#twst Che'nya
detected-error · 12 days
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Just realized i forgot to post these with the others these are extra ones my friends said i should make
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which Riddle decides to properly introduce (Y/n) to Che'nya during a tea party.
Little do the attendants know that these two have been dating for a while now.
Request by anon.
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The Heartslabyul garden was as perfect as ever — with these accurately trimmed hedges, and the soft sound of the flamingos playing in the distance. And you were able to enjoy this peaceful atmosphere from afar, in a gazebo with a cup of steaming and delicious tea in your hands.
This was the life.
Well, until Riddle turned to you and shot you an expectant look. "Prefect, thank you for joining us for tea today. We are glad you could make it," he said with a polite smile decorating his face.
You nodded, although your smile seemed a little bit wonky around the edges. Something about the entire tea party now seemed off to you; normally, Riddle would never smile at you like that. Thus, you shrank a little bit into yourself and tipped the last remaining droplets of tea down your suddenly dry throat.
Trey noticed and picked up the kettle. "Would you like more tea, (Y/n)?"
"Sure, Trey. Thank you." And again, after your cup had been refilled, you resumed chugging down the tea to quench your thirst and your nerves.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed how Riddle looked at you with a curious gaze. After a while of leaving you alone, he finally placed his cup onto the saucer with a loud clank — your doom was near. "However, aside from enjoying your company, there is also another reason why we have invited you to have tea with us today..." the dormleader trailed off hesitantly. "At the annoying insistence of one of our old childhood friends, who very much wanted to meet you properly, (Y/n) — we have decided to properly introduce you to each other. You already know him from the few times he appeared during our gatherings without an invitation."
Deuce had a nervous frown on his face. "Do I really have to do this drum-roll, Cater?" he asked and pointed to the set of drums in his lap. He clutched the sticks nervously as he looked at his upperclassman for guidance.
"Yes!" Cater assured and patted the blue-haired student on the shoulder. "There is no fun without a little bit of dramatisation, no?"
"Okay..." A hefty sigh escaped Deuce's lips before he brought down the sticks. His drumming was clumsy, but he managed to drum a rhythm worthy of a memorable entrance. "Drum-roll for— Che'nya!" he announced and let the stick collide with the drum for one last time.
First, a floating head appeared in the middle of nowhere. Then, a body beneath it slowly started to manifest and become visible. It was none other than Che'nya who wore a wide grin on his face. "Thank you. Thank you! Thank you all for the generous invitation." He strode over to the gazebo with proud steps, his nose held high and his tail swishing around enchantingly.
Your eyes grew to the size of saucers when he took a seat right across from you. The grin he wore on his face was solely directed at you, and he even wiggled his eyebrows mockingly when you continued to gape at him. And well, who could blame you for such a reaction? The cat-beastman sitting across from you was none other than your boyfriend. Now you were stuck in the strange situation of your friends introducing you to your boyfriend? Yes, this was absolutely absurd. Perhaps keeping your relationship a secret had been a mistake.
"A-Ah, it's nice to see you again, Che'nya," you stammered out and forced a smile onto your face.
The RSA student seemed to enjoy basking in your awkward stiffness, quietly snickering to himself all the while. "Likewise, it is wonderful to see you again, dear!" he exclaimed and clasped his hands together innocently. "How have you been?"
"...I've been adequate," you seethed through clenched teeth when you could feel his foot gently kicking your leg beneath the table.
This entire meeting must have been his doing! He was trying to tease you... see how far he could take it before you would explode with awkwardness.
Riddle, however, seemed to take no notice of your strange disposition towards one another. Instead, he raised his hands and began introducing you to one another, "Che'nya, (Y/n). (Y/n), Che'nya. I'm sure you'll get along splendidly. Che'nya is just like your other troublemaker friends, prefect..." A disapproving sigh escaped the dormleader's lips.
"Hey, (Y/n). Are you alright?" Trey asked in concern when your finger curled around the handle of your cup so much that he was worried about you breaking the porcelain. He furrowed his eyebrows. "You look tense."
"No need to be so nervous, dear!" Che'nya cooed and bared his teeth playfully. "I don't bite~"
Your hands clenched into fists beneath the table, you put on the politest of smiles you could muster. "I'm just... really excited to meet you for the very, very first time properly. I mean, you disappeared the last times before we could even begin a proper conversation. I... I absolutely know nothing about you! How about we fix that now?"
