#ty hank green
smiisevenwhyplus · 1 year
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life be one mcbruhfuck then u vibe i think
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justabunchofdragons · 2 months
emotionally mature goals: realising that you're going to be depressed soon because you had too much positive neurotransmitter activity and jotting it down so you don't absolutely lose your mind
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scatteredcloud · 3 days
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Oh I’m cooking actually
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dnpbeats · 7 months
drop the dan loving goblin phil essay rn
(in reference to my tag on this post)
OKAY SO! In BIG dan says this about phil: "And this is when, through the magic of the internet, I met Phil. And obviously we were more than friends but it was more than just romantic. This is someone that genuinely liked me. I trusted them. And for the first time since I was a tiny child, I actually felt safe. [...] Especially to anyone that has experienced the kind of self-hatred that I have dealt with, one person accepting you can make all the difference" (ty @goldenpinof for the transcript 🕺). Now obviously, this is in the context of dan being gay so for the most part he's referencing his sexuality here when he talks about being accepted, and I am not trying to undermine that at all. But I think that phil's acceptance of dan went deeper than just his sexuality (goblin Phil comes into this I promise lol).
dan also talks a bit in BIG about how he was nerdy and was bullied for that before he was bullied for being gay. He's also mentioned other times how being nerdy/geeky didn't use to be accepted. In the 4/13 stereo show, dan says: "Before YouTube, if you were a nerd, you felt like you weren't a valid member of society unless you were, like, captain of the football team or whatever. [...] Now, thanks to social media, it's like 'oh, okay, well if someone like Hank Green can exist, I'm fine.'" What's extra interesting about this example specifically is that dan is talking about representation in response to a fan prompting him to talk about queer representation in media. So like, yes the majority of dan's struggles in accepting himself were surrounding his sexuality, but I do also think there was a layer of being a nerdy kid at a time when it wasn't cool or fun that added onto him not accepting himself. And I do not think that that's completely separate from his nonacceptance of his sexuality.
So, what exactly does this have to do with dan expecting phil to be super debonair and then having those expectations shattered? But then still wanting phil, arguably even more than he did before? Well, I think that phil was (and is) unapologetically himself, and that was inspiring for dan to see. dan said in BIG that he didn't meet an out gay person until he was 18, so either that person was phil himself or he met phil shortly afterwards and phil was therefore one of the first out gay people dan knew. and we know from phil's coming out video that he wasn't ashamed of his sexuality at that time. but phil's acceptance of himself goes beyond his sexuality, like just look at his YouTube content at the time. he was doing experimental stuff that was weird as shit (I don't mean that in a bad way I like his old vids!). most people probably would not have the confidence or self-assurance to make the stuff he was making, let alone post it. and then, beyond that, he was just a nerdy guy himself! but it was something that he openly talked about online and we know he and dan bonded over video games/tv shows/etc.
And now let's think about this from dan's perspective. He's been watching this guy's videos forever. He's been talking to him online for the past couple of months, and while he was talking with phil (rather than "amazingphil"), I'm sure there was still that element of like "wow holy shit I can't believe I'm talking with amazingphil!" Hence why dan says in the mean girls video that he was expecting phil to be all "hi, I'm amazingphil! 😏" when they first met (also side note, when dan starts to make this joke phil starts doing it at the same time, so I'm sure this is a discussion they've had before lol). but Phil wasn't like that!!! he was all hunched over and awkward and dorky! because he was nervous!! BUT he wasn't ashamed of that. he wasn't trying to put on some AmazingPhil™ Smooth Operator Refined front. He was just himself. Unapologetically so. And for dan, I think that that meant so much in terms of accepting himself, but also feeling accepted. because how was he going to believe phil when he said "dan I love you for who you are" if phil was hiding himself around dan?
So yeah, I think that's why dan saw goblin phil, not amazingphil, and was still like "yeah I want to build my life with this person." Because for him, phil represented self-acceptance and being accepted and a safe place and someone who he could be on the same wavelength with and true unconditional love and someone he can geek out with and someone who will let him yap for an hour about whatever the hell dan has decided to talk about that day. of course he would like phil more than whatever version of amazingphil he had built up in his head. because phil loves dan for who he truly is and dan loves phil for who he truly is :)
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“Launched in 2020 and hosted by pastor Gene Bailey, “FlashPoint” at times looks and sounds like other right-wing cable programs. But unlike Fox News hosts, the rotating panel of conservative pastors and commentators on “FlashPoint” pepper their political analysis with messages that they say come directly from God.”
“Viewers hear regularly from Lance Wallnau, a self-described prophet known for popularizing the Seven Mountains Mandate, a philosophy increasingly embraced on the right that says Christians are called to claim positions of power atop seven key “mountains” of society, including government, education, business and media. “FlashPoint,” which presents itself as an alternative to mainstream news, embodies that strategy.”
“In a January broadcast, pastor Hank Kunneman, another “FlashPoint” mainstay, said the Lord told him that 2024 would be a year of “divine reckoning” and “vengeance against the wicked.” In the months since, the show has portrayed the presidential election as a spiritual clash while depicting Trump as a flawed leader — like a modern King David — who’s been anointed by God to save the nation.”
“Trump has embraced elements of this framing, warning in speeches that the left wants “to tear down crosses” and promising that his return to office would restore Christian power. He also has promised to eliminate the Johnson Amendment, a rarely enforced federal law that prohibits nonprofit foundations and religious organizations — including the one that operates the Victory Channel — from endorsing political candidates.
“White evangelical Protestants remain among Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, with more than 80% planning or leaning toward voting for him in November, a recent Pew Research survey found. Hoping to push that number even higher, “FlashPoint” has called on pastors to start preaching a pro-Trump message on Sunday mornings.
Bailey, the “FlashPoint” host, did not respond to messages requesting an interview.
Rick Green, a regular “FlashPoint” panelist, is the founder of Patriot Academy, a Texas nonprofit that teaches courses about what it calls the nation’s explicit Christian origins — an idea disputed by historians. He told NBC News that he believes many critics of the show’s mixing of religion and politics are ignorant “about the founding principles of America.” Others, Green said, harbor “hatred and intolerance of differing views.”
“This seamless weaving of immersive religious expressions, apocalyptic preaching and right-wing political organizing worries some religion and extremism experts, including Onishi, who pointed to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as evidence of what can happen when people come to believe a candidate has been chosen by God. There’s long been a strain of American evangelicalism that portrays current events as signs of the coming apocalypse. But tying the fate of humanity to a particular candidate is “something new and novel in modern U.S. history,” Onishi said.”
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montrosepretty · 11 days
I was tagged to shuffle the playlist I listen to most and list the first ten songs that come up! Ty @per4mancecheck for tagging me!
1. A Mysterious Place by Kirk Osamayo
2. Les Animaux by Pierre de Maere
3. cat city by vewn
4. How High the Moon by Ella Fitzgerald
5. If Will Wood wrote Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.. by Ben Ashe
6. Creep. Radiohead song. by Frank Watkinson
7. Crush by Tessa Violet
8. Creep by Jinkx Monsoon
9. Broom People by the Mountain Goats
10. Strange Charm by Hank Green
I’m always so bad at choosing people to tag so idk. if your shoelaces are untied you have to do this. Or if you just want to
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aghostinmyownmachine · 3 months
Ask game! 27, 42 & 35!
ty for the ask!
27. Their guilty pleasure
Since no character was specified, I’ll spring for Nines. Gotta keep with the theme and all. Vanilla-canon-esque!Nines’s guilty pleasure is taking walks through bird sanctuaries. He likes the way the bird calls harmonize, and he likes the turtles in the ponds and rivers. I’d say mechanic!Nines’s guilty pleasure is really fast vehicles, but he doesn’t feel even slightly guilty about that particular pleasure, so. In fact, now that I’m thinking about it, making him feel guilty about enjoying himself is extremely difficult. In basically any AU tbh. Boy’s too secure in his own work-hard-play-hard mentality.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Canon-esque!Nines’s perfect day is one that adheres as perfectly to schedule as possible. He’s boring like that. Horsemen AU!Nines’s perfect day (midstory) is one where he doesn’t have to defend himself from any form of attack and doesn’t receive a single report that says someone he’s responsible for has been captured or killed. Things are pretty bleak there for a while, gonna be honest, and I don’t know what poststory looks like yet! Probably just relaxing lbr.
