#twst Eb
tumbleranch-dorm · 11 months
if your characters were each a different type of soda, what would they be? :)
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oya-oya-okay · 2 months
Knowing about Ciel, his true dream is before the incident. Honestly it's truly sad after what happened and he never was a happy child. The cast would be horrifying if they know what his dream is and the reality he has been through.
Speaking of, glad you got back to kuroxtwst. I missed it with our favorite ciel dealing with high school idiots.
That reminds me, how is Sebastian doing? I know Malleus hates him and that he might eb curious on who he is.
I'm not even sure what kind of happy dream Ciel would have had...! Maybe it was a really happy childhood with a family? Would you have returned home to live a normal life but without any nervous adventures? Or MAYBE he became a full-fledged magician in TWST?😳 Considering that everyone's dreams are not what they would really like😭😭
ALSO I'M SO SORRY, I'VE ALWAYS BEEN HERE!!! I'm not quitting kuroXtwst!...😭😭😭 But I really realized that I stopped drawing it often, although I still have a lot of ideas!! I'm glad you're waiting for this, ww..!😭🙏💗💗💗 Thank youuu sm for staying with me. I will try kuroXtwst more often💖💖💖
I think it would be interesting and logical in principle if Sebastian hadn't fallen asleep😳😳😳 Because he's not human...! And he never sleeps. So then Malleus would be really angry lmao🙃 (but if he had somehow fallen asleep, he probably wouldn't have dreamed at all, I think)
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And I think that later Orto would have found Sebastian and taken him with him. AND THEN THE OTHERS WOULD HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS FOR SEBASTIAN...🤭🙃 SHROUD PARENTS— And maybe then he would have appeared in dreams just like Ortho (or maybe he would have used his demon power and materialized with them!!!)
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ramshacklerumble · 3 months
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?ylsuoires esnesnon koot ew fi ffo retteb eb dlrow eht t’ndluow
twst fic | 2.1k words
With the moon the biggest Ace had ever seen and in such crisp alabaster, it struck him with its true presence as a celestial body rather than an afterthought of a pale disk in the sky. The sand along the island glowed under its light.
He didn’t bother with his flashlight, he immediately spotted the figure sitting on a rock jutting out a few meters below the lodge’s landing, beyond the railing.
Gia jumped and turned to look up where the voice came from. They gave him a small wave when they saw him.
Ace turned his palms up. What are you doing?
Gia held something in their mouth. Ace thought they were sucking on a stone before they reached into the fanny pack on their side and pulled out a mango. Gia seriously loved mangoes. Gia loved mangoes so much, they’d been tearing through the group’s supply and eventually earned themself a two-mango-per-day limit. One they were currently on their way tripling over alongside the other two he’d helped them smuggle earlier that night.
Ace shook his head as Gia motioned him to come down and instead motioned for them to come up. He didn’t hear it, but he could plainly imagine the huff coming out of them when they waved him off and turned back towards the beach.
“Oh, c’mon.” Ace muttered. He glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting Riddle to be standing there in all his pipin’ teapot tyrant glory.
They were supposed to be in bed, safe in their little pseudo-getaway spot. While it didn’t make a lot of sense to Ace given it was the only man-made structure on the island and might as well be a flashing neon ‘ATTACK US’ sign for Gantu— Gantu never tried. It should have been a riskier move than just roughing it out in the open, but with how things had been turning out so far, Ace was on the same page in regards to it being better inside.
Also, the mosquitoes were driving him nuts.
He looked back out at Gia, still staring off into the ocean. Alright. Fine. If they wanted to get eaten alive out there, then that was their business. Ace wasn’t in love with the idea of having to scavenge tomorrow with a collar around his neck for being caught past curfew. If he slipped back inside now, he could just say he’d gone to the outhou—
“Hey!” The word left his mouth before he had the chance to choke it down. Ace clamped his hand over his mouth and spun into a crouch, trying to discern any sound of movement above his heartbeat. He waited. Ace took a glance at where Gia had stepped off the rock they’d been sitting on.
Now standing on the sand, Gia was looking back up at him. They’d started towards the beach.
Frantically, Ace motioned for them to come back, his other hand still fixed onto his mouth.
Gia only shook their head, pointed at him, then at the lodge. They continued on their way towards the beach just as the mango pit they’d been holding hit the sand.
Ace suppressed a groan.
With not even Grim at their side, there was no way Ace would be able to just crawl back into bed now. He ducked under the railing, climbed off the landing and onto the sand.
It didn’t take him long to catch up to Gia. Unlike their usual speed walk against the imaginary timer they took everywhere and anywhere, they strolled down the beach at their leisure. When he reached them, they greeted him like they’d just happened to cross each other at a mall, “Hey.”
“Don’t ‘Hey’ me.” Ace reached out to block their path, “Where are you going?”
“Beach.” Gia said. They placed their hand on his arm, but didn’t force it down. They simply held it. “Let’s go.”
Ace faltered, “What?”
“For a little bit.” Gia gave their hand a brief squeeze. They had this strange…non-smile. The corners of their lips didn’t curve upward, but Ace instinctively knew they were smiling at him. Something about how their expression seemed so light.
Refocusing, Ace said, “Are you kidding? If Riddle and the others find out we’re not there, we won’t hear the end of it.”
“I told you to stay,” Gia reminded him. It almost sounded coy. Tone variation? From Gia?
“Yeah? What about you?” Ace said, “You can’t be out here alone, Gantu or his bots could be anywhere.”
“Fine.” They shrugged, “Come with me.”
A sigh, born as much out of frustration as it was amazement, left Ace. He scanned the shoreline trying to figure out what about it called to Gia. It was a lost cause. Ace liked to think he was pretty quick on the uptake, but when it came to Gia sometimes he couldn’t begin to guess what went on inside that head of theirs.
“Okay, but only for a few minutes.” Ace said, “And we are not going into the water.”
Gia had the gall to look disappointed.
To be fair, it was really nice out.
Even in this late— possibly early— hour, it was still warm enough to justify their light clothing. The breeze was sea-salted, though not briny, and while Ace wasn’t much for stargazing— stars blanketed the island in an otherworldly surreal technicolor that made them hard to ignore.
Gia produced two more mangoes out of their fanny pack, which at this point Ace was sure had to be enchanted, and gave one to him as they walked along the shore.
They were sweet and refreshingly chilled. He couldn’t blame Gia for wanting to eat them by the ton. They told him about their craving for a sour syrup they called ‘chamoy’ and how just thinking about it made their mouth water. They laughed as they said so.
It didn’t surprise people to find out Gia didn’t laugh often, even when it was just them, Ace, Deuce and Grim— and when they did laugh, it was less a sound and more a subtle shaking of their shoulders. They always hid it behind a fist or turned away.
Maybe they thought Ace wouldn’t hear it over the roar of the waves, because tonight they didn’t bother to.
Much of their walk was silent, though.
Under most circumstances, Ace found silence unbearable. This time his usual urge to break the quiet was nowhere to be found. Even as Gia shot him a side-long glance before stomping into the edges of the waves.
He just rolled his eyes and followed them into ankle deep water. He expected it to be freezing, but found the water pleasantly cool.
“I love it here,” said Gia, throwing their mango pit far into the water.
Something about that came off as strange to Ace. When he thought about it, it was because he was sure he’d never heard them use that word before.
He was especially sure he’d never heard them use it in reference to themself. That was a whole personal preference they’d willingly voiced.
“I can make it work,” they said.
Ace had followed suit and thrown his own mango pit into the waves. It didn’t splash nearly as far as Gia’s. “You mean staying?”
“No way.” Ace said, “It’s nice here for a vacation or something, ignoring the whole ‘being hunted by robots’ thing. But there’s no way I’d stay just to live here.”
“I know.” They said, “You guys would be back in Night Raven.”
Ace studied them for a few seconds, “…And what? Leave you here?”
Though he smiled, Ace shook his head in disbelief.
Gia pointed down the path they’d been walking, at the lodge, “That’s built.” They pointed to the fire pit, “I cook. I can build my own fire and I can fish.”
Their hand gestured at the jungle, “There’s water. There’s fruit everywhere. Plus, I finished building a garden around back today.”
Ace remembered the square plot of land behind the lodge sectioned off by a log fence.
“Woah, wait.” he said. “You’re serious?”
Gia continued walking along the water’s edge.
Ace stayed behind, trying to puzzle out what the interaction meant— if it meant anything at all. Laughs were unsurprisingly rare from Gia, but what people often failed to predict was that it didn’t stop them from having a sense of humor.
That’s what Ace assumed it was at this point, anyway. He didn’t know what else to call it. Gia’s idea of comedy was throwing someone a curveball and seeing if they caught it or let it hit them in the face.
He jogged to join them again and said, “Okay, well. What about Gantu?”
“What about Gantu?” Gia notched back, “He won’t have a reason to be here once Stitch leaves the island. Then it’s all mine.”
“You’re just gonna sit here on your pile of mango seeds all alone on your island in the middle of nowhere.”
