#type o negative x y/n
kathy-ifnt · 9 months
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König the battering ram Bass player of Call of duty based on Peter Steele’s pics!
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milktei · 1 year
Hold me Tight
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Kamisato Ayato x fem!wife!Reader
Genre: Arranged Marriage au, idk if it can be called a slow burn but that’s what I’m calling it, fluff, smidge of angst.
Warnings: unconventional relationship, Reader is described to have long hair that is brushed through. not edited
Requests: Open
a/n: another one out! :o Had to indulge myself a little bit before getting back to requests. arranged marriage au’s are my guilty pleasure and i just felt like writing for genshin again. Hair brushing and physical affection is also just such a big thing for me I had to write it. So if it isn’t obvious i wrote this mostly for selfish reasons and that is the reason why it may be sort of all over the place lol. I hope it’s enjoyable either way!
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A hug is all you longed for really. For someone to wrap warm arms around you and let you completely melt into them.
Being married it should be an easy ask
How unfortunate it is for you that your husband wants nothing to do with you.
Although the more you thought about it, perhaps that wasn’t entirely true. He did agree to the marriage hadn’t he?
He was the head of his clan, the Yashiro commissioner. Throughout the entirety of the process of arranging your marriage, Kamisato Ayato had every right, and more than enough chances to stop it from going through.
He had nothing to lose if he decided he wasn’t ready for marriage, which was an excuse many citizens of Inazuma had heard over the years.
He really had nothing to gain from it either.
It confused you from the day the elders of your clan elatedly told you that by some insane amount of luck, the Kamisato Ayato had accepted “your” marriage proposal that had been sent in as almost an obligation.
There was no harm in trying and you were now living proof of that.
Why you? out of all the suitors he definitely had, he had chosen you. While your clan was one of the head producers of tea leaves in the country, you still couldn’t wrap your mind around his acceptance, it was not like the Kamisato’s needed the tea, they could have afforded it anyways.
There was no political gain for him either as he was already a tri-commissioner, you weren’t even in line to become heir! Your uncle was the head of the clan and your cousins would follow in his footsteps.
The gossip about you flew all over inazuma like a storm cloud, and you heard it all, people weren’t always subtle in their curiosity or distaste in you after all.
Some of the talk was harsh and negative, and yet you couldn’t help but partially agree with what some people were saying about you.
You were a nobody as far as nobility went. The only reason you could think of as to why Ayato chose you, was likely to reduce the amount of mail that he got, as the marriage proposals had virtually stopped after your wedding. Aside from some particularly desperate people.
Perhaps you really were the best candidate for him. You weren’t a prominent figure in the public eye, you weren’t after the Kamisato’s fame and fortune, and you weren’t the type of person to fawn over your husband 24/7 and demand he shower you in riches and attention.
Although you almost wish that you were. Maybe then you wouldn’t be longing for a hug as badly as you currently were.
While it was true that being married to Ayato meant that you had nearly everything you could ask for at your fingertips, and that it was rare for you to be denied anything—not like you asked for much anyways—the one thing you could not ask for, was your husband’s affection. How ironic. the one person you spewed rehearsed vows to about being his rock and what not, was the one person you could not get an ounce of love or affection from.
Of course you had never really had the chance to try at this point, as despite being married for 6 months already, you can count the amount of times you had a full conversation with the man on one hand.
“I hope that you can find it in you to excuse my lord. He is a very busy man.” Thoma had told you the day you had moved in and your husband was no where to be seen. The look he gave you the mixture of empathy and a wince.
That was the day reality set in. He looked at you kindly on the day you got married. Soft smiles graced both of your features during the ceremony, and you two spoke amicably during the extravagant reception. But this was an arranged marriage, a contract more than a relationship, and you both had duties to fulfill.
A smile that had been drilled into you since your etiquette classes from your youth crossed your face “There’s no need to worry about me Thoma, I understand.”
So you had to learn to get used to being alone in an estate bustling with people. You opened your wedding gifts alone, sorted them accordingly and even sent out an astonishing amount of individual thank you cards to all the guests you had at your wedding.
You often ate alone, save for the times Ayaka and Thoma had time to accompany you. Aside from being reached out to for second opinions or approval you weren’t given a formal job on the estate. Instead you were given an allowance, and were free to spend your days doing whatever you wanted, so long as the Kamisato name was protected.
Yes that was another thing you had to get used to, “Kamisato y/n”, “My lady Kamisato.” Hearing the latter was especially hard, that title felt as if it was reserved only for your sister-in-law, she definitely represented it with more grace than you thought you were ever capable of.
The name and all the responsibilities it came with weighed down on your shoulders unlike anything you had every experienced prior, and here you pushed against it alone. Forced to go through the transition into married life without the other half of the partnership to support you.
That led you to your predicament now. You were coming to the realization that you were horribly touch starved.
It was even worse on cold windy days, or when it rained. All it did was remind you about how your late parents would use those days to curl up with you, a warm blanket, and a book to laze the day away and wish for nicer weather the next so that you could go out on a picnic.
you longed for those days of warmth and love again. Your family had been quite affectionate with one another. While Ayaka would come and spend time with you, treating you like an older sibling. Nothing could reach the craving deep within you.
You sighed to yourself as you walked through the streets of Inazuma, ignoring the whispers of people who passed and recognized who you were.
Or rather who you were married to.
“My lady Kamisato!” greeted the Yae publishing house worker. “You’ve come at a great time, the new volume of your favourite series has just released.”
The worker handed you the book in question and you couldn’t help the excitement that rose within you as you quickly flipped through “I was hoping that I’d be able to pick something up today. I’ve been needing more things to do when the weather doesn’t permit me to go outside. Any other recommendations?”
The worker smiled at you sweetly and handed you another book “Surely Lord Ayato, is able to keep you from getting too bored at the estate my lady?”
Your smile faltered ever so slightly, you couldn’t let it drop in front of the worker, the last thing you wanted was for anymore rumours to spread. You pretended to read the synopsis of the book that was handed to you. “Yes of course, but there are still times where he is not available. My husband is a very busy man.”
My husband, you didn’t think you would ever get used to referring to him as that. He felt like nothing more than a stranger who’s house you happened to live in, who you shared a family name with, who would grace you with a soft smile and a nod as you passed each other at the estate each making your ways to your separate rooms.
A gust of wind blew through the streets and both you and the worker shivered. You looked at the sky and frowned at the dark clouds rolling in, you flinched as a singular rain drop landed on your cheek.
The worker also looked up “it really is rainy season isn’t it?” they looked to you “I would recommend you head home soon my lady, looks like it’s gonna come down any minute now and you’ve got a long walk back to the Kamisato estate”
You sighed, “what a shame, I was hoping to run a couple more errands today.” you payed for both books and placed them into your bag with a smile “thank you for the advice I’ll head out now.”
You walked away from the shop in the direction of the estate, waving behind you as the worker told you to stay safe.
Perhaps you should have stayed in town.
You come to this realization as you’re halfway to the estate. Komore tea house would have been much nicer than the weather you were experiencing currently.
The singular raindrop you had felt earlier had slowly progressed into a little more than a drizzle and you groaned to yourself as your clothing grew heavier as it absorbed more and more water.
You should have grabbed your umbrella
It was practically pouring by the time you had gotten to the estate, the trees of Chinju forest providing surprisingly little shelter against the rain.
Quickly, you rushed under the cover of the roof of the estate and sighed in relief once you weren’t being pelted by water. You looked down at you clothes and cringed at the water dripping from the fabric and your hair onto the dark wood
Wringing out what you could beforehand, you opened the front doors of the estate as quietly as you could, albeit in vain as Thoma and your husband were having a discussion right at the entrance.
Both men turned to look at you as the door closed and you could only stare back awkwardly as the sound of water dripping from you clothes and hair, along with your shivering filled the room.
Thoma was the first to break the silence and began fussing over you not unlike a mother hen.
“My lady you’re soaking wet! You’re going to get sick! I’ll have the maids draw a bath for you. Please allow me to grab your belongings. I’ll have tea ready for you once you’re done.
Before you knew it, you were standing in your bathroom with a steaming tub waiting for you. Still bewildered at what had transpired moments before.
Still, Thoma and his efforts were never unwelcome as the bath was exactly what you needed.
You took your time in the bath, taking in the scent of the flowers and oils put in by the maids, appreciating how well the water warmed your once cold body.
Once finished, you were quick to dry off and get dressed, still towel drying your hair as you entered your room.
As promised, Thoma had left a tea set on the table in your room with a container holding tea leaves, knowing you liked to brew it yourself.
The only thing out of place was an extra tea cup.
As if on cue, the door to your room was gently slid open and your jaw nearly dropped at the sight of pale blue hair.
“My lord!” you greeted, the words leaving you mouth before you could even try to stop them.
Ayato paused as the two of you made eye contact, it was almost as if he was surprised himself that you were in your own room.
Ayato was the first to regain his composure after clearing his throat. “Majority of my plans for today have been cancelled due to the weather, I was hoping you could allow me to join you for a bit.”
Your head was spinning, not able to wrap itself around the fact that your husband was in your room and actively trying to spend time with you.
“Of course if that’s how you wish to spend your free time my lord.” you stammered, part of you still believing that this was some sort of dream.
A small shiver ran down your spine and you were reminded of the damp hair that ran down your back. You looked to the vanity in your room and then back at your husband.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to fix my hair situation beforehand.”
“Of course y/n there’s no need to worry, it’s just me.”
That was precisely why you were panicking on the inside at that moment. It was only the man who was so busy, that his presence in the house on a daily basis resembled that of a gust of wind.
You sat down at you vanity and picked up one of your combs, beginning the task of untangling the mess you had created both in the rain and bath.
You nearly groaned out loud to yourself, you had kept your hair long to be able to use the multitude of flamboyant hair accessories you had acquired, but brushing it had always been your least favourite part of the entire process.
A awkward cough caused you to look at the man in your room.
“if you are comfortable with it…I could help you brush your hair.”
You stared in shock at the man in front of you. His face was genuine but you could tell by the reddening of his ears that he was flustered, the most you had ever seen from him.
The combination of being a witness to such a rare site and the fact that you were still in shock that he was there in the first place, had you speaking without much thought.
“That would be very helpful my lord, thank you.”
The surprise on his face was visible You could only hope that your whirlwind of emotions wasn’t as obvious.
Still, not one to go back on his word, Ayato gently took the comb from your outstretched hand and began to work. His powerful presence behind you almost causing you to curl in on yourself.
He was gentle, his hands warm as they followed your comb, a warm feeling spread throughout you chest as he so carefully detangled your hair, taking his time.
You hoped that he wouldn’t be able notice through your reflection just how flustered you were at this moment. Your face was hot, your breathing was slightly rapid and you couldn’t find it in yourself to look up at the mirror in fear that your eyes would connect.
Yet this moment felt so intimate, so tender and domestic. You could almost believe that you two were much closer than you really were.
A soft chuckle broke you from your thoughts.
“This brings me back.” Ayato sighed wistfully, “when we were younger, Ayaka would let me do this for her. Though she seemed less than impressed when I would try different styles on her. I wonder if she would trust me with her hair again after all this time.”
You smiled down at your fidgeting hands “I’m sure she would if you promised no more experiments my lord.”
Ayato hummed in contemplation “I suppose you may be right, but at the same time maybe I won’t need to ask her if I already have yours within reach.” He leaned closer to your ear, “After all, am I wrong to assume that you are enjoying this my dear wife?”
Your face felt like it was on fire, you had never heard him call you that to your face before. You could feel the smug smile that was currently gracing his features as he leaned back and continued his actions.
“Well?” He urged after a moment
“No you are not wrong to assume that my lord.” You managed to stammer out. Your hands clenched into fists in your lap as you forced yourself to say the truth, knowing well that he would be able to see through any lie.
He sighed. “Please y/n I think we’re at a point where we can drop the formalities.”
Your eyes widened at his words and you spoke the first thing that came to mind.
“Are we really?”
His hand that was holding the brush froze mid stroke, the room was suddenly filled with a chilled silence and you cringed at the amount of malice an anger that you managed to fit into one simple question.
This was no way to talk to the man you were married to.
“Forgive me my… Ayato. I did not mean to sound so harsh I just-“
“No no there’s no need to apologize.” ayato assured. He raked a hand through your hair and chuckled bitterly, “I supposed it is my fault that you feel this way about our…situation
You opened your mouth to protest but nothing came out. What he said wasn’t a lie to make you feel better for snapping at him. It was entirely the truth and you were grateful that he understood where you were coming from.
“Finished.” He stated softly before placing the comb back on your vanity. “I hope that I haven’t worn out my welcome.”
You paused for a moment, thinking about the situation you found yourself in, while wanting to get yourself out of the awkward moment, you knew that a chance to spend time with him again would be rare.
“You haven’t, don’t worry,” you stated as you slowly rose from your seat. Still refusing to look up at him you gestured to the low table where the tea set sat, “Please have a seat, I’ll brew the tea for us.”
It was quiet as you worked, the only sounds in the room being the clink of tea set, and the crinkle of tatami mats. You thanked Thoma in your mind when you saw that he had prepared leaves that were better steeped in lower temperatures, as the water had cooled down since he first boiled it.
“We’ll have to wait a couple minutes.” You said as you closed the lid of the teapot. Ayato nodded and an awkward silence filled the room.
“I don’t want to use me being busy as an excuse.” Ayato suddenly blurted out.
You finally look up at him in surprise “Pardon?”
Ayato cleared his throat “My apologies. It’s just that I know that everyone has been using me being busy to excuse me for being absent in this relationship. While I know that lin its simplest terms, what we have between us is a contract, part of me still hoped that I would be able to get to know you well and we could be much more than strangers. There are many times where I could have put my work aside and spent more time with you, but I for some reason I never found myself taking those opportunities.”
He looked almost guilty as he continued. “Now here I am, months later knowing next to nothing about you, and on top of that I expected you to be comfortable with speaking casually around me when we have barely even spoken before.
You pondered to yourself as you poured tea into his cup “Well if it makes you feel any better,” you poured more into your own “I also know next to nothing about you.”
“Unfortunately that only seems to add salt to the wounds my dear.” Ayato grumbled.
Your eyes widened at the pet name and you quickly lifted your teacup to your face to hide your embarrassment.
Ayato followed suit and hummed in satisfaction as he drank. “Well I do know one thing now. My wife is excellent at brewing tea. It must run in your family’s genes.”
You waved him off “it’s just something that comes with experience, my uncle is the true master.”
“I also now know that my wife finds it hard to accept compliments.”
Ayato smiled at you teasingly as you glared at him, though there was no anger behind it.
“Well now that’s unfair,” you stated “I should get to learn something about you now.”
Your husband raised an eyebrow, “well what would you like to know?”
You faltered for a moment, not expecting him to relent so easily, “well…” you stuttered, “what type of tea would you consider your favourite?”
“Really digging deep are we y/n?”
“I couldn’t think of something straight away!”
Despite the teasing, the questions continued, it was as if you were on a first date.
Except you were already living together and married.
One question was asked after the other. Ranging from you asking him about the daily life of a tri-commissioner, to him asking about the books you had bought earlier in the day.
It was only after Thoma had brought dinner to your room, that you had finally asked.
“So why me?”
Ayato’s chopsticks paused mid air “Why what?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, he was playing dumb.
“Why did Inazuma’s most desired bachelor, Yashiro commissioner, leader of the famed Shuumatsuban, and the man who brought the Kamisato Clan back to its former glory, the Kamisato Ayato. Decide that a nobody from a tea producing clan was the one you would want to spend the rest of you life with.”
Ayato looked at you in exasperation “You aren’t a nobody y/n there’s so much more to you.”
“We don’t need to get down to the specifics, don’t avoid the question!” You exclaimed, ignoring the pleased smile on his face as he took in your flustered state.
Ayato put a hand to his chin and hummed as if contemplating something grand. He took a moment to respond. “Would you believe me if I said that I found you to be a very interesting person y/n?”
