#uc hades
chaos-source · 2 years
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Hades || Self-sabotage
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rimafudou97-blog · 6 months
Spoilers??? Please??? (The Underworld Chronicles)
I don't know if this is okay but can someone tell me spoilers of the new generation of UC, please? Like I read Seven's book and part of Hadrian's, but it was getting repetitive in the worst way possible...
I really love the UC and Hadifer (please, someone tell me if they are still together because in the first two books Luci was no where to be found...) and their children and all of their stories. The grandchildren are too much for me and the plot of each book are just very similar if not more violent in an unnecessary way... up until Luci's (book 24) book it was mostly bearable because I loved the characters and I needed to know what happened... but now I'm too busy and not that interested in the grandchildren...
So I plea for someone to tell me what is going on with Hades, Lucifer and their children and all of the characters we love so much from books 1-24.
My favorite characters are: Hades, Cain, Theo, Lucifer, and Charon.
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ofseafroth · 8 months
i don't use tumblr AT ALL but i think this is the one place i can show screenshots where everyone will see them.
i am tired of holly, ria, the original tumblr poster, and whoever this SadisticCupid is pretending theyre not at any fault for the recent idiotic drama.
holly is a person who is have had a falling out with some years ago. 2020, i believe, when the server was first made. the situation entailed her getting upset over a friend and i making jokes about white people. both my friend and i are half white. she claims i called her a cracker, i don't remember, so i wont deny or confirm that. she sent her friend ria to harass me on my message board after i made an all poc server. it immediately sprung into an argument of course and i blocked ria after ria compared me to my abusive mother. i have not spoken to her nor kept up with her until 2023.
however, holly joins my server AGAIN pretending to be someone else. she ends up leaving again after sharing art of UC ocs and i went "those are some white ass names" immediately following a compliment of her artwork. ss below. she leaves, she rejoins and claims she was bullied in the server. this was after she wouldnt let people promo the server on the UC insta and said the server was filled with bullies. i immediately took that accusation seriously and asked her to point out who bullied her because when we went back in the conversation, there was only that one thing i did. as soon as we pulled out screenshots, she began claiming she was bullied in dms and couldn't remember the conversation. she leaves AGAIN. she rejoins and a mod immediately recognizes her. when called out, she denies that shes the same person until i finally tell her i know its her. we have a conversation in the dms, every thing is resolved.
amidst a conversation about lucifer's flaws, specifically the rape of hades, holly jumps in and begins calling hades a whore. we all know how much holly likes lucifer. we tell her to stop calling him a whore, it was weird with the conversation we were having, and another member even explained it further.
she slut shames cain. i tell her to stop with the slut shaming. i have a rule in my server to be respectful on how you speak on fictional characters bc while they are fictional, there are things in the series that reflect real life situations. i.e : rape. i told her i dress similarly to cain. the constant slut shaming was just not a good feeling.
now the stupid business with the one shot. i have said repeatedly how i do not care how people feel about the one shot whether you like it or not. there was some valid criticisms esp with the first publication that i cannot have an opinion on because i did not read the pre edited version. we had screenshotted some comments that we felt were dramatic and found funny. not once did we come after anyone who genuinely had criticism about the one shot. she comes in out of no where and tells a mod to shut up and move on. of course we are not going to respond well to that. NOT ONCE did anyone treat her similarly when we disagreed with her. ill add screenshots as well.
i will also add screenshots of the conversation i had with the person who wrote that one tumblr post and anything i think is also relevant. claiming i manipulated them into taking my side is crazy.
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gremoria411 · 1 year
Note: This is Part 2 of a post on the Pale Rider Seies. Part 1 discusses the original Pale Rider and it’s design.
Before beginning though I would like to mention that, while the actual number of Gundam’s running around the One Year War is largely set in stone, the Pale Riders are pretty much always deniable assets, with much of the information destroyed or lost. As such, new models are introduced on a semi regular basis, with the White and Black Riders being the most recent to my knowledge.
So, how about those other Rider units, then?
