pageofsuns · 1 year
oh my gods!! thank you so much for drawing Judas???? they look SO stunning i absolutely love your style, would it be okay if i added it to their masterpost (with credit of course)? thank you so much i'm so touched!!
WAAH THANK YOU!!! im glad you like it!! but yes absolutely feel free to add it!! :D
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
i was wondering if you had an oc masterpost? or if you ever wanted to chat about them, im always down! rowan is gorgeous and your mind is incredible
First of all, this is so sweet like??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 omg thank you so much!!!
secondly, i unfortunately don't have a masterpost yet, i've had one in the drafts for ages but i haven't gotten around to finishing it yet (probably has something to do with how there's an unshaded unrendered art piece to attach to it lmao)
for now the best things to look at for rowan things are my tags!
#rowan aisling - general rowanposting tag
#rowan lore - self explanatory
#rowancore - writing, fashion, and other things that fit rowan's aesthetic or character arc
#posts that make me go 'yeah that's rowan' - rowancore but it's the shitpost edition
thank you so so much for your interest, it truly means the world to me 🥰
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deepdwellingsteamboat · 9 months
What a beautiful and cryptic list. Are they all winterbaron? Anyway, I'll try my luck with that Dishonoured Laszky fic 😅
This isn't the only Dishonored Laszky fic I'm trying to write, but the first one (Plague's Possession)… It's the saddest, most depressing thing you can imagine. Let's not talk about it, or I'll start crying.
Tyvian Red (Dishonored Laszky) It's a Marvel | The Alienist | Dishonored crossover. It barely exists (unlike Plague's Possession, but again, let's NOT talk about that one).
It follows the plot of the first Dishonored game, but with Bucky and Laszlo shoehorned in for no reason.
Things I know about this fic (there's not much yet):
Bucky is a member of the Bottle Street Gang, Laszlo is a natural philosopher.
A bottle of Tyvian Red (it's wine) plays an important role.
Bucky and Laszlo meet at the Hound Pits Pub before the Plague, and Bucky TRIES to flirt.
Laszlo gets briefly kidnapped because Bucky misunderstands what his boss wants.
Laszlo gives relationship advice to a god.
There's a happy ending.
Like I said, not much 👉👈
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melanie-ohara · 9 months
Like a Broken Sail - Chapter 2
Whumpuary2024, Day 16 - Prompt: Muffled Screams
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Meagan Foster overhears something she shouldn't
I really like going somewhere unexpected with the prompts and I think this turned out pretty great, definitely read it if you've played Dishonored 2
AO3 Here
Meagan reached behind the kitchen cabinet and felt around for the bottle stashed there. It was a Tyvian red, and a fine vintage according to Sokolov. Wine wasn't normally her drink of choice, but she thought Alexandria Hypatia might like it - and she was sure Emily would deduce the hiding place eventually. For a royal, she had remarkably sticky fingers and a strange fascination with theft. She finally found the neck of the dusty bottle and levered it out from behind the cabinet before blowing dust off the label and opening the cupboard for the cleanest pair of glasses she could find. 
Hypatia was a stranger to her, but she knew something of the pain she must feel. The cruelty inflicted by her grim alter ego haunted her, despite her inability to remember what she had done with her body at the time. Meagan remembered being an instrument of death for people above her station, and understood the mark it left on a soul. She thought they could share a drink together and commiserate on lives taken for a purpose they didn't understand - but as she approached her door, she heard the sound of voices from within. For a moment her skin prickled with fear: if Grim Alex had somehow asserted herself, Meagan wasn't sure she could fight her off with just a bottle of wine and one arm.
Then she heard the voices overlapping, and recognised Emily's rolling Gristol accent and Hypatia's bashful laughter, and a different feeling took hold. As quietly as she could, she placed the glasses on the side table and crept past the door to the stairs. She could have knocked, of course - Emily was always happy to share her company and the presence of wine would make the young Empress very happy - but she didn't want to dampen Hypatia's good mood. Outsider's Eyes, the woman deserved it, and her melancholy company would only upset her, and remind her of the brutality her body could commit. Meagan opened the door and stepped out onto the deck. The sun was setting over Karnaca, and the warm orange light of the fading day glittered on the water and bathed the distant rooftops. She pulled up a chair and sat by the railing, just above Hypatia's room. If she focused, she could just hear their voices filtering up through the deck. It felt… companionable, in a way, to sit with them like that. 
