#udon publishing? why
parasitoidism · 4 months
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Jonathan, Walter, & Isabeau- Shin Megami Tensei IV Official Artworks (English)
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floylia · 2 months
23. A therapist? ✎
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Scaramouche fears no man.
But he does fear four women.
1. Ei — his mother
2. Yae Miko — his mother’s “friend”
3. Nahida — his aunt
4. You — the highlight of his life
There’s no particular order. It depends on the day. Although tonight, that might be the case.
The bamboo pendant lamp hangs beautifully in the intricate walls if Uyuu Restaurant. An order of Tricolor Dango, Shimi Chazuke, Fukuuchi Udon, and Halvamazd scatter along the floor table. Scara settles across his mother. Yae Miko finds the spot next to her and beside him, Nahida chats away with the restaurant owner who introduces himself and the specialties he’d prepared in advance.
Four dishes for four people.
“What a funny guy! What’s his name again?” Yae Miko asks after the owner left.
“I believe it’s Okazaki Rikuto,” Nahida answers as she scans the roster of food available. Scara notices the eagerness in her eyes. Sometimes, his aunt resembles that of a child – if only she wasn’t so perceptive.
“Care to share your thoughts?” Nahida asks.
There it is – as always.
Scara clears his throat, “No. Let’s eat.”
It will have to wait.
Minutes of uncomfortable silence fills the room. A wave of anxiety begins to envelop Scara’s thoughts. Considering his intrepid personality, he’s sure that even outsiders can tell the absurdity of his actions – from fumbling his chopsticks to checking his phone every passing second. It’s a telltale sight. He curses himself.
“Whatever you wanted to discuss with us, you should do it now,” Ei states calmly. Although It’s not a suggestion, rather a demand.
Scara clears his throat a second time. There’s hesitation in his words. But stalling will get him nowhere, “I’ve been seeing someone.”
Yae Miko looks up grinning, “A therapist?”
The urge to say “fuck you” and hold up a middle finger begins to increase.
“Miko,” his mother warns. Scara can’t tell the expression Ei is wearing – he can never tell with her. He hates that. She is uncertainty, someone he’ll never fully understand.
Nahida interjects, “Is it [name]? I’ve seen articles and comments.”
Scara nods.
Always so perceptive.
Yae Miko Gasps, a hand over her mouth, “Oh the poor girl. I can’t believe she chose you.”
“Miko!” Ei screams.
A simple “fuck you” might not be enough. One more comment from the pink haired lady and they’ll have to call the ambulance – and it’s not for the right reasons.
Yae Miko looks at him with false pity, “You do know, it’s bad to lie–”
Ei cuts her off, “When can we meet her?”
Scara is caught off guard in the best way possible.
A genuine smile is written on his mother’s face – satisfaction.
“You should’ve invited her tonight,” Nahida added, “I’m a big fan of her work.”
He’s dreaming. He has to be.
“I had no faith in you,” Yae Miko says matter-of-factly.
Nevermind. He’s not dreaming.
“Look, you were a socially awkward child – a problem child, even now.”
He’s never been in a cat fight, but today might be it. Should he pull the top of her hair first or the bottom? Which one would be more efficient, he wonders. Venti would know.
“I mean Ei, do you remember the time–”
Or perhaps he should ask Heizou for blackmail materials. Then perhaps his mother would finally cut her off. Taking down the Yae Publishing House… What an exciting thought.
Scara tunes out the voice of his primary hater.
“Next time, you and [name] should visit Tenshukaku. I’d love to meet her,” his mother says in-between giggles.
“You’re not upset?” He asks, just to make sure.
Ei looks offended, “Why would I be?”
“Well–” He halts, not sure of what to say, “Because of the scandals…”
He doesn’t care about those trivial issues, but they might.
Nahida giggles, “For someone who doesn’t seem to care about people’s opinions, you sure are obedient today.“
“I just wanted to make sure.”
Ei shakes his head, “I know I never told you this, but I’ve always wanted the best for you,” She hesitates, “I apologize for making it hard for you to tell me simple things like this. I’m not a perfect mother, but I’m glad you’re sharing a part of your life with me – with us.”
He doesn’t know how to respond, merely nods.
If you were here, you would’ve loved them and they would’ve loved you.
He’s sure of that now. He’s wrong for doubting them.
“But anyway, is there something [name] would like? I can send her newly-made desserts from the shop.”
Yae Miko interjects, “Does she read light novels? I can give her a discount.”
“Or maybe she likes plants? Have you given her Padisarahs? Rainbow Roses? It’s supposed to mean passion and romantic encounters,” Nahida suggests.
Ei lights up, “Oh I know! A copy of your childhood photo album – you were an adorable kid.”
“Hey, I’m sure she’d want it.”
She’s right.
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in a world where everyone is happy 😃
kept this in the basement for too long
next chapter is the last chapter then the extras
Synopsis: After 7 years of enduring the media’s relentless pursuit of painting you as a villain, you’re forced to go on an indefinite hiatus with a tainted reputation on your head. However, just when you thought your career was over, a certain 5WIRL member wants you to feature on his solo album. Surely, this won’t affect your reputation once more, would it?
Scaramouche x fem!reader
masterlist | previous | next
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Taglist (closed): @aruatsu @magicalink @featuredtofu @scarasbaby @veekoko @scaranthropy @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @vernith @thystarsshine @lily-lmao @lovemari @mellowberrie @kunikuzushis-darling @skyoverkill1 @alatusorrow @kukikoooo @kyon-cherri @keiiqq @tzuw1ce @xiaossocksniffer @kaitfae @infinitetrashbag @lvnalxve @lovelypadisarah @ulquiorraswife @sketcheeee @atyour-kitchencounter @pirate-of-the-dark-seas @neiiuna @sn1perz @kazioli @inelenastyle @hearts4shu @wisheslost @Kazeyozuha @kazumiku @eutopiastar @chemiro @bananasquash @mujiwuji @danhenglovebot @cremesluv @boomie-123 @kookiibun @help-whatdoimakemyusername @vavrin @beaniedoodz @misterpoofin @justpeachyteastea @one-and-only-tay @peaceindreams @strxwberryfetish @shutingstar @projectsfantasy @quacking-simp @morgyyyyyyy @cante-lope @k-cris
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a-certain-romance · 2 years
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You’re the one I’m addicted to
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Characters/Ships: Yae Miko x fem!reader
Synopsis: Had you known wearing her clothes would speed up your relationship, you would’ve worn them sooner.
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, some breast play, rough sex, scissoring, gagging (use of fingers)
A/N: Anon you’re so sweet <3
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Despite being in Inazuma, rain is a rare sight in the city.
An evening with udon noodles and light chatter, now interrupted by the light pitter-pattering droplets outside. Miko had invited you over for dinner at her place earlier in the day. Had you known it was going to rain you would’ve at least brought a jacket.
“Maybe it’ll let up in a bit”. The sound of lightning cracks in the distance and you wince. The food and company had been lost in time, and now it is to too late and too wet to venture outside. As you contemplate your options, Miko offers you to stay the night.
“You’re without an umbrella. And without anything to shield you from the downpour, there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll catch a cold before the next dawn can come to greet you”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to be imposing…”
“Nonsense, I don’t mind the company. Especially if it’s you~”
She leads you we bedroom and makes quick work of finding a suitable pair of pajamas. “Here, put these on while I get changed in the bathroom. We can retire to the bed right after if you wish”
“Your clothes? And shouldn’t I take the couch?”. She waves a hand, “You’ve been wearing those clothes all day, I’m not about to let you dirty up my sheets. And what kind of host would I be if I made my guest sleep on a couch when we have a perfectly soft bed right here?”
She hands you the clothes and places a hand on your shoulder, “And for the record, I think sleeping with you would be an interesting experience”. You shiver and try not to think of any other implications.
Nothing she gave to you fit how it should. The shirt was too big & the bottoms were too short. You think about the sleeping arrangement and your heart skips a beat. Miko was always a close friend but, secretly, you’ve always wanted more with her. More of her time, more of her touch, but you never really considered her to return your feelings.
“It’s really coming down now” Miko remarks from the other room, her voice becoming clearer as she opens the door. “I mean seriously, it rarely rains in the city. I can’t remember the last time…” her words die out which prompts you to turn to face her. She stands frozen by the door with a brush stilled in her hair. Her eyes dart around your body as if she doesn’t know what part of you to look at. Huh, maybe there is a chance.
“My, my,” you mock, “is Yae Miko, guji of the Narukami Shrine and chief editor of the Yae Publishing House, having lewd thoughts?
Her jaw clenches. “You weaken my resolve. I might hurt you��
“What if I want you to be rough?”
A fain growl escape her lips. “Such a pity to waste so much time. Had I known better, I would’ve said something sooner”
“Why don’t we make up for lost time?”
Not a moment later she pins you to the bed, hands snaking around your body as she pulls you close for a searing kiss. She peppers your face in kisses and remnants of her lipstick, moving from your cheek to your jawline, finally stopping at your pulse point and sucking. “Y’know…I’ve wanted you for so long. And now I finally get to have you”
She fumbles around with your shirt as if she’s debating to keep it on you or to take it off. She huffs in annoyance, and pushes it far enough to where it’s above your breasts. To Miko’s surprise you’re not wearing anything under it, “You’re not wearing a bra? How naughty, were you planning for this to happen? Awaiting my reaction? If you wanted me this badly, all you had to do was ask”. She wastes no time in burying herself in your chest. Pinching and biting at you, all to hear the cute little sounds you make. She moves herself down further and takes off your bottoms and your panties.
She lift up your leg and you blush, moaning out as presses her pussy to yours. She cocks an eyebrow, “What? This was your doing, being so tantalizing in my clothes. I want to ruin you, if you’ll let me”
You nod your head. Yae Miko is unrelenting; the second you give her the green light she’s bouncing against you at inhuman speed. The friction leaves you breathless, panting hot breath into the air. She’ll change her pace so that it’s fast one minute but slow and deep the next. A certain roll of her hips has you arching your back, furthering the stimulation on your clit.
On an extra loud moan, she sticks 3 fingers into your mouth. “There’s still neighbors after all” she’ll say as she shoves them in further.
“Come for me, I need to see you fall apart”. Your arch into her and spasm into the mattress. She takes her fingers out and pins your hands above you, already settling into a new position.
