#types of stents
platinumforheart · 1 month
The following article aims to discuss the newest developments in heart stent technologies, understand the types of stents, and explain why they might be considered the best option for heart patients. 
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sonalisa12 · 2 years
Healing after a cardiac stent surgery
Stents work by keeping pressure off your heart so it can heal properly after an injury or surgery. They don't replace other treatments like medications or rehabilitation but instead complement them by allowing your body to recover faster than it would without them! Learn more:
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Researchers use tin to toughen bioimplant titanium alloys through the cocktail effect
Beta(β)-type titanium (Ti) alloys are renowned for their strength, formability and resistance to harsh environments. This, along with their excellent biocompatibility, has made them adequately suited for implants and prosthetics, from joint replacement to stents. However, under certain conditions, a brittle omega phase can form, making the material prone to breaking. While it is known that adding tin (Sn) negates this, and makes β-type Ti alloys stronger, the exact mechanics behind this has continued to puzzle scientists. That is until now. A research team led by Norihiko Okamoto and Tetsu Ichitsubo from Tohoku University's Institute for Materials Research (IMR) has revealed how this occurs. Their revelation came via a systematic investigation using model titanium–vanadium (Ti–V) alloys, which included a combination of experiments and theoretical analyses.
Read more.
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glazedsnail · 3 days
We're closing in to the end (not yet there's like at least 4 parts left lmao)
Misery Loved Company
ShanexOCFarmer (♀️) 18+ / swear words/substance misuse/explicit/suicide ideation/mention of abuse/Blood/injury
I know a good fanfic writer links her parts but I don't feel like it tonight I dribbled tea on my chest and that's tea that'll never end up in my belly.
Look at my family waiting for the jellyfishes. I'm taking Jas with me and there's nothing you can do about it.
Look at us all purple fresh and then there's goober with brown hair smh.
(I have a full folder of screenshots that can last me until I actually play the game again) (I had purple hair/green eyes combo before even knowing the existence of Shane this was truly meant to be)
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‘Ok she’s back. Thank you Maru.’
‘I’m back?’
‘The hematoma isn’t new, do you recall when it might have happened?’
‘What do you mean I’m back?’
‘You dozed off a little, Maru got the blood needed. Fern, do you remember anything?’
‘Yes, I mean, yes. I fell face first. What’s this? How do you know my blood type?’
Harvey sighs, I’m obviously being difficult. Maru is softly laughing, removing the empty perfusion bag from the stent in my arm.
‘We have your medical records, on top of having a bank of universal donors if you want to know everything. Now can you answer MY questions? Fern?’
‘My medical records?’
‘When did you fall? Was that before the cut? Do you feel nauseous?’
‘Last night, or early this morning I’m not sure. I’m sorry.’
‘You are in a safe space, alright? Maru thank you again for the stitches. If anyone’s still outside let them know she’s fine.’
The young nurse starts walking towards the door.
‘But no one is allowed in until I say so, is that clear?’
She nods, getting herself ready. 
‘Ok Fern’ Harvey starts ‘I’ll keep you in tonight for observation. But tomorrow we’ll have to send you to Zuzu city for an MRI, alright?’
‘What about my arm?’
‘It was deep, but the shards missed any major arteries or tendons. You’ll get some blisters from the boiling water but’
‘Wait a minute, how do you know?’
He chuckles.
‘Wow you were really out weren’t you? You told us about the glasses and the tea and all.’
‘And all?’
‘Actually that was pretty much it. Do you want to keep the pieces of glass Maru extracted?’
He casually hands me a porcelain bowl with glistening small bits of glass, bloodied gauze, and a pair of tweezers. 
‘I, huh.’
‘I’m joking’ he adds, replacing the bowl on its tray. ‘There’s a bell if you need anything during the night. Anything urgent that is. I’ll phone Gus, see if Emily can deliver you some dinner. Craving anything in particular?’
‘I’m not hungry.’
‘The fusspot special then. Fern you’ve lost a lot of blood, you need to eat. I’ll be upstairs, ok?’
He disappears behind the curtains and I hear the door closing. It’s odd to have a friend turn on their bedside manners…
I feel so silly. Everything hurts so much. And I’m terrified of the town speculations.
Marnie did see it happen, she’d be able to help me dismiss any rumours. Then again, this is the perfect opportunity for her to confirm her narrative. That I’m way too unstable for Shane. 
What a thing to say. Coming to my house, waste my tea, drink my juice. Question my sanity. Forbid me to see her nephew. Nephew who made it clear he didn’t want to see me anyway.
I fall back on the large pillow with a sigh. The stitches are already itchy. The hospital gown is thin like toilet paper. The duvet is too thick. The perfusion stent is uncomfortable. Wait, hospital gown? How long was I out? Where are my clothes?
I’m too upset.
And hungry.
I pass my hand on my tired face. I try to remember what happened and what was said during the panic. I think about Vincent and Jas. Way to traumatise a generation. I carefully touch the bump on my forehead. “I’ll take you to Harvey’s in the morning.” He said. I scoff. Right. I didn’t believe a word he said anyway. That whole date was an absolute disaster. I had no fun, no laugh. Nothing. I faked through the whole ordeal. Comfortable arms? Soft lips? Warm smile? Kind eyes? … I slap myself. Left hand against my forehead.
‘Ow, ouch, oh what a fucking idiot’ I wince, folding myself over in pain. I never want to see him ever again.
