#tysm for sending me this<3
creek-ink · 1 year
the way u draw toby gives me sm life. truly the silliest i wanna kiss him on the forehead frfr!!! i hope you’ve been having a good month :3
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daww u shouldn't have
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larsnicklas · 4 months
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first off, so panthers fans aren't freaking out, show the camera your left hand... your right hand too. // all good. i have both.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
"all we really know about this one is it's some kind of insult" Alhaithem gestured to the stone in the case "The first words of the beginning line should translate to 'your parent', with the second one saying 'you take that'. We can only assume it to be of insulting nature, unless you say otherwise...?" He looks toward you, curiously.
"...buys you megablocks instead of legos" you mumble unconsciously, holding in laughter because he wasn't wrong.
"What?" He leaned in to hear you better.
"Nothing, you're right but it's not an insult that really makes sense here" You swiftly move along to the next showcase, after reading it things become clear that these are from about the 2010's. "Alhaithem we should probably move on, most of these are obscure references to... plays, and jokes. Like this one" you point at the case "is Fre shavaca do".
"Fre...shaca do?"
"It's um, a joke about someone mis-writing a sign"
10/10 i cant believe this has been sitting here like the gem it is ToT
im so glad im posting all these at the same time tho bc i love confusing/bullying Alhaitham, call me a Kaveh kinnie ig
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this kinda reminds me of my most recent post abt, but 10x more frustrated Alhaitham LMAO
You, constantly: "nah u wouldnt get it bro, u had to be there"
Alhaitham: "But I AM here, I would "get it", ahem, honorable sibling Lord??"
btw here's my lowkey bullying Alhaitham post, hehe
Safe Travels Anon,
(not tagging beloveds bc i be harassing them this week with short posts rip)
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kaite--s · 6 months
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Inspired in @sister-dear ‘s fic
it’s the chapter 2, the scene where they kiss at the end ^^
I can’t stop thinking about them, they have conquered my brain and they don’t plan to leave soon D;
I mean, just look at them! Ravio is so shameless and funny, Link just fell in love and flirts with him back, but Ravio is so silly and dense that he doesn’t realize it and I adore them GAAAAHH
So far we have only seen the point of view of the rupees-loving merchant, but I can only imagine Link suffering as much as he did for love JSFKLDKH
I can mention how Link is the one who speaks little, but do we really know more about him than about Ravio? I mean, I realized when Ravio mentioned Hilda, we don’t know what her reason for separation was!
In the game it was for Hyrule, because of the difference of opinions between the two, but in the end Ravio returns and makes her change her mind.
Here Ravio doesn’t seem to know that it’s Hilda who attacked Hyrule (she did it?), and that makes me so curious *Insert rabid dog*
…Going back to the drawing, I hope you like it! I think it’s one of the most personality drawings I’ve ever made 💕
Even if i hated Link’s wet hair, water droplets, eyes, eyelashes, jaw and muscles. It was a declaration of war.
Instead Ravio was so easy to draw 🤧🤧 Why couldn’t you be like him, Link?
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glasshcvse · 4 months
we gotta give it back.. what’s the moral alignment of YOUR ocs? 🤗
AINE  ! ⠀ › ⠀ SAYS.   hehe, now that gives me time to think about most of my ocs <3
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CHESKA ⸺ NEUTRAL GOOD. she demonstrates traits of compassion, resilience, and a desire to do good within her circumstances. she balances her personal goals with a sense of responsibility and empathy, fitting well within the NEUTRAL GOOD alignment, which is characterised by doing what is right and good without rigid adherence to rules or expectations.
AIMEE ⸺ NEUTRAL EVIL. AIMEE's background, motivations, and actions suggest a personality that is primarily self-serving and willing to navigate societal expectations pragmatically to achieve personal goals. this aligns well with the NEUTRAL EVIL alignment, which is characterised by a focus on personal gain, manipulation, and a lack of concern for others’ well-being.
TOMIE ⸺ TRUE NEUTRAL. she navigates challenges and opportunities based on what benefits her most, without a strong inclination towards good, evil, law, or chaos, fitting the characteristics of a TRUE NEUTRAL alignment.
JEANNE ⸺ CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. while not inherently malicious or altruistic, her actions are driven by a desire for personal autonomy and individuality rather than adherence to any strict moral or ethical code. this aligns well with the CHAOTIC NEUTRAL alignment, characterised by a rejection of authority and a pursuit of personal freedom without a strong commitment to either good or evil.
