... so pure
you guys are finally, finally, okay and the best thing is that you're together
He's still adorable and you're still sweet
You guys end up getting your own apartment outside of Nockfell and Addison Apartments
The gang stays around
Larry ends up moving in with you two for a little bit until he can afford his own place
Sal gets a lot more gigs out there in the city than he would have gotten in Nockfell and you get a job at a little club
Sal ends up playing there often because of you
NSFW headcanons
Okay so Sal is a hopeless romantic
before he moved to Nockfell he never really had anybody else who was interested in him
so he was super hopeless in planning your first time together
once you had slept over with each other a couple of times he makes this grand layout and waits for you to walk in to see him spred on the bed, clad in some cute underwear and nothing else
turns out though you were sick and sent Larry to tell Sal you couldn’t come over cause your phone was dead and you didn’t wanna get him sick
So Larry ends up walking in on a naked Sal and scarying the everloving crap out of him
He makes fun of y'all after that about it
So your first time is honestly uneventful after that whole fiasco
Deciding to just causally hook up at his place instead
Sal is a switch but he leans for bottoming
he can top, he's really good at being a service top
He’s not insecure about himself, he’s pretty big for his height *cough* (9.7) *cough*
but he prefers being spoiled and called pretty
loves being called feminine nicknames like "pretty baby" even if he is topping
stuff that's gender-neutral but is more feminine in origin
He likes it when you do it doggy-style if you're topping just cause if you press him into the mattress he can feel you better inside of him
Whines so much when you go faster
really likes getting fucked stupid, he wants his throat to be sore and his ass to be bed-ridden
Loves topping you when you're in his lap straddling him
He really likes to make you do work for a while, guides you and everything until you're breaking
when you eventually end up asking for him to "just fuck me already Sal...please?" He wants tears down your face, crying and desperate for him or else it’s not gonna happen
He ends up fucking into you like a monster from there if you are
loves when you lay on your back and he's on his knees sitting and thrusting into you, pulling you onto his lap
very vocal either way but he laughs and giggles more with you, his moans are less fucked out and more "oh god, yes!" in nature
His sex drive is really high, he could go for hours
If you end up getting tired when he's bottoming he's gonna bounce on your pretty cock and ride you so pathetically
It's so pathetically adorable
but if he's topping and you get tired he usually asks you if he can fuck you to sleep
You end up agreeing only if he cleans you up after
He doesn't have any severe kinks or whatnot
He's really into being breed though
Tie him up too while you do it
he likes gags as well
when you breed him he'll end up feeling bad after you finish and he can't feel it anymore once it's out
So you end up giving him a buttplug after to compromise
Sometimes if he's being a brat you'll tie him up, gag him, and leave him with a vibrator over stimming him
You'll leave him in the room and come back to a crying Sal, salivating and so fucked out without having even cum once
If you're ever being the brat he does the exact opposite
He'll tie you up but make it so you can't close your mouth
You have to be quiet though, he doesn’t want to hear anything louder than breathing and your pathetic whimpers
you're over stimmed to hell and orgasm so much it's difficult to keep awake
but do not fall asleep cause if you don't get through it to the end it won't end (Consensually of course)
He and Larry definitely hooked up once or twice before meeting you so I think he'd ask you to let him in on it
It becomes a regular occurrence until Larry moves out
But when you do have a threesome and he is feeling dominant get ready to not move for the next three weeks
It's nice though and doesn't end up changing the relationship between you three
That's it, I gotta stop before I cream myself into dirtier shit cause I am his slut. I have Sal Fisher brain rot syndrome so I'll definitely make another one eventually. Request some stuff and I'll be happy to write!
Continuation for Threesome hcs here by request
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mimiplaysgames · 4 years ago
save it for the morning after (3/3)
Pairing: Terra/Aqua Rating: E (Explicit) for Smut Word Count: 7,850
Summary: Aqua learns the value of being vulnerable.Terra learns to trust his body to another. Everyone gets a happy ending. ;)
Read on AO3
A/N: AAAAHHHH Happy Terraqua Day!!!! I can’t believe I finally finished this one, it always felt like it would never happen. I’m actually quite nervous - I don’t take the same kind of path of other smut and being so deviant honestly freaks me out so much. I really do pull this story into extreme directions for smut, that I wonder if I can call it smut at all. But let’s see. Hope you like. <3
“I’ve been meaning to ask you…”
“Go ahead.”
“Are you okay?”
“The... um, your scars...”
“They’re not yours.”
“They aren’t.”
“...They’re not yours.”
Well, damn.
Ven hones in on Terra—a ballsy move considering it’s a super-bad idea to get this close to a large opponent—but Ven skids, spinning on his knees and tripping Terra like a pet running through its owner’s legs. Ven serves an uppercut with his short Keyblade. It almost jabs Terra on the ribs if not for his lurch backward, and he lands squarely on his ass against the desk behind him. 
A pot of ink rattles and tips, spilling all over his pants and spreading up the spine of his shirt. 
Ven snorts. “You look like you shit yourself.”
Terra wipes his backside, picking up excess ink in layers. It’s slick, skating through his fingers with the weight of iron and dripping onto the floor. More of it runs between his legs, finding a way in between cracks and folds of skin, moistening up his boxers. Damn it. He slathers his hand through Ven’s hair with so much force (Hey!) that Ven waddles to stay in balance. 
“And you look like you’ve been picking through trash.”
Ink clumps chunks of blond hair together, drooling down Ven’s ears and staining his collar. It makes him look oily for lack of a better term, like someone who hasn’t taken a shower in weeks. When he touches his scalp out of reflex he flinches, wiping his coated fingers on his own shirt… before realizing what he’s doing. He groans. 
“It suits you,” Terra says. 
“I dunno.” Ven wipes the rest of it on Terra’s shirt. “Looks better on you.” Might as well. The shirt is honestly ruined. 
One corner of the offending desk is covered in globs of shiny black. Terra corrects the ink bottle and surveys the damage. The tile floor will be easy to clean, but the wood is inhaling the color. 
“Aqua’s going to kill us,” Ven mutters. “She spent a lot of time in this room.”
Weeks of time choosing which books to display on the shelves. Days researching the right chalkboard to purchase. Journeys spent gathering minerals for students to practice with: ash from a far away volcano, water from the forest river nearby, unearthed dirt from the garden, and feathers from nests settled at the peak of the tallest mountain. Aqua has a vision of this room playing the dual role of serving lectures and encouraging hands-on experimentation in a safe environment. She wants it to be respectable and impressive before the semester starts. They’re not allowed to traverse the room with shoes on, and Terra and Ven were respectable about that before one of them (Ven) started to get cocky about his fighting abilities. 
Yeah, they fucked up. “Think of it this way. We proved it’s not practical for physical training,” Terra says. 
“You’re the one who’s going to tell her that.” Ven scoffs, splaying a wet towel on the floor.
Terra pulls his suspenders over his head and lets them hang from his waistband. Pinching his stained muscle shirt off and bundling it up, he uses it as a rag to absorb the puddle on the table. What’s sinking into his socks is now warm. He ignores it.
“Do you think I could pull this off?” Ven asks as a by-the-way, twiddling a shy hand at the back of his greasy head.
“Black hair?”
“No, you’re right. It’s creepy.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Pfft, you also ‘didn’t’”—Ven bookends the word with finger quotations—“spar fairly.”
Terra considers throwing his damp shirt at Ven’s face. “I’m not at my prime yet.”
“That’s not it.” Ven flips the towel and swipes the remaining streaks with the cleaner side. “You’re holding back. You promised you wouldn’t do that anymore.”
“I’m not holding back.” He is. Just the image of raising his Keyblade against either of his friends is enough to make him nauseous, but he swallows it to be a good sport. 
Giving it his all is something else entirely, a deeper, invasive illness. 
“I know you can hit harder than that.” Ven dunks the towel in a pail of water, clouding it. 
“I just have a lot in my mind and it’s hard to... relax, I guess.”
There’s a moment of pregnant quiet before Ven says pointedly, “I thought Aqua was helping you out with that.”
A moist squish slaps Ven on the nose.
“Now you’re being sensitive,” Ven says, pulling Terra’s shirt off his shoulder.
“You missed a spot,” says Terra, using his thumb to smear the stain across Ven’s cheek. For shits and giggles he continues upward, rubbing raccoon circles on Ven’s eyelids. “You really pull this off.”
“Do you annoy her this much?”
“She enjoys it.”
“Ugggh.” Ven throws Terra’s hands off of him, his chin tucked in so much that two layers of neck skin fold over. “Gross.”
Terra pauses. Gross wasn’t what he expected out of Ven’s mouth. 
In fact, Terra hasn’t been sure of how Ven took the news the first time. 
Oh, Ven had said when they told him Aqua was moving into Terra’s room. Okay. Cool. He shrugged as if he could have heard more exciting news, and left to take a short walk in the woods with Chirithy. The three of them never spoke about it again. Ven wouldn’t mention a word when he saw them dragging her dresser and vanity table, and seldom joined them if he heard them laughing together with the door closed. 
Things are changing in minute strokes, in seconds that cluster for as long as Terra can recognize them, until they dissipate and become something not quite foreign but never quite familiar anymore, as though where he comes from is far from home and who he thinks he knows are almost-strangers.
“Have we ever made you uncomfortable?” Terra asks. 
“What, no!” Ven waves his hand, feigning shock, staring at his shoes and everywhere else but Terra. “I mean, Aqua’s been Aqua since we got back, and you’re just weird sometimes, but—”
“Then why do you...” Terra sighs, choosing his words. “Avoid us when we’re together?”
“I don’t want to interrupt.”
An almost-lie. “I hope you don’t think we don’t want you around.”
“Noooo. Neither of you make me feel that way.”
“But you do.”
Ven lifts his shoulders higher than his ears and drops them with the same weight as throwing books on the floor. “It’s just… nothing’s the same.”
Nothing is, what with the quiet mornings since the Master is no longer here to prepare breakfast before the sun rises, or huff at anyone when they disturb his meditation. Now they’re preparing the castle for the largest student body of Keyblade wielders it’s seen in years, something Terra thought would be a good distraction for everyone. 
But Ven’s right. Home doesn’t feel like home when the floors are re-tiled, and specific rooms are repainted, and the Master’s favorite lounge chair sits empty in the same spot in the library by the fireplace. Maybe for Ven, home is the turn right to knock on Terra’s door and the turn left to knock on Aqua’s. 
“It’s weird.” Ven grimaces. “I didn’t mean it that way. I’m used to talking to you about things you promised to keep from Aqua—”
“I still wouldn’t tell her anything!”
“—and I’m used to it being the three of us.”
Terra pauses. “We’re still the three of us. We’re still best friends.”
“That’s not how it works, and you know it,” Ven says, smiling warmly. “You are one half of two. You share a language I can’t butt into.” 
Terra kneels onto one knee, brushing oily hair out of Ven’s face. Aqua would have liked this look on him: less spiky. “Ven, you’re always going to be a part of our lives.”
“Stop worrying. What you have is not a bad thing. I think it’s kind of awesome. I wish you’d give it your all in a fight. I wanna see what you and her are capable of together, because it’d be huge.”
“I’m only trying to say that we don’t want you to feel like a third wheel. You’re more than welcome to knock on our door anytime—”
“Ah. No. No thanks.” He shoos Terra away. 
“I don’t wanna see anything.” Ven squints.
Terra snorts. “You’re not going to see—”
“I don’t wanna hear about it either.”
“Nope.” Ven covers his ears with his palms. “Nothing. No inside jokes. No pet names. Yuck. Keep that to yourself.”
Terra presses his lips together to zip up the snickering. “Okay, I won’t say anything.”
“Good. I don’t want any images in my head.” He wipes his hands like he’s done a good job explaining himself. “I should’ve expected it anyhow.”
“Yeah,” Ven says slowly. “I mean, the Master kinda knew.”
“He said something to you?” Terra asks with a shaky voice. He’s flipping through memories, when he and Aqua were very careful and very private, when they didn't touch each other in case there were witnesses near. He was so certain he’d suffer punishment if Eraqus ever found out. Lists of long essays about the dangers of being reckless with emotions every time Aqua made him laugh too much. Grueling physical regiments to knock discipline into his body every time he made bad decisions based on a tug between his legs. 
“I didn’t understand it at the time,” Ven says, leaning back on his hands and tapping his heels on the floor. “We were all hanging out, and you and Aqua left, and then he got sad.
“When I asked him what was wrong, he told me you guys created a very bright Light together. A Light bonded is a Light stronger, he said.” Ven mimics the Master’s lilts in speech, using his finger to emphasize points. “But be aware, Ven. Such a blinding Light casts an equally blinding, deep Shadow. What a dangerous force that is.”
It’s a good imitation. The ache in Terra’s chest twists into his guts and warms him at the same time, like a loving hug that squeezes too hard.
“Honestly it made me think you and Aqua were doing something you weren’t supposed to.”
“Maybe we were.” Terra’s throat constricts, his voice gravelly and his shame nostalgic. “We thought the same sometimes.”
“Which isn’t fair. Why can normal people experience that but it’s such a big deal if Keybearers do it?”
Because when you elevate the person you admire to a standard you can’t match, it makes you do stupid things. Aqua had followed him world after world, expecting it would eventually lead to a fight. Too many Keyblades in a friendship does no one good. 
To-may-to, to-mah-to. They did end up fighting, it just wasn’t his own Keyblade that inevitably hurt her. What a dangerous force that is.
“So the Master did not approve?” Terra asks.
“I wouldn’t say that.” Ven rubs his cheek in thought, forgetting all about the ink. “He said your combined Light looked beautiful and warm. And that you’d have many nights where it would be enough when it gets hard... Honestly, he only wished that you keep your head on your shoulders.”
Wishes asked for are wishes granted, the Master used to say, so long as you work for them. The years Terra had wished for this exact approval had only left him with space to forge false hope. Nothing major, nothing long-winded. Just a simple, impossible wish as they placed the flower wreath on his memorial and bid their goodbyes. 
Finally, that wish is fulfilled. As Ven grants it to him, it’s hard to believe or accept, sitting on the floor of what used to be a ballroom, covered in drying ink. 
“Thanks, Ven.” Tears cascade down his cheeks, pretending to be inconspicuous. He wipes them with his clean forearm but he can’t keep up. There’s one for every moment in the last twelve years when he wanted to apologize to the Master, leaving his eyes burning. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop soon.”
“S’okay.” Ven tucks his ankles under, giving Terra time to process. Ven knows when a topic is too sensitive. But he can also tell when enough time has passed for the raw cuts to seal, when everyone’s ready to laugh. It’s his special gift. Only after Terra slows down does Ven lean forward. “Did you know you make this ugly face when you cry? You’re a train wreck.”
Terra yanks Ven’s head under his arm (Oomph, grunts Ven), locking his elbow around the neck.
Ven beats on Terra’s biceps. “Let go of me.”
Terra summons his pauldron, elbow pad, and gauntlet—for good measure. He licks salt from his lips and smirks, clutching Ven more, sinking him into the pecs. 
Ven coughs. “You smell horrible.”
“Nasty-horrible or heroic-horrible?”
“Do you make Aqua sniff your armpit? Let go of me.”
A poor mistake. Ven tumbles back when he’s let go, but he grabs Terra’s shirt before his head hits the floor. He punches it into Terra’s stomach so quickly that Terra isn’t allowed time to react or block, leaving a sprawled, black bruise over his abs. 
“Put a shirt on,” Ven says when Terra can’t rub it off. “Freak.”
Their bedroom door is ajar. Terra hears the shuffling of feet. He quiets his arrival, crumpling his messed-up shirt in a fist, and leans on the door frame to watch her. Aqua pulls a book out of a stack deftly with one hand, the other carrying a cheese pastry. She swallows a final bite, licking her fingers (something she’d never do in front of anybody else but him), and meditates on the chew before sitting at her desk. 
He likes her best like this: half-dressed, without her usual corset and sashes, down to nothing else except her shirt and shorts, simple and free. 
Her longest scar creeps out of her backless shirt. A snake, a reminder of the damage Keyblades are capable of: they never heal and barely fade. This is why wielders shouldn’t raise them against people. 
Gluing her attention to an open book, Aqua reaches over for more cheese pastry, but her hand meets a plate of crumbs. When she realizes, she snaps up, alert as if she’s been robbed, glancing over her shoulder for signs of movement. This is also something she would not appreciate anyone else seeing, how she’s afraid of being alone, how she’s paranoid that she’s actually not.
Terra steps in and taps her shoulder before she could ask him what happened to the pastry. “That looked delicious.” 
She blinks, slowly absorbing his words; she doesn’t feel well today, nothing to be ashamed of. Terra says nothing else. This way, he doesn’t bring more attention to the fact. He won’t touch her so she doesn’t feel coddled (despite how much he wants to). He won’t crack a dumb joke when there’s better moments for them. This way, she keeps her dignity. 
When Aqua sees the smears and handprints on him, her eyes finally find reality. “What happened to you?” She stands up and swipes the stain on his chest. It’s dry but not enough, leaving a mark of gray on her fingers. 
“An accident.” Terra clears his throat, trying to seem unbothered. Just another day in the castle. Everyone gets covered in ink, what’s the big deal?
If she hears the hesitation in his voice (and she should, she knows him too well), she doesn’t care, marching to their bathroom. The sink turns on. 
“What kind of an accident?” she calls. The water flow is disturbed. She’s washing her own hands first. 
“Eh, we spilled some ink,” Terra says, praying to the stars she won’t interrogate further. He tosses his ruined shirt into a wastebasket and opens the first dresser drawer for another. Gone are the days when Terra used to stuff his clothes into a heap; Aqua likes to fold every single article, his on one side and hers on the other. 
“What does that mean?”
“It’s fixable, I promise.” At least he hopes there’s some magic spell in some book somewhere that could lift ink out of cracks of wood.
He goes down one drawer for pants and it’s the same story. 
Down to the middle for socks and underwear, each tightly rolled. Tucked into the back of this one are two newly purchased books, their hardcovers wrapped in plain paper so that anyone peeking in couldn’t read the titles. Edited with illustrations of anatomy, they are lectures of techniques on what to try with your partner. Where to place your hands, how to play with your fingers and tongues, how to listen, when to take it slow and when to take it fast...
“Here,” Aqua says from behind him. She has a wet rag. It’s warm as she gently rubs it into his skin, across the spread of his chest. Her other hand is splayed on his hip. 
Just the thought of those books now, of slipping her out of that shirt, the stains on his stomach be damned—
“Am I going to get mad at you?”
Be damned. Terra smirks in a way to invite her to join along with him. “At both of us. But... You never stay too angry for too long so… Why worry about it?”
She pauses. “What are you rambling about?”
“Nothing.” He glances away. “It happened in the new classroom.”
She digs the rag into the groove above the diaphragm as if contemplating his vivisection. A stream of water drips over his belly button, into the hem of his pants, down the dips of his pelvis, between his inner thighs. Let her get mad. Be damned. 
“How bad is it?” Her voice is hard.
He caresses the small of her back, which is right now tense and stretched as she makes herself seem taller, like she’s about to take him on. “You’re smart. You’ll figure something out.” She opens her mouth to say something and he kisses the bottom lip. “I’ll do the dishes for three months. That’s enough atonement, right?”
Aqua clenches her teeth into a false smile, nails now leaving divots on his skin. “And the cooking.”
“Sounds fair.”
“And the gardening.”
“Now you’re pushing it.”
She continues to clean him, this time rubbing harder. It leaves his skin lightly raw. “You’re not in any position to bargain.”
“Do you expect me to beg?” 
“Then beg.”
Terra would be lying if he says he doesn’t find this side of her hot. She’s a splash of freshwater that would bring him back from the brink. The woman standing in front of him chooses to clean him despite the shower being paces away. She’s the same girl who would plant an extra candle on his birthday cakes, for the year to come. To her, maybe it meant little or nothing. Stars, she’s beautiful, and he doesn’t say it enough. 
“You’re doing better,” she says, leveling her voice, nodding to herself as if checking her information. That’s Aqua. Putting aside her annoyance for the sake of making sure he’s taken care of. “You’re not flinching as much.”
Maybe. Her touch is absolutely making the hairs on his neck stand. It is absolutely driving his dick insane. “You know, Ven’s okay with us.”
She stops. “He said something?”
“Kind of. He doesn’t want to know or see or hear anything.”
Her eyes go wide. “Excuse me?”
“He never said he actually heard anything.” He kisses her temple and lets it linger there, taking the opportunity to inhale her smell. Even when she sweats and spars for hours, there’s still a sweetness. Terra laughs into her hair. “He doesn’t want to know nicknames, either.”
Aqua flashes him a look.
“Now we have to,” says Terra. “We don’t have a choice.”
“What should we use?” Aqua moves to his abs, fighting an amused smile that’s twisting its way to her lips. 
“That one is awful. I think Terr-bear fits you better.”
“So you admit I’m big, strong, and scary?”
“I admit you’re adorable sometimes.”
Terra purses his lips. “What about you?”
She shrugs. “Maybe Aquamarine.”
“How about Aquafina?”
“That’s worse.”
“Absolutely not.”
“We could call him Ven-tilation.”
He follows his instinct to lower his head so when she laughs with him, their lips meet. They kiss everyday, but the first taste of the hour is always the one to discharge his breath, like he’s been underwater and she’s giving him the chance to surface. 
“You’re going to get me dirty,” she says, giggling into his mouth.
He moves to her neck. “A little mess doesn’t hurt anybody.”
It’s when he brushes his fingers across her back, skating over the scar, coiled like rose thorns, that he hitches. Across from them is her vanity mirror. The scar is still red despite its age of twelve years. He’s so stupid. 