42. 3 comfort items
Canon-esque!Nines: a DPD hoodie he got from Connor (that Connor got from Hank), a perfectly pressed and dried maple leaf he collected during his first bird sanctuary walk (the fade of color, green to yellow to red, reminds him that change is possible and natural), and the personal server he backs himself up to every hour.
Eldritch horror!Nines: a pair of fuzzy socks with cherries printed on them, The Squid Hat™, and his collection of gifted nautical-and-marine-themed cufflinks (poststory).
Ask me about me about characters!
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gazingstarsabove · 5 months
HELO CIULD YOU MEYBE DO LIKE. triky w an s/o who got zedified. ty
of course! I only saw this now, sorry if I kept you waiting anon!!
•Okay let's say you first met Tricky when you were still a human/grunt, with your fun and loving nature he had grown attached, since you actually showed genuine curiosity and interest in him. Then eventually, that friendship turned into something more.
•Besides the contrast between you two, both of you loved one another dearly. You'd always stick together and do the most stupidest things!! Like collecting & gathering stuff, scavenging the dumpsters, and going on a massacre. That was until one day, Tricky and you split up to scavenge for stuff, getting the (most) coolest things and bring it to each other later.
•Though unfortunately for you, you were murdered brutally(by Hank). And just your luck, Jebus had revived you along with the other corpses around your body, using them as some sort of puppets and meat shields against Hank. Using your opportunity to flee the situation without getting harmed, you took it.
•After meeting up with Tricky, not only was he shocked, he almost seemed.. ecstatic? He was certainly loud, louder than he usually was. He couldn't help but examine every inch of you, your green skin, the blood from your injuries, down to your deteriorated, unhinged jaw. His heart raced seeing your features so similar to him now!
•He had never felt so in love before seeing you zed-ified. He'd definitely call you guys twinsies, maybe even say that you guys are matching.
•Since being a zed meant that your skin was a lot more softer and sensitive, he'd still hold you but not as tight as he did. He'd compare your green skins together, admiring yours a lot more, running his clawed fingers across your arm. He'd always cup your jaw, boasting about it so much so that he pinches your cheeks while he vibrates with excitement.
•It was actually hard for a zed to remain in conscious and self aware of their surroundings, overtime you had to keep yourself up from slouching over and possibly loosing your jaw. But with the help of your lover you still had your head together! Literally.
•When needed, you two go out and hunt other humans/grunts to eat! You had to get used to the taste of actual human/grunt meat, since your cravings had actually diverted to something a lot more.. well, exotic I guess. You need to be with him all the time so you don't get mistaken for a bloodthirsty zed that needs to be killed, but in truth it's just a stupid excuse to hold your hand everywhere you guys go.
•Would definitely have picnics with you, bringing your favorites like intestines, blood, and most importantly sandwiches!
•Grunt or zed, either way, he'd still love you and fall for you more as time goes on.
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loomissister · 7 months
name: Victoria Heather Loomis
nickname(s): Vicki ( everyone she knows, she'll kill you if you call her victoria ), V ( a couple people ), Vivi ( very specific people )
age: verse dependent, 15 - 40+.
birthdate: December 1, 1980
species: Human ( debatably )
gender: Cisgender female
preferred pronoun(s): she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual with a preference for women ( unless your name is mickey )
parents: Hank & Nancy Loomis
siblings: Billy Loomis
significant other(s): Mickey Altieri
eye color(s): Blue/Green
hair color(s): Very dark brown, almost black
body build: Petite
height: 5’5''
tagged by: @samcarepeter TY!!!!!! tagging: STEAL IT >))))))
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nwnpofiction · 5 months
Weirdos Like Us (Flashback)
(Author’s Note: This takes place about 2 years before The Awkward Encounter. I’ve decided, for some reason, not to number my chapters, hence the “Flashback” in the title. This doesn’t actually take place during the main story.)
Millie’s nightmares had slowly gotten worse over the months since she and Luke moved to Northern Pointe. She couldn’t tell if it was the shady house Cassy had sold them “messing with her energy”, or her “bad feelings” coming back again. But it was bothersome enough to keep her up some nights. This night was no exception.
After a particularly bad dream, she’d woken up hot and uncomfortable. It was 2:15, by the digital clock on her nightstand. Luke was in his usual place; the right side of the bed, in a deep, peaceful sleep, blissfully unaware of his wife’s unease. It was just as well for her. He had worried enough. He had suffered enough on account of her “quirks” and as lonely as it was for her, she was happy that her dream didn’t wake him up as well. She was just fine letting him sleep, while she did whatever she needed to do to calm back down.
This part of the island had a lovely way of becoming bathed in a silvery blue light at night, and this light was flowing through the curtains and into the living spaces of the Fontana household. It gave the living room what Millie felt was a “Y2K-era movie feel”. It was nostalgic and peaceful and it was the one thing she could really get used to about this house. Though the fact that she had to see it so often these days, given her problems sleeping, was something she could have done without. After going into the kitchen for a glass of soda, noticing that the air-conditioner was set too high again, eating a few pretzels, and none of that distraction helping, she decided to take a walk.
She didn’t plan on really going anywhere; just around their neighborhood. So she didn’t even really get dressed. She simply put on a frilly, white robe thing, over the t-shirt and shorts she’d slept in, and slipped on her sandals. Realizing that Luke could wake up with her gone and that him worrying was the last thing she wanted, she went back into their room to leave him a note. She did this by sending him a text on his phone, which she then placed on the stand on his side of the bed. She figured it would be the first thing he saw if he woke up. The text read “Had dream again. Need air. Went out. Don’t worry.” followed by heart emojis.
She then walked out their front door, before tying her long, messy, raven hair into the green hair-tie that had been around her wrist. She stood on their front lawn, between two small, white picket fences, and observed her surroundings, talking stock of what she was about to do. It wasn’t entirely safe for a petite, youngish woman to walk around the neighborhood, alone, at night. And least of all was it something SHE was prone to do. She’d lived basically as a shut-in before she met Luke. But Northern Pointe was a pretty safe place, crime-wise. The Spring-y night air felt so good, the moonlight was putting that y2k-movie glow over everything in sight, and staying just in her own yard felt like a real waste to her. So she decided to continue on with her plan to walk around the neighborhood.
Her walk ended up not going entirely as she’d planned, as she ended up going up Crowe Road and out of the cul-de-sac her house was in, all together. She’d followed Crowe Road all the way up to Angel Park before she’d even realized how far she was going. The Save Point was just on the other side of Angel Park, so maybe it was muscle-memory or something that made her walk this far without realizing. But upon making the realization of how far she’d come, she also realized that for cutting though this park to get to her job for the last three months, she’d never actually taken the time to notice the place.
Angel Park was a social hang-out and town beautification project, created by Hank and Bob Travalyan and dedicated to the late Rita Terrell, who’d run the bookstore that now overlooked the park, back in the 1960’s. The park was almost like Central Park in New York, in that is was designed to be a point of pride for the town of Northern Pointe. This was something Luke had noticed immediately, as a New Yorker himself, and he thought it was a very nice place. But Millie hadn’t had a chance yet to notice it herself. Like most things, Luke was right on this one. It really was quite a stunning place.
Angel Park consisted of grassy, hilly areas like a lot of parks. It was also surrounded by shops, restaurants and businesses. In the center of the park was a large pond, with a small “island” in the center of that. The ,”island” held a gazebo that was used to host weddings and things like that. There were lots of trees, both tall and short. Some shops had string lights around the trees outside them and there were a few pole lamps. But the moonlight was the main source of light. The silvery blue light was touching everything, deepening shadows, making the grass look an ashy blue-grey. The water in the pond looked like shiny, metallic, nail-polish. The white gazebo shone bright, reflecting the moonlight, sending its glow all around the pond and surrounding areas, as if the gazebo itself emitted the light. The iron on the park benches also sparkled in places, which is what Millie ended up noticing specifically. There was one bench, up a slight incline, towards the edge of the pond, on her left, with a bigish tree beside it; its iron braces glistening in the starry, moon-y, y2k, glow.
