#ty for the ask sunny! :>
didderd · 5 months
📚 How many layers do you typically use? (answered here)
🌈 Do you use more warm or cold colors? i think it's relatively balanced, but i'm pretty sure i use more cold colors.
🌗 Is night or day better for drawing? night. i think. tho it kinda depends on where my sleep schedule is. (which fluctuates a lot.)
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Smile, Tim! You are on camera.
Also that's the Battinson Emo Eyeliner from The Batman (2024) directed by Matt Reeves he is rocking. Always his daddy's son...
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chrliekclly · 5 months
i’m on my knees begging you to post art. i don’t even care what it is i just need more of your art RIGHT MEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i offer this unfinished doodle
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0m0-0m0 · 10 months
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[* The DREAMER has caught you. Time to head back now.]
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ssseriema · 28 days
For the person who asked for mapic coded songs- I have a list. I don't relate mapic to a dog you do
some extras I can't include bc of the limit
muzzle - destroy boys
bite the hand - boygenius
cannibal - nathan apollo
animal cannibal - ivol
rule 34 - fish in a birdcage
nervous young inhumans - car seat headrest
personal space invader - AJJ
HOLY MACARONI!!! i see no dog associations here!! none at all
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ask-charliekelly · 20 days
would you kiss mac for a block of cheese?
I kiss Mac all the time but I'll definetly do it if there's cheese involved. Y'know, maybe I should start a cheese for kiss system. Does that make me a cheese prostitute?
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rakkuntoast · 7 months
yes to everything you said and more. like man, the disrespect the female eggs always receive is baffling. Can this fandom pls be less misogynistic. one man turns out to be shitty, and they immediately take away tallulah's cognition? like why do they take this situation as an opportunity to try and shove luzu and willy as parental figures to her, with zero consideration to the fact that she has her own emotions and thoughts? idk, it just seems like it's only ever the female presenting eggs that have to deal with this bs, and i wish i could just block all the secret misogynists. also sorry if this is a bit much, i just know ur a phil main, will prob understand just how often the fem eggs (ESPECIALLY tallulah, like sometimes it feels like they just want anyone but phil to be her dad lol) get treated this way. tyy for listening :3
ANON THIS. even if I'm a phil main I dabble a lot in other circles so I kinda get some from everywhere. but god yeah the misogyny with female eggs has been such an issue since the damn first weeks, it def got worse when pomme arrived and she just kept getting called Tallulah 2.0 :(
I have an issue with people instantly assigning luzu n willy as her dad's as a "replacement" cuz idk it does feel like people are just disregarding her character arc and emotions just to justify a headcanon (I've been guilty of this before and I recognize it)
I remember seeing a clip of luzu where he read a chat message saying "please adopt Tallulah, she's lonely" which ??? we get enough with people erasing Missa as her father and diminishing Phil as her father, but saying she's alone is a whole ass different thing
idk why people keep thinking Tallulah is just a token people can just pass around ownership and still perceive her as the same egg 10 months ago like idk, it's so weird to me. she has two dads and they are recognized as her dads in canon, end of the discussion
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nailgunstigmata · 1 year
dennis in a cocktail dress
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dennis in a cocktail dress with a cocktail wearing a cocktail dress drinking a cocktail. in a cocktail dress. with a cocktail
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mrgladstonegander · 5 months
How will the characters be portrayed in DT47 compared to DT87, and DT17?
to be honest i havent really watched enough of dt87 to say 😅im drawing more inspiration from dt17 + the comics
I do have some thought-out differences for some characters though! :)
I'd do more characters but I don't have everything set in stone completely yet .