“I should wear your clothes more often if this is the reaction I get from it”
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liselicanis · 1 year
Good Things Fall Apart
[AO3 Link]
Chapter 7: It Sinks In
Hana couldn't believe it. The heroes that had once saved the world had come to help. And they wanted her to (temporarily) join them. Though technically, she was 'on loan' from MEKA. Her teammates had been jealous to see her go off with some of the old core members of the Overwatch team, calling her lucky and all that. Hana had teased Jae-eun about it, tapping the little charm on her pistol and mouthing 'lucky bunny' to him. The look on his face was priceless.
She would be lying if she didn't say she was a bit starstruck to meet them either. While being introduced to the rest of the small strike force, she had to remember to pick up her jaw from the floor when she saw the climatologist Mei-Ling Zhou. When they shook hands, she gushed about having read the young woman's published research journals, her cheeks cherry red. Mei had laughed and ruffled her hair, saying that now that she was part of the team, she'd get a glimpse of some of the places. Hopefully under better circumstances one day.
It was a warm welcome, one that she'll treasure for the rest of her days, and after they landed in Gibraltar, Hana finally felt like she could help bring a difference to the world.
It was a relatively short stay at the watchpoint. Not even a day to settle in and the resident AI, Athena, called all agents to the war room, where Winston explained that different parts of the world were being under attack.
Reinhardt took one look at it, and immediately zoned in on Toronto, Canada. On the way there, he explained to the new blood in the group that Toronto was the home of one of the former Overwatch captains. "She's called Sojourn, the best of the best!"
Hana nodded and prodded the old timer for more stories from Overwatch's glory days, to which he gladly obliged, much to the annoyance of some of the others on the ship. The pilot, Lena, groaned and muttered how now he'll never be quiet, but she said it in a lighthearted tone, as if she was used to this happening.
"Just promise me an autograph for later, ja?" the old man said with a wink, before launching into a tale from a battle long past.
"They call themselves Null Sector." Vivian said, signaling at the group of omnics waiting at the station to run for the ferry. Around them, the bodies of Slicers and some Artillery units littered the floor, some still spitting sparks where some limbs used to be attached. "Been on the rise recently. They attacked so suddenly earlier this morning that we didn't know what to do."
Hana kept her eyes trained on the buildings across the station, listening with one ear, and keeping track on the group to make sure there were no stragglers left behind. "Saw these guys in Busan too. Why are they doing this...?"
"Well...we fought them in London before. Wanting equal rights for omnics and all. It's just that the ways they are going about it are too extreme." The woman shrugged as the last group finally made it on the ferry and she waved towards the bridge, signaling the captain that he was good to go. "All right, let's do one last sweep around here. D.Va was it? You mind going up ahead to check things out?"
"No problem, Captain!" Hana maneuvered Tokki's controls to salute at Sojourn before she flew off towards the direction the woman had pointed at.
The streets were barren, devoid of what usually would have been a bustling hub. It made her feel uneasy as she made her way through the city blocks, stopping to examine an ad for what seemed to be ramen. Or was it udon? Either way, the omnic portrayed made her feel sad, remembering the Ravager she had helped all those months back. Almost a year ago now, it seemed.
After she looked away, all the billboards around blared red and a hooded figure stepped into view. They started speaking and at first, Hana didn't pay it mind, this was obviously propaganda by the leader of Null Sector. Oooh if she saw him she was going to-
Wait. Why...why does he sound familiar?
-ill shatter the chains that have held you in servitude. This marks a new era: one of equality, of unity. Conflict and strife will be relics of the past. Together, working as one, we will lift our people. Toget-
No. No. NO!
It couldn't be. It had to be a lie. This wasn't real, it isn't happening. It's not happening.
Yet the billboards were broadcasting the truth to her. Standing there in near silhouette was a Ravager. And it slowly dawned on her. All of this, all this destruction she had faced by the hands of Null Sector, was partially her doing.
Her communicator buzzed with an incoming message, but Hana was too stupefied to even register it. She stood there, staring up at the screens, unaware that tears were beginning to trail down her cheeks.
Memories of many nights spent by his side, tirelessly working on his limbs flooded to her. Memories of her hoping that maybe he'd stay with MEKA if he had nowhere to go. Of Dae-Hyun on the floor the morning he disappeared.
'...maybe we should leave him as is.'
Oh...oh. If only she had listened. If she had just left him there and minded her own goddamn business....
The broadcast continued, and she could only stand there, thinking about all the damage she helped cause just because she felt like being a good Samaritan. "This isn't fair...I didn't...."
From behind her, she heard footsteps approaching and she swiveled her mech to face the team, her face blank. She made a lame joke about being so hyper focused on the broadcast that she didn't hear the communicator, and from the look on Angela's face, Hana is sure that none of them bought it, but they didn't press any further.
Instead they shifted their focus on making their way to the subway system where Vivian said someone was signaling for help. Yeah, Hana could focus on that. Best to keep her mind on the mission and not on how she was basically an accomplice to all the bad things happening around here.
As they neared the entrance, Genji held up a hand and pressed a finger to where his mouth would be if it were not hidden by his helmet. Everyone strained their ears, as the Ravager's broadcast was still playing. It was faint, but something was cackling.
Everyone turned their heads, trying to locate the source. Whatever it is, it seems to move around so quickly that their eyes could barely keep up. Until it was directly in front of them that is.
A tall omnic, twin long hair-liked appendages trailing behind them. They appeared to have their vision obscured by a thin piece of cloth and from beneath, a manic smile flashed at them. Their fingers with long claw-like extensions reached out and suddenly, Angela screamed as a purple light enveloped her body.
"Angela!" Genji tried to grab her, but the pull was too strong.
"Quick, do something! I can't move!" Angela's face was panicked, as the omnic started laughing louder and louder, their long appendages poised for attack. Hana used her boosters, shoving the omnic back. That seemed to work, as Angela was immediately dropped and the enemy now had their attention on Hana.
She glared back at them, fingers ready on her controls. "Come on! You and me, let's go!"
The omnic tilted its head, their body twitching with jerking movements that really unnerved the MEKA pilot, but she still stood her ground, the team behind her quickly tending to Angela's well-being.
Suddenly, it moved again, putting distance between itself and them, still cackling. Their head twisted, and garbled sounds came from it, before snapping their attention back to Hana. Even without sight, Hana felt like it was watching her.
So creepy.
And she'd had enough.
Before anyone could stop her, she took off after the omnic, only for it to evade her every move, leading her further and further away from the team. She could hear them shouting at her, and then her radio going off, but Hana kept pursuing that omnic, determined to destroy it before it could hurt anyone else.
The chase was long, the omnic much faster than Tokki could keep up with, but still Hana powered through. Until finally, she saw an opening. Going full throttle she slammed the omnic against a building, just barely managing the two tendrils that smashed against Tokki's glass frontal capsule. The ends had pierced through, one just a few inches from her face, the other had actually caught her on her sides. It hurt like a bitch but Hana had the upper hand at the moment. And she wasn't going to waste it.
With a yell, she fired all of Tokki's micro missiles into it, until it finally stopped moving and it dropped to the ground, dead. Not that it was truly 'alive' to begin with. Not like the other omnics she had ever met before. There hadn't been any sentience there, whatever this was, it was only following its programming.
Coughing, she tried to lift Tokki's hatch but the latch wouldn't give. The omnic had crushed it, leaving her trapped. Even the ejector button was jammed. Cursing, she unbuckled herself, carefully minding the wound on her side, and twisted her body until her legs were facing the glass. She kicked at one of the cracks until it gave, and she crawled out of her ruined mech.
She tried her communicator, but that was utterly destroyed, so without it, she could not call for backup. Gritting her teeth, Hana leaned against Tokki, her head hanging low still in disbelief in how everything had gone wrong. "..should have stayed with them. I'm such a...."
As a former esports star, she should have remembered that splitting off was the stupidest thing she could have done. She should know better. Yet, the feelings from earlier, from hearing the broadcast, it really clouded her judgement.
"Why did I take that damn street...if I hadn't found him..." she lifted her hand, and cursed it. These hands of hers! They had once saved so many people, and now because she helped him...
Red. She could see red beginning to dye her gloves. Ha...so this was it, huh? By helping a stranger, she had a hand in all of this destruction around her. Even if she cried, it's not like she could ever apologize enough for this. Even if she used the reasoning that at the time she had zero idea of who he was, the truth of the matter was that this second Omnic Crisis was happening.
Dropping her hands, she closed her eyes, the weight of her sin becoming heavier and heavier with each moment. Her heart felt like it was breaking.
"Of all the humans I meet today, it's you."
Toronto's omnic population had been all too easy to take control of. Their meager military force against his Null Sector airborne omniums was almost pitiable. He had struck early in the morning, the city still too sleepy to realize what was happening and by the time they had mobilized it was far too late.
His message had been sent out, some omnics willingly joined him, but many did not. A tragedy, really. Had they really become so accustomed to living under human rule that they could not see how they were being mistreated?
An easy fix. With the help of one of Talon's agents, one 'Sombra', rewiring them would be no problem. And while she had warned him that once it was done, there was not a guarantee those omnics would ever be the same way they once were.
'They'll cease to be who they are. Entiendes?'
A sacrifice he was willing to make. A means to an end as it were. So long as he got what he wanted, Ramattra was willing to do anything to achieve it.
This was what he had once been programmed to do anyway. To lead and to destroy. Wasn't that what it meant to be a Ravager. This is who he truly was.
A ping in his systems pulled him from his thoughts and he turned his attention to a screen that displayed the layout of Toronto. Strange, on of his Stalker units was way out of her designated area. Was there a problem?
He knew that the Canadian military was still putting up a fight, but they should all be by the seafront, why is this unit here? Tapping his chin, he thought about sending additional supports but all his units were either busy or already destroyed and his new prototypes were not ready yet.
Well, no harm in going himself. There was nothing the humans could do to him anyway. They were weak. So slow. Any human strong enough to go against his army would be in the battlefront, not in an isolated area.
So who could it be that had pushed Stalker so far? As he readied a drop pod for himself, the pinging stopped and he took another look, but there was nothing there anymore. The signal had vanished.
"Destroyed?" Now that really piqued his interest. All the more reason to see for himself what had happened.
Imagine his surprise when he finally did.
To think they'd meet again like this. Oh, but how the tables have turned. She hadn't noticed him just yet, too focused on an injury and something else. He noticed how she looked at her hands, her face twisted in a grimace that made him feel...something unpleasant.
