#darry curtis x sister!reader
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ddejavvu · 4 months ago
can you write something about how the gang handles a really emotional Curtis sister... Like she literally doesn't even know why shes crying most of the time she just is. She is literally me
send me requests for the outsiders!
At Dallas's groan, "Ah, here come the fuckin' waterworks again," all eyes are on you. You'd been hoping to fly under the radar, but now that seven pairs of eyes are staring at you, your tears escape hot and free down your cheeks.
"It's- I'm fine!" You insist, voice thick and choppy as you rush for the bathroom. You don't shut the door, because even if you did you know someone would have barged in. It's predictably Darry and Soda, but Two-Bit lingers in the hallway, peering in worriedly.
"You're okay, kid." Darry encourages you, a strong hand on your shoulder to help you get yourself under control, "Somethin' the matter?"
"What's with the tears, Baby Curtis?" Two asks, "Movie gettin' to 'ya?"
It's a horror movie- it's safe to say you're not sniffling over blood and guts.
"No, it's-" You sniffle, letting Sodapop tug you into his side where he's now perched on the lid of the toilet. He slings an arm around your waist and you lean gratefully into his side, thankful for the pressure of a body against yours.
"It's nothing. I don't know." You shrug helplessly, and Two smiles- kindly, not teasingly.
"You've got a condition or somethin'." He decides, traipsing back into the living room, "We oughta turn you in to a doctor, have them diagnose you with some crazy new brain condition. Maybe they could name it after you, kid."
"Yeah, Crybaby Curtis syndrome," Steve snickers, and Soda shouts a halfhearted, 'Be nice!' to his friend despite not being able to see him.
"Lay off, Steve," Johnny groans, and you hear Ponyboy chime in with a fervent, 'Yeah!' that he would have kept to himself had Johnny not led the charge. Despite having the upper hand, Ponyboy still struggles to pick fights with Steve. Usually it's a losing battle.
"Come on, kiddo." Darry urges, and Soda sticks close to your side as you shuffle back into the living room. Dallas doesn't move aside to give you your old seat back where he's stretched out over half of it, but he also doesn't protest when you throw your leg over his own to fit on the cushion.
"You've gotta man up, kid." Dally decides, snatching his cigarette out of his mouth and blowing the smoke into your face, "Can't be burstin' into tears all the time. People are gonna think you're weak."
"I am weak," You concede feebly, wiping at one last tear that streaks down your cheeks, "I don't know why it happens most'uh the time. Just does."
"Some people are just like that." Johnny smiles kindly at you, and you appreciate his sweetness, "We ain't gonna judge you."
"It'll be great for gettin' out of trouble," Sodapop grins mischieviously at you, "Just think, when you're a wild child in high school, and you're comin' home drunk at 2AM, Darry's gonna yell at you. Just flash him those teary eyes of yours and he'll get all soft for 'ya, he'll let you off real easy."
"Hey- Don't you go givin' her any ideas." Darry points a warning finger at Soda, and Ponyboy scoffs, surely jealous at the prospect of your secret weapon.
You share a secret smile with Soda, though, one that's hidden from both of your brothers. Two-Bit catches it and snorts, "Damn, Darry. I'm not itchin' to be you in a few years."
"Well then you'd better start hangin' out at your own house every once in a while," Darry glares at him, "You spend so much time here I'm gonna give you a chore on the chore chart."
"I don't even do chores at my own place," Two-Bit snickers, like the suggestion is the funniest one he's ever heard. He stretches his arm out behind your head, resting it on your far shoulder, "Just call me whenever you're goin' to those parties, Y/N, and I'll get drunker'n you, make you look like a saint in comparison."
"Dally's a saint in comparison to you, Two-Bit," Ponyboy gripes, "Just don't climb through my window expecting me to help you sneak past Darry."
"Now I mean it, boys," Darry snaps, "Don't go givin' her ideas! Conversation over."
Dallas waits all of three seconds before leaning down, tucking his face beside your ear so that he can drawl, "I'll teach you how to sneak past him if you can go without cryin' for a day."
"Deal." You hold out a pinky for him to link with his own, and if anyone else in Tulsa had offered it, they'd have gotten slugged. Instead, Dallas's finger curls around yours, and he shoots you a shit-eating grin, eyes glimmering dangerously, "24 hours, crybaby. Don't let me down."
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softfem-dom · 2 months ago
look at me, I'm sandra dee the outsiders headcanons
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synopsis :
what would happen if Ponyboy Curtis had a twin sister? with her curling iron, checkered dresses, baking recipes and nail polish.. how would the gang deal with a sandy olson bloke?
or headcanons for being the only Curtis' sister.
worcount : 1,4k — masterlist 𝜗𝜚 navigation post
tags/warnings : third person pov, cuss words, canon-violence, typical sexist female steryotipes, 60's view in feminity, the gang (*cough**cough* Dallas and Steve *cough**cough*) bullying her in a friendly manner, the reader is kinda like sandy from grease.
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The whole gang was sitting on the couch of the Curtis' living room, the TV playing Mickey Mouse. It was silent except for the sound of Darry cooking in the kitchen. Or that was until.. "DALLAS WINSTON!!!" your voice boomed across the whole house, just as all the greasers in the living room snapped their heads in the direction of your room Dallas came running through the hall while laughing his ass off. He was holding your curling iron in one of his hands, the cable pretty much flying behind him with how quick he was running. "I don't know no Dallas Winston, princess!" was his yelled out reply before he disappeared into the kitchen. It wasn't even two seconds before they saw you running hot on his trail, half of your hair neatly done and the other still without styling. "hey!" that was Darry's voice. "what the hell are you two gooses doing?!?"
⮞ to say you're shielded would be an understatement.
⮞ ever since you were born, as the only babygirl in the household, both your brothers and your parents have taken care of you.
⮞ yeah, you fought with Ponyboy a lot in your toddler years —especially about your toys, but you all cared for each other.
⮞ and now that you're in the gang, it's like the protectiveness has multiplied enormously.
⮞ as the only girl in the group, you're the designated babysitter for Two-Bit's little sister if he ever has to bring her along. ^you'll both be in your room, doing her hair or painting her nails. ^she adores you.
⮞ the gang bullies you in a friendly way, and I mean that Dallas likes to make fun of your girly things (nail polish, curlers, plushies, etc)
⮞ Darry does all the cooking in the house, but you do the baking.
⮞ Steve loves you.
⮞ like he loves you a lot.
⮞ whenever the gang comes by to hang out at the house, you've baked or are baking something sweet for all of them to eat and he devours your chocolate cake like a fucking animal.
⮞ they all smoke like two packs of cancer sticks a day, but god forbid you ever touch one of those Darry'll cut your hand off.
⮞ you're not allowed to smoke or drink. ^Dallas has sneaked you a few cans of beer sometimes.
⮞ one time Dallas made fun of you for the faces you pulled while putting on mascara and the next second he had Steve and Soda holding him down forcefully as you put mascara on him. ^he was full on kicking and squirming around like the girl in the exorcist and screaming as if you were burning him 💀
⮞ since then he keeps his traps shut about you and your make-up.
⮞ you're actually Johnny's favourite out of the whole gang btw.
⮞ you're calm, and giggly and spend your time doing unharmful and enjoyable things that he'd take over fighting anyday.
⮞ he likes to sit on your bed, reading one of your books, while you curl your hair or put on make-up.
⮞ Ponyboy is your forced and reluctant fashion man that will tell you "yeah, it looks good, like the one before" when you show him an outfit.
⮞ Soda's your biggest hypeman though, he'll actually tell you some pretty good advice on what looks better on you.
⮞ Darry won't admit it, but when you dress in something frilly or pink it gives him nostalgia of when you were a 6 year-old toddler running around on your glittery pink princess dresses.
⮞ We all know Soda is the middle man between Darry and Pony all the time. You, on the other hand, are never taken into account in their discussions.
⮞ Sad but true, they don't really hold your opinions as that important because you "don't know how the world works"
⮞ Steve and Dallas are always teasing you like those annoying gossip aunts in the Christmas dinner asking about a boyfriend.
⮞ they don't know you're staying clear of boys for your eldest brother's sake. Darry really doesn't need the additional stress of you being with some boy he doesn't know that well.
⮞ Anytime Tim comes to the house for whatever he'll give you clothes from his sister or stuff that she's grown out like a specific colour of nail polish or whatever.
⮞ you're not allowed to go to the rumbles, firstly because Ponyboy isn't either due to age and because you're a girl.
⮞ greasers don't pick fights with society girls, but society boys do pick fights with greaser girls.
⮞ you've got a curfew, and Darry will get even more worried than when he did with Pony if you ever get late.
⮞ you've got princess treatment from Soda and Steve whenever you drop by at the gas station to keep them company.
⮞ they tell you to just 'sit there and be pretty' (referring to the counter) whenever one of them has to go attend a customer.
⮞ you've actually, embarassingly so, when you were
younger had a huge crush on Dallas.
⮞ you were 10 and he was the handsome bad boy that tugged on your ponytails, what were you supposed to do?
⮞ he found out three years later, once you no longer where crushing on him, because Two-Bit ran his mouth too much and now he mocks you on it and calls you all kinds of nicknames just for funsies.
⮞ god forbid any of the boys hurts you with an insensitive comment because Darry will knock their teeth out of their mouths without hesitation.
⮞ one time Two-Bit said that your dress looked dumb while he was drunk and Darry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and forced him to apologise to you and tell you that your dress was really pretty.
