#ty for liking my starter call! lemme know if this works!
archaictold · 2 years
ZHILAN   sees himself in a chase. Wind has all but whisked his manuscripts into the air, parchments like tree leaves stirred into flight by a passing gust. And skittishly, he scampers about—body weaving between onlookers as he tries desperately again to collect them all, for after all that’s happened thus far it would be poor luck to lose some of the last of his belongings. In his hand is the book they originate from, the collected papers peeking out beneath its face. Whenever he succeeds in capturing another page, with the rest it goes. Before he knows it, he has most in his possession again. But one stray lies a little beyond him. Of course, his attention having waned on his surroundings, he makes a dive for it—— Only to nearly collide into someone else in the process.         ❝ Oh! ❞   Instantly, he shoots up and away from them. The book in his hands comes to his chin as if to hide behind it, but his sheepish smile—not to mention the timid, breathless laugh alongside it—is still well within view.
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        ❝ I apologize, that... Ah, that would be mine... actually. ❞ @kleinstar​   ——  s.c.!
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