eopederson · 21 days
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Tourist treasures: copper bells, Veliko Tyrnovo, Bulgaria, 2024.
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bulgara · 7 years
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Veliko Tarnovo || Bulgaria
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jebemtikosti · 7 years
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aroniaforlife · 3 years
Aronia Juice - Benefits | Aronia for Life
The aronia berry itself is extremely high in antioxidants. Aronia berries, now available in Australia, also have the highest anthocyanin concentrations (pigments), and are very high in proanthocyanidins (tannins), in addition to a lot of other polyphenols. Aronia berries have been used in scientific research because of their extremely high levels of these phytonutrients. Following an initial review of the available clinical data we feel there is evidence to suggest that regular pressed aronia juice consumption may:
Reduce blood pressure
Reduce oxidised LDL cholesterol levels
Reduce inflammation
Reduce weight gain
Reduce eye inflammation
Reduce muscle recovery time after workouts
Regulate blood sugar
Aronia is grown in Balkan Mountains near Veliko Tyrnovo, capital of the Bulgarian Kingdom. Aronia ripens on the blessed soil of the, St. Nicolas monastery, accumulating its miraculous properties in ecologically, clean environment fresh with the stimulating mountain air. Aronia for Life aims to bring high quality aronia berry products to all Australians. We’re proud to introduce aronia berries, one of the world’s most potent sources of bioavailable antioxidants. Aronia , Antioxidant&Organic Juice Australia furnished with an enduring impression. Organic aronia berries, which are farmed in Europe, have a significantly higher antioxidant capacity (ORAC score) than even elderberries and wild blueberries. In fact, they have around four times the ORAC of goji berries! They’re not just highly nutritious, they have a uniquely crisp and refreshing flavour. Aronia juice is produced from the freshly gathered fruits by cold pressing and pasteurising to capture and preserve the rich diversity of the biologically, active substances, fresh aroma and characteristic mild taste of aronia fruits. The extremely high content of the biologically active substances wins aronia berry juice a proud place among the most precious healing plants.
Minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine and molybdenum are found in high concentrations.
Sugars: predominating content of fructose makes aronia suitable for diabetics.
Vitamins: A,B1, B2, B3,B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, P. Synergy action of the aronia vitamins multiplies biological effect of each substance. The most precious feature of the aronia is incomparably high content of the vital polyphenols - vitamin P. The 8 year long perfection of the technology yielded the juice with extremely rich and high vitamin content, unprecedented for the Bulgarian and for the international markets. SUGAR FREE pure aronia juice is both a fresh drink and nourishing food with proven healing properties!
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bgpochivki · 6 years
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New Post has been published on Alliance of good doctors. Alliance of good knowledge.
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2yP3SxX
Kitov boosts ownership in tyrnovo and oncology platform through exchange of shares for stock
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moneyca2 · 7 years
TyrNovo Ltd. to Participate in 2017 BIO International Convention http://ift.tt/2seYgqg 
TyrNovo Ltd. to Participate in 2017 BIO International Convention http://ift.tt/2seYgqg 
from Twitter Search / money_canada https://twitter.com/Money_Canada/status/875371683355426816
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epikairocom · 8 years
Η καταπληκτική ομιλία της Ελένης Κουρμαντζή στην Ωνάσειο Βιβλιοθήκη με αποσπάσματα απ’ τον Στέλιο Μάϊνα
Παρασκευή , 24 Μαρτίου Ωνάσειος Βιβλιοθήκη Ριζοσπαστικός Νεοελληνικός Διαφωτισμός – Ιδέες της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης – Πολιτικές θεωρήσεις – Συνωμοτική Ανωνυμία Συγγραφής Ομιλία : Ελένη Κουρμαντζή Απαγγελία αποσπασμάτων : Στέλιος Μάινας ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ… , Ήτοι ,…// … καλλιωτέρα η Νομαρχική Διοίκησις …τί εστί Ελευθερία… …τάχιστα η Ελλάς πρέπει να συντρίψη τας αλύσσους της …ποίαι εστάθησαν αι αιτίαι οπού την εφύλαξαν δούλην …οποίαι είναι εκείναι, οπού μέλλει να την ελευθερώσωσι
  Μια εικόνα της σημερινής εκδήλωσης: Ελένη Κουρμαντζή / ομιλία. Στέλιος Μάινας / απαγγελία χωρίων της”Ελληνικής Νομαρχίας “.