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The White Rider was the first (in-universe) machine manufactured under the Pale Rider Plan. It is not equipped with a HADES system, but is instead equipped with the earlier ZEUS system (oh… I see what you did there). Which instead of hijacking the pilot like HADES, instead acts as a sort of really good fire control system. This is also the reason for the crown and more Gundam-like face. The system has not yet been miniaturised, and thus extrudes from the head quite considerably. It is armed with the Prototype Shekinah, which houses a Gatling gun and High-output Beam Cannon. The Shekinah was found to work fine, but the High-Output beam cannon severely limited the suit’s ability to use other beam weapons (and was quite frankly overkill), so the output was ratcheted down in future iterations. Because of this, the White Rider is armed with a heat sabre, styled after a rapier, as opposed to any beam sabers. I’m genuinely not that sure what the “cloak” on its left arm is for. It could be extra armour, but I seem to recall reading it was cooling apparatus/balancing for the Beam Cannon at some point, so I’m not sure. I’ve chatted about it’s design in a post I did on Code Fairy little while back, but in a nutshell, I like. The Beam Cannon being styled like a bow and the crown on its head both evoke the Biblical White Rider Pestilence, who rides a white horse, dons a crown and carries a bow, which is pretty neat. It was given to the Federation’s Black Dog Team after testing, and deployed against Zeon’s Noisy Fairy.
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Next up, the Red Rider (which has some lovely art of it, by the way). The Second unit produced (by process of elimination) and the one that basically nailed down what the design was going to be. It was built to collect data to fine-tune the final product and was supplied to the Aggressor Squadron. It is fitted with an ARES system (getting a theme here), which… is essentially a baby HADES system, just with a much higher chance of killing the pilot. Because of this, the cockpit is fitted with a heart resuscitation program called “rymm-va”. I have no idea how this passed health and safety, not to mention that if the pilot dies in the suit, Zeon forces could easily capture it and steal valuable federation secrets. Nice job guys. Anyway, the Red Rider is armed with the standard suite of Federation machine guns, a beam saber and two new weapons. One, a 100mm machine gun equipped with beam bayonets, and two, a shield that can unfold and become a Zweihänder (as seen in the upper right image). Which is honestly pretty dang cool. It is designed after - you guessed it - the Biblical Red Rider War, who rides a red horse and carries a sword.
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Unit 3 of the Rider Plan is the Black Rider. It was built to test a variety of specialised equipment, now that the basic design was down. From the fact that most of it never shows up again, we can assume things didn’t go well (or the data wasn’t properly backed up). It is equipped with a Rail Cannon (identical to the type used by the GM Ground type from M-MSV), heat daggers, a grenades launcher, stun anchor (a sort of electric harpoon similar to weaponry found on the Gouf) and fitted with a unit known as a Steelyard. I’ve talked at length about it’s design and my opinions on the existence of the Steelyard in an earlier post about Code Fairy, but in a nutshell: actual cloaking just isn’t a thing in UC, so this unit having it is very odd. I do love the Black Rider’s design though. It nails that whole “Tacticool” style I see getting thrown about so much lately without falling into the easy trap of going overboard with it. The Steelyard unit itself is styled after a pair of scales - such as the ones used by the Biblical Black Rider Pestilence (to measure the rising cost of grain). It is also equipped with the THEMIS system, which is a weaker version of HADES that removes most of the drawbacks (to my knowledge). Like it’s sibling unit the White Rider, it was eventually handed off to the Black Dog Team after testing, where it was then deployed against Zeon’s Noisy Fairy, and destroyed while attempting to kill Renato Germi, commander of the Black Dog Team.
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The last Pale Rider unit deployed during the One Year War was the Pale Rider Cavalry. It was essentially supposed to be the Pale Rider, tweaked and simplified for mass-production after the war as a next-gen mobile suit. It was eventually stolen by the (by this point rogue) Slave Wraith team, but was later damaged and abandoned. It was armed with the Shekinah, a composite weapon made up of a Beam Cannon, Gatling Gun and Missile launcher in order to save costs (essentially a composite of the G04 and G05’ primary weapons, built to look like the Heavy Gundam’s frame Launcher). Other than it existing and having a pretty sweet design, I don’t honestly know a whole lot about it.
But speaking of that pretty sweet design, let’s go over that, shall we? I honestly really like the more Gundam-style design here, with the extra detailing just being wonderful. The Shekinah is a really good integrated weapon, because whatever weapon you want to switch to is going to be aiming at the same target at the one you switched from, so it’s very quick. I do love the Heavy Gundam’s frame launcher anyway, so the Pale Rider Cavalry having one is also nice. The colours evoke the Blue Destiny Unit 3, which is a very advanced and very good mobile suit. It all works so very well together, I think.