She walked up the hill, towards this bench, watching the sparkles reflecting off the metal, from the rippling water of the pond in front of it. She kept approaching it until about she was about 25 feet away from it, at which point she noticed something else about it. There was a person laying on the bench, their long legs draped over one of the arms, obscured by the shadow of the nearby tree. She could see glow of a smarphone screen in front of the face of whoever this was. She panicked a tiny bit at realizing she didn’t actually have the world all to herself. But as she peered in closer, she realized she knew this person…Though who it turned out to be made her nervous enough anyway.
Millie stared on for a few seconds, and a feeling of indignant irritation came over her, that quickly overshadowed the apprehension. As if this person was invading HER space. Never mind that they had every right to be there; it was THEIR grandmother the park was dedicated to, after all. But she didn’t care in that moment. “How dare he be here?” She thought. But also, confusingly, she couldn’t help but feel genuine concern for his well-being that he was out here by himself in the middle of the night. Those feelings, inexplicable as they were, overrode the sense of dread running into a strange man, as a woman, at night, should have given her; those feelings overrode the uneasiness this particular man gave her, and she decided to figure out what he was doing.
She approached the park bench, nervously, but with determination, until she was sure it was who she thought it was. “Aldo! What are doing out here in the middle of the night?!” She said, startling him, causing him to spin around from his laying position to look at who was yelling at him. He took a half second to push his hood up and out of his eyes. “What are YOU doing out here in the middle of the night?!” He answered.
The moonlight dimmed the peachy hues in his normally healthy, smooth complexion and made his skin, aside from a few freckles, look just as silvery as that white gazebo on the pond.
“I went for a walk!” She said. “Same!” Aldo replied. He had by this point, gotten up, fully, and was now sitting at the edge of the bench, half turned, looking at her. His hood now off his head. “At least I’M decent!” He said, looking her up and down, judgingly. She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but she pulled her robe thing tighter out of reflex anyway. “Whada you mean, tiny lady, wondering ’round here at night in your underwear like that?” He said. “Um…I’m not in my underwear…” She said, rolling her eyes. “Don’t you know there are coke-heads ’round here?” He asked. Millie bit her tongue; she was pretty sure Aldo was a coke-head. “Seriously, Mildred. What’s wrong with you? You could get lost, run into, like a strange man or something.” Again, ALDO was a strange man. “You mean like YOU?” She responded. “I probably walked into that.” Said Aldo.
Don’t misunderstand now. It’s not as though Aldo fit the description of your average creepypasta cryptid. He was sort of relatively “normal”. He had white teeth and clean finger nails, and even some higher education. He was actually kinda cute. To the point where a lot of single ladies in town were a little jealous of his girlfriend. But Millie didn’t see that. She wasn’t attracted to him in the least. He reminded her of her late brother, though her late brother never made her so uneasy. She couldn’t tell ya WHY, she just got weird feelings about him. Like static, like pins-and-needles in the back of her mind. And the fact that he was laying on a public bench, wearing a hoodie on a not-even-remotely-cold night, at 3:15 in the morning, was confirmation enough for her that he was an odd one. He was filthy rich; he didn’t need to be laying around on park benches.
Millie turned away from Aldo, resigned herself to the fact that he was there and that he probably wasn’t an immediate threat, and walked to the edge of the pond, where she stood, just gazing for a few minutes. Aldo went back to whatever it was he’d been doing on his phone, but kept and eye out on Millie. She confused him as well. After this short while, Millie turned back around and came back to the bench where she then sat down, beside Aldo.
“So…” Aldo began after a few long, awkward seconds. “Why ARE you out here in the middle of the night?” He asked. “I had a.uh…a nightmare, I guess you could say. I’ve been having them a lot lately.” She said, oblivious to the fact that she may have been oversharing. “It was too hot and I couldn’t sleep after that.” She added. “I didn’t intend to come out this far from the house, I just…” “Oh, is THAT why you brought your phone with ya?” He said, cutting her off. “I wanted Luke to be able to get a hold of me if he wakes up and I’m not there.” Millie responded. “Oh. Okay. Makes sense.” Aldo said, kind of sheepishly. “Let me guess. Air conditioner not working right again?” He asked. “Yeah.” She said. “What are YOU in for?” She asked. Aldo chuckled. “Well, I couldn’t sleep either. Nothing particularly wrong with my house though. I just don’t sleep.” He said. “Ugh. “it’s a good thing neither of us works tomorrow.” Millie said, kind of forgetting that Aldo had an inn to run ON TOP of The Save Point that was going to be closed the next day. He let it slip by; didn’t say anything.
“Do you come here often?” She asked. “Um… I’m not sure how you’d quantify ‘often’.” He answered. “Well, I mean. This park IS dedicated to your grandmother. I just figured it might be I dunno. Comforting.” She said. “I suppose.” He said. “Did you know her?” Millie inquired. “Rita Terrell?” He asked. “Yeah.” Said Millie. “Yeah I met her a couple of times when I was a kid. Before Dad got sick of this place and stopped bringin’ us.” Aldo’s tone had shifted to the dreary and reeked of the kind of apathy one develops by suppressing resentment.
Millie didn’t know the Terrell family’s backstory, so she didn’t understand what happened there. All she knew was that Aldo was born on Northern Pointe, but grew up in Sheffield, England. She didn’t know what if any family tragedies would cause his shift in tone. And she wasn’t going to find out just yet, either.
“Your dad got tired of THIS PLACE?” She asked him. Though SHE was having her own personal problems, the island itself was beautiful and wondrous. She didn’t understand how anyone could get “sick” of it.
Aldo took a deep breath, as if to begin speaking, but then let it just fall without saying anything. He leaned forward, with his elbows on his knees and continued with his phone. A few seconds passed and then he began. “You’ll come to figure this out on your own, but It’s worth tellin’ ya now. This place…This island has a kind of magic to it. Some people can handle it, like it’s nothing. It drives some people out of their skulls…And it drives some people away. It drove my father away.” Aldo just kind of stared at the ground. There was a tremendous gravity to what he’d just said. Millie knew that. though the full reality of it was something she couldn’t guess.
Despite the fact that Aldo weirded her out… a lot… she still had this strange curiosity about him, as well as a kind of protectiveness. He really did confuse the crap out of her.
A few seconds passed. “What about you?” She asked him. Millie thought she might have been sensing some frustration with Northern Pointe, in Aldo himself; his tone wasn’t exactly cheerful. “Is this magic driving YOU away?” Aldo let an eerie smile slowly creep onto his face; if he’d have been facing her, she’d have seen a suppressed excitement in his expression that probably wasn’t normal. “Oh no.” He started. “No, no no. I love this place.” He turned his head up to look Millie in the eye. “Like I said…Magic.” The eye-contact lasted longer than was comfortable, before Aldo turned back to his phone. “But I also..” He said. “I sometimes hate it too, for the same reason.” His tone had gone back to being droopy and depressing.
“See the thing about magic is that it f*cks with ya sometimes. Especially people like us.” He motioned with one finger between himself and Millie. ” ‘People like us’?” She repeated, a little bothered by the insinuation. “Yea f*ckin’ weirdos, ya know?” He responded. “You think I’m a ‘f*kin weirdo’?” She said to him, one eyebrow raised. Aldo turned his head to face her again. “I KNOW you’re a f*ckin’ weirdo, Millie.” He said before sitting back up. “And you know, maybe that’s a good thing. Ya know, maybe that’s why you and Luke get on so well.” He said, flipping though his phone again “Maybe.” Said Millie, unsure how comfortable she was with Aldo making such astute observations about her relationship.
Aldo had known Luke back in their collage days when they both studied in New York. He actually witnessed the mental break down that eventually lead to Luke leaving New York, for Arizona, where he met Millie. He knew Luke well enough to know how fitting a pair he and Millie were. So this remark wasn’t too out of line.