"Sounds like a marvellous idea," Che'nya drawled.
A little bit out of the loop, Riddle merely regarded the two of you with a strange glance before he slowly began, "As you may already know, Che'nya, (Y/n) is the magicless prefect of the Ramshackle dorm—"
Che'nya feigned to listen intently, yet he never broke eye-contact with you. "Aha. Aha." A little grin decorated his face when he noticed you squirm in your seat. "Hm... I see," he continued to occasionally comment whenever the dormleader thought he wasn't listening anymore.
"And as you may already know, (Y/n), Che'nya is a second-year attending Royal Sword Academy—"
You stayed entirely silent through Riddle's introduction of Che'nya. All the while, however, you were too stubborn to avert your gaze — no matter how uncomfortable you felt. Instead, you replied to his grin with narrowed eyes. By then, every other attendant of the gathering was staring at the two of you and your absurd telepathic exchange.
"Are you two alright?" Deuce asked in utter confusion. "Is there something we're missing?"
"No, continue," you both replied unanimously.
"(Y/n), you should stop glaring at Che'nya like that..." Ace whispered into your ear, laughing, "...or else he will fall off his chair as a dead man in a second."
You waved him off, still staring at the cat-beastman. "Pff, serves him right."
"What's gotten into you, dear. You look like someone stepped on your tail," Che'nya said and wiggled his eyebrows.
"As you can see," you said with pursed lips, "I have no tail to be stepped on."
Che'nya merely began laughing at your attempt at sass. "It was a figurative way of speaking," he said and clapped his hands in delight.
"Perhaps someone stepped on your tail?" you retorted while taking a sip of your by now cold tea.
"Perhaps! Yesterday, I had a visitor over... and then they simply didn't look where they were going and stepped on my tail," Che'nya explained and tapped his chin. "But, it was no biggie. I was rewarded with head-pats afterwards. Did you guys know that (Y/n) gives the best head-pats?"
At once, Riddle furrowed his eyebrows and suspiciously muttered, "It seems like you're implying something, Che'nya."
"Oh, me? It's nothing!" He let out a gasp and jumped to his feet in a dazed panic. "Oh my, it looks like it's time to leave now... Before anyone back at home notices that anything is amiss."
Although Trey looked taken aback, he merely nodded and gave their leaving visitor a friendly wave. "Oh... It was nice having you with us, Che'nya."
The second-year in question nodded and shot the entire round of attendants a mischievous smile. "I enjoyed the party immensely!" Then, without a warning, he turned to you and bowed teasingly. "I hope you did, too, (Y/n) dear."
Still on edge about your boyfriend spilling your secret to your Heartslabyul friends, you clutched the fabric of your blazer and let out a stiff chuckle. "...It was certainly nice to meet you properly for the first time," you said, your voice suspiciously going up and down in pitch.
"Ta-ta! Farewell, my friends~" Che'nya disappeared into thin air with a grin on his face and a swish of his tail. First, his body became invisible, then his grinning face as well.
"That was strange," Riddle muttered after a while of confused silence. "Even for Che'nya."
"You're so cute," someone suddenly whispered into your right ear, "when you're annoyed, (Y/n)~"
A startled scream escaped your lips, and you whipped your head around to find the source of the speaker — but no one stood behind you whatsoever. "Who said that?!" you cried out and rubbed your right ear in embarrassment.
The other Heartslabyul students at the table eyed you in concern, and eventually, Deuce gained enough courage to ask, "(Y/n), are you alright? Nobody said anything." A little gasp escaped his lips when he realised that, in your panic, you had jumped to your feet and bumped against the table. "Oh no— you spilled the tea all over yourself... At least it's not boiling hot anymore."
You pursed your lips in shame, but perhaps this was the perfect opportunity to excuse yourself from this awkward tea party. You had already made a fool of yourself, anyway. After having taken a deep breath, you announced, "Oh... sorry, guys. I'll have to take my leave, as well— tea stains are hard to get out of these white shirts." You forced one last time onto your lips. "Thank you so much for the fun time, though. See you around!" Then, you turned around and dashed away without another word.