  Στον πίνακα διαπερνούν σελίδες του πρωτοτύπου της Ελληνικής Νομαρχί ας (1806 )
  ” Ἔ! πόσον γλυκὺ πρᾶγμα εἶναι νὰ ὁμιλῇ τινὰς τὴν ἀλήθειαν ! Γλυκύτερον ὅμως καταπολλὰ εἶναι νὰ ἐκφέρῃ εἰς φῶς ἀληθείας ἐπωφελεῖς. Αὐτὸ ἐγὼ ἐπροσπάθησα, ἀγαπητοί μου, νὰ ἐκτελέσω καὶ ἐλπίζω νὰ ἐπέτυχον τοῦ σκοποῦ μου.
Ἄχρηστον ἤθελεν εἶναι εἰς ἕνα ἄρρωστον, ἂν ὁ ἰατρός, ἀφίνοντας κατὰ μέρος τὸ πάθος του, ἤθελε τοῦ ὁμιλήσει περὶ ἄλλων παθῶν. Διὰ τοῦτο κἀγώ, γνωρίζοντας τὴν ἀληθῆ ἀσθένειαν τῆς Ἑλλάδος, περὶ αὐτῆς μόνον ἀπεφάσισα καὶ ὡμίλησα τῶν ἀδελφῶν μου Ἑλλήνων. Ἀπέδειξα τί ἐστὶ ἐ λευ θε ρί α.
Ἔπειτα ἐφανέρωσα πόσον ἀναγκαῖον ἀπόκτημα εἶναι εἰς τὸν ἄνθρωπον· ὅτι μόνον αὕτη τὸν ἀποκαταστεῖ ἄξιον τοῦ ὀνόματός του, ὄντας ὁ δοῦλος ποταπότερος καὶ ἀπὸ τὰ ἴδια ἄλογα ζῶα. ”
Το πρωτότυπο ( ! )της ” Ελλη νικής Νομαρχίας … “.Εν Ιταλία 1806. Απόκτημα της “Βιβλιοθήκης του Νεοελληνικού Διαφωτισμού”, Ιδρύματος Ωνάση.
  ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑ ,Ήτοι , Λόγος περί ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ … / Εν Ιταλια 1806. “Ωνάσειος Βιβλιοθήκη” : 24 Μαρτιου 017.
  Δρ. Αντώνης Παπαδημητρίου , Πρόεδρος Ιδρύματος Ωνάση / Ελένη Κουρμαντζή / Δημήτρης Ρούμπος, Καθηγητές του Πανεπιστημίου Veliko Tyrnovo Βουλγαρίας / Στέλιος Μάινας, Ηθοποιός – Συγγραφέας. Σημ. : Μετά την εκδήλωση, της … “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑΣ..”.
from epikairo.com http://ift.tt/2n6tkEu
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boyordanov-blog · 11 years
PAISIUS OF HILENDAR, ATHOS 1762 This is my diploma work for my bachelor's degree. See more info and images here...
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milkovtc · 12 years
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my city <3
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aroniaforlife · 3 years
World’s most potent sources of bioavailable antioxidants | Aronia for Life
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Aronia is grown in Balkan Mountains near Veliko Tyrnovo, capital of the Bulgarian Kingdom. Aronia ripens on the blessed soil of the, St. Nicolas monastery, accumulating its miraculous properties in ecologically, clean environment fresh with the stimulating mountain air. Aronia for Life aims to bring high quality aronia berry products to all Australians. We’re proud to introduce aronia berries, one of the world’s most potent sources of bioavailable antioxidants. Aronia , Antioxidant&Organic Juice Australia furnished with an enduring impression. Organic aronia berries, which are farmed in Europe, have a significantly higher antioxidant capacity (ORAC score) than even elderberries and wild blueberries. In fact, they have around four times the ORAC of goji berries! They’re not just highly nutritious, they have a uniquely crisp and refreshing flavour. Aronia juice is produced from the freshly gathered fruits by cold pressing and pasteurising to capture and preserve the rich diversity of the biologically, active substances, fresh aroma and characteristic mild taste of aronia fruits. The extremely high content of the biologically active substances wins aronia berry juice a proud place among the most precious healing plants.
Minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine and molybdenum are found in high concentrations.
Sugars: predominating content of fructose makes aronia suitable for diabetics.
Vitamins: A,B1, B2, B3,B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, P. Synergy action of the aronia vitamins multiplies biological effect of each substance. The most precious feature of the aronia is incomparably high content of the vital polyphenols - vitamin P. The 8 year long perfection of the technology yielded the juice with extremely rich and high vitamin content, unprecedented for the Bulgarian and for the international markets. SUGAR FREE pure aronia juice is both a fresh drink and nourishing food with proven healing properties!