⮞ talking about dresses and Darry, he always measures that your skirt goes at least two fingers over your knee before letting you go out lol.
⮞ overall they just act like a bunch of overprotective —and idiotic— older brothers.
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softfem-dom© do not repost!!
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listofwhyyouloveher · 2 months ago
can you do a curtis sister imagine (older than pony younger than soda) and she is stunning and all the boys at school are obsessed with her and always talking to her and asking her out and the gang hates it because shes their baby!!
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Summary: The gang sees you get hit on
Warnings: none
Authors note: none
Everything about you exuded beauty, the way you smiled and how you hair fell about your shoulder. You were, perhaps, seen as the prettiest girl in your school, and while you could flaunt it, you preferred being humble about it.
The sun beat down on your face, illuminating your soft lines and plump lips. You peered down the street to watch for oncoming cars, the gang following in stringing clusters behind you.
It was the first week of summer break, and Darry decided to take you all to a small beach village as a nice vacation and because the weather was so nice.
You shielded your eyes from the bright sunlight and crossed the open road to the pier that overlooked the sea. You could hear the waves crash against the rocks and the hoots and holler of the gang. A blond boy stepped up to you, eyes squinted because of the sun. He smiled at you, his freckled cheeks dusted with a pink blush.
"Hello?" You smiled, shining like a pearl.
"Hello," He smiled back, "You from around here?"
Your lips drew back into a thin line, annoyed at the attempt.
"No," You stated plainly, turning back to the sea. The gang filed in behind you, watching the young boy with a mixture of emotions but none, you could sense, we're good.
"Well, I could introduce you to the place," He gestured out to the village and you shook your head.
"Not interested, thank you," You said, and Soda patted your shoulder.
"You sure? I'm pretty well-versed in this area," He smiled again.
"Kid, she said no, beat it," Dallas said, lighting a cancer stick and letting the smoke curl in the sea breeze.
"Yeah man, back off my sister," Sodapop clicked his tongue I'm annoyance.
"Chill man," the boy raised his hands in surrender before walking away.
"This girl gets hit on everywhere we go," Two Bit remarked, lazily looking out over to the sea.
"Yeah, it's really annoying" Ponyboy grumbled. You laughed lightheartedly and continued walking down the pier.
"Hey, if a guy every bothers you like that again, come tell me, alright?" Darry patted your shoulder.
"See, I wouldn't mind getting hit on like Y/n" Steve said, taking off his obnoxious sunglasses that he swore made him "look cool".
"I would," Johnny remarked, walking alongside you.
"I mind when it's my damn sister getting hit on," Sodapop adjusted his hat, the coastal winds ruffling his hair.
"Oh please, it's fine," You shook your head and laughed.
"Seriously, kid, if someone bothers you like that, you come tell us" Two Bit looked you in the eye, his serious face catching slightly off guard.
"Alright" You gave him a soft smile.
"Promise?" Steve nudged You.
"Of course,"
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year ago
Curtis!reader: Yeah, I think people will be pretty happy with my winning phrase: “You just got banged.” Then I point to my bangs.
Darry: Mm, Hun, don’t say “banged.”
Curtis!reader: What’s wrong with “banged?” I banged you. I banged Soda. I banged Pony. I banged the whole gang!
Darry: Oh my god.
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only-lonely-star · 7 months ago
hi! Can you do a Curtis sister imagine (she's older than pony but younger than soda) and the boys are sooo protective over her and scare away any boys who look at her so they think she's never even kissed a guy. Then she's at home alone and thinks the boys won't be home for a while and is making out with a guy in her room when Darry bursts in with the boys and they all lose their minds
୨୧ Not What It Looks Like ୨୧
~ Curtis Brothers (Curtis Sibling Reader)~
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Warnings - Kissing, mild shouting and cursing, mild violence
Summary - You thought you had hours…
Author’s Note - Hii! I won’t be as busy this week so I’ll be sure to finish more requests as the week progresses, so sorry for the wait! Thank you so so much for the request, this one was fun to write, enjoy! 😽🫶🏼
Word Count - 2.4k.
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(Quick A/N || I decided to name the boy’s character ‘Thomas’ just because I find it easier than saying ‘the boy’ a hundred times or something 😭)
The Curtis residence was always a busy place. Whether friends were over, or it was just another chaotic night - there was never a dull moment. Tonight, however, you were declared as '(Wo)Man of the House' by your oldest brother, Darrel. Ponyboy and Sodapop didn't seem to mind lending you the title for the night, you did most of the housekeeping and whatnot anyway.
Ponyboy could be found slicking his hair back, standing in front of the bathroom mirror attempting to look tuff - or so he thought. Sodapop was occupied with Darrel, the pair pacing around the house as they rallied themselves up for the night. They were all going on a ‘guys night out’…whatever that meant. You were standing around, waiting to wave them off for the night.
Ponyboy emerged from the bathroom, a look of excitement in his eye as he approached the others.
“You ready?” Darrel asked, giving him a firm pat on the back, smiling down to him. Ponyboy nodded and hooked his fingers into the belt loops of his jeans, admiring Sodapop who stood beside him.
“Finally, took you ‘bout an hour to grease that hair up,” Sodapop chuckled, gently grazing his fingertips along the swoops of Ponyboy’s hair, combed back to utter perfection.
You let out a small sigh, a knowing grin creeping up on your face. You dismissed it as relief that your three rowdy brothers would give you some alone time. “So, are you guys…leaving…yet?”
Darrel raised an eyebrow, slowly stepping for the door as the other two followed. “Boy, someone sure is sick of us,” he snorted, the doorknob in the palm of his hand.
You sarcastically played along, shoving Sodapop and Ponyboy by the back of their shoulders with a scoff. “Sure am, get out.”
They exchanged small glances, Ponyboy holding up his hands in defense. “We’re goin’, we’re goin’…”
It didn’t take long for the two to file out, Darrel staying behind to have a word with you. He popped his hand on his hip, the other moving a stray strand of hair to rest behind your ear. His eyes met yours, a look of concern etched on his face. “Listen, you know I don’t like leaving you home alone,” he began, sensing your rebuttal a mile away.
“I’ll be fine, you ain’t gotta worry,” you assured him, your voice a rather gentle one. You knew that was the key to fooling him - it always was.
Darrel took your word for it, wrapping up his lecture before it even began. “No boys, no cookin’, no driving,” he spoke with finality, his index finger pointed to you as he reinforced the rules he set since the loss of your parents.
“I know!” you exclaimed, mildly frustrated with how protective he was acting. It would only be a few hours before he, Ponyboy, and Sodapop returned. It wasn’t like you were about to cause a disaster home alone - you’d done this countless times.
Darrel shook his head, wrapping an arm around the small of your back as yours wrapped around his chest. “Be back at eleven,” he murmured, pulling away and stepping outside the front door. You stepped outside as well, your feet kept on the steps as your brothers began to cruise on down the road. Waving them off with a smile, the boys reciprocated before disappearing into the horizon of the night sky.
You leaped for the side of the house, looking around frantically with a giggle of excitement. Your voice echoed, a mix of a whisper yet a beckon. “Thomas! Thomas, where are - …”
A hand grabbed your forearm, the boy hoisting himself up from within the small bushes along the side of your house. “I’m here.”
You leaped into his arms, picking away at small twigs and leaves that had fallen into his messy brown hair. Your legs wrapped around his waist the gentle feeling of your body against his, the boy’s hands holding you up from your hips. You chuckled, feeling the sweat practically dripping from his hair as you pecked his cheek. “How long have you been out here? I told you seven p.m!”
Thomas spun you around a few times before walking towards the front door that still stood wide open. “I left my place around six-forty, got here a minute ago,” he replied softly, carefully setting you down on the soft, beige sofa.
Your arms still yearned for him, even as he took a seat beside you, resting his arm over the top of the couch. He had only love in his eyes, admiring you from head to toe. “So, what’s the verdict?” he posed, grinning down at you, his free hand running through his hair.
“No boys,” you restated, remembering Darrel’s rules with a small sigh of annoyance. You’d gone this far anyway - so what did it matter? “But Darry said he’ll be back ‘round eleven with Soda and Ponyboy.”
Thomas’s grin only widened from there, settling himself into the couch further. “Oh so we got lots of time, hm?”
You tilted your head to the side, a small smile tugging at your lips. “Somethin’ like that,”
This felt a little too risky, sneaking a boy around in the living room of all places. They wouldn’t be home for a few more hours, but it still felt strange. Standing from the sofa, you tugged on Thomas’s wrist. “Let’s go to my room, I don’t feel safe here,” you joked, a small shake of your head as you glanced to the unlocked door. Thomas was more than happy to oblige, following you to your very empty yet feminine bedroom.
“So this is the little hide-out, huh?” he spoke teasingly as he glanced around, taking in the sight of clothes everywhere and a small vanity pushed to the corner of the room, across from your bed. He shut the door behind him, hesitating on whether to lock it or not. You sat down on the edge of the pink, ruffled bedding, clutching a pillow into your arms tightly.
“I guess it is,” you smiled softly, his charming gaze reeling you right in to where he wanted you. He stood in front of you, his hand moving to cup your jaw. You didn’t mind the touch of course, you were addicted to any touch from him.
Thomas removed his hand before sitting on the bed beside you, reaching out for the pillow. You reluctantly let go of it, knowing Thomas was about to make a bold move of some sort. You two were alone and absolutely infatuated with each other. He set the pillow aside, pressing his hand to your waist as he leaned his head closer to yours. “You’re beautiful,” he grinned, closing the distance between the two of you as his lips met yours.
