#u can kick ass and be the size of a speck. it's so fun
jrueships · 1 day
Do you have any ocs? You play 2k?
i did play 2k!!!! i mean.. i play 2k13 2k bcs it has pg and it's offline bcs im unwell and love the dying out practice of inviting ppl over to play games still but 😭 it still counts, right?? anyhow! im not a big oc guy, like i don't have a lot of them or my own universe of them, but im also not a self insert kinda guy (no shade to anyone who is any of this, i think it's all rlly cool and wish i had to creativity to do so as well!) so i kinda just made this dude
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his first name is THE and his last name is SHRIMP, and he's like 5'3 . He's number 11 on the raptors and i made him solely to cause a rift in kyle/demar for ship drama (it's ok tho bcs he only makes kyle/demar stronger by being an evil division) (plus his girlfriend is denver levins so he rlly just kinda tried breaking kyle/demar up as a social experiment or smthing idk he's insane)
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jungshookz · 5 years
ok but like what if jungkook and y/n are at a hockey match and a kiss cam lands on them but they're both strangers
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➺ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre: biRTHDAY-themed fluff that is so utterly sweet you will undoubtedly get like ten cavities after reading this; tae demolished a whole serving of cheesy fries and he’s not feeling so good mr stark; namjoon & y/n bond over the fact that they just don’t get hockey   
➺ wordcount: 4.6k
➺ note: happy birthday to the man that not only owns my heart but also my whOLE ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goD i love him!!!!!!!!!!!! u ruin my life but also make it ten times better!!!!!!!!
(gif isn’t mine!)
                                      ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“remind me again why jimin couldn’t come with you instead?” you scowl when someone bumps into you from behind and you instinctively reach down to pull your purse to your front
you haven’t cashed in your latest paycheque and you don’t want anyone steaLing your hard-earned money
you stumble into tae’s back when someone knocks into you again
you would think that people would have the common decency to be a little more polite but no
this is so not your scene
plus you saw an army of ants feasting on the carcass of a cockroach in the washroom and you immediately hightailed it ouT of there
your bladder is just going to have to wait til you return to safety of your own toilet
tae told you he’d be happy to chug down a gallon of soda and give you the cup to pee in and you nearly considered it because that would probably be cleaner than the washrooms here
“because- yeah, two forks, please - because he had some dumb work thing that he couldn’t skip out on and i wasn’t going to waste my front row tickets!” tae scoffs as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world
that’s fair, you suppose
“you really couldn’t invite anybody else? i was your next choice?” you cling to the back of tae’s jersey because everyone keeps shoving into you and you feel like you’re going to be carriEd away by a hoard of sweaty hockey fans if you don’t hold on to something
you don’t mean to sound ungrateful because it is really nice of taehyung to have invited you to this apparently suPer big-deal of a hockey game (you’re pretty sure the fans here would rip each other apart to get their hands on a front row ticket) but like ?///???
you aren’t exactly a super enthusiastic sports person
sure, you’ll watch a couple matches if it’s on the tv while you’re cleaning up your apartment or if you just need some noise in the apartment but it’s not something that you actively seek out to watch
if anything you’re 100% more likely to watch spongebob squarepants over a sports game
you just don’t see the appeal of watching grown men (anD women! ur a feminist! girls are great!) gliding around on ice clickity-clacking a tiny puck here and there with wooden sticks while very aggressively shOving into each other at the same time  
also the names of the hockey teams are always so dumb
you could probably come up with a better hockey team name because all you have to do is pick an adjective and then pick an animal
the screaming giraffes
the wailing whales
the condescending toads
you would pay good money to watch a match between the screaming giraffes and the wailing whales
you’re not sure if the condescending toads would make a good name now that you think about it  
“aw, c’mon! it’s not like you had any other plans, anyways.” tae raises a brow at you and you immediately scoff
he has a good point.,.,., but stiLL
“i totally had plans!”
“ordering a party sized serving of chicken alfredo and garlic bread and watching netflix doesn’t count as plans.”
…okay anoTHer good point
the seats that you guys got are actually pretty good
you’re located right in the middle so you get an equal view of the goal on the right and the goal on the left
it’s not like you’re going to be paying attention to the game but still
very nice!