Someone knocks on the door and doesn’t even wait for an answer to open. I assume it’s Emily with my food. ‘Ugh Emily I’m so happy to see you. I hope you brought something good, I’m starving. I have so much to tell you, you’re… Oh. It’s you.’
The curtain opened and out appeared Shane, holding a box.
‘What are you doing here?’ I ask, crawling back under the duvet.
‘Emily told me she had to deliver this to the hospital. I knew it was for you, so…’
‘Very professional of Emily I see…’
He puts the box on the bedside table and grabs a chair.
‘I’m not going to beat around the bush, Fern. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left so abruptly last night.’
‘It’s ok, no sweat.’ I lie.
‘It’s absolutely not ok. It’s never ok. Especially after… the time we spent together.’
My thighs tense up at the reminder. I try really hard not to look at him, lest I see his lustful eyes and sleazy smile on top of me, his sweaty body all over my naked skin.
I shiver.
Well that was an exercise in futility.
‘What do you want.’ I say in the coldest tone I can while my brain showers me with millions of images of me and Shane completely naked. 
Hardly appropriate. ‘I mainly came to see how you’re doing.’
‘I’m fine.’ I cut short
‘Do you mind telling me what happened?’
‘Ask your aunt.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You heard me.’ I’m bitter. Who wouldn’t? ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, Fern. Did Marnie come to visit you?’
I scoff. How dare he?
‘Shane, please, don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining, ok?
‘At least look at me.’
‘Fern, I’m sorry I hurt you. Leaving you there, in the chicken coop I… Well I panicked. I simply panicked. I don’t have any excuses other than I fucking panicked. Remembered how and why I was being so… rude to you in the first place, and seeing how we were now, it just…What if in the end I’m just… reverting back to that jerk… Fern, look at me!’
‘You know there’s a bell I can tug at to get Harvey down.’ 
‘You wouldn’t do that.’
‘Try me’
‘You wouldn’t bother anyone to get rid of me, one, you’re too polite, and self conscious. And two, for some reason I can’t understand you.. Like me? Still?’
‘So you came here to insult me, I see.’
He carefully grabs my heavily bandaged arm.
‘Did you… do that yourself?’
‘I said ask your aunt.’
‘Did SHE do that?’
I chuckle, what an idiot.
‘Yes, actually. She came in and said “if you touch my nephew again I’ll cut your arm, worthless farmer!” and did this to show me she wasn’t kidding.’
He laughs, the bastard.
‘It’s not that far from the truth, you know.’
He stays silent, dumbfounded.
‘W-what?’ He stutters after a moment. I finally look at him. He’s out of his Joja uniform, making me realise how long I did pass out. He looks even more tired than usual. And worried. His cold hands are cradling mine, softly rubbing it with his thumbs. He brings it to his lips and kisses it. His other hand reaches my hair he tucks behind my ear.
‘Nasty bump there.’
‘See, I ended up at Harvey’s without your help’
He bites into his lip and looks down. We stay silent for a while, his hand rubbing mine, and I feel terrible to play with him like that. I, probably, didn’t need to bring Marnie in the conversation, when he’s already confused. ‘I broke a glass, in…Hum, in anger. And instead of, you know, doing the sensible thing like going to the hospital, I spend too long trying to fix it myself…’’ 
He softly kisses the bandages. I remember him seeing the wound and asking what I did, in the panic of it all. I kinda see where he’s coming from. But I’ll never admit it.
‘So’ I start ‘ What did Gus prepare for me?’
‘I actually don’t know, I just grabbed the box and left.’ He hands me the warm lunch box.
‘No notes this time?’ He dares say, in a laugh.
‘Like you’re in a position to make jokes. Aw! Some fried mushrooms and eggplant parmesan. Nice.’
‘So, does he know your favourite too then?’
‘Only one of them is my favourite’ I say, biting into a mushroom. ‘I’ll let you guess which one.’
‘I’m a terrible cook but I’m willing to try.’
I almost choke on my mushroom bite. Who said anything about cooking what for who now. I sigh.
‘He also packed some cookies. Do you, erm. Do you want to join me and grab some?’
‘You don’t want me to leave you alone? You won’t ring on Harvey?’
I laugh.
‘If anything happens, know that I have the power to make him come down in an instant!’
‘What pyjamas do you think he wears?’
‘I can ring to find out.’ I joke, extending my arm to the chord.
He laughs, timidly, and smiles at me. I smile back. I can’t fight it. I shuffle slowly to the side and pat the bed.
‘Come on. Let’s have a cookie sleepover.’
He chuckles and joins me.
‘Aren’t you cold in that gown?’ He asks, looking at me out of the cover, before lifting it for himself. ‘Oh shit that’s heavy duty stuff.’
‘Yeah I barely need the gown at all, it’ll make me sweaty.’
He laughs, locking his eyes into mine. I feel myself breathing heavily, looking back at him. He softly caresses my cheek, my neck, reaches my shoulder and undo the first knot of the hospital  gown. He sighs, breathing heavily too.
‘Harvey could hear us’ I say in one whisper, helping him put the box of food aside and get rid of his belt.
‘I’ll have to keep you quiet’ he says in my ear. I shiver, let him devour my neck, climb slowly, delicately, on top of me.
‘Watch for the stent.’
‘I’ll be very careful, the softest.’ He slowly inserts himself inside of me with incredible ease. He tries to conceal a groan as he feels my wet inside surrounding him, ready for him.
He breathes heavily against my neck. I grab him, letting him fall completely into me. He moves ever so slowly, making me taste every inch of him in a delicious soft dance, punctuated by his breathing and low growl.
