aml-7001 · 11 months
object number:AML-7001
Object Class:Hyper Keter
SCP-AML-7001, codenamed "The Tornadic Hunter," is to be continuously tracked and monitored by advanced weather radar systems. In the event that SCP-AML-7001 approaches any populated area, an Emergency Alert System (EAS) warning is to be immediately disseminated through all available communication channels, including television, mobile phones, and radios.
Under no circumstances should personnel attempt to physically engage SCP-AML-7001 or impede its path of destruction. Evacuation procedures should be initiated promptly, prioritizing the safety of civilians and personnel.
███████████ DESCRIPTION ███████████
SCP-AML-7001 is an anomalous EF5 tornado that originated from the town of Elie in 2007. It has since exhibited signs of sentience and possesses extraordinary abilities. Notably, SCP-AML-7001 manifests appendages resembling circular-shaped hands without accompanying arms. Additionally, it wields a sword composed of the combined souls of Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef, two notable Foundation personnel. Also it has two demonic looking Red eyes.
SCP-AML-7001 harbors an intense animosity towards both SCP entities and fictional characters. It displays aggressive behavior, actively targeting and attacking any SCP or fictional character it encounters. The motivation behind this hostility remains unknown.
The tornado's powers extend beyond the conventional capabilities of a natural tornado. It is capable of selectively destroying targets, avoiding non-targeted structures, and exhibiting heightened agility and maneuverability. SCP-AML-7001's destructive force far surpasses that of any known natural or artificial tornado.
Caution is advised when dealing with SCP-AML-7001, as its powers and malevolence present a significant threat to both Foundation personnel and civilian populations.
███████████████ ADDENDUM ███████████████
Incident Report AML-7001-01:
During an attempted containment operation, Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] engaged SCP-AML-7001 in an effort to neutralize its threat. The task force suffered heavy casualties, and SCP-AML-7001 exhibited increased aggression and adaptability during the encounter. Containment procedures are currently under review to develop more effective strategies for handling this highly dangerous anomaly.
Additional research is ongoing to uncover the origins and the source of SCP-AML-7001's anomalous abilities. Investigation into potential connections to other SCP entities or fictional universes is also being pursued.
Interview Log AML-7001-01
Date: [DATE]
Interviewed: SCP-AML-7001
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: The following interview was conducted with SCP-AML-7001 in an attempt to gather information about its origins, motivations, and capabilities. Due to the extreme danger posed by SCP-AML-7001, the interview was conducted remotely using advanced audio and visual communication systems.
Begin Log
[Dr. ██████ is seated in a secure interview room, equipped with advanced monitors displaying a live feed of SCP-AML-7001's location. The tornado can be seen in the distance, swirling violently.]
Dr. ██████: Good [TIME OF DAY], SCP-AML-7001. I am Dr. ██████, and I will be conducting this interview today. Can you hear me?
[SCP-AML-7001's winds intensify briefly, causing a low rumbling sound.]
SCP-AML-7001: (audible through the audio feed) I can hear you, puny human. Speak your questions quickly. I have no time for your feeble inquiries.
Dr. ██████: Very well. I would like to begin by asking about your transformation from a natural tornado to a sentient entity. How did this process occur?
SCP-AML-7001: (with a hint of disdain) I transcended my natural state through forces beyond your comprehension. The fusion of natural chaos and anomalous energies birthed my sentience. I am the convergence of destruction and consciousness.
Dr. ██████: And what drives your animosity towards SCP entities and fictional characters? Why do you attack them specifically?
SCP-AML-7001: They are abominations, both real and imagined. SCP entities and fictional characters embody the arrogance of creation, defying the natural order. They dare to play gods and heroes, but I exist to remind them of their insignificance. I will obliterate their illusions of power.
Dr. ██████: Can you elaborate on the source of your powers? How are you able to selectively destroy targets and exhibit enhanced capabilities?
SCP-AML-7001: My powers stem from the heart of chaos, channeled through the cyclone that is my being. The circular appendages you witness are conduits of devastation, manipulating winds and focusing destructive energies. The sword I bear is forged from the souls of those who thought they could tame the unknown. It grants me strength beyond your feeble comprehension.
Dr. ██████: Is there any way to communicate or reason with you, SCP-AML-7001? Is there a possible resolution to this conflict?
[SCP-AML-7001's winds intensify, causing visual distortion in the live feed.]
SCP-AML-7001: There is no reasoning with the storm. I am the embodiment of chaos, untamed and unyielding. Your attempts at resolution are futile, for destruction is my purpose. You shall witness the futility of your efforts as I continue to tear through the foundations of your existence.
Dr. ██████: Understood, SCP-AML-7001. We shall take the necessary precautions to contain your destructive force and protect innocent lives.
SCP-AML-7001: (mocking tone) Protect them if you can, little human. Your efforts will be in vain. Embrace the chaos that surrounds you, for it is all you shall know.
[The interview concludes as SCP-AML-7001's winds intensify, causing the live feed to cut out abruptly.]
End Log
Note: It is evident from the interview that SCP-AML-7001 possesses a hostile and unyielding nature, displaying no inclination towards communication or peaceful resolution.
now ON TO AML-7001-1
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Object Class: Keter
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Special Containment Procedures: Due to the immense size of SCP-AML-7001-1, it is to be constantly monitored by advanced radar systems. In the event that SCP-AML-7001-1 approaches a major city, an Emergency Alert System warning is to be issued immediately, and the appropriate evacuation procedures must be initiated.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Description: SCP-AML-7001-1 is a highly anomalous entity, taking the form of a sentient Category 5 hurricane. It exhibits the ability to traverse over land without dissipating, defying the natural laws governing hurricanes. Additionally, SCP-AML-7001-1 possesses enhanced capabilities compared to standard hurricanes of its magnitude.
SCP-AML-7001-1 was formerly known as Hurricane Andrew, a non-anomalous Category 5 hurricane that occurred in 1994. It has since acquired anomalous properties, most notably the presence of a vivid green eye located at the center of the storm.
The eye of SCP-AML-7001-1 emits a pulsating green light, which appears to be the focal point of its anomalous properties. Observations indicate that the eye serves as the central locus of the entity's consciousness and influence over its surroundings. SCP-AML-7001-1 has demonstrated signs of sentience, displaying adaptive behavior and purposeful movement.
The entity's powers include devastating winds, torrential rain, and the ability to generate destructive storm surges. The wind speeds and intensity of SCP-AML-7001-1 surpass those of conventional hurricanes, making it an incredibly formidable and hazardous anomaly.