She tucked the bottle between her thighs and used her knife to pop the cork out of the neck. Pouring a glass one handed without a table proved too difficult so she abandoned the idea in favour of swigging directly from the bottle. It brought back memories of stolen liquor and rooftops and, of course, Deidre. Everything always reminded her of Deidre, especially now, on the trail of Duke Abele. With great difficulty, she drowned the thought with a long gulp of wine. There was melancholy and there was misery, and she would rather indulge in a little self-pity than confront her life's most crippling loss. She tried to make out Emily and Alexandria's conversation, but they had fallen quiet and all she could hear was the lapping of the waves against the hull and the chirps of the seabirds above. After a moment of quiet, Meagan heard music from Hypatia's audiograph machine. She recognised the tune, even though the wood swallowed up all but the bass notes, and hummed along tunelessly as she drank her wine. In the distance, a whale breached the surface of the water and crashed down again with a splash of sea spray. Calm settled over the bay, and for a while Meagan Foster felt at peace.
That peace was broken by a muffled scream. Meagan leaped to her feet, almost dropping the bottle in her haste to prepare for a fight. She wasn't sure if she'd heard Emily or Alexandria cry out, but either way she was too exposed on deck. There was the hatch that led directly down to Hypatia's room, which would give her the element of surprise, or she could drop down into Sokolov's room and retrieve a weapon before - another sound interrupted her planning. Another scream, but longer and louder this time. And this time, the pleasure laced through it was unmistakable.
"Oh," Meagan said, so surprised she didn't realise she'd spoken aloud for a moment. It was Hypatia's voice, she thought, strained and unfamiliar but with a hint of Serkonos that couldn't possibly be the Empress. Meagan couldn't help chuckling and reached down for the bottle. Really, she should leave the pair of them to their evening together and take the bottle up the watchtower, but instead she dropped back into the chair and took a long swig of wine. She'd done worse than listen in on coupling before - including to Emily personally - and it had been so long since she'd heard a woman wracked with pleasure. She realised then that she had been hoping to coax sounds like those from Alexandria herself - maybe not tonight, but certainly before she left the Dreadful Wale again. Another reason to be jealous of Emily, alongside her two arms, two eyes, and ability to take to the streets the way she had when she was young. Not that she could resent Hypatia for falling for the Empress' charms. She had an easy swagger to her that made Meagan think of the pirates she'd known, mixed paradoxically with the elegance and class of her station. If Meagan was ten years younger…
She shuddered. The woman she was then had been an accomplice to the murder of Emily's mother, and she had personally thrown her into a trunk to be taken to the vile Pendleton twins. She had only been a child, and Meagan - Billie Lurk - hadn't given it a second thought. Even now, of all the things she wished she could do again, it barely reached the top ten. A thud of a fist pounding against the inner hull shook the thought free and she took another drink. The bottle was getting light.
Hypatia had to be nearly twice Emily's age, Meagan thought idly. Ten years ago, the Empress taking an older lover would have been powerful gossip, now she wondered if it would even raise eyebrows in Gristol - though maybe the Royal Consort Wyman would have something to say about Emily burying her tongue in someone else like that. With a snort, Meagan emptied the bottle and swallowed it down. Thanks to Sokolov and all his politicking, she couldn't even spy on illicit sex without thinking about the political implications in the capital. She was getting old.
She ignored the Billie Lurk urge to toss the bottle over the side, and got up to go to bed.
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nosferatu-png · 2 years
9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by the lovely @neurovamp tysm! 💗
1. Three Ships: JonMartin(tma), Loustat(VC), Nihil&Imperator(Ghost)
2. First Ever Ship: oh man, Meg Giry and Christine Daaé 100%. I was a phantom kid lmao
3. Last Song: Oblivion by Mastodon!
4. Last Movie: The Muppet Movie (1979)
5. Currently Reading: Excuisite Corpse By Poppy Z. Brite (Billy Martin)!!!!
6. Currently Watching: rewatching Hannibal 😎
7. Currently Consuming: Coffee... lots of it
8. Currently Craving: tiramisu tbh. I'm always craving it
Tagging: @garbeetle @superiorthirst @nosferatufaggot @tyvian-wine @thecarpathians I'm bad at tagging people, anyone who wants can do it really!!!
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brownhairedbookworm · 11 months
“Oho, finally got a girlfrien’, have ya?”
