#u ok kaylynn?
honeyjars-sims · 2 years
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It’s graduation day, and Paul is excited to finally give his valedictorian speech after practicing every day. It went pretty well. Deshawn must’ve gotten stuck in traffic or something. The ceremony went off without a hitch, and they even had time to grab a bite to eat before the auditorium closed its doors.
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bunyipsims · 1 year
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ye ye ye let’s go!
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genuinely do not know why Daniel Pleasant is at this house, but here he is setting the kitchen on fire.
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let’s gooooooooo
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go go gooooooo
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Astoria messed up a getaway driving assignment and lost her job. ☹️
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Sims u would not expect to be such good friends: Astoria Spinner and Kaylynn Langerak.
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baby Rose comin in strong!!
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i don’t think i’ve ever had a Sim die by flies, so i made an evil little kill box in the back yard. the problem is, starvation is probably going to get to her before the LEGENDARY CARNIVOROUS FLIES.
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things were getting a little crowded at 10 Cantrip Drive, especially with Tosha’s talk of SIX CHILDREN. Astoria has decided to HIT THE BRICKS (move in with her good friend, possible girlfriend, extremely pregnant Kaylynn Langerak).
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kill box kill box kill box 🪦🪦
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ok so the kill box worked, but i have no idea how.
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wildfangz · 2 years
Thinking of making Pleasantview/Strangetown teen sims to play the new pack w/ (and maybe continue gameplay w/ afterwards if I have a lot of fun) but you see. there are some issues
DEFINITELY want teen Calientes, Don, Daniel, Kaylynn, U know. the whole gang
So it would make sense to utilize teenage Cassandra
Part of me wants to say Fuck Da Timeline and throw Michael Bachelor in. For two very good reasons
1) someone to play football w/ and have as like the quarterback. Daniel Pleasant is not as cool 2) I'd see him as a senior and Dina probably as a sophomore so no romance at this phase in their lives but I like the idea of him taking her to prom as just a sweet gesture when she inevitably overworks herself and doesn't get a date
But if Michael is a teenager Bella has to be in the picture too
Which means Cassandra hasn't been born yet
Ok cool
except for the fact Cassandra grew up w/ Mary Sue and Darren who I want in the picture but now theyll have been teenagers at very least when she was born
Also large age gap between her and Don which aside from being ehhh I've always seen them as roughly the same age, maybe Don being a few years older but that's it
The Solution Has To Be Time Travel. Love a mad scientist Cassandra
but my head hurts thinking about it and how that'd work out especially since i like cassandra/mary sue/darren having grown up together
I am extremely overthinking a fucking GAMEPLAY save
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dreambot · 3 years
Song URL Game
tagged by @kaylynn-is-typing & @cowplanty THANKS LOVE U
The rules are simple: Spell your username with songs, and then tag as many people as there are in letters.
V : vamos - pixies E : easy way out - BRONCHO G : guinea pig - jesse the neighborhood (ABT ME !!!!) A  : all bets are off - oliver fucking tree ! (also abt me !!) S  : soft drink - cherry glazerr
wow what a complete mess ! that took forever no shit, my name is so inconvenient. U think i know 5 ppl uHHH well lets see @emotrait  @gloomfish @selfmaderibcageman @wolfgang-munch @miwksowp . ok just say i tagged u if anyone else wnats to do it
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
ok stop the presses i finally thought of a good pleasantview ship: CASSANDRA/KAYLYNN 1) same face template 2) both family aspiration 3) both super shy  4) kaylynn has all the basic life skills and street smarts cassandra’s sheltered overpriviliged ass lacks and would make her more down to earth 5) concurrently cassandra’s vast fortune would guarantee kaylynn wouldn’t have to work for creepy dudes who hit on her again in her life
this is it ppl, search ur feelings, u kno it to be true
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simstationdance · 4 years
@jeebie-sims​ asked: for the headcanon meme: Daniel Pleasant, Johnny Smith, and Mortimer Goth
ok so i apparently had a lot to say about these three, especially johnny and mortimer because they are favorites of mine. i was also inspired by the pictures u put in your answers to the shipping asks, so i decided to pair a few pictures with my answers.
i would’ve answered this as a regular ask, but for some reason, applying a read more to an ask applies it to the ‘question’ part of the post and not the actual body of the post where it should be, and not actually truncating the post at all. i couldn’t fix it no matter what i tried and eventually i gave up. tumblr is a Functional Website.
