#twst juju
liviavanrouge · 12 days
Everyone is better than me
Livia: *Sits by a room window, staring outside, her head resting on her hand*
Epel: *Grins, kicking the ball to Kalim*
Azul: *Gasps, his eyes darting between them* Guys!
Livia: *Covers her ears, causing Azul, Kalim and Epels faces to blacken*
Livia: *Closes her eyes, voices swirling around her head*
I think
Livia: *Stares with wide eyes*
Silver: Liv-
Livia: *Forces a smile, clasping her hands together* Yes, Nii-Chan!
Silver: *Blinks then places a hand on her head* I'll be right back...
Livia: *Nods, watching him go*
Livia: *Trembles, gripping her dress, her eyes widening again* Be quick....
Everyone is better than
Vil: *Pats Golden's head, smiling*
Livia: *Glances at them, going through the makeup Vil wanted her to choose from*
Vil: Okay Goldy, go check on the dorm
Golden: *Nods and walks away*
Livia: *Looks down, gripping the lipstick*
Vil: Potato Cub?
Livia: *Beams, forcing a smile* Let's get started!
Vil: *Frowns suspiciously* Alright...
Better than me
Livia: *Sits in her room, petting Cloudie*
Cloudie: *Nudges her hand and tilts his head to the side*
Livia: *Coughs up blot, her hands flying to her mouth*
Meeka: *Lands beside her, nudging her with her beak*
Glorious: *Climbs onto Livias arm, staring at her*
Livia: I'm fine...I'm fine...
Juju: *Squeaks, resting his head on her foot concerned*
Livia: *Coughs* Don't worry it's fine...
Everyone is better than
Livia: *Stands in her siblings shadow, staring at them*
Lilia: *Chuckles, patting Golden and Silvers head* Good job boys!
Silver: Thank you
Golden: Thanks old man...
Livia: *Looks away, staring down at her feet*
Livia: *Turns as walks away as Lilia praised her elder siblings for passing the test*
Better than me
Livia: *Stares with wide eyes alarmed*
Silk: Hello...
Silver: Silk!!
Silk: *Smiles as the others surrounded her*
Livia: *Stares at Silk horrified*
Maria: Come on, we gotta go tell Lilia!
Silk: *Smiles slightly as they pulled her away*
Silver: Liv, you can stay here! We'll be back
Livia: *Trembles, her ears flattened back as she watched them go* ......no you won't..
@queen-of-twisted @zexal-club @yukii0nna @teddymochi @soulfungai
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idcfriend · 1 year
I like to headcannon that Yuu is some sort eldritch being (but not really)
Ok so hear me out, i get that twisted wonderland is like disney but darker so in my head i like to think that while yes gods do exist and have their respective religions maybe in the long long looong past of twst while yes religion was a big thing but CULTS were bigger and still are because of it being a world that tilts more towards the darker aspects of things a bit
So enter Yuu and i like to think prior to them being sent to twisted they had DIED and thus being sent to twisted wonderland was the equivalent of being brought back from the dead and those never happen without SOME sort of consequence, so Yuu ends up having this sort of...darker feeling?
...VIBE? Yes vibe. Anyways but also even though their physically their still the same(...mostly we'll get to that another time) our bodies are fundamentally different from those in twisted wonderland like for example:
Do to it being a magic rich world their bodies don't really have to go through as many changes as ours since they naturally adjust do to magic
Like they don't have to lose their baby teeth since they grow stronger and adjust accordingly as they age(i know it doesn't make sense but i dug this grave and I'm lying in it)
I like to think that since it was a fantasy world instead being descendents from apes like humans in our world they rather evolved from many different magical or mythical creatures so when the prefect shows up displaying several and i mean a lot of different animal behavior everyone is so confused because surely they've evolved past most of those, the only people to display such traits were people of old(i find it funny that most people don't realize that even though we've evolved we still display animal behavior sometimes so I'm taking that and cranking it up to a thousand)
So while we are very good at mimicking sounds and other voices(with practice not that NRC knows that...) they're so confused and slightly horrified at just how MUCH the prefect can mimic: one time you spent the entirety of the day communicating in animal and random noises and while some thought it was cool others were a little scared when they perfectly mimict a several animals distrest or dying sounds ( they didn't know that's what it meant they honestly just wanted to sound scary so they could be left alone)
So here comes Yuu with all their bad juju because you know...death and their somewhat strange anatomy and their knowledge of unknown or even forbidden information from who know when(except maybe Lillia who may or may not have been part of one of those cults) and after a while everyone won't believe Yuu saying their a normal human even if they somehow shared their memories with them because even if they were physically different from everyone they couldn't have a way to explain all the other weird things(that they have no idea even happen... And why hasn't anyone told them?)