Harold’s accent was thick, I can’t put my finger on what I’m imagining so that’s up to you lol
“Ha! Nah, this is my friend, Monika, and she’ll have a Tyvian Red, just one glass though”
“Wha’? You brough’ her to Tyvium and you’re only vibin’ her one glass? Shame”
“Because it’s Fae alcohol, Har, it’ll kill her”
“The hell are ya on? She’ll be fine!”
“Fucking- fine, you’re the beer expert”
“Thas the spirit! Here ya are, lady”
He gave her a shot glass of a scarlet liquid, a small darker shade of red swirling in it
"...You're worried about THIS? One shot is hardly going to do anything to me. At least, not immediately..." Maybe Wool is just a wine guy, and not into harder stuff. Monika takes a bracing breath and quickly drinks the shot down.
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She smiled, kissing her cheek again
“It’s Tyvian made, so enjoy the extra pounds, darling”
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"Mmm, it's got good body and flavor and adds wonderfully to my body too. Your brother really knows good wine~"
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kaseven7 · 3 years
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While digging for informations about Tyvia I found some lore of the best wine in the Empire of the Isles, mostly known from the High Overseer Campbell mission („Will you have wine? It’s a Tyvian red”).
The Tyvian Red is a luxurious wine with mild, elegant sweetness, created from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine. The process is similiar to ice wine (Eiswein), produced in Germany, Canada and even Siberia (Tyvia jest heavily based on Russia).
Tyvia is an island of snow and cold, with vineyards inhabiting the rare plots of fertile land to the southern coasts. Only very few vintners possess the knowledge how to keep the grapes alive against the harsh weather, and even after that the harvest can be easily ruined:
if a freeze does not come quickly enough, the grapes may rot or be be lost to wild animals and dropped fruit,
if the freeze is too severe, no juice can be extracted.
This makes the Tyvian Red a very expensive wine, mostly enjoyed by aristocrats and connoisseurs with enormous purses.
Thinking more about it, the production of this wine is also morally questionable and might be the source of conflict in a future. While Tyvians have to rely on imports of agricultural goods, the rare fertile soil is wasted on alcohol for riches. So far Morley was important food source for the rest of the Empire, but a prophecy of Blind Sisters in D2 and DOTO mentioned a famine caused by a blight, starting from the fields east of Potterstead in Gristol. With growing demand for imported food in the southern part of the Empire, prices in Tyvia might skyrocket.
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pageofsuns · 1 year
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some apprentice headshots!!!
thank you to these folks for loaning me their apprentices :)
@vissentasenadz @tyvian-wine @knight-engale @wiltingdecay @kissthegoatsposts
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nobloodneeded · 3 years
“How could I forget? The boat, the wine. You confessed there were rumors about us at court. I told you they were just that. You told the river it did not have to be. I could not think to accept such an offer with Tyvian Red in our hands. You showed me your full cup. I showed you mine. We kissed and the moon had never looked so bright, a cloudless night so clear, as had been my feelings for you.”
“A fine memory,” Jessamine murmured against his chest in a sigh. “But not what I meant. For you. When did it begin?”
Corvo smiled softly and breathed out.
“Four years ago.”
“We’ve coupled for three.”
“Yes. But four years ago, you removed my mask – and yours. As your Protector, I had cared for you. It was then, in the gazebo, that I fell in love with you.”
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neurvelist · 4 years
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Everyone has a favourite way to deal with Campbell... here is a dumb way I did by accident once, then perfected it. I am so sorry, Curnow, for using you like this. The trash bin will keep you safe...
So the first thing I did was robbing the secret chamber, I broke his display cabinet, took his rune and stole the painting. Then I went up and spilled the fine Tyvian wine and Campbell is already pissed off, he's like grr okay, hard way then. Onward to the chamber! But then he sees he was robbed, his Sokolov painting gone, he still tried to play it extra cool because he wanted to finish off Curnow. Then Curnow is suddenly acting weird, not taking him seriously and even throws up on his boots, the bastard, he must be hungover. He's about to just kick Curnow out at this point - because this evening is unbelievable, it's ruined. How could he enjoy his victory like this? He needs many drinks and to execute his plan some other time. Then there is a sting and he wakes up with his face burnt, outcast.
Originally I was just messing around with possession, made Curnow throw up on Campbell and I found it amusing how the game didn’t register it, because it wasn’t in Campbell’s line of sight, nor was he alerted and... yes, I let it escalate.
