#ty lee is obviously is girly
bluespiritshonour · 6 months
Broke: Mai is masculine, Ty Lee is feminine
Woke: Mai is dark feminine and Ty Lee is light feminine
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kiki-strike · 1 year
some things i noticed about spirit temple preview i haven’t heard other people talk about:
(this is stupid long sorry)
zuko’s hair is his hair from before he was banished, not just his face. he’s wearing his Ponytail Plus like from when they were kids, like it’s not just zuko’s banishment she wants to forget, she wants to go back to when they were kids and things were better.
if we’re assuming everyone but mai and ty lee are telling her lies/things she’s never heard from them. iroh congratulating her on her conquest (instead of how we see him treat her in the show, first as a fragile girly girl and then as crazy). her being actually crowned fire lord and not interrupted by zuko. killing the avatar (permanently) and single-handedly ending the hundred years’ war, out from the shadow of her father. ruon jian telling her she’s desirable (i think there’s something specifically about the hair, how he compliments her hair, that earlier in the show she had to cut off because she couldn’t style it on her own. in a way, dream-ruon jian is telling her she’s still desirable even without other people’s help (her lineage, her father). ursa telling her she’s proud of her.
but the most interesting thing to me is ozai telling her she’s his favorite child. why would she need dream-ozai to tell her that? it’s obviously true, what with zuko’s betrayal, though ozai doesn’t seem the type to say it outright. i think this just goes to show how insecure she is, especially after ozai tells her she’s not going with him to ba sing se. you can’t treat me like this, you can’t treat me like zuko. she’s seen what being ozai’s least favorite child gets you and she’s terrified of it, even after being in his good graces for most if not all of her life.
another thing i think is interesting is the frame where ursa hugs her. azula leans into the hug but doesn’t hug back. she wants affection and love, but doesn’t know how to make herself vulnerable enough to receive it properly, or return it. i think that is probably tantamount as to why she acts the way she does.
anyways this has been another incoherent ramble by yours truly i’m gonna go annoy the library again about ordering the spirit temple <3
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
I don't think I have much to analyze about "Appa's Lost Days" but I feel like I deserve accolades for re-watching it as a true completionist with this re-watch because it's the one episode I've only seen one time & I did NOT wanna watch it again lol :)
I hyped myself up for how bad it was going to be (& got called a weak little bitch by my baby sister for being too pussy to re-watch it lmao) so I think that helped.
Uh, I didn't remember that 1. Appa met Guru Pathik, & that was neat
2. Long Feng truly is the devil huh
Ok...what else?
I'm so fucking serious, if you support animals in circuses like....change or stay tf away from tbh. I will die on this hill. Followers in 2022 really are getting watered-down nihilistic & no longer super passionate Rose otherwise y'all would get an essay on this topic. I used to be such an activist, helping organize huge protests when the Ringling Brothers came to my city & shit. These days I'm not much of an activist BUT I'll still die on the hill that forcing animals to perform in circuses is sick & twisted.
I'll just leave you guys with this link with information about how elephants are trained in many circuses, & this link talks about how the Ringling bros trained tigers.
Yeah, watching Appa suffer is pretty rough.
But we do get to see Suki & the Kyoshi Warriors battle it out with the Dangerous Ladies & that's fun!
I don't actually care about defending Azula's evil actions from people who hate Azula & I think I've made that clear, BUT I care about talking about her evil ACCURATELY & I'll say that I remembered this being way worse / have seen people act like it was way worse. All Azula really did was seek out a fight with enemies in a war. It's not like she even personally contributed to Appa's suffering. She just got into it with the Kyoshi girlies after tracking Appa in the hopes of finding Aang. I don't know why some people think this means Azula is a chronic animal abuser or something. Azula doesn't actually show any signs of having strong feelings about animals in one way or another. We know she was mean to the turtle ducks as a kid (I have seen Azula fans argue that she wasn't. I disagree. She obviously threw stuff at them for her amusement. Oh well.) & she was willing to scare Appa, but it was more about engaging in the fight with Suki. It's not like she was obsessed with killing Appa. I just wanted to clarify my take on that having re-watched it.
