#twst oc vivienne
harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Chubby MC: *glares at Azul with wide, angry eyes*
Azul: ...
Azul: I have no excuses.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *sigh*
Azul: ...
Azul: Are you still mad?
Chubby MC: YES!
Chubby MC: Do you have any idea how I tried to convince them to revoke the marriage?!
Chubby MC: We had a drinking contest, and I almost fucking won!
Azul: ...
Azul: How did you lose?
Chubby MC: The aunties joined.
Azul: ...
Azul: *bursts out laughing*
Chubby MC: *frowns*
Chubby MC: You've got no right laughing.
Azul: Y-Yes... *still wheezing*
Chubby MC: ...
Floyd: Beluga-chan~.
Chubby MC: Hey, Floyd.
Floyd: Are you still mad~? *sits next to them*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Both of them didn't think this through.
Floyd: ...
Floyd: Hehe~ Beluga-chan, you're being negative again~.
Floyd: Jade and Vivi had planned this all along.
Chubby MC: Yeah, sure.
Floyd: Eh~ What's that~? You think I'm pulling your tail~?
Chubby MC: No. But think about it, they settle with me. WITH ME.
Floyd: Hehe, yes~. And they hit a jackpot~. Actually, me too~.
Floyd: I've become your brother-in-law~.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *pinches his cheek*
Floyd: Ehh~ Beluga-channn~.
Chubby MC: I won't forgive Jade just because you're acting cute.
Floyd: Hehehe~.
Chubby MC: ...
Jade and Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: I can't promise I'll be the best spouse.
Jade: It's fine. You're already perfect. *smiles*
Chubby MC: *frowns*
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: MC, if you are attempting to dissuade us from continuing this marriage with you, you should try harder.
Jade: I hate to agree with her, but she's right.
Jade: You can never escape us.
Chubby MC: I get that, alright.
Chubby MC: Though I have one request.
Jade and Vivienne: What is it?
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Once you're discontented with me, you'll leave me alone.
Jade and Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: That's not a difficult request.
Jade: Not difficult at all.
Chubby MC: ...
Azul: ...
Azul: What now?
Jade and Vivienne: *came to visit him again*
Jade: Business as usual.
Vivienne: Yes.
Azul: ...
Azul: *sigh* Alright. Let's hear it.
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shinysparklesapphires · 9 months
Name's Vivienne. Don't bother me.
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template by haryuwu
twisted from: Vibry (kirakira precure)
Vivienne is incredibly standoffish around people, she gets easily annoyed aswell. Refuses to talk about her hometown or family, looking almost paranoid when the topic is brought up. Known often for picking fights (usually ending in marble having to drag her back for a lecture) she’s earned the reputation for being the most aggressive compared to the other curetiel students.
voice claim! X
dorm card: X
Vivi-chan (Luna)
Viv (Yuuki)
Mademoiselle Marionnettiste (Rook)
Lemon Shark (Floyd)
Buzzkill (Idia)
The super scary first year (most students)
Unnamed Father (Cut Contact)
Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Unnamed Little Brother
Julian (adoptive older brother)
unamed adoptive mother
UM: Noir Mutation Can mutate anyone into any form the user wants, as long as they're in that form the user can control them like puppets, when released the victim will have no memory of the spell being used on them
A 13 year old girl named XXXXXX has been missing since 20XX,
Appearence: light teal hair, yellow eyes, and pale skin
Last Seen At: XXXXXX
If found please call the number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
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poisoned-pearls · 8 months
Vintage Halloween Costumes
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Zoom in for detail!!!
Oh god I’ve been working on this for… god what three/4 months now??? I took a break during December but she’s done now!!
Fankid runthrough under the cut
(From left to right)
Vivienne Schoenheit (rookvil), Faraja kingscholar (Leona), Ellie felmier (epeldeuce), Samir Al-asim (silkali), Nami Ashengrotto (Jamiazu), Neo shroud (idikei), Emil schoenheit (rookvil), tamaki leech (treyjade), mallerie Draconia (malleyuu), malick draconia (malleyuu)
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yuuniee · 5 months
Lo and behold! The evil face post!! 😈
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1. Renée’s first smug face is supposed to look somewhat mischievous as if she’s gonna pull a prank anytime soon! (She won’t though... probably...)
Here is a Gacha Life 2 version of it for a better view!
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2. Second one is not the kind of face she’d show to anyone...
3. Yes, her hair does react to her emotions! It curls when she’s happy, becomes straight when she is upset and gets all messy and frazzled when she’s angry! In her case of smug faces though, her hair sort of goes to 😈 mode... She literally becomes 😈 face :3c
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Daniel’s not that unhinged, but he can get heated up at some point... Like during the Harveston Kelkkarotu, before the sled race. Think of this face as Kalim’s “evil” smirk!
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1. The Fawn you see in the first one is the kind of expression you’ll see when she is actually about to lose her mind... As if she’s saying “Those small fries have gone TOO FUCKING FAR!”