"Of all the humans I meet today, it's you." Her head immediately snapped up to him and her eyes widened in realization. Ramattra regarded her expressions, fascinated by the array of emotions she was displaying. Disbelief, hurt, and finally, rage.
Rage was something he was intimately familiar with, and given the current situation, he could understand her anger. How well did it measure against his though?
Her eyes narrowed as he drew closer, yet she didn't say anything. Now where had her chattiness gone? He didn't miss it, but he was a bit disappointed that she didn't speak. Finally, he kneeled down in front of her, using his staff to lift her chin so he could get a better look at her face.
"You saved me, so for that you do have my gratitude," he spoke sincerely, because he truly was grateful. Without her help, he wouldn't be standing here today. Without her, he'd be nothing but scrap decaying in Busan.
Still, she didn't speak, and for a moment he did wonder if she was that badly wounded, but his sensors didn't detect anything. A wound to her ribs, yes, but it wasn't fatal. She'd recover. Eventually. However he still had more to say.
Removing his staff, he reached into his cloak and pulled out the rabbit pin he had taken with him. The little plastic smiling face had taunted him for so many months, and yet he had kept it. And now, he dropped it into her lap, glad to finally be rid of it. "This second chance at life you gave me...as you can see it has not gone to waste."
He tilted his head, "But I do wish to know. When you found me there on that street, did you have any idea who I was, girl? Have you realized that your act of kindness would lead to all this?" He gestured to the destruction that surrounded them both.
"Tell me, do you hate me?"
Whether she did or didn't hate him would not affect him much other than to sate his curiosity. He watched her a she drew in a shaky breath and though her mouth finally moved, he couldn't hear anything.
Was she more hurt than he thought? No, he would have sensed it. Her heartbeat was a little fast, but otherwise normal. She moved to sit up a little straighter, wincing as she moved her hand to gesture at him to come closer.
He obliged, bringing his faceplate closer to her to hear what she had to say.
"Fuck you."
She spat at him, and though he couldn't feel it, it didn't change the fact that she had literally spit on his face. Slowly he raised a metallic hand to wipe it off and inspected it. How disgustingly fascinating that this is the first thing she does upon meeting him again. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this.
Seemed like she still wasn't quite done talking. Typical for her. This was the girl he remembered.
"I....have fought against Gwishin. Seen what...what they have done to my country. Even then, despite...despite them being my enemy, I never hated omnics," she paused, before she crossed her arms and looked away, the crease of her eyebrows furrowing deeper as she stewed in her anger towards him.
He chuckled darkly before moving back away from her. "So what? Do you think because you took pity on me that it would erase everything humans have done to me? To my people?" Turning his gaze skywards, to where the shadows of his ships still darkened the city, he sighed. "You humans really are despicable. Thinking that one act of compassion is enough."
At this, she scrambled to her feet, her hand pressed to her side. "Then what about you?! You think we'll bow our heads to you after what you've done?! You think that omnics will fall to their knees and praise you, Ravager?!"
At this, Ramattra's lights flashed red and he picked her up by the front of her plugsuit, ignoring her cry of pain. "Do you think I care about what humans think, girl?!"
Even in his grip, she had the gall to grin at him. "Then why did you keep my pin? Why ask me if I hate you or not?"
It hurt to be dangling like this. Her suit dug painfully against the cut on her side, but Hana smiled through her pain as the Ravager finally set her down. She held up the pin in question. "If you didn't care, you wouldn't have kept this. If you didn't care about thoughts of humans, you wouldn't have asked me my opinion of you. Ravager, you may not care about what humans think, but it seems like you seem to care an awful lot of what I think."
Hate? All those months ago, she wouldn't have considered such a word for the Ravager at all. She had wanted to be friends with him. Watch lame movies with him. Maybe even work together. Now though? After today, then yes. She can hate him.
Loathe him for what he's made of her.
"You test my patience, girl." He hissed at her, his fingers twitching around his staff. An act that didn't go unnoticed by her. Maybe she was pushing her luck, but right now? She didn't care.
"Fuck your patience. I hate you so much. I do my best to bring good to this world and you...you are messing it up! What you're doing is dumb and wrong! Omnics that won't join you are being forced against thei-"
He cut her off by lifting his staff, a small ball of energy vibrating dangerously at the crook. "Choose your next words carefully, human. I do still owe you a debt after all."
"It's Hana, not huma-nngh." Staggering a bit, she steadied herself by leaning against the wall. Ramattra glanced at her ruined mech and then back at her. "What?"
What indeed. He could leave her here, but as he had stated moments ago, he owed her. And he always paid back his debts. Since she had saved his life, it was only natural that he would help her.
If only she wasn't being so difficult. And infuriating.
"With that thing destroyed, you have no hope of making it out of here in one piece."
She snorted and waved her hand dismissively. "Best kill me now then. If you don't I'll hunt you down and take you apart, Ravager." Tapping her forehead, she grinned. "Better make it count."
That made him falter. Not that he knew much about her, but she had never seemed to type to have a death wish. The very thought of her being dead never crossed his mind, and he found that he didn't like that motion at all.
"I do not wish to hurt you."
"But I very much want to hurt you for all you've done. Look around! You want rights for your people but are willing to hurt them in the process too? No, why would a Ravager like you think about that, huh?"
Ravager this. Ravager that. It irked him and he had grown tired of humoring her. Tapping his staff hard on the ground to gain her attention, Ramattra pointed at himself. "Ramattra. Not Ravager, not R-7000. I have a name, so use it."
Normally he wouldn't have given his name out so easily like that, but he despised how 'Ravager' sounded coming from her. Even if that was what he was, his name was something that he had chosen for himself. It proved his existence in this world, did it not?
The girl, Hana, looked at him with surprise. Like if she hadn't been expecting that. Was it so surprising that he had a name? That there was more than just being an R-7000?
"...I hate owing humans anything. You saved my life, so in turn, I will save yours." He held his hand out to her, but Hana slapped his hand away. From the looks of it, she instantly regretted it as he didn't even flinch, and now she was cradling her hand to her chest. He stared down at his own hand, and flexed his fingers before retracting it back to his side. "I see."
So much time wasted. All he was going to do in the first place was check on Stalker's condition and instead he found her. His once savior. Who now hated him.
He shouldn't care. He thought he wouldn't care if she did or not, but in the end, it seemed like her words actually did sting. Once he had thought that he wasn't capable of feeling that way, but somehow this girl, this human...Hana, was making him feel like he was malfunctioning.
Ramattra didn't like it one bit.
A noise in the distance got both their attentions, and he decided that now was the time to withdraw. Looking back down at the injured girl, he removed the cloak that he was wearing and dropped it at her feet.
"Looks like our time together is up, Hana. You're welcome to try and come rip me apart if you can," he laughed and started to walk away from her, not daring to look back. "I'll be waiting."
She watched him go, her rage still bubbling beneath her skin. His cloak, the same one she had started to sow for him so long ago, laid there, as if mocking her. It had been modified to better fit his tastes but she could still recognize her own mismatched stitching in some parts.
He was still within her sights, but even if she tried to chase him now, there was no way Hana would catch him. Ramattra. Well, even boss monsters had names.
In the distance, she could hear the faint sounds of Angela and Vivian calling her name, so it was best to stay still. Even so, she yelled at his back, "I fucking will! Mark my words, Rav-Ramattra, I'll find you and make you pay!"
She had to do it. It was her fault things had turned out this way. No matter what she thought she had once felt for him, before she knew who he was, that was gone. Replaced with the determination to hunt Ramattra down until she could dismantle him to pieces.
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ninjapotatohead · 1 year
Well that is a problem today with IDW sonic fan are subconsciously that they knew that company is not going to last not even going to close with 100th issues because they don't wanted the same faith as Archie. So just making up excuses or make up fact to think that the comic is that successful when IP can do so much for IDW publisher when they barely survive on them.
I mean for example with illumination, they was going out business because Dr Seuss movies, like the characters and animation is well made but the writing was so awful trying to add story that just wasn't unsatisfied with the audience. Then come along with like Despicable me, the Minions and Mario movie that the writing was good improvement and joke hit on point. Now, I don't like the the minions that much but I do enjoy watch it in movie theater and have nice lessons and joke but I don't want to rewatch it again. I rather rewatch Mario movie more then minions. But the point is, the more people deny all the facts and critique of IDW in general the more company in going to be in hole without improving or fixing the problem. Buying physical/ digital copies is not going to fix the company boot up their sales like kneon (Clownfish TV) said "the damage it's already done for IDW publisher and can't not be fix". They don't care about employee or improving writing on the comic as long they're barely survive on IP is good to them. That's why I called it " Market scams" on it because that all they doing. And is not SEGA to blame on comic comic with poorly decision their made on their self. Me and My fiance brought Udon comic only basic Felicia in first ever issue. And you don't hardly see Udon comic out in store.
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Oh yeah, I've heard about Udon going under as well. Weren't they barely holding on by a thread before too? Shame, I thought their Street Fighter comics were great.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
He wants to remove this program that keeps on sending him crap and I can't figure out how to do it and I honestly say it's a symbol and it matches but he's going to look at it also there are some other things this place is hot uncomfortable it's usually a sweat hole and it's mildly cool today and people think it's really cool but it's not and I want him out of here this is a dump this way you send people to go to get rid of them if you don't take them out of here we're going to get rid of all of you and we mean all you idiots who are doing it and we should have done it earlier but now we're telling you we're going to do it
-secondly John remillard is dead again we're going to kill him he doesn't care about what he's doing he doesn't care if it's wrong and just rambles and we're going to get rid of him and others y'all a bunch of soupy little losers anyways
-but Justin did for our son was nice and he did not put the electrical thing out there other people are threatening him to make him look bad he's got a lot of nice food and nice things in our sun likes to eat and if he needs a meal he can get the stew dump it in and turn it on and it's done other people are a bunch of jerks it takes forever to make stuff he doesn't have time to do that every day and things are ready made there you can eat and they're pretty good he had udon noodle he said the the soup itself was a little acquired taste because it's real as potent but you don't have to drink all of it and the noodles real it has real nutrients and is a dollar and those other ones are around that price and they're terrible it's real udon noodle and he needs that for calories it's the same amount and he says no it's more because it's heavier even dried out to be more and it's true people say it's real udon noodle and it is and we know it has a lot of nutrients in it it's real weed and it's not bleached and he seems to be taken to a good and it's good food and it's a good combination he's going to go buy a bunch of things and we hope so now you people are a bunch of jerks he needs a shelf and he wants me to get he wants us to get him money so he's not spending our pocket and we're going to do that it's a great idea and you want to torment him and bother him that's stupid but we're going to take you to town and ruin you pretty soon there are other things happening here it's Thursday they fired off a whole bunch of sheriffs about 25 of them 10 cops so far 20 out of the 25 shirts kept coming back in the others were telling them not to and they kept on grabbing uniforms finally they put in order on them if they come in they're going to jail two of them came in and went to jail and 18 stayed out five of them are running around causing problems and they're getting arrested and 10 of the cops went back immediately and got arrested no they went back in there sitting in there so they see the attitude and they're going to start doing other things to get them out and including issuing special warrants as federal agents and and stinking out the sheriff's office and the police and following them and monitoring them and arresting them for all sorts of crimes. And they're getting arrested that's why they're not flying around and they are also being investigated for a lot of crimes like 9/11 and it's going on now people are reminded of it these people are a bunch of jerks I think they're trying to crash their plane into the gas station with me here he said just now to them back there and said how do you know I said this is what they were doing at 911 and you might want to check the Jets so they check the Jackson one of them was the exact jet that was following the planes and the other one was seen too so they said we're going to have to stop them so we're going to publish now
Thor Freya
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + ryomen sakuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors and a lot of my side comments
| form : headcanons
| published : 23 november
| request : Hello! I would like to order jujutsu kaisen headcanons? Can I please have a large “itadori, megumi, gojo, and sukuna with a chubby s/o”? Thank you!