Also, "don't you know fans just make flames stronger?" IS a good one & it's so cute how Ty Lee is like "good one Azula!" Azula & Ty Lee's dynamic continues to be adorable on the surface & fascinating beneath the surface. Like, yes, Ty Lee was under duress to join the team, but she's not being forced to compliment Azula 24/7. It probably is somewhat about self-preservation & making herself look good, I won't deny that. BUT I think Ty Lee also would've never become friends with Azula in the first place if she didn't like her. Let's not forget, Ty Lee also laughed at the prank on Mai & Zuko when they were kids. All we ever see is Ty Lee engaging in & enjoying Azula's cruel behavior. I just think that's interesting & I love them.
Hmm, I was initially like "I have nothing to say about this episode" but y'all know me I ALWAYS have something to say lol! Alright, for this informal review, Suki gets +1000 iconic behavior points for protecting & helping Appaa <3
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
The Dangerous Ladies are Hated in Proportion to the Degree They Violate Gender Norms
The Dangerous Ladies are central antagonists in Books 2 and 3 of ATLA.  Two out of three of them are also among the most hated and demonized ATLA characters.  Azula is perhaps the most hated character in the show, while Mai is less hated but still often demonized. Meanwhile, the third member, Ty Lee, has never attracted any real animus from the fandom. How can we explain this pattern? I believe part of the answer lies in the degree that the narrative codes them as gender-defying.
Azula is actively “transgendered” by the narrative, in that she’s coded as masculine. She’s strong, assertive, capable, mean, cold, calculating, and wears clearly masculine clothing.  The narrative frames her as seeking to usurp the “birthright” of her older brother, rather than acting as a caregiver to him. In short, she’s everything a girl isn’t supposed to be. It’s unsurprising that she thus draws so much hatred compared to other characters who took similar actions.
Mai isn’t actively “transgendered” by the narrative, but it’s clear that she’s not girly in accepted ways. She dislikes feminine pursuits, is repressed, unemotional, and unempathetic, stands up to her boyfriend and refuses to make her life about taking care of him and his angst, has the temerity to be made about her boyfriend breaking up with her and doesn’t put him first, and doesn’t easily fit into conventional gender roles. It is thus unsurprising she is so hated. However, she does not actively claim masculinity like Azula does and is a loyal girlfriend, so it also unsurprising that she is less hated than Azula.
Finally, Ty Lee is framed as conventionally feminine and girly and does not obviously transgress gender norms, so she receives no hatred, even though she partook in many of the same actions her friends did. Ironically, I think she very much actively transgresses both Fire Nation gender norms and modern Western ones(teenage girls are not expected to have the time of their lives conquering empires, after all), but this is not made clearly apparent to the audience, so they don’t hate her for it.
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Ty Lee Is Underappreciated
Can we please talk more about how absolutely, incredibly awesome ty lee is? Personally, I don’t feel like I see enough discourse on her (other then it being related to her being azula’s gf, which is a convo for another time). But DAMN!!
First off, she was scary as hell. Like sis owned everyone she fought
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MA’AM dominated the battle field and we love to see it
The thing that’s great is that while yes she’s a badass, she’s also arguably the girliest and bubbliest character in the show.
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She is the perfect example of femininity and power coenciding with one another. While most media or shows would either make femininity being associated with weakness, atla does the exact opposite with ty lee’s character.
And the best part is, is that she is a nuanced character, something many miss. She is actually very intuitive and intelligence, and also not afraid to stand up for herself.
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Excuse the low quality photo, but when everyone was shitting on her simply for being her girly and extroverted self, she didn’t back down. She owned who she is despite everyone around her shaming her for it, and I think that is someone who is a great role model for young women and girls.
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She also stands up for herself but telling these boys to fuck off, which is great.
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Like I said, ty lee is also underratingly intelligent, like we thought this whole time Azula was manipulating ty lee, but it was the other way around. Yes, obviously Azula manipulating her into joined her group, but because she is intelligent and doesn’t want to be harmed, ty lee did her best to seem like she would never, EVER betray Azula. And DAMN, you can see how shocked Azula is that ty lee betrayed her.
Azula, one of the smartest people in atla, didn’t see it coming.
