#two-bit's sister
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kaytheday · 7 months ago
Two-Bits Sister Head Canon's
Hello! I've decided to make this into a series because I'm so interested about the girls from the Outsiders so much and I'm so sad we don't get to know to know much more about them. I will link that masterlist here and I'll probably update it once a week. It will be mostly Head Canons and One-Shots of all the different girls.
This is the first installment! It's about Two-Bits sister because that's what won the poll. Bear with me, I don't know what of this is actually canon or not but we're doing our best! More under the cut!
Her name is Susan Eloise Mathews but everyone calls her Susie for short. 
She’s in 8th grade. A year younger than Ponyboy in school and age. 
Curly red haired with freckles and pale skin. 
Susie was made fun of a lot for her red hair in school but she learned to deflect in the same way her brother does. Jokes. 
Her sense of humor takes on a more self-deprecating  shape because of this. 
Her father abandoning the family also had a big play in the style of jokes and wisecracks she adopts. After he left, she wondered for a long time if it had something to do with her or if it was her fault. 
When he left, Susie found out through a note from her mother who had just left for work.. She was sitting on the back porch crying when Two-Bit found her. He just held her and told her everything was going to be okay because she had him. 
She believed him but a secret part of her was worried that Two-Bit thought it was her fault that their dad left in the first place. 
Susie is the only one who doesn’t call Two-Bit by his nickname consistently. She is always calling him Keith, because that’s what she grew up calling him and she knows it annoys him. 
Two-Bit has also made many promises to her to stop drinking because their dad used to drink. He never has kept that promise. 
Susie often worries that Two-Bit will end up like her dad, but she never says it. 
Susie is also pretty smart in school, she only really gets in trouble for disrupting the class, being a smart-ass, passing notes, and gossiping.  
She likes to read. After her dad left, Ponyboy let her borrow a lot of books to try and make her feel better. 
Susie talks a lot. She talks very loud and tends to ramble.
Darry has a soft spot for her for some reason, but you know none of the gang would let anything happen to her. 
Speaking of which, one time this boy at the drive-in snapped her training bra and Two-Bit and Steve beat him up so bad he couldn’t walk straight for a week. 
When Pony and Johnny went to Windrixville, Two-Bit would come home really drunk and crying and that scared her something awful. 
She’d never seen Two-Bit so regretful and scared for something. She tried her best to get him out of it and offered to go to Texas with him to search. 
She cried after Dally and Johnny's funerals when she was alone. She didn’t cry during it because she didn’t feel like she got to. Two-Bit and Pony were having such a hard time she didn’t want to say anything.
She tried her best to help Two-Bit and even visited Pony a little when he was sick. She brought him some new books and stayed by his bedside for a couple hours. 
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alittlebitofloveliness · 10 months ago
Marbit 'meet the family' Thoughts Pt 1
Thinking about Mrs. Matthews whose son has had many exploits, dated around with many girls- dozens even- since the time he was fourteen, but has never once brought one home; coming to her one night, fidgety like he hasn't been since he was just a little lad, wringing his hands and telling her with a grin that he's been going with someone real special and he wants to bring her over for dinner. Marly, he tells her once she's recovered from her shock enough to ask, his girl's name is Marly, and she's got the sharpest mind of anyone he's ever known and shampoo that smells like strawberries, and if inviting her for dinner didn't already make it obvious that he was in love Mrs.Matthews thinks this would have been what gave it away- the fact that he sits with her on the couch for a full hour, beaming and telling her all about this girl she's never even heard of before now, instead of going out causing trouble with his buddies.
Thinking of Susie Matthews, whose watched her older brother pull bottles from the fridge since she was eight years old, who has nursed his hangovers, helpless as he slowly destroyed himself trying to fill the hole their father took with him with booze and blondes and false affection. Thinking of her noticing a change in her brother, slow at first- a night or two when he wouldn't go to the fridge before noon, dressing better, coming home to sleep at a decent hour, then bigger- never going to the fridge at all (not the one full of bottles anyway), then actually getting his diploma. One day she swears she sees a job application on his desk and she doesn't know what to make of it all, doesn't know what could have saved him when she and mom have never been enough. It doesn't make sense- until he sits her down one day, his grey eyes shining bright, and tells her he's bringing his girl over for dinner sometime this week, and what nights is she free. Anytime, she tells him (he'd know that if he ever bothered to pay attention to her for more than five seconds), and he practically skips out of the room to go tell mom that he'll invite this 'Marly' around on Wednesday.
Thinking of Mrs. Matthews, who hears Marcia before she sees her, watches through the screen door as her son picks up a girl she can't quite see yet, twirling her around while she squeals with laughter and swats at his chest without stopping their conversation for even a second. Mrs Matthews who knows from the first glance that Marly is not like them, that she comes from higher folk, but that she looks at Keith the same way he looks at her- like it'd kill her to stop, even for a second. Mrs. Matthews who doesn't worry about it, because she herself loved the 'right' kind of man for a woman of her own standing, and look how that turned out, so what right does she have to try and protect Keith's heart when it is already too late and he has already given it away. She welcomes his Marly into her home and into her heart, and after a dinner where the two kids can hardly stop laughing with each other long enough to spoon soup into their mouths, she gives her a hug and sends them on their merry way to whatever date Keith actually bothered to plan.