Your eyes darted shut, one hand holding you propped up, the other resting atop his shoulder. This was no short peck, this was a deep and almost passionate kiss. You obviously reciprocated, the situation of being home alone too good to go to waste. You doubled his passion and added force to your kisses. Thinking fast, Thomas began to lean back as his head rested against the mattress. His hand found your waist, pulling your body flush against his. Thomas could feel your grin against his lips, his other hand moving to keep your jaw in his palm, ensuring your kisses didn’t stop any time soon. You pulled away panting, your smile never once faltering. “I think we should stop, I hear a car…” you began to say, a car door shutting nearby. The sound was eerily close - but then again your brothers weren’t scheduled to be home for a few hours.
Thomas gave a firm head shake, pulling your jaw closer. “Nope, it hasn’t even been an hour,” he reminded you, locking his lips onto yours once more.
You weren’t about to turn him down, so you did as told and continued, your head moving up and down with slight movements. Thomas’s tongue slipped in between your lips, the sensation was both new and a bit alarming. A small groan left your now parted lips, running your hand through his hair.
The sound of shuffling feet outside your bedroom door should’ve been a dead giveaway to stop - but your mind was cloudy and only focused on Thomas. It was far too late to stop now, even as the doorknob turned and you were aware someone was home, you didn’t have the time to stop.
“I forgot to bring my w-…” Darrel began, the door opening in a swift movement as he stood in the doorway absolutely baffled. His knuckles were now white as he squeezed onto the brown leather wallet in the palm of his hand. His instincts led him to toss the wallet with all of the force he could muster, landing directly on the boy you were laid atop of.
You pulled away in an instant, a small trail of shared saliva being wiped away using the back of your hand as the soft groans came to an immediate halt.
Your other brothers, Ponyboy and Sodapop, stood behind Darrel with displeased looks. “Come on, it doesn’t take this long to -…” Sodapop was quickly hushed as he too caught sight of scene.
Darrel stomped forward, his hands shaking with anger as he shouted at Thomas - the boy unbeknownst to their early arrival. “Get the hell out, the fuck are you doing with my little sister-?!” he shouted, his fists unraveling themselves to tug at Thomas’s shirt, stretching it out as he yanked him closer for answers.
You had never heard Darrel shout like that ever. You sprinted off the bed and stood in the opposite corner of the room as you watched Thomas nearly get a beating for the kiss.
Sodapop caught you off guard, his hand firmly grasping your bicep as his eyes bore into yours. “Who’s this boy?” he asked, his tone filled with utter disappointment - but at least it wasn’t anger like Darrel’s.
“It’s not what it looks like - Thomas and I just…” you began sheepishly, your eyes unable to make eye contact with him out of guilt.
Your eyes flickered over to Darrel briefly, watching him holler like you’d never seen before. Thomas nodded his head along vigorously, his eyes wide with fear as he desperately tried to free himself from Darrel’s grasp. Ponyby’s annoyed voice snapped you out of it, your attention directed towards him. “That boy from school? Really?”
Sodapop spoke up again, shoving your shoulder slightly as his expression held a stern look. “It don’t matter where he’s from, you know you ain’t allowed to have boys over.”
You glanced between Sodapop and Darrel, watching as he had to drag Thomas out of your bedroom, the yelling not yet ending. You swallowed the guilt down and nervously chewed the inside of your cheek. “I’m sorry~” you began, your hands fidgeting as you thought about the hour long lecture you’d receive from Darrel.
Sodapop began mumbling words of annoyance under his breath at the newfound information you’d had some secret boyfriend going on. None of your brothers ever would have expected such a thing from you - hell, the last thing they would suspect from you was to be caught kissing some boy while they were gone. “Can’t trust her… we just can’t…” he mumbled to Ponyboy who looked equally as pissed.
Moments later, Darrel had his jaw still clenched with Thomas now long gone. He made his way to you with his fists balled up and resting by his sides. “You’ve got explaining to do,” he grumbled, his voice thick with anger. You’d betrayed his trust, Sodapop’s, and even Ponyboy’s.
Exhaling deeply, you took a step back, your hand trembling in fear. “I just thought -…” your voice was interrupted by Darrel’s.
“It would be fun to sneak a boy around? Behind our backs? Especially after I said no boys?” His arms crossed as his stern gaze seemed to deepen further.
You didn’t reply, you stood there matching his stance only yours was out of shame. You knew you were going against their set rules.
Darrel shook his head as he let out a sigh he’d been holding in for way too long. “We just wanna protect you, that’s all. That’s all I want,” he said in a somehow gentle tone, wrapping an arm around your back, the other gesturing for a group hug.
Sodapop and Ponyboy circled around you, hugging you tightly. It felt as if the mood had lightened a bit now that Thomas was gone and you were back in the protective arms of your brothers. Sodapop nuzzled his forehead against the top of your head, chuckling softly. “So you’ve had some boyfriend all along?”
Darrel stiffened but held back from lashing out yet again. Ponyboy grimaced and swatted your back with a teasing snort. “Him of all people too?”
You broke the hug off, having to pry off their arms as you finally cracked a sheepish smile. “Not anymore - I think Darry traumatized that poor guy,” you giggled, the guilt subsiding to a feeling of amusement. Sure it was a messy way to break the ice with your brothers - but it was bound to happen eventually.
Darrel gave your back a firm pat, Ponyboy and Sodapop stepping for the door to your bedroom, snickering and cracking jokes. “I forgot my wallet, I came back and thought I’d check on you,” he explained, picking up the wallet he used on Thomas.
You winced at the memory of it hitting him upside the head, the shock initially hitting you as you scrambled off of him. “I was wondering why you came so early…” you remarked playfully.
“I know why you were tryin’ to kick us out so bad now,” Darrel shot back, an equal amount of sarcasm laced in his voice. He shoved the leather wallet back into his pocket.
He stepped for the door to your bedroom once more, glancing back at you. “No boys. Ever.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, stepping closer to him to argue on the topic. Darrel was already down the hallway as you chased him down. “You said when i’m eighteen - …”
Darrel cracked open the front door with a head shake. “Eighteen, but I better not catch you and *Thomas* again,” he huffed, hopping down the stairs, his feet on the white cement, “or any boy for that matter.”
You sighed and waved him off for a second time, this time with the intention of following the rules. You vowed you’d never risk something like that again. “Eighteen!”
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thewulf · 1 year ago
Peachy Girl || Steve Randle
Summary: Request - Could you please do a Steve Randle x Curtis Sister! Reader where the two of them are really close and Steve is really protective of her and helps her out a lot?... Read Rest Here
A/N: Thank you so much for the request anon. This one is so soft and sweet :)
Pairing: Steve Randle x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.2k +
TW: crying, anxiety, sadness, hints of depression
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Ever since your parents had passed those months ago you’d felt like you were drifting further and further into invisibility in your own home. It was never easy being the second middle child, right between the dazzling Sodapop and the book smart Ponyboy. You were kind of always just there. You’d made up for you lack of being special in anything by being kinder than anybody around you. There was always a smile on your face no matter the occasion. It took the passing of the most important people in your life to dim it.
But you had to put on a show for your brothers. They were already going through so much on their own. Darry had to step up and become a father in a matter of moments for his grieving siblings, he might not have even grieved himself. Sodapop was navigating falling in love while figuring out the loss. The moment he could he dropped out of school to start working at that gas station down the road with Steve.
Steve Randle, Soda’s very best friend. Steve had been a part of the Curtis household for as long as you had remembered. He was always just there. He was always your favorite of the greasers. You’d always found it so easy to talk to him, vent to him. He’d always been soft on you too. Little did you know of his growing crush on you that Soda was, very unfortunately, sworn to secrecy. Even though Sodapop assured him all of the boys would support it. Soda maybe wasn’t the most book smart, but he certainly wasn’t dumb either. Soda just knew when he’d lost his best friend to his sister. Not that he minded. He always knew there was something deeper there that neither of you wanted to see. Not until Soda caught Steve staring off at her a few too many times. Steve couldn’t deny the growing feelings he felt for you.
Then there was Ponyboy. Pony. The baby of the family. The brainiac child who was going to get the hell out Tulsa. He was always destined for so much more than the greaser life he was born into. You never felt like you didn’t belong with them you just felt like they didn’t know you or care to know you. They just assumed you were fine. You had a smile on your face always.
When your parents passed everything went to straight to the depths hell. You had to figure it out on your own as Pony spiraled quickly. His usual A grades were slipping to C’s. He just didn’t seem to care anymore. He and Darry got into nothing but arguments every night. At first you’d tried to mediate, but you’d grown tired of being ignored by the two of them as you tried to calm down the blowouts. So, you just let it happen. Then that dreadful night happened. Johnny killed a soc and Pony ran away with him. For five dreadful days you mustered up the strength to be the rock you brothers needed as they were in a state you’d never seen before. You were just as panicked as they were, you just couldn’t show it. Then he came home, a hero. The entire ordeal was nothing less than horrific for you, but it didn’t matter, no. Ponyboy needed them, you even. You had to be the big sister he could lean on now.
You had been so wrapped up in your own thoughts you hadn’t heard the front doors usual squeak when it opened and closed. No, you were just staring at the pages of homework sitting at the kitchen table in front of you. You hadn’t even heard the footsteps of the man you could probably call your own best friend if Soda hadn’t claimed him so fiercely.