these links have more up to date information : phantom and the sorceress / specter of the past , phantom blot/rorschach specter
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doodled this a while ago but scrooge / graham are different in terms of ... business practices. DT17!Scrooge is whitewashed (in the traditional sense) from the comics (dt87!scrooge moreso from what i know). but i personally think that scrooge's penny pinching debt collecting personality in the comics can still be fun (+creates conflict) but ALSO . personally. I don't really think it's good to say you can be the Richest Person Ever while still having good ethics. ESPECIALLY when said billionaire collects and takes artifacts from other cultures
Graham (dt47 scrooge) remembers debts extremely well, and always puts himself in situations where people would become indebted to him (even family). he takes contracts and small print very seriously. he also has the same issue of hoarding all his treasures in his house or money bin, and separates them by how useful they are to him (like, say, if there was a magical Papyrus that can be used to make contracts that Bind things... cough cough)
honestly i think that dt17!scrooge's aversion to magic felt slightly contradictory at times? considering how much he collects/uses them
i dont remember if it was ever said in the show, but while Graham likes adventuring, I don't think he does it just for the sake of adventure. He wants treasure, but he also wants to give the kids (dt47 donald/della/hdl/webby etc) an experience and let them travel because he remembers being poor and how many things he wasn't able to do. but with this mindset he doesn't recognize that it's his fault when they start getting bad coping mechanisms or tiring themselves out trying to keep up/impress him
but i think the most major difference between dt17 and dt47 is this; Scrooge built the Spear of Selene, and did everything he could to try and bring Della back. DT17's narrative, even with Last Crash, does not put the blame on him; he didn't really do anything wrong. but for dt47 i REALLY want to emphasize how many people Phoebe (Della)'s disappearance affected - and the lengths that Graham went to hide it. I made a chart a while ago that shows how Phoebe's disappearance affects people and Gyro/Beakley's equivalents (the ones with the red star) have specific gag orders that Do NOT allow them to say anything about it. The cousins (INCLUDING PERCY) only know that she disapearred, Oliver/Gladstone trusts Percy/Donald's judgement that it's Graham's fault, and Frankie tries to understand things from both sides with no avail. Graham forcing Archie to keep quiet about it does not go well at all, especially with how guilty Archie feels about building the rocket
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tldr; tries to make people owe him so that he always has leverage, uses magical artifacts to build his business, has bad coping mechanisms regarding his childhood (that lead to him being adventurous, untrusting, penny pinching etc), and he really sucks for how much he's burying what to phoebe. ALSO i forgot to mention but he doesn't really have a money bin in the traditional sense. I want to give him the world's most complete coin collection to make him seem slightly more insane in a different way.
. ok realizing that this is really long and you're asking how they're portrayed and not just the differences. heres some quicker comparisons
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(please read the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde)/ (the poor thing has anxiety because of valerie (beakley's) teachings)
this post is still consistent with what i have planned for team science + archie
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sunnydbd · 4 months
I would like to request a trans Cleo filling Grian while degrading him and biting his neck
If you can't do this for whatever reason I understand and hope you're doing okay
ty for the request anon !!
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srry this took so long </33 this was super fun to do !! but honestly not my best baked idea so I might redraw this sometime in the future
twt: sunnybutlame
link !
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bbutterflies · 4 months
is there a collection or tag for adrino week on ao3?
yes!!! @bittersweetresilience is incredible and made an adrino week tag for us! please tag fics so we can all find them there 🥰
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literallyjusttoa · 9 months
Me after scrolling through your entire blog and liking almost every post: Yea I like Apollo a normal amount
Anyway- *smushes your Apollo design it’s literally my favorite design of him ever*
lol when you smush him he makes a lil squeaky toy noise.
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what do the rouges think of cardinal?
OHHHHH What a lovely question <33
Since i've yet to write in Cardinal in a scene beyond his desk work- these might change.
Cardinal acts well- like a cryptic?? It's a complete coin toss how he will behave, if he will turn the creepy to 100% and speak in tounge's (its a mix of latin and greek) But when he DOES respond its through a heavy voice modulater.
However if you want specifics?? (also some extra lore of some rouges no longer active- both due to. Cardinals interference and BECAUSE I SAID SO)
Joker- They are a menace, never once humors his schemes- he knows the moment Cardinal gets involved his fun is ruined. Therefore he hates their guts. (Cardinal is reported 10x more brutal when faced with the Joker)
Scarecrow- Self proclaimed "Arch enemy" of Cardinal since hes never once sucseeded in drugging them, and he longs to know what would make the little bird sing. (Cardinal is said to have an entire pocket dedicated to backup rebreathers, usually lets the bats take over)
Riddler- LOVES Cardinal so so much- they are like best friends (no no they are not) Cardinal seems to enjoy his puzzles and he's able to pull out ones even the Batman would struggle with. Sometimes an informant for a good game. (Cardinal will admit, out of all the rouges? He doesn't mind Riddler- just with less hostages)
Harley- Thinks they are strange, even more strange than the bats. But more than anything concerning- their behaviors raise a ton of red flags but she doubts she can convince them to therapy, though it is her goal. (Cardinal is... unsure about Harley, she's changed- but memories are hard)
Ivy- Theres a mutual respect- Though out of all the vigilantes Cardinal seems to fear her the most, the last time being hit by her pollen they freaked out enough Harley made her give over the antidote. They definently fight, but she does try and hold back some of her more underhanded stuff. (Cardinals suit got several more layers after that incident)
Mr.Freeze- Reformed villain now, as a result of Cardinal. Aka when he first did his villain monologue to them- they had spoke (for the first time to ANY rouge) and asked to see his blue prints. A few years later his suit was fortified to help him live a somewhat normal life, and his wife had been cured. They got their life back. Leaving Gotham soon after, but he still checks in on ocassion (Cardinal never responds though, but they're happy with the updates- that he was able to help)
Catwoman- Annoying, but interesting for sure. It seems no matter how elaborate her scheme they always seem to pop in and just stare or even wave. The most interesting thing though? They never stop her. Certian locations she robs they will return the item (usually museums) but have never once tried to actually take her in. If anything shes half convinced they throw the bats off her trail, its interesting. (She never steals from anyone who cant afford to replace it, and honestly her stuff goes to a good cause-)
Clayface- Never became a villain- After his accident, Dagget had been shut down long before so Matt Hageb he had no accsess to the cream. With the help of his coworker (and future husband) Teddy Lupus he got the help he needed. Drake Industries came out with an amazing prosthesis program that helped construct a whole new face. Now Mr & Mr Lupus live in upper west side of Gotham where they now raise two daughters going to Gotham Academy.