‘You ok baby? I’m not hurting you?’
I shiver.
‘N-no’ I whisper back ‘This feels..Ah..Great.’
I fail at concealing a moan. Shane softly covers my mouth with his hand.
‘Shh. You’re gonna get us caught.’ he whispers directly in my ear, moving with the only goal of making me explicitly squeal.
He’s enjoying it. This is outrageous. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. 
‘That’s my good girl.’ He looks at me, still covering my mouth, moving his hips to overwhelm me, forcing me to stay silent. I try to keep my muffled whimpers as down as possible.
He kisses me with such intense softness. I grab the back of his head, kissing him back. My eyes are getting wet from the multiple sensations, the edges of pleasures Shane is balancing me on. The risk of getting caught, the self-inflicted restriction of making any kind of noise, while subjected to the creaking of the bed, the wet sound of our bodies merging, and his slow breathing against my skin. 
I lift my bandaged arm to him.
‘Ha shit.’
‘Are you ok?’
‘Yeah I’m sorry ah.. No, don’t stop… It’s only my arm. I almost forgot why I was there.’
‘Almost?’ He replies, kissing all the free skin he can find. ‘Then I’m not doing a good job.’ he laughs, moving inside me, making me yelp.
‘You certainly are enjoying yourself’ I say between gasps and heavy breathings. ‘Are you not?’ He asks, attacking me with a stronger thrust.
‘Fuck, Shane!’
‘I said: “are you not?”’ I yield, like I’m able to do anything else. ‘I am…’ I grab him by the back of his head, locking him with my legs. ‘ I love feeling your hard cock inside my warm pussy.’ I feel him try to conceal a spasm. Despite it all, it seems I know how to get the upper hand.
I’m overstimulated by his slow passionate fuck, the low sound of his whispering voice.
‘F-Fern.’ he repeats, slowly moving between my legs.
He buries his head in my neck. I bite into his shoulder. Tears fall down my temples as I conceal a scream, barely. I hear him growl, feel him tremble, feel his warmth covering my walls. 
‘Fuck Fern I’m sorry.’
‘It’s ok… It’s ok, don’t worry. No please stay… stay inside of me…’ 
‘I couldn’t…Control anything I’
I laugh
‘Shane it’s fine. Come don’t worry.’ I grab him back to let him fall on me, give him some rest. He works on getting his breathing back to normal, I play with his hair, feeling my heart pumping in my chest. I try to process how we came at the same time, like two stupid romance protagonists. I laugh to myself. After a while, disappointingly, he slips down next to me.
‘Are you gonna leave?’ I try to sound completely disinterested whatever he chooses. After all, about an hour ago I said I didn’t want to see him ever again. Then I saw him again, and invited him on my hospital bed, made him comfortable in between my legs, cried at the overwhelming pleasure he inflicted on me I… I need to stop and reevaluate my convictions. ‘No, unless you want me to.’
‘I guess you got what you came for.’
‘Fern’ He shuffles against me, moving his fingers delicately on my tender skin. ‘I know you don’t believe that of me.’
‘There’s been precedent.’
‘I had no clue this would happen’ he simply says, now kissing my chest ‘It’s certainly not why I came here.’
‘Then why?’
‘I still haven’t had any of those cookies for starters’
I slap his shoulder, failing to push him off the bed. He has no right to make me laugh.
He gains back his composure and sits up. ‘First of all, I wanted to check on you.’ He grabs me in his arms, making himself more comfortable on the hospital bed. He accidentally pushes his shorts, all with belt and set of keys, off the mattress. It all falls in a loud repeating clink of noises. We both brace ourselves, keeping an ear out for “old man Harv’” running down the stairs. Nothing. Fortunately. We both sigh and he continues. ‘When Caroline ran into Joja she was white as a sheet. She was shouting for Harvey. I was trying to calm her down and help her find the doc but then she said your name.  I let her there, and took off. As stupid as it was of me. She was panic stricken, about something that happened to you. I was so scared.’ I see his eyes shifting left and right. The memories of this afternoon are mixing with distant ones. Distant memories of hurt loved ones he’ll never be able to process. He wasn’t there. He couldn’t be there. It haunts him. I grab his shaking hand.
‘And then I saw everyone outside the clinic. Jas ran to me, crying. Penny’s hands covered in blood. I tried to ask what happened, Jas was crying on my shoulder. I got no answers. I had to run in. This.. rush overrode every sense in me, telling me I had to see you now, just in case.’  He’s trembling. I realise he’s having some sort of PTSD episode. I catch him, pulling him towards me.
‘Take a deep breath, Shane. You’re fine. I’m fine. It’s ok.’ I cradle him in my arms, swaying side to side, softly humming. ‘I did tell you about Jas’ parents.’
I nod, feeling the tears gathering in my eyes.
‘And you did the best you could. For her, and for yourself.’
I tightens my arms around him as much as my injury and this stupid stent allow me. ‘I’m fine, Shane. Look at me. All I’ll get is a stupid scar. We’re all fine, ok?’
He removes himself from my arms.
‘I’m sorry, I…I’m not sure what happened.’ He says, wiping his wet eyes.
‘You’ve had to process so much on your own, to keep strong for others, on your own.’ I recall Marnie’s words from this afternoon, asking me to leave Shane alone, for his own sake. Is she right? Would I bring him down? I’m in such a better place than ever before, that’s got to count for something, right? I don’t want to die anymore.
