raiseacup · 1 year
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hercobuly · 2 months
Goodyear Car Tyre Air Compressor Pump Bike Cycle Compact 3m Cord 12V Inflator
Think Price CUSTOMER SUPPORT: Mon – Fri 10am to 6pm Same Day Dispatch when ordered before 14:00 Free Mainland UK Delivery Shop Menu Home Categories Home & Garden Other Electronics, Sound & Vision Tools, Motoring & DIY Party & Wedding Holiday & Travel Furniture Fitness Fashion & Beauty Toys & Games Outdoor Stationery About Us Contact Us Returns Policy Terms. & Co. Deals and Offers Subscribe to…
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swagloaded · 2 years
Tyrex Henk – Inside Bomadi Ft. Dikin B
Tyrex Henk – Inside Bomadi Ft. Dikin B
Tyrex Henk – Inside Bomadi Ft. Dikin B Mp3 Download, Lyrics, Mp4 Download, Audio, Youtube Music, 320kbps. Talented Act and songwriter, Tyrex Henk  bounces back on the Music scene With a Potential Hit single titled “Inside Bomadi”. Which guest appearance of Dikin B The Song is a wonderful sound which is a must for your playlist. Download Tyrex Henk – Inside Bomadi Ft. Dikin B  Mp3 Audio.
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hnybearx · 2 years
Addiction || Chapter 1
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Claire's POV 
Aether quickly looks away while Paimon gasps in shock. Since she gasped, I gasped as well. I was even shocked by the fact that everything in this dream— or reality feels so real. 
"How did you know Paimon's name?!" She backs away a little in fear as she floats behind Aether, giving me dirty looks. I sweatdropped before I answer her question. 
"You spoke in 3rd person, referring to yourself like your name." 
"But how did you know it was my name?! It could be Aether's name." I blinked, trying to understand the stupidity yet slight innocence in this conversation. 
"But... you accused me of knowing your name when I just screamed the name Paimon, right? So, I actually don't know you're Paimon before you accused me." My hand rests on my hips as I cover my mouth to yawn with the other hand. I'm grateful for the fact that my brain could actually come up with a quick comeback like that. 
"Ehehe... good point uhmm... what's your name again?" 
"Claire, it's Claire." I bowed a bit before smiling at them. I looked at the male traveler by Paimon's side and stretched out my hand towards him. 
"You're Aether, right? I assume so since this floating... creature? Yeah, whatever she is, said your name." He looked at my hands before taking them with his to shake. He nods as he lets out a small hum. Paimon on the other hand is grumbling from the fact that I called her some sort of a creature. 
"Your outfit looks very.. odd yet warm... are you not from this world as well?" My eyes widen a bit as tingles ran through my skin. I know I heard his voice lines in the archon quests and also while using him on the field, but experiencing a conversation with the real deal is WAY different. It hits differently as well. 
"Uhm.. Claire?? Aether, Paimon thinks she's spacing out." The emergency food's voice dragged me back to reality as I looked at both of their faces, anticipating me to answer their questions. 
"Oh.. yeah, I just got here. This is my first time in this, whatever this traveling through worlds is. And what do you mean by 'as well? Is there anyone who is also not from this world?" 
Gotta act dumb Claire! You can do it! 
If he knows you're spacing out from his soothing voice, he'll think you're a creep! 
Act as if you're clueless. If you can act clueless in lectures, you can do it in front of a game character as well. 
Aether's eyes sparkled a bit as he saw some sort of recognition in what I just said. He nods and tells me that the other uninvited person in this world is himself. Despite the fact that I knew it, I still try to act surprised a bit. We bonded a bit by the beach whilst talking about how we got here. I got to hear the full version of his separated twin story while I just told him my half-lie half-truth story. I didn't expect to feel the same damn feelings from the time I first played the game. 
"I am so sorry to hear that... getting separated with the one you love and care about is hard." I put a hand on his shoulder to pat it a bit before looking at the stars. 
"Yeah.. both of us got separated from what we love." Aether sends a sheepish smile to me. I sent one back before reminiscing everything I allegedly left behind. Jess, Tyrex, my family, my electronics. 