2. The second one is her usual smug face along with Auburn’s as if they are saying “You poor thing~”. One of them genuinely feels pity for that poor soul though...
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1. Vivienne doing the Anya face (in my style, there was an attempt-)
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2. Like Renée’s second evil smirk, this face isn’t the kind of face she’d show to anyone unless she feels like teasing someone.
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Zephyr’s smug face is kind of like a lazy smirk, but it may give off some vibes like he’s saying “lmao #skillissue” to the viewer
Tagging: @twsted-princess @ceruleancattail @thehollowwriter @fumikomiyasaki @boopshoops
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fumikomiyasaki · 8 months
“Great job out there, [name]!”
With Daniel and Inessa :3
“That outfit looks fantastic on you!”
With Asif and Yuzuha!
“You have a really nice smile.”
With Vivienne and Mellow :)
Love language
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Today was the day she practised for... she eyes this ice skating tournament for a while and also hoped Dragiselle would watch her on the screen from her room... even if she wished she could have come with her... before going out she adjusted her sidetail and looked around... just to spot one face familiar.
"So I was right that you would be my competition one day?"
"Well I moreso joined this for fun really... but its nice to see you, Nessa."
"Already skipping to Nicknames? I will surely make you regret if you take me lightly."
"I am moreso curious how you do without me... I am sure it be interesting to see."
The announcer called out her name as she took a deep breath and stepped onto the ice... the landings, the spins... everything about her was gracefull and calculated but... maybe even a bit too serious.... the jury could see. In the end she got a total score of 9.1... but to her she pouted a little about it.
"Great job out there, Inessa!"
"To me it was not enough... what could I improve..."
"How about you watch me and maybe get an idea?"
She glared a little at him as he swiftly walked onto the ice... yet as he stared his run... her eyes were glued to him... the charisma... the swiftness... he was far more into the emotion and character of the song... there was small mistakes but the Jury itself was far more entertained and awake... in the end he got an 9.5... and so he gained first place and she second among this whole event...
After the event celebrations was done he was a little surprised to feel her grab him by the collar to look at her.
"You need to teach me! I have to know your secrets."
"Nessa... what you need first is to calm down and take it easy, alright... I gladly want to teach you but... you first need to learn how to stress down and control your emotions."
She let her hand go... but somewhat her eyes still lingered up at him... she didn't notice how close she got in that emotional outburst, a bit of red on her face showed it well.
"Oh shut up... anyway I am glad you accept my proposal but I will try to calm down."
"How about the same as last time? We eat something and then we do some skating together... then I can show you the things you are missing on ice. Cause you have the talent but... you still need to learn to be less of an ice queen. Ouch-"
She lightly punched his arm "Don't call me that... fine... lets go together."
She didn't want to admit that smile of his at hers was kinda handsome to her... her feelings were a mess all over the place... how was he so mesmerizing not only on ice but outside... wasn't she in love with Dragiselle more... she shook off that feeling for now... and followed after him.
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On that day Yuzuha spend most time sorting out his closet given a lot of things he simply didn't need anymore or they didn't fit him... he was surprised as Asif stopped by to visit him, reading to him some of the stuff he wrote while he sorted stuff but after a while he was curious too what Yuzuha was throwing away.
"Is that... a bunny suit?"
"I did tell you what I did before, right?"
A blush spread across his face.
"R-right... but... I do am curious why this one doesn't fit."
A smirk appeared on the glasses wearing mans face.
"Oh you want me to model some of these for you?~ I wouldn't mind it."
And so Asif sat back often avoiding his eyes once he changed but the surprise on each look on him was for one embarassing but also he looked kinda good in it.
"The problem with the bunny suit was really just my upper body kinda destroys it but... maybe you could-"
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"N-no its fine... I don't think it would look good on me... the next one."
One thing Asif picked out for him got him to gush... it was like a fancy robe paired with the headpiece it made him look more regal and royal than anything.
"That outfit looks fantastic on you! You look like a prince!"
"If thats what you like... I will keep it..." He put his arms around his lips pulling him close... as Asif tugged the hair that usually covered Yuzuhas eyes to the side.
"Your eyes really are so pretty... like glass..."
"Tch... I don't like them as much... they remind me of my mother and... I don't want to remember her... but say~"
To Asifs surprise Yuzuha used the opportunity to catch him off guard and let them both fall onto the bed, stroking his face.
"I could also tell you a lot of things I find pretty on you... after all you are the reason I hate this world less than before... you make it worth living in."
"How about we take a break... or do you wanna model for me instead?"
"Um... I'll think about it."
Yuzuha leaned over him to kiss down his neck a little... he could get a little reward for all the work... at least for now. He just loved seeing him blush for him.
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Autumn leaves fell down as Mellow relaxed under a tree sketching... at first he wanted to draw simple things like leaves and mushrooms but eventually his head was lost in daydream... he got distracted by a thought... the last time he met Vivienne and assisted her as dance partner... he hid his face in his scarf as he sketched away self indulgent a small portrait of her... before sighing closing his sketch book and leaning back on the bench... holding it in his arms... but suddenly he was surprised by the same person he sketched before.. as he almost accidentally hit the back of his head and trying to not fall off the bench.