“He’s too normal anyway. I’d bet he needs a basket-case in his life.” He said. “Gee thanks.” Said Millie. “Hey, I don’t see you denying it. Miss I’m-gonna-run-away-from-home-’cause-I-had-a-bad-dream.” Aldo said, with a chuckle. Millie found herself amused, annoyed and called-out. She wasn’t denying it because she COULDN’T deny it. “It doesn’t have to be a bad thing; you work well together.” He said. “And um…maybe he’s the kind of ‘normal’ that makes YOU feel normal.” He added. MIllie just stared. “Well, ya know not ‘normal’ but… Like being NOT-normal isn’t so bad… Right?” He couldn’t have hit that nail more on the head. “Yeah… that’s right.” Millie said.
“It’s good…. that you have someone who makes you feel that way, Millie.” Aldo’s tone had dropped again, to an uncomfortable sadness. ” ‘Cause not everyone does.” She’d never seen him like this and didn’t know what to make of it. He went back to his phone, almost as if he was afraid to look her in the eye at that moment. “Well what about you then?” She asked. “Does Eva do that for you?” Aldo’s eyes darted up over the top of his phone and he just stared straight ahead for a second. “Does she make you feel that way?” Aldo’s expression took on a tinge of acidity before he said something quite odd. His tone had shifted again, only now it sounded biting, almost angry. “Eva makes me feel a lot of things.”
He looked back at his phone briefly before feeling Millie’s eyes on him. Without putting his phone back down, he turned his head to look at her and and with a slight sarcastic smirk, said…”That’s all you’re getting.” She started at him with slightly widened eyes. This answer had obviously jolted her a little. It wasn’t an answer, yet it revealed so much. Realizing that he’d just let a mask slip, he tried to cover for it. “Nah, it’s all good.” He said, feigning a light smile, hitting “ignore” on a call before placing his phone, screen down, on the bench. What he’d just said was little more than what you’d call a “nice save”, but it had more or less worked. For now.
It sounds cliche, but Aldo had, at some point in his life, put up a kind of wall around himself and he was really good at maintaining it. Millie could see through it a bit more than almost anyone else in his life. And he knew this. But as he’d just proven, his charm COULD sometimes get the better of her. A part of him quietly trembled at the thought of how long that probably wasn’t going to last. In Millie’s mind, the idea of Eva not fulfilling him seemed kind of far fetched. Miss Saint James had seemed so attentive with Aldo when Luke had first introduced Millie to them. Nothing could possible be wrong there.
“How’s your leg feeling now, if you don’t mind me asking?” Millie said, the previous topic having reminded her that he’d just gotten the brace taken off. “Oh, it’s alright. I can wear BOTH shoes now. So that’s great.” He answered. “Doctor says I might have some pain in the winter months, but I half expected that. I might need it xrayed every now an then.”
The two sat there for a few more minutes, largely in silence. It was awkward but not necessarily in a bad way. He was unnerving to her, but he didn’t seem threatening in these first stages of their relationship. That would change, but for right at that moment, Millie felt that maybe it would be less scary now that he’d kind of opened up to her. She felt she knew him a little better now and he wasn’t as scary as she first thought he was.
“Could you do something for me, Millie?” He asked after a few more minutes of silence. “Hmm?” She responded. Aldo smiled mischievously. “Could you go home?” He was almost giggling. Millie almost felt insulted and looked at him unable to contain a confused hurt. “You’re kind of invading my space.” He said, still smiling, gently but wryly. Almost knowingly. In that moment she felt a little ping of terror; that was the exact phrase she’d said in her head when she first saw him laying on the bench. He let out a chuckle, suppressing a bigger laugh and something about his expression was disarming. Her gut told her he’s just read her mind or something, which was terrifying but somehow this didn’t feel threatening. “I should probably get back, huh?” She said. “Yeah.” He responded, nodding slowly.
They exchanged an understanding smile and MiIllie, realizing how late it was, decided it was in fact time for her to go home. Aldo probably had stuff to do the next morning anyway. So she got up, wished him a good rest of the night and began walking back in the direction she’d come from, before Aldo stopped her.
“Millie!” He called out, quietly. “What?” She said, turning around. “My truck’s over there.” He said, pointing towards Rita Terrell’s book store. “So?” Said Millie. “You really don’t need to be walking around here, alone at night, Mills.” He’d never called her that before. “I’ll take you home.” He said, getting up off the bench. Millie nervously agreed. A spring rain had started to fall and the temperature had dropped and Millie was now feeling cold and tired and didn’t want to get wet on top of that, so with some reluctance she followed Aldo to his truck.
The truck was, like many things about Aldo, nonsensical and contradictory. Again he was very wealthy. The car he and Eva drove around in was a bright blue sporty thing, shiny and flashy and new. A BMW, Millie thought. But the vehicle he was driving around tonight was a beat up, 70’s or 80’s Ford pickup. It was a dull, dark green, the paint was chipped to sh*t. The leather on the seats was torn and ragged. And the passenger side door didn’t like to open. But it had a charm to it.
Aldo walked to the drivers side, opened the door and tossed his phone on the front seat. Millie then tired to open the passenger door and was struggling with it. But before she realized he was even coming back around, she saw his hand reaching over and around her, brushing against her hand as he grabbed the door handle. She jumped backwards a bit. He then jerked the door open. “This door hasn’t cooperated in 20 years.” He said, oblivious to how he’d just startled Millie. Sensing something was amiss he turned to look at her. “Are you okay?” He asked. “You freak me out, Aldo.” She said to him, obvious nervousness on her face. Aldo stared for a second. “I know.” He said. “I’m sorry.”
This seemed very genuine, and indeed, it was. Aldo knew that Millie recognized something in him and as much as he wanted to, it wasn’t something he could hide from her. For this reason, she scared the crap out of him as too. He truly didn’t mean her any harm.
The two got in the truck and left the park. The ride back to Millie and Luke’s house was an uneventful 5 minutes. The silvery blue moonlight was slowly giving way to a grayish blue, rain-soaked sunrise; the light sparkling off of the raindrops on the wind-shield of the truck. Aldo’s gray eyes caught every light coming through the windows and they appeared silvery and shiny. Like mercury.
The truck pulled up to the curb and stopped just outside Millie’s driveway. The lights in the house were still off, indicating that Luke was probably still asleep. Millie began to open the door to get out. “You might have to put some weight into it.” Aldo advised. Millie did as he suggested and door opened. She had time to look down on the ground just below her feet, to see that a puddle had already formed from the rain, before Aldo said something else. “You know Hank from The Pines right?” He asked. “Isn’t that a trailer park?” Millie responded. “Yes.” He said. “Yeah I know him.” She said. “Well, you should go see him about your air conditioner. I’m sure he has a spare unit or two and I’d bet he’d even install it for you guys, just to p*ss off Cassy.” Said Aldo. “Those two really don’t like each other, do they?” Millie said. “No indeed they don’t.”Said Aldo. “Well we’ll have to look into that. Thanks.” She said. “Yeah.” Aldo said.
Millie got out of the truck, said goodbye to Aldo, shut the door behind her and began to walk up the steps to her door. Aldo just watched, contemplating something. Figuring now was as good a time as ever, he decided to go for whatever it was on his mind. He reached over to the door, and wound the window down. “Hey Millie.” He called out. Millie turned around. “Come ‘ere for a sec, I have to ask you something.” He said, trying not to yell. Millie walked back to the truck as he was opening the door again. “What is it?” She asked. “How would you feel about helping me out with a project I’m working on?” Millie just looked at him with skepticism. “We could close the bar for a couple days and I’d still pay you for it.” He said. Millie drew in a deep, closed-mouthed breath and pushed the air back out through her nose. “What kind of project?” She asked after a few seconds. “Right.” Aldo said. He then reached into the glove-compartment and took out a sketchbook. He flipped through to a certain page and then handed it to Millie. “This.” He said.
On the sketchbook page was what looked like an interior design concept art. The room depicted looked like some kind of ball room or fancy restaurant or something like that. Something Millie could imagine someone renting for their wedding reception. But the design was very…Avant Garde. The floor and tables were a cold medium dark gray, and the walls appeared to be covered in large shards of broken, peach colored glass or jaggedly cut sections of peachy paper that seemed to glow. But it wasn’t ugly. Millie recognized this image because she’d seen Aldo drawing it in the bar one time.
