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The Swings Turn Into Monsters! Playground Horrors! #HWSR #shorts #podcast #parenting
In this hilarious and spooky short, we dive into the bizarre phenomenon of playground swings transforming into monsters after dark! Expect lots of laughter, unexpected twists, and a playground you won't forget. #PlaygroundHorrors #SwingMonsters #NightmareSwings #FunnyScary #UrbanLegends #PlaygroundMysteries #MonsterSwings #SpookyPlayground #NighttimeMonsters #ComedyHorror #Humor #ScaryStories #ParanormalPlayground #HauntedSwingSet #GhostSwings #FunnyTales #PlaygroundFolklore #UnexpectedHorror #SwingingScares #PlaytimeGoneWrong
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The Roswell UFO Playground
Hello Ghoul Friends! This week’s topic is on the infamous Roswell UFO Incident. This week, I thought I’d do a report on something that happened in July, and something other than ghosts and demons. This report might be a little different due to the topic, there will be more text in the history portion than the hauntings portion, much like the second ParaPlay report.
I would like to mention that I have started a new job, and due to some new time constraints, I might not be able to spit out a report every other week- although I will try my very best!
I would also like to mention that I’ve been thinking about making this blog available as a podcast, so you can listen to the reports on the go. This is something I’ve been considering greatly, and it will probably happen in the near future- so heads up!
Now that’s all out of the way, grab your tinfoil hats! It’s time for the Roswell UFO Playground!
It’s the beginning of July 1947. Local Newspapers in Roswell, New Mexico have been running the same story since the end of June- people have been spotting flying saucers in the night sky. Could it be linked to the army base and air field nearby?
Many people still didn’t believe in the sightings, and mainly chalked them up to be fake news. However, tensions were still high- though people didn’t believe in the sightings, they still looked out for them, out of sheer curiosity. It wasn’t until July 7th, did people start believing in the news stories.
The date of the crash and discovery aren’t fully agreed upon. It is said that sometime in late June or early July did rancher W.W “Mac” Brazel found the wreckage of what he believed to be was a flying saucer. The wreckage was thought to be rubber, tinfoil, and heavy paper.
(Pictured: Major Jesse A. Marcel with the debris found on Brazel’s ranch.)
In today’s terms, if I told you that I found tinfoil, paper, and rubber on my lawn- you would automatically think the debris was of a weather balloon. However, because of the recent UFO sightings in Roswell, and the coincidence of the whole situation, people didn’t buy the idea that what had landed in the Brazel Ranch was a weather balloon.
Upon finding the wreckage, Brazel reported the crash to the Roswell sheriff, George Wilcox. In turn, Sheriff Wilcox called a local Major at the local airbase. Major Jesse A. Marcel and a man in “plainclothes” appeared at the door of the Brazel family home and took the debris.
Following the confiscation of the wreckage, Major Marcel reportedly tried to re-construct the wreckage, and even tried to make a kite out of the pieces.
Yeah, I’m shocked too. The first thing this guy does is try to make a kite out of the wreckage. If I’m not mistaken, that’s damaging evidence, Major Marcel.
After the United States Government apprehended the evidence, the next day, an interesting statement was released to the public by the RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field).
“The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County.”
(Pic cred: https://whataretheanswers.ecorrect.net/the-roswell-ufo-crash-1947/)
People went absolutely ballistic when they saw the statement. Almost everyone in the state of New Mexico believed that aliens existed, and they were in New Mexico.
The day after the initial statement, RAAF releases another statement, this time claiming that the debris was from a weather balloon. They also released pictures of Major Marcel with the wreckage as proof of the weather balloon statement.
People became suspicious after the second statement. The excitement of the government detailing the wreckage of a UFO had sunken in, making it almost impossible for people to believe that it wasn’t a UFO. Releasing another statement, a day after the original one only increased the suspicion.
Recently, the United States admitted that the weather balloon story was indeed a cover. The wreckage was actually from spy technology. At the time of the crash, the United States was on the brink of the Cold War, and stating that the Roswell UFO Incident was spy technology makes quite a bit of sense.
However, many people still believe that the Roswell UFO Incident was extra-terrestrial.
The depiction of Roswell aliens is called Grey Aliens, or Roswell Aliens. Grey Aliens are what are depicted as aliens today. They have the green-grey skin, large bug eyes, small bodies, and big, elongated heads. This depiction didn’t seem to appear until 20ish years after the Roswell Incident when it was leaked that the government supposedly recovered an alien body from the crash.