“This again?” she whispers. She’s not upset but disappointed, though in him or in herself, he can’t tell. Moments like these are weird, when he can’t read what she’s thinking. Working on the straps on his left arm, she pulls off his gauntlet, finger by finger. 
“I wish you would tell me,” he whispers back, as if having the conversation at a normal volume would shake them up. 
She turns his bracer to make its removal easier. “I already did.”
“I wish you would be honest with me.” He leans his chin on her head, feeling her fingers slide down his arm. 
“I am.” She flicks a knob and slips off the couter from his elbow. “You want me to tell you it was you who did this to me,” she continues, unbuckling the pauldron on his shoulder. “But it wasn’t.”
“I know better.”
“I know better.”
“It was done with my hands.”
To that she says nothing, rubbing the rag down his exposed left bicep. Ink had run under the armor. Darkness seeps in even with protection. 
She sighs. “Promise me you won’t obsess over it.”
He really shouldn’t but… he nods.
Aqua hesitates anyway. Taking him by the wrist, she presses his right hand on the rib under her left breast. “This one was his.” She warns with her eyes. “Not yours.”
Terra can’t feel anything through her shirt. He slips it under, running the pads of his fingers across the bumps and ridges. This one was his, this one with the gnarly tear right through the middle of the scar tissue, a ravine rupturing open. This one would have been done by that nameless silver Keyblade, with its sharp, ornate frills and that giant hook at the tip of it. It would have caught her skin as it tried to disconnect her body from her heart. And Terra? He’s had so much to lose and nothing to give back.
Terra holds his Aqua close as he continues to read the scar, how deep the hook sunk in, how she must have dodged back and broke that connection. 
“Did it hurt?” he asks. 
She sighs like she finds something amusing. Or trying to. She shudders, closing what little is left of the gaps between their bodies. “The Realm of Darkness numbs everything. I don’t think I felt it much.”
The view from their window looks over blossoming fields under mist, what’s left of snow capping just the mountaintops, everything else green. She’s lucky. So is he, ridiculously enough. 
“I should have done more to stop it,” he says.
“You can’t continue to say things like that.” She swallows and stares at the wall. “What about the person I’ve become? I wouldn’t be here, standing in this room, now. It changed me. The Realm of Darkness did things to me that I’ll never be able to claim back. I will never be able to remedy it. I never wanted it, but I don’t know if I deserved it.”
“You didn’t.”
“I couldn’t make mistakes, in case I got hurt. I couldn’t be vulnerable. I had to be brave.”
“You already are.” 
“And now I’m like stone.”
Terra presses his forehead to hers. “No, you’re not like stone at all.”
Aqua buries her face into his shoulder, anchoring herself to his waist. It’s so unlike her, to be unable to look him directly in the eyes. Whatever she has to say scares her. “You’re here, and I’m here. I give you my scars and you give me yours and… I don’t know if I would trade that for something else. For something that looks better on the outside. Every moment we shared since you woke up, how could I want to erase them? I need you, Terra. I have to chip away somehow. I’m braver now, to hold you like this.”
She says it like she has her chest cavity open, heart beating to open air. 
She’s brave for not crying. 
She’s brave for telling him what she can’t say right now. I’m braver now, to hold you like this. (I love you.)
He lifts her chin to kiss her. (I loved you first.) 
She drops the rag to hold his face. 
Before, their kisses were desperate, thirsty and famished, hoping to be found. Now, they’re deliberate, wandering but not lost. She tastes like sugar and flesh, her tongue inside with his, slow and careful. Their needs have more definition this time: please, and more, and yes, again. 
Terra indulges in the impulse to press her onto him. She should feel how greedy he is, her chest arched against his. She’s soft and he’s in love. 
“Where is Ven?” she says, breathless. 
“Probably showering,” he mumbles.
She waves her hand and the door slams shut. 
“I said probably,” Terra murmurs, but his mind turns off when she kisses him again. Who cares what Ven hears?
Aqua treads slower. She tempts Terra’s tongue to seek her out, puckering her lips around it and giving it a small tug. 
“Touch me, please,” he begs.
The sound of his pants unbuttoning makes his heart hammer, his entire groin anticipating for what’s next. When, when, when. Terra closes his eyes. Her hand glides down, palm first, his breath snagging when she wraps her fingers around his erection. His pants are at his ankles, Aqua is on her knees, and she presses a kiss right under the tip, where it’s most sensitive, before licking the entire length. Terra buckles. He catches the dresser behind him to keep standing. 
“Shhh,” she breathes onto him. It shoots a spark from his stomach to his scalp. 
Terra braces his teeth with his finger to shut himself up. He watches her work. She takes him in bite-size pieces, snail-tracking with her tongue before her lips close in on him. Fuck. She sucks while she pulls. Fuck. To see her like this, Master Aqua with poise, with grace, with affection and care—with him in her mouth. The hand wrapped around him squeezes tighter, and the other comes up to meet him at the testicles. 
He stifles another moan, staring at the ripples of the drywall, listening to the feathered tap of spring rain on the window and the noise she’s making. His erection twitches against the roof of her mouth, and he has to restrain himself from thrusting into her. Maybe he can let go and let be, finally throw himself off the cliff, ride the thrill all the way. Give it his all.
But he can’t. The moment gooseflesh spreads across his inner thighs, the moment he feels full, is the start. The floor will rip out from under him, the lights will go off, he will fall, he will lose all his fingers, he won’t remember anything, he’ll be the monster who makes her cry.
“I can’t,” he hisses, pushing her off. “I can’t.” He lurches over his knees, his insides twisting at the sudden cutoff, aching as it throbs and shrivels. He was so close. They were just laughing a few minutes ago. Stupid body, stupid mind. “Damn it,” he groans, pounding the dresser.
“Hey, you’re okay,” she says softly, holding him by the elbow. “You’re safe at home.”
“It doesn’t feel that way.” He digs his eyes into his palm, his body faraway like it’s a glass vial with his soul dumped inside. “Help me.”
Without letting him go, Aqua braces him with something cold—the rag, now on his lower back. It slaps him back to the bedroom, his beige carpet, the mist outside clearing out to a view of a forest that separates the castle from the mountains. 
She greets him with a smile. “You really did something to yourself,” she says, cleaning him like it’s a lazy weekend day and there’s a list of chores. 
Terra straightens up, shivers riding all the way up to his shoulders. “It’s so frustrating.”
“Don’t worry, Terra,” she says, softer and lower. “There’s no need to rush. I’ll wait.”
“But I’m tired of feeling caged up and stuck. I just want some semblance of control.” 
Aqua kisses him on the shoulder to shoo away the haunting for a few seconds. “I’m here, anytime you need me. Would you like me to run you a bath?”
“No.” The rag is likely caked with ink, but its iciness is unlike the chill of clammy sweat a few seconds old. Every frigid touch is a reminder that he’s alive. “This is nice.”
Aqua runs the rag up his spine. “You know what I think? If we’re going to call each other pet names in front of Ven, we should have guests over.”
Terra snorts. “That’s evil.”
“He won’t be able to bark at us in front of other people.”
“I think I’m a bad influence on you.”
“I think you’re right.”
Terra sighs at her touch, cold at his neck, at his hairline. Like a light at the front porch in the dead of night, like hot tea on a sick day, she is what it feels like to come home.
She tells him, “Lean your head back a little,” and he obliges, letting her reach behind his ears. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips swollen, her hair frizzy, eyes blue and focused as she takes care of him. 
“I can still kiss you, right?” 
“You don’t have to ask.”
Tilting his chin down, he does. He braids his fingers into hers; from the rag they’re like icicles, and he brings them to his heart. 
They’re barely millimeters apart, but he’s still in that cage. If only he could be touched the way he needs. If only the lock trapping him inside the cage is brittle and easy to crumble. What if he tries to test it? What if he finds there is nothing at all? Stupid mind. What if there are several, each of them needing unique keys when he has none, no hope of ever knowing what real freedom is? Stupid body. 
Should he pretend? Should he try over and over, to slam his head against the bars each time? Should he submit, should he accept he will never have what he wants? 
Life has made him uneager to trust. But her lips have a deliciousness unmatched by anything he’s ever tasted, and he’s still a silly, stupid man.
“Let me try again,” he says, breathing deeply. “I want to make you feel good.”
She’s surprised. “Only if you’re comfortable.”
“It will make me feel better.”
“...Okay,” she says so modestly. Terra never figured out how to knock it into her head that he wants to give her everything, that he is so, so guilty.
He invites her into an embrace, growing desperate the more he detaches his mind. Her body, the curve from her waist to her hips. The brush of her body against his reminds him that while he is naked, she is not. He picks her up by the thighs. Lost in the momentum of deep kisses, he carries her to bed, straddling her on his lap.
She hums. “The… the sheets.”
Dry, messy layers of ink still track down his legs. He groans into her mouth. She’s grinding him, and while he really likes that, it makes it incredibly difficult to take her clothes off, one hand rising the hem of her shirt and the other deep under her shorts, cupping her ass. 
“Whatever, we can wash them later,” she says, lifting her arms up. 
Her bare breasts—stars, this is what it feels like to come home. 
“Kiss me,” she says, and he replies, nibbling down her neck, coming down to her breasts, where his lips and his tongue and his murmurs take in her nipples as they perk. Aqua stays quiet, leaning onto his shoulders. 
There’s something about her amazing body, the silk of skin draped over defined muscle, treasure and tenderness in his hands, that he’s needy for. Every time he tries to define what that means, his mind ceases to function. 
Xehanort tried to take it all away from him. If he lived, Terra would crush every tooth bloody. Damn him.
How dare Xehanort do this to him, lock him in this cage, keep him away from her? Damn him.
Why is he thinking about Xehanort?
“Are you okay?”
Terra is frozen, the nub of a nipple suctioned in his mouth. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
He lets her breast go with a pop. “I’m redirecting.” Leading her to the mattress, Terra lowers himself into her arms, but he’s halted by a light kiss and a hold of his face.
“Do you need me to check in on you?” she asks.
“No.” He smiles, kissing her with all the hope that she psychically understands his body is about to burst open, if only from the lack of space for the appreciation he keeps nurturing for her. “Thank you, but I’m okay.”
She nods, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs. “You take your time.”
Oh, he will. No more interruptions. Focus on the smell of her skin, on the collarbone at the base of her neck. Right here, it makes her bite her lip. On the hollow between her breasts, the sound of her breath getting heavy. On the slight movement of her legs as she instinctively responds, spreading them, hooking around his. The buoyancy of her breasts in his mouth. The way she arches to push them against his face. 
Under that left breast is the scar, tightly knitted.
The purpose for living is for memories, not reminders. Do not linger. Do not think about the cage. Terra lightly kisses it and continues downward. 
Terra’s fingers glide down, a caress at the hips, a squeeze of her ass, running a mile of goosebumps as he bunches her shorts and panties and pulls them off. Her skin is streaked with fingerprints of gray, at most of the places he’s been. Aqua shivers as his lips brush the sides of her waist, as he traces his tongue and inhales the dips of her pelvis, as he loops his arms under her thighs, as he kisses her between the legs. She gasps. He licks from bottom to top, sucking on the clitoris once, then starts over.
Footsteps walk by outside their bedroom door.
Aqua jerks up. “Terra,” she whispers, warning him.
“Hm?” Stars, what now? “Here.” He grabs the comforter and throws it over her head. She chuckles as she wraps both of them in hiding. “Relax,” he whispers back. “He’s not going to hear anything.” Not that Ven opts to stay; his footsteps are already fading away.
He goes back to work, and hears her sigh—it’s loud enough to make him look up but too hushed to escape the sheets. Bottom to top. Again. Again. She cloaks the sound of her moans with the comforter plastered on her face. 
It’s her taste. It’s the softness and suppleness of the skin between her legs. The way she fastens her knees over his shoulders, how wet she is. Her reaction. When he tongues the inside of her slit, she jerks, chewing her lip hard enough to make it white. Master Aqua, with poise and grace, for her there’s only love and the way his tongue curls up. 
Her fist crumples the sheet—it holds her own breast, caresses her stomach down to rake through his hair and hold him there. 
“Don’t stop,” she breathes.
Stars, that did it. He’s hard again. He drapes his arms over her pelvis, using his fingers to open her up so he has more access to her clit. She bucks, and he holds her down. 
Her entire body trembles: the first sign that she’s running off her own edge. 
Terra strokes her, the outside lips, the tease inside, the puckering motions. She’s a sweet, musky taste he can’t compare to anything else.
Aqua throws herself back on the pillow. Her thighs crush his head, and she clamps her hand on her mouth like a topper. Her mewl shudders and stops, it heaves, it mumbles. The wave rises then crashes, and she finishes with a long sigh, a release, a settlement, a tempered peace.
It feels so good to listen to her. Terra rests his head on her hip and brings a hand to his erection. A little bit of freedom paid with a little bit of control. 
“I’m ready,” he says. “I need you.”
She hums in contentment, fixing the comforter so they’re completely covered and opening her arms to him. “Come here.”
Terra crawls over her, bracketing her body like he’s a fort, tethering her fingers to his and cradling her head in a protective halo with his arms. Aqua has to spread her legs wide to take on his thick waist, and she breaks her kisses with whimpers when he enters—she’s always more sensitive after he goes down on her. 
She’s warm and tight, oh stars. Massaging him as he moves inside her. Their bodies compress into each other, hers curled up to mold against the way he rocks his hips, as though the subtle air between would have split them up too far, as though he can melt into her when he pushes, their hearts only separated by muscle and bone. He plants a messy kiss on her cheek, exhaling and inhaling in rhythms opposite of hers, her breath loud against his ear, tickling his neck.
Here it comes again, the oncoming of the precipice where he has to step off. 
He can’t do it.
At the sprint towards the edge of the cliff, he skids and scrambles to hang by the rockface. Terra grunts, all his muscles seizing up as he holds his breath.
Aqua strokes his hair. “Do you want to stop?”
Of course not. “Give me a minute.”
“Remember, you’re safe.”
Terra nearly chokes. “I’m scared of losing control.”
“You won’t. You’re in control.”
In control. The intent to wring his fingers through the bars, a sleight of hand to balance the padlock like it’s on strings, turning it over and pulling it out of the latch. But Terra is no escape artist. 
Terra licks his lips. He’s not in danger. He should trust she’ll catch him when he falls. In her arms, there’s no safer place to be. He has to remember this. Shut that mind up.
“I want to continue.” 
She rubs his back. It’s soothing. “Tell me what you need.”
Terra smirks. “To get back in the mood.” He takes one deep kiss. “Entice me.”
Her insides squeeze him and he trembles. “How is that?” she asks.
“Do it again.”
She wraps her ankles over his back and squeezes. He hums into her shoulder. 
This time, she takes back her kiss.
“Don’t let me go,” he says, and she hugs him tightly. 
He starts slow. Terra leans on his elbows, bunching the comforter in his fist so it stays in place. She looks at him with half-lidded eyes, a healthy red blush, her mouth gently open, cast in the filtered glow of a secret, sweaty cocoon. This body he’s thrusting into, the lips he’s kissing, may the stars bless her. 
“You feel so good.”
She stole the words right out of his mouth, squeezing his hips again. 
“Oh,” he moans. It provokes him to thrust harder, deeper, feel her, feel her breasts bouncing under him, feel her moans coming from her throat, the desperation in the way she squirms with her hands. She massages his slick back, her nails digging in.
Let him throw himself off. Give it his all.
“Don’t let me go,” he repeats.
“I won’t.”
He throws himself off. It’s not the wind thrashing him all the way down. Instead it’s fire, a combustion of flames in his muscles as his entire body submits to its force, leaving his knees weak. A flash of white that blurs everything he sees, a hurricane that knocks his mind into a stupor, a delicious burn that slicks over his body, trickling embers on top of sweat, hot and cool, good and better, good and fucking good. Terra shoves his face into her shoulder to muffle the sounds of groans escaping him, shuddering as the climax picks up again, a body alight in an ignition that throws him out of any awareness. 
His eyes prick when he finally remembers where he is. Aqua is safeguarding him with a strong hold, keeping him in place with her. He sighs. The cinders that continue to radiate heat leave him with a hearth to wrap himself into, a happiness that he never thought he would ever feel again.
Aqua sniffs. She wipes tears onto his shoulder.
“We really should stop crying at these things,” he says.
She snorts, refusing to let her grip on him slack. “You did amazing. How are you feeling?”
“I’m…” he mumbles. Stars, wow. His arms can’t pick him up anymore but it’s a gratifying cloud to ride. He shifts his legs, alleviating the weight of his body. “A little weak.” 
She runs a hand on the back of his head, coaxing him to rest on her chest. “When did you know?” she asks, brushing hair off his damp forehead. “That you wanted to kiss me? You must have spent some time thinking about it before it happened.”
Terra smiles into her chest. Somehow, they’ve never talked about it. “Long after I knew I was going to marry you.”
He feels her laugh. “Is that so? I’m going to marry you?”
“You will.” He looks up at her grinning face. “I can see the future.”
She scoffs. “You can see my eyes rolling at you.”
“I knew before you did.”
“Prove it.”
“I was seven.”
“You’re older than me, that doesn’t count.”
“You asked me to have a tea party with you, but the one thing that bothered you most”—he brings up his hand, pinky out—“was that I wasn’t drinking my tea right.” He mimics the high pitch of a little girl’s voice. “Pinky out. Pinky out, Terra, don’t be a slob.”
She gapes. “I don’t remember any of that.”
With renewed will, he props himself up, leaning close so their noses touch. “I knew then. That early on.”
“Since when is this a competition?”
“Still the first to know.”
Aqua interrupts what she’s about to say, like she’s about to step into cold water. She’s having an epiphany. Vulnerable again, like she’s allowing him to cut her right down the middle. 
“I love you.”
She says it like the touch of a high note on a piano, a beautiful accident. 
He leans closer, lips to lips, whispering, “I still got there first.” 
She laughs into him. “I suppose, but I was the first to say it.”
“Then I’ll be the second,” Terra says. Like coming home, a shelter to withstand the downpour, that births life to the roots, that thunders, that opens for a clear day, he brushes her hair out of her eyes. “I love you.”
“Too,” she corrects. “You love me, too.” 
A knock on their door jolts them, like a hard punch to the stomach.
“Okay, Terra,” Ven says from the other side. “I thought about it and I’m trying out this knocking thing.”
Wrong timing. Wrong timing.
“I’m going to kill him,” Terra hisses, and against Aqua’s hushed chuckles, he throws the comforter off their bodies and announces, “Ven, we’re naked.”
The silence that comes after is as loud as the crash of a chandelier. Terra can feel Ven recoil, a tea pot at the verge of whistling. “I didn’t need to know that!” Terra is about to reply but Ven groans dramatically. “I AM NEVER GOING TO KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR AGAIN.”
Ven stomps away, and if the door was actually open, he’d slam it. 
Terra sits on his knees, pinching his nose. It’s hot in this room. He feels clogged again, back at the edge of the cliff. He wants to strangle Ven for dragging the moment away from him. “Great, I pissed him off.”
“Poor Ven.” When she sits up, Terra pulls her to him, sitting her on one of his thighs. “I can’t predict if he’ll ever get over that,” she says, balancing herself by hooking her arms around his neck. 
Terra presses his lips to her ear, whispering, “But I did predict that you wouldn’t stay mad at me for long.”
She slaps his bicep. “I haven’t seen what you’ve done yet. Don’t be so proud of yourself.”
“But I am.”
“You’re still a slob.”
Slobby as he is, Aqua hugs him dearly. Hold her, you never know when the dream will end. You never know when the cage takes you back.
“I don’t know if,” Terra says, “it will be difficult for me next time.”
“Then it may be difficult,” Aqua says, kissing his forehead. “But it will be okay.”
Hold her. Not passively. Not half-minded. Hold her tightly. Hold her in the quiet, undisturbed, uninterrupted.
A drop of hot liquid spills from between her legs and drips down his thigh, almost burning. When Terra looks down to see that it’s white, Aqua jumps.
“Oh,” she squeaks.
“Oh. That would be me.”
She squeals, hiding her blush. “I’m going to wash up.” 
“Such a slob.”
Aqua giggles, looking him in the eye when she rubs his chest. “Come with me?”
“Go ahead.” He kisses her. “I’ll catch up.”
If anyone told him twelve years ago that hope feels like a long day full of small conversations, the anticipation of cleaning a messy room, Terra would have considered that cynical. A sarcastic joke, the loss of the will to dream. 
Twelve years later, it’s the sound of the shower running that teaches him to look forward to the next day, when he wakes up next to her, when he prepares dinner with her, when he kisses her in the middle of the night and play all over again. Peace is a long-distance acquaintance, a pen pal that urges you to look at your day like a spectacle.
Terra leans back to twist the latch of the window open, letting the spring haze billow in. Much better, the room is cooler now. The sky is bluer somehow, the mountains as grand as a painting.
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thebimarauder · 4 years ago
Leo Knut Loves Snow
All characters belong to the lovely lumosinlove.
This is complete fluff if anyone was wondering :)
For the purpose of my fic, the cubs moved into a house with a yard.
I had a lot of fun writing the Finn has a bad morning fic and my classes aren’t too hard just yet so I figured I would write some more. It snowed today at my college and I am like Leo and from the south so I decided I needed to write about that! Enjoy!
“Oh my god oh my god sweethearts, Logan, Finn, wake up it’s snowing!” Leo called out happily from his place by the window. Logan was starting to wake up but Finn didn’t even move. When he was out he was out. “Ugh Leo we live in the north, it’s not like you haven’t seen snow before” Logan muttered and then turned his face into the pillow to try to block out the light from the window and the adorable smile Leo was wearing. Logan knew that smile and would do anything, even get out of bed early to keep that smile on Leo’s face.