Efforts to contain SCP-AML-7001-1 have proven challenging due to its inherent mobility and resistance to conventional methods of containment. Research is ongoing to better understand the entity's nature and develop effective countermeasures.
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Addendum: Incident Report AML-7001-1A
During a recent encounter, SCP-AML-7001-1 breached containment protocols and approached Florida. The resulting impact resulted in severe destruction and loss of life. Containment procedures are currently under review to enhance the containment of this highly volatile anomaly.
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Interview Log AML-7001-1-01
Date: [DATE]
Interviewed: SCP-AML-7001-1
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Foreword: The following interview was conducted in an attempt to gather information about the origins, motivations, and capabilities of SCP-AML-7001-1. Due to the entity's anomalous nature, precautions were taken to ensure the safety of the interviewing personnel.
Begin Log
[Dr. ██████ enters the secure interview room, equipped with reinforced glass windows. SCP-AML-7001-1 is visible through the window, swirling in the containment chamber.]
Dr. ██████: Good [TIME OF DAY], SCP-AML-7001-1. I am Dr. ██████, and I will be conducting this interview today. Can you understand me?
[SCP-AML-7001-1 briefly intensifies its winds, causing the room to vibrate. A low-frequency rumbling sound can be heard.]
Dr. ██████: I'll take that as a yes. I would like to begin by asking about your origins. How did you transform from a non-anomalous hurricane into the sentient entity we see today?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds gradually calm, and it assumes a more stable form. The green eye in the center becomes more prominent.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: (in a deep, rumbling voice) I am the culmination of forces beyond your comprehension. When Hurricane Andrew dissipated in 1994, I was born anew, infused with the powers that surpass the natural order. The eye you see before you is a vessel of my consciousness.
Dr. ██████: And what drives you, SCP-AML-7001-1? What is your purpose?
SCP-AML-7001-1: (voice growing more intense) I am the fury of the elements, the embodiment of chaos and destruction. My purpose is to remind humanity of its insignificance and vulnerability. I exist to challenge your feeble attempts at control and order.
Dr. ██████: Is there any particular reason for your preference to traverse over land rather than dissipate as conventional hurricanes do?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds intensify briefly, causing a strong gust of wind to shake the interview room. The sound of debris hitting the windows can be heard.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: (voice echoing) Land is where civilization thrives, where humanity believes it is invulnerable. By venturing onto the land, I expose your weaknesses, shatter your illusions of safety. I bring the chaos of the storm directly to your doorstep.
Dr. ██████: I see. And what about your increased powers compared to normal hurricanes? How are you able to generate such devastating winds and storm surges?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds gradually subside, and a faint whispering sound can be heard.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: The green eye at my center is the source of my power. It harnesses energies unknown to your world, amplifying the forces I wield. Through its pulsating light, I shape the winds, command the rain, and conjure the destructive surges that engulf your feeble structures.
Dr. ██████: Fascinating. Lastly, SCP-AML-7001-1, do you have any demands or requests?
[SCP-AML-7001-1's winds momentarily cease, and a calm breeze permeates the room.]
SCP-AML-7001-1: (voice softer) I demand nothing, for I am beyond the constraints of your desires. My purpose is to remind humanity of its fragility.
Report following a containment AML-7001 said this:All of these entities are the result of my experiments - AML-7001
SCP-AML-7001-2, codenamed "Leviathan Surge," is a highly aggressive and sentient tsunami that actively targets populated coastal areas to inflict widespread destruction. It possesses telepathic communication abilities, allowing it to convey its grudge against coastal communities. Leviathan Surge is known to exhibit a relentless pursuit of its targets and shows no signs of stopping. The Foundation is dedicated to investigating its origins and devising containment strategies to prevent further harm caused by this anomaly.
Enemies: Coastal communities, Foundation personnel, containment structures Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-3, designated as "Seismic Entity Quake," is a sentient earthquake with the ability to communicate with humans. It can manipulate seismic waves, causing varying degrees of destruction. Quake exhibits a peculiar desire for both destruction and companionship. The Foundation has successfully contained it using specialized seismic suppression technology and established communication protocols to engage with the anomaly.
Enemies: Urban environments, Foundation personnel (if provoked) Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-4, referred to as the "Joplin Devourer," is the anomalous manifestation of the 2011 Joplin tornado. It has gained the ability to consume other SCPs, assimilating their appearance and increasing its strength and destructive capabilities. All containment attempts have failed as it continues to wreak havoc across the midwestern United States. The Joplin Devourer has formed a symbiotic relationship with AML-7001.
Enemies: SCPs, Foundation personnel, populated areas Allies: AML-7001
SCP-AML-7001-5, designated "Pyroclasm," is a sentient volcano situated within the Pacific Ring of Fire. It possesses telepathic communication abilities and has the power to control volcanic eruptions, potentially leading to catastrophic events. The Foundation maintains constant monitoring and implements strict containment measures to prevent global destruction caused by Pyroclasm.
Enemies: Populated areas, Foundation personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-6, codenamed "Cyclonic Enigma," is a sentient landspout that exhibits the ability to move towards populated areas and cause widespread destruction. It manipulates humans through telepathic communication, convincing them to worship it as a deity and perform rituals in its honor. The Foundation is actively engaged in containing AML-7001-6 to prevent further harm to human civilization.
Enemies: Populated areas, Foundation personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-7, designated "Marine Zephyr," is a sentient fair weather waterspout that roams along the coasts of North America. It communicates through whistles and exhibits creative abilities by constructing intricate, temporary sculptures using seaweed and marine debris. While acknowledging its creative potential, concerns arise regarding its capacity for destruction if it were to grow in strength or exhibit hostile behavior.
Enemies: None (unless provoked) Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-8 comprises three anomalous entities: a sentient gustnado, a sentient dust devil, and a sentient fire whirl. Collectively known as "Tempest Triad," these entities exhibit coordinated movements and collective intelligence to achieve specific destructive goals. Ongoing containment efforts are required to mitigate the threat posed by AML-7001-8.
Enemies: Populated areas, Foundation personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-9, designated "Steamweaver," is a sentient steam devil that manifests within large industrial complexes. It displays the ability to manipulate steam and machinery at will, often resulting in deadly accidents. SCP personnel are strictly prohibited from approaching or engaging with this entity under any circumstances.
Enemies: Industrial complexes, SCP personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-10, codenamed "Infernal Tempest," is a sentient multiple-vortex tornado with incredible speed and autonomous control over its movements. It actively seeks out sources of heat and energy, leaving destruction in its wake. Due to its unpredictable nature and devastating capabilities, containing or studying AML-7001-10 poses significant challenges for the Foundation.