Point is, don’t leave Ty Lee out of the discourse. Like every character in atla, she is also complex. Andshe’salsoadorablehowcanyounotloveher
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f0xfordcomma · 3 years
re:union (kataang week 2021) DAY SEVEN
prompt: the sea and the sky
chapter seven: reunions
rating: T
words: 2529
summary: "He had fought hard for this unity. Had spent countless hours in courtrooms and offices arguing with dignitaries and representatives about the benefits of a United Republic. He had spent long nights drafting up documents and looking over contracts. He had dreamed of finally seeing this day, finally seeing this unity. All he could see tonight though, was a yellow flower drifting around the crowded room on an intricately braided head of ochre hair."
read it on ao3
chapter seven: reunions
By the time Aang had handled Councilman Zhu’s dumpling crisis, he had lost track of Katara.
“She went to get changed for the feast,” a familiar, though deeper than he remembered, voice sounded from behind him.
“Hey buddy! It’s good to see you.”
They squeezed each other in a bone-crushing hug. The first one, Aang realized, he had gotten since his return. Aang held on a little harder at the thought.
“Where’s Suki?”
“Getting ready with the rest of the warriors. They are playing a special part in the performance tonight.”
“Wow! I can’t wait to see that!”
“Heh—yeah, me too.” Sokka’s voice went somewhere dreamy. “But, uh, I think it’ll be hard to watch with your head buried in my shoulder like this…”
“Oh right! Sorry… just happy to see you.”
“I missed you too buddy.” Sokka squeezed Aang’s shoulder reassuringly. “Now, you should go get ready! Can’t have the guest of honor stinking up the place tonight.”
“Guest of honor…” Aang grumbled, rolling his eyes in exasperation at Zhu’s exuberance. Still, he broke away from Sokka, giving him a nod as he made his way towards the room’s egress.
“Oh, and Aang?” called Sokka from near the food tables where he was stealing an hor’s d'oeuvre from under a cloche. “She’s not seeing anybody, in case you were wondering.”
Aang stopped still, his ears burned, his head swam. He hadn’t realized how much the question was plaguing him until he had heard it vocalized. She’s still single. There’s still time. He had let her go once, had regretted it every day since. She’s still single. He had no idea if she still wanted him the way he wanted her. But she’s still single. He resolved to try and change that fact by the end of the night.
He opened his mouth to speak but only a low whine came out. He cleared his throat but ended up coughing around the words as he forced them out. “I—is that… is that so?”
“It is.” Sokka snorted.
“That’s uh… thanks Sokka!” Aang shouted in salutation as he rushed out the door, needing to hide his burning blush and, as everyone had insisted, finally get cleaned up.
He wore a new set of robes. The pants dyed a dark amber with northern saffron. The belt and sash a sunny terra-cotta color that complimented the blue of his tattoos.
He surveyed his face in the mirror, taking in the scruff along his jawline, the tan around his temples, the laugh lines near his lips. He hadn’t spent much time looking at himself over the past few years, hadn’t had a mirror at any of the temples. The only time he would look at his reflection was when shaving his head, and even then, the refraction of the water made it difficult to examine his countenance with any detail.
Aang had never much minded the way that he looked--hadn’t had much use for vanity when living with the monks, hadn’t had much time for insecurity when running from the fire nation, hadn’t had much need for self-consciousness when being loved by Katara--he’d always thought his face was friendly enough, his body was strong enough. Something about looking at himself now though, fully a man, strong and steady and serene in a way that he’d never seen himself before, made his chest swell with confidence.
“I look good, huh buddy?” He directed the question to Momo, who had joined him in his room after an afternoon spent swooping around Cranefish City in search, no doubt, of sweets from strangers.
In reply, the lemur flew over to perch on his shoulder, scratching through the stubble on Aang’s chin with a squawk.
“You really think she’ll like it?” He scratched Momo between the ears and produced a plum from the pocket of his pants.
Momo took the fruit eagerly between his paws and greedily gobbled it down.
“Aw buddy, you flatter me.”
“Well babe,” a feminine voice dripping with thinly veiled amusement sounded from behind him, “it looks like we’ve officially lost him.”
“You’d think so, but he’s been talking to the lemur like that for as long as I’ve known him.”
“So what you’re telling me is, he has always been insane?”
“Pretty much.”
Aang’s face was beet red (he had lost count, at this point, as to how many times this had happened today) as he spun on his heel to face the Firelord and Firelady, who were standing in his doorway in their formal robes and appraising him with mirth-filled expressions.
“Uh, hey guys… how, uh… how long have you been standing there?”