In 2001, a man created a fake video that looked like the corpse of an alien from the Roswell crash. This video sparked national outrage and got worldwide attention. The creator of the video also used the Roswell Alien as the alien character.
Before the Roswell UFO Incident, aliens were widely depicted as humans in odd or funny costumes. They were also depicted as crab-like, skeleton-like, humans.
(Pic cred: https://www.outerplaces.com/science-fiction/item/4729-aliens-before-roswell Picture depicts the moon aliens in the 1900 film, “A Trip to the Moon”)
Today, people do report sightings in Roswell New Mexico. A website called UFOstalker.com gives viewers an interactive map to see what UFO sightings are near you. There is also a similar map on History.com’s website that details “UFO sightings taken seriously by the U.S. government.” This map also includes a few sightings in the United Kingdom, another active hotspot for UFO sightings.
Unfortunately, the sightings in Roswell today could be similar to a Bates Motel situation.
Bates Motel has racked up a large reputation over the years. The actual Bates Motel in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho is rumored to be haunted, but no one knows if this is true or not. People do report activity in certain rooms, but due to the media coverage and reputation of the hotel in the entertainment industry, the activity can be easily ruled as nothing.
This could also be the case for Roswell New Mexico. People do report seeing lights at night, but nothing like abductions, landings, and usually only a small group of people see the lights. Circumstantially, the other sightings seen after 1947 can be de-bunked. It seems that the Roswell UFO incident was more of a one-time situation, and rakes in tourism even though a large incident like that will probably never happen again.
And it’s no wonder anything like that would happen again, the world could have possibly learned of the existence of aliens, which is something the government probably doesn’t want us to know. The fame surrounding the Roswell UFO Incident could have easily scared off anything extra-terrestrial- if you believe in that.
The Re-Cap:
The Roswell UFO Playground has been deserted of kids for years.
In 1947, a family that lived next to the playground claimed that they witnessed the murder of a kid on the playground, and the remains were buried in the sandbox. Alarmed by this, government officials went out to the playground to investigate.
The official report as to what happened, or if the claims by the family were even true, was never released to the public. Many people believe the family’s claims, even though they were never truly confirmed.
The swings squeak when used.
The chief investigator did once comment that they found dog bones in the sandbox, not human bones, but no one believes them.
Years later, the chief investigator commented that the dog bone story was fake, and they had found a fossilized dinosaur egg under the sandbox instead. No one believed that either.
Media heard of the Roswell UFO Playground and spread the news of the story. The coverage made the Roswell UFO Playground a tourist destination.
Part of the playground is rotten, and kids are advised not to play on that side of the playground.
In the present day, many grown-ups and big kids go to the Roswell UFO Playground to see if anything truly did happen in the sandbox. Occasionally, people report finding small finger bones in the sandbox and buried around the field. These claims catch attention but are quickly debunked and forgotten.
In 2001, a big kid who visited the Roswell UFO Playground took a picture of a tiny, human skull, thought to be of the child’s. After national media coverage, the big kid finally admitted that the picture was fake.
The net on the basketball hoop is missing. The paint on the metal slide has been faded from the sun.
No kids have been spotted at the playground since 1947.
#paranormal#Paranormalplayground#paranormal activity#ufo#ufosightings#ufoactivity#aliens#aliens in entertainment#roswell#roswellnm#1947#a trip to the moon#playground#alien sighting#conspiracy
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Paranormal Playground 3rd Report- The Roswell UFO Incident
Hello ghoul friends, and happy 4th of July to those of you in the United States! I’m here to reveal the topic for the third ever Paranormal Playground report! Next week’s report will be about (drumroll, que X-Files theme) The Roswell UFO Incident!
The hint given last week was the month of July, as the Roswell UFO Incident happened around July 7th, 1947. Following the infamous crash, more evidence of extra-terrestrial existence seemed to manifest from thin air.
I’m so excited for next week’s report, and I can’t wait for you guys to read it! As always, the report will be published on our Tumblr page, https://paranormal-playgr0und.tumblr.com/ and on our blogger page, http://paranormalplaygr0und.blogspot.com/.
The report will also be available, two hours before normal posting time, on our Discord server. DM me on Instagram, @paranormal.playg0und for an invite to our server where we discuss other haunted places and the history behind them!
On July 7th, 1947, an unidentified object crashed down in a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. We have been given the pleasure of being able to take a virtual tour of the Roswell UFO Playground…
See you on July 11th for the official report!