“can you believe we only had to pay $5 for all of this?” tae laughs lightly in disbelief as he rubs his hands together and looks down at the foot-long hot dog sitting on his lap
“…it should be concerning that we got all of this for $5.” you mutter under your breath and stare down at the plastic-looking cheese smothered over the fries
you told tae not to go overboard with the food but of course he didn’t listen to you which is why you guys are sharing a foot-long chilli cheese dog anD an extra large order of chilli cheese fries and a slurpee served in a literal bucket
usually you’d be down to inhale all of this but uh
you don’t want to sound snooty or anything but you saw one of the employees accidentally drop an entire bag of cheese into the pot before quickly fishing it out with their bare hands and you’re pretty sure that’s a health code violation
you mentioned it to tae and he said it wasn’t a big deal and- well, he’s already starting to scarf down the hot dog
side note
these fries are actually really good
you stab a few more of them with your fork before shovIng the biteful into your mouth and gently dabbing some cheese sauce off your chin with your napkin
just because you’re starving doesn’t mean all your manners are going to fly out the damn window
you didn’t eat breakfast this morning so this is a great first meal
“vou know what fhe beft part iv of sitting in the front?” tae asks through a faT mouthful of hot dog and you immediately wince in respond
men are disgusting
“what?” you reach over to wipe tae’s mouth with a napkin because both his hands are occupied by the almost offensively large hotdog
he swallows his bite before licking some chilli from the corner of his mouth
men are disgusting
“sometimes the hockey players get sLammed right up against the protective shield right in front of us.” tae gestures to the clear plastic panels separating the crowd from the rink “and if you’re really lucky, you get to see someone lose a tooth or something!”
you immediately make a face
“wha- how is that-“
“jungkook, over here! i found our seats!” you glance over for a second when someone quite literally scReams out loud for their friend
and then you’re turning to face tae again
“as i was saying,” you pause for a brief second when tae reaches over to take the fries from you, “how the hell is that the best part about sitting in the fr-“
you jump in surprise when what feels like a whole handful of popcorn suddenly scatters down on your head and onto your lap
oh coMe ON
you just washed your hair this morning!!!!!
the crumbs are going to look like you have veRy bad dandruff
also this is heavily buTTERED popcorn which means that the grease stains on your jeans are probably going to be there for the rest of your life
and these jeans were expeNSIVE
this hockey game is not a very fun experience so far
“oh shit, sorry!”
“it’s all good, it’s all good…” you mutter as you flick a kernel of popcorn off your shoulder
there’s a speck of grease on your sweater
“just be careful with that drink of yours because i-“ you look up to-
oh god
oh god the popcorn guy is cute
and not just cute
he’s like.,,. he’s suPER CUTE
round brown eyes
obscenely perfectly tousled black hair
he definitely looks to be around your age which is a big fat bonus
although that colour-block hoodie of his is making him look a lot younger you still think it’s safe to say he’s probably around your age
“sorry, miss… the plastic lids here are flimsy as hell and mine keeps popping off so you can’t blame me if i get you wet!” the guy flashes you a boyish smile and you feel your mouth go dry
oh dear lord
have mercy
“hey- you want extra chilli on your half of the hot dog?” you’re rudely poPped out of your little bubble when taehyung suddenly elbows your side
“wh- what? what?” you tear your eyes away from the handsome stranger who’s making himself comfortable in the seat right next to you before clearing your throat and looking over at tae
“extra chilli!” tae chirps and raises your half of the hot dog up a little
he already finished his half which isn’t a huge surprise
to be honest he was going to just go ahead and finish the hot dog but he figured it’d be nice to at least offer you a bite
“-i even asked for an extra little container of chopped up onions because i know you like-“
“no!” you blurt out and whack the container of onions out of tae’s hand causing it to smAck against the plastic divider before clattering to the ground
the two of you blink down at it
tae purses his lips before subtly kicking as much of it as possible under his seat
“i, um, i’m actually not that hungry. you can finish the hot dog.” you clear your throat again before unscrewing the lid of your bottle of water and taking a tentative, ladylike sip
“…what are you talking about? you were going to town on those cheesy fries like five seconds ago- oW-“
“jungkook, over here! i found our seats!” jungkook perks up when he sees namjoon waving him over
there he is!