VIVA ⸺ CHAOTIC GOOD. while she may challenge authority and societal norms, her intentions are ultimately driven by a desire to do what she believes is right and to pursue her dreams. this aligns well with the CHAOTIC GOOD alignment, characterised by a belief in personal freedom, individuality, and the pursuit of altruistic goals, even if they involve breaking rules or challenging authority.
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EUIWOONG ⸺ SOCIAL IMPURE. he resists conformity and is unafraid to challenge the status quo, whether it's by pursuing his dreams despite setbacks or refusing to apologise conventionally when proven wrong. his loyalty to his friends and protective nature illustrate his commitment to those he cares about, even if it means going against societal expectations or norms.
( more under the cut ! )
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MARIE ⸺ REBEL NEUTRAL. her actions are not driven by a particular moral code or ideology. she follows her own path, making decisions based on personal desires and convictions rather than adhering to a strict moral framework. she may act in ways that are unpredictable and unconventional, but not necessarily for the sake of causing chaos or harm.
MILA ⸺ CHAOTIC EVIL. she revels in chaos and destruction, often causing harm to others for her own amusement or personal gain. her actions are driven by selfishness and a desire for power, with little concern for the well-being of others. MILA's chaotic nature is coupled with malicious intent, making her a dangerous and unpredictable member of the group.
JUNKO ⸺ CHAOTIC IMPURE. she may engage in rebellious or disruptive behaviour, but her actions are not necessarily driven by malevolence. instead, JUNKO's impure alignment reflects a certain moral ambiguity or inconsistency in her decision-making process. she may prioritise her own interests or desires at the expense of others but without a deliberate intention to cause harm or destruction.
FRENI ⸺ REBEL MORAL. she engages in rebellious behaviour to fight against injustice or oppression, seeking to create positive change in the world. FRENI's moral alignment sets her apart from other rebels in the group, as she strives to uphold ethical principles even in her defiance of authority.
DEE ⸺ REBEL IMPURE. she may engage in rebellious behaviour for personal gain or gratification without necessarily considering the ethical implications of her actions. DEE's impure alignment reflects a willingness to break the rules without a clear sense of moral responsibility, making her a more unpredictable and potentially dangerous member of the group.
YAOYAO ⸺ CHAOTIC MORAL. she may challenge authority and societal norms in pursuit of greater freedom or justice, but her intentions are ultimately benevolent. YAOYAO's moral alignment sets her apart from other chaotic members of the group, as she seeks to create positive change in the world despite her disruptive tendencies.
SOONYI ⸺ TRUE NEUTRAL. she tends to act in her own self-interest without being swayed by notions of good or evil. SOONYI's neutral alignment makes her a neutralising force within the group, often serving as a mediator or voice of reason during conflicts between members with more extreme moral alignments.
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( spoiler for new oc ! )
VERONIKA ⸺ CHAOTIC GOOD. she embodies the CHAOTIC GOOD alignment through her unwavering commitment to personal freedom, her defiance against oppressive control, and her desire to make a positive impact through her music. she is a complex and multifaceted character, whose actions are guided by a strong sense of individuality and a deep-rooted belief in doing what is right, even if it means challenging the status quo. her journey from a sheltered, controlled childhood to a powerful, self-expressive artist highlights the core principles of the CHAOTIC GOOD alignment.
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demonio-fleurs · 5 months
the headcanon ask game!
for both sabo and koala:
Send in a character or characters and an icon and I’ll give you...
i am so sorry this took so long btw, a mixture of me being busy and also having to come up with these on the spot made it take longer than i wanted it to!
these also range from "simple and straight forward" to "mini fics/drabbles" haha, sorry for the inconsistency
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
they're both bisexual, although koala is (in my opinion) far more likely to be vocal about it than sabo, who is too busy with work to think about relationships.
koala realized she was bisexual when she met betty for the first time, and no i will not elaborate further. meanwhile sabo has just always kinda known that gender doesn't matter for him.
(more under the cut!)