Blackmask- Hates their fucking guts. People think Cardinal comes down on the Joker hard? They're practically suffocating Black Mask movements- buisness is failing and at this rate he's trying to put out a hit on the fucker. (The hates their guts is mutual)
Two face- Instead of going to the Manori trial- Harvey had an emergency call from a very panicky Bruce who suddenly had CPS knocking at his door about Dick. The delay finding a new attorney meant Manori was found with the acid and held for attempted assault while Harvey was scot free. He owns his own law firm now and has continued to be a close confident to Bruce and "Uncle" to the kids. (Cardinal cried when he first found out about Harvey, that he was okay- he thought it had been too late.)
Penguin- Cardinal is a pain in their ass, not as much as Black mask but still just enough that he doesnt hold back when attacking. The ONLY saving grace from absolute hatred is Cardinal outright refuses to fight any of his birds, and will even go as far as to save some of them when the bats are too careless to notice a penguin slipping off a roof. (Cardinal wishes Penguin would stop dragging actual penguins into his shit- even with guns they're just too cute)
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charmac · 6 months
Do you like to watch all the sunny episodes in order and just start over once you reach the end or do you skip around and watch whatever you feel like watching? If you do the latter, are there certain episodes that are your “go-to” and/or episodes you typically won’t choose?
Kind of both?
At any given time I have an active "full" watch-through happening where I watch every episode in order, but I also will jump forward/back to episodes just based on the day, my mood, if something gets stuck in my head (a song or a line), or I just need to watch a specific episode for whatever reason.
So right now I'm in Season 5 of my full series rewatch, but I've watched Boggs like 4 times in the past two days (staving off both the baseball withdrawal and my Lost rewatch withdrawal..if that makes any sense to anyone else lol)
My go-to episodes are definitely just my tops/favourites for sure. I could literally rewatch my top ten episodes over and over for the rest of time and never get bored. Tonight I'm gonna drop a gif set of my top in each season to rival the one if did of IMDb's list :)
There's no episodes I ever skip on my full-season watch-through, but there's probably a ton I just never seek out organically, mostly the ones on the bottom of my ranking list:
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capricioussun · 9 months
@weia-yo said: what got you into undertale?
It kind of was just...unavoidable? Or maybe inevitable is a better word. My sister had been following it during the kickstarter, she already knew abt Toby Fox and was really excited for it. The year it came out, when she was home for christmas, she got my mom to play it. I was busy having serial colds so I was pretty out of it for most of that time, but it blew up on my side of tumblr, too, so I'd been seeing tons of fanart.
I didn't really get into it at the time but I'm not exaggerating when I say I took One look at Papyrus and was like YOU 🫵 and while the obsession didn't fully take root then. Years later, I think about 2018, 2019, I still have the picture from the conversation I was having with Nattie when a comic with Papyrus came across my dash and I stayed up all night reading it and catching up, and thusly drawing Papyrus and Samus standing side by side bc of their "matching armor".
The comic was handplates, lol, but then, it was unavoidable. I watched letsplays and read wikis and dug through tags. I started a side blog to rb only undertale fanart that I'm pretty sure is still up somewhere, but yeah. When it finally sunk its teeth in I was toast and it's been melting my brain ever since <3
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ask-charliekelly · 13 days
do different colours of paint taste differently? and if so which colour has the best flavor?
Red tastes like red cheese wax, I don't like yellow cause it's all slimey. Oh! And blue tastes like window cleaner!
The best is green though cause it tastes all fresh, y'know?
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