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stefaniaczech · 25 days ago
May 2025: Aliens to Shut Down Nuclear Technology – Everything Will Change! #Aliens #UFOs #NuclearTechnology #ExtraterrestrialIntervention #AliensAndNukes #May2025 #AlienShutdown #Jaymez #OccultVault #UFO2025 #AliensSavingEarth #NuclearShutdown #AlienTechnology #UFOInterference #ExtraterrestrialPredictions #AliensPreventWar #UFOEncounters #NuclearSitesAndAliens #AlienContact2025 #GlobalAlienEvent #NuclearDisarmament #ExtraterrestrialWarnings #UFOActivity #AliensAndTechnology
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paranormal-playgr0und · 5 years ago
The Roswell UFO Playground
Hello Ghoul Friends! This week’s topic is on the infamous Roswell UFO Incident. This week, I thought I’d do a report on something that happened in July, and something other than ghosts and demons. This report might be a little different due to the topic, there will be more text in the history portion than the hauntings portion, much like the second ParaPlay report.
I would like to mention that I have started a new job, and due to some new time constraints, I might not be able to spit out a report every other week- although I will try my very best!
I would also like to mention that I’ve been thinking about making this blog available as a podcast, so you can listen to the reports on the go. This is something I’ve been considering greatly, and it will probably happen in the near future- so heads up!
Now that’s all out of the way, grab your tinfoil hats! It’s time for the Roswell UFO Playground!
It’s the beginning of July 1947. Local Newspapers in Roswell, New Mexico have been running the same story since the end of June- people have been spotting flying saucers in the night sky. Could it be linked to the army base and air field nearby?
Many people still didn’t believe in the sightings, and mainly chalked them up to be fake news. However, tensions were still high- though people didn’t believe in the sightings, they still looked out for them, out of sheer curiosity. It wasn’t until July 7th, did people start believing in the news stories.
The date of the crash and discovery aren’t fully agreed upon. It is said that sometime in late June or early July did rancher W.W “Mac” Brazel found the wreckage of what he believed to be was a flying saucer. The wreckage was thought to be rubber, tinfoil, and heavy paper.
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(Pictured: Major Jesse A. Marcel with the debris found on Brazel’s ranch.)
In today’s terms, if I told you that I found tinfoil, paper, and rubber on my lawn- you would automatically think the debris was of a weather balloon. However, because of the recent UFO sightings in Roswell, and the coincidence of the whole situation, people didn’t buy the idea that what had landed in the Brazel Ranch was a weather balloon.
Upon finding the wreckage, Brazel reported the crash to the Roswell sheriff, George Wilcox. In turn, Sheriff Wilcox called a local Major at the local airbase. Major Jesse A. Marcel and a man in “plainclothes” appeared at the door of the Brazel family home and took the debris.
Following the confiscation of the wreckage, Major Marcel reportedly tried to re-construct the wreckage, and even tried to make a kite out of the pieces.
Yeah, I’m shocked too. The first thing this guy does is try to make a kite out of the wreckage. If I’m not mistaken, that’s damaging evidence, Major Marcel.
After the United States Government apprehended the evidence, the next day, an interesting statement was released to the public by the RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field). 
  “The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County.”
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(Pic cred: https://whataretheanswers.ecorrect.net/the-roswell-ufo-crash-1947/)
People went absolutely ballistic when they saw the statement. Almost everyone in the state of New Mexico believed that aliens existed, and they were in New Mexico.
The day after the initial statement, RAAF releases another statement, this time claiming that the debris was from a weather balloon. They also released pictures of Major Marcel with the wreckage as proof of the weather balloon statement.
People became suspicious after the second statement. The excitement of the government detailing the wreckage of a UFO had sunken in, making it almost impossible for people to believe that it wasn’t a UFO. Releasing another statement, a day after the original one only increased the suspicion.
Recently, the United States admitted that the weather balloon story was indeed a cover. The wreckage was actually from spy technology. At the time of the crash, the United States was on the brink of the Cold War, and stating that the Roswell UFO Incident was spy technology makes quite a bit of sense.
However, many people still believe that the Roswell UFO Incident was extra-terrestrial.
The depiction of Roswell aliens is called Grey Aliens, or Roswell Aliens. Grey Aliens are what are depicted as aliens today. They have the green-grey skin, large bug eyes, small bodies, and big, elongated heads. This depiction didn’t seem to appear until 20ish years after the Roswell Incident when it was leaked that the government supposedly recovered an alien body from the crash.
In 2001, a man created a fake video that looked like the corpse of an alien from the Roswell crash. This video sparked national outrage and got worldwide attention. The creator of the video also used the Roswell Alien as the alien character.
Before the Roswell UFO Incident, aliens were widely depicted as humans in odd or funny costumes. They were also depicted as crab-like, skeleton-like, humans.
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(Pic cred: https://www.outerplaces.com/science-fiction/item/4729-aliens-before-roswell Picture depicts the moon aliens in the 1900 film, “A Trip to the Moon”)
Today, people do report sightings in Roswell New Mexico. A website called UFOstalker.com gives viewers an interactive map to see what UFO sightings are near you. There is also a similar map on History.com’s website that details “UFO sightings taken seriously by the U.S. government.” This map also includes a few sightings in the United Kingdom, another active hotspot for UFO sightings.
Unfortunately, the sightings in Roswell today could be similar to a Bates Motel situation.
Bates Motel has racked up a large reputation over the years. The actual Bates Motel in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho is rumored to be haunted, but no one knows if this is true or not. People do report activity in certain rooms, but due to the media coverage and reputation of the hotel in the entertainment industry, the activity can be easily ruled as nothing.