“That is the Ice Room.” Aldo said. “I’ll explain the backstory later, but I’m trying to recreate this at the inn, and I think you’re probably the only person who might get it.” He said. “It’s a personal thing and I don’t just want to hire someone.” He said. “But you can’t do it all by yourself.” She said. He nodded. “What do you need?” She asked. “Well it’s mostly just some paint and here and there. My grandad did most of the work already.” Millie’s expression wrinkled up as if to say “Huh?” The “grandad” Aldo had to have been talking about disappeared in the early 1970’s. “But I can’t figure out how to set up the lights. I really want to get it right.”
Aldo sounded really serious. This “project” must have been important. “Okay…When?” Said Millie. “I’ll let you know in a couple of days. I have some things to get out of the way first.” He said. “Okay.” Millie said. “Can I take a picture of this?” She asked, gesturing to the sketchbook. He nodded and she then got out her phone, hovered it over the page and snapped a photo.
The two exchanged nods. Millie told him she would see him later, and they parted ways. Millie then walked up to her door, leaving Aldo to himself. They both felt they had a better understanding of one another and at least for now, things between them would be slightly less uncomfortable. Aldo would return to his apartment and hesitate at his door, bracing himself for the wrath of a very upset Eva
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skellybonesandtrees · 4 years
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autostrad · 4 years
thank you for id'ing that, that was incredibly brave. i couldnt bear to type out the words and i cant bear to reblog it a second time
God gives his hardest battles to his sexiest soldiers aksgshaksh
He really wrote that with his whole chest huh?
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rosecoloreddesire · 2 years
My Devil In Disguise pt. 2 (Elvis)
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Beale Street Surprises; Chapter 2 
Pairing: Austin!Elvis x OC, Elvis x OC
Note: Hi guys! Thank you so much for the love on the first chapter! And thanks to those who gave me some tips too! Y’all are so sweet! Enjoy chapter 2! 
Read Chapter One Here!
Read Chapter Three Here!
Warnings: inaccuracies about Elvis or Elvis Movie (I’m trying y’all),swearing, yelling, mentions of sex in later chapters, smut in later chapters, dark undertones possibly, Colonel Tom Parker.
"Oh, do you think they'll remember me, Mister Presley? It's been years!" Elvis stood behind Annalise tying the big white bow in her red hair. He looked at her in the mirror and scoffed. Annalise pouted her rose colored lips. She pointed her mascara wand at him in warning. 
"Darlin, You were Annalise Snow. They must've thought your daddy was gonna have your head. I think your friends would ‘member a girl like that." She sighed as Elvis placed her necklace around her neck. Except that wasn't the necklace she was wearing the night before. Her cross necklace is replaced with a soft pink heart locket. She gasped as the cold settled onto her skin.
"You’re kiddin’? Where did you get this? It's so pretty." She settled her hand on it, feeling the grooves between her fingers. Elvis played with the strands of her hair beneath her bow, grinning ear to ear. 
"It's my mama's but I told her that I-I had someone special to put it on." He whispers the words upon the nape of her neck. His lips barely graced her skin.
"Wow. You didn't have to. I-I love it. Thank you so much. You’ve been too kind to me over all of this mess. I’m supposed to be helpin’ you get that new jacket." Her breathing seemed to quicken as his hands stayed massaging along her neck and shoulders. Elvis stood directly behind her to meet her eyes in the mirror.
"It looks amazin' on you, sweetheart," His southern drawl deepened. A chill ran down her spine," I got the jacket back but- you know wow. Lord, I thought you looked smokin' in that blue the night we met but wow this burgundy number looks divine!" Elvis chuckles as Annalise smooths her dress down as she stands. Her skin more than likely matching her lips now. 
"You flatter me, Mister Presley. Thank you for helping me with my hair. You didn't have to. I know I’m a guest but-" She fixes the dark green jacket on his shoulders trying to avoid his gaze.
"It's Elvis, Doll! Yeah, you are my guest, little lady. I gotta make sure you’re still enjoyin’ yourself! Let's see what's for breakfast before we head out! " He grabs her hand and pulls her to the kitchen to see Gladys at the stove. The aroma of home cooking drifted through the small kitchen.
"Eggs and bacon sound good to y'all? I also put some coke bottles in a bag for the trip to the pier! Your daddy should have already put it in your trunk!" She seemed to almost squeal with delight at Annalise. She proceeded to talk Annalise's ear off about the trip today. Vernon set up the table and pulled Annalise's chair out for her.
"Always gotta be nice to the ladies, Elvis," Elvis rolled his eyes at his father, "That's how I got your mama! Be a gentleman, boy!" He chuckled and grasped Elvis' shoulders shaking him back and forth lightly. Elvis started to laugh and push him away.  The two boys finally started their breakfast as Gladys and Annalise were finishing.
"I really haven't gone anywhere other than a carnival since following around my daddy. My brother and I would sneak out to try to get away from the lights and rides but it always seemed too far from our grasp, ya know?." Gladys rubs her back and offers her a small smile.  Annalise soon found herself growing weary of how her brother Jimmie was without her. Was he being treated the same with her gone? Or was daddy happy to finally have the only son he wanted? Annalise was born from her mother's first marriage to a man from Memphis. Annalise didn't know much about her real daddy as her mama got married to Hank when she was three. All her life, Hank Snow was her daddy but not right now! She was her own person and she was going to become the star she always wished to be.
"Well, I hope the pier is what you've always wanted it to be! Y'all kids have fun now! Be home in time for dinner, Elvis!!" Gladys kissed Elvis on the cheek while he nodded. He grabbed his keys and took Annalise's hand as they walked to the truck.
"You told her we were going to the pier? Elvis, you know how I feel about lyin'! Your mama was so nice and she even packed some of the trunk for us with your daddy!" She folded her arms as she got into the passenger seat. Her lips drawing into a pout. 
"If she knew we were going to Beale Street she'd tell me to go to the pier anyway! Tells me I hang out there too often! Mama tells me I need to focus on my job and not the music right now. She really wants me to just focus on me and not the others around me. I-I just wanna take care of my family." He sighed straightening his shoulders. 
"Have you not told her fully about this big recording deal at RCA? Mister Presley," He looks at the map in her lap averting his gaze from her," Elvis Presley! You turn this truck around and we go tell her!" She pulls the map from his view and he huffs, rubbing his bottom lip with his finger.
"Jokes on you darlin'. I don't need that map," The truck revs to life as he steps on the gas passing by building after building," I'll tell my mama. Colonel told ‘em they have to sign some things anyway. I'm just nervous is all. What if this record deal don't work out, Doll? This is my dream but it feels like I'm teeterin' on the edge of it." He sighs and leans back in his seat a little.
"Well, I'll make sure you don't fall, Mister Presley. We’re gonna fly together. I'm here for the ride remember. We already talked to Mr. Phillips. He understood why you were leavin'." He smiles taking her hand in his. Annalise tries to ignore the heat of his palm against hers.
"Thanks, baby. Hey, you do know I'm not the only one recording at RCA ,right?" Annalise's posture straightened and she turned slowly to look at him.
"You did not! I could barely sing Amazing Grace in front of an audience on the Louisiana Hayride without wantin' to cry! RCA?! I could just cry now!" She huffed and placed her head in her hand looking out the window as they made their way to their destination.
"Come on, Annalise! This could be our big break! You tellin' me you're chicken?" He gets out of the car as Anna feels like she wants to melt into the seat.
"I am not chicken, Presley. I'm just not as talented as you are I me-"
"You ain't nothin' but a hound dog!" A woman sitting on the windowsill of Club Hardy interrupts her. Annalise feels her heart flutter as the women continues to sing. The amount of people passing by Anna makes her feel dizzy. Her dreams at night were becoming real. She stood there but soon a familiar voice broke her out of her daze. She whipped around to see the man she met all those years ago.
"B.B! Hey, it's me Annalise," she waves frantically leaving Elvis stunned behind her," Blue's Boy! hiya!" She finally stood in front of the snickering man who lifted her into his arms and spun her.
"My little Annalise Snow!! I knew you'd come back soon! How's my favorite Snow?" B.B twirled her around, singing as she giggled. Elvis shyly made his way towards the pair. 