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
one day, while traveling the seas with the sun pirates, their ship was attacked by slavers looking for a profit. they were arrogant, and believed they could easily take out the group of fishmen on the ship.
koala doesn't remember much about that night, except for how frightened she was, as the ship had been caught up in a cyclone right before being attacked.
but she does remember huddling in a corner of the ship, wide eyes staring as a man came rushing towards her. she remembers jinbei, stepping out of nowhere and using Samehada Shotei against the slaver, and how the sheer force of it was enough to cause the man to be tossed across the room, knocking him out. jinbei then turned to her, and had her crawl onto his back for safety until they could ensure there was no one left on the ship.
that memory stayed burned into her for the rest of her life, and the day that hack told her that she'd finally perfected the Samehada Shotei technique was one of the happiest moments of her life.
for the longest time, sabo's childhood was not defined by memories, but rather feelings and vague nightmares. he remembered there being a great, terrible fire, and the fear he felt when he saw it. he remembered the feeling of a bird, trapped in it's cage and wanting so desperately to fly free. so many dark emotions, so many nights waking up in a cold sweat, gripping onto his sheets.
but sometimes, there were positive thoughts and dreams from his childhood. a song played in a bar on a mission might bring back the memory of tall, towering trees amidst a humid jungle. koala clinging to him in the middle of a hot night brought back the feeling of creaky wooden boards beneath him, and the starry night sky above him.
it wouldn't be until after ace's death that he gained the context necessary to understand those lingering childhood memories, but context didn't make his heart feel any less heavy in his chest.
🎶 A headcanon about music
one day while laying low in a bar and trying to plan out their next steps on an important mission assigned to them by dragon, koala began singing along to an old song that was being played on a dingy old piano in the corner. to her surprise, sabo began humming along with it, despite it being a song that was usually only known by pirates.
after their mission, she sat down with him and sang the lyrics in the hopes of triggering some memories from his past, but the only thing that came to mind for sabo was a warm summer night in a jungle.
later on, he'd put together that he must have heard the song from luffy, who taught both him and ace the lyrics to "prepare them" for their life as a pirate.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
sabo is a very "physical touch" person, when they are alone he is constantly either in their lap, or clinging onto them, almost as if when he lets go of them, they'll disappear forever.
koala, on the other hand, is more of a "quality time" type of person. to her, so long as she is near the person she loves, that is quality time, even if they aren't doing the same thing. this doesn't mean that she isn't physically affectionate, in fact she can be quite clingy when she's worried or upset, but that isn't her primary love language.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
oh gosh, haha, i'm honestly one of the worst people for romance but here we go
one of sabo's favorite things to do when coming home from a mission is to put his head in koala's lap and fall asleep. almost every outside observer wonders when koala will get fed up with him and kick him out of her lap, especially since she'll complain about it to anyone who will listen, but hack knows that koala secretly loves it. when she thinks no one is looking she'll often run her fingers through his golden locks, and simply enjoy the downtime with him.
😶 A random headcanon!
sabo has fangs like a dragon 3:
koala has an incredibly high spice tolerance, but primarily bc she enjoys food that has strong flavors.
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
i would be delighted to!!! i’ll try to say things we (@quillkiller and i, we’re conjoined) haven’t said before lol…. please be warned. this post got LONG (lots more under the cut)
so for me the general trajectory of the quillkiller relationship is devotion -> betrayal -> haunting (and the devotion and haunting are sort of synonymous, no? different shapes of the same undying love) so i’ll try to follow that trajectory in this post too
so. Devotion. we’ve said before that a big part of bella’s character is her need to devote herself to something. she’s a follower at her core, and before she meets voldemort, she finds this in rita. rita who’s mean and nasty and genuinely believes she deserves to be worshipped (major god complex). bella who wants to worship her, wants to give her everything, wants to give herself up to rita like an offering, a sacrifice.
and it digs deep into the both of them, this devotion, claws its way into the marrow of their bones until they can’t let each other go. they’re in different hogwarts houses and come from what feels like different worlds but bella’s sneaking into the ravenclaw common room at night, they’re passing notes in class, exchanging looks in the great hall, meeting up in secret nooks and crannies. bella is getting married but rita is the journalist at the wedding, kissing her before she walks down the aisle, sneaking off to fuck in one of the side rooms later. bella sending patronuses like ‘come over’ or just showing up at rita’s flat, clinging onto each other even when they know they probably shouldn’t and that it can’t last and that it’ll have to end at some point, taking as much of each other as they can get bc they know that it can’t be forever and they didn’t even think it would last this long… i imagine them waking up together like this:
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and the thing is!! there’s so much love. so so so much love. like even w bella married and everything, that’s never an issue at all. they’re happy, they have fun and they make each other laugh and they love each other so so much and so so well even if they both think that’s it’s ultimately gonna fall apart. and that brings us to Betrayal.