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horsyunicorn · 5 years
May I please have 5) for Apostrophe and 6) for Adelaide?
5) A cherished personal belonging - for Apostrophe Snowstrider
A jade and sapphire circlet, the first piece of jewellery she had that she chose to wear - rather than looting off a skeleton, dead bandit or found in a chest, or that she wore because it had a beneficial enchantment (that she wore to protect herself long before she learned how to smith her own armour).
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this is she, later on, at the college of winterhold.
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back - for Adelaide
the keys to her apartment.
Adelaide’s keys disappeared from her bag during the day at the Royal Conservatory and she suspects one of her three classmates. Sokolov and his Tyvian hangers-on tend to woo a woman to her face with wine and chocolates, so it’s unlikely to be them; and the Piero fellow seems so meek as to be harmless, so she doubts it was him either. It must be the new student - he said his name was Dowd, but she personally doesn’t believe that’s a real name.
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Adelaide, years later.
As much as it was initially amusing to think of inventive ways to to get into her apartment without going through the front door, it’s starting to get tiring when she gets home carrying fifteen books and three vacuum tubes. 
[Send me a character and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons]
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jessaminekaldwin · 6 years
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coming from a party, corvo?   is that what you dreamed of, all those months in coldridge prison while waiting for the executioner? wealth, beautiful women in the latest fashions, laughing and drinking tyvian wine?
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maulthots · 6 years
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Corvo after mainlining tyvian wine
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millenniumfae · 6 years
Dishonored Cooking: Rosewater Jelly
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‘Razina Rosewater Jelly’ - for the distinguished gourmand looking to satisfy a sweet tooth. This food item doesn’t actually exist in-game. It’s one of the few that were conceptualized, but didn’t make it in Dishonored 2. It’s a shame, because it looks very pretty, and would be a sight for sore eyes after all those dirty cans of jellied eels and whale meat.
Dishonored has a surprisingly large amount of food lore. Which I’m very happy about. The player character can heal by vacuuming up the many foods left lying in the dirty streets, Amongst these foods include; loose fruit, canned seafood, roast rats, and bottles of various alcohols. Characters talk about regional cuisine, and express their feelings about various dishes. 
But for my ‘video game cooking’ series, it’s this jarred jelly that caught my eye. Other items seemed pretty self-explanatory, like plain flatbreads and brined fish. Not only that, but all named foods are packaged in setting-appropriate cans and tins and bottles, which implores me to replicate the packaging as well as the food. Finding a plague-tinted can for jellied eels is harder than a simple mason jar for this rosewater jelly.
Thing is - the name ‘rosewater jelly’ is also self-explanatory. For those familiar with jelly recipes, all you need is gelatin and flavoring to make a jiggly desert. Rosewater is simply water seeped with rose petals in a particular process, creating a solution with an aromatic taste. Rosewater has a huge food presence throughout West Asian history. The current western world has only recently caught onto the rosewater trend.
So if I was particularly blasé, I’d tell you to get flavorless gelatin powder, a bottle of rosewater, and mix it all together with water and sugar and pink food coloring. Boom - rosewater jelly.
But we’re here to have fun, and that means making a complicated jelly desert within a vintage-packaged mason jar! So for flavoring, we’re getting our grocery store rosewater and flavorless gelatin. We’re also going to add special ingredients inspired by Dishonored’s setting. 
Dunwall’s an obvious British Isles/Germany dupe, with its Gothic/Victorian/Art Nouveau clothing and architecture, and the name; “dun” being Old English. Serkonos (a neighboring country and the setting of Dishonored 2), on the other hand, is some weird amalgamate of south Europe (Italy, Greece, Portugal) and middle America (Cuba, the Caribbean). 
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(In Dishonored 1, the mission ‘Lady Boyle’s Last Party’ features a large dinner table, piled high with food. There’s a huge fish, a boar, and various cheeses, fruits, tarts, and giant jellies.)
Some foods within the games are specifically exported from select countries. There’s the Serkonan Blood Sausage, the Tyvian Potted Whale Meat, Morley Jellied Ox Tongue, and the Pratchett branded Jellies Eels that come from Gristol’s Dunwall itself. Characters talk about how Serkonan food is too spicy, Gristol’s food being gross, and Tyvian cuisine being ornate. We can get a general idea of what each foods are supposed to emulate.