The ghost around campus along with Sams "friends" seem oddly comfortable around them even going out of their way to make things easier for the prefect because they feel like they're one of them since technically Yuu is supposed to be you know dead
Or how Yuu's eyes seem to resemble a cats when a light is shined on them or how they slightly glow in the dark(yuu honestly thought them being able to see better in dimly lit places just meant that their eyesight adjusted faster in this world for some reason)
Or how when Yuu appeared they spoke a dead language fluently and how for some reason when their emotions ran high their voice seemed to...multiply or distort
That sometimes Yuu's movements seemed too...stiff to be normal(again technically their supposed dead so their body is not supposed to function)
And others
But everyone ignor-...well not ignore more like embraces? Encourages these differences because much like the ancestors of old, just how many people still practice certain religions some people still worship the beings from those old cults or to be precise the cults were more prominent than any religion, the thing is such cults are one the foundations of NRC(and RSA for that matter) so when Yuu popped up not seeming completely normal and butchering what they consider to be normal human behavior they can't help compare many things that Yuu does or knows to whatever cosmic horror they worshiped
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azxremoon · 1 year
I am new to this app Can you give me blog recommendations
welcome to the hellscape, nonnie! i've never gotten an ask like this before, i'm so excited djfhcabjfc
i follow quite a few non-sfw blogs, so pls respect their boundaries if you're a minor! they're all very kind people so please treat them kindly in return!!
numero uno : me <333 jkjk unless... :eye:
or follow @epiimenides (nuts) <333
the wuv of my life, the water to my crops <3333 basil writes for a variety of fandoms and has a handful of genshin headcanons out that are just the cutest things ever omfg!!!
emmie's works are always so chefs kiss!! if you're into blue lock, genshin, jujutsu kaisen, and many other fandoms, i think you'd enjoy! she writes sfw + non-sfw very frequently and soooo talented!!
miss juju seakicker is like, the actual queen of plus size + non-sfw reader content!! genshin, fe3h, vtubers, etc. she has a very welcoming aura to her blog that's crazy comforting. i really gotta read her scaramilf fic soon shishishi
rosie produces such lovely requests if you're looking for something from genshin, loz, persona, twst, our life beginning and always, demon slayer, to pokemon sv! i've requested from her before and her work is always so sweet and full of effort! <33
lauren writes for so many fandoms that i couldn't possibly list all of them here! as of writing this, she's a bit busy irl, but she has a masterlist you can check out in the meanwhile!!
MY #1 FF MOOTIE <33 lala doesn't do requests, but i cannot praise her work high enough!! she's such a kind and hardworking person, and that shows in her content.
i really gotta catch up bc i've been slacking since moving blogs :') but apollo is crazy talented and has so many works out you should check out! from genshin, fe3h, haikyuu, jjk, demon slayer, tears of themis, and so on!
MY NEW MOOT! he’s pretty big into guilty gear and rbs / posts some really cool musicians and game stuff!! he doesn’t do requests and stuff, but his blog is definitely work checking out!