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The Pale Rider Dullahan was built and deployed in 0080. It is the wreckage of the above pale rider cavalry restored to a functioning state after it was damaged. Unfortunately, since a large amount of the records regarding the Pale Rider had been lost, it was reconstructed without the HADES system. It was armed with a Hyper Beam Rifle/Hyper Bazooka, Heat Lance (taken/spare from the G-line Project) and Guardian Shield (taken from the GM Guard Type). It would be deployed against remnants of Zeon’s Marchosias team, where it would be destroyed in combat against the Pale Rider (VG). It was named the Dullhan after the headless horseman, since it wasn’t equipped with the HADES system. I honestly don’t have a whole lot to say on this one.
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What I have considerably more to say on is the Pale Rider DII. It’s a reproduction of the Pale Rider Cavalry, with the Pale Rider Dullahan filling in the parts they don’t have information for (so, again, no HADES System). It was deployed against Zeon Remnant forces (that would eventually become part of the AEUG) in UC 0084. The full story can be found in Anaheim Laboratory Log, but in essence, the Pale Rider DII deploys with some GM’s to take on Two Galbaldy Alpha High Mobility Customs along with a new mobile suit, the Dowas Custom (painted red). The Pale Rider DII gets wrecked (though not destroyed).
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The Dowas Custom, while initially appearing to be little more than a supercharged Dom, is actually rather special. It is the first (in-universe) second-generation mobile suit, acting as a carrier for some of the early Axis Zeon’s best technologies, which will in turn be used to develop the Rick Dias, the AEUG’s first mobile suit. So the fact that the Pale Rider, arguably the Zenith of First-Generation Mobile suit tech, loses to it is wonderful. Why? Because it shows that the Pale Rider’s time is over, that a new generation of mobile suits is coming, far superior over what came before. It emphasises just what a big deal the second-gen suits are compared to their forebears, how different things are going to be compared to the One Year War. It’s the first victory of the early AEUG over the titans. I love how the DII is used here as a microcosm of the events surrounding it. (Also it makes me think of a beefed-up GM Quel, which is quite nice).
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Last one now. The AMX-18 [HADES] Todesritter. An unapologetic fourth-gen mobile suit, it was built by Neo Zeon using parts from the original Pale Rider, and retains its pilot, Chloe Croce, in addition to the HADES system in its head. It’s armed with Vulcans, Machine cannons, beam sabers, beam guns and so much more. It’s main gun is a hyper Knuckle Buster taken from a Ga-Zowmn, it uses a shield from a Bawoo with built-in mega particle guns, it has the tri-blades used by the Dreissen, and of course Incoms taken from the Döven Wolf. In addition to all this, it has two sub-arms in its shoulders that are used in close-quarters to wield additional beam sabers, such as hyper beam sabers of a similar design to those wielded by the ZZ Gundam. It is a lot. It was deployed by Char’s Neo Zeon in UC 90, against some Glemy Faction remnants, and is piloted by former Marchosias team personnel. Honestly, I quite like it. It doesn’t feel overarmed, since fourth-gen mobile suits typically have a lot of armaments. If anything, I tend to look at it as Neo-Zeon’s answer to the ZZ Gundam. It looks like this big, operatic villain, the incom units looking like a cape and the pointy feet adding a lot to this impression. The built-up arms and obvious emphasis on its weaponry makes it feel like it’s about to turn to me sadly and say “well if that’s how you really think of me, *draws sword* then you and I are enemies”. It’s a very solid aesthetic, is what I’m trying to say. It’s a distinctly odd blend of old Earth Federation aesthetics and Neo Zeon ones, but it all works. I especially like the legs, though that might just be because they remind me of the Döven Wolf. (Also, as an aside, I really like a lot of mobile suits with High Heels, simply because they’re always animated to run so delightfully. The Todesritter having a very busy back adds to this significantly, it looks like it’s lugging around a small dress train, or indeed, a cape).
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glampire-rockstar · 2 years
Y'all guys won't believe what I saw when I got on wwe.com!