it’s the idea that both of them are selfish and obsessive and cruel but before they’d always been all of these things together. but bc they are these things and bc they’re always pushing each other and challenging each other and making each other more, they’re always, inevitably, gonna cross a line that the other cannot. for rita, this is her article, and for bella, this is her dark mark.
and to me, their respective betrayals happen kinda concurrently, like either one of them could happen first, but they don’t fully fall apart until both of them have happened bc, for example, if the article happened first, bella wouldn’t forgive rita (it’s disloyalty and bella can’t understand or forgive it bc she’s unendingly loyal <- another core bella trait) but bc of the disconnect there, the way they both can’t quite understand how unforgivable what they’ve done is to the other, i don’t think rita would necessarily see a huge issue. like they’ve fought before and it hasn’t been final and if rita called, bella would still show up, ofc she would. and vice versa. if the dark mark debacle happened first, rita can’t forgive her for that (bc no matter how morally reprehensible she is, rita can’t justify or support genocide and doesn’t understand how bella thinks she could), but if bella called, rita would go.
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that’s them one betrayal in ^^ (i.e. rita post bella’s mark showing up at lestrange manor bc bella called. or bella post rita’s article showing up at rita’s flat bc she called). and they need both the betrayals to happen to be fully over (and obvs both the betrayals are inevitable bc of who they are and the circumstances they find themselves in even if they’re trying so hard to cling onto each other). i think by the time of both the betrayals, they’re already hanging on by a thread - hanging on so so tight, don’t get me wrong, but things are already falling to pieces, they just haven’t noticed yet, or haven’t let themselves notice yet.
it’s been building and building bc they both want everything, they want to have their cake and eat it too, selfish and hungry and wanting, that eventually they cross they line and it all falls down. they lose their ‘one good thing’ (<- bella says this about rita), they lose the woman that they still love, the only woman they ever have and ever will love, bc they just kept pushing for more:
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and it’s both of their faults but they blame each other and hate each other and love each other just the same and they don’t realise that the closest they ever were to everything they ever wanted was when they were together. until later. thus. the Haunting.
and i have a lot of visual aids (quotes) for this part lol. this spans the rest of their lives, and i tend to mostly consider it from rita’s pov bc she’s not in azkaban and a lot more mentally present and also lives a lot longer so i think it’s more tragic for her (bella is also very much tragic but i will say that by the end of her time in azkaban, she’s really not much more than a shell of herself and she would’ve had most of her happy memories (a large part of which are w rita) sapped from her by the dementors and therefore it’s hard to say how much capacity she would’ve had for being haunted, being as, in and of herself, she would’ve been little more than a ghost x)
we’re gonna kinda gloss over everything here bc i have lots to say and this is already so so long but i have quotes that refer to a) rita’s general existence after the break up:
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(obvs we're referring to her articles here. and just everything she writes in general. and everything she does. and everything she is.)
b) rita after bella breaks out of azkaban in 1996, and she sees her on the cover of the daily prophet:
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and c) basically just rita for the rest of her life. forever. til the day she dies (this quote makes me a little insane...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):
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IT IS MY KNIFE AND MY HEART TOO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! anyway i'm gonna stop talking here bc i've rambled on for far far too long (although i have more to say if anyone wants... i'll always have more to say about them i think) but for now!! i'll love you and leave you with a few links to posts/fics that i think vaguely encapsulate our quillkiller conception (and by that i mean reccing jen's fics and a couple other things i've said):
life-changing fic 1 (rita writing bellatrix's obituary) | thing i wrote (unsent letter from r to b after azkaban break-out) | life-changing fic 2 (bella visiting rita post-azkaban break-out) | thing i wrote (another kinda quillkiller thesis...) | life-changing microfic (nsfw, that good old bellatrix black devotion)
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tirxie · 27 days
not entirely sure what you do but may i request a emily (corpse bride) tumblr layout or graphic? please and thanks in advance
YOU DONT NEED TO WORRY I DO LAYOUTS!!! not so sure about graphics… i wasnt so good on my first one since im not used to make them :3 BUT HERE YEW GO (I forgot to add your tag on them..)