‘I said “how’s your arm?” You’re rubbing it.’ I didn’t even realise I’ve been doing that.
‘It’s ok. Harvey said it looked fine. He even asked if I wanted to keep the shards but he was joking.’
He laughs ‘That’d be kinda cool.’
‘Right? And he just threw them away.’
‘What if he actually keeps everything and has a collection box or something.’
‘Shane that’s so gross’
‘I know but imagine, everything that’s been inside someone’s body! A Pelican Town time capsule, a keepsake of some sort.’
‘So, he’s got shards of glass from me, what else?’
‘Well, I’m not sure how well pumped stomach content would keep.’
‘Oh of course, that night…’ 
I look to the side, to the empty bed in the corner Shane was occupying that night I stumbled upon him on the cliff. Harvey had done a great job preventing Shane from falling to alcohol poisoning. I shudder at the idea of what could’ve happened.
Shane grabs my chin, turning my head to him instead of the empty bed full of bad memories.
‘I’m fine.’ he says, knowing exactly what I was thinking about. ‘I mean, not…”fine”, but, I’m ok.’ he quickly adds, laughing. 
‘Can you stay with me a little longer?’ I ask, nuzzling into his chest. ‘I don’t want to be alone in this room.’
‘You can always ring for Harvey to come down’ he answers with a grin. ‘Yeah, you know what. I might. He seems like a good cuddler. Good night, Shane.’ I reply, turning my back on him and covering myself with the heavy blanket. ‘Don’t forget your pants on the way out.’
He laughs, I feel him shuffling down, lying next to me. He passes his arm under my neck and intertwines his fingers with mine. I’m too stunned to say anything. His other arm is resting on my waist, his hand on my chest. His leg pushes mines to insert himself in between.  I hear him sigh, and he kisses the top of my head.
‘G’night, baby’ he says in a soft whisper.
I’m, err, surprised? Pleasantly surprised that is.
I can’t help but feel bitter. I should have told about Marnie, about what she wants, what she knows, from his own mouth.
I didn’t say anything, I let him make love to me. Ha! Let him. Like I didn’t want it as much, if not more. I let him weaken me, make me laugh, remind me that I fell in love with him. He genuinely seems to not know about Marnie’s little visit. It wouldn’t be his choice. If he didn’t want me around he wouldn’t be spooning me right now.
But perhaps Marnie’s right. I can be a bad influence on him. All my talks about trying to be together and see, were they just to serve me? I don’t know properly why I fell for him. The only certain thing is that I want him happy. Do I want it enough to let him be happy without me? What if his happiness is kept at bay because of me? Every day he’d look at me and know that I tried to kill myself once. I can’t possibly bring him any good.
I can’t choose for him.
He holds me closer, as if to calm my troubled thoughts.
‘Good night, Shane.’ I finally whisper back.
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skippyv20 · 3 months
Dearest Skippy, I hope this finds you and yours well. An update on my beloved brother in Spain. He has had the stent fitted and is able to take pureed food. He is still weak but feeling stronger as he can take nutrition now without being ill. He is back at home, and has an appointment with the oncologist next week to discuss the specifics and practicalities of the palliative Chemo. My brother desperately wants to have chemo as an outpatient, he is afraid if he goes in to hospital again, he may not return home. God Bless him. But the complication the Doctors identify for treatment as an outpatient is his type 1 diabetes. My sister and I are desperately looking to see how we can travel to see him. Air travel is extremely complicated for me as I use oxygen and firstly I need to get medical clearance to fly. We may need to look at travelling via the Euro Tunnel, it will take much longer but may not have as many medical restrictions. I know that God will guide us. Skippy, Thank you and the lovely Skippettes who are praying for my brother, his wonderful partner and all those who love him. I am so very grateful. God hears our Prayers and will keep us strong to be there for my brother and each other. With love and thanks as always. xxxxxx
Thank you so much for the update. We will pray for God to guide your brother through all this. I am still in shock. Also, we will pray for your travel plans to work out. This is a very difficult time for you all, I am so sorry. God Bless you all, and may you all find comfort knowing you are not alone🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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whumpy-daydreams · 9 months
Types of surgery
So... you want to know about surgery. Well buckle in folks because this is just the first in an eleven part series. Enough of the humour though let's get medical. I've split this into 'categories', or how soon do you need this; and 'specialties', or what needs fixing
Categories of surgery
Elective - this is planned ahead of time, and isn't very time sensitive. also the majority of surgeries
Expedited - not life threatening but should be done asap. Includes tendon and nerve injures, some minor bone fixes, some stents and eye stuff
Urgent - needs to be done within a few hours to prevent loss of function/life. Fixing badly broken bones, perforated bowels, eye injuries, D&C (dilation and curetting)
Emergency - needs to be done immediately with threat to life or organs/limbs. Haemorrhage (loads of bleeding internally or externally), burst appendix, ruptured cancers, emergency c-sections
This is not a complete list of surgeries, and amputation can be any of these categories
There may also be extra categories at different hospitals that specify actual times. Emergency c-sections have time limits, with the most urgent needing to be started within an hour.
Surgical Specialties
Breast - pretty obvious, it's boob surgery and it's harder than you think (part of general surgery)
Cardiothoracic - treats the heart, lungs and airway, usually long surgeries with lots of equipment
Ear, nose, throat (ENT) - think tonsils, think deviated septum. I hate it. It smells bad.