“Oh, long enough, hot stuff.” Mai shot him a wry smile with a raised eyebrow before turning and pecking her husband on the cheek quickly as she took her leave. “I’m going to go make sure the kids are ready. We leave in ten, boys.”
Once Mai was out of earshot, Zuko burst into laughter and walked over to throw an arm around Aang. “Anything you want to talk about there, Aang?”
“Yeah! Why is it that I don’t see any of you for three whole years, and the first thing anyone does is tease me.”
“That’s not true! The first thing I did was put you on babysitting duty.”
“You’re not funny, Zuko.”
“Hey! Now who’s teasing whom?”
Aang scowled. Zuko, trying to school his face into a slightly more serious expression, straightened up and stalked a few paces across the small room.
“I’m going to give you some unsolicited advice because Uncle isn’t here to do it for me.” Zuko pantomimed stroking his beard and affected a strong accent that, ultimately, sounded nothing like Iroh. “Follow your heart.”
“Follow my heart? That’s it? No tea metaphors? No floral imagery? You make a pretty rotten Iroh, Zuko.”
“Hey, I tried.” Zuko shrugged. “I don’t know, man. You’re still in love with Katara, right?”
Aang flushed but nodded his head, eyes fixed on the floor.
“Are you going to do something about it?”
Aang met Zuko’s eyes determinedly and nodded again.
“Good. You’d better.”
“Thanks Zuko.”
“Any time. By the way? I agree with Momo, the beard really suits you.” At that, Zuko strode out of the room, chuckling softly to himself.
“So, Sugar Queen,” Toph plopped herself on Katara’s bed with a huff, swinging her bare feet up to rest on the adjacent wall so she could still feel what was happening. “You seemed pretty cozy with our Prodigal Son back there. Locked that down yet?”
“Toph!” Katara spluttered, pulling her paintbrush away from her lips.
“That’s a no, then?”
“Wha--no, not a… he just got back! And I don’t even know if… it’s none of your business, anyway.”
“Right, right. So you guys haven’t talked about your feelings, like, at all, yet? What the heck was all that flirting on the beach then?”
“What flirting? We were just hanging out. As friends! Being friendly! We were friends before we were ever anything else, Toph. You know that!”
“Uh huh, uh huh. Good point, Katara. Your definition of ‘friendly’ has always been a little bit off when it comes to Aang…”
“Toph! I will kick you out.”
“No, you won’t. Want to know why?”
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me anyway.”
“You know me so well, Sweetness. And you aren’t going to kick me out because I know you very well and if I’m not here in, oh, seven minutes when you inevitably start second guessing yourself, to give you one of my patented Toph Beifong pep talks, you are going to freak out.”
Katara grumbled something crass under her breath and scowled at Toph’s reflection in the mirror, but ultimately, she knew her friend was right, so she obliged the company while she finished putting on her makeup.
Katara rarely wore makeup. It hadn’t really been a custom among the women in the Southern Water Tribe growing up, and during the war there hadn’t been time to worry over such trivialities. Afterwards, though, she had been the victim of many a makeover by Ty Lee. Had been the guest at many formal galas that required a bit of dressing up. Had been gifted a set of Kyoshi warrior paints by Suki. Had spent an afternoon wandering around the market in Caldera hunting down the exact right shade of lipstick with Mai and learning everything that she could possibly hope to know about knife maintenance.
Aang had always gotten incredibly flustered around her when she wore makeup. That was, perhaps, her favorite part of the process.
It had been years since she had put any makeup on her face. Her face was different now. Her eyes crinkled a bit at the corners when she smiled, her cheeks were less plump, more defined, her lips were fuller—perhaps the lipstick made her lips look too full? Perhaps it wasn’t the same color that she had used that one night in Omashu when Aang had ended up wearing more of it than she had? Perhaps she should wear something pinker? Redder? What had Mai said about skin undertones?
“You look fine.”
“You really think so, Toph?”
“No idea.” Toph deadpanned. “But I’m sure that even if you look like an armadillo-hog, Aang will still forget his own name when he sees you. That is your goal with the facepaint, right?”
“Of course it is, don’t try to lie to me, Sweetness. Listen, I know two things: that boy’s heartbeat has always only ever been impacted by you, and a lot of other men have also had hammering heartbeats when they talk to you. Wanna know what that tells me? You ain’t ugly. In fact, I assume you’re pretty hot. So, chin up, shoulders back, let’s go get you your man back.”