You stared at him blankly.
“Don’t lie to me we didn’t even meet until the wedding.”
The smile that he sent you sent a chill down your spine “Well I suppose that’s true in a sense, but we have been in each other’s presence on multiple occasions.”
You couldn’t mask the your surprise, “we have?”
Ayato looked at you incredulously. “Surely you know how often the Yashiro commission requests supplies from your clan for the multiple events we host.”
You fiddled with your teacup “Well sure but that doesn’t mean that it was a guarantee that we bump into each other. I’m sure I would have remembered being in the presence of you of all people.”
Ayato shrugged, “Being in the public eye is much more my sisters domain. I tend to stick to the shadows during bigger festivals that I’m interested in. During one of these times… you caught my eye.”
Your eyes widened “I did?”
He looked bashful as he continued his story, you were sure that you were the first person to ever see him in this state.
“I always knew of you, as I often meet with your uncle for business. I don’t know if you know this but he often worries about you and tends to talk about you during these meetings.” Ayato hummed in contemplation. “Perhaps it was a tactic to make me say yes to the upcoming proposal”
You groaned in horror at the realization that the two men had been talking about you “I apologize for my uncles actions.”
Ayato waved dismissively “Thats not the point. At a festival is where I first saw you and was able to put a name to a face. What I didn’t expect was the fact that everything about you had fascinated me. The way you danced and had that kind of sparkle in you eyes as you wandered around in wonder. The way you kindly greeted everyone you met. I found myself looking for you at following festivals to see if that was always how you looked…it was.”
“So it was only my looks” you teased
he sighed exasperated “Of course not”
You laughed “I’m kidding. Keep going.”
“Then at one point I was due for a meeting at your estate with your uncle and I might have listened in on a deal you were striking with a business man. The confidence in your voice was obvious and the way you negotiated with grace and kindness, yet still with firmness, had me intrigued within the first couple seconds of me hearing it. My interest only grew when your meeting had concluded and I saw you step out. with an accomplished smile on your face”
You gaped at him, you very rarely took part in your family’s business deals, only helping with what your cousins or uncle were too busy to handle. For him to be there at that time on that day was truly a great coincidence.
“You really piqued my interest that day. Although it was not my first choice in ways to get closer to you, when I saw the proposal sent by your clan, everything seemed to fall into place.” Ayato laughed but his tone soon turned solemn.
“Unfortunately not everything worked out for me, because look at how things are going. I left you to fend for yourself against the public, we rarely see each other, and this is the longest we have ever spoken despite being married for months. I think I was just afraid of crossing any boundaries, after all this marriage is arranged and I had no idea as to how you felt about me.”
Without thinking you reached over the table and grabbed one of his hands in both of yours, touched by how vulnerable he was being with you, “I wouldn’t have agreed to the marriage so easily if I thought ill of you in any way, while I may not have known you, you also piqued my interest. I won’t lie I was- still am extremely shocked, but I saw nothing bad coming out of this marriage really. It started off slow but we’re talking now, and well, don’t you think we’ve made some great progress?”
He smiled endearingly at you, “yes, I am grateful for this opportunity and hope that we can continue on this path.”
You laughed, “now you’re making it sound like a business deal.”
After that, you and Ayato finished your dinner making pleasant conversation. The sun had long gone down when he made the call for the both of you to retire for the night.
He once again stood in the doorway of your room, only this time you were standing right in front of him.
“I’ll have a heavier workload tomorrow but I think I’ll be able to join you for dinner again.”
You smiled up at him “I would like that, please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with, I’m part of this clan too you know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you y/n.”
There was a pause and Ayato reluctantly continued. “Well I should take my leave for the night.”
As he turned, something seemed to overcome you, and you grabbed at his wrist,
He froze and turned to look at you curiously. you shyly looked away, “before you go. May I have a hug?”
He gave you a teasing smile, “this is all happening so fast, what will everyone think?”
“Oh please we’re already married.”
He laughed and his smile softened.
Without anymore words, Ayato opened his arms.
You couldn’t hold back the giddy smile that crossed your face and without hesitation you allowed yourself to melt into his embrace for the first time in what would become many.
A scent that was uniquely his filled your nose, and as you pressed against his chest you could feel and hear his heart pounding just as hard as yours. You nearly sighed in satisfaction as you wrapped your arms around his waist. A need you had been suppressing for months had finally been fulfilled. His hold was strong and comforting, his hold making you feel like you again.
Ayato chuckled to himself as his grip tightened, “well now I’ve found myself in a predicament.”
Still holding onto him, you turned your head to look up at him. “What is it?”
“I don’t want to let go.”
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voxisdaddy · 4 months
Do Better
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Vox x Reader
Type: Headcanons + Drabble | ANGST
Featuring: Velvette
C/TW: swearing, suggested one night stands but barely, use of (Y/N), use of the word “gown” but reader written as GN. Kinda cheesy (sorry). Also not good (again, sorry).
In which Vox thinks he could do better and dumps you.
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox was an insecure person at heart. He hid it with his egotistical asshole self but most people who knew him on some personal level knew that his ego was fragile and his insecurities were a seemingly endless list.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ One thing he had remained secure on though was you. The diamond of his eye, the light in the dark, the one thing that kept him in line even at his most vulnerable and defensive.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Of course, that security started to crack the more his power and influence grew. He kept you by his side a lot as his plus one to any event that himself and other overlords were often attending too. Product launches, gala’s, balls, big business parties, ect ect.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ However private or public your relationship was before you started being escorted around on him arm at these events, you certainly had the publics attention now.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ At first, Vox tried to keep anything negative said about you and your relationship offline as much as possible—even enlisting the help of Velvette at some point. He didn’t need or want any low life sinners and hellborns disrespecting his s/o and relationship.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ But again, his ego is fragile which makes getting to his insecurities all the more easy to access. As he deleted as much negative opinions on you and your relationship as he could, he found his mind wondering back to the comments. To the threads people made, to the posts, memes, ect
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He’s a big, successful hotshot. He’s one of the most wealthiest and influential people in the Pride ring. You however? Yeah, safe to say Vox is out of your league. You both knew this but never seriously acknowledged it. When it was acknowledged, it was Vox comforting you and promising and that no matter what you’d always be equals—regardless of who’s bringing home the dough.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You noticed that began to change however. It was decently subtle at first. Vox wanting you to wear more glamorous clothing at high profile events. Okay that’s fine… it is appropriate to look high class in these social events. But then he wanted to change your at home comfy wardrobe to bring more…fashionably rich? Like you’re some basketball spouse who’s always gonna be on camera and needs to look the absolute best, wealthiest, and professionally put together person—even on a lazy Friday evening!
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Then their was how he wanted you talk, how he wanted you to walk, how he wanted you to act, ect ect
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This of course upset you but what really ticked you off was when you’d find out about his use of his hypnotic eye. He’s always promised to never use it on you. And you always believed him. But things were different now. Too different and it wasn’t a good kind. At least for your relationship.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ When the subject was approached however, instead of talking it out like adults and listening to each other, a bigger rift was formed.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He dumped you.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You couldn’t even question if you were good enough because you both knew the answer; you weren’t good enough.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You refused to cry as you packed up your things from your shared bedroom. As much as you wanted to, you knew what kind of man Vox was to people who weren’t his beloved—of which you no longer held that title. He’s likely smirking as he watches you pack up, every monitor in his office showcasing a live video feed of his room. You tried to avoid showing your face to the visible cameras but Vox has always been a sneaky bastard—he probably has a couple hidden about.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ In truth he was smirking behind the cameras. How could he not? Look at you… looking all sad. It makes him chuckle.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ You didn’t think this would last eternity, did you? He’s Vox; CEO, celebrity status, and one of the most fearsome overlords in all of Pride. He’s all about ditching the old and embracing the new. It’s time for a change.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ That’s what he’d tell himself to hype himself up some days.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He’s a great manipulator, so much so that he manipulated himself into thinking he’s just fine without you. You made no difference whether you were there or not. VoxTek is thriving as usual, all their creative and business endeavours are working out, he’s at the top of his game, everyone either wants to be him or fuck him—lives great. And he’s single now too!
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He put that to good use.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Only no matter how much tail he got, how good it may feel to not be so alone in bed all the time, how much it fed some part of his ego…it didn’t feel like he was living the life.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Well of course he is! He’s rich, famous, respected, feared, and attractive. What more can anyone ask for?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Sometimes he stalks your new home with his cameras. You know, to see if you’re coming home safe at night.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Your new place is small. It’s definitely a downgrade from the penthouse you used to live in with Vox.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox tries to use that fact as a reason to smirk and chuckle at how you’ve fallen—but it feels so forced and empty. So a laugh kind of comes out pathetically as he looks over the screens with a distant and sad look in his eyes.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Are those the groceries you’re able to afford? That’s…not as much. Though it could be because you’re single and just eating for one, right?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ …right?
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ As your door locks, and the lights turn off, and Vox—through your phone—checks you’ve gone to bed, he powers off in his chair.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Please…don’t be in love with someone else.
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Velvette huffs as she turns off her phone. Stupid marketing team—making her look like an idiot sometimes. She shakes her head before stepping off the elevator pad.
She glances at the comedically large monitor set up and rolls her eyes. Seems he’s fallen asleep here yet again.
“Always making me clean up your mess.” The doll grumbles, throwing the empty takeout containers into a trash can. Vox by this point is already powered off to sleep for the night though, but she knows him enough that he’s likely recording everything that’s happening so she holds back on berating him as he sleeps. She does not want to deal with a prissy Vox in the morning.
Velvette turns his large chair around, intending to grab him and return him to his room, but stops. On his screen is a video feed. Well, not exactly a video feed. Is this…?
“No fucking way.” The fashionista gasps to herself quietly.
She’s heard that sometimes Vox’s dreams will play on his screen but has never actually seen for herself. She’s had to lug Vox to his bed a handful of times since he dumped you but all those times the screens always just been turned off. Vox doesn’t dream much, he just powers off and sleeps until he boots up. But it does happen apparently.
The pinkette stares at Vox’s screen, curious to know what this threatening overlord dreams of. More money? More ways to hurt to people? Defeating and killing Alastor? To Velvette’s surprise though, a familiar face pops up.
It’s them.
(Y/n), was it?
Velvette didn’t really interact with you much. She had her own empire to run and Vox was weirdly protective of you. She knew of your relationship and the break up but never cared to really get into it. As much as she lives for the drama, anything involving her fellow Vee’s was just a headache so she didn’t usually bother.
She knew he was hung up on you. It wasn’t hard to tell no matter how much Vox tried to make it seem like everything’s fine. Locking yourself in your office and being too afraid to go into your penthouse because “(Y/n)’s not there”—a drunk confession he grumbled during a drunk night out with the Vee’s—is not subtle,Vox.
“Hey—that looks like a gown I designed.” Velvette muses to herself.
For on the screen, the very dream Vox is happily lost in right now, is the very person he dumped 3 months ago, wearing a beautiful wedding gown.
They’re wrapped up in Vox’s arms and he does not seem like he wants to ever let them ago.
If only Vox never let you go.
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TMI—so I’m like a depressed person and it’s hard to write angst when all I feel at my lowest is literally nothing. Sorry. Tried my best lol
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f1byjessie · 7 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part six.
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liked by garrettward, oscarpiastri, and 231,976 others
tagged: garrettward
yourusername manchester nights
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garrettward luxury.
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user girlies i hate to say it, but maybe this one’s actually serious… 🫢
↳ user i refuse to believe it…
↳ user he’s literally never posted another girl before tho??
user king of aesthetics
user i can’t believe he’s actually dating her
user what does he actually see in her?? like gen what is it cuz i cannot see it from here 😒😒😒
user she’s just using you for your clout garrett DON’T FALL FOR IT 😫 SHE’S NOT THE ONE THERE ARE BETTER FISH IN THE SEA
↳ user she’s fr just using him for the money and fame it’s so sad
↳ user right?? like he’s posting her which means he’s probably serious but i doubt she is and it’s just gonna hurt him in the end 😔
↳ user this is why i hate when celebs or athletes get with ppl who aren’t in the same sphere as them, cuz like if she were another celeb then we would know she has money or if she were actually a football fan then we would know she’s invested in helping him get better but she’s neither 🤷‍♀️
↳ user it hurts to see such an innocent man get used
user wait she’s actually kind of pretty tho 👀👀
↳ user she lowkey is
user can’t wait to see you back on the field soon garrett!!
user mad style bro
user came over from y/n’s account to say that you fans are exhibiting behaviour that is genuinely so immature and disrespectful. it’s sickening. you claim to support this athlete but you don’t support his decision to enter an exclusive relationship with someone? you say it’s bc she doesn’t know football or that she’s controlling or that she’ll ruin his career, but you know nothing about her and i’d bet you all would say the same thing about anyone. she could be a professional footballer herself and you would still say she isn’t fit to be with him. get over yourselves and bffr. none of you had a chance with him to begin with, and you hating on an innocent girl so much that she had to turn her comments off so she wouldn’t keep getting death threats is actually crazy. you all are delusional.
↳ user THIS. i’m so tired of the hatred
↳ user i’m honestly surprised garrett hasn’t said anything to his fans about them leaving her alone yet…
↳ user he probably thought GROWN ADULTS would know it’s inappropriate to act like BABIES but i digress 🙄
↳ user whether he thought they were mature enough or not, the fact that he probably knew it was happening (she’s his gf, there’s no way she didn’t tell him or he didn’t see the comments himself before she turned them off) and still hasn’t said anything is a major red flag imo. he’s posted her/acknowledged that she exists on his acc now, but he STILL hasn’t addressed the hatred his “fans” have been sending her and continue to direct towards her in the comments of his own post.
↳ user i think it’s a out of sight out of mind type situation tbh. if neither of them acknowledge them, then the haters aren’t given the attention they want. they might just be waiting for it to die down.
↳ user i don’t think that’s a good enough reason tho?? if i was a celeb and my significant other was being harassed by jealous and delusional fans, i would absolutely say smth and try to get them to stop, partly bc my s/o doesn’t deserve to be spoken about like that just bc they’re in a relationship with me and partly bc i personally wouldn’t want to see that type of negativity directed towards the person i care about. it’s a matter of respect for your partner.
“I’ll be honest with you, Garrett━ I don’t like you very much.”
The restaurant table you’re both sitting at is tucked away in a corner and gives you enough privacy to feel comfortable having this conversation with Garrett out in public. The restaurant itself is exclusive in its own right, similarly to the first place Garrett took you. It’s not as high class in the sense that you feel underdressed with business casual, but it’s the type of locale that other celebrities or higher class individuals tend to frequent and it makes you feel secure in the fact that the staff are trained to be discreet about anything they might overhear.
“But,” you shrug, “I don’t think you need me to tell you that.”
Garrett takes a slow sip from his coffee and raises an eyebrow at you over the rim of his cup. While he does so, you appraise him. The only other time you’ve seen him in something other than his training attire or some equally comfortable athletic-adjacent wear was the first night you both went out, and you hadn’t really been paying much attention to him then━ too focused on trying not to scream your head off in frustration.
He looks good though, which you’re loath to admit. Garrett, at the very least, has fashion sense if nothing else. If he were even half decent his style might’ve been enough to make up for the rest of the decency he’s missing, but as it stands he’s so far below the bar that his ability to dress nice only serves to get him within jumping distance of your lowest standards.
He lowers his cup back down the table with a faint clink, and then steeples his fingers together on the table.
“Quite frankly, Y/N━” the way your name sounds on his lips makes you shiver, but not at all in the way it’s described in the romance novels you used to read back in school. It’s like the human equivalent of your hackles rising, sensing danger, knowing you need to make yourself bigger to appear like more of a threat, “━I don’t really care what you think of me. This is more of a business transaction than an actual relationship. You don’t need to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
He ends it with what would be a charming smile on anyone else, but knowing who he is beneath his charismatic facade makes it look sleazy.