Ace crossed his arms in suspicion. "Oi, there's something we don't know about these two."
"Oh, they're in a relationship, didn't you know?" Cater asked casually while editing the pictures he had taken of the tea party.
"What?!" the entire table cried out at once.
Surprised at their extreme reaction, Cater almost dropped his phone. However, he didn't, and with great care, he put it back into his pocket before facing the round of flabbergasted Heartslabyul students. "Yeah, so you guys really didn't know, huh? Che'nya's tail can be seen on a lot of (Y/n)'s Magicam posts if you look a little bit more closely. It's not an all that well-guarded secret, even if they want it to be." A sheepish smile appeared on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That's why I was so confused when you said that this was their first proper introduction to one another, Riddle."
The dormleader looked like he was about to explode with how red his face had turned. "He played us, again... Like a fiddle!" he cried out and threw his hands into the air.
Likewise, Trey shook his head in disbelief. "What else did we expect from Che'nya..."
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stupidneko · 10 months
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Ignore my ugly attempt to draw hands,,
My boy Che'nya where are uuuuu????
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zippidi-dooda · 5 months
Got bored one day and remembered a very specific kissing booth style quiz that I can no longer find and decided to make a Twst style kissing booth quiz.
Click if you want to try
Kisses for Sale
Your whole time in Twisted Wonderland you live low on money. Mainly due to Grim's extensive eating sprees. And headmaster Crowley rarely wants to hand some out to you. So, you decide to raise money through a kissing booth. Which Prince Charming will be the first in line for you?
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the-fab-fox · 15 days
Hehehe. So excited for my readers to meet my version of Queen Maleficia.
I have a feeling some of y'all are gonna fall for her so hard.
At least, I hope so haha. Then again, it's mostly cause I'm kinda in love with her and how I write her. LMAO.
Anyway, coming soon to the next chapter (Chapter 16) or Accidentally in Love, part 7 of the Adequately Inadequate Universe series!
If you have been reading AIU but aren't caught up, this is your sign to do so! If you haven't read the series yet, consider giving it a shot?
Filled with many rarepairs that might hit your fancy if you give 'em a chance, a couple fandom faves, lots of feels, even many more laughs, and just chock full of so much fluff you might need to see a dentist afterwards! (You have been warned.)
I would absolutely love to know what you think so pretty please leave some comments. Let me know your feels, your thoughts, whatever you like. You can keyboard smash or quote or leave a bunch of emojis. What have you. My comments section is your oyster. Go crazy!
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(ALSO, I've got a secondary series called Octaclaw. If you love super rarepairs, this is one for you as well! First fic, I Want You, is Jade x Jack. The second ship and main of the second fic will be Azul x Leona, which was just revealed in the latest chapter. The other ships are a secret until their reveals. Fufufu~ Gotta make it fun for me. Lol.)
Please reblog this, if you would be so kind, as I'd really love to get more eyes on both of these series. I highly appreciate your support! Thank you kindly! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Theme Songs: Disney's TWST 2
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This features every single Twisted Wonderland SIDE character, there are no main ones. Those characters are all on the first part (linked below w/ future theme song lists). Anyways, hope y'all like this!
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🪶 Dire Crowley, Headmaster of Night Raven College »»—–► Two Face (Dark Version) by Jake Daniels 🐾 Divus Crewel, Sciences Professor at Night Raven College »»—–► Fashion by Lady Gaga 🐈‍⬛ Mozus Trein, Social Studies Professor at Night Raven College »»—–► The Kitty Cat Song by The Troggs 🏆 Ashton Vargas, Athletics Professor at Night Raven College »»—–► We Will Rock You by Queen 🃏 Sam, Owner of Mr. S' Mystery Shop at Night Raven College »»—–► Voodoo by Nick Jonas
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🐦 Neige LeBlanche, Second-Year at Royal Sword Academy »»—–► Sleep It Off by Niki and Gabi 😸 Che'nya, Third-Year at Royal Sword Academy »»—–► Wonderland by Caravan Palace
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⛪ Rollo Flamme, Third-Year at Noble Bell College »»—–► Crossfire by Stephen
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🏵️ Cheka Kingscholar, Heir to the Sunset Savannah Throne »»—–► Mama by Jonas Blue 💫 Najima Viper, the Younger Sister to Jamil Viper »»—–► Queen of Kings by Alessandra 💍 Eliza, the Ghost Bride from Beyond the Dead »»—–► In The Name of Love by Bebe Rexha and Martin Garrix 👻 Puffy, the Servant of the Ghost Bride from Beyond the Dead »»—–► Perfect by Ed Sheeran 🦊 Fellow Honest, Manager of Playful Land »»—–► Freak by Sub Urban 🔨 Gidel, Assistant and Younger Brother to Fellow Honest »»—–► Imma Kill U by Insane Clown Posse 🐊 Baul Zigvolt, Retired Warrior for Briar Valley's Army »»—–► Till I Collapse by Eminem 🕊️ Kifaji, Chief Chamberlain for the Kingscholar Royal Family »»—–► Count on Me by Bruno Mars
Other Theme Song Lists <3
Twisted Wonderland -> Main Characters
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saccharinevampy · 1 year
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Hegh Nya and some Flover for a friend~
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Happy new years(Found Family)
Riddle(???): Mary! Careful!