“I’ll name it: Ogy-Gia.”
Ace settled on his trump card, “And Grim? You know he can’t go back to Night Raven without you. You know Headmage will kick him out the second he knows you’re gone.”
Gia didn’t reply immediately. Their toes brushed over the sand, leaving overturned trails stretching out from their footprints as they walked. Finally, they looked at him with their weird little non-smile, “You do care about him.”
They spun around, walking backwards to face Ace as they spoke, “Grim can stay here with me. He won’t have to do anything. He’ll love that.”
Ace snorted.
“And since it’s just the two of us—” Gia continued, “—that automatically makes him the Greatest Mage.”
“Alright, fine. But then…” Ace trailed off, his hand circling as though he could magically conjure up a reason. A different one he could actually say.
The topic of Gia’s family always made them clam up and Ace learned not to broach the subject. It nipped at him sometimes, though. Even before coming onto the island where the occasional downer thought of never getting off it led to thinking of his own family. He hated the idea of his family worrying about him and he hated the idea of never seeing them again.
But there’d been one time Ace asked Gia about it directly back at Night Raven, when Gia told him outright they decided they weren’t going back home. Don’t you wanna see your family again?
Not as much as I should, Gia replied. He didn’t see them for the rest of the day.
It hit Ace that if they were capable of making a decision like that once, could they do it again? Was it really that easy for them? If family wasn’t enough for them to reconsider, then…
“Then what?” Gia prompted.
Ace shoved his hands in his pockets, “Then I’ll just never see you again, I guess.”
In a single quick step, Gia blocked his path, stopping him short. They nearly bumped into each other. Leaning in with a tilt of their head, trying to get a good look at his face, they asked, “That bothers you?”
Ace blinked at them, then with a dawning understanding he said, “You want me to say I’d miss you.”
Gia had a lopsided sort of grin. It made them look like a whole new person— but Ace knew better now. This Gia was always there. Looking for the next adventure, the next spark of excitement. The one who made things worth the trouble.
“And if I say I won’t?” Ace said.
Ace met their eye, “...You're just playing with me. You're not actually staying.”
Gia glanced at the sky– sharing a knowing look with the stars. This moron. But when they looked back at him, they said, “I'd miss you.” There, see? It’s not so hard.
That was the thing about Gia. When you were someone who didn’t speak more than a handful of sentences at a time, you knew how to make them count.
Gathering all the pride and puff in his chest as he could muster, Ace said, “You wouldn’t have to.”
It wasn’t a real silence that stretched between them. Waves continued crashing against the shore. Ace found himself wanting for something else to break it.
Gia dropped their gaze and huffed. Not a laugh. Not a grin. Not even their little non-smile.
When they lifted their face again, they motioned Ace back to the lodge with a subtle jut of their head.
Ace scanned the sand as they walked back together. Nothing popped out at him. Maybe for the best.
Better for it to stay there than risk him crushing it, too.
tag list:
@cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter
@jovieinramshackle @theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans
@kimikitti @felix-cant-ski (dm to be added)
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rabioa · 6 months
Nasir's Prank(?)
Nasir (Twst OC) x reader
With a grimace you marched towards Sam’s shop. You were upset and you had every right to be. You loved your friends; they helped you so many times, but you have to admit, sometimes they need to know boundaries. You wanted to throttle Grim and Ace.
They loved to be mischievous, and so when April Fool’s Day came, they couldn’t resist the temptation to pull pranks on you. The pranks started out harmless: They snuck pepper into your cake, they hid your shoes, they even moved all the furniture a few inches to the right so everything looked off, but you couldn’t figure out why. These pranks were funny, and you did enjoy them.
Then, the nature of the pranks got a bit more annoying: They propped a bucket of water over a door you walked through, they tricked you into opening a glitter bomb in your own room, and the last straw was when Grim tried to hide under your (now glitter-filled) bed and jump out and scare you with his fire abilities, only to singe your uniform. You were a lot more peeved now.
Grim apologized for the uniform, but he did it in Grim fashion, which meant he did not apologize. Go figure. After chiding him plenty and sending him off to practice his magic, you changed out of your ruined uniform. This was most definitely going to be paid through Grim’s allowance.
It all brings you back here, inside Sam’s Mystery Store. You grumbled to yourself the entire time as you tried to find a proper replacement vest for your uniform. It was difficult because the vest wasn’t like the other dormitories colors.
The shop was brimming with activity. Sam was running an April Fool’s sale with a bunch of knick knacks and gadgets to prank friends with. You could even hear Kalim’s voice somewhere in the store and he rarely went shopping himself! After rummaging through all of the uniforms that hung in neat lines, you gave up on searching on your own. You needed to find Sam. Only problem was he was all over the place, making cash like true businessman. You roam the shop, chasing over the echos of his voice when you turned the corner and bumped into a tall imposing figure.
Oh, it was Nasir. You never really interacted much with Nasir, but you knew he was the second attendant for Kalim, right next to Jamil. His odd swirling hair ebbed and flowed like wisps of smoke as he peered down at you.
“Hello Prefect,” He greeted you with a coy smile. A default expression of his. “You seem worse for wear,” he noted as he resumed shopping as if nothing happened.
“Ah, yea, Ace, Deuce, and Grim got carried away with their pranks. How could you tell?” You asked, so certain you had cleaned up well enough.
“You have glitter all over you. You remind me of gold shavings.”
You flushed. It was embarrassing to be so messy around such a cynical figure. “Thank you?”
“Thank me not. You should be thanking your friends for such a spectacle,” He replied, his voice as cutting as ever. Nasir had such an odd way of speaking as the words were smooth and velvety, but it always felt so harsh whenever he spoke directly to someone. Perhaps it's that ancient authority that caused him to intimidate others with simply his tone. Kalim could be heard on the isle next to you guys.
“Jamil, I think I heard Y/N somewhere! Let's invite her to our banquet!”
This seemed to catch Nasir’s attention as his eyes slide over to the isle separating you from his duty. His gaze then slides over to you as his smile seems to widen. It was a predatory grin as he reached out and wrapped a long arm around your shoulders, firmly coaxing you further into the store and further away from Kalim.
He let his arm down your arm till he grasped your hand. His hand was surprisingly warm, like touching pleasantly heated sand. He ducked under the uniform rack and into the blazers and vests. Only a few strands of his floating hair and his eye could be seen through the gaps of the uniform blazers. He gently tugged your hand towards him, using his free hand to create a sort of passageway for you to enter the space between the racks and the store’s wall.
You hesitate, and he notices. Kalim’s voice gets louder. He leans a bit out of the darkness and it’s comical the way his head is peaking out of the clothes. “I don’t bite. I merely want to try something out and I need your help.” He convinces you.
You figured a servant of Kalim’s wouldn’t dare hurt you, so you step into the darkness. He hadn’t let go of your hand yet as he sits down. You follow suit, not out of will, but rather because your hand went down with him. He finally let go of your hand and you notice how cold the air feels compared to him. He grabbed a row of uniform shoes and placed it in front of you both, effectively concealing each other from the store.
“I heard today is a holiday. April Fool’s, was it? I had never participated before,” He stated it with a mischievous grin. You were most definitely confused with his train of thought. He opened his mouth to continue only to close it and let his gaze harden as he looked cautiously towards the store.
Kalim’s voice could be heard, calling out your name excitedly. Through the clothes you could catch small glimpses of Jamil and Kailm’s legs. You were about to answer Kalim’s calls, only for Nasir to place his hand over your mouth. He had a coy smile as he raised a single finger to his lips, shushing you.
Bewildered, you stared at him rather than the scene before you. His mouth remained as you focused on why he was doing all of this. It’s not like you guys were close. You don’t think he’s ever even approached you out of his will! Now he dragged you behind some clothes and you don’t know why. It was clear you guys were hiding, but from who? Kalim? Although it was entirely impossible, you couldn’t foresee why he would do such a thing.
“Its main focus is pranks, correct? To cause minor inconveniences to those around you as a joke, if I’m not mistaken,” He spoke up in a quiet mutter, cutting you from your thoughts. His hand was gone from your mouth, and you didn’t notice when he moved it.
“Uhh,” You blinked, only further lost. “Yea, that’s one way to put it I guess,” You nod.
His grin only grew. “I believe you just helped me execute a prank then,” He declared. “I heard hiding valuables from others is a common prank. I just hid you from Kalim, so that counts, correct?” He mused.
You’re stunned. He just used you, to prank Kalim. He also called you a valuable. And he is grinning at you like you just helped him rob a bank. “I… I guess so? I mean-” you pause, dumbfounded. “-Most people don’t hide other people for pranks?”’
He put one of his scarred hands to his chin, his expression thoughtful. Sometimes his mannerisms reminded you of Malleus, but only if Malleus was less innocent and more sly. “I see. I suppose I am not like most people anyways, so it matters not. I successfully pranked Kalim, and that is what matters here. Thank you, Prefect, you have been exceedingly helpful in this endeavor,” He decides as he reaches past you, invading your personal bubble.