Thinking of Susie Matthews who knows before her mother that Marcia Valentine is a soc, who decides before she even meets her that she hates Marcia no matter how much Keith might like her, who regards the dinner as a chance to see how some west side princess will sneer at their greasy lifestyle. Susie Matthews whose hatred wavers when she remembers how much healthier Keith has been since he started seeing Marcia, and dissolves completely when Marcia- Marly, she insists- actually talks to her and seems interested. More interested than Keith is half the time.
Mrs Matthews and Susie Matthews who love Marcia from the day the first meet her, who take this girl and make her a part of their family for all her social status and stuffy upbringing make it so that they should shun her. Marcia who loves them back just as easily, because they're important to Keith so they're important to her, but also because they accepted her so easily when they didn't have to- a courtesy not afforded to her by much of the east side.
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rileyh20 · 11 months ago
I hope I don't ever confuse Katie (Two-Bit's sister hc) with Katie (Pidge from Voltron)
That would be so awkward of me
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ddejavvu · 4 months ago
can you write something about how the gang handles a really emotional Curtis sister... Like she literally doesn't even know why shes crying most of the time she just is. She is literally me
send me requests for the outsiders!
At Dallas's groan, "Ah, here come the fuckin' waterworks again," all eyes are on you. You'd been hoping to fly under the radar, but now that seven pairs of eyes are staring at you, your tears escape hot and free down your cheeks.
"It's- I'm fine!" You insist, voice thick and choppy as you rush for the bathroom. You don't shut the door, because even if you did you know someone would have barged in. It's predictably Darry and Soda, but Two-Bit lingers in the hallway, peering in worriedly.
"You're okay, kid." Darry encourages you, a strong hand on your shoulder to help you get yourself under control, "Somethin' the matter?"
"What's with the tears, Baby Curtis?" Two asks, "Movie gettin' to 'ya?"
It's a horror movie- it's safe to say you're not sniffling over blood and guts.
"No, it's-" You sniffle, letting Sodapop tug you into his side where he's now perched on the lid of the toilet. He slings an arm around your waist and you lean gratefully into his side, thankful for the pressure of a body against yours.
"It's nothing. I don't know." You shrug helplessly, and Two smiles- kindly, not teasingly.
"You've got a condition or somethin'." He decides, traipsing back into the living room, "We oughta turn you in to a doctor, have them diagnose you with some crazy new brain condition. Maybe they could name it after you, kid."
"Yeah, Crybaby Curtis syndrome," Steve snickers, and Soda shouts a halfhearted, 'Be nice!' to his friend despite not being able to see him.
"Lay off, Steve," Johnny groans, and you hear Ponyboy chime in with a fervent, 'Yeah!' that he would have kept to himself had Johnny not led the charge. Despite having the upper hand, Ponyboy still struggles to pick fights with Steve. Usually it's a losing battle.
"Come on, kiddo." Darry urges, and Soda sticks close to your side as you shuffle back into the living room. Dallas doesn't move aside to give you your old seat back where he's stretched out over half of it, but he also doesn't protest when you throw your leg over his own to fit on the cushion.
"You've gotta man up, kid." Dally decides, snatching his cigarette out of his mouth and blowing the smoke into your face, "Can't be burstin' into tears all the time. People are gonna think you're weak."
"I am weak," You concede feebly, wiping at one last tear that streaks down your cheeks, "I don't know why it happens most'uh the time. Just does."
"Some people are just like that." Johnny smiles kindly at you, and you appreciate his sweetness, "We ain't gonna judge you."
"It'll be great for gettin' out of trouble," Sodapop grins mischieviously at you, "Just think, when you're a wild child in high school, and you're comin' home drunk at 2AM, Darry's gonna yell at you. Just flash him those teary eyes of yours and he'll get all soft for 'ya, he'll let you off real easy."
"Hey- Don't you go givin' her any ideas." Darry points a warning finger at Soda, and Ponyboy scoffs, surely jealous at the prospect of your secret weapon.
You share a secret smile with Soda, though, one that's hidden from both of your brothers. Two-Bit catches it and snorts, "Damn, Darry. I'm not itchin' to be you in a few years."
"Well then you'd better start hangin' out at your own house every once in a while," Darry glares at him, "You spend so much time here I'm gonna give you a chore on the chore chart."
"I don't even do chores at my own place," Two-Bit snickers, like the suggestion is the funniest one he's ever heard. He stretches his arm out behind your head, resting it on your far shoulder, "Just call me whenever you're goin' to those parties, Y/N, and I'll get drunker'n you, make you look like a saint in comparison."
"Dally's a saint in comparison to you, Two-Bit," Ponyboy gripes, "Just don't climb through my window expecting me to help you sneak past Darry."
"Now I mean it, boys," Darry snaps, "Don't go givin' her ideas! Conversation over."
Dallas waits all of three seconds before leaning down, tucking his face beside your ear so that he can drawl, "I'll teach you how to sneak past him if you can go without cryin' for a day."
"Deal." You hold out a pinky for him to link with his own, and if anyone else in Tulsa had offered it, they'd have gotten slugged. Instead, Dallas's finger curls around yours, and he shoots you a shit-eating grin, eyes glimmering dangerously, "24 hours, crybaby. Don't let me down."
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jq37 · 5 months ago
Aelwyn is sixteen and preparing for midterms at Hudol. Uniform pressed and starched, head full of incantations and spell components. She doesn't mean to bump into Adaine and get orange juice all over her shirt but today isn't the day she's going to start showing weakness.
"You know, you really should watch we're you're going," she says archly, playing off the clumsy mistake as a purposeful jab.