You scoff. “For a guy who’s so desperate to fix his reputation, you sure aren’t doing anything to actually try and fix who you are as a person.”
It’s his turn to scoff. “I don’t actually need to be a better person, I just need everyone to think I’m a better person.”
“Fair enough.” You can’t argue with that. “But if I’m going to be spending a prolonged amount of time with you, you’re gonna have to at least pretend to not be a total dick.” You take a sip of your coffee.
He watches you for a moment━ observes your face, your hands, the way you tap your fingers against the table once your cup has been lowered. And you watch him right back. His steepled fingers have intertwined together, and he’s resting his chin atop them in a show of nonchalance, but his eyebrows are furrowed tight and his shoulders are pulled tense.
“What do you even want out of this?” He finally asks after another few seconds of silence broken only by the quiet drone of other restaurant patrons in the background. “What’s so important to you that it matters more than whatever notoriety being with me could give you?”
The Manchester skyline outside the window draws your gaze as you ponder how to go about explaining your answer. The storm-darkened sky casts the city streets below in a heavy shadow, which mimics your own mood as of late. It’s the weekend now, but Lando’s call and the things he’d drunkenly said still looms over you. You’d spent the week in a bad mood that not even your newfound friendship with Jack was capable of easing, and each day with continued radio silence on Lando’s end━ the fact that he can’t even bother to apologize himself━ only sours things more and more.
It had soured even more when McLaren’s PR team manager had reached out to you with the knowledge that you could plan on being back at the Technology Centre in Woking by the end of the month, in just under two weeks. In and of itself this hadn’t been bad news, but it meant seeing Lando again and unless he reaches out first to extend an olive branch, you could almost guarantee you’d be in for an uncomfortably awkward reunion.
But none of that matters right now.
“I’ll admit, I’m taking a page out of your book and being a prick,” you say as you turn back to Garrett. “But, in my case, it’s entirely warranted because he was a prick first.”
“What’d this guy do?”
In an odd turn of events, it feels as though you’re gossiping with Garrett Ward of all people. Without the context of your relationship with him━ the real one, not the one you’re pretending to have━ you imagine you probably look like two friends talking shit, or pretty close to the couple you’re supposed to be. Despite being such a twat normally, Garrett really does just come across as being a normal guy.
You have to remind yourself just what he threatened to do. He’s not a normal guy━ he’s dangerous. But he’s also a crucial part of your plan, and there was certainly some truth when he’d called things between you a business transaction. You don’t have to like him, but you have to trust that he’s got his own best interest in mind and you can certainly capitalize off of that.
“He had some choice words about our ‘relationship,’” you start, fiddling with the handle of your cup. “And even though we aren’t actually together and I probably wouldn’t touch you even if we were the last two people on Earth, it’s the principle behind it all. He has no right to judge me so harshly for my relationship choices, so I’m going to flaunt that I don’t care what he thinks, he’s not my keeper, and I will date whoever I damn well please,” you finish with a huff.
Garrett blinks at you. You’re starting to think he just has a staring problem, but before you can call him out on it he rolls his eyes, crosses his arms, and leans back in his seat━ looking the part of the smug douche he actually is. “You like this guy, and you want to use me to make him jealous because you’re pissed that he hasn’t given any hint at being interested in you but still feels as though as if he can be possessive over you.”
You blink at him. “No. Absolutely not.”
He raises an infuriating eyebrow.
“Fuck you,” you mutter into your cup, taking a sip to avoid having to say anything more.
Garrett heaves a sigh. “I suppose I could help you with that. We’ll be doing the couple shit anyways, might as well kill two birds with one stone and solve your problem and mine.” The way he says it makes it seem as though he’s doing you a favor, and if you weren’t so sure that he’d rescind his willingness to help if you argued with him, you’d call him out on the fact that technically he’s the one who owes you after you agreed to help him with his dilemma in the first place.
“Why not just be honest with him?” He says after another moment.
You snap your eyes back to him. “What?”
“Why not just be honest?” He repeats with a shrug. “Aren’t you worried he’ll lose eventually lose interest if he thinks you’re off the market?”
You scoff, “I’m not off the market. I’m just not available to the public.” You’d sat awake at night not long after things with Garrett began and realized that it really was all just an act. Actors kiss in front of a camera all the time, but at the end of the day they go home to their real partners and that’s the only person that really matters. Things aren’t all that different between you and Garrett. You call yourselves a couple, but side from the agreement that you’ll act like one in public, there’s no obligation or commitment to put one another first. Garrett will always prioritize his career, reputation, and friendships over you, and you’re rather inclined to do the same.
He purses his lips.
“Oh please,” you roll your eyes. “As if you expect me to believe you aren’t still planning to pick up a few birdies at the pub and show them a fun time.”
“My situation is different than yours. I’m the one trying to convince the media I’ve changed, which means I need someone who can be discreet, and a birdie from the pub certainly isn’t that.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Not getting laid for a few months is just a sacrifice I have to make to keep my place at Man City.”
You don’t mention that no matter what he does to try and clean up his act, Manchester City won’t be keeping him around after his contract expires. He wouldn’t believe you anyway, but even if he did you doubt he’d be all that willing to continue with this facade.
“More fun for me then,” you say instead, returning the smug smirk he’d given you earlier.
He glares.
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footballfansofficial UPDATE: Manchester City Forward Garrett Ward once again seen out in public with girlfriend and Formula One photographer Y/N L/N! The couple were caught sharing a romantic evening for the first time on the 5th of January, and have once again been spotted Saturday, the 20th, following Ward and L/N’s public posts on social media platform, Instagram. Ward has reportedly been making progress with his injury recovery, and is speculated to be rejoining the team on the pitch in February if all continues to go well. As the 2024 Formula One season draws nearer, it’s also expected that L/N will be returning to her McLaren roots, after working with Manchester City to photograph their winter training, which leaves fans wondering how their relationship will fare. Check the link in our bio for the full article!
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user i’m starting to warm up to the idea of them as a couple… 👀👀👀
↳ user i don’t think they were which is super shocking bc she posts him all the time on insta
↳ user i mean?? that’s technically her job?? as a photographer for mclaren she takes and posts pictures of the mclaren drivers. if you scroll across her feed she also has a lot of oscar from 2023, and carlos and daniel from their years with the team. she’s been working with manchester city recently too and has been posting the players as well. it’s just that she’s worked with lando the longest consecutively so ofc her account is gonna have him posted more than the others
user i really wish garrett would actually focus on his career instead of dating women bro’s contract ends at the end of the season and he doesn’t even seem bothered
user i hope the long distance makes them break up
↳ user me toooooo that bitch needs to get away from my man
↳ user he’s too good for her
↳ user be so fucking fr, she’s never had a scandal in her entire career but garrett ward has had dozens in just the past few years. if anyone is too good, it’s her 🙄
user don’t hate me but i totally thought garrett ward was gay
↳ user ah, yes, most notorious casanova, known for his many nightly escapades with women, that’s 100% proof that he’s gay
↳ user idk that was just the vibe i got
↳ user be so fucking fr 💀💀
user will city even want to re-sign him after the season is up?? he’s been on loan for the majority of his contract anyway, playing in the championship of all things, and now he’s back but he’s missed a majority of the season cuz of an injury. i personally don’t think garrett ward stands a chance against the current starting forwards, so even when he’s recovered who’s to say he’ll play in any matches?? just seems like a waste for city to keep him around if he isn’t even being used
user if ward is actually cleaning up his act then good for him
↳ user real. all these ppl acting like she's suddenly changing him into a whole new person against his will, but none of them have stopped to think that maybe he WANTS to change.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght @bellezaycafe @whentheautumnleavesfall @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ssprayberrythings @landosgirlxoxo @lifelessfan @81ja
━━ a/n: i did it! got this part done so much faster AND i didn't wanna rage while i did it 😌 feeling pretty proud of myself for that. anyways! hope you all enjoy!
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marvelobsessed134 · 3 months
Ok I got a Peter Steele one
Innocent female reader encounters Peter who’s a vampire and chooses her to be his mate but she tries to run away
Be my druidess
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This is part of my spooky summer series! You can access the masterlist here
This is probably one of the longest fics I’ve ever written on here it took me 3 days to write lol
Pairings: Vampire!Peter Steele x Innocent!Fem!Reader
Warnings: absolutely FILTHY, yes I mention how large he is a lot but I mean COME ON, reader is obviously smaller than him, reader is a virgin, bleeding during sex, marking, biting (hes a vampire duh), kidnapping, dub/non con, Peter being sexy idk, he lives in a gothic vampiric castle 😍
The day started out simple enough. You got up and went to the coffee shop before school. When you got your order and started to make your way out of the establishment, you bumped into a very muscular and very tall man. He was at least 6’8 with long black hair and beautiful green eyes. You felt a little nervous around him he was huge and albeit very majestic.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to see you there little mouse.” His deep voice said.
You cranked your neck to look up at him, “It’s okay it was just an accident.” You said, your voice sweet and soft.
And man, did you smell good.
“I just hope I didn’t hurt you. I’m Peter.” The raven haired man held out his large hand and you placed yours inside it. His larger hand practically swallowed your small one. “You didn’t I promise. I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you Peter.”
Oh god, you were so polite.
Peter shook your hand and let go, flashing you a smile before saying, “Well, I don’t want to keep you from wherever you’re going.”
“School. I’m going to school.” You smiled.
Oh, you must be young.
You bid your farewell before walking out of the coffee shop. Peter watched you make your way onto the streets of Brooklyn.
You were young, sweet, and innocent.
Just perfect for him.
Later in the night, you were walking home from a long day studying at the library after school. You couldn’t wait to go home and fall asleep in your small but cozy bed, when you could’ve sworn someone was following you. But when you looked around no one was there so you shrugged it off.
As you continued walking you heard other footsteps behind you and they were getting quicker and quicker. You started to walk a little faster, before you were pulled into an alleyway.
Pressed against the brick wall of a building, you tried to scream but a large hand covered your mouth. “Don’t scream, darling. You don’t want to make this difficult for me.” The familiar deep voice said.
“Peter?” You asked, but it was muffled by his hand. Peter chuckled lowly, “Yes, it’s me, Y/n.”
“Let me go please. I don’t know what you want from me but…I only have five dollars in my pocket.” You said, trying to get your voice loud enough for him and anyone else to hear against his palm.
“Oh baby, I don’t wanna take your money. I just want you, my love. I think you’ll be the perfect bride for me.” Your eyes widened at his words. Bride?
Suddenly he opened his mouth and you screamed against his hand when you saw he had fangs. He’s a vampire.
“Vampire!” Was all you could muster out.
“You’re so smart, Y/n. Now let me mark you, make you mine forever.” Suddenly as he was about to mark you on your neck you wriggled out of his hold and started to book it down the street. Part of you wanted to see what was going to happen with the handsome man but the logical part of you told you to run.
So you ran, and ran. Thinking you lost him you took a little stop to catch your breath. But that happened to be the biggest-or best-mistake of your life. Because a strong arm hooked around your waist and lifted you up so easily. Peter snapped his fingers and suddenly you found yourself in a fancy dark black and red bedroom that looked like the inside of a castle.
“Where am I? Where did you take?” You cried.
“My castle. Well, it’s our castle now my love.” He was so calm about this.
You pushed him with all your might but it didn’t seem to do anything. His eyes darkened and he grabbed your arms and put them to your side, “Behave.” He warned.
You felt a sensation in between your legs and was very embarrassed about it. Peter noticed you shift in attitude and chuckled, “Did that turn you on, darling? Me telling you to behave?”
You looked down at your feet, blushing. Not wanting to give him an answer. But Peter knew, he was a vampire after all and had advanced senses. He could smell your arousal.
The vampire tilted your chin up with his index finger, “I know you’re wet. I can smell it.”
Your eyes widened in shock and you tried to back away, but he roughly grabbed you and whispered aggressively in your ear, “Try and run one more time. You won’t succeed. I will always catch you.” It sent a shiver down your spine and you nodded slowly, tears pricking your eyes.
“Come over here baby.” Peter said and he less you to the black and red gothic canopy bed, sitting both of you down next to each other.
He caressed your face softly and leaned in to kiss you, passionately. You’ve never been kissed before so you didn’t know how to react but you tried your best. When the raven haired man pulled away he stroked your cheek, “You’re so beautiful. I knew you’d be the perfect bride for me.” There he went, using that word. Bride.
A dark evil smile took over him, “Now…where was I?” He retracted his fangs again and laid you down quickly so you couldn’t escape, and made the effort to put half-so he wouldn’t crush you to death-of his body weight to hold you in place when he licked a spot on hole neck before sinking his teeth deep inside.
You screamed in both pleasure and pain as he marked you. Mated you.
“Now you’re mine…forever.” He chuckled lowly before kissing you again, then moving down to your neck kissing the spot he bit. He ripped your shirt off with ease, along with your thin bra, exposing your breasts. The larger man groped the soft mounds in his large hands, tweaking your nipples in the process.
“Ooh-“ you hissed at the new sensation.
“You like that?”
You nodded and he continued to kiss down your bare torso before reaching the waistband of your skirt. He kissed the skin right above it before pulling it down along with your soaked panties.
“Fuuuck, you’re so soaked.” You cried out when he licked a bold stripe up your folds and started to flick his tongue on your clit.
“Oh my god! Peter!”
Peter held your soft thighs with his hands as he ate you out like you were his last meal.
“Mmm- mm- I’m gonna-“ you couldn’t even finished your sentence when you felt the coil snap inside of you, releasing your juices all over the man’s face. You were a moaning mess as you moaned and cried out. Peter happily licked you up before standing up to pull his shirt and pants off. Your eyes widened at the size of his dick.
“That’s supposed to go inside me?” You asked nervously.
“It’ll be okay, I promise, darling.” Soon your head was resting on the pillow and you were in missionary position, holding onto the vampire’s shoulders as he slowly pushed inside of you. Your screams echoed through the castle walls.
“Holy fuck you’re tight.” He rolled his eyes back in ecstasy as he continued to enter you, putting all 11 inches inside. He let you adjust to his size before he started to thrust into you.
When he looked down to see a little bit of blood from your pussy he immediately scooped it up with his finger and licked it clean, moaning at the taste of your sweet plasma.
Your cries and screams turned into those from pleasure, rolling your eyes back as Peter repeatedly hit your G spot.
“You’re so pretty and tight. So small and sweet I can’t wait to spend eternity with you.” His words took you over the edge as you clenched around him before cumming once again. The raven haired man had to hold himself back a little bit so he had time to pull out before he came.
Finally, he pulled out and finished on your tummy. Then he scooped up his own cum with his finger and put it to your mouth, “Open.” You did as he said, opening your mouth and allowing him to insert his cum covered digit. You sucked and licked it clean.
“Good girl. Now, this might hurt a little bit.” And he bit you once again.
To turn you into his vampire bride.
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kagecage · 9 months
Movie! Cole Brookstone x Reader
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Headphones blasting at full volume and walking in the hallway.
Cole Brookstone, one of the students who were known to be a “member” of the “Garma-dork squad”, other than that, he was known as one of the most laid-back students who couldn’t care less about anything. School has ended, but that didn’t stop some students from being in the school. Whether they’d be doing club activities or to just hang out after school to finish up some homework. Cole was accepted into the music club, although due to the work of being a secret ninja and with all the exams coming up, he had to be absent most of the time. Kai was also accepted into the club but he isn’t as passionate nor as committed to music like Cole, so Kai left the club a while back to join any sports club.
Cole’s phone died during his last period so he was listening to some music through his large boombox which was currently playing some AC/DC. Bopping his head to the tunes and the rhythm, he made it in front of the music club’s door, but before he entered, he heard some noises on the other side of the door. Slipping off his headphones and pausing the music, he pressed his ear against the door.
Silence was heard on the other side but then a loud electric guitar noise was heard, making Cole flinch back in surprise.