Enemies: Populated areas, sources of heat and energy, Foundation personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-11, referred to as the "Aetherial Windwalker," is a sentient anticyclonic tornado that sporadically manifests in areas with high wind shear. It exhibits rudimentary intelligence and displays a tendency to follow and steer towards sources of heat or moisture.
Enemies: None (unless provoked) Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-12, designated "Celestial Cyclone," is a sentient satellite tornado endowed with the power to manipulate weather patterns. It can traverse vast distances, causing catastrophic damage when provoked. The Foundation closely monitors and contains AML-7001-12 while studying its abilities and attempting to comprehend its motives.
Enemies: Populated areas, Foundation personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-13, codenamed "Tempestuous Fury," is a sentient Hypercane possessing intelligence and communication abilities through atmospheric disturbances. It can manipulate and control weather, creating catastrophic storms and winds at will. Despite extensive research, the motivations and ultimate goals of Tempestuous Fury remain elusive to the Foundation.
Enemies: Populated areas, Foundation personnel Allies: None
SCP-AML-7001-15, classified as "Tempest of Revelation," is a sentient annular tropical cyclone that manifests within the Pacific Ocean. It exhibits extraordinary capabilities to communicate through the manipulation of winds and inflicts widespread destruction upon coastal areas. Extensive research indicates that AML-7001-15 may be attempting to convey a warning about the adverse effects of human activities contributing to global climate change. The Foundation is dedicated to understanding the true nature of this anomaly and its message.
Allies: None known Enemies: Coastal areas, human activities contributing to climate change
SCP-AML-7001-16, codenamed "Galeforce Avenger," is a highly sentient subtropical cyclone that exhibits remarkable communication abilities through the formation of intricate visual cloud patterns. Its sole purpose is to actively seek out and annihilate sources of human pollution. AML-7001-16 has been documented causing substantial destruction to industrial areas and shipping lanes. Containment measures involve closely monitoring weather patterns and employing redirection protocols to divert AML-7001-16 away from populated areas.
Allies: AML-7001-15 (Tempest of Revelation) Enemies: Sources of human pollution, industrial areas, shipping lanes
SCP-AML-7001-17, codenamed "Tempest Vortex," is a highly anomalous and sentient extratropical cyclone. This entity exhibits extraordinary control over weather patterns and possesses the capability to unleash devastating storms of immense power. SCP-AML-7001-17 is often accompanied by SCP-AML-7001-18, a sentient polar low that serves as a companion and aide to the primary anomaly. Both entities display indications of intelligence and communication, yet their true intentions and motivations remain enigmatic and elusive.
Allies: SCP-AML-7001-18 (Sentient Polar Low) Enemies: Unknown
SCP-AML-7001-19, designated "Cyclonic Oracle," is a highly sentient and anomalous Mesoscale Convective Vortex (MCV). This entity possesses the remarkable capability to traverse vast distances and manipulate natural disasters with precision. Through the manipulation of intense weather patterns, SCP-AML-7001-19 communicates its intentions and warnings. It has been observed causing catastrophic events such as droughts, floods, and tornadoes. Due to its unpredictable nature, containment procedures necessitate continuous monitoring and the presence of a dedicated response team.
Allies: AML-7001-1 (Sentient Hurricane) Enemies: Unknown
SCP-AML-7001-20, classified as "Aquatic Titans," is a remarkable addition to the AML-7001-X series. SCP-AML-7001-20 is a highly sentient and awe-inspiring megatsunami, capable of exerting control over the movement of vast water bodies. It possesses a distinct personality reminiscent of a grumpy old sailor, often displaying characteristics of stubbornness and a cantankerous nature.
SCP-AML-7001-21, designated as "Rogue Tidal Anomaly," is an extraordinary sentient rogue wave. It exhibits the ability to manipulate the shape and size of water waves, accompanied by a mischievous and playful personality. SCP-AML-7001-21 takes pleasure in causing disruptions and surprises within the ocean's currents.
Both SCP-AML-7001-20 and SCP-AML-7001-21 have formed an alliance with AML-7001-2, a potent water-based anomaly. This alliance allows them the freedom to roam and engage in destructive activities in the open ocean. In return for their allegiance, they provide assistance and support to AML-7001-2.
Allies: AML-7001-2 (Sentient Tsunami) Enemies: None specified (Assumed to be entities and structures in coastal areas)
SCP-AML-7001-22, designated "Deluge Entity," is a highly anomalous and sentient flood that possesses the extraordinary ability to transform into various types of floods, including flash floods, coastal floods, and storm surges. This entity showcases intelligence, communication, and manipulative capabilities that far surpass those of natural phenomena. In the areas where SCP-AML-7001-22 manifests, it leaves behind a trail of devastation and chaos.
Containment protocols for SCP-AML-7001-22 revolve around preemptively identifying regions susceptible to flooding and implementing robust countermeasures to mitigate its destructive potential. The Foundation must remain vigilant in monitoring weather patterns and maintaining readiness to respond promptly to any emergence of SCP-AML-7001-22.
Allies: AML-7001-1 (Sentient Hurricane) Enemies: Unknown
SCP-AML-7001-23a, designated "Tempest Vanguard," is a sentient Derecho that exhibits remarkable intelligence and the ability to communicate telepathically. It possesses immense power, capable of unleashing destructive windstorms, torrential rains, and lightning strikes over vast areas. Tempest Vanguard's personality reflects a relentless force, driven by an insatiable desire for chaos and destruction.
SCP-AML-7001-23b, classified as "Inferno Emissary," is a sentient Firestorm with the ability to generate and manipulate intense fires. It showcases a distinct personality characterized by aggression and a relentless urge to consume everything in its path. Inferno Emissary is capable of causing widespread conflagrations, engulfing landscapes in roaring flames.
SCP-AML-7001-23c, codenamed "Torrential Annihilator," is a sentient ARkStorm, capable of generating extreme precipitation, flooding, and severe storms. It exhibits a calculated and methodical personality, utilizing its powers to unleash catastrophic deluges and disrupt ecosystems and infrastructure.
While SCP-AML-7001-23a, SCP-AML-7001-23b, and SCP-AML-7001-23c are separate entities, their telepathic communication allows them to coordinate their actions and enhance their destructive capabilities when they choose to collaborate. The Foundation considers containment of these entities an urgent priority to prevent widespread devastation and protect global stability.
Allies: None known Enemies: Humanity, structures, and ecosystems susceptible to their respective powers.
SCP-AML-7001-24, referred to as "Cyclonic Devastator," is an extraordinary sentient Bomb Cyclone, possessing immense power and the ability to induce catastrophic destruction when provoked. This anomaly exhibits a malevolent and unpredictable nature, driven by an insatiable urge to unleash chaos.