He pulls back and fabric hits your cheek softly. He was holding up a grey uniform vest. Your eyes widen and he lets it fall gently into your hands.
“Oh, thank you!” you smile up at him.
“I saw you were searching for a uniform, and I doubt you were trying to infiltrate one of the other dorms. Not that you would need it to do so anyways. Your well known enough to roam.” He stood up and carefully slipped past the clothes and back into the isle. Kailm and Jamil were long gone, presumably defeated in their search for you.
His words were most definitely cryptic and before you could question his meaning, he spoke up. “I’m assuming Kalim will message you later, so I’ll just skip all the hassle. Kalim is holding an April Fool’s banquet tonight and you are invited to attend. Ah, if you do though, I’d suggest you avoid the lemonade, after all it would be unfortunate if salt was poured instead of sugar as a prank,” He grinned at you before he picked up his abandoned shopping basket to continue his chores.
You were left dumbfounded in the uniform rack as you try and process what just happened. That was odd. He was odd, but so was everyone else in the school. He did get you your uniform at the end… His hand was really warm.
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minzart · 3 years
For Baby au, I think Chernabog would take baby Yuu to the meetings because they are his heir and need to see how dad does business. Also, he IS Chernabog. What others gonna do? Stop him? Maybe the only person who can kinda stop him is Mickey Mouse; since these two share child custody. Maybe that how Yuu met other kids?
That's exactly how Yuu met the others!
But I'm in a mood right now, so allow me to try and describe the first impressions~
It was a normal meeting day like all others, the seven were reunited and slowly toking their seats, the only diference is the little ones they brought along
Riddle sat like a very polite boy in the Queen's lap, he doesn't understands most of what the adults are talking but he looks interested. While Scar put down a groggy Leona, who just awoken from another nap, the kid was still deciding if he wanted to stay with him or go to the nearest sofa and make himself comfortable there, probably sleep again
Azul was concentrated in the meeting, he was understanding some parts of it, looked realy interested in Ursula's propositions most of the time, nodding to things he agreed and frowned upon things he didn't get. Jamil was bored of the metting, but hadn't better place to go, not paying attention to anything in particular, really close to finding a phone to entertain himself with
Vil is not interested in the meeting, he's doing his homework and reciting the lines of his next play in his head. Idia really didn't wanted to come, but Hades insisted for some reason, he's immersed in a video game he brought, in a sit in the corner of the room
Malleficent is the last one to arrive with Malleus by her side, he looks stoic, his place is floating besides her looking realy bored but most couldn't tell, lucky him Diablo stayed in the meeting for his sake, so he's mostly petting the rave
And then the lights flickered, waking Leona and startling Idia, all kids looked curiously around for their guardians were tense, nothing like this happened before, they heard the wind talk and their shadows grow in sizes, the door flys open revealing the biggest creature, demon, they ever saw
Chernabog arrived in the only way he knows how, indiscretly and full of flashes, besides the children of his... henchmens? Underlings? Coworkers? Whatever they call themselfs were here, so of course he needed to keep a reputation
"What do we own the pleasure of our dearest patron personal visit?" Malleficent asked not getting up from her sit
"... I'm not here to supervise today" his voice echoed in the chamber
"I have permitted your children's stay at this place while the meeting happened, however I hope all of you know that things comes with prices"
The children got closer to their respective guardian, that doesn't sounds good
"But the price may be more reasonable than you all think of me" he continued "for I have only one simple request... you can come out now"
The villains eyes grew and their children looked fascinated at the tiny child that stepped out of the demon's closed-Cape-like-wings hugging a little monster cat that looked "fiercely" at them
"This is my heir, you can call them Yuu, they will be staying here in the days I can't look after them"
The demon left soon after, but not before kneeling to the child's height and whispering something to them, letting the seven villains and their children shocked, they ... they never thought that he, of all people, would have a child as his heir and much less treat them like a child
"Thank you for looking after me" the child said, holding the cat's mouth for good measure oh for the forces of evil they are polite on top of being Chernabog's heir, what the actual fuck is happening to the world these days "I may need to go to the kitchen next door if you any excuse me? my companion is hungry"
They left the second they excused the little one, the villains could only hear a flicker of their conversation:
"You were going to insult them and I don't have patience to deal with that now Grim"
"hmpf... will you get me tuna?"
"Yes Grim" said Yuu exasperated "I will, but you have to promise me to stay quiet"
The villains decide to come back to their meetings nd the children... "sneaked out" they let them to watch this new kid that just arrived
"Now that that's settle we may continue the meeting" the evil queen said
Translating: [what the fuck was that? Since when did he had a child? A child of all things!]
"Yes we may" malleficent replied
[That was the strangest thing that I ever saw in my hole 3000+ years, and I thought I saw everything this world had to offer]
"I propose a new topic" Ursula intervened
[Finaly some action in this place]
"Who do you think is going to be the little one best friend by the end of this day?"
Riddle met Yuu at the kitchen, he couldn't stay put when he notices them going for the tart and couldn't help but proclaim a rule of the Queen of hearts about tarts and that they shouldn't be eaten before noon, Yuu convinced him that it was noon at were they came from so technically it was noon right now at some place else, meaning they could eat the tart... Riddle ate a piece with them
Leona met them when they were looking for Grim, the little raskal had run off and Yuu was looking for him, and then they tripped on Leona, the boy was annoyed at that, but soon his mischievous side kicked in and he pounced on Yuu, who returned his mannerisms, by the end of it both were looking for Grim
Azul was hiding and observing until he lost Yuu from his sight, only for them to appear right next to him, asking for help to find the tiny ball of furr, he said he would help for a price and Yuu said ok, gave him a peck and moved on, that's usualy what father asks so why would this time be diferent?, Azul-ex stopped working, please reboot
Jamil met them again at the kitchen, he was occupying himself with something to eat, simple enough like chocolate or something, Yuu came in exhausted and prised him for know and having permission to cook something, they talked and Yuu learned something's from him, he liked the compliments...
Vil found the hair ball and confronted Yui himself, only for Yuu to thank him... weird kid... and the they said he had a good voice, he asked if they didn't recognized him form somewhere and that's how he learned that Yuu never went to the theater and started to give reviews in some of his favorite musical that he promises to show Yuu one of these days
Idia bumped into Yuu and almost had an heart attack, everyone was leaving the room so he thought to do teh same, thinking it was the adults too, only to get lost, Yuu helped him come back and in the way they discovered a room with table gamez, both end up forming a duo and by the end of it all children are playing together
Malleus was actualy the first to met them, even before Riddle, he had met them roaming around the building, this was Chernabogs mountain after all, so he wonders why now that they are being introduced properly, he teleported to the kitchen the moment Yuu excused themselfs, it was a happy reunion to him, his strange friend is now properly introduced and he can talk about them to his grandmother now too! He's the second to find Shroud and Yuu at the game room
At the end of the day it was great for the kids!
Chernabog: calm down mouse the kid is fine
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not-twst-enough · 3 years
OC’s Valentines Day message
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sherbet-shark · 3 years
I do hope I did this right but when you have time could you do headcanons for how Octavinelle and a character of your choice would react to their s/o choosing to stay in twst instead of returning home! Thank you!!!
A Whisper of the Heart
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Author's note: Sorry for the tardiness, my dear anon, but school’s midterms kicked me in the tail fin, but this will be fun. Since this request is more extensive, I will reduce the bullets to five instead of nine. And to celebrate the newest installment of the Japanese game chapter! I will add Idia Shroud into the mix!
I’ve been watching Studio Ghibli and got inspired by how Hayao Miyazaki and his team wrote their protagonists and wished that the trio and Idia’s significant other could exude their confidence in themselves and their decisions at the end of their introspection. Hopefully, I wrote well enough to see the growth within these headcanons while still adding realness to the situations and layers to the characters.
Mild Spoilers: Chapter 6 and small hints to Idia’s past
Word count: 5.1k
Trigger Warnings: Angst to comfort scenarios 
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◦ You must have a lot of determination and guile to get this conman to open up his heart to you, after many, many times of you trying to prove your usefulness outside of academia and many hours spent at Mostro Lounge. After some talking and one-sided heart hearts, he found himself festering ideas into his mind of you and him together. Or how you’d keep Azul on his feet with some sarcastic remarks or hearing out his entrepreneurial ideas when he got comfortable enough with you.
◦ You two have been together for a considerable amount of time. The thought of you leaving for your homeworld kept ebbing in the recesses of Azul’s mind. You’d find him working furiously in the private V.I.P room with contracts and schoolwork during those times. You never pushed him to open up, especially when there was a glint of an unfamiliar emotion in his sky blue eyes. Ashengrotto had a facade he proudly placed on himself as did most of the students at the college. But something about him made you interested in uncovering all his sides, of course it wouldn’t be an easy road but you were willing. Azul always kept a close eye on you and had the twins keep an eye on you for him when his bouts of realization wouldn’t go away too, a little paranoid that his Angelfish would disappear.