This could also be the case for Roswell New Mexico. People do report seeing lights at night, but nothing like abductions, landings, and usually only a small group of people see the lights. Circumstantially, the other sightings seen after 1947 can be de-bunked. It seems that the Roswell UFO incident was more of a one-time situation, and rakes in tourism even though a large incident like that will probably never happen again.
And it’s no wonder anything like that would happen again, the world could have possibly learned of the existence of aliens, which is something the government probably doesn’t want us to know. The fame surrounding the Roswell UFO Incident could have easily scared off anything extra-terrestrial- if you believe in that.
The Re-Cap:
The Roswell UFO Playground has been deserted of kids for years.
In 1947, a family that lived next to the playground claimed that they witnessed the murder of a kid on the playground, and the remains were buried in the sandbox. Alarmed by this, government officials went out to the playground to investigate.
The official report as to what happened, or if the claims by the family were even true, was never released to the public. Many people believe the family’s claims, even though they were never truly confirmed.
The swings squeak when used.
The chief investigator did once comment that they found dog bones in the sandbox, not human bones, but no one believes them.
Years later, the chief investigator commented that the dog bone story was fake, and they had found a fossilized dinosaur egg under the sandbox instead. No one believed that either.
Media heard of the Roswell UFO Playground and spread the news of the story. The coverage made the Roswell UFO Playground a tourist destination.
Part of the playground is rotten, and kids are advised not to play on that side of the playground.
In the present day, many grown-ups and big kids go to the Roswell UFO Playground to see if anything truly did happen in the sandbox. Occasionally, people report finding small finger bones in the sandbox and buried around the field. These claims catch attention but are quickly debunked and forgotten.
In 2001, a big kid who visited the Roswell UFO Playground took a picture of a tiny, human skull, thought to be of the child’s. After national media coverage, the big kid finally admitted that the picture was fake.
The net on the basketball hoop is missing. The paint on the metal slide has been faded from the sun.
No kids have been spotted at the playground since 1947.
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7theprickster9 · 5 years ago
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You have been warned!!! 👽 #ufo #alien #area51 #unidentifiedflyingobject #alien #outerspace #donotenter #warningsign #warning #warned #phenomena #unexplainedphenomena #unexplained #amusementpark #ufoactivity #spaceinvaders (at Thessaloníki) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vuAv1g2Ii/?igshid=l57xg1nydf15
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: have you seen the new star trek promo with idris elba. karl urban is dancing almost identically to loser in citadel dlc and i don’t. know. what to . do anymore I.....have seen the bits with chris pine because I choose to live recklessly but.....pls where can I find this, we have #confirmed proof that suburban dads really dance like this
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
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ufoactivity ha respondido a tu publicación “ufoactivity said: YAAAAAASSS HELLO WELCOME TO HELL WELCOME TO HELL...”
i may have already read your other ones so
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity said: YAAAAAASSS HELLO WELCOME TO HELL WELCOME TO HELL [FLICKERS LIGHTSWITCH] I hate myself so much. I'm going to complete the kaidan romance and hate myself EVEN MORE
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: thresher maws exist on TONS of planets in me1 side missions and i think they fly in me4 so. they probably. flew there. to burrow in the sand and strengthen krogans by attacking them. oh my god.....I never did any of the side missions in me1 except for wrex's but that's fucking AWFUL WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THEM FLY oh my god @ bioware fight me
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: the arbor wilds is not the final quest. some of the companions have mild personal favors (get sera some bees) or bigger quests (varric’s “well, shit” quest) but some have nothing unless you’re romancing them :( Ok!!! That's a relief, I'd like to finish Josephine's romance lmao. But ahhh yeah I already did those. Cole has one too, and iron bull I think but that's it. What do the tarot card changes mean btw?
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: what i thought was the final quest was not the final quest, if that’s any consolation OKAY, that is mild consolation, if by that you mean the quest in the arbor wilds?? So this is not the final quest??
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity said: vain coo ver I'M GURGLING is that what the Canadian accent is supposed to sound like or is that just his weird ass fucking speech
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity said: that dlc is apparently SUPER ooc for shep but yeah it’s a shitshow gooood luck steamwheedle said: GOOD LUCK report back i’ve read about it but i’ve never actually played it bc my me2 really didn’t get along w/ DLCs for some reason I WILL REPORT BACK, damn right I'll be liveblogging lmao I've heard mixed reviews now, some people say it's amazing, and now y'all are saying it's eh?? Idk we'll see tonight
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: [whispers] he keeps calling her ma'am anyway FUCK ME UP, I TRULY HADN'T NOTICED THIS UNTIL NOW god....you know that says LOADS about his personality, lmao also, I went through the hospital scene with him there shirtless and "you missed snack time" and truly, all I could think of was you yelling at the tv that one time
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: they diiiid. it was a really weird movie for a lot of reasons. chris pine’s righteous self-awareness about being shallow and melodramatic makes it worth watching YES. I think really, that whole "agony" sequence makes the whole thing worth watching, despite its weirdness
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity ha dicho: HAHAHAH i’ve. seen it. yeah. i forgot emily blunt was in it??? i am too anna kendrick i think. HOLY SHIT EMILY’S THE ONE WITH THE COW HUNT i never knew oh man I'M SO SORRY FOR THIS THEN. Yeah the cow hunt! They killed her off though and I'm super bitter about it. Also Anna Kendrick broke up with Chris pine??? This movie didn't go as I expected it to, tbh
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flowers-and-fury · 10 years ago
ufoactivity said: what… are you watching lmao, into the woods if you haven't seen it yet, save yourself. Chris pine rips open his shirt while yelling "AGONYYYYY" at some point.
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