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nazuqi · 1 year
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about me
when colors burn, you soothe my heart
qian, minor, us born chinese filipino, future compsci major
qian, lili, calla, juju... any of my name is cool. [pronouns page]
generally my online persona online is of a little slime with both a slime and a human form and i do like to be squished. my species is called a squishpyon
graduating high school 2024 & full time student
main media is enstars atm. i also enjoy genshin, honkai star rail, idolish7, arknights, epic 7, blue lock, magia record, twst, tears of themis, project sekai, haikyuu, and manhwas/webtoons. i also am a kpop listener. do with that information what you will.
i also write fics. most famously known on nazukisser
"why am i blocked?" i block whenever i feel like it. i hardly block someone because i have an issue with who they are, i usually block because i just would not like to bother to see that blog again for any reason.
other blogs: @lilikags @nazukisser @reo-kisser @ayato-kisser @tennkisser | carrd!
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seakicker · 2 years
I have been stalking this blog for a hot while but been too shy to send in an ask before so qowonrjeke—
If you're really into dragon men, you should definitely check out twisted wonderland, it has this dude named malleus Draconia and he's this 202cm tall dragon dude with the hottest voice ever!!
And definitely azeru asmr on kemono, his asmr is just, Muah, delicious!
PLS i feel so read bc malleus is actually my favorite twst character lololol. i don’t play the english localization but i used to play the original JP version a bit and i read a fair amount of stories! he’s a good boy. you read me well LOL
and i’ll have to look into this asmr channel bc i’ve never heard of this one… could be very yummy indeed… any specific recs for a first timer?
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noirrest · 3 years
JAMIE, a fox-snake beastman who never seems to be quite there. he's a little out of his head, but who isn't?
HI-ME. JAMIE. not jame-ee. he hates it when people mispronounce his name.
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[ picrew link ! ]
meet jamie, a man who spends more of his time baked out of his mind in order to stay in the right mental state rather than on the ground.
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jamie ratta, but he tells people to call him juju to prevent people from mispronouncing his name
place of birth
jubilee port
appearance variations
jamie's tail is able to thin at will, the texture becoming more scale-like. it also happens without his knowledge when threatened.
he has severe anxiety which lead to jamie constantly biting his nails. his friends began painting them in order to keep him from biting them, but he ended up liking it quite a lot. they can mostly be seen as a light blue color with white tips.
it's not rare to see jamie with some shades on his face during class. it's best not to let the teachers know you almost smoked a pack before class starts.
he has thick, curly hair that can often be found straightened or blown out in braids. his arms are to weak to take care of it himself so he usually pays someone to do it.
jamie is of a scrawny build, but he still does have some meat on him.
outfit variations
everything about jamie's clothing style is messy. his uniform. his ceremonial robes. hell, even his pajamas are messy. he isn't one for anything proper thanks to his upbringing, but he'll put on something nice when the occasional calls for it and he cares enough.
jamie only wears the button-up and pants, wrapping the armband around his thigh. he doesn't like how tightly the vest fits or how limited his movement is in the jacket. whenever he gets cold, it's not uncommon to see his wandering around in one of kiburi's sweaters or hoodies. his hair is styled in marley twists, leaving it down for the most part.
another one who doesn't wear the dorm uniform! he much prefers the comfort of his cropped hoodies and basketball shorts to keep him from feeling overheated. his hair is usually up in a curly, messy bun.
jamie wears the jumpsuit, yes.. but not the top. he keeps the shorts and shins connected, leaving them as pants while the upper part goes around his waist. beneath that he's just shirtless. his hair is usually tied back or in plaits.
though jamie can be a bit air-headed at all times, that doesn't mean he can't pull back and sober up when he needs to.
jamie is an ambivert, only really pulling away from the fluff of his tail when something really interests him or if he gets tired of something sounding dumb.
he's not a violent boy, often going about things with feather like touches and an unspoken softness.. but his way of speaking makes it sound like he's looking for a fight.
jamie is blunt and pragmatic whenever he's sober while giggly and light-hearted when he's not. when he is high, he can be found stepping around the truth like one of those wise i-know-all characters.
jamie isn't the social butterfly that his brother is and can be seen sticking to his small group of favored people. if he does talk to anyone outside of it: expect trouble!
unique magic
“dig a little deeper!”
the user is able to gain the abilities to see one's true self and their ambitions.