“Hey Peach.” Steve’s usual demanding voice had downturned into something softer, “You doin’ alright? Where’s everyone?” Your eyes flicked up to meet his smiling gaze looking down at you. You’d grown close to Steve, especially after your parents had passed.
Steve had started calling you Peach after you went through a phase one summer where you discovered your love for the fruit. You wanted peach everything. Steve found it far cuter than he should have. He was fifteen at the time and you were fourteen. It was then that he knew his feelings were changing for the younger Curtis sister. You also loved baking, so Steve became your designated taste tester after your family was tired of trying peach flavored treats. He couldn’t stand the look of disappointment on your face when somebody turned down what you baked. That’s why he made sure to take at least one of everything each time you offered.
He didn’t miss the way you jumped. His sudden presence in the oddly quiet house surprising you, “Hi Stevie.” Giving him your best smile that surely didn’t fool him of your sullen mood as you nodded your head along trying to convince yourself more than him, “I’m okay. Just struggling through some homework. Pony’s at his afterschool tutoring thing. Soda’s down at the DX and Darry’s still at work. Said it’d be a late night. His crew took on another job.”
Steve nodded as he sat down next to you grabbing for your pre-calculus homework you’d all but zoned out on, “You’re the smartest gal I know, Peach.” He grinned reading over the problems you hadn’t even tried starting. It was only two years ago he’d been in the same class, and he’d remembered a little of it so an offer of help would likely not do too much to actually help.
A sigh left your lips, “Don’t feel so smart right now Stevie.” Defeat was evident in your tone. You were overtired. Exhausted and not quite sure how you were going to continue on faking something that was breaking you apart. You felt like a burden on the family, on Darry. Useless and just another mouth to feed. At least Soda was bringing in money and Pony had some promise.
Steve was silent as he studied you. He watched as you grabbed for your homework back. Your eyes stayed trained on the homework. Your eyes strained as you wrote something down before quickly erasing it. He’d watched you for a few minutes as you struggled through whatever was going on in your head. Something was going on and he was going to get to the bottom of it. It was becoming clear he was a safe space for you to open up.
He placed his hand down on the table next to yours, “Hey Curtis, what’s going on?” His voice was kinder than you’d ever heard from him which only made it harder to hold back the building tears behind your eyes. Why were you about to cry anyway? It made you feel weak as you pushed your hands in your eyes trying to push them away.
He watched with worry as you seemed to crumble at his words and under his gaze. He’d never, in the nearly twelve years of knowing you, seen you act so off from your usual self. He knew you were holding back from him and that certainly wasn’t like you. It’d only take a little bit of word to get the truth out of your lips and he knew it.
But to his surprise you actually gave him an answer he could understand, “I’m just… tired.” You trailed off before continuing, letting it out. Steve had become sort of a safe space for you after your life was thrust into chaos, “I’m not important Stevie. Not smart like Pony so what’s the point of trying in school? Not beautiful and charming like Soda. I have the personality of a scared mouse compared to him. And I’m certainly not strong like Darry. Who else could do what he's dealing with right now. I’m invisible and useless and…”
Steve had to stop you. The words coming out of your own mouth were upsetting him far more than you realized, “You can’t say things like that, Peach.”
“But it’s true.” He saw the way you blinked slowly trying to stop the incoming tears that seemed inevitable at this point.
Steve couldn’t stand the sight of you. Not having a clue how to comfort not only his friend but the girl he’d always loved but just recently realized it. He decided to grab for your hand. Once he had it he ran his thumb in gentle circles on the back of it. He wasn’t a man for many words most of the time, but you needed his words now, “Your brothers are those things, you’re right Peach. But you’re also the kindest greaser I’ve ever met. When nobody stopped to help that little kid last week you didn’t think twice to help him and stop the bleeding from his scraped knees. You changed that kids day for the better when nobody bothered to stop.”
He smiled seeing the blush rising to your cheeks at his small praise. He had to continue on knowing that the kind words were actually working, “The best damn baker too.  The guys always talk about how good your treats are. Shit, after the rumble they all but demanded some cupcakes from Miss Curtis. You’re a sunshine, Peach. You’re my sunshine, Y/N. So please, don’t say those things. You’re so important. Important to so many people. To me.”
Not being able to hold back the tears after the sweetest words from him you just let them fall. Before you could brush them away you felt his hands wiping them away for you. Not even you could deny the way your heart started racing at the intimate touch of his hands on your cheeks. You loved him and you didn’t have a clue how to say it. He made you feel the safest and most secure out of the greasers. Not even Pony could make you feel so loved, cherished, and adored.
After a moment of your sniffles and tears he decided to do something he’s never done with you before. But then again, he’d genuinely only seen you cry after your parents had died. You weren’t a crier and him seeing you with so many was distressing him. He stood up, took your hand, and gently led you to the living room. Without saying a word, he pulled you down with him as he sat down on the couch. In his boldest move he wrapped his arms right around your waist and pulled you into him. It startled you but it felt oddly… right. There wasn’t a hint of either of you being uncomfortable as you laid your head on his shoulder. Steve let his hand rest just under your hip.
“You hear me Peachy girl?” He whispered while using his other hand to gently run his hands through your hair.
You could have sworn your heart literally fluttered at the way he changed your nickname. Softer and sweeter. A side of Steve Randle that only you would see. He had his issues, but they were never directed at you. You’d never felt safer than when you were with him.
A soft nod came from you, “I hear you. Thank you Stevie. For everything. You’re always there for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” If you weren’t so cried out from the earlier tears you were sure the emotions would be too much for you right now. Steve was quite literally holding you in his arms. You didn’t want to think too much into it, but it felt like things were about to change between the two of you.
You felt your eyes grow heavy as a yawn escaped your lips. He had no idea how soothing this was for you. Exactly and everything that you needed. Only he could know that. He knew you better than your brothers that lived with you.
“It’s a good thing you’ll never have to do that then, yeah?” He asked more so reassuring your thoughts
He smiled seeing the tension leaving you, your eyes drooping heavily. It wasn’t what he had planned but he relished at the thought of you falling asleep on him. Quicker than he thought he heart your breaths even out. He continued to run his hand through your hair not wanting to break the peace you’d finally found.
He had no idea how long the two of you sat there before the front door opened up once more. Thankfully it was just Soda who walked in with the usual grease smeared across his face.
“What’s this?” Sodapop grinned as he spotted your sleeping head on Steve’s shoulder, “This where you went this afternoon? Flirting with my kid sister?” His smile let Steve know he was more than okay with the arrangement.
“Oh, get outta here Soda. You’ve been pushing this for years anyway. And quiet down. She needs the sleep. I gotta talk to you and Darry bout her.” His softened stature had hardened right back up in the presence of Sodapop.
Soda set his bag down before walking over to the couch. Even Soda had to admit how painstakingly cute the two of you looked together. The Curtis brother wasn’t sure of much, but he was sure of this. He knew you could jump headfirst in and come out the other side squeaky clean. He knew how deeply Steve had loved and cared for you. He just knew the two of you were meant to be together. There were these things in life that just made sense and the two of you together were one of them.
“What about?” Soda asked not missing the way his hand was wrapped around her.
“Later, I already said be quiet. She's sleeping."
Soda smirked, “Alright grumpy. Already protecting her.”
Steve rolled his eyes while flipping his best friend off, “Always.” A nod of appreciation left Soda before he made his way to his room letting the two of you have whatever it was going on. He knew you’d try and fight it for a while, but he was also sure you’d give in. You were already so soft on Steve, it just made sense.
“Sleep well, Peachy girl.” Steve whispered not minding that he had nothing to do but simply hold you. He’d prayed for days like these and here it was. You might actually want what he did and for the first time in a while he had hope that this could actually work out.
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supernova41st · 8 months ago
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Bsf: Y/n, I need to confess something..
Curtis sis!Reader: Yeah what’s up?
Bsf: I have a crush on your brother pony..
Curtis sis!Reader: 😟
Bsf: ..any thoughts??
Curtis sis!Reader: And prayers, you’re going to need them
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intrstellarhearts · 2 years ago
the tuffest chick in tulsa - the outsiders x curtis sister!reader
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fandom: the outsiders
type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1094
request: yes / no  
characters: reader, darry curtis, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, dallas winston, johnny cade, two-bit mathews, steve randle
original request: do you mind doing the outsiders crew with a curtis sister!reader where she’s older than ponyboy but younger than soda. basically, the reader is short and the gang (except her brothers) don’t expect her to be very strong but in reality she’s really strong and does roller derby, baseball, wrestling, etc. just a little scenario or headcanons of the boy’s reactions to being shown up by a 15 yo :)
a/n: ty for this request!! i forgot how much i loved writing for the outsiders lol. just wanted to say that requests are super helpful, bc i often have writer’s block lmao. just send me an ask & i’ll write it!! (rn i have a lot of motivation to write for the outsiders, dead poets society and house md!!) again, these could be scenarios or headcanons, and can include the reader or not! the only rule i have is no nsfw :)
taglist: none right now for the outsiders!! (message me or send me an ask if you’d like to be included!!)
“alright, c’mon ace! you can do it … go go go!!”
you bit back a smile at the loud cheers coming from your brother sodapop. a quick glance told you that he was right there, next to the dugout, with your other brother, ponyboy. you wondered if maybe darry got off of work in time to see you, but the quick call of the umpire quickly snapped your attention back to the task at hand. the sun was beating down on that hot april afternoon, and a bead of sweat came down your forehead. you adjusted your stance on home base, making sure your grip on the bat was tight. the game was tied, and you it was up to you to win. then the pitcher made his move, and there you were, swinging your bat. 