| barista’s notes : hiya! it is now 2:15am in the uk and now the end of my night shift ʕ·ᴥ·˵ ʔ i wanted to remind you guys that all of you are beautiful in every way, no matter what body type you have and like i will say on one of the headcanons, i believe the only time we get to judge someone is by their character once we truly get to know them (if you disagree then please don’t bash me on this - i got a few comments once i said this out loud to someone ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ) but i hope you enjoy this cup of classic black coffee and please come again soon! goodnight everyone, get some good rest all of you! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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To be honest, I don’t think any of the boys will care that you are chubby - each and every one of us is beautiful physically, it’s our character that should be perceived in my opinion.
I don’t think Itadori would even mention about your chubbiness at all, but rather he would appreciate the little things that you do that intrigued him.
Like the way you write so neatly or the way, you would eat fish.
It’s the little things that he appreciates about you rather than your physical appearance.
However, if you were to comment about how you looked negatively, Itadori will immediately say the opposite because he genuinely knows that you are beautiful inside and out.
“Why am I so ugly? Ughh”
“Babe, stop, stop, stop, you are the most beautiful, caring and loving person I know. Please don’t put yourself down like that ever!”
Most likely, you would crush him into a hug because what he just said is the sweetest thing in the whole world - girl I would lowkey breakdown and cry, like….ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
This boy will also feed you a lot of foods that had been introduced to him in Tokyo - this boy went on a food tour since he got to the capital.
Beef, sushi, burger, ramen, udon, you name it, he is taking you there to eat.
Of course, he would introduce you to them slowly because he knows that you have some likes and dislikes to food like any other person.
“Babe, this ramen is really good, the broth is so rich and the noodles are so chewy”
“Babe, you should try this waffle, it’s really good and sweet”
To be honest, he loves it when you wear his jumpers because no matter what you would look cute with whatever body type you have.
You just look so cuddly to him.
In conclusion; don’t worry how he thinks about you physically because to be completely honest, he really doesn’t care one single bit. 
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Like I said before, he really doesn’t care what you look like physically if you have an unshakeable character, there is nothing more he could ask for remember?
To be honest, I think he really likes the fact that you are a bit on the chubby side - you’re basically the perfect pillow for him hehe~
He really likes to cuddle you and feel the warmth that is emitted from you, he just feels really safe in your arms and if you are in his arms, he feels like he is protecting you from the world.
At the end of missions, the team realises that he scrolls on his phone quite a bit more than he usually does, making them wonder what he was doing.
Basically, he texting you, asking if you have eaten or not making sure that you weren’t doing some stupid diet that you found on the internet.
If you haven’t eaten, he would order takeout when he would finish his own meal with his team and maybe add a few snacks here and there.
If you have eaten, Fushiguro will most likely ask for a photo of the meal that you have eaten or a picture of the dishes in the sink or on the drying rack.
Yes, man needs evidence - he really cares about you, you know, it’s really sweet.
There are also times where you would put on an outfit and just stare blankly at the mirror, leading to Fushiguro to quickly say something before you fill your mind with downgrading comments - girl if I slap that head of yours….
“You look really beautiful today,”
And he would look at you in the eye when he says this to you.
Those little comments he says to you really put you in a better mood even though he thinks they don’t make much of a difference.
He’s just saying what is on his mind - he really does find you beautiful. You are beautiful to him.
Overall, expect him to say little compliments every now and then as well as a lot of text messages - he’s just checking up on you, you better reply soon before he spams you.
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This man doesn't really give a damn on what you look like - no matter what he would still tease you to no end still.
He would come back with a lot of sweet souvenirs to share with you since he knows that sweets with a cup of tea really hits the both of you after an exhausting day.
He would always let you pick first on what you want to eat first and on the sidelines would comment on what he would recommend you trying if it’s the first time you tried one of the snacks he bought home.
He really likes to see you eat as you would always have that small smile once you take a bite on what you’re eating - if you are happy, he is happy.
If you comment on anything that you hate about your body, he would place a few cheeky kisses on the area that you have commented - it really doesn’t matter what area you are talking about mate.
“Are my hips too wide? Should I get a waist trainer?”
“Babe come here right now...”
And he would say that in a very stern tone - so you better go to him sweetheart before he drags you to him.
Expect a lot of cafe/dessert place dates with him, once again he would introduce you to his favourite flavours and he would buy your favourite flavours as well to try for himself.
You two seem like the couple that would share a milkshake - you know like the retro 90s theme cafe with the tall glass.
If anyone tries to say something about your appearance, I don’t think they would have the chance to even say what they would have said since they would feel knives being pointed at their heads or back - aka Gojo’s death stare with his shiny blue eyes.
In conclusion: he would kiss any part of your body that you hate and keep reminding you that you are beautiful in any way but feeding you sweets because why the hell not.
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Sukuna, Sukuna, Sukuna, this man will be the death of me.
I think he would be a little aggressive when he tells you not to worry about his appearance.
Like if you say something that is completely negative about yourself, he would grab your chin and make you face him.
He would probably have an irritated tone as he reminds you that he isn’t with you because of how you look, but who you are as a person.
“Stop saying that you’re ugly, you are a sight to behold, anyone that what’s looks at you should ask for permission first before they are blessed with the sight of you”
Girlllllll, I’m blushingggggggg~
You interest him because you have an interesting and captivating personality and to be honest, I have an idea that he loves the fact that you are chubby.
Because that means he has more areas to mark you as his hehe~
You know that Sukuna’s love language is physical touch/affection, so he would just love to touch your body with no hesitation - probably roams his hands around as well
During a makeout, don’t be surprised when he would grip some part of your body - most likely your thigh, hip, neck, face, basically anywhere at this point.
He would probably leave a lot of open kisses upon your skin as a way to physically tell you that he loves all parts of you.
Sometimes, he would probably make you wear the other layer of his kimono because you would look so adorable and mostly like delicious to him - HAHAHA WHAT DID I JUST TYPE?!
If the both of you are cuddling, Sukuna will most likely caress any part of your body or trace his finger on your skin to feel every bump and trace every stretch marks before telling you that are you beautiful.
In conclusion; Sukuna will tell you physically on how much he loves your body and how much he really worships it (well...he won’t admit it but you can slowly tell over him)
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kenkaodoll · 2 years
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tales 30 (JUMP SQ)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (May 2022) there are a total 54 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation.
Previous Story: https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/683227437222494209/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-29-jump-sq
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Fujita Denzaburo and his men were escorted to Nanshuji Temple in Sakai, but their interrogation proved difficult.
Although they captured him, he stubbornly refused to talk. Investigations were also conducted at the Sanjushi National Bank and the first branch of the National Bank, but without success.
“We have solid evidence. If we show it to them, they won't be able to get away with it.”
Hearing these words of Inspector Sato, several of his followers began to speak in hushed tones.
“Of course, sir.”
“If they know that you have the evidence, even the most obstinate will give up and admit their guilt.”
“We will convict him by confronting him with the evidence.”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“There is no need to wait for the confession of an infidel who challenges the government.”
Among his cronies, the police inspector who had given the reward money directly to Chou and Kamatari spoke in high spirits. 
“Let's go to the Fujita Group warehouse and seize the evidence.”
“I'd like to see them with my own eyes, the imported printing press and all.”
Inspector Sato's nose rose even higher at the mention of the foreign made printing press.
“Come in, I'll show you around. I found it by accident.”
Chou and Kamatari were the ones who showed him around, but he boasted as if he had found the printing press all by himself.
And when the group arrived at the warehouse of the Fujita group, the huge printing press had already been removed from the warehouse.
Of course it was the work of Misao and the rest of the Oniwabanshu.
The inspector walks right and left in the empty warehouse.
He shouted, but there was no one to answer.
Both Chou and Kamatari had long since fled away.
“Well, that's still a lot of information.”
Under the clear Osaka sky, Chou and Kamatari were walking along the *Tokaido Road at a brisk pace.
“I would have liked to have seen the inspector's face when he realized the warehouse was empty.”
“If you were there, they would blame it on you.”
“I know, right? He wanted to take credit for finding the printing press, so he didn't seem to notice that we had excused ourselves before him. They should have at least kept an eye on us to make sure we didn't hide any evidence, but they didn't do that either. And since they paid us compensation first, we don't owe them any advice either.”
“He's so dim-witted, that inspector.”
“I feel better now that I've repaid that little girl.”
"All's well that ends well. Congrats”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“I don't know. I don't have anything in mind. I'm thinking of going to Kuwana.”
“Why Kuwana?”
“That's the place of *Muramasa, the sword that avenged the Shogunate!”
“Ah, there. I'm not interested in swords, but I'll join you on the way.”
“Where are you going, then?”
I don't have anything in particular to eat, but when I heard Kuwana, I wanted to eat clams. I might even go to eat Udon.
“Oh, let's go to Ise.”