Leo sat down next to Logan and kissed him before cuddling up next to him “I know I’ve seen snow but I didn’t have it growing up and I love it” Finn started to wake up at the loss of Logan’s warm body against him and groaned “Ugggh what’s going on why are we up so early?”
Logan smiled and turned away from Leo to kiss Finn “Because Fishy, Leo realized that it’s snowing and is acting like a child” Logan gave Leo a rather goofy grin and Leo shot it back at him “You know what yes I am acting like a child. Because I am only 19. Do you guys not want me to be a happy excited 19-year-old from New Orleans who wants to go play in the snow?” He asked and then stood up and pretended to look sad.
Finn was still not fully awake and just made grabby arms for a hug from Leo. Logan could not let a sad look take away Leo’s goofy smile so he quickly jumped up to get dressed and yelled: “I’m coming I’m coming. Come on Finn we have to get up and go play in the snow with Nutter Butter.” Leo smiled brightly as he kissed Finn and pulled him out of bed for a hug before pulling him into the bathroom to get ready to go play in the snow.
The boys had a very quick breakfast of cereal and some eggs that Leo whipped up. They were going to have toast instead of cereal but somehow Finn managed to burn it all and that was the last bread in the house. (“I’m sorry Knutty I swear I put it on 2. I have no idea why the toaster decided to burn it” Finn said with a sad look when Leo walked into the kitchen “Its okay Fishy at least Lo hasn’t eaten all of the cereal” Logan walked in the room just as Leo said that and he looked offended “Why would I have eaten all of the cereal? And oh my god Harzy how many times do we have to tell you to stay out of the kitchen?” Logan laughed as he leaned against Finn while they watched Leo make the scrambled eggs.)
The next thing Leo knew he was outside in the yard with his boys and they were running around trying not to get hit by the snowballs they were trying to throw at each other. Leo looked around from his place on the porch to see Lo hiding behind the snowman that they made earlier and watched as Finn snuck up behind him and pushed him into the snowman knocking him over and covering him head to toe in snow. Finn stood over Logan laughing and didn’t even notice Logan reaching up to grab his hand until he was being pulled down onto the snow. Finn screamed as he was covered in the snow from the snowman and landed next to a very cold Logan.
Leo watched the two loves of his life laugh in the snow and try to bury each other and decided to go out in the snow and lay on the ground with them getting as close as possible and pulling them in for a hug because he was in such a good mood and wanted to show his love for his boys. As he hugged them he exclaimed that “This is one of the best days ever”
Logan looked at him and laughed “Days Knutty? It's been like 2 hours since we woke up.” Finn nudged Logan and kissed Leo’s cheek before waving for him to continue talking about the day.
Leo’s eyes sparkled with happiness and he looked at Logan “Yeah days, and if it’s already one of the best days ever it can only get better right? We have made snow angels, had a snowball fight, made a very cute snowman, which y’all apparently had to destroy and now we are laying in the snow cuddling and watching it snow more why wouldn’t it be a great day?” Logan looked offended “umm just so you know Leo we did not destroy the snowman that was all Finn” “Hey!” Finn yelled, “it was a necessary sacrifice. It’s death let me be here laying in the snow with both of you cuties. What could be better?” “Uhh I don't know being inside” Logan joked at the same time that Leo answered Finn by saying “Maybe kissing in the snow?” That response made all of the boys laugh and Finn kissed them both before proposing that they go inside and get warm.
They had just walked inside and the first thing that Logan said was “Can we have some hot chocolate? I'm cold.” Leo pulled both Lo and Finn each by one hand to the bedroom and said “Sure, let’s change out of these wet clothes first though Lo” as he walked into the bathroom and left them for a minute Logan pouted and Finn started helping him to get changed by taking his shirt off and running his hands over Logan’s bare torso. Leo walked out of the bathroom and smiled at them “as much as I love to walk in on this don’t you want some hot chocolate, Lo?” “Oh god yes I would love some of your hot chocolate. We have a lot of free time in the next few days for those other activities” Logan said as he kissed Finn and pulled him to the dresser so that they could actually get changed.
By the time Finn and Logan made it out to the TV room Leo was already sitting on the couch and there were three mugs of hot chocolate and some snacks sitting on the coffee table. “Awe thanks Knutty” Finn said as he grabbed a blanket out of the hall closet. Logan sat down right next to Leo but not close enough for Leo’s taste because he held out his arms and said “Come here Tremzy I wanna cuddle” Logan scooted closer to Leo’s side just as Finn walked back “I love you Nutter Butter and I love you too Fishy don't worry” Logan said with a smile “wow babes because I was so worried” Finn answered sarcastically. Leo just hugged Logan closer. “I love you too Loganberry and you too Harzy” Leo said, reaching out to pull Finn down to the couch with him. Finn smiled with a suspicious grin in his eyes “Awe so sappy I love you both too. So so much. Now hold me” he said as he jumped into their laps. “Oww Fish. Why do you act like you aren't a 6 ft tall hockey player?” Logan groaned but then all of them were laughing as Finn laid the blanket out over them and he got comfortable. Finn had his head in Leo’s lap and his torso sprawled across Logan’s and finally stopped squirming when he felt Leo’s hands combing through his hair and Logan’s hands rubbing circles on his back.
Finn smiled up at his boys. He had an amazing day and he knew that that would be his life with his boyfriends and there was nothing that he wanted more in the world than more amazing days like the one they were having. He wanted this day to last forever, “I know that I will probably fall asleep but anyone up for a movie? Maybe something with snow in it like Frozen?”
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blackhakumen · 3 years ago
Mini Fanfic #864: The Disco King (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
6:45 p.m. at Smash Mansion, Outsode of Luigi and Daisy's Bedroom......
Daisy: (Flexing her Muscles in Front of the Mirror Door While Wearing a Female Berserk Outfit) Heh Heh!~ Still got it. (Gives Both of her Muscles a Kiss Each Before Calling Out to Luigi) How's the costume going in your department, babe?
Luigi: (Inside the Bedroom) Pretty good! Just need to finish the final touched....aaand....Done!
Daisy: Sweet! You ready to come out here and show me whatcha got?
Luigi: Yeah. I'm still not sure if it'll look nearly as good as yours though....
Daisy: Oh come on, 'hon. You're being too modest again. I'm sure your costume is gonna look great this year.
'Door Open'
Daisy: Hell, it might even look better than mi- (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock at What is in Front of Her) OH... MY GOD!
Luigi smiles sheepishly and shyly while wearing a green, disco like attire.
Luigi: This.... isn't too much, is it?
Daisy: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Luigi, you look amazing.......The clothes....the shoes...the hair! Where did you get all of this?
Luigi: Professor E. Gadd gave it to me back when I was at the hotel two years ago. I wore this as a disguise to infiltrate the ghost party at the disco ball room. And....since I was given "Disco King" as my codename, I had to prove the title is real by disco dancing for three and a half minutes. Which was kind of pretty fun to do in hindsight.
Daisy: That is so cool and hot at the same time......
Luigi: Really? I figured you would find all of this lame and boring.
Daisy: Are you kidding? I love Disco! We used to throw those kinds of parties back at my kingdom, when I was a little munchkin. Been in love with the culture ever since....('Click Tongue') Ah man....
Luigi: What's wrong?
Daisy: If I'd knew you would be wearing that for Halloween this year, I could've brought a disco costume of my own a long time ago. We could've been known as the King and Queen of Disco Dancing! And I could've wore a sick afro!
Luigi: You would look pretty groovy in a afro......(Smiles Softly) But I'm sure we can wear it together some other time. For what it's worth, I think you already look amazing in the costume you're wearing right now.
Daisy: You think so? It's a costume I usually wear for Dungeons & Dragons night with the ladies. (Begins to Smile Proudly While Showing Off her Muscles) Not to brag or anything, but I just so happen to be the only, strongest Berserker of the entire party.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) I can tell. Your muscles are looking better than ever.
Daisy: Thanks, sweetie~ I knew my workout routine would pay off eventually.
Luigi: Well, you are the strongest princess I know after all.
Daisy: (Smiles Bashfully) Weegie, you're giving me too much credit here~ I'm sure there's like a ton of other girls in the world that are lot stronger than I am.
Luigi: Yeah, but....(Holds Up Daisy's Hand While Giving her a Bit of a Seductive Smirk on his Face) You'll always be my #1~ (Starts Kissing the Top of Daisy's Hand)
Daisy: (Giggles Ticklishly by Luigi's Kisses Before Pulling him Into a Tango Like Position) C'mere, you!~
The princess is about to give her man a kiss on the lips. When suddenly......
'Gopsel Keyboard'
Dedede: (Comes Out Of his Room With a Slug Like Figure While Singing Wearing his Preacher's Cloak and an Elvis Wig) YEEAHEH YEAHEYEAHE YEAH! YEAHEYEAHEYEAH! YEAHEYEAHEYEAHEE YEEEEEEEEAAAAH!
Daisy: (Eyes Widened at What is In Front of Her and Luigi) Dedede?
Luigi: Are you..... Dressed as Elvis?
Dedede: Close. I'm a Preacher NAMED Elvis. I was debating which of the two I wanna be this year for Halloween until I say....(Sings While the Slug Plays the Keyboards Again) WHY NOT BOOOOOOOOTTTTTH!!!~ Praise the one and only Elvis Dedede!
?????: Amen.
Daisy: (Points at the Slug) Hey, who's that?
Dedede: My partner & crime, Escargoon.
Escargoon: (Smiles Brightly at the Couple) Pleased to meet ya lovely folks today.
Luigi: Ah yeah.... Dedede told me about you a while ago. (Happily Pulls his Hand Out For a Handshake) It's so nice to finally meet you in person.
Escargoon: (Gives Luigi the Handshake) Likewise. Love the costumes by the way. Couldn't decide which one is my favorite already.
Dedede: Yeah. I have to agree. Y'all look good.
Daisy: Why, thank you~ (Starts Flexing While Speaking in a Manly Like Voice) I AM KNOWN AS THE STRONGEST BERSERKER OF ALL THE LANDS AND SEAS!!! (When Back to Smiling Brightly While Hugging Luigi From Behind) And this here is my handsome Disco King!~
Luigi: (Smiles Sheepishly Again) I-I wouldn't exactly call myself a king or anything, but....I am pretty groovy!~ Speaking of which, what are you dressed as, Mr. Escargoon?
Escargoon: I'm Joe Esposito. Elvis's manger and right hand man. It's not much, but....I think it suits me pretty well. It's a lot better than the first costume the former sire suggested me to wear
Dedede: (Glares at Escargoon) Ah come on, now. Being a T-Rex isn't so bad.
Escargoon: (Glares Back at the Former King) Dedede, I am not gonna wear a T-Rex costume just to make your Elvis Preacher impression look more good than it already was. Did you forget that I literally have no legs?
Dedede: Then you can just wear the head. It wouldn't be any problem with that.
Escargoon: Yeah, expect for the fact that I couldn't see anything clearly out of it! I mean, seriously, how much does it cost anyways? $1000?
Dedede: (Slowly Starts Looking Away in Silence) ....................
Escargoon: (Eyes Widened) Oh my god. You actually spent money that stupid thing? Why!?
Dedede: (Went Back into Glaring at Escargoon) Hey, that costume ain't stupid! And the only reason I brought it was because it looks interesting!
Escargoon: What? You thought about wearing it for yourself or somethin'?
Dedede: NO!........ Probably. But that's beside point!
Escargoon: (Facepalms While Groaning) ('Ugggh') You are SO impossible to deal with all the time.....(Turns to the Couple Behind Him) Has he always been this stubborn to you guys?
Daisy: Oh yeah. Big time.
Luigi: Almost at a daily basis even.
Dedede: (Immediately Glares at the Duo) TRAITORS!
Escargoon: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Hey, don't blame them for speaking the truth. I bet everyone else in this mansion will say the same.
Dedede: HUSH UP! You know what? Forget y'all! (Angrily Walks Way) I'mma go downstairs and show everyone on my swagger on my own! PEACE!
Escargoon: (Watches Dedede Walk Away While Walking) Once a spoiled brat, always a spoiled brat......(Turns Back to the Duo with a Soft Smile) Thanks for looking out for him for me. It means a lot that you care.
Daisy: No problem, man. Annoying as he is, he's still family.
Luigi: Always.
Rest in Peace Elvis Presley & Joe Esposito
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s-j-ace · 5 years ago
The Same Question
Chapter Two
Characters: Shuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi
Words: 2002
After Detective Shuichi Saihara encounters mysterious thief Kokichi Ouma for the first time, a game of cat and mouse ensues as both men ask themselves the same question. Why exactly does the elusive phantom thief do what he does?
This is Chapter Two, find Chapter One Here
Read on AO3
   Kokichi Ouma stood on the rooftop of the Silver Legacy Resort Casino in Reno Nevada laughing maniacally to no one in particular. At least, no one as of yet.
   In his hand, he held a remote control for two of those… giant metal grabber arm machines. Except they were used for construction. (Named after a bird… CRANE. They were cranes.) Except for now when they were being used to rip two very expensive crystal chandeliers out of the lower levels of the building he was standing on. He felt the world shake as the cranes raised their arms in celebration of acting outside of their intended use, each holding up a chandelier like they were about to put earrings on the building he stood upon.
   Seconds later, the rooftop access door burst open. Kokichi watched as detective Saihara walked into the light of the evening sky. He looked tired and a little disheveled just like how Kokichi remembered him, but when he turned to see Kokichi, still cackling away, something in his eyes changed. They became harder. More determined somehow.
   The detective started walking toward him. "Stop right there!" He shouted like he was some sort of real-life action hero, and Kokichi felt excitement skyrocket within him.
   "Uh-uh-uh." Kokichi tutted, feeling his glee slip onto the expression hidden by his mask. "I should be saying that to you, Detective. After all…" God this was good. Kokichi held up the remote control in his hands. "I could just… drop one of these chandeliers. I don’t need both. Just one press of a button is all it would take to shatter these babies on the pavement."
   Saihara hesitated for a moment and his eyes glanced to the side of the building. Kokichi deduced from the movement that Saihara had been trying to see if there was anything down below the chandeliers that could get crushed. Kokichi knew it was nothing but some too-fancy cars, but Saihara decided his best bet was to stay where he was.
   "What are you playing at?" His eyes were focused on Kokichi again.
   The thief blinked innocently. "Who, me? I'm not playing at  anything . I take my life very seriously, thank you very much." He gestured to the chandeliers. "I just need some help making a decision."
   "A… decision?" The detective asked warily.
   "Yup!” Kokichi felt like he needed this moment to last longer than he knew it was going to. “I need to take one of these chandeliers home with me to decorate our evil lair, but I accidentally took both! So I'll let you have one back if you help me decide."
   He turned to the chandelier dangling on the left and hummed as if considering it. "Now I like this one because it's very sparkly. But this one…" he turned around and fiddled with the controller for the right chandelier so that the hundreds of tiny crystals would hit against one another. "Is more jangly."
   Saihara looked like he was going to be sick as the chandelier clattered on.
   "Well, frankly I think you shouldn't have either if this is how you're going to treat them…"
   Oh... that's what Kokichi was hoping he'd say.
   "Wow, I think you're right. If I really wanted a chandelier for the lair I wouldn’t treat it so roughly... You really are a smart one, Mr. Detective." He shrugged. "Guess I won't take either."
   Kokichi watched Saihara's moment of realization morph into a look of subsequent regret as he pushed the button that released the cranes' grasps.
   Kokichi was a little disappointed when the detective ran for the side of the building, as if the detective could do anything to stop a one-tonne chandelier from speeding hastily to a shattering death, instead of doing the sensible thing and chasing after him, the culprit. Although, as Kokichi began to make his escape he realized that Saihara was searching the ground below. His expression was familiar and Kokichi realized that it was the same look of concern he had witnessed on the detective’s face when he held his hand back on the plane.
   Kokichi, forgetting about the fact he was in the middle of a high stake escape attempt, took a second to look down at his finger. The bandage was gone now. He’d thrown it away the day after in a weird mood. There was still a thin scab on it, a strange reminder of his physical existence. He remembered how careful Shuichi had been when he’d gotten hurt.
   Kokichi felt his heartbeat crescendo suddenly, but the starting of the engine in the helicopter behind him drowned it out.
   Oh yeah… He should… Get in that...
  Was Saihara looking for casualties? Of course, there wouldn't be any. Kokichi had made sure of that. It was the number one rule of DICE, you know. No killing. Just because obviously killing people is bad. Not that Saihara knew that.
   He supposed that was working to his advantage.
   By the time the detective turned around to face him again, Kokichi was stepping into the escape chopper as Hearts sat inside flipping the switches needed to initiate takeoff.
   When Saihara got to the end of the rooftop, Kokichi was hanging out from the side of the getaway chopper about a decameter over the building. Kokichi realized he was still laughing and stopped. The detective probably couldn’t hear him over the beating of the propeller, so there was no point to it. He settled into a billboard-style grin and looked down on the detective standing alone on the rooftop. Strangely enough, the expression on the detective's face had seemed to shift from surprise to calculation in the moment Kokichi had turned away. Suddenly his expression lit up and he turned around to run to the rooftop door.
   “So he figured it out huh…” Kokichi muttered to himself as the detective disappeared from the rooftop. How smart of him to realize that Kokichi’s ploy was the distraction for this particular rendezvous with grand larceny.
   “Did you see his face when I dropped the chandeliers?” He crooned to Hearts, not letting any concern over how the remaining members of DICE were fairing show in his demeanor.
   “Yes, yes, I’m sure it was delicious,” She called to him over the sound of the propelling blades.
The thief resumed his cartoonish cackling, watching as the detective's silhouette grew further and further away.
“Hey!" Hearts called back again after they had gotten a good distance away from Saihara. "You might wanna tuck in there, boss, I think the american police are arriving with their cartoonishly militarized long distance weaponry.”
   “Nah, I think I'll flap around in the wind a bit,” Kokichi joked as he hopped into the chopper and started forcing the hatch closed. “I’ve got that ‘becoming swiss cheese’ part of my bucket list to fill out.”
   “Aww, boss you don’t have to do that.” Hearts was humoring him again. “You’re already a snack.”
   “I know,” Kokichi managed to close up the side and it suddenly became a lot easier to hear everything inside the cockpit. He walked over to buckle into the co-pilot seat and shifted into a huge grin and a dramatic pose. “I’m simply scrumptious.”
   “Yeah, sure ya are." She said without looking at him, eyes fixed on the skies ahead. "Where are we landing this thing again?”
   “The car’s parked at that hospital we scoped out with the helipad. We just gotta land there and go through the vents.”
   “Ugh, you and your vents.”
   “They’re very efficient! Besides, you have no right to complain. You get to put on a disguise and walk around normal after the 4th floor. I gotta scrunch up and fit in the rolling cart.”
   “And whose fault is that?”
   He should probably keep this conversation going for 2 ½ minutes.
“God’s, he’s jealous of me.”
   “No, I’m pretty sure it’s the guy who blew his cover by flirting with a detective.”
   “Eh, same difference.”
   "No, you can't be God. God is a lesbian."
   "I never claimed to be God, just a being of equal if not greater power who took the old God’s place. Way to contribute to the bury your gays trope, Hearts."
   She snorted. "Boss, you're a white boy in a clown mask. No offense, but if lesbian God saw you she'd smite on sight."
   Kokichi could probably argue that he was an ambiguously pale Asian in a clown mask seeing as he was found in an alley in Japan, but he decided that wasn't what he wanted this conversation to be. "Then at least I'll finally be brought to justice."
   “Being born a clown is one thing, but I think your real crime is your unnecessarily convoluted plans." She huffed. "Why can’t we just drop the chopper in the woods?”
   Kokichi frowned. “Because we have to return it, remember?”
   “Since when do we return things? Do you want us to return those massive remote control cranes we left back there?”
   “Well of course not!”  Although he felt rather indifferent on the matter, Kokichi shouted angrily and threw the remote he was still holding into the back of the chopper. “We stole those from that Togami Corp building. Their CEO makes like a billion dollars every day, he can come get his own damn cranes.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Hearts replied, barely responding to his outburst. “But it’s not like the hospital people wouldn’t be able to find the helicopter if we left it in the woods or something. Also, there’s less cops in the woods; which I would say is a plus.”
   “Come on,” Kokichi huffed, going back and forth on whether or not to shift out of this persona or not. He went with the latter and smoothed out his tone a bit. “It’d be harder to close down the hospital for an investigation than it would be to secure the perimeter of the dinky forests they have out here.”
   Hearts groaned. “Ugggh. Fine. I’ll crawl in the stupid vents.” She frowned down at her pristine white uniform. “The quarters in those stupid arcade machines better be enough for my dry cleaning bill.”
   “This one’s not about the quarters Heartsie, it’s about the real gamer life.” Kokichi may have been raised by video games, but he wasn't as into playing them as Clubs was nowadays. He'd beat still anyone any time in a versus game though, because he was just that much of a pro gamer. Or maybe because he was kinda good at predicting what he'd be challenged to do and was also extremely good at memorizing gaming manuals.
   “Yeah, yeah, whatever." Wow, Hearts was really out here oppressing gamers. "You’re the boss."
   Kokichi made a face and decided he also wanted to oppress gamers. "Well, I mean, it was Clubs' choice."
   "I know." She suddenly perked up a bit. "Hey, speaking of choices... The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo is opening its last exhibit next week-"
   "Hey!" Kokichi interrupted. He thought about covering her mouth, but then remembered that she was driving a helicopter that they were both in. He let his hands settle into a gesture of emphasis instead. "You can't pitch during the getaway! It's not fair to the salt of the earth folk that're still down there pilfering the seventies."