Mary(7): Yes Papa!
Trey(???): Dante, Jackie, Raven, Rina! Careful!
Dante(7): *Stops his siblings* Yes Dad!
Raven(6) and Jackie(6): *Pouts, looking up at Dante*
Rina(5): *Bumps into Jackie and falls onto her bottom*
Denzel(???): *Chuckles, Penny on his shoulders*
Penny(5): *Looks at the others, perking up*
Briar(???): *Chuckles*
Che'Nya(???): *Carries his son over and smiles* Purrfect timing, nya?
Chi-Chi(6): *Turns his blind gaze to the others*
Riddle: *Points skyward* Look kids!
Mary: *Smiles at the fireworks* WOW!
Dante: *Smiles and fixes his glasses, holding Rina's hand*
Penny and Jackie: Pretty!
Raven: That looks awesome!
Chi-Chi: Sounds cool....
Riddle: Happy new years guys...
Trey: Haha! Same to you Riddle
Che'Nya: *Chuckles and nods* Nyah!
Denzel: Happy new years~
Briar: Yes, a very happy new years!
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cybererotic · 2 years
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stupidneko · 10 months
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It's always them cat boys saying the most unhinged things
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creativechaos15 · 2 years
Melody’s relationships to the other Twisted Wonderland characters (plus some headcannons) Part 2 (Staff, RSA students, other characters)
Alright let’s keep this going. Fair warning this will have spoiler up to Book 5 so if you are not there and you don’t want spoilers look away. Otherwise let’s jump right in. 
Melody does her best to get along with Crowley, but a lot of the time he gets on her last nerve. 
Crowley reluctantly allowed her to come to NRC to prove herself and was surprise the dark mirror accepted her. 
Crowley sometimes doesn’t acknowledge forgets that Melody goes to this school and is living in the dorm that’s falling apart. 
Melody has gone to Crowley multiple times about making the dorm safer, which he’s done little to nothing about.  
Melody gets along with Professor Crewel. Crewel enjoys that Melody is not a student he has to babysit.  
Melody finds Crewel’s puppy talk a little odd but otherwise is fine with it. 
Melody has only has one or two real mishaps on her part in his class both of which she made up for. 
Crewel has worked with Melody outside of class with some costume designs for the film research club.
Melody is not the biggest fan of Vargas, but that does not mean she doesn’t put the effort in during class.
Vargas enjoys Melody’s competitive attitude during sports practices. 
Vargas also enjoys Melody’s drive to improve herself during flight class. 
Melody finds that Vargas can come off a bit too strong and he’s all about muscles and physical strength, it just throws her for a loop.  
Trein and Lucius:
Melody likes Trein as a Professor, though she might be a little biased because of Lucius. 
Melody loves Lucius and has definitely offered to help Trein look after Lucius. 
Trein finds Melody to be an enjoyable student as she always comes in with a willingness to learn and is one of the few students that doesn’t fall asleep during his History of Magic lectures. 
Lucius likes Melody, as she gives him attention and spoils him with sweets.    
Melody likes Sam, she finds him to be a very curious person with how he operates the shop and that intrigues her. 
Sam likes Melody, she is a good customer and occasionally a pretty good haggler as well. 