Endocrine - if it's got gland in the name you're good. Think thyroid, pancreas, adrenal etc. (part of general surgery)
Gastrointestinal - deals with the stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum (part of general surgery)
Gynecology and obstetrics - treats the uterus and related reproductive organs (no penises here sorry). It can smell a little bad but not as bad as ENT
Neurosurgery - zombies love it but they got their medical licence revoked. Yep it's brain time baby (and the spinal cord but who cares about that). Known for being difficult and long
Oral and maxillofacial (maxfax) - mouth and face (not to be confused with plastic surgery, though they get involved), bones, teeth and soft tissue of the face as long as it's not ear, nose or throat.
Other general stuff - kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and random things in the abdomen
Plastic - reconstructing things. It's not always cosmetic, they make a big difference to trauma patients and also do cleft palate. Absolute perfectionists so prepare to be there for ages
Trauma and orthopaedic - bones and joints like fixing broken bones, carpal tunnels, and joint replacements. This is my favourite speciality because I think the surgeons are funnier and I like hammers
Urology - all the penises! And testicles and related reproductive system. Usually amab patients but they do treat afab patients too - everyone has a bladder
Vascular - blood tubes and lymphatic system (don't ask me to explain it please I beg you), can be really long surgeries and is usually done under a microscope
And I'm done (for now)
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right-asscheek · 2 days
It takes a lot to write this type of message, knowing fully well it most likely gets ignored, but for taking your time right read- THANK YOU.  And if you’re part of the few percentage of people who will interact— THANKS FOR SHOWING ME THAT SOMEONE LISTENS: 
Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I apologize for reaching out like this, but my family is in an incredibly tough spot, and we need help. My mom, who has been battling cancer, recently had a surgery to remove cervical cancer. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the end of her fight. We just found out that the cancer has spread to her kidneys, causing severe complications, and now we urgently need to raise funds for her next surgery to place a ureteral stent.
She’s been a fighter all her life, and even more so since we lost my dad years ago. But this time, we’re struggling with the mounting medical bills, and we need help to save her. Her surgery costs $5,000, and though we’ve raised some money, we’re still short by $1,300 to start the process.
Her birthday just passed, and seeing the outpouring of love from people has given her hope again. She wants to fight, but we can’t do it alone. If you’re able to contribute or even share our story(not this ask but my pinned post), it would mean the world to us. Every bit counts, and your support could be what keeps her going. 
Thank you for reading this, and for any help you can give, whether it’s a donation, a signal boost on my pinned post, or just sending love and prayers our way.
Warm regards,
good luck, i can't donate but i would if i could
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cinnamons1999 · 3 days
It takes a lot to write this type of message, knowing fully well it most likely gets ignored, but for taking your time right read- THANK YOU.  And if you’re part of the few percentage of people who will interact— THANKS FOR SHOWING ME THAT SOMEONE LISTENS: 
Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I apologize for reaching out like this, but my family is in an incredibly tough spot, and we need help. My mom, who has been battling cancer, recently had a surgery to remove cervical cancer. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the end of her fight. We just found out that the cancer has spread to her kidneys, causing severe complications, and now we urgently need to raise funds for her next surgery to place a ureteral stent.
She’s been a fighter all her life, and even more so since we lost my dad years ago. But this time, we’re struggling with the mounting medical bills, and we need help to save her. Her surgery costs $5,000, and though we’ve raised some money, we’re still short by $1,300 to start the process.
Her birthday just passed, and seeing the outpouring of love from people has given her hope again. She wants to fight, but we can’t do it alone. If you’re able to contribute or even share our story(not this ask but my pinned post), it would mean the world to us. Every bit counts, and your support could be what keeps her going. 
Thank you for reading this, and for any help you can give, whether it’s a donation, a signal boost on my pinned post, or just sending love and prayers our way.
Warm regards,
this one seems legit, imma boost the pinned post since thats all i can do
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domjaehyun · 3 months
what do you typically write on? ik alot of writers write on their phones but i was wondering what ur like <<method>> is
hiiiiiiiiiii okay so here we go !!!!!!
i have like 3-4, occasionally 5 diff writing set ups and it depends on my mood and the circumstances but i’ll rank them by my favorite to least favorite :3 it’s under a cut bc i wrote a lot i blame the adderall :p lmk if you want links / pics of the stuff i use / my whole set up w notebooks and other equipment n stuffs :3
(1) ipad (on a stand) and my typewriter keyboard
(notes: THIS IS MY IDEAL SET UP BECAUSE I ADORE THIS KEYBOARD. it used to have a metal stent to hold my ipad but . alas . it broke. but sensory wise the clicky key switch sounds are sooooo satisfying it feels good and sounds good to type so i get so much more done when i use it :3 the only con is that the keyboard is bulky and too loud to use at the library, so i have to use it at home or in louder public places only. also the keys are kind of indented to fit the groove of your finger and it makes it easier to type with long nails bc instead of hitting a slippery flat/rounded target, i’m hitting a shallow bowl that kind of is designed to catch your finger, essentially)
(2) ipad (on a stand) and my logitech keyboard
(notes: this is my main set up for outside of the house because the keyboard is light and easy to work with and not too loud. it’s not as fun to type on as my typewriter keyboard, though, and the keys are smoother with no grip so it’s harder to type with long nails :p)
(3) my portable word processor
(notes: i love the keyboard actually i just wish the device didn’t feel so archaic to me i’ve had it since i was in like . fourth grade. and i just now picked it back up this month. there’s a way nicer cooler word processor i really really really want but it’s crazy expensive so i have to save up for it which is prob gonna take, like, at least a year :( unless i randomly come into a lot of money which would obviously be the ideal scenario but highly unlikely.) (the one i have is a pretty great processor though i just wish: (1) the display was brighter & didn’t time out so quickly (2) the system had a neater file organization system/some type of cloud back up (3) that it was easier to connect to a computer or tablet to transfer text; this one has a cord that i need two separate adapters for depending on the device i want to connect to it :( (4) ALSO it’d be great if like it supported standard keyboard shortcut formatting: like as it is rn i have to format it kinda like markdown formatting and then when i send the document from my processor to a device, i have to make sure the document im transferring to supports markdown formatting :P kind of a hassle)
(4) my laptop
(notes: some of my keyboard keys are starting to fade so i have a keyboard cover on it that is a lil …sticky? like if i were to drag my fingers/nails against the keyboard cover, it feels like im dragging my nails against rubber/silicone so there’s a bit of traction/grip that im not crazy abt i feel like it impedes my progress)
(5) my phone
(notes: this is exclusively for when i’m at work on the floor or on the move trying to put my ideas on the page before i forget. i haaaaaaate writing on my phone so much the keyboard is too tiny and i need to Feel And Hear The Clicks to feel productive)
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dollsonmain · 1 year
So, since getting antibiotics, I have a normal body temp. I've been consistently hypothermic (94.7) for years but now I'm regularly temping around 98.