◦The day came when Crowley, that lazy bastard, finally approached you about finding a spell for your return back home, but it had a time constraint. So you had to think of what you wanted when the month was up. You told Azul later that day with a hesitation laced in every word as you still found this piece of information juxtaposing. You hadn’t come up with your decision yet, but Azul took this surprisingly well. He said that he was glad that you had the opportunity to go back home to your friends, family, and your world. But behind that clockwork smile he gave you, his heart shattered. All the white-haired man could do was watch as you said you wanted some time to think alone.
◦ Your answer was crystal clear to you after introspection and decision-making. As you looked at the Mirror of Darkness, your head held high, Crowley’s almost concealed in the room. He didn’t know your decision but assumed this would end, and he would never forget you.
◦ You said something to Crowley and shook your head. Azul saw that the headmaster looked surprised, but his eyes flew to the second year and back to you. Your figure turns away from the opened portal, walks back to your boyfriend with a familiar determination, and hugs Azul. You knew he wasn’t big on physical touch, especially from strangers, even he was a bit snippy about you getting handsy, but you wanted you to embrace him and that he’d accept your confirmation. Azul’s brow knitted together as his mind scrambled. He automatically braced himself, desperately trying to put two and two together in his frazzled mind. ‘Maybe you wanted to give him a farewell kiss and hug?’ Or perhaps- the octomerman’s flustered thoughts stopped as you tighten your grip on him and lay your head in the crevice of his neck.
“I’m not going away. I came to that decision a while ago. And I don’t want to leave this place, and I don’t want to leave you.”
Azul’s rigidness slowly relaxed as he breathed in your comforting scent and enclosed his arms around you. He closes his eyes, feeling them tingle slightly, and revels in your touch as Crowley closes the portal and leaves the lovers to their heartwarming hug. The businessman surmised that he’d be ok with his lover’s warmth in this instance.
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◦ Wow! You captured the ever gentlemanly vice dorm leader Jade’s attention and kept it! Not to mention a clever mind to keep him on his toes or tail fins. That’s a fantastic accomplishment in itself! He doesn’t like being able to predict things and tires of situations and people that are so much like clockwork but well.  Ever since you dropped from the sky, his school, and his personal life, he found entertainment in playing with you. –Subtly poking and prodding at any weak spots, already finding glee in your delightful unpredictable reactions. After a long while of cat and mouse, you and him bonded and somehow made what Jade assumed to be a fleeting interest, but against his power, his emotions deepened and intrigued him more and more. It would take Jade a long while to discuss his feelings and whether they were real. But after that introspection, he concluded that his journey of uncovering who you are was far from over. And perhaps you being by his side would prove intrigued to his life, and it did! 
◦ Jade, along with Azul, knew that the option of your return back to your world was there. At the same time, the fact that you’d be able to return was unknown was something to account for and reflect on. Still, whenever he pondered too much, he’d become even more menacing to outsiders and full of passive aggression. His closed-eyed, pointed smile and aura made the Octavinelle students even more scared to approach the twin. While he’d diligently work as a server and cook, the teal-haired man would sometimes need seclusion tending to his terrariums in the Botanical garden or his shared room with Floyd. You would go to Mostro Lounge to work on your papers and homework in the elegant restaurant and would often notice his aura and the strain in his carefully crafted facade and check in with his well-being. Jade would join you at your table and watch you work in silence under the delicate, soft lights.
◦ Crowley summoned you to his office and informed you that he finally found your way home, but it was a one-way trip. So you had to think long and hard about both of the options before you. Either you could return to your old life and slowly believe that what you went through in Twisted Wonderland was a dream. Or you could throw away all traces of your past in a world that’s still so supernatural with mystical happenings and live out your life with ideally the man that has your heart now or be faced with the fact that you stranded yourself in a world without Jade. The dread and confusion stirred in your heart and mind pounded. Even if you wished and longed for the comforts of your home and people, it must be fate’s punishment for whatever you did in your past life. It felt like something out of a fantasy young adult drama or a book. 
◦You couldn’t bring yourself to tell Jade, but your distant mannerisms couldn’t escape Jade’s everso watching heterochromatic eyes. He cornered you one weekend afternoon while walking to your dorm with his signature intimidating smile. His arms trap you against the sturdy wood of a tree as he starts to interrogate his lover. While he never scared you too much earlier in your relationship, you never forgot what he was capable of, who he was and his motives for certain things eluded you most of the time, but this is one of those times your heart spiked in fear or fluster. As his interrogation continued, you spilled the beans, and his beautiful eyes widened for a fraction of a second, and the tautness of his arms loosened. He wasn’t expecting that and looked at you quizzically as if wanting you to elaborate, and so you do. As he listened intently to your woes about your predicament, Jade hummed in thought and released you from the suffocating atmosphere between the two of you. He apologized for acting previously and asked if you could forgive his actions. You tease the 2nd year and reply, “I’m not so sure I will, Mr. Leech.” You deflect, trying to make light of the situation, and the Eel smirks as he escorts you to your dorm. 
◦ After much thought and assurance by the vice-dorm leader after his words, Jade concludes that the choice is entirely up to you. He wouldn’t tell you what to do, only give you his thoughts about specific options. Soon it was late after dusk, and he had to return to his dorm and kiss your forehead muttering that you have the power of choice, and he’s eager to know your answer. After many sleepless nights and daydreaming about everything, you conclude and ask Jade one day to accompany you on your way to inform headmaster Crowley of your decision. You give no hint to your boyfriend as he could only glance at your surprisingly brave face as the sounds of dress shoes click to their destination. You reach out your hand for his touch, and he notices quietly entwining your fingers in comfort, thus strengthening your resolve. 
       You both enter the office in a blink of an eye, then stand before the enthusiastic yet mysterious headmaster. You take a deep breath with newfound confidence, “Headmaster Crowley, while I’m glad about this discovery. I have decided that I’d like to stay here in Twisted Wonderland. I know that I have a life back home, and I’ll be leaving so many good people, and there’s no guarantee I’m making the right choice. I chose this path before me, and for some reason. I’m not lonely as I initially was. It’s your decision on what to do with the portal or spell. But I’m staying here.”
As you finish up your speech, you gratefully nod to Crowley then look up at Jade to look at his face. Jade was prepared for any of the options you would choose, and either way, would accept his fate, but hearing that heartfelt speech from your lips while still cheesy and made light of many things told him that you would stay in his grasp and his heartbeat quickened as he smiled once more. As you both walk out of the room, Jade grasps your hand and peers down at your smaller form and kisses your hand in true gentlemen’s form, and utters, 
      “While that speech of yours was sweet and cute, I promise you this. By staying by my side, I can assure you that my eyes will never wander, and I will see that your days are filled with a thrilling excitement as payment for the exhilaration you brought to me.”
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◦ Floyd Leech is an unpredictable, volatile man both in academia and in personality. The mountains of patience you have must be somewhat on par with Jade’s, that’s for sure. Floyd, along with Jade, got introduced to you when you tried to get your idiot friend out of Azul’s contracts. He didn’t think much of you but was in one of his good moods, and after your friend paid their due, he sought you out. The way Floyd treated you was similar to Riddle. He liked actively pushing your buttons, saying some remarks that at times did hurt your feelings. Floyd didn’t always burst in on your space, nor did the second year always stay. When his moods dropped, he’d roll his eyes, groan and leave abruptly. His unpredictability made you wary, but something about him was appealing, or someone bewitched you. 
Or you’re a masochist. Probably a combination of all three. As he undoubtedly started his routine of messing around with you, you began to notice some things. He was rather intelligent with his out-of-the-box thinking and carefreeness when he wanted to be by himself, yet you respected him and his need for abrupt space or alone time. You never pushed yourself onto him, nor did you expect his moods to become better once you become better friends magically. If his twin brother and Azul couldn’t handle and tame Floyd’s mood swings, why would you, a stranger- may be an acquaintance or a plaything to him have this power over him? And so, you never shackled yourself to his side. 
Instead, you opted to leave him alone to ruminate on his lonesome, and he’d come back chipper and happy on his own. Yet despite his intimidating atmosphere, you found that there were so many sides to him. Every day seemed like it was new and exciting with Floyd around. Luckily, your feelings of interest weren't one-sided, but this still shouldn’t be so lighthearted. Floyd found your fun to be around, and you weren’t much of a stick in the mud. You left him alone when he didn’t want to be around you anymore but still treated him respectfully, which he appreciated while he didn’t show it. He was used to being treated as someone dangerous and didn’t expect anything intelligent, but oddly you would praise him when Floyd’s thinking, no matter how unconventional, helped the situation. He found that praise as something the second year started to repeat in his mind, and he’d be a little more mature with you.
◦ Floyd waltzed up to you one day, squeezed the daylights out of you, and exclaimed he liked you and that you two should date! Squeaking out a yes (your ribs and back were breaking, you swear to this day little bit of your soul escaping like in those anime shows), it was comical to the outsiders, yet it made you and the tall second year happy. Being in a relationship with Floyd Leech wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, but it wasn’t all rainy days either. It was a mixed bag every day, and I hope you’re not the type to put pressure on special days like Valentine's or need regular dates because you’ll get a range of things. From one second, he's as clingy and affectionate as can be the other. He’ll meanly tease you over everything and prod you. Or give you so many kisses and hugs that your friends gag at the sweetness.