“y/n! run! c’mon!!” 
you were running alright. and now you ran even faster, having heard darry’s voice cheering you on. this was where you belonged, on the diamond. you could see the other team scramble for the ball, your own teammates cheering as you rounded the bases easily. one of the outfielders tried to throw the ball to the boy on third base, but it wasn’t going to phase you. gritting your teeth, you had an explosion of speed, and slid onto home base just in time. your teammates erupted into cheers as the game ended. you took off your helmet, a big grin taking over your face. you nodded to your brothers, and went over to get a drink of water.
you teammates were there to congratulate you, slapping you on the back and mussing up your hair. as the only girl on your school’s baseball team, you had quickly shown the boys that you were nothing to be messed with. growing up with three brothers, as well as the pseudo-brothers in your gang, you were way tougher than anyone thought. although, many of the boys in your gang still thought of you as fragile and delicate, despite years of showing them otherwise.
“aw, y/n, that was an AMAZING game!!” came the excited yell of your brother ponyboy as he bounded over to you, followed close behind by ponyboy and darry. 
“thanks, soda.” you said, and you couldn’t hide a smile. you took a hand to your cheek, trying to wipe some of the grease paint off. 
“here, use this.” darry said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a couple tissues. one glace at him told you that he had come straight from work. he looked tired, but happy. “good job, kid. now give me that bat. we need somethin’ to eat.”
“how about the dingo?” you asked, handing darry the bat and your helmet, then taking a swig of water.
“aw, y/n, i don’t wanna go to the dingo.” ponyboy said, shaking his head.
“did you hit the winnin’ run today, pony?” you grinned, nudging your younger brother. “i didn’t think so!!” you, darry, and soda began to walk away, towards the road that would get you to the diner. ponyboy hung his head, kicking the dirt on the diamond, but he followed the three of you after a moment. 
the dingo wasn’t exactly the BEST place to hang out, but they could make a damn good milkshake and fries. plus, without steve there, you would finally be able to have food to yourself, instead of him stealing it all the time! it was a short walk from the diamond -- only about ten minutes. however, as you got closer, a familiar truck in the parking lot caught your eye.
“oh n-” you started, but they were already runnin’ towards you. of course the gang was here. of course. in the blink of an eye, two-bit and steve had already tackled soda and pony, and dally and johnny came over to you.
“how come your forehead has that bruise, shortcake?” dally said, leaning in to check it out. you had almost forgotten about it yourself, since it had happened earlier in the week.
“oh, nothin’, dal.”
“doesn’t look like nothin’.” johnny muttered, brow drawn with concern.
“aw, tell ‘em, y/n. it’s a good story!!” pony spoke loudly, dusting himself off as he got up, finally. you shifted your weight, suddenly seeming a bit less confident than usual.
“lemme guess.” two-bit started, and you turned to face him, an amused smile on your face. “you probably slipped or somethin’.”
“aw, lay off two. she ain’t that bad on her feet!!” steve said, punching him in the arm. the gang turned towards you expectantly, pony flashing a huge grin.
“well, i had a baseball game. not the one from today, it was a couple days ago. this guy on the other team started callin’ me names. y’know, stupid stuff. i didn’t think it would bother me. well, the ump started to tell me to shut up, all i was sayin’ was for him to stop!”
“and then what’d ya say?” johnny asked, completely invested.
“so then i get to third base. i decide not to go to home, ‘cause that would be too close of a call, y’know? so i’m on third base, and this jackass…” you quickly fixed your words after a stern look from darry. “this… guy thinks he’s all tough or somethin’. i try to go and run, but he trips me! i fell and hit my head and everything. the ump didn’t catch it, so i got up. he’s laughin’ so hard, and all i’m thinkin’ is that i wish he would shut up. so then i punched him.”
steve did a double take at that, and your smile grew. 
“that shut him up pretty quickly.”
“shut him up?” pony began, excitement boiling over. “shut him up??? he was about to cry!”
“yeah!” soda agreed, illustrating by mocking the bully’s crying. “just like this. he ran off to the umpire, who totally called him on his problems.”
“hey, good for you, kid.” dallas spoke, nodding approvingly.
“wow.” johnny remarked, nodding as well.
“i didn’t even think you had it in you!!” steve spoke, messing up your hair. you made a fist to him, and he flinched. 
“yeah, you better watch it randle!!” darry cleared his throat, and you put it down. “sorry.”
“maybe you should be our bodyguard from now on!” two-bit remarked, throwing an arm around your neck as you all made your way to the entrance of the dingo. “y/n curtis, the tuffest chick in tulsa!"
"and don't you forget it!" you remarked, grinning from ear to ear.
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grlsinterrupted · 5 months ago
hi can you do dally with Curtis sister reader (in between soda and pony's age) and their relationship is a secret because her brothers would lose their minds but Dal only has good intentions and is completely enamored by her. He sneaks into her room at night and the next morning when Darry goes to wake her up he flips out seeing Dallas Winston in his baby sister's bed and that causes Soda and pony to come in and freak out too
i’ll keep you my dirty little secret ✮⋆˙
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secret relationship with dally | dallas winston x curtis ! reader ˚ 𖦹⋆。˚
dallas winston, a name notorious even within his own gang. though your brothers were close friends with him, they never failed to remind you to stay cautious around him— god knows what he’d do to a girl like you. dallas has always been dubbed ‘the mean one’, ‘the dangerous one’, ‘the one that had nothing ahead of him.’ in the words of your younger brother, pony, ‘he had been arrested, he got drunk, he rode in rodeos, lied, cheated, rolled drunks, jumped small kids— he did everything.’
despite the number of people that warned you about dallas, there was something so irresistible about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. his subtle, yet flirtatious comments, were enough to turn you into a tomato-red mess. over the course of a few months, the two of you gradually spent more and more time together. from late night drives around tulsa to watching the sunrise— you name it, you and dallas have done it. if there’s one thing you’ve learned about him during your secret little dates, it’s that things are not always as they seem. dally isn’t as ‘rough’ as you thought he was, and it would be a lot harder explaining your relationship to your brothers than you thought it’d be.
the clouds outside your window are enveloping the night sky, twinkling stars peeking through the moonlight. despite how loud soda’s snoring gets, you’ve learned to tune it out by distracting yourself with a book. your nose is stuffed into little women, the book that dally recommended to you a few nights prior (and admittedly cried to while reading; his tear stains have literally seeped into the pages.) just as you were beginning to fall asleep, the sound knocking on your window startled you into wakefulness. who could be outside at this hour?
you pull your blanket off, scurrying around the room for something you can use for defense. after all those horror movies you’ve watched where the killer breaks into the victim’s house, you’d think you had at least some sort of knife or a pair of scissors you could use to protect yourself. but for now, that can of hairspray on your vanity will have to do— maybe you could spray your killer’s eyes and blind him?
as you make your way towards the window, the hairspray can in your hand, a familiarly gruff voice begins to utter something. “open up, doll! you’ve got me all romeo and juliet-ing right now!”
you let out a sigh of relief, sliding open the window. thank god it was just dallas, but what was he doing at your window while everyone else is asleep?
“you scared me, you know? i could’ve-“ you look down at your can of hairspray, then set it onto your window sill. “i could’ve sprayed you with that, and then your face would be stuck forever!”
“what, you don’t like my handsome face?” he smirks. it’s that stupid, cocky smirk that he always does, and he looks damn handsome doing it.
you roll your eyes at his remark, sliding the window back down. “just get in bed, you must be cold from standing out there.”
dallas’ eyes dart around your room, taking a moment to observe all of his surroundings. compared to all of the feminine aspects in your room, he sticks out like a sore thumb, practically drowning in a pool of lace and pearls. he then takes a seat on the edge of your bed, rubbing his hand along your floral sheets as he picks out a teddy bear from your collection of stuffed animals lined up against your bed.
“what’s with all these, uh.. stuffed animals?” he holds up your favorite out all the stuffed animals, ruffling the top of its head.
you take the teddy bear, putting it back in its original position. “i guess i never really got rid of them,” you shrug. “we need to get some sleep.”
“we?” he raises a brow.
you slide into your bed, lifting up the blanket for him. “yes, we. aren’t you tired?”
“i guess.” dallas slips into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you as he takes in your scent. though he’ll never admit it, he’s always loved the way you smelt like freshly baked cookies— it brings a soft of comfort to him that he never received. your scent reminds him of a warm bonfire, the sound of crackling overlapping with laughter. to him, you are the home he never had, the love he never knew existed in such a cold heart like his. you were his solace.
his hand moved up to your shoulder, gently running his fingers through your hair and twirling a strand. his touch was soothing against your skin, careful to not accidentally wake you. soon enough, both of you were asleep, safe and sound.
the next morning, you’re awoken by a loud, screeching noise, but much to your surprise, it isn’t your alarm. your eldest brother, darry, is furiously shaking you and dallas awake.
you groggily wipe your eyes, taking a glance at dally, then looking up at darry. “it’s 8 in the morning, and why do you care that he’s sleeping with me?!”
“i care because it’s dallas we’re talking about, god dammit! get him out of your bed!” darry flips over the blanket, shaking him awake.
the sound of darry’s yelling echoes throughout the house and eventually wakes up pony and soda. the two of them rush into your room, and as soon as they realize that dallas is beside you in your bed, their mouths are left agape.