But also at the moment I am feeling less than awesome so I'm monitoring myself.
Woke up kind of shaky and wobbly, no appetite, hard time typing, and now I'm uncomfortably warm. Both kidneys hurt when I used the restroom.
My stent string ended up in my butt and I discovered that when I had pooped and wiped and felt a tug and now I'm like ewewewewew...... I didn't know what to do so I got some alcohol in a little spray bottle and sprayed it down.
Looking forward to removing that.
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Favorite technologies or coolest concepts in medicine?
stents. funky little guys with some really cool tech in getting them to fold into the surgical equipment and then unfold properly to prop open the vessel.
honestly though the entire concept of biologics (custom monoclonal antibodies) is cool as fuck. you can create an active drug ingredient that is designed from the ground up to target a specific receptor or hormone or whatever, and completely inactivate it or even mark it for immune destruction. it's a super customisable type of medical therapy that should have way less side effects and im really excited to see it become more mainstream
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sonalisa12 · 2 years
Stent implant to avoid heart attacks
Cardiac stent surgery is the best way to get rid of heart attacks and also doesn't have any after effects.
Learn more:
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Hi! this is kind of a weird topic… BUT I noticed this past the year or so of people getting literal microchips implanted into their hand and using the it to pay for groceries or unlocking doors in their house and there even was this big thing going around of Elon musk wanting to test (LITERALLY TEST ON PEOPLE) these brain chips that he claimed would make the blind see, the paralyzed walk, and eventually turn people in cyborgs??? It was rejected by the U.S regulators but it’s just so crazy and surreal to think abt but I was think if this was something Terry would do cause honestly would it be all that surprising from all the stuff that man has done? Like would he think about doing that to beloved to just track them? What I was thinking was he would cause again it’s Terry Silver but another part is thinking he wouldn’t cause where would beloved be going without him? They barely leave his house to begin with and is under watch.
Why do I think that after the 80's, Dynatox could've re-branded from handling toxic materials (and their often ethically questionable disposal) and went straight into the business of cyber-tech...among other things, of course. All the Billionaires are doing it, so why not Terry Silver, trailblazing along with Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg and Musk. A new company for a new age and a new, equally re-branded Terry. Allegedly re-branded Terry, of course. Also, it proved to be the marketing ploy of the century to have people conveniently forget Dynatox's undoubtedly numerous controversies from the past and draw in a hip, fresh, innovative crowd that thinks Dynatox's ultraviolet goggles are just the breakthrough of the decade and ignore the fact that Dynatox hasn't in fact 'gone green' and is still very much in the business of destroying the planet with dirty chemicals. And it works! Thing is, the court of public opinion has a notoriously short memory span when faced with consuming new technology. New things. People care more about having the next new thing than the fact that these new things are tested on other people. On animals. On destroyed environments. On nature. You give the public a new phone and they tend to neglect the fact it utilizes Third World sweatshops and child labor in the process of production.
Speaking of which, after it is deemed totally safe, of course beloved gets microchipped by Terry Silver and they don't even know it happened or maybe they consented not really realizing what they're consenting too. Their movements, their very life is literally something he can track from his phone like they're his property, which they are.
Not just that, as Terry Silver himself ages, it is not entirely unbelievable to think he'd replace organs that are failing or not functioning as well as he'd like, perfectionist that he is, that he'd have them exchanged for these cyborg-like augmentations, maintaining his prime, or what he deems as his prime for as long as possible. Just does miracles for his need to control everything, even the quality of his liver pumping out water, because he wouldn't accept a part of him having subpar quality. By-passes and Stents. Implanting new hearts from vetted donors. Blood transfusions. I can see Terry as the type to re-juvenate himself constantly at private, highly coveted clinics for the uber-wealthy, like a vampire, to keep himself vital and alive for as long as possible. In the best shape he can possibly be in. If he could insert a computerized heart made out of steel into his chest, he would. As for beloved? There's a miniscule, microscopic plate under their skin patented by Dynatox's scientists. They're quite literally marked. If they ever strayed or goodness my, ran, they would be found within hours. Minutes. There's an App for that. Hey, the wealth insure and secure their cars, estates, their antiques and their watches. Their goddamn branded Birkin bags.
