#tyy!!! hhjrjkhsjkhdf!!!
borom1r · 3 years
Hdhdjsjs it's late but I remembered!! Questions abt Adz!! What, if any, kinds of hobbies does he have + if so, which one(s) is his favourite? & also, how did Sentry and Adz meet? Was it sudden or a more gradual progression? Did it take some time for them to warm up to each other? (Also taking his opportunity that I Adore both of their designs!! <33)
aaaaa i had almost an entire answer typed up last night + then tumblr crashed and i lost it!!
i've talked about his hobbies a little bit before + photography is definitely his favorite! he mostly photographs Sen + their other friends— I touched on it before but they do have photographic memory, but that was more because it was useful for the Primogenitors (they would never forget training and once they'd learned from a mistake they'd never repeat it, y'know? also makes it very easy to get comprehensive reports when your puppet perfectly remembers an entire deployment). it's a really powerful thing for Adz, to take photos because he thinks a moment is important
he also likes to cook! Protogen do need to eat (food is emulsified by specialized nanites in their visors, which can open like a traditional mouth), but they don't actually need to cook. Adz likes it because its a semi-repetitive activity and it results in something special for him and Sen to enjoy <3
as for him and Sentry, their first meeting was definitely out of the blue lol! Adz was having a late night out + stumbled across Sen in an alley after he'd gotten into a fight. and, like just the grouchiest mother hen, Adz insisted on patching Sen up. they ran into each other a few times after that, and eventually Sentry just invited Adz along for a night out— when Sen learned Adz was still living in a shelter for newly-freed Protos, he asked if Adz would like to stay with him instead until he got back on his feet. Adz agreed, and, well.. "you can crash here for a week or two" developed into a full-fledged relationship!
it did take some time for them to warm up in general, simply because Adz is generally standoffish and they both have some trust issues. Adz had his life turned completely upside down very recently and he is very much comforted by routine. thankfully Sen is also very routine-oriented, and even though Adz can be a little chaotic and aggressive, he's always well-meaning and is very protective of Sen (which Sen finds very adorable, considering he is twice Adz's age and specifically bred for combat. he could bench-press Adz.. Adz will still 100% insert himself between Sen and danger while beeping like a pissed off 90s fax machine)
+ aaa!! thank u dude!! i mentioned Adz' spines (like a lil hedgehog!) b4 since they don't come across in his design, but smthn that maybe doesn't come across for Sen is that the borders around his panels (where his symbols are) glow that pretty blue/green! he can turn it on + off at will like a very tall, buff nightlight lol (Adz' panels have simple metallic borders; when Sen's aren't glowing they're a matte black like the bottom of his chest/his groin)
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