"You look panicked Mellow, are you alright?"
"S-sorry you just... jumpscared me a little."
"My bad... I just wanted to surprise you."
He offered a seat next to him on the bench as she sat down with him.
"I just saw you smile to yourself when you sketched. You have a really nice smile!"
His face couldn't get anymore redder than he already was but panic made things worse for him and he dropped his sketchbook... she picked it up for him and scrolled through it but thanks to that... she also saw his portrait attempt blushing as well.
"You tried to draw me? Its incredible."
"I... um... I... I-it was supposed to be a gift... as thank you for... umm..."
How could he explain himself without his crush on her seeming obvious but luckily she noticed how fidgetty he was and put a hand on his shoulder.
"I love it regardless of the reason... I would be happy that if you ever finish it I can see it."
"O-okay... then I will share it with you. B-but actually... it wasn't the only sketch I did."
He turned the page to another finished piece... one with her in a princess dress... a gasp escaped her before she hugged him... not knowing what it will do for him as he just fainted sitting down.
"Mellow, are you alright? Mellow!"
He snapped back after a minute but it was still hard for him to speak normally.
"A-anyways I a-am happy you like them..."
"They are just.... I am stunned by how pretty they are... that you drew me so well... you really are amazing."
He hid behind his notebook he needed to leave or else his heart will burst out his chest.
"U-um sorry but I gotta leave right now... the dorm leader needs me but... I will give you both sketches n-next time okay."
She hit him with a smile that almost made him faint again as she looked at him.
"I look forward to it, Mellow."
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nem0-nee · 2 years
Vivian’s twin asks gyaru gal if she wants to know vivian’s sew sew woo woo tricks 🤯🤯
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Seph/Stephanie definitely gonna go 💳💥💳💥 just to know Vivian's sewing techniques. Such knowledge is priceless ✨
Do they accept cash or credit?!? /j
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harufallinwonderland · 6 months
Vivienne's best worst day (not my oc)
OK! so I WANNA MAKE A TWST FAMILY DAY FANFIC and there some OCS from someone I follow that I wanted to make A fanfic for SOOO
Here is the link to xem's (pretty sure that's the correct way to use the pronoun) OCS which is A Precure x Twst fandorm and the focus of today is my fav of them all Vivienne (or Viv) and her experience of her friends acquaintances meeting her big bro (Julian) and wanting to die (also @shinysparklesapphires so u can see this whenever u get the chance) now let us start!
Vivienne wakes up stretching as she enjoyed the morning for about 0.5 seconds before remembering that today is the day she dreaded the most Family day. Now don't get her wrong she isn't unhappy about her family coming (even if she refuse to admit it out loud she does care about them) the actual bad part was trying to make sure her friends dorm mates don't talk to him cause she knows her big brother would spill her most embarrassing secrets to them and she REFUSES to let that happen.
she goes to check her phone to see it was 8:50 am she decided to oversleep A bit as classes were cancelled for parent day but said families were meant to come to the school at 9:30 and knowing her brother he would take any chance to complain to annoy her which is the motivation she needed to force herself out of bed and to get ready.
And now it was 9:28 and she went from speed walking to now jogging to the mirror chamber while some students run to the mirror chamber seeing A few curetiel students too one catching her eye A brown hair student running with A much lighter hair student following yelling at them for sleeping in but she goes back to her main problem now hoping that Julian is the one A late so she really doesn't have to hear it from him "Are you that worried over being late Nya?" oh yeah Vivienne found this random cat on the road totally not her girlfriend and it decided to follow her to her "displeasure".
"Hardly I just don't want to give A reason for Julian to complain how about you? your running with me?" Vivienne doesn't look at Yuuki in the face not in the mood for Yuuki's normal smug face but she doesn't hear A peep for A bit but the catgirl eventually speaks up "Oh my family got nyajor business to handle today so they couldn't visit so there coming nyaxt time" well crap...Vivienne kinda actually felt bad....
"Well you can hang out with Julian and I if you don't want to be alone" Vivienne paused after saying that surprised that she blurted out the offer she knew that Julian most likely wouldn't have A problem with Yuuki as long as she behaves but she didn't want Julian to expose her past embarrassing secrets but Vivienne stops herself from taking back the offer.
"...I'm down Nya!" Yuuki said happily which gets A small smile from Vivienne's face which quickly disappears and Vivienne looks away from Yuuki entering the mirror chamber then she looks around noticing multiple disgustedly sweet reunions many from her own dorm Housewarden and vice housewarden and there families Kira probably telling theres about all his experiences in this school so far and some Blue hair Curetiel student with A side pony tail holding hands with A pink one as some old lady comes to greet them.
"Grr where is that idiot I know he would be bitching to hell and back if I was late" and so started one of her daily rants which Yuuki listens to intently untill she sees A blue hair man sneak up behind Viv A huge smirk on his face as Viv does not notice too focused on her rant to noticed but Yuuki didn't do anything recognizing him from pictures on Viv's phone.