Playing it off a bit too well because, the next thing she knows, Adaine is flipping her off and a bolt of queasy looking, green energy is coming towards her. Ray of Sickness. And she can't spare the spell slot for Counterspell because she needs it for her exams.
"You little bitch!" Aelwyn says once she's emptied the contents of her stomach down the front of her shirt.
"Good luck with your exams," Adaine says sweetly.
Aelwyn is eighteen and the oldest, mangiest cat she's ever seen in her life has just vomited on her shoes.
"My," she says, casting a shield spell around her ankles to stop the cat from clawing at them. "You weren't kidding. He is a little bastard, isn't he?"
The shelter volunteer looks mortified. "Oh, gods! I am so sorry. I tried to warn you--I mean, not that I'm blaming you but--"
"No, it's alright. I did ask you to show me stragglers."
The shelter worker gestures to another pen on the other side of the room. "I can show you the kittens we just got in or there are some very well behaved older cats as well if you'd--"
But Aelwyn cuts her off, scooping up the old cat--though she holds him at arm's length for now, just to be safe. "No need. I haven't changed my mind. I'll take this one." She looks at the tag on his collar. "Hector."
Aelwyn is three and, as of a month ago, no longer the youngest Abernant.
She's had baby dolls in the past but never a baby sister and this is exciting new territory. She's full of questions. When is she going to be able to walk? When is she going to be able to talk? When will she be old enough to have lembas bread instead of formula?
Her parents seem less fascinated by the new addition to the family than she is but her mother is amused when she slaps away the hand of a colleague of her father's who tried to touch Adaine before sanitizing his hands, standing between the much larger man and her sister.
"So defensive. Perhaps she'll be an abjurer."
When Aelwyn asks what that is, her mother says that it's a kind of magical protector and she likes that a lot. That sounds like a good thing to be.
At night, Adaine cries. Except, she doesn't hear it because the mobile above her crib is etched with runes that cast the Silence spell.
"But what if she gets hurt?" Aelwyn asks.
Her father brushes her off. That's what the Unseen Servants are for. But she thinks that's what an abjurer might be for too and even though she isn't one yet, that doesn't mean she can't start practicing.
So, every night, Aelwyn waits until her parents have put Adaine down for bed and then tiptoes into her room. She checks to see if Adaine is silently wailing and if she is (and even sometimes if she isn't) she presses her face between the bars of the crib and sticks her little hand over Adaine's face.
"Don't cry," she says, even though the Silence spell mutes her words as completely as the tears. "Mum said I'm an abjurer. Nothing will get you. Don't cry, baby."
Adaine grabs her hand with impressive grip strength for something so small and, within a few minutes, she's trancing peacefully.
Aelwyn is seventeen and her sister is off to save the world again. This time from a Night Yorb--whatever that is.
It feels cruel that Adaine should have to go risk her life again so soon after she just almost died--not almost died, she did die before being raised by her cleric.
She wants to come with, to help in some way. Surely she could be helpful--last quest they brought Gilear for Helio's sake!
But Adaine doesn't ask her and she can't bring herself to say the words she needs to have the conversation she wants. So, instead, she lightly whaps Adaine on the shoulder with her spellbook as she's packing for the quest.
"I know you haven't done much studying lately what with your grades being based on how many hobgoblins you kill or whatever ridiculous system Aguefort has cooked up," Adaine rolls her eyes at that, "But if you don't mind a little cram session before you leave tomorrow, I can show you how to cast Teleport like I said. Might help you stay a touch less dead on your quest."
Her tone is light but her eyes betray her: Please, please, please don't die again.
Adaine's expression softens but then she scoffs, playing her half of their game. "I don't know what a Hudol dropout who's been in jail for the past year is gonna teach me but do your best."
Aelwyn is seven and her father is cross with her.
"Really Aelwyn," he says and even though they're talking via crystal she can feel the frost of his glare. "You thought it was appropriate to call me at work for no good reason? How many times have I told you and your sister to not bother me while I'm working."
She hates the word bother. She doesn't want to be a bother. She tries very hard not to be. Maybe she just didn't explain herself well enough.
"I know, father. But Addy got really scared and panicky on the playground. She was breathing really hard and--"
Her father makes a noise of disgust. "I don't have time for this. She is in primary school now. Stop coddling her. And her name is Adaine, not Addy. Please speak properly. I'm raising you better than that."
He hangs up before she can say anything else.
Aelwyn is eighteen and most of the claw marks on her arms have healed, which is nice. On her lap asleep is Hector who has apparently decided he likes her enough to use her as a radiator but not enough to submit to medical treatment without using her arms as a scratching post.
"You little heat vampire," she says as she slides her thumb across the screen of her crystal, searching for a video that will help her out. Eventually she finds one that looks promising and she calls it up.
On the screen, a halfling is standing next to a cat who is actively shredding her sweater with its claws. "You're going to be tempted to use some kind of a shield spell when applying the ointment," says the halfling. "But cats can smell abjuration magic and they don't love it. You won't get close enough to do the job. Isn't that right my darling?"
In response, her cat hacks up a hairball.
"Darling indeed," she says under her breath.
But even laced with sarcasm, the word is sweeter against her tongue than she anticipated.
She sinks her hand into Hector's fur and scratches his back for a few moments before tentatively speaking aloud. "Sleeping well, my darling?"
Hector says nothing--he's asleep and a cat. But warmth blooms in Aelwyn's chest--more than enough to make up for what Hector is leeching from her.