- Jello
#Paranormalplayground#paranormal#roswell#ufo#xfiles#independanceday#discord#spirits#aliens#paranormal activity
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Who's ready for the third Paranormal Playground report? I know I am.
Per our schedule, the report will be published July 11th, and the topic reveal will be on July 4th. Our hint for the third report's topic is the month of July.
Next report: July 11th
Report topic reveal: July 4th
Topic hint (for those who like to research): The month of July
See you all on July 4th with the reveal!
- Jello
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The Lizzie Borden Playground
Hello Ghoul Friends! This week’s report is on the infamous Lizzie Borden house!
It’s Pride month, y’all (it may be the end of Pride month, but let’s go out with a chop, shall we?) In the spirit of Pride month, I chose the Lizzie Borden house due to one of the theories surrounding what happened there in 1892… there’s a gay theory (meant to say great, but gay works too), but what’d you expect?
Without further ado, put on some good music, and let’s get into the report!
The Report:
On the morning of August 4th, 1892, in Fall River Massachusetts, 32-year-old Lizzie Borden found her father dead on the sofa, with 11 blows to the head from what is believed to be an ax. The maid, Bridget “Maggie” Sullivan, heard Lizzie’s cry when she found the body.
“Maggie, come down! Come down quick; Father’s dead; Somebody came in and killed him.”
Maggie is reported to either be washing windows or taking a nap during the time of the murder, it is unknown which she was doing. Maggie heard nothing from where she was on the third floor.
Lizzie was in the backyard. Lizzie heard a loud thud and groaning coming from the house, and in curiosity, decided to check it out. That is when she found her father’s body.
Lizzie asked Maggie to go across the street and fetch the doctor. Maggie returned with a neighbor. Then Maggie asked about Lizzie’s stepmother, Abby. According to Maggie’s testimony, this is what Lizzie replied with.
“Oh, Maggie! I am almost sure I heard her come in. Go upstairs and see if she’s there.”
Maggie and the neighbor found the body of Abby Borden, face down in the upstairs guest bedroom. She had also been struck with an ax- and had been struck 18 times to the head.
(Pic cred https://www.pinterest.com/pin/557883472563944808/)
Shortly after, Lizzie Borden was put on trial for the murder of Andrew and Abby Borden. She was put on trial due to the odd circumstances behind the murder, and plausible motives.
One motive was that Lizzie’s father was very wealthy, but lived frugally. The Borden’s lived off a diet of mainly mutton, however, Andrew’s net worth at the time of his death is an estimated 10 million in today’s economy. It was also reported that Andrew Borden sexually abused Lizzie, adding to her motive.
Another possible motive was Lizzie’s relationship with her stepmother, Abby. Five years before the murder, Lizzie and Abby had a falling-out, which in turn broke their relationship. The fight was over a house Andrew Borden had purchased for Lizzie’s half-sister, rather than a house for Lizzie and her sister, Emma.
During the trial, Lizzie and Maggie’s answers were inconsistent and changed every time they talked about the murder. Maggie reported that Lizzie was seen wearing an unstained blue dress when she discovered the body of Andrew Borden.
Three days after the murder, a friend of Lizzie’s reported that Lizzie had burned a dress with “old paint stains” on it. The murder weapon was never found.
A pharmacist reported that Lizzie had tried to buy a poison shortly before the murder, but this testimony was dismissed. In the end, there was no physical evidence that placed Lizzie as the murderer, and she was ruled as not guilty.
“Lizzie Borden took an ax,
and gave her mother forty whacks.
And when she saw what she had done,
she gave her father forty-one.”
(a creepy playground nursery rhyme in the spirit of the Lizzie Borden case)
One theory is the uncle of Lizzie Borden, John Morse, killed Andrew and Abby Borden. He was not seen until 12 pm, about an hour after the bodies were discovered. He claimed to be visiting a sick relative during the murder and was just down the road. He also claimed to be with the town doctor at the time, but the doctor was actually at the Borden house, looking at the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Borden. Abby Borden was found in the bedroom Morse had slept in the night before.
His believed motive was the Borden’s financial status, Morse was the only person who mentioned and knew about Andrew’s will. John Morse was a butcher, a key detail considering that it was later speculated a meat cleaver could have been used during the murder.
The last theory is the reason why I chose this case in the spirit of Pride month. Recently, a conspiracy had emerged saying that it was possible that Maggie and Lizzie had been romantically involved, and killed Mr. and Mrs. Borden in order to keep things a secret. Maggie and Lizzie could have easily teamed up for the murder, as they were the only two people on the property while the murder took place. Both their testimonies are missing details and make little sense, but when put together the testimonies start to add up.