Katara spluttered and blushed. “Oh… uh, okay.”
“You don’t sound confident yet. You are still in love with him, right?”
“Yes.” She whispered.
“Obviously. Then get your pretty little butt out of here and go do something about it. Chop chop, girly!” Toph, still laying on Katara’s bed, started snapping at her while she squared her shoulders in the mirror and gave herself one more once over, nodding at her reflection and resolving to talk to Aang as soon as she had the chance.
“Right. Okay. I can do this. Thank you, Toph.”
“That’s the spirit.”
“Aren’t you coming?”
“Eh, yeah… I told Yugi to meet me here so we can head over together. Or wait… was it Satoru? Toklo? I don’t know, some guy is picking me up. Can’t show up to a stuffy formal function without someone to talk to all the boring people for me, now can I?”
“You do know all of your friends are going to be there tonight, right?”
“I said what I said.”
Katara rolled her eyes as she hurried past Toph and prepared to leave. “Whatever, just lock up when you leave, okay? Mrs. Shao is out tonight so I’m the last one in the house.”
The ballroom was lavishly decorated. The colors of all four nations draped around the room in every detail. Tapestries hung on the walls with the new seal of Republic City, flanked on either side by the insignias of the four nations. The tables were lined with dishes from across the world. The floral arrangements featured regional blooms from all over. In a ballroom in a government building in a sleepy corner of the Earth Kingdom continent, the entire world was united in one beautiful display.
He had fought hard for this unity. Had spent countless hours in courtrooms and offices arguing with dignitaries and representatives about the benefits of a United Republic. He had spent long nights drafting up documents and looking over contracts. He had dreamed of finally seeing this day, finally seeing this unity. All he could see tonight though, was a yellow flower drifting around the crowded room on an intricately braided head of ochre hair.
From his seat onstage next to Zuko, he watched her make her way around the room hugging and smiling and laughing and chatting. Her sleeveless blue dress was modern but carried traditional nods to her water tribe roots. Her lips were a dark cherry red. Her hair was braided. He had braided it. A yellow flower sat at her crown and winked sunshine at him whenever she turned her head. She was beautiful. Of course, he already knew that. But she was beautiful.
“Aang? Hello… Aang??”
“Huh, what?” Aang was drawn from his stupor when Zuko nudged him with his elbow.
“You’re up.”
Zhu introduced him. He somehow made a speech. There was roaring applause.  Her eyes were blue, her lips were red, the flower was yellow. She was blushing.
He took his seat next to Zuko. Her eyes were blue . There were performances. Her lips were red . Suki shot finger guns at him in greeting as she and her warriors took the stage. The flower was yellow. Music started up and the gathered crowd dispersed to make way for dancing. She was blushing.
“Excuse me.” He rushed off-stage and into the crowd, chasing a glimpse of yellow in ochre, a swish of blue chiffon. She was pushing her way through the crowd, too. Her eyes were blue. “Katara, I--”
“Dance with me?”
She was offering him a hand. The tsungi horn rang out a familiar song. He took it. “Of course.”
They knew this dance by muscle memory. It was as familiar as their own names, as each other’s name. He flew around her in swirls. She swam around him on waves. They were the sea and the sky and there could not be one without the other. He lifted her, she spun around him. He dipped her, she glowed. She was the sun and he was the moon. She illuminated his sky. He compelled her tides.
The music ended. They were breathing heavy, faces inches apart, hearts still hammering the now silent drum beat.
“Can we go somewhere?”
The sound of the party flooded the streets of Republic City. Everyone seemed in good spirits, bustling about in a dance as they went about their evening errands. The cicada-crickets sang along to the Tsungi horn. The air was hot, heavy with humidity. They watched the waves from a rooftop. Their hands were intertwined.
Out across the bay, the sea and the sky collided in a canvas of colors. The green and yellow and red and orange of twilight reflected on the water’s dusky blue blue blue. The colors blurred together, obscuring the horizon line, obscuring the separation between their two elements. Out here, there was no sea, no sky. No air, no water. No Aang, no Katara. Just them. Just together. Just finally.
They made promises to each other. They held on. They did not let go.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
He had to lean every so slightly down to kiss her.