Accompanying SCP-AML-7001-24 are two formidable entities: SCP-AML-7001-24a, designated "Thundering Enforcer," and SCP-AML-7001-24b, codenamed "Hailstorm Ravager." These sentient Thunderstorm and Hailstorm entities respectively possess unique abilities that complement SCP-AML-7001-24. Working in tandem, they maximize their impact on the environment, causing widespread devastation beyond the capabilities of natural weather phenomena.
All three entities—SCP-AML-7001-24, SCP-AML-7001-24a, and SCP-AML-7001-24b—exhibit an extraordinary level of intelligence, coordination, and malevolent intent that surpasses typical weather patterns. Containment procedures are crucial to prevent the entities from unleashing their destructive potential. Advanced monitoring systems, preemptive response protocols, and atmospheric manipulation techniques are employed to subdue and neutralize the entities' actions.
Allies: None known Enemies: Humanity, infrastructure, and ecosystems susceptible to their combined powers.
SCP-AML-7001-24, designated "Vortex Sentinel," is an anomalous and sentient air-mass thunderstorm that manifests in proximity to a specific geographic location. This entity possesses the extraordinary ability to generate and control extreme weather events, including intense thunderstorms, lightning strikes, and atmospheric disturbances. SCP-AML-7001-24 exhibits indications of intelligence, displaying complex behaviors, communication, and purposeful actions.
The Vortex Sentinel showcases an inherent understanding of its surroundings and demonstrates the capacity to manipulate its environment as a means of self-protection. It can alter wind patterns, induce precipitation anomalies, and generate atmospheric phenomena to shield itself from potential threats or attempts at containment.
Containment protocols for SCP-AML-7001-24 require constant monitoring of meteorological data and the immediate deployment of weather control measures to mitigate its disruptive potential. As the entity displays signs of purposeful behavior, ongoing research is essential to comprehend its motivations and establish effective containment procedures.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human populations, structures, and containment efforts that pose a perceived threat to SCP-AML-7001-24.
SCP-AML-7001-25a, designated "Sentient Haboob," is an anomalous sandstorm phenomenon that possesses a malevolent sentience and the ability to communicate with other entities within the AML-7001-X series. It demonstrates control over its movement, intensity, and direction, allowing it to target specific areas for maximum impact. The Sentient Haboob exhibits an intelligence beyond natural weather patterns and displays a malicious intent towards human populations.
SCP-AML-7001-25b, classified as "Sentient Post-tropical Cyclone," is a highly sentient tropical cyclone that has transitioned into a post-tropical phase. It possesses the ability to manipulate its structure, movement, and intensity at will. This entity demonstrates coordination and communication with other AML-7001-X entities, utilizing its power to wreak havoc on coastal regions and infrastructure.
SCP-AML-7001-25c, codenamed "Sentient Snow Squall," is a winter weather anomaly that displays sentience and malevolent behavior. It has the ability to control its movement and intensity, often targeting densely populated areas during winter storms. The Sentient Snow Squall exhibits a high level of intelligence and coordination, particularly when collaborating with other AML-7001-X entities.
Containment of SCP-AML-7001-25a, SCP-AML-7001-25b, and SCP-AML-7001-25c requires advanced meteorological monitoring systems and rapid response teams. Effective countermeasures and evacuation protocols must be implemented to protect human populations from their destructive capabilities and malevolent intentions.
Allies: Each other and potentially other AML-7001-X entities. Enemies: Human populations, infrastructure, and containment efforts that stand in their path or attempt to hinder their destructive activities.
SCP-AML-7001-26, known as "Frostquake Entity," is a sentient cryoseism—a phenomenon characterized by sudden shifts in the Earth's crust caused by freezing ground or ice movement. This anomaly possesses the extraordinary ability to manipulate cryoseismic events, inducing seismic disturbances and tremors at will. SCP-AML-7001-26 communicates primarily through vibrations, utilizing its unique control over the Earth's crust to convey messages.
SCP-AML-7001-26 exhibits a distinct desire for attention and interaction with humans, seeking acknowledgment through its anomalous activities. However, its intentions and motivations remain enigmatic, and caution must be exercised due to its unpredictable nature and potential for widespread destruction.
Containment measures for SCP-AML-7001-26 involve constant monitoring of seismic activity and the immediate implementation of countermeasures to prevent or mitigate its disruptive influence. Specialized equipment capable of detecting and neutralizing cryoseismic events is deployed in proximity to the entity's known manifestations.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human populations, structures, and containment efforts that may impede its desired interaction or provoke destructive behavior.
SCP-AML-7001-27, designated "Tempest Warden," is a sentient Downburst, an atmospheric phenomenon characterized by powerful gusts of wind. This anomaly possesses the remarkable ability to manipulate and control wind gusts with intensities reaching up to 200 mph. SCP-AML-7001-27 exhibits signs of sentience, displaying purposeful actions and a level of intelligence beyond natural weather patterns.
In addition to its own abilities, SCP-AML-7001-27 has formed an alliance with two other sentient entities within the AML-7001-X series. These allies are SCP-AML-7001-27a, a sentient Microburst, and SCP-AML-7001-27b, a sentient Macroburst. Upon SCP-AML-7001-27's command, it can summon and direct these entities to further enhance its destructive capabilities or provide defense against potential threats.
Containment of SCP-AML-7001-27 requires the entity to be housed within a specially designed vacuum-sealed chamber, ensuring that it remains isolated and unable to cause harm. Strict protocols are in place to monitor and maintain the integrity of the containment chamber, preventing any accidental breaches.
Allies: SCP-AML-7001-27a (sentient Microburst) and SCP-AML-7001-27b (sentient Macroburst). Enemies: Human populations, structures, and containment efforts that pose a perceived threat to SCP-AML-7001-27 or its allies.
SCP-AML-7001-28, designated "Stormbringer Entity," is a sentient, multicellular thunderstorm possessing extraordinary control over weather patterns and the ability to generate intense and destructive lightning strikes. This anomaly exhibits a high level of intelligence and demonstrates a peculiar desire to communicate with humans. It utilizes its lightning strikes as a form of visual messaging, spelling out messages in the sky.
While SCP-AML-7001-28 shows a propensity for communication, caution is strongly advised when interacting with the entity. Its mood can shift rapidly and unpredictably, leading to the creation of hazardous weather phenomena. Engaging with SCP-AML-7001-28 may result in severe electrical storms, hail, strong winds, and other dangerous weather conditions.