“Too bad. I don't want to eat Ise udon. I want to eat Nagoya's *miso nikkomi udon.”
“Ah, that way.”
It seemed that they had decided where to go.
Meanwhile, Yahiko and Misao.
In the early morning of September 15, when Fujita Denzaburo was arrested, they had already taken the printing press out of the warehouse and brought it to Aoiya in Kyoto the next day.
And at the time when Chang and Kamatari were heading east on the *Tokaido Road.
Aoshi returned with Fukutaro.
Aoshi-sama! Welcome back. And you too, Fukutaro-kun."
Misao cheerfully greeted Aoshi and Fukutaro. She reported that she had managed to remove the printing press before it was seized as evidence that Fujita Denzaburo had been manufacturing counterfeit banknotess.
“Well done!”
Aoshi thanked Misao and Yahiko.
“Denzaburo Fujita has been arrested, though.”
Yahiko was not quite sure what was going on here. Since he could not let go and say he had done well, he felt unsettled, like he had a fish bone stuck in the throat.
“After the restoration, Japan became a judicial nation with a western policy. We must leave the rest to the law.”
Aoshi's goal to settle the wrongdoing of the Oniwabanshu by the Oniwabanshu.
“One can only hope that we are not in a country that would put people on trial for crimes without evidence.”
“That’s right.”
 On this point there was nothing Yahiko and the rest could do.
“So, what's wrong with you, Fukutaro-kun? What happened to your outfit?”
In Yokohama, Fukutaro was dressed in fancy Western clothes and a silk hat. However, when Aoshi brought him to Kyoto, Fukutaro was dressed in a navy blue kimono and a haori. He was dressed modestly.
“I was wearing it as a kind of sign board to make my street stall stand out. Besides, since it was called a wrongdoing by the Oniwabanshu, it wouldn't be very convincing to apologize if I was dressed in a bizarre outfit.”
'Well, sure, you're right. But is an apology just finished by saying sorry?"
Yahiko asked him a question.
“That won't get it done, will it?”
Okina interrupted.
“Yes, that's right. He used his forbidden technique as a member of the Oniwabashu to commit a crime. The crime will be judged not by the judiciary but by the Oniwabanshu. Fukutaro, you...”
Aoshi was about to say something, but Okina drowned it out with a loud voice.
“Fukutaro, you are going to paint a scroll for each of the four seasons in all the private rooms of this Aoiya every year from now on. The *fusuma paintings will be renewed every three years. That is your atonement for your sins. Aoshi, is that right?”
“That's fine, I guess…” 
Aoshi might have been thinking of a more serious punishment. However, he did not object, perhaps thinking that if it was for Aoiya's sake, it was all right.
“But I didn't know what I could draw. I was even thinking of quitting calligraphy and painting and starting over from scratch.”
Fukutaro scratched his head in embarrassment.
“No! A man with your talent stop painting? That would be a shame, wouldn't it?”
“Really! Don’t stop it!”
Okina and Misao loved Fukutaro’s work very much.
“So, I thought it would be better if I did not live again and was killed for my wrongdoing of Oniwabanshu.”
Fukutaro said this so lightly that it was hard to believe he was talking about his own life.
“That's not the way it's supposed to go, Fukutaro.”
It was Yahiko. As someone who had already lost his parents and was feeling sad about it, he was annoyed at Fukutaro's careless comments about being willing to be killed.
“You know. I was listening to you the other day. Fukutaro, aren’t you being carried away by the enthusiasm and madness of someone who wants to go to the West and create new paintings from beyond the sea?”
“You could say that.”
“I'm an outsider in the field of painting, but I've seen some great sword fighters with my own eyes. So let me tell you, in the way of the sword, there are those who want to fight and those who fight for something.”
The former was the sword-hunter Chou, who longed to wield a sword, and Yukishiro Enishi, who had no choice but to live a life of vengeance. The latter he was thinking of Kenshin, who wanted to save at least those in front of his eyes with his Sakabatou (reverse-blade sword), and Kaoru, who was aiming for a sword that would bring life to people.
“I think the path of painting is similar, isn't it? There are those who want to paint and those who paint for the sake of something. You are longing to be a person who wants to paint, but in fact you may be a person who paints for something. In order to find out, I think it is not a bad thing to paint for Aoiya.”
“I see. You have a point there.”
Fukutaro put his hand to his chin and nodded.
“You are a very young child, but you have a lot to say.”
“I am not a child. I am Yahiko Myojin, a Tokyo samurai.”
“Yes. I look forward to your future. When you grow up, Aoiya might be full of my work.”
Fukutaro, with a gentle smile on his face, agreed to paint a picture for the Aoiya.
Then at Kamiya Dojo.
“Oh my God! Kenshin, look at this.”
Kaoru unfolded the Tokyo Daily Newspaper and showed it to him.
“Arrest of Denzaburo Fujita, a wealthy merchant in Osaka.”
“This is...”
“Chou was after him. And Yahiko and Misao-dono are working on the case Aoshi asked them to work on.”
“He's been arrested…  You're sure this guy didn't print counterfeit banknotes?”
“According to Yahiko, it would seem so.”
“Misao-chan and the others didn't make it, did they?”
Putting his hand on Kaoru's back, Kenshin said, 
“There is no such thing as a life in which everything goes well.”
“I agree. It's impossible for a youngster like Misao and Yahiko to save a person who is about to be framed for a crime that could shake the country to its foundations. That's normal. I've been through so much in the last year that my senses have become numb.”
"Yes, that's right."
“When Yahiko comes home, we should give him plenty of good food to eat and show him our appreciation.”
“That's a good idea…”
Kenshin was about to say something.
“I'm home!”
A cheerful voice echoed through the Kamiya dojo.
Kaoru turned around in surprise. Yahiko was standing there.
“I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles.”
Yahiko noticed that Kaoru was holding a newspaper with an article about Denzaburo Fujita's arrest.
“Oh, that. He was arrested five days ago. For a newspaper to write about something new, it doesn't mean it's up to date, does it?”
At that time, there was a considerable time lag between the time an incident in Osaka and the time it appeared in the Tokyo newspapers. It was difficult to send enough information for a newspaper article by telegram due to the limitation of the number of letters and other factors.
“Hopefully Fujita Denzaburo will be released for lack of evidence. If it doesn't work out, it means the Japanese law system is corrupt.”
“Which means...”
“The printing press that Fukutaro used for making counterfeit banknotes was dismantled and disposed of by Oniwabanshu, Shiro-san and Kuro-san. There is no more evidence of it.”
“You did well, I see.”
“That's great, Yahiko! We should eat something delicious to celebrate.”
After all, whether the mission failed or succeeded, they would go out to eat something delicious.
“It's been a while since I've been to Akabeko, that I have.”
“I'm sure Tsubame is feeling lonely. Let's go see her.”
“I want to know the details of what happened.”
Yahiko, who had just returned to Kamiya Dojo, had to turn around and go out again. Yahiko felt he was in a hurry, but he was relieved to see Akabeko in a relaxed atmosphere after a long absence.
*)Tokaido Road: old seaside road to Kyoto from Tokyo
*)Muramasa, commonly known as Sengo Muramasa, was a famous swordsmith who founded the Muramasa school and lived during the Muromachi period in Kuwana, Ise Province, Japan. His swords were used by the Tokugawa clan.
*)miso nikkomi udon: udon cooked in a broth containing miso paste
*)Fusuma: Room partition
**Fujita Denzaburo's arrest is based on a real event, you can read more about him here.
.…..continue in chapter 31…… https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/683499038076715008/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-31-jump-sq
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with the English also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that sounds not making sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want give corrections. TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file. TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters in his website. You can go and check on there.
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miss-evening · 3 years
That feel when you ship something, but there’s not much fandom content of it online.
For me, it’s Ryuken (Ryu/Ken from Street Fighter). I have read all fics fics of them already on Ao3, and pretty much scrolled through the tags on Tumblr for everything I could find. Overall wish SF had a bigger fandom too, but I guess since it’s a fighting game, and such games not having as much plot into the gameplay as with other genres, it doesn’t attract as much fandom content (even though there are many SF fans, just probably not participating in the fandom). But it does have more lore to it; there’s a SF 2 movie, along with comics published by Udon, among others, but I guess they’re not exactly canon with the games. 
Street Fighter 2 the animated movie is so good though. The moments Ryu and Ken share in that movie are just so... romantic, in a way. Man, why aren’t there more fics of these two. But you know, if you can’t find what you want, make it happen. Maybe I should give it a shot and try write a Ryu/Ken fic, based upon the SF 2 movie. Taking place before Ryu and Ken went separate ways, when they were still apprentices of master Gouken, and Ken having a huge crush on Ryu, and stuff happening, and one thing leading to another and Ken ends up confessing his feelings to his best friend, and then they go out in the forest and have some hot sex. Hmmmmmmmm........   
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dayuwritings · 3 years
Paraiba Tourmaline Sacrifices (Part 2)
Rating: Young Adult
Fandom: Psycho Pass
Relationship: Ginoza Nobuchika/Shimotsuki Mika
Characters:  Ginoza Nobuchika, Shimotsuki Mika, Frederica Hanashiro, Kei Mikhail Ignatov, Shindo Arata, Kougami Shinya, Sugo Teppei
Language: English
Part: 1
“I’ve finished using the bathroom” she says. Her hair is wet as she walks towards the living room while drying her hair using a white towel.
“Alright. Here…” the man offers her a shirt, his own shirt. Plain white shirt with short sleeves. She takes it without looking at him. Her eyes wanders to the table, and finds out he has been drinking while she’s gone. On the right side of the room, his pet dog, Dime, is sleeping quietly.
“Do you plan to change here or?” he teases her. Panicking, her eyes finally fall on his figure.
“Of course not, are you stupid!” she shouts and leaves to another room to change. The man finds that attitude pretty amusing. He takes another sip then gets up from his seat, taking his turn to the bathroom.