Her hands in his hands.
Blue. Grey.
Sea. Sky.
Their city had a new name.
They were here.
They were home.
It's done! It's done!
So sorry for the delay in posting this! I could've squeezed it out yesterday but didn't feel like doing so would wrap up all the things the way that I wanted to so I needed to take a bit more time on it and, obviously, this chapter grew to be quite a bit larger than the others.
I have had SO MUCH FUN participating in Kataang week this year and hope to do it again next year maybe? Also I /might/ have a little storm brewing for Maiko week so... be on the lookout for that at some point?
The love and support that I've gotten for this fic this week? OH MY GOD like wow it's been so lovely! Thank you all for reading.
And a million thanks to @foxy-knowledgeseeker for being an absolute angel and beta-ing this sucker for me. I'm gonna apologize for my choas just once more. (Sorry! Thank you!)
Bwah! Okay, time for a nap <3
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
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starryseo · 7 years
only 2 more left after this
im sad
also,,, warning,, a bit of swearing in this oneeee
Chan | Woojin | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Jisung | FELIX | Seungmin | Jeongin
without further ado
lee yongbok felix!!!!!!!!!! idk a yongbok
ok so felix totally watches buzzfeed unsolved
im sorry i was watching that b4 writing this
and he unironically quotes the guys on there
refers to the rest of the sk guys as demons bc he’s always saying “hey demons, it’s me… ya boi” #GottaLoveShane’sSkepticAss
does a lot of research into the haunted/ paranormal stuff and has dragged hyunjin on his hunt for haunted places
kinda hard to find some places bc they’re barricaded and he doesn’t wanna break the law by breaking in :’))
plus his parents would probably not let him stay overnight at a haunted place
but he tries his best to go during the day to, like, a haunted house or something
along with being a supernatural fanatic
he makes videos on conspiracy theories
all. the. time.
deffo the type to cover his laptop/ desktop camera bc the government are watching lmfao i do this too
also deffo believes in shit like the illuminati and men in black i doooo
in some of his videos you can see his room
he’s sooo got pictures, newspaper articles and shiz like that on his wall
and the typical red string tying different pictures and articles together
he’s,,,, really,,,,,, into this kinda stuff
alongside that
he’s obviously into memes
so in his videos he’ll have trashy Comic Sans comments
y’know how WillNE used to have in his videos? like that.
is also really into those theories relating the disney princesses together bc damn those are actually cool
[cyanide voice] DID YOU KNOW… elsa & anna’s parents are also tarzan’s parents????? [just a theory bUT IT MAKES SENSE OKAY]
y’know those parkour videos i keep mentioning
bringing it back real quick
one time felix was skateboarding by some lil’ lake
and he tried doing a trick but he almost fell in
and he let out the most girly scream ever and changbin was dYING
thankfully he didn’t fall in,,,,
but then he tried it again and he fell half in and changbin lost it. he. could. not. stop. laughing.
felix was just like “bro <\3″
even jisung was laughing,,, he almost dropped the camera,,, but luckily he didn’t and he managed to get felix’s scream recorded
felix actually wasn’t too mad about that
he made a meme out of it?? like why???
y’know that one meme that uses Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars as background music [the song fyi - if you dont know what im talking about; use earplugs & low volume!!! there is swearing after the 1st so watch out]
and he managed to cut a picture (of himself) from jisung’s video as he was falling
and he moves it so he’s falling through loads of different things and ends up falling through space that escalated quickly
that was a crappy explanation but watch that video and you should understand
so yeah
he’s a bit crazy :)
it’s ok tho bc he’s funny
he also does vlogs
you can imagine how active and crazy he is in those
& he’s literally always screaming in those
someone get him to chill pls
he and chan will speak english and use australian slang in the vlogs
and 1) comments overflow with how cool they sound
but 2) the other guys just go ughhhhh and start speaking korean really fast so they cant understand - or, well, felix mainly, can’t understand
or c) they’ll chat shit about chan and felix slowly so they understand and are like hey ://
it’s all banter dw
he watched jisung’s make-up w/ my minho thing right
and tried doing that too
but with changbin
obviously he didn’t tell changbin what he was gonna do
but when changbin got there
and felix got him to sit at the table rather than where his game console was he was suspicious
when felix came out of his room with make-up
you bet your butt changbin got outta that chair and ran
felix was just like “wow… i got jisung’s make-up and everything and he up and left :(((”
that didn’t stop him tho lmao
he had already set up a camera to record in that room
so he just got that camera, put it on the table
and recorded himself doing his own make-up
it was going decently until he got the eyeliner
and started doing it around his eyes
and then he found inspiration in Big Daddy’s (from Kick Ass) eye make-up [fyi]
yeah after that he kinda just fcked up his own face
but he was so proud of it
he took a pic of himself and sent it to the sk group chat like “this is what you missed out on, binnie”
changbin: so not much then, yh?