"I heard you talking shit"
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" *SLAP* Thankfully most of the room was filled with loud talking not drawing to much eyes on the three but said three quickly retreat out of the mirror chamber not liking the prying eyes on them from those who did hear.
They were bickering but Yuuki could tell it was far from serious by Viv's making the same "angry" face when shouting at her and Julian's smirk that makes her wonder if there were truly no blood relation between the two despite there totally different looks.
"Well? where my introduction to your little friend Vi? it's rude to not introduce me to someone you talk so much about" Julian still has his cocky smirk that makes Yuuki question there lack of blood relation again but her brain pauses when the sentence fully processes in her brain "you talk about me to your family Nya?" She asked tilting her head to the side. Vivienne was completely red nodding her head no in A panic "ONLY TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW ANNOYING YOU ARE!" she says contradicting what she said with her actions but Yuuki doesn't mention it "ANYWAY Yuuki my annoying piece of shit brother Julian and Julian this is my personal pain in the ass Yuuki since you two love bothering me to no end I doubt you two won't get along"
"Oh really well if you insist we gotta get along" he practically slides over to Yuuki pulling out his phone while Vivienne regrets every choice in her life that lead her to here "Hey Yuuki wanna see some funny pictures of Vivienne?" he has A glint in his eyes screaming he is out to make Vivienne regret being his sister while Yuuki returns that same glint same energy but replace sister with friend "of course Nya"
Vivienne rubs the temples of her eyes already regretting bringing these two together at all.
{30 minutes later}
Welp this is officially one of the worst moment of her life despite it being "FAMILY DAY" and Vivienne giving him A tour Julian spent more time exposing all of Vivienne's past secrets rather then being her brother but in hindsight he really isn't acting less then his normal self "and so she kept asking our sis to bake her so many sweets so she had A horrible stomach ache for most of the next day" Julian Snickers with Yuuki as Vivienne points to the school store saying "that's the school store" before quickly moving on wanting this to end and to go and eat cupcakes somewhere untill something catches her ear.
"ugh do you see that guy he was A super popular Rsa student A few years ago heard so many students in Rsa talk about him like A God during that one field trip some students students took to Rsa my first year" some Diasomnia 3rd year says.
"walking into here like he is all that I doubt any Rsa student past or present could survive A fight with anyone here kinda want to knock him down his high horse". A savanaclaw 2nd year said
OOH this pissed off Vivienne to her core although she couldn't tell if it was her "sense of justice" she is meant to have as A curetiel student or the fact these NOBODIES insulted her brother as only her and there sister had the right to do so and before she could calm herself down she was stomping to them grabbing her magic pen "oh trust me why would he waste time on some idiots who do nothing but gossip about others instead of spending it with there family or maybe your family's didn't want to come wouldn't blame them with family like you I would ditch too" she finished her shout standing right up to them despite being shorter her anger takes over enough to not consider she may be over her head (get it).
"Aye it's that girl from Curetiel aren't you that one who is A emo little punk cause your to embarrassed being in the same dorm as those goody toe shoes?" The Diasomnia student said with the Savanaclaw student chuckling but Viv uses her magic to stuff the students mouths with snow "Don't you dare insult my dorm not like your dorms are all that special either Savanaclaw is just A bunch of IDOIT jocks and Diasomnia only selling point is that there housewarden is so strong he makes everyone else actually useless!" wait was she just offended by them insulting her dorm....what is wrong with her today.
the two students glared at her spitting the snow out of there mouths grabbing there magic pens but stopping when they get A glance at Julio with A wand that looked like A dessert theme toyed but the gem stone showing it's truly A wand and A glare at them telling them to try to hurt her but prepare for something twice as bad back the students looked fearfully at him before barring there teeth and speed walking away and Vivienne looked at him mad.
"come on I could handle idiots like that so easily why did you intervene?" she questioned him walking up to him ignoring Yuuki backing away from Julian low key terrified "well yeah you could BUT why would we waste our time on idiots like those for now lets contiune that tour we visited the school store so it's time for you to take me to check out your dorm right Vi?" he says surprising Vivienne that he was actually listening to her as she just nods leading him to the mirror chamber and Yuuki just follows behind them just chatting hardly bickering and looking at Viv's expression "damn she really does have resting bitch face" she mumbles to herself but still finding the sight of the two chatting cute.
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mpfuro-station · 3 years
This is my personal blog that I use mostly to interact with others. I have a Twisted Wonderland OC that you can interact with and read about under the # furo lore if you want! I now have other OCs too! Similar tags, but just change the name of the character!
I also have another blog that is dedicated to my original fantasy novel and the world in that. If you want to check it out, feel free! The story is currently being written, and it is called Eternal Entities.
Nice to meet ya, and have a wonderful day!
Art Commissions: OPEN
M.P. Furo TWST bio
Furo TWST backstory
Ronald Karus bio
Vivienne Abiba bio
Florian Meadows bio
Phoebus Achilles bio
Mortimer Padriac bio
Tido bio
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Floyd: Beluga-chan... *feeling drowsy* *approaches MC*
Chubby MC: No, no. Go to bed.