Why wouldn't Terry Silver insure and secure the one he loves?
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shallowrambles · 8 months
My spiciest take is I do think you could take Demon Dean’s comments about running away, liking the disease, you humans actually much worse/evil than me morally, you’re nearly killing me to bring back my human weakness and stamping out my unfeeling “strength,” imprisonment, etc and shove it into the mouth of vintage Sammy and a whole lot of it would mostly work.
Dean took on the mark to be stronger, and he liked being without pain and weakness. Dean’s early “moral code” was prone to moral rigidity (especially when stressed out) and black-and-white rules (parallels Cas).
Early Sam took in demon blood to be stronger. He was was objectively “more moral” re: saving human vessels than human hunters often were. Vintage Sam was prone to spiraling about moral relativism to the point of neuroses.
I think there is a tendency to minimize what Bobby and Dean did to Sam because it’s uncomfortable. But it’s as real and true to me as Sam not taking responsibility for his own behavior sometimes. And I think their problem-solving behavior affected his later problem-solving behavior. (He mimicked it to the point of extremes.)
They have different psychological signatures and motivations. But the parallels are there.
Both brothers go full corrupt with good intentions, and in both cases the trap of heroism terminates in the loss of self and inhibitions. (MOC Dean was ready to die and Sam was ready to die re: Lucifer and Hell trials.) I think addiction and disinhibition is the stronger analogy in both cases. The self-medication is a trap. Neither "addiction" represents a true self in my book so much as it represents "checking out" of humanity.
In a very real sense, MOC is like alcohol, blackout drinking, rages, and loss of memory. “Comfortable numbing.” (An early-days John-coded secondary psychopathy.)
For Sam, his drug reminds me of super-soldier type drugs, and his method of saving of ppl analogous in my head to him overpowering them without weapons/guns in a combat zone. It’s an unsustainable, dangerous approach with more personal risk. (In particular, his soulless stent makes me think of Pervitin, which can cause heart failure in the end.)
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contentment-of-cats · 2 years
Cancer: The Journey
First Steps
I can't say anything as brave as 'battling cancer' or 'fighting cancer.' I think that the best thing I can say is that I am enduring cancer. Pronounced to be in remission the last week of December, I understand that I am not cured. Instead, I have what I have chosen to call Schrodinger's Cancer - they don't know if it's there or not, but we are choosing to proceed as if it is until blood tests and imaging indicate otherwise. Even after five years, when they pronounce one to be 'cured' - there is always the chance of recurrence or a new type of cancer altogether. There will always be a sword hanging over my head, as my chemobuddies taught me.
I found out about my cancer by reading my discharge papers from a place I will call Asshat Central Hospital. They referred me to Asshat specialists who from my calls in the middle of February could not see me until the end of march, and in some cases as far out as May. I needed to see an oncologist and a urologist urgently. Over the next two weeks, I was stumbling and fumbling as I tried to get care out of my HMO network, two more visits to the ER got me a shot of morphine and a CT scan, another list of referals, and finally pain meds.
I woke up on the morning of March 3rd in so much pain that I thought I was going to die. I knew if I went back to Asshat Central, Dunno Medical Center, or Clowncar General that even with my PPO, that I would die. I got my ass in an Uber and over the hill to Cedars-Sinai. I was upstairs and in a bed in a matter of hours, I had painmeds and that first night I remember sleeping so deeply. I was safe and getting care. Within two days, all the care that was weeks or months out started rolling in. Colonoscopy. Nephrostomy and stent. MRI, CT, ultrasounds, x-rays. Cardiac, oncology, urology/nephrology, and all the ologies rolled through my room and them me all over the hospital - it hurt, was terrifying, and in the end the platform needed for care.
Killing the Cancer Instead of the Patient
On March 18th, I had a power pump installed in my left arm for drawing blood and administering chemo.
Five weeks of chemoradiation began shortly after. Radiation Monday through Friday, with a chemo pump Monday through Saturday, a Monday infusion of Emend, Kytril, and dexamethasone, followed by Wednesday and Saturday fluids with Kytril and dexamethasone. Here is what I will tell you about this phase and how to survive it.
This will knock you down so hard that you will not know which way is up. Radiotherapy and oncology like to point fingers. Fuck the fingerpointing. You will be so fatigued that sleeping 12 hours per day will be about all you can do.
You must stay hydrated and it's hard even with two hydration bags going in twice a week I ended up in the hospital with dehydration twice and a whopping kidney infection. Enterade is a drink that helps calm everything down after radiation and chemo and helps to limit the GI damage both can cause. Get Ultima drink powder, make up two gallons and put them in the fridge and pre-fill four one liter bottles - keep them next to you so that you can see them. When you wake up, down one.
Kiss your appetite good-bye. You still need to eat. I found that baby-food stayed down the best. Once upon a Farm is a good national brand, and so is Yumi. Kate Farms makes tasty nutritional shakes that don't give you explosive diarrhea.
I could not stomach meat or dairy, and managed to take only gummy vitamins and gummy pre/probiotic supplements. Spices hurt my mouth and throat and my stomach kicked them right back out.
My doctor prescribed Zofran sublingual, compazine, and Ativan - compazine in case the Zofran didn't work, Ativan when the nausea and vomiting was driven by anxiety. I spent a lot of time carrying around a one gallon ziplock - they came in handy. Saltines and plain soda water do help!
You'll have a break after chemoradiation - at least two weeks. Sleep.