Aelwyn is seventeen and her father has just given her the most horrible command she's ever received in her life--and she's counting being made to sink a ship full of people in that calculation.
She knows her father doesn't expect her to delicately extricate the knowledge he needs from Adaine's mind. He expects her to get it at all costs. To ransack and pillage the memories if necessary with no heed of the consequences on her psyche. He'd probably prefer it that way--the more broken Adaine is, the easier it will be to mold her into a version of herself that is more useful to him.
Aelwyn is usually a smooth talker and a convincing liar but now, she stumbles all over her words, babbling out a stream of deflections and pleas as her heart squeezes tighter and tighter in her chest until she can't hold back the truth that she's been suppressing for years anymore.
"Adaine's just…she's a baby."
Aelwyn is eighteen and her apartment is full of cats.
She's always thought that the phrase, "One thing led to another" was a bit of a cop out--clearly there were key steps between point A and point B being glossed over--but in this case, there is truly no better way for her to articulate how she went from zero cats to ten cats in such a short amount of time.
She's sure that if she was still living with Jawbone, he'd have something to say about it but that's exactly why she isn't currently living with Jawbone.
She portions out food for all of the cats, saving Hector for last because he likes to eat curled up next to her.
"My darling baby boy," she says, lifting him onto the couch with her because the jump up is a bit much for him and his old bones. She kisses him on the top of the head and then pulls out her crystal. She scrolls mindlessly for a bit before checking her messages despite the fact that there's conspicuously no notifications.
Not that she has many people to expect texts from but she hasn't heard from Adaine in a few weeks and it's unsettling. When they weren't getting along, they were still living under the same roof. She was able to keep tabs on her, more or less. Now, they're closer than they've been in ages but barely talking.
I'm the older sister, I suppose, Aelwyn thinks. I should take the initiative.
She pets Hector with one hand and drafts a message with another: Are you alive, bitch?
She's about to press send but then she frowns and deletes the draft. After a few moments of thought, she taps out a new message: Can't believe I'm gonna say this. Miss my little sister. Everything all right?
Aelwyn is seventeen--though she doesn't feel like it.
Her mind is telling her that she's sixteen and that she was just been broken out of a jail cell in Solace but Adaine is telling her that she's just been broken out of an entirely different prison after being tortured for months even though she doesn't remember any of that.
But her body feels frail and Adaine says she's been in her mind which means she must have used the hard reset.
She's suddenly feeling very vulnerable--not because of the disorientation or the of the levels of exhaustion she can feel weighing on her like leaden chains. No, it's because of the fact that Adaine using the reset means that she must have read the treacle-y note that she left there for her to find.
It was just an insurance policy, she tells herself. There was wisdom to buttering up your savior to make sure she'd do what you needed her to do.
She manages to mostly believe it. But the small, truthful part of herself that knows how deeply she meant the words is so uncomfortable that she antagonizes Adaine until she's annoyed enough to hit her with a spell, sending her into blissful unconsciousness.
Aelwyn is nineteen and she's going to kill her mother.
Well, not alone of course. Adaine deserves the kill at least as much as she does if not more. It'll be a group effort.
It's a strange mix--the cold fury at her mother mixed with the warmth she feels for her sister, sitting across the table from her. She summons a flame to her palm, a preview of what their mother has waiting for her. She watches Adaine's eyes harden with resolve and she sees the face of her baby sister, left to wail alone silently for hours, soothed by her presence. "Let's get her."
"Yes, my dear," she says, the endearment coming freely as if this has always been their dynamic. "We'll get her."
But there will be time for that later. Right now, it's time for ice cream and seeing Adaine so content in such a simple pleasure causes the warmth in her to surge so suddenly that it would be startling if it wasn't so pleasant. The urge to voice it is so powerful that she doesn't know that would have been able to stop it at any point in life, let alone now.
"I hope we get to eat ice cream and cast magic forever," she says, words that would have been impossible for her to say one short year ago and impossible not to say now.
And, to her delight, Adaine agrees.
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brat-pack-it-up-boys · 5 months ago
Dally: “I don’t like little kids man, I just don’t like ‘em”
Also Dally: walking down the street with two bits sister holding his hand, Johnny wearing his leather jacket because he left his at home, pony trying to tell him about a movie he saw the other day, Angela on his back because she was too lazy to walk, and curly trailing behind and trying to flat tire him
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months ago
my hot pjo take is that Jason isn't a second Percy, Jason is a second Annabeth. Jason is just if Annabeth was a guy and also a Big 3 kid.
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constarlations · 9 months ago
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Battle Legend Lyra 🍒🍂
One of the two Johto-Kanto champions, Lyra is best known for her bright and cheery down to earth attitude both on and off the battle field! She likes to travel ALOT you can find her in coffee shops in Kalos or surfing the waves in Alola or just about anywhere with her Fiancé, Silver by her side and never turns down a challenge to a good battle (even if she accidentally sweeps the other person’s team whoops) Her favorite drink is boba tea, her birthday is March 4th, she has a crippling gatcha AND otome addiction, and is 165 cm tall but that’s all for text no one is gonna read aaaaaa-
Drew out my timeskip Lyra due to me wanting to update a few things in regards to her design (can’t believe it’s been almost two years since my timeskip designs HELP) but I hope you enjoy!
