#ty for the ask uw u i got excited and tand likes to ramble ♥
nvrcmplt · 18 days
With still heavy eyelids, the dragoness peered into the dark room. The faint light from the lamppost outside crept in through a crack between curtains, causing long eerie shadows. One of which that made her hair stand on end. It then became apparent what exactly had awoken her.
In an instant her eyes flew open and she sat upright in her bed, face to face with a creature she'd never seen before. Another person's tooth beneath the pillow behind her.
"I think I've had too much ramen before bed...," she muttered to herself. "Or was it the sake?"
// for Tand Fé
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"Oh molars no - neither, lass." A chime in tone, movement of the giant fae was without fanfare but confusion amongst the senses. They were tall, terribly tall - shouldn't at all fit within the room and yet the ceiling near touched their crescent horns, the floor never cracked under pin-point ending limbs. Instead they chimed as if hollow metal against stone, a tune if one was to listen well beyond their prior drunken state. Mouthless but not without voice, did the Being of Teeth, lower themselves only slight to reach out with spindly arm, fingers poised with motion to pinch something from them? Well, no, not them, her, the creature that scents of blossom touched waters but beyond them.
Garments of white, glistening stars over chains rest at shoulder and throat, bangles and gauntlets and hoops, lots of them trinkle their figure as if royalty stepped from the voids above. It wouldn't be far off, but still, over dressed and oddly dressed, a presence that spoke of something of the highest of orders in their wears. Movements gentle, graceful, spidery-yet without the creep factor even though they are a being akin more to the looks of a giant insect or alien. The biggest feature was indeed a cape of the most bluest of blues, dotted in stars and fur around their neck, a fluff as misty as a lakes fog and as soft as a morning yawn.
"Pardon me, lass. Just a little something for me under here." A shift of pillow, the bone cradled in metal tin and fabric. Ah, delightful gift. A cherished tooth, though They were confused upon them, settled within the sheets. They could tell without seeking inside her jowls that she was not missing a single tooth and yet, she slept with one under their pillow. How queer. Just ignore how They tut at the lack of missing teeth from them.
Still, Tand Fé smiled, strangely a thing to be felt or just known by her, without a mouth to show it. Delight in bonfire hues, a dance of liquid flame and warmth, a flicker of adoration as tin was held within three pointed digits. "Oh, they treat me so well… This world is just delightful for keeping tradition. Do you wish to see it? Ah, no I should wait - this little gem needs my full attention." Ah, how They marvelled, almost danced upon the bloody spot in their joy of such a treasure.
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Still, They had to control themselves, staring upon their toothful guest and instead lowering attention from the tin for a moment to look them over. Not of their stock, their blood was something special but not of this country or origin, a foreign little tooth-bandit. "Well, I guess should ask who it is that sleeps with my treasure." Did she steal teeth from those that lost them? A faux-tooth fairy? Wonderous, a rather noble profession but Tand Fé wasn't so sure now.. Hm.
"The fact you see me states more that meets the eye here. Whilst not rare, it is strange for those outside of my boundary to see what I am." Though itching to see the tooth in its glory, They were polite, awaiting their turn to speak… Tand Fé at the moment, wasn't sure if they could return the tin with gift inside for the toothless being to find in the coming morn with her.
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