“I’m so good now that I see you!! C’mon! Get over here, Mister Presley! Usually he ain’t that shy!” 
"Hey, ain't you that Elvis Presley fella? That song you made with Sun Records was great! You should be hittin' RCA next, boy?" Elvis felt like he needed to be pinched. His crush knew the biggest artist of their time?
"U-Um yeah, I mean, I'm hopin' to get some music recognized around here, ya know? I-I've always looked up to you a-and I've always wanted to see the inside of Club Handy, ya know?" Elvis felt like he was shaking tremendously as he spoke. Annalise was confused but that poor girl was sheltered as all hell. How would she know her friend was THE B.B. King?
"How about you and your lady friend come in now? We're just opening up for the day!  I'd love to have y'all see the magic!" Annalise took Elvis' hand and ran behind B.B as he lead them to he doors.
"Annalise, I think you may have to pinch me. I-I can't believe this." Elvis gripped her hand harshly. Annalise placed her hand on his cheek and smiled.
"C'mon!  Put a little pep in your step! Soon enough your name is gonna be lights, Mister Presley."
"You gotta stop movin', kid. The mic keeps pickin' it up." The producer rolled his eyes starting another take for the single.
"If I can't move, I can't sing." He spoke into the mic softly.
"What is he doing? We paid for this?" The guys behind the recording were astonished.
"Please just let him do what he's doin' I promise you'll never hear anythin' better! he'll go straight to number one!  He's been workin' so hard on 'Heart Break Hotel!"
"Miss Snow, we can do anythin' like that for you. Are we recordin' a church song with you?"
"Ummm no. I'm not under my daddy no more. I ain't-." She waved the producers down and made her way to Elvis and embraced him.
“Hey, how did I do?”
"This is gonna be a number one album, Mister Presley! I promise you! You did such a good job! Your mama's gonna be so happy!" Annalise just about started jumping in excitement.
"T-Thank ya. I was shakin' like a leaf down here. I'm glad you're here with me." He caressed her cheek and she smiled.
"Now time to leave I know a great-"
"How about she sings Fever? I wanna hear you sing that so bad, please baby. I promise we'll get to writin' songs together soon." Annalise nods and smiles. Elvis was willing to halt his own writing for her? She needed to be pinched. I mean she had already seen Beale Street, THE B.B King bought her a new dress, and now she was recording at RCA? Her daddy be damned!
"Is it alright if I hold your guitar, Mister Presley? I-I know it’s not needed for the song but I um just wanted to. I uh have always wanted to hold it. Ya know, like a good luck charm?" Elvis took the strap and set it on her shoulders. He grinned  as she squealed touching the strings.
"Anything that is mine is yours, darlin'. Now sing your little heart out, treasure." Annalise nodded and waited for the go ahead from the producer. It was like nothing she ever felt before. Her heart fluttered and her body moved on it's own. She felt alive. 
She would hum Elvis' songs in her motel room when she was alone. It had already felt forbidden then but singing them out loud and in front of him? She felt like she was on Cloud Nine. Elvis felt like he was in Heaven. Watchin' her sing his music was like a arrow from Cupid's bow shot him.
"That's a wrap for the day you guys! Great job!" Annalise thanked the producers and gave them hugs while the pair walked out of the booth. They made their way to Elvis' truck and both giggled as they stared at each other.
"You did amazing, Mister Presley! Seeing you record those songs was the bees knees! You've never looked so-" She clamped her hand over mouth and felt the heat rising to her already red cheeks.
"Wow, darlin'. One recordin' at RCA and you've already lost your pure filter? Maybe I'll have to take you here more often." Elvis snickers and sends a wink her way. She shakes her head.
"I-I'm sorry. That was just like nothin' I ever felt before! I-I felt like I was born anew! Do you think we could go back to Beale Street soon to tell Mister King?" She felt like her skin was afire. She didn't know she was anymore. She felt so real like she actually could exist in Elvis' world.
"And just think, darlin'. This is just the beginning we're gonna be stars. We could finally be in pictures like you've always dreamed." He placed his hand over hers and they both felt time stop. Annalise thought it's now or never. This boy has changed her life in a matter of hours, days, and would change it for years to come. Maybe it was to early as her nerves began to tremor through her body.
"E-Elvis...I-I want to let you-" Elvis shushed her and took her hand to his lips.
"I need to kiss you right now, treasure. Or I may just die right 'ere." Annalise's eyes widen and she nods enthusiastically. Elvis smirks, his hand finding it's way through her red hair. he pulls her slightly forward. Their lips finally meet and Annalise thinks Cloud Nine had been passed.  The searing hot desire she felt when she first saw Elvis perform and wiggle, seemed to crash through her once again. They pull away for a brief moment.
"I-I was gonna say that I wanted to let you know that I liked you." She smiled mindlessly. Her eyes never leaving his lips.
"Well, I think you know my answer, baby. Like you said earlier we're on this ride together. Now lets get home, little mama." Stealing one last kiss before smiling to himself. the truck roars to life and they were off to rest. Little did they know Colonel Tom Parker would be waiting for them at the Lauderdale Courts. Offering them everything they could ever want. Elvis had already signed away his life to him...now he wanted to make sure he had Annalise’s. 
“Elvis! How was RCA, my boy? Was it what you always imagined?” He patted the raven haired boy on the back. Annalise tried to sneak on past the pair but as always she failed to get far enough. 
“Annalise! How was recordin’ without the daddy? I can’t wait to hear the single!” Vernon gave her a big hug while she stood frozen in place. Even when she was on the road with Penelope she feared her best friends father. There was an aura of distain around him whenever she saw him. 
“U-Uh it was great, Mr. Presley. I-I’m a bit tired. I’m gonna go get some shut eye th-” 
“You recorded at RCA too, Miss Snow? Well, you’ll need a manager as well! I could very much have the future Presley duo on my hands!” He laughed loudly making Annalise flinch. 
“Future Presley duo? What are you talkin’ about, Colonel?” Elvis looked confused as Annalise tried to get out of the conversation. 
“Well, Miss Snow has always had a crush on Mister Elvis here! I just thought maybe y’all would become THE it couple of Hollywood!” Annalise felt like she wanted to just bury herself under the ground now. She couldn’t help but hope for what had just come out of the Colonel’s loud mouth anyway. Colonel looked at her, smiling. Though that smile always seemed to feel...off.  Elvis took her hand and bent down to whisper in her ear. 
“Go to sleep, baby. I’ll give ‘im hell for ya. I gotta talk about some things with the family,” He kissed her head and made sure his father was distracting Colonel with his ramblings,” Good night. I’ll be in bed in a minute. I promise.” A quick kiss sent Annalise right to the bedroom after it finished. 
She shut the door and stared at the wall next to it. She could still hear Mr. Parker’s voice through the wall. Something about a car and something about a house fit for a king. Annalise felt so small in the already small bedroom. Who the hell did she think she was? She shared two kisses with Elvis Presley. Finally tasting the forbidden fruit and Lord knows she isn’t ashamed. That’s when a sudden panic filled her bones and it’s like her daddy always said. 
“Don’t write your soul to the Devil.,” She looked at herself in the mirror before changing her clothes,” Lord...I think I’m the Devil.” She whispers closing the last button of one of Elvis’ shirt on her pale skin. The door creaked and she made eye contact with Elvis just like the morning before. 
“Darlin, you really are a sin to stare at.” 
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esmericks · 3 years
Hey! Welcome to my blog, I just wanted to post a list of all the celebrity characters I write for. I just wanted to inform you all that I will most definitely be taking in requests for any character played by a celeb on this list, as well as any type of prompt (fluff, angst, smut...). I also wanted to add that sadly I will only be writing for female readers as I am one myself and wouldn't want to misinterpret any feelings or situations that a male or non- binary person would feel. 
(Just to be clear this a list of actors but I will only be writing for any character played by said celebs, not the actual person as I find that kind of wierd. xx)
PS: Some names will be in all caps and that means that I am currently in a period where I am really motivated or interested to write for this particular person, these will change over time. 