he was starting to get worried that namjoon wandered off somewhere or somehow locked himself in the supply closet or something
namjoon put him in charge of snack duty and he went aLL out
popcorn? check!
roasted peanuts? double check!
blue-flavoured slurpee? triple check!
he actually ended up getting two drinks because namjoon likes to bite the straw and jungkook doesn’t want to share a drink with a straw-biter
“here, i’ll take the peanuts and my drink-“ namjoon plucks the paper bag and the plastic cup cradled in jungkook’s arms before he steps aside to let him squeeze into the aisle
namjoon actually won these hockey game tickets from a raffle at work and jungkook almost exploded with joy when he invited him to come and watch it with him
it was actually pretty perfect timing because the game just so happened to land on jungkook’s birthday
namjoon gave jungkook the best birthday present and he didn’t even have to spend a dime
“s’cuse me, sorry-“ jungkook weasels his way in between the aisles and carefully steps over people’s legs as he makes his way to his seat exciTEdly
he’s never been to a live sports game before!!!
and he’s definitely never been in the froNt row of anything before!!!!
two birds with one fAt stone!
also he-
“oh shit, sorry!” he gasps when he accidentally tips his carton of popcorn a little bit causing it to land all over the stranger seated next to his spot
there goes half his popcorn
he’s not going to go back up to the concessionary stand to get more popcorn because the game is about to start and the line is probably still half a mile long
“it’s all good, it’s all good…” jungkook winces to himself and feels his cheeks heat up a little as he watches you brush the popcorn to the ground
he’s about to sit down when suddenly you speak up again “just be careful with that drink of yours because i-“
jungkook feels his heart skip a beat when you look up at him
oh wowie you’re pretty  
…he just spilt his greasy popcorn all over a very pretty girl
double yikes
it’s fine
just play it cool
he can play it cool
“sorry…” jungkook raises his cup a little “the plastic lids here are flimsy as hell and mine keeps popping off so you can’t blame me if i get you wet!”
he immediately pales as soon as that tumbles out of his mouth
what the HELL was that?!?!?!
out of all the things he could’ve said
his three and a half brain cells came up with thAT
you can’t blame me if i get you wet???????
you probably think he’s some kind of weird peRVERT now
luckily your boyfriend starts talking to y-
you have a boyfriend
of course you have a boyfriend
jungkook lets out a little huff before plopping down on the plastic seat
whatever >:-(
namjoon leans over and glances into the popcorn bag before frowning
he just wanted some popcorn
“holy shiT, did you see that backhand????” tae practically screeches as he reaches over and slaps your arm aggressively “y/n, did you see it????”
“i saw- i sAW it, i saw it!” you scowl and smack his hands away from you
“oh my god, that was legEndary-“
you can barely hear tae’s enthusiastic blabbering because all you can hear is the sound of skates shrEdding up the ice and the sound of the puck being whacked back and forth and also cheers and whOops from all of these diehard fans
you honestly have no idea what the hell is going on right now
all you know is that the two teams are tied right now and everYone’s getting frustrated
you’re not sure which team you should be rooting for so you’re just basing it off of which uniform you like better
in other words, you’re cheering on the pUrpLe team!
also no one’s been smacked up against the plastic divider yet which is a huge relief because you’re not sure if you want to see anyone lose any teeth today
“will you cut it out?? your future girlfriend probably isn’t going to appreciate it if you’re practically beating her up-“
jungkook perks up immediately when he hears that come out of your mouth
so that guy isn’t your boyfriend!
that means he still has a chance even though he dumped like a pound of popcorn on you and almost drenched you in his blue-flavoured slurpee
also he didn’t mean to eavesdrop
it’s just hard noT to eavesdrop when you’re sitting right next to him
he’s been paying attention to the game because duH but also he keeps thinking about how cute u look when you have a mouthful of french fries
now he knows that your name is y/n which is actually pretty fitting
you look like a y/n
it’s cute!
on an unrelated note
u smell rly nice but he can’t quite put his finger on what that particular scent is
jungkook’s nose twitches
“what do you mean the game isn’t over yet??” you groan and plop yourself back down in the seat “there was an intermission like half an hour ago!!!”