   "Come ooon, Boss! My thing's got a time limit, and there’s this rug-"
   "You know the rules." He scolded.
   A timer went off in his brain.
   Kokichi turned away, pulling out his phone to text the ground crew that Saihara was probably closing in on them around now. They’d probably have liked him to tell them earlier, but Kokichi wanted to keep them on their toes after a maddeningly easy break-in. As a bonus, sending them the text let him shun Hearts while she sulked.
   This had been fun, he thought privately, more fun than most heists. Never a dull moment, it seemed, with the good detective around.
   As he hit send, Kokichi wondered if Saihara would follow him to Cairo too.
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tk-writer · 6 years ago
Sad Machine. - a Kiibouma fic
cranked out a Kiibouma fic for shits and giggles
word count:  3393
It was after midnight. The lab was illuminated by the light of the full moon, a melancholy shade that reminded Keebo of his solitude.
It had been months since the “incident” with Professor Idabashi, and he’d been instructed not to leave the lab for any reason. Although he’d reset his own AI and ultimately been reborn again, Idabashi didn’t want to take any chances. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the kind-hearted robot; at least, that was his excuse every time Keebo asked. Apparently, he wanted to ensure that Keebo’s AI was 100% ready for the outside world. He also wanted to make sure the Turing Test conditions were favorable when the time came.
After all, his purpose was to become the most humanlike robot known in existence.
However, the professor never considered his creation’s feeling of loneliness. After almost half a year of being kept in isolation with only Idabashi as a companion, he was starting to wonder if he had only been created as an ego booster for the robotics engineer.
Keebo wandered through the empty hallways, contemplating his purpose and feeling himself overcome with existential dread.
“What’s the point of all this,” he said aloud to no one. “Why create a conscious being if you’re just going to keep it locked away forever?”
As he ruminated in his bitter thoughts, he detected a disturbance coming from the experiment room down the hall. His audio picked up the sound of a large mass bumping around in the vents. Thankfully, his five senses were much stronger than the average human’s.
He tiptoed his way to the end of the hall, careful not to cause too much noise. The door was slightly ajar, and he heard the iron bars kicked open. He waited to see what would emerge from the darkness.
“…Jeez, what a pain! And here I thought this gig was gonna be a breeze.”
Keebo’s froze when he heard the unfamiliar voice and saw a young man crawl out of the vent. He had messy, violet colored hair that seemed to stick out in all directions. His big, round eyes and his plump cheeks made him look like an innocent child, although he sensed a dreadful amount of mischief in his expression that couldn’t be put into words. He was tiny, about five feet tall, and couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred pounds soaking wet. His white clothes were stained gray with dust and dirt.
The robot couldn’t help but stare. He was the first human he’d ever laid eyes on besides the professor, and he was beautiful.
He quickly shook himself out of his trance. This guy had broken into the lab, he was probably a dangerous criminal! He had to do something about it!
“STOP!! Who goes there?”
Mustering up his most intimidating voice, Keebo barged into the room and barked his inquiry. However, this didn’t seem to faze the purple-haired burglar. Instead, his eyes lit up like stars when he saw the robot.
“Wooooow, so the rumors were true! Idabashi really did make an android!”
“Wh-who are you? And what are you doing here? You’re trespassing on private property!”
Out of nowhere, the burglar began to sniffle. Keebo saw tears forming in the corners of his eyes. In a matter of seconds his expression had changed from curious to frightened.
“P-please don’t hurt meeeee! I just wanted to see a real life robot up close! I don’t wanna get in trouble!! WAAAAAAAH!”
He burst into tears and wailed loudly, causing Keebo to panic.
“Wait… don’t cry… it’s okay! I don’t blame you for being curious, I suppose…”
Suddenly, the tears stopped, and the burglar let out a maniacal cackle much to Keebo’s dismay.
“Ha! You actually believed that cruddy lie? For a machine that’s supposed to be super smart, you sure are stuuuuupid!”
“Hey! How dare you!! I have an extremely intricate AI system that’s almost identical to human brain waves!”
“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. There’s a more important question we have on our hands, though.”
He approached the timid robot, staring down at his pelvis with a look that made Keebo very uncomfortable.
“Do robots have dicks?”
Keebo’s felt his face grow hot.
“-What?! D-don’t ask such questions!”
“Come oooooon, I wanna know! Can I see it? Can I see the robodick?”
He got closer and closer, much to Keebo’s discomfort. Before he could utter a protest, Keebo found himself being fondled by the curious intruder.
“Ooooh, and what is it that you made of? Aluminum? Steel? Titanium? Is the robodick made of metal too, or is it softer?”
“Wait, s-stop! That feels weird… aaaaaaAAAAAH! Don’t touch me there!!”
Keebo squirmed as the tiny hands caressed his body and poked into the delicate spaces between his metal plates. No one had ever touched him in such a way, not even the professor, so these new sensations were quite foreign to him. He wasn’t sure how to react. He tried to push him off, but the little gremlin was much too fast. He started to panic again, he knew he had to do something soon, or else something bad was going to happen!
“Agh! Okay, I didn’t want to do this, but you leave me no choice!”
Keebo lifted his right hand. The middle of his palm glowed with a strange green light and shot out a ray beam at the unwanted visitor. It struck him in the chest, and he fell backwards onto the floor. For many seconds he didn’t move. Keebo rushed to his side, checking to see if his heart was beating and if he was still breathing.
“Hello? Hello?! Are you okay?”
“Ugggh… I can’t… move…”
“Oh, thank goodness!! I was afraid the immobilizer hit you with too much force…”
“What… did you do… to me…?”
“Hold on, I’ll bring you somewhere more comfortable.”
He picked up his lightweight body and carried him out of the room.
“Nnnnhhh… where am I…”
The burglar’s eyes blinked groggily. Keebo stared intensely down at him.
“You’re in my bedroom. Well, I guess technically it’s just my recharging station, but I made a bed so you’d be more comfortable.”
The robot had laid three layers of blankets on the floor with a tiny square pillow for the burglar’s head. There he laid, unmoving and still drowsy from the aftereffects of the immobilizer.
“What the hell did you shoot me with…?”
“Oh, that was my immobilizing ray. It temporarily paralyzes your muscles. You won’t be able to move any of your extremities from the neck down for at least another hour or two. But don’t worry! It doesn’t affect your respiratory or nervous functions.”
“Ooooh, how sci-fi. Whatcha gonna do now that you’ve captured me? Are you gonna torture me? Rip me apart from limb to limb? Vaporize me with your lazer beam eyes?”
Keebo was taken aback. “No!! I’d never harm a human being in that way! It goes against my programming! And I don’t have any dangerous functions like that anymore.”
The burglar scoffed. A few strands of purple hair fell across his forehead.
“Awwww, how boring… well, if you’re not gonna do anything to me then why’d you bring me here?”
“Oh, I guess... I just wanted to talk. That’s all.”
Keebo blushed a little, suddenly feeling shy.
“Actually… I haven’t been able to interact with other humans since… since my creation.” He paused, almost letting his shameful past slip out. “The only other person I’ve had conversations with is the professor.”
“Jeez, how pathetic. You’re just a sad machine with no friends. And here I thought you’d be some kind of secret weapon used by the government to seize power. How disappointing.”
The comment sent daggers through Keebo’s heart, or at least its equivalent. He opened his mouth to protest, but he had no rebuttal. The burglar’s observations were 100% accurate.
“Maybe so… but I was still able to capture you.”
“Tch! Whatever.”
The burglar turned his face away, his cheeks tinted red. Was it from embarrassment, or shame? Keebo couldn’t quite figure it out.
“So, can I ask for your name?”
“You can ask all you want, it doesn’t mean I’ll tell.”
Keebo let out a robotic sigh. “You don’t have to be so difficult, you know. I’ve decided not to report you for the time being.”
“As if that’s what I’m worried about.”
“What if I tell you mine first? My model name is K1-b0, but I like to go by Keebo.”
The burglar waited a few moments before finally giving in, realizing the robot was not going to let it go.
“Kokichi. Kokichi Ouma. And don’t you forget it.”
Keebo muttered his name. “Kokichi Ouma… That’s a lovely name.”
Keebo poked at his captive’s puffed out cheek. “Kokichi Ouma. Would you rather sit here in silence for the next two hours, or can I ask you more questions about yourself?”
The boy said nothing. Keebo was disappointed, but he didn’t let it stop him from developing his AI further.
“Fine, don’t talk. But I do want to learn more about humans. Mind if I do some experimenting?”
The robot’s eyes scanned his body. His skin was pale, almost translucent, and barely seemed to cover his bones. Blueish veins were visible on his inner wrists and the sides of his neck. It was almost as if he was malnourished. His arms and legs resembled twigs, looking like they would crack if handled too roughly.
“You’re very skinny. Do you receive proper nutrition?”
Again, no answer. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Keebo began tracing his exposed skin from neck to his wrists. He was surprised to hear a guttural sound emerge from Kokichi’s throat.
“Gggh! Stop!”
Keebo blinked, feeling confused. “What’s wrong? Does this cause you pain?”
“No, it’s just annoying! I don’t like it!”
Puzzled, Keebo ignored his complaints and continued his exploration. His shirt had ridden up from before, and he could see what he knew to be a bellybutton peeking through.
“I’ve always wondered what the function of a belly button was. Do you know, Kokichi Ouma?”
He poked into it as if pressing a button, and heard a stifled squeal escape his lips.
“EEEEGH! I said STOP!”
“Why are you making such strange noises? If it doesn’t hurt, then you shouldn’t have any reaction.”
“For fuck’s sake… are you really THAT inept? I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t so annoying.”
Kokichi’s words failed to discourage the robot. His metallic fingers continued their travels on his exposed midsection and prompted more bizarre sounds. When he hit one of the bony ribs on his lower side, he heard him giggle for the first time.
“Eeheeehee! Okay, seriously, stahahap!”
“Now what is it? Why are you laughing? I haven’t told a joke, nor have I done anything particularly funny.”
“Becahahahse! It… it tickles!”
Tickles? This was new. Keebo’s AI scrambled to create a new schema.
“What are ‘tickles’?”
“Ugh, they’re annoying fucking sensations people feel when they get touched in certain areas and instead of crying out in pain, they laugh. It’s called being ticklish. Okay? Now can you knock it off? I really hate it!”
The haughty tone had left Kokichi’s voice, replaced by a somewhat desperate tremor. Not catching onto the social cues, Keebo continued his line of questioning.
“Please, tell me more about these ‘tickles’. What does it feel like to receive these tickles? And why do people laugh?”
“Oh my goooood, I don’t know! I’m not a scientist, I’m a Phantom Thief. Why don’t you do a google search and figure it out for yourself?”
“Which areas of the body are the most ticklish on humans?”
“As if I’d tell you!!”
Keebo couldn’t help but smile. “Then I guess I’ll have to find out for myself.”
He pulled up Kokichi’s shirt even more so that his torso was more accessible.
“You seemed to have the biggest reaction in this area.”
He put all ten fingers on either side of his belly and began caressing the skin gently. If Kokichi was able to move, he would’ve curled into a fetal position immediately.
“Ahahahaha! Nooooooo stooooHAHAHAP!”
Keebo smirked. “This must be a sensitive area for you, Kokichi Ouma.”
“Shut uhahahap! And stop tihihickling meeee!”
His hands floated upwards, climbing his ribs one by one. With his ability to squirm taken away, all Kokichi could do was laugh frantically.
Keebo pulled away, sensing alarm in his unwilling victim.
“Okay, I won’t tickle you anymore. But only if you agree to talk to me. I want to know more about you.”
When he calmed down and regained his steady breathing, Kokichi was able to answer him. Keebo noticed a subtle change in his face. Was it sadness? Anger? Maybe he shouldn’t have tickled him without knowing the social implications of it ahead of time. He wished he had more experience reading body language, perhaps then he’d understand how Kokichi was feeling.
“Listen to me when I say this, Keeboy… you don’t want to know someone like me.”
“Why not? I find you fascinating. And you’ve taught me so much already, even though we just met.”
“Because I’m the Phantom Thief. I’m a criminal, ya numbskull! I break into people’s houses and steal things and I don’t feel bad about it at all. Are you sure you want your first human friend to be a no-good felon like me?”
Keebo paused, deep in thought.
“Hmmmm. Why did you become the Phantom Thief? Why not pursue a more respectable profession, such as a leadership role in a business? Something tells me you’d be good at that.”
Kokichi let out an annoyed sighed.
“Fiiiiiine, what the hell. I suppose it doesn’t matter if I tell a recluse robot about my Dark and Troubled Past. You don’t have any friends to tell anyway.”
Keebo listened as Kokichi told him about his childhood. How he grew up without parents, being shuffled from foster home to foster home until he was released from the system at 18. By that time, he had already started a syndicate gang of sorts that made a living by robbing the upper-class apartments on the east side of the city. They were steadily moving onto bigger heists, such as stealing artifacts from museums and bank vaults to sell on the black market, and so far none of them had been caught. Thus how he’d earned the title “Phantom Thief.” Keebo found himself feeling a little sorry for him.
”I see… so humans suffer later on in life when they don’t receive proper nurture at a young age.”
“I don’t need your pity. I’ve taken care of myself just fine ever since I was a kid. None of my foster parents ever gave a shit about me. The only real family I’ve ever had are my fellow D.I.C.E. members.”
“D.I.C.E.? Is that that name of your gang?”
“Yuppero! We’re the largest secret evil organization in the city! And someday, we’re gonna go worldwide. But that’s all I’m gonna tell you.”
Keebo paused for a moment, analyzing all the data he had collected so far. His head whizzed and buzzed like an old school computer from the 90s downloading a large file.
“Kokichi Ouma. Do you ever feel… lonely?”
“Lonely? Me? HA! How could I ever be lonely when I have 10,000 members of D.I.C.E. supporting me?”
Keebo wasn’t fooled by his exaggerated lies or by his tough guy act. He recognized the same sadness in Kokichi’s eyes that he himself had been feeling since that awful day of the incident many months ago. But unlike him, Kokichi seemed unwilling to admit it.
“But don’t you wish you had a friend? Someone you could talk to about your feelings?”
“ And whyyyy in the world would I ever do that? Feelings are just weapons people can use to hurt you.”
“Do you really believe that?”
Kokichi flinched. His fingers started to twitch ever so slightly. A cheeky smile spread across his youthful face.
“Heh… it looks like your immobilizer’s wearing off.”
“Hmm, yes, I suppose it’s been over an hour since you were hit.”
Silence fell between the two. Keebo was running out of time. He knew Kokichi would run off the moment he regained mobility, and he sat there puzzled for several seconds trying to figure out a solution.
“Kokichi Ouma. Why don’t we make a deal?”
“Hmmm? What kind of deal are we talkin?”
“When the immobilizer wears off, I’ll let you go and I vow to keep your crime, and your past, a secret.”
“Oooookay. And what do you want in return from little ole me?”
Keebo took a deep breath.
“In return, I’d like you to come visit me every night.”
“Whawhawhaaaaat? Are you insane? I’m a busy guy, Keeboy! I can’t afford to waste my precious time talking to some android hikikomori every night!”
“Would you rather I alert the authorities to the identity of the Phantom Thief? What would the members of D.I.C.E. do with their leader imprisoned for life? Surely you wouldn’t want to abandon them, since they’re your only family.”
Kokichi’s eyebrows furrowed as he spit out a scathing insult.
“Grrrr! You conniving piece of shit! Using my Dark and Troubled Past against me! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you with that information!”
Keebo lowered his eyes, regretting stooping that low but feeling desperate as his time with the human was running out.
“I’m not asking for much. Please? I’m not allowed or leave, or else I’d go see you instead.”
Kokichi went silent again. His plea seemed to move him, much to his surprise.
“You’re really that lonely, huh? So much that you’d make friends with a wanted criminal?”
“I don’t mind, as long as you don’t mind being friends with a recluse robot.”
The purple haired burglar almost laughed.
“You know what, Keeboy? You might be pathetic, but you sure are something. Fine, it’s a deal.”
“R-really?! You mean it??”
“Nope! That was a lie! AHAHAAHAHA!”
“Wh-what?! Fine, then I’ll just just shoot you with the immobilizer again!”
“Aaaaaaah, hold on…!!”
“I’ll find your other ticklish spots too, and then I’ll keep you here and tickle you until Idabashi comes in the morning!”
“OKAYOKAYOKAAAAAAY! It’s a deal! Jeeeez, you drive a hard bargain!”
Keebo took Kokichi’s hand in his. Kokichi shook the robot’s hand feebly, still weakened but slowly getting the feeling back in his limbs. Keebo wasn’t sure if he could trust him to keep his promise, but he figured he had enough information on him to force him to uphold his side of the deal. Time passed, and before long Kokichi was standing and walking around on his own again.
“Fiiiiinally! Now I can get the hell out of here! So much for stealing Idabashi’s classified information. Oh well, at least I got to touch a freaky robot!”
Keebo’s cheeks turned pink. “I’m happy I met you tonight, too. I don’t feel so lonely anymore. Thank you, Kokichi Ouma.”
Kokichi fidgeted as Keebo gazed at him longingly.
“Jeez, why are you looking at me like that… it’s making me feel weird.”
“I’m sorry! It’s just that… I think… I think you’re really beautiful!!”
Keebo blurted out his thoughts, which resulted in Kokichi’s eyes widening. He seemed legitimately shocked, as if he’d never received a compliment before in his life. A deep, rosy color invaded his cheeks.
“D-don’t just say shit like that out of the blue! Weirdo… and anyway, you’re only supposed to call girls beautiful. Didn’t you know that, ya dummy?”
“Oh… sorry.”
Kokichi made his way to the vent, disappearing without another word or even a glance back. Keebo felt a knot twisting in his stomach. Would he see Kokichi Ouma again? Or would this be the last time? He felt himself falling into despair at the thought of being left alone again. The loneliness threatened to overtake him, swallowing his inner thoughts and threatening to leak through in the form of tears…
… But just then, a round face poked out of the vent.
“Same time tomorrow?”
Keebo snapped back to reality, smiling widely and nodding his head excitedly.
“Yes!! I’ll be here waiting!”
“Alright. See ya around.”
And with that, the Phantom Thief vanished into the darkness.
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weretheoneswhowrite · 6 years ago
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WTOWW are excited to have a new a new guest writer throwing her two cents in the pot to bring in some smutty goodness.  You may know her work, she is the one who penned the awesomely smutty story called "Craigslist", that story was so damn naughty that it made me blush. Lets get to it shall we?
 Welcome @monielincoln aka CarlyShae !! 
Have you ever had a lap dance?
Two people, just meeting, barely touching each other
“Hey Grimes, tell that woman of yours to turn that music down. I’m trying to watch the strongman competition.
 “Sorry Abe, she probably just got carried away.”
“Yeah, y'all do that alot.”  Abraham slams the door going back into his apartment.
Rick pinches the bridge of his nose, already hearing the cause of Abe's gripe. His girl has a tendency to play her music very loudly much to his amusement but to the annoyance of their neighbors.
 “Michonne?  Baby?” He calls out into the apartment.  His cock immediately hardens in anticipation. 
You are one
And I am another
We should be
One, inside each other
 “Babe, are you in here?”  One of Michonne's favorites is playing.  He knows that voice anywhere thanks to Michonne’s endless instruction of classic R&B music she felt he desperately needed. He turns the corner to head to the kitchen as the music gets louder to his ears.
 You can see inside me, will you come inside me
“Michonne, baby you gotta turn it do-“  Rick can’t finish his sentence.  Michonne is in the middle of the kitchen standing in front of the center island.  She's wearing her favorite shirt; his blue denim shirt that falls right above her knees.  She’s holding a spatula covered in the batter of whatever she’s been making, swaying to the melody of the song that makes his breath catch in his throat.  She moves her hips methodically, ebony locs cascading down her back as she raises her arms above her head, completely enthralled in the music.
Two strangers, not strangers
 She jumps onto the island sliding the spatula down the valley of her breasts.  She raises her hips as she circles her nipple with the tip of the spatula, smearing batter all over her peaks.  Rick is standing in the doorway frozen; his dick straining against his pants begging for release.  She crosses her legs at the ankles, letting her knees fall open to reveal her perfect pussy lips.  Her lips are glistening with her juices.  He starts to walk towards her.
“Stop”  she says firmly pointing the spatula in his direction. 
While we're here, the whole world is turning
“Have a seat.”  She motions to her left.  Rick hurries to sit down.
We should be, one, fulfilling the yearning
She slides down of the island, slowly approaching Rick like a lioness stalking her prey.  She stands in front of him with a smile on her face. She nudges his legs open with her knee to stand in between them, placing her arms around the back of his head; her fingers playing with his curls at the nape of his neck. She softly sings the words playing through the stereo
"You can see inside me, will you come inside me"
She licks the shell of his ear and places a bite to his ear lobe.
"Do you wanna ride, inside my love"
Rick can barely breathe.  He takes his right hand and slides it between her legs, feeling the wetness coating her thighs.  He uses his left hand to unbuckle his belt and rid himself of his pants: the need to be inside her overtaking every thought in his brain.  Michonne moans as he plays with her folds.  Her hands start to tug on his strands, her pleasure dripping on his fingers.  She continues singing to him.
"You can see inside me, will you come inside me Do you wanna ride, inside my love."
She grabs hold of his freed dick, raises her leg to straddle him while she holds him in place.  She rubs his tip around her clit, making soft circles with his pre cum soaking her nub. 