They forgot about Moxley and his achievements when he was with his Shield brothers!
How dare they! Mox is an impact as well as a Shield member! Former US champion, two-time Tag-Team champion, Intercontinental champion, Mr. Money In The Bank, youngest Grand Slam champion, Roman's first honorary Uce, and World Heavyweight champion.
When he was Ambrose, he was the best of the best like Reigns and Rollins! He did tributes for legends and hall of famers as well!
They held one title at Las Vegas in one night, from Reigns to Rollins to Moxley! That was the most legendary moment in history for former tag-team stables like theirs! Their friendship will never be forgotten and will be in my heart!
They did the best reunions and the matches as one brotherhood...the Hounds of Justice rather than being solo as a lone wolf!
Moxley is a GOAT like Reigns, he bust his ass off for WWE and deserved to be himself since 2019 when he left there for ALL ELITE! At AEW, he shows the fans how much he loves shedding blood, busting guts, tearing flesh, and breaking bones as a hardcore wrestler. Even when he was in the indies, he brought unscripted explicit violence as a death rider and a purveyor with a paradigm shift.
They better recognize him as part of the Shield, a WWE veteran, a former FCW and NXT star, and a fighting champion who inspired fans.
It ain't two people, there's three people, a trio of brotherhood like the three heads of Hades's dog of the Underworld...the Cerberus!
When I see them on stage, I believe they're the gods from Greek...Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon.
Roman is Zeus, Moxley is Hades, and Seth is Poseidon.
Roman brings the bolts of acknowledgement, Jon brings the flames of violence, and Seth brings the waves of chaos.
Mox deserves the whole world and all the accomplishments he made with himself as a proud man, father of a daughter, a husband of a great woman, Shield Brother, champion, best friend, and veteran of WWE.
That's a fact.
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What the what was that both just did then the empress attack UC with a strong wind attack throwing them away from the battle of course gundham didn’t like that gundham HOW DARE YOU you filthy beings how dare hurt the pure one the emperor took notice of gundham attack after saying this and goes directly to attack with it sword gundham so this is your decision very well then gundham goes down and avoid the emperor attack and get UC evoker gundham hear my call my soul partner let make those foolish creatures suffer to hurt the pure one it time to feel the wrath of lord of underworld come answer my call hades then gundham pull the trigger and summon his persona it launch a maragion in both shadows
*The attack only hurt one shadow, but it did great damage. UC looks at Gundham in awe.*
UC: Woah...
Fuuka: That was great, Tanaka-kun! It looks like the enemies changed their weaknesses... The Empress seems to be weak to Fire, and the Emperor is weak to Physical attacks now!
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epicvewor · 2 years
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xiaoyugaara · 5 years
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UC: Cuddles by xiaoyugaara
I revisited these two few days ago, i honestly miss them. But i’m not active in this fandom anymore though. My last fanart upload from them was in 2018. I think the author is in hiatus as well?? anyway it’s Hadifer
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chemicalbrew · 4 years
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thanks, Hades, for the mad fun 217 attempts
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evildisneydorks · 3 years
Is there a Disney Villain without a song, that you wish had a villain song?
I got lots of ideas so bear with me:
-When I was younger I used to watch this very obscure, and admitely chessier, animated version of Snow White that had more resemblance to the original source material, but that’s not important.
Now, they gave the Queen a musical number (26:15)
I’m not saying that it would fit Grimhilde perfectly but hey! Let mah girl sing about her beauty and evil plans while she prepares the potion to go kill Snow White.
-A twisted version of Once Upon a Dream sang by Maleficent to mock Prince Philip while he’s in the dungeon.
-I know he has a song towards the end of the film, but Captain Hook could have easily sang a heart-break song during her encounter with Tinkerbell, as a way to get to her feelings and manipulate her.
-One part of me really wants Hades to sing at one point, maybe a twisted version from Zero to Hero where he mocks Hercules. Or literally any ABBA song, I would die if someone did a cover of Hades’s singing Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
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newsmallloans-blog1 · 6 years
nya smslån
Att ta sms lån 3000 behöver inte kosta något
Om man tittar på statistik över sökningar på nätet så kan man se att det söks en hel del på smslån utan uc, och en orsak till att många vill veta mer om detta är förstås att många idag har en betalningsanmärkning, och därför vill slippa kreditupplysning. Det gäller dock att tänka på att ett smslån3000.net inte är detsamma som ett lån utan kreditupplysning. Det första går att hitta, medan det sistnämnda inte ska finnas. 