 With the teal-haired man, it’s always a wild ride. While Floyd’s carefree nature was calming at times, and he did what he wanted at a fast speed, it didn’t mean he was dumb. Night Raven College did choose him too, after all. Because of this, Leech would sometimes let his mind wander onto the fact that you might leave if that ditzy headmaster of theirs got his shit together. When Floyd’s mind pondered this thought a little too much, his mood would dampen, and this is the only time your presence brings his spirits up and clings to you. No matter if he's working at Mostro Lounge or in class. Other times, his carefree and delinquent-like persona would let this revelation go and leave his mind like how the waves would carry its inhabitants from one place to the other. 
◦ Crowley had met you one day in your dorm to inform you. After months of searching for your home and how to return to you, Crowley found an ancient spell. His glowing yellow eyes seemed to be taunting you with the “kindness” of his stare, expecting a range of emotions. He was met with a startled look and a fallen crested expression painting your face.
 “My dear prefect! I would have imagined that you would be leaping with joy! Is this something you didn’t wish for before this year? However, this grand discovery has an inconvenience attached: you will forget everything you’ve experienced here. The friends you made. All you know of Twisted Wonderland will slowly disappear, and these memories will erode.” Crowley tilted his head curiously, but his enthusiastic voice rang out into the dorm Lounge. Dread filled your lungs, and your hands trembled at his warning, and with Crowley-like style, he had to hurry on his way back to his office to take care of “business.” Leaving you to your thoughts in the Lounge. You felt like crying and laughing as you reached for a nearby pillow to scream. 
◦ Fate must love hurting you. Because after that more or more miniature bomb, you became more antsy, jumpy, and more miserable in general. Floyd finally saw that even when he didn’t try to scare you with pranks, you just seemed blue. He gruffly marched to where you sat at the lunch table, unceremoniously plopped his bum before your vision, and narrowed his eyes in frustration. 
“Hey. Why so blue, Clam Cake? It’s starting to piss me off.” Floyd bluntly remarks as he stares a 100-meter long gaze right through you. He was always blunt, but he started to treat you more kindly as your relationship progressed. Today wasn’t one of his happier days. Glancing at your friends, you stand up and take Floyd by his arm and into the hallway. The taller man followed you behind while groaning. Why did you have to be so stupidly secretive? As you illustrated, your problem Floyd’s annoyed demeanor changed into a starstruck expression as he raised his eyebrow, asking if you were pulling his leg.
You weren't, and he dragged you outside of school so you could both talk. At this time, you could care less about the school, and you wanted to talk to him. Floyd quietly spoke as he recalled the side effects if you left. He felt a hole grow in his heart as the teal-haired man gave his piece. “Listen, Clam Cakey. I won’t tell you what to do, but I’ll miss you if you leave. If you don’t go then. I’d be really happy if you did.” He rested his head on your shoulder as you sat on the grass. Your boyfriend wrapped his hand into yours and sighed. As he napped in the afternoon sun, it left you with time to think. Raising your joined hands, you kiss his hand and ponder everything. 
◦ After you told Floyd everything, you saw that he was more attentive and helpful to you. You stuck with him a little more, wanting to savor everything and ponder everything in the Mostro Lounge and your room. In the early morning, you thought everything through and then some. Calling Floyd, praying to whatever deity was up In Twisted Wonderland, he was up, and he was! Floyd sleepily picked up the phone and answered lazily. After you plead with him to come with you to tell Crowley what your answer is. He nodded and agreed as Leech got up and ready for the day. He had a pep in his step; Floyd met you outside the office, but before you'd say to the headmaster. Your boyfriend scooped your tired body up in the tightest, most affectionate-filled hug, but there was tenderness too. You know Floyd profoundly cares about you despite his acts while he was clumsy in your relationship. You were too. But you both still got up again, and you loved Floyd for who he is. 
“Clam Cake… I’m so happy right now,” Floyd brightly smiled, his sharp teeth gleaming in the dark hallway as he clung to you. He pressed kisses all around your face, and you hugged back. The second year's heterochromatic eyes closed as he savored the feeling of you. “I'll make sure you won't get bored by my side. After this, we should skip school and celebrate.” The eel-mer continued as he held you close, then rapid tapping on his arm brought his head out of the clouds, and he gently placed you down to the floor. Hand in hand, you and Floyd headed into the unknown, but you had each other.
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◦ Idia Shroud is ever so elusive and somewhat odd 3rd year; even you had to admit that. He was hard to pin down outside of the comforts of his dorm or physically. But you made do with it when you would see Idia; you'd be calm, cordial with the nervous 3rd year. Which he appreciated, but he had to wonder if this sunspot had any ulterior motives to get to the man. He was skeptical about your so-called kindness, but he was grateful that you weren't too over-excited or an extrovert. Idia never cared for those stereotypical types. Instead, he found these types to be immense pain in the ass. Don't even get him started on people that try to widen their social circles and butt their snobby little noses into other businesses. Great Fire. Those people. Ugh, Idia can feel his blood pressure skyrocket when he has to interact with those newbs.
But moreover, after grueling moments of trying to open Idia's walls and prove yourself to Ortho, you won over Ortho's trust and, more importantly, Idia's. He still was nervous about showing you his hobbies like anime, pop idols, games, coding. But still, he would update you if you asked about his hobbies in a calm voice. His nervousness didn't mean you'd be safe from his sharp tongue, not quite the opposite. He'd openly sass you and be a little more snippy, even if it was through a floating iPad. Ortho would brightly beam as you became good friends with his older brother. Yet there was something you couldn't explain if you did anything harmful to Idia. You thought the robotic boy's protective and loving nature he had for the older Shroud was sweet, and you'd extend the exact nature to him. After all, the little boy had your respect and your platonic affection. Like the other students enrolled in Night Raven College, Idia had no shortage of secrets, and honestly, you respected his privacy. You would flip if he pushed you to your boundaries.
◦ After a lot of bonding time and thinking, you found that you liked each other. However, one thing that made Idia stop acknowledging that the platonic relationship you had grown was, aside from his anxious nature, was the strange idea of your departure from Twisted Wonderland and, by extension, him. He knew it was a stretch, yet Idia was the dorm leader of Ignihyde and his parent's company for a reason. He was hesitant, but you weren't at this point and asked him face to face in the comforts of his dorm room if he'd like to date each other. You said that he was charming in his way and an intriguing person that you wanted to know more about. With crimson red cheeks and a beautiful cacophony of red oranges, Idia danced in his fiery blue hair and quickly nodded—hiding his face with a cartoon pillow.
◦Idia is a pessimistic but reasonable man, and as the relationship deepened, his trust issues and insecurity about himself would flare-up. Cueing a small heart-to-heart, you and Ortho would try to get him out and about in public. Initially, he found it annoying, but he liked it if it was a quiet place and secluded. He enjoyed every second of his time when it was just you and him in his room playing games, or you'd do your thing, and he would do his hobbies but at night and sometimes during the day when he was alone. The older Shroud started a new project if Crowley ever did find a way back to your home. Creating a virtual reality where you were still here with him and responding to his questions was a complex situation. But this would be a cakewalk once he got all of the small details of your face, personality, the way you spoke. Anything to make this virtual you. Seem more like the real thing.
Idia's pessimism was correct to start this project as he saw the headmaster of the school waltz his way into a classroom with barely any students left in the room. Crowley beckoned you to the outside of the hallway, and when you returned, pack up and continue your conversation with your boyfriend. That familiar and pretty gleam in your eye and demeanor dimmed. He could only assume the worst as the 3rd year watched you leave for your next class with a weak farewell wave and smile glued on your face.
◦The third year grew somewhat distant from you as he devoted even more time to perfecting his project. Idia's sudden reclusiveness made Ortho act. As the robotic boy tried and failed to coax his brother out of the recesses of the high-tech room, you appeared with a steward face and apologized for making Ortho deal with his big brother's relationship problems. As you explained yourself to the younger boy, he nodded and did a full-body scan to see if you were telling the truth. The boy was pleasantly surprised as he asked more in-depth questions and if you would leave the Shroud brothers and this world behind. Shaking your head, the memories of you holed up in your bed covers, thinking and mostly sulking away. What the headmaster told you that day was surreal, as you left to attend the remainder of your classes for that day, but in all honesty, you were drifting in each period. The professor's words fell to deaf ears. Too busy weighing your choices.
Finally, walking alone, you texted Idia that you wanted to be alone for a while and had a lot of homework. You took a couple of walks around campus, allowing your thoughts to flow through clearly, and emotions were high. As you overthought and found yourself at your dorm, slowly walking past the door and into the Lounge, you sat down on the couch. The dormitory ghosts appeared and asked you why you looked so overwhelmed, and you told them everything. The spirits, while quirky, they grew on you and vice versa. After telling them everything and asking for advice, they looked at each other and back to you. They asked if you wanted to leave and if you wanted to stay if you correctly understood the pros and cons.