"Michonne, baby please." Rick raises his hips trying to enter but Michonne lifts up as well. 
"Not yet."
"You can see inside me, will you come inside me Do you wanna ride, inside my love."
She lowers herself on top of his dick, only allowing the tip to enter.  She starts to lift her hips languidly slow, letting his tip slide in and out of her hole.
“Oh God baby, don’t stop.  Slide down.”  Rick is panting, his breath coming out in short gasps as she rides his tip.  He can feel her wetness dripping down his dick.  He grabs her hips, pulling her towards him as he latches his mouth onto her batter covered nipple.  He licks all the gooey goodness from her bud, teasing her pebbled tips with his tongue, biting and nipping her hardness.
“Oh Rick, soooo good.”
Say that you'll ride, inside this love with me
Michonne swivels her hips on the tip of his dick, sliding her folds up and down his shaft.  Rick’s eyes roll back in his head.  Michonne speeds up her movements, coating his dick in her essence.  His cock’s rock hard with an angry purple head oozing pre cum, desperate to get inside.  Michonne grabs his balls, rolling them while she twerks up and down his silky steel.  
“Michonne, please!!! GOD PLEASE!!!”
She smiles as she slides herself down and immediately starts riding his cock forcefully.  
Michonne places her hands on his knees to position herself.  She raises her hips and rides him thoroughly, milking his dick with her tight walls.  
“Cum baby, cum inside me Rick…”
“Ugggh, Michonneee, your pussy is…FUUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!”  Rick grabs her hips and shoots stream after stream of hot white cum inside her pussy.  Michonne squeezes her thighs around his waist, legs attached to the back of the chair.  They both shake as they ride out their orgasms.  After a few minutes, Michonne lifts her head to look at Rick.  His eyes are closed, mouth slightly open with a huge grin on his face.
“So…you still want me to turn down the radio?
Written by: @monielincoln​
-We're The Ones Who Write
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fionnmeetsharry · 7 years ago
The good kind of falling
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A/N:  soooo i know its been forever and im sorry and i love each and every single one of you guys. I had a couple of requests for some Fionn Fluff so here iit is, i will have a smutt piece up soon because i had some requests for that too. After the smutt piece i will have another part to A&A up!!
“What, no no Fionn I can’t”. 
“C’mon Y/N I know you don’t have anything to do and it’s kinda like a house warming for me, I’ve finally got my own home”. You could hear the boys desperation for your company over the phone, you could practically see him pacing in his kitchen playing with his earring and yearning for you to say a yes. “Fine, you win Whitehead what time should I be there?” “7 good?” You could hear the smile in his voice, and it’s not like you didn’t want to hang out with him but you’d never spent the night, this was just something different something you weren’t used too. “Yea I’ll see you at 7”. //
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This place was incredible, basically a little cottage hidden out in the country but it looked as if it was surrounded by a rainforest. 
You walked up the steps to the front porch, luggage in hand and a nervous heartbeat in your chest. After knocking three times you hear what seems to be a frantic Fionn behind the wooden door and a loud ‘Shit’ before it opened. “Y/N you’re here”. “Umm... yea it’s seven just like you said”. Fionn was frozen staring at you with his mouth hung open, he looked completely confused like he didn’t even know who you were. “Oh, yea I did say seven didn’t I, I just didn’t realize it was that late wanted to have dinner done before you got here”. “ You didn’t have to cook dinner and what happened to your hand”. Fionn was standing with a wet dish towel wrapped around his right as it dropped water onto his wood floors. “ Oh yea, I uh.. kinda burned my hand on the baking sheet, didn’t have my hand fully cover with the oven mitt”. “Well if you invite me in maybe I could help you with it...and dinner” Fionn got a frantic look on his face as he grabbed your bag and let you into his home, it was beautiful, peaceful. “Shit, I’m sorry, I’m a little flustered wanted everything to be perfect”.   “Fionn it’s just me and a few of your other friends, no one cares if it’s perfect or not, we just want to hang with you”. Fionn set down the wet towel and quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent to calm him down. “Thanks love”. “No problem, now let’s take a look at this burn yea”. After much researching and Fionn holding ice on his hand for about thirty minutes, you finally came to the conclusion that coconut oil was the best home remedy for burns. Fionn was reluctant at first about smothering his burned hand in coconut oil, but he eventually obliged and the two of you finished up dinner together. “I’m really glad you’re here Y/N”. Fionn said as he finished up a chipotle sauce that he made to go along with the tacos that he had cooked up for the night. “I’m really glad I am too”. You said taking a sip of water trying to make the feeling between the two of you seem less awkward. You’d spent plenty of time with Fionn alone, he was your best friend, but it was just something about watching him do domestic things in his new home that made you feel different. “Here, try this”. Fionn dipped his finger into the sauce, walking over to you and holding the single digit to your mouth. Reluctantly without breaking eye contact to make it seem less awkward you took his finger into your mouth, licking the slightly spicy sauce from his skin. “It’s good”.  You said barely above a whisper, you back leaning against the edge of the black marble counter. “Yea?”Fionn said swallowing to where you could see his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “So you like it?”You felt cornered as if Fionn was getting impossibly closer, not that you were complaining, that was the absolute last thing you were doing. “Yea, I do”. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door followed by joyful hollering, the others were here and Fionn seemed like he was lost in his own world. “Fionn, I think everyone else is here”. Fionn came out of his trance, quickly washing his hands. “Guess I better answer the door then huh?”   Fionn hurried to the door, opening it to reveal a very excited Barry, Tom, and Harry all with luggage in hand. “Fionn, mate this place is sick”. Said Barry as he hugged Fionn quickly before fully entering the beautiful home. “And you must be Y/N, lovely to meet you”. You have Barry a shy smile and small wave as he and the others made their way inside. You didn’t know if you were feeling excitement from finally getting to meet Fionns friends, or relief from the strange moment the two of you almost had a couple of minutes ago. “Y/N love how are you?” Harry walked in, excitement on his face and his arms open always ready for a hug. Harry was the only other friend of Fionns that you had met, you swore that that man kept a schedule to make sure he had time for his friends. Every first week of the month Harry and Niall usually are hanging out or going to each other’s shows, every second week of the month it’s the same thing with Liam, and every third it’s Fionn. “I’m good H, how are you?” “I definitely can’t complain”. After a few more of Fionns arrived including Tom-GC and Jack, you all finally ate while admiring how beautiful the kitchen was. This had to be one of the most beautiful homes you’d ever seen, the combination of the wood detail and the glass doors either with beautiful countertops really pulled the whole kitchen together. 
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After dinner, Fionn turned on his house speakers which ran through the entire home and the back patio, music filling the entire home. Everyone headed to the back patio while you helped Fionn carry some drinks out for everyone. After a few too many drinks all the boys were singing along to each song, each song getting more and more off key and louder as the danced around the gorgeous light of the pool. 
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You were starting to feel a little buzzed after your third drink, meanwhile the boys were pretty drunk. You and Fionn were dancing, more of him just holding onto your waist so he didn’t fall down as “Touch” by Little Mix started blaring through the speakers. Fionn seemed to know all the word as he sang to you terribly off key “Just a touch of your love is enough to take control of my whole body” Harry and Tom were what looked like attempting to tango while jack and Barry were pouring themselves one more drink. This was the most fun you’d had in a while, listening to Fionn sing Little Mix and watching Harry’s dad dance moves, but you still weren’t sure about where you and Fionns friendship was going, you had always been touchy but he seemed to be even more than usual tonight. At around 3:17 AM you started helping everyone to bed, making sure that they got up the stairs and finding their rooms in the large home ok. Fionn being the last boy you help to bed as you try to help carry his stumbling self to his room and gently set him on his bed. “Y/N?” “Yea Fionn?” You said as you took his shoes off for him. “Do you think of me?” “Umm.... yea of course you’re my best friend. Do you think of me?” You said as you pulled him a clean pair of grey sweatpants from his drawer, handing them to him to change into if he could after you left. “Yea ... a l-lot... lot”. You laughed at your best friends drunken speech and question, “Well good, I hope so because I plan on being your friend for a while”. You started to leave the room to give him some privacy to change and also you were exhausted and really just wanted a shower. “Y/N”. Fionn called out in a whiny tone. You turned around to see the drunk boy fiddling with his belt trying to undo it he tugging the wrong way, making it tighter. “I can’t get this .... ugggh!” “Fionn Fionn be quiet, the others are sleeping”. He looked up at you with desperate, bloodshot, tires eyes like a child that was frustrated and just wanted help. “I can’t get this fuckin thing off of me”. He said trying to pull it off the wrong way one more time. “Ok ok, I’ll help you with the belt”. Fionn watched in amazement at your fingers working to get the belt undone like they were the magic key to some lock. “There see, the belts off and now you can change”. “Nooooo”. Fionn still has that childlike look of being helpless and you were the only one who could help him. You let out an aggravated huff as you got down on your knees to undo the button on his jeans. Fionn was watching you while grinning from ear to ear, “What is it Fionn”. You said as you stopped working at the button that seemed to be stuck, you weren’t that drunk.... were you? “You’re takin my pants off”. “Yes Fionn, I’m helping you change remember”. “Aren’t you gonna take me on a date first”. You rolled your eyes and continued to work at the button. “I haven’t any pants underneath”. The drunk boy snickered while keeping his eyes locked on your hands. “Fionn Whitehead you better have something on under these jeans”. “Kidding!-” Fionn screamed with smiling “I have on some”. Finally after much work and your fingers being sore you got the button undone, pulling his pants down and helping him into the sweats, and after much whining from Fionn helping him remove his shirt which he got tagged around his neck. “Sleep with me please”. A droopy eyes already under the covers Fionn said as you were about to leave. “What?” “Not like....n-not like seeex silly, jus’ it’s jus’ I don’t wanna be alone....please?”   “Ok”. You climbed into the opposite side of the bed, Fionn immediately wrapping his arm around your waist and laying his head on your chest. “I do think of you Y/N. I think about how happy I am when I’m with you, how I’m never that happy with anyone else. I think about how much I love playing with your hair and I wonder if you’re ok all the time when I’m not with you. I think of how soft your skin is and how you must put lotion on everyday, but them I remember you don’t put lotion on all the day and that’s just how you are. And I think about your scent, how you have this incredibly scent that makes me feel all fuzzy inside and how it comforts me and how I wish I could just bottle that scent up and have it for whenever we’re not together. And how if I could bottle that scent I’d call it my girl, cause you’re my girl Y/N.... well I hope you are one day at least because I think I’m in love with everything about you”. You were playing with Fionns hair while he was giving you his little speech, but you weren’t sure how to respond. Surely it was just the alcohol talking and he didn’t really mean any of that, or that’s what you had to tell yourself I order to get some sleep. You woke up to the sounds of a guitar and what seemed to be Fionn singing, looking over at the clock it read 10:48 AM. How long had he been up ? “Morning”. You said as you walked out onto his balcony where he was sat with his guitar and two plates of fruit and toast. 
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“Morning, made breakfast. The rest of the lads aren’t up yet so I just brought it up here”. Fionn sat down his guitar and motioned for you to sit and eat. “What were you playing?”   Fionns cheeks instantly turned red as he avoided your eyes, “Just some fray”. “Well is love to hear more if you wouldn’t mind”. Fionn hesitated to pick his guitar back up, but that was the thing, if anyone else had asked him to continue he would have just changed the subject, but for you, for Y/N, he would do anything. “Oh, ooh, ohBe my babyOh, ooh, ohOh, ooh, ohOh, ooh, ohBe my babyI'll look after you There now, steady love, so few come and don't goWill you, won't you be the one I'll always know?When I'm losing my control, the city spins aroundYou're the only one who knows, you slow it down”. “I....I meant it ya know.... when I said that I think... that I’m falling in love with you”. Your face fell to shock. How did he remember that? Did he remember the whole monologue that he gave you? “W-what?” Fionn let out a small laugh as he set his guitar down, “I wasn’t that drunk Y/N, all the things I said last night, that’s how I really feel about you”.   “I’m not sure what to say. I mean I’ve been feeling a little differently about our relationship lately. I mean I hate it when you’re off filming and I don’t get to see you for months and I love how when we’re just hanging out and watching a movie if my feet are cold you let me warm them up on you. I love how when I have a bad day at work or a headache you’ll play with my hair and just talk to me until I fall asleep because I love your voice and I think.... I think I may be falling in love with you too”. Fionn leaned forward quickly, placing a soft and sweet kiss to your lips. “Your lips are even softer than your skin”. You laughed before capture his lips with yours, giving him a slightly deep kiss than before. “I’ve really been wanting that for a while”. Fionn pushes a stray piece of hair from your face, “Well how about we practice it just a little bit more after all of these hungover guys are out of my house?” “I’m holding you to that Whitehead”. After the boys left, the rest of your day pretty much consisted of making out and cuddling wth Fionn in his hammock. You  couldnt remember a time where you felt more happy and safe, you were lucky to have Fionn.
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nitewrighter · 7 years ago
Could you do a prompt during the overwatch crisis
ugggh okay so I’ve had this prompt like 50% complete in my drafts for months but every time I attempt to finish/post it, I always lose chunks of it. It’s like it’s cursed or something. BUT TODAY I BREAK THAT CURSE AND BRING YOU R76!!!
Battery Davis wasn’t meant to be a fort–well it had been, well over a century ago, but not these days. But for now it was all that was keeping the rain off of them, and all that was hiding them from the encroaching horde of OR14s and Bastions. They had managed to divert a significant force of the Omnics away from the city Jack and Gabe crouched in the cement tunnel and waited for the groan of metal and the binary roar of OR14s. The air was damp, heavy and cold and the sky was starless from the fog.
“Reasons to live—go,” said Jack.
“Pork banh mi,” said Gabe.
“Just… jumping to food right off the bat? No, ‘I’ve got kin back home,’ or…?”
“Jack, I’m fucking hungry,” said Gabe, “Also I should clarify: this is no ordinary pork banh mi–this would be a pork banh mi from the ‘Banh Mi Me’ food truck on La Brea.”
“Ah of course,” said Jack, “I guess… that’s still technically home.”
“What–you gonna start waxing poetic about your cornfields?” said Gabe.
Jack half-snorted half-scoffed. “You know I could never let myself stay there,” said Jack.
“Well… congratulations, you get to see the world. Welcome to fabulous San Francisco–you know if you get to the hill above the battery you can see the bridge… what’s left of it, at least.”
Jack huffed and smiled. “We’ll fix it later,” he said, smiling.
“You said that back in St. Louis. Jack, I really want to know, how the fuck are we going to get that arch back up?”
“I don’t know. My job is to keep shooting until we have time to figure that part out,” said Jack.
Gabe snorted. “Why couldn’t they shoot up Rushmore? Giant stone heads always freaked me out…” he trailed off and glanced over at Jack, “You still haven’t named yours yet.”
“Well if I say ‘my folks’ that’s going to sound guilt-trippy and corny now,” said Jack, “And if I say a food you’ll start going on about the horrors of Indiana cuisine.”
“Oh my god you have a food in mind.”
“I never said I—” Jack scoffed, “Sauerkraut Balls.”
“Sauerkraut what,” Gabe repeated.
“Well like–Fried pickles—they’re good, right?” said Jack.
“Yes,” Gabe said hesitantly.
“Well it’s… pickled cabbage, and you…roll it up in a ball with ham and cream cheese–”
“Oh my god—”
“…and you fry it.”
“Jack, we have been the lab rats of a government experiment that killed off two thirds of the participants, we have been fighting murderous robots for four months, we could literally die here, and yet that, that right there is the most horrifying thing I can think of.”
“There we go—Horrors of Indiana cuisine,” said Jack with an eye roll.
“Battery Team, scouts are finally getting movement from the OR14s. Need you moving to flank. Let’s keep these reinforcements from reaching the city.”
SEP operations were still black ops in those days. The military thought it was better to have them working behind the scenes, softening the blows on the main forces rather than making the subjects of a controversial super-soldier program front and center in the fight against the Omnics. Gabe brought down his night vision goggles and was able to make out some lights moving among the eucalyptus and cypress trees.
“Out of audio range,” said Jack, loading his rifle as they crouched low in the battery tunnel, “Think ours are still motion-based, or do you think they got the same update as the Detroit Omnium with the thermal vision?”
“Half the shit coming out of the Michigan front is unverified, Jack, you know that,” said Gabe, tweaking his goggles slightly.
An OR14′s head swiveled toward him.
“Shit. Thermal. They got thermal,” said Gabe as the OR14 let out a binary screech to its compatriots. Both Jack and Gabe leapt out of the way of the blaze of bastion turret fire that now filled the battery tunnel. “Any ideas?!” Jack had to shout over the roar of fire. There was a brief pause as one of the turrets had to cool down when Jack laid down some cover fire to keep them from heading through the tunnel.
“Keep ‘em busy, I’ll flank,” said Gabe, scrambling up the ice plant-covered hillside the battery had been dug into. Jack could feel the rain on the back of his neck mingle with a clammy sweat. Just stay calm. Trust that Gabe knew what he was doing and it would all work out. They’d done this before. Jack sometimes wondered if the SEP program had done something to their heads—maybe opened up some neural paths that only he and Gabe had access to, knowing each others’ moves like a well-rehearsed dance with only a few words and a knowing look. The SEP should have been lonely, considering how many people died during those first few trials. But not with Gabe. It should have been horrifying and it was, objectively, horrifying, but Gabe was there, so at the same time, it wasn’t. This should be horrifying, objectively it was horrifying, but all the same, Gabe was there, so it wasn’t. He leaned through the tunnel and laid down more suppressing fire. He gave a glance down to the ammunition indicator on the barrel of his pulse rifle, gradually dropping toward the red. Keep looking at me, he though, Keep your eyes on me.
Then Gabe dropped in. One blast from his BLK001 shotguns to the right spot and the rudimentary processors used for bastion units were shut down. One bastion down. The OR14 turned toward him, giving jack an opening to helix rocket it in the side of the head.
“Gabe!” Jack rushed down the tunnel to back him up as Gabe kicked out the coupling for the bastion’s main gun and puzzled over the mess of wires. Jack looked through the grove of cypress trees to see more lights from various omnic units. “We really need to get moving—” he started and ducked down as several shots from an OR14 whizzed past his head.
“Hey–wanna see me do something stupid?” said Gabe, gunfire just barely missing him as he bent over the bastion. 
“Stupider than staying here when we’ve got more Bastions on our ass?” said Jack, taking out an incoming bastion mid-reconfigure.
“Yeah–” Gabe pried open a panel on his half-collapsed bastion and tore out some wires.
“What are you–?” Jack started but the broken bastion’s turret suddenly burst to life sending out hails of bullets.
“Christ, Gabe” said Jack, flinching away hard as the gun went off. The omnics suddenly reared back at fire from one of their own, previously thought dead.
“Help me with this!” said Gabe, holding the turret gun in place.
“Shit—” Jack shouldered his rifle and took hold of the rotary barrel next to Gabe. He could feel the gunmetal going red hot through his gloves as they both shoved their weight against the rapidly firing gun and threw its line of fire to the incoming omnic horde. They couldn’t even hear each other over the roar of the gun. Jack was screaming. Gabe was laughing. Then Jack was also laughing. Finally the rotary came to a spinning, smoking stop and Gabe and Jack were left standing on the collapsed remains of their commandeered bastion and the shelled out wreckage of numerous omnics strewn about the bullet-riddled eucalyptus and cypress trees. 
“That was crazy,” said Jack.
“That,” said Gabe, elbowing him, “Was fun.”
“Remind me to try and give you a normal idea of ‘fun’ when this is all over,” said Jack.
“Tch. Like you want a normal idea of fun,” said Gabe. 
“Morrison! Reyes!” Their CO’s voice crackled over the comms, “Where are those OR14′s?”
“Battery Davis is secured,” said Jack, touching his finger to his ear, “We’ll fill you in on the details l—”
“Incoming!” Gabe suddenly shouted.
Jack didn’t have time to think. He heard only the whir and clank of a bastion reconfiguring into a tank when Gabe tackled him hard from the waist and suddenly the ground right next to where they had been standing erupted in a spray of earth and fire and hunks of metal. The force of the blast threw them both several yards and they landed with a few painful bounces among the wreckage of the omnics they had just taken out. Jack covered his head as the ground exploded again several yards away from them and glanced over at Gabe, who was draped pietà style across the remains of an OR14, his face heavily bloodied. 
“Gabe–!” Jack started. Gabe didn’t respond. Jack gritted his teeth and picked up his gun. He sprinted head on against the bastion, the ground exploding on either side of him as he barely dodged the shells of the cannon. With two jumps he launched himself airborne off of the broken frame of another bastion, just in time to see the bastion attempt to reconfigure itself back into recon mode. It was obliterated in a blast of helix rockets and Jack rolled across the ground, panting. He looked at the collapsed steel frame of the bastion, He shot the bastion unit right in its flickering optic receptor for good measure before giving a sharp glance over his shoulder back at Gabe.
“Shit–” he sprinted back to Gabe, “Shit-shit-shit–” he cupped Gabe’s bloodied face in his hands and did his best to wipe some of the blood away, revealing several large gashes on Gabe’s face, “…Shit…” he said again, setting down a biotic field,  “Come on–” he shook Gabe, “Get up! Hey! Gabe you are not dying from this, you hear me? Reasons to live, remember? You’re getting that stupid Pork bun thing from that food truck!”
Gabe suddenly coughed. “Banh Mi,” he said.
“What?” said Jack.
