#twst drake barlech
the-albino-lioness · 4 years
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Another big shoutout to @alpyssketch for making my twins Barf and Belch ahsbsbsbsb they look so cute look at my flashy sons ;///;
I present to you the twins Drake (Left) and Blaze (Right) Barlech! The twin dragon boys of the dorm Gondra at Roth Nirva Dragon College! These two like to cause loads of chaos and mischief and sometimes fight with each other but they are there for you when you need them! These two are great at combination magic which they combine both of their powers together to create a devastating attack! Drake uses poison magic and Blaze uses fire magic and together their magic creates a giant bomb like affect!
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the-albino-lioness · 4 years
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Basic Info
Name: Drake Barlech
Japanese: ドレイク・バーレッチ
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Age: 17
Birthday: October 31
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'10(177cm)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Green
Homeland: Isle of Poison and Gas
English VA: Robbie Damon's (Sorey Tales of Zestiria)
Japanese VA: Ryohei Kimura (Sorey Tales of Zestiria)
Japanese Singing Voice: Kogeinu
Professional Status
Dorm: Gondra
School Year: Second
Occupation: Dorm Member
Club: Elemantal Training
Best Subject: Combination Magic
Fun Fact
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food(s): Fish, miso soup, Takayama, sushi
Least Favorite Food(s): Veggies
Dislikes: Spiders, damp places, anyone touching his stuff, rude people
Hobbies: Singing, causing trouble and chaos, producing music, singing, drawing
Talents: Can make green gas out of his fire
Unique Magic: "Bombs Away!"
Drake goes into his half dragon form and grows green wings, a green tail, and green claws. This unique magic only works when he is with his brother Blaze which they are always together. Drake and Blaze combine their magic and create a green mist and once Drake sets off a small spark it causes an explosion as far as the mist goes. On the off chance Drake is not with his brother he can create a green mist that causes the enemy to pass out and then summons flames from his mouth to pretty much light them on fire as well as causing a small explosion.
Drake Barlech is the twin of Blaze Barlech and together these two cause alot of chaos and mischief. Drake is older by a few seconds and he will say that constantly so others know that he is the big brother and oldest next to Blaze. He is quite mischievous on his own and likes to prank his brother quite often but will occasionally prank the other dorm members and gets chased for it. He is a very excitable and sneaky dragon but he is sweet and will help anyone out with anything if he gets some food in return of course.
Art by: @alpyssketch
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the-albino-lioness · 4 years
girl-in-the-tower: Hello! Can I have 9 and 19 for the dragon kids, please? All of them if it's alright or you can pick whoever you want!
I'm only gunna do some of them because doing all of then for 2 asks is a lot😂
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?
Pendragon: Pendragon and Light are the last of their species so Pendragon will often have nightmares of the day his family and friends were all killed on the Isle of Night. This nightmare sadly happens more often then he'd like but everytime he has it Light is sleeping right next to him and comforts him. Poor boy is literally drenched in sweat and has tears in his eyes because the dream is so insanely vivid for him.
Light: Light's nightmares vary but the one she has the most is about losing Pendragon. Being the last of their kind she's insanely terrified that he's going to get taken away, go missing, or worse get killed. She hates having these nightmares because she wakes up crying and aggressively hugs onto Pendragon and cries into his chest until she falls back asleep.
Fang: Fang's nightmares are pretty much about him being burned to a crisp by his own flames or worse burning his friends. It's a constant fear he has whenever his body bursts into flames that it's going to go out of control and burn him or his friends.
Drake: Being the oldest he is very scared about something happening to Blaze. Its common for the older sibling (hes a few minutes older btw-) to be protective of their younger sibling and hes just scared that Blaze will get hurt or worse. These nightmares don't happen very often.
Umbra: Umbra is able to shoot out sharp spears at people (Stormfly whatever the spikes she shoots out) and she gets worried she will either really hurt herself or the other dorm members. The spikes sometimes do not go where they are supposed to and it freaks her out when they have gotten close to the other members. She will wake up and gasp and start panting heavily and then have a breakdown.
19: Your OC’s life is a musical. What’s the title of their big show-stopping song?
I actually don't know any musicals at all so im just gunna put what songs would fit them tbh😂😂 this one will be mad short cuz again idk musicals-
Light: Nightglow from Honkai Impact 3rd. Idk why but I can really see her singing this.
Pendragon: Immortals by Fall Out Boy. Again idk why either- These answers for this are gunna suck just saying-
Fang: Just imma just link the songs tbh im so bad at this sorry
Yeah just saying I didn't like doing this one cuz im bad at picking specific songs for my ocs so sorry that this one was crap😂
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the-albino-lioness · 4 years
14 for any of your ocs please? 👉👈
I'll do this for each of my ocs absbsbsb
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?
Pandora: She has a secret stash of stuffed animals and they are all mainly lions.
Alika: When she was little she once ran so fast and wasn't looking and smacked head first into a tree- Twas not pretty
Pendragon: He secretly knits and has made Light a small white dragon doll, scarves, mittens, etc. He lies and tells everyone he buys it at a store.
Light: She is secretly learning pole dancing as a surprise for Pendragon on their anniversary and for his birthday. Nobody knows dont tell the others. Also she started loving it since she can combine her fire dancing with it and flying👀
Fang: Huge Otaku and gamer. Has a massive collection of anime, figurines, posters etc all in a huge closet in his dorm room. Also stays up for hours gaming and even got a custom headset to fit over his horns.
Drake: He watches a lot of cooking shows and wants to hone his cooking skills so he can make meals for his dorm members and his brother
Blaze: He is a sap for romance movies and also loves horror movies. He cried at Titanic (Idk if the TW world has this movie but idc) and yelled at the TV that they could have fit on that fucking door.
Kayda: She has a huge rock, crystal, and plant collection and meditates pretty much everyday.
Cloud: Actually really into fashion and wants to create his own dragon clothing line for males. He has a mannequin and sewing shit in his dorm closet hes very good at it.
Umbra: Has a huge and secret knife collection. She thinks if the others find out they will think shes weird even though she knows they never would. She also knows how to do knife tricks.
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