After a moment of silence, you came to your decision and walked to Ignihyde to speak with your boyfriend. You didn't see for a while but wanted to dispel any misunderstandings between you and him.
◦ Leading you to your current circumstance, as you looked at Ortho, it looked like his bright eyes were watering if that could be possible. He has never met a person dedicated to his brother just as much as the young boy. He stepped aside and let you open the door into Idia's room, the two of you slowly listening to the rapid taps of his keyboard and multiple monitors strung up, illuminating the otherwise dark room. You could see bases for a figure in one monitor, and the other looked like background programming. Calling out to the young man hunched over his cluttered desk, he looked too deep into his work, but you persisted.
You call out to him and think of what you said to the ghosts moving forward. "I feel... I want to. I wanted to stay here, thought about this, and swore that I wouldn't make many friends. Because I'd leave on the bright side, but now that I've met so many people, I have gotten used to this world. Fell in love with Twisted Wonderland and Idia- I. I know what and who I'll leave behind back home, and I don't know if this hole will be filled. I doubt it will, but I know that they want me to be happy, and while it had its massive ups and downs, that's all I've felt here. I've been so happy." Crying into your clammy, sweaty hands. The ghosts came to your aid and soothed your soul. They didn't speak, but as you said, it slowly came into place for you, and you raised your head to meet their coal eyes.
“ Idia, I had a feeling that you know what Crowley said. But I'm here now, and I wanted you to hear it–.” You were cut off as a familiar voice came over the speakers.
"Idia Shroud, I think you're an exciting guy, and after hanging out with you a lot. I want to try my shot at confessing to you. You were an unexpected person in this whirlwind of an experience, and I told myself that I wouldn't have a lot of friends here after learning about my situation. But you. You made me want to know you more, you're so charming, and I know it's stupid. I want to try dating you. I like you, and I don't care about what-ifs when I'm with you. I just want to know more about you."
Was it your confession to him?! How did he get that? You did confess to him at his dorm, but. As the recording cut, his gaze finally met yours. The molten gold eyes you always loved looked fearful, just like how you first met the third year. Idia was waiting for the other shoe to drop and say you were leaving him. You were freaked out about the little project he started. He was waiting for a disgusted look painted on your pretty face, but it never came as you slowly enclosed your arms around the chair and placed your head on his flaming head. The monitors showed a pixelated version of you but didn't judge you a little freaked out, but at the same time, you were heartbroken. However long he created this project, the idea was looming over his mind. That much was apparent.
"Idia, I'm not leaving. I'm staying, and I'm so sorry for not talking to you about what that bird told me, but I was so confused. I know now that I want to stay here, you as I walked over here and thought about this for a while. I- you inspire me so much. You inspire me to live this crazy life with you." Idia's heartbeat sped up as he quietly turned his chair to look at his lover and little brother, watching as the words left your lips. The third year felt like he was in an anime or an Otome game, and he unlocked a secret ending. His ending, but he still couldn't believe it as Idia opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Pale cheeks and hair burst into reds and oranges.
"I'm... what about your family, you... You're something. So this is what that old saying means, 'people do crazy things when they're in love.' huh..”
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
so after seeing that post about an twst eb event im curious I wanna hear your thoughts!,if you wanted an event in twst (in general) what would you want it to be about?
(twst en exclusive events goes brr)
augh anonnie,,,please don't do this to me,,,,,i'm already in pain over 80s floyd,,,,, but aLSO *pulls out all the ideas i've thought of* i think it'd be cute if we got an event in another of the boys' hometowns !! we already had a jp event in scalding sands, and in harveston, so it'd be hella cool if we could go to another one of the places around twisted wonderland.
personally i'm really curious about the valley of thorns, because i wonder what fae society lives like n stuff ^^ plus it'd be cool to be a honored guest of the kingdom >:DD seeing a malleus ssr when he's in royal clothes,,,,a crown on top of his head,,,, and then the rest of the diasomnias wearing outfits fitting for being his retainers,,,,,
of course, being a sucker for octatrio, i'd also wanna see an event in the coral sea, but maybe involving the leech family business or azul's mom's ristorante ? idk man !! i just want octa cards where they're in their mer forms !! it'd be so cool >:DD maybe the pre-groovy illust is them in their human forms underwater, and then the groovy is them in their mer forms....
another fun idea would be a beach event !! i guess that port-fest kinda qualifies as a beach event, but it's more on the sailing side. what i want is like beach cards...the twst boys swimming, or eating ice cream, or hogging a fan in the heat of summer jskfjdkf it'd be such a cute event <33 (and hey, we alr had a winter event, so where's the harm in having a summer event ?)
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Dream color anon is here with another weird observation: "Absolutely Beautiful" is in b flat minor, while "Heigh Ho" (Neige's song) is in B flat Major. I thought this might reflect the personalities of the groups, with NRC literally being a school for villains and RSA being for heroes. What do you think?
I showed your ask to my music friend @burnallthebabies and this is what they said:
if you want to fluff up the response a bit, historically in music (like we're talking pre classical very early 1700s), tritones (an interval composed of whole tones often used in minor or diminished progressions ) were extremely taboo to write in the church's hymns since it was thought to be the devil's chord etc; you rarely saw church chorales and hymns written primarily in minor as it would be an offense to the service in this time period; you see tritones a lot in jazz so it makes sense as to why it was sometimes referred to as the devils music lmao
Bb flat is a pretty common key to write in, along with D and Eb etc; so having that kind of parallel with just the modes the songs (Ionlian-heigh ho, dorian-ab beau) is good contrast
And if we’re going by that, you can also say that Absolutely Beautiful foreshadows Vil’s overblot. With the religious theme going on, the fallen from grace look, the vibe of his theme song (which is Gm I think, I haven’t practiced my pitches in so long, either way, it’s in minor), it would mean that making Absolutely Beautiful in Bb minor not only reflects NRC’s villainous nature, but it also hints at the fallen from grace kind of look OB Vil has, since tritones were once taboo in church hymns.
Come to think of think, many of Twst’s music is written in the minor chord. The main theme of the song is in Dm. The Octavinelle rhythmic is Em. The ‘paint the roses’ rhythmic is Dm, as well as the ‘cooking with Jamil’ and final parade rhythmic in Scarabia. Hmmmm...
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thewaysoundtravels · 5 years
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Abstract Electronic Soul* [Part 2]
[Check out Part 1]
For me ground zero for abstract electronic soul stems from the mid 1990s, particularly music coming out of Bristol that would subsequently be lumped under the label of trip-hop, much to the irritation of many of the artists. Massive Attack is usually held up as one of the key originators, with Tricky and Portishead also highly regarded as artists of the genre. For the most part trip-hop is renowned for being down-tempo music associated with chillout rooms. Tricky in particular on his debut album Maxinquaye captured a certain languid late night atmosphere that was steeped in beauty and a kind of inviting darkness without any hint of oppression. It was almost as if throughout the album, deep personal truths were being shared, the blues in modern form.
No doubt others had created music replicating a similar vibe, but for many people who came of age in the 90s, this was a beacon for lost souls brought up on the disco, soul, R&B, and dub of their parents’ generation. The sounds of introspective bands like the Smiths did not for the most part connect with Black audiences to the extent that it did with White ones. Trip-hop building on hip-hop as it did, contained the drums, rhythms and ‘soul’ of music associated with people of colour specifically those of African origin originally. There was also the influence of bass as it manifested in dub that informed the vibe of trip-hop. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what it was about trip-hop that pulled a range of people of various racial backgrounds to it in a way that indie, rock or folk music had failed to. In the subsequent internet age, music genres and fans appear to be less racially segregated than previously, which is a great step forward. ‘Black’ music has been more widely embraced than ever before, influencing hybrid genres of pop that dominate the charts.
It is worth stressing that the bands and artists creating trip-hop were not always necessarily Black themselves; Portishead were White, Massive Attack were White, Black and mixed race, and Tricky and his partner Martina were Black and mixed race respectively. When it came to the instrumental tracks of the genre, there was no guessing their racial backgrounds. That was the beauty of the music, the samples borrowed widely across genres with the central focus being the mood and the energy. The lineage of reggae and dub was visible in some of the tracks on Massive Attacks debut ‘Blue Lines’ (1991) but as evidence of the versatility of their influences, there’s the genre-less innovation of the track ‘Unfinished Sympathy’ that still sounds groundbreaking decades later. Some of the foundations of the tracks on Portishead’s debut ‘Dummy’ (1994) relied on music coming from other directions including jazz film soundtrack samples from the 1960s and 1970s including Lalo Schifrin. Tricky’s ‘Maxiquye’ (1995) on the other hand blended an even wider range of influences into a coherent style (perhaps a reflection of the fewer voices present) that didn’t always make the influences’ origins as obvious as they had seemed on Massive Attack’s debut, taking in dub, punk, soul and hip-hop among others. Massive Attack’s second album ‘Protection’ (1995) includes a dub reworking of the Doors track ‘Light My Fire’, again demonstrating the broadness of the influences of the genre.