“Pork Banh Mi. Not Pork bun. it’s a sandwich—”
“Dammit, Gabe you scared the shit out of me,” said Jack, gripping Gabe’s shoulders.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Gabe coughed, he suddenly squinted his eyes, “Ah shit—” he wiped his own blood out of his eyes and looked at the blood smeared on his glove, “Jack–please tell me I’m still pretty,” said Gabe, his fingers tracing among the new gashes on his face.
Jack just huffed out a sigh, bent and touched his forehead to Gabe’s. “You’re goddamn beautiful, Reyes,” said Jack.
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analogscum · 7 years ago
HARD ROCK ZOMBIES (1985, d. Krishna Shah)
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Human ambition is a funny thing. It can lead to great triumphs, but also great tragedies. Without human ambition, we would not have rock n’ roll, the most vital of American art forms. On the other hand, human ambition also lead the Third Reich to exterminate more than six million Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, physically and mentally handicapped, and Romani people. How does this tie in to today’s film, Hard Rock Zombies? Well, for now, let’s just say that it is a testament to both sides of the coin of human ambition that the sickos who made Hard Rock Zombies said to themselves, we’re going to make Hard Rock Zombies…and then actually went out and made Hard Rock Zombies. I’m honestly not sure if I mean that as a compliment or not.
We open on two metalheads riding a T-Bird convertible down a winding desert road. Lo and behold, they stumble upon a buh-buh-buh-baaaaabe hitchhiking. What are they gonna do, NOT invite this bodacious blonde into their sweet ride? We now cut to a dwarf with an eyepatch and a troll dancing around with a guy holding a camera by a river. You read that right. The metalheads and the blonde pull up on the other side of the river, strip down to their skivvies, and do a little skinny dipping. Suddenly, she drowns each of them one by one! And also does something else, because the water turns blood red, but I have no idea what that could be. The camera guy takes pictures of this gristly scene, while the dwarf and the troll celebrate the carnage. They chop off one of the victims’ hands, blondie picks it up and sings “I wanna hold your hand.” Again, you read all of that right.
Cut to: our heroes, the band, whom the movie never bothers to name (seriously, this band has no name), rockin’ out before a sold out crowd. Right away, we’re confronted with the major problem of all of these 80s metal horror movies: these guys just do not sufficiently rock. I mean, they have a synth player, for cryin’ out loud! This was not too long after Van Halen risked losing their metal fanbase by adding synths to “Jump,” because synths were pop, and pop was for pussies. But seriously, these guys make Billy Joel sound like Napalm Death. Oh well, at least the crowd of roughly 12 people seems to be having a good time.
Backstage, the band strip down to their banana hammocks, and their manager, Ron, tells them that they have to have their photos taken with a bunch of groupies. None of the dudes in the band, especially the lead singer, Jesse, seem to want to do this. They’re incredibly ambivalent about potentially sleeping with these women. Which of course is par for the course for 80s metal bands. Most of Motley Crue’s autobiography, The Dirt, is about the dudes politely sipping Earl Grey tea and discussing Nietzsche. We soon get an idea as to why Jesse is not interested in all of these women who want to ride his mullet, and believe me, you’re not gonna like it.
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As he’s escaping all of these annoying women who wanna show him their boobs, Jesse runs into Cassie. Now, the movie is not entirely clear on how old Cassie is supposed to be, but let’s just say she’s young. Like, teenage. Like, below the age of consent. She warns Jesse to stay out of the town of Grand Guignol (subtle), where the band is scheduled to play the next night. Jesse instantly falls in love with her, because this movie hates you, and we’re treated to white hot, sexually charged flirting such as this:
Jessie: You're neat.
Cassie: No, I'm not.
Jessie: Yeah, ya are.
Cassie: ...shakes head...
Jessie: Yeah, ya are.
Guys, it’s rare that I make a point of writing down dialogue in these movies that we talk about, but Hard Rock Zombies left me with no choice but to slam that pause button and record some of these lines, because holy macaroni, peep this screenwriting magic:
“I got it from a book. You know, a boooooooook?”
“You guys ready for the show? The loud show? Loud music show? Rock and roll?!?!”
“Oh bullshit, young stupid!”
“You suck, mister! I know it and everyone knows it!”
Eat your heart out, Aaron Sorkin!
So the band arrives in Grand Guignol, and wouldn’t you know it, they pick up the same hitchhiking blonde, who invites them to stay at her family’s mansion. The family is pretty normal, you’ve got blondie, the photographer, the dwarf, the troll, the groundskeeper who, um, is that a Swastika armband he’s wearing, and grandma and grandpa, who speak in thick German accents and we meet them while they’re in the bone zone and the dwarf and the troll are watching them. Oh, and by the way, they’re secretly Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, and Eva Braun is a werewolf. I PROMISE THAT ALL OF THIS IS TRUE.
As it turns out, everyone in Grand Guignol is a backwards rube who thinks that rock n’ roll is the devil’s music that will lead to “physical sex” (again, actual quote). So they get super duper outraged when the band engages in some antics that wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of The Monkees. They skateboard around, do silly dances, and mug for the camera. The sheriff throws them in jail, the town council cancels their concert, and outlaw all rock n’ roll in general, leading to a scene where everyone throws their records and tapes in a pile and destroys them (again, subtle).
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Meanwhile, Jesse and Cassie keep running into each other and falling deeper and deeper in love, and the movie keeps rubbing our faces in their obvious age difference, because apparently the overt Nazi imagery wasn’t cringeworthy enough. Just wait until we get to the song he writes about her, because you’ll have to go to jail once you hear it. They practice at the creepy mansion, and the family tries to electrocute them. That doesn’t work, so instead they murder the band members one by one overnight. The drummer is stabbed in a terrible homage to the Psycho shower scene, the keyboardist is felled by werewolf Eva Braun, I don’t remember what happens to the guitarist, I think he falls out of a window or something, and Jesse is crucified and disembowled with a weed hacker by the groundskeeper. This means Hitler is finally ready to turn California into the fourth reich…here we go…no turning back…complete with gas chambers. Which come into play later. THIS IS ALL FROM A REAL MOVIE THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
Luckily, before he croaked, Jesse gave Cassie a tape he made of a bass lick that can raise the dead. Look, just roll with me here, ok? You’ve made it this far. So Cassie plays the tape at the band’s grave, and they rise from the dead, ready to get revenge on Hitler and Eva Braun and co. In zombie form, they all sport weird mime makeup that kinda looks like KISS in the early days before they figured out their image, and they walk around as if they’re doing a combination of the robot and the Macarena. These are both choices that the filmmakers made. So they pretty much instantly murderize the Hitler clan with no problems, but whoops, they don’t stay dead for long, because now they’re zombies too, and they’re attacking all the hicks in town, which makes THEM zombies. Now we’ve got Nazi zombies and redneck zombies running around, which is not an ideal situation to say the least, but for now, the band have to go play their big gig.
This is where we finally get to hear Jesse’s love ballad to Cassie in it’s entirety, and, well, here it is…
“I’m so in love, but you’re so young.” BARF BARF BARF BARF ETERNAL BARF. Anyway, see ya in jail, which is where I live now because of this song!
I’m really loathe to talk about the rest of the movie, because at this point, it takes a turn into goofy comedy, and just completely falls flat. Not that their satirical bits about the PMRC and anti-metal hysteria were all that biting, but at least they were trying to say something, whereas these Zucker brothers-lite groaners are just insufferable. There’s a gag about a girlfriend who’s so possessive of her boyfriend that she won’t let any other women get near his severed head after a zombie rips it off, which the filmmakers obviously thought was beyond hilarious, but is really torturous. Then there’s an even less funny gag where some Pointdexter is like, hey, since zombies are brainless, they must be, like, allergic to brains? So if we all walk around with these giant cardboard cutout heads, they’ll leave us alone? Huh? And of course it doesn’t work, and of course the zombies just eat everybody, and as he’s being devoured, the Pointdexter yells, “Don’t believe everything you read!” Ugggh, read this: you suck, movie.
OK, there is one running gag from this section that I liked: after the troll becomes a zombie, he just eats his own body until he’s a burping skull. I happened to think that was charming and great.
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Eventually the townsfolk try to sacrifice Cassie to the zombies, because they read that if the undead feast upon a virgin, then they’ll rest for another hundred years. Whatever. So Cassie is totally about to be gang banged and devoured by zombie Hitler and his gang (wow, what a sentence), when luckily the band shows up, and lures them away by playing that resurrection riff that Jesse learned from a book (you know, a booooooook?!?!) And where do they lure them? Ugh, sorry…here goes…they lure them to the gas chambers, where they’re all gassed to death. You know, like in the Holocaust? I have nothing more to say.
The film ends, in perfect fashion, by spelling co-writer/director Krishna Shah’s name wrong in the credits. Fantastic.
When a movie looks particularly bad, I often like to say that it reminds me of a fake movie meant to play in the background of a real movie. Well, as it turns out, that’s the actual origin story of Hard Rock Zombies. Originally, the film was supposed to be 20 minutes long and featured as the movie the characters in another Krishna Shah production, American Drive-In, go to see. Apparently Shah decided at some point that he could double his profits by turning Hard Rock Zombies into its own feature film. This begs the question: is this where all the Nazi stuff was added? Because it’s easy to imagine characters in a movie occasionally checking in with the drive-in movie and seeing a bunch of rockers rising from the grave, but that Hitler subplot is just so bizarre and so incongruous that I can’t help but think it was tacked on.
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Hard Rock Zombies is the craziest film I’ve seen in awhile. It approaches Demonwarp and Spookies levels of what the hell am I watching madness. You genuinely will not be able to predict where this movie is gonna go from scene to scene. However, the tacked on nature of that madness keeps you at arms length a bit, and eventually it just becomes tiresome once you realize it’s not going anywhere beyond mere shock value. I mean, this movie is nearly an hour and forty minutes, and ends with a scene in a goddamn GAS CHAMBER. So, by all means, show this one to your friends, just don’t blame me if they never talk to you again. You may be right, they may be crazy, but in the end, it’s still rock n’ roll to me.
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justjen523 · 8 years ago
Human 101
Part 1 of 2
Several humorous short stories with the gods spending time with MC on Earth and encountering something that only humans have. 
Rating (M)
Warning: Sexual Content
    I was so excited that Leon had finally agreed to a date here on Earth that I couldn't decide where to take him. It would probably be best to go somewhere with fewer people seeing as he wasn't exactly fond of humans in the first place. As I wracked my brain trying to come up with something a voice close to my ear made me jump nearly out of my skin.
    "You certainly look like your thinking hard goldfish. It had better only be about how your going to please me while I'm here." There was a time I would have found everything he said to me to be offensive. Not anymore, I knew how to read between the lines.
    "Actually I was thinking of where to go for our date but you got here early so...."
    "So forget the date and lets skip to the good part." He teased as his fingers pulled up along my thighs.
    "Leon cut it out! You can't...touch me right now." My cheeks began to burn.
    "Oh-ho! Telling me what I can do was brazen enough but now you want to tell me what I can't do? Enough of this." He snapped his fingers and one by one the buttons on my blouse came undone. 'Not this again.'
    "Seriously! Quit it. I can't right now okay? Do I have to spell it out for you?" He stared at me dumbfounded.
    "And just why can't I touch my girl all of the sudden?" He looked angry but I could also see a bit of hurt in his eyes. 'Does he seriously not know about this stuff?' Sighing I decide to redirect the conversation for the time being. Approaching him I pushed him back onto my bed playfully.
    "How about I touch you instead." I teased seductively. The surprise lasted but a moment and he was back to his usual self smiling at me with that knowing grin.
    "That's more like it. I'm glad to see you come to your senses." He snickered comfortably resting both hands behind his head. It was the first time I had ever initiated something sexual between us and as excited as I was to see that desire burning in his eyes I was also slightly bitter that we couldn't go much further than that for the time being. Sensing something weighing on me he stopped me as I began to unbuckle his belt.
    "Stop." He commanded firmly but his look was gentle and full of concern.
    "Seriously, what's up? We really don't have to fuck if you don't want to." Blatant as always he offered sweetly making me more frustrated. 'He seriously thinks it's because I don't want to have sex with him...'
    "Can we-just not talk about this right now. I was really looking forward to going out with you tonight." My eyes pleading with him seemed to temporarily ease the conversation. After sighing he smiled his signature Leon grin.
    "Sure. Whatever you want goldfish." I knew this wasn't the end of our conversation but at least we could save the embarrassing part till after the date. Smiling happily I decided I would take him to this really amazing Italian restaurant that was well known for their meatballs. As we got ready to leave I asked him to hold my clutch while sliding into my heels and fastening the buckles on the side.
    "You humans sure are ridiculous carrying all your stuff with you." He teased knowing full well we had little choice seeing as unlike him we couldn't just snap our fingers and procure whatever it was we needed at that moment. As I slid the other shoe on he started peeking through my stuff inside. I guess curiosity got the better of him. It was kind of cute watching him thoroughly inspect each item trying to understand it's purpose. Lipstick, keys, wallet, a tiny barrette in case I needed to pull my hair back. Unfortunately it slipped my mind about the last item in there and as he inspected it his brows furrowed.
    "What's this?" He asked genuinely clueless. Guess I wasn't getting out of this conversation so easily after all. I started to feel self conscious worrying that he may find me disgusting after explaining it to him.
    "It's called a tampon."
    "Yeah? And what's it for?" I sighed trying to think of how to word everything.
    "Before I answer let me ask you a question. How are gods born in the heavens?" His expression shifted into one of annoyance.
    "Who cares? It's probably not that different than it is here." His tone was flat and that of disinterest.
    "What does any of that have to do with this?" He brandished the still thankfully wrapped tampon between his long fingers.
    "Sooo....do goddesses get their periods in the heavens?" I asked nonchalantly. His eyebrow arched showing there was a spark of interest now budding in him.
    "What the hell is a period?" 'Oh sweet heavens do I seriously have to have the birds and bees talk with Leon?!'
    "It's what happens once a month to a woman through childbearing years, she bleeds for about a week but then it stops and goes away." An amused grin spreads across his face as I explain things to him.
    "I've never heard of something messed up like that. In my infinite time of existence I have never known of a goddess that bleeds for a week. Where exactly do you bleed for that amount of time?" /facepalm. 'Seriously? Fuck my life this is too embarrassing!' Growing frustrated as the heat spreads from my cheeks to my ears I glare at him angrily.
    "What's with that scary face all the sudden? Did I ask you something weird?" His voice may have sounded innocent but his expression clearly showed how much he was enjoying making me uncomfortable.
    "Well? Where's your answer." He demanded still smiling. I was pretty sure my temper was about to get the best of me knowing he was purposely toying with me but I took a deep breath to center myself before answering his ridiculous question.
    "Gee Leon, where do you think? Do babies come out of a goddess' vagina like they do here?" His smiled widened chuckling to himself.
    "Pffft, how the hell should I know? Does it look like I have a vagina?" 'UGH! Seriously! You stubborn little..'
    "Why are we talking about babies all of the sudden? Or is it you want me to put one in you?" His egotistical confidence was just utterly absurd.
    "Ugggh! You just reallllllly want me to say it don't you?" I threw at him, my eyebrows knit tightly together.
    "Say what? That you want me to fuck a baby into you?" He teased further darkening the shade of red already dominating my face. Finally having had my fill of being teased I pointed at the tampon packaged in his hand.
    "You wanna know so badly? Open it." I said sternly as he continued to snicker at my frustration. He pulled the wrapper away and stared at the pink plastic in confusion. After fiddling with it a minute he figures out how it works and only grows deeply confused as the rod of cotton pushes it's way out.
    "Seriously? What the fuck is this thing?" Watching him with that expression was too cute and I accidentally giggled. He shot me an annoyed expression for not answering his question.
    "I told you, it's called a tampon. When a human woman gets her period she uses that to soak up the blood so it doesn't get everywhere." I say coolly donning a calm expression. I can tell some of what I'm saying registers but he still hasn't pieced it all together.
    "You asked me where we bleed from, well think about it. Why did I turn you down earlier when you wanted to have sex?" As he considers the question I watch as the connection is made, his eyes going wide.
    "You goldfish really are weird. I've never heard of such a thing as a woman bleeding from her vagina for a week straight. That sounds like a twisted ass punishment from one of those nut jobs in that ridiculous department." Growing tired of the subject I look at him in such a way as to let him know I have had enough of this subject for the evening.
    "So I take it that's why you turned me down earlier. You're having a period or whatever?" Still embarrassed all I can do is nod trying not to make eye contact.
    "Heh, it's fine. I can wait." Surprised at his words I stare at him in amazement.
    "You will?"
    "Pffft sure thing. A week feels like a second to a god. Plus I get to look forward to putting a baby in you when you're finished." Blushing deeply I hide my face in my hands. I still don't think he fully understands how this whole thing works.
    Though I knew it was the very last place he'd rather be Scorpio had decided to spend the day with me on Earth much to his discomfort. I hadn't asked him to but seeing how absolutely excited I was when he suggested it as an idea, he didn't have it in him to turn me down. He had demanded we stay at my apartment not wanting anything to do with humans especially if there was a chance of being accidentally touched by one.
    "Seriously. Human's are disgusting." He grumbled watching them as they passed by on the street below from my window. Trying not to laugh I finished the dishes before hanging my apron for the day.
    "All the preparations for dinner are finished." I smiled happily as I approached him. He gave me a quick once over before frowning.
    "You realize you are filthy right?" 'Ugh! Such a mood killer I swear.'
    "And you realize you're words are harsh right? Must you always be so critical of me?" I frowned slumping into my couch knowing full well he would lose it if I touched him before showering. They have a name for people like this on Earth but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him that! He could be impossibly frightening at times.
    "Pffft, if you wanted to be sweet talked you should have chosen Lou."
    "What? Hey you're being extra nasty today you know." I couldn't help but chastise him a bit, after all he sometimes hurt my feelings with his crude way of speaking. He glanced over at me before smirking.
    "You are filthy, but how about I give you a bath and show you just how nasty I can be." I could tell my face was bright red just by how hot it felt. He always catches me off guard when he says stuff like that. I have to admit though, it's really sexy. Deciding to play along I smile at him before nodding.
    "Okay then, shall we?" I teased seeing if he would actually go through with it and to my surprise he gestured to head toward the bathroom. I couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the thought of him actually bathing me. As we entered my tiny bathroom I felt grateful I had cleaned it the night before. Looking inside the tub Scorpio suddenly went rigid. 'Ugh....now what.'
    "I can't bathe you in this, it's-" I cut him off my anger getting the better of me.
    "Let me guess?! Filthy!" He turned and stared at me incredulously. Rolling his eyes he raised his hand getting ready to snap when I had an idea.
    "No! Don't. I've had it with your crazy obsession of cleanliness. We humans aren't THAT dirty! But since you are sooooo determined to make a spectacle of it how about you get a better understanding of what it takes to keep things clean up to your standards!" Unable to respond for once I decided to explain.
    "You forget we don't have the luxury of snapping our way to perfect cleanliness. Everything we do is with our own hands and hard work! So guess what? YOU are going to help me clean this bathroom the human way till it passes your high standards." His expression relaxed and he tried to stifle a laugh.
    "Don't you dare laugh!" I shouted at him. That apparently was all it took to break him. I wanted to be so angry but hearing Scorpio laugh? I was pretty sure hell just froze over. I couldn't help but laugh along with him.
    "Damn woman you have quite a temper." He teased causing me to narrow my eyes before responding.
    "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" He smiled looking somehow impressed at my abnormal boldness today.
    "Sassing me is only going to worsen your punishment later." That naughty smile of his set me on fire inspiring an idea I would NEVER normally do but hey, go big or go home right? Giving him a seductive smile I dropped all of my clothing at my feet standing before him as naked as the day I was born. His cheeks instantly flushed and I couldn't help but giggle.
    "I thought we were going to clean the bathroom" he said gruffly trying not to look embarrassed. It was too adorable seeing him all pouty like this.
    "Oh we are! Besides, I didn't think you would dare touch me while I'm this dirty." I shot him a confident smile antagonizing him further. He opened his mouth about to say something but immediately closed it looking defeated.
    We began scrubbing the tub together shoulder to shoulder as Scorpio tried to hide his adorably pink cheeks. He hadn't said two words to me but he did everything I asked him to do as we cleaned. I'm sure his silence was partially due to the fact that I was still in my birthday suit acting as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. This was just too much fun though I knew I was going to pay for it later. 'Worth it.'Besides he looked so damn sexy doing hard labor that I could barely keep my mind out of the gutter staring at his perfect godly form. He accidentally bumped into me due to the ridiculously small size of my bathroom bringing me out of my daydream.
    "Dammit stupid woman! Keep those thoughts to yourself..." Realizing what I was thinking about when we bumped I couldn't help but giggle as his cheeks were even darker than before.
    "Awwww, but you really would look good in nothing but my apron." I teased thoroughly savoring every moment of this.
    His eyes were wide staring at the pristine snow covered scenery in front of him. My heart warmed at his child-like surprise and I couldn't help but giggle.
    "Wow. I still can't believe you have never seen snow before." I teased though still smiling warmly. He smiled sweetly taking my hand in his and I couldn't help it that my heart started racing. Everything was so beautiful and seeing Dui's perfect features accented by his surroundings made it all seem so surreal.
    "Well technically I have seen it but only in the reflecting pools, never in person. I had no idea how much I was missing not experiencing it first hand. Thank you so much for bringing me here." My heart swelled at that perfect smile and I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched the snow softly falling all around us. I wish this moment could last forever.
    Dui kicked the snow around with his foot amused as it tumbled about. Chuckling to myself I grabbed a handful before returning it to the ground and rolling it in front of me. The snow was the perfect texture allowing me to create a huge ball in no time. Looking back Dui was just standing there eyes wide with surprise at the creation at my feet.