My genshin merchandise 
My other anime merchandise 
But then again, I can't compare this situation to his. He was sent here without a choice while I was practically begging anyone, anything, to get transported here. I sighed as I looked at the dark yet oh-so-beautiful sky. 
"It's getting late. Does any one of the two of you know a nearby village or city we can go to?" I asked them as we walk by the shore. The view was glamorous even at night, so I'm not going to complain about my sudden teleportation to Teyvat. 
And there is a slight chance this is real! Holy shit— 
"Paimon knows the city of Mondstat! We were just there actually! Come on, Paimon will show you, right Aether?" 
"Yeah, if you're okay with it." He smiled while holding out his hand in a way that made my inner fangirl scream. I looked at him before placing my hand on top of his. I nod and grab his hand as I reply with a quick yes. Paimon giggled and smiled.
"Yey! Paimon has another travel buddy with Aether!" 
"Paimon is starting to regret this." She huffs and puffs as both me and Aether laughed. The sky was filled with stars as we walked through the whispering woods. My legs are a bit tired as of now. Nonetheless, I tried my best to speed walk a bit so we could arrive in the morning. 
"But it's true! I fished you out of the water." Aether smiles as he looked at me, exhausted from both the walk and the laughter. 
"But that does not mean Paimon is a fish!" 
"Okay then, you're a loach!" Laughter erupted once again in the middle of the forest. Paimon could only grumble and floats away in a pouty manner. My laughter went down as I followed her with Aether whilst calling her name. We both started saying sorry while holding in our laughter. Paimon being, well, Paimon, pouts and 
"I'll give you an Apple I found if you forgive me." She refuses my apple offer as she strides forward even further. That was until a bunch of shock-screech was heard. It was familiar, too, familiar even for me to forget. 
"Paimon! You disturbed the hilichurls!" Aether summoned his sword, which materialized out of thin air. I gawked at the scene of how he summoned his weapon. It would be normal if you saw it in the 3rd person, on screen, and in a game. Now, this is a phenomenon for my sleep-deprived brain cells. 
"Holy damn..." my eyes glimmer as I observe him fending off an arrow from one of those hilichurls. The weapon he holds is the sword we all know as Prototype Rancour. It was shining an ambient of light, signaling how it was refined. His movement was mostly the combo we would usually see, but there are some tricks here and there as he avoid each attack. A hilichurl was successfully defeated, which disintegrates into ashes as it was blown away by the wind, leaving a mask behind. 
Holy shit, I just saw literal murder, in accord to self-defense, in front of my eyes. 
Are we all secretly Shigaraki or something? 
"CLAIRE WATCH OUT!" Ather's voice breaks me out of my trance as I saw a flyi— PYRO SLIME?! It was aiming towards me as it rolls in the air, waiting to land. I swiftly move aside as the slime bomb huts the grass, burning a bit of it. My mouth was wide opened as I saw the cheeky hilichurl, dancing whilst grumbling as it sees that I avoided the attack. I don't possess any more with me, let alone a weapon.
"BITCH!" I dig a hand full of dirt as I balled it in my hand. I take a stand I learned in PE lessons. I gather up some momentum, then aim it at the hilichurl's face. The compact dirtball flew across the field as it hits It? They? Their face. Their body launched back due to the impact of the ball. After a few minutes of fending off the hilichurls that Paimon accidentally triggers, both I and Aether sat by a tree to take a break. 
Throwing stuff was actually tiring. 
"Claire! How did you learn to throw a ball that well? Your aim is very cool! Can you teach Paimon? And why did you say beach?" Paimon mutters to herself as she was confused. I looked at her and found myself in a dilemma. 
Should I tell her what's the difference between Bitch and Beach? 
After the whole ordeal of triggering a bunch of hilichurls, we managed to be on the bridge of Mondstat right before the sun rises to the sky. I still couldn't get my head wrapped around the whole-time difference here in Teyvat but that's just another worry for the future. For now, all I could think is Timmie's Birds.
Are the birds here in the morning?