Strängare regler kring just snabblån har skapats för att öka säkerheten för låntagare, och de reglerna säger bland annat att det alltid ska göras en kreditbedömning när man ansöker om lån. Däremot finns det inga regler som säger att det inte får finnas smslån3000.net, detta på grund av att man kan anlita andra företag än just uc när man ska göra en kreditbedömning.
För fem år sedan var det inte så många som hade hört talas om smslån 3000 och ännu färre som faktiskt hade tagit ett sådant. Idag är det helt annorlunda och de flesta har nog någon gång hört talas om denna typ av lån och mängder av människor har även provat att låna pengar med hjälp av ett smslån 3000. dessa snabblån gör lånemarknaden tillgänglig för mängder av arbetslösa personer och låginkomsttagare och de flesta som testat att låna på det här sättet via mobiltelefon eller dator har bara positivt att säga om smslån 3000 kr.
Det behöver inte kosta massor att ta smslån 3000
Hör du till dem som tror att det måste betalas ett högt smslån 3000 pris om man vill ta snabblån? Det är förstås lätt att tro att det kostar mycket att ta ett så fördelaktigt lån utan säkerhet men i verkligheten stämmer inte det här med hur verklighetens lånevillkor ser ut. Visst går det att ta smslån 3000 utan säkerhet och ändå slippa dyra avgifter. Faktum är att det till och med går att ta smslån 3000 gratis för dig som helt saknar inkomst. För att lyckas med detta krävs det dock att du kan visa att du inte har några betalningsanmärkningar. Om du råkar ha det så behöver du dock inte misströsta, du kan ändå få ett vanligt smslån 3000 men får betala en liten avgift för lånet.
smslån 3000
Hur ska man då gå till väga om man vill hitta de företag som erbjuder smslån 3000 till riktigt bra priser? Det finns flera olika sätt att hitta dessa företag och om du är en hejare på att använda sökmotorer kan du naturligtvis söka upp all information på egen hand. 
Om du däremot föredrar att få information utan att behöva anstränga dig så är smslån 3000.net en bättre metod. Du får samma information men behöver inte själv leta reda på den och du hittar dessutom upplysningar från tidigare låntagare och får veta hur de har upplevt låneprocessen. Recensioner kan verkligen vara till stor nytta när det är dags att välja långivare och därför är det bra att använda denna sida.
Om man nu har ett par betalningsanmärkningar och vill låna pengar, vad bör man då ta sig till? Bör man leta efter möjligheter att ta smslån 3000 med betalningsanmärkning utan uc, eller bör man helt enkelt söka vanliga snabblån och hoppas att man blir godkänd som låntagare? Eftersom flera långivare är milda i sina bedömningar av sökande med anmärkningar så finns det ingen anledning att leta i timmar efter smslån utan uc, det räcker gott med att kika runt bland olika hemsidor och försöka hitta en långivare som godkänner sökande med anmärkningar.
Smslån utan uc kan vara bra inför framtiden
Väldigt många människor drömmer om att någon gång kunna köpa en bostad, vanligtvis ett hus. För att kunna få den möjligheten krävs vanligtvis en fast inkomst, en anställning som man haft i minst ett år, samt att man inte har några betalningsanmärkningar. En annan sak som kan påverka negativt när man ansöker om bolån är ett stort antal registrerade kreditupplysningar. 
Kreditupplysningar kan registreras när man ansöker om mindre lån, och dessa kan sedan göra att man inte får något bolån. Om man vill undvika detta kan man istället leta efter smslån 3000, eftersom dessa inte påverkar framtida utsikter att få låna pengar till bostad eller andra saker.
Smslån utan uc innebär alltså inte att man undviker en kreditupplysning, det innebär däremot att kreditupplysningen inte registreras hos uc. Detta innebär i sin tur att dessa tidigare lån inte på något sätt vägs in i bedömningen när man senare ansöker om andra typer av lån. Om man håller sig till smslån utan uc kan man med andra ord låna hur ofta man vill, utan att behöva oroa sig över hur det ska påverka i framtiden.