answers under the cut because i’m a turbo nerd who wrote way too much. i hope you enjoy it nonetheless
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(headcanon ask meme)
Daniel Pleasant
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Sexuality Headcanon: straight
Gender Headcanon: man
A ship I have with said character: daniel x marriage counseling. no, really.
ok but in all seriousness, it’s obvious that dan and mary sue really really need to work their shit out and i don’t think they could do it easily, if at all. if nothing else, they’d stay together for their public image I MEAN their kids whom they clearly love sooo muuuch 
(meanwhile i’m certain angela and lilith - especially lilith - would rather their parents divorced because the tension in the house is so fucking thick you could cut it with a knife, and that’s not a healthy environment to grow up in)
i don’t really ship him with anybody, to be honest. i know he’s with kaylynn on the side but i don’t personally see her sticking around, especially in the aftermath of a destroyed marriage.
unless he actually gets his shit together, i can’t imagine him being able to fully commit to a relationship, as evidenced by his abysmal relationship with his own wife.
A BROTP I have with said character: hmmm. maybe dan and don would be friends? i mean, they’re both cheaters, and they’d become social pariahs for it, but they’d be in it together, at least. meanwhile, their respective marital exes can get together to actually have a happy relationship.
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for all i know, don might’ve actually convinced dan to take the plunge into debauchery in the first place. like he was like “don’t you miss when you were a carefree bachelor, dan?” and dan’s like “yeah man i miss that life” because its obvious he’s going thru a mid life crisis, so don basically encourages him - wittingly or not - to cheat on his wife. and they’re probably unaware that they’re both dating the maid.
oh fuck. now that i think about it this makes perfect sense.
A NOTP I have with said character: i guess daniel and mary sue? like, it’s an obvious answer but i literally almost always expose him as a cheater to her when i play the pleasants lmao their relationship really does not stand a chance.
A random headcanon: daniel usually prefers peace and quiet, so the constant arguing between his daughters - mixed with his poor relationship with his wife and the secret he keeps from her at the start of the game - makes it very hard for him to want to be around his own family.
instead of taking more initiative to take control of his domestic life, daniel instead opts to run from his problems. because he’s a Bastard. he envies his sister for having a healthier marriage than he does, unaware (or unwilling to entertain the thought) that perhaps jennifer and john have their own problems too.
General Opinion over said character: daniel is an absolute wet moldy rag of a man and his soap-opera-esque suffering amuses me.
Mortimer Goth
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Sexuality Headcanon: pansexual.
Gender Headcanon: man
A ship I have with said character: i mean, the obvious answer would be mortimer x bella 5evr. they really are, or... were, a lovely couple. back in the sims 1 days, they were the ‘adorably eccentric’ goth family.
his wife had her strange magic, and he had his weird science, and together they were a power couple to end all power couples. but the thing is, i don’t imagine their relationship was built to last.  mortimer had far more ‘energy’ than bella did, and although they were a match, it was often difficult for her to keep up with him and his... mortimerisms. obviously bella had her quirks, but mortimer was something else. people often wondered how they managed to work together.
and as for his relationship with dina in the sims 2... well, the way i see it is, after bella’s disappearance, mortimer was utterly distraught. dina came to introduce herself and perhaps comfort him, since she was bella’s former sister in law, and in his weakness, things slowly escalated.
but even in his old age, mortimer is a highly intelligent and intuitive man who, i think, could read just about anyone like a book. if dina was just a run of the mill gold digger, he would’ve dropped her like a rock because he’s smarter than that. therefore, i’m almost certain that their relationship goes deeper than dina being interested in his wealth.
A BROTP I have with said character: this might seem odd, but mortimer and bonehilda in both the sims 1 and the sims 2. listen, i know she doesn’t appear in the sims 2... officially. but that doesn’t stop me from modding her into the game. and i have done exactly that.
the best part about acquiring the skeleton maid was that mortimer finally had somebody to ramble endlessly to about his latest ideas, the things that kept him up at night, but he didn’t want to bother bella while she was trying to sleep.
previously, he’d get an idea and would enthusiastically slams the door open like “BELLA I JUST HAD AN AMAZING IDEA!!!” and bella, laying in bed, would say “it’s the middle of the night and i have a golf tournament in the morning, dear.” and at that, mortimer would back out and slowly and quietly close the door.
so while bonehilda was tidying up the house, he would be essentially pacing around and talking to himself. thinking aloud helped him keep his thoughts in order - he has so many of them - and she would dutifully listen to his every word.