felix: im breaking up w/ u
changbin: finally
as revenge for that bad changlix break-up
he gathered the ‘00 line [SQUAD ROLL OUTTTTTTT]
and they planned to get revenge on changbin
so on a saturday when they knew changbin was gonna be sleeping till like midday
(because he was up all night gaming the idiot)
they came to his house early
and got the make-up kit ready lmfao
seungmin held the camera
whilst hyunjin blended like 5 different shades of lipstick
jisung put concealer, blush and bronzer on him (God knows how some ended up in his hair but whatever)
and felix did the eyeshadow and eyeliner
just to feel a little rebellious
jisung let seungmin do the highlight
omg bad boy!seugming im deadddd
but then jisung accidentally sneezed and everyone was like SHIT and froze
they waited like 5 seconds until they heard changbin mumble “what the fuck…”
and then his eyes opened
and he was like “what the hell are you guys doing here?”
and hyunjin just smilled, discreetly hiding the lipstick he was currently holding behind his back
“ah,, we just came over to wake you up!!”
changbin was having none of that shit and he was like
changbin: “why is seungmin holding a camera then?? and jisung’s literally got something in his hand”
changbin: “jisung,,,,, is that… make-up?? you fcking did not”
felix: “RUN!!!!!!!!”
seungmin managed to get a clear shot of changbin’s pissed off face before they goT THE HELL OUTTA THEREEEEEEE
changbin flew straight up and chased them 
but unfortunately they got outta the house just in time
and he wasn’t about to dash out of his house in his pj’s
imagine if seungmin had forgotten to actually start the video holy shittt lmfao
he remembered dw
anyways they got back to felix’s house and he immediately started editing the video
he managed to get a picture of changbin’s final pissed off face before they ran
he sent that to the group chat
and all the guys made that their youtube profile pictures it was HILARIOUS
whilst i’m on the topic of ‘00 line
they have killer gaming matches
and felix lives to troll people
he doesn’t limit himself to just annoying the other ‘00 guys
nah that’s too basic
he’ll troll anyone on his team
he’s blocked so many people from getting through doors
or blocked them in one corner
and he can sometimes hear them swearing and shouting to move the fck away dude!!!
and he deadass just laughs over the mic
he’s gotten a lot of people killed that way 
(including himself lmao)
he still somehow managed to not be last on the scoreboard??
he plays really well actually
but he never misses an opportunity to troll
he gets a lot of hate messages from people online like “dude wtf why’d you do that”
and he’s just like “y not bro <3″
so yeah
although he loves trolling and annoying as many people as he can
he loves the sk guys
and he’d do anything for them
he can get real cheesy at times
making edits of them all dramatically falling in love with him
like he cut a clip of woojin saying “i love merigues!” and “felix keeps messaging me, should i just block him” from his cooking videos
and merged them to get “i love felix!”
and then he played that behind a clip of woojin just talking into the camera so it looked realistic enough
and he sent that to the group chat like “changbin wHO? i only know a kim woojin <3 love you bby <3″
everyone knows he edited that but they still mock woojin anyway
and changbin literally just said “good luck with him woojin, he’s insane”
back to the sentimental ending:
he loves the guys & they love his annoying ass too
knows that even tho he annoys them to the extreme a lot
he can trust them and they’ll help him with whatever
they’re like his home away from home and he loves it so much
his desktop picture is a rlly cute pic of them all together, completely unedited and unfelixified
he loves it
whoa that was long. 2?? updates in a day?? damn im on a roll :)) 
i got a coupla requests for boyfriend texts w/ some stray kids members
like damn after this,,, a,,, bf stray kids thing??? idkkkkkk ?????????? so many series, so little timeeee
anyways thanks 4 reading :) <3
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