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softfem-dom · 2 months ago
look at me, I'm sandra dee the outsiders headcanons
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synopsis :
what would happen if Ponyboy Curtis had a twin sister? with her curling iron, checkered dresses, baking recipes and nail polish.. how would the gang deal with a sandy olson bloke?
or headcanons for being the only Curtis' sister.
worcount : 1,4k — masterlist 𝜗𝜚 navigation post
tags/warnings : third person pov, cuss words, canon-violence, typical sexist female steryotipes, 60's view in feminity, the gang (*cough**cough* Dallas and Steve *cough**cough*) bullying her in a friendly manner, the reader is kinda like sandy from grease.
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The whole gang was sitting on the couch of the Curtis' living room, the TV playing Mickey Mouse. It was silent except for the sound of Darry cooking in the kitchen. Or that was until.. "DALLAS WINSTON!!!" your voice boomed across the whole house, just as all the greasers in the living room snapped their heads in the direction of your room Dallas came running through the hall while laughing his ass off. He was holding your curling iron in one of his hands, the cable pretty much flying behind him with how quick he was running. "I don't know no Dallas Winston, princess!" was his yelled out reply before he disappeared into the kitchen. It wasn't even two seconds before they saw you running hot on his trail, half of your hair neatly done and the other still without styling. "hey!" that was Darry's voice. "what the hell are you two gooses doing?!?"
⮞ to say you're shielded would be an understatement.
⮞ ever since you were born, as the only babygirl in the household, both your brothers and your parents have taken care of you.
⮞ yeah, you fought with Ponyboy a lot in your toddler years —especially about your toys, but you all cared for each other.
⮞ and now that you're in the gang, it's like the protectiveness has multiplied enormously.
⮞ as the only girl in the group, you're the designated babysitter for Two-Bit's little sister if he ever has to bring her along. ^you'll both be in your room, doing her hair or painting her nails. ^she adores you.
⮞ the gang bullies you in a friendly way, and I mean that Dallas likes to make fun of your girly things (nail polish, curlers, plushies, etc)
⮞ Darry does all the cooking in the house, but you do the baking.
⮞ Steve loves you.
⮞ like he loves you a lot.
⮞ whenever the gang comes by to hang out at the house, you've baked or are baking something sweet for all of them to eat and he devours your chocolate cake like a fucking animal.
⮞ they all smoke like two packs of cancer sticks a day, but god forbid you ever touch one of those Darry'll cut your hand off.
⮞ you're not allowed to smoke or drink. ^Dallas has sneaked you a few cans of beer sometimes.
⮞ one time Dallas made fun of you for the faces you pulled while putting on mascara and the next second he had Steve and Soda holding him down forcefully as you put mascara on him. ^he was full on kicking and squirming around like the girl in the exorcist and screaming as if you were burning him 💀
⮞ since then he keeps his traps shut about you and your make-up.
⮞ you're actually Johnny's favourite out of the whole gang btw.
⮞ you're calm, and giggly and spend your time doing unharmful and enjoyable things that he'd take over fighting anyday.
⮞ he likes to sit on your bed, reading one of your books, while you curl your hair or put on make-up.
⮞ Ponyboy is your forced and reluctant fashion man that will tell you "yeah, it looks good, like the one before" when you show him an outfit.
⮞ Soda's your biggest hypeman though, he'll actually tell you some pretty good advice on what looks better on you.
⮞ Darry won't admit it, but when you dress in something frilly or pink it gives him nostalgia of when you were a 6 year-old toddler running around on your glittery pink princess dresses.
⮞ We all know Soda is the middle man between Darry and Pony all the time. You, on the other hand, are never taken into account in their discussions.
⮞ Sad but true, they don't really hold your opinions as that important because you "don't know how the world works"
⮞ Steve and Dallas are always teasing you like those annoying gossip aunts in the Christmas dinner asking about a boyfriend.
⮞ they don't know you're staying clear of boys for your eldest brother's sake. Darry really doesn't need the additional stress of you being with some boy he doesn't know that well.
⮞ Anytime Tim comes to the house for whatever he'll give you clothes from his sister or stuff that she's grown out like a specific colour of nail polish or whatever.
⮞ you're not allowed to go to the rumbles, firstly because Ponyboy isn't either due to age and because you're a girl.
⮞ greasers don't pick fights with society girls, but society boys do pick fights with greaser girls.
⮞ you've got a curfew, and Darry will get even more worried than when he did with Pony if you ever get late.
⮞ you've got princess treatment from Soda and Steve whenever you drop by at the gas station to keep them company.
⮞ they tell you to just 'sit there and be pretty' (referring to the counter) whenever one of them has to go attend a customer.
⮞ you've actually, embarassingly so, when you were
younger had a huge crush on Dallas.
⮞ you were 10 and he was the handsome bad boy that tugged on your ponytails, what were you supposed to do?
⮞ he found out three years later, once you no longer where crushing on him, because Two-Bit ran his mouth too much and now he mocks you on it and calls you all kinds of nicknames just for funsies.
⮞ god forbid any of the boys hurts you with an insensitive comment because Darry will knock their teeth out of their mouths without hesitation.
⮞ one time Two-Bit said that your dress looked dumb while he was drunk and Darry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and forced him to apologise to you and tell you that your dress was really pretty.
⮞ talking about dresses and Darry, he always measures that your skirt goes at least two fingers over your knee before letting you go out lol.
⮞ overall they just act like a bunch of overprotective —and idiotic— older brothers.
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softfem-dom© do not repost!!