“there are two intermissions, you whiney baby!”  tae scowls
you need to chill
you’re acting like watching a hockey game is equivalent to getting your teeth pulled out
you’re being a bABy
if he can sit through hours and houRS of your reality tv shows you can sit through one hockey game
“so…” namjoon pauses for a second “the game… isn’t over?”
“nope! there’s one more round.” jungkook chirps and shovels a handful of popcorn into his mouth
“oh.” namjoon slumps back in his seat a little
he thought the game was over
to be honest he was ready to leave before the first intermission but jungkook looked like he was having the time of his life so he decided to wait it out  
“so what are we supposed to do now?” namjoon furrows his brows “do they just expect us to wait and do nothing?”
“well, no, they’re doing that thing where-“ jungkook immediately chokes when he suddenly sees his face on the jumbotron
and unsurprisingly
your face is also on the jumbotron
“hold on, i’m about to beat my high score-“ your tongue pokes out in concentration as you focus on your very intense session of tetris
“y/n-“ tae hisses and punches your arm
“ow!” you whine and rub your sore arm
tae’s been hitting you for the duration of the whole game and you’re pretty sure your arm is about to fall off
he needs to cut it out
he knoWs you bruise like a pEACH
“-what did i tell you about hitting me???” you put your phone down and turn to glare at tae
“you’re on the- look!!!!” tae points to the front and-  
you immediately pale when you realise that yes, that is most definitely your face on the jumbotron right now, and yes, you and jungkook, the very handsome stranger that you definitely already have a crush on, are currently trapped inside of a big pinK heart with the words ‘KISS CAM’ floating on top of the heart
oh god
you can’t kiss him
you still taste like cheesy fries
and your lips are chapped
and your tongue is stained blue from the slurpee
you can’T KISS HIM
and also he’s a literal stranger but most importantly you are not in the right state to be kisSEd right NOW
“oh, no-“ you shake your head quickly before making a slicing gesture over your neck “we’re not- we’re not together!”
jungkook glances at you for a brief second and he can sEe the panic in your eyes
he was down to kiss you but obviously you don’t feel the same way which is totally understandable but stiLL
oh well
he might as well join in on the protesting
“right, yeah- we don’t know each other!” jungkook shakes his hand at the camera and you flash a sheepish smile at the camera before shrugging
the crowd immediately erupts into boos and you immediately scoff before turning to face the people behind you
“excuse-” you gawk when someone has the audacity to thrOW a handful of popcorn down at you guys “-excuse you!”
you turn back to face the camera and shake your head before holding your arms up and crossing one over the other
“sorry! we’re not going to kiss!!!!!!!!”
you shoot a glare in tae’s direction when he joins in on the booing
sometimes you don’t know why you’re friends with him because he’s literally suCH a moRON
“seriously, we’re not- oh, okay-“ you let out a breath of relief when the camera moves away from the two of you
you immediately slump back in your seat
that was a close call
if ur going to kiss jungkook it’s going to be because he wantS to kiss you and noT because he’s being forCed to kiss you
“sorry about that…” he turns to look at you and you immediately perk up
“no, you have nothing to apologise for! don’t sweat it.” you laugh lightly and shake your head before digging through your purse for a stick of gum
your breath still tastes like cheesy fries and it’s not very pleasant
“i, uh, i’m jungkook, by the way.” jungkook sticks his hand out for you to shake
he’s… introducing himself to you
…does that mean… he might be… interested in you…?
much to think about
you take his hand gently before offering him a shy smile “i’m y/n.”
“and i’m taehyung!” tae leans over and shoots jungkook a boxy smile “i would shake your hand but my fingers are still sticky with cheese.”
your eyes flutter shut and you pinch the bridge of your nose
kim taehyung is the absolute bane of ur existence
“it’s nice to meet you guys. uh, this is-“ jungkook glances over his shoulder “this is namjoon!”