Returning briefly to Tricky, I would like to draw attention to ‘Overcome’, the first track on ‘Maxinquaye’. In many ways this song is the prototype for I have been seeking, the divining rod so to speak that has led me to the collection of music I am grouping under the term ‘abstract electronic soul’. The sultry vocals unfurl at their own tranquil speed, unrushed by the drums beating out a pulse quietly dominated by Martina’s vocal delivery, which is epitomized two decades later by younger artists including the likes of James Blake on his track ‘Our Love Comes Back’ on ‘Overgrown’ (2013). There’s a darkness there visible in the same way night time appears, natural and not to be feared, emanating inevitability - It’s a cuddle with a lover as you sprawl across your bed the glow of streetlights casting dimly shaped shadows upon you, hairs on bare legs rustling in the gentle breeze coming through partially open windows. Every now and then you bestow kisses upon the other, and love blooms in the moment, expanding and blossoming like a fragile entity drawing strength from each exhalation that brushes past your cheek, turning the ebbing flow of affection passing back and forth between you into something capable of withstanding the tribulations to emerge in times ahead. When sleep creeps in, shepherded by the disappearance of cars driving past in the distance, your chests will rise in unison beneath the thin sheet concealing your naked torsos from the dancing shapes of light and shadow watching over you, protecting your love. This music gives you all that, spreading to fill gaps in your emotional sense of self, making you feel complete and at one with where you are in your life, a balm for your spirit.
The concept of genre labels is a farce, exacerbated by the use of sampling and technology that breaks down traditional boundaries allowing musical styles to more effortlessly blend in and out of each other. Genre labels for the most part enable a way to group sounds with some sense of similarity together, making it possible for listeners to identify songs and artists producing music attuned to their tastes. The genre label ‘abstract electronic soul’ is used very much in that spirit. In short abstract electronic music refers to down-tempo atmospheric beat-based music with meditative, introspective or melancholic sensibilities. Frank Ocean, Sampha, Kelela and Tirzah have all created tracks that fit under this tag and have certainly raised the profile of the broad collection of genres being grouped together here. It will be interesting to see how the nature of abstract electronic soul evolves and what elements of it, if any, will continue to enter into the mainstream.
*This is just one attempt to group a particular type of sound and is not meant as a formal classification of disparate styles of music. See also an earlier piece on TWST called Time Signatures of Imagination.
More info on Bristol’s trip-hop: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/bristol-time-the-return-of-a-trip-hop-legacy-807612.html
Music Genres (Definitions from the website AllMusic)
Abstract hip-hop beats or ambient breakbeat - https://www.allmusic.com/style/ambient-breakbeat-ma0000011810
Alternative-pop - https://www.allmusic.com/style/alternative-pop-rock-ma0000002422
Alternative R&B - https://www.allmusic.com/style/alternative-r-b-ma0000013375
Dubstep - https://www.allmusic.com/style/dubstep-ma0000004465
Electronica - https://www.allmusic.com/style/electronica-ma0000002574
IDM - https://www.allmusic.com/style/idm-ma0000004477
Indietronica or indie electronic - https://www.allmusic.com/style/indie-electronic-ma0000012275
Off-beat production or left-field rap - https://www.allmusic.com/style/left-field-rap-ma0000011909
Trip-hop - https://www.allmusic.com/style/trip-hop-ma0000002906
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tumbleranch-dorm · 11 months
cute thought i had recently: bowie baking pastries/snacks for his dormmates when they have study sessions together :) maybe even giving some of them (the shorter ones) piggy back rides around campus on that note, what are the favorite treats of your ocs in the dorm? :)
Aww that’s actually how nice of him ☺️ gawd some of the students are glad to have around
Ferdrick: cake rolls (any flavor is fine)
Clinton: apple fritters
Eb: biscuits but less sugary
Hunter: cherry pie
Cole: put the chocolate money in the bag and he’ll spare you from his pranks probably
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tumbleranch-dorm · 11 months
(In this monologue, Ferd & Hunter are participants for the Symposium)
[Tumbleranch Side]
Good. the correct color schemes of the clothes were in order. While the shampoo, conditioner, cologne, tooth paste & brush are covered in plastic and then..........
C, you don’t have to pack my belongings when I’m the one who’s going.
nonsense, I must say that I’m a bit jealous that our lucky star was chosen for a 3 days trip even though the probability of Crowley’s lottery were predictably low. Although I’m supposed to be happy for you, Dorm Head so in order to show the utmost congratulations by helping stack all your things. It is also actually old habit of mine. You’re very much welcome
I can’t even tell if what you’re saying were you angry or sarcasm but I appreciate your nice gesture. Fufu~
D-do you really have to bring these much in 3 days?
Man~ this sucks! why can’t I go with dorm leader. I secretly sneak 15 papers of my name inside so I could get a chance but then all I get is to stay here with these 2 cranky pants
Quite being a whiny brat just because Crowley didn’t call you and your plain ol’ tricks didn’t go well
Hmph! few hours ago right after Ferd’s name, I saw you’d crossing your fingers begging your name to be called next like you were desperate
Ha?! You’ve been watching me!
you’re obviously mumbling so loud that I could hear you one seat apart. You just wanna be with Dorm Head so you can do your bodyguard duties and get easily pampered by him. Actually, that’s kinda nice. I can feel your pain so instead why don’t we raid Crowley’s office and—
First of all, shut it! who says I wanna get pampered by Boss and Second, I ain’t gonna raid his office with ya and Third, I’m his bodyguard after all. I should be on his side whenever he goes
too bad you’re nooot~ Any-way! how come Hunter has to go? He wasn’t at the meeting this morning!
I got called..........from Headmaster...........during my intern...........that I should come back...........and pack my things...........so..........I ran back..........here...........
Headmaster said Everyone are participating this Symposium by winning the lottery so I deliberately put Hunter’s name in his stead. I’m surprised as everyone your name got pulled out
well that still wasn’t fair. Hmph!
The only thing he could represent is to be a blockhead & keep staying silent
Unfortunately for you. I believe it is right for Hunter to go with Ferd. With his magic talent and calm composure, I’m sure one of the students of Noble Bell College will acknowledge us
I believe so, Mr. C. They will come to know how admirable we, pioneers, are and If one can asked us about our culture..........and other student dormitories, as well
it’s a good thing either of you aren’t in it because I know too well that you will cause much more trouble than throwing rampage & explosive devices for other school students..........even for me..........
Eb & Cole:
........hate to say it, I kinda agree with four-eyes.......I think. Guess the rest of us should start wrapping things up before Halloween
Precisely. That’s why it’s better for talented & hardworking people like you stay here to contribute something for a decent holiday event
this is..........like nervous?..........and pressuring..........me..........?
besides this is your rare opportunity to interact with new people and show your true colors to a different school. As long as I’m here, I can help you with your poor socializing speech
.........thanks.........I will.........do my best..........not to embarrassed..........myself
Well then now your luggages are settled, Leave all the responsibilities for the Halloween preparation to me, I’ll watch over the dorm during your absence. Have a safe trip, both of you
hey you, I trust you’ll stay with Ferd while you were there else I’ll beat you up if anything happens to him........that’s all I have to say. Bye
Fine~ but you better give me some cool souvenirs than boring ones when you get back. Take care~
Best of luck you three. I’d expect our haunted corn-field maze to have a best rating and most important of all, an enjoyable memory of this year’s Halloween
Clinton, Eb, & Cole:
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tumbleranch-dorm · 4 years
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“Persistent, eh? Everyday always pain me in the ass.....hehehehaHAHAHAHA ALRIGHT! COME AT ME YA GUTLESS CHICKENS!!!”
Name: Ebenizer Blackburn
Japanese: エベンエゼル・ブラックバーン
Romanji: Eben'ezeru Burakkubān
Other Name:
Eb (himself)
Stupid Bison (Clinton)
Monsieur Bull (Rook)
Puffer Fish (Floyd)
Voiced by Takashi Kondo
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: April 20
Starsign: Taurus
Height: 177 cm
Eye Color: Reddish Brown
Hair Color: Umber and Cedar
Race: Bison/Buffalo
Homeland: Village of Harvest
Family: Adoptive Mother and Step Brothers and Sisters (all are adopted as well)
Dorm: Tumbleranch
School Year: Second
Class: 2-B Student no. 04
Occupation: Student and Miner
Club: Track and Field Club
Best Subject: PE
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Vegetable Stew
Least Favorite Food: Peanuts
Dislikes: Treated Inferiority
Hobby: Breaking down things Guarding Fred’s safety
Talents: Wrestling
UNIQUE MAGIC “Rodeoo Thrust”
His UM is similar to Jack’s unique magic: ability to turn oneself’s into animal form.