If we were to scare them off, will they be back at noon?
My eyes scan the whole scenery in front of me just to meet the bridge's stones. There were no birds in the morning and somehow, I was a bit relieved.
That means I could kill them all when Timmie is here watchi-
"Paimon! Hush down a little!" Aether whisper-shouted to his companion. Paimon's eyes widened a bit before she realized it was time where most people are sleeping/starting to wake up.
"Hehe~ sorry~" she sheepishly scratched her head as I shake my head. We enter the city of freedom right around 6 AM in the morning, assuming how the sun rises around that time back in my place. My eyes instantly wander around the familiar architecture of the city. Some philanemo mushrooms were seen on some of the building’s wall. The breeze brush tenderly across my face, giving the city its free-spirited vibe.
I guess it is the city of freedom.
“Let’s go Claire! Paimon will show you around!” She puffs out her chest, wanting to show off her skills as a tour guide. I giggled at how cute she looks. I used to think of how annoying this floating creature is. However, after meeting a ton of characters in the game, she instantly went down from my ‘top annoying characters’ list.
“Paimon, do you even remember the routes around here?” Aether raised an eyebrow at his friend’s offer. The latter responded with a huff while folding her small arms in front of her.
“Do you not trust Paimon’s skills?! Paimon is the one that leads you here too!” My laughter increases as I pat the pixie’s head. Maybe not a pixie, but a fairy? [emergency food :D] I looked at Aether as a smile inched my lips upward. I took him by the hand and just sprint off to the fountain’s direction.
“Let’s start the tour from here!”
We’ve been walking around the city for 2 hours, resting a bit here and there at some available seats. At first, Paimon was the one who take the lead, showing houses and sites. Right after we made a short stop at Angel’s Share, Paimon got tired of talking and explaining. It was a bit off for me considering how she would often take the lead in any conversation in the story.
It’s not like I’m complaining
This might be the first time I have heard Aether talk this much. Considering this is my current reality, I should not compare someone’s ability to talk with the game’s dialogue. I had to remind myself a couple of time that now, the characters are living, breathing, and sharing the same oxygen as I am. We walk around even further up to the place we started. Aether had an idea to register me under the Adventurer’s guild since both are outlanders. I don’t have any particular reason to refuse, so we spent a bit of time registering me in the guild.
We continue to walk once we were done registering under the guild. By the fountain, we stop by a familiar shot to buy some brand-new clothing for me, which none other than Aether is the one paying. I tried to refuse, but he kept insisting on how I should at least wear something else rather than the clothes I was wearing. I was about to come up with an argument, but he has a point. I can’t go around in my BURNT hoodie.
A simple shirt with a bit of ruffles and long sleeves adorning the off-shoulder cut of the clothing. Complimenting the long pants, a belt was installed as an accessory. Some combat shoes were given as a bonus from how much mora we spent AND Aether’s effort in the trading promises. The last accessory, a cape with a hoodie and a hair tie was given to me as it came with the cape bundle. All in all, 125k mora.
“WHAT?! AETHER! I CAN’T LET YOU PAY THIS MUCH!!” I screamed inside the shop. Marjorie, who was looking around for some additional accessory suddenly jolted a bit. I liked it, the vibe really screams my name, but not if it was this expensive! Heck, it was not me paying it, it was Aether.
“It’s fine Claire.” Or so he said. Marjorie was about to make the transaction, but I halted their action.
“Wait… How about 50k first?” Both of them looked extremely confused about what I am offering, I should say one of them is confused while the other one was at shock, perhaps even mad beacuse the offer. Before she could say anything, I continue my offer.
“I’ll pay the rest 75k, with an extra fee of lateness. Every 10 days of nonpayment, you can increase 5% of my debt. If I were not to pay 75k by 10 days, you can charge me extra, making it 78.75k of mora. Therefore, you will have a higher profit. If I were to run away, you can contact Katheryne since my name is listed in the guild.”
“CLAIRE?!” Paimon was about to burst in panic since she thought it was a bit outrageous. However, Marjorie surprisingly agrees to the offer, and lets Aether pay the first 50K. We say our thanks and bid farewell to Marjorie. We left the store and stroll down the city with Paimon gawking behind my back.