“hey, hi.” namjoon smiles politely and nods to the both of you in acknowledgement “are you guys big hockey fans?”
“i’m not, but tae is-“ you laugh lightly and namjoon’s eyes liGht up
“i’m not that big of a fan either! i honestly don’t really get it!“
“right??” you gasp in excitement because now you have someone you can actually talk to about this stuff “what’s the big deal with a group of grown men gliding around and-“
“i know!! also i always lose track of where the puck is-“
taehyung and jungkook lean back slightly to give each other the same looks of ‘do you hear what i’m hearing right now?’
“i don’t see what the point is of having two intermissions-“ you nearly jump ten feet into the air when the crowd suddenly buRsts into cheers and for a second you think it’s because the game is resuming
but nO
because take a WILD guess as to whose faces are up on the jumbotron aGAIN
“wha- are you people serious?!” you gawk as you stare at yourself at the screen
…is that really what you look like?
you look weirder when you’re up on the big screen for some reason
you don’t get a chance to dwell on the fact that people can probably see your pores from how HD the camera is because the next thing you know, the crowd is beginning to chant
“kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!”
jungkook lets out a nervous laugh and shakes his head before reaching up to pluck at the silver hoop hanging from his ear (it’s a nervous hAbit and he is very vERY nervous right now) “sorry, we’re not going to!”
“kiSS! kiSS! kiSS! kiSS!”
“you heard the guy!” you gesture over to jungkook “we’re not doing it, you pERverts!”
it seems like the audience couldn’t give leSS of a shit because every time you and jungkook say that you two aren’T going to kiss they become more riled up
even taehyung and namjoon have joined in on the chanting
namjoon can’t help but snort when jungkook turns to look at him with briGht red cheeks
if ya can’t beat em join em!!!
“we’re going to be here all day! just move on!”
“we’re not going to kiss!!!!!!!”
“we don’t even know each other!”
“my lips are suPer chapped!”
“take a hint!”
“oh for the love of god-“ jungkook’s eyes nearly pop out of his head when you’re suddenly grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie and pulling him towards you and-
his heart stops in his chest when you press your lips against his and he immediately freezes
o god
you’re kissing him
you’re kiSsing HIM
you pull away far too soon for jungkook’s liking (it was obviously only meant to be a peck) and jungkook blinks owlishly
is that it?????
that’s all????
you are riPPING him off
“there, we kissed! are you freAKS happ-“ before you get a chance to get all smug with the camera jungkook’s yanking you back and smearing his lips over yours
the crowd now eRUPTS into cheers and screams and namjoon is literally screeching his head off next to jungkook
taehyung isn’t doing any better
he threw his half-eaten hot dog up into the aIR
and for a brief second jungkook thinks you’re going to freak out and pull away but he’s more than pleasantly surprised when you begin to kiss him back
also he figured out what u smell like and why he likes it so much
it’s because you smell like his favourite fabric softener
and if that’s not a sign that you’re basically perFect for him then he doesn’t know what is!!!!
jungkook reaches up to cup your cheek gently while your fingers curl around the nape of his neck
needless to say
you are vERy much making out with a stranger right now (your mom would probably flip if she found out) but you most definitely don’t give a hECK because jungkook’s lips are so soft and he tastes like buttery popcorn
the tiniest of whimpers slips past your lips when jungkook teases you with small brushes of his tongue against yours
he tilts his head slightly to deepen the kiss and all of a sudden you feel lightheaded and your entire body feels like jello
he’s such a good kisser that you nearly forget the fact that the two of you are making out in front of like 20,000 people right now
a smirk twitches at the corner of jungkook’s mouth when he pulls away and you immediately respond with a whine
it started off with you getting him all flustered but obviously the tables have turned because you are just putty in his hands and he knows it
“jungkook…” you sigh breathlessly as he nudges his nose against yours
oH boy
your soul definitely left your body
you’re still floating on cloud nine
meanwhile the crowd is still compLETELY losing it because they were just expecting a little pek and not THIS
“yeah?” jungkook takes his bottom lip in between his teeth as he resists the urge to lean in and kiss you again
“i think this means you have to take me out on a date now.”
“…i think you might be right.”
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