Lizzie also was said to have a crush on an actress later in life, a fact that explains why Lizzie’s sister, Emma moved out of their home. Neither of the Borden sisters married.
It’s worth noting that a film was made about the Borden murders, titled “Lizzie”. The film focused on the lesbian relationship between Lizzie and the Maggie.
After the acquittal, Lizzie and her sister Emma inherited the Borden family fortune, shortly thereafter buying a large house in a wealthy district of Fall River.
The Haunts:
(Pic cred: Chicago Tribune / Contributor/ Getty Images ; https://www.history.com/news/9-things-you-may-not-know-about-lizzie-borden)
After the murders, activity rose in the Lizzie Borden house. Activity occurs in all corners of the house, but the bedrooms and where the Borden’s died, seems to see an influx of apparitions, voices, and odd occurrences.
The most haunted areas are Lizzie’s old bedroom, the places where Andrew and Abby died, the master bedroom, and Maggie’s quarters. Throughout the house, many people experience a dreadful feeling, and some people even experience headaches.
The staff at the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast claim that once a month, fire alarms will go off without reason at around 3 am. 3 am is widely known as “Dead Time,” or “Bewitching Hour” in the paranormal community, because most phenomenon are reported to happen at 3 am.
K2 meters, a ghost hunting equipment that reads electro-magnetic frequencies (the type of radio waves that come from cell phones, electronics, and ghosts), have read high amounts of energy in the spots where Andrew and Abby were killed.
Apparitions have been spotted at the Lizzie Borden house, but mostly by digital and polaroid camera. Most of the apparitions appear in mirrors around the house, sometimes visible to the naked eye.
Abby Borden is believed to be the woman seen and heard at the Borden house. People report hearing a woman weeping at night, and shoes will move on their own. A floral scent is also smelled throughout the home, and is thought to be Abby Borden walking around. The apparition of an older woman wearing a nightgown is said to appear to guests, and she will tuck them in at night.
Andrew Borden was a frugal man, in the master bedroom is a small pile of change people leave for him. It is reported that taking even a penny can result in getting physically scratched. Not much else is heard or seen from Andrew Borden.
With the murder that happened, it’s almost ironic that the front door of the Lizzie Borden house will swing wide open if not properly locked at night. Other doors open and close throughout the house, and footsteps were once reported upstairs.
Random power surges will make the lights flicker on and off, and even burn out. One power surge had a guest running for her car when the surge burst out the lightbulb in her room (and only her room…).
In the cemetery where the Borden family is buried, people report seeing flashes of light and screaming- which come from the Borden plot. These occurrences are the most noted hauntings (and possibly the only documented hauntings) at the Oak Grove Cemetery in Fall River, Massachusetts.
(Author note) Hey ghoul friends! While writing this report, especially this portion of the report- I started to feel an uneasy feeling in my room. It felt like there was someone else is my room with me, right behind me, watching me write over my shoulder. I was intrigued, and so I went to grab my K2 meter. I come back into my room, and the feeling’s almost completely vanished. (Someone is definitely staring at me right now). Anyways, in the middle of my room, the K2 meter lit up- and quickly blinked to the middle before vanishing completely. (I swear I heard someone whisper into my ear, my god- I’m listening to music by the way, Break my Stride by Matthew Wilder, around 2:20 in the song I heard the whisper in my right ear) There are no electronics in the middle of my room, no possibly explanation, and a reading like that hasn’t happened since. For context, my house is haunted, but nothing like this has happened… which is interesting. I now have the K2 meter on and next to me while I finish the report. Anyways, on with the report!
The Re-Cap:
The Lizzie Borden playground has two notable kids. They’ve claimed all part of the playground, from the swings to the monkey bars, everywhere is Andrew’s and Abby’s territory.
Andrew claims he’s a ninja, because not many people can find him- it’s almost like he’s invisible. Andrew will come out if you take a rock from his collection displayed in the tunnel. Andrew will find you before you find him, often spying on grown-ups and big kids who venture into the Lizzie Borden playground. If you really want to find Andrew, you need to look in the right place above the slide- you’ll see him.