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the dividers in the banner are NOT mine. they are by @/guildei
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gothsuguru · 5 days
KAIRO . YOUR FUCKING WIPS GOOD GOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ohhhhh narrowing them down was so tough but …… i neeeeeed to know more (read: all) about i hope i don’t murder me; i hope i don’t burden you + you should let me ride shotgun + belladonna ……. (THERAPIST!JAKU. need them to corrupt me . who said that)
(alsooooo i love you <3 hope you eat a big nice tasty breakfast with your fav beverage to boot :333)
ARI MY PRECIOUS ANGELMOUSE <333 TYSM FOR THE ASK AND ALSO MFNDNDND the way i KNEW you would ask about therapist dilfjaku 🤭 that one is a arikenkairo special for REAL <333 at least in theory :3
i hope i don’t murder me; i hope i don’t burden you:
THIS IS THE PROFESSOR!GETO X HEAVENLY RESTRICTED!READER ONE HEHE i’m so excited to resume writing this omfg… the title is based off a lyric from “the beach” by the neighbourhood <3 i’m genuinely very intrigued to explore a version of suguru that hasn’t defected but that’s still so… filled w guilt & shame & anger? like in the beginning of the fic it’ll be them all as high schoolers and then it’ll be them as adults and i’m so excited to show the dichotomy of suguru — the stark similarities/differences between young & older geto!
i haven’t really decided yet how it would be when the two meet at jjk high………. i think in general it’s very bittersweet like suguru is hit w freight train of nostalgia and also… just overwhelming shame. and then ofc reader may feign a casual façade but i think they feel so hurt and also responsible for suguru leaving? even though it’s not their fault? idk i’m just interested in exploring that relationship and how suguru’s past actions would inform their future!
you should let me ride shotgun:
RAHHHHHH THIS ONE IS SO FUN AND SILLY IN MY BRAIN :3 a mix of a crackfic and fluff and action but also oddly bittersweet? rich bratty gojo will always be a beloved of mine and i think him annoying his new bodyguard is so fun to think abt… everyone has always left the gojo’s bc their son is just soooooo . bratty and disrespectful and loud and always pushes people’s buttons for his own enjoyment! that is… until he meets READER… who’s just soooooo amused. their vibe is like a constantly amused kenjaku <3 fond, finds him a lil pathetic but he’s cute so he gets a pass, and more than anything i wanna make sure the bodyguard isn’t too serious 😭 need them to be an enabler so bad hehe
(also v excited to explore the bittersweetness of it all too… gojo pushing others away before they can leave him……….. DELICIOUS)
this one is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 dilfjaku with a tight black turtleneck, reading glasses, one leg swung over the other as he rests his temples on his fingers………. gulps. need him to look at me like i’m his prey bc he wants to eat me WHO SAID THAT……… ANYWAYS! this is actually gonna be a smut fic so i will try my hardest to make it sensual and fucked up <3 i don’t know yet if i want reader to be his patient or if he’s just a dilf w a therapist occupation and reader comes by as his intern…… office siren!kenjaku perhaps…….. idk………… need both of us to be sent to HR is all i’m gonna say <333 belladonna is another word for “deadly nightshade” (also a name for this fic that i’m waffling on either one lmk which is better bestie 🙂‍↕️) and i think it works so well for kenjaku… need him to corrupt and manipulate reader but lil does he know they love it <3
i haven’t thought out reader’s personality or anything yet i just know they’re down horrendous and their life goal is to look up at kenjaku while resting their head on his lap………. (also kenny’s life goal… he wants to pat their head and have them look up at him soooooo baddddd) ANYWAYS I’M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THESE FICS HEHE TYSM FOR ASKING ABT THEM ARI :3 MWAH
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800db-cloud · 1 year
Hello hihi!! Lately I've gotten into Pizza Tower and every time I search up Pizza Tower fanart for some inspo, your art always seems to pop up! Just wanted to say your PT art is a big inspo for me and I love your art It's very cool and nice to look at!!:D Soory for rambling sdksjkkjs
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that is so so sweet and aauuhg… tysm that really does mean a lot to me 🥹
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nomairuins · 27 days
i like overthink everything now it makes me feel so dumb. i used 2 be able to just talk 2 ppl but nowadays every single thing im like Is that actually going to make them hate me. Yes probably. and then i just dont respond which makes ppl hate me. this is how it is