On the other room, Shimotsuki trying to calm and collect herself. She sighs, tries to figures out what happened in the parking lot and how she ends up here now. She thinks, she might find out what happen to his weird behavior, and if she may- learns why he left her and joined another team. It’s for his friend, she knows it. Ginoza has been blaming himself for what happened to Shinya Kogami. It happened before she joined Division One, something about Kougami killed a man named, Makishima Shogo and he became a wanted man in Japan. When he finally returned, Ginoza took the chance to make up for everything he failed before. Shimotsuki wish she can do something to help, but everything happened before she knows him and everyone else. Before she could do something. It’s too late, and she hates that she can’t do anything for something she can not change and it keeps bothering her. Sometimes she thinks it’s the best for him to work side by side with Kougami, even though it means to leave her. Well, it’s not as if she can’t see him anymore, in fact, sometimes her job makes them bumps into each other and ends up where she’s standing right now. But of course, not every case leads them meet each other. Shimotsuki touches her lips, the side where he lended a light kiss before. It was out of nowhere, and she hasn’t fully understand it. She’s now debating with herself whether she should ask it or not.
The shirt she wears right now is big enough to cover almost half of her body, it’s comfortable enough so she decides not to wear a short pants. She walks towards Dime, which is now still sleeping. She pats it gently, and the Siberian Husky enjoys it. While waiting for him, she turns her device and starts searching about jewelry. Her current case gives her a little interest towards jewelry, especially gemstone. She looks up different kind of gemstones. Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine, Cat eye, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and when it reachs Tourmaline, she stops. It says that Paraiba Tourmaline is a very rare variety of Tourmaline, it traditionally mined from Brazil. The vivid glow which also known as cuprian elbaite is one of its uniqueness. There is only a single Paraiba Tourmaline from the case, which is not sold to anyone. But that one and only Paraiba Tourmaline is gone. The interrogation with the suspect will be hold tomorrow morning.
“How is it, find something interesting?” he asks from behind, startles her.
“Not yet, I’m just reading general informations regarding gemstones” she says, acting calm. He sits by her side. Shirtless. His towel hanging on his shoulder.
“Are you hungry yet, kanshikan?” he asks again.
“Stop that, are you mocking me?” she says irritatedly.
“Then, Shimotsuki…” he adds, and she doesn’t know how to respond to it. It’s not the first time he ever calls her like that, but she’s not used to it just yet.
“Do you plan to cook something?” she asks.
“Well, if you wish…” he smiles at her.
“Then, try cook something simple after you dry your hair” she takes the towel from his shoulder and starts rubbing it on to his hair. The man falls silent, he’s unprepared for her current action. Shimotsuki is also surprised by her own action after she see his surprise face, but she try to cover it and continue rubbing his hair. Time goes very slow, and she feels a bit awkward not knowing how to stop it, so she tries to tease him a little bit.
“Dime’s hair is softer than yours!” she says with giggles. He lets out a sigh while smiling.
“Well, should I take that as a praise?” he says then softly pinches her left cheek. She avoids it playfully while hits him with his towl.
“Now what do you want for eat?”
“I’m not in mood for heavy meal, let’s just have udon!” she suggests.
Both of them having their meal quietly, enjoying their own food. Shimotsuki plans to ask why he invites her to stay with him tonight, but she dismiss it. Ginoza offers her to sleep on his bed while he will taking the couch. She nods, and brings herself to his bed. Several minutes passes, and it feels like forever. None of them fall asleep.
“Ginoza-san, is there anything you want to say to me?” she asks, finally.
“I just feel to be accompanied tonight” he says.
“Hah? That’s it?”
“That’s it”
She expects something more. Something like, perhaps, a deep conversation. But they didn’t even done any proper conversation since then. She wonders if he doesn’t trust her enough to share his feelings, or he doesn’t see her as someone who fits enough for having such a conversation.
“Then, why don’t you ask your own teammate?” she asks again, slightly feeling irritate.
“Usually, if it’s not Kogami then I’ll ask Aoyanagi kanshikan. But she has passed away, and I don’t want to burden Kogami more than what he has now” he explains. ‘So, I’m just his last option’ she thinks. But compared to those two, she knows that she understand Ginoza less than them, as they have know him long before her. But she tries to cover her disappointment,
“Next time ask the teammate of yours and stop bothering someone from another ministry!” she yells at him, but he only let out a soft chuckle.
“I’ll note that, kanshikan…”
“Good night”
To be continue
(Author’s note: I’m very sorry for publishing the second part too late. Second, I’m sorry that I only able to make it short. I’ll make it up on the third part!)
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Manga Classics: Jane Eyre
Manga Classics Jane Eyre
Book: Manga Classics: Jane Eyre
Author: Charlotte Bronte (adapted by Chrystal S. Chan)
Publisher: Udon Entertainment
Genre: Manga/Classics
Publication Date: November 15, 2016
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The Low Down:
As an orphaned child, Jane Eyre is first cruelly abused by her aunt, then cast out and sent to a charity school. Though she meets with further abuse, she receives an education, and eventually takes a job as a governess at the estate of Edward Rochester. Jane and Rochester begin to bond, but his dark moods trouble her. When Jane uncovers the terrible secret Rochester has been hiding, she flees and finds temporary refuge at the home of St. John Rivers.
My thoughts:
To begin, I would like to mention that the art in this adaptation is why I wanted to read it; but more than that, its why I stayed to the end of the story. (Besides Jane Eyre being one of my favorite classics of all time). The illustrator did a supurb job at capturing the atmosphere of Jane Eyre including the settings and the clothing of the time, and also captured the facial expressions of the characters well.
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Going into this adaptation I was just a bit concerned because Jane Eyre is one of my favorite stories and some of the adaptations were a miss for me. But i didn't need to worry. While the manga followed the story closely, the added element of illustration really brought it to life in a way that I enjoyed and that I can see others enjoying as well. The story itself flowed quickly and smoothly. I think that this adaption would be wonderful for readers who are afraid or inexperienced with classics and would like an accessible and easy to understand adaptation.
*Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for a review!*
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kulliare · 4 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 5 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
thx @tiredandtoothless!
Name/nickname: ari / kull :)
Gender: vague woman
Star sign: sagittarius
Height: 5’0,,,
Birthday: nov 24
Time: 9
Favorite bands: lorde + saint motel
Favorite solo artists: ^ i’m sorry those r the only 2 i care about
Song stuck in my head: all i want by stonefox
Last movie: love actually
Last show: the unsleeping city season 2!
When did I create this blog: way back, i had basically a crisis about tumblr when i was 12 because i was relying on it too much, but this was my new one after like. a week’s break. i am addicted to the internet and i really need to detox except like now’s not the time to do it
What do I post: meme + fandom stuff
Last thing googled: cute kitchen stuff— was trying to help my friend find a gift!
Other blogs: handful of reference blogs,, one blog named catboyjaime but we don’t talk about it
Do I get asks: nope!! i kind of like having a small corner to myself though, i just watch big blogs sometimes and it feels like a lot to manage haha
Why I chose my url: made it up
Following: idk around 800
Followers: 87
Average hours of sleep: 7-8,,,, i love sleeping
Lucky number: 49?
Instruments: nope except as a child where i learnt piano and loathed it!
What am I wearing: old comfy shirt + leggings
Dream job: working at publishing or smt idk. i really don’t know what i want so this is a question i ask everyday @ myself so i’ve mostly given up,, as long as it pays well enough
Dream trip: around england-ish -> iceland or smt would be nice! w friends
Favorite food: japanese food / udon
Nationality: canada
Favorite song: the moment from saint motel, acoustic version
Last book read: queen’s thief— was alright but i didn’t love it!
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: pokemon or somewhere that links to reality because i don’t want to deal w the consequences of magic in the real world. maybe unsleeping city but also… i am ok w living out a life where i don’t have to do anything haha
tagging @dilfjaime @beesreadbooks @nossbean @albatrossisland and anyone else. sorry if u alrdy got tagged F
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hotarutranslations · 4 years
Premier Seat, Kagawa, Thank You Very Much!
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
Last night,
those that watched it, those that supported it,
Thank you very much!!
Did you also enjoy, the live commentary on Twitter... <3
Through the screen, it was a live stream like this but,
In this way,
Being able to send out songs to everyone, it made me really happy
I think that a lot of people enjoyed it
Everyone singing and dancing, I also thought, sure enough, I like this--
Even if I'm watching myself, I thought, I like myself like that--
From "16th ~Thats J-POP~" releasing on March 31st
We showed off for the first time,
"Renai Destiny ~Honne wo Ronjitai~"
Did you see!? Did you hear it!?
I decided not to tweet other than at the beginning of the song it was properly sent out to everyone
I really loved that song from the moment I heard it, in particular I super love the lyrics,
Really, it feels like a mission...
why does it feel like that lol
Still from now on, I'm sure there is something I can do
There is something I have to do
Thats right, I think its a powerful reminder
I want to listen to the album soon~ <3
Until March 31st, look forward to it
Recording this premier seat, with the camera before my eyes, Think of it as your fans and look at it a lot! thats what I was told,
somehow regardless, it was difficult the first time
the c-c-camera, is c-c-close right!?
it was like that it was difficult
Always, when on stage for a concert, regardless of appearance, they're always looking! since its war preparation for that,
from here,
look look~ <3
with doing it like that,
do you get it!? its kinda different! lol
But that isn't something I can say←
Let do it--! Lets have fun--! with that feeling,
From about LOVEpedia, I think everyone became relaxed
I've seen it about 3 times already
Thats right, during the live tweets,
I used that but, I'm sorry, I was mistaken,
it seems I tweeted that once......
Ikuta-san I'm sorry All of Ikuta-san's fans I'm sorry I'm sorry in all aspects
Live tweeting is very difficult, huh.....
while typing out the characters, the live is going on......
With feelings of, Chii-chan is cute here!!!
by the time I try to tweet that,
its become like, Mei-chan is cute!!!
Its so busy, so I left those parts out
Renai Destiny's A melo with Mei-chan, the hook (2nd) with Homare's, 'I've been trying to fall in love for a long time' I let out a, Uwa...cute...
Also everyone voices as well, I felt like I could hear them lol
back and forth with the stream, the video is also published on Twitter,
the tension I had after the stream was a bit embarrasing lol
although I had felt like I was watching it with the fans just a moment ago, taking the video then I was alone of course, I was suddenly lonely~
It was at a rater late time, thanks for spending your time with me
There are some who haven't seen it, what a wasteee!
I want it to be on, a DVD or Blu-ray---! lol
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Today was a concert in Kagawa
Uduu-on prefecture... I didn't eat Uduu-on but,
Immediately at the venue,
Ah-! Didn't we shoot something for the DVD Magazine, like who can make their udon the fastest? I remembered that
At that time Fukumura-san was disappointed she lost......lol
Todays Kagawa performance,
it felt like a great coincidence,
on stage,
Chii-chan, Maria and Yokoyan celebrated their birthdays
Akiyama Mao-han's natural voice, resonated through the whole venue!