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aroniaforlife · 3 years
Aronia Juice Benefits | The Premier Detox Juice in Australia
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The aronia berry itself is extremely high in antioxidants. Aronia berries, now available in Australia, also have the highest anthocyanin concentrations (pigments), and are very high in proanthocyanidins (tannins), in addition to a lot of other polyphenols.  Aronia berries have been used in scientific research because of their extremely high levels of these phytonutrients. Following an initial review of the available clinical data we feel there is evidence to suggest that regular pressed aronia juice consumption may:
Reduce blood pressure
Reduce oxidised LDL cholesterol levels
Reduce inflammation
Reduce weight gain
Reduce eye inflammation
Reduce muscle recovery time after workouts
Regulate blood sugar
Aronia is grown in Balkan Mountains near Veliko Tyrnovo, capital of the Bulgarian Kingdom. Aronia ripens on the blessed soil of the, St. Nicolas monastery, accumulating its miraculous properties in ecologically, clean environment fresh with the stimulating mountain air. Aronia for Life aims to bring high quality aronia berry products to all Australians. We’re proud to introduce aronia berries, one of the world’s most potent sources of bioavailable antioxidants. Aronia , Antioxidant&Organic Juice Australia furnished with an enduring impression. Organic aronia berries, which are farmed in Europe, have a significantly higher antioxidant capacity (ORAC score) than even elderberries and wild blueberries. In fact, they have around four times the ORAC of goji berries! They’re not just highly nutritious, they have a uniquely crisp and refreshing flavour.
Aronia juice is produced from the freshly gathered fruits by cold pressing and pasteurising to capture and preserve the rich diversity of the biologically, active substances, fresh aroma and characteristic mild taste of aronia fruits. The extremely high content of the biologically active substances wins aronia berry juice a proud place among the most precious healing plants.
Minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine and molybdenum are found in high concentrations.
Sugars: predominating content of fructose makes aronia suitable for diabetics.
Vitamins: A,B1, B2, B3,B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, P. Synergy action of the aronia vitamins multiplies biological effect of each substance.
The most precious feature of the aronia is incomparably high content of the vital polyphenols - vitamin P. The 8 year long perfection of the technology yielded the juice with extremely rich and high vitamin content, unprecedented for the Bulgarian and for the international markets.
SUGAR FREE pure aronia juice is both a fresh drink and nourishing food with proven healing properties!
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aroniaforlife · 3 years
Benefits of Aronia Juice | Aronia for Life
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We’re proud to introduce aronia berries, one of the world’s most potent sources of bioavailable antioxidants. Aronia , Antioxidant&Organic Juice Australia furnished with an enduring impression. Organic aronia berries, which are farmed in Europe, have a significantly higher antioxidant capacity (ORAC score) than even elderberries and wild blueberries. In fact, they have around four times the ORAC of goji berries! They’re not just highly nutritious, they have a uniquely crisp and refreshing flavour.
The aronia berry itself is extremely high in antioxidants. Aronia berries, now available in Australia, also have the highest anthocyanin concentrations (pigments), and are very high in proanthocyanidins (tannins), in addition to a lot of other polyphenols. Aronia berries have been used in scientific research because of their extremely high levels of these phytonutrients. Following an initial review of the available clinical data we feel there is evidence to suggest that regular pressed aronia juice consumption may : 
-Reduce blood pressure -Reduce oxidised LDL cholesterol levels -Reduce inflammation -Reduce weight gain -Reduce eye inflammation -Reduce muscle recovery time after workouts -Regulate blood sugar
Aronia is grown in Balkan Mountains near Veliko Tyrnovo, capital of the Bulgarian Kingdom. Aronia ripens on the blessed soil of the, St. Nicolas monastery, accumulating its miraculous properties in ecologically, clean environment fresh with the stimulating mountain air. Aronia juice is produced from the freshly gathered fruits by cold pressing and pasteurising to capture and preserve the rich diversity of the biologically, active substances, fresh aroma and characteristic mild taste of aronia fruits. The extremely high content of the biologically active substances wins aronia berry juice a proud place among the most precious healing plants.
Minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine and molybdenum are found in high concentrations.
Sugars: predominating content of fructose makes aronia suitable for diabetics.
Vitamins: A,B1, B2, B3,B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, P.
Synergy: action of the aronia vitamins multiplies biological effect of each substance.
The most precious feature of the aronia is incomparably high content of the vital polyphenols - vitamin P. The 8 year long perfection of the technology yielded the juice with extremely rich and high vitamin content, unprecedented for the Bulgarian and for the international markets.
SUGAR FREE pure aronia juice is both a fresh drink and nourishing food with proven healing properties!
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bgpochivki · 7 years
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bgpochivki · 7 years
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bgpochivki · 7 years
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