Slowly turning the doorknob, he peeped through curiously. The music was louder than before, his brows burrowed at the absence of the rest of the club members, was he too late or too early? Looking more into the room, he spotted a girl with a black shiny electric guitar, her back was facing Cole, hiding her face. He took in some details of the female in front of him with curiosity lingering on his face.
Settling behind her, he sat on the blue carpeted floor, listening intently to her tunes and stringing, her fingers dancing across the strings and she plucks and bends them. Bopping her head up and down to the rock like music.
Cole’s face grew a smile onto his lips as he stared in amazement at her talent, recognizing the song.
She was playing the guitar solo of the song “I don’t wanna be me” by Type O Negative.
Her fingers going up and down the fret board, her hair jumping from her head bops. The song came to an end as she paused and sighed, then becoming startled by the sound of clapping coming from behind her.
Turning quickly, she saw Cole sitting down on the floor, boombox next to him as he was clapping his hands at her solo. “That was awesome” he spoke out happily at her accomplishment, her face held a slight pink tint on her cheeks from embarrassment and from someone seeing her play for the first time.
“Thank you! I wasn’t expecting someone to watch, I would’ve done much more better” She spoke out softly with a small chuckle, turning around to her guitar stand, she turned off the big amp as she placed the shiny instrument on the stand, while at the same time she was pulling out her aux cord. Cole stood up from the floor while watching her clean up, deciding to break the silence he spoke out first.
“So am I late to the meeting or was I early?” Cole asked with curiosity in his tone, the girl turned to look at as she grabbed her bag, “oh, for music club? It was canceled today and was rescheduled to tomorrow” she grabbed her phone and showed him the texts in the group chat.
“Ah, okay I see, my phone died in last period so I didn’t see.” He replied back to her, silence was filled in the room as they awkwardly stood there in the middle of the room.
“So, what’s your name?” The girl asked, saving them from the deafening silence, Cole was secretly grateful. “I’m Cole, what about you?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he looked at the girl in front of him. “I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you” She spoke out with a closed eyed smile, he felt an immense surge of relaxation from the girl, something about her was calming and comforting, like a warm aura.
Checking the time on her phone, she had a few minutes left till she has to take her leave. “So, you’re friends with Lloyd?” She asked curiously, “I usually see you by the lockers with him and the others” she added on, Cole immediately felt uncomfortable, not like he was uncomfortable, he felt that he was making her uncomfortable. “Oh, uh, yeah I am, I swear Lloyd is-“ being cut off from the girl she smiled and nodded.
“That’s cool, I’ve always wondered how is he, even though we never really talked nor does he know me, I was always so worried for him cause of all the bullying, especially from chen” her smooth voice replied at cole, making him stunned at her words, she doesn’t hate Lloyd. Which was rare, especially from being in this city.
“You don’t hate him?” He asked whilst tilting his head to the side.
You disagreed and started to state your opinion on the blonde boy. You were about to speak up once more but a ringing was heard in your pockets, you earned a phone call by your ‘mother dearest’ as how you would like to call her.
“Well, looks like i gotta go, see you around?” You smiled at the muscular teenager in front of you as he nodded, “yeah, see you later” he held up his fist in which you knocked your knuckles against his with a smile. Exiting through the door, Cole couldn’t help but smile as he made a new friend.
Maybe he should go to the music club more often.
Thank you!
A/n: this was incredibly rushed so i apologize severely if theres any grammar mistakes or so fast.
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folklaur21 · 6 months
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x gn!reader
Summary: You may or may not be a little bit obsessed with Mattheo Riddle's ex-girlfriend.
Warnings: Use of Y/N, Y/N is basically a stalker (lol)
Word Count: 251
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"Y/N, what's this?" your boyfriend asks, as he picks up a notebook from your bedside table.
"Uhhh... nothing!" you reply, hastily trying to snatch the emerald green notebook from his grasp, but consequently failing.
Mattheo smirks and holds the notebook above his head, out of your reach, before saying, "Oh really, it's nothing, is it? How 'bout we open it and see, hmm?"
You finally stop flailing your arms about to try and take back the book and sigh. "Please, Matt, don't read it!"
Mattheo grins slyly, a smirk evident on his face. "Are you sure? Is this book filled with your deepest, darkest fantasies, or even- oh." His voice trails off as he opens the book to the first page. "Is this a fact file on-"
"On Daphne Greengrass. Yes, it is." you say, going red just watching your boyfriend read everything you've written down.
"Is that her star sign?"
"And her blood type?"
"O negative."
"Y/N, what is thi-" Mattheo stops in his tracks. "Are these samples of her HAIR?" You fall silent at his exclamation. "Why have you done this?"
"I don't know Mattheo! I can't help it, I've got issues, I can't help it baby! I'm so obsessed with your ex."
"Y/N, this is weird. Like really weird."
"I know. I'm sorry. I'll stop, OK?"
"OK baby. Thank you." Mattheo says as he throws the book back onto the bedside table.
"Hypothetically, was she easy-going? Ever controlling? Well-traveled? Well-read?"
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robin-the-enby · 7 months
Hi! Can I get an angst/comfort fic of Arthur with a female s/o who is depressed and suicidal? Like he walks in on his s/o c*tting while having a mental breakdown? Or he just notices the cuts/scars? Or he walks in on his s/o bl33ding out?? Idk you can get creative with it I’ve just been having an extremely rough couple months. If this makes you uncomfortable then you can just ignore this request, but thanks anyways! I hope you have a great day/night!! <3
It's my problem if I feel the need to hide
Pairing: Arthur x f!reader
Summary: You feel under the weather, but decide not to tell anyone. As your condition only worsens, your friends start to worry about you. It's when you decide to let everything go your knight with blue eyes and a cheeky smile comes to the rescue.
Warnings: depression, suicidal ideation, not being able to care for oneself (containing lack of hygiene and proper meals), mentions of vomit(ing) (3), negative self talk, dark thoughts
A/N: I am so sorry for the delay of this fic, I hope it will be of use to you still. I haven't written for this fandom in a long while, so getting back to it was a little hard, though I enjoyed it none the less. I tried not to use any (Y/N)s and make it as racially neutral as possible, as well as appearance-neutral (Arthur carries reader 1 time, but he's stronger than a regular human, and y'all deserve it ladies, no matter your size). If anyone wants to talk about anything at all, my dms are open, as well as my ask box. Take care of yourselves and stay safe!
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The human mind is possibly nature's greatest invention. The complexity with which all its components interact to keep the body functioning is nothing short of phenomenal. And not only that, but it is aware of itself, encasing its own conscience inside a safe vessel, built and evolved specifically to protect it. And as time progressed, and all the basic needs of the body were cared for, there came a need to create. The body could easily be fed, but the conscience needed a different type of sustenance.
The human mind is capable of incredible things. It can set goals for itself as well as achieve them. It shaped the entire world to its liking, for better or for worse. The human mind is the reason why we live the lives we do today. It is the thing that keeps us alive and sane.
It's funny how drastically that can change.
If you'd ask any of the men residing in the mansion on who the worst enemy of humans is, you're sure all of them would at least mention the human conscience, if not directly choose it. After all, their lives have been woven through with the thread of sorrow, the perpetrator being none other than the human mind- theirs or someone else's.
At this point, you feel like you've at least got a peek at the complex inner worlds of history's greatest minds. Some you knew better than others, but you've been le Comte's servant for long enough to consider all the mansion's residents at least friends.
It was evident to anyone who has been in the mansion for at least a month that all of the people (and vampires) residing in it had some sort of baggage, wearing them down even in their second undead life. Some were better at hiding it than others, some just felt more comfortable keeping their troubles to themselves, while others' emotions and traumas were sometimes too great, too overwhelming to be kept locked inside their bodies.
You've tried your best to help those who needed it, both physically and mentally. It helped a few to open up to you at least a little and as time went on, with your hard work, you've earned respect for yourself even amongst the toughest nuts in the mansion. Poking through others' personal affairs and traumas carried along numerous fights as well as apologies and in the end just served to strengthen the bond between you and the residents. And yet, at times like these...you couldn' help but feel alone.
Like all the others, you had to shoulder the burden of traumas, insecurities and unpleasant experiences collected unwillingly throughout your life. You suspected the others knew of this, or at least had a hunch that you, like all of them, haven't had the pleasure of living a carefree life.
They saw you as an independent, strong and courageous woman, resilient and kind in any situation. And if you were in the right state of mind, you would agree. But lately, you began to doubt these traits of yours, the ones you valued so much and were valued for.
You weren't a stranger to struggling and you knew that anyone in need of help deserved to receive it and should not be scared to ask for it.
So why did the thought of asking for help make your stomach churn?
You've been pondering that question for a few days now. Lately, your entire reality seemed to have shifted. At first, you didn't think anything was wrong, a simple bad day, or a bad week wasn't anything to be too worried about. Nothing a nice, relaxing weekend couldn't fix, right? And yet, when you had tasks to complete, you felt agitated and annoyed, but when you had nothing to do, you were antsy and restless. Always feeling like something should be happening, like you should be doing something. For some reason, you couldn't make yourself to do the things you felt you should be doing.
Soon everything has become a bother. Tasks you could usually do with one hand were suddenly so hard that by the end of the day, the thought of bathing or changing into clean clothes made you want to scream until your throat was sore. And so you chipped away at your routine that you so painstainkingly built when you appeared in this time, until the only remaining activities in your days were your work and some basic necessities.
You knew it was getting bad. And it constantly created an almost numbing whirlwind of emotions you really didn't need right now. Why was this happening? What brought it on? Why now?? Is it going to get worse? All these questions and none you had an answer to. You had guesses and various techniques you learnt here and there back in your time, but...you couldn't bring yourself to do anything.
You were trapped. At least it felt like it. Trapped inside yourself, inside your mind. You knew you should tell someone, that if you let it go on, it would sooner or later consume you. But you couldn't do anything. It was as if your body didn't listen to you.
It seemed the residents were starting to get suspicious of your strange mood as of late. There were times when one of them would approach you and carefully ask about your wellbeing, and as much as you wanted to say something, you never did. You logically knew that the first step would be the one to break through the loop, the one that would make all the others just a little bit easier until you felt normal again. But anytime you tried to break through the selfdestructive habits you had fallen into, a wave of such tirednes, nausea and shame overcame you, that you simply caved to your mind's twisted whispers.
You concluded that your best option at this moment was to lay low and let it pass. Your days have become a steady routine of wake up, work, go to bed. And repeat. It was manageable, at first, even with the onslaught of thoughts your mind was conjuring, managing to come up with more and more ways to taunt you with. But as days and then weeks passed, your energy slowly seeped away from your body and it retaliated by shutting off and out anything unnecessary to save as much of what was remaining.
These things included mostly socialising. You became less talkative, while you would usually enthusiastically engage in conversations, if not outright start them, lately you would not speak unles directly spoken to. It has taken a toll on your concentration as well. Many times when someone would try to strike up a conversation with you, they'd have to repeat their question or even call out your name mid-conversation, because mentally you just weren't there. These things not only started to worry Sebastian, your biggest constant in your new life, given that you worked alongside him every day, but also the other residents. You knew of this, as out of it as you might have seemed and/or have been these past few weeks, you knew that they noticed, because you knew them. But what started as a simple snowball had alrady turned into an avalanche and you had to admit that you were no longer in control.
Not that you really cared. You knew you should care, should be trying harder than ever to break out of this spell, but you couldn't. And every time you might have felt strong enough to confess how you were feeling, to lean on someone, to get the help you knew you needed, a sudden pang of fear pierced your chest and you shrivelled back, back into your own small shell that was your skull.
Trying to find a reason for this foolish anxiety proved not so easy, when your mind would make up about five reasons why you should keep your mouth shut every time you even dared to ask yourself such a question.
What if they didn't believe you?
What if it wasn't not that bad?
What if you were just making it up? Making it seem bigger than it is?
These people have gone through so much. They've seen war, witnessed and felt abuse and probably had been through things you couldn't even imagine. Why should they help you, when they're the ones who needed help?
You were not worthy.
Such comparisons were something you chastised anyone who would confess experiencing them for. And yet, when it came to you, it felt like a holy truth. Something that could not and should not be questioned. Because you don't want to be selfish, do you?
You've dealt with this by yourself before, surely you could do it again and not drag down others with you. These and many others became your daily mantras. Lay low, hide, be small, don't make a noise. Survive. But was that really how you wanted to live? If you could even call that a living. You were surviving, yes, but at what cost? For a promise of a period of time where you wouldn't feel like the world is made out of cardboard? A period of time where you wouldn't feel like screaming and crying every second of every day? And how long would that last? A few months, a year maybe? Was it really worth the struggle?
You blinked yourself out of your thoughts when someone vigorously snapped in front of your eyes. Looking around in slight daze, your eyes fall upon a smiling face. "There you are! Theo says he's just waiting for you to walk face first into a wall!" Arthur says cheerily, showing you his signature smirk. "I, like the good friend I am, keep defending you of course. But it's hard when your mind seems to get further and further away from us every day. At this rate, you'll wander off into Seine soon. And we wouldn't want that, would we?" he playfully jabbed at you.
You could feel yourself shaking your head, but the only thing you could focus on was how nice it acually seemed, the cold water seeping through clothes and circling your limbs, the undercurrents keeping you down, where nothing could get you, laying you down onto the riverbed, weighed by the water in your lungs... "So, what's going on in that noggin of yours, hm?"
Arthur was, besides Sebastian, the closest person to you out of all the others. You enjoyed his easygoing demeanor and his jokes never failed to make you laugh. He was a terrible flirt though, and someties could be pretty pushy with his advances as you've realised over the time you two spent together. Luckilly, after a firm conversation backed up by Theo, he had calmed down significantly towards you. The writer still heavily complimented you, always putting that silver tongue of his to use, but you thought nothing of it. He was like that with everyone, even some of the other residents, so the possibility of it ever meaning anything more than banter or a simple compliment never even crossed your mind.
"You're doing it again." the man in question sighed. You blinked at him with confusion. As if reading your thoughts, Arthur clarified "You're in your head again. It must be something really interesting in there to make you so distracted." he joked again, but his expression turned serious "But honestly, what's going on? You haven't been yourself for quite a while now and everyone's getting worried. Even Wolf asked me if I knew what was up with you the other day!" the writer looked at you intently "You know that we're here for you, right? Even if you feel like it's stupid, if you need anything, you can tell us."
You averted your eyes from Arthur' piercing gaze. You knew his words were sincere and it made your chest squeeze uncomfortably. Looking straight ahead, in the direction which you were going, you answered, trying to make your voice as leveled as you could "Thank you for worrying Arthur, but I'm alright, really. I've been thinking of asking le Comte for a break. It would be nice to have some off time." This wasn't a complete lie, since having some down time, where you could pretend time has stopped really did sound appealing, but now you'd have to actually go and ask the good count, which you really didn't want to. Not because you were worried you wouldn't be given a break, but because it was another plan to be made and you barely had enough energy to last you until the end of the day, much less go somewhere out of your own volition.
Arthur knew that you were lying, or at least not telling him everything, so he grinned at you again and spoke confidently "Alright, love, the game is on! I gave you a chance to explain youself, but it seems I'll have to solve this mystery myself." he winked at you and you expected him to take his leave. But Arthur softly grabbed your arm and stopped you in the middle of the halway you were in. Turning to face him in his hold you looked at him questioningly. His smile is much softer now, and if you could focus properly, you would see worry glinting in his eyes "If you ever change your mind, you can stop by. Day, night, doen't matter. We're here for you, love. I'm here for you. Just as much as you're here for us." and as soon as he finished speakig, he was gone. Down the hallway, in the direction of his room. You quietly turned around, trying to process the strange encounter while you went your way.
Your mind was surprisingly quiet for a few hours after that.