Adam Driver 
Alicia Vikander 
Amandla Stemberg 
Ana De Armas
Andy Samberg 
Angelina Jolie 
Annabelle Wallis 
Anne Hathaway 
Anya Taylor-Joy 
Benedict Cumberbatch
Bradley Cooper 
Brie Larson
Camille Cottin 
Cara Delevigne 
Chris Evans 
Chris Hemsworth 
Chris O’Dowd 
Ciaran Hinds 
Cillian Murphy 
Cobie Smulders
Colin Farell 
Dakota Johnson 
Daniel Craig 
David Harbour
David Tennant 
David Thewlis 
Dylan O’Brian 
Eddie Redmayne 
Elle Fanning
Elizabeth Debiki 
Elizabeth Olsen
Emilia Clarke 
Emily Blunt 
Emma Mackey 
Emma Roberts
Emma Stone 
Emma Watson 
Emmy Rossum
Esther Acebo 
Eva Green 
Evan Peters 
Ewan McGregor 
Ezra Millers
Finn Wolfhard 
Florence Pugh 
Gal Gadot 
Gillian Anderson 
Gwendoline Christie 
Harry Styles 
Henry Golding 
Ian Glen 
Idris Elba 
Itziar Ituno 
James McAvoy 
Jason Momoa
Javier Bardem  
Jemima Kirke 
Jennifer Connelly 
Jennifer Lawrence 
Jessica Chastain 
Jessica Lange
Jimmy Smits 
John Krasinski 
Johnny Depp
Jude Law 
Kate Winslet 
Kaya Scodelario
Keanu Reeves 
Kiera Knightley 
Kit Harrington 
Kristen Stewart 
Lady Gaga 
Lea Seydoux 
Lena Headey 
Liam Neeson 
Lily Rabe 
Lily - Rose Depp 
Liza Weil 
Louis Garrel
Luke Evans 
Mads Mikkelson 
Maisie Williams 
Marion Cotillard 
Margot Robbie 
Mark Ruffalo 
Mathew McConaughey 
Maude Apatow 
Megan Fox 
Meryl Streep 
Micheal Fassbender 
Mikael Persbrandt 
Mila Kunis 
Millie Bobby Brown 
Natalia Tena 
Natalie Portman 
Paul Bettany
Penelope Cruz 
Pheobe Dyevnor
Pheobe Waller Bridge 
Rachel McAdams 
Rachel Weiz 
Ralph Fiennes 
Rebecca Ferguson 
Richard Madden 
Robert Downey Jr
Rooney Mara 
Rory McCann 
Rose Byrne 
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sadie Sink 
Sam Claflin 
Sandra Bullock 
Saoirse Ronan 
Scarlett Johansson 
Sebastian Stan 
Sophie Turner 
Stephanie Beatriz 
Sterling K Brown 
Sydney Sweeney 
Taissa Farmiga 
Timothee Chalamet 
Thomas Brodie - Sangster 
Thomasin McKenzie 
Tom Felton 
Tom Hanks 
Tom Hardy 
Tom Hiddleston 
Ty Burrell 
Ursula Corbero 
Vanessa Kirby 
Victoria Pedretti 
Willow Smith 
Winona Ryder
Zoe Kravitz 
Zoe Saldana
If there is an actor/ character that is not on this list that you would like to request please do, and I will see if I will write for them xx
- Lots of love 
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corie-the-writer · 3 years
Come As You Are - Prologue
Prologue ---
Four Years Ago --
Hannah Walker stood behind the bar with her book displayed out in front of her as she was waiting for the beer and liquor to be delivered to the strip club that she had currently worked at. The dark haired woman had never in a million years pictured herself as a stripper or bartender at night while she attended college through the day to get her final credits to earn her bachelor's degree. When her parents had passed away almost two years ago, she had put her college life on hold, not having enough credits to graduate with the rest of her class. She could have blamed anyone under the sun for the circumstances that life had thrown at her, but she knew that it would do no good. She took time to grieve the loss of her family, while working at a small coffee shop to make ends meet while she coped with this new life that was thrown at her. 
That is where she met Tamila, who had told her that her boyfriend managed the strip club, and told her that she would be a good fit because of her dark hair, piercing green eyes and curved but slender body. Hannah had laughed off the compliment but when she had went home she had been curious as to how much a dancer could make in a night. 
She had a few bills that she couldn't catch up on due to the cost of college. She had thought about transferring colleges to finish up her credits, but she would have to spend longer finishing out her work if she had decided to transfer and Hannah did not want to chance losing any of her earned credits. 
The next time she had spoke to Tamila, she had sat the spunky redheaded woman down and told her about her situation, wondering if her boyfriend would be willing to work with her and Tamila had agreed to speak to Tyrone. She was surprised that Tamilia had shot a quick text to her boyfriend, and he had agreed to sit down and talk to the woman later that evening. 
Once Hannah had sat down with Tyrone, she was extremely grateful that the man had agreed to hire her as a bartender at first, knowing that the tips would be hers out right, that she would be paid under the table so it would not effect her chances of becoming a teacher once she was able to graduate from college. Hannah had never been more thankful for the understanding and compassion they had shown to her. 
"Girl...you about done with that college shit?" Hannah heard the familiar voice of Tiffany, a dancer who was a lot to handle majority of the time. 
"I have final exams coming up in about a month. Hopefully then I can graduate." Hannah explained as Tiffany plopped herself in a chair, "Need something to drink?" Hannah questioned politely. 
"Nah sweetie, I'm good." Tiffany answered, "Have you seen Brittany anywhere?" Tiffany questioned as she looked to her nails, "She was suppose to meet early to go over a dance routine." 
"No, I haven't seen her." Hannah glanced to the blonde woman and then turned her attention back to the book in front of her. 
At first, when Hannah had started working, there were a few girls that felt extremely threatened according to Tamilia, so they were incredibly catty towards her, but after a while, most of the women had grown to like the dark haired woman. A couple of the women had even taught Hannah how to dance so she could make a little extra cash a couple of nights a week which had helped her catch up on bills, and was now able to live comfortably without worrying. 
"Are you dancing tonight or bartending?" Tiffany questioned. 
"Just bartending." Hannah replied not taking her eyes off the book as she answered, completely missing Tyrone and two unfamiliar faces walking into the bar room. 
"Tiffany. Hannah." Tyrone spoke. 
Hannah still didn't bother taking her eyes off the book as she greeted her friend, "Hey Ty...still waiting on the delivery." Hannah stated as she flipped the page. 
"She's got final exams coming up..." Tyrone's explanation had the woman lifting her head and noticed the older gentleman with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, noticing the police badge displayed on his hip, and then the other man who was African American and rather tall, with the same badge on display, "These men have some questions for you, don't be a hassle Tiffany." Tyrone explained, "I'm gonna go call everyone in..." Tyrone added and Hannah furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of Tyrone's face noticing that something was extremely wrong. 
"I'm Sargent Hank Voight, this is Detective Kevin Atwater..." The older man introduced himself and his co-worker. 
"I'm Hannah..." Hannah spoke gently, looking down to her book to mark the page before shutting it and looking to the Sargent, "Is everything okay?" Hannah questioned. 
"We were wondering when the last time Brittany Lincoln was seen?" Hank questioned as the Detective took Tiffany a few feet away at a table. 
"Uhm..." Hannah thought for a moment, "I wasn't here last night, but I think she was scheduled to work, so the last time I saw her was Wednesday evening." Hannah explained, "Is she okay?" Hannah questioned quietly.
"Unfortunately no. She was murdered last night." 
"Oh my god..." Hannah frowned deeply. 
"Has there been anyone who has shown particular interest in Brittney while she has been here? Has she mentioned anything about a boyfriend, problems she was having with someone?" Hank questioned. 
Hank Voight had been under a lot of stress with three murdered women who had ties to local strip clubs that had shown up across Chicago within the last week. The bodies had been tortured and assaulted, so Voight realized quickly there was a serial killer on the loose and he needed to get ahead of the person doing this. He had split the team to check all three backgrounds of the women, and when he walked into Links Club, he did not expect to see the dark haired woman behind the bar studying. He especially did not expect to stumble over her beauty and the instant pull he had towards her. 