    "Well aren't you gonna help me?" I said playfully and he sauntered over resting his bare hand against the enormous boulder sized snowball nearly high as our waists. He quickly withdrew his hand looking at me with concern.
    "It's so cold. How can you stand touching it?" His eyes shifted to my hands and seeing that my skin had turned slightly red from it snapped his fingers. Beautiful thick warm gloves surrounded my icy hands bringing some relief almost instantly. I noticed upon looking up that he was now donning his own pair but still seemed very apprehensive of touching the snow.
    "What exactly do you plan on doing with this?" He asked curiously.
    "I wanted you to help me build a snowman." I offered but his expression suddenly changed.
    "A snow man?" He stared at me in wonder and awe. 'Huh? Is it really that strange?'
    "I had no idea you were capable of such a thing. Are all human able to do this?"
    "Y-yeah? It's really quite common actually." Watching him trying to process everything I knew something was bothering him.
    "What do you do with them once they are created?" My brows furrowed in confusion not really understanding his rather odd question.
    "Do? Nothing really. They are just fun to make and than look at." I offered matter-of-factly.
    "What happens after that?" concern still poured from his innocent face, a worried frown making him look strangely adorable somehow.
    "What do you mean? Umm...I don't know, younger kids often knock em over or they melt in the sunlight." Dui's face twists into an expression of horror and it's then that I finally realize he completely misunderstood.
    "N-No Dui! Please don't worry, they aren't actually real men or anything." I try to explain hoping that expression relaxes before someone else makes an appearance.
    "Wow, I knew you humans were sick and twisted but this is just on a whole other level." The sadistic smile on his face immediately told me I was now dealing with Shadow Dui. Thank goodness he doesn't actually want to kill me anymore. This could have ended ugly.
    "It's not like that, cut it out." I snapped harshly at him but he only smiled further in response.
    "You sure are sassy today, does this environment inspire boldness?" I knew he was teasing but it still made me edgy. Shadow Dui was a completely different person than Dui. My expression must have alerted him to my sudden discomfort.
    "Heh, do I really make you that nervous?" His grin was slightly sadistic but I knew there was genuine concern behind his words. He words may be harsh and actions bold but even shadow Dui had a fondness for me that he presented in his own way. I decided to have a little fun and see how shadow Dui responded to snow and the cold. Not making eye contact I casually picked up a handful of snow and began packing it into a ball. Meeting his gaze I gave him my best mischievous grin before striking up conversation.
    "Do you like the snow and cold Dui?" He continued smiling but he arched an eyebrow in suspicion. It was really hard to fool this version of Dui. He knew how to read everything.
    "Never mind that, I want to know what you think you're about to pull here. I hope it's something worthy of punishing you for." His smile only widened and was now tinged with sexual implications. I couldn't stifle the giggle that unexpectedly escaped my mouth as I looked at him with my best poker face.
    "Oh I see, you WANT me to punish you eh?" There was something undeniably sexy when he was aggressive like this and I secretly hoped he would take me right here and now. I would never let him know that however. Not in a million years. He walked toward me slowly closing the distance and before he could get any closer I caught him off guard, my snowball I had been crafting creating quite an impact against his broad chest. His body absorbed it like it was nothing. 'He is a god after all, he probably didn't even feel anything.' His expression said otherwise. He looked at me with surprise but his expression quickly changed into something that made my pulse quicken. I slowly started to back away with my hands in the air but he only laughed.
    "Now Dui....I-I was o-only playing okay?" I smiled pleadingly but he said nothing and continued moving toward me like a predator. I knew I was in trouble but I couldn't help pushing him further by trying to ward him off with a barrage of snowballs. He finally stopped moving and his smile faded. Looking at me with an entirely too serious expression he narrowed his eyes before sighing.
    "Well, you've left me no choice."
    "AHHHHHH!" the seductively smiling little sadist now standing impossibly close had took it upon himself to rid me of any clothing. The cold air was almost painful and my skin erupted into angry goosebumps. Shivering I glared at him incredulously.
    "Dui stop this! I-I'll freeze t-to death!" Pushing me down on my back in a pile of snow he laughed as my expression of panic grew to one of sheer discomfort from the icy cold on my bare skin. I couldn't even speak it was so painfully uncomfortable.
    "Don't worry, I have every intention of thoroughly warming you up." That seductive sadist snapped away his cloth barrier and quickly climbed atop me instantly bringing me comfort from his warm skin. His hot mouth made it's way up and down my neck sending an aching thrill through me as I heard his voice ridden with lust in my head.
    "I'm going to fuck you so hard we'll bring back the spring."
    After a long day at the beach Ikky and I practically collapsed on my couch. I hadn't done that much swimming since I was a child and the exhaustion I was feeling was a stark reminder of that. It had all been worth it just to see him smiling and having so much fun. He was absolutely adorable when he acted so carefree like that. Like an innocent child taking in the world from an untainted perspective. We had so much fun I couldn't think of a happier time in my life. I wish it could be like this forever.
    He rested his head in my lap and I lazily stroked his soft hair that smelled of ocean and sunshine. His eyes closed he smiled blissfully making his already boyish charm even more irresistible.
    "Hm? I can feel your eyes on me, are you undressing me in your mind?" Though his eyes remained closed his smile morphed into something much more mischievous.
    "Ikky you're always undressed in my mind." I teased. His eyes opening wide he gave me his best pouty face staring at me intensely.
    "Nooo fair! Are you doing that on purpose?" He complained cutely. I tried to stifle a giggle. His brows furrowed displeased at my amusement.
    "You're tooo mean! You know I have exhausted my powers for today and now you're exploiting it by trying to seduce me!" I couldn't help laughing, he was so stink'n cute like this I wanted to just eat him up!
    "Awww, my poor wittle Ikky. Whatever will you do without having your powers to make love to me?" I smiled wickedly causing him to blush fiercely and look away.
    "Cut it out! Otherwise I'm going to punish you twice as hard tomorrow once I've recharged."
    "Ahahahaha! Yeah? And in the meantime?" I teased him further this time causing him to tackle me and regain the upper hand. I was pinned firmly beneath him, his hands holding both of my wrists down yet my expression never faltered.
    "Wow, you are reallllly asking for it aren't you?!" Before I could respond he started tickling me all over causing me to writhe and scream for him to stop but of course there was no way that was going to happen. We were both laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes as he pulled my t-shirt up with his teeth exposing my tummy before moosing me. I was nearly in fits as he mercilessly tortured me before abruptly stopping. His expression was now puzzled and riddled with concern as he stared at something on my skin I couldn't see myself from this angle.
    "Ikky what is it?" I asked as a sinking feeling flooded my insides.
    "These marks? Where did they come from?" He frowned which made me even more worried. He helped pull me to my feet so I could go look for myself in the mirror.
    "You definitely didn't have those the last time I saw you naked." He added unnecessarily making me embarrassed on top of everything else. When I stood in front of the mirror lifting my shirt sure enough there were definitely marks, though nothing as bad as I had anticipated. Feeling a tad relieved I brought a small tube of cold gel and handed it to Ikky before removing my shirt and turning around. Feeling his confusion I explained further.
    "It's nothing too serious Ikky, it's just a sunburn. It will go away but it will hurt a lot less if you put that aloe in the tube on it." Though he followed my instructions as the soothing feeling of coldness met the heat radiating off my skin he was as confused as ever.
    "Sun-burn? The sun can...really burn you?"
    "Yep. We humans have to be careful when being out for long periods of time in the sun. This is just a mild burn but without proper protection we can actually get seriously injured. The only reason this is so mild is because I put on sunscreen before we left this morning. However after all the swimming we did I forgot to reapply it afterward which is probably when this happened."
    "That's...horrible. It's just like in the vampire movies where the sun melts off their flesh and they die!"
    "What on Earth have you been watching? First of all, vampires aren't real. That's just fictitious nonsense. Secondly, humans don't melt in the sun but our skin does burn so we just have to be careful, that's all."
    "You saaaaaay there is no such thing as vampires but how do you know? Have you ever met one?" I know he's teasing me but for some reason I can't ever help myself from taking the bait.
    "Ikky there is seriously no such thing as a vampire."
    "Maybe that's just what they want you to believe." He smiled in amusement though I could tell my frustration was clearly visible to him. Instead of fueling this conversation any further I notice that we had tracked sand in on the carpet. Normally Ichthys could clean it all up in a snap but he is completely drained of his powers from the day we had. 'Guess I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way.' As I retrieve the vacuum from the front closet and roll it in Ikky's eyes go wide.
    "What is that?" He asks looking kind of concerned still eyeing the contraption suspiciously. I couldn't help but smile at his reaction.
    "This is called a vacuum. It sucks up dirt and all sorts of things off the floor." The way his expression suddenly contorts I can tell Ikky's eccentric imagination has gotten the better of him. Eyebrows furrowed tightly and a face ripe with unknown tension he backs away slowly across the room and onto the armchair. I am cracking up inside as he draws his feet up far away from the floor waiting for me to do something. 'Teehee! It reminds me of a dog whose terrified of the vacuum!' While I could do the right thing and explain things in a way so he could understand that this is nothing to be afraid of, I decide instead to extract my revenge for all the pranks my trickster boyfriend has pulled on me from the beginning. Smiling wickedly I plug it in and bring it to the carpet and just before I turn it on I tell him in a frighteningly dark tone-
    "Be extra careful Ikky, though us humans have nothing to fear because we are their masters, I have no idea what will happen if you get too close to this thing." Looking horrified he climbs further up the armchair perching himself on top of the back like a cat. It takes everything I have to hold in the laughter as I turn the vacuum on and begin covering the floor. Never taking his eyes off the loud machine he grows ever rigid as I get closer to the armchair. Unable to take anymore he leaps across the living room onto the back of my couch making sure none of his limbs are anywhere near the ground.
    "STOOOOOP! Put it away! PLEASSSSSSE! NO MORE NO MORRRRRE!" Luckily I had managed to get up the sand before he had his meltdown so I took mercy on him and turned it off. I wrappped the cord back up and put the vacuum back in the closet. As I returned to the living room there was a loud round of applause giving me quite the surprise. I was dumbfounded to see all eleven of the other zodiac gods cheering and smiling at me. '.....Whaa?'
    "You just earned a favor from every god here goldfish." Leon laughed heartily. Confused I looked around at all of the gods wondering what they were all doing here in the first place.
    "I may have misjudged you human. Not even a single god here can boast of pulling such a divine prank on that mischievous fish. For that, you have earned our respect." The great Minister of the Department of Punishments stood before me congratulating me with an actual smile on his face. I was so in shock I was unable to speak.
    "Yeah. I take back what I said about you being stupid." Scorpio added smiling. 'Uhhhh......this HAS to be a dream right? RIGHT?'
    "Ummm.....did Hell just freeze over or...?" They chuckled at my response but their smiles never wavered.
    "Wait did Scorpio just-"
    "Don't read into it." His usual scowl was back. 'Phew!' Turning to Ikky still unsure of everything I suddenly felt bad. 'Was he really that scared of the vacuum?'
    "You have our thanks goldie!" Teo smiled sweetly.
    "Not you too Teo?" Ikky complained as a sadly defeated expression filled his face. 'Oh man, I definitely went over the top with this. Poor Ikky, I was only teasing him a little...' I turned and walked over toward him but he nervously flinched away from my touch. 'Ouch. I deserve that.'
    "Guess we will leave you to it, see you around!" Dui smiled sweetly, while they quickly one by one disappeared from my living room.
    "That was sooooo not cool. I can't believe you of all people would do something like that to me." He looked so dejected it was breaking my heart.
    "And on top of it all the other gods know so I am nevvvver going to hear the end of it." Unable to take anymore I firmly wrapped my arms around him trying to hug him as tightly as I could.
    "I'm so sorry Ikky, I really didn't mean to take it that far. But you were so cute trying to escape the big bad vacuum I just couldn't help myself!" I giggled making him blush deeply. Still looking angry he grabbed my chin roughly to look me in the eyes.
    "You are in SO much trouble. Never ever, EVER try to trick a trickster because now? You just joined the big boy's league. Any trick I could and would play on the gods will now also apply to you my mischievous little minx. I will never, NEVER go easy on you again." His smile was fictitiously sweet and at that moment I knew I just made the biggest mistake of my life. 'Gods save me!'
    "I take it back, you're not pure at all so casually inviting a man to your bed." My cheeks flush but there was no way I was going to let his teasing deflate my mood.
    "You're expectations may be a tad high Hue. How I am I supposed to act when you look at me like that?" My smile widens as it's now his turn to be the one blushing.
    "You don't play fair do you?" He teased still glowing a beautiful crimson.
    "Well I suppose that's because I learned from the very best!" I loved how we always bickered happily like an old married couple. Always teasing each other affectionately.
    "Ahaha! Oh aren't you cheeky tonight! If you keep this up you know I'm just going to have to close that mouth for you."
    "!!!!" Those eyes of his kill me. Especially when he is looking at me like he is right now. I can't let him have the upper hand, not yet! It would totally ruin the surprise.
    "Okay okay! Geeze.....don't say things like that." I respond still feeling heat in my cheeks.
    "I like when you look angry though. You make the cutest faces."
    "S-Stop it Hue! Haven't you already embarrassed me enough?" His smile widens before responding sweetly.
    "I haven't even started yet." He teases happily watching me get more and more frustrated till I finally can't come up with a retort.
    "What, have you finally run of things to say?" All I could do in response was glare at him dubiously.
    "Does this mean you are offering your surrender? Very well, I graciously accept!" Smiling deviously he scoops me up in his arms and heads over to the beautiful and private outdoor bath. The moonlight softly reflects off the water while a light breeze sends ripples across distorting the image.
    "KYAA! H-HEY! WE'RE NAKED?!" I shout as he carries me into the water submerging us with me still in his arms.
    "Wait, are you sure? I honestly hadn't noticed." He says flatly yet the smile on his face says he's enjoying this entirely too much. As he gets comfortable and relaxes leaning back before shutting his eyes I begin to flush from head to toe.
    "Ummm, y-you know you can put me down now.." I manage feeling flustered at his boldness. He gives me that quirky smile but doesn't bother to open his eyes or show any signs of moving for that matter.
    "That's true, I absolutely could but there's a problem. I don't really want to." He teases tightening his grip on me and chuckling as I flail about.
    "Tell you what, you're free to go but only if..." He offers not finishing his sentence.
    "Only ifffff?" I try coaxing it out of him eager to hide the embarrassment threatening to kill me. His almond eyes pop open and he brings his face dangerously close to mine.
    "If you can escape."
    "!!!!!" Frantic from our naked closeness I try desperately to escape but it only seems to encourage him further. He pulls me in closer pressing his lips to my temple.
    "Knowing that there is no way you can win in this scenario it's just entirely too adorable to see you still foolishly try." Finally giving up trying to escape I resort to hiding what I can with my hands and pouting furiously.
    "No, I'm afraid that's not going to work either. I've already memorized every inch of your body." He smiles deftly pulling my hands away from my chest and exposing the soft mounds now floating in the water.
    "Though it never hurts to review the content." He laughs as he notices the unmistakable new view.
    "Boy you are really full of it tonight aren't you?" I complain testily. His smile remains unchanged and if anything there's a fire now burning in his eyes.
    "Y-You know two c-can play this game!" I idly threaten him which only seems to amuse him further as he pulls me onto his lap facing him. 'Thank the gods it's nighttime!'
    "Hmm, what game do you speak of?" I narrow my eyes trying to give him my best scary face.
    "You know damn well what game!" I hiss causing him to momentarily stop smiling. 'Eeek! Did I make him mad?' Without warning I feel both of his hands grab onto my backside firmly causing me to yelp. An almost sinister expression stares back at me with a daring smile.
    "Nope, could you please clarify?" His fingers squeeze the soft flesh even harder sending a sweet shiver through my body. There's a hunger in his eyes that tells me he's definitely not letting me go till he's satisfied. That thought alone stirs the heat inside of me. The next thing I know his mouth is on mine kissing me feverishly. The sounds of desperately growing passion fills the air. His hands are still cool to the touch despite being in the warm water making everywhere he touches come alive.
    "H-Hue-ahh!" His cool lips trace along the skin of my throat and he teasingly nips at the skin. He pulls my hips down on him and enters me. The strange sensation of being in the water while becoming one overtakes me causing me to lose all control and fully submit to the god of Aquarius. As he has his way with me I can't help but feel as if even the water surrounding me is tantalizing. Almost as if it's following it's masters lead lovingly embracing me and seducing my senses. Overcome with such pleasure our passion continues well into the night.
    He pulls his fingers up my back softly comforting me after our intense lovemaking causing an embarrassed smile to find my lips. I'm grateful he can't see as my head rests comfortably on his shoulder and my arms locked in his embrace. We haven't moved. I'm still straddling his lap with him inside me and though we both have climaxed several times my body is no match for a gods endurance. I feel so weak I couldn't stand even if I wanted to.
    "Perhaps it would be best to get you out of the water now." He offers sweetly with concern in his voice. I was about to make a joke about it being a literal or figurative statement but I was too exhausted to even think.
    "I never thought I would see you so complacent. Was it really that good?" He chuckled but about all I could offer in response was a incoherent grumble. He carries me effortlessly to the bed but hesitates to set me down a moment.
    "You're already practically asleep aren't you." He whispers in my ear before nuzzling my neck.
    "Mmm." I smile sleepily but still manage to look into his beautiful sapphire eyes. There's so much love there my heart feels like it's about to burst.
    "Would it be okay if I kept you in my arms all night?" He asked softly and I nodded blissfully. As he gently sunk into the bed with me still in his arms his eyes went wide in wonder.
    "T-this is?" I couldn't help smile so pleased I was able to surprise him in the end.
    "Yup! Surprise!" I offered cheerfully grinning ear to ear. Still completely stunned he gently rocks against the mattress sending waves up and down the bed. A huge child-like smile fills his face.
    "I had no idea something like this existed."
    "Teehee! It's called a waterbed. I'm glad you like it, I knew you would." I felt so proud I was able to actually educate him on something for once.
    "You knew huh? Just how much were you fantasizing about me being in bed with you?" 'Leave it to Hue to ruin the moment.'
    "Wouldn't you like to know." I tease but without warning I'm on my back, wrists pinned to the sides of my head.
    "I suppose I'll just spend all night finding out."
     Teorus was actually really difficult to write. I have tried to incorporate a lot of their actual main story line themes into their respective chapters. Due to Teorus' content it was really tricky to make the story humorous without making him into a total asshole. Thus, his chapter is more emotional than humorous so I hope you don't mind.
    Sighing to myself utterly frustrated at the sight in front of me I feel the jealousy bubbling to the surface. I have my hands clenched so tightly into fists that my nails are digging into the skin causing minor pain. It's nothing compared to the pain I feel in my heart. I knew dating Teorus came with a special set of circumstances seeing as he was absolutely gorgeous. Everywhere we went there were women, goddess and human alike throwing themselves all over him. It didn't even matter if we were together they just pushed their way through eager for his attention. Teo being ignorantly oblivious and unable to be anything less than charming could never bring himself to be mean and flat out refuse them or walk away.
    Out of the blue one of the many goddesses throwing themselves at him decides to test her luck and steals a pretty over the top kiss. Teorus looks shocked for a moment but it's when I see his cheeks turning pink that I lose it. 'Pssh! Goddesses or not I'm gonna knock her out!' I stand, absolutely seething and about to move in when a hand grabs my arm and pulls me around the corner and out of view of the ridiculous spectacle.
    "Ikky! What are you doing? I was this close to giving that goddess a piece of my mind!" I hissed. He just smiled at me calmly placing his hands on my shoulders.
    "Just breeeeeeathe." Still unwillingly to let the hatred leave my face I at least appease him by taking a few deep breaths. Feeling slightly less murderous I try to calm myself down a bit and it's only then that I realize tears are streaming down my face.
    "Ah! No no noooooooo...please don't cry." Ichthys panics trying to cheer me up but it's no use, the dam has broken and I can't stop the flood.
    "Awwww, please don't cry. You're too pretty to cry." He says looking on the verge of tears himself. 'Why can't Teorus be as sweet and understanding as Ichthys?' It feels like there is a pit in my stomach and feeling so desperate for affection I bury my face in Ichthys' chest while the tears continue to fall. I hear him sigh before he gently embraces me, stepping in where my boyfriend should have been.
    "Hey Ikky?" I murmur as his hands gently rub my back.
    "Teo's you're best friend and you know him better than anyone. Does he....even love me?" Ichthys is silent a moment but squeezes me tighter.
    "Yes. I know he does. He talks about you like allllll the time."
    "T-Then w-why?" I can't even finish my sentence as everything I have been holding in comes pouring out. I can feel him rest his cheek atop my head as he tries to comfort me.
    "Teorus has always been....you know....Teorus. He's always been surrounded by women whether he wants to be or not. I don't think he really understands how it makes you feel to be honest. He's never had a reason to be jealous before so he doesn't understand the feeling you know?" As I listen to Ikky's words I try to understand things from his perspective. Even if that's the truth they are gods and I am simply human. I can't control the way I feel inside which makes me feel even more depressed. Could we ever make this actually work? Maybe this relationship really isn't meant to be after all. The sadness of that thought consumes me and I wrap my arms tightly around Ichthys hoping my heart won't crumble out of my chest.
    "There you arrrrrre......whaaa?" Teo's sickly sweet voice rings out as he comes bounding around the corner.
    "What's the matter?" He asks frowning. I don't want him to know I was crying over what happened so I give Ichthys a pleading look and he smiles.