Letar du efter nya sms lån 3000 har du inga större problem att kunna finna det du söker. Lånemarknaden då det gäller små snabba lån över huvud taget växer oavbrutet, och det kommer både nya onlinelån och nya smslån i en ständig ström. Eftersom detta är en mycket lukrativ bransch, är det inte så konstigt att det är fler som vill vara med och dela på kakan. Om du inte vill använda de lån du kanske redan provat utan istället vill testa nya smslån har du därför många möjligheter till detta.
Positivt med nya smslån
För dig som konsument är det alltid bra när det kommer nya aktörer. Ju fler långivare, desto större konkurrens, vilket väl alltid gynnar konsumenten på något sätt. Dels kan det bli lättare att hitta billiga lån när det dyker upp nya smslån, eftersom priserna brukar vara det första som används i konkurrenshänseende. De nya måste ju försöka ta kunder från redan etablerade långivare, och det sker ofta genom lägre priser. Men, många konkurrerar också genom att erbjuda lån med lägre krav på låntagaren, som till exempel att erbjuda lån trots betalningsanmärkning eller liknande. Det har funnits möjligheter till det även tidigare, men ju fler nya smslån som tillkommer, desto lättare blir det att hitta sådana möjligheter.
En sak som kan vara bra att tänka på om du vill söka något av de nya smslån du stöter på, är att just nya smslån ibland kan ha lite inkörningsproblem. Om det är riktigt nya aktörer kan det kanske vara bra att se om du kan hitta kundomdömen, för att på så sätt kunna få reda på hur det har fungerat för andra kunder.
Du kan hitta mycket information om både nya smslån och äldre om du tittar på internet. Även om du föredrar att söka via mobilen (jo, du kan söka de flesta smslån på nätet också), så är internet ett väldigt bra forum att ta reda på så mycket som möjligt innan du väljer långivare. Du kan lätt jämföra avgifter på nätet, speciellt enkelt blir det om du använder någon av de jämförelsetjänster som finns där. 
Då får du alla lånen på en och samma sida, och har mycket lättare att jämföra än om du själv ska plocka fram dem sida för sida. Du kan då också jämföra lånevillkoren, om du behöver hitta långivare som erbjuder lån trots betalningsanmärkning eller trots avsaknad av fast inkomst till exempel.
Navigera till denna webbplats för att få mer information om smslån 3000.
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chaos-source · 1 year
It's been a while and I doubt that anyone is active much in the fandom since Rotty's hiatus. I used to love this series but I can understand the fucked up shit it had now. Uc unfortunately uses r*pe as a plot point unnecessarily often. Joxeia didn't have to be assaulted by the nurse to show his desperation. And then we get a sob story for the nurse. Uc forgives r*pists too often, the only understandable scenario was Hannibal's since he wasn't in control. Zeus and Cerberus on the other hand didn't deserve to be forgiven and given a happy ending.
Rotty complaining about censorship in wattpad and the removal of Guardian is kind of appalling to me. Guardian is a fucked up book filled loss, r*pe abuse only for the mc to end up with his abuser and he didn't even get a happy ending and had to suffer so fucking much even for several more books. On the other hand, the r*pist got himself a nice husband and continued his merry life. To hear that Guardian has a even more uncensored version haunts me as how much worse could this book get?
Uc does undeniably have great characters too, Hades is someone who will forever have a place in my heart. Female characters such in uc tho, most of them are either classified in uwu girl, bitch, troublemaker or in rare cases have good characterisation like Viviana. Though her character was pushed aside after some time. When the Artificials got rescued most of them were wary and suspicious;only Five, the only girl, had to cry out of happiness.
Rotty was young when he started the series but he in an adult now and should realize how fucked up of a message he sends through his stories. Readers may get influenced through his stories that forgive r*pists and make the victim even end up with their r*pist.
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crazybeavers-blog · 6 years
lån utan säkerhet
lån utan uc med låga räntor på personliga lån at
  Har du behov som inte uppfylls eftersom din lönecheck är otillräcklig för att betala för något annat än väsentliga? Om så är fallet kanske du vill överväga att ta ut ett osäkert lån som kan hjälpa dig att betala för alla föremål som du har missat. Ett osäkert lån är lättillgängligt för många av de inköp som du önskar att du hade pengar att göra, till exempel nya möbler för ditt hem, nya apparater till köket eller till och med semester Crazybeavers shoppingbehov.