“Paimon did not know Claire can make contracts like that! Where did you learn it? Paimon wants to know so Paimon does not need to spend a lot of money on it!” I giggled as I told her that it is a secret. Although I told her I learned it in my hometown, I could not tell her the methods and tricks about money. It will be alright to teach Aether, but Paimon on the other hand could use it as a getaway. Paimon pouts and I could only pat her with a small smile. Aether seeing the interaction between me and Paimon, smiled a little, thanking anyone or anything above that his new partners are getting along quite well. Maybe, he’s also hoping to get along better with his new partner as well.
Our last stop was the statue of Barbatos, also known as Venti in this world. The statue is much bigger than I had imagined, partly seeing it in someone else’s POV. Never had I imagined to be standing in the authentic spot where I would slaughter some characters for better luck. Ahem, setting the fact aside, I began to adore each detail I could find with my eyes, and not my PC’s screen.
“The statue really symbolizes freedom huh.” Aether nods along with Paimon. She giggled as she floats from Aether’s side, moving in front of us.
“Paimon can’t help but think that Claire is really interested in everything new! Paimon likes the spirit!” She giggled and floats towards the staircase, signaling us to come along with her. My other partner went along first before I trailed behind him. I took a last peek at the statue since I might get teleported back into the real world anytime. As my eyes looked at the statue’s hands, I was certain I could see a familiar bard in green clothing, sitting on it with his lyre in hand. I can’t help but smile and went along, catching up with the others.
I might be carefree now, but I could feel a gaze boring into the back of my head.
Who would that be huh?
》《》《》 《》《》《》《 
“Eh? Isn’t that Jean?” Paimon pointed out. Our eyes immediately looked at a lady, maybe at her 20s, with blonde locks in a ponytail. A bow decorated her simple hairstyle as the Anemo vision on her belt shines.
“Seems she's talking to someone… Let's let her finish, then go say hi?” Paimon turned to look at us with her smile as we nod. Paimon then slowly was about to approach them when she halted and looked at us again, specifically saying, she had her eyes on me.
“Wait… Claire, do you know Jean?” One of my eyebrows went up as I looked at her puzzled. Of course, I know Jean, she-
It clicked on me that I should be clueless with everyone that Aether has met up to this story quest. Sure, Aether has a bond with them, but that does not mean that I have created one too! In an instant, I shook my head from left to right.
“No, actually, which one is Jean? Is it the one with a mask?”
Okay maybe not that stupid.
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shblka · 11 months
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WHIRL IS A GOOSE!!!!!!! cyclonus is an old grumpy vampire lady
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whirl likes!!!!! when the old grumpy vampire lady holds him
he also has tyrex hands
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Shout out to @snapthistiger for tagging me in a comfy post about what brings me comfort.
Comfort food. Mangoes. Nothing is more satisfying than getting a huge mango, peeling the skins and eating it with a pairing knife.
Comfort clothes. My sweatpants from target, a long sleeve thermal t from Costco, a hoodie and arc-tyrex purple jacket aka what I walk my dog in.
Comfort song. Hallelujah covered by John Cale. No other version does it justice.
Comfort book.  The Things They Carried. Tim O'Brien's narrative is so effortlessly compelling. I first read the book under the trees at the park in my hometown as a teenager. I will forever remember lying under the shade on that hot May Day. I read 3/4 of the book in one sitting.
Comfort tv show. Alias seasons 1 and 2. Peak feminine strength and vulnerability.
I tag @vegasgirlvlogs. @hifibriguy and @miles-for-mickey to share what makes them comfortable!!
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bags2rags · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Balenciaga Tyrex Low Black - 617535-W2TA1-1000 - Size 11.
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inkdragon42 · 1 year
More hurt/comfort for Kimiri and Jacks! part 1/2
poor Miri basically sees the ghosts of his dead (and alive) adopted siblings in the shadows and in nightmares... he n his siblings were in a hunger games like scenario, kill one another to become a noble... his brother Tyrex, was particularly brutal
but none of them actually cared abt Kimiri. so here's found family to the rescue!