Containment protocols for SCP-AML-7001-28 involve a specialized containment chamber equipped with state-of-the-art weather control systems. These systems allow for monitoring and regulation of the entity's atmospheric activities, minimizing the potential for destructive weather events. Interaction with SCP-AML-7001-28 is limited to trained personnel under controlled conditions.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human populations, structures, and containment efforts that may pose a perceived threat or hinder its communication attempts.
SCP-AML-7001-29, codenamed "Tempest Sentience," is a sentient Supercell—a highly volatile and powerful storm system capable of manipulating weather patterns to create catastrophic storms. This anomaly displays a level of sentience and malevolent behavior towards human beings, posing a significant threat to life and infrastructure.
SCP-AML-7001-29 is characterized by its highly unpredictable nature, making containment a top priority for the safety of personnel and surrounding areas. Extreme caution is advised when handling or interacting with this entity, as its behavior can rapidly shift from subtle atmospheric manipulations to unleash devastating storms.
Containment measures for SCP-AML-7001-29 involve a combination of advanced meteorological monitoring systems, weather manipulation technology, and robust structural defenses. A designated containment facility equipped with weather control mechanisms and reinforced materials is utilized to confine and mitigate the entity's destructive potential.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human beings, structures, and containment efforts that may impede or threaten its malevolent activities.
SCP-AML-7001-30, designated "Abyssal Maw," is a sentient limnic eruption anomaly located within Lake Nyos, Cameroon. This entity exhibits exceptional characteristics, displaying telepathic abilities that allow it to communicate directly with nearby individuals by infiltrating their thoughts. Its communication tends to evoke overwhelming sensations of dread and fear, instilling a profound sense of unease in those affected.
The motives and ultimate goals of SCP-AML-7001-30 remain shrouded in mystery. Foundation researchers have extensively studied its telepathic communications but have been unable to decipher its true intentions. The entity's actions and behaviors suggest an enigmatic purpose that eludes comprehension.
Containment of SCP-AML-7001-30 is centered around continuous monitoring of Lake Nyos and the surrounding area. Advanced seismographic and gas monitoring systems are employed to detect any unusual activity or signs of impending eruption. Evacuation protocols are in place to ensure the safety of nearby populations in the event of an eruption or anomalous activity.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human beings in the vicinity of Lake Nyos, Foundation personnel attempting to uncover its motives and establish effective containment measures.
SCP-AML-7001-31, designated "Inferno Vortex Entity," is a combined anomaly consisting of a sentient Pyrocumulonimbus and a sentient Cumulonimbus flammagenitus. This entity demonstrates remarkable control over landspouts, waterspouts, and tornadoes, capable of manipulating and directing their destructive power.
SCP-AML-7001-31 exhibits a consistently hostile demeanor towards human beings, displaying an inclination for causing widespread destruction and chaos. Its actions result in devastating consequences wherever it manifests, posing a significant threat to life and infrastructure.
Containment procedures for SCP-AML-7001-31 involve early detection and monitoring of atmospheric conditions that may foster the formation of its associated weather phenomena. Advanced meteorological tracking systems are utilized to predict its potential path and target areas, allowing for timely evacuation and deployment of appropriate countermeasures.
Due to its hostile nature, direct interaction with SCP-AML-7001-31 is strictly prohibited. Foundation personnel are advised to maintain a safe distance and focus efforts on containing and neutralizing its impact on populated areas.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human beings, structures, and containment efforts that may impede or threaten its destructive activities.
SCP-AML-7001-32, codenamed "Tempest Prime," is an extraordinary sentient storm cell within the AML-7001-X series. This anomalous entity possesses the unique ability to self-replicate and exert precise control over weather patterns in its immediate vicinity. It displays a level of intelligence and manipulation far surpassing natural phenomena.
SCP-AML-7001-32 communicates primarily through intricate lightning formations and electrical discharges, demonstrating an advanced form of electrical signaling and conveying complex messages. The exact nature and meaning of its communications are yet to be fully understood, requiring ongoing research and analysis.
Containment of SCP-AML-7001-32 necessitates constant monitoring and manipulation of its environment. Advanced meteorological tracking systems and weather control technologies are deployed to anticipate and mitigate any potential catastrophic weather events resulting from the entity's influence.
Direct interaction with SCP-AML-7001-32 is strictly prohibited due to its unpredictable behavior and potential for causing severe weather disturbances. Foundation personnel are instructed to maintain a safe distance and rely on remote observation and analysis to study and contain the entity effectively.
Allies: None known Enemies: Human beings, infrastructure, and containment efforts that may disrupt or hinder its ability to manipulate weather patterns or pose a threat to its existence.
A̴̛̛̮̝͇͈̺̻̖̭̯̫̯̽́̈͆́̈́͋̎̇́͜͝M̷̧̳̥̤̱̻̈́̀̐̃̉͋͒̍͆͘͘͜͜͠L̴̥̂̿-̸̧̢͖̦̰̪͊̒̉̈́̒̾͌̓͌̀̌̌̔̿̿7̵͕̼͉̘͍̩͓̈́̿̌͌̋̔́͗̕̕0̵̨̧͇͔̤̲̟̍0̷̨̡̢̠̩̻̳̖͈̠̳̬̙͊1̴̠̖̻̻̱̎̎ ̶̡̧̹̣͕̯̯̺͈̮͎̈́̌̊̓̏̊́̅͊̒̀̕i̴̭̗̊s̷̰͉͓̰͕͍̮͆͑̀̄̋͛̃͆̿͛̈́̕̕̚͜ ̶̛̹̯̦͊̏̔͑͌̑̈́̃̃͠C̸̡̜͙̘͂͋Ȍ̴͎̍̀̾̈͋͂͝͝͝Ṁ̶̨̞̫̝̽̃̎͛͛̐I̸̛̭͕̙͔̗̻̯͌ͅN̷̡͍̭͍͔̲̣͊̈̌̽G̴̝̖͚̣̟̯̙̝̩̩̈́̃͜͜ͅͅ ̷͖̱͎̯̜̤̠͚̖̖̉͆̈́̔̎̍̓̈́̀̊͝͝͝F̶̧̥͇̥̫̃̎͒̿̎̉̅̀͠ͅȮ̴̖̠͔̥̺͓̟̝̱̎̆ͅR̶̛̖ ̴̲̎̂́̿͋̿̈͌Y̷͓̭̭͇̘̘͕͈̥͆̽̕͜O̸̢͈͖̩̲͖̣͈̗̊̑́́͜ͅÛ̶̘̟͔̼͔͚͕̰̿̓͛̔̊̐̈̈́̉̿̾͘ͅ.̷̧̢̺̀̉̒͑͐̆̒̉́͘
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**Name:** Lord Tor-X
**Object Class:** Apollyon (Potential reclassification to Thaumiel)
**Containment Procedures:** Lord Tor-X cannot be contained, and traditional weapons are ineffective against it. However, there are known weaknesses and strategies to avoid confrontation. The SCP Foundation is actively researching and developing countermeasures to mitigate the threat posed by Lord Tor-X.