“holy shit, y/n! you’ve been hanging around with dal this whole time?” soda huffs out a chuckle, too stunned to even be angry at you.
pony rubs his temples, shaking his head. “you guys are gross.”
dallas sits up, groaning and putting his hands up as if he’s surrendering. “okay, we were sleepin’ together, big deal!” he sighs. “just- look, darry, i ain’t mean to make you upset or whatever! ”
darry lets out a rough exhale, taking a step back from the two of you. he motions for pony and soda to leave with a death glare, then looks back at you as they’re making their way back to their room.
“you know what, i’m not dealing with this right now. we’ll sort everything out by the evening, got it?”
the two of you nod, exchanging satisfied grins. maybe by the evening, your brothers will come to their senses and realize that dallas isn’t really that ‘mean’ or ‘violent’ guy they perceive him to be, but someone with so much love in his heart that’s hidden underneath a façade.
’i’ll keep you my dirty little secret.. ’ .ᐟ ₊˚⊹♡
⊹ side note : i’m so sorry this took so long! it usually doesn’t take me more than a week to finish a fic, but i’ve had a lot to do and this fic is a bit lengthier than my others
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augiewrites · 1 year ago
"boundaries" - dallas winston
summary: dallas carries y/n to bed
pairing: dallas winston x curtis sister!reader
word count: 478
a/n: idk if this is a dead fandom but at least three times a year i remember that the outsiders exists and become obsessed again lol
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Y/N hadn’t been sleeping well lately, so when she fell asleep on the couch Darry couldn’t bring himself to risk waking her up. The most he dared to do was drape a blanket over his sleeping sister before retreating to his bedroom for the night.
Dallas, however, didn’t give a shit.
He needed somewhere to sleep, and she was in his designated spot.
Dally had just lifted Y/N into his arms when her eyelids fluttered open, still weighed down by sleep.
“No—shut up and go back to sleep.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open at Dally’s unexpected voice and briefly registered him carrying her across the living room.
“Where we goin’?” Y/N’s voice came out in a mumble as her eyes fell shut again.
“Bed. Need a place to crash tonight.”
“And you chose my room? Gonna be a tight fit.”
Glory, she’s annoying even when she’s barely conscious, Dally thought, but he was too tired to be his usual combative self.
The hallway was dark, but he could see the shimmer of her eyes looking up at him from the void. He never liked the way she looked at him—there was too much hope, too much recognition, too much of an implication that she knew something he didn’t.
Dallas wasn’t exactly known for being respectful, but Darry’s acceptance of him meant a lot more to him than he would ever be willing to admit—even to himself. So, despite becoming quite fond of Y/N, he kept his distance. If there was one thing Dallas loved to do, it was to test the boundaries of every relationship he’s ever had, both friendly and romantic.
This was one boundary Dallas had reservations about crossing.
“Do you hate me, Dallas?” There was a softness in Y/N’s voice that was rare to hear coming from the girl.
Dallas paused in the threshold of Y/N’s bedroom and dared a glance down into her eyes, but quickly snapped out of it and kept moving across the room to her small bed.
“No, stupid.” He unceremoniously dropped her on the bed and turned to move out of the room, but he was stopped by her calling out to him.
“You not gonna tuck me in, Winston?”
He threw a glance over his shoulder and was met with the knowing glint in her eyes that he was ever-growing uneasy of.
Catching himself, he snapped back into character, scoffing and throwing a stupid plush dog at her head. He remembered the gang’s trip to the state fair a few years back, remembered how excited she was when Soda won it for her after seven tries at the ring toss, and he remembered her shoving it in his face while teasing that the K-9 unit was coming for his sorry ass.
“Go to bed.”
The door closed behind him with a solid thud.
Stupid girl.
i'm trying to get back in the writing groove but i'm so uninspired lol—feedback is appreciated as usual :)
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winstonsns · 8 months ago
i read your cuteness aggression for the curtis!reader and i’m in love! can you maybe do preferences with a curtis!reader who’s a year younger than pony? thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! ☺️
the gang and 13 year old curtis!reader (request)
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pairings: ponyboy x reader, johnny x reader, soda x reader, darry x reader, dally x reader, two-bit x reader, steve x reader
warnings: cussing
authors note: this is strictly platonic guys!! i feel like i’ve been falling off lately LMAO. i hope u guys enjoy though 💗
word count: 1.0k
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the two of you are the closest in the gang, being the closest in age and him being a protective older brother to you
he doesn’t always feel the closest to his siblings because him and darry are always arguing, soda’s in the middle and doesn’t interfere anymore
but you’re always one to comfort pony after he gets into a heated argument with his oldest brother
he helps you with homework a lot since you’re not far behind him, he helps you study and get super high grades so darry isn’t on your ass for shitty grades
pony also reads you books when you’re stressed, it’s also just something he enjoys doing in your presence
quality time means a lot to him because his brothers are never home, he’ll read a magazine or do homework in a room with you, it gives him a sense of safety
the two of you aren’t exactly the closest in age but you talk to each other about everything
you and johnny hang out at the lot and sometimes fall asleep there, when you wake up, you direct him to your house so he can sleep there too
sometimes he’ll give you little gifts for fun, remembers a lot of things you tell him
if you talk about a book or item you want once, he’ll get it as soon as he can
he really appreciates your friendship and will do anything to keep it and strengthen it
probably let’s you borrow his switchblade even though he always has it on him, has backups too
he’s the most annoying but loving brother to you, always asking you if you have a partner yet and teasing you if you do
“ooooh.. who were you hangin’ out with today, y/n? you like them?”
“soda, i’ve been friends with them for years!”
“yeah, but do you like them?”
he’s the embodiment of the trend ‘i know love is real because (name) is real and they are full of it’
soda makes sure you have a lot of attention and love, doesn’t necessarily try to replace your parents but is somewhat nurturing to you
he doesn’t rant to you often because he knows it can be overwhelming, you’re just a kid, as he puts it and shouldn’t be dealing with others problems
sometimes he’ll take you to the DX after school so you can gossip and you can learn about working
darry’s your eldest brother and is extremely protective of you, always checks up on you and asking about your day
he has the same expectations for you and ponyboy, he checks over your homework but is calmer with you
he wants you to be with some sort of guardian wherever you go, even if you’re walking down the street for fun
he knows it’s not the safest for you to be alone, especially at night
because he doesn’t have the best relationship with his brothers, he makes cake with you more often than he does with the others
he does not let you participate in rumbles, he says it’s way too dangerous for you to fight
he fucking hates kids so it’s a surprise he enjoys your presence
you remind him a bit of himself, you’re a bit of an ‘outcast in the outcasts’ because you’re the youngest and told you can’t do anything
so dally teaches you how to live in case you ever get put on the streets, teaches you what to do in the worst case scenarios
he’s hard on you though, it’s tough love and he can get really frustrated if you get hurt or in trouble because he’s taught you how to protect yourself
steals random stuff for you, most of the time it’s candy or random sweets like popcorn from the drive in, sometimes it’s a drink
you remind him of his younger sister, he feels obligated to protect you in some way
most of the time, soda and darry are working so they aren’t home most of the time, pony’s hanging out with johnny so keith watches over you
sometimes he calls himself your babysitter because he thinks it’s funny, it’s even better that he knows you’re fully capable of taking care of yourself
he’ll tell you super inappropriate jokes and when darry’s there, he’ll smack him on the back of the head
“two, knock it off. she doesn’t needa hear that stuff!”
“i didn’t even do anything, super—“
he steals stuff for you too, whether it’s something related to your studies or a random item you want for some reason
originally didn’t want to be around you, he doesn’t want to be around ponyboy and you’re with him all the time
but eventually, steve warms up to you and lets you hang out with him and the gang sometimes
he’s actually pretty smart and not many people expect that from him, he helps you with homework even though he can get frustrated at times if you don’t understand
if you’re into cars, expect him to teach you all about them and for him to invite you to the DX
maybe he lets you help him fix some of the cars, of course you won’t get paid money, instead snacks he gives you for free
soda will come up to you in the morning as you’re barely awake, talking to you
“steve said to come to the DX after school, gonna teach you some stuff about cars.”
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ddejavvu · 4 months ago
can I request a drabble or fic about Curtis sister getting bullied?
sigh. writing curtis!sister stuff is so nostalgic and personal to me. inside of me lives a thirteen year old girl who desperately wanted them to be my brothers. this is for little meimei <33
send me requests for the outsiders!
You'd been expecting Steve to pick you up from school, but there must have been a rush at the DX, because it's Two-Bit's creaky old car that chugs along the back street. That's fine too - you could use a laugh after today.
There's a certain level of teasing that you've come to expect because of your social status, but lately some of the older girls around school have made it their personal mission to go above and beyond the standard. Just today they'd begun making fun of the keychain attached to your bookbag- a mickey mouse pendant that had been a gift from Two-Bit himself. Stolen, of course, but not from just any corner store. No, that one had come from a big fancy Disney store, in a big fancy mall hours outside of Tulsa.
He'd been grossly proud of himself when he'd given it to you for your birthday, but according to those older girls, Mickey Mouse was for kids, and that made you one.
You'd tucked it safely into the front pocket of your bag, but Two-Bit notices its absence when you slide into the front seat like there's a neon sign advertising it.
"Hey, kid, where's the keychain?" He nods at your bag, "Did it break off already? Damn Disney, makin' cheap, lousy shit."
"No, it's- it didn't break." You settle into your seat, "I just- took it off."