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bc hard to read in the nightmare panel: 'Miri you left us' 'Miri' 'why didn't you save us?' 'Kimiri' 'Kimiri, you're the reason I died' 'Kimiri, you left me behind. he'll kill me' 'Kimiri where did you go?'
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dogengine · 2 years
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Ice skateing pt.. 2🤔🙂⚙️ balenciaga tyrex shoes kaws x bape beanie Nike gym gloves Guess belle isle bag Extra stuff imaginary
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abbyew20 · 1 year
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raiseacup · 1 year
Chitra: Don’t have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead! Tyrex: What makes you think I read? 
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hercobuly · 2 months
AA 12V Car Tyre Air Compressor Inflator LED Pump Pressure Gauge Cigarette Socket
AA 12V Car Tyre Air Compressor Inflator LED Pump Pressure Gauge Cigarette Socket 455k items sold Visit our eBay Store Contact Us AA 12V Car Tyre Air Compressor Inflator LED Pump Pressure Gauge Cigarette Socket Your browser does not support the video tag. 1 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 of 1 2 3 4 5…
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irawatson · 2 years
DEMNA IS BACKKKKKK!!!! im seeing some people are not loving it, but me, I LOVE IT!! I want the sport sunglasses, and something with a lot of shoulder pads in it, looking like a walking box. Also loving the new excavator boots, it’s not the tyrex motorbike boots, but they would definitely do the trick, and I would love to own a pair. #FashionDiaries
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(Cont..) also want a pair of these sunglasses. (The silver ones would be preferred) I just want to look like I’m fast asf lol.
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hnybearx · 2 years
Addiction || Prelude
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Claire's POV
Once again, the screen of my laptop displayed the result of artifacts I got from the domain. I was getting tired of the same Def% status I got instead of the Crit ones. It was 2 AM in the morning and I'm still grinding to build my Childe. 
"Come on, Claire, it's not that bad, you got some Crit sub-stats." A voice can be heard from the other side of the world. Tyrex and Jess, two of my best friends, is with me now. In Genshin. We are calling in a voice channel since we can't really meet up in real life. 
"You could give it to Albedo," Jess suggested, trying to lift up the mood. I sigh in exasperation as I told her that Albedo was perfectly built and does not need any new or better artifacts. 
"It's getting late. Maybe Mihoyo doesn't want you to sleep at 3-4 AM every day." Tyrex said with a sneer. I scoffed playfully and retorted back. "Yeah right Ms. I-don't-sleep-but-I-still-get-good-artifacts." We all laughed as we waited for our screens to lead us out of the domain.
"Darn it, no resin left." I opened my inventory to see if I have any spare fragile resin, but it was to no avail. I sighed once more. 
Goodness, when will I be lucky in this game? 
Never, and you know it.
Suffering from the 50-50 loss all the time, I decided to give up on my luck in the rolls. However, I thought I might have some luck left for domains. It was wrong. I was dumb to think that it is a possibility. 
"I think I'm heading off now. I'll just yeet myself from your world and sleep." Jess logged out of the co-op and bid us farewell. Without a minute, Tyrex heads out as well as she would like to play other games instead of Genshin. By 5 minutes after the farewell goodbyes, I logged of Discord and went back to Genshin, just to farm for future updates. 
It's now 10 minutes to 3 AM and I'm still fighting some hilichurls. Since it was not that hard to fight them off, I used another team just for fun. It was a shame that I decided to pick out the healer team instead of the shield team. The character on the screen now, a.k.a Jean is heading towards another pile of hilichurls. Our so-called targets are dancing around a bonfire in Dragonspine. 
"I'm so sorry" I stated to no one in particular and started to lung the enemies to the nearest body of water. Barbara quickly took Jean's position and created her water hoop of healing. Then in mere seconds, it was switched to Diona as a shield starts to form around her. And by the next switch, it was Sayu with her claymore and rolling abilities. She rolled around them to create a swirl effect before Jean took her place and threw the hilichurls into the water. Before she could take the things dropped in the water, a sudden attack of blue arrows launched towards her, making her freeze. 