#ive been overthinking 1 light and casual mildly funny response to something but im worried itll come off as disrespectful and dismissive And#make me seem stupid and uncaring all at the same time. and also be seen as insulting. but like idt itd be insulting right like. im not#saying what it is so ig for all you guys know im like I mean if i say All your shit suck ball and i hateit kys. <- thats not the thing i was#going to say#like it doesnt matter now the window for response is closed now but i feel stupid bc i shouldve just said it it was light and casual. im so#bad at keeping convos gojng im convinced im not going to survive. In like a light and casual way like in a He will not make it through the#winter joke way. dw. im not going to do anything bc i had One failed interaction. if i was going to do anythjng itd be bc of the 8000000#other failed interactions. But im not. anyways. it just makes me feel so useless 😭 like i want to respond i want to talk to ppl so bad but#i feel like i mess things up Irreparably every time i speak OR i take too LONG overthinking my response and then i just cant respond bc its#been too long and then its been 3 years and the only messages ive ever sent r my intro message and 1 message 2 years ago that nobody#responded to at all. or the conversation stopped immediately after. and like i used to be better at this i was lkke. talkative in a couple#muts servers like. i talked 2 ppl daily in those servers and i had fun and like. I was an important part of the group and i felt like it#but i just feel like such an outsider for Everything and its literally my fault bc i cant just like. Talk. The explosion. bc im always like#im gonna try im gonna do it this time im gonna get it back im going to finally be Good connor and im going to fix it all and make a Good#solid friend group and ill find HEALTHY LOVE and i wont selfsabotage and ill move out and have a job and ill balance it well and ill start#all my hobbies and ill have a great routine and be so loveable and on top of it and not stressed and content and happy and roll with the#punches and then theres a single hiccup and im like Well fuckinf whatever im going to be an unemployed hermit forever and im going to die b4#im 25 anyways so Who cares and also im digging a little hole for myself. and its like. AUGHH ik i just have to persevere and overcome but#even saying that feels so stupid its not fucking hard its Talking to ppl. like. i literally if ive ever said a word to you i had to think#avt it and strategize how to respond right even for like. like. it makes it sound like its not genuine it is#like for example i want to say hey i love your art! but then i freak out and im like thats not normal thats like a rly generic comment they#hear that all the time theyll thjnk im being polite and my brains like hrmmm rewrite Your art changed my life. It shaped me. Ill never be#the same. Nad im like ok too far overcorrected go back and the sentence generator is like Your art has colors 💯 like. GOD. WHY IS IT SO#difficult. and then usually i either just dont say anythinf and feel awful abt it 4ever OR i send it on anon and then i spend like 15#minutes ibsessively slightly tweaking the apelling and capitalization and punctuation to make sure it doesnt seem like its me just in case#it Is the worst possible thing to say but then i see the response and itll be like AWWW TYSM :] THIS MEANS A LOT or whathaveyou and i feel#stupid bc i couldve just Told them this to their face and it wouldve been a good positive interaction we had. but instead i had 2 hide and#tyoe entirely differently so they couldnt sniff me from my typing style. and it soesnt even feel like the thanks is actually 4 me bc i#tweaked the message sm. and it still makes me happy that the oersons hapoy but its like. that couldve been a nice mutual interaction#like not that i need a personal ty i compliment ppl when i Want to compliment ppl and when its genuine yk. i dont do it so i get mutualpoint
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aimer-arts · 1 year
I rly wish i could draw your characters but my hands have a physical aversion to drawing lines, what if i wrote you some sort of short story or something? It probably wouldnt be more than 1000 words since like, i have 18 million things going on, but like, if i were to, what should i know?
OHHHH MY GODDD?? I would absolutely LOVE that ;_; <3 <3
I'm assuming you'd want to make something about Team Fate (my explorers team)? In that case, I don't think there's a ton of information you need to know; all of their personality traits and quirks are implied in the art I've made of them, so I don't think you could go wrong!
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here's a guide I quickly put together!! hopefully it's somewhat helpful
(more rambling below)
So basically, my pmd teams pretty much follow the canon personalities they have in the games: for example, Piper (eevee hero) has a very reserved and quiet personality just like the player character in the games, and doesn't speak or emote much - but she talks and laughs the most around her partner.
Clementine (vulpix partner) is pretty similar to the explorers partner; she's jittery and nervous, but loves to ramble about adventuring to Piper (who loves to listen). She scares easily, but feels stronger with Piper - so in a way, they basically complete each other. They balance out each other's weaknesses, and give each other strength.