Two-Bit's hands tighten slightly on the wheel, and he clears his throat, attempting to remain nonchalant.
"Oh. Any reason?"
You think you've hurt his feelings. He's quiet in a way that he usually isn't, and there's no trace of his signature brand of playfulness.
"It's not that I don't like it, Two." You reassure him, reaching over to brace your hand against his leg briefly. He glances at it, throwing you a smile, albeit a wounded one. "I just- I had it on my bag this morning, but then- I dunno, some girls were teasing me about it. I just wanted to avoid trouble."
You'd been attempting to relieve him of any hurt, but now he looks like he wants to hurt the girls you're talking about. He doesn't go to school very often, choosing instead to bum around at your house with a beer and a slice of cake. But you have a sinking feeling that he's going to have perfect attendance from now on, as your personal bodyguard.
"They're pickin' on you?" He asks, glancing over at you from the side of his eye as he tries keeping his focus on the road.
"It's not that bad," You lie, shrugging and reaching into your bag to put your keychain back where it belongs, displayed proudly on your zipper, "They're just high school bullies, Two. Don't worry about it. And don't- don't tell Darry. Please?"
"I don't know, kid." Two-Bit's jaw tightens, shifting as he turns a corner towards the east side of town, "I don't like this. No one should be picking on you. And not to brag, but I know how much you like that keychain. If it's bad enough for you to hide it..."
"It's not that bad, I just- I'm trying to make sure it doesn't get worse. I'm fine," You vow, but there's still a pool of dread in your gut whenever one of the girls' faces flashes in your mind.
"I'm comin' with you tomorrow to school," Two-Bit decides predictably, "And I'm gonna see it for myself, and if they're really layin' into you, I'm rallying the whole gang. Including your brothers. Let us help you, kid."
"No, please-? I don't wanna make it a big deal," You gush, "Two-Bit, everybody's stressed enough. Darry barely has any time to sleep, Soda's worryin' all day about Sandy, Ponyboy's gotta study or Darry'll be on him, just- I don't need to make things worse."
"You aren't makin' anything worse." He frowns, pulling over to the side of the road to turn towards you without the threat of crashing, "Those girls are. Listen, kid. Your brothers care about'cha. We all do. And all of us'd be happy to stick up for you. You know how much fun me 'n Steve would have rippin' into a bunch of mean girls?"
"Don't tell them yet." You insist, but you feel the sincerity of his speech, "Just- wait and see tomorrow. You'll probably scare 'em off anyways."
"I'll wear my best Mickey Mouse shirt," Two promises, his usual shit-eating grin now triumphantly returned to his face as he merges back into the road, "And by that I mean my only one- 'nless you count the old gym shirt my sister drew on."
You're nervous about walking back into school with the Mickey Mouse keychain hanging from your bag once more, but you're flanked by an unknowing Ponyboy on your left and a determined Two-Bit on your right, so you know no harm will come to you. Two-Bit is, in fact, wearing his Mickey shirt beneath his leather jacket, practically a dare for anyone to come and say something to him about you.
You think you're in the clear until the three girls you'd been cornered by the day before spot you, and neither Two-Bit nor Ponyboy notice their expressions, but you feel their gaze on the back of your neck. You're sure your keychain is bouncing around in plain sight from the movement of your stride, but with your two bodyguards around none of them dare to say anything.
Two-Bit drops you off at the door to your first class, raising his eyebrows knowingly but subtle enough that it slips past Ponyboy.
"'Kay. I'll meetcha here after class. Wanna sit with us for lunch, kid?"
You nod, thankful that he phrased it as an invitation so that Pony is none the wiser. In reality, you'd been planning on clinging to Two-Bit's leather jacket the entire lunch period. You're glad you have an excuse to do so, now.
You're lucky enough to have B-track classes today, which puts you in different groups than yesterday's A-track. It means that your only possible encounters with the three girls are in the hallways, but Two-Bit makes it impossible for anyone to pick on you by tailing you to each of your classes.
You think you've made it out alive- hopefully forever, by the end of the school day, and the ride home in Two-Bit's creaky little car feels miles better than it had the day before. Ponyboy's silent in the backseat, but that's usual for him, and you think nothing of it as you enjoy the ice cream that Two-Bit buys for the three of you.
It's when you're home that things really go downhill, sitting quietly around the dinner table when Ponyboy speaks for the first time all night.
"Y/N, why didn't'cha tell us you're getting picked on?" He raises the question quietly, but it's just for show- you know he's irritated, and Darry and Soda both straighten in their seats.
"What?" You feign innocence, digging your fork through the spaghetti on your plate, "What are you talkin' about, Pony?"
"These girls were talkin' about you in my history class." Ponyboy grumbles, and shit, you hadn't even considered the possibility of them sharing a class with your brother. You know he's smart for his age, that he was placed a year ahead of his grade level, but you hadn't connected the dots that they'd be in the same classes.
Darry's focus is on you now, but you know him and Soda are both still waiting for Ponyboy to continue. You avoid all three of their gazes, scrutinizing your spaghetti instead.
"They said they were planning on cornering you today. But they said since Two and I were with 'ya, they couldn't. Why didn't'cha tell us they were bothering you?"
Darry shifts forwards in his seat, more intimidating than he means to be. He's worried, you know that, but that's what you'd been trying to avoid.
"It's nothing serious, Pony." You try placating him, the whole table for that matter, "They're just mean girls. I'm handling it fine, really."
"They were talkin' about cornering you?" Darry finally speaks up, his voice unconsciously booming, "Y/N, I don't think you could've handled yourself then. Now I know you don't like makin' a scene but they could've hurt you. How many of 'em are there?"
"Three." You mumble, "Darry, I- I would've got out of it okay, really! They're real preppy, put-together girls, they probably wouldn't fight. Pro'lly just wanted to call me names or something."
"I don't want someone callin' you names, either." Soda frowns, his own plate forgotten as he focuses on you, "Did you tell a teacher about it?"
"No, it's- it's not that bad! Really, guys, you're overreacting. It's just high school drama. It sounds worse than it is."
"I don't like it." Darry decides, a note of finality in his voice that you're not happy about, "That ain't okay. And you know we'd back you up, kiddo. Pony, Johnny and Steve are there every day, and if you told Two-Bit, I'm sure he'd show up too."
"I did tell Two-Bit," You admit reluctantly, and rush to finish before your brothers get offended, "He got it out of me on the way home yesterday. That's why he came today, to make sure none of 'em got a hold of me."
"See, you do need a bodyguard," Soda reasons, leaning back in his chair, "Maybe I oughta take a day off from work. Drop you off tomorrow, give 'em the death stare or somethin'. If you want, I can have Dally tag along, that'll really scare 'em."
"No! No, don't take the day off, and- and don't show up! Especially not with Dallas," You groan, "This is why I didn't tell any of you guys. You have enough to worry about, you don't need to get involved in girl stuff."
Darry kicks your foot under the table, not hard, but reassuring, "Don't say that, kiddo. It ain't just 'girl stuff' if you're gettin' cornered at school. And we'd be more worried if you came home with a black eye. Now you let us all pick you up from school tomorrow, m'kay? Keep the boys with you, and Pony, keep an eye on those girls in class to see if they talk any more about Y/N."
"I will." Pony vows, and Soda finally relaxes, going for another bite of spaghetti at the same time that he tries speaking.
"Steve and I'll whip 'em if they act out," He promises through a mouthful of food, eliciting a sickened laugh from you, and two groans from your other brothers.
"Chew your food, Soda," Pony grimaces, and Darry elbows Soda unimpressed.
"Thanks, guys." You mumble, bashful for needing help but grateful your brothers are so willing to step into the ring for you, "It's- it's really not that bad but thank you for helping me anyways."
"Anytime, kiddo," Darry promises, a rare smile crossing his face, "Can't have the best of us gettin' beat up at school."
"Hey! The best of us?" Ponyboy glares at Darry, stabbing his spaghetti, "What happened to my big brains?"
"I dunno, I think you lost 'em when you fell from the top of the drive-in fence," You smirk at your youngest brother, still older but easiest to tease, "You hit the ground pretty hard."
Soda erupts into laughter at the memory, and Ponyboy continues his vicious assault on his dinner while Darry smothers a laugh, trying to keep the peace.
"But we mean it." Darry looks at you again, a hint of that former sternness crossing his face again, "If you need muscle, you got it. Ain't nobody gonna mess with my kid sister."
"'Specially not if Dallas shows up," Soda snickers, "Them girls'll go runnin' for the hills when they see him helpin' you in the car."
"Tell him to behave himself," You groan, "I don't need to be called into the office 'cause my brother's friend flashed a heater 'round the parking lot."
"He never behaves himself," Pony scoffs, "But if them girls are smart enough, they'll stay away from you before he has to get crazy on 'em."
"They'll stay away from you," Darry vows, and you believe him with the way the muscles in his strong arms flex as he leans forwards on the table, "Or they're gonna have to worry about somethin' worse than Dally."
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2knightt · 2 years ago
Hiiii! Can you do the outsiders gang with an s/o who models I feel like that would be interesting :)
↳but i’m into it, i’m into it.₊˚✧
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➬ the gang x model!fem!reader
a/n;i love famous reader so much omfg. also, i love using chase atlantic lyrics for my titles. dont chase men, chase atlantic everyone.
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Johnny Cade ;
believes that you are the most BEAUTIFUL person to walk the planet.
probably thinks you’re too good for him.
take him too your shoots and he will be blushing the whole time.
if you wear something that’s flattering to your body shape, he will explode right then and there.