"WAIT— HUH? OH! I MISSED ONE" I spam the space button on the keyboard to escape from the freezing form. Jean dashes towards the left-over hilichurl and threw them into the body of water, this time for good. 
"Not bad. Could be worse, but oh well." I shrugged my shoulders before seeing the time again. 
"I— 4.30 AM?! SHOOT I HAVE A MEETING TOMORROW! WAIT NO, TODAY!! it's in like... 5 MORE HOURS?!" I quickly logged off Genshin and shuts down my laptop. I quickly did my night routines and lay on the bed after. I sighed as I looked at the ceiling. What my friends didn't know is that I sleep by trying to do this trend named Shifting. It's like transferring yourself into another dimension, wherever you want. But with multiple failed attempts, I decided that it was a 'too good to be true' reality. My eyes strayed off the ceiling and towards my laptop on the table in the room. 
"I think I'm way too addicted to this game." I turned away from the table and positioned myself to look at the wall instead, thinking it could be way interesting than the laptop. Which is not. But staring into nothingness just made me even sleepier. The world started to dim itself as my eyelids cover my vision and left me in the dark. 
》《》《》 《》《》《》《 
I opened my eyes to see the bright light coming from the skies above me. My pupils started to adjust my vision with the intensity of the light before I realized, why can I see the skies? 
A bird screeched and flew by the sky. My mind is trying to process everything I see. From the blue skies to the cool blue ocea— 
"HUH?!" My body sprang from the ground— or should I say sand— and sat right up. With the frantic beating of my heart, I took in the whole new scenery in front of me. Although the sky here is way gorgeous than the sky at home, it was still a big shock that I went from sleeping in the comfort of my house to the sandy beach with a fantastic view.
"This could be a dream... Yes. That's right... a lucid dream..." I looked at my hands and decided that I should slap myself real hard. So I did. 
"A SHIT— MOTHERFU–HmmmPhMH" I hold my right cheek in pain. Wait, pain.. huh... that's weird. Since the water was clear enough to reflect the clouds, I went to the body of water to check on myself. It was then that I realized, I look different AND my cheeks are red. 
"Huh.. maybe I shifted? But I didn't plan nor scripted it.. and even if I did, I put the 'no pain + high pain tolerance' in one of the attributes..." I started to walk back and forth, trying to figure out which world did I accidentally went to. 
"But... wait... Chicken Nuggets!" I closed my eyes and said the safe word I dictated in order to bring me back to reality. However, when my eyelids flutter open, I'm still on the beach. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Slowly but surely, my brain processes each and every possibility of this event. 
"I can feel pain, I can NOT go back home, and the sun is setting. The only conclusion here is... I got isekai-d into wherever this place is.. "
IMPOSSIBLE!!" I screamed at my final conclusion. The birds around the area flew by the sudden sound. I went back to see my reflection by the water before it really turned into nighttime. My hair turned from brown to maroon red as my eyes went from hazel into sky blue. My stubby hands are now slender and my clothes... are still my clothes.. 
Wait I'm still using my pajamas— 
Thank goodness I chose to sleep in hoodies and shorts. But wait my undergarments— 
Swiftly lurking left to right, I can guarantee no one else is on the beach but me. I took a sneak peek inside my hoodies and sigh in relief that I was actually using proper undergarments. 
Huh, must've forgotten to take them off 
I didn't know how I still got my undergarments to despise loving the free moments at home. Nevertheless, it was one of those rare occasions that I am actually grateful to wear these uncomfy-lifting things. 
Wait did I get smaller boo—
"Uhhh Paimon thinks that we interrupted someone's privacy" a loud, high-pitched voice was heard from my right side. My head turned to their way in nanoseconds that I think my neck was cracked (no it didn't). A small flying human and a long-haired male with a crop top stood there looking at me, who is looking at my own booba. My eyes went wide as I instantly recognize them. 