The man noticed that the woman was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with her dark hair tied into a messy bun on the top of her head. He had to clear his throat for a moment when Hannah began to speak again. 
"No, I wasn't really that close with her to know details of her personal life. She was sort of private when it came to that stuff, not wanting to mix work with her personal life." Hannah cringed when Tiffany began to sob, feeling like she wasn't close enough with Brittany to have that sort of reaction, "Brittany hung out with Tamila a lot I think and a new girl that just started here, uhm..Candace." Hannah pointed out, "They might know more than I do about any of that." 
Hank gave a nod in understanding, jotting down the names that Hannah had given to him, "Has there been any issues here at work?" Hank questioned. 
"I mean not that I've noticed. Tyrone tries to keep me at the bar as much as he can unless one of the girls doesn't show up, but I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary and no one has really said anything." Hannah explained trying to think back of the past couple of weeks. 
"If you can think of anything else, please, don't hestiate to call." Hank stated, handing her his business card and taking a pen from the bar counter and scribbling down his personal cell phone number on the back. 
Hank wasn't quite sure what had possessed him to write down his personal number, but he had decided to just go with it as he excused himself to speak with Tyrone in his office. 
Hannah looked to the card and slipped the paper into her back pocket. Her mind was replaying every night she had worked, wondering if she had overlooked something. It was hard to tell because the bouncers were extremely good on keeping the women protected from men who had drank too much and got a little too handsy, then she remembered that she had taken the trash out and saw Brittany in an argument with a new bouncer that was around their age. Making her way out from behind the bar, Hannah headed towards Tyrone's office. 
"Look, we have reason to believe that there is a serial killer targeting dancers. We've had three  women's bodies come up within the past week." Hannah frowned at Voight's voice and gently knocked on the door. 
"What is it Hannah?" Tyrone questioned as the woman opened the door a little. 
"I uh...I just remembered I saw Brittany and that new bouncer arguing outside Wednesday night." Hannah explained looking to Voight, "I didn't think anything of it because Brittany gets a little crabby the later it gets, but I just found it odd because he's sort of distant and cold, unlike the other guys." Hannah stated. 
"Can you get me any information you have on file of this guy?" Hank questioned to Tyrone. 
"Yeah, absolutely." Tyrone answered opening his desk drawer, "He is suppose to be at work tonight." Tyrone replied handing Voight the file. 
"Look, we are going to have to people a couple of people undercover here. We have zero leads on what this person's motives are, what their next move is going to be." Hank explained and Tyrone nodded his head in understanding. 
"Whatever you guys need, we are more than willing to help as much as we can." Tyrone stated. 
Hannah stood awkwardly for a moment, realizing the severity of the situation that was happening in Chicago, feeling so badly about the women who lost their lives. What she didn't realize was how much her life would be changing moving forward now that Hank Voight had entered her life.
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fadedflame · 3 years
Ghosts in the Machine Day 19
Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge from @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Day nineteen-GPS signal lost
Part five: Hank finds Connor.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Ao3 or
Hank got to the window just in time to see Connor’s head fall below the water.
“Fuck!” he swore. He vaulted through the window himself in quick pursuit, sliding down the riverbank and nearly ending up in the water himself. “Connor? Fuck, Connor, where are you?”
He scanned the river, panning over it again and again with his eyes, but the android didn’t resurface. Fucking hell, this couldn’t be happening, he just got the kid fixed for christ’s sake! “Shit,” he swore again, at a loss as to what to do.
One of the Chloe’s ran up behind him, sliding to a stop with far more grace than he had. “He’s being swept downriver,” she announced.
Right. Kamski had stayed behind in the lab to track Connor’s GPS while they pursued him. He was likely relaying that information to Chloe. “Right,” Hank started downstream, careful not to get too close to the thin ice. It wouldn’t do Connor any good if he went under too. “You know where he is?”
Chloe nodded, taking the lead as they raced along the riverbank. Hank’s breath was already labored, not at all being helped by the frigid air, but he refused to slow. He refused to lose Connor, to lose another kid.
Hank wasn’t sure how long they ran, but Chloe stopped abruptly, nearly causing him to collide with her. “The hell, why’d you stop?” Hank asked. “You find him?”
She glanced out into the water frantically. “No,” she admitted, a hint of panic in her own voice. “The signal, it’s gone.”
“Gone? What do you mean it’s gone?”
“I mean it’s gone,” she reiterated, looking back at him. “There’s really no other way to put it. Either he had deviated again, or-”
“Don’t,” Hank cut her off. “Don’t say it, he’s gonna be fine.”
He reached for his phone, pulling it out roughly enough that he nearly dropped it. His cold fingers barely registered on the touchscreen. The kid’s tracker may have shut off, but his lojack should still be active. After two tries, he finally got the damn app open. A blinking green dot lit up on the screen.
The dot pointed to the mansion.
Where Connor's bugged jacket was still slung over a chair in the lab.
Hank looked out across the frozen river again, desperate for any sign of the kid. The undisturbed ice gave no indication that it would divulge what lay beneath. “Where was he when you lost signal?” He demanded. If he had a solid starting point, it was at least something.   
Chloe guided him a little farther down, indicating a stretch of icy water no different than any that surrounded it. “There,” she said. “He was right there.”
Damn it, that didn’t help. How long had it been? How long could Connor survive under the ice? Was it already too late? He was well past panic at this point, only his years on the force preventing him from letting it show.
“What’s that?” Chloe said suddenly. Hank looked to where she was pointing. A large branch protruded from the fragile ice, shaking violently in the current. More violently than it should be.
Freshly broken ice surrounded it as it bent and swayed under a new and sudden weight. God, it was almost too much to hope.
Hank ran to where it made contact with solid ground, searching for any sign that it was his kid on the other end. A dark, nondescript shape was being tossed about beneath the surface, but it was the dull red light that shattered any doubts he might have had.
“Shit, ok, ok,” he breathed. Hank fought his first instinct, to jump in after the kid. It wouldn’t do either of them any good and he knew that. Instead, he pulled off his coat, then his overshirt, ignoring as the cold air nipped at his newly exposed skin. Hank knew he didn’t have a lot of time, he’d wasted too much as it was. Tying the sleeves together in a makeshift rope, he handed one end to Chloe. “Hold that, don’t let go,” he instructed.
If he thought the air was bad, the water was infinitely worse. As soon as he broke through the remaining ice, the river seemed to suck him in. It leached the heat from his body, numbing him and nearly making him lose his grip on his shirtsleeve. The current pulled, trying to wash him away.
But Hank was nothing if not a stubborn bastard. There was no way in hell this shit was going to keep him from his kid.
Fighting the river, he managed to get his arm around Connor. He tried not to think about how he felt as cold as the water around him. He pulled, breaking him free of the branch with frighteningly little resistance.
Chloe pulled them to the shore, and Hank didn’t even have the energy left to thank her. He cradled the barely conscious android with no idea how to assess his condition beyond the red LED. Connor was shivering, that much he could tell. Either that, or he was shaking enough for the both of them.
Hank only looked up when a thick blanket was wrapped around his shoulders. The others had caught up from the house and were rushing to their aid. Even Elijah had come, stuffed inside a designer jacket with a laptop and cords in hand presumably to run a diagnostic on Connor.
“Are you two always this much trouble,” Kamski complained, setting up the computer.
Hank didn’t respond, just focusing on holding Connor close and trying to warm him up with his own depleted body heat. He only allowed the man enough room to attach the cord to the back of Connor’s neck.
The android’s eyes opened slowly. He seemed disoriented, but he’d take it as a good sign regardless. “Hey, kid. Hey, how you doing?”
Connor blinked a few times and Kamski’s laptop beeped, but he didn’t seem alarmed, so Hank didn’t react. “Hank?”
“Yeah, Connor. I’m here,” he told him. He rubbed at the kid’s arms, trying to generate some heat. “I’m here. You’re gonna be ok.”
Connor seemed to relax, pressing himself closer to Hank. Whether it was seeking warmth or comfort was anyone's guess. “Hank. I’m cold,” he said.
“I know,” he glanced at Elijah who gave him an encouraging nod and a small smile. Connor was going to be fine. “Let’s get you warmed up, alright?”
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