About Power Ports
GET THAT PORT. INSIST ON THAT PORT. It will save you endless bullshit with collapsing veins later as chemo and radiation both make your veins brittle. Insist on anyone drawing blood or giving an infusion use that port. Get ready to call bullshit when they say that they can't. I had bruises up and down my arms until I told them to get someone to access the fucking port or I would damn well walk to Cedars if I had to.
Be aware of the increased risk of blood clots. Your arm may swell and that needs to be seen and treated right away, usually with a three-month course of Eliquis or other blood thinner. You could take aspirin as a preventative with your doctor's approval, but I'm allergic to that and other NSAIDS. Turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and cayenne all have blood-thinning properties, but I could not keep them down. Likewise, grapefruit juice or supplements can enhance (not in a good way) blood thinning medications.
About Nephrostomy Bags
They fucking suck. A nephrostomy should be reversed six to eight weeks after the surgery, and the stent in the ureter (not the urethra) takes over. You cart your piss bag everywhere, wake up to make sure it's not overflowing. You're at an increased risk for kidney infections. Here's my tips for living with the motherfucker.
Order only name-brand bags from Amazon. You'll want to change out the bag once per week. Keep the big bag for when you're at home, the little bag for when you have to go out. Coloplast, Bard, and Medline are all good to use. There are bag covers, bag carriers, and even clothing to keep your bag concealed, catch leaks, and stop punctures. You might want to tape your connections to prevent accidental decoupling. Also, insist on a home health nurse to change that dressing - the angle is such that you can't do it yourself.
You will make friends in radiation and infusion waiting rooms. You'll share space with them in infusion clinics. You may lose them. It will hurt. At the same time, you'll be happy and heartbroken. You'll share tips and tricks, highs and lows, and a fellowship that can't be described, only experienced.
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lesbianslovebts · 1 year
I am trying my damned hardest to cope right now, but I have to get some anger out first. I hate being disabled. I hate living in a house full of disabled people. I hate surviving instead of living.
I am autistic. I have anxiety, depression, and PTSD. I am an abuse survivor. Trying over 5 different antidepressants and going on birth control for menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea made me gain over 100 pounds between ages 12 and 15. I am immunocompromised. I get a sinus infection that lasts for 4-8 weeks every year. When I was younger, I had bone removed from my face because of chronic sinusitis. They had to put me on one antibiotic after another as a kid. The pediatric ones stopped working, so I ended up on adult antibiotics despite the risk for joint damage. I even had a PICC line put in when I was 8 to pump antibiotics right into my heart. I've had multiple cauterizations to stop severe nosebleeds. One time, the bleeding was so bad that trying to stop it from coming out my nose made it come out my mouth and eyes instead, and my eardrums almost ruptured. When I had Covid-19 in 2021, it lasted for 3 months. I developed seasonal allergies just this year. I have chronic migraine, which at this point is more than half the days in a week. I have GERD and IBS. Insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. I no longer have tonsils, adenoids, or a gallbladder. I have chronic muscle pain.
My gramma has lived with us since I was 5. She smoked for 50 years and has had a heart attack, strokes, triple bypass surgery, stents, blood transfusions, aneurysm, COPD, staph infections, inch-deep craters in her leg, sepsis, amputation, type 2 diabetes, no teeth, celiac disease, glaucoma, sleep apnea, and countless episodes of heart failure and fluid in her lungs. We think dementia is coming next. She almost burned the house down a while back. Not to mention anxiety, depression, obsessions, and so on.
My mom has chronic vestibular migraine, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, anxiety, depression, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, IBS, GERD, and recently started bleeding out her ass, which could be simple hemorrhoids or colon cancer. 🙃
My dad was an abusive alcoholic, so I cut him off. He is autistic and has Dupuytren's contracture so severe that he can't open his hands and can barely use his thumbs and index fingers, horrible allergies, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and addiction, obviously.
My brother is a type 1 diabetic with a phobia of low blood sugars, which means he purposefully avoided taking the appropriate amount of insulin since he was a teenager. Combined with a diabetic-specific eating disorder, his A1C has been regularly over twice what it should be for over a decade, which has led to the following: diabetic retinopathy and cataracts, complete kidney failure (on dialysis), neuropathy in his legs and feet, no teeth, chronic pain, chronic fluid buildup, and malnutrition. Not to mention Dupuytren's contracture, ADHD, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and addiction.
And it may be silly to count my pets in with the people, but my dog and two cats are all 17. I've had them since I was 10. The dog has a severe heart murmur, is deaf, and takes several meds, but she's still happy, does brief zoomies once a day after a good shit, and lives to eat. Both cats are arthritic, which is to be expected of such old ladies. One has a sore on her chin that won't heal, and I'm about to spend $1k on her to see if it's solvable or time to make decisions. 🙃
Every single one of us in this house, animals included, are disabled. My mom and I worked so hard to make this a safe, clean space for us after moving out of the filthy, broken house we were in for 15 years, where we all suffered trauma. But ever since my mom let my brother move in due to his health issues, the house has gone to shit. I am the only one who cleans, and I just can't keep up with it. The only safe, clean space for me is my own room, where I imprison myself to survive.
All this, and I still haven't committed suicide because I am dying to live a better life. I have worked too fucking hard to get here. I remind myself of this, of the progress I've made, of my accomplishments, of what I want to see and learn and do, of what and whom I love. But Dear God, I am praying for a break, for some rest, for some peace, for all of us.
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