You eventually did end up in le Comte's study. Nerves were wracking your body and mind the entire day and when you finally did enter the dreaded room, after all your chores were done for the day, you felt like you would start crying at any moment. For some reason, you felt awful for doing this. You didn't need the break. You didn't need off time to get better physically or because you had too many chores. Why did you want a break, besides Arthur catching on that there was, indeed, something wrong? The only thing you had planned for this break of yours was rotting away in your bed and doing as little as humanely possible. Maybe fate would be so kind and take you away in your sleep. Let you wither away like an overwatered flower.
You tried to make the discussion as quick as possible. Fortunately, the count didn't ask too many questions about your wellbeing and the reason for taking a break, remembering well that you haven't had one in a good while. He did ask if you consulted Sebas about it and you forced down a shudder at the mention of your good friend's name. Not because the butler was opposed to you taking a break, he actually kindly insisted you take one, revealing that he also noticed your mental absence in the past weeks, which could be almost counted as a month now. The worry and confusion in his tone as well as his expression made you wish he told you to stay, to help him, anything to try and convince you to not do what you were about to.
Why were you so worried? There wasn't a reason you should feel bad about taking a break. Even if you physically were just as spry as a grasshopper, taking a break for the sake of mental health was just as important. But deep down, you coudn't lie to yourself. Deep down you knew you were going to give up completely. Either for someone to find you, or to be left to rot. And right now, you hoped for the latter, even if it was still scary to admit.
After Comte gave you a week off, asking if it was enough time for you, which you hastily confirmed, feeling bile rise up your throat and wishing for the comfines of your room, your shaky legs and hazy mind managed to carry you to your room. After spending some time emptying the contents of your stomach, which were absolutely too small you would bet, you nothing but collapsed onto your bed. Mouth unrinsed, hair oily and ruffled, it had finally dawned on you how much of a mess you must have loked like. This realisation finally seemed to open the dam that was holding back everything you were feeling. The disgust, the shame, the fear, the anxiety the heavines, the loneliness, but most importnatly the longing.
Fast, salty tears carried all of that out of your body, leaving your face a puffy, sticky mess. Suddenly, you felt rage boil inside of your chest, sprading quickly to your head. Why didn't you say anything? You were so worried and because of what? Your own mind? Could you be any more stupid? The very same mind that put you through absolute hell this past month was now angry at itself, at its own actions. Why did the world have to be this cruel? Why couldn't it grant you the simple request of a mind that would not try to sabotage itself? And now it was too late.
Yo chose this, you thought to yourself. You chose this and these were the consequences of your actions. As if the tears have released all your pent up frustration in your body, all that it left was numbness. A kind of numbness that made your eyelids heavy, making them gravitate towards each other and pulling you into a deep, calm slumber. The kind of slumber you have not been able to achieve for more than the month you've been actively suffering. But also the kind of slumber that would not bring you closer to salvation.
You woke up, not knowing the time and not really finding yourself caring either. You felt strangely...calm. There was no hunger, no thirst, nothing. Only suffocating quiet, the likes of which you would feel in the deep blue of the ocean. You laid stil for what felt like hours, but could have also been minutes, before you succumbed to unconsciousness again.
This has gone on for a few days of your week long break. At one point you felt the pang of hunger, yet you had no will to satiate it. You only rose from your bed late into the night, when the squeezing walls of your stomach, at this point surely eating itself, threatened to spill nothing but its own acid. You tiptoed as quietly as your stiff muscles could into the kitchen, and after munching on some bread and water, because even though you got up, you still didn't feel like cooking, or that you deserved anything more than the simplest of dishes, you quietly stalked the halls back into your room. You fell asleep again, your stomach satisfied, or maybe convinced into satisfaction by your mind, the last thing you heard was the faint sound of Mozart's piano in the dead of the night.
This cycle had repeated for another few days. Your days were interrupted by quiet knocking that would wake you from your slow decline, and sometimes joined by murmurs behind the door. You couldn't find it in you to care. The door wasn't locked. At one point, you could swear you saw a shadow in your window, but it was gone too soon for your slowed mind to focus on it.
One morning, somewhere at the end of your break, not that you were keeping track of time, your door opened. A gust of fresh air was the first thing that barged its way into your room, chasing out the old and musty, albeit warm air from it. You shivered and wiggled deeper under your covers, grumbling hoarsely in protest. Your half asleep mind registered someone slowly walking into your room, as if they were scared to find out what was in it. You kept your eyes closed.
Arthur knelt down beside your bed, looking at your sickly, worn out face. Carefully sneaking his arm under your blanket, his hand searched for yours until it could take it into its own. Caressing your knuckles with his thumb, he cooed softly "Oh, love. I am so sorry. I am so sorry we let this get so far." You didn't respond. What was there to say? "It isn't your fault" you croaked out quietly, not having enough energy to say it loudly and fearing your voice wouldn't work.
"Why did you hide from us? We would've helped..." the writer almost whined, and you could feel the guilt and worry radiating from him. You wanted so desperately to answer, to give him a good reason for how foolish you were acting, but you couldn't. There was nothing that would excuse you. Nothing.
Seeing your slightly open eyes well up with tears, Arthur rushed closer to comfort you. Shushing and soothing you like a small child after a booster shot, he held you close and you tried not to weep hader. "It's alright, love, everything is alright. I've got you. I've got you now, it's good. You're alright."
After you calmed down slightly, you wanted nothing more than to shoo him away, close yourself off again an bury yourself into your bed to get away from the immense shame you felt. But Arthur seemed to be having none of that. He softly but insistently reached under you and helped you sit up with one arm, holding your hand with the other still. you couldn't bring yourslf to look him in the eye and yet his tone never changed from the soft lull he comforted you with. "Come on now, darling. Let's get you cleaned up."
Your mind wanted desperately to push back at him, scream and yell and fight, but you almost limply let him straighten you up and help you walk over to the bathroom. The writer's heart nearly broke in two as he saw you in the same clothes you were in when he last spoke to you. The image of you suffering in silence for so long made him nearly tear up as well, but he held himself back, focusing on you being his biggest priority.
He ran a bath for you, helped you out of your clothes, his gaze never cascading from your face, looking for any signs of overstepping any boundaries and when he found none, he helped you into the bathtub, first washing your hair and then your body, asking if you could and wanted to handle your private parts yourself. You whispered out a small yes, feeling somewhat ashamed still and wanting to make his efforts a bit easier. Letting you soak in the blissfully warm water, a question appeared in your mind "Arthur..." you called out quietly "Were you the one knocking at my door?" you asked timidly, not knowing fully if it wasn't some kind of delirium your mind put you through. The writer's face became solemn as you took a peek at his face and he spoke, his words and tone equally heavy "Everyone did. We were worried about you. After we heard about your break, we thought it might do you well. Everyone noticed that you weren't quite yourself. But after the first few days, when no one ever saw you leave the mansion, let alone your room, our worries doubled. Wolf said he noticed you walking to the kitchen at night, but Sebas only noticed small portions of bread disappearing from the kitchen, so we wanted to check up on you. We tried knocking at your door, not wanting to disturb you if you really were physically ill, but that didn't do anything." "And the window?" you interrupted him, casting your eyes downward again at the rude gesture. But Arthur continued, with no offense taken "That was Dazai. He was checking up on you a lot. In his own way." Arthur smiled sadly "Today, I had enough. Something was telling me you needed help. And I'm glad I listened to my instinct." he smiled at you and you felt your dry lips lift up ever so slightly. You were found when you needed it the most, it seemed.
After Arthur dried you off and helped you put on fresh clothes, he told you Sebas made a nutritious meal for you that wouldn't upset your stomach. He also suggested it would do you good to get out of your room for at least a little while and eat it in the kitchen. Seeing the panic in your eyes, he rushed to assure you "You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to." And so you nodded.
The mansion seemed awfully quiet. There was no one in the halls, no sounds from either corner of the building. On your slow trek to the kitchen, you passed Mozart. The musician didn't say anything, but his lips melted from their usual stern frown to a warm smile and you couldn't help but to start crying again. Athur sat down with you on the cold ground of the hallway, pulling you onto his lap and rocking you back and forth until you felt good enough to walk again. Mozart was nowhere in sight.
You found out that Sebas made you a delicious soup, one with enough vegetables and some meat, the broth strong enough to get you up on your feet in no time. You ate slowly and savoured every spoonful. You suddenly realised how much you've missed eating good food. After your meal was done and Arthur washed your bowl and spoon in silence, he slowly sat down next to you. "How are you feeling?" he asked carefully, knowing that you were nowhere near out of the deep end yet, but desperately hoping his efforts weren't for naught. "Better. Fuller." you answered simply. After another beat of comfortable silence, where you soaked up the sun pouring in through the windows, the writer asked again "Would you like to go back to your room?" You pursed your lips. Suddenly, the idea of your bed and the stuffy room you hid yourself away in sounded horrible. But he comfortable, fluffy clothes and full stomach were pullig at your eyelids again, sleep threatening to take over. "My room it is, then?"
Arthur piped up and you nodded. Before you knew it, you were scooped up bridal style by the vampire, feeling his soft lips on your hairline "Rest, love. I've got you." Soon, you were in a room that smelled of coffe and cologne with a hint of ink. Once again, you wriggled under the covers, these ones feeling much fresher than yours, as you succumbed to sleep once again. But this time, you weren't alone.
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Be My Druidess - Eddie Munson X Fem-reader
AU 90’s Eddie & Fem- Reader (mostly referred to affectionately as Kitten, no use of Y/N). Eddie takes girlfriend (reader) go to watch your favourite band, Type O Negative in concert. You get too excited and do something impulsive, it drives Eddie crazy with jealousy causing him to get very possessive, needing to show everyone you're his girl.
Warnings- SMUT - Over 18’s ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! M-F (P in V) unprotected, cream pie, fingering, Squirting, Dom! Eddie & Sub! Reader, Mean! Eddie, Possessive! Eddie, Jealous! Eddie, (slight) Degrading, (slight) Humiliation, Orgasm Denial, Public Exposure, Public sex, Choking, Daddy Kink, Breeding Kink, Mentions of reader being Bratty, Drug & Alcohol use Eddie & Reader (Weed & Beer). Reader has nipple piercings. Eddie has a PA piercing.
Word count- 3.8K
Authors Note-Sorry this took so long to write and post after I hinted it all those months ago. Life got crazy like it does sometimes so apologies. Also I met our man JQ and it spurred me on to finish it at 2:30am the day after I met him.
However please REBLOG , COMMENT & LIKE my posts if you enjoyed them. I love feedback so I can grow as a writer. I have a tag-list going so please inbox me if you wish to get added to my tag-list when I post new content.
Eddie had got you tickets to your favourite band tour for your birthday, Type O Negative. The dark grunge, gothic, sexual undertones igniting a fire in you as soon as you heard the sultry tones of Peter Steele's deep, gravely voice. Only encouraged by how attracted you were to him. Hugely tall stature, gloomy outlook, long black silken hair, muscular frame and known openly for his eagerness to please the women he chose to pleasure, to serve. Topped off with the rumours of his huge cock, you were completely sold. You begged Eddie to get you both tickets for months, and he’d surprised you, a week before the gig. Stubs now in his hands, after driving to the city after a long shift at the garage on the release date to queue in the rain, all to surprise you. To see your pretty ruby lips fall open in awe, he could see the hearts appear in your eyes already.
Excited, you dressed to impress. Numerous guys keep staring at you in your skimpy outfit. Eddie is more than proud to show you off as his girl. At the end of the day you’re a hot goth/alt chick and it made the guys drool. You wore your best band shirt, cut up to show more cleavage than should be legally allowed in public, a pvc skater skirt and your new demonic platforms, torn fishnet stockings held up by a black suspender belt.
Eddie knows you’re crushing hard on the lead singer and can tell you're getting horny and turned on, fidgeting as they’re run onto the stage. Eddie lifts you into his broad, strong shoulders for a better view when they play the intro to your favourite song, “Be my Druidess”. As the drum beat kicks in, Eddie starts to bounce up and down causing a criminally delicious friction across the crotch of your thong. The back of Eddie’s neck bumping your clit on every bounce to the beat.
Your thighs start to clench and Eddie notices, your pussy throbbing, he can probably feel your pounding heartbeat through your core down his spine. His hands grip your shins as you feel your sweetness seep through the thin fabric of your panties onto his neck. Hands tight, fingers clasping his hair, his skull to keep you grounded.
Peter Steele notices you and points you out in the crowd, the eye contact alone causing you to fall over the edge into euphoric bliss. Feeling high, impulsive and incredibly horny, all amplified by sharing a few joints with Eddie on the ride to the venue. You flash your bare chest to the stage (after deciding on going braless earlier, something Eddie loved). Showing everyone your perfect supple tits, shiney metal bars catching the stage lights, glistening in the darkness like stars. The erotic image of your bare chest and nipple piercings projected on the massive screens on either the side of the stage for all to see. The band loves it. Peter loves it more. The crowd loves it even more, a hurricane of cheers roars up from the audience. Eddie hates it.
Your cheeks flush red with a blush, caught up in the scandal, all eyes in the room falling on you. The man beneath you is furious. Jealous twists in his stomach, ripping through him uncontrollably sweeping his mind into frenzy. He squeezes your shins in a claw-like grip, fuelled by the envy of everyone’s eyes on you. Admiring the curves of your womanly shape, his Venus incarnate. Aphrodite in the flesh. To him you were his goddess. Your exquisite body was his to worship only! The soft slopes of your breast, the ample curves of your hips that were now on show to the world, or what felt like the world crammed into the tiny venue. What started out as a playful tease quickly became his own personal hell. Hazy headed and caught up in the moment with your inhibitions low, but the repercussions of your actions had become a harrowing punishment you were going to find out. He ripped you down from his shoulders and back on your feet, landing to look him square in the face. His usually soft chocolate brown eyes, swallowed by huge ebony irises, full of anger. The green-eyed monster inside shining through the deep black.
“They can look, but they can’t touch Baby… I’m only yours” you muttered with a kiss to his chapped bitten lips, trying to save yourself from the consequences of your earlier actions. No softness was returned, the same stare locked on your eyes. A sick deprived thought pops into his mind.
“Princess” he growled in your face. Your eyes locked in fear. “You’re right, you are MINE. And you belong to ME. And I think I need to remind you of this. So you’re gonna watch this shitty band you love so much and you’re gonna cum on my fingers while they watch… While they ALL watch” Eddie whispers in your ear, lips and teeth biting the shell. You stand there frozen, unable to move. Slack jawed, eyes wide with fear, your core getting slicker with every word Eddie huffs out. You’d never seen this side of Eddie before, sure he’d gotten moody at a bar if some guy got a little too close for comfort. But a few choice words, mostly consisting ending with a “fuck off” and a swift middle finger in their direction. Then once they’d left he was golden, but this was different. A possessive darkness had overcome him and you couldn’t help but love how it made you feel. Wanted. Owned. HIS.
Eddie’s deft hands turn you back to face the stage, your back pushed flush to his lean chest. Eddie’s left hand holds your chin, forcing your face forward in shame, directly at the object of your desire. His right hand snakes down your chest over your soft stomach, drawing linguine patterns across your goose pimpled skin, before dripping down over your barely clothed soaked cunt. “Actually, bad girls get punished. Maybe I won’t let you cum at all, maybe I’ll edge you till you beg. Beg for MY cock to put you out of your pathetic misery. All whiny…needy. ‘Till you cry those big crocodile tears cause your little cunt aches, ‘cause you know I’m the ONLY one who can make you CUM. Make YOU feel that GOOD. Fucked out and cockdrunk. ALL. FOR. ME. YOUR Daddy”. Heat pools in your sopping cunt, thighs sticky from your sweet nectar, leaking through your tiny thong.
Calloused fingers run agonising circles over your swollen bud through the thin fabric of your thong for what feels like an eternity. Before pushing the flimsy material aside to meet your drenched pussy. Sliding his fingers through your folds a few times spreading your slick from your entrance up to your pulsing clit. Dipping his middle finger in your dripping entrance, he groaned in pleasure at just how wet you were, Your soft gummy walls sucking him in. Stretching your hole he pushed a second finger in and began thrusting them in and out, caressing that special spot only he could reach.