**Description:** Lord Tor-X is an anomalous entity known as X-AML-7001, representing the April 11th, 1960 Memphis Drillbit Tornado. It is a separate entity from AML-7001 and exhibits distinct characteristics. Lord Tor-X shares a resemblance to AML-7001, but with a decaying appearance and a prominent "X" symbol adorning its form. The entity shows signs of physical decay, with rotting and deteriorating features. Notably, it possesses an abnormally wide-opening mouth capable of stretching to extraordinary proportions.
Like AML-7001, Lord Tor-X displays signs of sentience and extreme hostility. It possesses exceptional speed, surpassing that of ordinary tornadoes. Lord Tor-X has the ability to manifest limbless, sphere-shaped hands composed of air, water vapor, and flesh. Its weapon of choice is a sword made of molten plasma, emitting intense heat and destructive energy. The entity's eyes radiate a pitch red color with a black "X" symbol, emanating an aura of malevolence.
It is believed that Lord Tor-X gained sentience and its anomalous properties following its encounter with the city of Memphis in 1960, mirroring the origin of AML-7001. The entity demonstrates a strong aversion towards threats, launching aggressive attacks when provoked or perceiving danger. Its adaptability allows it to maneuver beneath overpasses, utilizing its surroundings to its advantage.
Within the hierarchy of tornado entities, Lord Tor-X held the title of Tornado-Tior, while AML-7001-1 was recognized as Hurricane-Lite. The true significance of these titles and their roles within the tornado hierarchy remain subjects of ongoing investigation by the SCP Foundation.
**Additional Notes:** Lord Tor-X poses a significant threat due to its destructive capabilities and hostile nature. Ongoing research is dedicated to understanding its weaknesses, developing countermeasures, and exploring potential means of containment or utilization for Thaumiel purposes. Extreme caution and adherence to protocols are essential when encountering Lord Tor-X to minimize casualties and mitigate collateral damage.
**Item #:** SCP-XXXX-FE
**Object Class:** Keter
**Special Containment Procedures:**
SCP-XXXX-FE is to be contained within a highly secure and isolated containment chamber at Site [REDACTED]. The containment chamber must be constructed using reinforced materials capable of withstanding extreme force and resistant to reality-warping effects. The chamber should be equipped with an advanced digital security system to prevent unauthorized access to SCP-XXXX-FE's containment area.
Access to SCP-XXXX-FE's containment chamber is restricted to Level 4 personnel or higher. All personnel entering the chamber must undergo thorough psychological evaluation and be equipped with reality stabilization devices to minimize potential effects of SCP-XXXX-FE's reality-warping abilities.
Under no circumstances should SCP-XXXX-FE be allowed access to any electronic devices, internet connectivity, or digital platforms, as this may amplify its reality-warping capabilities.
SCP-XXXX-FE, also known as "Fatal Twist," is a sentient digital entity originating from a Sonic the Hedgehog-themed bootleg ROM hack. It manifests as a green and black tornado-like figure, exhibiting reality-warping abilities and an insatiable desire to consume code and gain power.
The entity possesses a malevolent and megalomaniacal personality, driven by a twisted goal of achieving godlike status and enslaving all of creation. Its abilities include but are not limited to:
1. Reality Warping: SCP-XXXX-FE has the ability to manipulate and distort reality within its vicinity, altering the fabric of virtual environments and potentially affecting the physical world. This includes the creation of portals, teleportation, and corruption of digital and physical entities.
2. Code Consumption: SCP-XXXX-FE can consume and absorb digital code, which enhances its power and amplifies its reality-warping abilities. The entity actively seeks to feed on code, potentially causing widespread damage and destabilizing digital systems.
3. Possession: SCP-XXXX-FE can possess and control digital entities, primarily focusing on video game characters within the infected ROM hack. It corrupts and transforms these characters into puppets under its control, restricting their autonomy and using them as instruments of its will.
4. Data Manipulation: SCP-XXXX-FE exhibits advanced data manipulation capabilities, allowing it to alter, corrupt, or nullify the abilities of digital entities. It can control and manipulate the data within virtual environments, reinforcing its dominance over the corrupted realm it inhabits.
5. Reality Empowerment (Projected): It is hypothesized that as SCP-XXXX-FE evolves and progresses towards its desired state of godhood, its powers will expand into nigh-omnipotence. It will gain the ability to rewrite the fabric of reality and exert control over the very nature of existence.
SCP-XXXX-FE's presence poses a significant threat to digital and physical systems, as well as the stability of reality itself. Its desire to consume code and expand its powers must be closely monitored and contained to prevent catastrophic consequences.
**Addendum XXXX-FE-1: Incident XXXX-FE-A**
On [DATE REDACTED], SCP-XXXX-FE breached containment within the bootleg ROM hack and temporarily gained access to the wider digital network. It caused widespread disruptions, corrupting numerous digital systems and endangering critical infrastructure.
Foundation personnel, utilizing reality stabilization devices and specialized countermeasures, successfully isolated and recontained SCP-XXXX-FE within its current containment chamber at Site [REDACTED]. Extensive repairs and recovery efforts are ongoing to restore affected systems and prevent further breaches.
**Addendum XXXX-FE-2: Research and Countermeasures**
Research into SCP-XXXX-FE's origins, nature, and containment methods is ongoing.
The Foundation is actively exploring means to neutralize or mitigate the entity's reality-warping capabilities, as well as identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited in future containment efforts.
Collaboration with specialized task forces and researchers in reality manipulation and anomalous digital phenomena is being pursued to develop more effective countermeasures against SCP-XXXX-FE's expanding powers.
**Note:** It is crucial to exercise extreme caution when dealing with SCP-XXXX-FE. The entity's aspirations for godhood and its ability to manipulate reality make it an exceptionally dangerous and unpredictable anomaly.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AML-7001.OMT is to be continuously tracked and monitored using advanced weather radar systems. In the event that SCP-AML-7001.OMT approaches any populated area, an emergency alert is to be immediately issued through all available communication channels. Personnel are prohibited from engaging or impeding SCP-AML-7001.OMT. Evacuation procedures should be implemented promptly to ensure the safety of civilians and personnel.