Floyd: *flops on them*
Chubby MC: Floyd!
Floyd: *nuzzles* You might want me to stay...
Chubby MC: And why?
Floyd: I heard Jade and Vivi making plans to convince you to go on a honeymoon~.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Tch.
Floyd: But you know... *yawns*
Floyd: You should be careful with sexually frustrated merfolks... *has fallen asleep*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *reading a book in the bedroom*
Vivienne: *walks in with only a towel on*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Viv, the shower room is that way.
Vivienne: I want to cuddle.
Chubby MC: What?
Vivienne: Cuddle... *starts walking towards them, then climbs on the bed*
Chubby MC: ...
Vivienne: *goes to snuggle against them*
Chubby MC: Are you serious- Viv, at least wear some clothes. Do you want to get sick?
Jade: My, I didn't expect her to be here first. *wearing a bathrobe*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Jade, wear a fucking pajama before I throw you this book.
Jade: *chuckles* You don't want me to be cold, dear?
Chubby MC: ...
Cater: Er, you're asking for a tip on convincing MC to go on a honeymoon?
Jade: Yes. I'm trying my best to avoid using force.
Trey: Because MC can put up a fight?
Jade: *chuckles* That's one.
Cater and Trey: ...
Cater: That's difficult. You see, MC has given up on romance either.
Trey: You might want to start with those cute, little pecks on the cheek.
Jade: Vivienne has been doing that.
Cater: Oof.
Trey: Okay... Have you tried kissing their palm?
Jade: ...
Jade: Trey, you are a genius. *smiles*
Cater: Huh?
Trey: *chuckles*
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Azul: ....
Azul: She's into you?
Chubby MC: That's the best conclusion you came up with?
Azul: 😒
Azul: Well, my dear friend, what she said cannot be considered "threatening".
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Well, I'm sure being "into me" can't possibly be feasible either, no?
Azul: That possibility is more likely to me.
Chubby MC: Yeah, because you're handsome.
Azul: ...
Azul: 🥰
Chubby MC: 🖕
Azul: 🤣
Azul: Alright, I'll research her background.
Chubby MC: Now you're being helpful.
Azul: Aren't I always?
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *blocks him*
Azul: *messaged them with his back up number*
Floyd and Chubby MC: *when they were still NRC students*
Floyd and Chubby MC: *on their way back to school after finishing an errand*
Floyd: *yawns* That was so boooooring~.
Chubby MC: Is that why you gave me all the work, huh?
Floyd: Hehe~ Thank you, Beluga-chan~. *pats their head*
Chubby MC: *frowns*
Drunk man: Come on, babe~. Let's have some fun together~.
Female student (Vivienne): No. And leave me alone.
Drunk man: *grabs her arm* Let's go!
Chubby MC: *has approached them and taps the man on his shoulder*
Drunk man: Huh?
Chubby MC: *punches him hard on the face without a warning*
Drunk: *falls to the ground; unconscious*
Floyd: Eh~ Beluga-chan~ I wanted to punch him~.
Chubby MC: My bad. I was faster than you.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: *looks at their uniform and immediately understood they're from Night Raven College*
Floyd: Ah. Beluga-chan~ Azul is calling~.
Chubby MC: Looks like we should get going now.
Chubby MC: *turns to Vivienne* You should get going too.
Chubby MC: We'll clean this up.
Vivienne: *nods* *then walks away*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *kicks the drunk man*
Floyd: Now, now~ Beluga-chan~ You need to chill~.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: *turns to look at MC again to remember their face*
Jade: ...
Chubby MC: ...
Vivienne: *serves MC food*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Did you cook this yourself?
Vivienne: Yes.
Chubby MC: ...
Jade: It looks poisonous. You should not eat it, dear.
Vivienne: Why would you think that?
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: The sauce is glowing. Anyway, maybe it's an exotic food. It's not like I have never eaten one before.
Chubby MC: *eats it*
Jade: ...
Chubby MC: ...
Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: It's good.
Jade: ...
Jade: *looks at Vivienne*
Vivienne: *has a small smile on her face*
Jade: ...
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Chubby MC: *has sent Azul a photo of themselves lying between Jade and Vivienne, who are comfortably snuggling against them*
Azul: 👀
Chubby MC: 😮‍💨 I'm stuck.
Azul: Yes. They're holding onto you.
Chubby MC: I'm too old for this third-wheel shit.
Azul: ...
Azul: Are you sure that's the case?
Chubby MC: What do you mean? 🤨
Azul: You're quite naive on certain occasions.
Chubby MC: The fuck does that mean?
Azul: Nothing, my friend.
Chubby MC: 🤨
Chubby MC: I'll be getting ready for work.
Azul: Didn't you say you were stuck?
Chubby MC: Yeah.
Chubby MC: I'm dragging these two out of the bed with me.
Azul: 🤣
Chubby MC: ...