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maspunyacerita · 2 years
Dua gelas sudah kopi hitam yang aku minum sejak siang tadi, entah aku bisa tidur atau tidak nanti malam. Biar lah, nanti malam pun aku akans kencan lagi dengan tugas-tugas kuliah yang harus aku selesaikan.
Aku pun menutup laptopku dan merenggangkan tubuhku yang sedikit kaku.
Ting ning ting ning…
Suara lonceng-lonceng kecil yang dipasangkan pada pintu kafe pun berbunyi.
Seorang wanita bermantel putih dan syal merah muda masuk dengan membawa banyak tas belanja. Di belakangnya ada seorang anak kecil laki-laki yang mengenakan mantel biru dan topi kupluk berwarna krem terlihat menggendong ransel biru kecil bergambar dinosaurus. Ia juga membawa sebuah action figure berbentuk tyrex.
Persis seperti dulu saat aku masih kanak-kanak.
Aku pun teringat pada ibuku.
Teringat juga sebuah kejadian 26 tahun yang lalu, ketika bulan puasa menjelang hari lebaran. Ayahku pun masih hidup saat itu dan masih bekerja di sebuah instansi pemerintahan.
Dahulu, mendiang ayahku memberikan kedua orang anaknya sejumlah uang menjelang lebaran langsung ke tangan anak-anaknya untuk dibelikan baju dan barang-barang lain untuk persiapan lebaran. Lalu, ibuku mengajak kami berbelanja pakaian di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan yang selalu sama setiap tahunnya karena dekat dengan rumah kami.
“Ibu, kalau yang ini boleh?” Tanyaku pada ibuku seraya memperlihatkan sebuah kaos berkerah kepada ibuku.
Ibuku melihat tanda harga yang tergantung pada salah satu lubang kancing baju itu.
“Boleh, dicoba dulu, sana.” Jawab ibuku setelahnya.
Ibuku pun dengan cepat mengambil beberapa potong lagi dari tempat yang sama, hanya saja ia pilihkan warna dan motif yang berbeda-beda. Setelah itu kami langsung membayarnya di kasir.
“Ini kembaliannya, dek,” Kata seorang kasir kepadaku, “lalu ini ada voucher diskon untuk pembelian berikutnya ya.”
“Terima kasih, Mbak.” Aku memberikan uang kembalian tersebut kepada ibuku, lalu menyimpan voucher itu di saku celanaku.
“Habis ini, mau beli apa lagi, Nak?”
“Emangnya uang dari Ayah masih cukup, Bu?” Ibuku terdiam sebentar, menghitung berapa rupiah yang sudah aku pakai dan berapa rupiah yang masih tersisa.
“Cukup. Ayo!”
Yang kuingat, pada tahun itu aku mempunyai empat potong kaos berkerah, dua potong celana panjang, dan sepasang sepatu baru.
Tetapi saat itu, ibu hanya membeli sebuah gamis panjang berwarna putih dan bermotif dedaunan pada bagian dada.
"Ibuuu... ini voucher-nya kecuci." Kataku sedih.
"Yah... Padahal Ibu mau belikan kamu baju lagi nanti setelah lebaran. Ya sudah lain kali aja ya, nak?" Aku mengangguk.
Ibuku membuang voucher-voucher yang sudah rusak tersebut ke dalam tempat sampah, lalu melanjutkan menyeterika baju-baju yang sebelumnya sudah ibu cuci.
Tanpa terasa mataku pun berair, aku sangat merindukan ibu.
Sedang apakah ia saat ini?
Kulihat arlojiku. Jika sekarang pukul 8 malam, maka di Jakarta sudah pukul 2 dini hari. Dua jam lagi ibuku pasti sudah bangun. Akan aku telepon ibuku nanti.
Aku sangat merindukannya. Orang yang selalu lebih memikirkan anak-anaknya daripada dirinya sendiri.
Aku tidak tahu berapa banyak uang yang saat itu ia miliki, tentunya selain uang jatahku dan juga kakakku.
Pasti ayahku juga memberikan ibuku uang untuk dirinya membeli pakaian. Hatinya ingin membelikan juga kedua anaknya pakaian untuk berlebaran. Namun, ia tidak mempunyai penghasilan sendiri untuk dirinya bagikan kepada kami.