Abby is Andrew’s girlfriend. She’s seen more than Andrew. She likes to pick the flowers that grow around the swings, and most often you can smell her flowers before you see her. She’s more welcoming than Andrew, not afraid to interact with the countless big kids and grown-ups to who come to the playground. Abby’s favorite place to be is on top of the monkey bars. If she likes you, she’ll welcome you; if she doesn’t, you won’t see her.
There’s a few small holes in the roof on top of the playground, Abby and Andrew don’t seem to mind, but other people do. Once a month, Andrew and Abby will hide a walkie-talkie somewhere in the playground and play loud music until someone finds the walkie-talkie and turns it off.
Abby and Andrew have a ritual before they leave the playground for the night- Andrew places a tall stick in front of the tunnel, and Abby and Andrew won’t leave until it’s in the perfect spot. Everyone knows not to touch the stick, if they move it- it will find it’s way back to its original position.
On the basketball court, people claim that they hear Andrew and Abby arguing, along with their friend Lizzie, who sometimes makes an appearance at the park. At night, grown-ups have reported seeing Andrew and Abby playing around with their flashlight on the basketball court.
A lot of big kids have been to the Lizzie Borden Playground. The big kids like teasing Abby and Andrew with a playground nursery rhyme, in hopes that they’ll come out and show themselves.
“Lizzie Borden took an ax,
and gave her mother forty whacks.
And when she saw what she had done,
she gave her father forty-one.”
A notable amount of grown-ups venture to the playground, it’s in a convenient location and it’s something to do in Fall River.
The Lizzie Borden Playground remains the sole hangout of Abby and Andrew Borden.
#paranormal#LizzieBorden#Paranormalplayground#fallriver#ghoststories#ghost#playground#lgbtq#lgbtq community#axmurder#pride month
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Paranormal Playground Second Report: Topic Reveal!
Hello Ghoul Friends! I’m here to make a quick announcement! Next week’s Playground report will be on (drumroll, que the X-Files theme) the Lizzie Borden house!
The Borden family suffered a tragedy in 1892, both Mr. Andrew Borden and Mrs. Abby Borden were found hacked to death in their home.
Their daughter, Lizzie, was tried for their murders, but was found not guilty. The case itself is very well-known, but what’s lesser known and not as researched are the hauntings that started to occur after the murders.
I also chose this case because it’s Pride month, and there are themes in the Lizzie Borden case that heavily tie into the LGBTQ+ community. I’m so excited for this report, and I can’t wait for you guys to read it!
On August 4th, 1892, Abby Borden and Andrew Borden claimed the Lizzie Borden Playground in Fall River, Massachusetts. They’ve decided to let us spend a day at their playground…
See you all on the 27th for the official report!
- Jello
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The Oxford Saloon Playground
Alrighty, it’s time for the first ever Paranormal Playground report! Hopefully (if my one brain cell can remember) I should be able to spit out one report at the end of the month, maybe once every two weeks.
For this month’s investigation, I present to you, the Oxford Saloon in Snohomish, WA. Arguably the most haunted restaurant in the Pacific Northwest.
As a Washingtonian, and as someone who literally goes to school in Snohomish, I know this place quite well. Thus, is why it is my first playground report!
The Report:
The Oxford Saloon was built in 1900 by the Blackman brothers, a group of brothers who homesteaded the town of Snohomish Washington. It was the Blackman’s Dry Goods Store till 1910 (fun fact- the original Blackman house is less than a block up the street from the Oxford!), when the Oxford saloon was established. The Saloon took the store’s place in 1910. At the time, prohibition was in effect, and the Oxford Saloon was first called the Oxford Pool Room, due to the illegality of alcohol.
During the switch of ownership, the building was remodeled to accommodate an outside entrance leading up to a second floor of rooms- which were used as a rumored “high class bordello.” The bordello was reportedly run by a woman named Kathleen- a local business woman.
Once the Blackman’s Dry Goods Store retired, the Oxford Saloon took it’s place- and tragedy started to make a home for itself in the Oxford’s history.
The Haunts:
The most notable tragedy that still haunts (ha!) the Oxford is the murder of a policeman named Henry, on the stairs leading to the basement dining area. Henry was a local at the Tavern, and was rumored to moonlight as a bouncer. He was lethally stabbed while trying to break up a fight, and ended up dying on the stairs. In the present, reports of him on the stairs are very common, and he has been reported to be seen (and felt- yuck.) in the downstairs ladies restroom. (gross...) Henry disappears when confronted. The basement of the building and the second floor are the most active places in the Oxford Saloon.