His ability allowing him to transform into a buffalo form but grows three times larger & stronger than an original buffalo. With his headbutt attacks, will destroy much damage but be warned not to anger him in this form. If one does it, will got themselves an uncontrolled rampage in return
Eb has a daily habit of strolling around the halls but feeling in a bad mood without a reason and yet another bad boy has come at NRC. To describe him, people are feared around Eb, never care why they’re scared but because he knows he’s forever terrifying and whatever makes him angered will resorts to violence quickly, going as far as to break everything with his forehead and fists. He’s a bit serious of his bodyguard job thing. He only did was to stand right next or infront of Ferdrick’s door checking anyone dared to trespass his office. They don’t usually stay together but Ferd will call out to him whenever he wants his protection or request for him. Eb can be rude & ignorant sometimes, he doesn’t like to listen everyone’s opinion or order but rather trust only to Ferd’s words. In his leisure time, he lazily naps in Evergreen Field because it’s only the place that’s peaceful. Although, he does like to help farming since his hometown was in Village of Harvest and usually work his butt helping out chores but don’t expect ordering him to do it right away, only if he wants to. He’d doesn’t want to help lots of chores because it’s a bother to him but rather help doing one task one at the time and that’s all. He’s all brawn and no brains. Always get himself into fights with Savanaclaw students and gladly want to start a fight or put up a brawl with anyone not because he wanted to, he’d blame others for coming at him in the first place. As for gun fighting, he doesn’t like to use that technique but rather fight like real man by using his iron fists and thinking he could handle. His head is solid as a boulder, he depended using it to butthead anyone whoever comes in his way and leave them in broken bones and usually getting tricked into breaking things by accident. He may be very easy to get ticked off at anything but Eb truly does have a soft side underneath his heart but not showing at all.
He’s based on Junior the Buffalo
He’s been hired to be his bodyguard since their first meeting but no one knows why he wanted to be someone’s bodyguard. He say he owe him a debt 8 years ago.
The only one who doesn’t wear hat because his horns got in the way but deep down, he wanted to try wearing fancy hats for once.
He was actually adopted and the eldest of his 5 step siblings (2 boys & 3 girls) always looking after them as an older brother back home.
Eb wasn’t aware where he goes whenever he strolls around places always leading himself lost
He snorts loud whenever he’s pissed
Eb hates the color red every time he sees it will go on a rampage of destroying it but Ferd was able to use his magic to make him color blind.
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tumbleranch-dorm · 3 years
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My boys relationship quotes are undercut! If ur curious, y’all can ask me more about their relationship 👍✨
Ferdrick & Clinton:
C’s the only first friend I have that I could rely on with my life & power. That’s why I lend half of my work to him. He’s pretty good at this than me, honestly. I was right choosing him
Between me and Ferd, we look like we can run a business very smoothly. If any obstacles in our way, I will be the one to lend an arrangement for the both of us
Eb & Ferdrick:
I know the boss doesn’t remembered me but even now……he is still the same as I remembered him long time ago. I think I made a lot trouble for him as a bodyguard
My memories of the past is blurried, I could not quite remembered him nor I saved his life 8 years ago. Blackburn had showing me his loyalty very serious. I never once asked for a personal bodyguard but……I guess having someone like him can be a good use to me
Ferdrick & Hunter:
Hunter was my old acquaintance of mine when I was traveling with my parents. He’s actually nice enough to offer his hand to someone for help. As expected for a bigger helper. He looks the same but……strangely changed. I wonder what happened to him after I left ever since
I’m......glad......I get to......meet......Ferd......again......I’ll do what......I can to support......him......whatever he needs......me......to do......
Cole & Ferdrick:
No way I’m gonna mess with Anek-I MEAN Ferd-I MEAN Boss through my entire year! you should’ve seen his scary look when I was in trouble but did you just see him yodeling on stage? I think it was so cool!~
Cole has given me a lot trouble playing around with his silly explosive gadgets on someone else. It’s possible I could use my magic on him but as his older cousin, it’s not my intention to do anything harsh. Oh well, at least my scolding technique made him to behave
Clinton & Eb:
Surely Blackburn did his job well on my behalf except his attitude and carelessness of running into fights with Savanclaws is not acceptable excuses!!! I couldn’t believe his seat arrangement was next to mine. Good grief......
That geek will be a forever loner in the future if he keeps running his mouth over some labor, I bet. How the hell did the boss even see that guy as his best friend
Hunter & Clinton:
He……and Ferd……are doing fine……as leaders……but……I don’t……get……why he needs……to be……in……a……rush. I think……I’ll not……get……close……to Clinton……know that……I’m……slow……
I heard much rumors as I recall from my hometown that Hunter seems to be the descendant of the greatest hunter. His appearances and behavior are a like. It’s honestly not surprising that he attended this prestigious college. I would like to know him better if he doesn’t…...KEEP LOSING MY SIGHT!
Clinton & Cole:
I do not trust that Brantley. There is no proof that he and Ferdrick were related but if it were true, I still would not acknowledge Cole for his wackiness that easily. That first year student thinks his way of working should be playful. He had constantly ruined my days of hardwork on purpose, I know of it.
I don’t like how he almost took all my inventions away from me just because I only scribbled faces his mini trains. Clinton’s being selfish and a BIG meanie to me. If Clinton didn’t give my stuff back, I’ll be more meanie to him by throwing a poisonous bomb in his room
Eb & Hunter:
that Hunter guy……I got no complaints about him but the way he talks, I couldn’t catch up what he’s sayin’. It’s kinda infuriating. He seems harmless that makes me wanna spare him. It’s not like I’m jealous of his physiques......
Is......that......Ferd’s bodyguard......I’ve heard about?......He couldn’t......be......him. I’ve seen......him......fight a lot......of...... people earlier......that......I......was passing......by......and......the way......he looks......at me......He......is......angry
Hunter & Cole:
I suspect……he’d do……something……devious……again.....I should stop……him……I will not......let him......do......harm......to......our dormitory......and......others
That guy always gets in my way of fun. I better do something fast before he catches me. I wonder if there’s a way to send him away for good
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not-twst-enough · 4 years
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Gale Sombre 🐢🐮 ~Mockturtle~
Spyrion Leogriff 🦅🦁 ~Gryphon~ (COMING SOON)
Rossette Kingston 👑 ~King of Hearts~ (COMING SOON)
N/A 🥚 ~Humpty Dumpty~ (COMING SOON)
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Taniya Kalisha 🦁 ~African Lioness~
N/A 🐕 ~Jasiri~ (COMING SOON)
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N/A ~Piranha~ (COMING SOON)
N/A ~Evil Manta~ (COMING SOON)
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Qamar Al Isma’il 💎 ~Mozenrsth~ (COMING SOON)
Rafi Habbab ~Xerxes~ (COMING SOON)
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N/A 🕊 ~Blushing Dove~ (COMING SOON)
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Elius Spyro 🔥 ~Hecate~ (COMING SOON)
Cayenne Layenne Lycan 🐕 ~Canis & Lupus~ (COMING SOON)
N/A 🛠 ~Thanatos~ (COMING SOON)
N/A 💤 ~Hypnos~ (COMING SOON)
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Dämon Von Finsternid 😈 ~Zhan Tiri~ (COMING SOON)
⚔️ 🛡🏰⚔️🛡🏰⚔️🛡🏰⚔️🛡🏰⚔️
Maximilian Bratt 🌽🐂 ~Maggie~ (COMING SOON)
Connor James Winston 👒🐄 ~Ms. Calloway~ (COMING SOON)
Poise Finnegan 🌸🐮 ~Grace~ (COMING SOON)
🎃 🕸🔪🎃🕸🔪🎃🕸🔪🎃🕸🔪🎃
TERROVANIA (@/crestbaby):
Mervyn Venterlocqui ✂️ ~Mary Shaw~
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PIRATICUS (@/piraticusdorm)
N/A ☠️ ~Skeleton Pirate~ (COMING SOON)
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MONSVILLE (@/fumikomiyasaki)
Frostine Winterbottom ❄️ ~Abominable Snowman~ (COMING SOON)
Dulcis (@/leonasbitties)
Zane Śniegowski 🍨 ~Adorabeezle Winterpop~ (COMING SOON)
FANGULOUS (@/rookvonhunt)
N/A 💘 ~Cupid~ (COMING SOON)
HEXEONS (@/the27th)
N/A ~Muriel the Grand Black Witch~ (COMING SOON)
DUSKMARCH (@/mystery-skulls-ghost)
TOONTASMA (@/twst-zombie)
N/A 🐭 ~Jerry~ (COMING SOON)
TUMBLERANCH (@/tumbleranchdorm):
Ferdrick Y’Oddel 👓 ~Alemeda Slim~
Clinton Hollingsbeck 💰~Mr. Wesley~
Eb Blackburn 🐃 ~Junior the Buffalo~
Hunter McGriffin 🔫 ~Rico~
Cole Brantley 💣 ~Willie Brothers~
(Twst, piraticus, and monsville banners don’t belong to me but @/piraticusdorm & @/fumikomiyasaki)
Updated: Feb 15
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