Gasps fell from your open mouth, lost in the crowd of screams and bass filling the venue. Your eyes screwed shut with every pass of Eddie’s nimble fingers surging you towards your ultimate high. Feeling your pussy walls starting to clench and contract as you approached nirvana. Moments from release, Eddie’s touch left you completely. Edging you just he promised.
Your eyes shoot open as you lose your euphoria, eyes landing back on the stage. “Please, Eddie.I wanna cum so bad” you whine.
“I told you, Kitten. Only good girls get to cum. And you’ve been far from good.” Eddie smirked in your ear. Sliding his finger back into your soaked folds, back up to your tingling bundle of nerves. Again feverish chills ran through your body, as Eddie mercilessly rubbed tight circles over your throbbing clit with his thumb and his thick fingers fucked up into your tight hole.
Tears welled in your glassy eyes as the bolts of lightning pleasure shot through you,whimpering trying your hardest to obey. Your hearing started to faze out as your only focus was to hold back your orgasm from overtaking you. Your body started to twitch as the feeling became too much. Your abused cunt spasming around Eddie’s cruel rapid thrusts. Gasping for air, your vision started to white out. Unable to hold back any longer you flung your head back into the crook of Eddie’s shoulder as cum gushed out your pulsating cunt. Incoherent apologies fell from your mouth as your cum ran down your thighs. “Mmmmm… Sssorry, I’m…Mmmm…Sorry, Daddy… Mmmm…couldn’t hold it any longer. It’s too gggooooddd” your moans gasped out. Breathless you panted, fucked out in the middle of the crowd. Your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, standing shamefully in a puddle of your own nectar. Eddie cruelly laughed into your ear.
“Told you weren’t allowed to cum, Kitten. You’ve made such a mess on yourself and Daddy’s fingers'' Eddie teased, the prominent hard bulge digging into your ass and he curled himself around your slight frame. Removing his hand from your mound, he brought them up to your mouth. “SUCK”. It was a simple instruction and you immediately obeyed, not wanting to annoy Eddie further. Eddie pushed his fingers far into your wet mouth, your tongue wrapping around the thick probes. “Mmmm.. thank you Daddy” you whimpered. “Tastes so sweet”. “Yeah, you do Kitten, give Daddy a taste” Your hand instantly slipped downward and into the front of your drenched panties.
Swirling your nibble fingers around your wet folds collecting your slick. Once sufficiently soaked in your juices, you drew them to Eddie's waiting lips. Pushing them through the threshold onto his pierced tongue. Feeling the metal bar under your fingertips, reminding you of the sinful memories of it pressed on your core, causing another shudder down your spine. “Mmmmm Princess, you are especially sweet tonight. Is this ‘cause Daddy’s being mean to his Kitten?” Eddie cooed, licking and sucking the cum from your fingers. You nodded in response, mouth agape with lust, eyes lost in Eddie’s blown out obsidian pupils.
Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled towards the back of the venue, fighting against the waves of people surging towards the stage. Hand gripped tight in his, interlocking fingers forcing you along. Landing at the back corner of the venue, Eddie forcefully pushed you against the wall. “Need you Kitten. NEED you NOW” Eddie growled through gritted teeth. Hiking you up and onto his thighs, your legs naturally wrapped around his waist, ankles locking, your pressed back supported against the rough of the stone wall.
Impatiently he unbuckled his belt, the metal clanking being drowned out by the bass reverting off the walls. Popping the button of his dark jeans and pulling his zipper down, exposing the very angry tent in the front of his charcoal grey boxers. A wet stain of pre-cum teasing what was waiting inside. Looking down where your bodies met, you bit your lip in anticipation as Eddie freeing his throbbing cock from its confines. “Sooo pretty Eddie” your open mouth moaned, biting your lip, almost drooling at the sight. Eddie was BIG. And THICK. At least eight inches of a beautiful pale porcelain pink, ridged with a prominent vein running on the side, the head a deliciously mauve colour. The slit dribbling with precum adorned with a ring through the end. Your favourite piercing of his for sure, his PA. Licking your lips, you reach down between your bodies to grip Eddie’s cock. A harsh slap handed on your hand batting you away from the object of your desires. “No. You don’t get to play. To decide. This is for me, cause you’re MINE. And you need putting in your fucking place. Silly Kitten forgetting who she BELONGS too.”
Pushing your thong to the side Eddie rutted ruthlessly into your tight wet cunt. Giving you no time to adjust. The action stole the breath from your chest. Stunned you took what Eddie gave you. Hard thrusts from his sharp hips into the plush fat of your thighs setting a relentless pace. Every stab with his cock, took more air from your lungs. Your head started to drown in pleasure. Overwhelmed senses, your skin felt on fire, ears ringing from the deep bass, vision blacking out with every pass of Eddie’s hard cock against the spongy spot inside. The metal ring gliding furiously against your g-spot. Quivering in Eddie’s arms, your thoughts consumed by him. Only him. He was the sun to your moon, heaven to your hell, devil to your angel. And you were HIS. Your love is an engulfing black hole. He’d sucked you inside with no escape. And you were perfectly okay with your fate.
Dragging you back into reality, Eddie’s calloused fingers wrapped around your throat, light pressure squeezed at the sides. Your breath hitched in your throat as the blood restricted under Eddie’s fingers. Your eyes closed as you succumbed to the ethereal bliss. Dizzy and lightheaded the fire inside your cunt burned even hotter. White hot sparks fizzing inside. Pushing you ever close to the edge.
Incoherent words between throaty gasps and moans poured from your lips, Eddie’s eyes fixed down where you met as you fell apart above. You buried your head in the crook of Eddie’s neck. Swallowing his the smell- tobacco, leather and spice cologne, an underlying hint of weed mixed with his apple shampoo that lingered in his hair and the most enthralling of all, Eddie’s natural musk, his sweat. You licked a stripe up the column of Eddie’s neck, lost in the subspace you’d fallen into. Eddie groaned in satisfaction. “Yours Eddie. I’m YOURS Eddie” you mumbled back into his solid, thick neck.
“Yeah, that’s right Kitten. You’re mine and you make me feel so good. Do you feel good? Is Daddy making you feel good?” Eddie breathlessly panted back. “Mmmm yes Daddy, feels so good. Daddy always makes me feel so good, always takes care of me.” you moaned back between breaths.
“Always Kitten” Eddie’s gaze softened slightly, his usual loving self crawling back through the darkness that had clouded his mind. That award winning smile creeping back onto his lips. The curtain of Eddie’s hair that shut out the world fell forward as your lips locked in passion. Messy and chaotic, teeth bashing, misjudged lip alignment, tongues battling for dominance. Burying each other's groans and breaths. Your hands clawed at Eddie’s sturdy shoulders and thick neck, begging for contact, gripping tight with a need to be even closer.
The coil in your stomach, still tightening evermore. Fanning the flames that licked your insides, burning hot lighting the fuses of the fireworks held in your core. All the time Eddie’s thrusts never faulted, determined on hunting both of your pleasure. Engulfing passion overcoming your bodies, as the only things that existed in this moment were you two. Ignoring the noise of the crowd, the heat of the venue, and the very compromising position you were in. Gasping for air, Eddie broke your intense kiss. “I’m close Kitten, need you to cum again for me. Need you to soak my cock. Claim what’s YOURS. Show everyone here I’M YOURS and YOU'RE MINE.” Eddie’s words whipped you back to this realm. Your toes curled in your boots, as Eddie’s fingers found your swollen bud once again. “Hmmm Eddie, make me cum, wanna cum again for you Daddy, wanna soak your pretty cock” you nodded back, glassy eyes like pearls. Eddie’s finger worked tirelessly rubbing hard figures of eight on your clit, using your own release to slicken the friction.
Edging you closer and closer to the edge, your heart pounded in your chest, your hearing dulled from the sound thumping inside, as the squelch between you two intensified. “Mmmmm…Gonna…cum Ed’s” you hummed, which was all the warning you could give as you began to plummet into the depths of your orgasm. The flames licked higher inside your stomach, consuming your body and soul. As you cried hot tears spilling out your eyes, down your damp cheeks, knocking your head back onto the wall behind in ecstasy. If it wasn’t for the blinding pleasure consuming you, you would have been concerned of how hard your head hit the wall behind, fearing a concussion. But in this moment only one thing mattered, Eddie Munson.
Cum gushed from your abused cunt, squirting down, soaking Eddie’s strong hairy thighs. The intensity of your orgasm wetting Eddie’s boxers and jeans impatiently sitting on his mid-thigh, ruched up under your ass. Your back arched against the roughness of the wall behind you, scratching the smooth skin, snagging the threads of your shirt. Your hands shot to Eddie’s messy curls, tugging at the root, grounding you once again, as you felt yourself float away in ultimate pleasure.
“Yes, that’s it Kitten” Eddie ecstatically cooed. “Look at you…so precious, making a mess of me. So sloppy, claiming my cock as yours”.
“Mmm…Eddie, All for you. Love you Daddy” you whimpered. Tears still falling from your wet doe eyes.
Eddie’s punching hips started to waver, as he started creeping closer to his own release. Chasing the feeling, his thrust began erratic and harder, sinking deeper into your slippy, warm, wet cunt. After a few more earth shattering thrusts Eddie groaned, “Gonna cum inside Kitten, Breed this pretty pussy. Gonna ruin you for every other man. Fuck your were made for me. Leave you with my cum dripping out this perfect pussy. Fuck a baby in you. Make you mine forever. Would you like that Kitten, make your belly all swollen with my baby. You’ll look so beautiful carrying our baby. My beautiful baby momma, wanna make you my wifey. Start raising the next generation of mini Munson’s. Fuck baby, I love you so much.”
Lost in his own pleasure his inner secret desires flooding out. And with that image cemented in his brain, Eddie came hard. His hot creamy white seed, coating your podgy warm walls. Eddie kept fucking your quivering pussy, with each thrust contracting, milking his cock until it became too sensitive for Eddie to stand. Pulling his softening cock out of your abused hole, his cum dribbling out as he’d described.
Eddie lowered you to your feet, pushing your panties back over your dipping pussy, trapping his cum inside, pooling in the small cotton gusset. “Gonna keep that inside for me Kitten, if you’re good maybe I’ll fuck another load inside you when we get home.” Standing you on shaking legs, he supported you until you could confidently stand yourself. Stuffing himself back inside his drench boxers and fastening his uncomfortably damp jeans. “Jesus Christ Kitten, what was that flood? Like a fucking tsunami on my jeans” he chuckled, eyes meeting yours. Your cheeks blushed with embarrassment.
“Sorry Ed’s” you squeaked face heated with humiliation. “I didn’t mean to make such a mess… I don’t know what… how… it happened”. Your timid voice squeaked, embarrassed for the soaked wet mess staining Eddie’s dark jean clad thighs.
“T’is okay Kitten, it’s more than okay! That was fucking hot!.. You’re so fucking hot sweetheart!.. I love you so much, Kitten” Eddie gushed,punctuated with hasty kisses. You both still pressed to the safe haven of the wall. “I love you too Eddie, sorry I made you angry” your voice dropping quieter on every word, shame filling your flushed face, tears welling in your eyes at the thought of Eddie’s anger earlier directed at you. As much as it excited you, it also terrified you.
“Hey, hey Kitten” Eddie’s hands grasped your cheeks. Large palms swallowing the sides of your face. “No, I’m sorry. I should of never done that to you. I just got so consumed by the thoughts of all these people seeing you, but I know it’s your body and your choice what you do with it. I’m just so glad it’s me you decide to share it with. I guess this shit music, kinda made me feral too. I think get why you’re always trying to blast it out in the van!” A wicked smile creeping over Eddie’s lips. “How about I grab us some beers and we finish watching the gig. They’ve still gotta play “Love you to death” and I know you know the subtext behind that song, then after I guess we can act that out back home…that is if you can stand?” A quirked eyebrow and another giggle rippled through his chest, a soft kiss landing in your lips.
“Make it two beers each and you’ve got yourself a deal, Munson” you counted. “But remember, they can look but they can’t touch, baby. That’s only for you Daddy, I’m yours and your mine. Don’t ever forget it”. Your finger bopped his nose playfully, lips meeting again.
Spinning on his heels, Eddie practically ran to the bar, wallet in hand, leaving you smiling to yourself. The memory of your beautiful goofball boyfriend, his devilishly handsome face, he was your everything. Him making his pussy drunk confession of his inner desires to make you his forever. This was definitely a gig you’d never forget, and for all the right reasons.
Eddie returned to you moments later, beers in hand as promised. “Come on Kitten, let’s get you back to the front, before I fuck you raw against that wall again. ‘Cause I don’t know if these jeans or your panties can take another soaking like that. God you’re so beautiful, I never want to be apart from you. My Druidess, you’ve definitely cast me under your wicked spell… not that I’m complaining. I’ll serve you for as long as you'll have me, Sweetheart”. Eddie's eyes boring into yours full of want and adoration, a love in which you thrived in.
“You better be joking Kitten, I told you I wanted you to keep my cum inside, that’s gonna be pretty hard to do then when it’s dripping down your legs. And I don’t think you want to disobey me again…so I’d say if those panties are being thrown anywhere tonight, it better be over my rear view mirror with the last pair, from when you bratted out and tried to defy me… I may be under your spell, Princess, but I’m still your Daddy. And what Daddy says goes, or have you forgotten that and need reminding again?” Eddie’s warning whispered in your ear, his hot breath pricking up the tiny hairs on your neck, his hand now clamped back between your legs over your barely clothed, soaked, raw cunt. Your spine jolted you back upright, shook.
“No Daddy” was your only response.
“Good girl”
@bexreadstoomuch @thecomfortgoth @emotionaldreamer @broccolisoupy @elvendria @capricornrisingsstuff @foxxymunson
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
hi! will you write an eric x reader where reader pines over eric (but in style) and eric feels incredibly drawn to her so when she is dancing and flirting with someone in the club, eric loses it and gets all protective and claims her as his or something smutty/fluffy/protective/jealousy shit like that
Yesssssss ERIC NORTHMAN BABY!! Changed it to add backstory etc :)
Y/n had spent months pining over Eric as he sat upon the throne and demanded her attention, Sookie had introduced them and he'd offered a job at his bar apparently to keep an eye on Sookie through Y/n but he very rarely asked about Sookie. Y/n had accepted the job offer after she'd been let go from her retail job weirdly after she'd declined his first offer but she hadn't given it much thought and accepted Eric's. Y/n sighed as she saw him curl his finger at her, throwing down the rag and approaching the throne, making her way as Vampires and Human's parted for her since this was the third time he'd called her since opening two hours ago. As she walked up she couldn't help how her heart beat faster and the blood rose to her cheeks, she always loved looking at him on the throne. She had thought he was an arrogant prick to begin with and then she'd slowly started to see the appeal until now she took every opportunity to flirt and tease him, he didn't often reciprocate but now she was just annoyed at how much he needed her attention tonight since Ginger was a useless bar tender and the place was packed. Standing in front of him Y/n placed a hand on her hip and raised her eyebrow as he looked her up and down with a smirk. "Look you and i both know you are a hot ass man Eric but you can't keep dragging me up here, what do you want?" Eric smirked as he widened his legs slightly, Y/n's eyes moving to look as she took in a small breath and darted her eyes back to his face, crossing her arms as she waited.
"I need a drink. Come sit." Y/n rolled her eyes, Eric did this a lot, asking her over to see if she'd let him feed off her, when she first had developed her crush she'd almost jumped for joy and done it but that only lasted two nights before she lost interest and tips because of it. it was appealing to sit on his lap, his arm around her and let him feed off her for only a minute but then he wouldn't let her go and she'd spend the whole night in his lap. She had thought this was because he liked her, he didn't do it to anyone else but when she'd told Sookie she'd almost gotten slapped for being stupid so she hadn't done it since.