Jade and Vivienne: *decided to follow them to work*
The shop owner: *the nice old lady* Your spouses?
Chubby MC: No.
The shop owner: *looks at Jade and Vivienne again*
The shop owner: *then turns to MC again*
The shop owner: Your generation have more freedom now.
The shop owner: There's nothing to be ashamed of having two spouses.
Chubby MC: They. Are. Not. My. Spouses.
The shop owner: Yes, yes. Start working now. *carefree chuckle*
Chubby MC: ...
Jade and Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: What are you doing here in the kitchen?
Jade: I want to assist you.
Chubby MC: Get out. You're not a kitchen staff.
Jade: ...
Jade: *smiles* I don't care. I will still help you.
Jade: Besides, didn't we use to work in the Mostro Lounge together?
Chubby MC: ...
Vivienne: *helps in taking the order of the customers*
Customer A: Whoa... This place got a new waitress?
Customer B: And she's hot.
Customer C: Hey, babe. You free after this?
Vivienne: Can I take your order?
Customer C: Haha, can I take you? *winks*
Vivienne: ...
Customer C: No need to be shy, Ms. Beautiful.
Vivienne: *is looking at him coldly*
The two other customers: ...
Customer A: Bro, stop.
Customer B: Yeah. We're going to get in trouble.
Customer C: What? She doesn't say no— *his face got smashed onto the table*
Chubby MC: What did you say?
The other two customers: ...
Chubby MC: *looks at Vivienne*
Chubby MC: Is this punk trying to ask you out?
Vivienne: I wouldn't consider it as such.
Chubby MC: *nods* *then glares at the other two*
Chubby MC: What's your order?
The other two customers: *nervously smile at Vivienne* Your best-seller, please.
Vivienne: Please wait a moment.
The other two customers: T-Take your time...
Chubby MC: *still glaring at them*
Jade: Are you satisfied with our service?
The customers earlier: Y-Yes! We're coming back again!
Chubby MC: Here's for smashing your face earlier.
Customer C: Th-Thank you...
Chubby MC: I see you pull the same stunt again, you'll know what's going to happen.
Customer C: Y-Yes!
The three of them: *immediately left*
Jade and Chubby MC: ...
Jade: I'm jealous.
Chubby MC: I'm not stealing your wife.
Jade: ...
Azul: ...
Jade: *has sent him a message*
Jade: Azul, would you be a dear and forge a legal marriage contract for MC and me?
Azul: ...
Azul: What the fuck—
Jade: And don't tell MC about it. :)
Azul: ...
Floyd: So~ You're making two?
Azul: *has received the same request from Vivienne*
Azul: Seems like it.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Chubby MC: ...
Jade's and Vivienne's parents: *came to visit them*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Couldn't you have chosen a different place to do your marriage talks?
Jade's dad: All of you are here, so why bother?
Vivienne's dad: I agree.
Chubby MC: Okay. I guess I can be a witness.
Jade's mom and Vivienne's mom: *chuckles*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: What's funny?
Vivienne's mom: It's just that... you're part of this conversation, dear.
Jade's mom: Hasn't Jade informed you? Or at least Floyd?
Jade's dad: They were planning to keep it a secret.
Vivienne's dad: Yes. And you found out because of me.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: I need to drink coffee first.
Jade's mom: Could you make some for us too, dear?
Chubby MC: *is already walking to the kitchen* Yes, Auntie!
Vivienne's mom: I like mine sweet, please~!
Jade's dad: You've got wine?
Chubby MC: This is a poor house, uncle!
Jade's dad: I'll settle with beer then!
Vivienne's dad: ...
Vivienne's dad: I'll settle with water.
Chubby MC: I'm not that poor. What the fuck-
Chubby MC and the parents: *after having their fill*
Chubby MC: Okay. We can continue talking now.
Jade's dad: You are married to my son Jade.
Vivienne's dad: And you are married to my daughter Vivienne.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Pardon?
Jade's mom: Dear, I know you have heard it clearly.
Vivienne's mom: We should go ahead to discuss the wedding.
Vivienne's mom: Formality is still needed after all.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: But I'm single.
Jade's dad: Not anymore.
Chubby MC: That doesn't make sense.
Jade's mom: It does. When you stop denying it. *smiles*
Chubby MC: ...
Azul: Will MC be okay?
Floyd: Haha~ Obviously not~.
Jade: Vivienne,
Jade: How could you?
Vivienne: At least it's not monogamy. *unbothered*
Azul: ...
Azul: *his phone started ringing aggressively*
Floyd: Are you not going to answer that, Azul~?
Azul: No.
Azul: I'll be dead if I do that.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Jade: *smiling* You should leave.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: Why?
Jade: Your goal has changed.
Jade: It's no longer me, isn't it?
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: *smirks* It's never been you, Jade Leech.
Vivienne: *returns to her nonchalant expression* However, marrying you would be beneficial to me.
Jade: *chuckles* You shouldn't waste your time with me.
Jade: There's Floyd.
Vivienne: Floyd Leech doesn't have the person I'm after.