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listofwhyyouloveher · 2 months ago
can you do a curtis sister imagine (older than pony younger than soda) and she is stunning and all the boys at school are obsessed with her and always talking to her and asking her out and the gang hates it because shes their baby!!
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Summary: The gang sees you get hit on
Warnings: none
Authors note: none
Everything about you exuded beauty, the way you smiled and how you hair fell about your shoulder. You were, perhaps, seen as the prettiest girl in your school, and while you could flaunt it, you preferred being humble about it.
The sun beat down on your face, illuminating your soft lines and plump lips. You peered down the street to watch for oncoming cars, the gang following in stringing clusters behind you.
It was the first week of summer break, and Darry decided to take you all to a small beach village as a nice vacation and because the weather was so nice.
You shielded your eyes from the bright sunlight and crossed the open road to the pier that overlooked the sea. You could hear the waves crash against the rocks and the hoots and holler of the gang. A blond boy stepped up to you, eyes squinted because of the sun. He smiled at you, his freckled cheeks dusted with a pink blush.
"Hello?" You smiled, shining like a pearl.
"Hello," He smiled back, "You from around here?"
Your lips drew back into a thin line, annoyed at the attempt.
"No," You stated plainly, turning back to the sea. The gang filed in behind you, watching the young boy with a mixture of emotions but none, you could sense, we're good.
"Well, I could introduce you to the place," He gestured out to the village and you shook your head.
"Not interested, thank you," You said, and Soda patted your shoulder.
"You sure? I'm pretty well-versed in this area," He smiled again.
"Kid, she said no, beat it," Dallas said, lighting a cancer stick and letting the smoke curl in the sea breeze.
"Yeah man, back off my sister," Sodapop clicked his tongue I'm annoyance.
"Chill man," the boy raised his hands in surrender before walking away.
"This girl gets hit on everywhere we go," Two Bit remarked, lazily looking out over to the sea.
"Yeah, it's really annoying" Ponyboy grumbled. You laughed lightheartedly and continued walking down the pier.
"Hey, if a guy every bothers you like that again, come tell me, alright?" Darry patted your shoulder.
"See, I wouldn't mind getting hit on like Y/n" Steve said, taking off his obnoxious sunglasses that he swore made him "look cool".
"I would," Johnny remarked, walking alongside you.
"I mind when it's my damn sister getting hit on," Sodapop adjusted his hat, the coastal winds ruffling his hair.
"Oh please, it's fine," You shook your head and laughed.
"Seriously, kid, if someone bothers you like that, you come tell us" Two Bit looked you in the eye, his serious face catching slightly off guard.
"Alright" You gave him a soft smile.
"Promise?" Steve nudged You.
"Of course,"
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weekdaysend · 2 months ago
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Bee and his nepo-baby twin 💥
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Who should Sari play dress up with next tell me tell me…
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feketeribizli · 30 days ago
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little kennie ref because its her birthday todayyy 😁
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kashmimo · 1 year ago
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baby pokemon trainers 🐣
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idontcaboose · 2 months ago
Luthor's Cricket part 5
Previous. Masterpost
Lex was able to distract the teen with a different documentary in the living room of his Penthouse. Said teen, however, made it loudly known that some of the information they were using was false, stupid, and downright biased. Granted, Lex was not paying attention when selecting the first documentary on the list. Apparently, it was a supernatural one called ‘All but Paranormal’ or something of the like. From the shouting, Lex could gather that they were able to interview Zatanna and Dr. Fate, Phantom took great exception to whatever Dr. Fate had to say about Ghost, Demons, and other supernatural creatures. Lex did bark a laugh at Phantom's remark of “Fate's biased view is just as blatant as that glaring beacon of a head!” and “If Fate is a Doctor, then I fear for the intellectual competency of the rest of the world! This means you too, Mr. Luthor!” Lex simply ignored the last part.
Oddly enough, even with the obnoxious commentary from Phantom and the absolute frustration of his magically inclined contacts ignoring him, it was not as tiring as he thought it would be.
“Phantom.” Lex called as he left his office. 
 “Yes, Boss?” Phantom paused the TV and turned to him with a small lopsided smile.
“Do you eat?” Lex asked. 
Phantom clearly did not expect the question with how his face displayed shock and confusion. “Uh, ya. I can eat human food. It's not needed, but it's nice to have. Why?”
“It is about time for dinner, I am thinking Foie Gras-” 
“Do all rich people eat such pretentious sounding food? Seriously, what is wrong with just burgers, burritos, and mac n’ cheese?” Phantom said with derision.
“Some people like to experience the finer things in life-” 
“When was the last time you enjoyed a “finer” thing that wasn't the direct cause of flaunting your power?” Phantom asked seriously. “Just one time.”
Lex…. He found himself at a loss. When Was the last time he actually enjoyed food for its taste alone. Most food prepared at the Galas were pretty cardboard at best. The high-end restaurants were better quality, but Lex only went to those as a power display, and even then, it was for a business deal or a ‘relaxed’ meeting of sorts. Even when he is home alone, he would order high value items so the staff wouldn't spread gossip about his ‘actual’ tates to the papers. The cooks he employed were fantastic at their jobs, the food was always flavorful and filling. 
Probably the last time he actually enjoyed a meal was when his younger sister visited. She brought with her some greasy, cheesy mess of a burger wrapped in foil from a truck from the park across the street. She had laughed at his disgusted face and said “If it was good enough for Bruce Wayne and his kid to stand in line for, it's good enough for us!” 
That was about eight years ago.