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unfortunately he eventually had to retire the maid, she would frequently emerge from her coffin at inopportune times while bella was entertaining guests and they’d run out screaming.
bella also got tired of her drinking her cocktails and leaving puddles everywhere.
A NOTP I have with said character: i’d make jokes about it but i probably wouldn’t ship him with his skeleton maid. other than that i can’t think of any.
A random headcanon: mortimer is the very definition of mad scientist. open the page in the dictionary and you will find his picture.
being a knowledge sim, i feel like mortimer would do anything in the pursuit of knowledge, because he’s perpetually overwhelmed with curiosity and a desire to understand everything about the world, even if that often drives him to doing strange and, perhaps, unethical things in the name of science...
his curiosity led him to his chosen field in the first place. he was a bit of an amateur scientist even before then. as he rose through the ranks in his career and gained more notoriety for his scientific pursuits, he also took quite a lot of heat - some of his more bizarre experiments caused a great deal of scandals in his younger years.
he always managed to get back in the public’s favor, and he eventually got the last laugh against the press because he retired with a huge fortune.
General Opinion over said character: i’ve never been able to put my finger on it, but something about mortimer has always, ALWAYS felt extremely shady to me... and that’s what makes him interesting.
Johnny Smith
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Sexuality Headcanon: bi
Gender Headcanon: man
A ship I have with said character: johnny x ophelia is cute, but johnny x ripp is also cute. you know what’s even cuter? all three of them together. they are so wholesome and good.
in my experience with strangetown (both in my current project and in an abandoned uberhood i did a while back), ripp usually has no romantic interest in ophelia and 100% interest in johnny, just on his own. their lack of feelings for each other, however, doesn’t stop them from both being with johnny, if they ever decided to do so. the only thing stopping them is their own personal convictions and... fear. as is the standard for these kinds of relationships, it would take a A Lot Of Work.
i’m sure johnny really loves them both, just in different ways. i see him as being the very physically affectionate friend who gives hugs out like candy and they both love him for it because they’re both touch starved as fuck. (that’s what you get when you have olive specter and buzz grunt as parental figures)
even tho it’s his first, the progression of his relationship with ophelia feels very natural to him. meanwhile, the idea of him and ripp together has never crossed his mind, not because he wouldn’t be interested, but because... um, well, he has a girlfriend, so... imagining himself with people other than his girlfriend would be weeeeird, you know? yeah...
he might also be a little oblivious, so that’s probably why he hasn’t picked up on ripp being weird around him yet. so ripp’s watching johnny be affectionate with ophelia like “god i wish that were me” and then johnny’s like “ripp are you ok” and ripp is like “haha yeah bro i’m great!!! :’)”
he’s always there for ophelia, and if ripp were willing to open up to johnny more often, he’d do the same for him.
A BROTP I have with said character: johnny!!! and!!! ripp!!!
whenever ripp is at johnny’s house, Which Is Often, they usually play SSX 3 together. johnny is better at it than ripp is, but at least ripp can beat him at darts on the dartboard on the back porch. they’re equally matched when it comes to playing pool, however.
they also really like to make dumb jokes at each other, including dumb puns and other such groan-inducing jokes read from vintage joke books and candy wrappers.
A NOTP I have with said character: hm... i can’t think of any because i don’t really ship him with anyone other than his two friends.
i could say johnny and tank but honestly that would be a total lie because i can imagine plenty of reasons to ship them, oddly enough. i don’t, but i can see why some do.
A random headcanon: johnny has basically spent his entire life surrounded by people - family, friends, etc. - to the point where being totally alone actually scares him quite a lot. he’s a popularity sim after all.
and, as unhealthy as it is, he really feels like its’ his responsibility to bring balance to ripp and ophelia’s lives by being the fun cheerful affectionate buddy, who always tries to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on. he’s a little scared that if he didn’t hold them together at their worst, then they’d fall apart.
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it’s a lot of work and he loses sleep from it sometimes because holding other people together is Actually! Very! Stressful! but he dreams of being a hero on a white horse and all, so if he has to, he will be the hero they need. he doesn’t want them to worry about him, he doesn’t want them to feel like they’re burdening him, so he never tells them that.