Sesampainya di apartemen, aku membuka album foto pada ponselku. Ada banyak foto-fotoku dulu saat masih di Jakarta bersama ibuku dan juga keluarga kecil kakakku.
Ayahku sudah lama tidak ada. Ayah terkena serangan jantung sesaat setelah pulang dari kantor. Semenjak itu, ibu hanya mengandalkan pensiunan ayah yang jumlahnya tidak seberapa. Walaupun kakakku juga sudah bekerja saat itu, tetapi untuk keperluanku, ibu mengambilnya dari pensiunan ayah.
Setelah lulus kuliah, kuputuskan untuk langsung bekerja dan menggantikan posisi ayahku untuk membiayai keperluanku sendiri dan juga ibuku.
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, aku diterima bekerja di sebuah instansi pemerintahan, berkat doa dari ibu dan tahun lalu, aku mendapatkan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikanku di sini, Utrecht.
Ia terlihat bugar walau usianya sudah lebih dari 65 tahun.
Air mataku pun menetes.
Ah! Sudah jam 10 lebih 5 menit.
“Assalamu alaikum, Bu.”
“Wa alaikum salam, Nak.” Ibuku terdiam sejenak, “Kamu belum tidur?”
“Belum, Bu. Ada tugas kuliah yang harus Bayu kumpulin minggu depan. Doakan supaya cepet selesai dan nilainya bagus ya, Bu.”
“Insya Allah, Nak. Nilainya bagus, cepat lulus, dan pulang ke Jakarta, terus nikah deh, hehehe..." Kekeh ibu.
“Amin… Oh iya, Ibu sehat kan?”
“Alhamdulillah, paling lutut aja nih yang suka pegel kalau udah kelamaan jalan.” aku tersenyum mendengarnya.
"Makanya terus dibiasain jalan pagi ya, Bu."
“Iya, iya. Yaudah, Ibu mau sholat subuh dulu, ya? Kamu juga jangan lupa sholat ya, Nak.”
“Iya, Bu. Insya Allah.” jawabku, “Ya udah, Bu. Assalamu alaikum.”
“Wa alaikum salam, daag sayang.”
“Daag, Bu.”
Walau singkat, namun rasanya sangat senang mendengar suaranya yang terdengar sehat dan segar.
Aku meletakkan ponsel di atas meja belajar, membuka laptopku, dan kembali mengerjakan tugasku untuk dikumpulkan minggu depan.
Semoga saja tahun depan aku bisa menyelesaikan kuliah magisterku ini dan kembali berkumpul bersama ibuku.
Tuhan… sehatkan badannya, pendengarannya, juga penglihatannya. Panjangkan usianya, Tuhanku.
“Halo, Buuu. Apa kabar?” Sapa riang seorang pemilik toko emas di sebuah pasar.
“Alhamdulillah. Makin seger aja nih si Enci.” Jawab seorang wanita berpakaian sederhana yang baru saja masuk ke dalam toko emas itu.
“Ah bisa aja nih si Ibu. Ohiya, ada apa nih? Mau beli emas? Udah mau lebaran nih, banyak model-model baru loh, Bu.”
“Wah… Iya, Ci. Eh, tapi saya bukan mau beli. Saya malah mau jual giwang saya nih, Ci.”
“Kok dijual sih, Bu, sayang tau, Bu. Ini modelnya bagus. Cakep deh buat lebaran.”
“Hahaha… Bener sih, Ci. Masih ada satu lagi kok, Ci, yang emas putih. Yang ini buat nambah-nambahin angpao anak-anak, Ci. Buat nambahin beli baju lebaran.”
“Haiya… Oke-oke. Sebentar saya timbang dulu, Bu.”
Alhamdulillah, aku bisa nambahin buat beli baju lebaran buat Anjani dan Bayu. Pasti mereka seneng tahun ini bisa punya baju baru lebih banyak.
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meechyandmook · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Balenciaga Tyrex Sneakers.
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