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bloodcoveredgf · 2 months
3 horror characters: Herbert West, Jennifer Check, Ashley Williams 👀
ashley joanna williams forever and ever and ever and ever. the reason horror became my special interest in 2020 and has been ever since Honestly! because i started to venture into horror a few years before that since i had always liked it as a kid but watched it mostly to be scared / didnt watch it a lot because i was too scared lol, but the ash hyper-fixation hit me like a truck... i love him and i love the evil dead movies! i love the other two so much too but i would have to save ash over just about every other horror character
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unorcadox · 3 months
I don't know if this is really weird to hear. If this does bug you, don't feel obligated to respond. Duh. Sometimes I scroll through your blog and some of the photos mentally take me back to a much worse place in my life. Some of them remind me how much I've healed. Some of them remind me I'm still healing. Your work has emotionally touched me in a way I couldn't possibly describe without making it sound meaningless. Maybe it is meaningless. I don't think it matters either way, your work is still beautiful and powerful and I really hope you're proud of it all.
i don't think it's meaningless at all :) i feel the same way about my work tbh. there are pieces i straight up struggle to tolerate the feelings they stir in me, it's a sign of growth but it also hurts, yknow? i think it's a worthwhile sentiment to share and i'm glad you took the time to :) comments like these are the things that make me most proud of my work actually
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The Suguru drabble is just so warm, so cosy so welcoming as I bet Suguru's hoodie feels like. It's so comforting, so much love and tenderness just wrapped up in words that I can't even fully describe how much I adore it!
I'll always admire just how well you implant emotions and feelings into your writing, how well you can make us envision the sights and feel sensations, to implant ourselves into the scenario you've created.
It's really something that I'll probably keep coming back to whenever I don't feel well.
anon!!!!! T_T my baby!!!!!!!!
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thank you sm for reading first of all!!!!!!! i’m so, so happy you liked it :’3 warm and cozy and comfy is exactly how i was hoping it’d feel!!!!! just like sugu’s hoodie ….. i wanna wear it so bad anon. BUT WAHH YOU’RE TOO SWEET 🥺 i’ve been feeling iffy about my writing recently, so asks and comments like this really do mean so much….. knowing it could bring you any enjoyment at all makes me feel so giddy <3333 and it’s always such a relief to me that people find my writing immersive!!! 🥺🥺
thank you thank you thank you for being so kind 🫂 if my writing can bring you some comfort when you’re feeling down then that’s genuinely all i could ask for <33333
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ashipiko · 4 months
“Miss Ashi, do you have some time to spare?”
The distant voice of a fellow prefect called her name and a smile.
“...I wanted to drop by and wish you a happy birthday as well as giving you my gift as well. But given you are probably loaded with lots of gifts today, you may not be able to carry them all by yourself... I can offer to help you if you want to!”
She took a pair of boxes out of the bag she was carrying and handed them to her. And inside of the boxes were...
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...A pair of keychains!
“I have to admit... I couldn’t pick one of them, so I bought both! Especially since I had to go to Mr. Sam’s shop with Ace to pick them and he kept distracting me... I assume he has something to buy you too, but didn’t tell me.”
She giggled to herself and hugged her before spotting Grim in the crowd who tried to sneak some tuna in the food.
“Again, happy birthday.. Ashi. May you have lots of good times like this in the future...”
Then she immediately went to the cat monster’s direction to grab him with her hair.
“Get back here, you little troublemaker!” “Fnyaah!?”
And a wild chase started and finished in one second with him getting wrapped in her hair. Before he could open his mouth, she headed to the kitchen to grab him some tuna.
Guess that was one way to interact...
Side note, you actually inspire to me to share my own interests with others! Have a very good birthday 🥺
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“RenRen, you’re so uber sweet…! You got my vibe right on the nose! How’d you know~” Ashi chimed, gleefully examining her gifts, “This other one reminds me of a certain someone, too. Hm~ The color red doesn’t look the same to me anymore, hehe.”
“You said Acey went with you, huh? I’ll have to ask him about that later! I’ll tease him as payback for distracting you, DW. Oh, and—“ Suddenly, the sounds of rumbles and tumbles could be heard, causing Renée to dash after the animal. With an amused sigh, Ashi waved a goodbye before they ran out of right. They’ll catch up another time, she’s sure.
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