General Opinion over said character: 
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beachytablecloth · 2 years
ooooh O and U for the letter asks? <3
hi kaylynn!!
o - choose a song at random. which ship or character does it remind you of?
i shuffled my liked songs and “home is where the heart is” by mcfly came on, which absolutely is a zuko song but also applies to the entire gaang and how they become each other’s family and home <3
u - three favorite characters from three different fandoms and why they’re your favorites
ok ok so
1. zuko. just like. his blind conviction and how much hurt he carries around with him and how persistent he is and how despite all of that he learns!! he grows! he realizes he’s wrong and he doesn’t try to shy away from it but tries to remedy it! he makes so many mistakes and stumbles along the way but he gets there. he gets there. he says not only do i not deserve to be treated this way but the world does not deserve this either. ALSO he is so dramatic and grumpy and whiney and dumb at times and unintentionally hilarious. i love him.
2. veronica from veronica mars. she is everything i wish i could be. when i’m scared to do something i ask myself “what would veronica mars do”. she’s persistent and smart and doesn’t take no for an answer. she goes through THE MOST and still gets back up again. she doesn’t care that she’s just some teenage girl going up against these crazy powerful people who could ruin her life—she goes up against them because it’s what’s right. she’s stubborn and inconsiderate at times. singled minded. but she loves her family and her friends and she cares so much about justice.
3. rayla from the dragon prince. similarly to zuko, she realized what she was doing was wrong, that the shape she was trying to twist herself into would never fit her (though it takes her considerably less time than zuko 😂) but she also is silly and playful and self sacrificing and brave and has a wonderful accent and i love her
send me a letter
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heathendolan · 6 years
19, 22, and 25 ❤
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
i just answered this here but THANKY OUF OR ASKING
22: are you a morning person?
ok so i used to NEVER be a morning person right, like the least of morning people, and then i started working at a coffee shop that required me to get up at 4:30 and be super cheerful and happy w customers, so kind of? but i think if you woke me up early on any other day i’d be the complete bitch i truly am in the mornings
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
ok so one time i got directions to go to my friends house but i went to the wrong house and in her text she said ‘just come inside doors unlocked’ and i went inside, sat at the kitchen table, and then like this lady walked in and she was like ‘um? excuse me what are you doing here’ and i was like ‘oh hey i’m just looking for nyah is she here’ and the lady was like ‘… i think you’re at the wrong house’ and i literally almost passed out from embarrassment LOVE THAT
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yakumtsaki · 7 years
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this rating premades thing has turned into a real PR disaster but, much like Galileo before me, im standing by my convictions. and by standing by i mean putting my convictions under a read more to avoid my 500 followers gift soon becoming irrelevant. he recanted ok?? he’d understand
Dina Caliente: 10/10
If you fucking with this girl then you better be paid You know why? It take too much to touch her From what I heard she got a baby by Busta My best friend says she use to fuck with Usher I don't care what none of y'all say I still love her 💖 
Michael Bachelor: 0/10
PROBLEMATIC ALERT. maxis probably unintentionally made him a creep preying on teenage girls by fucking up the age difference but still. it is canon
John Mole: 8/10
a cool sim with an interesting backstory? in my desiderata? it’s more likely than u think. it’s actually not likely at all, just him and natasha (love them) carrying that entire hood. a solid 8 in general and a 10/10 by desiderata standards
Ripp Grunt: 10/10
a lazy, slutty fuck-up that’s constantly disappointing his parent(s) and destroying the relationships around him? Ripp couldn’t be more relatable to me if he tried. hope we both get our lives together at some point
Jessica Peterson: 7/10
love love LOVE Jess so it is with a heavy heart that i subtract 3 points but sis ended up broke af after the divorce. COME ON JESS. u either get in late enough to bury them a la Dina or u get knocked up and live on those child support checks. ending up in the trailer park?? rookie mistake. tg she learned her lesson aka Carlos
Kaylynn Langerak: -10.000/10
GOD. where to even begin with this mess. a) cardinal sin of having the most annoying face template b) is a “family” sim having affairs with one married and one engaged dude c) is super shy so we’re supposed to root for her thinking she’s a poor innocent flower that was somehow ~tricked into them? yea, no. have a shred of integrity, girl. unless you’re Angelina Jolie, no one likes career homewreckers
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