Jade: ...
Jade: *turned serious* It's been a while since I've met a cunning mermaid.
Vivienne: It's a pleasure to receive a compliment from you.
Jade: ...
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *noticing the tension between them*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: If you two are going to fight, do it outside.
Jade and Vivienne: ...
Jade: Dear, I never resort to violence.
Chubby MC: You do, but passive-aggressiveness is your forte.
Jade: ...
Chubby MC: And you, Vivienne.
Vivienne: Yes?
Chubby MC: You're passive-aggressive too.
Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: You figure out how to deal with one another.
Chubby MC: Or else it'll be a problem once you have kids.
Jade: It's not if it's ours.
Chubby MC: *takes off their shoe and points it threateningly at Jade*
Chubby MC: I'll send you back to the ocean bed.
Jade: ...
Vivienne: *tries to hide her amusement*
Azul: ...
Floyd: *smiling*
Azul: ...
Azul: Floyd, why didn't you tell me you were acquainted with Vivienne Sinclair?
Floyd: Eh~ We only met once or twice~. So I kinda forgot about her~.
Azul: ...
Azul: You didn't purposely lead her here, did you?
Floyd: Hm~?
Azul: Floyd.
Floyd: Jade is doing a lousy job winning Beluga-chan's affection~.
Floyd: I think he'll need a little help~.
Azul: ...
Azul: Jade is going to kill you for this.
Floyd: Hehehehehe~
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Azul: Floyd! Have you seen that? What was that about?!
Floyd: Someone asked for Jade's hand in marriage~.
Azul: Shit- Did your father give his blessing?
Floyd: Eh~ He said that he'll be hers if she can get Jade~.
Floyd: Hehe~.
Azul: ...
Azul: It seems to me that I'm the only one freaking out here.
Floyd: Yeah~.
Azul: ...
Chubby MC: *is alone in their house because Jade volunteered to do their groceries*
Chubby MC: I hope he gets stuck in traffic. *while folding clothes*
*The sound of the doorbell*
Chubby MC: Tch. I jinxed it. *stood up then goes to open the door*
Chubby MC: Jade, did you double check-
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Who are you?
Tumblr media
The unknown woman: Is this where Jade is hiding?
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Are you referring to a fugitive or something?
Chubby MC: Why are you looking for him?
The unknown woman: My name is Vivienne Sinclair. Jade's fiancée.
Chubby MC: Oh. *is making that 'I don't want to deal with this' expression*
Chubby MC: That's his house. You can wait there for him. *about to close the door*
Vivienne: I've heard that you're the land mammal Jade is in love with.
Vivienne: *scans them from head to toe*
Chubby MC: ...
Vivienne: I can see why he's attracted to you.
Vivienne: But as everyone says, beauty fades easily.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Did you just...
Chubby MC: Are you competing... WITH ME?
Chubby MC: *mutters* You've got a few loose screws.
Jade: I'm home-
Jade: ...
Jade: *seeing a woman, who he has never met before, sitting with MC*
Jade: *his jealousy is spiking*
Jade: Oh dear, we have a visitor?
Chubby MC: Yeah. Your wife.
Jade: ...
Jade: Huh?
Chubby MC: *to Vivienne* Take him now. And don't forget to close the door behind you when you leave. *stood up and goes back to their room*
Jade: ...
Vivienne: *stood up from her seat too* Jade Leech, you're coming with me.
Jade: ...
Jade: *smiles* No. Who even are you?
Vivienne: Vivienne Sinclair-
Jade: Never mind. I'm actually not interested in knowing who you are.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: Is that so? Then I have no reason but to stay where you are.
Jade: I would appreciate it if you wouldn't.
Azul: ...
Floyd: So~?
Azul: Vivienne ended up staying there too.
Floyd: *laughs*
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Chubby MC: ...
Ace and Deuce: ...
Ace, Deuce, and Chubby MC: YOOOOOOOO!!!
Ace: You're working as a server?
Chubby MC: Yeah. Well, I'm an all-rounder here.
Chubby MC: That means I also take care of the punks who dare to try to mess this place.
Deuce: Do they pay you a competitive salary though?
Chubby MC: It's good. The owner's a nice, old lady. She pays me just fine.
Chubby MC: What do you want to get, by the way?
Ace: Oh. Everything's on the menu.
Chubby MC: Huh. You're rich now?
Ace: Let's just say I'm, *slicks back his hair*
Ace: "Climbing the corporate ladder".
Chubby MC: Arrogant bitch. How about you, Deuce?
Deuce: I'm a sergeant now.
Chubby MC: Nice.
Ace: Why didn't you call him an arrogant bitch?
Chubby MC: Because Deuce was never a bitch.
Ace: We graduated and all and you still have favoritism? Fuck you!
Deuce: Ace, I can arrest you for that.
Chubby MC: Yeah. Arrest this motherfucker.
Ace, Deuce, and Chubby MC: *laughs*
Ace: Damn shit- So you really run the whole place, huh, except being the owner.
Deuce: It reminds me of when you once worked in the school cafeteria.