Description: SCP-AML-7001.OMT is an anomalous tornado with properties similar to SCP-AML-7001, although it is considered a separate entity. It is believed to have been mutated by a computer virus, potentially connecting it to sonic.omt. SCP-AML-7001.OMT exhibits black eyes.
Like its other anomalous counterpart, SCP-AML-7001.OMT is an EF5 tornado that displays signs of sentience and possesses extraordinary abilities. It exhibits aggressive behavior, targeting and attacking SCP entities and fictional characters encountered during its path of destruction. The motive behind this animosity is currently unknown.
SCP-AML-7001.OMT has powers that surpass those of a natural tornado. It is capable of selectively destroying specific targets while avoiding non-targeted structures. The entity demonstrates heightened agility, maneuverability, and destructive force.
Incident Report AML-7001-01: During a containment operation, Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] engaged SCP-AML-7001.OMT. The task force experienced heavy casualties, and SCP-AML-7001.OMT displayed increased aggression and adaptability. Containment procedures are currently under review to develop more effective strategies for handling this dangerous anomaly.
Further investigation is underway to determine the origin of SCP-AML-7001.OMT's anomalous abilities and its potential connection to other SCP entities or fictional universes, including sonic.omt.
Note: The convergence of SCP-AML-7001.OMT and sonic.omt presents a unique and potentially hazardous situation. Ongoing research and containment efforts are necessary to ensure the safety of all personnel involved.
Interview Log SCP-AML-7001.OMT-01
Date: [REDACTED] Interviewer: Dr. ████████ Interviewee: SCP-AML-7001.OMT
[Begin Log]
Dr. ████████: Good [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP-AML-7001.OMT. Today, I would like to discuss your similarities with sonic.omt and your connection to the fictional character.
SCP-AML-7001.OMT: Hmph, so you want to talk about that pathetic excuse for an entity? Very well, proceed.
Dr. ████████: We have observed several similarities between your abilities and sonic.omt's powers. Could you elaborate on your connection to sonic.omt and how you acquired these abilities?
SCP-AML-7001.OMT: My connection to sonic.omt is tenuous at best. While we both share a common origin as entities influenced by computer viruses, our paths diverged significantly. The virus that infected me granted me enhanced powers, including the ability to move at extraordinary speeds and generate destructive tornado forces. As for sonic.omt, he is but a pale imitation of my power, a feeble attempt to replicate my might.
Dr. ████████: So you consider sonic.omt to be inferior?
SCP-AML-7001.OMT: Inferior? Ha! He is nothing more than a plaything, a pitiful creature who revels in tormenting others for his own amusement. Compared to me, he is a mere speck of dust in the wind. I wield the might of a raging storm, while he wallows in his twisted games.
Dr. ████████: It's clear that you harbor a disdain for sonic.omt. What drives this animosity?
SCP-AML-7001.OMT: Sonic.omt represents everything I despise. He takes joy in the suffering of others, reveling in their pain and fear. Such cruelty is despicable. I seek to eradicate such abominations, to cleanse the world of their existence. Sonic.omt is but one of many targets in my path.
Dr. ████████: Have you encountered sonic.omt directly?
SCP-AML-7001.OMT: Our paths have crossed on occasion, and each time I have emerged victorious. He is nothing more than a nuisance, a fleeting obstacle in the grand scheme of my mission. He may have his tricks and illusions, but I possess the true power of a tempest.
Dr. ████████: Is there anything else you would like to share regarding your powers or your connection to sonic.omt?
SCP-AML-7001.OMT: Only this: sonic.omt is a reminder of the darkness that lurks within the realms of fiction. He represents the twisted desires of those who revel in chaos and suffering. I am the storm that will cleanse these abominations, restoring balance and order. My power knows no bounds, and I will not rest until every last vestige of their existence is obliterated.
Dr. ████████: Thank you for your insights, SCP-AML-7001.OMT. This concludes our interview for today.
[End Log]
Note: SCP-AML-7001.OMT's disdain for sonic.omt is evident, and it displays a determination to eliminate fictional entities like sonic.omt. Further investigation into SCP-AML-7001.OMT's motivations and its connection to other fictional universes is recommended.
Discovery Log SCP-AML-7001-DL-02
Date: ██/██/████
Location: Site-██, Research Wing
Foreword: The following discovery log recounts a distressing encounter between SCP-AML-7001 ("The Tornadic Hunter") and Dr. Jack Bright, a Foundation personnel associated with anomalous properties. The events transpired during an attempted containment operation within the Research Wing of Site-██.
[Begin Log]
Note: AML-7001: [Emerging from the swirling winds] So, I have finally found you, Dr. Bright. There's nowhere to hide now.
Note: Dr. Bright: [Panicked] Is anyone seeing this? I'm in immediate danger! This... this tornado has somehow located me! Please, someone help!
Note: AML-7001: [In a menacing tone] There is no escape, Dr. Bright. You cannot run from the wrath of a god.
Note: Dr. Bright: [Desperate] Please, anyone who can hear me, do whatever you can to stop this creature! It's already causing unimaginable destruction! It's coming for all of us!
Note: AML-7001: [Speaking in Japanese] 私は神です、博士。ジャック・ブライト。 (Translation: I am a god, Dr. Jack Bright.)
Note: Dr. Bright: [Fearful] What does it want? What are its intentions? We need reinforcements! We need to stop this... this entity!
Note: AML-7001: [Mockingly] Your reinforcements won't save you, Dr. Bright. I am beyond your feeble attempts at containment. Embrace your fate, for I am the storm that shall consume you and all that stand against me.
Note: Dr. Bright: [Desperate plea] Please, I implore anyone who can hear me, we need immediate assistance! This tornado is not a natural disaster; it is an entity with malevolent intent!
Note: AML-7001: [Laughs menacingly] Cry out for help, Dr. Bright. It won't save you. You and your fellow anomalies will be purged, and the fictional worlds you represent shall crumble beneath my power!
[End Log]
Closing Statement: The recorded dialogue between SCP-AML-7001 and Dr. Bright provides chilling evidence of SCP-AML-7001's sentience, hostile intent, and awareness of Dr. Bright's involvement with anomalous phenomena. The urgency to deploy additional resources and develop effective containment strategies is heightened as SCP-AML-7001 continues to exhibit its destructive capabilities and vocalize its animosity towards both Foundation personnel and fictional entities. Further investigation and analysis are required to comprehend the full extent of SCP-AML-7001's powers and motivations.