Inga säkerheter i fara
Ett osäkert lån är ett lån som inte säkras av någon form av säkerheter. Det osäkra lånet är bra för låntagare som inte vill riskera sina säkerheter (som deras hem) för att säkra lånet de behöver. Också, om du är en låntagare utan säkerhet för att lova, är det osäkra lånet perfekt för lån utan uc dig.
När en långivare överväger din ansökan om ett osäkert lån, kommer de att titta på ett antal olika faktorer. Först och främst vill långivaren se att du har tillräcklig inkomst för att återbetala dem när de förlänger pengar på dina vägnar. God arbetshistoria är ett måste när man får ett osäkert lån och långivare gillar att låna pengar till personer som visar att de har möjlighet att hålla ett jobb med samma arbetsgivare under ett antal år. Långivaren kommer också att titta på din tidigare kreditprestanda för att bestämma risken för att han tar när han lånar ut pengar genom att undersöka dina bankkort med andra långivare.
Även om dåliga kreditgivare godkänns varje dag kommer din ränta att bestämmas indirekt med det sätt på vilket du har betalat andra långivare - så om du har varit sen kommer räntorna att öka på ditt osäkrade låneavtal. Den potentiella långivaren för ditt osäkra lån kommer också att se på vilka typer av krediter du har haft och hur du hanterar dina kreditgränser - detta visar din långivare din förmåga (eller brist på) att hantera lån utan säkerhet pengar.
  Låntagare med alla typer av kredithistorier kan kvalificera sig enkelt och lättare med online långivare. Online långivare har lägre standarder när det gäller att skriva osäkra lån eftersom de har mer kapital att investera än din lokala bank gör. Vad det här betyder för dem som har haft några ekonomiska svårigheter är att de kan låna pengar på ett osäkert lån till priser som är mycket konkurrenskraftiga med traditionella långivare, oavsett deras dåliga kredithistoria.
Alla människor är inte välsignade med en egendom under deras namn. Hyresgäster, studenter eller någon icke-husägare är sådana personer. De är mest sannolikt att drabbas av hinder för att ta ett lån eftersom de inte har möjlighet att säkra ett lån till långivaren. Men trots denna handikapp kan de framgångsrikt ta ett lån tack vare osäkra lån. Osäkra lån kan utnyttjas för olika ändamål som att rensa medicinska eller utbildningsräkningar, finansiera ett fordon eller njuta av en blancolån semesterresa.
Osäkra lån har visat sig ha många fördelar för hyresgästerna eller icke-husägare. Osäkra lån ges utan säkerhet. Det betyder att hyresgäster inte behöver söka efter någon som kan garantera lånets säkerhet för dem. Även låntagarna riskerar inte att ta osäkra lån. En annan fördel är att långivare godkänner osäkra lån på kortare tid. Detta beror på att tiden förlorad för värdering av säkerheter sparas.
Osäkra lån leverantörer tar dåligt kredit låntagare medvetet och är villiga att överväga sökanden för lånet. Alla en osäkrade lånesökare med dålig kredit måste göra är att visa sin eller hennes återbetalningsförmåga genom dokument med årliga inkomster, anställningar och kontoutdrag från tidigare månader. Långivare är mer intresserade av din nuvarande inkomst än din dåliga kredit.
Besök webbplatsen för att få mer information relaterad till Crazybeavers. 
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gremoria411 · 1 year
Alright, since I did a post on all the Gundam Units running around in the One Year War, and since I also just finished my big long post on Gundam: Code Fairy, I should probably do one on the Pale Rider series, shouldn’t I?
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Being that they’re also very popular, and thus show up in a lot of places. I should note that I’m working off second-hand information for most of these, since I haven’t played the Missing Link Games.