Sam likes to see that Melody doesn’t usually fall for a lot of his tricks of the trade. While it’s not good for business he likes knowing Melody is not going to get taken advantage of when trying to buy something. 
Melody is usually in the shop for groceries and cat supplies, but will occasionally check out the new and mysterious products Sam has. 
Melody definitely has some theories on where Sam gets some of his more interesting products, but she hasn’t confirmed anything yet.  
Melody and Che’nya have been friends since they were kids. 
Melody adores Che’nya and thinks his signature spell is pretty cool even if it does spook her from time to time when he just pops in. 
Che’nya likes Melody and finds her curious and friendly attitude to be admirable. 
Che’nya was Melody’s first introduction to beastmen and she was very curious about him at first. He also may have a small part with Melody’s interest and love for cats. 
These two will absolutely do platonic cuddles when they hang out. 
Melody gets along with Neige when she meets him. She knew about his fame but honestly didn’t look too much into him. 
Melody finds Neige to be a nice guys which she wasn’t too sure about with how Vil was acting about him. 
Neige likes Melody, he found her to be friendly and appreciated the fact that she was polite during the SDC considering they were from opposing schools.   
Melody finds this little guy to be adorable though she actually meets Cheka later than most of the crew.
Cheka likes Melody and has definitely spent time with her when Leona didn’t want to deal with him. 
Melody doesn’t mind watching Cheka, but honestly wants to know what the kid sees in Leona.
And this is everyone I can think of right now if there is any character I’m forgetting that you guys are curious as to Melody would interact with them let me know.
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sxftriina · 2 years
I've had some TWST lore wrong in my head up until near the end of Book 5 and it's all because I misread a character's name 😭
Long story short
Riddles Backstory was revealed
I misread Che'nya as Cater
So this whole time
I thought Trey and Cater were the kids he played with
And not Trey and Che'nya </3
I only realized this during Che'nya's small interaction with Riddle in Book 5 KSJDJDJD
I had a hold up moment, paused the video, went to Google, re-read Riddle's backstory, and stared at my phone in silent shock for a solid 5 minutes because what..
HOW in hell did I get their names confused?? The only thing similar about their names is that they both start with the letter C?? 😭
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egophiliac · 7 months
You can’t pick Lilia for this. But who is your other favorite short character in Twst?
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I like the angry little king boy 🌹
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ninjaart-fan · 3 months
Part 6
After Neige and the boys took the stranger to the infirmary and the nurse gave them the green light to stay and take care of her overnight, waiting to see if the girl would wake up. Chenya joined the group out of mere curiosity, not really to help, but just to find the most comfortable place to rest and have all the tea.
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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
parte 7
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liviavanrouge · 1 year
Livia: *Walks through the halls, her friends following behind her*
Epel: *Walks after her, hearing RSA Students cheering*
Rozzie: *Looks around, coming out into the P.E field*
Livia: *Stares, watching the hero's practice their cheering*
Sheryn: Ugh, look at them...
Ziro(Twisted Zira): Gross
Rsa Student: RSA, RSA! Go, go RSA!
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: NRC, NRC! GO, GO, NRC!
Neige: *Turns looking surprised*
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: Our day is here, so we are here get on back you can't touch this!
Elliot: They sound mad!
Neige: But why
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: Our gang is bad when with our peers! SO GET Y'ALL'S BULLCRAP OUTTA HERE!!!
Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: *Glares at them furiously* TRIED TO ATTACK OUR FRIEND!
Livia and Epel: And now we want revenge!
Elliot: Attack??!
Neige: Revenge!
Livia, Epel, Rozzie, Ziro and Sheryn: We're an offense you can't defend!
Livia: *Turns and walks away, her eyes narrowed*
Epel and Sheryn: *Walks after her, looking irked*
Rozzie: *Glares at the students and walks away*
Ziro: Our message better have gotten into your fluffy little brains of yours! Don't you EVER try to attack Riddle online knowing he barely knows anything about it!
Ziro: *Turns and walks away* Cause we're here to defend his honor even though he's not our dorm leader!
Che'Nya: Jaseem-
Jaseem: I got it on recording, posting the video on magicam now...hope that makes the guilty party back down
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jesteringbug · 2 months
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another character hcs
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