......I was shook lol
thank you to those who answered it
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Thank you very much for today as well!!
Tomorrow is a performance in Niigata and, its the final
thank you very much
see you ayumin <3
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tripstaysnoided · 4 years
Flow Just Like Water
Story and writing-related transparency update and my many shames...
The Question on Everyone’s Mind
“Hey you haven’t updated No Stars over Uptown in almost a year...”
Hmm, I hate it when you’re right. (This section has been rewritten ad-nauseam to curb back the bitchiness by the way)
So back in early/mid 2018, the idea was to divorce Uptown from a person who influenced it (and myself) heavily. She was my most important audience member, the closest friend I ever had, and unfortunately someone who used her power to bully, ostracize, and hurt others with my help. I cut contact when the hurt + some self-awareness finally reached me. Apologies were made and I feel like my work will never be done with it, but there was still Uptown.
Between censored comments, entirely recasting Axel’s save, different plot threads, and a load of disclaimers, there was nothing that would scrub her influence from the story. There was no way to cleanly drop everything because of how deep her influence went. It disgusted me to look back at it, and I had to private the blog because I feared what it endorsed, even if just in the past.
I pulled back from that sims writing community. I had its main thread on the Official Forums removed too (I guess if that was a mystery to anyone). It was a surrender that I never wanted to do, but I had it in my mind that if I was gone, then she wouldn’t be there either. Uptown became this cursed item, and as I quietly retired it, I noticed that she went quieter too. Not gone, but enough to make me sleep easier at night and even occasionally say hello to old friends.
And I hope deep in my heart that no one else is getting hurt in my place, but now this is gonna haunt me all day huh!
The two paths forward...
1) Complete Uptown rewrite that I’ve been threatening everyone with all year. While it won’t ever be clean because I can’t undo time, I do have a sound outline for a story that is much more true to my actual vision and how I’ve evolved, with a few necessary boundaries in place that are going to be there for all stories moving forward: no more casting calls and no more collaborative efforts. I am not going to open myself up to this happening again, even if the people have changed.
2) Same as above, but I continue the original Uptown as a favor to loyal readers alongside the rewrite. I would try to put the effort into it that I initially did, but with no promises on an update schedule and no advertising. I did ask myself “is there Patreon but without pledging money, just the private posts function” but it could operate as part of a private forum, a members-only part of a website, etc.
Also readers of the original would be beholden to a rule of “don’t spoil the rewrite for new readers, c’mon guys”. I mean, not really, but it is a good courtesy to extend to people.
Priority on this isn’t high but you at least will see what is!
I will probably make the blog public again either way due to the many broken links on my Tumblr but we’ll see. There are other things to deal with as I shall list!
Where Life’s Been Regardless
Been spending more time with my grandpa every weekend. Life’s pretty good and he’s warming up to my dogs.
Shiny New Webbed Site
Cucumber Fields Forever is a site I own now. We have a full domain, cucumberfieldsforever.com, a blog with one post, and the framework needed to host stories the way I want to and still through WordPress. The functionality of likes, comments, and following should still be the same but you know...I’ll take feedback too...
The main blog still has an undefined purpose though I do have drafts sitting around about:
The maybe/maybe not hoax band that was on the Metal Archives and the history of Funeral Doom Metal.
The curious case of when Sims 4 babies get their genetics and my only collaboration (read: was talking about it with a friend and might quote her if needed, it’s actually a bit of a doozy)
Amazon.com’s fake dried udon noodles, an actual issue by the way.
Things I’m reading! (This’d be a monthly feature if so)
For the sake of unity, I am thinking of solutions for hosting old and shameful content there including Uptown and for the real fans in my followers feed, Eight Cicadas...a world I totally have plans for too (not really). I don’t want them to be front-and-center, and that’s why I mentioned forums/members-only content. I finally have that power! Maybe.
Ooooh but what are the costs? Not too much to handle, that’s what. 😉 (Like really, I don’t need any hand-wringing about this, I can manage my finances)
Project Queue (In Order of Confirmedness)
Outrun the Scythe: have you seen me post out-of-context Sims 3 pictures? Did you want more? Did you hope it was Linda in Custody? If the answers are yes, yes, and “meh, whatever you want”, then you’re in luck.
Outrun the Scythe is a Sims 3-based tale of a young gay man and his zombie grandma, as they are both offered separate roles of being the undying intermediaries between the world of humans and the influence of a race of space daemons. It’s pretty familiar if you’ve been following me pre-Uptown, taking some cues from stories I’ve kept under lock and key like Eight Cicadas, The Chains of Lyra, and the not-so-locked-up Ironstar Immortals (of which Outrun is just the direct sequel to sans any retconning...ah the smell of early 2013 and performative heterosexuality)
Ah, back to my roots.
It’s a hybrid of gameplay, story, and lore about my little race of daemons with a lot of my own idiosyncrasies that I’m not really ashamed of: basing it off a super-polarizing Sims 3 challenge from a site I moderate, using a lot of EA’s pre-made townies and their genes, lots of unnecessary posemaking, stupid references. It’s a comfort to have in my roster.
While the first few chapters are in the middle of revision, I have around six in the queue and will be making this public when I have ten. I’m guessing December then?
Undocumented Black Widow Challenge: I just did this for fun/forum kudos (yes, in fact I have joined many forums), there was going to be a short story but it was quickly becoming something against my code of ethics. I mean, sims die and all. (read: I had to choose between “heterosexual widow” and “widow with some same-sex marriages that still end in tragedy, reinforcing negative stereotypes to the public for the sake of me not getting bored and detached during gameplay” so there were no good choices. Except for her affair with the mailwoman, 10/10) I hope to finish this before October ends and get my medal on Boolprop, I’m pretty far through it all. I might upload the sims involved anyways. This is for TS4.
I mentioned it because it’s keeping me busy. But not for long!
NaNoWriMo 2020: Dipping my toes into that again! It’s not sims-related, just a tale of lesbians, nosy neighbors, a haunted beach house, and some light murder and kidnapping. And I actually got my brother to scout out locations for me this weekend. If there’s any demand, I can share chapters as the rough drafts are finished, especially for the sake of proofreading.
Not saying I’m publishable, but wouldn’t it be nice? Will keep me occupied for much of November.
Untitled “Dear Diary” Challenge: Tired of feeling left out of the fun on the Boolprop forums, their “Dear Diary” challenge was the one that appealed to me the most on first glance. Why? Probably once I found an idea that let it be set in the early/mid-2000′s to begin with and explore some interesting characters through diary entries (which I have mixed feelings on as a literary device but I think that’s just me saying “well I didn’t like Dracula”, yes you get bonus points for writing it like a diary)
Also writing is the one skill I’m good at across multiple games. Wanna hear me bitch about the cooking skill tree in TS4 or riding in TS3? I’ll spare you.
I guess I could have included “spending time on Boolprop with old and new friends” in where my life has been. It’s a nice lil community if also a place with its own idiosyncrasies as well. So it doesn’t feel like I’m promoting another community if/when I make a thread there for Outrun the Scythe, I want to have a couple chapters of this ready to go by Outrun’s release, though it’s not gonna be the highest priority compared to it nor as long because I think I can blast through the gameplay quickly.
This one will be played in TS4 due to it having the easiest writing skill/I dunno variety is the spice of life. And hopefully another December release.
Defunded or Forgotten?: Oh shit I actually released stuff in 2020 and told no one? I do have a “mortifying ordeal of being known” sinking feeling whenever I get a site hit because it’s not my best work (but good enough) and veered sharply into issues I may be over my head in, though I try to be a good noodle with research and listening. Maybe hiding is bad after all.
Being based off a very flawed and incomplete Sims 3 challenge I found in the annals of the Official Forums, there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work just making sense of things. And I’m scared of working on reconstructing the house but I haven’t abandoned the project yet. The story has eight chapters so far and is pretty game-based with some additions here and there. Scared of how long it could be though!
Date for this unknown.
Untitled Sunlit Tides Decadynasty: another year-long abandoned TS3 project with a much stupider reason why. Last update was about Hua getting ready for her wedding, and I wanted to do some poses for a bait-and-switch wedding chapter because to put it mildly, her real one was an absolute disaster.
Blender decided to fuck up its interface again, I got discouraged (this probably does account for some of the Uptown delays too), and when I decided to plow forward, it was for other projects instead.
Meanwhile I played all the way to Gen 5′s teenhood and the only thing stopping me is time (it takes almost 30 minutes to load the file right now, though they’ll be looking at moving towns in a couple gens) and maybe fear of the Logic skill.
Date for this also unknown but it’s easy to pump out updates once I’m in the groove for it. My third heir had a difficult life so maybe I’m just trying to bury it.
Also I just noticed the view count there was really good and probably because I linked it here on Tumblr last year. Thank you so much guys. I can’t really fret over views on Carl’s forum these days thanks to the years-long death spiral pretty much every forum anywhere has been riding on. But it’s a nice surprise. And it’s an alright little challenge recap to read during your lunch break or whatever.
The Wawas
I figured I’d end on the real news everyone wants! Both the chihuahuas are a year and a half now and reached their adult size around a year ago. For the most part, they are happy and healthy dogs.
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papperpine · 4 years
Paraiba Tourmaline Sacrifices (Part 2)
Rating: Young Adult
Fandom: Psycho Pass
Relationship: Ginoza Nobuchika/Shimotsuki Mika
Characters:  Ginoza Nobuchika, Shimotsuki Mika, Frederica Hanashiro, Kei Mikhail Ignatov, Shindo Arata, Kougami Shinya, Sugo Teppei
Language: English
Part: 1
“I’ve finished using the bathroom” she says. Her hair is wet as she walks towards the living room while drying her hair using a white towel.
“Alright. Here…” the man offers her a shirt, his own shirt. Plain white shirt with short sleeves. She takes it without looking at him. Her eyes wanders to the table, and finds out he has been drinking while she’s gone. On the right side of the room, his pet dog, Dime, is sleeping quietly.
“Do you plan to change here or?” he teases her. Panicking, her eyes finally fall on his figure.
“Of course not, are you stupid!” she shouts and leaves to another room to change. The man finds that attitude pretty amusing. He takes another sip then gets up from his seat, taking his turn to the bathroom.