After that meal, they had fought, and she stormed out. She has only contacted him through email for Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. 
Lex ordered pizza from his cooks that night.
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ddejavvu · 4 months ago
can I request a drabble or fic about Curtis sister getting bullied?
sigh. writing curtis!sister stuff is so nostalgic and personal to me. inside of me lives a thirteen year old girl who desperately wanted them to be my brothers. this is for little meimei <33
send me requests for the outsiders!
You'd been expecting Steve to pick you up from school, but there must have been a rush at the DX, because it's Two-Bit's creaky old car that chugs along the back street. That's fine too - you could use a laugh after today.
There's a certain level of teasing that you've come to expect because of your social status, but lately some of the older girls around school have made it their personal mission to go above and beyond the standard. Just today they'd begun making fun of the keychain attached to your bookbag- a mickey mouse pendant that had been a gift from Two-Bit himself. Stolen, of course, but not from just any corner store. No, that one had come from a big fancy Disney store, in a big fancy mall hours outside of Tulsa.
He'd been grossly proud of himself when he'd given it to you for your birthday, but according to those older girls, Mickey Mouse was for kids, and that made you one.
You'd tucked it safely into the front pocket of your bag, but Two-Bit notices its absence when you slide into the front seat like there's a neon sign advertising it.
"Hey, kid, where's the keychain?" He nods at your bag, "Did it break off already? Damn Disney, makin' cheap, lousy shit."
"No, it's- it didn't break." You settle into your seat, "I just- took it off."
Two-Bit's hands tighten slightly on the wheel, and he clears his throat, attempting to remain nonchalant.
"Oh. Any reason?"
You think you've hurt his feelings. He's quiet in a way that he usually isn't, and there's no trace of his signature brand of playfulness.
"It's not that I don't like it, Two." You reassure him, reaching over to brace your hand against his leg briefly. He glances at it, throwing you a smile, albeit a wounded one. "I just- I had it on my bag this morning, but then- I dunno, some girls were teasing me about it. I just wanted to avoid trouble."
You'd been attempting to relieve him of any hurt, but now he looks like he wants to hurt the girls you're talking about. He doesn't go to school very often, choosing instead to bum around at your house with a beer and a slice of cake. But you have a sinking feeling that he's going to have perfect attendance from now on, as your personal bodyguard.
"They're pickin' on you?" He asks, glancing over at you from the side of his eye as he tries keeping his focus on the road.
"It's not that bad," You lie, shrugging and reaching into your bag to put your keychain back where it belongs, displayed proudly on your zipper, "They're just high school bullies, Two. Don't worry about it. And don't- don't tell Darry. Please?"
"I don't know, kid." Two-Bit's jaw tightens, shifting as he turns a corner towards the east side of town, "I don't like this. No one should be picking on you. And not to brag, but I know how much you like that keychain. If it's bad enough for you to hide it..."
"It's not that bad, I just- I'm trying to make sure it doesn't get worse. I'm fine," You vow, but there's still a pool of dread in your gut whenever one of the girls' faces flashes in your mind.
"I'm comin' with you tomorrow to school," Two-Bit decides predictably, "And I'm gonna see it for myself, and if they're really layin' into you, I'm rallying the whole gang. Including your brothers. Let us help you, kid."
"No, please-? I don't wanna make it a big deal," You gush, "Two-Bit, everybody's stressed enough. Darry barely has any time to sleep, Soda's worryin' all day about Sandy, Ponyboy's gotta study or Darry'll be on him, just- I don't need to make things worse."
"You aren't makin' anything worse." He frowns, pulling over to the side of the road to turn towards you without the threat of crashing, "Those girls are. Listen, kid. Your brothers care about'cha. We all do. And all of us'd be happy to stick up for you. You know how much fun me 'n Steve would have rippin' into a bunch of mean girls?"
"Don't tell them yet." You insist, but you feel the sincerity of his speech, "Just- wait and see tomorrow. You'll probably scare 'em off anyways."
"I'll wear my best Mickey Mouse shirt," Two promises, his usual shit-eating grin now triumphantly returned to his face as he merges back into the road, "And by that I mean my only one- 'nless you count the old gym shirt my sister drew on."
You're nervous about walking back into school with the Mickey Mouse keychain hanging from your bag once more, but you're flanked by an unknowing Ponyboy on your left and a determined Two-Bit on your right, so you know no harm will come to you. Two-Bit is, in fact, wearing his Mickey shirt beneath his leather jacket, practically a dare for anyone to come and say something to him about you.
You think you're in the clear until the three girls you'd been cornered by the day before spot you, and neither Two-Bit nor Ponyboy notice their expressions, but you feel their gaze on the back of your neck. You're sure your keychain is bouncing around in plain sight from the movement of your stride, but with your two bodyguards around none of them dare to say anything.
Two-Bit drops you off at the door to your first class, raising his eyebrows knowingly but subtle enough that it slips past Ponyboy.
"'Kay. I'll meetcha here after class. Wanna sit with us for lunch, kid?"
You nod, thankful that he phrased it as an invitation so that Pony is none the wiser. In reality, you'd been planning on clinging to Two-Bit's leather jacket the entire lunch period. You're glad you have an excuse to do so, now.
You're lucky enough to have B-track classes today, which puts you in different groups than yesterday's A-track. It means that your only possible encounters with the three girls are in the hallways, but Two-Bit makes it impossible for anyone to pick on you by tailing you to each of your classes.