    "She's fiiiiiine. I totally stepped on her toes by accident and it must have realllllly hurt. I felt really bad so I hugged her to say I was sorry." Ikky's smile was amazingly convincing and Teo bought it.
    "Are you okay? Does it still hurt?" He asks me sweetly and I choke down the anger I still have in my heart and just nod.
    "Yay! I'm glad. I have some bad news though, Leo is being tooootally unfair and said I HAVE to turn in paperwork from last week." He complains looking disappointed.
    "It's okay, I can get back on my own. I don't want to get you in trouble with Leon." I offer feeling secretly relieved.
    "Don't worry though, I promise to be back as soon as possible so we can still spend the night together." Smiling, he kisses the back of my hand and disappears.
    "He does loooove you, even if it's hard to see sometimes." Ikky offers trying to cheer me up again.
    "Wait what did you just say?" I ask as an idea starts to form in my head.
    "Errrr....that he loves you?" Ikky responds looking startled and confused at the change of tone in my voice.
    "No, not that. If it's hard to 'see' sometimes. Hmmm, maybe I need to approach this in an entirely different way." Just like that I know exactly what to do though it's going to require a little bit of help from a specific god. Sighing, knowing I'm walking into the lion's den I turn to Ichthys with determination in my eyes.
    "Ikky, take me to see Partheno."
    "Well well! To what do I owe the pleasure of your divine presence?" Partheno oozes charm and sexiness and being the most beautiful god in the heavens on top of it makes being in his presence nerve wracking to say the least.
    "Well, to be honest I really need your help Partheno. Can you....make me beautiful?" The surprise on his face is quickly followed by a frown.
    "What a ridiculous request, I can't possibly grant it to you seeing as you are already very beautiful." His lips softly press against the back of my hand and for some reason it gives me butterflies.
    "Cut it out you dirty birdy, that's Teo's girl and I don't think he'd appreciate you shmoozn' his woman." Ichthys says sternly causing Partheno to withdraw but not before winking at me making me blush.
    "Partheno, um....how should I put this...err."
    "Oh don't fret so much, besides making a face like that will give you wrinkles. Here, have some beauty enhancing tea and calm yourself." He hands me a beautiful and ornate teacup with it's contents a lovely light pinkish hue.
    "Oh wow...it smells and tastes like roses. This is amazing! Thank you Partheno." I feel the tension slowly leave my body with each sip.
    "You're quite welcome. Now then, I know why you are here and I must say how pleased I am that you asked for my help. We shall transform you into the very image of beauty! All the goddesses of the heavens will be jealous at your radiance!
    "Teehee! Thank you, I've never actually had a make-over before. I didn't think gods even knew about something like this considering you are all so perfect and beautiful anyway."
    "While it is inherently a human practice I find perfecting beauty a wonderful way to spend my time." Makes perfect sense considering who he is yet I can't possibly fathom Partheno being any more gorgeous than he already is. He immediately gets to work starting with my hair. Excited and nervous I anxiously wait as he works his magic.
    "Are you sure I look okay Ikky?" I ask for the hundredth time as he escorts me back to the mansion.
    "Duuuuuuh, seriously stop asking me....it's difficult enough okay?" I look over at his beautiful boyish features and am instantly startled to see Ichthys bright red.
    "Huh?? I don't..."
    "Seriously, you don't get it do you? You're beyond beautiful, so much so I don't want to look at you because it's hard to stop my mind from wandering. I'm a man too you know!" The frustration and anger of his tone renders me speechless. I had never seen this side of Ichthys before, it was actually kinda cute. He refuses to look in my direction and continues to stare straight ahead, his posture stiffer than normal.
    We reach the door to the mansion and I suddenly feel like chickening out when I look down and remember how sexy and revealing this dress is. I would never have thought I could pull it off but when Partheno led me in front of the mirror I was dumbfounded. Every trace of the boyish and plain features of mine had been transformed into an elegant yet sexy woman. I couldn't believe I had been actually looking at my own reflection. It was the first time I had felt worthy enough to stand by Teorus' side. My hair was in an intricate up-do and my make up though a tad dark suited my palette. A gorgeous dark blue velvet dress that sparkled near the chest and ankles hugged my body. I had complained at how low cut the front was and high the slit for the leg went but Partheno was absurdly convincing that I pulled it off flawlessly. For the finishing touch a perfume of his own design that smelled heavenly and so I was now ready for my grand debut.
    "Deep breath and remember what Partheno told you." Ikky said quietly at my side raising his hand to open the door.
    "Confidence is sexier than everything else combined." I answered as I took a deep breath and held my head high. Just before Ikky opened the door I whispered softly to him.
    "Thank you Ichthys. For everything. You truly are an amazing friend." Watching his cheeks burn up once more I said nothing more, only smiled.
    The door opened and we walk inside where we hear many voices coming from the living room. It seemed like many more than usual and I could swear some I had never heard before. As I turned to glance at Ikky he gives me a knowing smirk.
    "Consider it a gift." His smile only makes my nerves start to surface but it's too late, there's no turning back now.
    "Hellllloooooooo? We're baaaaack!" Ichthys says in his usual playful tone and everyone starts to go quiet. We walk around the corner and into view and I am suddenly surprised to find all of the gods gathered in one room. Everything instantly goes silent and all eyes are on me, apparently having shocked all of them into silence. Nervously looking around the room as my heart beats wildly and my confidence wavers my eyes meet Partheno's who was standing alone at the back of the room sipping tea. He nods and smiles restoring my resolve. I finally allow myself to smile as I greet everyone.
    "Good evening." I manage. As per usual, Leon is the first to speak.
    "Oh-ho! What's this?" He struts over to me lightly taking my chin and thoroughly looking me over.
    "You've left me no choice but to make you mine." His voice is deep and sensual, his eyes burning with desire. Suddenly a hand pulls me away from Leon.
    "You are not worthy of such a goddess." I'm flabbergasted when I see that the voice and hand belong to none other than the Chief Minister of the Department of Punishments. 'Zy-Zyglavis?! No way!' He kneels before me kissing the back of my hand sweetly.
    "Be mine and I will treat you with all of the love and passion a goddess such as you deserves." 'W-WHAT?!' Apparently I'm not the only one completely dumbfounded at the extremely uncharacteristic behavior of the god before me. Almost everyone in Punishments' eyes are wide and mouths agape.
    "Choose me and I'll give you all of my heart and soul. I will treasure you for all eternity." Dui also bows before me. 'WHAT?! DUI NOW TOO?!'
    "Come with me and I will worship every part of your mind, body and soul." 'GAH! HUE?!'
    "I will treat you as the queen you are, your every wish is my command." Karno also takes a knee, bowing before me.
    "Belong to me Little Lady and I will make your every fantasy a reality." Tauxolouve winks suggestively. 'T-This...is just....too much!'
    "No one here could protect you better than I could my goddess. Let me serve you." Even Krioff pledges to me making this entire situation over the top. I know I am blushing from head to toe as one by one the gods profess their love. It isn't until they all have spoken their intent or requests that the one among all of them I wanted so desperately finally approaches me and speaks. His honey colored eyes full of worry, regret and sadness slowly shift to an amazing cerulean blue leaving me breathless.
    "Please forgive my foolishness my precious beautiful goddess." He kneels at my feet before bowing so lowly he presses his forehead to the floor.
    "T-Teorus.." His name escapes my lips on a breath. He doesn't rise from his knees but tenderly takes my leg and grazes his lips across the skin sending a fiery shiver through me.
    "I'm not worthy of your love, not after what I have put you through. I see that now and not because you are dressed and look differently. Nothing is as beautiful as you in every way and any form. It's because I didn't realize what it felt like to have the one you love surrounded and hit on by others. I am so deeply sorry for not cherishing your heart. There isn't a man alive, human or god that could ever be worthy of you, but I would give everything, the stars from my eyes, my very life just to try."
    I try to hold back my own tears as I watch his own tears softly fall to the floor. 'Oh Teorus.' I bend down and take his hands in mine before bringing us to our feet. I smile warmly before embracing him so tightly it hurts.
    "My heart belongs to you and only you, now and forever." I offer tenderly. Overjoyed more tears fall but a huge smile fills his beautiful face. His eyes soften and return to normal and suddenly I am in his arms and be carried from the living room. As I look over his shoulder I see all of the gods smile. When my eyes find Ichthys I see that familiar mischievous grin as he gives me a thumbs up. 'Ah, so that's what he did! Ha!' Smiling in return I silently mouth the words Thank You.
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primadonnatartuffe · 8 years ago
RYAN: *after hanging out with orchid, ryan's been feeling a little lighter, and leaving skaia to visit people has become that much easier. so with that feeling of freedom, she decides to stop by odimist again. she drapes on colt for a little while before she devotes her time to finn and his new baby. she's just as gorgeous as in the photos, and during the visit, she's found she's really quite fond of hanging out with tiny babies... they're in the living room at colt and little's place, and ryan has lounging with this bundle in her arms for a while now.*
RYAN: hmm sofia sofia... are there any songs about a girl named sofia? there should be.
FINN: -finn's sitting next to the two of them and it's so cute watching sofia get to know ryan. sofia's looking pretty comfortable and staring up at ryan- no but you can replace any song with shakira with sofia
RYAN: ooooh yeah there you go.
RYAN: lets sing beautiful liar.
RYAN: i can be beyonce and sofia can be shakira.
RYAN: ryonce ryonce sofia sofia.
RYAN: lets not kill the karma. lets not start a fight. its not worth the drama for a beautiful liiiaar.
FINN: -sofia gurgles-
RYAN: yeah girl there you go.
RYAN: *snickers*
FINN: already she's more musically inclined than me
RYAN: stick with me kid and well keep you on the right track. *smiles wide at baby*
FINN: -sofia smiles back for a good two seconds and wiggles her arms-
RYAN: uggh shes so cute.
FINN: -he's laughing a little and smiling because he loves this baby so much- i know
FINN: you'd think i'd be used to it by now
RYAN: pretty sure youre never gonna get used to it though. thats just how these things work.
RYAN: my parents still cant get over how cute i am. ;)
RYAN: well nobody can really.
FINN: -too true- it's a hard life
RYAN: for you. us adorable people got it so good. isnt that right sofia?
FINN: -sofia yawns-
FINN: i'm going to be dead in a week at this rate
FINN: just because of the cute from sofia and you combined
RYAN: cool. then i can steal her. >:)
FINN: you're just going to swoop right in and take her
RYAN: yep. and raise her teaching her to better weaponize her deadly cuteness.
RYAN: well be unstoppable.
FINN: sorry sofia i tried to give you a better life
RYAN: time to live a life of villainy with auntie ryan.
FINN: this escalated quickly
RYAN: *SNRK* i think thats the inevitable path when dealing with baby stealing.
FINN: did i turn out to be a villain
FINN: i guess that depends on your definition of -air quotes- stolen
RYAN: i think the definition of stolen is pretty clear cut... but maybe theres a side of finn i dont know... an evil side.
FINN: maybe there is
RYAN: oh my... ;o
FINN: what is that face
RYAN: its a face thats onto your wild ways.
FINN: someone's a little late
RYAN: pfff. okay lets be real were all onto your wild ways.
FINN: i was going to say
FINN: out of all people you really can't be that surprised
RYAN: i really cant be... not when i was there instigating it half the time. *snickers some more. they have fun.*
FINN: -they had a lot of fun. he's still laughing, shaking his head- see exactly
RYAN: *looks down at the baby for a moment after that. the pause is enough for her mind to wander. it's hard to fill in the space with positive thoughts these days.*
RYAN: hey uh this is out of the blue but...
RYAN: the other day? at the kareoke bar? ive been worried that i like.
RYAN: made things weird?? somehow.
FINN: -sofia's getting sleepy. she might be starting to doze off. finn is caught off guard by the question, not exactly expecting it- oh -he says it like a question-
FINN: why what do you mean
RYAN: i dunno.
RYAN: like... i know i was super transparent with the song choices.
RYAN: the mood just seemed to change after i sang that second time.
RYAN: and then you took off.
RYAN: like maybe you thought you were third wheeling or something.
RYAN: uhh... okay so i dont usually make a habit of addressing things like this but ive been encouraged to talk about the stuff thats nagging at my mind.
RYAN: so it doesnt start festering and i have to turn to booze or something to cope haha.
RYAN: ... yeah.
FINN: oh -he definitely doesn't want to make her feel like she has to cope with anything...not because of him, at least.- no no i get it uh
FINN: i don't know i guess i just
FINN: you know when you feel like you're in the middle of something really intimate that's not explicitly so but it still is
FINN: but you feel like you're in the way of it a little
FINN: that was where i was at i guess but it's not a big deal you guys need your time too
RYAN: *frowns* i dunno... i guess.
RYAN: its not like theres a quote unquote you guys.
FINN: -he looks away and shrugs a little- hasn't there always been though
RYAN: ... not anymore.
FINN: i mean i know not technically but -he sighs- it's still there
RYAN: *brows knit* yeah maybe for me.
FINN: i mean jack is completely different than he was three years ago and it's not like we talked during the time you were gone
FINN: so i guess i can't read him anymore but i mean it really seems like there's still something
FINN: but anyway i just
FINN: had a feeling i shouldn't be there
FINN: and it's good you two are hanging out
FINN: and having moments
FINN: and stuff
FINN: after everything
RYAN: *he says all that, but why does it feel like there's something left unsaid. is she being paranoid?* do you really feel that way?
FINN: which part
FINN: i mean it doesn't matter because i do really feel all of it
RYAN: ... i guess that part where you think its good were hanging out and having moments like you said.
FINN: oh
FINN: yeah
FINN: it's a good thing
RYAN: ugggh.
RYAN: why do i feel like its not?? am i being paranoid?
RYAN: maybe im projecting because im afraid to make any moves and i need an excuse not to.
RYAN: i dont know i suck at reading my feelings and intuitions or whatever.
FINN: -he looks ahead- it's hard to know i guess
FINN: after all that time
FINN: you can only really be certain of how you feel
RYAN: *sighs a little. she does know how she feels, at least when it comes to jack.*
RYAN: okay but... i dont wanna make hanging out with us awkward.
FINN: sometimes i just have to discern whether or not i should be there
FINN: it's a life thing
RYAN: ... i guess so.
RYAN: sorry.
RYAN: im being weird.
FINN: no you're not
FINN: i was probably acting pretty weird
FINN: that raises a lot of questions
RYAN: maybe. i probably shouldnt pry. *it raises questions, but none of the questions she should probably be asking... but it doesn't really occur to her.*
RYAN: *face scrunches a little... she looks upset.* i just dont know what im doing anymore. im a mess and i know im supposed to just let myself be a mess and let people help me but i dont want to.
RYAN: i dont even want to talk about this. but i should?? ugh. im not making sense.
FINN: -his expression softens immediately- no no i
FINN: i get that actually
FINN: -he can relate in different ways...but he can still relate to the general concept-
FINN: it's hard
RYAN: *sniffs and leans against him a little, as much as she can without disturbing the baby.* but im lonely too... i dont wanna bring anybody down or make anybody feel bad but this always seems to happen now and i cant shut it off.
FINN: -lets it happen and leans his head against hers just slightly- well you know you always have me
FINN: whether or not you can shut it off
RYAN: *peeks up at him with big tired glossy eyes* ... thanks finn.
FINN: of course
FINN: you're pretty much stuck with me whether you like it or not
RYAN: heheh... good to know.
FINN: it thought it would be at least a little comforting -he's quiet suddenly-
RYAN: it helps... trust me. *peers at him again when a silence follows.*
RYAN: whats on your mind?
FINN: -avoids meeting her gaze and looks down at a sleeping sofia instead. he sighs- i should uh
FINN: i mean
FINN: i don't want things to be weird
RYAN: *blinks at him, confused* weird??
FINN: yeah weird uh
FINN: i don't know how to say it
FINN: actually uh
FINN: -holds his hands out for sofia-
RYAN: ... okay. *hands her back to him, getting a weird feeling in her gut.*
FINN: -sofia makes a few fussy noises before going back to sleep like nothing had happened-
FINN: i just don't want you to feel stuck so
FINN: if you need to leave you can
RYAN: *leans away again, not really sure what to make of that.* im not really in a rush unless you need me to go...
FINN: no i just mean you might want to uh
FINN: you might want to
FINN: the thing is i should tell you
FINN: even though it will do nothing
FINN: but make things weird
FINN: and somehow it's the right thing to do supposedly
FINN: i don't know why that is
FINN: it doesn't seem like it's going to help at all
RYAN: help... what?? what is it? *she's TRYING not to act weirded out even though she kind of is. but it's mostly just anxiety.*
FINN: have feelings for you
FINN: but it's dumb and it doesn't matter and it's irrelevant
RYAN: you... *processing... processing... but she fails to.*
RYAN: what?
FINN: -his cheeks grow red and he looks a little embarrassed-
FINN: i know it's
FINN: i know it's been obvious probably
FINN: it started years ago before you left and uh
FINN: surprise
FINN: still here
RYAN: uh... *runs a hand through her hair, reeling a little* no?? i mean no it was never obvious to me.
RYAN: jesus was i always so into my own shit i didnt even notice?
RYAN: thats typical. way to go ryan.
FINN: oh
FINN: no it's not your fault you didn't need to pick up on it i didn't want you to anyway
FINN: so points for me
FINN: i guess
RYAN: i... okay...
RYAN: well uh... im glad you brought that up. to get it off your chest? or...
RYAN: shit. im not sure what to say.
RYAN: like its cliched to be all i really like you too BUT...
RYAN: thats cliched and shitty?? you deserve better than that.
RYAN: hahaha you deserve better than me? come on dude lets be real.
FINN: -he just feels bad about it- no i know you don't feel
FINN: like i know you don't feel the same way and that's fine that's okay
FINN: like i didn't expect that or anything i know it's like
FINN: uh
FINN: i don't want to talk about what i deserve because i don't think i really
FINN: i don't want to measure myself that way because i'm not going to pass the test
FINN: you don't have to like
FINN: try to reason with me i know it's useless
FINN: it's always been you and jack from the beginning
FINN: there was never any other real relationship for either of you when you're together
FINN: you asked what's on my mind that's what's on my mind that's why i've been acting weird you don't need to fix it or feel responsible for anything i just
FINN: maybe if you know i can get over it who knows
FINN: or i wreck our friendship i don't know
FINN: i'm pretty good at that haha
RYAN: no finn thats not... thats not gonna happen. im just...
RYAN: *eyes start to water* it sucks that things are the way they are. that i cant... reciprocate i guess.
RYAN: i dont know why im always... chasing after people that im not good for haha. but hey on the bright side thats the case no matter what isnt it?? im not good for anybody.
RYAN: jacks better off without me. so was nona. so are you.
RYAN: and you should know that because yeah itd be in your best interest to move on from that.
RYAN: i know you werent trying to start anything but i-- just... why...
RYAN: im so fucked up.
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] is now an idle chum! --
FINN: -he doesn't know who the fuck nona is but he decides right now isn't the time to ask. hearing her say these things about herself...it stings.- no no no
FINN: i'm not
FINN: i'm not
FINN: fuck
FINN: it doesn't matter if you reciprocate or not and it's
FINN: you're making me sound like some kind of ideal candidate but that's not the case either
FINN: you don't see how much you're worth because you think you've fucked up beyond redemption or something
FINN: but that isn't true
FINN: we all have our shit
FINN: yours looks different than mine
FINN: jack's looks different than both yours and mine
FINN: but somehow you're still here and jack's still here even if we were all gone for a while
FINN: it's not about being good enough that is -lets out an unamused laugh- that's bullshit because who even meets that standard in the first place
FINN: what i do know is that without you around it felt like there was something irreplaceable missing
FINN: the whole time
FINN: sure maybe i became better at putting that feeling behind work but
FINN: i never stopped feeling it
FINN: because damn it ryan you are and you've always been one of a kind and i'm not just saying that
FINN: people that are like you aren't good enough
FINN: i want the real thing hanging around
FINN: crazy theatrical ryan
FINN: loud always pretty no matter what ryan
FINN: you're just -he looks down at sofia- you're worth more than you could ever realize
FINN: a few turns down some paths you don't like don't take that away from you
FINN: i need you to stick around and stay because if your shit makes it so you don't deserve to have people in your life then i am
FINN: i am right there with you
FINN: i'm not buying it
FINN: -he finally stops and...might be tearing up a little-
RYAN: *well, she's definitely started crying listening to all that, but the tears flow quietly. when he's through, she sniffs, trying to process everything with some difficulty... but the important parts stick and she leans forward to gingerly wrap her arms around his neck (careful not to squish sofia) and hold him gently.*
RYAN: youre really important to me... i hope you know.
FINN: -he closes his eyes a little and the tears just roll down his cheeks as she holds him- yeah
FINN: you are to me too
RYAN: ... jack told me that the worst was over.
RYAN: ive been trying really hard to believe that.
RYAN: it hurts knowing how much i was missed but its a relief too? i dont wanna run from people anymore...
FINN: you don't have to
FINN: maybe it's time to start running to people
RYAN: *sniffs* yeah... im gonna... crash into everyone at high speeds.
RYAN: hope you can handle a whole lot of ryan.
FINN: i'm pretty sure i've been training all my life so i'm good
RYAN: fuckin... right on. hehehe... *giggles softly, but then starts to pull away again.*
RYAN: i should probably get going home now though.
FINN: -smiles and nods at her, taking a deep breath- yeah
FINN: i have to put this one to bed anyway
RYAN: yeah... goodnight baby girl. *exhales once more, letting all the bad feelings pass... it's gonna be okay.*
RYAN: ill see you soon finn. *gets up off the couch and makes her leave.*
FINN: -it is. it's really going to be okay- bye ryan
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