"Mhm, what type do you want? I can bring you a true blood and that can sit in your lap." Eric hid his scowl easily, when she'd first been hired she'd been like a new puppy happy to do anything he asked and followed him with her eyes, now she hid her affection much better. He's offered her the job after he felt an odd pull to her and having her in the same place most nights and knowing what she was doing made him feel much more in control compared to in the days at her old job when he'd wake up and feel a need go drag her to him.
"O Neg." Eric replied, watching Y/n as she left, a fangtasia top and black ripped jeans covering her body from him, she had always opposed the uniform and said she just wanted a t shirt and jeans if she was going to be working from dusk to dawn. He'd only let her after she shrugged and said she'd quit, after a month he'd even bought her some corsets and tiny shorts with a smirk and demanded she wear it, it had been a good week until another Vampire tried to touch her and Eric had almost ripped him apart. Y/n hadn't seen it, only felt uncomfortable and when she'd turned to make a drink Eric had thrown the Vampire out his club. Y/n sighed and made her way through the crowd, she hated how much she wanted to crawl into his lap and enjoy the shift with him whispering her ear about each human and listen to him talk for hours. Y/n heated up the O neg, making a few more drinks as she kept looking back to Eric who was glaring at a man at the end of the bar, Y/n hearing the microwave ding, placing her drink in front of the man Eric was glaring at. As she went to move away the man grabbed her hand, Y/n's eyes widening as she looked at him, the man smiling as he turned her hand over and pressed a $100 bill into her hand.
"Thank you beautiful, have a good night." Y/n put on a polite smile and mumbled a thanks to him before pulling her hand away, tucking the bill into her jeans and grabbed Eric's drink. Drunk men always seemed to think if they tip they can touch, placing the drink on a tray Y/n made her way to Eric, his eyes still on the man as she moved round to place the drink on his side table, her head next to his. Eric turning his head and grabbing her wrist as she placed down the drink, Y/n looking up at him, faces too close for her heart to handle.
"Do not let customers touch you again." Y/n scowled as she looked towards the Bar where Ginger had a man holding her boobs and taking a shot from between them, looking back at Eric with her eyebrow raised. Putting on a smirk Y/n placed both hands on the side of the throne and leaned forward until their lips were almost centimetres away, biting her lip as she gave him an innocent look.
"Is someone jealous? It's okay you're still my favourite." Eric gave her a small glare as she leaned back with a mischievous grin, grabbing her tray and placing it under her arm as she looked at him, his hand tensing on the throne as he looked away. Y/n shrugging as she walked away, running a hand through her hair as she bent behind the bar placing the tray away then placed her hands on the bar as she waited for more orders. Eric's eyes on her each time she interacted with others, human's all looking her up and down before looking at Ginger in her leather bra and underwear confused. Y/n slamming her hand down with a toothy grin, tilting her head as she waited for the order, the human's always clearing their throat before ordering. Pam placed her hand on the back of the throne as she followed Eric's line of sight, Y/n shaking a cocktail as she poured a beer, looking between the customers as she placed the beer and took the tip, the cocktail finished shaking as she poured it and added a little umbrella.
"Can you just fuck her already and be done with this? You know she wants you." Eric hummed as he waved his hand, Pam rolling her eyes as she left, snapping at a human as they tried to get near her. As the club began to fill more, more desperate humans entered and Eric became increasingly more annoyed as Y/n's pockets filled with tips and both human's and vampires hung around the bar. This was a daily occurrence when she worked, he would never watch the bar when she wasn't there but when she was it felt like the bar was always busy, always filled with pathetic humans wanting to fuck the bartenders. Y/n rolled her eyes as she placed a beer in front of the same man for the fifth time in 30 minutes, Ginger had swapped with Mike who only came to work to pick up drunk girls who wanted to sleep with a vampire and instead left with Mike because he was wearing black eyeliner. Mike grinned at Y/n as he leant against the bar, Y/n rolling her eyes as she smiled at a woman and handed her a beer.
"So Y/n, when are me and you going to finally get rid of this tension?" Y/n ignored him as she grabbed a true blood out the microwave and placed it on a tray, and walked away from the bar towards Eric. Mike scowling as she walked away, Eric smirking as he watched her approach and place the true blood down, collected his old one but not walking away as she looked towards Mike.
"Need some company?" Y/n leaned against the throne, Eric smirking as he looked at her.
"I am thirsty." Y/n rolled her eyes, pushing off the throne and crossing her arms.
"I know i'm irresistible but i'm less of a snack girl and more of a long term commitment girl, so maybe change the approach and you'll get somewhere one day." Eric chuckled as he watched Y/n walk away, watching Mike smirk as she approached making Eric glare as the human flirted with Y/n. Y/n brushing him off as she kept serving customers, Eric looking away as a human approached him on their knees begging for his attention. Y/n watching Eric as the man crawled towards him, reaching his foot to place a kiss before Eric kicked him across the room, Y/n wincing as the man hit the side of the bar and dropped to the floor. Blood dripping from his head before a pretty vampire came up to him, her smile full of fangs as she guided him into the toilets for probably mediocre sex and lots of feeding, Y/n looked back at Eric lost in her thoughts until he met her eyes and she rushed to look away with a blush.
Y/n wiped down the bar as Mike filed out the drunk and lonely customers, picking up a few girls as he hurried them to the exit, Y/n rolling her eyes as he sent her a wink leaving her to do the cleaning up and left the club. Sighing she kept wiping everything down and placing cups away, everyone gone as she put on gloves and walked around picking up anything off the floors of value to put in the lost and found behind the bar. Cleaners would be in soon to deep clean and remove any blood or other bodily fluids Y/n would rather never have to touch, dropping cards, wallets and ID's into the box she shoved it under the bar and pushed her hair out her face. 5am, an hour until the sun would come up, Y/n did her last checks before popping her head into Eric's office as he sat typing away on his phone. Lifting his head and nodding at the chair as Y/n closed the door behind her and dropped into the chair.
"I need you to come in at 9 tonight, Ginger was almost drained so can't open." Y/n brought one leg up to hold as she sucked in a breath worried as she scratched the back of her head.
"I can't make it in for 9, i have plans at 8:30 and won't be available until probably 10." Eric's eyes snapped up as he put down his phone and leaned forward, he knew her schedule, knew when she met up with friends and everything he could know outside of work. She didn't have any plans.
"Cancel them." Y/n tapped her fingers on her leg as she looked down, trying to think of anything other than the truth.
"I can't." Eric leaned back, an unimpressed look on his face as he stared at Y/n.
"Why not?" Y/n let out an annoyed breath as she looked at Eric, fiddling with her nails as she once again dropped her eyes.
"I have a date, i can't cancel on him again." Eric's eyes darkened, his mind focusing 'again', so this hadn't been a spur of the moment date, this was planned. "Too bad. I need you...here." Y/n bit her lip as she shook her head and stood, not wanting to anger Eric as he had a habit of flying off the handle and breaking things which she'd then have to clean up.
"Sorry Eric, i'll try to be in for 10 since i'm not scheduled until 12 to help." Eric wanted to push her against the wall and make her cancel the date, delete his number and forget her existed instead he let her leave as he crushed his phone once the door closed. Pam entering a few moments later with a smirk as she looked at the crushed phone in his hand.
"Plot twist." Pam said as she laughed and pulled a phone out his desk drawer, handing it to Eric as he glared at the door.
Eric woke up angry, the sun barely gone as he stood in the club, the clock just turning 9:30 as he looked around, Y/n had 30 minutes to arrive before he found her and dragged her back. Y/n arrived a few minutes before 10, in a short black dress, heels in her hand as she closed the door. Eric's arms crossed as he watched her pull on her trainers and tie up her hair, pulling a bag from her back as she looked through it and scowled before sighing and chucking it behind the bar. Eric sat on his throne, very few people inside the club except for drunks and barely of age girls who thought it was edgy to come to Fangtasia on their birthday, Y/n grabbed an apron tying it around her waist, the dress low cut and reaching mid thigh as she smiled and began taking orders. The girls all ordering the vampire inspired cocktails and sitting next Eric as they gossiped about him, his eyes only on Y/n as she handed out beers, her lips stained red and eyes glittery as she looked towards him. An hour into her a shift a man in a button down shirt came in, Eric seeing the slight red stain on his lips as he held a small black bag and a wide smile as he walked towards the bar, Y/n's eyes widening as she saw him. Rushing out from the bar, telling Ginger she'd be a moment before grabbing his arm and pushing him into a corner as she looked around.
"What the hell are you doing here?" The man chuckled and held up her bag making Y/n go red as she grabbed it mumbling out an apology, the man pushing a strand of hair behind her ear with a smile whilst Y/n tried not to cringe. She'd only accepted a date with him because Sookie kept badgering her, she'd tried to give him a kiss goodnight on his cheek but he'd turned his head at the last moment and tried to make out with her.
"Thanks but you could have left it with Sookie you didn't need to bring it in." The man gave her a charming smile as he moved to kiss her, Y/n's widening before she squeaked out feeling the air change around her as well as a firm chest on her back and large hand on her waist.
"Who is this Y/n?" Y/n wanted to shrivel up and die as she looked at Eric, his eyes only on the man as he stared down at him.
"James." Y/n responded, James smirking at Eric, Eric still glaring at him as he tried not to sneer, tightening his hand on Y/n's waist as she felt her face heat up.
"You must be the boss who made her come in early and cut our date short." Y/n looked at James like she wanted to punch him, pleading with the gods to not have a fight between Eric and James because James can't keep his damn mouth shut. As Y/n thought she let her eyes move to his lips where he had a slight red stain making her eyes widen and panic set in as she pulled Eric's hand off her waist and moved out from between them with a awkward smile. Looking around for help as she spotted Pam who only smirked and took a drink from her glass, watching the scene unfold.
"Well James it was lovely seeing you again but i have to get back to work, not getting paid to sit around so. Bye, have a nice drive." Y/n tried to pull James away but he was still smirking at Eric, before bringing his thumb to his lip and wiping away the red turning to Y/n.
"Oops, looks like your lipstick stained babe." Y/n clenched her fist as she pushed him towards the exit, James going for another kiss but Y/n quickly turned her cheek and said goodbye. Mumbling curse words under her breath as she walked back towards the bar, Eric standing in her way as she let out a sigh and looked up at him.
"Can i just get back to work and you can deduct the time wasted from my pay cheque please? I should have just come in at 9 and saved myself the damn hassle." Y/n mumbled the last part to herself and moved to pass Eric when he grabbed her and pulled her into the office, Y/n's eyes wide as she panicked. The door closing behind them as he pushed her towards the desk, Y/n stumbling and turning as she began to babble.
"I'm sorry, i made him drop me two streets away and i didn't realise i'd left my purse, trust me i did not want him com-" Y/n let out a squeak as Eric pushed her against the desk kissing her, his hands on her waist as he hoisted her up and stood between her legs, Y/n barely able to catch her breath as he pulled back and nipped at her neck. His hands moving to her thighs as he pushed up her dress and greedily grabbed at the exposed skin.
"You are mine." Y/n whined as he dragged her thighs closer, her hands on his arms as she leaned her head back feeling his teeth scrape along her pulse. "Say it." Eric pulled back to grasp at her chin, Y/n nodding as he moved to graze his lips on hers, his eyes demanding her to speak as she tried to make her brain work.
"I'm yours, fuck Eric, i'm yours now please kiss me." Eric smirked as he kissed her, wanting to remove any part of that man from her, caressing her cheek as he held her tightly to him. Y/n grabbing at his arms as she pulled him closer, submitting to him as she opened her mouth and moaned into the kiss. Eric parting from her and stepping back, Y/n's eyes blown and lips smudged as she pulled down her dress and bit her lip. Eric smirking as he wiped his lips feeling the stain of the lipstick, leaning down to pull her chin and place another kiss on her lips as Y/n melted into him.
"If he tries to talk to you, touch you or looks at you again i will rip his arm off and beat him to death with it." Y/n gulped as she nodded, still in a dazed state after the kiss, Eric taking the chance to kiss her again before pulling her off the desk.
"Now get back to work." Y/n nodded again afraid of her own voice, receiving a light hit to her butt as she walked past, a squeak coming from her as she hurried to bar wiping at her lips as she quickly began serving drinks. Eric sitting on his throne with a smirk, lips tinted red as he watched her, waiting until it got busy to curl his finger as Y/n hurried through the crowd. Her eyes wide as he held out his hand, Y/n's eyes furrowing as she took it before being pulled into his lap, her body quickly manipulated to sit across his legs, his hand on her thigh as he ran it up and down with a smirk.
"Much better." Eric pulled Y/n into a kiss, undoing her apron and throwing it into the crowd before relaxing back and smirking to himself as Y/n tried to climate to her new situation.
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alohajun · 1 year
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treasure x gn!reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationships, idol au, fluff, use of pet names, mild cursing | request — hi so i really like your blog's i'm wondering if i could request so if i could my request is treasure reaction when their idol s/o is shivering at an award show take your time
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💎 as soon as he saw you rubbing your arms and the goosebumps on your skin, he’d frown, kinda sad you couldn’t even properly enjoy an award show because of your outfit
💎 so he’d do whatever was possible to keep you warm
💎 the decision was simple, really
💎 his beloved was cold and he was going to give you his coat
💎 oh, he didn’t have a coat? you best bet he will make another member take theirs off and offer it to you
💎 he gave zero fucks if this would become the headliner the next day
💎 because honestly who tf in their right mind would make you wear such flimsy clothing in negative degree weather
💎 there would definitely be clips on the internet of him shoving his hot-packs into your hands because you kept refusing to take them
💎 “oh to be him or to be y/n, that is the question” exhibit a of the tweets of that night
💎 would even go the extra mile and inform the award show staff about your group’s members, if everyone of y’all are feeling cold
💎 will make sure you guys get enough blankets and hot-packs to keep yourself warm until the end of the show
💎 “just take the damn jacket, y/n. i don’t want you to get sick.”
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💎 oh, your timbers are being shivered at an award show and you don’t know what to do except rub your arms to keep warm?
💎 well, don’t fear because your boyfriend is here
💎 xdjgsd jokes on you truly if you thought he went anywhere without a jacket on him
💎 he’s the type to wear some long-sleeved outerwear even when people are sweating buckets because he knows you get cold easily
💎 so this time was absolutely no different
💎 as soon as he saw you a few seats away, shuddering from the cold of the stadium, he would get down to work
💎 either he was already wearing an extra jacket or would have been carrying one around, waiting for this exact moment because he knew it would happen sooner or later
💎 he’d call for a staff member and hand them the jacket along with some extra hotpacks, telling them to give it to you
💎 as soon as the staff member came towards you with the items, you didn’t even need to ask to know who it was from—there was only one person who knew you this well
💎 you’d look around for your boyfriend, sending him a smile from afar until you could thank him properly when you next saw him
💎 “i will never know why you don’t wear long-sleeves when you get so cold easily. you are lucky i know you, love.”
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💎 i don’t think they’d proper notice if you are shivering because they are just tryna have a good time at the award show
💎 and if anything, yk that treasure have a good time at award shows
💎 but when you are able to just shoot him a text about freezing to death or you end up meeting him on the way to the bathroom, he’d definitely be concerned
💎 a lot of “are you okays” and “are you sures”
💎 doesn’t exactly know what he can do to help you, so he’d probably turn to his leaders for some idea
💎 listening to their suggestions, he’ll ask a staff member to provide you with some blankets and a hotpack — and will continue to check in with you for the night
💎 if he sees that you and your group are all sitting right under the aircon, he’ll ask his members if they are alright with exchanging seats with you guys before letting you know
💎 and if you end up exchanging seats, he'll be in full smiles for the entire night
💎 because you'd be sending him little "thank you" messages constantly, and it'd make him super content
💎 whenever he turned to look at y'all and see you guys fully enjoying the night, he'd feel accomplished, glad everyone is having a good time
💎 "i'm always down to help you out, okay, babes? just let me know and i will do whatever i can."