“how do i look? should i fix my hair?”
“you look perfect.”
“you think?”
the gang seen you on a magazine cover and started freaking the fuck out.
“jesus…does she have a sister?”
“guys please stop.”
cuts out your magazine covers/photo shoot pictures and keeps them in his jean jacket pocket.
not in a weird way, just in a way that when he’s sad and you aren’t around he can remind himself on how lucky he can really be.
Dallas Winston ;
oh my god he never shuts up about how he got the hottest model ever.
“yeah she’s pretty n all but, my girlfriends a model so.”
“that’s so cool that your chick is…like that! but mines a model, so, she’s just better.”
buys steals all your magazines/any photo shoot you do.
any guy thats talks about you in way dallas doesn’t like, gets knocked out.
“i’d hit that.”
no but he would pull all his strength in that punch.
the gang thought he kidnapped you because no way in hell a pretty girl like you would go after dallas winston.
“y/n, blink twice if you’re kidnapped.”
“raise your hand if you need help, dude.”
“guys, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
you’re legit, all he thinks about.
he’s so whipped for a model girlfriend, if you asked him to jump he’d ask how high.
genuinely believes you’re an angel, will NOT tell you that to your face though.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he gets so nervous around you omfg.
his palms be sweating n shit, stuttering and everything.
“he-hey y/n.”
“oh, hey pony!”
uses his favourite photo shoot of yours as a book mark. i can feel it in me bones.
he giggles and kicks his feet when he looks at that bookmark btw
draws you?? i feel like that’s his favourite pass time.
he’d be so sweet with his words when he talks about you. i cant i love him so much
the gang is lowkey jealous that the youngest one out of all of them pulled a model.
“hey, don’t you model?”
“how did ponyboy get a date with you?”
“…are you guys serious? am i that ugly to you guys?”
Sodapop Curtis ;
you guys walking in the street together probably makes people pass out.
literally nobody was shocked that you guys started dating.
the prettiest girl for the prettiest boy, it was bound to happen, c’mon.
he probably got into modeling because of you.
he asks for his favourite picture of you two from that shoot to be printed out larger for him so he can hang it in his room.
like dallas, he will punch a guy for you.
“she’s hot.”
“she has a boyfriend.”
call 911 cause that guys gonna need it in a minute!
showed steve a picture of you before he introduced you to the gang.
“oh my god soda. why are you dating a literal model?”
“why not?”
“but what else did i expect, you get girls daily.”
Darry Curtis ;
honestly, he couldn’t care less about what you do for work.
if it brings in money, it brings in money.
but the gang sure as hell does!
“yeah? how do you guys know her?”
“she’s my girlfriend, soda. that’s why i brought her here.”
i’d be lying if i said darry didn’t carry around a head shot of you in his wallet.
he doesn’t brag, but when the chance to talk about you comes, he takes the chance.
“good for her. huh? oh—my girlfriend models. pretty popular.”
when he sees a magazine with you in it for sale, darry snatches it so fast.
compliments you after he seen it.
“i like your most recent shoot, the makeup suits you.”
“you think, darry?”
Steve Randle ;
rocked the whole world when you guys started dating.
“that’s so tuff soda, but y/n actually said—”
“nobody cares steve.”
“shut up and let me tell you what MY GIRLFRIEND said.”
takes you on dates 24/7 just to show you off.
sometimes he lets go of your hand to see if anyone would flirt with you so he can punch them.
gang thought he held you hostage when you started dating ngl.
“you can do so much better, y/n.”
“dallas, shut the fuck up.”
“i’m just sayin’.”
“i will knock you out.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
you have him giggling n shit.
his room is filled to the brim with photos of you.
not in a weird way, he just thinks you’re drop dead gorgeous.
tells you cheesy pickup lines, all the time.
“are you from Tennessee? cause you’re the only TEN I SEE! get it?”
would start a fan club for you if you asked nice enough.
introducing you to the gang was earth shattering for them.
“what do you mean, ‘how?’”
“how did you pull her?”
“you’re so funny, two-bit.”
“like you falling flat on your fucking face yesterday?”
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may 24th, 2023. 11:30PM.
tag-list ;
@diorgirl444, @typereader 🧍‍♂️
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listofwhyyouloveher · 7 months ago
Can I request the Curtis siblings with a sister who is obsessed with her looks
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Summary: The Outsiders with a Curtis sibling who's obsessed with her looks Warnings: none Author's Note: none PONYBOY CURTIS He doesn't mind having a sister who is obsessed with her looks, as long as you don't get in his way when he's getting ready for school in the morning. He doesn't usually do a big routine before school but he hates being late so he prefers for you to stay in your corner and for him to stay in his. There's definitely a corner of the room that's totally dedicated to you and your makeup desk that your parents got you when you were just a little girl who liked to play with makeup. He's not ashamed of you as his sibling, especially since you always look super put together and well dressed. Sometimes you're even a ticket out of him getting cut up by some socs. Of course, being pretty makes you a very underestimated girl, sometimes Pony can forget that you can keep up with him while he's running and you get top marks. He remembers and then he just is so happy that he has some friendly competition. JOHNNY CADE He doesn't usually interact with you, Dally's got the idea that 'all girls are the same' nailed into his head. But he's friendly and open when you two talk. He's pleasantly suprised at how genuine and kind you are. He forgets that Dally's seen some rough things but also tends to exaggerate. So as his way of 'making up for it', he spends a lot of time hanging out with you. He did develope a little crush on you when he was younger, like WAYYY younger. But it was more of a "wow, it's a girl!!" kind of crush and it didn't amount to much. Currently, you two are rather close and when Pony's busy and he has nothing to do, you two will go out and just goof off and have fun together. SODAPOP CURTIS Unsuprisingly, Soda's pretty apperance-obsessed as well, he's like the 19--s version of men using hair masks as shampoo to get their hair shiny and smooth. Of course a lot of times those 'hair masks' are yours. You get along quite well despite the fact that sometimes he uses your stuff like he bought it. Which he probably did, he got it under the guise that it was for you but actually he bought it to test it. He likes to do face masks with you, it relaxes him and he genuinely likes taking care of his skin because he actually had some pretty bad acne in like middle school. You two get along realllly well, probably the best out of all your brothers because of this shared hobby. You do have to worry about some of your stuff going missing though. STEVE RANDLE On a scale of "How much Steve likes you," you're inbetween Pony and Soda. Pony being he's literally trying to blow that kid up with his mind and Soda he's frolicking with. He likes you because you're a Curtis, they're all cool and he likes you better than Pony because you don't give Darry and Soda heart attacks when things happen. You and him don't really interact much, only when he swings by the Curtis house. Sometimes he likes to look at your makeup and stuff but that's really all the interactions you've had. TWO BIT MATHEWS You and Two Bit are twins because you and his sister are twins. Like you two go out and have girls days because you're the only girl-siblings. He'll sometimes tag along because his mom makes him, so he'll buy you two ice-cream and stuff like that and maybe help you do his sister's makeup/face-paint. He genuinely really enjoys how you two get along, and tells you that when he gets really drunk. Because of that, you two have a strong bond. Sometimes he'll take you out some places without his sister, as friends. He's really grateful for your influence and he's also grateful that you're willing to spend time with him and his family. DARRY CURTIS
He secretly really likes the fact that you're well put together, because it shows that the gang isn't influencing you to become a 'bad person,' (for example, drink too much, let yourself go, like that stuff, not that Darry wouldn't love you if you were a tomboy LMAO) It also really reminds him of his mom, how she would spend a good amount of time putting herself together meticulously, sometimes even putting some blush on you and Darry when she caught you two watching for too long. Of course, its hard for him to afford your lifestyle, he's barely scraping by with two jobs and he always feels sooo bad for letting you down when you want to get something. He tries his hardest to make up for it with quality time, but you remind him that even though you really care about your looks, you care more for the family's security and that he doesn't need to 'make up' for the fact that you guys aren't broke because of a new foundation. DALLAS WINSTON To Dallas, you're just another girl. Doesn't matter if you're a Curtis, and/or part of the gang. He doesn't really care much about you, you're just another girl. He's definetly seen you in a 'I would date her' light, but quickly shut that down because a) Dallas is only into dating for one thing, and b) you're a curtis, and Darry would BEAT HIS ASSS. Sometimes you guys get along really well, especially when he's drunk and tired so he just lays on the couch and does nothing while you apply some fancy serum on his face. But other than that you don't talk much, he'll say hi if you see each other outside, but that's about it.
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imbadatwrighting · 8 months ago
Darry: Have you lost your mind! Going out into Soc territory!
Curtis!reader: Ok in my defense—
Darry: You have no defense! You’re an idiot.
Curtis!reader: That was my defense!
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thewulf · 1 year ago
Hiiii! can you do a Dallas Winston x Curtis Sister Reader (maybe sodapop's twin?) who is soooo different than soda. She's a firecracker with a mouth on her that gets her in trouble? Dally finds himself repeatedly rescuing the Curtis sister reader, who always seems to get into trouble with her sharp tongue and rebellious streak. Each encounter brings them closer, revealing an unexpected connection between the tough greaser and the feisty Curtis sibling?? i think this would be a dope 3x1!! i LOVE your 3x1's you nail them every time
First, thank you!! and heck yes I can get this written for you! Love me some Dally and a spitfire reader, espcially a Curtis sister reader. Maybe she feels a little neglected by her brothers after her momma passed away and she needs that human connection again. what better way to get it than acting out?
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