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liviavanrouge · 12 days
Small Visitor
Juju: *Squeaks, coming out of the hole in the kitchen*
???: Hello Juju
Trey: *Pops into view, holding a mixer* I made some mini desserts, wanna try some
Juju: *Scampers over to a small ladder, climbing up it onto the counter*
Trey: *Sets a plate with miniature desserts on it, chuckling as he watched the rat gobble them down*
Riddle: I see one of our most special guests have arrived
Trey: *Chuckles, holding Juju to the running kitchen water letting the rat clean himself off* Juju came to visit, which means Livia is taking her daily afternoon nap!
Riddle: *Nods, Trey handing Juju to him* Welcome to Heartslabyul, Juju, apologies for not greeting you earlier
Riddle: *Places Juju on his head and walks away* Come
Trey: *Laughs* Have fun, Juju!
Juju: *Squeaks, looking around, sniffing the air curiously*
Riddle: *Walks through the halls, his head held high as Juju looked around*
Denzel and Cater: Hello Sir Juju!
Juju: *Squeaks, looking at the two*
Maria: *Giggles and waves to Juju, passing by with Jessie and Hattie*
Riddle: *Walks out to the Unbirthday Party, students greeting him and Juju*
Riddle: *Lifts his hand, Juju climbing onto his hand*
Riddle: *Sets Juju down on a mini throne with a table* Hope you're comfortable, Sir Juju
Juju: *Squeaks, nuzzling Riddles hand*
Riddle: I shall let Hattie know you're comfortable then!
Juju: *Squeaks, his nose twitching*
Trey: *Chuckles* Shall we begin!
Riddle: Juju?
Juju: *Squeaks*
Riddle: Then let the Unbirthday Party begin!!
@queen-of-twisted @zexal-club @yukii0nna @teddymochi @soulfungai
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liviavanrouge · 1 month
Livia: *Looks at the tea that was poured then grabs the handle and lifts it to her hair* Juju...
Riddle: Huh?
Juju: *Squeaks causing Riddle to gasp at the sight of the rat*
Juju: *Crawls out of Livias hair and sniffs the tea before crawling up and hiding in her hair again*
Livia: *Lowers the cup and sips the tea*
Livia: A rat Mister Nilo gave me after he had a conversation with my Papa, Juju was trained to smell out my allergy tea..
Trey: Yes, honey lemon tea, we made sure none would be served
Livia: Still, it's better safe than sorry, my Papa would have a heart attack if he finds out I didn't check the tea first
Livia: Juju also helps when my vision blurs, he squeaks into my ears to tell me which way I should go
Deuce: Ah, he also helped with your panic attacks and when you're hyperventilating right? Comforted you and then when you were calm enough he crawls through the wall to find help
Ace: And how do you know that!?
Deuce: Juju always comes and gets me when it happens, he pops up from the floorboards!
Deuce: He also helps when Livias hearing starts to decrease..
Trey: I was not aware that he was an important pet...now I feel bad....
Riddle: Neither was I and I banished him...
Riddle: *Sighs* I hereby lift the punishment placed on Juju, he is allowed into Heartslabyul and wherever I step foot at!
Livia: *Smiles* Thanks Riddle...
Riddle: Let us enjoy, Juju as well
Juju: *Crawls out, Riddle setting down a slice of tart for him*
Riddle: *Watches the rat tunnel it's way into the dessert* Seems like he enjoys Trey's food as well
Trey: *Laughs* That's great! I'll make some bite sized snacks for him if I can
Livia: *Giggles, Juju drinking from a cup of tea placed down for him*
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club @teddymochi @soulfungai
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