On the other room, Shimotsuki trying to calm and collect herself. She sighs, tries to figures out what happened in the parking lot and how she ends up here now. She thinks, she might find out what happen to his weird behavior, and if she may- learns why he left her and joined another team. It’s for his friend, she knows it. Ginoza has been blaming himself for what happened to Shinya Kogami. It happened before she joined Division One, something about Kougami killed a man named, Makishima Shogo and he became a wanted man in Japan. When he finally returned, Ginoza took the chance to make up for everything he failed before. Shimotsuki wish she can do something to help, but everything happened before she knows him and everyone else. Before she could do something. It’s too late, and she hates that she can’t do anything for something she can not change and it keeps bothering her. Sometimes she thinks it’s the best for him to work side by side with Kougami, even though it means to leave her. Well, it’s not as if she can’t see him anymore, in fact, sometimes her job makes them bumps into each other and ends up where she’s standing right now. But of course, not every case leads them meet each other. Shimotsuki touches her lips, the side where he lended a light kiss before. It was out of nowhere, and she hasn’t fully understand it. She’s now debating with herself whether she should ask it or not.
The shirt she wears right now is big enough to cover almost half of her body, it’s comfortable enough so she decides not to wear a short pants. She walks towards Dime, which is now still sleeping. She pats it gently, and the Siberian Husky enjoys it. While waiting for him, she turns her device and starts searching about jewelry. Her current case gives her a little interest towards jewelry, especially gemstone. She looks up different kind of gemstones. Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine, Cat eye, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and when it reachs Tourmaline, she stops. It says that Paraiba Tourmaline is a very rare variety of Tourmaline, it traditionally mined from Brazil. The vivid glow which also known as cuprian elbaite is one of its uniqueness. There is only a single Paraiba Tourmaline from the case, which is not sold to anyone. But that one and only Paraiba Tourmaline is gone. The interrogation with the suspect will be hold tomorrow morning.
“How is it, find something interesting?” he asks from behind, startles her.
“Not yet, I’m just reading general informations regarding gemstones” she says, acting calm. He sits by her side. Shirtless. His towel hanging on his shoulder.
“Are you hungry yet, kanshikan?” he asks again.
“Stop that, are you mocking me?” she says irritatedly.
“Then, Shimotsuki…” he adds, and she doesn’t know how to respond to it. It’s not the first time he ever calls her like that, but she’s not used to it just yet.
“Do you plan to cook something?” she asks.
“Well, if you wish…” he smiles at her.
“Then, try cook something simple after you dry your hair” she takes the towel from his shoulder and starts rubbing it on to his hair. The man falls silent, he’s unprepared for her current action. Shimotsuki is also surprised by her own action after she see his surprise face, but she try to cover it and continue rubbing his hair. Time goes very slow, and she feels a bit awkward not knowing how to stop it, so she tries to tease him a little bit.
“Dime’s hair is softer than yours!” she says with giggles. He lets out a sigh while smiling.
“Well, should I take that as a praise?” he says then softly pinches her left cheek. She avoids it playfully while hits him with his towl.
“Now what do you want for eat?”
“I’m not in mood for heavy meal, let’s just have udon!” she suggests.
Both of them having their meal quietly, enjoying their own food. Shimotsuki plans to ask why he invites her to stay with him tonight, but she dismiss it. Ginoza offers her to sleep on his bed while he will taking the couch. She nods, and brings herself to his bed. Several minutes passes, and it feels like forever. None of them fall asleep.
“Ginoza-san, is there anything you want to say to me?” she asks, finally.
“I just feel to be accompanied tonight” he says.
“Hah? That’s it?”
“That’s it”
She expects something more. Something like, perhaps, a deep conversation. But they didn’t even done any proper conversation since then. She wonders if he doesn’t trust her enough to share his feelings, or he doesn’t see her as someone who fits enough for having such a conversation.
“Then, why don’t you ask your own teammate?” she asks again, slightly feeling irritate.
“Usually, if it’s not Kogami then I’ll ask Aoyanagi kanshikan. But she has passed away, and I don’t want to burden Kogami more than what he has now” he explains. ‘So, I’m just his last option’ she thinks. But compared to those two, she knows that she understand Ginoza less than them, as they have know him long before her. But she tries to cover her disappointment,
“Next time ask the teammate of yours and stop bothering someone from another ministry!” she yells at him, but he only let out a soft chuckle.
“I’ll note that, kanshikan…”
“Good night”
 To be continue
(Author’s note: I’m very sorry for publishing the second part too late. Second, I’m sorry that I only able to make it short. I’ll make it up on the third part!)
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heroicadventurists · 4 years
Comic-Con @ Home Saturday Schedule 7/25/2020
10:00am • (Nearly) A Decade of Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales
10:00am • Last Gasp: 50 Years of Publishing the Underground Part II lowbrow art, 1996-2020
10:00am • The Guide: Overstreet's 50th Anniversary
10:00am • Dynamite's Two Huge Crossovers Revealed!
10:00am • UDON Entertainment 20th Anniversary!
10:00am • Tantalizing Tips
10:00am • Cosmos: Possible Worlds
10:00am • Narrative Design For Computer Games
10:00am • Warner Archive's Secret Origins of Saturday Morning Cartoons
11:00am • Giving a Voice to Independent Creators
11:00am • Back to the Moon and Beyond With Nasa
11:00am • From Wakanda to Numbani, Writing the Next Generation of Heroes
11:00am • The Simpsons @ Home
11:00am • Eye of Newt and Wool of Bat: the science behind magic potions and spells
11:00am • The Official Dune Publishing Panel
11:00am • Finance For Creatives
11:00am • Inspired: Personal Stories in Graphic Novels
11:00am • DC@Home Day Two
11:00am • The Art of Adapting Comics to the Screen: David S. Goyer Q&A
12:00pm • Calling All Book Lovers: A Sneak Peek at New Books from Tor, Tor Teen and Tor.com Publishing
12:00pm • Spotlight on The Cloven: With Garth Stein and Matthew Southworth
12:00pm • Jim Lee's X-Men Artist Edition Spotlight
12:00pm • Magic: The Gathering Panel with Mark Rosewater
12:00pm • Women of Color in Comics: Race, Gender & the Comic Book Medium
12:00pm • Diversity and Comics: Why Inclusion and Visibility Matter
12:00pm • Dark Horse All-Stars
12:00pm • Personal, Political, Fictional, and Factual
12:00pm • Constantine: 15th Anniversary Reunion
12:00pm • The Amazing Brutus: Unusual Places to Find a Great Animation Story
12:00pm • Bless the Harts
12:00pm • Disney+'s Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe
1:00pm • Creative Renaissance: How to Thrive When It's Hard to Survive
1:00pm • Masters of Storytelling
1:00pm • The Official Aspen Comics Panel 2020
1:00pm • UltraLawyer Kaiju Patrol
1:00pm • American Dad!
1:00pm • Latinx & Native Amerian Storytellers
1:00pm • Diamond Select Toys & Gentle Giant Ltd.
1:00pm • Tribute to Dennis O'Neal: Beyond Batman
1:00pm • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Future Is Now
1:00pm • Blast Off with Disney+'s "The Right Stuff"
1:00pm • Picard 2020: A Literary Retrospective
1:00pm • Rooster Teeth
1:00pm • Guillermo del Toro and Scott Cooper on Antlers and Filmmaking
2:00pm • Women Rocking Hollywood 2020: Supporting Female-Helmed Film and TV
2:00pm • IDW in 2020 and Beyond
2:00pm • Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious Panel
2:00pm • Couch Surfing with Simon & Schuster
2:00pm • Mexico's Magnificent Stop-Motion Seven
2:00pm • Gender, Race, and Comic Book Coloring
2:00pm • Family Guy
2:00pm • For All Mankind
3:00pm • Learn How to Color Comics
3:00pm • Authors on the Best Advice I Ever Got
3:00pm • Sailor Moon
3:00pm • Surviving the Hunger Games: Are the Odds Ever in Your Favor?
3:00pm • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - The Stories and Science of Mutants, Androids, Space Travel and Aliens
3:00pm • Best and Worst Manga of 2020
3:00pm • ComiXology Originals: Creator-Owned Comics and Beyond
3:00pm • Mark Waid and the Future of Humanoids
3:00pm • Peacock Original Series: Brave New World
3:00pm • Bill & Ted Face the Music
3:00pm • The Order Season 2
3:00pm • Puppets! Fantasy! Musicals! - Exploring Big Adventure On A Small Scale
4:00pm • Let's Get Spooky
4:00pm • Creating the memorable characters of Image Comics
4:00pm • Adrian Tomine spotlight panel
4:00pm • Cartoon Voices
4:00pm • The Stars and Executive Producers of ABC's Stumptown
4:00pm • How Do Ya Figure: A History of Comic Con Exclusive Action Figures
4:00pm • Concept Artists of Television and Film: #drawingwhileblack
4:00pm • Outta This World with DMC: Darryl Makes Comics and Friends
4:00pm • 20 Years of DeviantArt: An Oral History
4:00pm • Learning Through Role-Playing Games
4:00pm • HBO's Lovecraft Country
5:00pm • Comic Shops : Perservering Through Crisis
5:00pm • Figure Drawing for Popular Media
5:00pm • Pass Through the Gate with Lionsgate's "G-LOC"
5:00pm • Professional Storytelling: RPGs in 2020
5:00pm • Kodansha Comics Got Weird Manga: Summer Edition
5:00pm • Mexican Lucha Libre: History, Tradition, Legacy
5:00pm • What We Do In The Shadows
5:00pm • What's New In Small Press Comics
5:00pm • Apex Comics Publishing Group 2020-2021 Exclusive Previews
5:00pm • SuperheroIRL: United!
5:00pm • SYFY: Wynonna Earp
6:00pm • Unnecessary Debates
6:00pm • Ahoy Comics: Expect More!
6:00pm • Fantagraphics and IDW: Classic Comics Reprints
6:00pm • 25th Anniversary of Witchblade and Beyond
6:00pm • First Squad: How A Western Story Was Adapted Into A Japanese Anime And Manga
6:00pm • Farscape ... To Be Continued
6:00pm • Afrofuturism - "Black To The Future 3(D): Real A.F."
6:00pm • Out In Comics 33: Virtually Yours
6:00pm • AMC's NOS4A2
6:00pm • Scary Good TV: A Conversation with Horror's Top Showrunners
6:00pm • How to (Still) Be a Nerd For A Living
6:00pm • An Evening with Kevin Smith
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