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taglist — @kflixnet @xiaosimp3 @nanalovesyouuu @twntycm @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @mui890mew @yogurteume @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @teuranghae (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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hneedlz · 10 months
saw x amanda young x fem reader smut?
Saw X! amanda young x fem! Reader smut/oneshot?? Idk
Warnings; vibrators, amanda is extra mean. Gayness!
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A/n; wrote this while listening to type o negative. Yumm.
You had snitched on amanda and the whole operation. You and Amanda had been friends for long, and whenever she told you, a undercover police officer, that she has been one of jigsaws apprentices. You went and snitched.
On your way back to your car, you felt something going into your neck, then.....
you woke up.
It was dark, you could barely tell where u were. But you noticed that it was the meat packing plant from before. Where you and Amanda hangout at all the time. You were tied to a chair, in a lewd way. You noticed your panties and pants were taken off.
Making you blush, knowing that your now exposed. And you were wet. You hear footsteps that sounded familiar, it was Amanda. Now wearing a tank top,, and her famous cargo pants with the black boots you bought her as a Christmas present. "I want to play a game......" She came up behind you and whispered in your ear. Without finishing herself she walked around and began to pull a vibrstor wand out of the duffelbag she had. "Since you want to snitch on me. And won't tell me what you said. I'll force it outta you." She said as she turned the vibrator on full .
You tried squirming out of the rope, but you couldn't. And whenever amanda put the vibrator on your clit. You cried out. Loud. Earning a slap on the face. "Shut up you filthy whore. John will wake up!"
Your hips raised up and down trying to fight off the vibrator. Until you gave up and you just let the pleasure roll over you. "FUUUUUCKKK!!!" You threw your head back moaning.
You noticed how whenever you didn't Amanda licked her lips. She leaned forward and kissed you. Making sure that you didn't pull away first. "I NEEDA CUM!!" You cried whenever the kiss broke away. "I'll let you... only if! You tell me what you said to the cops about me... don't play dumb I know you said something."
"I FUCKING SAID YOU ARE JIGSAW!! THATS IT!!" You yelled at her, tears hurting down your cheeks. "Cum. Y/n."
Your hips lifted as you came, moaning loudly as you did so. "We aren't done yet."
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/744091634492440576/has-xir@n-j@y-zh@o-always-been-unhinged-or-is-this#notes (I censored the a in the name with a @ in case you wanna use the link, you will have to replace it with an A again.)
Kinda wild how people assume that "unhinged" must be about the call outs, and that OP, or ONTF is negative towards them. I mean, I was here, and I think everyone on here was actually pretty positive about them, besides some people asking if the victims were fine with it which I count as a neutral approach. Aka: Good that it got exposed, hope the victims didn't receive extra backlash for it tho. The other exposed was also pretty positive, when it came to the Hugos.
Idk about OP, but from my online experience "unhinged" doesn't always mean "ur opinion is wrong" or even that they're doing something bad, it can also easily mean "Too intense for me. Not something I can handle." Meaning its about the intensity of the posts, and how they're presented. The twitter/x/xitter is linked directly from their authors site and some other sites featuring them, and is also pretty high up on the search results when you look for the author, and their books, a YA and middle grade book. If you go to someone's socmed expecting a focus on their works/books, and maybe some (less graphic) political posts, but are immediately confronted with very graphic pics of dead babies, corpses, and gore on their socmed. Yeah, ngl it can feel a bit "unhinged" aka too intense, when you're unprepared and see a dead people. Regardless of your own opinions, it can be a bit much for anyone when all they expected were, as I mentioned, posts about books and less graphic posts. Especially since both their works are seemingly aimed at and more popular with a younger crowd: YA and middle grade.
It's not wild. It's standard fanpoodle-defending-idol deflection.
Equally funny is people going "Why are you linking to a smaller account?" when that should be expected from a certain type of approach to social media. Nobody should be surprised.
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melodymunson · 1 year
About me & Stranger Things & Joe Keery characters masterlist
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About me
Cody Fern characters/AHS masterlist
My profiles/socials
Fanfiction net profile
My newest side blog/nsfw blog: @xsexmetal-barbiex
Fic rec/fic reblog Stranger Things ask/rp blog @stranger-things-mania
My daddy Eddie @rockstar-daddy-eddiemunson
All fics contain NSFW. 18+ only. All fics are oneshots except for the rockstar Eddie x fem!reader series & cheerleader fem!reader x Eddie. Only writing reader (Y/N) x character and character x character now. Open for requests. I write for Eddie, Steve, Robin, and other Joe Keery characters.
Walter Keys Mckey x fem reader
Robin Buckley x fem reader x Eddie oneshot
Steddie x fem reader blurb 
Baron Lamram x fem!reader
Eddie x fem!reader x fem!groupie
Stobin blurb
Tom Grant Makeup x fem reader blurb
tumblr fics
newest fic older rockstar Steddie x fem reader head canons
older Billy Hargrove x younger fem!reader with fem!burlesque dancer OC 
Adult star Steve Harrington x fem reader x oc oneshot
Steddie x fem reader x oc oneshot
chapter 1 of older rockstar Eddie x younger fem reader series (full series 21 chapters on ao3)
Goth cheerleader fem!reader x Eddie Munson chapter 1 of 2
Goth cheerleader fem!reader x Eddie part 2 of 2
Fem reader x Steddie Halloween
Gator Tillman x fem reader Fargo head canons 
Kurt Kunkle x fem reader oneshot
Steddie x fem!reader oneshot need u tonight
Platonic Stobin x fem reader oneshot
Eddie Munson x fem!reader x Chrissy Cunningham oneshot
Eddie Munson x Reader x Corroded Coffin groupie
Steddie x fem reader flesh for fantasy
Steddie x fem reader valentines head canons
Rockstar Eddie Munson x fem reader head canons
Other works and ao3 versions of fics
Steddie x reader blurb
Steddie x fem reader x oc oneshot
Baron Lamram x fem!reader
Tom Grant x fem reader blurb
Rockstar Eddie x groupie x reader ao3
flesh for fantasy Steddie x fem reader ao3
Steddie valentines ao3
Rockstar Eddie head canons ao3
Steve Harrington x fem reader x Eddie Munson need you tonight
Steve and Eddie are your roommates. They hear you one night talking in your sleep and saying/moaning their names. They come to see if you are alright and find you touching yourself.
Gator Tillman x fem reader head canons I belong to you
Just head canons for Gator x fem reader and their life together
Kurt Kunkle x fem reader rock you like a hurricane oneshot
As Kurt's #1 fan, you go out of your way to meet him and drive Spree with him. You go on to commit violent acts together and depravity. You show virgin Kurt the time of his life and he has all of his sexual firsts with you.
Steve x Eddie x reader Christmas
Steve Harrington, Eddie and you spend an amazing night at Steves's place after a Christmas party and make it an early Christmas to remember forever.
Cheerleader reader x Eddie Munson
3-part series slow burn strangers-friends-lovers. You were dating the hottest jock in school until one day you meet Eddie and your life changed forever.
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham x fem!reader love my apocalyptic
You were former friends with Chrissy Cunningham. One day she showed up to visit the trailer park to buy some Ketamine from your boyfriend Eddie who you live with. What started as a rocky evening led to a night the 3 of you could ever forget.
Platonic Steve Harrington x Robin Buckley & fem!reader
The reader works with Steve and Robin in the Family Video and already has an established relationship with Steve. When Robin finds out she likes girls and that they have unrequited feelings for each other, they plan a date night at Steve and readers' condo.
Older rockstar Eddie Munson x younger fem!reader (series completed 21 chapters).
Series summary: Corroded Coffin have a reunion tour with none other than doom/gothic metal legends Type O' Negative. Reader recently finished college with a bachelor's degree in the music business. After being interviewed by none other than Eddie Munson himself, you get the job as their touring band manager. What starts as a business relationship grows into friendship and eventually an epic romance. Steve Harrington is CC's bodyguard. Eventual Steddie x fem! reader. Multi-series. Eventual smut.
Older Billy Hargrove x fem reader x oc burlesque dancer oneshot
Going to a burlesque show with your boyfriend Billy leads to you meeting one of the dancers and having the best night of your life.
Adult star Steve Harrington x fem reader x fem oc
You and your college roommate and friend need to make ends meet and decide to start working for a phone sex hotline. Steve is your client and you eventually make adult films together
Older Steddie rockstar x younger peep show reader headcanons
Headcanons rockstar older Steddie x younger goth/punk reader. Reader is close to mid-20s and Steve/Eddie is middle-aged in their young 40s. Includes how reader met them through first being a peep show performer.
Pics/selfies/Stranger things related:
Selfies 1
Eddie merch
More recent selfies
More me
More Eddie merch
My Steve twin/Steve lover and besties: @corneliuswatkins 😊 @keeryatmosphere
My fellow AHS & Michael Langdon lover Miss Dani: @americanhorrorstcry
The Steve to my Robin @koskeepsake😎
One of my besties @londonfog-chan
Chrissy/My Eddie twin and fellow Billy Lover: @chrissymjstan 😊
Some of my other lovely moots:
@headovaheelsinlove @eddiemunsonfuxks @aleisashortcake @londonfog-chan @edsbug @haceleyes @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @ofhawkinsandvecna @stevesxyellowxsweater @mrprettywhenhecries @bimbobaggins69 @unholy-church01 @rowanswriting @steveslittlesunflower @emsgoodthinkin @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @haceleyes @ali-r3n @jadeylovesmarvelxo @somethingvicked @tea-party-at-wonderland
An awesome Eddie fan blog @lovemesomeeddiemunson
My Munson Twins @the-munson-twins
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schiltron · 4 months
Tagged by: @octopus-fem, @inconspicuousblogname, @0utrenoir
Letters of my username and song title thing
{(be my angel, mazzy star), (i troldskog faren vild, ulver), (galvanize, the chemical brothers), (becoming insane, infected mushroom), (aerials, system of a down), (no scrubs: tlc), (generation of love, masterboy), (the bondage song, london after midnight), (hades, bathory), (ecstasy (apple of my eye), strawberry switchblade), (ogmios, eluveitie), (receive you, sega sound team), (you gave your love to me softly, weezer), (heaven or las vegas, cocteau twins), (underneath the stars, the cure), (girl afraid, the smiths), (engel, rammstein), (science fiction/double feature, richard o'brien), (thirteen autumns and a widow, cradle of flith), (butterfly, crazy town), (in praise of bacchus, type o negative), (gomenasai, t.a.t.u), (government hooker, lady gaga), (everytime we touch, cascada), (stray bullet, kmfdm), (true mathematics, ladytron), (flesh, kmfdm), (all i wanna do, the beach boys), (nobody's home, avril lavigne)}
Alphabetised categorised list below:
Alphabetised username:
a a b b b e e e f g g g g g h h i i n n o r s s t t t u y
a x 2
All I Wanna Do: The Beach Boys; Aerials: System Of A Down;
b x 3
Becoming Insane: Infected Mushroom; Butterfly: Crazy Town; Be My Angel: Mazzy Star;
e x 3
Everytime We Touch: Cascada; Ecstasy (Apple of My Eye): Strawberry Switchblade; Engel: Rammstein;
f x 1
Flesh: KMFDM;
g x 5
Girl Afraid: The Smiths; Goverment Hooker: Lady Gaga; Generation of love: Masterboy; Galvanize: The Chemical Brothers; Gomenasai: t.A.T.u;
h x 2
Heaven or Las Vegas: Cocteau Twins; Hades: Bathory;
i x 2
I Troldskog Faren Vild: Ulver; In Praise of Bacchus: Type O Negative;
n x 2
No Scrubs: TLC; Nobody's Home: Avril Lavigne;
o x 1
Ogmios: Eluveitie;
r x 1
Recieve You: SEGA Sound Team;
s x 2
Stray Bullet: KMFDM; Science Fiction/Double Feature: Richard O'Brien;
t x 3
True Mathematics: Ladytron; Thirteen Autumns and a Widow: Cradle Of Filth; The Bondage Song: London After Midnight;
u x 1
Underneath The Stars: The Cure;
y x 1
You Gave Your Love To Me Softly: Weezer;
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d00dlebug4 · 11 months
Ray of Sunshine Not So Strong (Sundrop x Reader)
(Angst and Comfort)
Y/n was a type of person who always had a smile on her face. She would always laugh, smile, joke, and was always optimistic in life. Even during negative occurrences, she was never put down.
Sun had always admired that type of positivity. The kids loved playing with her and she was a great influence in their early childhood growth. The Daycare needed people like her. Everybody loved her. Employees seemed to respect her. Parents adored her. Even Sundrop had adored her. Let's just say he considered his Y/n to be his 'Ray of Sunshine'.
But today, however, Sundrop's Ray of Sunshine wasn't so bright. Low energy, forced smile, fake humor. She seemed, dare he think, depressed. Through the day, Sun kept an eye on her st a distance, waiting the right time to approach and make sure she was ok.
But the time was never right.
While playing with the kids, he heard some raised and hostile voices. Looking over to see what was going on, his mechanical heart stopped, and his vision focused on Y/n's face. Her eyes glassy, cheeks stained with fresh tears, lips trembling. Her anxiety levels were in the red, and her heartbeat has increased to the state where she should be hyperventilating.
Y/n has always been happy, always been a delight. She always looked into positives. So seeing her in this state just made something click into Sun.
Y/n was being yelled at by an ugly human being. Unfortunately, he bullied and abused her when she was a child, and he was at the PizzaPlex to celebrate his little daughter's birthday. But seeing how she worked here, he obviously had to make her life miserable, and degrade her self worth. Y/n was trying everything to keep it together but failed, past traumas resurfacing and making her feel like a small 10 year old child all over again. She couldn't even mutter a single word to him. Even if she could, how? What if she lost her job by turning him away and him complaining to her superiors, lying through his teeth just to get his way.
"-on't get anywhere in life. I'm surprised you're still a live." The man downgraded Y/n more. But then a shadow hovered behind Y/n, and a metal arm pulled the young woman against his body, his hand in her hair and pressing her face against his comfort.
"Excuse me. But you are at the Daycare. Kindly take your nasty language up your buttocks and leave. The children don't need your NeGaTiViTe influence around." Sun's blue eyes glowed, his smile forced and threatening in his own way.
The man grimaced and scowled. But then smirked. "Your life got so sad, your friend is a scrap of children entertainment metal?"
Sun felt Moon began to growl inside, and knew he would try to scratch his way out. The Daycare Attendant had set Y/n to the side, his finger beans gentle on her form, before turning to the man. "Safety Protocol Actived. Removing dangerous man from premises." He grabbed the man's arms and lifted him up, leading her to the entrance of the DayCare.
"Hey! This is assault! Put me down! I will call the police!" The man wiggled and tried to get away, but was powerless against Sun, who now had a grimace. Once outside the Daycare, Sun rose his voice. "Security Alert! Dangerous man within Premises! Security Alert!"
While Sun was dealing with Y/n step father, she was trying to fix her composure. Another employee finally came to the scene, brows furrowed. "Hey. Are you.. o..k?" The employee saw Y/n's state, and knew she wasn't. "Go take a break. Come back when you're ready."
Y/n nodded, but then was lifted up by Sundrop, his face nuzzling Y/n's wet cheek. Without a word, he headed straight to his room, climbing and jumping effortlessly. Once in his room, he sat her on his bed. "Are you ok?" His voice was so sad, his mechanical facial features looking so worried.
Feeling her heart clench, Y/n hugged Sun, and began to cry loudly, letting all her feelings out. Sun was stunned, but held his little Ray of Sunshine to his body, running his fingers through her hair. He realized she was a fragile being who must be protected. She puts up her positive attitude because she was raised in abuse and neglect. He will make sure that Y/n will never feel that way again. He never agrees with Moon's tactics.. But he swears. If he sees that man WITHIN the Pizzaplex... An accident could very well perhaps happen.
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