Ace: Yeah. You handled hundreds of orders.
Deuce: And then you blew up when someone yelled at you to hurry up.
Ace and Deuce: *laughs*
Ace: Ah, good old days.
Ace: Anyway, you married now?
Chubby MC: No.
Deuce: Why not?
Chubby MC: Well, I don't look like someone somebody would fall in love with.
Ace: ...
Ace: You're trippin'.
Deuce: Yes, I agree with Ace. You're the type of person anybody would love to be with.
Chubby MC: You mean in a "platonic" way.
Ace and Deuce: ...
Chubby MC: See?
Ace: Er, how about Jade?
Chubby MC: He has a fiancee.
Ace: Oof. Okay, you're going to be alone.
Deuce: *whacks him*
Chubby MC: *has arrived home*
Vivienne: *is waiting for them*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Where's Jade?
Vivienne: There's something he needs to deal with, but he promised he'll be back before midnight
Chubby MC: Ah.
Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: What do you want to eat?
Vivienne: King Crab.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: Good. That's what I bought.
Vivienne: *cracks the crab's leg with her sharp teeth*
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: *puts the scissors away*
Vivienne: You have excellent cooking skills.
Chubby MC: Thanks.
Vivienne: ...
Chubby MC: *noticed her staring*
Chubby MC: What?
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: I'm curious… You seem like a tempting bite.
Chubby MC: ...
Chubby MC: What?
Jade: Is this everything?
His mother: Yes. Thank you, Jade.
Jade: You're welcome.
His mother: By the way, how's your relationship with dear MC?
Jade: *chuckles* We've been doing well.
His mother: I'm glad. Your father is becoming impatient, you see. If I hadn't intervened, he would've forcibly brought MC here.
Jade: Thank you for doing that.
His mother: You're welcome~.
571 notes · View notes
harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
Azul: MC...
Azul: My "poor" friend...
Azul: How are you? 🥺
Chubby MC: Mf I see what you did there.
Azul: I know you are having a difficult time right now, so I am trying to cheer you up.
Chubby MC: Don't try when you're not good at it.
Azul: 🙄
Azul: Anyway, where are you? I texted Jade and he said you went out for a walk.
Chubby MC: Yeah. And looking for a job too.
Azul: You still didn't get a job?
Chubby MC: I got one, but I'm looking for a second.
Azul: Why???
Chubby MC: My house has been invaded and I want to move out.
Azul: ...
Azul: Is the situation really that bad?
Chubby MC: I don't like seeing couples in my own house.
Azul: Fair enough.
Azul: Hey, why don't we talk on the phone?
Chubby MC: So you can use your hands to sign contracts?
Azul: Yes. Texting is decreasing my productivity.
Chubby MC: Yeah, sure.
Jade: *is stalking MC*
Vivienne: It appears they are not aware of their surroundings.
Jade: ...
Jade: Why have you come here? Didn't I explicitly instruct you not to leave the house?
Vivienne: I'm worried about you. *nonchalant expression*
Jade: My, that's a waste of emotion.
Vivienne: It's not if it's you, Jade Leech.
Jade: *not amused*
Chubby MC: Damn, I'm standing in front of the supermarket now.
Azul: How long have you been walking?
Chubby MC: Am I supposed to measure that?
Azul: Hmph.
Chubby MC: Should I go inside or not?
Azul: You should. I'll send you money.
Chubby MC: No need. I have money here.
Azul: Huh? You haven't started working in your new job yet.
Chubby MC: Yeah.
Azul: Then who did you get your money from?
Chubby MC: Vivienne.
Azul: ...
Azul: Why?
Chubby MC: I don't know. Maybe payment for staying in my house?
Azul: So you're accepting rent now?
Chubby MC: Can't I?
Azul: Well...
Chubby MC: Ah, I'm buying seafood. Oh, the octopus is on sale.
Chubby MC: It's begging for its life.
Azul: I hate you!
Chubby MC: *didn't buy anything and went straight home after teasing Azul*
Chubby MC: I'm going to bed early.
Jade and Vivienne: *waiting for them at the entrance*
Chubby MC: ...
Jade: *smiles warmly* Welcome home.
Vivienne: Hm. You didn't buy anything.
Chubby MC: Yeah, because it's not my money. *returns it to her*
Chubby MC: If you'll excuse me, I want to go to bed now.
Jade: How about dinner?
Chubby MC: Go serve your wife. *then walks inside*
Jade: ...
Vivienne: ...
Floyd: Beluga-chan?
Floyd: Beluga-chan~? Are you sleeping???
Chubby MC: *was messaging Floyd, but fell asleep immediately*
Floyd: Hehehehe~ Good night, Beluga-chan~.
Vivienne: *holding their phone* They're close to Floyd Leech too.
Jade: *snatches the phone from her* That is an invasion of privacy.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: Aren't we both invading their privacy?
Jade and Vivienne: *individually decided to enter MC's room*
Jade: Oh, but I have their consent.
Vivienne: Huh. How convenient.
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