I’m also going to talk about the original pale rider first, then I’ll deal with the others in (in-universe) chronological order in a second post:
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The Original RX-80 PR Pale Rider (later retconned into being the 4th unit in the Pale Rider plan). First appeared in the Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link videogame. It’s first known deployment was against the Slave Wraith Team, an Earth Federation MS team made up of condemned criminals, often used as an internal disciplinary unit (read: taking out traitors and political enemies of the group’s controller, Grave) after they were judged too much of a liability (betrayed). It was later heavily damaged in battle against Zeon’s Marchosias Corps (basically a bunch of pilots that Zeon doesn’t fully trust due to possible ties with the Earth Federation, but who are too good for Zeon not to use) and captured (along with its pilot) at a Baoa Qu, at the end of the war. What happens to it next depends, since the Videogame and Manga diverge here. In the videogame it is eventually refitted into the AMX-18 Todesritter by Neo Zeon (in UC 0090, around the time of Char’s Rebellion), which I’ll get to later. Whilst in the manga it’s customised into the Pale Rider (VG) in UC 0080, then used by Vincent Gleissner, former member of Marchosias, and fought against the Pale Rider Dullhan, which I’ll also get to later. The Pale Rider (VG) is stated to be repaired using Gelgoog parts, but really the only notable difference is it’s weaponry. Notably, the name Pale Rider is implied to be something of a sick joke - in normal mobile suits the Pilot controls their actions as if they were riding a horse, with the Pale Rider, it’s the other way around.
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So there it is, the unit that started it all. While I do understand it’s popularity I confess I’m unable to really appreciate the design. Why is this? Well…. The original Pale Rider design could be described as taking a bunch of existing cool elements from the Gundam Sidestories and mashing them all together. While not a bad method of designing a suit (especially one that you want to feel threatening, or a culmination of that which came before it), it does mean that the design is going to have a certain stitched-together quality to it.
First off, the mobile suit itself takes several design cues from the GM Sniper II (some of the chest and most of the legs and skirt armour) stated to be one of the best suits in the war, and it equipped with a HADES system, a derivative of the (strictly-limited) EXAM system used by the Blue Destiny Units, from which it also appears to derive its head design and general colourscheme.
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(I’ll talk about it another time, but the EXAM system is essentially a super mode, where the suits limiters are released, but it places incredible stress on the pilot, since they’re essentially being used as a biological cpu. It is limited to three minutes, otherwise the suit is put under too much stress).
Armament wise, it has multiple weapon loadouts, all of which use weaponry cribbed from other machines. The ground type armaments uses the same 180mm Cannon as the Gundam Ground Type, and is also equipped with a Spike Shield used by the GM Striker. Whilst the Space use version uses the exact same armaments as the Gundam G05 - Giant Gatling Gun, Hyper Beam Rifle, Shield and this is also where the Pale Rider gets it’s beam guns which are built-into it’s arms.
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When customised for use by Vincent Gleissner, it’s equipped with the Beam Machine Gun from the Gelgoog Jäger (essentially the best beam weapon available at that time) in addition to its Beam spot guns in the arms, to replace it’s destroyed beam guns. It gets twin beam naginata’s from the standard Gelgoog, and has twin missile pods added to the legs (I assume they’re standard Zeon equipment, but the only other suit we see them on is the EXAM Efreet).
This isn’t meant to call out the Pale Rider as a “Bad Design” or anything. I think it does a good job of blending its influences together. It’s just that I generally find myself preferring it’s component units over it (particularly the G04 and G05).
I’ll talk about the other Rider units in a follow-up post.
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bilresaieuropa · 2 years
Lån utan UC
Lån utan UC Lån utan UC Lån utan UC. Kom den där kronofogden och hade åsikter om någon skuld du hade skaffat dig! Typiskt, då faller ofta möjligheten att få något lån. Men lugn, det finns kreditbolag som ger lån, trots att du skaffat dig avdelning hos kronofogden. Det kostar som regel lite mera i ränta, men det är nog det mista bekymret. Du vill ju ha pengar till den där prylen som du bara…
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its-sa-chan · 6 years
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[Advertising/not paid] Tsukuyomi the Japanese Moon god from @therealrotxinxpieces #underworldcronicle bookserie. He is so adorable and I was so happy that we read more of him in Rowans book 😍 I wanna know more about him! Pretty please Rotty! 😇 . . #drawing #art #illustration #coloration #anime #manga #bishonen #boy #god #copic #copics #copicmarker #copicsketch #polychromo #polychromos #ink #book #god #gods #Hades #Hell #Yomi #underworld #UC #underworldcronicles #moongod
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