The second floor is arguably the most active part of the Oxford. Three known ghosts haunt the upstairs, but it’s reported that up to 45 spirits roam the halls of the second floor. The noted three spirits are a man in a bowler hat, one of Kathleen’s workers- Amelia, and Kathleen herself.
The man with the bowler hat is an unknown entity- there is no known backstory for him. He was seen in a photo taken at the Oxford in 2005- the original photo can be viewed at the Oxford’s website- link below.
His apparition is often spotted upstairs and sometimes downstairs in the basement dining area. A EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) of a male’s voice was captured upstairs- and is thought to be from the man in the bowler hat.
The next entity- Amelia- is an unsolved murder/suicide case. Amelia was found dead in a closet upstairs. She was forced into prostitution at a young age due to money problems. The team that captured the EVP of the man in the bowler hat also captured what they believe is a voice from Amelia as well. It is unknown if Amelia took her own life, or if she was murdered.
The last known ghost upstairs is Kathleen herself. She was found beheaded in a bathtub. She makes her presence known by “running” the Oxford today. If she doesn’t like someone, or something, she’ll make sure you know. Along with an orb of light thought to be Kathleen, spotted upstairs and downstairs, she’ll make sure rooms upstairs stay locked and will throw pots and pans around the kitchen- and in one instance, a knife.
There are many other spirits that haunt the Oxford, however they are lesser known and are most likely residual energy.
One of these spirits, is not residual, and is believed to be demonic. (Time to bring out the water balloons filled with holy water, people!)
On top of the original Oxford bar, sits a doll in a box. Now the minute I mention a doll in a box, you can guarantee this doll is, A) demonic, and B) that box is soaked in holy water and should never be opened. Which is exactly the case with the Oxford’s own demonic dolly.
The story of this doll is a little odd. One of the owners came into possession of the doll, and decided to take it home. Annabel-type activity was the result of the doll coming home with the owner. The owner experienced horrible nightmares, and physical ailments thought to be caused by the doll.
The owner brought the doll back to the restaurant, and now it’s one of the ghostly collectables of the Oxford Saloon! (Like this place needed another ghost.)
I personally have an experience with the doll, a very odd one in fact. Although because of my age at the time of the event, I am unable to determine if this actually happened.
The first time I visited the Oxford, I specifically remember this doll. She sat on the top of the bar, above the liquor, looking down at the patrons. She was dressed in rags, and had short brown hair like mine at the time. She somewhat resembled me at an early age. Not to mention the uneasy feelings I felt while being at the Saloon, and the fact that her eyes seemed to follow me throughout the establishment.
It wasn’t until very recently; did I realize that this doll looked nothing like how I had seen her.
This is what the doll looks like, and has looked like for a while. (Photo from Snohomish Tribune, taken by Angela Cooper-McCorkle).

The big kids haven’t explored the Oxford yet. The Oxford is one of the most haunted places in the Pacific Northwest and is never mentioned in any Ghost series on television or on YouTube.
From ghosts who are willing to throw knifes at you, to demonic dollies, the Oxford has it all. Go for the ghosts, stay for the burgers! This playground is one of fascination and activity.
The Re-cap:
Atop the monkey bars and below the slides are the best places to play in the Oxford. There’s a great view from the Monkey bars, although you’ll probably run into Kathleen and her friend Amelia.
Kathleen claims that she can turn invisible. No one’s ever seen her do it, but when the grown-ups say it’s time to go, Kathleen seems to disappear.
The grown-ups think Amelia and the kid with the bowler hat are friends, but that’s not entirely true. No one really knows the relationship between Amelia and the kid with the bowler hat.
The kid with the bowler hat also likes to hang with Kathleen, but he also likes hanging out with his friend Henry. The kid with the bowler hat is everywhere.
No one knows what the kid with the bowler hat’s true name is. No one’s seen his parents.
Henry likes to guard under the slide. All are welcome in Henry’s domain, but he gets a little finicky when a girl goes down to his lair. Under the slide is a great place to spy on the grown-ups, and you can usually find frogs there after it rains.
Someone left their doll in the tunnel. It’s been there for weeks. The grown-ups tell the kids to leave it there in case the owner comes back. The kids don’t care about the doll.
The big kids aren’t interested in this playground, there’s too many grown-ups.
The Oxford Playground remains the sole hang-out of Kathleen, Amelia, Henry, and the kid with the bowler hat.
#ghost adventures#paranormal#Paranormalplayground#washington#OxfordSaloon#ghoststories#ghoul#demonic#demonic toys#resturants#playground
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