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admireforever · 1 year ago
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The Worst Person In The World
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killherfreakout · 1 year ago
i've seen all the films on the honey songs as films list and the taste is impeccable. especially pink balloon -> worst person in the world and honey -> frances ha like GOD. and kill her freak out doesn't need a film the song and mv are sooooo cinematic, it's a whole movie in 4 minutes and 20 seconds
ro this means Everything to me to have your stamp of approval 🫶🏼 and oh my god literally pink balloon -> twpitw is probably the strongest connection on the list!!!
and thank you i needed this reassurance bc i was like i look stupid if the song my blog is about doesn’t have one AJDKKD
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My ★ review of Return to Seoul on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/4hoCoj
"I'm French! Why do you think I have this outrageous accent you silly Korean?! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
In all seriousness, this read like a remake of 'The Worst Person In The World', only more boring. Fortunately, since seeing 'TWPITW' my partner and I always check to see if the other's bored too so we were able bail on this at the halfway point. I whispered "if she fucks that old man, I'm out of here"...
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wesandrsns · 3 years ago
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The Worst Person in the World (2021) dir. Joachim Trier
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gentlelilac · 3 years ago
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the worst person in the world, dir. joachim trier // interstellar, dir. christopher nolan
[ID: The first image shows two people holding each other in a bed. The man is in a hospital gown, and the woman is in jeans and a black t-shirt. The caption says, “I’m sure I remember things about you that you’ve forgotten.” The second image shows a man holding someone who is not fully visible. The caption shows him saying, “She said, ‘Now, we’re just here to be memories for our kids.’” // End ID]
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quotes-on-stills · 3 years ago
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the worst person in the world, 2021
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rhaenyra-the-gracious · 3 years ago
So I watched The Worst Person in the World two days ago, and while I loved it, the ending didn’t quite sit well with me. I know it should have carried the message like ‘we can’t have everything all at once.’ And yeah, I didn’t like Eivind (or more like, the actor), I liked Julie with Aksel (’shipping’ is to hard word), but somehow felt artsy in the end landing Eivind with that random actress, and they already having a child too... I don’t know, it somehow didn’t quite made sense to me. I feel it was just for the sake of surprise.
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elletao · 3 years ago
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2022 JOURNAL » The Worst Person in the World (2021) dir. Joachim Trier You were the most important relationship in my life. You don’t have to say anything. I know it’s not the same for you. That’s normal. You have many years left to live. But I know, I feel it. And I want you to know. You were the love of my life. You’re a damn good person. 
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chappell-roans · 3 years ago
saw The Batman and it did not disappoint. enjoyed every second.
I'm SO happy to hear this, I've heard so many good things about it. I heard a rumor it's coming to HBO Max in exactly a month and I hope that's true because I want to see it so bad but there's no way I'm going to a theater anytime soon still :/ This makes me even more excited to see it. Emo Batman yesssssss.
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makotoscoffee · 3 years ago
of course I am so happy with all the attention that The Worst Person In The World has received and all the high praise from so many big important figures in Hollywood and the Oscar nominations and Cannes award however I wish more people would get into more Norwegian cinema like there is so much out there and you just it's... it's own canon that you have to experience. TWPITW was a great movie but there are MORE
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hamoimproviso · 3 years ago
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Watching the full Oslo Trilogy after enjoying The Worst Person In The World so much. This was an excellent early work by Trier focusing on a group of young people focused on literary and artistic pursuits. Their individual journeys are recognisable and their fear of convention and artistic death through traditional love, as well as mental health breakdown in the case of one character, compels the viewer onward. A really great director that I have come to late, due the excellence and joy of TWPITW. One more to go in the trilogy but others to enjoy outside of that.
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admireforever · 1 year ago
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The Worst Person In The World
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anothersebastianblog · 3 years ago
I was actually expecting him to be seen with Renate too, since they've hung out in the past at events + he's not just a costar but a producer so basically = manager who probably wants to get everyone involved to have the best time + I have a hc that he loves showing his fave non-tourist NY places to people who aren't locals ahah. And I doubt many DM followers would recognize her by name, despite TWPITW's success, so she'd be just called a brunette. But yeah, no tattoos.
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babvblue · 3 years ago
can you give us any more info on the taken characters?
i definitley can !! i would link you to , what is at this point , the novel of a google doc that is frankie’s about . but i’ll save you from the pain for now <3 instead , below the cut you’ll find the basic apps for each of our characters !!
frankie :
◦ . ·  🎶┆「  alex  lee-aillón   +   she  /  her   +   cis  woman   +   24  」 have  you  heard  of  FRANCESCA  “FRANKIE”  HENNESSEY-DELGADO  ?  they’re  the  GUITARIST  &  SINGER  in  —-  what  are  they  going  by  now  ?  i’ve  lost  track  ,  it’s  something  like  three.o  .  doesn’t  matter  ,  whatever  they’re  called  now  ,  i  heard  that  they’re  thinking  about  giving  it  up  finally  and  sticking  with  their  day  job  of  being  a  PART-TIME   MECHANIC  AT  ALFIE’S  .  which  wouldn’t  surprise  me  ,  i’ve  heard  they  can  be  IMPETUOUS  AND  RESTIVE  .  though  someone  did  say  they  can  be  quite  EASY  GOING  AND  EMPATHETIC  and  they’ve  known  them  their  whole  life  ,  so  who  knows  .  maybe  they’ll  surprise  us  all  and  i’ll  have  to  remember  what  their  band’s  called  .  anyway  ,  just  listen  for  that  damned  song  ,  VIENNA  by  BILLY  JOEL  ,  and  you’ll  know  it’s  them  .
& if it tells you anything , the characters that inspired her are kat stratford , jo march and julie ( twpitw ) . she’s also a taurus sun , sagittarius rising and pisces moon & wants to fight nicky haven <3
nicky :
◦  .  ·   🎶┆「  luke  hemmings  +  he  /  him  +  cis  man  +  24  」have  you  heard  of NICHOLAS  “NICKY”  HAVEN  ? they’re  the GUITARIST  &  SINGER  in —-  what  are  they  going  by  now ? i’ve  lost  track  ,  it’s  something  like  three.o  .  doesn’t  matter  ,  whatever  they’re  called  now  ,  i  heard  that  they’re  thinking  about  giving  it  up  finally  and  sticking  with  their  day  job  of  being  a  LONGSHOREMAN .  which  wouldn’t  surprise  me  ,  i’ve  heard  they  can  be  VAIN  AND  HOT-HEADED .  though  someone  did  say  they  can  be  quite  IMAGINATIVE  AND  RESILIENT and  they’ve  known  them  their  whole  life  ,  so  who  knows  .  maybe  they’ll  surprise  us  all  and  i’ll  have  to  remember  what  their  bands  called  .  anyway  ,  just  listen  for  that  damned  song  , NO  SHAME by 5SOS ,  and  you’ll  know  it’s  them  . i do know ( from the limited info bay has given me ) that he’s a cancer man so like  .  .  .  rip to all i guess !!
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wesandrsns · 3 years ago
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The Worst Person in the World (2021) dir. Joachim Trier
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chicalocal · 3 years ago
🎬 #ThursdayInMotion 📽 TWPITW 🍿
Y el #ThursdayInMotion de la semana va para 🥁🥁🥁
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[...] esta quote de The Worst Person In The World. Desde 2021 estuve esperando a que llegara a los cines y cuando la vi por primera vez me sentí así --> 😶😶😶 | Tuve muchos conflictos ~ en el buen sentido ~ porque al parecer, estaba muy acostumbrada a los romcom tradicionales.
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