You think you've made it out alive- hopefully forever, by the end of the school day, and the ride home in Two-Bit's creaky little car feels miles better than it had the day before. Ponyboy's silent in the backseat, but that's usual for him, and you think nothing of it as you enjoy the ice cream that Two-Bit buys for the three of you.
It's when you're home that things really go downhill, sitting quietly around the dinner table when Ponyboy speaks for the first time all night.
"Y/N, why didn't'cha tell us you're getting picked on?" He raises the question quietly, but it's just for show- you know he's irritated, and Darry and Soda both straighten in their seats.
"What?" You feign innocence, digging your fork through the spaghetti on your plate, "What are you talkin' about, Pony?"
"These girls were talkin' about you in my history class." Ponyboy grumbles, and shit, you hadn't even considered the possibility of them sharing a class with your brother. You know he's smart for his age, that he was placed a year ahead of his grade level, but you hadn't connected the dots that they'd be in the same classes.
Darry's focus is on you now, but you know him and Soda are both still waiting for Ponyboy to continue. You avoid all three of their gazes, scrutinizing your spaghetti instead.
"They said they were planning on cornering you today. But they said since Two and I were with 'ya, they couldn't. Why didn't'cha tell us they were bothering you?"
Darry shifts forwards in his seat, more intimidating than he means to be. He's worried, you know that, but that's what you'd been trying to avoid.
"It's nothing serious, Pony." You try placating him, the whole table for that matter, "They're just mean girls. I'm handling it fine, really."
"They were talkin' about cornering you?" Darry finally speaks up, his voice unconsciously booming, "Y/N, I don't think you could've handled yourself then. Now I know you don't like makin' a scene but they could've hurt you. How many of 'em are there?"
"Three." You mumble, "Darry, I- I would've got out of it okay, really! They're real preppy, put-together girls, they probably wouldn't fight. Pro'lly just wanted to call me names or something."
"I don't want someone callin' you names, either." Soda frowns, his own plate forgotten as he focuses on you, "Did you tell a teacher about it?"
"No, it's- it's not that bad! Really, guys, you're overreacting. It's just high school drama. It sounds worse than it is."
"I don't like it." Darry decides, a note of finality in his voice that you're not happy about, "That ain't okay. And you know we'd back you up, kiddo. Pony, Johnny and Steve are there every day, and if you told Two-Bit, I'm sure he'd show up too."
"I did tell Two-Bit," You admit reluctantly, and rush to finish before your brothers get offended, "He got it out of me on the way home yesterday. That's why he came today, to make sure none of 'em got a hold of me."
"See, you do need a bodyguard," Soda reasons, leaning back in his chair, "Maybe I oughta take a day off from work. Drop you off tomorrow, give 'em the death stare or somethin'. If you want, I can have Dally tag along, that'll really scare 'em."
"No! No, don't take the day off, and- and don't show up! Especially not with Dallas," You groan, "This is why I didn't tell any of you guys. You have enough to worry about, you don't need to get involved in girl stuff."
Darry kicks your foot under the table, not hard, but reassuring, "Don't say that, kiddo. It ain't just 'girl stuff' if you're gettin' cornered at school. And we'd be more worried if you came home with a black eye. Now you let us all pick you up from school tomorrow, m'kay? Keep the boys with you, and Pony, keep an eye on those girls in class to see if they talk any more about Y/N."
"I will." Pony vows, and Soda finally relaxes, going for another bite of spaghetti at the same time that he tries speaking.
"Steve and I'll whip 'em if they act out," He promises through a mouthful of food, eliciting a sickened laugh from you, and two groans from your other brothers.
"Chew your food, Soda," Pony grimaces, and Darry elbows Soda unimpressed.
"Thanks, guys." You mumble, bashful for needing help but grateful your brothers are so willing to step into the ring for you, "It's- it's really not that bad but thank you for helping me anyways."
"Anytime, kiddo," Darry promises, a rare smile crossing his face, "Can't have the best of us gettin' beat up at school."
"Hey! The best of us?" Ponyboy glares at Darry, stabbing his spaghetti, "What happened to my big brains?"
"I dunno, I think you lost 'em when you fell from the top of the drive-in fence," You smirk at your youngest brother, still older but easiest to tease, "You hit the ground pretty hard."
Soda erupts into laughter at the memory, and Ponyboy continues his vicious assault on his dinner while Darry smothers a laugh, trying to keep the peace.
"But we mean it." Darry looks at you again, a hint of that former sternness crossing his face again, "If you need muscle, you got it. Ain't nobody gonna mess with my kid sister."
"'Specially not if Dallas shows up," Soda snickers, "Them girls'll go runnin' for the hills when they see him helpin' you in the car."
"Tell him to behave himself," You groan, "I don't need to be called into the office 'cause my brother's friend flashed a heater 'round the parking lot."
"He never behaves himself," Pony scoffs, "But if them girls are smart enough, they'll stay away from you before he has to get crazy on 'em."
"They'll stay away from you," Darry vows, and you believe him with the way the muscles in his strong arms flex as he leans forwards on the table, "Or they're gonna have to worry about somethin' worse than Dally."
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year ago
Curtis!reader: Yeah, I think people will be pretty happy with my winning phrase: “You just got banged.” Then I point to my bangs.
Darry: Mm, Hun, don’t say “banged.”
Curtis!reader: What’s wrong with “banged?” I banged you. I banged Soda. I banged Pony. I banged the whole gang!
Darry: Oh my god.
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