It’s not said where Razina Rosewater Jelly originated. We have four regions to chose from (Gristol, Serkonos, Tyvia, and Morley), so we gotta narrow down the possibilities. Who would export rosewater-flavored jelly deserts in pretty jars?
I think Gristol is out. Their favorite foods include fish, meat pies, and beer, which screams United Kingdom and there’s no precedent for rosewater anything throughout Great Britain history. Tyvia gets closer, being a Russian approximate and boasting fancy wines. Morley has almost no in-game lore aside from being cold and full of tall blonde people, and Serkonos probably sits too far West for our Persian-based rosewater ingredient.
The name ‘Razina’ also doesn’t provide a solid answer. Googling results in sources from Lithuania, Croatia, and a girl’s name from the Urdu dialect of Hindi - Urdu being a dialect with strong Persian influences. Well, we knew that from the rosewater thing.
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(Since the jar doesn’t come with a spoon, it might not be like a pudding cup that you, like, can eat on the go. Instead, its a food you buy then serve later - like fruit jam.)
So if no in-game region emulates a West Asian influence, then Tyvia is the closest we get for implied influence - Tyvia (probably) takes its inspiration from real-life Russia, so we can extend its reach down to Kazakhstan, Georgia, Turkey, and perhaps even Iran. All we know is; Tyvia’s art is ornate, they’re known for good food, and it’s a cold country. It fits.
Therefore, our grocery list is gonna be including ingredients from these real-life cultures, to make our Razina Rosewater Jelly. 
Quick gelatin history; the squishy, translucent foodstuff can originate from many sources, such as kelp, meat, and bones. It’s hard to isolate the connective goop into any substantial amount of gelatin to craft into a dish, making it an ingredient mostly upon the tables of the privileged. Dishonored can be said to take place during an industrial revolution, sharing the real-life production history of Jell-O’s inception by using pressure cooking as a glue manufacturing byproduct. So we can claim that our Razina Rosewater Jelly is being mass-produced as a more affordable luxury. 
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Me being an overachieving geek, I first considered buying beef bones and boiling it down to gelatin myself, to really make this recipe authentic. But after some research, I decided it would be way too difficult - not only does it take several days of complicated pre-pressure-cooker pressure cooking, but it will taste meaty and gross and salty. Powdered gelatin it is.
For our other ingredients, we’re going to get; red food coloring, saffron, egg whites, vanilla, and vodka. Because we’re not just gonna make jelly in a jar, that’s boring. We’re making jelly mousse in a jar. That’s more fancy and exciting, and fitting of its decadence.
Our ingredients are; 1 cup of rosewater, 2 tablespoons powder gelatin, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg white, a splash of vodka, and red food coloring. Along with some spices to emulate its fancy ~imported~ taste, such as saffron, vanilla, and perhaps agave nectar or mahlab.
To begin, you’ll mix together the rosewater and sugar with a small drop of red food coloring to make a pink, sugary solution. And this is also where I added a sprinkling of the spices and a drop of the vanilla. You can add more flavors to this base, such as blended fruit. The little hit of vodka is our fancy ‘Tyvian’ influence. I guess?
Then, to the watery mix you’ll add your gelatin and mix thoroughly.
Setting that aside, we’ll separate an egg to get our egg white. Taking a whisk, you’ll whip the egg whites until its completely frothy with stiff peaks. It’s not as hard as it sounds, and it’ll take you perhaps three minutes at most.
Finally, you’re going to add the watery mix to your frothy egg whites, mixing until the mixture becomes a soft mousse texture. It’s not gonna be a true mousse, its too watery for that. But the formula will have some thickness to it.
Pouring it into your jar, you’ll place that into the fridge to become a mousse jelly within one-three hours (depending on your serving sizes). 
And that’s it! Once the jelly is set, you can pull out your jar and marvel at your Dishonored 2 desert. So delicious and sweet, it was too pure for the actual game. 
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thornheartless · 6 years
"Going to a party, Corvo? Is that what you dreamed of, all those months in Coldridge Prison while waiting for the executioner? Wealth, beautiful women in the latest fashions, laughing and drinking Tyvian wine? And what of the host, Lady Boyle?I can see all her tomorrows and I know that either she dies tonight at your hand or she'll live out her days, month after month, year after year, far away, even as her fine clothes wear into tatters and her silken hair gets dull and gray. Half the city can see the lights from the party, and they dream of the delights inside. Will you tear it all to pieces? Either way, it's Lady Boyle's last party."
- The Outsider, Dishonored
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