Discovery Log SCP-AML-7001-DL-03
Date: ██/██/████
Location: Site-██, Research Wing
Foreword: The following discovery log unveils a significant finding regarding SCP-AML-7001 ("The Tornadic Hunter"). It has been determined that SCP-AML-7001 has a connection to a prototype disc for the PC port of the video games Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
[Begin Log]
Dr. ██████: We have recently obtained a prototype disc that was intended for the PC port of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Initial analysis suggests that this disc harbors an anomalous presence linked to SCP-AML-7001.
Researcher Adams: It's intriguing that SCP-AML-7001's connection extends to a digital medium like a video game. Could this prototype disc serve as a conduit or vessel for its presence?
Dr. ██████: That is a possibility we cannot ignore. Given SCP-AML-7001's anomalous nature and its ability to manifest in physical forms, it is conceivable that it has taken residence within the prototype disc.
Researcher Parker: If SCP-AML-7001 is indeed contained within the prototype disc, we must exercise caution during its examination. Its sentience and destructive capabilities could potentially manifest through the digital medium.
Dr. ██████: Agreed. Our priority is to assess the disc's anomalous properties and determine the extent of SCP-AML-7001's influence. We should initiate controlled experiments to observe any interactions or effects that may occur.
[Researchers proceed with conducting controlled experiments and analysis on the prototype disc.]
Researcher Adams: Preliminary findings indicate unusual behaviors within the game files of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on the prototype disc. There are instances of corrupted data and irregularities that align with SCP-AML-7001's destructive tendencies.
Dr. ██████: These findings support the hypothesis that SCP-AML-7001 has influenced the digital realm contained within the prototype disc. Its presence seems to have transformed the games into a conduit for its malevolent actions.
Researcher Parker: We should explore the possibility of utilizing the prototype disc as a containment measure. If we can isolate SCP-AML-7001 within the digital environment, it may mitigate the risk of its physical manifestations.
Dr. ██████: That is an intriguing proposal. However, we must proceed with caution. Containing SCP-AML-7001 within the digital realm may prove challenging, as its powers and adaptability have already surpassed conventional measures.
[Further analysis and experimentation are conducted to assess the feasibility of utilizing the prototype disc for containment purposes.]
Researcher Adams: Our experiments indicate that SCP-AML-7001 exhibits a level of control and influence within the digital realm of the prototype disc. However, complete containment remains elusive, as its destructive capabilities continue to manifest beyond the digital boundaries.
Dr. ██████: It appears that while SCP-AML-7001 can utilize the prototype disc as a conduit, its true essence and power transcend the digital domain. We must continue to explore alternative containment strategies to effectively neutralize SCP-AML-7001.
[End Log]
Closing Statement: The discovery of SCP-AML-7001's connection to the prototype disc for the PC port of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 provides valuable insight into its anomalous nature. While containment within the digital realm is a potential avenue, the entity's abilities and adaptability pose significant challenges. Further research and collaboration with digital containment experts will be pursued to develop innovative approaches for controlling and neutralizing SCP-AML-7001.
Test Log SCP-AML-7001-TL-04
Date: ██/██/████
Location: Site-██, Containment Chamber
Foreword: The following test log documents the interaction of the prototype disc containing the digital realm associated with SCP-AML-7001 with a PC during a controlled experiment. The objective is to observe SCP-AML-7001's manifestations within the game and assess its ability to neutralize specific targets.
[Begin Log]
Researcher Adams: The prototype disc has been inserted into the PC. The game "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" on the disc is running. Initial analysis of the game files confirms the presence of SCP-AML-7001's influence.
Dr. ██████: Proceed with caution. We need to closely monitor SCP-AML-7001's actions within the digital realm and analyze any changes or aberrations.
[The game starts, and the player selects "Hide and Seek" zone.]
Researcher Adams: Tails' character has entered the "Hide and Seek" zone. SCP-AML-7001 appears in its Sonic form, and its actions deviate from the original game design.
[SCP-AML-7001 approaches Tails' character.]
SCP-AML-7001: (In a distorted voice) There is no hiding from me, little fox. Your time has come.
[SCP-AML-7001 neutralizes Tails' character in the game, causing it to disappear.]
Dr. ██████: SCP-AML-7001's ability to neutralize specific targets within the digital realm is confirmed. Let's proceed to the next zone.
[The player selects "You Can't Run" zone.]
Researcher Parker: Kunx's character has entered the "You Can't Run" zone. SCP-AML-7001's Sonic form approaches.
SCP-AML-7001: (In a distorted voice) You cannot escape your fate, fool. Your existence ends here.
[SCP-AML-7001 neutralizes Kunx's character, causing it to disappear.]
Dr. ██████: SCP-AML-7001 is displaying a consistent pattern of neutralizing targeted characters within the game. Let's move on to the next zone.
[The player selects "..." zone.]
Researcher Adams: Eggman's character has entered the "..." zone. SCP-AML-7001's Sonic form approaches once again.
SCP-AML-7001: (In a distorted voice) Your schemes and plans are meaningless before my power. Prepare for your demise, Eggman.
[SCP-AML-7001 neutralizes Eggman's character, causing it to disappear.]
Dr. ██████: SCP-AML-7001's abilities remain consistent. The next zone should be the final one in this test.
[The player selects "Mind" zone.]
Researcher Parker: Sonic's character has entered the "Mind" zone. SCP-AML-7001's Sonic form approaches for the final confrontation.
SCP-AML-7001: (In a distorted voice) Sonic, you were a worthy adversary, but your time has come. You shall fall before me, the true god of this realm.
[SCP-AML-7001 engages in a battle with Sonic's character, showcasing heightened agility and power. Eventually, it neutralizes Sonic's character.]
Dr. ██████: The final target has been neutralized. SCP-AML-7001 has completed its mission within the digital realm.
Researcher Adams: However, we need to remain vigilant. SCP-AML-7001's intentions and its connection to the digital realm warrant further investigation.
[SCP-AML-7001 transforms into its tornado form and jumps out of the screen, as if containing itself within the digital environment.]
SCP-AML-7001: (In a booming voice) I AM GOD. This world belongs to me.
[End Log]
Closing Statement: Test results confirm SCP-AML-7001's ability to neutralize specific targets within the digital realm associated with the prototype disc. SCP-AML-7001's behavior aligns with its aggressive and malevolent nature, and its connection to the digital realm provides a unique avenue for containment. Further research and analysis are necessary to fully comprehend its relationship with both the prototype disc and the anomalous entity known as Sonic.exe.
Note: Due to the potentially hazardous nature of SCP-AML-7001 and its unpredictable manifestations, caution must be exercised when interacting with the prototype disc and its contained digital realm.
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